One Of Our Favourite Stories (Repost), Let Us Know free porn video

Now to the juicy part,
We like to imagine our neighbor girl is the daughter in , this is our neighbour girl,
Enjoy the story,
Do you know how much it sucks to move just before your senior year? Daddy works for a big manufacturing firm and they tapped him to help absorb a new factory they had purchased clear across the country. Without even talking to me, Daddy and Mom decided to sell the house and move from Arizona to some small country town in Kentucky. Apparently, they were able to sell our nice house and buy an old country house and pocket a sizeable profit.
"We're talking enough to pay for your college, Pam," Mom told me matter-of-factly. "I know its hard moving and leaving your friends and old school behind, but this is what's best for the family, us and you."
Of course, I just rolled my eyes. It just sucked -- I was losing my best friend, Vicky and my sometimes boyfriend, David who I was close to giving in on the big sex question. Dammit, I was a cheerleader on one of the best squads in the state! It just sucked.
To add insult to injury, we wound up celebrating my eighteenth birthday on the long drive across the country. No big party -- just an embarrassing moment when the waitresses of a restaurant presented me with ice cream and a brownie with a candle stuck in it and sang me "Happy Birthday," in front of a laughing crowd. Daddy promised they would make it up to me later, after we got settled in Kentucky. I doubted that. The only thing good thing I could foresee was that in another year, I could escape the hick town we were moving to for college. I already had my eye on a couple of West Coast Schools.
Most of our stuff was already in the house brought before we arrived by the movers, but we spent another two days unpacking and sorting everything. The only good thing about our new home was that it had a huge attic that had been fitted out as a bedroom -- the biggest bedroom anyone could wish for. Lots of room for everything. It seems that the previous family had been quite large and had set the attic up for several k**s. It even had its own bathroom.
Despite the second floor having four bedrooms, Mom and Daddy agreed to let me live up in the attic. "Nothing wrong with a little privacy, right honey?" Mom said, putting her arm around Daddy's waist and winking up at him.
Daddy just grinned and leaned down and kissed Mom on the lips, giving her a quick pinch on her butt. I just rolled my eyes. Mom and Daddy had been real lovey-dovey all the way here. They were always touching and kissing each other. "Too much information, Mom," I said in my best sarcastic voice and then I turned and headed up the stairs to my new room to plan how I wanted to lay everything out.
I slept downstairs on a mattress that first night, but with Mom's help, I got my bedroom cleaned up and all three of us lugged my bedroom furniture upstairs the next day and by that evening, even though I had lots to unpack, I was able to spend my first night in my new room. I said my good nights right after dinner, pecking Daddy on the cheek and giving Mom a quick hug. I was still mad about moving and just wanted to go sulk in private.
I did some more work putting my room in order and was wondering if I could guilt my parents into letting me have a small refrigerator upstairs -- then I could hide up there for days and not talk to them! It had gotten pretty late and I was getting ready to go to bed. I went to go pee and was sitting on the toilet when I realized I could hear my parents talking.
I looked around and realized there was a rectangular metal grate between the sink and the toilet. I leaned over and almost gasped. I could see downstairs -- right into my parents' bathroom. Depending on the angle, I could see who was at the sink or on the toilet. Daddy was standing at the sink, wearing boxer shorts and Mom was talking to him from nearby.
"So, honey, what did you think of what your daughter was wearing today?" I heard Mom ask Daddy.
Daddy laughed and spat out his toothpaste. "Well, I think if her shorts get any smaller, she should just run around in her panties. And that T-shirt -- why don't you wear those half --T's?"
Mom snorted and I heard her reply, "Because I don't have her figure anymore -- I wish I had her flat stomach and I wish I had her sweet ass which I noticed you couldn't keep your eyes off of all day long."
Daddy shrugged his shoulders and after rinsing out his mouth said. "Well, can you blame me -- her tight ass cheeks hanging out like they were? God, and the way her shirt hangs off those pert tits of hers -- you have no idea what that does to me."
Mom moved into my view then, wrapping her arms around Daddy and she slipped one hand into his shorts and said, "Oh, I know exactly what Pammy does to her Daddy!" Daddy turned around and kissed Mom while her hand moved up and down in his shorts while I sat there in absolute shock. My mother and father were talking about me! Talking about my body in a sexual way! A shiver went through me -- from the top of my head to between my legs where it turned to intense heat that spread back through my body.
I reached down and traced a finger along the length of my wispy haired pussy and was amazed to find myself wet. I heard Mom began to speak and peered down again.
"C'mon, you dirty old man -- let's take care of your problem," Mom said in a teasing voice and then she led Daddy out of the bathroom, holding him by his hard penis which I only got a quick glimpse of.
Their voices faded and a part of me wanted to cry out in protest and then it occurred to me that the attic had more than one of those grates...maybe, just maybe. I scurried out of the bathroom, looking anxiously about. There was on in the near corner -- I hurried to it, but it was dark and quiet. Damn! I found another across the room and it was dark and quiet too.
I balled my fists in frustration and then remembered that there was another grate under my bed! I got down on my belly and wiggled my way under the bed frame. I reached the grate and peered down and almost laughed when I saw that my prayers were answered!
Omigod! I had an almost perfect view of my parents' bed! I felt another shiver race through me to explode in white hot heat between my legs. Looking down I could see Daddy sprawled naked on the bed, Mom lying between his legs and stroking his thing -- his penis -- his cock and it was big! I had jacked off my old boyfriend before, but he had nothing on my daddy! Mom looked like she could barely get her hand around it.
Mom was naked too, her butt, looking like a slightly older version of my own, staring up at me. Mom scissored her shapely legs and when she moved, I would get a brief glimpse of her bare pussy. I had no idea that Mom shaved her pussy. Looking at it made me hot between my legs too. I had a momentary flash of Vicky lying naked and me fingering her on the nights I slept over at her house.
Mom giggled and said, "So tell me, John, how badly do you want to fuck our daughter? Maybe I should go up and get her and let her see this big bad cock. She leaned forward and gave it a lick. "Or maybe you would like Pammy to get on her knees and suck Daddy's dick?"
Daddy groaned and said, "Yessssss! I would love to have her little mouth around my cock, sucking me till I cum!"
A shiver seemed to go through Mom. "Mmmm. Do you want to cum in your daughter's mouth, baby...or maybe shoot your nasty jizz all over Pammy's face?"
Dad just groaned and Mom continued, her voice husky and strange. "Just close your eyes, Daddy -- let Pammy suck Daddy's cock for him."
Mom moved and all I could see was her dark hair bobbing up and down above Daddy's crotch. Still, it was hot -- looking at my Daddy squirming on his bed, his hands tangled in Mom's short, black hair, hips moving up and down to meet her movements. It suddenly occurred to me what a hunk Daddy was. He kept in shape by running and working out at the gym and while he had a bit of a stomach, his body was mostly muscle -- his chest, a mat of thick hair. Daddy's hair was a peppery mix that Vicky and other of my girlfriends had thought as kinda sexy and I suddenly realized that they were right.
