MY HUSBAND COMMANDS free porn video

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I guess the best place to start is at the beginning. My name is Shelly B___ and I'm 39 years old, happily married for twenty-one years to a wonderful man, John. We met in college and got married before the end of my freshman year. We have a son, a sweet boy by the name of Jesse who turned eighteen a few months ago and who is graduating from high school in the spring.

Despite being married for all these years, John and I are still like newlyweds in bed – we've had a very active love life since we first met at a freshman mixer back in our first week at the University of Indiana all those years ago. John keeps himself fit with twice a week visits to the gym and I run three times a week and my figure is not too greatly changed from my college days. When I look in a mirror, I am happy to see that my five foot, five inch figure is still a 36D-25-34. With long, curly blonde hair and a pert nose speckled with freckles and green eyes, I know I can still turn most men's heads and that when I'm naked with my legs spread wide, it thrills me to watch my husband get hard for me.

I should also confess that part of our attraction to each other is John's ability to be in charge and my willingness and desire to be told what to do. I am not an all out submissive, but when John doesn't ask me, but commands me to do something, I get weak in the knees and wet between my legs. John doesn't humiliate me, but he has commanded me into doing some things I would otherwise never have done and allowed me to explore parts of my sexuality I might never have known existed.

It was John who commanded me shortly after we were married to seduce my ex roommate, Tonya and to bring her to our bed. John and I have had many wonderful times with Tonya over the years. John taught me to enjoy the scary pleasure of exhibitionism. I have sucked and fucked my husband in many public places over the years. We've made love in elevators, restrooms, public parks, hotel balconies, beaches, cars; I have done my husband in all of these places and creamed my panties every single time.

Our relationship also took us into sexual games with other couples and sometimes single partners of either sex. We didn't swing much anymore, just a few close friends mostly. Often these affairs were initiated by me at John's command and on rare occasions at John's order, I have approached and had sex with absolute strangers, always spurred on by some whim of my husband. Never once have I not attempted to obey my husband's commands.

Still, for all our fun and games, my husband's latest command was one I never dreamed he would demand of me. It began back in October on a Saturday night. John and I had just finished making love and we were both catching our breath while the sweat from our bodies cooled and dried.

I was in my happy place – a pussy full of sperm and the afterglow of my orgasm tingling from my nipples down to my clitoris. I was nestled in John's strong arms, almost dozing when he said the words that would forever change our lives.

"Shelly, I think you should seduce Jessie."

"WHAT?" I almost shouted, jerked from a doze to wide awake. "John B___, I can't believe you just said that! I'm his mother for Christ's sake!"

John rolled over to face me, an amused look etched on his face. "Well, Jessie is now eighteen and he has been on maybe a half dozen dates in his life. I'd bet my left testicle that the boy's a virgin. What he needs is for his mother to show him what sex is all about."

I couldn't believe my ears. Yes, Jessie is a shy boy, although as sweet a young man as you'd ever want to meet. He was more comfortable around a circuit board or one of those thick fantasy novels that seemed to have ten different volumes than he was around any member of the opposite sex save for his mother. I was sure, however, that it was just a matter of time. Jessie would work out of his shyness soon enough. I knew he liked girls because I knew he had several girlie books under his mattress (actually, I more than a little suspected his father of buying them for him). Like all boys, sooner or later, Jessie would meet the girl that would pull him out of his shyness. Now his father was suggesting that his mother, that I should be that girl!

"John, what you are suggesting. John, that's i****t! I could never, ever do something like that."

My husband dropped his hand to my thigh and softly squeezed it. In that voice of his, in that tone that brooked no argument and made me so wet, he said, "Honey, I wasn't suggesting anything. Shelly, you are going to seduce our son."

I groaned and shivered against my husband's naked body. John slowly slipped his hand upwards until he was cupping my sex. "You're already wet thinking about it, aren't you, Shelly?" my husband whispered. I didn't reply.

John inserted a finger into my cum-filled pussy and slowly rotated it around. "Yes, I can feel the heat inside you, honey. You're going to seduce our son and make him a man." It wasn't a question, it was a command and I knew at that moment that I would be powerless to refuse him and to be honest, it did make me wet. It made me wet because it was me yielding to my husband's will yet again and maybe I should be ashamed to admit it, but it made me wet thinking about my son's hard penis slipping into my pussy.

" far do you want me to go, darling," I whispered.

"I want you to do it all with him. Before you're done, I want you to submit yourself completely to his desires, Shelly. You will be a motherslut for your son. Understand?" When I nodded, John beamed at me, kissed me and said, "That's my good wife." He kissed me and rolled over and within a minute was snoring. As for myself, I didn't sleep much. I was too shocked at what I had agreed to do and turned on by what I had agreed to do. I thought on it all night long, getting very little sleep and plotting how I was going to seduce my own son.

Somehow, I did manage to catch a few winks and when I woke up, it was late Sunday morning and I could smell bacon frying from downstairs. I was alone in my bed and I stretched contentedly, remembering the lovely fucking I had enjoyed the night before. Then I remembered my husband's command. I shivered and felt the heat suddenly burst into being between my thighs as my John's word's echoed in my ears. "Shelly, you are going to seduce our son."

I had a vague plan in mind and while part of me was completely terrified of what I was going to do, part of me was lustily imagining the possibilities if I was successful. I rolled myself out of bed and began to put my plan in action.

A few minutes later, I was downstairs and joining my two men in the kitchen. John was at the stove, finishing up the bacon and Jesse was putting plates down on the table. "Good morning," I said cheerfully.

Both father and son, glanced up and then away, only to do a double take as I walked towards them. John smiled and said, "Good morning, sleepy head. I was wondering when you were going to get up."

Jesse on the other hand just ogled me for a bit, before stammering, "Good Morning, Mom." His eyes never left me as he slid into his seat. His face was turning red, no doubt matching the shade of my skin as I brazened the moment, both embarrassed and turned on. I was wearing a black strapless negligee. It lifted and showed off my breasts, barely concealing my nipples and ended just north of my panties, black bikini panties that molded themselves to my mound and were so skimpy that they were just shy of being called a thong.

Trying to act nonchalantly, I leaned over and kissed Jesse's cheek, giving him a real up close look at my jiggling breast flesh, before then walked over and kissing my husband good morning.

We had breakfast as we always did; John and I chatting as Jesse mostly stared at my partly clothed body. Afterwards, he and his father sat at the table while I scurried around, cleaning up. Both seemed fascinated by my mostly bare ass cheeks and a quick glance down at my son's lap as I bent over again in front of him to clear away his plate showed me that he was indeed enjoying the view indicated by the bulge in his pajama bottom.

I wondered if he could see the wet spot growing in my panties or smell me. It felt wonderful feeling his eyes always on me, following me around the room with his father looking on in amusement. Of course, I think Jessie felt trapped, unable or unwilling to stand up and leave without revealing the prominent erection in his pajamas. So, I continued to tease him until finally he rushed from the room when my back was turned, hurriedly mumbling something about meeting his buddies to watch football. I was surprised to find myself a little disappointed.

John came up behind me however and pulled me to him, grinding his hard-on against my butt and saying, "I think that was a very good start, Shelly." My husband nuzzled my neck. "Jesse got quite the chubby watching you."

I trembled as his hands slipped up to cup my barely clothed breasts, pushing myself back against him. "I'll do this, honey," I whispered as John squeezed my breasts. "But, I have to do this my way, on my own schedule." I squirmed around and faced my husband. "I need your help, though, John, to pull this off," I said before kissing him.

John chuckled into my mouth as he lifted me up onto the edge of the sink, his hands pulling my panties off. "God, you are so fucking wet, Shelly." He lowered himself downward and I felt his breath on my pussy as he hissed, "You really want to fuck our son, don't you, baby? You want to be his motherslut?""

"Yessss!" I moaned as I felt my husband slip his tongue between my labial lips. "I want to fuck Jesse and be his whore and please youuuu!" Then I was crying out as John ate me, imagining our son upstairs, maybe masturbating and thinking about me as well. Between moans and sobs, I tried to explain my plan to my husband. I think I conveyed the idea despite his maddening tongue. I knew that within a few days we would find out.


I began the next step a couple of nights later. We were all in the family room, watching one of those silly game shows. This was that "Deal or No Deal" show. It was Jesse's favorite because of all the sexy little girls carrying the cases. Despite all their young and toned bodies, I was offering up some good competition. I had on a short nightshirt and panties, curled up with John on the couch while Jesse sat sprawled in a recliner opposite of us. The nightshirt was deliberately too small and I was braless. The jersey material molded itself to me like a second skin, letting Jesse get a very clear idea of the shape and heft of my breasts and how my nipples looked when hard. My nipples are thick and stand out like little cigar sized nubs when aroused and they were aroused now, knowing that my son was ogling me at every opportunity. He also seemed to enjoy my showing off my long, well toned legs and the occasional teasing glance at my panties as I would open and close my legs.

As his show wound down and some legal drama began, John and I began to kiss, short, sweet kisses at first, followed by longer, deeper ones where our tongues danced together and the sheer passion I had for my husband would draw little sighs of pleasure. My hand rubbed the top of John's thigh while his hands caressed my legs and back, getting achingly close to my breasts.

Careful glances told me that our son was paying more attention to us than the television. His eyes constantly wandered our way and he was getting red in the face. His hands were arranged carefully in his lap, hiding what I suspected was a sizeable bulge. Jesse cleared his throat and swung the recliner to an upright position and said in a bit of a stained voice, "I think I'll head upstairs – maybe do some homework."

As he started to stand, I ended my wet kiss with Jesse's father and said, "Ohhh, baby! I'm sorry, did we embarrass you?" I giggled and hugged John tighter and said, "Don't tell me you got embarrassed by your mom and dad kissing?"

