Re:Office Sex Fantasy free porn video

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M4F Office Sex Fantasy (50)

Me: 50 MWM, 6' 210, HWP, graying, balding, engineer, with the right tool to please and lots of stamina.

You: 35-55 MF, HWP or open/friendly personality, looking for extra NSA excitement in your life. 

The Fantasy: Come to my workplace at quitting time. Hopefully everyone will be gone. We go to an empty top (3rd) floor office with a desk, an armless office chair, and a wall of windows with a view. There are many role playing possibilities - Boss/Secretary, Office Slut, Exhibitionists. Use our imaginations for an hour of fantasy fulfillment.

Respond with pic and tell me why I should pick you. I am for real – today’s rain is clearing for a sunny tomorrow.


It was with great trepidation that I added the town where I work and hit the Post button. I had told my wife that I was going to try to have an affair. More than a year before, we had agreed that we should have an open marriage. She had dropped a couple of hints in her favorite online gaming room and had managed three dates with online friends since them.

As a woman on the Internet, she had her pick of a thousand guys. As a guy on the Internet, I was just one of those thousands. I couldn't even track down my own wife, much less garner someone else’s attention. I needed a new strategy to find a way for a woman to come to me.

I really didn't know what to expect. Like waiting for the pot to boil, I sat riveted in front of my monitor, eager for just one reply. I guess I really didn't know what to expect. After ten minutes with no replies, I got disgusted, and I shut the computer down for the night.

Although I was busy at work the next day, my mind kept thinking about the post. I was thinking that maybe it was too much. Maybe it wasn't specific enough. Maybe I was too truthful. Maybe I should just delete the damn thing and come up with a different plan. I thought of and rejected a bunch of adolescent schemes. In the end, I still had nothing. I did know I would go home, delete the post, and then think of something less lame to try.

My heart about stopped when I logged in at home and found I had more than three hundred replies. I thought, "Holy shit! I am a Sex God! Endless possibilities are mine!"

But then I realized I was wrong. A couple hundred of the replies were money scams. Apparently I can invest $450 in a system that will end my woman worries forever. For $95, I can add inches to my enjoyment. For only $35, I can become a real estate master. I deleted them.

There were too many replies from men who wanted to trade 'pics' of women. There were four replies from a guy who threatened to kill me if I touched his wife. No worries there, I quickly deleted those. A lot of replies were from women who could only be reached via buying into a Pay-to-Chat site. I deleted all of those, too.

In the end, I was still astounded to have nine replies from real women. I eliminated five of them for various reasons. None of them had a picture. One of them wrote in incomprehensible phrases. One was in Singapore. One wanted me to be her slave. I also eliminated two more. The pictures looked real, but the responses did not ring true and they didn't feel right.

I was sorely tempted by the second to last choice. It had an astounding set of photos. The reply read true, and matched with the pictures. But she was well below my posted age bracket. She was a good looking kid, although she probably wouldn't have made it as a model or actress. She wrote that she had a rough time in her teens, lost both her parents in a car wreck, had been raped by her state appointed guardian, and had run away. She had managed to get things back on track, had survived college, and was starting a career. She suggested that she would really enjoy playing Boss/Intern, Photographer/Model or Daddy/Daughter games. It would have been a dirty old man's dream come true. My wife would have castrated me when she found out.

There was something about the final choice that made me keep circling back to it. I realized that I could have waited, and more responses would have come in. I could have made myself crazy waiting for something that wouldn't happen, too. I had made up my mind to pick one of these responses, or delete the post and try something else. I kept returning to the final reply. I almost deleted it because it didn't have a picture. She did apologize for that, and besides, somehow she had me at "Please".


re: Office Sex Fantasy

Me: 43MWF, 5'7' mostly HWP, Wheat blonde this week, good career and all the right pieces in the right places.

You: Just what I need.

My Fantasy: We meet and go to the office. I explain how important your account is to the company, and how my boss has sent me to make sure we don't lose it. I am to do anything to keep the account. You tell me how another company has undersold us. Their pricing is about the same, but they provide better service. I am on the edge of tears as I explain how your account got lost in a shuffle of employees and how I am now your go-to contact. I will do anything to prove it.

I will give you my personal number so you can call me anytime for anything. You get a devilish look and dial my number. You command me to answer it. I answer it. You ask if I am willing to do anything. I say yes. You command me to remove my panties. Keeping my phone to my ear, my eyes locked on yours, I do as you command. You thank me and hang up.

I hang up and tell you that I am willing to do anything, but you better be ready for the consequences. I walk over and tuck the panties in your pocket, and then guide your hand up to where they came from. You explore the results of our actions, and we proceed to service each other's accounts.


I am sorry I didn't have a pic to attach. I answered your post from my cell and I don't have any in it.

Please, please me.



First, I typed up seven quick replies that said "Thanks for responding, not what I am looking for at this time." Then one reply that said "Thanks for responding, I was very intrigued, but not what I am looking for at this time." Then I sat and stared at my screen for twenty minutes as I worked up the courage to answer Anne's reply.

I know I was over-analyzing every word she typed. I liked how she mimicked my post in her reply. I could tell that she wanted me to take command. I could tell that she wanted to take charge. I could tell that she was ready to jump right in. Then I worried that she just was talking big. With no picture, maybe she wasn't as ready as I thought.

"Damn it!" I thought. "I haven't been this mixed up about a woman since before my wife and I started dating."

I finally decided to keep it short and simple. I wrote "Thank you for responding. I like the way you think! I would like to see this plan into action next Monday or Wednesday. Let me know how that works for you. I can be reached at this email, or on chat with the same user name, or on Skype with the same name."

I signed my name, and attached a g-rated picture of me at the gym. I am not a gym rat, but I felt that image was a more candid picture of the true me than any posed picture I have. Also, most of the pictures I have of me include my wife or one of the kids in them. Sending one of them would have been wrong.

It was getting late, so before I shut down for the night, I thought I would go delete the post. It had ten more responses of the type that wanted money, and then one more. I immediately recognized Anne's email.

"Crap," I thought. "This can only be bad. She is probably rescinding the offer and I just extended it further. Crap."

I clicked the link.

And then I smiled. It said simply "Someone just showed me how to take a ‘selfie’... I hope you like it."

Her picture showed a nice looking woman in a flowery top sitting in a booth at a coffee house. She had shoulder length blondish hair, and a friendly face. Her eyes were a darker shade of blue than I would have expected. I waited ten minutes to see if she would reply, and then I shut down and went to bed. If my wife noticed I was smiling, she didn't say anything.

