Threesome With Best Friend (long Story)! free porn video

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"Come here you," the beaming bride exclaimed as she opened her arms and embraced one of the ushers from her wedding. She tilted her face up toward his and leaned in for a kiss, full and open mouthed, her tongue doing a tango with his. They broke the kiss with a giggle as the bride leaned back and looked up at him.

"I owe the two of you so much, Tim. Honestly, I don't know where I would have ended up without you both in my life."

"Trust me, Jenny. It was my pleasure," Tim replied with a grin. A moment later, he took an elbow to the ribs from his wife Maggie.

"Yeah, yeah. Stop hogging the bride," she chided as she threw her arms around Jenny. Tim shrugged and stepped over to Rich, Jenny's groom. The men embraced and clapped each other on the back.

"She told me she was going to do that," Rich said with a chuckle. "Tell me, Tim," he said with a smile. "Do you think you'll be able to behave yourself around my wife from here on in?"

"She is quite a woman, Rich. It won't be easy...but of course I will. I'm thrilled for both of you, and you make a beautiful couple. I'm not going to risk screwing that up. Besides, I'm never going back to having two women living with me at the same time. Do you have any idea what it was like getting bathroom time with those two around?"

Rich laughed and clapped Tim on the back again. "Thank you. For everything. I mean it, Tim. You and really are the best. There is no way we can ever repay you for the kindness and generosity that you've shown Jenny."

"Don't thank me. Thank Maggie. It was all her doing. All I did was go along for the ride."

"I know better, Tim. Not that it didn't have its benefits," he said with a chuckle.

"Yeah. I reckon it did at that," Tim grinned.

Maggie joined him and they stepped back, allowing their friends to greet their other guests. Tim watched Jenny with interest as she moved about, thinking that she looked absolutely stunning. Her long blonde hair was up, exposing her neck and shoulders in the sleeveless gown she wore. Her ample cleavage was a sight to behold, and Tim was certainly beholding it. She was, as Tim had once told her, the most beautiful woman he had ever known.

As he stood there, Tim thought about all that had transpired over the past couple of years, leading them to this point. It had all started at his favorite restaurant, on what was to be a normal night out. What happened, though, was the start of something that was anything but ordinary.

* * * * *

Tim took his time as he drove to Maroni's Restaurant, which is where he and Maggie were meeting Jenny and her fiancé for dinner. He wasn't looking forward to the evening, despite the fact that they would be dining at his favorite restaurant. Maggie could see the tension in his jaw as he drove.

"Relax Tim," she said. "We'll have some wine and a good meal. You don't need to let Mick get under your skin."

"He doesn't need to be an asshole either, but I'm sure he will."

"Come on, honey. I know he's not your favorite person, but could you please behave for Jenny's sake?"

"For Jenny's sake? I should kick his ass for Jenny's sake, Mag. She's been your best friend for your entire life. How do you not let the way he acts and treats her bother you?"

"I didn't say it doesn't bother me. I said I don't want to create waves for Jenny."

"Jesus. I just don't get it. I mean, she is absolutely beautiful. Why the hell is she settling on a fool like Mick?"

"Who knows what makes people tick, Tim? Look. You can't ignore the fact that she isn't a small girl. She's spent her entire life dealing with that, and it affects her self-image."

"Well, can't you talk to her? I mean, you're practically sisters for fucks sake. She'd listen to you."

"Honey. Jenny is probably more than two hundred pounds. I'm a hundred and ten soaking wet. Do you really think she'll listen to me when I tell her she looks great? Really?"

Tim glanced over at Maggie with a wicked grin and a leer in his eye. "She really does look great, though. Jesus, that woman is hot. Abundant curves in all the right places, and just about the prettiest face I've ever seen in my life...excluding yours of course."

"Yeah, right. You've always had a thing for Jenny, haven't you Tim?" asked Maggie with a giggle.

"What me? She's like my sister, Mag. Hell, I even call her sis."

"Right. I've seen you look at her. A man doesn't look at his sister like that," Maggie teased.

"Yeah, well. I'll try to behave tonight, but I'm not making any guarantees."

"Guarantees about behaving around Mick, or guarantees about leering at Jenny?" Maggie asked with a grin.

"Yes. That."

Maggie nodded and smiled as they pulled into the parking lot and took a space. They got out and held each other's hand as they walked over to the entrance and went inside. Jenny was standing by a window in the bar area, and waved them over when she caught their eye. The couple approached Jenny and exchanged hugs and pecks on the cheek. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a burgundy colored empire waist top that accentuated her breasts quite nicely. Tim inconspicuously surveyed her body, or that's what he thought.

Maggie looked at him and shook her head. "Tim, you get a good eyeful there?" she teased.

Jenny let out a giggle and joined in. "You really were a little obvious," she said with a smile. "And right in front of your wife too!"

"All I know is right now, I'm standing here with the two most beautiful women in town. Of course I'm going to look."

Jenny flashed her eyes at Tim and winked. They were the color of a deep blue, clear summer sky. Her pale complexion and shoulder length, strawberry blonde hair made her eyes stand out like gemstones. Tim looked at her a moment longer before Maggie gave him a light push towards the bar.

"Yeah, yeah. You forgot the part where these women were thirsty. Please be a gentleman and get us a drink, will ya?"

Tim grinned and pushed up to the bar, nodding to the bartender and capturing his attention. He ordered them the house Cabernet Sauvignon, which was quite good. He handed a glass to each of the women and the three of them drifted away from the bar to chat while they waited for Mick to arrive. A short time later, he walked in with an irritated expression on his face and strode over to where they were standing.

"What the hell, Jennifer. You knew when I was getting here. Why did you make me come look for you?" he snapped.

"We're right here, Mick. The place is tiny. Where did you think we were?"

"You weren't where I expected you to be. I told you to meet me by the door."

Jenny quietly cast her eyes down and nodded. "I'm sorry. I thought it would be alright," she whispered. The smile was gone from her face, and her bright eyes had turned dull. As always, Jenny went from lively, happy and charming to stressed and morose when Mick showed up. It was as if there were two entirely different Jennys.

Tim watched the exchange and bit his tongue. In his mind, he pictured himself grabbing Mick by the shirt collar and tossing him out into the gutter like the trash that he was. Maggie could sense the tension in him. She hooked her arm around his and distracted him.

"Now that we're all here, should we ask to be seated at our table?" she asked the group.

"At least someone here has sense," Mick replied as he glanced at Jenny with disdain.

Tim approached the hostess and informed her that the entire party had arrived. She nodded and led them to a round table for four positioned in the middle of the small room. They each took a seat, with Maggie sitting to the left of Tim and Jenny across from him. Mick sat to his right. Tim would have preferred him to sit in his car. A busboy filled water glasses for them as they waited. Without a word, Mick snatched the glass of wine from Jenny's hand and took a sip. There was an awkward silence as they sat there feeling the tension that Mick had brought to the table.

"How is the wedding planning coming along?" Maggie asked.

Jenny looked at Mick before speaking. "We've decided to keep it simple. We're just going to have a small group of family and friends come to the church, and have a celebration dinner at a local restaurant. Maybe twenty people in total."

"Wow. What changed, Jenny?" asked Maggie. You always wanted a big wedding?"

Jenny shrugged with sadness in her eyes and started to speak.

Mick cut her off. "This makes more sense. She's the one that wanted to switch careers. With her in school and not earning anything, it would be really stupid to waste money on a big wedding. Frankly, I don't know why anyone would want to be a nurse. Giving up a good job in marketing so she can take blood pressure and wipe someone else's ass for them? I don't get it."

"Please, Mick," begged Jenny. "Can we not have this discussion here? Is it so wrong for me to have a job where I think I can make a difference in people's lives?"

"You're making a difference in our lives, Jennifer, and it isn't a good one. I'm working to support this ridiculous idea of yours. You're like a freaking c***d with this stuff."

Maggie could see the hurt in Jenny's eyes, causing her to glare at Mick. "It isn't that unusual for people to make a career change," she said. "I'd think you'd want her to be happy with what she did for a living."

"Oh, please. She doesn't know what the hell she wants. In a month, she'll change her mind again. You know better than anyone else how fickle she is, Maggie."

"I don't know that she's fickle. I think she gives a lot of thought to what she does."

"Yeah, right. Like when the two of you decided to play lesbian with each other for a while back in college. What the fuck was that? This woman can't make up her mind."

"Okay, okay," Tim jumped in. "How about we change the subject?"

"Well, I'm not the one that started it," Mick c***dishly snapped.

"Actually, you did start it," Maggie said with a sneer. All I did was ask about the wedding. "You're the one that lashed out at Jenny."