Jesse rolled his eyes and said, "Geez, Mom!" and turned to leave.

"Please, honey," I said in my best flirty voice. "We don't mean to chase you out of the room. Please stay! John, tell him to stay!"

John had that 'cat that ate the canary' grin on his face as he said, "Watch your show, Jesse. Don't mind us; we're just a couple of old horny parents."

Jessie's face got redder and he rolled his eyes again, but he did sit back down and pretend to watch his show while we resumed kissing. I was feeling so hot, knowing my son was watching his father casually touching me, caressing a breast here and rubbing my bare thigh so achingly close to my pussy there, all the while dueling tongues with me.

Finally, I had to whisper, "Take me to bed, baby," saying it just loud enough for Jessie to hear, his already red face now the color of a tomato.

John chuckled and he stood up, me still in his arms. "Goodnight, son," he said in a hoarse voice and then while our boy watched, my husband carried me out of the room and up the stairs.

We stepped into our bedroom and John made to kick the door shut, but I quickly said, "No, John. Leave it open."

My husband's eye's widened as he realized what I was doing and with an almost scary smile, he was out of his sweat pants, his cock hard and throbbing and then he had my panties off and my ankles were in his grip and John spread my legs wide and was on me and in me in one quick, exhilarating motion. I was so wet, John was able to sink into me to the hilt with one thrust, making me cry out from the delicious sensation of being filled with a big cock.

"Oh yesssss!" I moaned out. "Fuck me, baby. Fuck me hard!" I was well aware that with the door open, the sounds of our lovemaking would definitely be heard downstairs and I imagined our son, sitting there in his recliner, cock getting harder and harder as he heard his parents fuck. It definitely turned on John. My husband began to ram into me with furious determination as he realized that I was going through with his commands, albeit in my own roundabout fashion.

I wondered if Jessie was playing with himself, masturbating as he listened to us fuck. Sudden inspiration struck and John moaned appreciatively as I began to cry out loudly, "Fuck me, baby. Give Momma that hard cock – give Momma what she needs." I swear, I could feel John grow inside me, it excited him that much. "Yes, that's it, baby, fuck Momma hard, make me cum! Give Momma all that hot cum."

That was all it took for me. I was already excited about the evening's naughty exhibition and now, knowing that my son might be downstairs, stroking his penis while listening to his mother talked nasty upstairs and with my husband fucking me hard and fast, I felt an orgasm erupt between my legs and spread rapidly throughout my body, carrying me away on waves of erotic pleasure.

I'm not sure what I might have cried out as I voiced my carnal pleasure. I know I continued to try and work the word Momma into my sobs of joy, but it might have all been silly babble as my orgasm just seemed to go on and on. Then, as I felt it begin to subside, John, groaned and thrust deep inside me and began emptying his load of hot sperm inside me and I exploded anew, crying out as a new and even more powerful orgasm swept over me. Is there any thing finer than an orgasm triggered by the wonderful sensation of feeling your man's seed filling your womb?

Finally, we both just collapsed, chests heaving as we gasped for breath. "That, that was fucking fantastic, Shelly," my husband managed to say after several anxious gulps for air. I could only nod and strain to listen for any noise downstairs. The television volume seemed to have been lowered and I thought I could just barely detect the faint noise of someone groaning and it made my cum filled loins quiver.

John and I fell asleep then, leaving our bedroom door open and in the dim illumination of the hallway, I'm sure Jessie was able to get a good look at his parents as he went to his room, arms and legs akimbo, our lower bodies naked and glistening with our lovemaking.

Jessie was awfully quiet the next morning at breakfast and he blushed every time one of us spoke to him and I wondered if we had done too much or pushed things too far, but to my pleasant surprise, that evening, he was again in his recliner when I came into to watch one of my "chick" shows. Usually he avoided these programs like the plague, retiring to his room to play on his computer.

John was in the den, working on some papers for the office and I had again dressed scantily, this time, wearing one of Jessie's old concert T-shirts that he had outgrown and a pair of blue cotton panties. The T-shirt didn't reach my crotch, so he was given a complete view of my panty clad crotch. We both pretended to watch my show, but I could feel my temperature rising as my son's eyes roamed over my body. In the guise of stretching and finding a comfortable position, I gave Jessie several indecent poses of my body and would let my legs fall open into indecent positions.

It had the desired effect on my son and as he shifted to get comfortable, he would accidentally show off the bulge in his pajamas. I was becoming very curious as to how big my son was. I was already suspecting that he was at least as big as his father, maybe even bigger! My pussy was on fire, liquid flame oozing from me and I made sure he was able to get a good look at the wet spots in my crotch.

John showed up just as my show went off – wearing pajama bottoms and no top. He cuddled up with me on the couch as the late news came on. All three of us managed to watch the local news until the weather report was done, then my husband and I began to kiss and make out again. Long minutes went by as we soul kissed and caressed each other, our passion increasing with each passing moment.

Finally we stopped and I looked over at Jessie and said in a husky voice, "Son, we're not embarrassing you or anything, are we? We're not going to run you off?"

Jessie's face was already a deep shade of red, but he shrugged nonchalantly and managed to squeak, "Naw – you old folks aren't bothering me. Besides I want to watch the Late Show."

"That's good, Jessie," I said in a sexy, pleased voice. "Enjoy yourself." I turned and looked at my grinning husband who gave me a wink and then pulled me to him, kissing me something fierce, his tongue plunging into my mouth. We quickly got ourselves locked into a passionate French kiss and then I felt John's hand cup my breast and squeeze. I shivered with excitement as I quickly glanced at Jessie and saw that he was watching his father cup and squeeze his mother's breast. Not a quick grope, but a sustained mauling of my firm, full tit. He rubbed his palm against my covered nipple, making me groan from the delicious friction.

I let my hand run across my husband's lightly haired chest and upwards and over to cover his squeezing fingers, pressing his hand more firmly against my breast. John broke our kiss and then began to nuzzle his way to my neck, kissing and licking and biting me on my throat in a way that always makes me sooo horny! I cooed with delight and looked into my son's eyes.

Jessie's eyes widened as he knew that he was busted, but he didn't look away and I gave him my best approving, motherly smile which produced a shocked and surprised expression on his face. Then John was kissing me again, our tongues eagerly rolling and slathering over each other. I decided to be more daring and I slipped a hand downward, running it across my husband's stomach and then down to the long, hard lump in his crotch. I felt almost dizzy as I caressed my husband's cock in front of my son.

John then moved his hand off my breast – I felt his warm hand slip under my T-shirt and move upwards, dragging the bottom of my shirt as he went. For a second, I tensed up, then I just gave in to my naughty desires and moaned into my husband's mouth as he pushed my shirt up and revealed my naked breast to our son. I glanced at Jessie and was rewarded with a look of sheer disbelief as he ogled my tit and his father teasing and pulling on my swollen and sensitive nipple.

John pressed on, winking at me again as he ended our kiss and tugged my shirt up further to reveal both my breasts. He ducked his head down and began to kiss each of my tits, pausing to suck on one nipple and then the other, while I stared at our son and fought to catch my breath. This was so nasty and sexy and wrong and I was loving every second of it.

I let out a long, lusty moan as I felt John's hand palm my wet, panty covered pussy, rubbing the material into my crotch. I knew without looking that the wet spots were now a massive stain and the sodden material was plastered to my labia lips, molding the material to reveal the shape of my mound. I bit my lower lip, looking at my son before groaning with pleasure again.

I needed to be fucked and I needed to be fucked right now. I squirmed against the probing fingers and mouth of my husband for another minute or two before gasping out loud, "Take me to bed, please! Take me to bed now!"

John groaned with approval and he stood up, his erection pressing visibly against his pajama bottoms. He pulled me to my feet, T-shirt still pulled up above my breasts and then as he let me stand there on display, he turned to our heavily breathing son and said in a joking manner, "Sorry, Jessie. I guess we get a little carried away sometimes. Goodnight, son."

John stepped behind me and I felt his hand cup my ass cheek and urge me forward. I strutted proudly past my son, panties wet and clinging to my pussy, breasts bouncing and nipples swollen and throbbing, savoring his lusty stares. "Good night, son," I said huskily. "Momma loves you!"

John and I walked slowly up the stairs, letting John get a good view of my mostly naked body. Once out of sight, we hurried to our bedroom, again leaving the door open. My husband took the initiative, bending me over my dressing table chair and almost ripping my panties off me. He spread my legs wide and then with one swift motion, lowered himself and thrust up into me, burying his hard dick in me and making me scream with delight!

Soon, my cries of sexual pleasure were echoing through the house and there was no doubt in my mind that my Jessie could hear my pleading to, "FUCK MOMMA! FUCK MOMMA WITH THAT BIG COCK. GIVE MOMMA WHAT SHE NEEDS! CUM IN MOMMA WITH YOUR HOT SPUNK!"

John spurred me on as he slammed into me again and again, his fingers reaching around and squeezing my breasts, saying, "You want him, don't you? You're want to be a mommy whore, a fuck slut for Jessie, don't you, Shelly? Shelly Son-fucker, you want your son's cock cumming in your pussy!"

In the rare moments between our dirty talk and the wet slapping of our bodies coming together, I was sure I heard moans floating up from the first floor and I began to orgasm when I heard a long drawn out, "Mommmm!" John later said he didn't hear that, but I would swear on a stack of bibles that I did.

Afterwards, as John's semen trickled from my still quivering pussy, he asked, "So, Shelly, how much longer until you do what I told you to do?"

