Fucked By Mechanics free porn video

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The speed with which the clouds gathered and the skies opened up took me by surprise. I was on my scooty, driving back from a work-related assignment in a village about 40 km outside of city. Usually, I’d take the car for such a distance, but it refused to start in the morning. I expected to return before sunset, but the assignment had taken longer than expected and by the time I got done, the villagers insisted I have dinner before leaving.
So there I was, on my scooty, close to 10 pm on a narrow local road when it started raining cats and dogs, as the cliche goes. Since it wasn’t the time for monsoons, I expected the rain to stop soon, so I just pulled over by the side of the road and stopped under a tree. Half an hour later, the rain still had not let up. I was completely soaked, even under the tree.
I thought of calling home for a rescue from my predicament. As I reached into my purse to take my cellphone out, I felt certain dampness. That’s when I realized I had taken my fabric purse, which was obviously not waterproof. The cellphone was also wet, and had conked off. Great, I thought to myself. Stuck here without a working cellphone on a highway late at night. Some vehicles were passing by. I thought of flagging one down. But there had been so many news stories recently about a group of men in their cars or SUVs k**napping women from the roadside and r****g them, that I did not feel comfortable doing so. I decided the best course of action was to drive until I reached some village, and then make a call from there.

So I got on my scooty and drove for about half a km when putt... puttt... putt… hisssss. The scooty engine just stopped with some ominous noises. I tried to restart it. Even tried the manual kick-start. Did not work. Great. As if things couldn’t get any worse. Now I was soaked to my skin, with my scooter and cell phone refusing to work, stranded on a deserted road at almost 11 pm. I stood there re-evaluating the option of flagging down a car. The rain had gotten even harder now, definitely the heaviest downpour in the region in years.

Finally I decided to take the chance and stood by the edge of the road waiting for some vehicle to pass by. Nothing. Zip. Not a single car or truck for about 10 minutes. Was I in the twilight zone, I wondered.

That’s when I noticed a guy on one of those old rusty bicycles approaching from the city side. He was wearing a raincoat, and had his eyes on the road, so did not notice me immediately. I called out to him and he stopped. Crossed the road and came close to me.
“Hello…, my scooty has broken down and my phone isn’t working either. Do you have a cellphone on you?” I asked
The man pushed his hood back. He was bald and in his 40s. Wiped the water from his face and replied , “Cellphone? No. I don’t own a cellphone. But I am a mechanic. Want me to take a look at that scooty?”
“Oh, thank you. It will be great if you can fix it.”

He got off his bicycle, and started examining my scooty.

“Why are there no cars at all on this road?”

“It’s a pretty bad storm, Madam. Trees fallen all over. The road is shut on both the sides, about a km on the city side and a couple of km on the other side. I was just cycling back home from the garage I work at. It’s just a km away.”

This did not sound good. If the road was closed both ways, how was I to get home? The man realized what I was thinking from the worried look on my face and said, “Don’t worry about the city side. They were saying it will be cleared within an hour. It’s not a very big tree, they say.”

He looked under the scooty a few times. Took the toolbox out of the side-box and puttered around. Tried to start it a few times. And then said to me, “Sorry, Madam. There is thingummy thingummy with the thingummy of the thingummy and we need a thingummy.” Well, that’s not exactly what he said. But I am a total dunce when it comes to automobiles so he might as well have said that and I wouldn’t have understood it any less.

“Alright, so can you fix it?” I asked.

“No, not here. Don’t have the tools and parts for it. But if you like, we can go to my garage. It’s just a km away. We’ll get there in no time. There’s also a phone in the garage, so you can call someone and have them pick you up.”

That sounded like the best possible option. So we set off on foot towards his garage, him dragging my scooter, and me rolling his bicycle along.

“So Madam, if you don’t mind. What is your name?”

“Lafiza” I replied, and out of courtesy asked him, “and what is your’s?”

“I am James. If you don’t mind my asking…, what is a young lady like you doing here at this time. As far as i know Muslim women are all housewives, they don’t come out like this alone? We usually don’t get city 'ladies’ in our parts.”

“Who told you this?” I asked him… “That time is gone, even Muslim girls are working in metro cities now a days. I had some work in a village. Was driving back when this storm started.”

“Yes, this storm is really unexpected. Never seen it rain like this"

He stayed silent after that, but I noticed that he’d keep stealing glances at me. I had been so preoccupied with thinking about the scooty and how to get home, that I didn’t realize how completely soaked I was. Fortunately, as I always do while on village assignments, I was wearing a very conservative traditional dress, with a long scarf around my neck and chest. But even so, being as soaked as I was, the fabric was hugging some curves of my body more tightly than it ever would.

Nothing too scandalous, mind you, but I am sure it was titillating enough for a middle aged mechanic.