"Why don't you mind your own fucking business?" Mick replied loudly. The other patrons in the restaurant were all watching them now.

Tim looked across the table at Jenny, who was dabbing tears from the corners or her eyes with her napkin. He'd held his tongue until this point, but he was now out of patience.

"How about you keep your voice down, Mick?" he growled.

"And if I don't?"

"Let me ask you a question. Every time we get together, all you do is shit on Jenny and treat her like garbage. Every time." Tim looked across the table at Jenny, who was on the verge of bawling. "I'm sorry for this Jenn," he said before turning his gaze back to Mick. "Why are you marrying her, Mick? It seems to me as if you despise her. What's the point?"

"If she'd fucking listen to me, she'd develop into something worthwhile. Instead, all she does is argue with me."

"Oh. So you're remaking her into...what exactly? Like some kind of Stepford wife?"

"Yeah. Lot of good it's done. She's fat as shit and gave up her job. It's like she's going in the wrong direction."

Tim heard Jenny gasp, and his anger grew tenfold. He wanted more than anything to slap the smug sneer off of Mick's face, but he controlled himself.

"Let me ask you again. Why are you engaged to be married to her then?"

"You know what? You're right," Mick snarled as he stood up and threw his napkin onto the table. "She's never going to be the wife I need."

"What you need, Mick, is a royal ass kicking. If you stay here any longer, that's exactly what you'll get," Tim said as he rose from his seat.

"Good riddance." He turned his gaze on Jenny, who had gone steely eyed. "Fuck you. Tomorrow, you come pick your shit up from my house or I'm throwing it in a dumpster. I'm finished with you."

With that, he stormed out of the restaurant, which had gone momentarily silent. Suddenly, the other patrons started to applaud his exit. Jenny didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Tim turned to the women.

"I...I'm sorry. I tried to keep quiet, but I just couldn't do it."

"Don't be sorry," Jenny said with a smile. That was a long time coming. I should have been brave enough to leave him ages ago."

"I wish you would have popped him in the mouth," Maggie added. "Hell, I was ready to do it myself."

Tim motioned the waiter over and handed him a fifty dollar bill.

"I'm sorry. I think it best if we returned on another day."

The waiter nodded and thanked him as they rose from the table.

"You'll come home with us tonight, Jenn. We'll go over and get your stuff tomorrow."

"Jesus. I guess I'm homeless," she replied.

"Nonsense. You'll stay with us," Tim said as he put an arm around Jenny and pulled her to him. "As long as you need to."

"And I thought I was going to have to coerce you," Maggie chided.

"Hell no. The only thing better than living with one beautiful woman is living with two," Tim replied as they left the restaurant.

* * * * *

Once outside, Maggie snatched the car keys away from Jenny, ordering her into the passenger seat of her Camry. Tim drove home alone and took the long way, allowing the women to have some time without him there. When he arrived, they were lounging on the couches in the den and sipping red wine.

"How are we doing in here?" he asked as he entered the room.

"We're okay," replied Jenny. "I'm okay. Truthfully, all I feel is relief. Mick did what I should have done a long time ago."

"No argument here," Tim said with a nasty grin.

"Tim. Don't start," Maggie said as she ran a finger across her neck in a cutting motion.

"It's alright, Mag," Jenny answered. "You guys were in a tough situation. Mick was an ass, and you were torn between trying to support me and trying to protect me. I knew it wasn't a great situation, but sometimes...I don't know. Sometimes we just get used to living in our lives. Does that make sense?"

"Of course it does," replied Maggie. "Of course, we always felt you could do better."

"I know I deserved better. I may have allowed myself to fall into the trap of feeling unattractive and let myself settle."

"You sure as hell don't have to settle, Jenny," Tim chimed in. "You are one hell of an incredible woman. Smart. Loving. Sassy. Beautiful. Sexy."

Jenny turned to Maggie. "You let him talk to other women like that?" she asked.

Maggie shrugged. "When he's right, he's right. You know what I hated the most? When that prick was around, you were never yourself. I hated that so much."

"It got to the point where it was just easier to keep quiet than get a verbal lashing for everything I did or said."

"So why did you stay?" Tim asked.

"You know what? I don't really know. Does me being a fat chick have something to do with it? I guess. You both know how physically active I am. I try to eat right. I just...I just am what I am. It gets really tiring hearing about how pretty I would be if I just lost some weight. A lifetime of that does take its toll."

Tim rolled his eyes. "I've got news for you, Jenn. You ARE pretty. No qualifiers. Drop dead gorgeous, actually."

Jenny blushed and turned to Maggie. "He's got a silver tongue, this one," she laughed.

"Maybe so, but you should listen to him. He's right, you know. The truth is I was always a bit jealous of you."

"Of me? You were jealous of me?"

"Yup. Damn girl. Those blue eyes, the blonde mane, those full lips of yours, your tits. My God, Jenny. Those tits. Are you k**ding me? You are stunning."

"You two need to put the wine glasses down. I think you've had enough," Jenny laughed. "Thanks for trying to make me feel better though. I really am okay. I promise."

"Good," said Maggie. "Tomorrow we'll all go over and get your stuff. It won't take long for all of us to get you moved out."

"Yeah. I'm glad it's almost the end of a semester. If it's okay, I'd like to finish it out before getting a job and getting out of your hair."

Tim and Maggie looked at each other and nodded.

"You aren't doing anything of the sort," Maggie said forcefully. "You have a year to go to finish up. You'll stay here until you do and can get yourself situated."

Jenny looked back and forth between them. "That's too much to ask of the two of you. I can't..."

"Yes you can, and you will," Tim jumped in. "We've already had this conversation."

"What? When?"

"We expected this would eventually happen. Maybe hoped is a better description. Anyway, we've discussed it and decided we'd have you live with us as long as you needed."

"Do I get a say in this?" Jenny asked, half joking and half not.

"Nope. You don't," Tim said with a smile. "Look. We're not holding you captive. If you had a reasonable alternative, that would be one thing. But you don't. You're not going to say no just because you feel bad about freeloading or getting in the way. You're Maggie's best friend. She loves you. I love you. We can help, and we want to. And Jenny, you know damned well that you'd do the same for Maggie."

Jenny nodded and dabbed a tear from the corner of her eye. She got up and gave each of them a hug. "Okay. Thank you. I'll earn my keep. I promise. I'll cook and clean and whatever you need me to do. I'll stay out of the way as much as possible and..."

"Hush," Maggie interrupted. We can figure it all out tomorrow. Right now, I need to get some sleep, and so do you."

They got up and Maggie led Jenny up the stairs and into the bedroom she'd be using. Tim locked up downstairs and headed up to the master bedroom to get ready for bed. He brushed his teeth and stripped down naked before slipping between the covers. Before Maggie got anywhere near the bedroom, he was lightly snoring in a peaceful slumber.

Down the hall, Maggie gave Jenny a long night shirt to sleep in and a spare toothbrush to use. She sat with Jenny for a while, wanting to make sure she really was alright. They were lying side by side on the full sized bed, propped up against pillows piled up against the headboard.

Maggie turned to look at her friend. "You told that ass about us back in college?" she asked with a smile.

Jenny smiled and blushed. "Yes. The summer of giving up men. I wonder how many great ideas are borne out of a night of drinking."

"That was one hell of a summer, Maggie admitted. "I still think about it often."

Jenny glanced at her and quietly nodded. "What does Tim think about all of that?"

Maggie let out a chuckle. "What any guy would think. It turns him on."

"Of course it does," Jenny giggled.

The women quieted as they lay there together. There was a sudden tension in the room as unspoken words echoed off the walls. Maggie turned to face Jenny, who was already watching her. She could see the rapid rising and falling of Jenny's chest and the throbbing of the artery in her neck. She was biting her lip and had a hopeful look in her eyes. Maggie smiled and turned her body toward Jenny, leaning over and gently kissing her. Jenny kissed her back, softly at first, allowing her hunger to build slowly.

It had been ten years since either of them had kissed a woman, and they fell right back into it. Maggie sat up and pulled off the blouse she had been wearing, and Jenny did the same. With a sexy smile, Maggie undid her bra next, tossing it aside with a flourish. With little doubt as to what was going to happen, the rest of their clothes were hastily removed and thrown to the floor. The women lay together in an embrace and started to kiss again.

"This feels so nice," Jenny whispered. "You feel so nice up against me."

Maggie smiled and nibbled on Jenny's neck. Jenny cooed in response, sending the signal Maggie needed to start nibbling downward. She quickly reached Jenny's full breasts and nipped at her erect nipples. Jenny gasped with delight as her friend's ministrations brought back old memories along with present joy. Maggie's left hand reached down between Jenny's already parted legs, finding her wet and swollen. Maggie gently stroked the lips from the bottom to the top, stopping just shy of Jenny's clit.

