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“He’s an ass! Ten years of marriage, and he goes and bangs some skank! What an ass! I might be able to understand if she was at least pretty, but she’s not. She’s an ugly slut! She’s been down on at least half of the guys, and probably women, in his office. I hope she gave him herpes or VD. Oh god! If I get VD cause he fucked that slut, I’ll kill him! Why? Why would he do this to me?” Natalie broke down and sobbed.

I wanted to tell her Kenny, her husband, had always been an ass, and this was, most likely, not the first time he had cheated on her during their ten years of marriage. But I didn’t think that was what she needed to hear just now.

“Who knows why, people just do stupid things sometimes. They’re people, that’s what they do,” I said, placing my hand gently between her shoulder blades.

I began to move my hand in circles on her back attempting to comfort her. The smell of her perfume filled my nostrils as I rubbed. God she smelled good! I wanted to take her in my arms, tell her to forget the asshole, and profess my secret love for her, but doubted that would end well and settled for rubbing her back and trying to find something comforting to say.

Natalie turned, wrapping her arms around me and pressing her face against my chest while continuing to sob uncontrollably. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight against me. The scent of lilac wafted up from her golden hair and her warm firm body crushed against me sent a tingling sensation through my entire body. Her small firm breasts pressed into my ribs causing a stir in my groin. I felt lightheaded and began to swoon. I fought the sudden urge to rip her clothes off and make mad passionate love to her, right there in her office. Pangs of guilt, over such lustful thoughts at a time when she most needed me as a friend, began to torture me, but I was helpless to stop the growing arousal within me.

I met Natalie six months after her wedding and had fallen in love, or possibly lust, with her soon after. I had been forced to stand by, for nearly ten years, and watch how badly her jackass of a husband treated her. Several times I had wanted to tell her to get out and not look back, but she was in love and denied there were any problems in her marriage. Now here I stood, in her office, her wrapped in my arms, her warm sexy body pressed against me, and her intoxicating scent assaulting my senses.

“I just don’t understand how he could treat me this way. I’ve done everything for him, I cook for him, clean for him, I’ve never refused him anything. Even when I didn’t feel like lying there with my legs spread so he could get off, knowing full well the only way I was going to get off, was with my vibrator after he fell asleep,” Natalie sobbed into my chest.

The image of Natalie lying nude, her shapely legs spread wide, her hot sweet entrance waiting to be filled, commandeered my thoughts. I pressed my cheek to the top of her head and hugged her tighter. All the while feeling as though I had betrayed her with the lewd images flashing through my mind. I didn’t want to be the guy who only thought about her sexually. I wanted to be there for her, to comfort her, to help her through the crisis. I really did, but the warmth of her body, the silky softness of her golden hair on my hand as I stroked her back, the picture of her getting off with her vibrator, how could I not think of her that way? I attempted to say something comforting, but only managed an unintelligible mumble.

Natalie lifted her tear streaked face to look up at me. “I have to get out of here. Could you drive me home?” she sniffed, wiping her eyes.

“Of course.” I nodded. "Let me just tell Doug I’m leaving, then we’ll go,”

She stepped back placing her hand on my chest. “Thank you, you’re such a good friend,” she sniffed.

Her words stung me. 'You wouldn’t say that if you knew what I have been thinking for the last few minutes,' I thought. My guilt had continued to grow and pushed the images from my mind, but did not lessen my arousal in the least.

“Kay, but hurry please. I’ll meet you by the car,” she said, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue as I opened the door.

“I will,” I answered, pulling the door shut behind me.

I hurried toward Doug’s office, but was stopped by one of the secretaries.

“What’s going on? Is Natalie all right?” she asked, her voice filled with concern.

“She will be,” I answered, continuing on to Doug’s office.

Not wanting to waste time with long explanations, I poked my head through his door.

“Hey Doug, Natalie isn’t feeling well and needs me to drive her home. Is it all right if I take off?”

He looked up from his work.

“Ah... Yeah sure, go ahead. Hope it’s nothing serious,” he called, as I was already headed toward the exit.

Natalie was waiting beside my truck by the time I reached the parking lot. I opened the door and helped her climb in, Her knee length skirt slid up over her slippery black pantyhose, exposing her shapely legs from the middle of her thigh down. Even more inappropriate thoughts popped into my head. I loved women in stockings and pantyhose, especially sheer black like Natalie was wearing today, and I found it difficult to drive while stealing glances at her sculpted legs.

The drive only took fifteen minutes, but felt much longer to me.

“Thank you for doing this. I don’t think I could have driven myself,” Natalie said, as I parked in her driveway.

I reached over and gently squeezed her small hand.

“No problem, I wish there was more I could do,” I said, taking another quick glance down at her legs.

She forced a smile and shook her head. “There’s nothing anyone can do. I just have to stop blubbering and deal with it. But, I’m glad you were there for me. I really do appreciate it.”

She opened the door to get out, but stopped as if thinking, then turned back to me.

“Want to come in for a bit?” she asked. “Please, I don’t want to be alone right now,” she added when I hesitated.

I had hesitated only because I feared doing something stupid to further upset her, or ruin our friendship. However, I could never refuse her anything and agreed. She climbed out of the truck and I followed her into the house.

“Have a seat. I’ll be right back,” she said, waving her arm toward the sofa as we passed through the elegant living room.

