Innocent Wife Pt 3 free porn video

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After my friends had left I tidied up the lounge and washed, dried up and put away the glasses. I wanted everything to look as normal as possible following the extraordinary events of the night before.

It was nearly 10.30 before I heard sounds of movement upstairs and shortly afterwards I heard the shower running so I knew she was awake. I quickly made a cup of tea and was waiting for my wife with it in the bedroom when she came in from her shower. Anita was wearing her heavy dressing gown and her hair was wrapped in a towel in that way that all women seem to learn by some form of osmosis in the womb.

I pointed to the cup of tea and tried a sheepish grin while asking how she was. She didn't respond, just went and sat on the bed and started to sip her tea before turning to tell me that she had a bit of a hangover and would I mind getting her some tablets. When I returned with the tablets she took them from me with a sad sort of smile and said that when she felt a little better we would have to have a talk. I tried to tell her that I loved her and hadn't wanted to push her to do anything she didn't want to but she said that she would like an hour or 2 to get rid of the headache and that we would talk when she felt a little better. So I left her in the bedroom and went outside to wash the car, giving myself something to do.

My thoughts were all over the place as I washed the car; I kept seeing pictures of my wife completely naked being displayed in front of my friends, of Steve's enormous cock poised at the opening of her vagina, of her petite body being bounced against the back of the sofa as he slammed into her. But I was worried she might want a separation, that she would blame me for everything and refuse to accept that at some level she had clearly enjoyed what had happened. I wanted us to stay together and I wanted Anita to have more confidence about her body and be more sexually aware but did she feel the same?

I was back indoors making myself a cup of tea when she came down. She looked a little tired but was wearing make-up and was dressed comfortably in jeans and jumper. She asked me to pour her one as well and then said that she wished she could just forget what had happened the night before but that we clearly had to talk about it. I asked her if she remembered everything that had happened and she said that it would be difficult no to; that if the memories were not bad enough she was still a little sore and her shoulders ached from when Steve had tied her. She said this while staring at me hard clearly trying to gauge my reaction. Hearing my previously shy demure wife talk about being sore and referring to being tied and even using Steve's name brought all the pictures back into my mind and I told her that I didn't really know what to say. I reaffirmed that I loved her, that it had been the most sexually charged experience of my life and that I hoped she could understand just how attractive and desirable I found her, not only that but that my friends obviously felt the same. She responded by telling me that I was sick and so were my friends, that she blamed me more than them and that she didn't see how we could stay together, the memory of the previous night would always come between us, and it was at that stage I began to get a little annoyed. I pointed out that she could have stopped everything at any time if she had really wanted to. That she had returned their kisses, been very wet when we had entered her and that she had then had the first real climax of our married life which had been given to her by one of my friends and not by me, despite which I wanted to make the marriage work and that I did love her.

The talk/debate/argument went on for the whole of the rest of the day and we ended up sleeping in separate rooms. We hadn't fully resolved everything but I thought we were making progress although I quickly realised the previous nights experience was never going to be repeated as Anita had made it clear that she never wanted to see my 3 friends again.

I think we both slept surprisingly well on the Saturday night and by Sunday night we had a way forward. Anita accepted that watching her with my friends had turned me on hugely and that at a purely sexual level she had been seduced into enjoying it too, however she never wanted it referred to again she never wanted to see my friends again and whilst she didn't ban me from seeing them myself she didn't want them in our home whether she was there or not.

As far as she was concerned it was a one off mistake on her part, she loved me but couldn't become somebody she wasn't and I had to love her as she was. In fact I thought she was suppressing the sensual sexual person she actually was but had to accept that this was the way things were going to be.

So over the next few weeks and months we put our life as a couple back together. I talked with Andy and Graham the following week and it was clear they were both feeling a bit guilty and embarrassed. They both had long term girlfriends and both seemed almost relieved when I said that they wouldn't be seeing Anita again for the foreseeable future. In fact it was almost a year before I saw either of them again and that was at Grahams wedding which I attended without Anita...

Steve was another matter. I 'phoned him and talked him through the discussion I had had with Anita and he said that he thought it would be better to talk face to face and so we arranged a meeting for a couple of weeks later at a pub midway between Faversham and Margate on the Thanet Way. I told Anita that I had talked to Graham and Andy and that they had sent their love and their apologies if they had gone too far and explained that I had no plans to meet up with them in the near future, however I clearly had to tell her that I was going out for a drink with Steve at his request. She went very quiet and was clearly not happy and asked why he wanted to meet up with me. I confessed that I didn't know and she said that if I brought him back with me, if she saw him come through the door then she would leave and she would not be back. I assured her I had no intention of breaking our agreement. She was clearly not happy but didn't say anything else on the subject until a day or two before the meeting when she asked if I thought he might be wanting to return something of hers which had gone missing.

Now the subject of her missing white panties had not been mentioned before and I had assumed it was one of the many things that we were not going to talk about, so this was a surprise and the look on my face clearly showed as much to my wife.

Anita then said that she had noticed that her knickers had gone missing and that of my friends she assumed that Steve was the most likely to have taken them. I said that I thought she was right and that I hadn't wanted to say anything to her about them for fear of upsetting her again. Anita then said the only reason she was saying anything was that if Steve wanted to meet me to return the panties then he was wasting his time, that she didn't want them back but that she didn't want Steve to keep them either. She hoped he was going to give them to me but I was to dispose of them before coming home.

Now since the discussions immediately after the event, Anita's seduction by my friends had not been mentioned and I was encouraged that she could at least now refer to it, even if only obliquely, acknowledging that something had happened. We had not made love since that night and I understood why Anita tensed up as soon as I went near her and realised that I had to give her time, it certainly didn't look as though she was going to be any more relaxed about sex and I think I accepted that.

On the evening I went off to meet up with Steve Anita reminded me not to forget what she had said and I again reassured her that there was no way I was going to break my promise.

Steve was already at the pub when I arrived and he was quick to buy me a drink and ask how I was. I told him I was fine but that Anita certainly wasn't and that there was not going to be a repeat of that Friday night. He asked if I would be willing to repeat the experience or even watch Anita being taken further if the opportunity arose and I told him that I would, that I thought it all been fantastic but that it was just not going to happen. I explained about my promise to Anita and he said that he understood and asked if I had told her I was meeting him tonight and so I told him about Anita's comments about her missing panties. Steve smiled and said that with my permission he had every intention of fucking my wife again and that he thought with a bit of encouragement she could be pushed much further.

I didn't see what much more there was to achieve. She had been stripped, blindfolded, tied up, played with and fucked by three men in front of her husband- what more was there? A simple repeat was more than I now ever hoped for and I reminded Steve that I was not going to break my promise to my wife.

He assured me he was not going to ask me to, that he would let things calm down but that if Anita asked about her panties I was to tell her that yes Steve had them and that he had said he was keeping them to remind him of one of the most enjoyable nights of his life and that he would consider returning them when he next enjoyed being able to strip her and fuck her again....

I told him I couldn't promise to deliver the message, I would have to gauge Anita's mood and likely reaction and he just said if she asks, just tell her. He said he would be in touch and with that we parted.

When I got home Anita was at an upstairs window looking out, checking I hadn't brought Steve with me I assumed. I smiled and waved as I got out of the car and she gave me a half smile back as she turned away from the window. She came down the stairs to greet me and I was surprised to see she was wearing fresh make-up but said nothing. She asked how the evening had been and I said fine she asked me if I had got rid of anything on the way home and I said that I hadn't, that it was late and as we had work the next day I was headed for bed. Anita said that she would be up in a bit and I was almost asleep when she slid in beside me but I was aware that she was very restless and she admitted that she hadn't slept very well as we talked over breakfast the following morning.

'So what did Steve want?' she asked in voice which sounded a little unnatural, she was trying too hard to make the question sound light-hearted and once again just hearing her say his name conjured up memories of him pounding into her and I couldn't help but wonder what it did in hers. I told her that he wanted to make sure that we were really OK both as ourselves and as a couple; he wanted to know that what had happened hadn't ruined our marriage or our friendship with him. So she asked what I had told him and I replied truthfully that I had said that she never wanted to see him again but that I had been immensely turned on by what had happened and that when he'd asked me if I would let it happen again I had said yes but only if Anita wanted it to which was clearly not going to happen.

Anita asked if I had really told him I would let it happen again and I said that I wasn't going to lie to her or to him, that she knew how much it had turned me on but that I had already promised her I wouldn't ever ask her to see him or the others again and I would stick to that promise for her sake but it didn't change the reality of how I felt.

She was silent for a bit and then said that she still couldn't understand how I could feel like that but that she was glad I had been honest with her and that she thought we could get through this, that she trusted me not to go back on the promise. There was another pause and then she asked if he had said anything about' her panties'. This time it was me who went quiet; did I dare tell her what he had said? I had been honest about everything else and there was something about the way she had said 'my panties' it wasn't completely cool and disinterested, there was something there.