I could hear the wet, gobbling noises Mom was making with her mouth, sucking Daddy's cock. It didn't take Daddy long and then he was shaking and moaning, "Cathy, I'm cumming, baby -- I'm gonna cum."
Mom let him slip from his mouth and said in a voice that was a good imitation of mine, "No, it's me, Daddy -- it's Pammy sucking your cock!" That was all it took. The head of Daddy's cock swelled and then sprayed sperm all over Mom's face. One spurt, then another and then Mom had her mouth on him again and was sucking hard, making Daddy claw the sheets and groan until I thought he was going to go out of his mind.
Mom seemed to suck Daddy's cock for what seemed like forever, but she finally let him slip, still half erect from his mouth and she scurried up into his arms. "That was good, sweetie," Daddy said, smiling at Mom lovingly.
"Not as good as your love cream, John," Mom sighed back. I watched in awe as Daddy took his finger and began to wipe his sperm off Mom's face, getting a finger loaded with his white spunk and then letting Mom suck it off his fingers.
I covered my mouth with my hand to squelch a little moan as an orgasmic tremor spread out from my pussy. In my wildest dreams, I would never have imagined my parents acting and nasty!
So tell me what you would like to do with our little girl, sweetie," Daddy said.
Mom sucked Daddy's finger clean of a glob of his cum and then said, "Well -- I think I'd like to have you fucking me with that big cock, hubby dear while Pammy sits on my face and I eat her sweet little pussy." As Mom spoke, her hand slipped down Daddy's hairy chest, across his stomach and into his crotch to wrap around his still sizable penis.
While you fuck my pussy silly with this big b**st, I would see how far I can get my tongue up our daughter's cunt and see how wet she can make my face!" Mom giggled. "And then...
Daddy was grinning from ear to ear, "And then, Cathy?" Daddy's cock was beginning to rise again. I was amazed. I would have thought guys his age were only good for one go around a night -- if that!
"And then, after you put a nice hot load of jism inside my pussy, making me cum in the process -- I'd see how many times Pam could make her mom orgasm while eating her daddy's cum out of my pussy!"
"And I could be fucking her tight little cunt while she eats you out." Daddy's cock was again hard and stiff! He gave Mom a kiss, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. Mom kissed him back, pulling him over on top of her. I groaned again into my hand as I saw how with practiced ease, Mom spread her legs wide on the bed and Daddy lifted his hips and thrust down, making Mom moan as she jerked her head back.
Mom pulled her knees back, and wrapped her long legs around Daddy's hips -- her heels digging into Daddy's butt while he made her toes curl. "Fuck me, lover," Mom moaned, her lips pulled back in a sneer. Fuck me like you'd fuck our little girl!"
I felt my pussy turn absolutely molten at Mom's words and then when Daddy gave a little growl and began to really pump his cock in and out of Mom's pussy fast and hard, I had to clamp a hand over my mouth to muffle my own moans as I had a little orgasm -- my pussy flooding my panties with my juices.
I could not tear my eyes away from the spectacle of my parents fucking like maniacs. I mean, I've seen porno flicks before. Vicky and I would sometimes sneak one out of her brother's room, but this was my Mom and my Dad! And Daddy seemed to really know what he was doing judging from Mom's cries of pleasure. Mom's body writhed under Daddy -- her plump tits bouncing in rhythm with Daddy's thrusts while she clawed his back or the sheets. Mom seemed to try and thrust back when she could, but then Daddy would move his hips just so or pick up the pace of his fucking and Mom would be helpless beneath his body.
Finally, Daddy seemed to stiffen up and he rammed himself deep into Mom's cunt. "I'm cumming, Cathy!" he gasped and I saw his pretty buff ass cheeks clench and then his balls began to jerk and I knew he was shooting his stuff inside Mom's womb.
A look of pure contentment crossed Mom's face and then quickly morphed into the contorted face of a woman experiencing an incredible orgasm and then Mom seemed to have a seizure, wrapping her arms and legs tight around my father's body and sobbing, "YESSSSSSS!" before they both collapsed into a heaving pile of limbs. My little orgasm escalated on its own and I marveled even as I shook uncontrollably that I was having an orgasm without any physical stimulation. I bit my hand hard enough to draw a thin streamer of blood in an effort to muffle my own ecstatic cries.
Still, I couldn't take my eyes off my parents, marveling as Daddy finally slipped off Mom and revealed her completely, her legs widespread, pussy wide open -- her pink flesh bald and revealing, glistening with her juices and Daddy's white spunk. I was completely mesmerized by the rise and fall of her tits, realizing with some satisfaction that even at forty years old, her breasts, a little fuller and heavier than mine, were still in good shape -- not sagging much at all. Daddy reached over and helped her orgasm linger a little longer by pinching and teasing one nickel sized nipple, making Mom quiver with pleasure.
"Oh my god, John, that was wonderful" Mom sighed when she finally caught her breath.
"Just wonderful, Cathy?" Daddy replied. "Not perfect?"
Mom purred and turned to kiss Daddy. "Mmmmm -- perfect would have to end with Pammy between my legs licking me clean and making me cum one last time." She giggled and she and Dad kissed some more.
"Who knows, Babe, maybe wishes come true," Daddy said in a teasing voice.
"Mmmm -- what's your wish, Daddy?" asked Mom. "Fucking our Pammy till she screams with pleasure?"
Dad sighed. "Sounds great, but well, I guess I'll settle for her wearing that little, red bikini of hers some time soon."
Mom reached over and stroked Daddy's weary penis and laughed. "Me too! Anything that will make this hard for Momma!" They both laughed and Mom turned out the lamp next to the bed. I sat still for a few more minutes as I heard them softly whisper their "good nights" and "I love you" and quickly drift off to sleep.
Carefully, I withdrew from my spot, a little confused as I felt wetness on my stomach and then brushing against my scrunched up T-shirt. Then my own smell hit me and I realized I had literally cum in a puddle. Out from under the bed, I looked at myself in a mirror propped up against a wall. My blue cotton panties looked like I had peed myself -- I was that wet. I ran a finger over my tummy, feeling my own juices slick on my skin.
I gazed at my own awe struck image in the mirror. My parents using me to spice up their fantasies -- to put the sizzle back in their love lives. How the fuck long had this been going on? I took stock of myself. I knew I was kinda pretty, although I was sure I could stand to lose a few pounds. Five foot, seven inches, one hundred-thirty pounds. Long, dark brown hair that hung half way down my back. Nice, melon sized breasts with nickel size nipples that were just like Mom's. I had good, muscular legs from being a cheerleader for the last three years.
Okay, I knew I could turn a boys head, but my Daddy? And Mom -- here I had had guilt feelings over my girl games with Vicky, but now to hear my Mom talk about eating my pussy -- wanting me to eat her out! And I couldn't believe how wet it made me to know they thought and talked about me like I was some little fucking slut.