It felt good to sink into the overstuffed cushions of the sofa and relax. I watched Natalie as she continued on into the kitchen. The soft curls of golden hair bounced about her shoulders and her skirt hugged the slight flare of her narrow hips and swished around her gorgeous legs just above her knees. She was a vision, and I was entranced.

She returned shortly carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. She filled one glass and handed it to me.

“Oh, would you rather have a beer or something else?” She stopped.

I shook my head.

“No, wine will be fine,” I answered, taking the glass from her. I’m not much of a wine drinker, but I didn’t want to make her get something else just for me.

Natalie filled her own glass, then kicked off her heels and sat close to me, curling her beautiful legs beneath her. She lifted her glass and took a long drink, nearly emptying the glass. She set the glass on the table and refilled it with a sigh.

“What should I do, Rick?” she asked, her voice beginning to tremble.

I paused for moment, collecting my thoughts as I turned to look into her deep blue eyes. “You could always have him killed,” I half joked.

“Ha!” she snorted a little and briefly cracked a smile, “Don’t tempt me.”

She sighed again and laid her head on my shoulder. We sat in silence for a moment, and she placed her hand on my bicep. She lightly squeezed it, then slid her hand up to my shoulder and back down to squeeze it again. She lifted her head and brought her other hand up to join the first, trying to stretch her fingers around my thick upper arm.

“I never noticed your arms were so big. Look, I can’t even get my hands around it,” she said, sounding surprised.

I looked down at her tiny fingers wrapped around my arm. The pink manicured nails of her thumbs were touching on one side, but those of her index fingers were almost four inches apart on the other.

“I’m not a little boy,” I answered with a wry smile, chuckling silently to myself as I recalled Kenny’s scrawny little arms.

“No, you certainly are not,” she smiled.

Her hand slid down my arm to squeeze my hand and her eyes roamed down over my chest and abdomen, paused briefly at my crotch, then traveled back up to meet my gaze.

“Seriously though, I’m so confused, what should I do? Should I divorce him?” she spoke quietly, gazing into my eyes.

God yes! Dump that asshole. Get as far from him as you possibly can! Is what I wanted to say, but instead, I held back and took a minute to ponder her question. Since she asked whether she should divorce him, she, evidently, was considering NOT divorcing him. Something that, up to this point, I had thought was a forgone conclusion. Now that she knew the truth, part of it anyway, how could she even consider staying with him? Just the thought of him continuing to treat her like dirt made me sick to my stomach. I was upset and confused and stumbled through an awkward answer.

“Well... I guess...that's... just...something that um...need to decide for yourself. I can’t tell you ah...what to do. But I just can’t ah...understand why you would want with someone who would ah you know ah treat you, so that way. You know. Why...why would you want that? I...I think you should be um want to be with someone who would ah, treat you the way ah, way you deserve to be, you know, treated.” I felt like an idiot, and my face was burning with embarrassment by the time I finished.

She sat quietly for a minute thinking, either about what I said, or trying to figure out what the hell I was rambling on about. I sat watching her and wondering which, eventually nodded and leaned over to softly kiss my cheek.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” she said softly, laying her head on my shoulder again.

I stretched my arm around her shoulders and gave her a light squeeze. “I’ll be here anytime you need me.”

She reached up and put her hand on my chest.

“I know you will,” she said, snuggling against me.

We sat quietly like that, each lost in our own thoughts while she gently rubbed my chest. Having her warm supple body snuggled against me with her hand slowly stroking my chest had my dick rapidly swelling and threatening to burst through my zipper. I closed my eyes and attempted to conjure something, anything, that would stem the tide of my arousal. I was concentrating on the technical drawings for my latest project at work when Natalie stirred beside me.

She sat up, reached for her wine glass, and drained it in one long gulp. She returned her glass to the table, then took a deep breath and turned back to me. Her gaze drifted down over my body, lingered for a moment on my crotch, then slowly worked back up to my eyes. She cupped my cheek in her small hand then trailed her fingers down my neck, sending shivers through me.

“You know how to make a woman come, don’t you?” she whispered.

My jaw dropped in surprise and before I could speak, her lips were on mine and her tongue was in my mouth. It took some time for my brain to process what was happening. Finally getting past the shock of her sudden advance, I wrapped my arms around her and searched out her tongue with my own. She swung her leg over so she was straddling me and my hands slid down over her narrow hips to cup the small rounded cheeks below. Her kiss was like her, delicate, warm, and full of passion. I wondered for a moment if I wasn’t caught up in a fantasy and decided, even if I was, I didn’t care. Natalie suddenly pulled away, breaking our kiss. She stared through half lidded eyes, breathing heavily and said.

“Take me upstairs and fuck me!”

The sudden passionate kiss had surprised me, but now she stunned me. I opened my mouth to speak but didn’t know what to say. She kissed me again, shoving her tongue deep into my mouth and sucking the breath from my lungs. My head was spinning. Natalie had never been anything but a proper, if not reserved, lady. I didn’t think she even knew the word fuck. I was torn between granting her request and refusing to take advantage of a friend in her time of need, and there was no doubt which way my body was voting. Hesitantly, I placed my hands on her shoulders and pushed her back.

“Natalie wait. This isn’t right. You’re upset and...” She placed a finger on my lips to shush me.

Staring straight into my eyes with an intense stare, she reached down and grabbed my swollen dick through my pants.

