Teacher's Pet, Chapter 5 free porn video

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It was about a month after the incident with Mr. Hernandez when Amy's next milestone materialized. It was mid-December, and everyone was in a flurry about the soon-to-come Christmas Break. Amy and her mother were sitting down one evening to dinner after she got home from work.

"Amy, dear, I have something I want to talk to you about," she started.

"What is it Mom?"

"Well, your Aunt Clara and I have been talking and she wants us to come visit her over Christmas Break. She says we can come for a visit and stay with her at her house. How would you like to spend Christmas vacation with Aunt Clara?"

Amy didn't think too much of the idea. Aunt Clara was a clean freak and Amy always thought Aunt Clara's house smelled of way too much pine oil and bleach. She kept all of her furniture covered in plastic, and Amy was afraid to touch anything. She was always afraid to get something dirty and she was never comfortable around her aunt. She loved her aunt, but to spend two weeks with her would be unbearable!

"Oh Mom! Do I really have to? I love Aunt Clara to death, you know that, but two weeks in that house would drive me crazy! You know she keeps it like a hospital and I am afraid to even breath there - not that I can since it stinks all the time with all the cleaning stuff she uses! Can't I just stay here at home? I did it when you went to see Grandma and everything was ok," Amy said.

"Well, I don't know. A week was one thing and I was only at Grandma's - she lives just a few hours away. I could have come home if there was a big emergency. But Aunt Clara lives a lot further away. We have to fly out to see her. It's a lot harder to get back here if I have to suddenly," she said.

"I'll be ok, Mom. Remember, I have the neighbors if I need something. Plus I am getting older, you know. Please can I stay here? Pleeease?" she said.

"What will I tell your Aunt Clara? She wanted to see how big you've gotten you know."

"Just tell her I have my friends here and we had already made plans for Christmas Break," Amy said.

"Ok. I will let you stay here. But I will be calling you while I'm gone just to check in and see that you are all right. I will go grocery shopping and stock up the fridge and cupboards. I know you can cook some, so I won't have to worry about that. Just don't eat everything in one sitting or you'll be hungry by the time I get back!" she said, laughing.

So it was settled, and the next day at school she made it a point to stop by Mr. Cramer's class after school to let him know the good news. She knocked softly on the door to his classroom and after being acknowledged, she came in. Mr. Cramer was sitting at his desk going over the day's classes.

"Sir, I wanted to tell you that my mom is going to visit my aunt over Christmas Break. My aunt lives in Wisconsin and she will be flying out on the 22nd and be gone the whole two weeks," she said.

"I see. And you are not going with her, I take it?"

"No, Sir. I was kinda hoping... um..."

"You was hoping to come stay with me for the two weeks," he said, matter-of-factly.

"Yes Sir," she said, looking down. She stood there in front of him fidgeting and fiddling with her fingers as she held her hands behind her back.

"Well I will think about it. We have a few days before school is out for Christmas Break and I will let you know," he said. His response caught Amy off guard - she was sure he would have been more excited about the idea of having his slut for two weeks of uninterrupted lustful indulgence and debauchery. Yet when she brought the news to his attention, he seemed strangely cool and detached. She left his classroom puzzled and a bit saddened. Had she somehow done something wrong? Had she displeased him in some way? Her thoughts raced as she rode the bus home that day.

That evening as they ate dinner, Mom noticed Amy was strangely quiet. She picked at her food and didn't say much about her day or anything else. Amy was usually a lot more chatty at mealtime, always eager to tell her Mom the latest news or gossip from school.

"Are you ok, honey?" Mom asked when she saw Amy lost in thought.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm ok Mom. Just thinking about something."

"What has you so distracted, sweetie?"

"Oh it's nothing, don't worry."

"Ok then. But if you need to talk, you know you can talk to me."

"I know Mom. Thanks," Amy said. She finished dinner, trying to pay more attention to what was going on around her.

She didn't see Mr. Cramer for the next couple of days. Finally the last day of school before Christmas break came, and as luck would have it, she had Mr. Cramer's class that afternoon. All morning long her mind was on his class and more importantly she wanted to ask him again about staying with him. But unlike most days when she was to see him, today she didn't feel the normal tingle in her pussy. She didn't get all flustered and her heart wasn't racing. In fact, she had the worst case of butterflies in her stomach that she could remember. She was unusually nervous and scared of his class today. She had went over everything she had said and done the last time she was with him at least a dozen times. And for the life of her, she couldn't imagine why he was so aloof and nonchalant when she approached him on staying with him over the break.