I said I wasn't sure that I could tell her exactly what he had said, that she wouldn't like it and she said she wanted to know, that I needed to be honest with her; so I told her exactly what he had said. I told her that he was keeping her knickers as a reminder of one of the most enjoyable experiences of his life and that he would consider returning them once he had had the pleasure of being able to strip her and fuck her again......

I don't know what she had been expecting but it wasn't that. She was genuinely lost for words. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out and she closed it again. I said I was sorry but that she had demanded to know and that she needn't worry because she wouldn't be seeing him again and suggested we got off to work. Anita just nodded and went off to get her things together while I tidied away the breakfast stuff wondering what was going through her mind- I knew what was going through mine. I was wondering if Steve somehow understood my wife better than I did.

Nothing more was said as we went out to the car and I dropped her at the station as usual before heading off to my office. When I picked her up at the station that evening I sensed that something had changed, she seemed a little more relaxed and nothing more was said about Steve or what he had said; she didn't ask if I planned to stay in touch or if I would be seeing him, nothing We had a good but simple dinner, watched some television and went to bed and for the first time since that fateful Friday we made love. It was back to how it had been, face to face missionary, hardly any foreplay, she tensed if I tried to lick or nibble her nipples, grabbed my head to stop me when I tried to kiss down her body towards her triangle of auburn curls, but she was wet when I entered her and I was just pleased to be able to fuck her again. She didn't climax but she did dig her nails into my back and shoulders as if she were trying to somehow.

Life went back to normal but there were some changes and some surprises.

It was frustrating that our sex life was back to being unadventurous but after a Saturday afternoon shopping expedition with one of her girl-friends she came home with some new panties amongst her purchases. She was reluctant to let me look when I started going through her collection of bags and certainly seemed embarrassed when from one bag I pulled not only some white lacy knickers similar to the ones Steve had taken but also a similar pair in black. Not only that, but there was a black suspender belt and bra to match the new knickers plus several pairs of stockings...

I smiled my appreciation and Anita said not to get over excited, it was just that with the summer coming these were much cooler and fresher to wear. I said that whatever the reason I was delighted she had bought them and that I looked forward to seeing them on her. She didn't wear the stockings and suspenders on a regular basis but if we were going out with friends it seemed that she was more likely to put them on, always justifying it with a comment about it being particularly warm but not wanting to go barelegged or not having any clean tights...I always told her she didn't need to justify what she wore and that she looked fabulous and the 2nd or 3rd time she wore the black set I risked saying that the sight of her dressed like that deserved wider appreciation. She tensed and stiffened but didn't say anything so I didn't push it and said no more. We invariably seemed to make love on the evenings we got home having been out with her dressed in the new underwear, usually a Saturday anyway, but she was still reserved and inhibited. I tried holding her wrists alongside her head once as I entered her but she made it clear she didn't like this although when I let go of her wrists she kept them there as if she were held down by someone invisible.

We had made friends with a small group of other young professional couples living in the area, 8 couples or so some of whom we saw more frequently than others for drinks or dinner parties at each other's houses. 2 months or so after my conversation with Steve and about a month after her shopping expedition we were due to go to a dinner party with one of these couples, Tony and Jenny. We knew there would at least 2 other couples there that we knew.

I don't think I am boasting when I say that Anita was the most attractive of the wives. I loved her petite size 8 body with her pert breasts and pink nipples. Only 5'2" but with long tapered legs a nicely rounded bottom and auburn shoulder length hair. She only ever lightly trimmed her bush for bikinis in the summer but I approved of this as I love seeing a woman's hairy triangle, it's more exciting than having everything immediately on show. It was not surprising therefore that several of the husbands used to try and flirt with her but, as a couple of them told me, they thought she was unreceptive, a bit standoffish, whereas most of the others flirted quite a lot with many outrageous comments and risqué jokes. None of these friends had ever met my hometown friends and they certainly would have been astounded to learn of what had happened that night, quite understandably they thought Anita a bit of a prude. Anita herself had commented that she sometimes felt a bit out of things at these lunch and dinner parties and I tried to tell her that people thought her a little prudish, that she needed to relax more.

Anita's birthday is early in August so it must have been mid-august when this dinner party was due to take place. Anita dressed in the black underwear set and wore the suspenders and stockings under a knee-length dark blue dress which I had bought for her birthday. The dress had a fitted bodice with a flared skirt and a belt at the waist. It was made of silky material and looked stunning.

We arrived at Tony and Jenny's house at the same time as 2 of the other couples and went in together. There was another couple already there and a further couple arrived after us so it was quite a big group and we knew, or had at least met, everyone. Three of the couples we are still in touch with today. Apart from our hosts Tony and Jenny, there was Keith and Lynne, Phil and Julie, Sheila and Norman and Colin and Maria.

It was a warm summers evening and we were due to eat outside. Tony and Jenny lived on an estate of new houses in the countryside near Maidstone. They had a small but quite secluded back garden and on arrival we were all given' Harvey wall bangers' which was the trendy cocktail at the time.

Anita received a lot of compliments on her dress and explained it was a birthday present and everyone offered her birthday wishes for the week before and most of the guys claimed birthday kisses. Anita seemed to be enjoying the attention and the cocktails flowed quite readily. Our hostess said she was going off to finish getting the dinner ready so that we could start eating within the next hour and as ever all the other ladies offered to help and started to head indoors with her but Jenny turned to Anita and said that as it was so close to her birthday we should treat the evening as her birthday celebration and that she should stay and relax in the garden.

Anita started to demur but Jenny and the others insisted so she was left in the garden with me and the other 5 husbands. They were very good at keeping her drink topped up and Tony jokingly said something about giving her the bumps which 2 or 3 of the others then took up. Anita said that she hadn't even had the bumps at school because her birthday was always in the school holidays and Tony said that settled it she'd have to have the bumps and asked me how old she was. I laughed and told him 28, it was the type of jokey flirting that went on at dinner parties all over the country but I couldn't help but be aware that my wife was the only woman with a group of men who had had a few drinks, and that alone I found exciting. Jenny popped out to check that we were all ok and advise that dinner would be about 20 minutes and as she turned to go back inside Tony said that Anita had never had the bumps before and that we were about to remedy the situation. Jenny said something about not being sure that Anita or I would think that a good idea and I laughingly said that it was nothing to do with me as Jenny headed back indoors.

It was Keith I think who took hold of one of my wife's wrists and said come on then the bumps it is. Colin took hold of the other wrist and said OK and Anita started to twist and say for them not to be silly. Norman who was the most serious said something about not upsetting her and that my wife wasn't like Jenny or his wife Sheila who didn't mind this sort of horseplay. I think the comment must have stung Anita as she stopped twisting and said that she was too heavy for the bumps anyway and that they would drop and hurt her. Tony said that there was no way they'd drop her and that they'd all keep a tight hold and with that he knelt down and took hold of one ankle while Phil grabbed the other.

Tony and Phil literally pulled her legs out from under her and she ended up sort of sitting on the grass but tilted backwards her upper bodyweight supported by Keith and Colin's hold on her wrists. Tony and Phil were stood quite close together so her legs were parted but not fully spread-eagled and the skirt part of her dress had only slightly rucked up above her knees; however I knew that the guys on her ankles were in for an eyeful if they did 'bump' her properly and waited with excited anticipation. Norman was stood alongside me just watching proceedings.

Right 28 bumps it is said Tony so we'll change ends after each 7, Norman and James can take a turn if anyone thinks they're losing their grip. I said I would have to cope with any fall out later so wasn't getting involved, so Tony said' just you then Norman ready, steady, go' and with that they all pulled backwards and with a shriek Anita's middle shot into the air. Tony shouted' one' and as they let Anita fall the lower part of her dress rucked up around her thighs. She was laughing and breathless and I saw Tony and Phil exchange glances as Tony called 2 and she shot skywards again. This time as she descended her dress was up around her waist and the guys on her ankles had a full view of her stocking clad legs, the suspenders and the lacy black knickers. Her bare tummy above the knickers was also visible and the top of the suspender belt and as she descended the straps of the suspenders straightened lifting the knickers away from her skin slightly. There was a brief view of the sides of her bush before the dress fell back to the tops of her thighs. The guys got into a rhythm heaving my wife higher and faster into the air so that the dress was up around her waist most of the time. The 2 on her ankles had moved slightly further apart, no doubt partly for better balance but it meant that they now had a clear unfettered view up between my wife's parted thighs and the gusset of her knickers was the only part that wasn't almost completely transparent.