“I know you’re a nice guy, Rick. I love that about you and I know you just want to comfort me right now. I also know, you’ve wanted to do this for a very long time, and, truthfully, so have I. I’ve thought this through, Rick, and this is what I need right now. I’m won’t regret it later, and neither will you. So take me upstairs, throw me on the bed, and fuck me!” she demanded, her lips curling into a snarl.

My dick jumped in her hand and I thought I might come right then. At that point I couldn't have refused if I wanted to. I stood with her in cradled in my arms, and began climbing the stairs. Her eyes widened at the realization that I had given in and she was getting what she wanted. She kissed my face and bit my neck as we climbed.

Entering the bedroom, I dropped her on the bed and kissed her hard while tugging her blouse up over her pert breasts. Our mouths broke contact momentarily to allow the garment to be pulled off over her head. Her fingers worked at my belt buckle while I unhooked her lacy bra. She freed my swollen cock from its confines. It felt so good to finally have the pressure released I gasped as it sprang free in the cool air. I placed both hands on her breasts and began lightly stroking the large pink nipples. She moaned into my mouth and wrapped small hand around my swollen member. She gasped looking down to see what she had found. She shivered and brought her other hand up to join the other stroking my thick member. It was slick with precum and she stroked it from tip to base sending waves of pleasure through my groin and up my spine. Natalie leaned forward and flicked her tongue across the purple head of my prick.

“Mmm...take your clothes off,” she growled, releasing my dick and reaching back to unzip her skirt.

Stepping back, I yanked my shirt over my head and kicked off my shoes. Natalie rose up to slip the skirt out from under her ass and let it fall. Leaving her wearing only the sheer black pantyhose. My breath caught as I stared at the small strip of golden curls smashed flat against her plump mound. She slipped her thumbs in the waist band and slid the sheer hose down her smooth shapely legs and off her delicate feet. The sight left me breathless, and I pushed my jeans down around my ankles and kicked them off, never taking my eyes off of her. She stared hungrily at my cock and as I stepped forward, she wrapped her hand around it again.

After a few slow strokes she reclined on the bed lifting her legs to place her heels at the edge. Her knees spread wide and her fingers slid along her thigh to her dripping pink pussy. I stared down at her in awe, she was more beautiful and erotic than I had imagined. I drank in the sight, letting my eyes roam down past her small firm tits standing proud with their large pink nipples, over her flat tanned stomach to the tiny strip of golden hair leading to the biggest clit I had ever seen. It was the size of my thumb and standing at attention just above the pink puffy lips dripping with arousal. My cock had never been so hard and it twitched with desire.

She spread her thick pink lips with two fingers and rubbed her sensitive clit with a third.

“Fuck me, Rick!” she hissed.

Taking my hard cock in hand, I rubbed the swollen purple head along her dripping slit and over her swollen clit before placing it at her entrance and slowly pushing in. I drew a sharp breath as the sensitive head invaded her tight hot slit. She was dripping wet and I pushed in slowly enjoying each excruciating millimeter until my shaft was buried to the root in the exquisite heat of her tight sheath. I paused, unmoving, fearing I might cum just from the intense pleasure of being inside her. After a moment, I slowly withdrew until just the tip of my cock remained inside. Then pushed slowly back in. She moaned as I slid back into her until I was again completely buried in her. The tight embrace of her hot slick passage caused me to moan. I placed my hand on her firm flat stomach. Heat radiated from her soft tanned flesh sending tingles up my arm straight to my brain. My hand slid over abdomen and up to her small firm tit as I leaned down to kiss her soft pink mouth.

She grabbed my head with both hands and looked into my eyes with an intense glare.

“Don’t make love to me. Fuck me!” she growled, kissing me hard.

I understood what she needed and my animalistic lust began taking over. I withdrew, then slammed my cock back into her hard.

“Uhh yesss fuck me,” she growled again.

I gripped her thighs with my hands, squeezing the firm flesh, and rammed my hard shaft back into her tight hole.

“Yesss,” she hissed.

I began pumping my hips, driving into her with as much force as I could muster.

“Yess,.. yesss...harder!” she screamed as I pounded into her, driving harder and faster with every thrust.

Electric jolts of pleasure shot through my body, and my breathing had become ragged. I knew I couldn’t hold out much longer. Natalie thrashed upon the bed, her entire body shook with the force of my thrusts.

”Harder! Fuck me harder!” she screamed

Hooking my arms under her knees, I lifted her legs over my shoulders and leaned forward, pushing her knees back toward her jiggling breasts. She was close to cumming and I was determined to give her what she needed. I picked up the pace and force of my thrusts. With each powerful thrust my heavy balls slapped against her ass.

“Uh...oh... yes...harder.. Fuck me...yes...” Each thrust brought another guttural exclamation from her.

The intense pleasure began to overwhelm my senses. My breathing had become ragged gasps for air. My balls were boiling and my thrusting hips burned with the exertion of every thrust. Sweat beaded and ran down my back. Natalie’s chest shined with perspiration, and her shouts had become one constant moan. My arms began to tremble and I thrust harder knowing my body couldn't go on much longer. Suddenly, her body went rigid and began to spasm. A rush of juices splashed over my cock and balls, sending me over the edge. I slammed into her one last time. My jaw clenched and my back arched as I exploded into her. My hips jerked with each searing jet from my cock. Each squirt of hot cream brought another moan from Natalie's soft lips. My orgasm went on and on, I didn't know it was even possible to come so much. My cock twitched as her warm pussy milked the last drops and her body went rigid again. Her hips jerked as her jaw tightened and her nails dug into shoulders.