The next day was fairly busy in the morning, and it was lunch time before I had time to sit at my computer. My IM account had a friend request from Anne. I accepted. Almost immediately, a chat window popped up.


Anne: Hello

Me: Hi!

Anne: I figure you're at work, but I wanted to say Hi.

Me: Thank you and no worries. I just sat down to lunch.

Anne: OK. Me too. Is it ok to chat now?

Me: Now is a good time. I can chat any time, but usually I am busy and often away from my desk.

Anne: OK. Can I ask you something?

Me: You just did! But yes, and I will even think before I answer.

Anne: What you wrote- can that really happen?

Me: Anything is possible... which part?

Anne: IDK... all of it? we could really do that?

Me: mostly yes what I mean is...

Me: I am usually the last one here at night...

Me: I can let you in...

Me: The company downsized a couple years ago, and the 3rd floor is basically empty...

Me: We could do anything we wanted up there

Anne: What if we get caught?

Me: It depends on who catches us... I think mostly I would get in trouble with my boss... but it would end there...
There was a long pause, and I don't know what else to tell her.
Anne: Are you really married?

Me: Yes, are you sure you want to know?

Anne: Yes. What if she finds out?

Me: More or less, she will know before it happens.

Anne: What does that mean?

Me: We have a mostly open marriage. As long as I tell her my plans, I am free to play.

Anne: Mostly Open?

Me: well... openly open, but she has had better luck finding dates. You would be my first.

Anne: How many has she had?

Anne: you dont have to answer that!

Me: LOL thanks... she has had a few in the last year, and she stays in touch with all of them

Anne: but you've never done anything with someone else?

Me: Not until you get here hehehehee... have you?

Me: you don't have to answer that LOL

Anne: thanks... but the answer is sort of...

Me: sort of? seems like a yes/no question

Anne: well... its a long story...

Me: do you want to share?

Anne: only if you promise me something...

Me: not to laugh?

Anne: OK, that too. You have to tell me why you posted.

Me: OK

Anne: OK. So, have you ever thought about swinging?

Me: uhh.. no? we don't live in Cali or Texas...

Anne: That doesn't matter, there are swingers everywhere.

Me: Even here?

Anne: yes

Me: I had no idea.

Anne: So my husband first suggested it...

Anne: and he said it wasn't that I didn't please him...

Anne: he said he was hoping it would add zest to our sex life.

Me: wow... is it good? did it work?

Anne: I guess I thought our sex life was fine...

Anne: I mean... we weren't doing it as often as we did before we had kids... but it was good

Anne: I guess I agreed because he looked so happy when he talked about it

Anne: and at first it was exciting... but we wanted to go slow, so we mostly watched...

Anne: and then played with each other while others watched... I liked that

Me: I don't know if I could do that..

Anne: It was naughty hot fun for me!

Me: Nice...

Anne: yes, nice. My husband wanted more.

Anne: this is the hard part for me...

Me: you don't have to share yet...

Anne: I know. But remember your promise

Anne: I don't understand him

Me: I can keep my promise and not make you do anything you are uncomfortable with...

Anne: He is really attracted to older women... I mean really old women... old enough to be his mother...

Me: I want us to have fun, not... uh... ok

Anne: I think I am ok with that.. yeah

Anne: He isn't creepy about it, and when he finds someone, they just have normal sex, not anything weird...

Anne: But... swinging is couples, right?

Me: If you say so.. yes

Anne: So if he hooks up with a woman, I am supposed to have sex with her husband?

Me: That doesn't sound like what you wanted... did you do it?

Anne: Once. It was awful. And it was worse when it was over...

Anne: The guy thought it was the best sex he had had in years and he wanted to do it again.

Me: So, you say "Sort of" when the answer is "Yes but I hated it".

Anne: I wouldn't say I hated it, but I wouldn't do it again... let me finish the story...

Me: OK, sorry

Anne: OK. So we went to a few more parties, and my husband met some other women, and I wouldn't play with their husbands.

Anne: My husband was upset that we weren't being asked to return parties, and he blamed me.

Anne: But then he found a couple of older women who would play on the side

Anne: I don't even think he realizes how seldom we have sex any more.

Anne: I read your post, and I thought about how he gets his kicks.

Anne: Just once, I want to do something for me.

Me: Wow and yes!

Anne: lol... my co-worker just heard me giggle, and gave me a look

Anne: so one more thing before you answer my promise

Me: Yes?

Anne: It that really you in the photo?

Me: yes... I work out 3-4 times a week... just enough to offset my cookies and soda habit

Anne: so it looks like you have a bit of chest hair

Me: More than a bit... is that ok?

Anne: how much more?

Me: well... I won't be mistaken for a bigfoot, but only barely... I'm sorry.. it is what it is...

Anne: I just should tell you... I was looking at the pic while we chat...

Anne: and I kind of have a thing for chest hair...

Anne: and I've waited 20 years for my husband to grow some...

Anne: and my head is full of naughty thoughts right now.


Me: I can't wait to please, please you!

Anne: Huh... I don't think my co-worker has ever seen me blush like this...

Anne: I should close my office door lol.

Anne: So... you promised...

Me: LOL... I don't want to get you in trouble with your boss...

Anne: Not a problem, really.

Me: OK. What do you do for a living?

Anne: Quit stalling! Real Estate.

Me: Not stalling... just wondering... something about "anything to keep the account"

Me: so...

Anne: yes?

Me: I have been married for 28 years, almost an eternity! lol

Me: We have had some good years, some bad years... we almost got divorced once...

Me: I think she was getting bored with me

Anne: So she wanted open marriage first?

Me: yes, but that is recent...

Me: The big thing happened about 10 years ago...

Me: She was bored... and so she enrolled us in a Couples Sexuality Coarse.

Anne: that sounds fun!

Me: Actually, it was

Anne: But...?

Me: It was at a very nice couples resort in Michigan, so a bit of a drive...

Me: We learned a lot... I guess she is a deer woman and I am a coyote man, so we are not compatible.

Me: I don't think that ever stopped us from having fun!

Me: The trouble started when we were learning about different touches...

Me: And the instructor woman asked me to be the guinea pig...

Me: And she asked me to massage her as she described various types of touch...

Me: And she declared me a Natural, and asked me to massage each of the other women there

Me: to show them what kind of touch they should be getting from their spouses...

Me: I have been using self taught massage on my wife for years...

Me: while all the other women were all "OMG", my wife says "whatever"

Me: I guess that bothered me

Anne: sometimes I think my husband thinks the same about me

Me: I'm sorry for you... it gets worse

Anne: I'm sorry. What happened?