Jenny moaned and squirmed, anxious for Maggie to stop toying with her. The two continued to kiss as Maggie teased her friend. Finally, when Jenny thought she could take no more, Maggie parted her lips and slipped one, then another, finger inside her. Jenny let out a moan of approval and thrust her hips forward in an attempt to feel those fingers deeper inside her. Maggie started to slowly fuck Jenny with her fingers. The kissing stopped and the women locked eyes as Maggie removed her fingers and brought them to her mouth, tasting her friend. She wet her thumb with saliva and slipped her fingers back inside Jenny, now drawing circles on her clit with the thumb she'd wet as she continued to fuck her with her fingers.

Jenny panted and moaned and squirmed as Maggie expertly manipulated her. It had been a long time, but Maggie certainly remembered exactly how to push her buttons, Jenny thought. The tension built quickly, and shortly thereafter Jenny's body tensed up and shook with a powerful orgasm. She growled loudly as she shook and trembled and thrashed about. Maggie smiled as she watched her friend recover. She leaned over and kissed Jenny softly and tenderly.

"God. That was nice, Mag," Jenny breathlessly mumbled. "So nice."

Maggie bit her lip and smiled. "I'm just getting started. Now I want to really taste you."

Jenny gasped and smiled as Maggie kissed her way down her body until she was lying between her legs, her face mere inches away from Jenny's needy pussy. The women once again locked eyes, and Maggie moved her mouth forward, covering Jenny's pussy and tasting her once again. Maggie slipped her tongue inside, causing Jenny to moan and thrust her pelvis up forcefully. Maggie grunted, then removed her tongue and lapped at Jenny, starting at the bottom of her slit and moving up the length of it and over her clit. Jenny squirmed and made soft purring sounds as she watched Maggie work.

The more Maggie licked, the needier Jenny became. As if reading Jenny's mind, Maggie again slipped her fingers inside Jenny and covered her clit with her mouth. She fucked Jenny with her fingers and sucked on her clit, flicking her tongue over the bud trapped between her lips. As Jenny approached an orgasm, her cunt began to clamp down on Maggie's fingers, alerting her friend that she was getting close. Maggie relentlessly worked on her friend, intent on bringing her over the edge. Suddenly, Jenny's body tensed up and she thrust up with her hips, biting her fist in an attempt to keep from howling. Maggie didn't stop until Jenny gently pushed her away, her clit far too sensitive for continued attention at that point.

Maggie crawled up the bed and the women embraced and kissed for a short while. They held each other wordlessly until they both started to doze. Maggie got up before she fell into a deep slumber, kissed Jenny gently, and headed down the hall into the bedroom she shared with Tim.

She climbed into bed, disturbing Tim enough to wake him. He turned toward her and smiled.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

Maggie leaned over and kissed him. "Yes. I think she'll sleep fine now."

Tim grunted softly. "You smell like pussy," he said with a chuckle.

Maggie scooted over and straddled Tim as he lay on his back. She could feel him hardening under her body, and she ground into him in response.

"There's a good reason for that. We can talk about it in the morning. For now..."

She moved onto her knees and positioned herself over Tim's cock. Reaching down, she grabbed him and rubbed the head over her drenched pussy, parting her lips and finding her opening. "For now, I need you to fuck me," she said as she impaled herself on Tim's stiff cock.

* * * * *

Tim was up first the next morning, brewing a pot of coffee for the three of them to enjoy. He was puttering around the kitchen when Jenny walked in, still wearing the nightshirt Maggie had given her. The shirt was a little short on her, and her panty clad ass showed at the bottom. Tim noticed but pretended not to. He also pretended not to notice the stirring of his cock as he took in the sight of Jenny.

"Good morning, Jenn. I take it you slept okay."

Jenny looked him in the eyes and blushed. "Jesus. She told you, huh? Are you mad?"

"Mad? Only that the two of you didn't wake me to watch."

Jenny let out a laugh. "Yeah, well. It wasn't like we planned it."

"Does that mean when you do plan it, I get to watch?"

Jenny rolled her eyes at him as she poured herself a mug of coffee. "First off, who says there WILL be a next time? Second, I think you'd have to take that up with your wife."

"Does that mean you're good with it?" Tim asked with an evil grin.

Jenny blushed a deeper shade of red and took a sip of coffee. "You...are a naughty man, Tim. No wonder why Maggie likes you so much," she said with a giggle.

As if on cue, Maggie walked into the kitchen and looked back and forth between the two of them. "Good morning. What are you two up to?"

"Jenny was just praising my coffee brewing skills," Tim quipped.

"Yeah, right. I'm sure that's all you've discussed," she said as she winked at Jenny.

Jenny smiled and shrugged. "I'm a little nervous about going to get my stuff today. I don't want any trouble."

"I'll behave myself. I promise," Tim said. "We'll be in and out in no time."

"Mick can be a bit of an ass," you know.

"Well, he was the one that threw you out, right? What do you have there besides clothes?"

"Not much really. He can have all of the household shit. I don't want any of it."

"This should be easy then. I'll whip up some eggs, and we'll go right over."

Jenny nodded with a sad smile. "Okay. I'll make the eggs though. It's time to start earning my keep. If I'm living here, I don't get to behave like a guest."

Tim held up his hands and backed away from the stove. "Fair enough. I'll go up and shower while you cook."

* * * * *

An hour later, they were in the car and headed over to Mick's house. When they arrived, Mick let them in with an irritated look on his face.

"Get this over with quickly. I'm in a hurry," he said with a sneer.

"Where's my stuff?" Jenny asked.

"In the closet," Mick snapped. "I wasn't going to pack shit for you. Go on upstairs and get it yourself," he said with a nasty grin.

The three of them went up the stairs and opened the door to the bedroom. Jenny went in first and let out a yell when she saw a young redheaded woman lying naked on the bed, half tangled in the sheets. The woman shot up and pulled the sheets around her.

"What the fuck! Who the hell are you?" she screamed.

Jenny paused, seemingly in shock. Maggie stepped around her and walked to the closet. "No one you need to be concerned with. We're just getting some stuff out of the closet here."

"I don't understand," the redhead said.

"Oh. Mr. Charming didn't tell you he'd broken up with his fiancé last night? He wasted no time moving on, did he?"

The woman nodded her head no, suddenly feeling quite used and stupid. "Could you step out for a moment? I'd like to put my clothes on."

The three of them stepped out into the hallway and closed the door. Jenny was trying to inconspicuously wipe the tears from her eyes. Maggie put an arm around her to comfort her. Tim took deep breaths and contained himself. At that point, it would have taken little for him to go downstairs and slap the shit out of Mick.

A few moments later, the redhead exited the bedroom and walked down the stairs. "I'm sorry," was all she said as she went past them. Once downstairs, she screamed at Mick on the way out the door.

"You're a fucking asshole, Mick."

"Thank you. Have a nice day," he called after her.

Jenny shook her head and rolled her eyes before walking back into the bedroom. Within a half hour, they'd removed everything that belonged to her and were headed back to Maggie and Tim's house.

* * * * *

Jenny was quiet on the car ride back to the house. She sat in the back seat and looked out the window, watching but not really seeing anything. They pulled into the driveway and exited the car. Maggie put an arm around her and guided her inside the house. They all settled in the living room. Maggie glanced at the clock and saw that it was still late morning. Too early to break out the wine, she thought.

"Would anyone like some coffee or iced tea?" she asked.

"Iced tea would be great," Tim replied. "Jenn?"

Jenny shrugged and nodded. "Sure. Why not?" she said with a sigh.

Tim was about to offer to get the tea, but Maggie turned and left the room before he'd had the opportunity. Unsure what to do, he sat down next to Jenny on the couch and put a hand gently on her back.

"I can't believe I meant that little to him," she said with a small sob.

Tim thought it best not to mention that she'd had an interlude of her own the previous evening. "You know, Jenn. No one means anything to someone like him, except himself. He's a self-centered prick. You know that."

"I do, but really? He picks up the first bimbo he can find?"

"He knew we'd be over there this morning. Do you really think he didn't think this through? He wanted to shock and hurt you, and he tossed that poor girl under the bus in the process. I know it sucks to hear, but you are so much better to have gotten out now than to be stuck with someone like that for even a day longer."

Maggie carried the glasses into the living room, handing one to each of them. Jenny took a sip before placing the glass on a coaster sitting on the coffee table.

"You're right. I know you're right, and like I said, I'm actually relieved. I'm just mad and upset with myself. How did I think so little of myself to become involved with such an asshole?"