“Ohhhhh...god!” she moaned and went limp under me.

Every gasp for breath caused my sensitive cock to shift within her tight passage, causing intense explosions of unbearable pleasure in my groin. My arms were burning and could no longer support my weight. I collapsed atop her heaving body. When my breathing had slowed and my cock softened, I slipped out of her and sprawled on the bed beside her.

“What the hell is going on here!”

I lifted my head to find Kenny standing in the doorway. I bolted upright on the edge of the bed.

Natalie slowly lifted her head off the bed and looked over at her red faced husband. She started to giggle.

“What is going on here is, for the first time in over ten years, I have just been fucked by a real man,” she glared at him and giggled again.

Kenny looked as if he had just been slapped and was about to cry.

“Slut! I could hear you moaning like a whore all the way downstairs,” he snapped.

“That’s something you've certainly never heard before,” Natalie retorted with an amused smile on her face.

“Bitch!” Kenny screamed, sprinting toward her and raising his arm to strike her.

I simply reacted. Before I knew what was happening, my fist had slammed into the side of his face and Kenny dropped to the floor like he had been shot.

Natalie was suddenly beside me, clutching my arm and staring down at his lifeless body on the floor.

“I think you killed him,” she said softly.

“He was going to hurt you,” I explained, beginning to wonder if I had actually killed him.

Natalie slid off the bed and knelt beside her husband.

“Kenny? Kenny, can you hear me?” She said, gently tapping his cheek. A moment later, Kenny’s eyes fluttered open and he gasped for air. Natalie helped him sit up slowly. “Kenny? You okay Kenny?” she asked, looking into his eyes.

Kenny rubbed the side of his head.

“What...why’re you nake...”

He stopped when he saw me standing naked beside the bed and began to recall what had happened.

“Get away!” he shouted.

He pushed Natalie over backwards, but I caught her shoulders and helped her to her feet before she fell to the floor.

“Don’t push her again, Kenny,” I glared down at him.

“You hit me! I’m calling the cops.”

He tried to stand, but he began to fall and sunk back down to his knees, holding his head.

“That’s assault, you’re going to jail,” he said, crawling toward the phone on the bedside table.

“Kenny, you’re not calling the cops. Rick was just protecting me from you,” Natalie said sternly.

“He came into my house and fucked my wife. Then attacked me. I’m going to have him charged with breaking and entering, rape, and assault,” Kenny shouted, picking up the phone.

“Kenny, put down the phone! You try telling the cops a story like that, they’ll laugh in your face. Just put down the phone and stop this,” Natalie repeated.

“I have friends on the force! They’ll go along with whatever I tell them,” Kenny threatened.

“Kenny, if you don’t put down the phone right now, I will tell everyone what happened on your little trip to Mexico with the boys last year.” Natalie’s voice had become cold and sharp.

Kenny dropped the phone immediately and stared at her clearly shocked by her threat. “You wouldn’t.” his voice was a hoarse whisper.

“Oh, I will, I’ll send the pictures to everyone, your friends on the force, your parents, your sister, your boss.”

She emphasized the last one and stood over him, glaring down with a menacing expression contorting her pretty face.

Kenny slouched back against the bed, looking like he had just been kicked in the stomach.

“Natalie, you’re my wife, I love you, how could you threaten to do that to me?"

“You love me? That’s laughable, the only person you love, is yourself! And I’m not going to be your wife much longer. We’re getting divorced.” She didn’t shout; her voice remained calm but left no doubt she was serious.

“Divorced? Why? I love you. We can get past this. I can forgive you.” Tears began running down Kenny’s cheeks.

“Oh Kenny, really? You’d forgive me? We can just go back to the way we’ve always been?” Natalie said, her voice suddenly soft and sweet.

“Of course I can baby. I love you,” Kenny answered, reaching out to her.

“Prove it, honey.” She stepped closer, allowing him to place his hands on her hips.

“Yes, I’ll prove it to you, anything you want, baby.” Kenny smiled.

“There’s just one way to prove you truly forgive me.” Natalie paused.

Kenny stared up at her eagerly awaiting her command. Natalie stroked his hair.

“Just suck Rick’s cum out of my pussy and clean me up.” Natalie smiled an evil smile.

Kenny’s smile was quickly replaced with a look of horror and disgust. Natalie jerked him forward by the hair and mashed her cum filled pussy onto his mouth and began grinding her hips.

Kenny’s arms flailed wildly, and he screamed into her sticky vagina. Finally he managed to pull away and scramble to his feet. There was cum, my cum, smeared on his nose, mouth, and chin. He lifted his arm as if to strike Natalie, but I stepped forward, and it dropped to his side instantly.

“You want a divorce? You got it!” he screamed, heading toward the bathroom.

“Thank you. Now get out of my house!” Natalie pointed to the door.

I snatched Kenny by the neck and ushered him to the stairs.

“You heard the lady. Get out!” I said, releasing my grip.

Kenny grabbed the railing to keep from tumbling down the long staircase. He looked down toward the front door then back at me, unsure of his next move.

“This will be much easier for you if you do it on your own,” I warned.

Reluctantly, Kenny descended the stairs himself, and I followed with Natalie right behind. As he opened the front door to leave, Kenny turned back and opened his mouth to say something, but Natalie interrupted.