Norman had moved in to try and hold Anita's dress down for her but he was getting in the way and the others told him to leave it. He looked at me and I just shrugged and smiled. I had moved to stand near Tony and as Anita reached the top of her 'bump' her body was arched with her mound pushing skywards and I could clearly see the edges of her labia. I doubted whether the guys on her wrists knew just how much was on show but we had got to bump number 7 and as they lowered my wife gently to the ground Tony called all change and let go of her ankle. Anita was breathless, giggling and looking a little flushed and as the guys released their holds she closed her legs together and moved her dress back below her knees tucking it between her legs to try and hold it there. Surprisingly Norman said that he would take a turn and took the ankle relinquished by Tony who went and stood where I had been right behind the guys on her ankles. They changed places very quickly and within seconds my wife was hoist skyward again, Norman and Keith copying their predecessors and moving apart thus spreading her legs and causing her to lose any hold she might have had on her dress. Tony was now being treated to the view I had had, while Norman clearly no longer had any interest in preserving my wife's modesty and was as energetic as the others in ensuring that her dress stayed up around her waist to give those on her ankles an amazing view.

They gave her the full 28 bumps with a lot of shouting and laughter and once or twice other wives came to see what was going on but fortunately the guys had Anita's head and shoulders towards the patio door into the lounge and so they probably didn't realise exactly what was happening and just shook their heads, laughed and went back indoors. When they finished the 28th bump the guys on her wrists let go but the guys on her ankles just held onto them for a little bit longer enjoying their final view before a very dishevelled Anita kicked their hands off and smoothed her dress down. She was very flustered and hot looking and we must have all seen the damp patch which appeared and then grew in the gusset of her knickers as the bumps had continued. There was no doubt the experience had made her very wet and the other husbands had seen rather more of my wife than they had probably ever expected to see.

They had also seen another side of her, she had clearly made an effort not to be so standoffish and over the next couple of years I often watched the guys who had been involved try to make passes at her or flirt more purposely, with the exception of Norman.

Keith Tony and Phil all volunteered to help wash up at future parties at our house and I would peek into the kitchen and watch them trying to kiss and fondle her as she worked at the sink. Keith was the one who got closest to actually fucking her once when I was away on business some years later but I don't think he succeeded although I think he was able to undress her, it is a long story and I might tell it later..

Anyway everyone was in high spirits at the dinner; well certainly the guys were, we all had quite a lot to drink, even the drivers, we all seemed to in those days. When we broke up to go home all the guys held Anita close and demanded more birthday kisses and she seemed to enjoy the attention. When we got home I made it quite clear I wanted to take her to bed immediately. We didn't say anything about what had happened, I knew what to expect now, but she let me help undress her, which was unusual, and this time she let me hold her wrists to the bed as I kept my arms straight and my weight off her. Her wrists and ankles had clear red marks and hand prints where she had been held and I held her wrists in the same place and looked down the length of her body as I entered her. She still hadn't wanted any foreplay but neither she nor I needed it, she was as wet as she had been on that night when I had had sloppy seconds after Steve.

I didn't last long and I don't think she came but she was more vocal than usual, whimpering and muttering and as I thrust into her in my final strokes I told her how 'fucking marvellous' she had looked held between 5 guys with her dress around her waist, her legs spread, in flimsy panties stockings and suspenders. As I finished she said I was 'sick'. But there was no venom to it and no talking over what had happened.

The following day we were back to normal again and it was as though the 'bumps' had never happened but I checked the laundry basket and the black lacy panties she had been wearing were covered in a thick creamy crust of her juices and smelt wonderful.

Anita continued to wear very sexy outfits under her outer clothes whenever we went out and there were one or two other mild 'inadvertent' flashing moments with the other husbands. We even played strip pontoon with 3 of the other couples on a couple of occasions but the wives always chickened out before things got really interesting. What had become evident to me however was that the ingredients that brought the best out in my wife, as far as I was concerned, was for her to be the only female, for the men to take control and for her to have had a drink and thus be able to deny responsibility and/or memory.

Although I hadn't met up with Steve since our chat in the pub we did talk on the 'phone once or twice a month, usually when Anita was not around, and I told him about what had happened at the dinner party. He asked several questions about how the situation had developed and how Anita had reacted and then asked how I felt about meeting up for a more intimate chat about Anita. We picked a midweek night a couple of weeks away in September and Steve asked me to let Anita know that it would be him I was meeting up with. I confirmed I had no intention of lying to her and that I would therefore be telling her just that.

When I told Anita that I was going to meet up with Steve again for a drink she asked if there was any particular reason and I just said that there was nothing in particular but that we were still friends and just wanted to catch up.

The night duly arrived and as I changed after work Anita was giving me odd looks so I told her not to worry and that I certainly wouldn't be bringing Steve back with me. She didn't say anything to that so I pecked her on the cheek and told her not to wait up.

It was good to see Steve again at the pub and he asked me to describe again what had happened at the dinner party and also asked how I had felt about it. I assured him that I had loved seeing Anita displayed like that again and we discussed my conclusions about the situations that appeared to turn her on. He asked how I thought I would feel to see her in a similar situation with men she and I scarcely knew, particularly if there was no doubt that they would want to go much further and I truthfully answered that I found the prospect immensely exciting but didn't see how it could happen.

Now I mentioned in the second story that Steve had travelled the world in the merchant navy and he proceeded to tell me that he and the other officers on his last ship used to go for 'runs ashore' together whenever they could and had got into some very interesting situations. Apparently they all had similarly high sex drives and interests and because of their lifestyles they all had regular health checkups to make sure they stayed clean and healthy. Steve had stayed in touch with them since coming ashore, he didn't know much about the new 3rd officer who had replaced him but the others were a mixed bag. The Captain was a middle-aged Norwegian who wouldn't normally join the others on runs ashore but knew what went on, whilst the first and second officers were a Nigerian and a German who Steve said were great fun and knew how to enjoy themselves. While interesting I explained to Steve that I didn't see the relevance and he told me how much he thought they would enjoy Anita if they had a chance to seduce her and that there would certainly be no hesitation or awkwardness on their part if the opportunity presented itself, I really would get my wish of seeing her stripped and soundly and repeatedly fucked by several men, including a black guy, if I thought I could handle that.

I assured him that nothing would please me more but that there was no way we could engineer it and he said that I shouldn't be so sure. His old ship was due to unload a cargo at Tilbury in a few weeks time and was still waiting for confirmation of where it would have to go to pick up a new cargo afterwards, so after unloading it would be coming to the Medway towns for some minor engine repairs and while it waited it was already planned to have an 'open day' on board so friends and family of any UK or European based crew could come on board for a visit and a party. He asked me to confirm that if Anita and I were invited and he could get her to accept that we would come.

I readily agreed but said that it wouldn't happen, that I couldn't go back and tell her that we had been invited to a party by him and Steve explained that he didn't want me to, that he had a plan.

When we used to go out for our drinks with Steve and the others Anita had always been interested in Steve's stories of his life at sea partly because one of her closest female school friends had become a purser on a line operating to South Africa and Anita had enjoyed visits to her ship occasionally when it docked at Southampton. Steve believed that Anita genuinely had an interest in ships and shipping and said that he thought he could use this. He said that he would 'phone the house at a time he could be sure that both Anita and I would be there and that I had to ensure that I was in the toilet or otherwise indisposed so that Anita would answer, everything would then be up to him and he didn't want to explain in detail so that my reactions, if he were successful, would be genuine. The only thing he wanted me to do was to confirm, if Anita asked me, that I had turned down an invitation from him....I was intrigued and excited and didn't see what I had to lose; we agreed that Steve would 'phone that Friday evening.

On returning home Anita was still up but as soon as she saw that I was alone she said that she was going up to bed, but as she turned to go up the stairs she actually asked ' ..So, how was Steve? ', I was very surprised and said that he was fine and always asked after her; she said nothing more and went upstairs to bed.

On the Friday evening at the agreed time I headed for the toilet and was just closing the door behind me when I heard the 'phone ring. With my heart in my mouth I listened as Anita picked up the receiver. After giving our number there was a brief silence before she said that she would get me. There was then a much longer silence before I heard her say 'I don't know Steve, I'm not sure I could face it, where and when did you say? I don't know, I will talk to James.' And with that she hung up. I flushed the toilet and went downstairs to find that Anita was still stood by the 'phone with a very thoughtful look on her face.

'Did I hear the phone' I asked. She said yes and that it had been Steve. I asked if he wanted me to 'phone him back and she said no, that he had 'phoned to talk to her. I played it straight and said that I was sorry, that I knew she didn't want to talk to him and asked what he had wanted. Anita explained that he had hoped to talk to her if he could, to explain more about the party which he had invited us to and assure her that he might not even be there and really thought it was something we might both enjoy. Anita then asked me why I hadn't told her Steve had invited us to visit his old ship in a few weeks time. I was genuinely surprised and reminded her that I had promised not to make her meet Steve again, that there was no way I thought she would be interested in going to a party Steve might be at. She said that I might at least have told her about the invitation, that Steve apparently might not be attending himself and that it would be an afternoon visit with a chance to look round the ship while she was in a local port and that she had told Steve we would think about it...... I was absolutely astounded. We agreed to talk about it over the weekend.

