The Werewolf free porn video

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Jess-Belle opened the door, something she'd never dared do on a night like this. It was easier than she expected, but a knot of fear still drew tight in her stomach.

The little clock on the mantle chimed midnight. Moonlight filtered through the stirring pines. It a nice night, but no one in their right mind would be out. No one but Jess-Belle, and even she hesitated before stepping over the threshold. The door shut behind her very quietly.

A dirt path led from the little cottage to the main trail and from there, eventually, to the paved road into town, but she didn't take that. Instead she went the back way, into the woods, following a path so faint it was almost invisible. The tall trees with their old branches blocked out the sky but they couldn't hide the silver-blue moon. Jess-Belle liked the way the moonlight gilded the tips of the pine needles and her long, filed nails. All the familiar rocks and streams and coils of underbrush along the path looked strange and new, as if the forest had taken off a mask for just one night.

She was, of course, worried. Not about being out, but that Billy-Ben might not meet her after all. He too had never snuck out on Full Moon Night (even at her age Jess-Belle couldn't help but think of the expedition as "sneaking out," as if she were still a schoolgirl fearing her parents' remonstrations), and he might lose his nerve. It wasn't the idea of waiting all night that bothered her so much as the long walk back to a lonely bed and another month of anxious nights. She was too old for this feeling, but it was there anyway.

She realized she was stepping softly. There was no reason to, of course. No one was around to--

A dark shape appeared on the path. Jess-Belle clapped a hand over her mouth to stop her scream and hunched down in the hollow of a tree, waiting for the flare of panic in her chest to burn out. The shape was just a few feet away, crossing the path and leaving a rustle of pine needles in its wake. It was a strange thing, hunched and misshapen. Was it coming closer or going away? She couldn't tell without peeking. Mouthing a prayer, Jess-Belle leaned around the corner...

She almost laughed. It was Granny Mim, the fisherwoman from the other side of the hollow. Her strange silhouette was due to the shawl over her head and the pack on her back. Whatever she was lugging it was big and cumbersome and it bent her double. Jess-Belle watched the fisherwoman amble off and counted two hundreds breaths from the last time she heard the old woman's steps, and when she was certain the coast was clear she came out again.

She cocked her head after Granny Mim. What was that old coot doing sneaking around on Full Moon Night, hauling God-knows-what through a neck of the woods half a mile from her creek? It was none of Jess-Belle's business, of course. But what if...

No time to wonder now; the scare had made her late. Assuming Billy-Ben was really coming, of course.

She followed the trail through the oldest part of the forest and up the hillside, to the place where the trees broke and the clover grew in as soft as a feather bed. She flopped down on it just like she'd done as a little girl and looked at the night sky. The moon was like a big yellow eye. It was strange to think she'd never seen it this way before. What have you been up to on nights like this, she wondered, when I haven't been around? Have you been keeping secrets?

A shadow fell over Jess-Belle at the same time a hand touched her shoulder. She grabbed the arm and rolled over, yanking the intruder off his feet, and for a second the two of them rolled down the grade together, one tumbling over the other. When they landed Jess-Belle was on bottom, chest heaving from the struggle, and on top of her was a surprised young man--barely more than a boy--whose unruly blond hair was dotted with clover leaves from the fall. He held up one hand in a gesture of truce.

"It's me!" said Billy-Ben.

"I know."

"Then why'd you pull me off my feet?"

"You scared me. You had it coming."

For a second they stayed like that, with Billy-Ben sprawled on top. His other hand had landed just under her left breast. When he noticed it he blushed and rolled over, dusting off his shirt and breeches. Jess-Belle propped herself up on one arm and looked at him. In the moonlight he looked even younger than he was. She saw him swallow hard before he spoke.

"I'm sorry I snuck up on you, Mrs. T--"

"Call me Jess-Belle. Not Mrs. Turner."

"Jess-Belle," Billy-Ben said. "Right. I'm... I didn't mean to scare you."

"Yes you did," Jess-Belle said. Then she snuggled up to his side. He jumped as if a bee had stung him. "You knew just what you were doing."

"Reckon I did," he said, then went quiet. From the top of the hill they could see almost the entire valley and, distantly, the few faint lights of the town. Everything was still, as if the night was holding its breath. Jess-Belle slipped her hand into Billy-Ben's.

"Did you make it out okay?" said Billy-Ben. "I was worried..."