Me: So, we stayed for the Advanced Sexuality Training

Anne: That can't be bad?

Me: No, it was good

Me: ...until the subject of G-spots came up.

Anne: I think that would go bad for me. I don't have one.

Me: No worries part of what we learned is that we are all different, and thats ok

Me: We learned how to find it if there is one... and how to approach it

Me: And I gave my wife the biggest wettest orgasm of her life!

Anne: Nice!

Me: And she hated it!

Anne: WHAT?

Me: She was embarrassed and flustered and she hated it and she hated me for doing it.

Anne: Wow.

Me: Yeah. She may have over-reacted... she packed up her stuff and left without me.

Anne: What did you do?

Me: I apologized a lot, and I rented a car, and drove home.

Me: She agreed, well, stated- that we wouldn't ever talk about it again, and life went on.

Anne: wow.

Me: but the worst part is...

Anne: how can it get worse?

Me: She was still bored... and any time I mention trying something new, she gets that look...

Me: like she thinks I am going to rape her and force her to cum like that...

Me: so we don't do anything new... and we mostly don't do anything sexual any more.

Me: and...

Anne: more?

Me: so she decided we could have an open marriage... and she has let a couple of guys seduce her

Me: and then the other day, I overheard her on the phone with one of her girl friends...

Me: bragging about how she learned all about her G-spot and her latest lover really makes her cum so hard

Me: and she loves it... apparently as long as its not me

Anne: so... I have to ask... are you planning on leaving her?

Me: actually no. In spite of all that, I still love her, and we have a good marriage outside of the lack of sex...

Anne: OK, just checking.

Me: no worries.... I hope I didn't share too much...

Anne: You might have... but... Monday is better for me than Wednesday

Me: OK.... really?

Anne: Yes! OK?

Me: YES!

Anne: Good! And on that note, I need to prep for a 1:30 appointment. Can we chat more later?

ME: Absolutely! I look forward to it!

Anne: OK. Bye for now.

Me: OK, Bye.


A couple of hours later, I realized I was quite hungry, and I noticed my uneaten lunch. I also realized that I had no idea what I had worked on all afternoon, but my work log showed that I had been very productive. My doodle pad only had a dozen number fours written and circled on it. There were four days until Monday.

"Four days 'until Monday," I thought. "I should write a song!"

Friday is an easy day for me. We only have a skeleton crew on the production floor, and I spend most of the day handling easy customer support questions. Anne was online at lunch time, but we only had a brief chat because her day was very busy.

All day Saturday, I regretted that I hadn't given her my phone number. I normally use Saturday to catch up with things at home, so I barely had time to breath between chores and honey-do lists and such. The wife and I went out with friends Saturday night and more than once I considered logging in to chat from my friend’s computer to see if Anne was online. It took a lot of willpower to stay away.

Sunday morning is my lazy morning and I slept in really late. During breakfast, I mentioned to my wife that I was planning on meeting a woman after work on Monday. She laughed it off and said that ogling girls at the gym does not count as meeting a woman. I just smiled and said okay.

She scowled back at me and demanded to know if I was hiring a hooker. She scoffed and said that women don't just show up at your work for a date unless you pay them to. I wondered for three seconds if she was righ, and if I was deluding myself. Happily, she said we were done talking about it and we enjoyed the rest of the day together.

Monday morning was as hectic as ever. A text from customer service woke me before the alarm clock and the onslaught never stopped. Until I got to work, I never noticed I had packed a gym bag and lunch, just like any other Monday. I took a deep breath and smiled.

"This was not going to be just another Monday!" I thought. 

The morning flew by at an agonizingly slow pace. I heard rumors that Sales and Management might be staying late to handle a problem in China. An quick e-mail solved that problem and my plan was back on track. Anne's day was as busy as mine and we only had a couple of minutes to chat.


Anne: Hi there!

Me: Hey! How are you today?

Anne: Really busy in a good way. Really nervous in a good way

Me: Me too and me too

Anne: Is everything OK?

Me: Yes!

Anne: Good. I just need one very important thing from you.

Me: Anything

Anne: I just feel funny having to ask.

Me: Ask and you shall receive...

Anne: Its just that I need an address to find you.

Me: DOH!


I gave her the address, cell number and other general information. Mostly things like my car color and which door to park near. I was hoping that I would make her feel more comfortable about where she was going so she could relax. She said her next appointment had arrived, said goodbye and logged off quickly.

I was more nervous after that chat than before. To make things worse, my work load dropped off after lunch and I had way too much time to think about all the mistakes I might have made. 

Suddenly it was 4:00 and production left for the day. In a blink it was 4:45 and everyone else was leaving. At 4:55, I took a quick stroll through the shop and then the offices to confirm I was the only one left in the building. I ended up in the second floor conference room that looks out over the parking lot. At 5:02 a nice car pulled in and parked next to mine.

She was far enough away that I could make out no details, but I could see that she turned off the car. She sat there for several minutes. I stood watching, silently begging her to get out of the car. At 5:06 she put her hand to the key, but then pulled it away. She made a fist on the steering wheel, leaned forward and bopped herself in the head. She reached for the key again, then snatched it out and opened the door. For a moment, I watched her walk toward the entrance. Then I hurried down stairs to meet her at the door.

She jumped a bit when I opened the door. She had been typing a text and I startled her. She smiled and said hi and then showed me her phone. She had been texting "I'm here" to me. We both laughed and gave each other a once over appraisal. 

She was taller than I expected, but then I saw how tall her heels were. Her hair was just like the picture she had sent. Her face was pleasant, open and honest. It looked like she used very little makeup. Her eye color was not as dark as the photo, yet they had a compelling shade that I just wanted to look into. She wore a simple light blue blouse and a flowing dark blue skirt. I could totally imagine her selling real estate.

"Care to come in?" I asked. I knew she had been checking me out as well.

"Yes," she answered, apparently satisfied with what she saw.

We crossed the lobby. I buzzed the security door open and held it for her. She stepped inside and then stopped to see where I would lead her. As the door closed, I stopped.

"May I do something very forward?" I was feeling very nervous, and I think she felt it too.

She answered, "Yes?" and I stepped forward and kissed her. 

It was a short gentle kiss, and I think I startled her. I stayed where I was, right up in her personal space.

"Thank you. I just want you to know, we can stop any time you ask. Anything that you don't like, anything that makes you uncomfortable, just say so. I am remarkably happy right now, and I want you to be too."