"I don't know Jenny," Tim said. "Ask her," he said as he pointed to Maggie. "Look what she got herself stuck with."

"Good point," Maggie responded with a wicked grin.

"I'm being serious. I need to do a bit of soul searching. That woman is not who I am."

"We both agree with that," Maggie replied. "That isn't the Jenny I know. You have a fresh start now."

Jenny smiled and took a sip of her tea. "You guys are the best." She paused for a few moments before speaking again. "I really appreciate you taking me in like this. Are you sure you want to do this? I feel like I'll always be in the way. Like today. It's Saturday, and instead of doing something fun, you're sitting around with me."

"Please don't be silly, Jenn," Maggie said. "We have busy lives, and so do you. We'll do stuff together, we'll do stuff apart. You're worrying entirely too much about this."

"I swear. I'll cook and clean and shop and whatever. Whatever you need me to do. Okay?"

"Just do what feels right to you, Jenn. You're a friend, not the hired help."

Jenny nodded and smiled. "I really love you guys, you know that?"

"We love you too," Maggie responded.

Tim stood and stretched. "By the way, did Maggie mention naked Sundays to you? Everyone in the house needs to be naked on Sundays."

"Oh really? She seems to have left that part out," Jenny said with a roll of her eyes.

"Get used to it Jenn," Maggie chimed in. "Shit like that is pretty much non-stop with this one."

Tim let out an exaggerated fake sigh. "I'm going to head over to the gym for a while. If I want abuse, I might as well make it worthwhile."

Tim headed out the door and left the women sitting in silence. After a minute, Jenny looked over at Maggie.

"Should we talk about last night?"

Maggie shrugged. "I felt like maybe you needed a little something. Not that I didn't enjoy myself," she said with a grin.

"Mag...I don't want to mess things up with you two. I...I don't expect to become a part of your sex life. I mean...I loved it and all. I just don't expect..."

"Don't worry, Jenny. Things will be whatever they'll be. Maybe it will happen again, maybe it won't. We had a moment. I'm not sorry, and I'm not going to worry about it."

"Okay. I just thought I should say something."

"And you did. Now. What would you like to do? Shopping? Movie? Just veg out?"

"I think maybe I'd just like to go back upstairs and take a nap. I may need a few days to get back on my feet again."

"Oh, of course, Jenny. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to push you, and I'm certainly not trying to minimize what you're feeling. Go on upstairs. I've got some work stuff to do anyway."

Jenny got up and gave Maggie a hug, then left the room. Maggie sat and finished her tea before she headed into the study to boot up her computer and go through her email.

* * * * *

Over the next several weeks, the three of them developed a routine. Life often flows in patterns, and the addition of Jenny to the household changed things around a bit. Neither Maggie nor Tim minded the changes. They appreciated Jenny's company, and the relationships between them deepened.

There had not been a repeat performance of the activities of the first night. As the days went by, Jenny realized that she didn't miss Mick in the least. What she did miss, though, was the sex. Those feelings were exacerbated by the frequent sounds of the lovemaking taking place between Maggie and Tim down the hall from her bedroom. Even with the doors closed, the sounds found their way to her perceptive ears. Many evenings, Jenny would lie alone in bed and masturbate as she listened to her friends fucking. She'd never realized how vocal Maggie was, and she tried to imagine what Tim was doing to elicit such sounds from her friend.

The weeks stretched to months, and Jenny had developed a series of fantasies around what was going on in that room. Over time, she had spun herself into those fantasies. She never discussed them with Maggie and Tim. She was serious that she didn't want to interfere with their marriage. Raising the topic was out of the question in her mind.

On a Saturday morning about six months after Jenny moved in, the women left to drop Jenny's car at the garage for service. When they arrived back at the house, Tim had left on his normal visit to the gym. Jenny went upstairs to study, and Maggie left the house to do some shopping. At some point, Jenny had dozed off into a deep slumber. When she awoke, she got up and went downstairs for something to drink. She thought she was alone, but as she walked by the study door she'd nearly shrieked. Tim was in there, sitting in front of the computer. His shorts were pulled off, and he had some sort of text up on the screen. She was only vaguely aware of that, as her eyes focused elsewhere. Tim was fully erect and was slowly stroking his stiff cock as he read what was on the screen. Jenny stood there and silently watched as Tim gradually picked up the pace. She knew she should leave but couldn't bring herself to do it. Finally, Tim groaned and the first stream of semen erupted from his cock and up toward the keyboard and screen. Several more jets shot out before Jenny quietly moved away from the door and crept back up the stairs.

She waited about fifteen minutes before she noisily made her way back downstairs and into the kitchen. Tim was startled by her presence, and wondered when she'd gotten home.

"I thought you were at the car place," he said.

"I was, but Maggie dropped me back here. I was studying and fell asleep."

Tim nodded. "You're as quiet as a mouse," he said with a smile.

Jenny could feel herself blush, so she turned away toward the fridge. "Would you like something to drink," Tim?"

"No, I'm good. I'm going to go up and take a shower," he said as he rose from the table.

Jenny nodded and poured herself a glass of iced water. She was trembling and needy and wondered like hell about what Tim's cock would feel like inside her. She shook her head no. She needed to stop. If she couldn't control herself, she was going to have to find a new place to live.

Later that evening, Tim had gone to a hockey game with a couple of his friends. Maggie and Jenny had a light dinner and were sitting around sipping wine. Jenny was feeling no pain, and Maggie wasn't far behind her.

"So is there anything happening on the man front?" Maggie asked.

Jenny gave a little shrug. "Nothing. Not that I've been looking all that much. I've been busy as hell with school."

"A girl needs some recreation too, Jenn. I can't go very long without a little loving myself."

"I know," Jenny blurted out. She blushed bright red. "I'm sorry. I think the wine let my mouth get out ahead of my brain."

Maggie let out a laugh. "Too late now. What do you mean, you know?"

Jenny sighed deeply. "Never mind. Really."

"No, no, no. You are NOT going to do that. Tell me. How do you know?"

"Well," Jenny said slowly. "You aren't exactly the quietest couple of people when you have sex."

Maggie put a hand to her mouth and giggled. "I'm sorry, Jenn. We try, you know. It's just not a really big house."

"You have no reason to be sorry. I'm the guest here. I don't want you changing your life on account of me."

Maggie nodded and smiled. "Can I ask you something?"

Jenny paused for a moment. "Uh oh. Okay. Go ahead."

"Tim told me that he...well...he was taking care of himself this morning, and had a feeling that maybe you'd stumbled into the middle of that somehow."

Jenny went bright red with embarrassment. "Shit. I...I didn't mean to. I was walking by, and he had the door open and...and...fuck. I may have stood there for a minute or so."

Maggie let out a huge grin. "Well? Did you like what you saw?"

"I can't do this, Maggie. I'm not going to do this."

"Come on, Jenny. Did you like it?"


"Jenny. It's okay. I want to know."

Jenny frowned and sagged in her seat. "I can't stop thinking about it, okay? It was just about the hottest thing I've ever seen."

"He's got a nice cock, doesn't he?" Maggie asked.

"Maggie! You're crazy!"

The women sat quietly for a few minutes. Jenny finally broke the silence. "I'm sorry, Maggie. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have stood there. I shouldn't have. I can leave if you want me to."

Maggie sat in silence, looking at her friend.

"Please, Maggie. Say something. Please."

"I'm thinking, Jenn."

Jenny appeared ready to burst into tears just as Maggie was prepared to speak.

"How would you like to have sex with my husband?" Maggie asked.

Jenny looked as if Maggie had smacked her across the face. "Wh...what?"

"You heard me. How would you like to have sex with Tim?"

"I...I...Come on Maggie. I'm not his type. Why would he even think about having sex with me?"

"That's where you're wrong, Jenny. He lusts after you. Big time. And you didn't answer my question."

"Thanks for that vote of confidence, Mag. But really. I'm not exactly supermodel material."

"All I can tell you is that he thinks you're crazy hot. Seriously."

Jenny looked at her friend with an expression of disbelief. "He told you this?"

Maggie sighed. "The other night, we were lying in bed and I was stroking his cock. I kind of broached the subject of the two of you having sex."

"You what?"

"That's right. I've been thinking about it. I've also been thinking about the three of us together, but that's a different discussion."

"Jesus, Maggie. If you fuck up your marriage because of me..."

"Hush. Anyway, once Tim realized I was serious, he got quite excited. Ridiculously excited. So excited, he went off like an eighteen year old in a whorehouse."

"I don't know what to say. I're so beautiful and sexy. You could be a model. I...I'm fat."