I sighed at the thought of the endgame of John's command. Part of me wanted to go downstairs right now and accomplish my mission, but part of me told me to stick to my plan. I turned my head to kiss my husband and said, "Two or three days, baby. If your son doesn't just come up here and **** me first." Even that sounded like fun and John thought so too judging from the look on his face, but he nodded and said, "Well, I can wait a few more days." He studied me for a second and grinned. "This really turns you on, doesn't it, babe?"

I sighed again and replied, "Like you cannot believe, John. I've been wet ever since you told me you wanted me to fuck our son. And I want to. I want to make Jessie my lover." I paused and then blurted out, "This won't be a one-time thing, will it?"

John smiled and ran his finger the length of my back, sending little electric tingles up and down my spine. "I hope not. I hope Jessie wants to fuck his mommy every day for the rest of his life. What kind of daddy would I be to deny him something as sweet as his Mom's pussy?"

It seemed like an eternity before the next night arrived. It was a Friday and usually Jessie went running around with his friends, but this Friday night Jessie stayed home, even offering to buy us pizza for dinner so I wouldn't have to cook. Nothing had been said about what had occurred over the past two days, but the tension over it was hanging thickly in the air. Jessie seemed to always be hanging around me, his eyes constantly devouring me and several times I thought he might just grab me and start pawing at my body, making real my joking prediction about r****g me, but somehow, my son seemed to retain control over himself, although I did receive one or two impromptu hugs, Jessie pressing his body against mine, mashing my breasts against his chest.

We'd eaten Pizza and there was some silly monster movie on the television. John and Jessie had both changed into pajamas, John again opting to leave his chest bare. I was more daring than ever before, wearing a spaghetti strapped silk camisole that didn't quite cover my belly button and a high cut tan French bikini. Again, I opted for a top that was too small for me and the silky material hung tightly and invitingly to my breasts, nipples poking against the silk prominently.

John kept looking at me, curiosity in his eyes, but I kept delaying the moment, enjoying teasing our son, making him wonder when and if John and I would start making out again. The movie droned on and on while Jessie had to be satisfied with casting glances over at my scantily clad body.

Finally, I couldn't bare it anymore. I placed my hand on my husband's thigh and snuggled up a little closer and raised my head to kiss him. John was ready and we were quickly kissing, our mouths open, tasting each other. I could feel my husband's heart beating in his chest, knowing he could surely feel mine beating away like a jackhammer.

Kissing quickly led to caressing and then more caressing. I acknowledged my son's presence, glancing his way several times as he stared openly at his parents making out. Soon John's hand was squeezing my breasts and I was scissoring my legs back and forth, the heat between my thighs almost unbearable, sure that John could see the soaked material plastered against my pussy. John reached down and cupped my ass cheek and I felt myself being lifted up and being plunked onto my husband's lap. I wiggled happily as I felt John's thick erection against my ass cheeks.

I groaned into my husband's mouth as he slipped a hand between my legs, flinging my left leg out to d**** over his knees, now exposing my panty-clad crotch completely to our son. A quick look over at Jessie provided me a glimpse of a very excited young man with a large tent in his pajamas. His hands moved aimlessly as he tried to keep from rubbing himself.

John used his hand though to rub my fabric covered pussy, ascertaining my aroused state. Then without warning, John reached up and grabbed the neckline of my camisole and yanked downward viciously, snapping the shoulder straps and tearing the camisole off my body, baring my breasts.

Jessie gasped as for the second time, his father bared my breasts for him to view. I felt the blood singing through my veins, making me dizzy with so many emotions. I gasped for breath as John ended the kiss. Through the roaring in my ears, I heard my husband say, "Your mom has one damn fine body, Jessie – don't you think her tits are magnificent?"

I could only sit there sprawled in John's lap, gasping for breath as he hefted one of my firm, full breasts and stared at my slack-jawed son. John ducked his head and took my hard, erect nipple in his mouth and began to suck on it. I groaned as his hand slipped down over my stomach and again palmed my sodden crotch, pressing his fingers into the silk of my panties, making the material rub against the inner parts of my labia.

"Feels sooo good!" I moaned, shivering as my husband's teeth nipped at my nipple as his tongue rolled over my flesh.

John let go of my nipple, releasing it with a wet pop and growled, "Then you're going to fucking love this, Shelly!" John slipped his hand slightly upward to the low-cut waistband of my panties and then slipped them down under the material, fingers delving quickly between my pussy lips and then curling as they were swallowed by my pussy. My body convulsed and jerked, both from surprise and shock as I realized my husband was now fingering my pussy in front of our son.

I heard Jessie moan as John's hand wriggled around inside my panties, slipping, one, two, three fingers into my wet and burning vagina! I was helpless to do anything other than sit sprawled there on John's lap, legs wide and on the verge of orgasm, watching my son watch his father finger fuck his mother.

John expertly pleasured me, his middle finger probing deep while his forefinger and ringfinger curled up seeking my G-spot. At the same time, his palm rubbed against the upper folds of my pussy, teasing and rubbing my clitoris. I must have looked like quite the madwoman, writhing on John's lap in carnal delight, my long hair whipping around and my breasts bouncing wildly as my husband's fingers plunged in and out of me.

I tried the best that I could to keep my gaze locked on our son, watching Jessie's reaction. As near as I could tell, he was very excited, breathing hard, his fingers digging into the arms of the recliner as he stared intently at us, burning every second of our shameless display into his memory. Knowing that this was my c***d, my only son watching me be pleasure was more than I could bear and like a tidal wave, my orgasm washed over me.

"OH GOD YESSSS, FINGER ME BABY, MAKE ME OH GOD MAKE MOMMAAA CUMMMM FINGER MOMMMMAA MAKE MOMMMA CUMMM!" I screamed as I convulsed and shook, almost falling off John's lap.

Jessie let out a choked sob and I saw his hip move uncontrollably too, his butt coming right off the cushion of his seat and quickly a wet spot began to appear at the crest of the tent in his pajamas. I sobbed with wordless joy as through my orgasm clouded mind I realized that we had just made our son cum in his pajamas.

Our eyes were locked on each other as we squirmed and quivered through our almost mutual orgasms while John murmured excitedly, "Yeah, that's it."

Finally I just went limp in John's lap, his free arm holding me up, his erection throbbing urgently against my butt. Jessie's chest was heaving and his face was fire truck red as he realized what had happened. An expression of embarrassment spread over his face and he shifted the recliner to an upright position, preparing to stand up.

"Noooo," I said, my voice a hoarse whisper. "Stay, son...don't leave us yet."

Jessie froze in place, half-risen from his seat, staring at his father and me. Long seconds passed as he watched us, his father's hand still in my panties, teasingly rubbing my outer folds, sending periodic shivers of delight through my body. Then, slowly, Jessie sat back down, his eyes never leaving us.

"Good boy," said John as he pulled his fingers from my pussy, glistening and dripping with my juices. John sucked my cream off his forefinger and smacked his lips. "Delicious!" he declared and moved to suck his other fingers clean, but paused and then held his fingers up to me, brushing my partly open lips. Without hesitation, I sucked his fingers into my mouth and sucked them clean of my juices.

Jessie let out a groan and I was pleased to see that the slowly disappearing tent in his pants was now again growing. I took my eyes off of my son and turned and kissed my husband, tasting myself on his lips. "Darling, I need your cock," I said in a low, breathless voice. Shakily, I let myself slip from John's lap, letting my legs fold up as I descended so that I was on my knees between his legs when I was done.

"I need it, John. I want to taste your cock on my lips. I want to taste your cum in my mouth." I whispered, glancing over almost shyly at Jessie as I spoke. I reached up and began to tug at John's pajamas. My husband lifted his hips and I yanked his pajamas down, freeing his lovely cock to stand straight up.

John sighed happily, knowing what a good cocksucker I am. He glanced at Jessie and then scooted a little bit in Jessie's direction, giving our son a better viewpoint for what came next.

I reached out and took my husband's cock in my hand, now as on the first time I knelt at this feet, marveling at his fine example of the male penis, long, thick and oh so hard. "I love you, John," I whispered as I slowly stroked his cock. As I ran my hand up and down his long shaft, I turned and looked over at my son. "I love you, Jessie."

Slowly, my eyes on Jessie, I lowered my head and took John in my mouth, pausing to rub the head of his penis against my lips and to roll my tongue around the crown and across his piss slit before slowly wrapping my lips around my husband's thick meat and taking him inch by inch into my mouth.

John groaned as I slowly deep-throated his cock, taking it all, running my tongue along his stiff shaft until his cock head was lodged deep in my throat and my lips were being tickled by his pubic hairs. I made an "Mmmmm" sound as I held my man's penis in my mouth, letting it get slick with my saliva. Then slowly I released John's cock, again letting it slip from my lips inch by thick inch.

I let him go and again ran my tongue over the head, then trailed my tongue down his shaft until I buried my face in his balls, tonguing them as well before rolling my tongue back up the several inches of his erect penis. All during this, I watched our son staring avidly at my actions. If anything, I think he was harder than he had been before, judging by the size of the bulge in his pajamas.

"Son, why don't you make yourself comfortable?" I said to Jessie. "Let your cock out and feel free to masturbate while I suck your father's cock."

Jessie moaned and looked at me, then his father. "Mom?" he moaned.

I nodded and said, "Yes, Jessie, it's okay. We don't mind. It's not fair that we get all the fun. Go ahead, jerk off while I suck Dad's cock." I winked at him and said, "You can pretend Momma's doing it to you."

Then I began to suck John's cock again, making a serious effort to show off my cock sucking skills to Jessie. John helped out by keeping my long, blonde hair pulled back from my face so it wouldn't obscure our son's view of my oral pleasuring of his dad.

My eyes wandered back and forth between my husband and my son. Within a minute of resuming my blowjob, I was rewarded with Jessie squirming a bit in his seat so he could pull his pajamas partly off, revealing his hard and glorious cock. It was streaked with streamers of semen where he just cum. It was incredible and I judged right on the spot that my son was at least an inch longer than his father, perhaps two inches and he was just as thick as John.