“Just get the fuck out!” she said, pushing him out the door.

Natalie glanced to her right and waved.

“Hi Steven,” she called, stepping back inside and closing the door. She looked up at me, blushing red.

“My fifteen year old neighbor just saw me naked.”

"Wish I had a neighbor like you when I was his age.” I laughed.

I wrapped my arms around her and leaned down to kiss her soft pink lips.

"Let's go take a shower," I said, breaking the kiss, "Then I'm going to make love to you for the rest of the night."

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Our eyes locked across the length of the airport lobby. We'd metcountless times before, but only in cyberspace. From the first time we'd chatted and ended up teasing each other into frenzied orgasms, we knew we'd have to meet in person. When we "talked" online, we always skipped the small talk, "Hi, how are you?" and sped right to the sex. Sometimes it was slow and seductive, but mostly it was hard and direct, with lots of colorful language. I was 22. You were 34. We had talked about desires. I...

2 years ago
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Accept Yourself the Way You AreChapter 1

Most of my friends just love to bitch about their Moms, but I've never understood that. My Mom has always encouraged me to be myself and it use to bother me but now I accept myself for what I am and I love it: I'm a slut. This all started a few years ago just after I started high school. It wasn't as bad as it could have been but I was pretty lonely. Most of my friends were in other schools and I'd never been very good at school. See in middle school I'd been in a special class with...

2 years ago
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Demonic 4

Openining a portal and entering the pocket dimension Merik notices that all of Ou - Chans sperm that covered the ground is gone, Rikimarue opens another portal and summons 2 dog demons. Ayame sees the two dog demons and gets on her hands and knees, one of the dog demons gets behind her and starts licking her pussy and ass while the other dog demon is in front of Ayames face, Ayame grabs the cock of the dog demon that's in front of her and starts licking it before putting it in her mouth and...

2 years ago
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SleeneChapter 10 Sunday Afternoon

I was perusing the gardening section when Master interrupted me. "Sleene, stand up and open your robe." Reaching into the pocket of his winter robe (that thing has huge pockets!), he withdrew what appeared to be a pair of black thong panties. "Step into these." He slid them up my legs and seated them firmly against my pussy. That was when I realized there was more to them than met the eye. They had a silicone pad in the crotch that fit snugly against the top of my pussy. I figured it...

4 years ago
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The Sexy Secretary Gives at the Office

Working as a tranny escort is my favorite way to earn money and get lots of cock, at the same time. I love to put on sexy panties and show off my body to men, so it is a job I enjoy doing the most. The fact that lots of men really like me and call me back again and again makes me feel wonderful, as well.I have long hair that makes me look like a woman from behind and my breasts are big for a man's and they get played with and sucked on like a woman's. In fact, most of my clients tell me I'm...

4 years ago
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Seducing Stephen Chapter 5 Stephen takes me bare back

Stephen, Jim and I fell into a nice routine in the week following Rhonda’s visit. Both my men were well satisfied, and we were all enjoying the excitement of our trysts. I was certainly getting adequate attention, and admiration, from both of my lovers. I was a very happy lady.Stephen believed that he had fallen even more deeply in love with me. He was absolutely smitten with his ‘older woman’. His libido and stamina were of mythical proportions. And, it seemed that anytime he found himself...

3 years ago
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The Sexy Spanish Wedding Ch 1

I’ve been seeing Sophia for three months. She’s a Spanish beauty I’d met at a club in London. Sophia had originally moved to the UK, with her family, when she was only a girl. Her parents and sisters moved back to Spain a few years ago but Sofia decided to make the UK her permanent home and I, for one, am glad she did.“I have to go to my cousin's wedding, in Spain, next month,” Sophia tells me.“Will you be my ‘plus one’,” she asks.I don’t hesitate one second as the thought of going on a...

3 years ago
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KlutzChapter 10

It took a little while to get everyone settled down and get all the explanations made. The four of them were sitting outside the 5th wheel. The lawn chairs were the only things saved from Susan's home. The lawn chairs and the BBQ grill that is. Susan didn't want to think about it and wasn't sure if she ever wanted to see the grill again. Bill and Susan were drinking the last two surviving beers from the case Bill had arrived with. The girls had cokes accompanied with squeals of surprise...

3 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 94

Sandra and her dad didn't speak with each other during the drive to her school. Sandra didn't show it to her dad, but she was troubled about herself. After all that she had done this morning, she was still feeling as horny as hell. And the worst part of it all, while she did feel troubled about it, she also liked it a lot. Charles wasn't sure what was going on with his daughter, but even he could see how turned on she was. It made him wonder what had happened to her earlier this morning....

4 years ago
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Scandalous Behaviors A short Interlude Part 3 of 4

The poker party started at eight at Stan's place. Everything seemed ordinary. The bar was open and the wine and beer were flowing. The early conversation revolved around the election. Eventually, each group retired to their card games. The women were upstairs in the dining room. We were downstairs in the den in Stan's Rec Room. After an hour, it was obvious that the girls were having fun. Their voices and hysterical laughter became louder. Our poker table was far more subdued. We just shook our...