"You're a beautiful woman, Jenny. I don't know why you can't see that, but I can and so does Tim. I'm serious. He has always thought so. He always teases me that if I dump him, he is making a play for you."

"Jesus. I'm a kind of in shock here. And I'm scared."

"So? What's it going to be?"

"Oh my God. You really are serious, aren't you? Are you really sure?"

"Hell yes. I'm sure. We're sure. It will be hot watching my husband in action."

Jenny took a big gulp of her wine and nodded. "Okay. I'd fucking love to."

Maggie smiled and clapped her hands. "Okay. First time...just the two of you. I don't want to get in the way."

"Get in the way? He's your husband, Maggie."

"Yes. I don't want you worried or distracted. I just want you to enjoy yourself."

" when do we do this?" Jenny asked, suddenly quite anxious to get started. She needed fucking more than she'd realized.

"He'll be back from the game around ten tonight, Jenny."

"Tonight? Maggie? Tonight?" Jenny was both scared and excited by the prospect.

"Yup. Let's go upstairs and pick out something hot for you to wear."

* * * * *

Tim pulled into the driveway and turned off the car. He was in a good mood after watching his team skate to a lopsided victory over their division rivals. Once out of the car, he went over to the side of the house, grabbed the garbage can, and carried it to the curb. He walked back up the driveway and over to the front door. The door opened when he reached for the knob, and Maggie was standing before him with a huge grin on her face.

"You look happy," he said to her. "Did you win the lottery or something?"

"Me? Not me. But you did," she said with a laugh.

Tim gave her a look of mock disbelief. "So...what's going on?"

Maggie took him by the hand and led him into the den. "Remember our discussion about Jenny the other night?"


Maggie rolled her eyes at him. "Yes. The discussion? The one where we talked about the two of you having sex?"

"Oh. THAT discussion. I have a vague recollection of that now."

"Right. Vague recollection. Jenny and I talked about it this evening."

"You did?" asked Tim with interest. "How did that go?"

"There is a very nervous, very excited, very scantily clad woman sitting up in her bedroom right now. Waiting for you, Tim."

Maggie watched as the look on Tim's face changed from amusement to lust in an instant. He stood there wordlessly for almost a minute as he gathered his thoughts. He reached out and took Maggie's hand in his.

"Maggie...are you really sure about this? kind of changes everything."

"We've talked it all out already, Tim. Not all changes are bad. Some are very, very good. This one will be the good kind."

"Wow. I wasn't expecting this tonight."

"No time like the present, Tim. Come on now. She must know you're home. Don't keep her waiting. It's mean, and she'll be thinking you don't want to do this."

Tim took in a huge breath. "Okay, Mag. Let's go."

Maggie took a step back from Tim. "Not me. You. I'm staying down here. I'll head up to our bedroom later."

"You aren't joining us?"

"No. This time I want just the two of you together. I think your focus should be on each other. I'll just be a distraction."


"Trust me. I know how Jenny thinks. Please. Go have fun. I'll...I'll think about what you're up to and take care of things down here. I brought a toy or two down to entertain me. You stay in there with her tonight. We can all talk in the morning."

Tim shrugged and leaned over, kissing Maggie deeply. "I love you, Maggie."

"I love you too, Tim. Now...go fuck my best friend's brains out," she said with a hearty laugh.

Tim left the room and headed for the stairs. Once on the top landing, he turned to the right and walked down the hall to Jenny's room. He knocked lightly on the door before reaching down and turning the knob, pushing the door inward. Jenny was lying on the bed holding a book in her hand. She was wearing a satin black corset like bustier which prominently displayed her incredible cleavage. The bottom of the bustier hugged her hips and met her black panties. On her legs she wore dark black stay up stockings with little black satin bows at the top.

Tim locked eyes with Jenny as she lay there. The women had obviously spent a lot of time getting her ready. Her blue eyes stood out like beacons, the makeup around her eyes accentuating them dramatically. Jenny had a little smile on her face as she lay there watching Tim taking her in. She let out a nervous laugh.

"I feel so silly, Tim. It's like prom night."

"I think this will be a little different than your prom," Tim replied with an wicked grin. "You couldn't be more beautiful," Jenn. "You're stunning."

Jenny waved him off. "Oh, Tim. Maggie told me you're a sweet talker. I...Thank you. That's very kind of you to say."

Tim walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. He reached his hand out and turned Jenny's face up toward his, again locking eyes with her. "It isn't just something I'm saying, Jenn. I mean it. You are absolutely drop dead gorgeous."

Jenn tried to look away, but Tim didn't allow it. She felt both a little shock and a little panic, because she could see in his eyes the truth in his words. She didn't know how to handle that, because she had never before experienced it.

Tim leaned in and gave her a soft kiss. He felt her body tense up as he kissed her.

"It's okay, Jenn. Relax. Forget I'm Maggie's husband. Tonight, I'm just a man. it's just you and I. No one else."

He leaned forward and kissed her again, parting her lips with his tongue this time. Something flipped inside Jenny and she let out a small moan and let him kiss her more deeply. Another moan and she was responding, kissing him back. Her heart was pounding and she could hear the rush ringing in her ears. Tim took his time, giving them a chance to become acquainted in a new way and allowing the excitement to build between them.

Little by little, Tim's hands began to roam around Jenny's body. She reciprocated, touching his chest, his shoulders, his back. He felt wonderful under her fingers. She wanted more. She pulled away from him for a moment and looked into his lust filled eyes.

"Can we turn off the light and get undressed?" she shyly asked.

"We can get undressed, but we're leaving the lights on, Jenny. You look far too beautiful for me to waste on the dark."

Jenny's face fell into a small frown. She looked nice now, she thought. Her body was half hidden. Once naked, all of the things she wanted to hide would be visible.

"It's just...I...I don't look like Maggie does without clothes on, Tim. I'm a little self-conscious is all."

"Please just trust me, Jenny. I've dreamed of seeing you like this for a long time. You can't deny me now."

"You've what? Oh please, Tim," Jenny giggled.

"Don't laugh. I was enthralled by you since the first time I'd ever met you. I think you are pretty much the most beautiful woman I've ever known."

Jenny was watching his face as he spoke. "Jesus, Tim. Either you're the world's best really mean what you're saying."

"Trust me. I mean every word, Jenny."

She looked up into his eyes and took a deep breath, then nodded. "Okay. Okay. I'll pretend that I believe you, but only because I need to get laid," she said with a smirk.

"Good," replied Tim as he stood. "You're already half naked. I'll get undressed so you don't feel like you're the only one, then I'll get the rest of your clothes off one piece at a time."

Jenny pushed a moment of panic caused by that thought right out of her mind. As she watched Tim slowly disrobe, her mind shifted to other thoughts on its own. When he freed his stiff cock from his briefs, her mind became focused on only one thing...she needed that cock inside her.

Jenny sat up on the bed and reached for Tim's already throbbing cock. She had a mental plan without so much as thinking about it. She'd suck him for a short while, then get on her hands and knees and ask him to fuck her. It was pretty much what she'd always done when she had sex. No man had cared much about her pleasure, and some were downright cruel to her. She'd become accustomed to Mick making nasty comments about her body. She responded by learning to get him off as quickly as possible so she could cover herself up and avoid further abuse. While she didn't expect Tim to behave in such a manner, it still remained in the back of her mind.

She slowly stroked his cock, bending forward so her face was only inches away from it. She loved the way it looked, and marveled at how wonderful it felt in her hand. The head was glistening with pre-cum, and Jenny to taste it. She leaned forward and touched her tongue to him, swirling it around the head and taking in the slick fluid. She pulled back briefly and let out a small moan.

Just as she was about to take him into her mouth, Tim put a hand on her shoulder and pushed her away. She looked up at him with alarm, and she felt her stomach drop. He doesn't want me, she thought to herself.

"Wha...what's wrong, Tim?"

"There isn't a thing wrong at all, Jenny. We'll get to this part in due time. Right now, I want to spend some time getting to know your body."

Jenny looked up at him, half in shock and half in fear. She realized this was going to be a very different experience than she was accustomed to, and she wasn't sure if she could handle it. Tim moved back onto the bed and gently shoved her onto her back. He lay beside her and turned her face toward his, kissing her deeply.

The kissing she liked, and it relaxed her. They necked like that for quite some time, like teenagers in the back of a car at the drive-in. Tim finally started to kiss his way down Jenny's face to her neck. She turned her head aside, baring her neck to him as he nipped and nibbled, kissed and licked her. Her tummy did little flip flops from the attention she was receiving.