My fingers found there way inside my panties and I couldn't help but groan as my fingers slipped inside my wet hole -- my thumb brushing over my swollen clitoris. I stumbled back and fell on my bed, pushing my sodden panties off with one hand while I plunged three fingers inside my pussy with the other.
I spread my legs wide and finger fucked myself, still looking at the mirror at my shameless image, wispy dark hair surrounding my swollen pussy lips as I forced a fourth finger inside me -- imagining it being Daddy's cock buried in me rather than my hand. I felt my fingers being flooded with my juices as I began to cum and cum hard. I fell back and pressed my face into my stuffed teddy bear to muffle the sound of my cries as I hunched against my hand, bringing myself to the best self induced orgasm of my young life.
I fell asleep that way, fingers still in my throbbing cunt, imagining my parents touching and caressing me -- letting me join them in their naughty games. My last thoughts before sleep claimed me was me wondering what my Mom and Daddy would say if I asked to join them and whether or not I had the nerve to even try.
The next day I woke up still feeling excited about what I had witnessed last night. I took a long shower as I considered what had happened and the thought of it had me so worked up, I had to pleasure myself again before I climbed out -- again fingering myself as the warm water jet teased my clitoris and sensitive folds of cunt flesh.
For the first time in my life, I considered my outfit with the sole purpose of turning my Daddy on. I considered all my usual outfits, but even though they would show off my sexy side, I wanted to go a little further. I finally settled on a low cut T-shirt that I had truthfully outgrown. I left my bra off and giggled at myself in the mirror. The cotton material clung to me like a second skin, my nipples obvious without my bra and the upper portions of my full breasts overflowing the scoop-neck.
With it, I wore a too tight pair of shorts that barely buttoned. The shorts were made of light blue cotton and clung to my body so tightly you could just make out the shape of my pubic mound -- I was definitely pushing what my old boyfriend like to call "camel-toe territory." The outfit also exposed my bare tummy -- the shorts waistband so low, it exposed skin almost to where my wispy pubic hair began.
Before I went down to breakfast, I did some rearranging of my bedroom. I scooted the bed sideways until I had uncovered my peak-a-boo grate. I then found a throw rug to cover it up when someone might be visiting my room. Now I could lie on my bed, tug the rug off and peek to my heart's delight.
I hurried downstairs to the kitchen where Mom and Daddy were finishing breakfast, proud of my naughty flaunting of my own body -- until I saw both my parents looking at me and I felt my face flushing with embarrassment.
"Good morning," I said as I entered the room. I was suddenly very nervous and to cover up my jitters, I flitted around the room, fixing myself some cereal and toast. Even with my back turned, I could feel my parents' eyes crawling all over my partially covered body.
Mom said, "Good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep alright last night?"
I nodded and said, "I really like my new room."
Daddy chuckled and said, "Well, what do you know? That's the first positive thing I've heard you say since we left Arizona!"
I shrugged and rolled my eyes. "Well, moving sucks, but maybe -- maybe there are some good things about this place."
"That's my girl," Daddy said, getting up from the table. He leaned over and put his hand on my shoulder and kissed me on the top of my head. I had to fight to not shiver uncontrollably at his touch. He squeezed my shoulder and I felt a spurt of hot wetness inside my pussy. "I can use some help in the garage later, if you have some time." He looked at me hopefully, his eyes roaming all over my young, nubile form. I felt my nipples hardening and swelling.
"Sure, Daddy -- I'll be glad to help you." I said in a quiet voice.
Daddy smiled and nodded and then gave Mom a long kiss and a pat on her butt and walked out the door. Mom and I chit-chatted about her plans for organizing the kitchen and then when I was putting my dishes in the sink, Mom said, "Didn't you forget to put something on this morning?" She stood up and brought her dishes over.
I feigned innocence and said, "What do you mean, Mom?"
Mom smirked at me and using her finger flicked my left nipple, still engorged and swollen. "You decide to give up bras?"
I rolled my eyes and gave her my best exasperated whine. "Mooommmmm! It's just so uncomfortable around the house and so hot while we're unpacking. I just wanted to be comfortable. Besides, you don't wear a bra much around the house either." To prove a point, I reached out and ran a finger down her front, brushing against her hardening nipple. Mom had on one of Dad's old dress shirts, tied up in a knot under her breasts. It was obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra either. Mom had on shorts too and while her belly wasn't as flat as mine, Mom had a good figure and wasn't ashamed to show it off.
Mom stiffened, her eyes going a bit wide before she recovered and laughed at me. "Touché. Well, don't you think that whole outfit is a bit much, especially around Daddy?"
Again I responded with the exasperation of a teenager bored by her mother's complaints. "Gawd, Mommmm! Like Daddy even notices me like that. I'm just his little girl. And these are just some old clothes -- I don't want to ruin my good clothes getting dirty while we move crap and stuff."
I continued my innocent and oblivious act while Mom continued to study me. It made me excited to see her stare at me -- I felt my panties become damp and I wondered if my juices would soon stain the front of my shorts. A smile flickered across her face and then she shrugged her shoulders and said, "I guess you're right. Why don't you go help your father?"
I nodded and replied, "Sure, Mom." I then surprised her by giving her a hug, my scantily clad body pressing against hers, and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I know I've been a bitch lately, Mom. I...I'll try and be a better daughter to you and Daddy."
Mom returned my hug and a thrill went through me as her unfettered breasts mashed against mine, separated by only a couple of thin layers of cotton. She kissed me back on the corner of my mouth and looked at me, her eyes now glowing strangely. I think maybe she liked the feel of our bodies together as much as I had. "Pam, you are a good daughter. You will never know how happy you make your father and me." She let me go and stepped around me, giving me a playful slap on my mostly bare ass cheek. "Now get going, I'm sure your father needs some help."
The garage was pretty messy. The last owners hadn't taken as good care of it as they had the rest of the house. There were some boxes of junk to sort through and then hosing down the floor and sweeping it clean and finally, unpacking Daddy's tools and stuff and organizing and putting stuff up.
You'd think it was pretty boring and it would have been if I hadn't been reveling in catching Daddy constantly staring at me. I enjoyed coming up with ways to drive Daddy nuts -- lots of slow bending over at the waist to pick things up out of boxes or off the floor, letting Daddy ogle my ass, or giving him ample opportunities to stare at my shirt -- tightly clinging to my breasts, nipples constantly swollen and protruding against the material.
It was hot in the garage, even with the door open and we both worked up a good sweat. Daddy was wearing some old Bermuda shorts and a t-shirt and his excitement was obvious. He did everything he could to hide his bulging erection, but it was obvious I was making him hard.
He really paid attention to me when I would let something fall to the floor and I would slowly squat down facing him -- my too tight shorts drawing tight against my crotch, completely outlining my cunt lips and giving Daddy a good "camel toe" shot. As the heat increased, my shirt became soaked, giving Daddy greater details of my breasts to the point where you could make out the dark half dollar sized aureoles of my breasts. I felt like I'd wet my panties too and between sweat and pussy cream, the crotch of my shorts were spotted too.