I sucked on my husband's cock furiously while John and I both watched Jessie stroke his hard cock. John's sighs of happiness mixed with Jessie's unmistakable noises of spanking the monkey and I made them both swell a little more as I gobbled John's cock noisily, slurping and sucking. I have never understood why, but men love to hear a woman sound as if she is almost choking on the cock they're sucking on. I suppose it all has to deal with the fantasy of believing their cocks are almost too big for a woman to be able to put in their mouths.

Just as the lewd and almost i****tuous scene had triggered a quick orgasm from me, both my men were not able to contain themselves for very long. I had my lips wrapped tightly around the crown of John's cock, sucking furiously as my tongue swept over it again and again when John moaned, "Oh God, Shelly – sweet cocksucker – I'm going to cum!"

Immediately, John stiffened and his cock swelled and a thick jet of hot semen exploded inside my mouth, then another and another. Then, while I adore the taste of semen, I couldn't resist my naughty impulse to give our son another display of his mother's whorish ways. I let my husband's cock slip from my mouth and let our son see his father's cock spray sperm all over his mother's face. Jet after jet of hot semen splashed against my face, coating my cheeks and lips, running across the bridge of my nose and dripping from my chin. It seemed as if in one orgasm, John was literally emptying his balls to cum on my face.

I rolled my tongue around my lips, scooping up streamers of my husband's cum and while doing so, looked over at my son, giving him a lusty leer. "I love the taste of sperm," I whispered and that was all it took.

Jessie sobbed and his hips began to buck and as his frantically stroked himself, my son began to cum, huge spurts of cum erupting from his cock, and splattering all over his hand and stomach, the first bursts going up a few feet. Like his father, he seemed to cum forever, a thick flood of semen that coated his hand and cock as he milked himself.

"Mom!" Jessie moaned again and again as he watched me watching him masturbate. Finally, he was done, and sat there with his hand around his somewhat deflated cock, gasping for air and staring at me with tear filled eyes.

"Jessie, are you alright?" I asked, a little concerned that maybe this was all too much for him.

He nodded furiously, seeming to be unable to say much more than "Mom."

I felt John lean forward and then his finger rolled over my cheek and my chin, scooping up his spunk splattered here and there. "Did you enjoy yourself, son?" he asked.

Again, our son nodded furiously and grinned sheepishly at the same time while John slipped his semen covered finger into my mouth and I lovingly sucked it clean. John's grin again turned into a open mouth gape as he watched his mother act so slutty.

I turned to John and murmured, "It's time to go to bed, honey." My husband reached down and helped me to my feet. We started to walk past our son, but I turned and went over to him, bending over him to say goodnight, well aware that my breasts were hanging down and swaying just a bit as I did so.

"Goodnight, sweetie. Momma loves you." As I spoke and then leaned forward and kissed my son on the corner of his mouth, I made sure my breasts were brushing against his chest and with one hand, I reached down and squeezed his own hand still encircling his cock, managing to scoop up some of his sperm from his cum covered hand.

"Get a good night's sleep, Jessie. I expect tomorrow will be a busy day," I said as I started to turn away, making sure he saw me bring my semen smeared hand to my mouth and lick his cum off as we walked away. Jessie tasted different than his father, strong and sweet. I immediately fell in love with the taste of my son's semen.

As we walked up the stairs, John's hands took me by the waist and he said quietly, "I'm very pleased with you, Shelly." My husband's words and even the tone he spoke them in hit me like I'd been plugged into a pleasure machine. I felt my knees grow weak even as I felt my pussy quiver and trickles of my juices began to run down my thighs.

We entered our bedroom as one, arms wrapped around each other, kissing passionately. I don't remember us even hitting the bed, I just know that suddenly I was on my back and John was in me, lustily pounding his cock into me and I was wailing with pleasure. John talked to me with each thrust, calling me a motherslut and asking me if I was ready to fuck our son.

Words were hard for me to form, and mostly I remember just moaning, "Fuck Momma, fuck Momma with that big dick," over and over again, before my body just seemed to come apart as my orgasm swept over me.

Cuddling afterwards, we happily recounted the evening's fun. "Did you see how big Jessie's cock is, Shelly?" John said. "I bet you can't wait to get him inside you."

I shivered as I thought about having my son fucking me and giggled as I said back, "I bet you can't wait to see our big-dick son fucking me.

"Am I going to see that tomorrow, Shelly?" John asked. "I think I've been waiting long enough."

There was a sternness to my husband's voice, hinting that he wanted his command obeyed soon and I nodded and replied, "I think after tomorrow night, you will be very happy, honey."

And it did seem that again, the next night would never get here. The next day, Saturday was very weird. What we three had been doing was hanging over us, but none of us spoke of it all through the day. I spent most of the day catching up on washing and ironing, hanging out in the kitchen with my ironing board, dressed in a string bikini top and some old blue jean shorts. John and Jessie spent most of the day raking leaves and getting the yard ready for winter.

John and I would kiss and fool around a bit when he passed through, but we never let things get out of hand. Jessie ate lunch while I worked on my ironing and I was aware that his eyes never left my partly clad body and I tried hard to put an extra shimmy and shake into my movements as I ironed clothes. I would smile at him and give him a naughty wink once in a while that made him blush, but we never mentioned our naughty behavior once.

Maybe he was worried that if we did talk about it, like some magical creature it would disappear in a puff of smoke. In truth, I felt the same way. My plan, such that it was, seemed to be working perfectly, and I was thrilled and flattered that my son was so turned on by me.

Both my men showered before dinner and then I excused myself to go take a bath while John and Jessie cleaned up the kitchen. I took a long, lazy bubble bath and considered shaving my pussy as a surprise for John and my son, but decided not to do it. I like the way my little golden haired muff looked. I think there is something uniquely feminine about a natural blonde's pubic hair.

Downstairs, I could hear John and Jessie laughing at some old comedy movie. I went through my wardrobe and considered what I was going to wear tonight. After long thought, I decided it was time to get really naughty. I was horny and I was through with preliminaries. I selected my outfit and preened in front of the mirror, nodding to myself.

Quietly, I came down stairs, pausing to look at my husband and my son watching television. Both looked so handsome. John was again in his pajama bottoms, leaving the top off. I felt both love and lust for him, just as I had the first night I met him. Somehow, John had convinced our son to leave his pajama top off as well and I was more than a little turned on by his well developed body. I knew he kept weights in his bedroom and worked out everyday, but I guess I wasn't expecting him to look so mature. I confess, my pussy hungered for him. I felt my heart pounding in anticipation. I loved my son as a mother, but now I realized the possibilities were so endless, that motherly love was just the gateway to a greater love.

I walked into the room and murmured, "My, aren't you two a couple of good looking studs!" Both turned and looked at me and both my men rewarded me with awestruck looks that made me blush and wet between my legs at the same time.

I was standing in front of them in a pair of stiletto high heels and a nasty, black widow-maker corset. The corset lifted up my breasts and put them on prominent display, my nipples throbbing and erect for all to see. I chose to skip hose and panties, so my pussy was also bared and very visible.

"Mom," Jessie gasped. "You're beautiful!" Laid back in his recliner, I was in the perfect position to see his pajama bottoms produce a huge tent in just scant seconds.

"Thank you, son," I breathed back, slowly walking by him, making sure he saw all my goodies. John was speechless and I grinned at him as I straddled him. "I need you right now, lover – I can't wait until bedtime."

I kissed my husband, driving my tongue into his mouth as I began to undulate on his lap, rubbing my bare pussy against his quickly emerging erection. We kissed passionately as our son watched, John's hands coming around to caress my bare ass, to help me roll my hips and groin to better press against his pajama covered cock.

I needed more and I began squirming around, lifting up to work my husband's pajama's off him, finally rising to help him finish shedding them and flinging them across the room, over John's head to land behind his recliner while he watched us anxiously. I leaned over and with my breasts hanging pendulously, wrapped my fingers around John's cock and stroked him several times before licking his cockhead like it was an ice cream cone.

I looked up at our son who was squirming himself, rubbing his bugle through his pajamas. "Jessie, I really need to fuck your Dad right now. I can't wait any longer. Do you mind if I fuck him right here and now? You can watch if you want."

Jessie just nodded wordlessly. I turned and smiled at my husband. "I need to fuck you baby, right here, right now." John just smiled and nodded.

I turned around and straddled him again, facing towards our son. Reaching down, I took John's hard cock in hand while using my other hand to spread my labia lips apart, revealing to Jessie for the first time the pink, wet folds of my aroused pussy. "Do you like what you see, son?" I said in a husky whisper. "I'm wet. I'm wet because of you, Jessie. I bet you didn't know you made your mother so hot and wet, did you?"

Jessie just stared as I maneuvered John's cock to my pussy. My pussy lips clasped the head of his cock hungrily and as our son watched, I slowly sank down on his father's immense erection. In all my life I have never been so excited and aroused. John's cock felt larger than ever and I was tightening my flesh around him and it seemed I could feel every bump and vein on his erect penis. Every moment and every movement brought me pleasure like I had never known. Slowly, on tiptoe, I began to piston up and down on John's throbbing dick.

I reveled in being so carnally lewd in front of my son, knowing that he was hard and turned on because of me, that he was shedding his own pajamas, freeing his cock and stroking it because of me. Jessie brought his recliner to the upright position, his pajama bottoms pooled at his feet. He was leaning forward, his eyes intent on me as I rode his father's cock.

"Do you like what you see, Jessie?" I hissed. "Does it make you want to do things, things to me?"