All that day she was torn - wanting to see him and yet dreading it at the same time. But time is relentless and before long she had to face her fears. She entered the classroom timidly, almost afraid to look at him. She took her seat without delay and prepared for class. At least it would be an hour before she had a chance to talk to him.

She paid attention to the class but stole glances several times at the clock over the classroom door. Sooner than she would have liked, the bell rang for the class to be dismissed and the other students began filing out on their way to their last class before leaving for the Christmas holiday break. Amy loitered a bit so she could talk to him. She went over what she wanted to say, how she wanted to apologize for whatever it was she had done wrong. She was fairly certain she wouldn't be spending the whole two weeks with Mr. Cramer like she wanted, but she was hoping for a visit or two during the two weeks off of school.

"Mr. Cramer... may I speak with you?" she said, apprehensively.

"Yes, Amy, I wanted to talk to you as well," he said. "You told me the other day that your mother would be going out of town for this next two weeks while you are on Christmas break. Is that still true?"

"Yes, Sir. She left this morning after I headed off to school."

"I see. You also were looking forward to coming to stay with me, apparently, during our two weeks off, were you not?"

"Yes, Sir. But..." Amy started.

"But?" he asked.

"Sir, did I do something wrong or disappoint you in some way?"

"No, why do you ask that?"

"Well, it's just the way you answered the other day... it sounded a little like you were angry with me. I thought when I told you my mom was going away for two weeks, you would be more excited about spending time with me. But you seemed... I don't know... like you weren't sure you wanted to," she said, scared of his next words.

"Come here," he said. Amy stepped towards him and he reached out grabbing her by the hair and pulling her roughly to him. He met her with a kiss - a deep, hard, passionate kiss that stole the breath away from her. He wrapped his other arm around her small waist and she melted into him. Their kiss lasted longer than any kiss she'd gotten from him before, and as far as she was concerned, it never had to end. But after long moments, he broke the kiss holding her chin up with one crooked finger and looked deep into Amy's eyes.

"Ahh my little slut, I am sorry if I made you think I was angry with you. I am not, nor have I ever been, angry with you. But you see, as your Sir, I cannot always seem as overly excitable as you - it is inappropriate for me to show such impulses. Such dramatic emotional outbursts are more a trait of a slut like yourself. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Now to answer the question I know is burning a hole through your heart right now... of course you can come stay with me. I wouldn't have it any other way!" he said, with a smile.

Amy couldn't hold back any longer, she broke down and began sobbing as his words sank into her tormented mind. "Oh Sir! I was so scared coming to class today! I thought you were mad at me! I thought that all the wonderful times we've had were over!" she blubbered.

"Well now you know better, little slut. So you'd better go wash your face and get off to your last class. After school, come back by here and I will take you home."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

Amy left Mr. Cramer's classroom in considerably better spirits than she entered with. She was elated and could hardly concentrate on her final class of the day. All she could think about was that in a mere hour's time, she would be with him for two whole weeks! Her imagination created scenario after erotic scenario of the possibilities the next two weeks could contain. Her wildest and most carnal fantasies came to mind in a whirlwind of sensual delights. So steamy and sexually-charged were her thoughts that she could feel her pussy getting wet. She crossed and uncrossed her legs several times, rubbing her silky smooth thighs together in an effort to somehow lessen her aroused state. It was a very uncomfortable and difficult class to get through - and to make matters worse, it was algebra, her worst subject!

At long last the final bell rang and Amy jumped to her feet, quickly gathering her books and turning in her paper as she rushed past the teacher's desk. This was one time she didn't want to loiter - in fact she wanted to be the first one out of the class! She rushed out of class and down the two flights of stairs to get to her locker. Tossing her books in and getting her jacket and backpack out, she slammed her locker shut, giving the dial a quick spin and headed back to Mr. Cramer's class as quickly as she could navigate the crowded hallways. There were over 1,000 other kids, all trying to get out of school and get on with their vacation as quick as they could too, and Amy had to get clear across the quite large school and up one floor!