So I must have been quite a sight for him. I tried not to think too much about it though. Apart from a few glances, which were perfectly normal for any male, he had been very polite and well-behaved. I did not feel threatened by him at all.

Finally we reached the “garage”. I use quote marks because calling it a garage would be too effusive. It was just a small tin shack, probably no bigger than the average bedroom. There was a rusty signboard on top saying “James Auto Garage” with some signs painted on the gate and banners. James put my scooter on its side-stand and banged on the metal door of the shack.

“Who is it?” came a thick voice from inside.

“Dane, it’s me James. Open up.”

The door creaked open and out peered a man I guessed to be Dane. He was shirtless and wearing only a pair of boxer shorts. He was a small man, shorter than me, and I am just 5’3”. He had a moustache, and curly black hair. I’d guess him to be older than James, may be in his 50s.

“What happened?” he asked, staring at me.

“This is Lafiza Madam. She was driving back to city when her scooty broke down. I saw her when I was going home, so brought her here.”

“Hmpfff… OK… bring it in.” Dane said and opened the folding doors completely. James and I walked in. It was, as I said, a small shack. There was a small mattress in the corner where I guess Dane slept. The rest of the shack was filled with two-wheelers, their parts and other tools. The whole place also reeked of something I couldn’t quite place… probably just grease and petrol. In another corner was a chair with a table, and on top of the table, a telephone.

“Can I use the phone?” I asked.

“Yes sure.” Dane said as he started opening the scooty casing.

I picked up the receiver and held it to my ear. Silence. No dial tone. “There is no dial tone” I said.

Dane came over and took the phone from me. As he did, I could not help but notice his still shirt-less torso. It was hairy, and he had a pot belly. There were some stains of grease on his belly and arms.

“I guess the storm knocked the lines out.”

“Oh. Is there someone close by with a cellphone?” I asked.

“There’s just our garage and two other shops here – one a tea stall and another for hardware. Both are closed, and the guys who run them don’t stay in the shops like me. You will have to walk a couple of km that way for any other shops or houses.”

I weighed my options. It was still raining pretty hard. I could walk to the other shops. But may be I could just wait for these men to fix my scooty and then drive. James was already working pretty hard at it. Dane went and stood next to him and they started discussing whatever was to be done. That’s when my sneezes started. Achoo’s after achoo’s. About a dozen or so.

“Looks like you are catching a cold because of your wet clothes.” Dane said looking at me. “If you want, I can give you a clean shirt and a shorts to change into.”

“No, that’s fine. I can wait. It won’t take long to fix this anyway, right?”

“It will take about an hour, and…”

He was interrupted by another bout of sneezing from me. After my sneezes subsided, he looked pointedly at me. I could feel the sneezes getting worse. I decided that it would be stupid to risk getting pneumonia when there was an option to change out of my wet clothes.

“OK I suppose I should change.”

James went to the corner and opened a box. He took out a towel, a relatively clean t-shirt, and a short.He gave it all to me and said, “As you can see, there is no other room. You can change in here. Dane and I will wait outside.”

They walked out and I went to close the door. It was just a rusty bolt which I slid into the loop. There was a nail hanging from a thread near the bolt. The purpose of the nail, as I later realized, was to be inserted into a hole at the end of the bolt, to act like some sort of a lock.

I didn’t realize it then and left the nail hanging as it was, instead of inserting it into the hole. Which, ironically, lead to further events.

I should have moved to the back of the shack to change. But whether it was the greasy smell or just laziness, I did not. I started changing just a couple of feet inside the closed door. I then took off my shirt and trousers(traditional clothing
) which were by now dripping with water. I thought for a second about keeping my bra and panties on, but they were too wet. So I took them off too, and got completely naked. I took the towel and started drying myself. I was drying my hair when it happened. The wind suddenly picked up, and the door started shaking from the wind.

A big and audible gust of wind came and as if in slow motion, I saw the bolt sliding back under the pressure. In what must have been just a second, but felt like an eternity, the bolt slid back completely and the folding doors opened with a bang. Dane and James who had been standing with their backs to the door were startled by the noise and turned around.

I stood there motionless with my hands holding the towel to my hair, as Dane and James stared at me dumbfounded. There I was, completely naked. In front of two men I had just met.

I was caught in two minds about what to do. Whether to cover myself up or close the door. My first instinct was to grab whatever I could and cover my nakedness. I picked up my shirt and trouser (traditional clothes)which were lying on the floor at my feet. I held them in front of me and then ran forward to close the door again. Which was a big mistake.