Jessie groaned while John chuckled, his hands on my waist, helping me ride up and down on his long, stiff cock. Finally, Jessie managed to moan, "I love you, Mom! I want, I want..." His words faded into a groan, full of need and desire. I felt my pussy flooding around John's cock from my own desires.

"Son, would you like Mom to suck your cock?" I said softly. I licked my lips and added, "Momma's been looking forward to eating some of her baby's cum." A thrill shot through me. A part of me couldn't believe that I was acting this way towards my own son, offering myself up as such a slut. Another part of me wanted to do so much more and even the thought of letting my son have me was enough to send me to the edge of orgasm.

Jessie was on his feet, a look of delight mixed with sheer disbelief at my offer. He stepped out of his pajamas and took a step towards us, then another and then another and there he was in front of me. My son's cock was almost completely vertical against his flat stomach. Up close it was even bigger than I had thought, more than two inches longer than his father.

"Oh Jessie, you're so big! You have a beautiful cock," I cooed as I reached out and wrapped my fingers around the thick shaft.

"I love you, Mom!" Jessie sobbed. He stepped a bit closer as I guided his cock towards my face. "MOMMMMM!" he cried out as I opened my mouth and let the head of his cock slip between my lips. My tongue rolled over his swollen cock head, I could taste him, lapping up the precum oozing from his slit.

I felt an orgasm begin to build between my legs, my pussy a fiery furnace about to overheat and explode as my screamed at me that I had my son's cock in my mouth. I took more of him, my tongue busily swirling around his soft yet steely flesh, tasting him and loving him. Jessie's hand dropped to my head, fingers curling in my hair and then he pulled his hand away.

"It's okay, son," murmured John. "Put your fingers back, get them tangled up in your Mom's pretty blonde hair. Use it, guide your Mom. Let her know what you want. Faster, slower, deeper." John's voice became darker, more stern. "Tell her what you want and your Mom will do it for you. She likes to please her men."

Jessie did what his father wanted and as I looked up into my son's eyes, my mouth filled with his cock, he reached out and slipped his fingers into my hair, both hands holding my head. He thrust forward and pulled me closer and I took more of him. He held my head tight and began to fuck my mouth, moving slowly back and forth, his fingers tightening around my curly, blonde locks.

"Oh yeah, Mom," he moaned, a happy and satisfied grin on his face, identical to the one his father displayed when he was pleased. "I love you so much, Mom!"

For a minute maybe I held out against my orgasm, feeling the pleasure rise within me, spreading out from my pussy to my breasts, making my nipples so swollen they were in pain, and then throughout the rest of my body. Slowly riding up and down on John's throbbing cock while my son fucked my face, me hungrily sucking his long shaft, pure carnal joy built within me.

Finally, the knowledge that I w as being shared by my husband and my son, the sheer sweet i****tuous pleasure sent me over the edge and my orgasm swept through me. I sank down on John's cock, unable to control my movements anymore. I simply convulsed and shook, impaled on his wonderful cock while I struggled to continue sucking Jessie's cock. Mostly, I managed to work my tongue over his sweet meat while he did the work, working his cock in and out of his mother's mouth.

I must have been quite the sluttish sight, helplessly stuck on my husband's erection while my son fucked my face. I think it was too much for Jessie and I felt his cock throb and swell and as he moaned, "Mommm, I'm, I'm cummminggg!" my son flooded my mouth with burst after burst of sweet semen.

When I say it was a flood, I mean a flood. Never in all my thirty-eight years, have I had so much sperm from one man. His spunk was sweeter tasting than his father's, the cleaner, more youthful taste you only get from a young man. I gobbled and swallowed and couldn't handle it. Choking, I let him slip from my mouth and his last ejaculations splashed across my face, giving me a facial with his hot sperm. I could only moan happily as I continued to quake from my orgasm, Jessie's sperm splattering against my lips and extended tongue and my chin and cheeks.

Jessie looked quite dazed at the end of his orgasm and he sank to his knees in front of me, watching me as I sobbed and cried, my fingers trying to push his semen across my face to my hungry mouth as my orgasm began to ebb.

Then John was lifting me off his cock and easing me to the floor as I looked up at him confused. "Finish me with your mouth, Shelly," he commanded me. I groaned and turned to his erection, cockflesh glistening with my own juices. Hungrily, I took him in my mouth, sucking hard, tongue fluttering over the crown of his cock. I stiffened in surprise as I felt hands touching me from behind and I realized that Jessie was being brave and exploring me.

Orgasmic aftershocks rocked me as I felt his fingers slipping through my pussy lips, finding my wetness. Another hand curled around and was touching my hard nipple, testing and pulling on it. I shivered with delight at his touch and then John groaned and began cumming, excited at the sight of his only c***d exploring his wife's body.

John's semen gushed into my mouth, not quite the flood of tasty sperm that his son had given me (and which was even now dripping from my chin to my tits), but still a considerable load. I swallowed one sweet tasting shot after another until finally John was spent at least for the moment.

I let my husband slip from my mouth and gasped for air, more orgasmic tremors making me shiver as Jessie continued to caress my wet folds. John smiled down at me and then asked our son, "Well, Jessie, what do you think? Isn't your mom quite the slut?"

"I think Mom's wonderful!" Jessie exclaimed. "I, I can't believe this is happening."

"Shit, son, we're just getting started. You haven't seen anything yet!" John said, laughing.

I reached out and touched John's now semi-erect cock. Despite just experiencing an earth shattering orgasm, my body screamed for more. "Take me to bed," I whispered. "Take me to bed, now."

John grinned and shook his head. "No," he said.

I was at a loss. "No?" I replied. Maybe I was a little confused and bewildered from the glorious sex.

"No, I'm not going to take you to bed. Maybe your son would like to fuck you." John considered our son with a serious look. "Jessie, are you a virgin?"

Jessie blushed a little and nodded. John went on, "Would you like your mom to be your first fuck?"

Jessie grinned and said, "Oh yeah!"

"Then tell her," John said.

Our son's eyes widened and he looked at me, his hand coming up from my breast to my shoulder. "Mom, would you like to..."

"NO!" interrupted his father. "Tell her what you want. She will obey you like she does me."

Understanding dawned on my son's face and then he smiled his father's smile, making me hot again between my thighs. I shivered with anticipation. "Mom, I want you to fuck me," Jessie said. "I want you to fuck me now!"

I nearly came just hearing his words, but then his father added. "Take our son upstairs to his room, Shelly. A mother and son's first time should be their own. I'll join you later."

My voice was thick was lust as I replied, "Yes, dear." I stood up on unsteady legs and took Jessie's hand. "Come with me, son." I said. As my husband watched, I lead our son upstairs. My heart was pounding like a jackhammer and I could hardly breathe.

We stepped into Jessie's room, cluttered with all his junk. I turned to him and said, "Kiss me, sweetheart. Kiss Momma." Jessie took me into his arms and we kissed. Bless his heart, but he was awkward and shy, not even opening his mouth at first. I pressed my tongue against his lips and he quickly figured things out and then his tongue found mine and it felt so wonderful sharing a soul kiss with my sweet son. If he realized that he was tasting himself and his father, it didn't seem to bother him.

We kissed for what seemed a heavenly eternity until finally I felt his cock stir and press against me, poking me in my abdomen. I broke the kiss and said breathlessly, "Help me out of this thing, I want to be completely naked for you, son."

We both fumbled with my corset and then it was flung to the floor forgotten as we came into each other's arms, my firm breasts pressing against his chest as we kissed again. His fingers trailed up and down, caressing my back and my ass. I pulled him tight against me, feeling his newly erect penis throbbing between us. "It's time, Jessie," I whispered into his ear after ending the kiss. "It's time for you to make love to your mother!"

Outwardly, I seemed quite contained and sure of myself, but my insides were a quivering, molten mass of flesh in need of a good fucking. I took his cock in my hand and led him to the bed. I let Jessie go and eased myself back and down onto the mattress, kicking away his tangled sheets and blanket. Jessie stood over me, his eyes staring at me hungrily as I scooted back, resting my head on his pillows. I spread my legs wide and held out my hands. "Come to Momma," I whispered.

Jessie climbed between my legs, stopping to just kneel there and stare at my naked body, breasts heaving and pussy lips spread, revealing my shiny, wet flesh. "Son, please fuck me. I've dreamed of this moment. Fuck me, Jessie."

My son nearly flung himself onto me, his weight pressing down on mine as he thrust his hips at me, his cock scr****g along my thigh, seeking an entrance to heaven. I showered Jessie's face with kisses and said soothingly, "Take your time, lover. We aren't going anywhere. Kiss me, son."

We kissed again, tongues swirling around each other, tasting each other. I rolled my hips around and almost by instinct Jessie moved to intercept me and then I groaned into his mouth as the head of his cock found my pussy, my labia almost clasping his hard, throbbing flesh and pulling him in. I flung my hips upward to meet his immediate downward thrust and then I was being filled with him.

My body exploded into orgasm before I could take all of him. Just the knowledge that this wonderful cock that was squeezing its way into me, completely fulfilling me was my own son's was enough to send me into an i****tuous orgasm. Never has something felt so right. As much as I love and adore John, I knew instantly that this was the cock I was always meant to have and that for the rest of my life, I could never get enough of.

"Ohhhh, Jessie!" I moaned as inch after inch of his thick cock sank into me, going deeper than his father could ever go, plunging me into i****tuous delight as he crammed me full of his cock. I needed more and more, I needed it all. My legs came up and crossed behind his back, my heels digging into his butt, driving him deeper and deeper until I felt his crinkly pubic hair tickling my sparsely haired mound.

"FUCK MEEEE, JESSSSSIEEEE!" I screamed as I clawed blood trails down my son's back. I was completely his now. I would do anything, be anything as long as my son would fuck me. I was his motherslut just as my husband commanded me to become. As Jessie began to slowly and instinctively pump in and out of me, the little bit of my mind that still that rationally sensed my husband standing in the doorway, watching us.