Still, for all my cock teasing, Daddy and I got the garage ship-shape in just a few hours. Daddy was looking and sounding a little strained by the end and he finally wiped his face with his shirt and giving me a frank stare, finally mumbled, "Why don't we take a break, sugar? Get yourself something to eat -- something."
He hurried inside and by the time I reached the kitchen, I saw him and Mom hand in hand going up the stairs towards the second floor. I poured myself some tea and heard their bedroom door slam shut. I took my drink and snagged an apple out of a bowl of fruit and scurried upstairs to my bedroom. I flipped the throw rug out the way and lying face down on my bed, peered into my parent's bedroom.
I had to stifle a moan as I saw Mom bent over the bed, her shorts stripped off and Daddy -- his Bermuda shorts down around his ankles, fucking Mom hard and fast. Mom's face was pressed sideways into the mattress, an ecstatic look on her face as Daddy rammed his dick into her passionately. Finally, Mom gave a little squeal of delight and then Daddy rumbled, "I'm cumming, baby!" Their bodies stiffened and quivered as Daddy pumped his cum deep into my mother's pussy, then Daddy collapsed on top of Mom and they both spent several minutes gasping for air.
Finally, Daddy groaned and said, "What's gotten into Pammy, this morning? Have you ever seen her dress like that before?"
Mom sighed and replied, "No, but I don't care if it means you'll be getting into me like this." Mom stretched and said, "God, I love a good noontime fuck! That was wonderful, John."
Daddy eased off of her and Mom turned around and sat up. She took Daddy's half erect cock in her hand and said, "My goodness, what a mess." She changed her voice and I realized she was imitating me. "Daddddyyyy, can I please lick your cock?"
Daddy just sighed and rested his hand on Mom's head as she leaned in and took him in her mouth, lovingly sucking him clean of his spunk and her pussy juices. My mouth watered and I vowed that I would get a taste of that before long. And that's when it hit me. Watching wasn't going to be enough. I was going to have to fuck my parents!
I rolled over and plunged my fingers into my shorts, finding my pussy slick with my own arousal and quickly fingered myself to another orgasm. I could hear Daddy and Daddy talking below me -- Daddy telling Mom how hard it had been not to just take me and tear my clothes off me and fuck me silly right in the garage. "Every time that little minx bent over, I wanted to step up behind her, rips off those shorts and fuck her brains out," he said with a husky quality in his voice.
Mom giggled and said, "Yeah, at breakfast, I wanted to pull that shirt off her and suck on those nipples of hers. You'd think she was deliberately teasing us." They both laughed and sighed at that preposterous notion.
"Well, Cathy, if she keeps dressing like that, I'm not going to need Viagra to keep you satisfied," Daddy said.
Mom laughed and said, "If she keeps dressing like that, you'll definitely need keep both of us satisfied. "She ever knows how good a lover her daddy is, she'll be going around stark naked to get you hard and fucking her." Mom gave Daddy's cock a final lick and then pulled his shorts up. "Don't you worry, though. I start my new job tomorrow. I'll pick up a new prescription of the magic blue pills for you."
Daddy snorted and said, "You mean for you. You cock crazy slut." Mom was a nurse-practioner and was going to work for the local County clinic tomorrow.
"Yeah, I'm cock crazy and if Pam keeps dressing like she does, I'm going to be cunt crazy too. It's been a while since I've licked pussy -- I'm out of practice since Karen and Jack moved away."
I shivered as I listened. Jack and Karen had been my parent's best friends back in Arizona. They'd moved to Texas a year or so before. I tried to imagine Mom and her busty red-headed friend. It made me even more turned on to envision Mom licking her best friend's pussy.
Mom and Daddy's conversation settled down to more mundane things. They talked about their upcoming schedules. Mom started her new job in the morning, but Daddy had another week before he reported in to work. They talked about chores needed to be done around the house and what Daddy's plans were for tomorrow.
"Do you think you can get these windows on the second floor cleaned tomorrow baby?" Mom asked. "Or do you think you will be too busy trying to get Pammy to suck your cock?"
Daddy grunted. "That depends on our little girl and what she's got planned tomorrow."
That afternoon, I helped Mom with finishing up the kitchen. I had changed out of my dirty, sweaty clothes and into what Daddy liked to call my "Daisy Duke" outfit. Short, cutoff jeans and a bandana halter top -- offering both my parents another enticing look at their favorite fantasy girl. I focused on teasing Mom now -- lots of bending over to put stuff away in the lower cabinets and brushing and bumping up against her. I got real touchy-feely, cutting up with her and exchanging hugs and kisses whenever I could.
I know I was getting to her. Her nipples were as swollen as mine and her throat and upper chest were flushed with her arousal. I reacted just like her -- I had that sexual blush thing going on too. Once or twice, I could have sworn I could smell pussy and I wasn't sure if it was hers or mine.
After dinner, we all sat in the living room watching television...or at least I was. I was stretched out on the couch and could feel Mom and Daddy's eyes crawling over me all the time. Mom was curled up next to Daddy on the loveseat -- her hand on his inner thigh, his arm around her, fingers brushing the swell of her breast. The tension was so thick; you could have cut it with a knife.
It was getting late when I got up and stretched like a cat. I thought I heard Daddy give a little groan and both were staring at me strangely when I finished. I walked over to them and sorta climbed into both their laps, giving them kisses and hugs and telling them, "Good night. I love you both so much." It was how I used to say good night to my parents when I was least until I hit puberty and started acting more "grown up." As I untangled myself from them, I managed to cop feels of both erect penis and soft tits and felt quite pleased with myself.
Mom laughed nervously and said, "You haven't done that for years, Pam."
I shrugged and said, "I know -- I just felt like doing it. I love you guys so much. I just wanted you to know that."
Dad looked at me with a mixture of a father's pride and a man's lust. "We love you too, sugar." He let out a little sigh. "We love you more than you can ever imagine!"
I walked away, well aware of them staring at my swinging ass. I went up the stairs to the second floor and then on up the narrow flight of steps that led to my room. I was grinning to myself -- pleased at my teasing of my mom and daddy. I stripped off my clothes and sat naked on my bed -- the throw rug tossed aside and waited to see what my teasing would produce.
I didn't have to wait long. Mom and Daddy came into their room kissing and tugging each others clothes off. They seemed very aroused -- almost violent in their actions. They stood before their bed, touching and kissing. Daddy cupped Mom's breast, kneading it and then sliding his hand downwards until it was between Mom's legs. Mom grunted and shivered and I sensed more than saw that Daddy had plunged fingers into Mom's cunt. Then Daddy literally picked Mom up and flung her on the bed. Mom bounced and then spread her legs wide as Daddy climbed up and buried his face between her thighs.
I moaned and reached for the cucumber I had swiped from the pantry earlier. It was long and green and firm and I thought a fair approximation of Daddy's cock in length and thickness. I pressed it against my spread labia lips, running it up and down my slick flesh.