But she got to Mr. Cramer's biology classroom as quickly as she could and found him still grading papers when she arrived. Seeing he was busy, she quietly took a seat at the desk she normally sat at - front row and center of the classroom, where she could watch him as she did most other school days. She had picked this desk the first day of school and had to fend off more than a couple other girls who wanted a good view of Mr. Cramer to keep it! He finished up grading the papers and then he and Amy left for her home to get some clothes and things

They went to Amy's house and she packed some of her clothes and her makeup. She also put a few things she had purchased since they had been seeing each other... a sheer red babydoll negligee and a couple other sexy things she couldn't wait to show him. When she finished packing her overnight bag, they left heading to Mr. Cramer's house.

They arrived at his house and just like her last visit, she was left to unpack her clothes in the spare bedroom and afterward she came down to the living room where he was waiting for her.

"Come here slut," he said, as she entered the living room. She came over and he pulled her into his lap. She sat there in his chair straddling his legs with her arms wrapped around his neck. She smiled broadly as she looked at this man that had done so much for her.

"So now that I have you here alone, slut, whatever will I do with you? What should we do with this time we have together?" he said. As he spoke his finger traced the edge of her blouse's neckline down to the first button. A quick twist and the button popped open causing Amy to let out a little gasp. He smiled at her surprise and his finger continued down her front until he reached the front hook of her bra. He hooked his finger under the clasp and then looked at her.

"Please..." she whispered as their eyes locked.

"Please what, slut? What do you want? Tell me... tell me what you want, slut."

"Please Sir... use your slut. Fuck your slut's horny pussy and cum in her whore mouth... please Sir, take your pleasure in your filthy, dirty slut".

"I see you are learning to use your words. I am pleased. A good slut not only pleases with her body, but shows her appreciation for being used with her words".

"Thank you Sir," Amy said, smiling broadly. Knowing she pleased him made her heart fly, and she swelled with pride.

"Now go over to the top drawer under the big screen TV and open it," he said. Curious, Amy started to move towards the TV.

"Stop. Now come back her and crawl to the TV. And do it like a slut should," he told her.

She got down on her hands and knees with her ass facing him. She hiked up her short skirt, thankful that she hadn't worn panties that day (she rarely did these days unless there was a reason) and looked back over her shoulder at him, smiling seductively. She began slowly crawling towards the TV wiggling her naked ass as she did. She accentuated her hips teasing him with her tight ass and even spreading her legs a couple times to show him her pussy.

She reached the TV and opened the top drawer as he had told her. She looked inside and saw an assortment of dildos vibrators and other sex toys. She turned to look back at him smiling shyly. "Um... Sir?" she said, trying hard to stifle a giggle.

"Pick one and bring it back to me like a puppy would."

Amy sat there for a moment, her finger in her mouth pensively, trying to decide which toy she wanted. She wanted to pick something that would please him... something that would challenge her. She knew that he loved to tease her and drive her crazy so she picked a toy that looked like it could do that very thing. She could feel her pussy getting wet just at the idea of what the toy would be doing to her. Amy put the dildo in her mouth like a dog would carry a bone, shut the drawer, and crawled slowly back to him with it.

Amy got back to Mr. Cramer's seat and dropped the dildo "bone" into his hand sitting back on her heels afterwards. "Remove your blouse and your bra," he commanded. Amy immediately unfastened the last two buttons and took off the items requested. Now topless and clad only in her short skirt, stockings and heels, she waited for his next command.

"Now then. I think we will start our time together with a little show. You are going to put on a little show for me to show me how happy you are to be here. You ARE happy to be here aren't you?" he asked.

"Oh yes, Sir!" Amy said quickly, "I am very happy here, I always am. I am happier here with you than anyplace else, Sir."

"I'm glad to hear that. Then you won't mind performing for me."

"I would be happy to perform for you, Sir. What would you like me to do?" Amy asked.

He got up from his chair and took a cushion off the sofa, tossing it onto the floor behind her. "Lie back. I want to watch you finger yourself. I want you to finger yourself until you are just about to cum. When you are ready to cum, you must ask me before you do, understand?

"Oh yes, Sir!" Amy said, smiling broadly. Mr. Cramer didn't know it at the time, but Amy often fantasized about this very scenario when she was in bed at home. And her fantasies always produced the most wonderful orgasms. But this, however, was not a fantasy - she was actually here on the floor in front of him, half-naked, and being told to masturbate while he watched!