Group Sex
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Lost at Sea Book 1 Where Theres a Will Chapter 12

“Fuck,” Will swore. Will tried to turn, but his foot slipped on something. His bourbon from earlier. He ended up catching himself on the bar, but he was off balance. Inside him, he felt something seem to slide.Caine stood up.The whole room went quiet. To Will, everything seemed like slow motion. He knew this feeling. It felt like the world was sliding sideways, and he was a bystander in his own body. He tried to say something, but it was like he was moving through molasses. He only had time to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Sisters weekend visit with their big brothers chapter 1

Matt and I, (Roger), are sitting home Friday night waiting for our sisters to arrive they are staying the weekend to go shopping, and look for an apartment for school next year. The girls arrive around 8 pm Nikki Matt's sister is wearing a short white skirt and a low cut yellow top her big round boobs look fantastic, Gracie is also in a white skirt and a tight pink t-shirt her perky boobs look great her nipples straining the material. The girls smile and say hello each hugging their older...

2 years ago
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Man Handled In Prison

My prison time was to be spent in Monroe, Washington at the Monroe State Pen. This facility was really known for it’s sex offenders. At the time I was 5’-8” and 155lbs. I am German and Pacific Islander but looked Italian at the time. I heard rumors of rape in prison and needless to say I was nervous. I had a short stay but knew Monroe State Pen’s reputation for sex in jail. A lot of those guys were doing serious time there. County jail was a piece of cake. No one gave you a bad time as...

4 years ago
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She Made Me Tea

when i was separated from my husband i dated a boy, later moved in with him. his name isn’t important. he wasn’t either, come to think of it. we had a class together and we were both married, maybe missing out on something, or so we thought. we did a lot of lying [verbally and sexually] together, something which binds the less pure of heart. he was a sweet Jehova’s Witness boy and i was the godmother of serpents. it worked well for a while- until it didn’t. he had this wife. so pure and...

2 years ago
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Lustful ViceChapter 40

“You two have a great time,” Zaria’s mother says, hugging her on the curb outside the airport. “You too,” Zaria says, finding it strange for her mother to acting like she is. But she goes along with it, not wanting to stir up any unwanted feelings. “Take some time and see some of the sites and send some pictures.” “I’ll try, but you won’t have any service at the lake,” she says with a frown. “You’ll probably just have to see them when I get back.” Zaria looks on when her father hugs his...

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Family Love

You are James River. Nearly 21 years of age and still depressingly for you a virgin. Three long years, dividing your time between studying engineering and partying at Cambridge University left you no closer in achieving the loss of your cherry. Not from lack of wanting or trying mind you, it's not that your unattractive quite the opposite in fact, average height, athletic build, dazzling smile and outgoing personality made you the fantasy of many English girls across the pond. It's true you did...

2 years ago
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After the Party

The party has pretty much over and it's just you and me still up. I go and sit down in the big couch to have one last beer before I go to sleep.-Maybe it's time even for us to go get some sleep, I say as I start to zip on my beer.-No, you say. I still wanna dance.You walk over to the computer and put on some music you like and turn up the volume a little, but not to much so it doesn't wake those who are sleeping.You start to twirl and spin and spin until you reach the middle of the floor. You...

1 year ago
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NaughtyBookworms Megan Sage 22511

CPR is in full effect, and Megan Sage has failed! That’s what her professor’s assistant JMac tells her when she heads back to the classroom awhile after taking her test. She’s disappointed to hear that, so she decides she needs to practice a little more. But Megan can’t stand practicing on the rubber dummy in the classroom….so she asks her teacher’s assistant to be her patient! He has no problem with that…until she kisses him instead of trying to learn proper CPR....

1 year ago
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Introduction: Violent story of a violent man featuring violent sex with an older woman 1. Night is a silent partner Benjamins mother died well before midnight. All the fuss with the doctors, the confirmation, the papers, the transport of the body lasted only a couple of hours. When everybody left, Benjamin still had a long night in front of him and no idea what to do with it. He smoked and watched the cockroaches race each other across the ceiling. His mother was barely alive the final weeks...

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The girls have all the fun

We had been living on the Great Barrier Reef islands for two years and decided to move back to the mainland.  After some decision making, this meant settling back to a popular resort town that wasn’t too large.  After the island life, we didn’t want to be living amongst three million people in a city.  We chose the second of our hot spots and concentrated on searching for a job.  M was placed quickly.  I was approached to manage a small resort about two months later and accepted.The resort came...

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InterracialPickups Hannah Hays 12282017

Let’s take a rare view into the life of The Man with the Biggest Black Cock in the world — Mandingo. He’s always on the prowl, and today he’s snagged a cute, petite blonde named Hannah Hays. We’d love to show you the “pick up”, but parking lot security snagged our camera! So we begin today’s tale in Mandingo’s “play room”, Dingo’s POV camera focusing on Hannah’s sweet, blonde beauty! It doesn’t take long for...

3 years ago
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Freya and the Micro Part 4

After hurrying home, Freya was anxious to investigate her new toys and put them away before Ben got there. Freya placed the gift boxes on her bed and for a few moments, stared at them pondering the previous week. If this really could change her life would it be an improvement? With only two hours before Ben was due home, Freya thought, she could complete her first “homework” assignment. Freya opened the booklet marked, “Try These Exercises, First,” and read the suggested preparations: Soft...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 45 Birthdays Holy Week and Pascha

April 21, 1989, Chicago, Illinois I was in my office, just before lunchtime, when Keri transferred Jessica’s call. “REINSTATED!” came the ear-splitting shriek from the handset. Then some more unintelligible babble before she calmed down enough to carry a conversation. “Congratulations, Babe! We’ll celebrate tonight! I assume Al called you?” “I just got off the phone with him. My tentative start date is September 1st. I’m limited to eight-hour shifts for the first month, then I’ll go back...