Moments later, Tim was nibbling his way further down. Jenny moaned and gasped as his fingers toyed with the hooks on the front of the bustier. He undid enough of the hooks to unleash her tits. They were huge; very full and plump. Ripe, Tim would have said if his mouth hadn't been covering one of her large, tan colored nipples. The bud was like a hard pebble. He sucked it into his mouth and flicked at it with his tongue. Jenny was squirming on the bed with pleasure, and she gasped when he bit that pebble just hard enough to hurt.

As he toyed with her, Tim continued to undo more of the hooks on the bustier until they were all undone. He abandoned her breasts and slowly kissed his way down her tummy. Jenny tried to cover herself but he pushed her hands away. Instead, the blushing woman covered her eyes, as if not seeing him kissing her chubby tummy would ensure that it wasn't happening.

"God, you are one hell of a sexy woman, Jenn."

She looked down at him with an incredulous look. "You're nuts, Tim."

He smiled and kissed her belly some more. She watched him, feeling less frantic with each kiss he placed on her soft, yielding flesh. She was filled with an array of conflicting emotions as she lay there. The look on Tim's face was one of pure lust and desire. No man had ever looked at her body the way he was now, and it nearly made her brain short circuit. When he reached the waist band of her panties, she decided she'd stop fussing and just go with it. Her pussy was throbbing, soaked, and in desperate need of attention.

Tim got to his knees and grabbed the top of each side of her panties. She thrust her hips up off the bed so he could slide them down off of her. Once clear, she put her ass back on the bed and raised her legs up. Tim slid the panties up her legs and off. He knelt before her and brought them to his nose as she watched. He took in a deep breath, smelling her scent.

"You smell incredible, Jenn," he said with a nasty grin. "Now I want to see how you taste."

He gently pushed her thighs apart and sat back on his haunches for a moment, taking her in. Reaching the fingers of his right hand out, he brushed them against the neatly trimmed blonde hair on her pussy, causing her to jump in response.

"Fuck. That is one beautiful pussy, Jenn. There's nothing like a natural blonde. Nothing."

"Oh, Jesus, Tim. You're not going to be content unless you kill me, are you?"

Tim bent over and kissed the inside of Jenny's right thigh. She gasped and squirmed, and mewled when he bit her. She tried to twist her body enough to get his mouth on her cunt, but he held her at bay. He nipped and kissed her thighs some more before nuzzling her pussy with his nose. Jenny could no longer keep still nor keep quiet. Tim was intentionally teasing her. She was nearly frantic with need. Finally, she said the words that he'd been waiting for.

"Please, Tim. Please. No more teasing. I need some relief. Please," she begged.

Tim smiled for a moment, then covered her drenched cunt with his mouth. She tasted tangy and sweet as he delved into the soft folds of her pussy with his tongue. Jenny put a hand onto the back of his head and grabbed him by the hair as she thrust her hips up into him. She no longer had control of her body; it was in charge, and she was just along for the ride. Tim moved his tongue up to her clit and started to lap at it rhythmically.

Jenny was in such an aroused state that her first orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave. A feral cry emanated from her as she shook and squirmed with the pleasure of release. Tim had made her come in a matter of a few short minutes, and that knowledge nearly made her come a second time. He gently kissed her pussy as she slowly calmed down. Reluctantly, Tim moved up on the bed and lay half on top of her, face to face. Jenny kissed him deeply, tasting herself on his lips and tongue.

"Oh, Tim. That...that was fucking incredible. No wonder I hear Maggie screaming every night," she said with a laugh.

"We're just getting started, Jenn. I'm just getting warmed up."

Jenny could feel Tim's stiff cock pressed up against her leg. She wanted him inside her, but Tim continued to frustrate her by lying there and petting her body. She could feel his desire for her in his fingertips, and it made her hungrier for his fucking.

"I love the feel of you against me, Jenn. You feel incredible. You look incredible...better than I had ever imagined."

"I'm fairly certain," Jenny said with a smile, "that you'll be getting laid even without the sweet talk, Tim. More than certain."

Tim shifted his body on top of Jenny and started to kiss her again. She loved the feeling of his weight on top of her. He felt heavy and solid and manly, and she felt very female in comparison. She ran her hands all over him as they kissed and nibbled at each other. The need she felt was nearly unbearable, causing her to writhe and squirm beneath him. Jenn broke her mouth free from Tim's for a moment.

"Tim...please. I really need you to fuck me. Really. You're killing me here."

Tim gave her a satisfied smile. "I was waiting for you to ask, Jenny. Should I wait until you beg?"

"I'm already begging, you bastard. Please. Fuck me already."

Tim moved onto his knees between her legs. He reached over her and grabbed two pillows, positioning them under her ass and tilting her pelvis up so that her pussy was completely exposed to him. She lay there watching as he grabbed his stiff cock and rubbed it up and down over her swollen cunt. Jenny moaned with need and pleasure as he teased her.

"Mmmm. I can feel the heat of your cock on me, Tim.'re driving me crazy."

Tim smiled and maneuvered his cock to the entrance of her opening. He locked eyes with Jenny as he slowly moved forward, filling her one inch at a time. Jenny moaned and gasped as she felt herself fill up with his stiff rod. Tim waited a few moments once he was fully inside her, letting her adjust to him. He looked down at her full, lush body, and beautiful face.

"I feel like I've died and gone to heaven, Jenn. I've never in my life seen a more beautiful sight than you lying here beneath me."

Jenny licked her lips and grunted. She didn't want to talk. She fuck. Tim leaned back on top of her, and slowly started to move back and forth within her. He resumed kissing Jenny as he thrust into her. Jenny thrust back hard, wanting to feel Tim inside her as deeply as she could. She was beyond the point of thought. Nature took over, and Jenny's body was running on wild instinct. Her cunt was clenching Tim's cock tightly, attempting to milk him and give her body what it craved.

Tim was beyond excited and wanted to slow down. His plan was to take his time and give Jenny a good, long fucking. His cock, however, was being uncooperative. He was getting very close to exploding. He stopped moving and pulled his mouth away from Jenny.

"I'm too close. Stop for a minute, Jenn."

"Fuck that," Jenny growled as she continued to thrust against him. "We have all night. Give it to me, Tim."

He grinned and slammed into her, picking up the pace. Moments later, Jenny could hear the change in his breathing just before he grunted and gave a long, deep thrust inside her. He came in spasms as Jenny clawed at his back and ass. She was meowing like a cat in heat, still bucking up against him, wanting to make sure she'd taken every drop he had to give.

Jenny clung to Tim as he lay panting on top of her. Her mind was a jumble of thoughts and feelings as the cock of her best friend's husband slowly subsided within her. Tim grunted and moved, lying beside her and gently stroking her body with his hand. He propped his head up with one arm as he gazed down into her eyes touched her. Jenny bit her lip and smiled at him.

"I'm sorry, Jenn. I know that was quick,'re so sexy and beautiful...I just couldn't control myself."

Jenny felt herself blush with his words. "Are you k**ding me, Tim? I have never in my life felt like I was good enough for a man in any way. Do you have any idea what those words mean to me? How they make me feel?"

"I'm telling you the truth, Jenny. You are...fuck. You're stunning."

"I believe you feel that way, Tim. That's why the words mean so much to me."

Tim reached down and kissed Jenny deeply. His hand moved down her body and found her pussy, causing her to moan into his mouth. He could feel his cum oozing out of her as he gently ran his fingers up and down her lips.

"I guess it's a little late to ask if you're on the pill or anything, huh?"

Jenny giggled heartily. "You think? Yes, Tim. I'm still on the pill. Wishful thinking, I guess."

Tim nodded. He wet his fingers with the fluids oozing out of her cunt and brought them up to her clit. Jenny bit her lip and stared into his eyes as he drew circles on and around her button. She reached around his head and pulled him down into a kiss, grabbing a handful of his hair and tugging on it. She moved her hips as his fingers worked on her. It didn't take long before she bucked and moaned as she was overcome by an orgasm. Tim didn't stop until she pushed his hand away, too sensitive for him to continue.

Once she had taken a few moments to recover, Jenny sat up in bed next to him. She looked down at his naked body, taking every inch of him in.

"Maggie is one lucky woman," she throatily whispered. "Lay back and enjoy, Tim. My turn to play."

Jenny moved down on the bed and lay next to Tim with her head on his abdomen. She grabbed his cock and slowly fondled and stroked it, smiling as it rapidly grew in her hand. Once it was fully erect, she reached her tongue out and flicked it over the thick head. She gently squeezed the glans, smiling as a drop of pre-cum oozed out of him. She leaned over and swirled her tongue over him, moaning over the taste of him.