Mom gave a moan as Daddy hungrily tongued her, his head a blur of motion as he ate my mother out. Mom began to claw at Daddy's shoulders and she mumbled something in her lust that I finally made out as, "Give it to me."
Daddy began to move his body around in a circular motion -- his mouth never leaving Mom's pussy -- until he was able to straddle Mom's face, his stiff cock brushing over her nose and mouth. Mom opened wide, raised her head and began sucking Daddy's cock. He groaned into Mom's cunt, but never let up his relentless licking of her wet, tender flesh.
I used my free hand to grab a pillow to muffle my own moans as I slipped my homemade dildo into my pussy. I had broken my hymen two years before playing games with Vicky and the vegetable slipped in slowly without stopping. It felt so good and when I imagined it was Daddy's cock, it felt even better.
Mom and Daddy were an incredible sight below me. Locked in a lusty sixty-nine, something I'd only seen in porno movies, my parents couldn't seem to get enough of each other. They rolled around on the bed, sometimes Daddy on top, sometimes Mom and sometimes they were on their sides, but seemingly without taking a breath, their mouths never seemed to leave each other's sex. Both seemed determined to bring the other off first and the air was filled with their grunts, snorts and muffled cries as they pleasure each other.
I was quivering with my own self induced pleasure. I had drawn my feet up -- my knees framing my face as I wormed my cucumber dildo in and out of my pussy -- each movement making the surface of my green skinned veggie slicker and slicker.
Mom let out a wail, letting Daddy's cock slip from her lips to slap wetly against her face as an orgasm swept over her. Daddy never stopped -- his tongue fluttering over Mom's quivering labia one second, then over her swollen, exposed bud of a clitoris the next and then probing deep into her glistening flesh the next. Mom's cries of pleasure were punctuated by her attempts to thrust her pelvis even more against Daddy's mouth. Suddenly, Daddy scrambled up and around and climbed between Mom's all akimbo legs and he rammed his stiff dick into her pussy, making Mom scream with delight.
With swift, brutal thrusts, Daddy fucked Mom as hard as he could. I matched his movements with my cucumber, pumping it in and out of me at the same rhythm he was using with Mom. My orgasm came first and I was barely able to see Mom and Daddy orgasm together while the lights flashed and exploded with incredible pleasure inside my head and between my legs. We all three came so hard, there was virtually no need for words. Mom and Daddy fell asleep almost as soon as they whispered, "I love you" to each other.
I collapsed back onto the bed -- my cucumber dildo buried deep in my pussy while I savored the exquisite feeling of my cunt muscles massaging the firm vegetable. I fell asleep with it still deep inside me -- contributing no doubt to the carnal dreams I had of my parents that lasted all night.
In the morning, I gave myself a nice little wake-up orgasm with my new vegetable friend and then after showering, went downstairs. I was wearing only a nightshirt that came down about mid thigh, feeling naughty for having no panties on. I discovered that Mom had already left for her first day on the job and that Daddy was still asleep. There was a note from Mom, asking me to fix Daddy lunch and to watch out for him -- "Don't let him kill himself on the ladder cleaning windows, Pam. Take good care of your father! Love, Mom." I smiled to myself and knew that I was going to do everything in my power to obey my mother's wishes.
Daddy woke up to the smell of bacon and only partially burned scrambled eggs. I served them to him with his morning coffee, smiling at his barely concealed ogling of my exposed legs. I hovered over him, feeling myself get wet as I would brush up against his arm or shoulder or lean over him from behind, letting him feel my breasts rub against him. Daddy was wearing PJ bottoms and his hard on was obvious. Just knowing I was making Daddy stiff made me so hot and horny that I could feel my juices trickling down my thighs.
"Daddy, are you going to need me to help you with the windows?" I said, wrapping my arms around him from behind.
Daddy sighed contentedly and leaned back against my bosom. "Um, I reckon not. Do you have other plans?"
"Well, I was hoping to maybe do a little sunbathing," I said in a wheedling voice. "I don't want to lose my Arizona tan just yet. I thought I might spend the morning catching some rays, Daddy."
I swear I could see the bulge in Daddy's pants grow at my words. He gulped down his coffee and in a strained voice, replied, "I guess I can get along without you, sugar. You don't worry about it -- go have fun. Can't have my daughter looking pale and sick before she starts at a new school."
I hugged Daddy tight, letting him get a good sense of my firm tits and hard nipples before I said, "Thanks, Daddy, I owe you big time!"
I went back upstairs and began to dig through my clothes. There was only one possible outfit I could wear today. My teeny-tiny red bikini! I had bought it at the beginning of summer and Mom and Daddy had thrown a fit the first time I tried to wear it to the lake. It was scandalous. The bikini top was just some thin strings of fabric and barely enough fabric to cover my aureoles and nipples. A red G-string completed the set and was so low over my pubic mound that Mom had said I could be arrested. I'd bought it to tease my boyfriend with (and maybe entice Vicky as well), but after a loud argument with Mom and Daddy, I was limited to wearing it only around the house (it suddenly hit me now why they let me even wear it at all!).
Daddy was still lingering in the kitchen when I strolled through wearing my bikini and nothing else. It was heartwarming and naughty at the same time the way Daddy's eyes boggled as I jiggled past him. I tossed him a wink and said, "I'll be in the back yard if you need me, Daddy."
Outside, I oiled myself up. I couldn't see him, but I was sure Daddy was watching me from somewhere in the house. I gave him quite the show -- rubbing sun-block on myself, spreading my legs and oiling up my thighs, pulling the straps off my shoulders and baring more of my tits for his benefit. I let myself toast, my skin being warmed by the Kentucky sun while my pussy was warmed by the knowledge that Daddy was somewhere close by, staring at me.
Late morning, I went into the house, feeling incredibly horny -- actually feeling slutty -- like I needed to rut. I didn't bother putting on a robe, but busied myself in the kitchen fixing a salad for Daddy's lunch. It only took a few minutes before Daddy made an appearance, showing up outside with an extension ladder. I guess he was through cleaning the windows from the inside. I motioned him to come inside and he didn't disappoint me, taking a seat that gave him a good view of his barely dressed, long legged daughter moving around the kitchen. We talked about possibly getting me a car. We'd made due with his and Mom's vehicles back in the city, but living out here in the rural sticks of Kentucky, he thought it was best if they found me a good, reliable car.
That thought almost thrilled me as much as turning my Daddy on and we had a good natured argument about the type of car. I wanted a Mustang and Daddy was leaning towards a boxy Volvo. The argument carried on as we took our salads to the living room and ate. Daddy had a hard time eating as he kept watching me. When we were done, I carried our dishes back to the kitchen. I was acting nonchalant about the effect I was having on Daddy, but in truth I was about to explode. Daddy's cock looked like it was going to burst out of the old paint spattered khakis he had on. It was time to make a move on my father!
I walked back to the living room where he sat on the love seat, a smile on his face as he watched me enter. I smiled at him and watched his eyes get wider as I didn't sit back down on the couch, but headed directly towards him and then without warning, straddled him and sat down on his lap. Omigod, his cock was nestled right against my barely covered pussy. I could feel him throbbing against me!