She lay back on the cushion, hiked her skirt up above her waist and spread her legs for him. She started her show by first playing with her tits, tracing circles around the aerolae and pinching and pulling her stiffening nipples. She dug her red-tipped fingers into the soft, pliable flesh and hefted the globes as she began to get herself aroused. Amy loved playing with her tits and she was pretty well endowed, being granted 34C size playthings. She was bigger than most of the girls her age, and a definite plus when you are a sex-crazed nymphomaniac! Her thick, crinkled nipples were also extremely sensitive and they seemed to be hard-wired to her brain. Sometimes if she wasn't wearing a bra that day, just the breeze moving the fabric of her blouse across them would be enough to soak her pussy!

He sat there watching her fondle her tits, studying her intently as she became more and more impassioned. Amy had kept one hand busily mauling her tit, but the other hand began slowly drifting south, towards her smoldering pussy. She knew even in her heightened state not to rush things, so she began tracing her finger around her outer lips brushing very lightly over her clit as it swelled as if reaching up for more. Her pussy lips now thick and engorged with lust, opened slightly like the petals of a flower and he could see the glistening of her juices as they seeped out.

Amy licked her ruby lips and sighed audibly as her fingers played between her splayed legs. She rubbed her fingertips over her clit and the bolt of electricity that shot up her spine caused her to arch her back and her legs involuntarily opened still wider.

"Oooh," Amy cooed softly.

"Is that filthy little pussy wet, slut?"

"Oh yes, Sir... very wet."

"Pull it open and let me see. Open that tight little pussy and show me how wet you are," he commanded. Amy pulled her pussy lips apart and showed him her wet, pink, interior.

"Yes, you are wet, slut. Good, very good."

"Sir, may I... go inside? Please?" she moaned.

"Very well, slide two fingers inside and fingerfuck yourself. But remember not to cum, or there will be hell to pay!" he warned.

"Yes Sir," Amy said. Amy slipped her two middle fingers into her warm wet hole, parting them a bit to sit on either side of her swollen clit. She began sliding them in and out while rubbing them over her sensitive button. The results were exactly what he wanted too - she began moaning louder and writhing on the floor as her passion-fire flared growing from the small flickering fire before into a now-raging inferno.

"Ohhh God, Sir!" Amy whimpered. She knew he could hear the wet squishing of her fingers as they plunged in and out of her dripping pussy. She knew that he could sense how hot she was getting and how she was quickly losing the ability to control her passions. But that's just where he wanted her... on the edge of insanity, balancing precariously between obedience and her own need to plunge over the edge of her orgasm. He wanted her mind to be torn between following her body's craving and her heart's desire to please him. It was only in this duality that he could truly test her. So he watched with great interest as the girl before him slowly lost her senses and descended into madness. A lust-driven, depraved madness where the only thing that mattered was an urgent and insatiable need to cum.

"Please, Sir! Oh God, please may I cum! Ohhh, I need to cum... please I need to cuuuum!" Amy cried as she bucked and twisted on the floor like a woman possessed. She continued savagely plunging her fingers into her desperate pussy trying to reach the point of no return, where there was no way to stop her orgasm even if she wanted to. But he wasn't going to allow her to reach that point.

"Stop!" he commanded. And with a bitter groan, Amy despairingly removed her slickened hand from her pussy. But Mr. Cramer wasn't quite done with her yet. He slid out of his chair and came over to her panting young girl, taking her wet fingers and sucking her sweet nectar from them. Amy moaned again, almost cumming just from the sheer eroticism of his actions. He reached down between her legs and wet his own fingers in her pussy, then brought them to her lips to share in her sweetness.

Amy licked her juices off his fingers and then he lowered his head to give his sweet slut a long, passionate kiss. Amy's lips parted and his tongue found hers to play together between their locked mouths. As he kissed her, his hand found it's way to her sweat-dampened tit, squeezing the soft flesh and twisting her hard nipple. Amy moaned into his mouth and pulled him down on top of her. Amy wrapped her legs around his waist wanting to feel him between her legs.

"Oh please, Sir, please fuck me... fuck me right now!" Amy begged.