I talked to Steve the following day while Anita was out shopping. He had apparently made no mention of anything on the 'phone other than the fact that I had turned down an invitation to attend a shipboard party at which we would be made very welcome and which he might not be attending due to work commitments. He had explained that some of the crew particularly his former officer colleagues found these open days difficult as their families didn't live close enough to attend and would be delighted to welcome us as their guests. It clearly worked, that evening Anita asked me how I felt about accepting the invitation, I assured her that the choice was totally hers and after a brief discussion it was agreed that I would 'phone Steve and tell him we would go....I could scarcely believe it and had great trouble suppressing my delight.

Steve was understandably delighted when I called with the news but didn't seem as surprised as I had been and asked me again whether I really understood what was likely to happen and if I was sure that I would be able to let events take their course. I confirmed that I loved the idea of strange men stripping and enjoying Anita whilst I watched but didn't understand how anything much could happen. He said just to wait and see. It was then confirmed that to stay in line with his story we would officially be guests of the First Officer, the Nigerian, who was known as JJ because of an unpronounceable surname, he would welcome us and look after us and Steve would turn up later not making his presence known unless he thought he would be welcome; he seemed confident that he would be.

A few days later we received an official invitation in the post from JJ for the open day. It was due to take place on a Thursday in late September, about 3 weeks away, and ran from 12.00 to 18.00. Guests could clearly come and go when they liked between those times. The ship would be docked at Gravesend which was quite close to where we were living and I agreed with Anita that I would drive in case she wanted a drink. We both had a reasonable amount of unused holiday and booked the Thursday and Friday off so that we could have a long weekend. We discussed what would happen if Steve appeared and Anita said that she would be polite and friendly but that she didn't want to be left alone with him at any stage and hoped that no mention would be made about what had previously happened, this would be a chance to draw a line under the past.

I was in a highly nervous anticipatory state in the days leading up to that Thursday, but so was Anita and we both tacitly understood that it was because it was an event arranged by Steve, a bit of an unknown quantity not like any event we had previously been to, but perhaps it was only me that realised we had very different reasons to be nervous.

As often happens in September the weather that week was glorious, it was warm and sunny but not oppressive. Anita had been mulling over what to wear and the settled weather made her decisions easier but she still contrived to have her bath and get dressed that Thursday morning when I was out of the room and so I couldn't be sure what she was wearing beneath the pale yellow short sleeved floral dress she was wearing when she finally came downstairs. This dress was a new summer purchase. It had a fairly fitted quite high top and a slightly more flared skirt. It buttoned down the front from the neck to the hem and had a slim matching belt at the waist. She looked fresh and light and summery and I told her so. She was clearly wearing tights or stockings, but I didn't know which, and sensible low heeled pale shoes so that she wouldn't have any trouble getting about the ship.

Anita decided that we didn't want to arrive too early and so we left home just before 12.00 for the relatively short drive and by the time we had found where to park and walked to the ship it was nearer 13.15. The ship wasn't exactly a cruise liner, she was clearly a working boat, a general cargo carrier showing the signs of a hard life but there was bunting fluttering in the light breeze and we could hear music. There was a casually dressed Chinese looking guy at the bottom of the gangplank who welcomed us and invited us on board and at the top was a cleared and marked off area of deck, covered in hessian fabric and with tables of drinks and food. The music was coming from a cassette system linked to a couple of speakers.

here weren't that many people about, only 30 or 40 in small groups, and we felt a little self-conscious as we wondered what to do next, looking around for someone who might be JJ. A short stocky man wearing an officer's uniform glanced over, saw us and quickly came over to introduce himself as the captain. He must have been in his mid forties and was quite grizzled, he said his name was Jan and that we must be James and Anita and that he had been looking forward to meeting us, he kept hold of Anita's hand in both of his and was smiling at her quite forcefully when we heard another voice behind us again saying 'you must be James and Anita, I have been looking forward to meeting you'.

We turned to find a tall, solidly built very black guy, who I guess was in his early 30's, with a soft almost sardonic smile who shook my hand and then bent to give Anita a kiss on each cheek. This was clearly JJ and he apologised for not being there to greet us and immediately shot off to get us drinks. I only wanted a soft drink but Anita opted for a glass of wine and JJ returned with a large glass. A few more guests arrived in twos and threes over the next hour or so and we were quite a mixed bag. Very few of the crew actually had family attending but there were friends and acquaintances like us, plus some dockyard staff, mainly supervisory level and friends of the engineers plus one or two local 'girlfriends'.

The ships cook had laid on a good spread of food, the drink flowed freely and it was a warm sunny afternoon so everyone relaxed and chatted very comfortably. We were introduced to the second officer, Werner, who was originally from East Germany; he was of wiry build with very short, crew-cut blonde hair, about average height again in his 30's. We also met the new 3rd, Steve's replacement. His name was Youseph and he was clearly from an Arabic country with very black hair and eyes, slightly above average height and of average build, probably about 25 or so. He was very charming with Anita and flattered her at every opportunity. Both he and JJ were very attentive and they kept Anita entertained, ensuring that her glass was never empty and it was quite clear she was getting more than a little drunk. Occasionally they would say it was a pity that no one was dancing and how about if Anita and I got things started but she was happy just stood chatting and drinking and we felt too embarrassed to be the first. Werner was slightly more withdrawn and was clearly in charge of organising the music, he also had a friend visiting, another German of similar age named Berndt who I didn't particularly take to, he was a little rough looking with long straggly lank hair, and a bit pushy, quite tall but very overweight and with very tattooed arms showing. He was wearing just shorts and a tee shirt unlike everybody else who had made more of an effort

Throughout the afternoon small groups had gone off for tours of the ship but somehow we had always been in the midst of some involved story and hadn't yet had ours. The afternoon was getting on and I suddenly realised that it had actually gone four o'clock and Steve still hadn't put in an appearance. Some guests had already started to leave and Anita said that she hoped we wouldn't have to leave before we got our tour but Youseph and JJ told her not to worry and that they would give her a personalised tour shortly. Anita said good but that she really had to find a ladies room and turned to ask a middle aged woman, named Margaret, who had joined our group if she knew where the ladies was. Margaret was one of the few wives in attendance, her husband was the chief engineer and as so often happens with engineers he was Scottish; an overweight fairly dour Scot, probably in his late forties or early fifties. They had married c***dren one of whom lived in London and Margaret was planning to get a late afternoon train up to town to spend the night with her. She knew which heads had been designated as the ladies and took Anita off to find it saying that she must be off when she returned if she was to get her train.

JJ asked me how it felt to be the husband of the prettiest lady at the party and if I minded the way some of the men had been flirting with her. I assured him that I didn't mind, that as long as Anita was happy I was happy, and then I wasn't sure what to say next, I didn't know what Steve had said to them. There was no doubt that Anita was the prettiest, freshest and most innocent looking woman there, she was also probably the youngest by some years and in fact there were already very few women left so the conditions I thought were most likely to result in her seduction were being met but what exactly had Steve told them?

JJ called out to the chief engineer, who was known as Sandy, that he and Youseph were going to show me something and asked that he look after my wife if she returned with Margaret before we did, and so saying they motioned for me to follow them and headed off to the bridge and accommodation superstructure at the aft of the deck. We climbed a few stairways and ended up in a relatively large room behind the bridge. There were faux leather sofas bolted to the deck around the walls a large central table similarly bolted to the floor and a number of chairs. They explained that this was where the officers ate and there was in fact another door with a glass porthole in it through to the galley. JJ said that it was also their trophy room and indicated some cupboards along one wall. He said that guests didn't usually see their trophy cupboard but that he hoped that, from what he had heard, I might appreciate it and taking a key from a drawer he unlocked one of the cupboards and opened the doors. The cupboard was filled with a number of shallow drawers and they invited me to slide one out. I selected one at random and opened it to find several different pairs of ladies knickers, each one with a small card explaining where when and it what circumstances it had been acquired, from whom and by whom.

The ones I was looking at had all been acquired more than 2 years before and I saw Steve's name on a couple of pairs and several names on others, together with captions relating to runs ashore. Some had been donated voluntarily others clearly not and for some the donations hadn't been before or after sex but rather instead of. It was a fascinating world tour with an interesting aroma as none had been washed.

JJ said that he particularly wanted to show me the latest addition to the collection which had only been added a few weeks before and he pulled open the top left-hand drawer. There was only one pair of panties in this drawer; they were white with ribbons to tie them at the side and I had last seen them when Steve, Andy and Graham had stripped them from Anita that night in our living room. Alongside was a card stating that the panties had been the final garment stripped from the wife of one of the former 3rd officers' friends before the friend had allowed him and 2 other friends to enjoy and fuck her. As I finished reading and looked up JJ asked me if the story on the card was true and were they Anita's panties. I replied 'Yes and yes', at which JJ picked them up and first sniffed them and then kissed the gusset before handing them to Youseph, who did the same.