She put her hands on my chest and searched for something deep in my eyes. After a moment, she said, "Kiss me again, and I will believe you."

Who am I to deny a woman, so I kissed her again. The moment my lips touched hers, her lips parted and invited me to stay. I lingered long enough to thank her and to let her know I intended to do more than just kiss.

We separated briefly and she sighed.

"Kiss me like that again, and...." And I kissed her again.

I suppose I should have waited to hear what she was offering. Our lips knew and we tasted each others' hunger. Her arms encircled my neck and she lifted her body to mine. My hands slid around her body, one resting in the small of her back, the other cupping an ass cheek. She pressed forward against my growing erection.

She broke the kiss long enough to ask, "Here?"

My mind screamed "Yes here! And on the desk, and in the elevator, and upstairs, and..."

"No," I stammered, "we should probably move." I think she heard all of that. This time, she kissed me.

When that kiss eventually ended, she said, "Okay, give me the nickel tour. The quick nickel tour." 

Without letting go of her, I twirled her around and guided her into the office area. I pointed out the elevator, my office, the rest of engineering and the hall to the break room. I showed her the production floor as we headed to the north staircase.

On the second floor, we quickly walked past service, sales, management, and accounting. I briefly showed her the conference room and I teased her for sitting in her car. She teased me for watching. The south staircase leads back down to the break room, but we took it up to the empty third floor.

The first room at the top used to be a classroom. Most of the tables and all of the chairs have been re-purposed, so the room was mostly empty, with a couple of solid tables against the wall. One wall has a window that looks out over the parking lot, and the front wall has narrow windows over the street with a nice view of a park.

"A classroom, huh?" she purred. "Teach me something."

She pressed her ass back against me as she spoke. We had barely separated through the whole tour. She had walked in front of me, but my hand on her stomach had held her against me as I steered from behind. My cock had remained hard the entire time.

"Mmm, okay, take off your blouse."

She turned in my arms, her eyes seeking mine. She kissed me again, then leaned away a bit and started undoing buttons. She grinned and did a little hip wiggle. The way she was leaning back had thrust her hips forward, and she took the opportunity to tease both of us with my hardness. Her hands were much steadier than mine would have been on the buttons. Her blouse peeled open to reveal a lacy flesh tone bra and the tops of her nice full breasts. She slid the blouse off and tossed it onto a table, and then looked at me expectantly.

"What do you think is the largest sex organ of the human body?" I asked.

She glanced down between us and pressed her hips forward against my hardness, and said, "Well, I don't have one of those, but my answer is still... genitals."

"Wrong," I answered, and then provided, "skin."

My hands had been mostly at her waist, holding her close. As I spoke, I slid them up her body onto her bare skin. The touch I used was not so light as to tickle, not so firm as to relax. Her eyes closed and she gasped in pleasure. I turned her slightly and my right hand teased circles up and down her back while my left hand strafed across her stomach and ribs.

Her eyes slowly opened and with a lazy smile she mouthed the word 'skin'. She gasp again as I suddenly changed to a quick, no-nails scratch. Her breath was quickening, and she was really enjoying the briskness of this touch when I switched to a slow, almost no contact nail scratch. She whimpered, and her stomach pulled up tight, as I traced long slow lines on her body. I turned her to face me again, and my hands traced down into her panties on her ass.

She started panting as I scratched lines up her sides. She held her breath as my skilled fingers released the clasps on her bra while still seeming to trace down her spine. On the upstroke, I traced out to her sides again, and made sure the shoulder straps fell forward. On the down stroke, I was able to trace weaving wings across her spine, my fingertips unimpeded by cloth. She leaned forward and gently kissed my neck. Her hands pulled at the tails of my shirt to reach my stomach.

Suddenly, she lurched away from me.

"Skin!" she demanded and pulled my shirt up over my head.

She paused for a fraction of a second to stare at my chest, as my shirt and her bra hit the floor. Naked lust burning in her eyes. I had only a moment to take in the roundness of her breasts, each topped with a raised nipple demanding attention. I started to reach for one, to lift it and taste it, but she launched herself at me with a furiously demanding kiss. My hands raked up her side, and then teased down her spine, and she shuddered against me.

Her tongue met mine as she demanded more, and I raked up and down again. She ground her breasts against me and her kiss begged for more, and again I raked up her sides. My hands circled and plunged down her spine. She cried out into the kiss, but she kept demanding more as her body began to spasm in my arms. Three more times she cried out before she collapsed against my chest.

I held her close and gently caressed her as her ragged breathing slowed. After a minute, she quietly laughed and just above a whisper she said, "I told you I have a thing for chest hair. I swear it makes my nipples more sensitive." After a few more breaths, she added, "I had no idea I could have a Skin Orgasm."

It felt good to hold her and we both enjoyed the moment. Her hand was idly playing in the hair on my chest, and her fingertips were tracing the lines of muscle. She played along the pecs for a bit, then splayed her fingers up my sternum. She circled along the collar bone to my shoulder, then down my flank to trace my abs.

The third time she followed that route, her hand dipped lower, and she traced the outline of my cock where it tented my pants. She drew a ragged deep breath and growled, "School's out, fuck me now!"

There was a flurry of flying clothes as we both raced to be naked. She nearly fell as she kicked off her heels and she leaned against a wall to get her skirt and panties off. I was quicker and so I stepped over to her. With one hand on her ass, and the other full of breast, I trapped her against the wall in another hungry kiss. She had one hand behind my neck to pull me closer, and the other wrapped around my cock to pull me forward.

I lifted her leg and bent my knees and pressed forward. She guided me home and she cried out as I buried my cock inside her. She let me trap her body against the wall as she lifted both legs up and wrapped them around my hips. Her lustful cries got louder and louder as I thrust into her. She cried out in a long sustained cry of passion and her pussy clamped down on my cock. She pulled me close with her legs and she wouldn't let me move any more. I just held her as her body trembled, inside and out.

Again, as her breathing returned to normal, she started to laugh. She said, "Well... if anyone is here, they heard that. I didn't mean to be so loud."

"There's nobody here," I reassured her. I abruptly shucked her off and spun her in front of the window facing the parking lot. Our cars were still the only ones there.

She cried out, "No... I need you in me!"

She tried to turn back to face me, but I caught her hips and pressed my cock forward, entering her pussy from behind. She gasped, but lifted her ass and pressed back to take more of me inside.

Pushing her forward, I commanded, "Put your hands on the glass!" She complied, and I started thrusting again. My voice was edged with lust as I told her, "When I come in here tomorrow... I want to see your hand prints... there on the glass... my trophy... it will make me hard... remembering this!"