"My sweet sexy slut, we have time for that later. Right now we should get ready for dinner. After dinner we can see about... dessert!" he said kissing her again and giving her tit a final squeeze.

Amy knew it was going to be a wild, sexy Christmas vacation!

The above story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over sixteen (16) years of age.

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Pete Repete And SnookieChapter 4 Petes Plan

The next day was a hot, lazy Saturday. Pete and I ended up in one of our favorite spots, sitting in a tree. Yeah, I said in the tree. There were several Japanese plum trees, some call them loquats, in our neighborhood that didn't seem to belong to anybody. It was not unusual to find kids in those trees helping themselves to the succulent fruit. Pete and I liked them so much that one of them had become almost like a clubhouse for us. We would sit in the cool canopy of the branches, filling...

3 years ago
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A Man and His PetsChapter 16 Melissa Becomes the Horniest Pet

Melissa hung her head and followed Jim out the Kennel door. "Sir, did I do something wrong?" Jim abruptly stopped, turned, and grabbed Melissa's upper arm. Spinning her around, he administered three firm swats to her ass. "Have you forgotten the rules already?" "No, Sir." She sobbed. "Then try that comment again." He ordered. Melissa was a quick learner. "Sir, may I ask you a question?" "That's much better, pet. Yes, you may." Jim smiled at her as she rubbed her...

2 years ago
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Teachers Pet Chp 1

Introduction: This is my first story online. Hope you all like it. Any future ideas will be taken into consideration. Sighing I stand up from my desk, it was the new school year. I had been stumbling from class to class. It was finally the end of the day, and I had one more class. Then I could go home. My last class was with a new teacher, who happened to be an English teacher and my older brother. I walk in and he is leaned against his desk. Nobody else is in the room, his head is down looking...

2 years ago
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Teachers Subterfuge Chapter 2

It was pure chance for Emma, Lily, and Lizzie, or, rather, bad luck for the teachers, Miss Brent, Miss Carson, and Miss Logan.It was Sunday at the boarding school, and everyone was more laid-back than during the week. Mrs Jasper, the headmistress, was out for the day which allowed the atmosphere to be even more relaxed than usual. However, the girls still had to wear their school dresses of a short-sleeved green check gingham dress, a white belt, and ankle socks.It was mid-afternoon and Emma,...

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Training of Shauna the Pet

WARNING!  THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION.   IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE.   DELETE NOW IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO VIEW THIS TYPE OF MATERIAL.The Author does not condone any of these actions, this is fantasy, make believe, ya know day dreaming. COPYRIGHT 2006:  This story is copyrighted by the author, Stillbehindblueeyes. I?d love to hear from you Stillbehindblueeyes (at) yahoo (dot) comIf you post this story else ware please let me know and give me access to it....

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Teachers Pet 20

I managed to concentrate on the subject enough to get through the class. I packed up quickly and hurried out with the crowd but was caught when Mrs. Stanton said "Mr. Walker, please stay for a moment." I waited until the door closed after the last student and then looked at her. She quietly said, "Albert, when I got home last night, I realized that I had left an incriminating piece of evidence here in the room. However when I got here this morning, I couldn't find it. Do you know...

3 years ago
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Teachers Pet

Introduction: Hi guys! Im pretty sure the last time I posted anything was around two years ago, so I am sorry for leaving for that long! Just got caught up in real life, but Ive been rediscovering my love of this kind of writing.Simple thing, if you dont like it then dont read it, no one has a gun to your head. Hope you enjoy, or at least get off ,) Its a weird feeling to sit in an empty classroom, especially a history class. I looked around at all the walls, the World War Two propaganda...

2 years ago
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My new pet

There was quite some tension in the house initially but after a couple of weeks a sort of calm descended and I began training my new pet in earnest. Coming home from work rather later than planned I decided to embark on a training session with my new pet anyway. I went into the room where all three pets slept and softly went up to my newest pet who was still sleeping. I gently stroked her back and tickled her around her ear. Pet's big brown eyes flickered open and as she rolled on her back...

1 year ago
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Teachers Subterfuge Chapter 1

The three teachers knew they had their own reasons for sending the three upper sixth formers to the headmistress.Miss Brent was the thirty-seven-year-old form teacher. Miss Carson and Miss Logan were both twenty-eight-years-old and were teachers of biology and history respectively. They all wore the same outfits of white short sleeved blouses and dark blue skirts. It was summer and they had bare legs, and dark blue high-heeled toeless shoes.The sixth form girls boarding school was always fully...