Jessie began to find his rhythm and fucked me fast and hard. He ducked his head down and ran his tongue over my bouncing breasts. As he tongued my right breast, he caught my nipple in his mouth and began to suck on it, holding it firmly between his teeth and flicking his tongue over the hard button. He bit a little too hard and I moaned from the sudden pain, but all it did was add gasoline to the fire, kicking my orgasm up a notch.

Like his father, my son was a born natural lover, paying attention to my moans and cries and quickly repeating little movements and thrusts that had my body stiffening up in orgasmic spasms. I completely surrendered myself to Jessie, heart and soul. Orgasm led to orgasm and I was sobbing from the intensity of my pleasure, tears running down my face as Jessie fucked me and fucked and fucked me.

Then, just as I thought it couldn't be any more intense, Jessie moaned and thrust deep inside me, as deep as any man has ever been and then I felt the searing heat of his seed coating my insides, bathing my womb in his hot, wonderful semen and my whole body seemed to go up in flames.

I screamed so loud and violently that if I hadn't had my legs wrapped around my son, he would have probably jumped off me. i****tuous orgasmic pleasure swept through me, taking me apart completely and although I didn't pass out, things grayed for me. All I was sensible of was Jessie's lovely cock inside me and all the almost indescribable pleasure it was giving me.

I came back to the world as I moaned in pleasure from Jessie slowly withdrawing his cock from my grasp. I wanted to stop him, but I was helpless for the moment, being simply a woman who had literally been fucked senseless. I stared up at my wonderful son, feeling the tears of love and joy run down my face. He was grinning like a little boy on Christmas morning and kept leaning down to kiss my tears away.

Finally I regained the power of motion and wrapped my arms around Jessie's neck and pulled him to me, kissing him and finally catching my breath long enough to gasp, "I, oh my god, you were wonderful, son. That was fantastic!"

"You were fantastic, Mom! You were fucking awesome," exclaimed my son, kissing me back as he rested with me.

"She is incredible, isn't she?" said John from the doorway. He entered Jessie's room, one hand slowly stroking his erection. My husband had a happy look on his face. He stopped by the side of the bed and smiled down at me. "Shelly, I am very pleased. That was one of the most erotic moments of my life." He leaned over and kissed me. "I love you, Shelly."

"I love you, John. Thank you for this. I never imagined it could be this good." I said in reply.

John just grinned and said, "Oh, I think it will get even better, babe. I want you to clean your son's cock off now." A post orgasmic tremor went through me as I responded to my husband's command. He reached over and ruffled Jessie's hair. "Just lean back and enjoy, Jessie. Nothing like having your lover clean you up after a good fuck," John told our son.

I got on my hands and knees and kneeling between Jessie's thighs, I began licking his partly deflated cock with my tongue, lapping up our mixed juices like it was sweet candy. Jessie gasped as he experienced the incredible sensation of having his cock sucked after sex for the first time.

"Hope you don't mind if I join you, son," John said. I felt the mattress shift as John's weight joined our own on the bed. I felt his hands on my ass, caressing my ass cheeks as he moved up behind me. My husband had me perfectly positioned. My face was in Jessie's crotch and my ass was waving high in the air. I groaned around a mouthful of rapidly growing cock as John ran the tip of his hard cock up and down my semen drenched pussy.

"Omigod! Wow! Sure, Dad!" gasped Jessie as he realized what his father was doing. I moaned as I felt John's penis pierce the folds of my pussy and then he was sinking into me, his cock lubricated by my juices, now freely flowing again as well as the immense load of spunk his son had deposited inside me. I knew from long experience that my husband never seemed to mind sloppy seconds with his wife.

Immediately I was transported back to the edge of orgasm as my husband began to fuck me from behind. I tried to focus on enjoying it while continuing to suck my son, cleaning his cock of his sperm and my pussy juice and then simply pleasuring Jessie with my mouth while he squirmed and clawed the sheets. I marveled over his resilience as he was again completely hard.

Meanwhile, John was fucking with sweet long strokes, his hands on my hips, holding me steady while ramming his hard cock into my sensitive pussy. I realized immediately that I could very used to having two B___ men working to keep my pussy filled at all times.

I heard John ask me, "Shelly, have you got our son hard again?"

I let Jessie slip from my mouth, rubbing his spongy head against my face as I sighed, "Oh yes, John. He is long and hard and beautiful."

"Good," John replied and I felt him slowly withdraw from me and I turned away from licking Jessie's penis and looked over my shoulder. My husband grinned at me and said, "Baby, you're about to be fucked silly!"

I trembled as what he meant hit me. I wasn't exactly unfamiliar with what he had planned, but it had been a long time since I done it, or rather had it done to me. "Climb on, Shelly," John commanded. "Jessie, how about you and me fuck your Mom silly?"

Jessie looked wide-eyed at his father and I wondered if he even understood what we were about to do, but he grinned anxiously and said, "Let's do it, Dad!"


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Dancing to His Commands

I enjoy being a submissive to my husband, Alex. Our sex life is fantastic when it’s just the two of us, but several times a month he takes me out somewhere to find someone else for me to fuck. I never know where we are going. He chooses what I wear, and I never know the gender of the person I will be fucking, or the number of them for that matter. He does not demean me while doing this, instead he chooses a scenario that I have had a fantasy about, or that he has envisioned. It is meant to...

1 year ago
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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 43 My Master Commands

Nina moved over by the reception desk to see if Gretchen was done. “Are there still people in the gym, Mistress?” “No. I tossed out the mother-daughter duo while you and Wendy were in the shower. They were the last two, so it’s just us.” She finished shutting down the computer at the desk and turned to flip the reception area lights off. “Okay, that’s it. What did you want to talk about?” “Why don’t we go to the bar and have a drink? It should be fairly quiet and we can unwind while we...

3 years ago
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The Lady Commands

Life is hard at times among my people. Our land is cold, unforgiving and bleak in winters, but in the summers there’s nae more beautiful place, trust me! My name is Lady Meghyn Carrolwyn. I’m called ‘Lady’ because me mother died a few years ago, so it’s up to me to be called such, except, well, I’m not much a lady it seems. Just ask me father. He’s Lord Patrick Carrolwyn, and no stauncher supporter of the King is there. Our land is called Nargarallin, and in the old tongue it means ‘Garden Of...

3 years ago
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A Shy Guys Notebook Part Two Following the Books Commands

James sat upright on his bed, with his legs crossed and hishands holding his head up. He just stared at the small, red notebook that lay in front of him, this mysterious gift that was granted to him. His own name was engraved on the front. It was almost like it was glowing, beckoning him to open it, to control reality even more. His mind was racing, full of thoughts of Amy, Kirsty and the words written inside the book: ‘Kirsty is going to change her mind and ask me to come over to work on the...

2 years ago
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Dancing to His Commands

I enjoy being a submissive to my husband, Alex. Our sex life is fantastic when it’s just the two of us, but several times a month he takes me out somewhere to find someone else for me to fuck. I never know where we are going. He chooses what I wear, and I never know the gender of the person I will be fucking, or the number of them for that matter. He does not demean me while doing this, instead he chooses a scenario that I have had a fantasy about, or that he has envisioned. It is meant to...

3 years ago
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Cordelias Feet 3 The Queen Bees Commands

There are moments which lay bare fundamental truths, truths that you have been longing for all your life. Such a moment was happening now, and it flooded my senses with an incredible intensity, a spiritual moment that transcended feelings. My eyes were glued to my beautiful Cordelia, they drank in the incredible pleasure painted on her angelic face, and when her sweet voice announced with beautiful, small shouts of joy that she had reached the summit of her arousal, that joy started to resonate...

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Cordelias Feet 3 The Queen Bees Commands

There are moments which lay bare fundamental truths, truths that you have been longing for all your life. Such a moment was happening now, and it flooded my senses with an incredible intensity, a spiritual moment that transcended feelings. My eyes were glued to my beautiful Cordelia, they drank in the incredible pleasure painted on her angelic face, and when her sweet voice announced with beautiful, small shouts of joy that she had reached the summit of her arousal, that joy started to resonate...

1 year ago
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Husbands plan

Hello everybody. My name is Mona Mohsin. I am a doctor but know i am a housewife. I have a 7 year old girl. My husband name is Mohsin. He is also a doctor and quite curious about his career. I maintained my figure quite well and was well satisfied with my husband. Our life was going quite good till this day. It was a planned incident with me. I will tell u in the end how i came to know about this plan. It all started like it was a usual evening and i was waiting for my husband to come. He came...

2 years ago
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We had decided to take a trip to Vegas and spend some alone time together.. We started off with dinner, then went to hit the tables.. My husband was on a winning streak. He was up at least $1500. I whispered into his ear have fun I'll be in that cute little shop. ok? Then his luck ran out.. and before I knew it, he had lost the money we had to get back home.I was so mad that i had to just walk away. About 15min. later I went back to where I last saw him but he was not there.Just as I was...

2 years ago
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HUSBAND & WIFE RELATIONSHIP AGREEMENT [A Cuckold Contract]To insure a successful marriage, the husband will agree to the following regarding the penis which will now be called the marital penis:The Wife will have complete ownership and control of the marital penis.The husband has no right of privacy during the periods of time set forth in the �husband�s dress code� below. Therefore, bathroom doors must remain open when the marital penis is urinating so that the Wife may inspect the marital...

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Husband Helps For My IVF

Hi, I am Sudharani from Mumbai. This is story of how I became a proud mother with the help of my husband who arranged a special IVF treatment to me. I got married when I was only 22 and at that time my husband was 15 years older than me. He was 37 but was average looking though physically appeared weak. I was very healthy woman. When I told my mother, she convinced me that once marriage is over, men put on weight and get good health because of special attention and satisfaction. I believed her...