The gusty wind which had blown the door open was still blowing strong. My hands were wet and slippery, as were the clothes. So the gust of wind blew my traditional clothes out of my hand and outside on to the street and into the darkness. And once again my nakedness was visible to the two men who were still standing rooted to their spots, a few feet away from the door. I now decided to close the door first. Because of my hair getting in my face, I was struggling to pull the door back against the wind gusts when WHOOOSHHH… something else flew by me. The shirt, towel and shorts that James had given me had also flown out. Those were the last possible things to cover my modesty. I could now think of no short term fix to my visible nakedness.

I sank to the ground, wrapped my hands around my folded knees, and hid my face in them, hoping this would at least hide my boobs and pussy. The face was hidden mainly out of shame. In a few seconds I heard someone walk in and close the door. I also heard a chuckle, and then realized, I had heard only one set of footsteps. I looked up and saw Dane putting the nail into the hole of the bolt.

“You didn’t put this nail in, did you? I thought it was obvious. That’s what it was there for.” he said. I just started at him, red-faced. “Well, James is out there running after your clothes to get them back. Good man, that James . Always does the right thing. I, on the other hand, just had to have another look. He ...he... ! Come on, don’t be shy. I’ve seen everything anyway.”

Dane was now standing right above me. He was fully drenched, as were his boxer shorts, and his erection was adding to the effect, leaving little to imagination. I could not help but stare at his penis and testicles outlined through the wet shorts. Which turned out not to be a smart thing because he noticed what I was looking at and said, “Oh, that’s what interests you? Well, fair’s fair. You showed me everything, so the polite thing for me would be to do the same.”

And in one motion he bent down, grabbed hold of my hair and pushed my face towards his dick. I stared at his dick as it hit me on the cheek. He pushed my head back and pulled it again, this time the dick hit my closed lips. I looked up at him, and our eyes met. He gave me a stern look, a primal dominant male look which I tried to return with a laboriously mustered up look of resentment. Then he smiled and cocked his head to turn his gaze lower. I followed his gaze and was shocked at what I saw. My left hand was fondling my clit. And I was now on my knees. My body was reacting entirely on its own without keeping me updated. He seemed at a loss for a few seconds.

So far his behavior was mostly about bravado and arrogant needling. He probably expected me to feel shy and shrink back. And frankly, I would have expected the same from myself. But my unexpected reaction had surprised him as much as it surprised me.

We were motionless like that for a few seconds, I staring at him with his dick jerking before my face, and him standing there staring back at me. Who moved next would be crucial in deciding the turn of events. If I had shrunk back, or maybe yelled at him, he would certainly have backed off. But my motionlessness gave him the opening he needed.

“Heh.. ha… ha ha ha” Dane started laughing. I couldn’t help breaking into what they call a shit-eating grin. I felt his grip on my hair get tight again. He pulled my head towards his dick. This time I opened my mouth and let it in. Immediate reaction – gag reflex! A combination of the strong stink of his dick as well as the fact that he had thrust his cock all the way in and probably hit my tonsils. He took the dick out. I turned my head coughed a little. Then turned back to face his dick. Took it in my right hand and started sucking on it slowly, using my usual blowjob technique. I had encountered a penis with a foreskin for the first time. It felt nice, almost like a big lollipop. I took it out occasionally to glance at it, gave it a lick or two. I was like a little k** transfixed by a new toy.

Dane was now moaning in pleasure and running his hands through my hair. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be enjoying this blowjob. I had been sucking for a couple of minutes when there was a knock on the door. Dane clucked his tongue in annoyance, and said, “That is James. Damn, I forgot about him.”

He took the three steps to the door, and opened it. James rushed in, holding just my bra in his hand, and closed the door.

“Sorry Lafiza Madam, the rest of them just flew away. This was stuck in a tree so…….” his voice trailed off as he took in the scene in front of his eyes. Dane was standing there naked with his dick erect. I was on my knees with my left hand still fingering my clit. He looked at Dane and me turn by turn, and then said, “Oh…. I see.”

“Been years since I banged such a chick, friend.” Dane said, slapping him playfully on the back. He then walked past me towards the mattress and lay down on it. He then beckoned me to go to him.

“But… is she… I mean... how come...” James tried to string a sentence together, “You’re not forcing her, are you?”

There was silence for a couple of seconds. I realized James was looking at me for an answer. With this break in the proceedings and James 'squestion, I had suddenly become doubly aware of the situation. I had been willingly sucking a strange man’s dick, a fat old stinky hairy mechanic’s dick, and had been fingering myself while at it for good measure. Had I been forced? James 's question gave me an exit route if I were to take it. I momentarily even considered it. But the work my fingers had been up to down there had put me in a different state of mind altogether.

The normal demure Lafiza who had struggled a few minutes back to cover herself up and close the door had seemingly been carried away by the gust of winds with the clothes. This Lafiza was possessed, consumed by the most a****listic and basest of instincts.