4 years ago
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Bedroom Pet Part 2

Written by Cerberus Edited by Droid447 and Silverman. Chapter 1 Monica sat in her office staring at her computer. Any one looking at her would think she was hard at work….but that was the furthest thing from the truth. She was thinking about her owner back at her house. How much she loved it, how much she wanted to be with it. For the last month, her, Sandra and Jenny had been spending almost every night with the bug, their Master. Getting to know him better, letting him get to know...

2 years ago
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A Most Favoured Pet

Please note, the following is a heavily fantasised, entirely fictional depiction of a sub/dom relationship. It does not truly reflect/depict a real life healthy sub/dom relationship and so therefor there are certain themes of abuse which should/would never be acceptable in a real world setting between a true sub and a true dom.With that in mind, please enjoy the following fictional story for what it's worth, and let me know your thoughts on it in the comments below.Happy...

3 years ago
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Becoming a Pet An Innocent Start

Introduction: Straight girl is seduced by a sexy, black woman. Becoming a Pet: An Innocent Start Note: This story is dedicated to Jamie who requested this perverse tale. Jamie you are one naughty deviant. Note 2: And thanks to Estragon for his dedicated copy editing. Becoming a Pet: An Innocent Start Ever look back on your life and try to pinpoint exactly when your life changed? It is almost never anything dramatic, but usually a decision that is out of character with what you thought your...

3 years ago
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I am addicted to the erotic elegance of his pain, specifically when he offers it to me so willingly.  If someone had told me a few years ago that I’d draw such immense pleasure from inflicting pain onto another, I’d have questioned their sanity.  I’m the same person who feels a little remorseful after swatting a fly with a rolled-up newspaper; yet I have no qualms whatsoever about tormenting my Pet’s body with my hands, teeth, fingernails or any implement I can get a hold of.   It never ceases...

3 years ago
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The Pet part 1 Arrival

She wakes with a start. Her eyes roam and her memory returns. She is in the bath, and must have dozed off in the warm embrace of the water. Looking across the room to the clock, she gasps; it's late! Half-standing up, she sits down on the side of the bath, shivering slightly at the tub's cool edge. Reaching over, she picks up her razor and cream. Squeezing some gel into her hand, she begins to rub her hands together, working the gel into a creamy white lather. The girl reaches down and...

2 years ago
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Juicy Jessy at Poets Petra n Peter 2

Juicy Jessy meets Pretty Petra at Professor Poet Peter, her great grandfather, who learned her all in loveJuicy Jessy meets Poet Peter's meat, which is her right, as soon she discovers the truth about her f(a)milyPrincess Pretty Petra 'en Profil' at her 18th birthday: https://nl.xhamster.com/photos/gallery/3350284/55852955----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Poet Peter has only one...

3 years ago
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MindControl Panties Story 15 Becoming a Submissive Teacher Pet

Story Fifteen: Becoming a Submissive Teacher Pet By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure trembled as it stroked the last pair of mind-controlled panties it had made. The fun of this game was exquisite. It savored shaping young girls' minds into its sluts. Turning good girls into whores, bad girls into virgins, and a whole host of other naughty designs. But too much of a good thing was bad. It needed to move on to new amusements. The figure...

2 years ago
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Daddys Little Pet Part 1 Slut Puppy editio

You wake up your very own dog bed, on the bedroom floor next to daddy's own double bed. You're naked, apart from your tagged little collar with your name tag on it, and you're wearing a decent size plug in your tight little ass.. A plug with a long, fur tail on it... You've been sleeping well. Having some wet dreams... The room is hot enough that you can sleep comfortably naked, just like daddy does on the bed. You can feel the sticky wetness on your fingers, and you know you've touched...

1 year ago
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I Am Pet

There is only darkness. I am immersed in it, surrounded by a deep and enveloping blackness that is unbroken by even the slightest sliver of light. I can hear no sounds, not that I expect to. Our basement Sanctum is completely soundproofed. Master has ensured that no one on the outside would ever be able to hear my screams.‘Silent! I need to be silent.’ I remind myself as thoughts both fearful and erotic flash through my mind. I want desperately for my fear to escape through my whimpers, but I...