I put my arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. "Daddy, I know I've been a bitch lately with the move and everything, but I want you to know, I do love you and Mom and I will do better." I was trying not to tremble as I spoke. It's hard being slutty when you're half scared to death.
Daddy stuttered for a bit and then managed to reply, "Um, we love you too, sugar." He leaned forward and gave me a quick peck on the lips. I wiggled against his hard-on to show my appreciation.
"And Daddy, if there is anything I can ever do for you -- please let me know. I want to be a good daughter to you." I looked at him as frankly as I have ever looked at a man. To my delight, he looked a little scared. Sometimes you never think your fantasies had a chance of ever being realized and I think I was freaking him out. I placed my hand against his chest and through the thin cotton of his shirt; I could my Daddy's heart beating wildly.
"That's wonderful, Pammy. Mom and I are so proud of you, you know." Daddy's hands fluttered nervously around my waist. I think he wasn't sure if he wanted to pull me closer or push me away. "Um -- I guess I better get back on those windows. I promised your mother..."
I shook my head and said, "No, Daddy."
He looked at me in confusion. "No?"
I shook my head again and said, "No, Daddy. Not until I take care of this." I wiggled my ass and rubbed myself against his erection.
"T-take care of what?" Daddy stammered.
"There's no way I'm going to let my Daddy climb up on that tall ladder with a big, hard cock. You might get hurt."
I slithered slowly out of his lap going to my knees between Daddy's legs. I held Daddy's gaze while my shaking hands fluttered across his lap, undoing his belt and unzipping his pants. I reached in and felt myself shiver as for the first time; I wrapped my fingers around my father's cock. "Pam? Pammy? You shouldn't..." Daddy's voice trailed off as I pulled his cock out and stroked it slowly. I could feel the precum coating the swollen head. I bet I had had him oozing precum for hours.
"Shhhhh, Daddy. Let your little girl take care of you," I said in a whisper. I remembered Mom's words from the other night. "Close your eyes and let your Pammy suck your cock, Daddy." I leaned in, my nostrils flaring as I smelled his man odor. I wrapped my lips around the knob of his cock and rolled my tongue over his crown -- his precum tasting salty and strong. Daddy obeyed me and groaned as I sucked him.
I let Daddy slip from my lips with a loud smack of my lips. "On second thought, watch me, Daddy. I want my Daddy to see his little girl suck his cock." I thought I was going to cum myself any instant, I was so excited. It was like a fire had burst into existence between my thighs and I was sure my tiny bikini was now completely soaked through with my juices. I was sucking my father's cock!
I'm sure I was giving him a sloppy blowjob -- after all, he was my first, but I'd seen lots of them on the porno flicks with Vicky. Suck and use lots of tongue. Daddy appeared to enjoy it -- he stared down at me entranced. I stared up at him as I sucked him, smiling up at my father when I'd let him slip from my lips and roll my tongue up and down the shaft and around and over the swollen head. "Do you like it, Daddy? Am I sucking your cock the right way?" I asked in my best 'I love you and I want something' little girl voice.
"Ohhh, Pammy!" Daddy sighed. He reached out and rested his hand on top of my head, his fingers intertwining with strands of my long brown hair. "It's better than I ever imagined!" I blushed with pride and took him in my mouth again. I tried to take more of him, feeling the crown of his cock brush against the back of my throat -- I had to make an effort not to gag. I took a little more, but Daddy was so big! I felt pressure from his hand to try and take a little more and I did -- being amazed at taking so much of Daddy's cock in my mouth. My tongue roamed over his shaft, savoring his musky taste. Some of his thick and unruly pubic hairs tickled my skin.
Slowly I let him slide back out, applying pressure with my lips and tonguing each sweet inch of his flesh. I repeated the process and then again and again -- each time taking a little more of Daddy's dick in my mouth. It became easier and as my saliva coated Daddy's penis, it got easier still. Daddy got a little anxious and shoved himself into my mouth -- I could feel his cock head surging into my throat and I did gag. I had to let him slip from my mouth and cough, but recovered quickly and began sucking Daddy again, pausing only to say, "I love your cock, Daddy -- it tastes good!"
Daddy began to chant, "Suck me, Pammy, suck me, Pammy!" I felt his cock begin to throb. I could feel his cock head swell against my tongue and then Daddy sobbed, "I'm cumming, Pammy! Daddy's cumming!"
Daddy convulsed and suddenly my mouth was full of a salty, thick liquid. I could feel Daddy's cock hosing down the inside of my mouth -- his semen spraying over my tongue, splashing against the back of my throat. It was strong, but I felt myself getting wetter as I savored the taste of my Daddy's sperm. Spurt after spurt of his spunk came until I had to let him go -- his last spurts splashing weakly across my lips and tongue as he slipped from my mouth.
"OH MY GOD!" Daddy sobbed as he collapsed back into his chair while I sat on my heels grinning up at him. He groaned again as I leaned in and licked him like a lollipop. Looking like someone had hit him with a big stick, Daddy looked down at me and managed to wheeze, "I -- I can't believe you did that, Pammy."
I slowly rose up and climbed back into Daddy's lap, my absolutely sodden panty clad cunt resting against Daddy's cock. "But you wanted me too, didn't you, Daddy? I know you did. I know how you look at me." I pressed myself against my father, undulating myself against him. I felt my breasts roll free of the bikini top -- my nipples now dragging against his shirt. I kissed Daddy, my tongue pushing insistently through his lips and finding his. Daddy groaned into my mouth and I sighed back as I felt his hands settle on my firm ass cheeks and pull me tighter against him
When the kiss ended, we were both breathing heavily. "You did like me sucking your cock, didn't you, Daddy?" I asked in a breathless whisper.
Daddy grinned and said, "I loved it, sugar. I -- I just can't believe you did it."
I wiggled against him and said, "But I did and I'll do it again -- you'll let me won't you, Daddy? I love sucking you -- it makes me sooo wet!" I took his hand and guided it between us, urging his fingers into my bikini bottom and then moaning as I felt my father touch my slick, aroused folds of flesh.
Daddy's expression suddenly changed then -- his eyes transforming from almost dazed to being clouded with desire. I saw hunger in Daddy's face -- undeniable, ravenous, unstoppable hunger. Daddy moved quickly and with a yelp, I suddenly found myself flipped over so that I was on the cushion of the loveseat and Daddy was kneeling between my wide flung legs. With a growl, Daddy ripped off my panties, exposing my flowered and glistening pussy.
"Daddy?" I whispered nervously. Daddy just grunted and I squealed as he dove his face into my pussy. "Daaadddddyyyyy!" I cried out as I felt my father's tongue slice between my labial lips, going deep and lapping at my wet flesh. My whole body seemed to come apart as pleasure I never dreamed possible tore through my body. Just the knowledge that I was feeling my father's face pushing -- almost burrowing into my pussy, his mouth sucking at my flesh -- his tongue doing things I never dreamed of was more than enough to send me freefalling in orgasmic delight.