"About the werewolf?" She snarled, then giggled like a schoolgirl.

"'Course not," said Billy-Ben, sounding almost defensive. "I meant did you have any trouble with Mr. Turner?"

"Mr. Turner is never home on Full Moon Night."

Billy-Ben blinked. "Why?"

"He's the werewolf."

Jess-Belle looked Billy-Ben in the eyes. She held the look as long as she could before cracking up.

Snorting between giggles she said, "I'm just teasing, Billy. It's because he closes the shop in the town so late and he doesn't want to walk all the way home after sundown on nights like this. You know how folks are: superstitious." She laid her head on his shoulder again. "There's no real werewolf. That's an old folk's story."

"'I know that," Billy-Ben said, but there was a tremor in his voice that suggested relief. "I wouldn't be out here if I believed, would I?" He dared give her body a little squeeze, as if to prove it.

"But Mr. Turner must believe it, if he doesn't want to walk home on Full Moon Night," Billy-Ben added, after pondering the matter for a moment.

"Maybe," said Jess-Belle. "Or maybe he's just got someone else he wants to spend nights like this with. None of my business. How about you, Billy? Did you have any trouble getting past your ma?"

Billy-Ben rubbed the few wispy blond hairs on his chin and said, "Ma's never home on Full Moon Night neither. She's always out..." He stumbled for a second, then said: "She's out working her still."

Jess-Belle sat up. "Why Billy...are you telling me your old ma is out moonshining?"

Billy-Ben shrugged. "It's the one night ain't nobody's around to catch her."

Jess-Belle giggled. Soon she couldn't stop.

"Don't you laugh at my ma," Billy-Ben said, but Jess-Belle shook her head between giggles.

"It ain't that I'm laughing at her. It's just, well, your ma's stuff really is moonshine, isn't it? Full Moonshine!"

And she pitched herself on the ground and laughed as loud as she dared, and in a minute Billy-Ben was laughing too. Then he surprised her by producing a flask from his back pocket. "It's what's left of what she made last Full Moon Night," he said. "I snuck it."

"Why you little devil," Jess-Belle said. The polished flask gleamed. She took a sip and it burned all the way down. Billy-Ben reached for it but she pulled it away, teasing. "I don't think you're old enough for this."

"I'm almost eighteen," Billy-Ben said, sitting up a little straighter.

"Then you can almost have some," Jess-Belle said, tipping the flask a couple inches short of him and letting a few silvery drops fall onto the grass. Then she sat on his lap and draped one arm around his neck, dribbling some more of it into his mouth. He licked the burning liquor off his lips. She ran a hand through his hair.

"I remember when you were just as little as a Junebug and rambling into my schoolhouse every morning." Her lips were less than an inch from his. She smelled the liquor on his breath. "How long ago was that now, Billy? I know how many years it's been, but how long, really?"

"Not sure what you mean..."

"It doesn't matter. Look at the moon. You know what it means when it gets full like that? It means there's nowhere else to go. Once it's full it can't get no fuller. That's all there is."

She kissed him, tasting the liquor fire in his mouth. Her tongue darted against his. She wondered if he'd ever had a real kiss before. He was handsome, but he'd always been such a shy, bashful child that it would take an awfully determined mountain girl to get a kiss out of him.

They lingered like this for a few seconds, and then the sound of something stirring in the brush made them both stop. Billy-Ben drew his arms tighter around her. "What's that?"

"Some critter."

A branch snapped and something shuffled through dry pine needles. Billy-Ben swallowed. "What if it's the werewolf?"

"There is no werewolf."

"Course there ain't. ...but what if it's the werewolf anyhow?"

Jess-Belle squinted but couldn't see whatever was out there. So she threw her head back and let out the loudest, most piercing wolf-howl she could summon, so loud that her throat ached. Billy-Ben cried out in surprise. The sound in the brush receded.

"Whatever it was it's gone now," she said. "Let's go see."

"Mrs. Turn--I mean, Jess-Belle, wait!"

"Come dance with me, Billy-Ben. In the moonlight."

She skirted away and let her shawl float to the ground. Then she undid the buttons of her blouse, plucking them with her nails and backing away another step each time. "Come catch me," she said, dropping her blouse on the ground too. Billy-Ben looked unsure, but when she beckoned he came.

He was a big strong boy, all farmer's muscles. He looked away and maybe even blushed as she undressed him, taking her time with his shirt buttons and tracing the lines of his body. She turned his face back toward her with a fingertip on his chin. "Don't you like looking at me?" she said.