"Somebody will see us!" she cried out, as she thrust back at me to meet my driving cock.

"Let them. You liked being watched!" I pushed forward harder. "Put your breasts against the glass. More than the hand prints... no one will doubt..." As her nipples pressed up against the cool glass, she wailed out a keening cry and her body began to shiver and quake as another orgasm clamped down inside her. She pushed back to get off the glass, and I held her close with my cock still buried inside. The rush of her orgasm slowly faded, and she collapsed into the strength of my arms. I eased us down onto the hard carpeted floor. She lay back against me with a contented sigh.

"Do you know what the most sensitive sexual organ is?" I asked.

"More teaching?" she replied. "How can it not be the genitals?" she asked as she wiggled her butt gently and gasp the pleasure she caused.

"It’s the brain," I said. "Look how hard you came just because of my words about tomorrow and your desire to be seen"

"Desire, yes, but, there are people out there at that bus stop. They could see me!"

I lifted my head to look past her out the window. "They're too far away and the window is tinted."

"I swear the guy in the middle saw me and smiled. What else are you gonna teach me, Mister Smartypants?"

"I might have to teach you not to call me names," I said with a laugh. "I might have to punish you," I added and playfully swatted her butt.

"Some people like a little spanking," she flirted back, and wiggled her butt, and gasped again at the pleasure.

"There are better tortures than a little sweet pain," I said.

"Oh? Like what?"

"Mmmm... like this." I gently eased my cock out of her.

"Oh... give it back!"

"Not yet... I have to torture you first."

I eased out from behind her, and guided her onto her back. I spread my body over hers, not quite touching, and let my chest hairs tease her skin. She smiled her approval, and I slowly slid down. I could not stop myself from kissing her breasts and enjoying her nipples. But then I continued down, kissing her ribs, her stomach, and her hips.

Her eyes grew wide as I positioned myself between her legs. "How is that going be torture?"

"You'll see!" I grinned and then slowly licked her warm wet pussy from bottom to top. She jumped a bit as my tongue rasped over her clit, but she moaned her pleasure as I teased back and forth on its hood. She was purring as I used broad strokes up and down, teasing first on the left, then on the right. She giggled and squirmed as I used short jabs to tease her opening, and beneath her clit.

She gasped and moaned as I slid first one and then two fingers inside her. I continued the assault, sliding my finger out so I could lick broad circles at the base of her, then plunging them back in as I nibbled and licked up to her clit. The tempo increased and moisture poured from inside her and her clit hardened.

"Oh, fuck, there, baby, there, that’s it," she cried. I pulled my fingers out, and returned to slow broad licking strokes. "No! Don't stop!" she demanded. I gave her my best evil chuckle, and continued to slowly lick her up and down. She wiggled her butt, demanding attention, so I playfully swatted her.

"Please," she begged.

I relented, but it was too late to satisfy her. I pressed my tongue deeper, and slid my finger back in. She moaned her approval. I slowly sped up. Soon, I was plunging my fingers in and out, teasing her deep inside with every stroke. I was licking up and down and teasing my tongue across her clit. Her body was trembling with need. On the brink of orgasm, she cried out, "Don't you dare stop!"

"Like this?" I asked as I pulled away from her.

"Argh, No!" she growled and her hands flew to her pussy. My hands were faster and I caught her wrists before she could touch herself. We play wrestled for a moment and I ended up on top of her and holding her wrists above her head. She froze and went stiff as my cock pressed forward over the folds of her pussy. She tried desperately to roll her hips and demanded, "In me! In me. Please. Please!"

"Are you done calling me names?"

"What? Yes. Yes! Fuck me!"

"I don't know... you taste awfully good. I should go taste some more."

A momentary frown crossed her face, and suddenly she kissed me, deep and hard.

She whispered, "Please, fuck me!" and kissed me again. The kiss ended, and she licked her lips.

"Please," she repeated.

"Do you like how you taste?" I teased.

She blushed and looked away. "Yes," she barely spoke.

"Me too!"

I kissed my way back down her body and immediately plunged my tongue into her. She cried out and I added my fingers. My tongue circled around her clit and she exploded into her orgasm. Her pussy clamped down on my fingers, and I could barely move them inside her.

Her clit lay unprotected beneath my tongue, and I teased and nibbled and pressed it to prolong her pleasure. She slowly drifted back down to earth and I slowed my efforts, settling into a broad licking pattern, caressing her swollen folds. My hand turned, and I instinctively pressed my fingers up to tease where her g-spot should be.

"Ow stop!" she cried out in pain. I pulled away as quick as I could. "What the fuck was that!" she demanded.

"That was a brutal attack on your non-existent g-spot, and I am dreadfully sorry."

"I don't have one!"

"You said that, but I think you do."

"But we tried to find it once.."

"Well we just found it now. And much too directly, and I am sorry I hurt you."

"Well, it didn't exactly hurt. It was just too much... something. I'm sorry I yelled."

"That describes a g-spot exactly. A direct assault is too much something, mostly like pain. Do you trust me?"

"What do you mean?'

"Come try something with me. I think you will like it."

"Oh god. Okay. Just don't do that again."


I stood up and pulled her to her feet. She simultaneously kissed me and wrapped her hand around my still hard cock. It was slippery with her wetness as she stroked it. She broke off the kiss and licked my chin. "I was always afraid to taste this," she said, "and while I like the taste of a hard cock, I can't wait to taste your cock covered with me."

"Soon," I replied, "but I want to try this first." I pushed her back against one of the tables. Without her heels on, I had to lift her a bit so she could sit on the table. I gave her one last kiss, and then helped her lay back on the table. It was almost the right height for what I intended, maybe an inch or two too high.

I pulled her to me so that her butt was right on the edge of the table, and I eased my cock into her. Her face melted into a dreamy smile, and I started stroking long and slow and deep. I had to stand almost on tip toes to get the angle right.

"Lord, that feels good." she said. "I'll pay you a million dollars if you never stop! I hope that is what you wanted to show me." She arched her back and dug her heels into my butt to enhance the ride.

"Good is an understatement of how this feels. You know I plan to make you cum again soon." 

I picked up the pace a bit and she pulled harder with her heels. She used her eyes to direct my attention to her hands. She slid them up her own sides, and cupped her breasts. She rolled her nipples between thumb and finger, and a flood of heat washed through her pussy and around my cock.

I caught each of her legs and pulled her ankles up to my shoulders. She reached for my hands, and I gave them to her. She moaned her approval as she pulled to impale herself on my cock, and let the shock wave carry us apart. She was nearing her orgasm, and I lowered myself down onto flat feet.