I bucked my pelvis against Daddy's mouth, trying somehow to get more of him -- more mouth, more lips, more of that incredible tongue loving my pussy. I cried out as Daddy grasped both my legs in his strong hands and lifted them up over his shoulders, somehow giving him immediately better access to my cunt. My world exploded, disintegrated and reformed bathed in wondrous light as his tongue began making love to my clitoris. I felt my pussy spasm and felt my cunt cream absolutely gushing into Daddy's mouth, flowing over his chin.
I came and came and then just as I thought I couldn't take anymore, Daddy began sucking on my clit while slipping two fingers into my pussy. "DADDY DADDY DADDY! I LOVE YOU, DADDY!" as my orgasm went to undreamed of heights and everything blurred together and all I knew of the world was the incredible pleasure emanating from my cunt and spreading to every nerve in my body. It became too much and I think I passed out.
I came to experiencing little orgasmic shivers as Daddy nibbled and licked my pussy. My legs were now flung wide and Daddy was cupping my breasts, slowly rolling his palms over my hard and aching nipples.
"Ohhh, Daddy!" I sobbed in a subdued, almost shocked tone. "I love you!"
Daddy gave me one last loving lick and then as he rose up, I came into his arms and we were kissing. I had felt so in control for a few brief minutes and now all I wanted was to have Daddy loving me for the rest of my life. Nothing had ever made me feel this way before. Not my own masturbation, not David's clumsy fingerings, not even Vicky's more experienced touch (I felt a momentary flash of regret that my best friend and I had never moved beyond, kissing, touching and fingering), had brought me near the pleasure my Daddy had given me with his mouth.
As we mastered ourselves, Daddy and I talked. We agreed that we were both happy this had happened and that it wasn't a one time thing. "There is one thing, Daddy," I said as I began to feel like my old self. "You're not going to tell Mom, are you?"
Daddy looked at me oddly. "Sugar, I know this will sound shocking, but I don't think your mother will mind."
Before Daddy could elaborate, I kissed him and said, "I -- I just want to take my time and get used to things before Mom finds out. I want to have some fun with you first."
Daddy grinned and said, "What kind of fun, sugar?"
I felt myself again feeling like a horny slut and I reached out and took Daddy's cock in my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze as I said, "Do you want me to suck your cock again, Daddy?"
"I felt Daddy's cock twitch and began to swell slightly. "Oh my, yes, Pammy. You know I do."
I leaned in and kissed Daddy again, stroking his cock as I did so. When we finished kissing, he was nearly fully erect again. "Well, Daddy, I want to suck it too." I gave him an evil grin. "But, the next time I suck you Daddy, I want your cock covered in Mom's pussy cream and your sperm. I want to clean Mommy off you, Daddy."
Daddy's eyes went wide as I surprised him -- no, shocked him for the second time today. "What?"
"I will suck you after you fuck Mommy tonight. I want to lick you clean of your cum and Mommy's cream after you cum in her." I kissed Daddy again. "After you fuck Mom, I'll be waiting for you. I will lick you clean and then make you hard and suck you till you cum again!"
Daddy was stunned. "Pammy? How -- when, how will you know?"
I kissed Daddy again and then eased out of his embrace and stood before him, naked as the day I was born. "Do this for me, Daddy. Take your little magic blue pill and make Mommy cum and then come to me. I'll be waiting for you." I blew Daddy a kiss and then walked away.
As I climbed the stairs to my bedroom, my knees grew weak and I began to shake. I collapsed on my bed as the realization of what I had just done struck home. Shock, amazement and lust swept over me. I HAD JUST SUCKED MY DADDY'S COCK! I had acted like a shameless slut and I HAD LOVED IT!
I plunged my fingers into my pussy and was cumming in seconds. I had done it. I had fulfilled one of Daddy's fantasies and I loved doing it. As I writhed in sweet, delicious agony, I resisted the temptation to scream for Daddy to come up here and make love to me -- no, to fuck me; make his slut daughter-lover. As my orgasm waned, I marveled at how my life had really changed within the last few days. Screw the move -- thank God for moving so I could discover my parents' secret fantasies. I knew I had Daddy -- now to figure out how to make Mom realize her dreams were within her grasp.
That evening, Daddy and I did a pretty good job of acting like nothing had happened. I kept up my skimpy attire, wearing a bustier and shorts, as well as acting flirty with both my parents. While Mom put her feet up in the living room, Daddy and I cleaned up the dishes. Daddy made a point to take a prescription bottle out of the cabinet and letting me watch him take his little blue pill. I rewarded Daddy with a tongue twisting kiss while I ground my body against his. When the kiss ended, Daddy turned red, something he did a couple of more times after dinner, especially after talk of buying me a car came up again and I plopped down on his lap and pleaded jokingly for a Mustang. I wiggled against his fast growing hard-on and showered his face with kisses while Mom laughed and stared and began breathing funny.
I picked that moment to say my goodnights and hurry upstairs, getting naked and comfortable for the show I knew was coming. I saw the light go on in my parents' bedroom and then Mom giggling as they entered, saying, "Oh my god, our little girl is such a tease! If only she knew how badly we want to include her in our games. It's almost..."
Mom never finished what she was saying as Daddy, grabbed her and kissed her hard, tearing her blouse apart as he did so and roughly jerking her denim skirt off. He shoved her against the near wall and began to work on Mom's panties. Mom was now into it and finished the job, working her panties down to her ankles and stepping out of them, then working on getting Daddy's pants off him.
Daddy's cock sprung free -- looking hard and angry. Mom groaned as he bent his knees and then came up between her widespread legs, thrusting his erection into her wet pussy. Mom threw her head back, slamming it into the wall as she cried out. Daddy's hands were on her ass cheeks and lifting her up and pinning her to the wall as he began to hunch his cock in and out of my mother. My jaw dropped open as I watched my parents fucking standing up!
Mom drew her legs up, pressing her thighs against Daddy's hips, trying to get some leverage to piston herself on his dick. Mom was keeping up a steady moan, smothered by Daddy's lips pressing against hers. They quickly developed a fast, minute motion with Daddy holding Mom firmly against the wall as he fucked her hard and Mom trying her best to fling her pelvis against his cock with every outward stroke. Mom's breasts bounced enticingly up and down and I envied Daddy when he finally broke the kiss and ducked his head to bit down hard on a swollen nipple.
Without turning away, I reached out and found my cucumber dildo and spread my own legs and began prodding my cunt with the thick vegetable. Daddy was like a man possessed and I knew it was my doing. He tugged on Mom's nipple with his teeth, letting it stretch and then bounce back as he let it go, growling, "C'mon and fuck your Daddy! Tell me how much you like Daddy's cock!"
Mom cried out and in a sobbing voice replied, "I luvvvv your big dick, Daddddyyy! Fuck your little girl -- fuck your daughter hard with your huge cock, Daddy!" Her arms were wrapped around Daddy's neck and I could see her toes curling as Daddy quickly brought her to the verge of orgasm!"