1 year ago
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Becoming a Submissive Teacher Pet

The figure trembled as it stroked the last pair of mind-controlled panties it had made. The fun of this game was exquisite. It savored shaping young girls’ minds into its sluts. Turning good girls into whores, bad girls into virgins, and a whole host of other naughty designs. But too much of a good thing was bad. It needed to move on to new amusements. The figure slipped unnoticed through the department store. It had been in one of these places many times. It knew through its...

1 year ago
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My First Pet A Gentle Nudge

This is continued from my previous stories, and is about next day with my pet. Again any and all comments are welcome, and I hope you enjoy. I woke the next morning, the memoriesof yesterday still fresh in my mind, as I lay still, holding my pet close to me and wishing I’d never have to let her go. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was about time to get up. I reached over turning the alarm off and went back to holding my pet until it was time for the alarm to have gone off. I gently leaned over...

1 year ago
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My First Pet A Gentle Nudge

This is continued from my previous stories, and is about next day with my pet. Again any and all comments are welcome, and I hope you enjoy. I woke the next morning, the memoriesof yesterday still fresh in my mind, as I lay still, holding my pet close to me and wishing I'd never have to let her go. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was about time to get up. I reached over turning the alarm off and went back to holding my pet until it was time for the alarm to have gone off. I gently leaned over...

3 years ago
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A Pets Performance Part IV

In the pet's rooms...After a short walk Tabitha showed off her little suite.Anna was in awe of the game room with actual arcade machines including a wall of pinball games. At the other end of the room was a huge multi-screen video game set-up. 3 people could have their own space for any sort of game from playstation to x-box to Wii. A whole bunch of stuff she did not even recognize.One whole room was her wardrobe. The girl had enough clothes to open a small shop. Dresses, shoes, A wall of...

1 year ago
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The Pet

The Pet         Good evening Sir’s and Ma’am’s. Please if you will allow me to share with you a story. A story that might, or might not be true. A story about a dominant couple somewhere in the southern United States named Master and Princess. Now they have a few slaves, and a pet. This story however deals with the pet. More specifically the creation of their pet. As with anything else, Princess and Master wanted a specific pet. Something that would be truly theirs. A human pet, a puppygirl....

3 years ago
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Teachers pet Part 2

This class was so fucking boring. I couldn't wait until the next period, Mr. Charlie's class. The dirty thought raced through my head and I got wet just thinking about it. Just a few more minutes of class. I sat at my desk and looked around the room,bored. I tried not to look at the clock because if i thought about the time then it would feel like forever. So I instead focused on my dirty thoughts, thinking about how my teacher had pounded me on his desk just last Friday. I looked up...

3 years ago
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Teachers Pet Part two

Hi awesome readers it's Beckyj1992 ^_^ thanks for the positive feedback on part 1 and I hope you all enjoy part two! Dinner is about as awkward as it can be as expected. Brett can feel her eyes on him....he is trying hard not to look at his student. Yes...his student that he was just fantasizing about as he made love to his wife. Wiping a bit of sweat off of his forehead " are you alright sweety?" Bella's beautiful voice bringing him back to reality he is about to give her a smile...

1 year ago
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Teachers Pet Part 1

There were only two more weeks left in the school year, and Mary was sitting at her desk reading a magazine as her students finished the exam. She was only two weeks away from finishing her first full year as a High School math teacher. All the students in her class were seniors, and many of them would be going off to college in a few months. It wasn’t that long ago that she had been in their shoes. Mary thought back to the first day she arrived on campus. She’d loved her time in college, and...

1 year ago
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Teachers Pet Part 3

It was funny being back in my old school, especially given that it was a Thursday evening. There was a dead feeling to the building, which wasn’t surprising as there were only twenty adults in the place, rather than 500 screaming kids. This was a school where I had only been a pupil, rather than a teacher. Things had been much simpler when I’d been a pupil. Life had been happy and carefree. I’d been lucky enough to have a great family and great friends surrounding me. And of course, I wouldn’t...

4 years ago
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Teachers Pet

  My women’s studies professor was a very popular teacher at my university. Emma Morgan was one of the younger professors and connected well with the students. I liked her classes because she was smart and engaged the students with interesting topics. I hated to miss her class, but I did one day when my car wouldn’t start. That brought me to her office for the first time. I went to apologize and see what I had missed. I knocked on her door. “Come in,” she said. I walked in and sat down facing...