JJ then asked what sort of underwear Anita was wearing today and I had to confess that I didn't know. He then enquired whether I would object to him and the others finding out for themselves... This was all said in a very light-hearted jokey sort of way but I could feel the intensity behind the question and knew I should really just stop this now. Instead with butterflies in my stomach I heard myself saying that I didn't see how they were going to achieve that without upsetting Anita but that if they could I wouldn't stop them. 'In that case' said JJ 'I think it is time to start your wife's tour of the ship.'

At that moment the door from the galley opened and through came Steve.

He had apparently been around most of the afternoon but had kept out of the way so as not to risk upsetting Anita. He had been waiting for me to be brought up to the officers' wardroom. 'So James', he said, 'you have met my former colleagues and seen the trophy cupboard; it is our intention to add whatever panties Anita is wearing to this collection today and this really is your last chance to stop that from happening. JJ and Werner are not like Andy and Graham and will not be shy about taking exactly what they want, we are used to enjoying ourselves together and I gather that Youseph here is fitting in very well as my replacement. If you are still willing to go ahead with this you need to understand that we will only stop if we genuinely believe that Anita isn't enjoying herself, but we will be testing some limits, both yours and hers, and for certain she will be undressed, played with, fucked and enjoyed by all of us....

My mouth was very dry and my heart was going like a steam hammer, as much as I wanted this, the seriousness of allowing my petite pretty young wife to be seduced by group of experienced men hit me, this really was something very different to what had happened in our own house with a group of friends. I asked Steve if I would be able to call a halt if I became concerned and asked how many of the crew knew what was planned. He replied that he had explained his plan to JJ, Youseph and Werner but that Werners friend Berndt was staying aboard that night and although he hadn't been included it might prove difficult to keep him out. The venue for the unveiling of Anita was planned to be the officers dining/rest room we were currently in, Berndt was the only guest who had planned to stay the night but the captain and the engineering officer also had the right to use the room. The captain apparently kept some distance from the others but it was a small crew and he did mix with his officers although he wouldn't normally join them on their runs ashore, he did however know about the trophy drawer and Steve didn't think he would interfere.

Similarly he thought that the engineering officer Sandy might not approve but he probably wouldn't say anything. Once again I had one of those out of body moments, was I really discussing the possibility of letting a group of guys I had only just met strip, fuck and generally use and abuse my wife, not only that but several older guys in their 40's and 50's would know what was going on......did I really want this and would Anita let it happen anyway?

I was still thinking about this when Steve broke into my thoughts to say that in answer to my other question, no I would not be able to step in later mainly because part of his plan was to convince Anita that I wasn't around. He reiterated that they would stop if she became distressed or angry but he really didn't think that was going to happen. He said that he wasn't going to explain his plan, everything would become obvious, and that if and when she came up to this wardroom I was to hide in the galley from where I could watch everything through the round glass portal in the door, he would probably be in there with me to start with.

Okay, said JJ, decision time, either you go back down now collect your lovely if slightly intoxicated wife and take her safely home, letting your fantasies stay fantasies, or you let us try and do what we really want, which Steve thinks she probably wants as well even if she doesn't know it, which is to use her to bring pleasure to a group of sex starved sailors.. Your wife is in a different category to the ladies we normally enjoy ourselves with, so this really would be a great and rare pleasure. I for one can't wait to get that dress off her, to see what a proper young conservative English housewife wears to go to a party aboard ship..

I knew that I was probably developing a wet patch on the front of my trousers, Steve and JJ knew they had me hooked, and I heard myself saying that Anita hadn't had her tour and that she wouldn't let me take her home until she had. 'Great' said Steve, you've left her alone long enough, you and Youseph get back down and join her, JJ will be down in a minute, I just need to go over a couple of things with him.

When we got back down to the deck Margaret had already left to get her taxi and very surprisingly Anita was actually dancing with Werner, he had apparently put on some quite loud swing music and talked an inebriated Anita into partnering him. He was spinning her quite quickly and her dress was swirling almost high enough to let me see whether she was wearing stockings or not, and I was not the only one. Most of the other guests had left by now and most of the crew were grouped around the marked off dance area, laughing, chatting and encouraging Werner to spin my wife faster. Youseph went off to join Werner and the two of them took it in turns to dance with and spin Anita in time to the music.

Sandy the engineering officer saw me and came over to say that he was glad I was back. He said that he didn't know how well I knew the deck officers but that they had a bit of a reputation and given how young and pretty Anita was I would be well advised to keep a close eye on her. I told him that Anita knew her own mind and that I was sure she was ok and just as we both looked over to where she was dancing Werner spun her particularly fast into Yousephs arms, her dress swirled out before wrapping itself around her thighs just as Youseph wrapped his arms around her trapping it in place and clearly showing the 15 or 20 men watching that she was wearing stockings with suspenders. There were now no other women on board and all the men clapped cheered and whistled. Anita was clearly dizzy and breathless and was being supported by Youseph, her dress had dropped back down but some folds were still trapped by Yousephs arm; he called Werner over saying that his cuff buttons were caught up in Anita's dress and that he needed some help.

Anita was more than a little drunk as well as dizzy and breathless and clearly didn't notice what the rest of us clearly saw. As Werner and Youseph dealt with the fictitious tangle they managed to unbutton a couple of the lower buttons of Anita's dress so that the first fastened button was now well above her knee. The captain, Jan, was there, stood a little back and apart from everyone else, he was watching everything intently but said nothing and just glanced in my direction. Anita was saying that she needed a rest and a drink as Sandy asked me whether I was still happy about things. I just said that Anita was fine and enjoying herself and he said very well, if that was my view and not to say later that I hadn't been warned.

There were a few chairs s**ttered about the deck and Berndt took one over for Anita to sit on as Werner got her another drink, he got her the soft drink she had asked for but also brought over another large glass of wine, Anita sipped them both. There was something sleazy about the way Berndt stood by her chair and he actually started stroking her hair back from her face, to help her cool down he said. She didn't seem to notice. JJ had re-appeared and I joined him as we walked over to the group round my wife. Hello, he said, I'm glad you decided to dance, everybody enjoyed that, it was very entertaining. Thank you, she said, I didn't have much choice, where did you 2 get to anyway? JJ said that he had started giving my tour by showing me their trophy room. Anita asked what trophies and he said that he might show her later whereupon she said that if I had started my tour she wanted hers and that Margaret had told her to visit the engine room as other visitors had only seen the holds and the bridge deck and the engineering staff often felt left out.

JJ said that Sandy would need a couple of minutes to get things tidy and that in the meantime he was claiming a dance. He held out his hand while calling to Sandy that Anita wanted to visit the engine room and that if it was ok with him they would be down in a minute. I saw the engine room crew exchange glances as they went off with Sandy towards the stern of the ship. JJ asked Werner to replay the last piece of music as he escorted Anita onto the dance area. Youseph looked like he might be going to join in again but JJ gave a slight but stern shake of his head and he stopped at the edge of the area to watch. JJ was a big guy but he was a good dancer and he twirled and spun Anita much more assuredly and with greater ease and every time that he did all of us watching were treated to a fantastic view of Anita's stocking tops, the dress now swirling much higher with so many buttons undone. We didn't see her panties but I could see the straps of her suspenders much more clearly and I didn't recognise them. They appeared to be pale lemon, matching her dress and they had to be new so presumably she was wearing a completely new set of underwear bought for the occasion.

The clapping, cheering and whistling was even louder when the dance came to a close and everyone had been treated to a prolonged view of Anita's lovely smooth shapely legs and the erotic sight of the stockings topped by her bare thighs, and again Anita showed no signs of being aware why she was getting such a great reception. As the music ended JJ spun her in close and briefly held her tight, one hand just resting on the top of her bottom, pulling her in to him. It didn't last long but I could see the size of the bulge in his trousers and wondered if Anita had felt it pressing against her.

Anita was very flushed and giggly. She had a quick drink and said that it was now time for her to have her tour starting with the engine room. JJ said that was fine and suggested that I accompany them together with Werner but that everybody else should stay on deck as it would be a bit cramped getting down to the engine room. Youseph looked like he wanted to argue but said nothing as we set off along the deck towards the aft superstructure. JJ opened a metal door and we found ourselves on a small platform above a steep flight of metal steps. In fact they were so steep they were almost like a ladder. JJ pointed out that Anita was not ideally dressed for this and that they would have to be careful not to tear or get grease on her lovely dress. He said that he thought it would be best to give her legs a little more freedom to manage the stairs as there were several flights of them and as he was saying this he just bent down and unfastened another button. The dress was now unfastened to mid-thigh. The steps were quite dark but the platforms were well lit and I looked down to see that Sandy and one of his engineers were stood on the next platform down. JJ pointed out that Anita would need go down backwards and as she started to hesitantly descend the two guys below moved out of her way so as not to obstruct the platform. I couldn't help but be aware that JJ and Werner were smiling and exchanging glances and as I looked at them they nodded for me to look down. Sandy and his crew member had moved to stand under the steps and were trying not to be obvious about the fact that they were looking straight up my wife's dress. Who would have thought it would be the dour Sandy and an unknown stoker who would get first sight of Anita's new panties, the view must have been quite something.