Jenny looked up at him with lust in her eyes, then focused her attention back onto his cock. She covered the head with her mouth and moved up and down on him, her hand below stroking him in a corkscrew motion. She felt Tim pull her hair aside so he could watch her, and she shifted a little to give him a better view.

Tim watched the beautiful Jenny feed on his cock. He decided she was even more beautiful with lust written all over her face. Lust is what Jenny felt as she took her time pleasing Tim. Never before had she wanted to give pleasure to a man the way she wanted to right now. Jenny controlled the pace, wanting to prolong Tim's pleasure for as long as she could. When her jaw and tongue tired, she pulled back and continued to slowly stroke him. She could sense his need to come growing. She smiled up at him and looked him in the eyes.

"Are you ready, baby? Are you ready to give Jenny what she needs?" she asked with a throaty growl.

Her own words shocked her and made her blush, but she didn't care. Tim nodded and grunted at her. She took him fully into her mouth and moved her head up and down, taking long, deep strokes, his cock hitting the back of her throat each time. Jenny picked up the pace and listened to the sounds Tim made as she worked on him. His cock seemed to momentarily swell in her mouth, and a moment later Tim thrust his hips upward and grunted as his orgasm hit. Jenny continued to suck his cock as spurt after spurt filled her mouth. He tasted wonderful, she thought, but she didn't hold his cum in her mouth for long. She greedily swallowed each drop as if it were lifesaving fluid.

Jenny didn't stop until she had taken everything Tim had to give. Once she let go of his cock, she crawled up the bed and curled up next to him. She reached over and bit his earlobe.

"Fuck, did I enjoy that. That's one hell of a cock you have there, Tim. If I was Maggie, I'd be raving about it constantly."

"Jesus," laughed Tim. "I think it's been too long since you've had sex, Jenn. You're delusional."

"It has been too long, but I'm not at all delusional. You''re perfect Tim. Thank you."

"It was my pleasure, Jenny. I assure you," Tim said with a chuckle.

The pair spent another hour kissing, fondling and fucking before they finally passed out in a tangle of arms and legs. When Tim awoke in the morning, Jenny was lying next to him with a smile on her face.

"Hi, sleepy. I think I wore you out."

Tim smiled and winked. "Me? That isn't possible. I'm like the iron man of sex."

"Is that so?" asked Jenny and she got onto her hands and knees. "Do you think maybe you can fuck me once more before breakfast?"

Tim got up and smacked her ass gently as he moved in behind her. "I was hoping like hell you'd be thinking this way," he exclaimed as he rubbed his already stiff cock on her slit. A moment later he was inside her. He gave her a good, long, hard fucking, and they collapsed in a heap on the bed after he'd come deep inside her again.

"I love the feeling of your body on top of mine," Jenny purred.

"It feels pretty damned good from up here too," Tim replied as he nuzzled her ear.

Jenny looked over her shoulder at him and took a deep breath, letting it out in a

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Threesome With My Girlfriend And Her Sister 8211 Part 4

And After Our Shower Sex, Nothing was new that day. But next day was a great surprise, It was our 4th day, and it was my Birthday. I was thinking about my Gf, Sex, Goa, Work, And i really was not aware it was my Birthday. At 12am, they both woke me up, We had some blueberry cake(Not my Fav :P) And after cake, some vodka. We had a chit-chat. But the cake was not good, We had almost 3/4th left. And Sanjuna started playing with my face with that cake, and the battle became real. We 3 fought like...

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Threesome Fun Richards Story

The final chapter of this Threesome Fun story line - If you're new to this story, please read Kelly's story first then Martin's story. We rested for a while. I slipped out of Kelly’s sexy underwear and placed it on the dressing table chair. I was reluctant to remove the stockings so I kept them on. Both Richard and I were sated after the last session that we had and it was Kelly that started to spice things up. Kelly reached for the paper on the dressing table. I didn’t even know she brought...

Group Sex
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threesome with the girlfriend

Introduction: Fantasy come true Ok so my girlfriend and I were watching porn. I will tell you about her now she is a little on the short side being 5ft5 but she has a smoking body. She has a b sized cub but she definitely makes up for it with that big black ass of hers. It makes heads turn when we walk down the street. I am your average white male with a 6 inch dick but she loves the way I can work it. My girlfriends name is Keeara and my name is Nick. Well lately weve been watching porn of...

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threesome with the girlfriend

Well lately we’ve been watching porn of threesomes. It can be either mff or mfm either way it seems like we fuck so much crazier afterwords. So I have always wanted to have a threesome with her but never really had the courage to ask her. So one night while we were watching this white get fucked in the ass while eating a black girl’s pussy out I was horny enough to ask her if she would ever consider a threesome, I said it kind of jokingly. But to my surprise she said yes. I was so excited but...

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Threesome with my wife and friend with big cock

Threesome with my wife! Strong fucking of my naughty wife Petya, 27 years old. and a friend who had come to visit us. We drank beer at home and talked about sex and surprisingly my wife asked him to pay attention to her and grab her breasts and told him that she has a very tight pussy. My wife got wet ready and pressed his paw in front of my eyes, and he pulled out a cock twice as big as mine and split my wife's pussy, and she could not get enough of him. Hello, my name is Mitko. 30 years old...

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Threesome With Mom And Friend

Thank you everyone for the comments on my first story which propelled me write this sequel.This is the sequel of my first story ‘Horny mom seduced and fucked son’. On the recommendation of one of my readers I am writing this story. It is a threesome of me, my mom and one of my friends. Please give your comments in my id Everyone’s comments will be appreciated. Now coming to the story… After our first sex, everyday we used to have sex, sometimes after my dad left for shop and later when I...

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Threesome anal with my girlfriend and neighbor

Janice, my girlfriend was arriving today and I had made some preparations. I missed her a lot while she was away on a work trip for 10 months. I was also missing the sex, quite obviously and often found myself thinking of our neighbor. I also had a craze for threesome anal and soon it was going to happen. Brad was a lean and fit gym instructor, whom I often ogled at discreetly. And today, he was standing at my door, asking to wait as the handyman repaired his leaking roof. I don’t remember how...

2 years ago
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Threesome Cake With Mom And Friends

Hi people, writing story in ISS is always a pleasure. This story is the third part of my stories, “Horny mom seduced and fucked son” and “Threesome with mom and friend”. In this story my mom seduced and fucked two of my closest friends as they were leaving town. Unfortunately, I am not there this time. I was busy watching them from the other room because my mom didn’t want my friends to feel awkward. Coming to the story… My mom and I used to have sex on a regular basis as you would know....

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Threesome With Girlfriend And Her Friend

Hi, I am john , this is a true story that happened in my life . If u have any feedback I am 5″7′ high , average body and fair looks and have a 7″dick. My girlfriend is Febi 5″5′ and a figure of 34-28-32 nice round ass. And her friend Mariah she is 5″4′ and 34-28-30. Both wearing Churidhar and shawl We started our journey together by train at 7pm.We chit chat and laugh and there wasn’t much rush. So we were sitting freely. I took window side and febi sitting side to me and Mariah sitting...

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Threesome With My Girlfriend And Her Sister

This is my first story in ISS. I’m Mahesh (Name Changed), 21yrs old, living in Coimbatore with my family. I’m doing my B.E final year. I’m a fair, handsome guy, with a 6inch cock, lean guy. My gf name is Sanjuna (Name Changed), 21yrs old, living in same city with her mother. Her father passed away when she was 6, her mother is working so we had a good amount of time alone in her home. Her sister’s name is Hema (name Changed), she is lean, 18yrs old, very pretty. My gf has a nice structure, and...

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Threesome With My Girlfriend And Her Sister 8211 Part 5

Hello all, Well, In this part of this story, It’s all our first Male Male Female(MMF) Threesome experience. So, if you’re not interested in MMF action, you can read some other stories or my other parts. It was after our goa trip, Me Sanjuna and Hema was very close those days. Me, Sanju and Hema, Suriya(Her Bf) used to go on lots and lots of double dates. Me after that goa trip, i changed completely, I loved Sanjuna more, I never had an argument with her, Was seeing her everyday, we were...

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Threesome Sex With Bhavana N Her Friend Yashu On My B8217day

Hi am Manu raj 28 yrs old and am regular reader of ISS and which gave courage for me to enjoy cousins virgin cult (Tulu) and fuck my beautiful aunt Bagya that story I will share later My cousins name is Bhavana who was studying in M.Sc in Bangalore and was staying in my house. I dono how to describe her figure in words but she had two tennis ball sized white and milky boobs perfect curve and tempting has. Good looking face with erotic eyes I always used to watch her boobs whenever she is...