3 years ago
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Husband Encourages Wife

Warren was in the bedroom when he heard the garage door open. He smiled knowing that his wife Laura was back from work and they had the house to themselves. Their eighteen year old son, Justin, was out with his friends.As she walked into the bedroom, Warren said, "Hey honey...looking very hot." She was wearing low rise dress pants that tightly hugged her delectable, bubble butt and tight, long sleeve top. She looked very elegant and sexy. He liked how her stylishly cut shoulder-length bob cut...

2 years ago
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Husband Sucks My Cock

Friday night came along, I met them at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos were exchanged beforehand and they looked like their photos. I told them I was bi and they said that the husband is 'open minded'. After just one drink we were getting along fine and the wife asked if maybe we should head back to their place for another drink. It sounded good to me as I was getting a hardon in my jeans and black speedo already. Their house was only a 5 minute walk from the bar. When we walked...

2 years ago
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Husband Sucked My Cock 3 Some

Last Friday night I had a threesome with a couple that I met online. A friend of mine recommended this couple as good fun. I spoke to them online before I arrived here and they seemed really keen and also rather experienced.Friday night came along, I met them at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos were exchanged beforehand and they looked like their photos. I told them I was bi and they said that the husband is 'open minded'. After just one drink we were getting along fine and the wife...

3 years ago
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Husband Sucks My Cock

Last Friday night I had a threesome with a couple that I met online. A friend of mine recommended this couple as good fun. I spoke to them online before I arrived here and they seemed really keen and also rather experienced.Friday night came along, I met them at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos were exchanged beforehand and they looked like their photos. I told them I was bi and they said that the husband is 'open minded'. After just one drink we were getting along fine and the wife...

2 years ago
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Husband Reluctantly Sucks My Cock

Friday night came along, I met them at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos were exchanged beforehand and they looked like their photos. I told them I was bi and they said that the husband is 'open minded'. After just one drink we were getting along fine and the wife asked if maybe we should head back to their place for another drink. It sounded good to me as I was getting a hardon in my jeans and black speedo already. Their house was only a 5 minute walk from the bar. When we walked...

4 years ago
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Husband Reluctantly Sucks My Cock

This experience happened to me a few years ago and it ended up being a couple that I got to 'join' about once a month over a six-month period.  They were pretty hardcore swingers and I think I learnt some good skills (particularly from the husband on pleasuring women).This is what I wrote at the time just after the first time we met.Last Friday night I had a threesome with a couple that I met online. A friend of mine recommended this couple as good fun. I spoke to them online before I arrived...

3 years ago
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Husband Sucks My Cock

Last Friday night I had a threesome with a couple that I met online. A friend of mine recommended this couple as good fun and told me what site they used when looking for naughty fun. Once I found them, we spoke online for a week or two and they seemed experienced, knew what they wanted and I fit the bill of what they wanted.We arranged a date.Our date night came along and we met at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos had been exchanged online beforehand and they looked like their...

1 year ago
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Husband Wife Dono Ko Khush Kiya

Ye 100% such hai aur first time main apni real story nahi real incident bata raha hoon, my name kumar from jalandhar, meri ek facebook id hai jo main adult kamo ke liye use karta hoon, ek din maine uspe search kar raha tha to ek admi ka number diya tha ki main jalandhar ghoomne a raha hoon, agar koi guy hai jo jo lund choos sake to contact me Maine us number pe call kiya aur ye mera first time meeting thee to maine thoda darr bhi raha tha lekin maine himmat karke uske bataye hotel main gea, aur...

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Husband Wife And Concubine

Husband, Wife And Concubine"There!? the wife gave her best smile to her husband as she adjusted the tie again. ?Now you are perfect.?The husband laughed heartily and agreed. ?True, now I am perfect!? His arms wrapped around his wife and he pulled her close. He gave her a kiss on the lips. When their lips parted, the wife sighed dramatically, drawing yet more laughter from her husband. If nothing else, the wife was a woman who knows how to make her husband a happy man.?Have a good day today.?...

3 years ago
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Husband Set Up Wife For Sharing

I am a huge fan of ISS, specially wife sharing/ girlfriend sharing stories. I am 25 yr old in relationship (6 years). My girlfriend had few sex experiences before me still do chat sex / phone sex with strangers. I too have phone sex and physical sex with swinger couples, wives whose husbands are open minded and love to watch.Me and my girlfriend share every detail of our experience with each other. This is our style of foreplay and we have very hot sex every-time.Most of the time me and my...

2 years ago
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Husband Plan 2

Hello everyone. My name is Mona Mohsin and this is my fourth story. MY HUSBAND PLAN was my first story. Now I will come towards the story. After what my husband planned and then my friend planned I was quite depressed. I had left my job and was just looking after my home. I wanted to get pregnant and we tried a lot but still I was not getting pregnant. We went to doctor. The test report suggested that my husband’s sperm count r to less to get a lady pregnant. Doctor said it is curable and gave...

4 years ago
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Husband8217s Boss Fucks Me Like A Maniac 8211 Story Of An Extramarital Affair

Hello readers, this is Pragya from Mumbai. I am 38 years old and my stats are 34-30-32. Today I am going to narrate the story of my first extramarital affair where my husband’s boss fucked me like a maniac! This incident happened almost 15 years back when I was still a young lady. I was born and brought up in a small town in Tamilnadu called Srirangam. My parents, like any other conservative parents, got me married, right after college. My life was that of a quintessential housewife and my...

3 years ago
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Husbands assistant 5

Introduction: I travel back to the Gold Coast for a weekend with Bill This is the sequel to Husbands assistant, Husbands assistant 2, Husbands assistant 3and Husbands assistant 4. XNXX has messed up the dates which makes it harder to find Husbands assistant 4, but it is I suggest that you read those first. I spent Friday night in bed with Bills friend, Len, while Bill slept with Lens wife. Eleanor, in another room. Remembering the night that I had spent...

4 years ago
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Husband got more than he bargained for

I had only been out of college for a few years. I invested some money from my parents and started a small company. I had a small construction business that painted lines in parking lots and on different road ways through out the state. I had two small crews with about a dozen employees. I had just bought a small trailer as my office. It had a small waiting area in the front of the trailer with a small reception desk. There was a small bathroom. I constructed a nice size office for myself. It...

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Husband got more than he bargained for An Adult

I had only been out of college for a few years. I invested some money from my parents and started a small company. I had a small construction business that painted lines in parking lots and on different road ways through out the state. I had two small crews with about a dozen employees. I had just bought a small trailer as my office. It had a small waiting area in the front of the trailer with a small reception desk. There was a small bathroom. I constructed a nice size office for myself. It...

3 years ago
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Husband Ka Bharosa Toda

Hi mera naam nisha {badla hua naam}hain.main mumbai me rehane wali hu.kuch dini se maine ISS ki storie padane lagi, muje bhi aise lagane laga ki kyu na main bhi apana expirieance aap logo ke sath share karu. isliye himmat jutake main ye kahani batane ja rahi hu aap ko. aapko pasand aati hain ye kahani to pls mere is id pe muje email kariye  mere age 25 hain. 2saal pehale mere shadi hue. shadi se pehale mera koi b/f nahin tha na maine kabhi kisi se sex kiya tha.shadi ke baad maine pehali baar...

1 year ago
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Husband Encourages Wife

Husband wants his wife to be like her divorced friend.Loving WivesJen walked into her bedroom, her face still flushed from the conversation at lunch. Her pussy throbbed. She didn't normally masturbate in the middle of the day, but she needed relief, and the k**s would be at the sitter's for a few more hours. She lay on the bed and pulled up her skirt. She touched herself. Her panties were so wet. She slipped her hand inside her panties and rubbed herself, her eyes closed, remembering what Tina...

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Husband Told Me I Could Have Sex With My Stepson

I’ve been married to my husband nearly three years now, I’m 28 and he is 45, I was probably the cause of his marriage break up with being his secretary. He has a son and daughter 17 and 15 from his first marriage, which we often see, and I get along fine with.Four months back my husband suffered a stroke; he was paralysed from the waist down and needs a lot of help all the time. Jake my stepson came and stopped with us to help look after his father. Jake is used to having girls stop over at his...

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Husband Ny Chodwaya Kisi Or Sy

By: Maha143 Hi mera name maha hai or mai Lahore ki rehne wali hoo colour fair size 32-26-31 buhat slim or sexy hoo 1 month sy story perdh rahi hoo socha ajj apni life ki kuch hakikat ap logo sy share karo meri age 22 year hai or mere husband ki age 23 hai hum dono ny love marrige ki hai woh bhi bhaag k to gher mai khali mai or mere husband hi hote hai mere husband ko sex ka buhat shuk hai or gandi gandi baton ka kehte hai k chodne sy pehle mujhe sy gandi gandi batain karo. To mai unse gandi...

2 years ago
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Eine weitere Story aus der Feder meines Freundes - dies mal aus der anderen Perspektive des Cuckoldings. Ebenfalls frei erfunden und auf Englisch.---So the thing is that I actually never really cared much for other men. I was happy in the relationship I was in so I never understood the concept of cheating. So I never did. Having a history of checking my husbands browser history, looking for the porn he'd watched however, I stumbled across something called cuckold porn. The strange thing was...

2 years ago
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Husband hiding

Husband hiding. Some of the Dogging adventures that we have participated in we did not tell anyone who my husband was, he was anonymous just one of the guys that showed up. Those are some of the most exciting dogging adventures we have because the guys do not know my husband is watching and participating. My husband say’s the guys treat me different, nastier and sexually...