I got up from my knees and stood up. Slowly walked towards James . Took the bra from his hands and flung it down. Then I turned around, and walked towards Dane , swaying my hips exaggeratedly, giving James a great look at my butt. I reached the mattress and got down on my knees between Dane's spread legs. Bent down and resumed my blowjob.

James did not need an engraved invitation after this. He was out of his clothes in a jiffy and was on his knees behind me. He fondled, pinched and slapped my tight round butt for a while. Then put his finger in my pussy, and chuckled at the wetness. And very soon, ahhh… a cock in my pussy. It had been weeks. After experiencing how an uncircumcised cock feels in the mouth, I was now experiencing one in the pussy. Not too different in the pussy, I must say. But there was much more to Dane's cock than just being long and uncut. There was thickness, the sort that I had never experienced before.

It dawned on me now as to why I had let these low class men ravish me. I had experienced sex only with my husband, a sophisticated and genteel lover. His gentle and somewhat timid love-making had begun to leave me unsatisfied. Being a cultured and high-class lady, I could never venture outside my marriage to look for sexual fulfillment. Seeing my diminished interest and inclination, my husband sometimes brought Hindi porn books to read together. I think he did it more to arouse himself than to please me. I learnt from these books that rugged working class men were more powerful lovers than the urban sophisticates. When the opportunity came today to experience sex with these two rough and strong mechanics in conditions of relative anonymity, I could not resist the temptation. After all, it will only be a one-time experience. With this justification, I decided to let myself go.

James was drilling me hard and deep. His hand kept moving from around my waist, up my back, playing with my boobs, back to my waist, grabbing my butt flesh and so on. His intense fucking distracted me from my sucking and I was just holding Dane’s dick in my mouth. Dane took the lead then. He got on his knees, grabbed my hair and started fucking my mouth.

I was being fucked hard at both ends, and was experiencing a never-before bliss.

James grunted loudly. His body arched and he started shooting his cum in my pussy in powerful jets. I was groaning and trembling with pleasure. When James stopped cumming, I was still writhing with the after-shocks of my orgasm. I could still feel his dick hard inside me for about a minute more. He finally took it out and sat by my side.

I took my hand to my pussy and could not believe the amount of cum that was coming out of it. I sat up, unsure of what to do. James got up, walked unsteadily and looked around. Finally, he returned to me with a piece of cloth. I took it and put it on my pussy so that it might absorb the plentiful cum.

“Let’s work on her scooty.” James said, and Dane reluctantly got up and followed him. They both put some clothes on and started working on the scooty. I lay back on the mattress for a while to regain my breath. It was still raining, but the intensity had clearly waned. I got up and walked towards the table. Picked up the phone’s receiver. Thank God, the dial tone was back.

Phone lines had been restored. I dialed my home number.

“Hello. Lafizaa here.” I said.

“Lafiza, where have you been? I was worried sick!” my husband said, clearly worried.

“Sorry honey.” I replied, “It started raining very hard and the roads got dangerous, so I decided to turn back and return to the village to wait the storm out. But my cellphone got wet and stopped working. And the landline connections were down too, so could not call.”

“Oh okay. Thank heavens you’re safe. I was really worried. Should I come there and pick you up? It’ll take me just an hour.” hubby dearest asked.

I felt something poke my butt. I turned around to see Dane , naked again, with his dick erect once more, grinning at me. He put his finger on my clit and bit my ear, silently chuckling.

“No, I am fine here.” I said, struggling to sound normal. “They have put me up in a small guest house of sorts here. I don’t want you to drive in these conditions. I’ve heard there are many fallen trees blocking the road. Plus, you have to work tomorrow. Just go to sleep. I’ll come back in the morning. Good night, honey.”

Dane’s finger at my clit had now found just the spot and it took monumental effort to speak that whole statement normally.

“OK, good night. And take care. Is this the number I can reach you at? The one you called from?”

“Yes, honey. Bye.”

I banged the phone down breathlessly, and yelled at Dane, “What the hell were you trying to do? Why aren’t you helping James ?” I looked over my shoulder at James who was still working on the scooty.

“Don’t worry about the scooty, ma’am. James is giving finishing touches to it. ... But can’t you see what you have done to this poor fellow?” He pointed to his dick which was jerking impatiently.

I retorted angrily, “What have I done to it?”

Dane lay on top of me, his pot belly pressing against my abdomen and his bristly face brushing against my cheeks, as he fucked me lustfully. He was not as good at fucking as James but was decent enough, better than my husband.

Bending his head, he sucked my breasts and nipples, without interrupting the in and out movements of his cock. I felt my orgasm looming. He thrusts had become deeper. I was thrashing wildly under him, desperate for release. Dane seemed to be oblivious to my need. He was going on and on, ramming his cock into my cunt. Unable to wait any longer.