Sandy looked very guilty when he saw me watching him but I just smiled and raised an eyebrow. For the next flight I went down first with Sandy and the stoker and said that I had just seen where we should stand to be out of the way. Sandy looked very disconcerted but nodded whilst the other guy gave me a big unashamed smile. We all looked up as Anita started to descend and as I had expected the view was lovely. We had a clear view straight up my wife's dress as she negotiated the steps. We could see the whole of the length of her tapered slim legs, the stocking tops and suspenders. The upper reaches were shadowy but the panties were clearly new. Like the suspender belt they were pale lemon and very sheer. The clearest view was of her beautifully rounded tight little bottom as the rear panel of the panties was transparent, the front was lacy but I couldn't see clearly. Sandy was easily old enough to be her father and yet I was excited that he had taken the opportunity to look up Anita's dress.

By the time we reached the engine room JJ and Werner had taken their turn to go down a ladder first to experience the same view. The engine room was cramped and hot and everyone down there had a chance to squeeze up against Anita without it being too obvious and it didn't take too long to exhaust the sightseeing opportunities. For the return journey the rest of the engine room crew had a chance to see my wife's charms at first hand and then everyone followed us back on deck.

Anita said that she had enjoyed that but what about the rest of the tour. JJ said in a moment but first let's get some fresh air and a drink and we walked back to the chairs. From somewhere JJ produced a bottle of champagne and said that it was a special occasion as it was Yousephs birthday. He poured a glass of champagne for the officers, for Berndt and for Anita and me and then we raised our glasses to Youseph. Right then Youseph now it is time for you to enjoy a Great British tradition and have the bumps, said JJ whilst looking straight at me.

I began to see where this was going....

Youseph said he had no idea what JJ was talking about, so JJ said that was ok and that he would show him. He then asked if anyone else had had a birthday recently. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow and so I said that it had been Anita's birthday only a few weeks before. JJ said that he didn't know how old Anita was but that she only looked about 21 so they would give her 21 bumps to show Youseph what it was all about. Anita shrieked 'oh no not again' but like before she was laughing while telling them not to be silly. The rest of the crew started whistling and cheering again as JJ and Werner took a wrist each, pulled my wife to her feet and marched her over to the carpeted dancing area. JJ called for some volunteers and several guys stepped forward and took hold of Anita's ankles as JJ and Werner pulled her backwards off her feet. Her dress fell open immediately, all the way up to the top of her thighs and as they heaved her skywards the first time it rose right up to her waist, only stopped by her belt from going even higher. Now not only the officers but virtually every man on that ship could see my wife exposed from the waist down. The panties were indeed a very flimsy lacy transparent yellow and her dark pubic mound was clearly visible. There were several men on each extremity by now and they bumped her very high and fast so that the dress had no chance to fall back down and cover her modesty and the watching crewmembers were making a lot of noise. Both they and Anita were getting very breathless so JJ called for a breather. Instead of lowering her to the ground they just held her spread-eagled just above it and I do mean spread-eagled. There were 2 men on each wrist and 2 or 3 trying to help on her ankles so they were really pulling her legs apart. Anita was completely breathless, I think she was trying to say no and stop but it sounded like she was laughing as well. She had had a lot to drink and everyone was shouting and cheering but with her dress bunched up at her waist and legs pulled so far apart she really did look very lewd but very vulnerable and I surprised myself by shouting' ok enough' as I stepped in and pulled her dress down

There were shouts of shame as I helped her to her feet and let the dress drop back into place and JJ gave me a pointed look as he said that he hoped that I wasn't planning on leaving before Anita had completed her full tour of the ship. I said that I thought things were becoming a little rowdy but that if Anita wanted to complete the tour we would. My wife was clearly disoriented, breathless, dizzy, drunk, probably more than a little excited and a little scared. She thanked me for rescuing her and said that if we gave her a minute and got her away from the noisy crowd of seamen then she would still like to see the rest of the ship before we left, particularly as I had seen the trophy room and she hadn't.

Jan the Captain had watched Anita being displayed as avidly as everyone else. However he now told the crew that the fun was over and that he wanted everything tidied away and cleared up after which they could have shore leave until the following morning. Then turning to Anita he said that she had put on quite a spectacle for his crew and that he felt that he had had to give them all shore leave so they could let off st

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Innocent Seduction

Sean Hall was the epitome of male beauty. He had the eyes of a Greek God, and the body to match. Girls practically fell over with their legs open when he walked by, and he seemed oblivious to it all. This led to many doubts as to his sexuality being on the hetero side of the spectrum. How could a young man in is early twenties be so oblivious to his own sexual power over women? It was one of the great mysteries of life that needed to be solved. I entered college as a sophomore and was blessed...

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Innocent Mom

Hi I'm Ian, 18 years old and always gagging for it. I never met my father as my mom fell in puppy love when she was 14 and had me soon after. Michael, my father soon disappeared and my mom along with my grandmother had to bring me up. Now my Grandmother's gone and my mom's a successful lawyer, having educated herself whilst bringing me up. Mom and I have always been close and have always been touchy feely and full of physical love for each other. I got hugged to school, hugs when she...

1 year ago
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Innocent Mom

Hi I'm Ian, 18 years old and always gagging for it. I never met my father as my mom fell in puppy love when she was 14 and had me soon after. Michael, my father soon disappeared and my mom along with my grandmother had to bring me up. Now my Grandmother’s gone and my mom’s a successful lawyer, having educated herself whilst bringing me up. Mom and I have always been close and have always been touchy feely and full of physical love for each other. I got hugged to school, hugs when she returned...

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Innocent Mother

Hi I'm Jane, 18 years old and always gagging for it. I never met my father as my mom fell in puppy love when she was 14 and had me soon after. Michael, my father soon disappeared and my mom along with my grandmother had to bring me up. Now my Grandmother's gone and my mom's a successful lawyer, having educated herself whilst bringing me up. - Mom and I have always been close and have always been touchy feely and full of physical love for each other. I got hugged to school, hugs when she...

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Innocent Mom

Hi I'm Ian, 18 years old and always gagging for it. I never met my father as my mom fell in puppy love when she was 14 and had me soon after. Michael, my father soon disappeared and my mom along with my grandmother had to bring me up. Now my Grandmother's gone and my mom's a successful lawyer, having educated herself whilst bringing me up. Mom and I have always been close and have always been touchy feely and full of physical love for each other. I got hugged to school, hugs when she returned...

1 year ago
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Innocent Sisterrsquos Indecent Request By Brother3

Please read my previous parts else you’ll miss a lot of jerks. Most of you got disappointed that Rakesh didn’t fuck his sister yet. But surprisingly he got lucky to fuck her mother in law first. Now his dick is expecting his sister’s pussy desperately. The next day morning, it was around 8am . he was still sleeping nude, next to him his sister’s MIL sleeping nude, both under same blanket. He saw other side of MIL, his sister was not there. MIL was sleeping like a whore who had came to him for...

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Innocent But Sexy Mom 8211 Part 1

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hi, I am a horny teen boy. I have a hot sexy mom who is innocent. She believes everything I tell her. I fantasize all perverse things with her, even while standing with her she doesn’t know. I will explain some of such events here. Once my friend was with me in my room. We were supposed to study. We were fooling around on his laptop watching some porn etc. He had a boner and wanted to jack off. I showed him the washroom. That’s...

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Innocent Sisters Indecent Request For Her Brother Part 3

Hi all, Raki again. Thanks for all your feedback. Please read my previous parts else you’ll miss a lot of jerks. Most of you got disappointed that Rakesh didn’t fuck his sister yet. But surprisingly he got lucky to fuck her mother in law first. Now his dick is expecting his sister’s pussy desperately.   The next day morning, it was around 8am . he was still sleeping nude, next to him his sister’s MIL sleeping nude, both under same blanket. He saw other side of MIL, his sister was not there. MIL...

1 year ago
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(Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf) Submitted to Sexstories: March 18, 2022 Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde ***** - CHAPTER 2: Revealed - After a few long minutes, Gabriella finally stepped down off the last step and began slowly walking in my direction, toward the couch. I was facing away from her, but I knew she could see that I was sitting up. She carefully walked around the corner and then stopped when she saw that my face was completely hidden against my...

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Innocent Boy To Sex Expert Transformation 8211 Pt 1 The Beginning

Hi friends. I am a 25-year-old guy working in an IT firm in Chennai. I was also born and brought up in Chennai. Prologue: This is an introductory brief, people who aren’t interested can jump to the story part below. From my 11th standard, I have been watching porn videos and used to masturbate but this ‘sex stories’ is something I am new to. Recently, I started reading these stories and became a fan of them. I am someone who has had around 8 sexual encounters in my life till now. So, I...