4 years ago
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How I fucked my sisters best friend

It's wierd what puberty can do for a man... for me... it allowed me to fuck my older sister's best friend! This a story I've wanted to share for a long time, since nobody knows about it as far as I know. My sister is 4 years older than me, so when I was still playing with video games and such at 12 and 13, her and her friends had already been fucking around with guys! Although, I was playing games, I had always had a hightened sexual awareness. My sister's best friend found most of my sexual...

2 years ago
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Dear Diary 7272016

I've been in a weird mood for the last couple days. I just finished writing the last chapter of Secret Love and I'm both sad to be done with Lindsey, Anna, and Veronica, but I'm also a little happy that their story has been told, and everything worked out so well for them. But I know I'm going to miss them, and the thought leaves me sad. Now I'm left pondering the next story, which one to write. So many inside my head. I reread a few of the early chapters, idly... so many typos still...

4 years ago
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Gymnastics Coach

(fantasy) I spent a summer coaching gymnastics at a local Holiday Club Close to where I live, I am as you would expect a sport coach to be tall broad muscular and tanned I have long hair and a well groomed beard.I arrived for my 1st Gymnastics session on a bright Warm summers morning and set out the hall for the day ahead and waited for the girls to arrive. One by one the girls started to trickle into the hall but to my surprise non of them had changed into there kit with this in mind I asked...

3 years ago
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Groped Molested and Enjoyed in Prague

Hi, my name is Vera and I’m 28 years old. I live in Prague and have a daughter and I am happily married. That is, I have been happily married for five years, but lately some embarrassing things have happened and that’s what I want to tell you about now. I have recently given birth to my sweet baby, Zdenka. I’m breast feeding her, and I have a copious quantities of milk. Zdenka eats only about a quarter of it, and it would be a shame to waste it, so I milk it into bottles and...

2 years ago
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The Family Pet

Chapter 1 The spring sunshine fell warmly through the open window onto the naked torso of the tall full-breasted redhead who was stretching and yawning her voluptuously proportioned breasts as she breathed in deep, and her long red wavy hair spreading out across the pillow like a heavy fan. Mrs. Georgia Rogers stretched as she awoke, blinking slightly at the fresh morning sunlight. When they had gone to bed the night before she had forgotten that the new daylight saving...

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Wife Sisterinlaw Me an unexpected threesome Pt 2

When we walked into the bedroom the lights were off and it was very dark and quiet. My heart sank and my dick immediately went soft. Heather was so ready earlier, did she seriously pass out? I knew Amanda and I didn't take that long. Amanda whispered to me "do you think she is sleeping?" I sure hope not I mumbled. Amanda, still pantyless from our little romp downstairs, removed her tank top and climbed into bed to Heather's left side. I stripped down also and slid in next to Heather on...

2 years ago
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Ancient Abilities Part 1Chapter 2 A Pivotal Event

I was a typical teenager, but that changed shortly after my 17th birthday. I inhaled some chemical laden smoke, which was the first of several pivotal events in my life. Kevin Cantrell was the son of one of our town's wealthier behind the scene politicians. His parents provided him with just about anything that he wanted. The fire investigators learned that Kevin was a pyromaniac who set fires when he was upset and didn't get what he wanted. He satisfied his cravings to set fires when his...

3 years ago
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Sugar Part 3

There were seven of us in the kitchen; Robbie and me; my brother Charlie and his wife Rose; my parents, and for some inexplicable reason, Scott. I wished he would leave. I’d been saved from talking to him by Mom’s interception but I knew Robbie could sense something was up and Scott was making me feel highly uncomfortable. He leaned against the fridge, sipping champagne and gate-crashing on what should have been a family catch-up.I say ‘catch-up’ but it was more of an interrogation. I don’t...

2 years ago
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The Niece The Wife and Their Needs Pt 5

I awaken alone in my daughter's bed and yawn as I taste pussy in my mouth. I arise and walk down the hall and glance in our bedroom and see Rita, Mac and Sheila asleep in various poses with limbs still entwined. Mac's head is lying on Sheila's groin and appears to have been there when she dozed off. My cock pulses and jerks as I gaze at the three of them. So beautiful, I think of all three as I smell the scent of women's sex. It’s like an aphrodisiac and if I didn't have such a...

4 years ago
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Me And Mike In The Treehouse Part 2

A couple of weeks had gone by since my first story. Mike and I saw each other once in a while but never had the chance to go “swimming” by ourselves. We have other friends and family stuff to do so it took a while for us to have that chance again. Almost too long for me. The day finally came and we set up a meet and told our parents our plans to go swimming. We just failed to mention our plans for afterwards. We met as usually at the tree house and dropped off our clothes and snacks. ...

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The Night Shift1

It was a typical Tuesday night. Liza breezed through the door, a typical bright grin on her face as she sashayed into the office. She was in her mid-twenties, barely 5ft tall, weighing 120lbs, with a voluptuous hour-glass figure. Her long, wavy, brown hair hung halfway down her back, streaked with blond highlights. She wore a tight-fitting, buttoned-up white shirt, her white D cup bra vaguely visible beneath it. Her ample cleavage peeked out of the shirt, the cross on a silver necklace...