By that time, James had fixed my scooty and I was ready to go back on road

I thanked both of them by kissing their cocks and giving them blowjobs. While I was about to leave, I gave them My phone number for future.

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my hot mechanic

It was a monday afternoon, the sun was out but I was tired and frustrated after not having sex for weeks. But my car was going in for a service, and the good thing about that was, my hot mechanic Mike. Gorgeous, with a firm body, he drove me wild. Id never told him how much he told me on, just behaved like a good girl, but the fantasies I’d had, him bending me over and taking me then and there. I left and arrived at the garage, wearing a skirt, black bra visable through my tight white vest...

4 years ago
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Debauchery With TV Mechanic

Hello! Dear ISS Patrons, I am Girija and am here on this site for the first time to make a true confession about my debauchery, after enduring 6 months of mental torment due to shame & guilt. I am 35 yrs old, married to Anantha who is 37. I am a South-Indian fair skinned woman. Men & women from my community are generally brilliant in academics; my husband & I are both Post-Graduates in Metallurgy & Science respectively. Even at this age, I look very fair & attractive; I stand 5’9” tall, which...

2 years ago
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my hot mechanic

It was a monday afternoon, the sun was out but I was tired and frustrated after not having sex for weeks. But my car was going in for a service, and the good thing about that was, my hot mechanic Mike. Gorgeous, with a firm body, he drove me wild. Id never told him how much he told me on, just behaved like a good girl, but the fantasies I'd had, him bending me over and taking me then and there.I left and arrived at the garage, wearing a skirt, black bra visable through my tight white vest top,...

1 year ago
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Fucked Up

100% fiction! Let me just start by saying that my dad and I never got along. He resented my mom for having me since he didn’t want children. He was always an asshole towards me and treated me like shit. My parents met in high school and always seemed to hang out with a bad crowd. They were into all kinds of drugs and drank a lot and a night of sexual debauchery resulted in my conception a year before their graduation. They both dropped out of school which led to drug-dealing and a lot of crazy...

4 years ago
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Fucked by my servant

Hi my name is Sunita I am 21 years beautiful girl with size of 38-28-38. Here is my story with Ramu our servent. Ramu is 42 years old; he is 6 ft strong muscular man. Often he used to work just in vest and many times in the garden I have seen him working wearing shorts only. He used to call me Beti and treated me nicely always. Lately, however, I have noticed him staring at me often. Sometimes he had given me mischievous smiles also. When I asked him he used to say he was thinking of some movie...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Five Maids

Hi Indian sex stories readers…. This Sricharan 19 yrs old….. I am new and this is my first story ….. Please read it and let me know whether you like it or not …… Now to start my story I was 18 yr old when this happened …. There are five maids in my house (we are upper middle classed family) and there names are 1.) Shobha age 58 yr , size 36 34 36 2.) Krishnaveni age 56 yr , size 36 24 34 3.) Kanchana age 65 yr , size 34 26 34  4.) Rajeshwari age 57 yr , size 34 26 36 and the last  5.) Bhagyama...

3 years ago
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Fucked Avantika And Her Bhabhi Awesome Threesome

Hello, I am Avtansh Kundra again.Those who don’t know me can read my last story.I am from Ghaziabad. Please, send me your feedbacks . Girls interested for sex chats can also contact me. Do mention that you are ISS reader when you message. This time it is my fantasy. I and Avantika were discussing sex and during roleplay this scene happened. I am going to share this with you all. It’s just a fantasy this time. So let’s start with the story:   It was a long time after our foursome. She wanted...

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Fucked in New York

My trip to New York was ace. The city is frantic, the shopping was fantastic and the food was brilliant. I even managed to get in a couple of discrete fucks while I was there. It was most unexpected, but incredibly sexy to say the least. A nice set of genuine intercontinental one night stands. I was fucked by total strangers on another continent. How it all came about was I met this guy from England in the apartment Kitchens. The kitchens were communal and I was making some coffee as mum was...

4 years ago
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Fucked by bro his Friend

~A Sweet Fantasy, all characters in this story are over the age 18. Viewers Discretion is advise.~This happened when I was still living at home, a few years ago just before my 21st birthday. I was home for the summer from uni and working long days in a crappy summer job for a friend of my dad. I had an on/off boyfriend, but we were very much off at this point- in fact I had decided that I was well and truly done with him and his bullshit behaviour. I wasn't missing him at all, and in fact I was...

2 years ago
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Fucked silly

My dad fucked me silly.My dad overheard me and my BFF and he fucked my brains out.It all started with my BFF Tina. We're going into our junior year of highschool.Tina came over to my house as usual. Today we're sunbathing in my backyard. She had the skimpiest bikini. It was white, tie at the side thong bottom that barley covered her pussy lips and only part of her bigger nipples. I guess it didn't really matter you could see through it and it was only going to be Tina and me.Tina is thin, long...