"Oh fuck!" she shrieked, "What did you do!" She never let up on pulling me in.

"Just a little change of angle... to get my cock on your g-spot"

"I don't have... Oh, fuck, oh... Oh fuck... fuck me!"

Her pussy clamped down tighter than ever and I couldn't move my cock any more. A flood of molten cum washed out of her and spilled around my cock. Her body melted, and eased its grip on my cock. My cock slide in the slightest bit, hit her g-spot again, and she clenched up tight again. More heat flowed out of her, drenching my cock and balls. She melted again, and I slid in and set her off a third time.

I don't know if she was even able to breathe in her state of bliss. She started panting and gasping for air, and she writhed onto my cock again. Her eyes met mine, and then with an astonished look, she stared at our juncture.

"Still hard!" she moaned and writhed against me again.

I had been holding on for dear life. Suddenly her pussy shifted from clenching spasms to rippling delight, and it was all over for me. I was fully sheathed inside her, and she held so tight that I couldn't move, but the action inside of her pulled an orgasm from the tips of my toes through the base of my balls, and blasting into her. She cried out as loudly as I did as the heat flooded out of me and filled her up.

She pulled herself up to me and wrapped her legs around me and kissed me deeply as we both rode the waves of our completion. Only her embrace kept me from collapsing to the floor. We were aware of nothing beyond the sound of our breathing, the beating of our hearts, the heat of our skin, and the quiet chime of a cell phone.

The phone chimed again. She shuddered against me, pushing me away.

"Oh, no, I'm sorry, has it been more than an hour?"

"What? I... I don't know? Please don't ever ask me to think after cumming like that!"

The phone chimed a third time, and she scramble to get it.

"I'm sorry, but I set up a fail safe with a friend." She was typing as fast as she could as she spoke.

"I had no idea it would be like this. We joked around and figured 45 minutes max. If I didn't text her within an hour, she was supposed to text me, and I have to answer with the right responses." She reached for me, beckoning me to her. "Gods, I need to still be touching you, but I have to answer her!"

I moved to her and hugged her from behind. Her body shivered and she leaned back into me. She held up her phone and let me read over her shoulder.

K. Alpha Bravo

K. Alpha Bravo?

K. Alpha Bravo youre scaring me

Anne: Delta Echo, we were wrong about how long it would take... Oscar Madison!

K. what happened to codes? Really? OMG! Tell me!

Anne: Later!

K. Still? OMG!

Anne: Later!

K. Wait... B&T

Anne: Neo... Later! Bye!

K. OK soon!

She set the phone down and turned around in my arms and gently kissed me. I asked her, "Did you just tell her I am a grumpy old sports reporter?"

She laughed as she replied, "No. That was our code for a Real Man. Someone who we would want to fuck."

"As opposed to Felix...?"

"Someone light in the loafers, or maybe short between the legs?" She giggled as she said it.

"And the rest?"

"Bill and Ted... for Keanu... are you clueless Ted, crafty Eddie, evil Kevin, or mindmaster Neo."

"Okay, I only get two of those, but I'll take it. You have a lot to tell her, huh."

She had the grace to blush. It was very appealing. "Maybe. It’s complicated."

"You don't have to share everything... come on let’s get cleaned up."

I led her, both of us still naked, out of the classroom and to the rest room around the corner. She was pleased that I had planned ahead. It was just a basic office restroom, but I had brought a duffel bag with several towels and wash cloths. We continued to have a lot of touching, but we both mostly cleaned up our selves. We kissed quite a bit too. In between, she told me an interesting tale.

K. is Kathy. Kathy is an intern that she hired about six months ago. It was an interesting interview, she said, because Kathy more than once implied that she was looking for a mentor, and a mother, and a lover. She had hoped to find them in one person. Anne was not interested in being either of the latter two. Kathy is a very smart girl, who had survived some bad breaks, and she was working hard to overcome them. It was her drive that had led Anne to hire her.

I questioned that Anne was the one hiring, and she blushed. She owns her own agency, and she is the boss. I complimented her on her success. She continued saying that Kathy is a hard worker, and will probably own her own agency some day. It was in her role as mentor that they had become closer than Anne is with any of her agent employees. Kathy had dropped a couple of hints that they could get closer still, and Anne had politely declined. But their friendship had grown, and Kathy was aware of Anne's dissatisfaction at home.

Kathy had been the one to point out the post I had created. They had discussed it for hours, imagining the greatest pleasures, or maybe some wicked monster. In the end, Kathy said she was going to respond, and begged Anne to proofread her response before she sent it. After all of the possibilities that they had discussed, Anne was too worked up to pass up the opportunity. She said that neither of them had guessed it would go like it did, and she and I kissed for a long bit after that.

She said that she had always known that Kathy had led a rough life, but Kathy was afraid to be open about it. She thinks that Kathy was using her response as a way to open up to Anne. She was shocked by some of the things Kathy had revealed. She said she wondered what I thought about it when I read it, especially since I answered that I was intrigued. I said I remembered reading it, but I didn't think things would have gone as well with her, due to her age. Anne said they were both impressed that I had stuck to what I said I wanted. She still didn't believe I had picked her.

We had finished cleaning up, and had gone back to the classroom and dressed by then. I kissed her and told her that she had me at 'Please', and I was pleased that I had picked her, and there would be no other.

She kissed me back, and then asked, "Today was a better day for me to be here than Wednesday. But I think I can reschedule a massage appointment... Can we do it again then?"

Same as re:Office Sex Fantasy Videos

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My Date with Mr Fantasy

“On the other side of this door, I am in control, as we agreed. When you pass through the threshold of my sanctuary, you leave the world outside. You will be perfectly safe while in my home, of course. I only ask that you leave your inhibitions at the door, and trust me to give you what you want most.” He studied her face, looking for any hint of fear. “This is your last chance to change your mind, my dear. I need to know, do you still want me to give you this fantasy? If not, my driver can...

First Time
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Cynthias Nightmare Fantasy

CYNTHIA’S NIGHTMARE FANTASYThe sun set nearly an hour ago.  Cynthia pushed the button on the front of her computer and sat down.  For the most part Cynthia loved the solitude of her daily life, quiet simple days at the office, a few dates every now and then... not that she couldn’t make time for more attention.  It just seldom came her way, and she felt little need to pursue additional attentions.  Cynthia did little by way of night life, no bars or clubs... a movie now and then usually with...