1 year ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 2

Amber had been right about the water temperature - Tyler was able to adjust it to his liking, anywhere between hair-raising cold to scalding hot and everything in between. Thank God for the gas mining operations on Saturn's moons! He played with the controls for a bit before stepping into the falling water of the showerhead. The first thing he noticed was how much water his new hair could absorb. He combed his fingers through his new auburn tresses, pulling the water drops through as...

4 years ago
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Hotel Room

 The sun was shining into the room and onto the bed through the open curtains. I woke up in unfamiliar surroundings and looked around trying to understand where I was.“Oh, right… a hotel room,” I thought.Once again, I was away from home on a business trip: a few days of meetings on either side of a weekend. Thankfully, it was Saturday morning and there was no hurry to get up, so I just stayed there, planning the day ahead.Sun rays were hitting the middle and the lower end of my body and I could...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Strawberry Tarts Part 1 of 2

Billy always had a thing for redheads. All the way back to his childhood he was attracted to red-headed girls, always thought they looked interesting, different, adventurous, exotic and erotic. A nice looking redheaded gal would always turn his head. He didn’t know why, he just assumed everybody had their type and cherry tops were his, even though he was a blond haired, blue eyed WASP. And after he’d been with a few he discovered that what turned him on even more was when he finally laid his...

2 years ago
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Te ex files Emmas friend Jane

Following on from the last story about my first wife Emma i thought you might like to hear about a friend of hers named Jane, a good looking girl a couple of years younger than Emma (who was 22 at the time) who despite getting loads of attention from guys always seemed to be single. I can't really remember how we first met Jane but she and Emma were inseparable for about a two year period, best friends and confidants. Emma had told me that Jane was always asking about our sex life, wanting to...

2 years ago
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Fucking Aimee In her Sleep

She was definitely taking advantage of the fact that our parents had gone to a funeral of a close family friend who had died from cancer and were probably going to return the following day in the evening. I wondered if my sister was dancing to the loud music. Since she had returned from college, I noticed that she had changed a lot not only mentally but physically. Her boobs had grown a lot bigger and her ass was bigger too. I've always had a crush on my sister since we were little. She...

3 years ago
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A Little Tail Part 10

A Little Tail - Part 10 By Lexi Lee One of Those Days When I woke up this morning I had a taste for cum. I mean I had to have a cock in my mouth even before coffee. Todd was out so Chad got elected. He has been dressing full time now and as I have said, he does look good. He sleeps in a red baby doll with see-thru panties. The bulge in those panties was more than I could stand. I had to have man cock and I had to have it now. Sleeping Chad was going to...

2 years ago
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Rebecca series training Mary and Linda continued

Linda got the idea after a few minutes of me tightly holding her hair forcing her mouth down hard and fast on my cock. I let go of my new pet and she continued to suck and lick on her own. Moaning fanatically, due in no small part to my other pet. "That's it my pets. When you are good you are rewarded and punished equally when you are not." I started moaning along with them as I felt the tingling in my balls letting me know that I was going to cum soon. An idea hit me. Pulling Linda off my cock...

4 years ago
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The Labyrinth

(Welcome to the Labyrinth! A Choose-Your-Own Sexventure! In this adventure we will be guiding our Hero or Heroine through the dark and dangerous world of the Labyrinth. However before we can make it there we have to figure out just who we are and that is what these first few chapters will be about. Building the character that you will then be taking in to the labyrinth itself. Along the way we will also pick up weapons, gear and maybe a few companions. Each chapter will have the stats and...

1 year ago
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Jack and His MomChapter 2

Jack pulled his mother's silky top off without missing a beat with his mouth on his mother's big breasts, switching back and forth between the two flesh mounds. "Ahhh! You suck tit great Jack. Give Momma's boobies some good loving." Sharon was in ecstasy. She had never surmised that her eighteen year old son was such a good lover. She was nearing another orgasm while Jack concentrated on her big boobs, sending ripples of intense feelings all the way to her sodden pussy. Jack used his...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Serenity 09222016

Busty amateur Serenity’s boyfriend has no clue his blue-haired darling is fucking a stranger on camera today. She kinda feels bad about that and tells TC she’ll try not to enjoy it too much, you know, cuz loyalty. She’ll eventually tell her man, and “I can’t have sex with you like i have at home because it would make my boyfriend feel bad”, she says. 5 orgasms later it’s clear our curvy babe failed miserably at not cumming for the sake of her boyfriend,...

2 years ago
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Moments Frozen in Time

As far back as she could remember she had wondered what it would be like to feel the arms of female. To feel her soft body pressed against her own. She was shy, and yes, she knew it. Even her closest friend growing up had no idea of her secret thoughts. But as growing up years do, she grew up and continued to keep her thoughts to herself yet the 'unknowing' always stayed close in her secret place that she dare not reveal to anyone. Even though she dated and eventually married, still, there...

3 years ago
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Love Versus Lust

Love versus Lust. Araya was a normal girl, brought up in a loving family environment and had many friends. She developed into a beautiful young lady and had several admirers by the time she was in her early teens she had her first boyfriend at 17. Naturally enough she also developed the needs of a normal teenager to experiment with sex and particularly her curiosity with the male body. Her own breast had started to form and she was aware of changes between her legs, suddenly hair was growing...

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