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Fucked Hot Cousin In Vacation 8211 Part 2

Hello all ISS readers. I am back with my second part of the story: FUCKED HOT COUSIN IN VACATION-PART 2. First of all thanks to all who read and gave feed back to my previous story. I hope you all enjoy my first part and whoever not read first part please read it first to have full erotica of this part also. Small intro of me for person who not knowing me: I am JAY from Ahmadabad, Gujarat. I am 27 year old now with good body build to make any girl fell in love with me. And I have completed my...

4 years ago
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Fucked by 2 of my Sons Army friends

Well I'm Sara a recently single woman whose husband left her for his Sectetary, I'm 43 5'9 very long legs, a nice slim body and 40DBreasts, my Hubby left me for a short fat thing no more to be said. But I don't care as I was one very happy woman my Son Mike called who is a member of our military he's coming home for a few days leave, he wants to bring a couple of his friends I told him no problem as there is plenty of room. A few days after he called he called again and told me he and his...

3 years ago
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Fucked The VicePrincipal For Admission

I was naked on the table. My saree on the floor and my blouse unbuttoned while the vice-principal was licking my naked pussy. This was the second session I was having. He already fucked me once on this very table, rested for a while. He was gentleman enough to ask me for water, then started again. I came here for my son’s admission and was ready to for that. After the death of my husband, he was the only family I had in this city. Some people showed sympathy but most showed lust. I can see the...

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Fucked by samir my friend8217s hubby

I decided to visit him as he wanted me to come over. I could visit him for only three days as i got leave for only 3 days. He took leave and the visit was planned during my safe days so that we could enjoy the fuck without fear of pregnancy as we did not want condoms to interfere in our love. I wanted him to ejaculate in me and he too wanted to ejaculate in my vagina. I reached the house around 130pm and he and she were there. Children were to come back at around 430pm. I could see the sparkle...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Dad After Six Man Gang Banging

I had to walk past some thick bushes in front of one of the houses and I‘d heard the warnings about walking by myself, down a dark street, especially passing dark, thick bushes where a robber or rapist could be hiding, waiting to jump out and grab someone walking by. I balked at the warning, since it never happened here and I had been walking at night from the time I was twelve years old. Of course, I wasn’t a well-developed woman then, like I am now, at least an older teenager anyway. I had...

2 years ago
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Fucked 4 Jo Derek Lyn and Kevin

This follows on from Fucked 3 The Abbey, so read Fucked 1/2/3 first please. C 1997: I was around 21, Derek would have been 39/40, Lyn about 30 , and Kevin about 35.In fucked 3 I had outlined some of my sexual fantasies to Derek. I had met Lyn on a couple of occasions and I thought she was gorgeous (see Fucked 2 ). We had technically sucked each other's tits, but this was for the entertainment of a man.I had met Derek's buddy Kevin once by chance on a train on the way in to work after a night...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Bhabhi on New Year8217s Eve Part 2

It was the first day of the New Year. I didn’t think that would start as a dream. After the amazing blowjob, bhabhi and I slept on the bed like a couple. She was wearing just panty and I was naked. We slept cuddling. She woke up at around 6 in the morning. She kissed me and that made me wake up. I kissed her back and we started making out. I kissed on her lips, cheeks, forehead, and jaws. I kissed on her neck and she noticed the erection on my dick. She asked me to stop and got out of bed. I...

3 years ago
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Fucked 4 teachers part 2

Fucked my 4 teachers-Part 2Hi,today I'm going to tell you my 2nd experience with my teachers.First I'll give you a introduction of the four.First and second are the same who were in the 1st story, Manjula and Sunitha. The 3rd teacher is Nalini. She was very sexy.She had medium boobs and big ass.She was married.Her skin tone was medium.When she used to wear saree,her bra was easily seen.When she used to wear churidar her ass was seen very sexy.All these made me horny.I had no feelings before,but...

2 years ago
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Fucked By Husband While Imagining Her Boyfriend

Hi ISS readers, I loved your feedback and likes on my earlier stories. This is another sex story of my friend. She was forced to fuck her horny husband, even though she loved someone else. Let me describe the husband (Rohan), who was a well-settled businessman from Ahmedabad. He was average built and fair with 6.2 height. Rohan was very horrible as a person as he was a businessman with an illegal construction company in Ahmedabad. Kashish got married to Rohan forcefully because her family...