"You know I do."

"Then come look at all of me." She pulled her boots off and shimmied out of her jeans. Her pale body glowed in the moonlight. Billy-Ben looked dazzled. "You can do more than just look," she said, guiding one of his hands to her hip and another to her breast. "Don't that feel good?"

He replied by kissing her, first on the lips and then on the side of her neck. She cooed.

"That's good, Billy. Now kiss me here." She pointed. "And here." Again. "And here..." She trailed her finger all the way down...

The clover was still as soft as she remembered from when she was Billy-Ben's age. It turned the hard ground into the best bed in the world. They lay with their limbs wrapped around each other and their mouths pressed together, all hot and heavy, just like she remembered. There'd been boys who looked just like Billy-Ben back then. She'd gotten older, but the boys stayed the same age.

It was his first, of course. That was no surprise. But there wasn't much need to tell him what to do, and that was a relief. Jess-Belle put her arms behind her head and relaxed, letting him kiss and suck each of her breasts. Now and then his teeth would get in the way. He was rough and clumsy, but she didn't mind. When his hands found the spot between her thighs he didn't seem to know quite how to go ahead, so she showed him. She could feel every callous on his fingers.

"It's supposed to get wet, so don't get scared of it."

"I know that," he said. "The guys told me."

"Which guys? Any of the boys from my old class?" She bit him on the side of the neck. He yelped. "Are you going to tell 'the guys' about me?"

"I never would."

"Yeah you would," she said. "It's all right. I know how it is. Here, I'll do something for you." And before he could squirm away she bit him again and sucked her lips against the spot, so that when she came away there was a bright purple bruise. He clapped his hand to it.

"Now you'll have to tell them. They'll notice that."

"Ma'll notice it too," he said, sounding annoyed. She shrugged, tracing the outline of the mark with a finger?

"Did I hurt you, Billy? You can just come on down here and hurt me back." She pulled him down. She held his face very close to hers and whispered against his mouth.

"Go on," she said. "It won't bite you."

"You just said it was gonna hurt you."

"Different kind of hurt. You'll understand when you're older. Come on." She grabbed his rounded behind and pulled him in. Once the tip was inside it was easy to get him to go the rest of the way. She made him go slow, making sure he felt every inch on the way in. After all, she thought, he only gets one first...

With just a little coaxing he got eager, and then he got rough, and soon Jess-Belle's fingers were twisted in the grass and pulling up the clover as she pawed at the ground and bucked upward into the young, strong body on top of hers. He didn't shy away now when she traced the lines of his naked chest, not even when she let the sharp edge of her nails leave red trails across him. He'd be sore in the morning, she knew. For that matter, so would she. "You're almost there," she said, pushing into him some more. "Just a little bit more. Don't push it back. Let it come."

She cupped his face in both hands and whispered against his lips as he labored over (and inside of) her, his short, heavy thrusts going to one side as he leaned. She was wet and warm for him. She let her fingers get lost in the tangle of his hay-colored hair and nipped his lower lip with tiny, encouraging kisses, one after another, like a countdown, until the moment she felt his whole body coil up like a spring...and then let go. She became warmer inside and Billy-Ben almost fell over. He lay panting next to her, so she pursed her lips and blew across his sweaty skin, watching the fine hairs on him stand up.

"How do you feel?" she said, propping herself up on one elbow.

"Good, I suppose. Real good. Except..."

"Except what?"

"Nothin'" he said, opting to kiss her instead, and she let him leave it at that. "I guess I didn't last very long, huh?"

"That doesn't matter as much. Anyway, you'll get better."

She lay across his chest and listened to his heartbeat. The forest was stirring all around them, but neither of them paid attention to it. "Hey," he said after a time. "If you don't believe in the werewolf how come you've never been out on Full Moon Night before?"

"Never had a reason. More'n that, you've gotta be careful. If anyone gets the idea you've been out on a night like this they'll think you've got secrets."

"Does anyone really believe in the werewolf, though? What's everybody so scared of if there's no such thing?"

"Real people are scarier than any old story. Might be we're all scared of ourselves. Sometimes on nights like this I reckon I really do hear something howling..."

And then, realizing what she was about to say, she stopped, overcome with horror. She stood up and when he reached for her again she pushed his hands away. "Get your clothes back on. We've gotta get."