3 years ago
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Hot Sexting With My Iss Reader Led To Real Sex

Hi, guys, this is Nayeem again and I am with my third story now! :) Those who know me can skip this part and for those who don’t know me! I’m Nayeem! I have a 7′ dick and am handsome(not kidding) :P and I maintain good fitness as I workout! Any girls/aunties/divorced want to have secret fun with me can mail me anytime!(anywhere in India! ;)) My mail id is: I guarantee you Full privacy and you must also guarantee me the same! Guess what!! This story is about a reader who emailed me after the...

1 year ago
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Sexting Forum

Hmm, SextingForum? Of course, I prefer the actual act, fucking and all that, but sexting can also be fun foreplay. Who knew that there is a forum chat designed just for that, and if you ever liked sexting, now is your chance to explore a wonderful world you might have never known existed. It is called, and while it mostly revolves around Snapchat sexting, it involves other types of that shit as well.I was honestly surprised to see that this forum site was more or less quite...

Porn Forums
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Another Fantasy

Michael and I decided to meet. It seemed our minds and secret inner desires were in the same place. I drove from the airport to the hotel and checked in. I was ahead of schedule, so I unpacked and took a shower. About an hour later, I walked over to the restaurant near the hotel we agreed to meet. I thought about all of the e-mails we wrote. Now if everything worked out as we hoped, we would finish the day having giving each other our first homosexual experience.I wondered if Michael would make...

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My Wifes Hidden Fantasy

My wife and I are in our early thirties. I’m pretty average, 5’ 8”, not bad looking, but no hunk. My wife, Anna, is pretty hot, 5’ 1”, 115 pounds, a killer ass and great legs. They look awesome in high heels, even though she doesn’t like to wear them. I’ll keep this story short and to the point, it’s about my wife’s long hidden fantasy and what it led us to. We met in our late teens and had always had really hot sex ... roll playing, dirty talk ... the whole bit, but still pretty normal stuff....

3 years ago
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Gf fantasys

We were talking about are fantasys one day and I was saying I'd still love you to fuck s guy u really want to, after ur uncle u were more ready to feel new cocks so u thought of jack from ur work and said u like him and want to taste and feel he's cock, so I told u to tease him and see what happens, then u told me u already have with a naughty giggle. u told me ud been sending him naughty pics of ur self dressed up asking if he like and playing with ur self telling him u wish it was he's cock...

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one of my fantasys

My wife is gema shes a 27 yr old slim blonde and very attractive and sexy, Im matt a 28 yr old average white guy , i have a small penis and cant satisfy her. From statements she has made and hints she has given I know she would like to have sex with abigg hung black man. I have tried to encourage her but she insists she doesn't need anyone but me.She has told me a doctor who is a black guy she works with has made playful sexual remarks to her and I know he would like to fuck her. I have met...

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The Double Date That Didnt EndChapter 5 The What If Fantasy

"What do you think they're talking about in there?" I asked. Shane didn't even hear me. He was sitting on the bed, staring off into space. Still naked from his recent shower with Tracy. I paced around the bedroom like an anxious kitten, unconsciously nibbling away at my manicure. Five minutes earlier, we'd all been groaning like wild animals, licking and sucking and kissing and coming one after the other in a haze of pleasure. We'd gone right up to the edge; done everything, except...

3 years ago
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My Fuckbuddys Bisexual fantasy

She promises me she's gonna make it a reality soon.. Not sure if that's good or bad...I'm naked on the bed on all fours. My cock is wet and aching from an hour long, orgasm-free blowjob, but now her friends are coming in. "Keep your head down and eyes closed till we're done. It's none of your business who's going to be taking your ass, until you're bisexual.""I am bisexual. We've shared cocks together.""No. You're a straight guy who likes sucking cock, but tonight that's gonna change. I've got...

2 years ago
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Sexy wife fantasy

I had always had a fantasy of seeing my wife with other men. I had been married before but I had always been to nervous to talk to her about my fantasies. About 2 years ago I met an amazing American girl who not only was small, cute and sexy but who was prepared to talk about everything. For a long while I enjoyed nothing more than the simple things: seeing her slip on a pair of her red lacy thongs in the morning, the sight of her breasts as she took off her bra. But the more comfortable I...

3 years ago
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Corvinos Defense of Homosexuality

Corvino's Defense of Homosexuality By Cal Y. Pygia Note: While it is true that not all transvestites are gay, many profess to be. In any case, this essay is likely to be of interest to many, regardless of their sexual orientation, and to members of the wider gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community, many of whom have gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or transgender friends themselves. In his essay, "Why Shouldn't Tommy and Jim Have Sex?," which appears in Contemporary Moral...

4 years ago
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==================================SHOE STORE SEXPERIENCE(s)The Rack It was a hot muggy cloudy Tuesday afternoon at the end of July. My Uncle was off golfing and the store was dead. Maybe 10 customers all day and here it was 3:00 O'clock and there had been no shoppers since lunch. Then "The Rack" walked in! She was a real cutie, about 10 years older than me but what stood out about her the most were her incredible boobs. They were firm and huge, but not so huge as to be droopy and ridiculous....

2 years ago
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My sexperience with a guy in bus8211II

Hai my dear issreaders, this is ur madan, the continue of my sexperience with a guy in a bus is now i tell u ””””On that night after getting sucked my 8″ dick by a gentleman in the bus, we went to his house and I was on lungee without drawer and banian, after dinner a while I along with that man slept on the bed on floor, after 15 mints his wife also came and sat on floor bed, she aws in a white saree and blouse without bra, petty coat, so that her beatiful baloon boobs with their erotic...

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Sexyaana Sithaalai Ookum Kothanaar

Naan oru engineer, oru katidathil velai paarthu varugiren. Ippozhuthu en sontha uurai vitu vitu thali vanthu irukiren aanal naan en kanaal paartha sexyaaga kaama anubavathai ungalidam pagira vanthu irukiren. Naan pothuvaaga kaama kathaigal niraiya padipen athanaal enaku en vaazhvil nadantha sila suvarasiyamaana anubavangalai ungalidam pagira pogiren. Naan velai paarkum idathil athigamaana aatkal velai parka maatargal 10 perku kuraivaagave velai paarpaargal. Athanaal naan eppozhuthum avargal...

4 years ago
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Mias Fantasy

Mia's fantasy. Her rape fantasy. Noah could never forget the night after they were married, just a few months ago. He'd held her in his arms after they'd made love. She'd snuggled up against him, softly kissed his muscled chest, and whispered words he'd never expected to hear in a million years. 'Noah…I have a confession to make. I've always fantasized about being…raped.' 'Sweetheart, are you serious?' The beautiful, slender blonde girl just nodded. 'Yes, Noah. I know it...