4 years ago
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Fucked Two Girl Readers Of My Story And Had Threesome 8211 Part 2

Hi everyone this is your playboyjo again with a continuation of my story “fucked 2 girl readers of my story and had threesome part-2” new readers can read all my stories from the below link……. https://www.indiansexstories2.net/author/playboyjo143/ I jo from chennai young boy with hard cock. Love to satisfy all unsatisfied girls and aunties to the fullest. No matter what age you for any kind of sex pleasure like sex chat, phone sex, and real sex you can contact me at “”.. I assure it will be...

3 years ago
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Fucked at the BBQ by sons friend 5

It was the first time I had seen my husband look scared.He went to stand up and tell Paul to leave, but he was pushed down by the rather large Black guys with Paul.They held my husband in place as Paul told my son to get on his knees and suck his BBC clean. My son dropped to his knees and sucked on that BBC without a seconds notice. I felt my pussy juice start to leak down my leg, god was I really getting off on seeing this BBC fucking my sons hungry mouth.Next Paul instructed me to bend over...

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Fucked like a dog

“That should do it,” I said. I was just finishing the final knot. “Will that do?”“Oh, yes. It’s perfect!” Brenda purred. I could tell she was already incredibly aroused. “Let’s wake him up now.”John really hadn’t known what was about to happen to him. One minute he was enjoying supper, laughing over wine, and then he was slumped in a chair. He’s a big man, and Brenda and I struggled a bit to get him in position. After stripping him naked, of course. But we made sure the armchair was...

2 years ago
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Fucked Jyothi Aunty

Hi this is Krishna. I had a liking for married and matured woman, particularly aunties who are really big not irrespective of age. I adore women who have big boobs and huge asses. Any unsatisfied ladies can contact me at Now coming to the female lead of the story, Jyothi aunty uncle’s wife was much on the fairer side like my girlfriend Prachi that’s another story and had every Indian feature. She is 37 years old but was still as sexy as she was in her twenties and looked like the south...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Lusty Girlfriend

Hi I am Ravi this is my first story. I am living in Pimpri. I am 26 year old height 5. 8 with average built up. This incident took place few years back. I had a girlfriend Simi (name changed) with 34-28-36 figure. She has perfect shaped ass and tight boobs with brown nipples. We were dating from 4 months. One day after giving some interviews we were tiered so we decided to go for short trip at Lonavala. We took local thankfully we got a coach which became empty after 3 stations. We sat in the...

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Fucked my nom and her best friend0

my name is Sohil Johnson and i live in a small town near NY. It all began with a very long weekend mostly staying in bed because I was sick and had a fever of nearly 110 F so that was hard for me to even use the washroom. Well, my mom was a nurse in a clinic nearly by so she knew right meds and gave that to me time to time. While at this time we stayed in the same room. On Saturday after watching some part of a movie I was watching my mom said she'll stay in the room and asked to turn off...

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Fucked by my friend

My name is Trupti and my husband and I moved to different country recently where I met my high school friend. We have been talking and hanging out a lot. This happened when my husband was away for couple of days. I invited my friend to our place for dinner since he lives alone and don't know how to cook. He came in the evening after work and picked me up from my work. We reached home and I got fresh and changed into relaxing clothes. I asked him what he wanted to eat for dinner and he said...

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Fucked Saranya And Her Mom Together

Hi all, Hope you guys are doing good.I thought to pen down my memorable experience I had with my darling Saranya and her mom, since a month ago. A quick intro about ourselves.. I’m 25 single, living in Coimbatore and she is 29, lost her husband, just 1 year after her marriage. She lives with her mom, in next street to my home. She has 6 months old kid and she works in a private concern. I was close with her family since 3 years so we used to have a casual talk whenever we have free time. One...

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Fucked Neighbour And Friends Mom For Money 8211 Part 2

This is raj from mumbai. I am 21 single 6 ft, fit body, and a business guy and I love to have sex. I have had sex with my girlfriends, neighbor, and her daughter, many friends and 2 hot college professor from my college.I have a 6″ long and 3.5″ thick cock which I know to use perfectly, I completed my graduation from mumbai university. I heartily apologize for the delay in the second part to all my fans and I apologize again for providing wrong measurements of nisha, it was a mistake by me. Her...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Aunt Twice No Idea If She Knows

She brought me some toys like I was a child since we hadn't seen each other in a few years now, but quickly realized her mistake when she saw me. Or maybe when she saw me see her. I admit it, even though she was my aunt, every time she was near I was trying to sneak a peak at her well developed Ds. My hugs lingered. I was always nearby when she made a trip to or from the shower wrapped in a towel, dripping wet like my dreams for her each night. Especially outside, in the backyard in her tiny...

4 years ago
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Fucked The Entire Family

Hi friends, I am Rupesh age 20 from Mumbai. I am 5.10″ tall. This is a real story which took place six months ago. I had a good friend named Ankit. Ankit was 15 years old and used to stay with his family near my house at a distant of 5 mins. His family members included his younger sister Sakshi, mother Raksha and father Suresh. I and Ankit were very close. I used to stay most of the time at his place only. His mom and dad also treated me very well. I was like one of their family members. Ankits...