It was still night and the moon was still out, but the forest had lost something of its luster, as if tarnished a bit around the edges. Once dressed they lingered a few minutes, Jess-Belle twining her fingers around Billy-Ben's.

"You'll come back to me, won't you Billy? You'll come back again next full moon?"

Billy-Ben pondered for a moment, and then he just nodded. Jess-Belle favored him with a quick kiss and left with the taste of his smooth young lips on hers. The walk back took longer than the walk out on account of she was sore. She didn't bother to walk softly or cover her tracks this time. She remembered the words of the song her old aunt used to sing on nights like this:

"The werewolf, the werewolf, comes stepping along. He don't even break the branches where he's gone..."

The cottage porch creaked as she reached for the door latch, and she paused. Something was moving off in the woods again. She heard the faint padding of a foot on loose ground. She felt--or thought she felt--eyes on the back of her head and imagined turning around and seeing those eyes, and the face they belonged to. Had it been watching her all along? Did it know what she'd done? Her hand trembled...

She darted inside and ran the lock home. She pressed her ear to the door, but all she could hear was the thudding of her own heart. She teased a curtain aside and looked out. Nothing was there, of course. But there was a place where some branches were swaying, as if something had been there only a moment ago--

It was the wind Jess-Belle decided. Surely it was just the wind? None of the other branches were moving, but that didn't mean she couldn't believe it. Still, she double-checked the locks on the doors and all the windows, and only once satisfied that they were secure did she go to bed. She didn't bother to undress or even take off her boots. She must have tracked forest dirt and pine needles all through the house, but she'd clean up in the morning. For now she lay on the top covers, curled around the empty spot on the other side of the mattress. She traced the dent of a head that wasn't on the pillow and thought. The curtains were drawn but the moonlight got in anyway. There was no keeping it out on a night like this.

She hoped Billy-Ben got home without being caught. He was too young for all this, she knew. Not just too young to be with her but too young for all these secrets. She felt guilty for putting him up to it. But he's a grown man, she reminded herself, or close enough. He can make up his own mind.

She rolled over. She never could sleep on nights like this. What she'd told Billy-Ben was true: Sometimes she really did hear something howling at the moon, something sad and lost and dangerous. What she hadn't told him was that it wasn't out there in the forest she heard it. It was the sound her own heart made.

And it scared her.

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I was dozing in and out. It was relaxing listening to the waves and sitting in the sun. The beach was quiet and our family was enjoying some time by the shore. We’d been gone three days and pretty much every day had started with me thinking about Rebecca until I had to escape to the bathroom to relieve myself. My sister Rachel and I were sharing a room as our summer house was getting remodeled and the other rooms were being redone. “What are you dreaming about over there?” Rachel asked,...

4 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 356

At our Thursday night meeting we brought all four of the homeless girls up for the meeting. We brought up the four so there would be no appearance that we were trying to divide them. From all appearances, they were each others support group. They did everything they were told to do and more, but immediately were together if they had idle time. We had reached a partial decision; we were going to do it in steps. Step one was to make the job offer to Joni and Paula and see how that went before...

1 year ago
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Play date memories

My memoriesIt's been a few weeks since I've been with her..I think of last few times we had been together as the delicious details are still fresh in my mind combines the days into one day of total relaxation and sexual frenzy.As I write, recounting those wonderfully sexy days spent, I feel myself swell, my pants restraining my growth, the familiar tingling inside my body..I write this throughout 2 days, adding little parts and edits, whenever and wherever idle circumstance...

3 years ago
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Mom and daughter with me

Jaya opened the gate with smiley, blossom face, planning for the evening and night to be spent with me. She doesn’t know that Sudha (her daughter) has come on a short holiday. As she noticed Sudha, her face was shrunk and the smile gone in upset. Jaya doesn’t know that I have already taught Sudha driving, nor Sudha knows that I have already played with her mom. I too didn’t tell either of them fearing they may not digest the relationship. We spent the evening watching T.V. and chat. I thought...

1 year ago
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My Slut Vivien 2

 What a beautiful picture indeed. There bound to her bed was my Mistress, who for today, was my submissive slut. She was dressed only in a garter belt and black seamed stockings, and decorated in plastic pink and blue clothes pins — one on each nipple, and eight decorating her pussy."Oh, don't You look so lovely my Slut Vivien. I just love how You pull against your bonds, and squirm like the slut you are. Tell me!""Oh master A, I'm Your pain slut! Please! I beg you, make me cum!"I crawled next...