2 years ago
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Innocent Story Of A Son And A Mom On One Rainy Nig

It was August 22nd Monday Night around 9 P.M. It was raining heavily outside. This is my room, a bit small with one attached bathroom. I got it at very less rent because this area is a newly built area and there are very few houses around in this area. And my room is almost isolated as their are yet no houses constructed nearby room. There are just distant street lamps around and its completely dead silent during nights. But the Highway is just some 500 meters from where there you can find...

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Innocent And Pure Sex

Hi ! This is Anuj here 24 years old. This story that I am sharing happened a year back. I am from Bangalore. Doing my post-graduation. I am good looking guy, I love body building. I have 6 inch penis and its thick. This story is about a cute, innocent and pure sex-story between me and my girl-friend chuii. If you want to enjoy do keep yourself into characters place. First time I m sharing this forgive my mistakes, its long story so have some patience. I m basically from Bangalore and gal was...

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Innocent Girl Made Whore For A Night After Bleaching

Hello guys, this is my second story in ISS. I use ISS only to post my stories. My first story was in ‘Office/ Teacher’ section with title ‘Revenge of my HR’. Hope you liked it. This is my second encounter in my life which is as below: I am Sonu. 26 years guy, very fair and handsome. But always horny. I am working in Bangalore in an IT company. On one weekend, we friends planned to go to a pub. It was a long time that we didn’t go there. So wanted a nice night life to hang out as well as to get...

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Innocent Priya Ki Pehli Chudai

Hi friends, Myself Ram.Mai iss ka bhut bada fan hu aur kafi stories padhne ke baad,mujhe feel hua ki mujhe bhi apni aap biti aap sab ke sath share karni cahiye.Ye story meri aur mere neighbor priya ki hai jo ek innocent ,simple and sweet ladki hai jo mujhse kuch saal choti hi hai.Ye mera phla sexperience hai kisi virgin ke sath. Aapko priya ke baare me btata hu ek sweet innocent girl hai rang gora aur figure to aisa ki dekhte hi lauda khada ho jaye.Ab story pe aata hu priya mujhse bhut close...

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Innocent College Pussy 8211 Part 2

Hello, dear readers. This is Sonia again. This story is the continuation of ‘Innocent College Pussy.’ Rohitha came to my flat and was in the middle of confessing what had happened to her. Let’s continue with the story in her words. In Rohitha’s words: The next day, I went to college as usual but feared getting caught cheating in tests and sexcapades. When the class started, I wondered where is Sujeet, the asshole who blackmailed me. Since he was late, I thought he didn’t make it to the college...

2 years ago
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Alan smiled as he went with his parents to visit the Morgan's. The fact that he was already bored out of his skull was hidden under that well practiced smile. The only bright spot he had to look forward to was that his pious parents and the holier-than-thou Morgan's would fob him off into Clare's care.He liked Clare. She was smart, even if a little naïve. OK. Even if she was hellishly naïve. Her parents fault, of course. They controlled every aspect of her life, never giving her the slightest...

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Innocent Blood

Kara walked at her friend’s side through the Halloween Festival grounds, feeling as if the world was closing in on her. Never comfortable in any social situation, the vast number of people patronizing the fair made her feel anxious – on edge.Jamie let out a quiet moan at her side and said, “Look, there’s John. God, he’s so fucking hot.”Though she did instinctively follow Jamie’s gaze, the sight of the handsome, popular guy filled her with a combination of longing and despair, causing her to...

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Innocent maid

Hi everyone this is my first story.i am afooking from Bangalore age 20.this story is about me and my maid.her name is rani.age 18 stats 32d-30-34 height 5ft. Coming to story. this incident happened 2 years mom and dad hired a maid from take care of household my parents work in gulf and come once in a year. Coming to story i was in 11th when this incident happened my parents had provided me a computer.i used to watch lot of porn and masturbate in my room.once my maid...

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Innocent Little Girl Eats My Nasty Spunk

It was after my success at getting my daughters friend to eat my cum (see previous story) that I thought about the fact that I could get other girls to do the same, but I did also think that it could become a bit of a habit and probably wasn’t a good idea to keep doing it. This thought however, went straight out of the window at the first opportunity to repeat my little trick. It was on a weekend and I was at home with my wife and one of her friends was coming round. I had met this friend...

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Innocent Little Girl Eats My Nasty Spunk

It was after my success at getting my daughters friend to eat my cum (see previous story) that I thought about the fact that I could get other girls to do the same, but I did also think that it could become a bit of a habit and probably wasn’t a good idea to keep doing it. This thought however, went straight out of the window at the first opportunity to repeat my little trick. It was on a weekend and I was at home with my wife and one of her friends was coming round. I had met this friend...

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Innocent Cousin Zakia

Hi this is khan, am an engineer and am in holidays at my aunt’s place .I am 30. I was feeling extremely lonely, and the only thing that I could do to make myself feel better was watch a few porn DVDs that I had lying around and jerk off. I decided I would watch a new DVD called “Schoolgirl Sluts,” which featured a bunch of young girls in schoolgirl outfits getting fucked by guys with huge dicks. I was rubbing my cock, and it got to full attention as I watched a young Asian girl with pigtails...

2 years ago
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Innocent Girl Kept Against Her Will

INNOCENT GIRL KEPT AGAINST HER WILL: OR THE BIRTHDAY PRESENT A Work of Fiction by THE Traveller It rained like it was going to turn into a storm any moment. Rita Page sits on her comfy couch, lost in thought. She's neither readingthe Cosmopolitan in her hand, nor is she watching The Collector, which happensto be on tv. It happens to be that today is her husband's birthday. And Rita is cursingherself for not going shopping for a birhday present earlier this week.   Now in this weather, it...

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Cersei the Photo Shoot HOTWIFE

You've just finished kneeling in front of Charles, sucking and licking his monster cock while Jamie snapped pictures of you performing...but the thought in the back of your mind has always been about how this thick, long cock will feel in your're torn between thoughts of your own pleasure and being unfaithful to Jamie...he's told you time and time again, it's not being unfaithful, you've been given permission from him...but still...then you see Charles's cock again, standing rigid...

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How to Find a Bull for Your Hotwife

Want to find a bull who will make your cuckolding fantasies come true?Cuckolding couples might think it’s easy to find a guy who’s happy to sleep with a hotwife. While it’s true that many men will be into a cuckold arrangement in theory, making the right connection can be a bit trickier than it sounds. But no need to make things complicated.Before the Bull Hunting Begins Get clear on your cuckolding desires:Make sure both cuck and hotwife are on the same page before moving any closer...

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The Beginning of a Hotwife

Chapter 1 I'm a hotwife, always have been. What's a hotwife, you ask? Well, on my computer The Urban Dictionary defines it as: A married woman she has sexual relations with with other men, with the husbands approval. Usually while the husband watches or joins. Please don't blame me for the poor English of the definition, that's what's on their website. Also, I go a bit beyond their definition - I like women, too. So, I want to tell you how I got to be that way, how I became a...

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Innocent Asian Teen Turned Into A Slave Chapter 2

The next day, band practice was first thing in the morning. Liam saw Sophia standing around while most people were taking their seats. She seemed rather reluctant to sit down. Eventually, Sophia sat down slowly and hesitantly as if the chair were hot to the touch. Her ass still stung and felt like it was on fire. Some parts of it started to bruise. “I’ll make sure that I never disobey Liam’s orders from now on.” Sophia thought to herself. The sight of watching Sophia uncomfortably squirm in...

2 years ago
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Innocent Naive Yet Nasty Kinky Story About My Next Door Neighbor 01

Several years ago, my neighbor sold their place to this middle age couple. The husband was in his late forties while his wife was ten years younger. I was another five years her junior. Her husband always seemed to be busy and not around. I noticed them mainly because his wife, Jenny, as she was friendly and usually in her smiling mood. Let me illustrate a little more of her, so at least you have a visual imagination of what she is like. Would not say she got a pretty face but she was...

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Innocent Sins

This is a little different than my other stories but it was written with a little help from my own talented wife at the request of a persistent reader. You know who you are. Hope you enjoy. *** Have you ever loved someone so much that loving them nearly destroyed you? My name is Jake and I met my wife, Heather, in college. I know it sounds stereotypical, but I was the dumb jock, and she was the mousy brain. Our chemistry professor paired us together in lab, and I guess you could say we...

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Innocent Seduction Ch 01

She gasped as his lips moved down from her mouth, leaving a wet trail down her neck to her nipples. Her gasp turned into a moan as he took a nipple in his mouth, her fingers tracing patterns on his back. His hand came up to circle the other nipple while his mouth worked away and she involuntarily arched up against him. Her body was on fire and she craved more contact with his body, wanted to feel his skin, damp with sweat, slide across hers. She pushed up against him and he groaned as she...

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Innocent Naive Yet Nasty Kinky Story About My Next Door Neighbor 01

Introduction: How I managed to hit on my neighbors wife This is a rather nasty yet kinky story about my next door neighbor Several years ago, my neighbor sold their place to this middle age couple. The husband was in his late forties while his wife was ten years younger. I was another five years her junior. Her husband always seemed to be busy and not around. I noticed them mainly because his wife, Jenny, as she was friendly and usually in her smiling mood. Let me illustrate a little more of...