2 years ago
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Fucked The Masseur Maid Like A Bitch

Hi, all you lovely people. Finally, the wait is over. Ronak here and I’m back to tell you how I finally entered Tara’s pussy and what transpired. Don’t forget to send feedback to She kept fucking my mouth with her finger as she raised her hips, held my cock with the other hand and rubbed its tip all along her pussy crack. Then she adjusted the tip of my cock at the entrance of her pussy and lowered herself on it. It felt like an eternity. My eyes were glued to this coupling. As mushroom-like...

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Fucked My Cousin Jennie And Amy

Hi friends I am Jo age 21 from chennai,kodambakkam. Unsatisfied girls and aunties of age from 17-50 can contact me anytime for sex darlings. I am always free for u all. My contact mail id Coming to the story this is the continuation of my first story “fucked my cousin and entered incest world”. After that 3 days we didn’t get much time to do sex. But when ever we get time I will suck jennie’s boobs and pussy more I used to suck her pussy very deep and will rub her clitoris hard. Time passed...

3 years ago
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Fucked Naani Her Daughters 8211 Part III

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the...

1 year ago
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Fucked Friends HOT BUSTY Wife in Dark

Yes Guys Even I am same as u all are I used to read sex stories on different websites and used to download porn videos from tube.asexstories.com and masturbate. I would like to share my real and superb incidence that happened with me. Let me introduce myself, My name is Ankur Sexena From Bangalore, India age 25 years and 6 ft height and a 9 inch cock. Me and my friend Jagmeet had many things in common like same height, almost similar voice and thinking. Jagmeet loved a girl named Pratima from...

First Time
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Fucked my sister in law forcefully

Fucked my sister in law forcefullyHi, my name is Rajesh I am 45 and my wife’s younger sister Nalini is 32. I have always liked Nalini and have fantasized about her a lot and have always wanted to know what it would be like to have sex with her. This story really happened about 6 months ago. This is a true story that happened between my sister-in-law and myself. I had never planned to take her by force and the thought of r****g her had never occurred to me before. I am really a nice and decent...

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Fucked My Horny Sister

Fucked My Horny SisterBy: Londebaaz Chohan Julie was still sluggish and continuing to slur as I did very hard and deep thrusting in her cum filled pussy with my vein ridden drill. She was whispering her boyfriend Mike’s name again and again, instead of mine; and demanding to fuck her better and also telling how she loved him so much. I did not give a shit or care less; what she called me at that stage because I was enjoying the utmost pleasure of being in heaven as I continued to dig deeper in...

3 years ago
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Fucked 2 The Great Rock N Roll Orge

Fucked 2 - The Great Rock N Roll Orgy [part 2 of 2]By: Jo Jo ([email protected])Fucked 2 - The Greatest Rock N Roll ORGY of all Time Well... bestest one I have ever been to anyway. This follows on from Fucked, and concerns the party that followed thedissolution of that band. It was held in a very impressive apartment overlooking the canal systemin the centre of Birmingham. It was above some sort of gym/spa and took up the entire floor. The band, as I mentioned before , was Mike , Paul,...

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Fucked My Sisterinlaw On The Sly

Hi, I am Naveen, aged 44, from Bangalore. I work at an MNC in Bangalore. This is a story of how I fucked my sister-in-law on the sly. I am not going to create some false image of myself as a 6’ tall muscular hunk with an 8” long cock because I am not and looks really don’t matter so much. I have average looks with a slightly stocky build. Now coming to my story, this was when I had gone with my wife, Naina, and children to my in-laws’ place for a few days. My sister-in-law, let’s call her Neha...

4 years ago
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Fucked Her Roughly Twice In A Toilet

Hi, this is my first post at ISS. Do read and let me know your feedback. It was a Saturday morning and this happened. I went to a nearby local salon for a haircut. I was wearing a shorts and tee shirt. The hair cut started and it was done by an old guy whose age would have been more than 50. Halfway through the haircut a beautiful around her mid 20’s entered the shop and sat on a chair. It was his daughter or some relative. I was watching her and now and then she saw me. She had a d cup breast...

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Fucked Both My Colleague And Her Roomie

Hi this is my first  story…l am a vivid reader of ISS ..loved all your stories guys..This story sets in hyderabad and ends there too…let me tell about myself..I m Anil..35..matured and professional guy well settled in my job in a middle management job..This story was 3 years before when I was in hyderabad and now I have shifted my base to bhubaneswar… My colleagues name is Sweety..she is 34-36-32…A sexy busy gal who works with me and stays alone…this was a Saturday off and we were getting bored...

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