1 year ago
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Caught in her undies

I've been home from work for a few days and although I get plenty of sex I love trannies, my wife doesn't know this though. I woke up with the raging horn and decided as soon as she went to work I was gonna treat myself. The minute her car pulled off the drive I was in her knicker draw! Black and pink lacy knickers, matching basque and fish net stockings.....oh and a raging hard on! Next came the toys. I lubed myself up and popped in the large vibrating butt plug, four cock rings around my...

2 years ago
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richboys love 52

so me and harvey woke up and i said "baby can we go baby shopping please" harvey looked at me and said "baby its to early to go baby shopping" i looked at harvey and said "umm okay baby i understand" after i said that i looked down. harvey put his hand on the left side of my face and said "you really want to go shopping for the baby dont you" "no baby its fine" harvey got out of bed without any clothes on and said "get your sexy ass up and dressed and we will go do some shopping"...

1 year ago
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Asking for a raise

So it was a Monday and I was at work, I walk to my bosses office and walk inside, he was sitting at his desk working on some paperwork. My boss is a huge black guy who's bald but very sexy. Did I mention he was sexy? So I walk up to him and ask for a raise. Then my boss gets up and closes the door and locks it, well if you want a raise you gotta earn it. I have iv been working my ass For months, that's exactly what I want your ass. Suddenly my black boss walks up and dips his hands in my pants...

3 years ago
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True Devotion

He watched as his wife drove off to go to work. He had been annoyed with her for taking so long in getting ready, and he'd snapped at her unfairly. But he was so eager to follow his Master's instructions for that day, that he'd been rather grumpy with her.But now she was gone, and he finally had some extra time to do as requested!He hurried to his workshop in the garage and quickly set up the small 'shrine' that he used during making his required Libations! It consisted of an clear,...

3 years ago
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Catering For A Stag Do Chapter 3

Once Trish left, Dave set about seeing what cocktails he could make, sorting through the liquor that Bob had supplied.  He couldn’t believe how much there was.  He noted that amongst the common spirits supplied, there was a bottle of vodka and one of peach schnapps.  He had brought cranberry juice, so he was going to be able to make a ‘Sex on the beach’ cocktail.  He had coconut juice, pineapple Juice, and Orange Juice, and noted there was a bottle of Bacardi, so Piña Colada was another on the...

Wife Lovers
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Barbaria Act 4 Chapter 1

Chapter OneXena’s heart was so full of hate and bitterness. She thought it must surely burst. Her hate was directed at Princess Venetia who had humbled her and had her displayed naked to her former citizens in a cage. Xena’s bitterness was directed against her former citizens. They had once held her in awe. Worshipped her, almost. Now that she had fallen and was powerless, they had instantly turned against her. As she made two long circuits of the city, they mocked her, they derided her, they...

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First blowjob

I still had not had sex the first time I gave someone a blowjob. Its not that I didn’t want to get laid, my body had been arguing with my conscience for a few years about having sex. I wanted to so bad but all the sex ed I had been taught had paid off because I was afraid to do it. I am also a very introverted person and to this day find it difficult to take the initiative to be the one to suggest something. It wasn’t that I wasn’t horny, I was the queen of the petting scene. I was popular,...

1 year ago
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Sister in law gets her present

It was already late as my wife and I rushed to her sister, my SIL 60th birthday party, and after breaking every speed record we finally arrived at her house. We expected a quiet evening, with a few people just sitting round and chatting, but on getting to her house, found load thumping music, plenty of food and drink, and people having a good time As we walked in - there stood Beverey, dressed in a slinky above the knee, off the shoulder dress, fishnet stockings, and open toe high heel...

1 year ago
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The Incestuous King

Hi this is huma with an absolutely new kind of incest story. The action takes place in the ancient times and the characters are deniziens of old past and belong to royal family where anything can happen. I hope my readers will like this story. If you disagree, please write to me at This story too place in the year 1765, in the state of Punjab, in the Riyasat if Maharaj Partap Singh whose throne was in the hills of Himachal Pardesh. Maharaj Partap Singh was a massive figure some six feet and 4...