Daddy never relented, driving his erect penis home with a vengeance. "Cum for Daddy, Pammy," Daddy snarled. "Come for Daddy -- make him cum inside your little girl pussy!" He ducked his head and began sucking and biting Mom's other nipple.
Mom began to orgasm then, tightening her grip on Daddy, her heels digging into his butt, trying to drive him deeper inside her cunt. "Yes, yes, yes, Daddy John! Fuck me, cum in meeee! You're making meee cummmm!" she whimpered and then began to buck and jerk as Daddy slammed into her hard, pinning her to the wall as he began to cum himself." Their words became babble and my parents simply moaned and cried out as their pleasure poured forth.
"Oh -- My -- God! John, what got into you?" Mom purred as her orgasm began to fade. "Pam needs to sit in your lap every night if it means I get fucked like that!"
Dad snorted and securing Mom in place, carried her by her ass cheeks to the bed. "You talk like we're finished, Cathy! We've just gotten started!"
He let Mom slide off his cock, dropping her to the bed, and then before she could say anything besides, "Oh my, honey, you're still hard!" Daddy rolled her over onto her stomach and then pulled her onto her hands and knees. He climbed onto the bed behind her and lifted Mom's ass up. Mom groaned, "John? Baby?" Daddy gripped Mom by her cheeks and thrust forward, sinking his shaft into Mom's cum filled cunt with a single stroke.
As I plunged my cucumber in and out of my throbbing pussy, I watched as Daddy gave Mom a hard fuck from behind. Sweat was being slung off Daddy's body as he mercilessly gave it to Mom doggy style. Mom was clawing the bed sheets and trying to fuck back, but was almost helpless in Daddy's grip and was only able to enjoy the savage loving of her husband.
I imagined that it was me Daddy was feeding his long, thick dick to -- that it was me making the crazy and happy sounds of orgasmic pleasure. Daddy built himself up to a fast, intense rhythm and I began to match it as I watched my parents fuck.
Long before Daddy made Mom cum again, I was sobbing with my own pleasure as orgasmic delight ripped through my body, my cunt walls contracting around my cucumber toy while below me, Daddy was fucking Mom hard, calling out to her, "Take Daddy's cock, Pammy. It's all for you, baby girl!" Mom just wailed in delight and pleasure that seemed so intense it bordered on pain. Mom began to orgasm -- one orgasm after another as Daddy kept filling her with his big cock.
Daddy began to show signs of cumming and he shocked Mom and me with his words, "Gonna cum in you, baby -- going to give you my spunk. Then you can lick my cock clean, Pammy -- lick Daddy's cock clean of my sperm and Mommy's juices!"
Mom's orgasms peaked and she let out a shrill cry, her limbs stiffening for what seemed an eternity as Daddy buried his penis in her womb one last time and ejaculated again -- pumping a second load into Mom's cunt. Mom's face was turned upwards as if she was staring at me -- but there was a glazed look on her face that told me she was seeing God or infinity or whatever heaven looked like. Mom sobbed, "I love you, John!" and then she collapsed onto the bed, taking Daddy with her -- totally exhausted.
Daddy lay on top of Mom for a few minutes and then gathering his strength, he lifted himself off, drawing a happy sigh from Mom as he slipped his cock out of her pussy with a delicious wet plop.
In a low voice, he whispered, "Cathy, I'm going to get a drink, can I get you something?" All he got in response was a snore -- at least that's all I heard because I was moving to the narrow steps that led down to the second floor, only my cucumber in hand and as naked as the day I was born.
I came down the steps quickly and I heard the door to my parent's room open and close. Footsteps sounded and then stopped. "I'm here, Daddy." I hissed. "I'm waiting for you. I set down about four steps from the bottom, spreading my legs lewdly and leaning back.
Daddy appeared in the entrance, he had on his robe, but it wasn't belted. "Oh my -- Pammy, you're sooo beautiful," Daddy whispered.
"So are you, Daddy. Is that for me?" I was eyeing his cock hanging between his legs, still glistening and wet with Mom's juices. As he eyed my blatant nakedness, his cock began to swell and rise. I don't know who invented Viagra, but I would suck their cocks!
I crooked a finger at Daddy and licked my lips. "Come here, Daddy. I'm hungry." Daddy shuffled forward, standing on the first step and bringing his cock level with my face. I could smell his semen and I could smell Mom's cunt on him. My pussy throbbed with need and my juices were running down my thighs.
I reached out and took Daddy in my hands, my fingers barely wrapping around the base of his now erect penis. My eyes on Daddy's face, I reached out and ran my tongue up the length of Daddy's shaft. I could taste his spunk -- just as delicious as before and now there was a new taste sensation. Slightly salty and a bit familiar -- I had tasted myself many times and with a bit of surprise, realized that Mom and I tasted a lot alike. Orgasmic tingles lanced through my body as I thrilled at tasting my Mom's juices for the first time.
Like a woman starved, I began to lick and suck Daddy's dick, lapping up every trace of sperm and cunt cream that coated my father's prick. It tasted wonderful! What I was doing thrilled me to the bone -- to be so naughty and nasty, sucking my daddy off, cleaning Mom's juices off him -- I finally understood why they were so turned on fantasizing about me. Without even touching my pulsating, dripping wet cunt, I was ready to explode.
Daddy groaned as his already sensitive penis was being tongue lashed by his little girl. I sucked and licked and again tried to take him deep in me, letting his cock head press down against my throat. It was still difficult, but I did better than before. Daddy's hands were holding my head, fingers tangled in my long hair, guiding me, setting my rhythm. I sucked Daddy until my jaws began to ache and I never could have imagined that your tongue can get tired.
Daddy's breathing, already ragged, become more frantic until he began to moan. As my tongue rolled over his cock head, I felt it swell and his cock pulse and then Daddy began to cum. I had no idea what to expect, realizing that this was at least his fourth ejaculation of the day, but I was pleased to find myself with spurt after thick spurt of his thick cream in my mouth. Daddy tasted great and I ate Daddy's semen happily.
Then he was done and slipping from my mouth, gasping, "Oh sugar -- I can't take it anymore, your mouth is heaven." He stood over me, catching his breath as he gazed at my naked form. His cock twitched but was exhausted, at least for the moment.
I gazed up at my father and using my best "good little girl" voice, whispered, "Daddy, I don't know if I'm ready to put that big thing inside of me, but maybe you could help me to -- um, cum." I picked up my cucumber and lifted it to him. "Give it a lick, Daddy -- I think you know where I like putting my little toy."
Daddy gaped down at me and my vegetable dildo. A mischievous grin broke out on his face as he took it from my hands. He lifted it to his face and sniffed. Then Daddy ran his tongue along the green skin. "Never thought I'd like cucumbers -- but I like the taste of this one, sugar."
Daddy sat down, squeezing in beside me on the narrow stairwell, leaning into me to kiss me. Knowing that it was Dadd

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