3 years ago
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Husband Picks My Date Blacken

I wasn't feeling over confident but, as what I was about to do was for my husband, I did my best to conceal my doubts and apprehension. I mean, it's not every day that you are about to be fucked by a stranger while your husband watches. Well, it's not for me. I was definitely nervous.The time had arrived and, as requested, I had dressed in high heels, silky hold up stockings and a small g-string with tie sides. Otherwise I was naked except for a dash of my favourite perfume.I was waiting in one...

4 years ago
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Husband organised wife convinced and had an amazi

I wasn't feeling over confident but, as what I was about to do was for my husband, I did my best to conceal my doubts and apprehension. I mean, it's not every day that you are about to be fucked by a stranger while your husband watches. Well, it's not for me. I was definitely nervous.The time had arrived and, as requested, I had dressed in high heels, silky hold up stockings and a small g-string with tie sides. Otherwise I was naked except for a dash of my favourite perfume.I was waiting in one...

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Husband came home drunk

My husband frequently goes out drinking and that's okay with me as he never stays out too late. Recently he said he wanted me to go with him and we could dance at least since I don't drink very much. When we got to this new club he found I saw a lot of black men inside. I said something to my husband and he said "well they know good music and how to dance. Come on hon let's have a drink." I was okay with this and we found a table near the dance floor. He had me wearing a micro mini skirt and a...

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Husband Ke Same Malish

This is a real story based on my personal experience faced nearly 4 four months back during a holiday trip to Puri along with my husband. First let me introduce myself. I am Minati Mohanty. My nick name is mini by which my family members and friends address me. I work at a private firm, in Bhubaneswar, where i stay along with my husband Bikash Mohanty. I am 32 years old and my husband is of 36 years. We are married for nearly 5 years. I usually read a lot of porn stories and watch porn videos...

2 years ago
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Husband brings home a friend for dinner

It was Friday and I was just finishing up at the office. As I was about ready to leave the office my husband Jon called me and asked if it was OK to bring a friend home for dinner. It was kind of odd as he had never really done that before. We’d had friends over but usually we would discuss it ahead of time and make plans together. This was different. I asked who the friend was and Jon just said it was someone from work. I thought I knew all his work friends. Not quite sure what was...

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Husband Or Annoying Brat

HUSBAND OR ANNOYING BRAT? by Throne The wife and husband were standing in the living room of their two- bedroom, suburban home. It was a typical domestic scene but with a twist. "I swear, Gigi," said the wife, "you're turning into a total brat." "Zelda, couldn't you..." There was a hint of pleading in the husband's tone. "...couldn't you go back to calling me Georgie?" "How can I use your old male name with the way you have yourself looking? I mean, with your full head of...

2 years ago
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Husbands assistant 2

Introduction: More changes to our marriage This is the sequel to Husbands assistant. I suggest that you read that first. When I had woken up that morning I had looked out the window and seen that it was a beautiful day just perfect for spending a few hours in and beside our pool. So while we ate breakfast and discussed last night and how it had changed our life together, I was dressed in my bikini. After breakfast I got up to clear the table and wash the dishes. Andrew came behind me and...

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Husband8217s Cousin Prakash

Once again thanks to all my sweet readers who have proved to be lovers of love stories. My last story “Friend’s Wife Smita” (Link : ) is admire by many readers. My stories are adding new friends to my email list. New persons start sending me emails, praising stories. The story “MIL in Daughter’s Shoe” (Link : ) is still attracting new readers to read the story and write emails appreciating MIL’s Love. Here is a new love story between cousin BIL and SIL....

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Husband8217s Demand For DD

By : Hubbyslady My name is Pooja and I belong to a small town of India. My husband lives in Mumbai alone. He belonged to a very rich family and was highly educated. His father and my father were old friends and that is how we got married. Also everybody thought I was very beautiful with height 5’8” and figure 34B-26-36. Our engagement period wasn’t long and we got married quickly and weren’t able to understand each other’s needs before marriage. My husband needs sex every day. Twice or thrice...

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Husbands assistant

Introduction: Our marriage is changed forever Do you want a divorce? No. I dont want a divorce. Do YOU want a divorce? No. I dont want a divorce, but I want you to stop fucking other guys. Ill stop fucking other guys when you give up all your fucking business trips. When youre here you can fuck me any time that you like, any way that you like, anywhere that you like. Ive never once denied you a fuck, no matter how outrageous. And you have loved every fuck that weve had, havent you? Yes, I...

4 years ago
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Husband slave

               Eunuch Slave to My Wife The Consent            As my wife snapped the lock closed on the chastity cage that fitted over my limp penis, I didn’t think that that would be the last time it would be free, But now 2 years later I’m a slave to my wife and her sex partners, yes that’s all they are to her, After 30 years of marriage and a great sex life I was unfortunate to have a severe stroke, although I have made a full recovery, our sex life took a dive as I became impudent, hardly...

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Husband Cuckold Slave

HUSBAND CUCKOLD SLAVEBy Ted, [email protected] on December 26, 2011See for all of my stories.Synopsis: Wife threatens to leave unless allowed to try something different.Story codes: F/m, FM/m, D/S, cuckold, feet, humiliation.Chapter 1My husband of 5 years Ted is a great guy. We met through an online dating service and we hit it off once we met in person. He is very steady, trustworthy, kind, intelligent, honest, and sane, which is part of the problem I am having now. I...

3 years ago
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Husband is forced to watch me getting gangbanged

Slutyasianwifey’s husband stood in shock in the doorway. I can’t imagine what he was thinking, walking through the door and finding his loving wife naked, exposed on the floor with 6 young men, cocks still throbbing from the hard pounding they just gave his slut wife. He didn’t get a chance to tell us what he was thinking before we grabbed him and tied him down to a chair. We taped his mouth just to make sure he couldn’t yell.“Go on. Go give your husband a hug,” I tell the slutty cum-covered...

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Husband Cheats Wife Gets Even GayMakers

Peter knew how to do things discreetly. On a warm Sunday afternoon, he took a young woman out to lunch and spent a little time on the beach, all the while giving her the most suitable signals to arouse her spirits. They kissed and took a long walk on the sand, enjoying the vivacious activity among hundreds of beach-goers. And once they finished with their personal time, Peter dropped her off at her home in the suburbs. They shared their last kiss for the day before she got out of her car and...

1 year ago
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Husband8217s Fantasy Of Watching His Wife Fucked

This story is about a reader’s fantasy of watching his wife with somebody else. Your views and messages are welcomed at . As usual, this is not a short story so please proceed accordingly. Staying in a new city can be tough, especially when you don’t have anywhere to stay. I was putting up in a hotel whilst looking for permanent accommodation. So one day after coming from office, I went into the restaurant and sat at my usual seat in a corner, I’ve been staying in the same hotel since a week...

2 years ago
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Husband Sucking My Cock

Last Friday night I had a threesome with a couple that I met online. A friend of mine recommended this couple as good fun. I spoke to them online a little bit and they seemed really keen and also rather experienced. Friday night came along, I met them at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos were exchanged beforehand and they looked like their photos. I told them I was bi and they said that the husband is ‘open minded’. After just one drink we were getting along fine and the wife asked if...

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Husbands friend Sergio

One evening I was out walking at a local track and ran into Sergio, one of my husband’s co-workers out jogging. I had been around him on several occasions before and we had always flirted a little bit and even talked on occasion, but nothing serious. After a few laps he stopped jogging and began walking with me. We started talking and it wasn’t long before he began to tell me how he always enjoyed seeing and how I turned him on. Well, after a little small talk he asked if I would go riding with...

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Husband loves showing his wife off especially to

We have been married for 5 years and the last four, we have had some great times, but in the last year it has been incredible! Not only does my husband like to show me off, he has become really involved with me going even farther than just flirting, giving hand jobs, and blow jobs to young boys. He has wanted me to even fuck them. I'm horny, all of the time when I see a teenage boy, especially if he stares at my legs or breasts. When they do, I stare at their crotch and lick my lips. Sometimes...

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Husband and a young man

I was with my third husband. I left for work one day with the intentions of being gone until late that night. When I got to work the business trip was cancelled. I worked the morning and then figured I'd surprise my young horny husband for a lunch quickie. I got to the house and he was not down stairs so I went up to our bedroom thinking the bum was still in bed. That was fine since we were going to be there anyway. I opened the door and there is my husband sucking some young studs cock. The...

3 years ago
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Husband Friend Seduced Me

Hi, I am Sweetie, 25, from Ahmedabad. I read ur story and was really excited thinking about all that. Real life experiences are quite rare on internet based stories.I have never expressed this incident to anybody. However, I would like to narrate my story to you. I am married and working in an MNC here. About me, I have 36-sized breasts with a 28-sized navel and 38-sized ass cheeks. Once my husband was supposed to pick me up from my office for home, but he called me saying that his bike is not...

3 years ago
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Husbands dream to see his wife finally fille

Mike was buying several drinks giving the bartender his order with a wide smile as he and his wife ran a tab in the bar that opened up to Fort Myers beach behind it. It was a beautiful April night with a crescent moon with the stars showing bright to the sounds of the surf and his wife, Karen, was happily talking to another couple and another man who just happened to be sitting near them. Mike smiled seeing how engaged and carefree Karen was. She always had such joy with other people in these...

4 years ago
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Husband surprises her with BBC

My husband and I interesting arrangement.All of my friends tell me magical stories of how the minute they met their husbands they knew they were The One. They took one look into their eyes and they heard distant wedding bells and birds singing and all that romantic crap.I can't help but laugh.When I first met Adam, I heard no bells or birds. Honestly, the second he sidled up next to me at that bar my eyes went straight for the exits. I'm not saying he was ugly, but he just was so not...

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