1 year ago
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Oral pleassure with master

Introduction: Not traditional, but this is something a wee bit different. Still I hope you enjoy it, cause Oral pleassure can be just as fun. P.S. Thankyou Bella. I kept your tip in mind. I pulled the food out of the different bags and started to sort them so they could be put away. Master was sitting on the couch reading a new book he had gotten. Once everything was sorted I walked into the bedroom and removed my heels and daisy see through dress. Hanging them Up I put the dress on its hanger...

1 year ago
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Radha my friend wife

I reached Bangalore from U.S. ON MY DEAREST FRIEND'S INVITATION TO spend my holidays. My friend Raju is working at Bangalore as a sales executive and he is bussy with his bussiness affairs. He was recently married with Radha. Radha is very beautyful women with good sizes and haaving an sexual attraction in every part of body. I reached my friend's house in the early hours and Raju introduced to his wife andstated that we are very close in every aspect. After having coffee we chat so time about...

2 years ago
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Chrissys New Life 1

Chrissy's New Life Part 1 My name is Christopher Reilly. I woke up early this morning and quickly showered and dressed in my school uniform. I am a freshman at St. Mark's Academy for Boys in Los Angeles, and, although my studies are progressing nicely, I am still homesick. It was November, and I have been away from home for over two months. I have always been an excellent student in grammar school and, from my earliest years, I have been something of a teacher's pet to the nuns at St....

2 years ago
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Arousing LeighaChapter 6 Rhondas Reversal

The thing about "My Little Princess" ate on Rhonda a little more than it should and she knew it. She made herself calm down and remember that she wasn't in a contest with Leigha. Not only had Leigha not once challenged her or tried to take away anybody's affection but also she wasn't even aware of what was happening. In fact, she really liked the girl. She was in her own right incredibly sexy and Rhonda found Leigha's sexual reaction to men to be extremely stimulating. Just watching...

1 year ago
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Gay bar surprise

The first time was a surprise. I wasn’t expecting anything to happen that night, I just wanted to get over my nerves.You see, I had fantasized about sucking a cock for a long time, but I had never had the guts to really pursue it. I went to a gay bar just to get over the anxiety of being in the situation. I figured that I would have a couple of beers, get an idea for the environment, and just reach a comfort level before going home.I sat at the bar, nursing a beer, looking around. There were...

3 years ago
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My fist timeand it was with a boy

I think I was in the fourth grade, matter of fact it was the summer between fourth and fifth grade. I grew up in a neighborhood where most of the kids were around my same age. "Mark" may have been a few months older than me, but we were in the same class all through elementary school. The summer time in Virginia is always hot and muggy, so all of the boys in the neighbor hood played and rode bikes shirtless, today was no exception. All of the other boys in the neighborhood were not out...

1 year ago
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The Reunion Part 1

100% fiction! Kevin, Claire and Nikki were three Filipino cousins. Sadly, Kevin lived in Florida while Nikki and Claire lived up in Michigan. Every two years, their three families would have a family reunion, and the three cousin had grown very fond of each other. Kevin took the trip up to Michigan with his family for the bi-annual reunion one summer. He had worked for the last year and a half on eating healthier and getting fit. Now he was a lean and strong 5'10" man of 21 years of age. Nikki...

4 years ago
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I call my girlfriend Kate and ask if I can borrow her camera. She says, "Sure, Hon, anytime. Why, what's up? You aren't taking naughty pictures again are you?" "Well, actually..." I reply, "I have begun to share some incredibly sexy stories with my lover. He sends me stories while we are apart, I add in my side and send them back. I just want to..." "...Want to send him a couple of photos so he can see what these stories do to you," she finishes for me. "Can I read the stories? Maybe I can stay...

4 years ago
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Napunsak Bhaiya Ki Biwi Part 8211 2

Bimla aram se leti hui thi, aur uski nabhi mein zeevh hilana laga toh wo masti mein ufff ohhh karne lagi, kasmasa ke rah jaati kyunki haath bandhe the, nabhi ko chusna suru kiya, ek dum litchi ki tarah gudgudi si nabhi thi, nabhi gori aur dudhiya hone ke karan jaldi hi laal bhi ho chuki thi, nabhi ke nitche ke pet ke hisse ko bhi chussa. Uske haath paanv kholne pade kyunki wo zidd karne lagi aur mein dar bhi raha tha . Uske boobs ke nitche ubhar ki aaj fir oil massage ki. Bimla ki baaton se...