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Innocent Affair

Innocent AffairBy: Londebaaz ChohanIt was strange but still innocent. Ms. Alize and her teacher Mr. Austin Gibbs; always cracked goofy jokes and other such stuff, pushing the limits of the propriety whenever she came to help him. Mr. Gibbs was a teacher of Statistics at Langley High School and Alize was inspiring to be a teacher. She tried to do the finest job as an intern with him for the best learning possible. The most honest fact was that Alize was fucking her teacher or should it be said...

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Innocent Story of an Habitual Masturbator

Hello my name is Innocent and I am a habitual masturbator. I can't help myself. It seems that's all I want to do anymore. It all started at the early age of 14. I was bored one night and decided to get naked and explore my body. I let my hands roam over my budding tits and between my thighs. I took my index finger and traced the lips of my young twat. I did it slowly,I wanted to feel the sensation of a young man discovering pussy,for the fist time. So I closed my eyes,imagining a young teen...

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Innocent Mother Likes Big

Hello, friends, Today, I am going to tell you the real sex story of my mom who became a whore from an innocent mother. I am Viraj, 19-year-old and a 2nd year BSc student from a reputed college in Mumbai. We are North Indians, basically, I am from Kanpur but resides in Mumbai since several years. The local people usually call us bhaiya (in disrespect) as we are north Indians. My father is a businessman and run a medical shop in the nearby market. My dad is very dedicated towards his work and is...

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Innocentbycyber_pussy0119©The mountains, though beautiful, can be very lonely. Especially to an 18 year old girl. But this wasn't the case for Holly Franklin. She had grown up in the mountains, just her daddy, Jeff, and her. She loved them. Holly couldn't even imagine living anywhere else, although her father often told her, while they were sitting by the fire, that someday she would have to leave him and live her own life. She would always just smile and cuddle closer to her daddy, knowing she...

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Innocent Neighbor 8211 Part 1

This is a true story and still an ongoing one.. I live in Bangalore, 27m still unmarried running a business. Many girls came and moved on like passing clouds in my life. We have a 3 story house and the locality where I live is pretty cramped, it’s easy to jump on rooftops. The window in my room is adjacent to my neighbour’s kitchen. There was a new family in the neighbor’s building as the land lord usually rents it out. It all started few months back. I woke up in the morning went to the...

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Innocent Wife To Hard Whore

My name is Kiran I am 34 years having two kids the story I am narrating is about my lovely wife who is a heroine of this story her name is Ramya. So coming to the main story my wife who have a beautiful body with 34 26 34 will little chubby having fair complexion just looking like an south Indian heroine anybody who see her just imagine to share a bed with her. I always has a suspect of my wife character one fine day I found her mobile with her ex boy friend number in her call log I was very...

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Innocent Village Mother

Hi to all the ISS readers I am great fan of ISS since my 10th class that means from age 18 and now I want to tell you that I am not that much fluent in English please excuse me for my grammatical mistakes and thanks to ISS for their great journey. Now coming to story my name is Vijay I am from small village in Tamil nadu my mother’s name is Padma she is house wife with great boobs and mouth watering ass and do some small tailor works for ladies and my dad is farmer very busy with our...

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Innocent Wife Become Sex Slutty

Hi myself Vijay and I am a big fan ISS site and I am 25 years old man, 6 feet tall good gym toned body and a have a nice 10 inches long and 4 inches thick cock and this a true story of how I shared m wife and I have my own business of transport, my parents wanted me to get married and settle down with a nice girl. My parents found me a nice innocent village girl. My wife’s name is Asha, she is 5’5, big boobs and a round ass and was very fair and we got married and enjoyed a great sex life but...

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Innocent Housewife Chudi Golgappe Wale Se

Hi, my name is Sagar from Delhi. It is a story of a innocent housewife who is fucked by golgappe wala. housewife ka naam SHWETA hai…jo 30 saal ki innocent aur achi wife h..uska figure 38-28-36 hai….mein jab bhi uski chuchi dekhta hu toh lund khada ho jata h…unki ek shop thi jispe saara saaman milta tha…for ration….uske ghar mein aksar vo aur uski saas rehte the jo ki shop k ander tha..mera ghar uske ghar ke saamne h..jahaan pe dukaaan h uske saamne….hamare ghar k paas kuch bihari log ne room...

1 year ago
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Innocent sex with my aunt

I am Rajesh again from Garden city. I am 24 years old and unmarried . Here is my other story. Friends in my childhood I was very innocent and loved sex . You can treat me as a child who is inclined towards sex. I must have watched my father fucking my mom in my early days, and one day I copied him on pillow and enjoyed it. But I was very straight and simple in front of all the people. This is the incident happened when I went to my village in summer vacations. I was 13 years old and just...

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Innocent College Pussy 8211 Part 4

Hello, dear readers. This Sonia and Rohitha again. I hope you read the previous parts. By now, all the boys are reading this story with a swollen dick in their hands due to masturbation. All the girls are reading this story with a wet pussy. Without any delay, let’s get back into the story. Ravi and I were sitting in a restaurant after having a wonderful fuck session in my house. I liked Ravi and his cock strength. So, I broke the silence in no time by telling him that he will have to take...

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innocent housewife

It is already after 10 pm when Waltraud finally hears that the apartment door is unlocked. Relieved, she jumps up from the sofa and runs into the hall. "There you are at last, my darling," she calls and wraps her arms around her husband Stefan. "I was so worried because I couldn't reach you anywhere." At that moment Waltraud can smell the alcohol on her husband's breath. "Have you been drinking?" she asks in consternation and looks at him searchingly. Something extraordinary must have happened,...

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vacation with our exhibitionist wifes

My wife Karen and I won a vacation for 4 to Mexico and were going with our friends Kay and her husband Fats,who is real skinny.Kay has been a friend of ours for a few years,I have known her husband for about 5 years but really get along well with him even though hes 18 years younger.Kay and Karen are very much alike and get along well but do compete with each other.The girls are both exhibitionist,but my wife is more bold then Kay. Karen and I flew to LA and Kay and Fats drove. We...

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Shes finally a hotwife

First let me start by saying this really happened and was way better than any night I could have planned myself. I changed our names for obvious reasons. I'm the cuckold I'll call myself George. My wife will go by Ann. So Ann and I have been together in a very happy marriage since we were teenagers. I myself had only had sex with one person when we met and Ann was a proud virgin. I took me over two years before we had sex. Now we are in our mid thirties and have been together for...

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Chapter 1 8211 Shalini My First Hotwife

Hi, I am Ronny I live in the suburbs of Mumbai in Dombivli. I work for a BPO as a team leader in Airoli.I am 27 years old 6ft tall and I have decent cock fair and good in bed too.I don’t discriminate in age and skin tone of a woman. But I have turn on for mature women i.e; milfs. What is a bull you might be wondering. A bull is a wife’s lover, chosen to take over her husband’s sexual role in their marriage. The term “Bull” denotes his superior sexual prowess. A bull always seeks a hotwife and...

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Innocent Companionship

You’re laying on your back in nothing but a cute pair of panties with your supple breasts exposed. I’m on my knees staring down at your meek expression and gorgeous eyes. Our eyes lock, I see a look of cute innocence but also an overwhelming lust just waiting to be released. I bite my lip slightly at the sight of your soft, wet lips. You turn away with a flash of embarrassment, “stop staring at me like that, you’re making me blush.” You’re laying on your back in nothing but a cute pair of...

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14 ndash Dutiful Wifey

14 – Dutiful WifeyAfter my day’s adventures, I really felt that I should pay attention to my husband, Liam. I did love him even though I misbehaved from time to time. I wasn’t in the mood, mentally or physically, for sex, but I was going to play the role of a “good wifey”.I greeted my dear husband at the door when he got home from work with his favorite cocktail. Wearing his favorite sheer pink baby doll nightie and some low heels with fluffy pop-poms on the toes, he was favorably impressed, to...

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Reunion with my sexy wifee

So my wife is away with work at the minute and I have not seen her for over six weeks, as any of you who read this will know, it is driving me nuts and making me fucking horny!! As a result I have bought an outfit for her to wear when I see her next week and below is outlined how I hope the evening goes when we hook up. The question is should I send her my fantasy or not – everytime I try to send her stuff like this she just thinks I’m a perv, which I am especially when it comes to her. There...

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Innocent Emma

My degree in electronic engineering and my interest in making feature films led me to the idea of rigging up my home with surveillance equipment and filming the baby sitter. Or maybe I should say the dog sitter. I actually didn’t have a baby, nor a dog, for that matter. But what I did have was a calculating, and some might say, devious mind. I’d obtained my university degree and then been taken on as a graduate with a major player in the electronics industry. They were paying me a...

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