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Karas Fantasy

OK, I admit it. I have a real fascination for a woman’s ass. Not all asses, but nice pear-shaped ones. If I see a woman walk by, the first place I look is behind. Well, maybe not the first, if she is walking towards me, but I will make an extra effort to look back as she walks past me.First let me tell you a little about myself. I’m 51; about 5 foot 9 inches tall, 175 lbs, graying hair. I’ve been married to the most incredible woman in the world for 26 years. My wife is ready to try almost...

4 years ago
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I gave my husband his creampie fantasy

Sometime ago my husband (of 25 years) confessed his fantasy to me. He told me that he wanted to lick my pussy clean after he came in me. I was a little shocked, but I figured it was not the weirdest thing I had ever heard. So, we played around with the idea, but he always backed out when it came to the moment of truth. He would talk about licking my pussy full of his cum before and during sex, but the moment he came, he always lost interest. He would say something like; “I don’t want to...

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A cuckold fantasy

This was a wonderful feeling, an anticipation so keen italmost hurt. I'd done the adultfriendfinder thingon and off for years, with consistantly average results.I like roleplaying and fantasy and have always wanted tohook up with a couple that I clicked with and that wantedto try that too. But that takes some trust and chemistryif it's gonna be "blow your sox off and curl yourtoes" good. That doesn't happen much on adultweb sites. No, really! So, I was very happy (and surprised) to finally meet...

2 years ago
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A cuckold fantasy

This was a wonderful feeling, an anticipation so keen italmost hurt. I'd done the adultfriendfinder thingon and off for years, with consistantly average results.I like roleplaying and fantasy and have always wanted tohook up with a couple that I clicked with and that wantedto try that too. But that takes some trust and chemistryif it's gonna be "blow your sox off and curl yourtoes" good. That doesn't happen much on adultweb sites. No, really! So, I was very happy (and surprised) to finally meet...

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Husbands fantasy

I am a husband that has been married to the same woman whom I love very much for over 25 years.However, I like many husbands have this recurring fantasy to watch my wife being fucked by another man and to watch her climax with wild abandonment. There is nothing I can imagine as thrilling than to watch your wife being fucked by another man or men, unless however if that person happens to be a hung, Black or Hispanic.My wife is a very attractive woman 54 yrs young that stands 5’6″ with green...

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My 2nd time with a transexual Escort

It had been a year since Isabella had ripped my anal virginity from me (see my rough treatment story) and life had gone on as usual. I was still in a relationship with the same girl and had continued my usual routine of of work and weekend benders with my noisy mates. I may have outwardly appeared butch and masculine to my peers but my session with isabella had changed me and i found myself masturbating regularly over the memory of my domination at the hands of my transexual tormentor. I wasn't...

3 years ago
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Essex Girl

by Vanessa Evans Part 01 Okay, so I’m an Essex girl. I may be blonde and reasonable looking but I like to think that I’m not your stereo-type Essex girl. I’m slim, and have small breasts and I have a degree in Forensic Accounting. My name is Millie and after I left university I was lucky enough to get a good job with a big bank. It was in my home town, Loughton, as well; but after living in a hall of residence, then a shared house, I decided that I wasn’t going to move back in with my...

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Emma Watsonrsquos Fantasy

Emma and her boyfriend Greg were traveling a bit north for a quiet weekend together. Greg was driving a very nice sports car. There was barely enough room for luggage.“Emma! How long have we been together?” He asked.“Six months and three days. But who’s counting!” Emma answered with a big smile.“Are you enjoying our nights together? Is the sex good?” Greg asked.“Yes and Yes! After a few tries, you’ve made me enjoy sex more than I ever had. Why all the questions?” she said.“I have a two part...

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Exploring An Old Man Fantasy

While forty years old, I have always thought of myself as shy. By nature I am a sensible and cautious woman, but over the past few years I have developed a strong fantasy that has begun to consume me. This is the story of the first time that fantasy becoming a reality.Finding myself single a few years ago following a difficult break up, I had trouble sleeping. At night I would browse the Internet, initially reading news and current affair sites. After stumbling across a few porn sites and at...

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I guess this is pretty weird but for a long time I've had this fantasy about watching a big, black man come in my wife. When I'm making love to her I think about it.I finally told her. At least she didn't freak out. Finally admitting it made me feel better.Then one night when we were messing around in bed she asked me to tell her more about the fantasy. She was holding my penis, which she knows lowers my resistance. But I thought the fantasy was strange and I didn't want to tell her more. She...

2 years ago
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My Ultimate Fantasy

My Utimate Fantasy By The Princess My life had become mundane. At forty three I had achieved all that most men would ever want or need. I had sold my business interests and set up a self perpetuating investment portfolio that would last me for ever if need be. I was divorced and my adult children were independent and doing well on their own. I turned to thrill seeking adventures but there is only so much car racing and aeroplane flying one can do before...

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Sandras Fantasy

Sandra's FantasyBy Tappy McWidestance and SandraSynopsys: This story comes from a reader's fantasy about how a woman's secret desire to be dominated by a younger girl leads her on a submissive adventure.Editor's Note: This story is written from multiple points of view. I will list at the start of each section which character's POV is being used. As you might expect, we will start with Sandra, a 40-somthing divorced executive whose fantasy is the basis for this story. I would also like to...

1 year ago
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Group sex in Essex with my friends husband

'I baptize thee Virginia', and my best friend was adopted into the church, but as we grew-up, we became 'Hell's Angels', not the biker kind, the sexy kind.'Did you know my name Virginia, means Virgin', and she laughed, we both did, that meaning flew out the door on a nudist beach down south, with the sand, hot Sun, and dirty voyeuristic old men put paid to that theory, mind you, I suppose thirteen years is not bad.'Mum told me once, he used to get an erection, every time my name was mentioned',...

3 years ago
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Travesti Hidrocalida Sexo en Aguascalientes Mexico

Lo que les voy a relatar es 100% real y me ocurrio hace algunos años. Lo conocí en el Messenger de MSN, ya que él me agregó a sus contactos por un anuncio que puse aquí mismo, en Club Erótico. Fue el miércoles 11 de abril cuando coincidimos en línea y el lunes anterior, me había escrito por correo electrónico para ver a qué hora podíamos conectarnos para conocernos. Total que el miércoles coincidimos como a eso de la 9 p. m. y empezamos a platicar sobre nuestros gustos en la intimidad, así que...

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