3 years ago
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Wife made Whore ch1The start of an Amateur Whor

So I have been hanging out with this guy for several weeks now, because we are doing a business project together. However, the kicker is, is that he is from out of state. He is from another branch and he was flown in to do this with me. He’s a real cocky guy, but easy to get along with. He’s a real womanizer and seems to always have a stiff cock. My husband knows him and has hung out with his as well. In the beginning he made passes at me. He didn’t know my husband at the time, but I...

4 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 2Chapter 41

When we returned to Darcy's apartment, it was quiet, so we headed to her bedroom. As we were walking, we didn't have a need to talk. We took off each other's clothes and after quickly checking to make sure she felt well lubricated, I shifted my body, and I laid my body down between her legs. She grabbed me, and set my dick head in position. As I slid in her, a sound came out of her that was somewhere between a moan and a purr. The love and desire fueled us into a slow rhythm where I could...

2 years ago
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De Danann

It was cold, even with the fire banked up we were only just keeping the cold at bay, just beyond the ring around the fire, it would be waiting for us. The fire was burning in the centre, producing as much smoke as heat, so it felt. The billowing clouds of smoke were left to find their own way out; which they were failing to do very effectively. We could hear the wind outside. No-one spoke, but we were all thinking along the same lines, I could tell. We’d been here a couple of weeks, the gold...

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My Cousin SisterInLaw

I want to share another incident that happened when i visited my hometown. Please ready the story in its entirety to understand the context on how the incident happened. Hope you will enjoy reading. I had gone to my hometown Gurgoan after a very long time. When you visit a place after long gap you automatically get whelmed by the occasion and the aura of that place and similar thing was happening with me. I reached home and was greeted by everyone with great joy and my happiness new no bound....

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Hillcrest Academy for Girls Part II Art Class

Cassie left the Head Mistress flustered and extremely aroused. She never expected that she would enjoy the spanking as much as she just did. Was it because it was a new experience or that Mr. Williams, the new male teacher spanked her, or that he touched her wet pussy or that she was able to momentarily brush her tongue against his pant’s bulge? She didn’t know what it was but she felt her body tingle all over. One more moment of Mr. Williams spreading lotion on her red ass and she would have...

1 year ago
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First time as Mommies lover

Once i finally got the courage to confess my real, sexual feelings toward my Mom, the rest was easy!We were both alone (Mom has been divorced for many years) and seated on the sofa. Mom had a glass of wine and to keep my thoughts clear, i had water. Mom knew that i was a confirmed lesbian since my sexual beginning as She had caught me and girlfriends in various acts before. So it was easy to recap my sexual preferences towards Women... the challenge came when i confessed that i was actually...

2 years ago
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Out Of Darkness Chapter 1

It had been almost three years since the accident, and Carol had been pretty much been housebound since the truck driver had taken away her sight and her former life. She remembered what it was like before the accident. She'd had a good job as a commercial loan officer with a local bank and had a promising career there. She made good money, and worked with a great bunch of people. She also had a fairly active social life. Carol was a pretty popular girl - outgoing and flirtatious with both the...

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Babs Education

I For her thirty-fifth birthday Barbara was offered a job. It the best birthday present she could have had. In fact, it was the only one she got. Both her boys had forgotten all about her birthday. ‘Oh, well,’ she thought, ‘that’s kids for you.’ Her husband hadn’t remembered it either until he phoned from his office to wish her a happy day. ‘But I don’t care now. I’ve got some work.’ The way was open for her, at last, to pursue her own independent career. She was known as Babs at home....

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Topper 01 Good Deeds Are Where They Find You

Topper was written by Thorne Smith, made into a movie in 1937; with sequels: 1939, 1941 and a TV show from 1953-1955 01) Good Deeds Are Where They Find You By Ron Dow75 [email protected] "Mr. Topper," the senior bank manager's secretary said, as she opened the office door, "I'll be leaving now. Is there any..." She stopped because there, behind his desk, the distinguished man in his late-fifties had his arms up and out at the elbows, swinging them around as if he doing...

3 years ago
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Well Why Not

When I met Jennifer a year ago, I'd never been married. I was thirty-five, two years younger than she was; I guess that happens quite a lot these days, and when we met at a party, she told me right off that she had a teenaged daughter, Suzi. Well, she was very attractive, slim and curvy, blond, with a sexy smile. I asked her out for the next weekend and that's where things really started. I met her daughter, then Jennifer and I went out and two weeks later, I spent my first night in her...

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