2 years ago
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Teachers Pet Part 1

It was wrong. There were no two ways about it. As a trainee teacher, any digression was liable to impact my entire career. But I couldn’t help myself. He was just that gorgeous. He wanted me and I wanted him but I should never have told him that. Never admitted to thinking about him after seeing him in the boy’s locker room, naked. It hadn’t been a big deal at the time but I’d become obsessed. I’d frigged myself over his tight teenage body twice a day for weeks and every time had been like...

2 years ago
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Class Pet

Milford Boys Academy was not a typical private school. For one thing, it was incredibly isolated in a remote mountain region. Combined with its 5 year program, most students were enrolled for the duration and didn't leave school grounds in the entire curriculum period. The other thing which made the Academy different was the programs it offered; Milford Boys Academy was a School of Magic. Like most of the boys at the Academy, Brad had arrived after his powers manifested at age 16....

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Teachers Subterfuge Chapter 3

Eight o’clock couldn’t come soon enough for the three teachers, nor for the three college girls.Miss Logan knew that Emma would be arriving at her room any moment, as she sat on the bed in her nightdress knowing that she had on no knickers, and that as soon as Emma arrived, the nightdress would have to come off.Emma stood in the corridor outside the teacher's bedroom area and they all giggled as they knew that they were about to go in and spank once again their favourite teachers.Emma said,...

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Teachers Pet

Yes, okay, so I was Mrs. Miller's pet. Teachers pet. I liked her and we got along real well. And the past three years of high school i kept getting in her classes and for this final year I was her aide. It would be an easy A. Mrs. Miler was always nice to me and we talked alot. Nobody else liked her and she did not seem to like them either, but I did not care. Plus I getting all kinds of pussy from the girls, I mean tons of pussy. One of the girls I been working on invited me over to her...

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Daddys Little Pet part 1 Kitty edition

You wake up your very own cat bed, on the bedroom floor next to daddy's own double bed. You're naked, apart from your tagged little collar with your name tag on it, and you're wearing a decent size plug in your tight little ass.. A plug with a long, fur tail on it... You've been sleeping well. Having some wet dreams... The room is hot enough that you can sleep comfortably naked, just like daddy does on the bed. You can feel the sticky wetness on your fingers, and you know you've touched...

2 years ago
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Future pet wish

You take my phone turn it off and tell me to Strip naked and put my clothes in trash bag on floor You ask if all my toys are in bag I brought I reply yes sir You hand me a eye mask and tell me to put it on then you grab my head an pull it to your lap and say suck my cock good and while you are sucking my cock, I want you to take and finger your pussy and get yourself wet for me. I do what you ask and finger my pussy while sucking your cock naked and blindfolded I don’t know where you...

4 years ago
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The Pet

Alexis Ferguson stood from the leather chair in her office suite overlookingdowntown Manhattan and placed a few papers from her large mahogany desk inthe attaché case beside her. She smoothed her ruffled Chanel suit anddeparted, making her way through the labyrinth of offices on her floor to theelevator. As a founder and senior partner in one of the city's largest firmsthe occupants of the various offices cleared a path when she passed. Afterexiting the building on Park Avenue, Alexis nodded at...

1 year ago
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The Pink Pet 3 Day 1

The Pink Pet 3 Day 1? I woke up the next morning from the deepest slumber I have ever had. My entire body felt exhausted but well rested. I was warm and cozy and wrapped up in the softest warmest fuzziest blankets on this heavenly bed. I moaned softly to myself as I peeked an eye open to take in the room I was in and felt the memories of last night come rushing back to me. I took a soft breath as I opened my other eye and saw the incredibly beautiful room I was in. The daylight was...

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Sir and Pet break in their new home

My pet Rebekah is an internet cam model. She essentially makes money just by being gorgeous and having a great personality. At first I was hesitant to tons of men whacking off to her, but in the end I'm the one who shares a bed with her so I win. However, we do have some general rules. She only shows her pussy, cums, or goes to private with my permission. This limits how much she can actually make, but she finds teasing strangers hot and it keeps me from throwing a jealously temper-tantrum, so...


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