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Threesome With Slutty Wife And College Girl Friend

Hello all dear readers, finally after reading so many stories, I have decided to submit a personal story with name changes. This is a true story that happened with one of my friends, so enjoy it. This story will be released in parts with a lot of description so please be patient and enjoy this story. The craziness and wildness of this story will surely blow your mind. This is just the beginning. This story is about how I had my first threesome with my bisexual slut wife and my school friend who...

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Threesome With Bhabhi And Her Friend

Hello guys, this is Sid again from Hyderabad with my second story. Those who doesn’t know me, this is Sid 6 feet tall fair and with an average body because I am not really interested in the gym with a dick size of 6 inches which can satisfy any girl or a lady.So interested ladies or girls can mail me at Your privacy is guaranteed and please do send your feedbacks. So coming back to the story the heroine’s of the story are my bhabhi (Preeti) with whom I have sex regularly and her friend...

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Threesome With My Beautiful Shruthi Along With Kiran

Hello ISS community, I’m your Nani back with another story. This is the story about how me and my best friend fucked our best friend. Her name is Shruthi of age 21 years with stats 36/28/36 and his name is Kiran of same age. We are the best friends like 3 idiots always hang out together, movies, outings, etc. The incident has happened when we are in our final year of Although we three are the best friends, me and my friend had a great lust on her. She used to be very close to us and she...

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Threesome With My Mami And Girlfriend

Hi indian sex friends. Mera naam tom (name changed) hai. Mai delhi me rehta hu. Mai ek engineer hu. Mera lund 7 inch ka hai. Meri pichhli indian sex story pasand karne ke liye aap sab ka bohot bohot shukriya. Aaj mai aapko ek threesome experience ke baare me bataunga. Jaisa ki aap logo ko pata hai mera sex sambandh meri mami se reh chuka hai. Meri mami ka naam rupam (real name) hai. Ab mai apni mami ko sirf occasionally chod pata tha kyuki jab se mere mama ko mami pe shak hua hai, tab se mai...

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Threesome fun Kerrys Story

At first Kerry and Robert were fairly unambivalent about meeting with me. Men were fairly easy to get hold of on the swinger’s website. What they were looking for was the elusive single female, or other couples. We chatted a few times through the website, sending messages to and fro. They excited me a lot, and I knew they would not be disappointed should they ever decide to meet up with me. However, I was fairly lucky, in that I could at least let them read about what we could do together as a...

Group Sex
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Threesome with my Indian aunt and friend MFM

Threesome with my Indian aunt and friend (MFM)It was during lockdown due to corona virus spreading, my best friend Anil had come over to my place to play. Anil was my class mate and resided in the same street with his parents. Well, I am Rajesh studying high school in Bangalore and was staying at my aunt’s place. Shilpa aunty was my mom’s younger sister, married to Ramesh Babu who was an electrical engineer in KEB. Shilpa aunty was working as a receptionist in a nearby nursing home which was...

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Threesome Fun Martins Story

This is the second installment and follows on from "Threesome Fun - Kelly's story." Kelly took me to the bedroom and opened her wardrobe for me to look inside. There were numerous outfits. I pulled them from the rack one at a time and held them up against her. I imagined how she would look in them. “Come on hurry up, I’m dying for this,” said Kelly. She picked out the outfit that I should wear and laid it on the bed. Kelly then rummaged around in her drawers and pulled out a pair of sheer...

Group Sex
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Threesome Birthday surprise for my sons best friend

I was standing at the reception counter of the boy’s hostel. I was waiting for the woman at the counter to tell me the room number of my eighteen year-old son, Sean, so that I could go and meet him. The boys who were passing through the reception area couldn’t stop looking at me. I guessed they found me very hot in my dark green colored dress. Though my dress was revealing a lot of cleavage, but as I was bending over the counter sticking out my big ass, all the guys were starring at my ass. I...

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Threesome, by Vickie Tern. M/f, F/m, F/F, femdom, etc. The sex scenes in this story are raw, cooked, scrambled, and coddled. No violence or force, but that doesn't necessarily mean the characters are nice to each other. This is a fiction. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead is purely coincidental. It may not remain that was of course -- life sometimes imitates art. If you aren't old enough to read this lawfully, wait. If it's worth reading it'll still be around. ...

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Threesome Crime Blow

This Monsieur had this palatable threesome delicacy his eyes fixed upon the boob clock like a ticking time bomb.In his pocket with a watch, Her name was Charlotte she felt a crimson Chanel blush partying all over him like his whore she been trouble from the first day I met her. How she traveled all over the swingers continent Dispute her misgivings but she loved to put out like a Christmas he could smell her poinsettias wildflower all over her vagina. A voice comes out “Get over it baby” You...

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Threesome With Cook And Her Friend

This is in continuation with my story sex with elderly cook Lakshmi. One day Lakshmi told me that her friend Swathi was coming to stay with her and requested me for permission. Lakshmi told me that her friend would work in the other homes that she was working in so that she could devote attention full time to my home. Since I was more worried about missing sex, I asked her how we could have sex with her friend staying at the house. Lakshmi said her friend would be away almost the whole day and...

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Threesome With My Girlfriend And Sister 8211 Part 3

So, after our first 2 encounters(To read those, see my Profile), There was almost 2 months gap, as i went to Kerala for some work. I was very busy those days, and Me and Sanjuna(My Gf) used to sex chat in night for hours. We used to talk about old memories, Our threesome. She also used to tell about her sis’s love story, mostly their sex life. Sanjuna, used to send me nudes, not just her, with her sis too ;). Days went like this. We both planned our reunion with a goa trip. Sanjuna even asked...

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Threesome With My Friend And His Plump Wife

Hi Friends, I am also one of the fans of Indian sex stories. I respect for the people who made such a platform available for us to read and share natural sex stories, I love stories more than porn as it helps me in running my imaginations wild. Although recently I started loving Savita bhabhi comics. I also respect people who in the absence of having a partner satisfy themselves with masturbating reading stories etc instead of doing any ugly crimes like rape. I feel availability of easy porn...

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Threesome at the Hot Tubs

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story. The names and places are not real and in no way are meant to resemble anybody or anyplace in the real world. The story is, however, based on a not-so-far-fetched situation I may, or may not, have been involved with. Enjoy.There are great Mineral Spring hot tubs near where we live. We usually try go to there at least every other month to rent a private tub where we basically fuck for an hour with some breaks for drinks and dessert. We turn our music on and...

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Threesome at the Hot Tube

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story. The names and places are not real and in no way are meant to resemble anybody or anyplace in the real world. The story is, however, based on a not-so-far-fetched situation I may, or may not, have been involved with. Enjoy.There are great Mineral Spring hot tubs near where we live. We usually try go to there at least every other month to rent a private tub where we basically fuck for an hour with some breaks for drinks and dessert. We turn our music on and...

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My Bestfriends Boyfriend

Introduction: This the story of Chloe and how she slept with her bestfreinds boyfriend… This is the story of Chloe…I posted this before in the forums and now Im reposting it here cause Im finally getting around to making a continuation to this story….Hope you guys enjoy… I was always the shy and quiet one of the group. Chloe The insecure one. The unexperienced one. The one that all the guys called best friend or friend. Never really the girlfriend. At least not as much as I wanted. Out of all...

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My Bestfriends Boyfriend

I was always the shy and quiet one of the group. Chloe' The insecure one. The unexperienced one. The one that all the guys called best friend or friend. Never really the girlfriend. At least not as much as I wanted. Out of all the girls I hung with Rachel, Shannon and Tara I was sad to say the least experienced of all my friends when it came to sex having just lost my virginity a couple of years ago. Dont get me wrong Im not an ugly girl. I have long naturally curly black hair and...

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Threesome With Girlfriend

Getting on with our story, this is about the first time that we ever had a threesome with a new friend that my girlfriend, Kangan, had made. She became friends with Aarti for the specific purpose of trying to see if she would be open to a threesome with us. We were pretty scared about fake people online and had decided to meet a real person. So we met arti at a local nightclub. We know that she definitely wasn’t an innocent girl because we are a shady club, thinking that if we meet a girl here,...

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Threesome Involving Mom And My Friend

The past couple of months were really amazing. Me and my mom used to have sex everyday and it was really fun. After dad went to work abroad, mom felt lonely and I decided to help her out. It was just a matter of time before I got her laid. We were having a fantastic sex life and she really enjoyed it. We used to watch porn together and she used to masturbate me while I used to finger her. While in the house we were usually naked. She used to tell me how it is her fantasy to fuck young men and...

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Threesome With My Brother And His Friend

Ever since my marriage got fixed, I focused on my mental and physical well being. I started going to the gym and exercise to bring my physique in shape. Along with that, I stopped having sex with either my brother or dad. After three years of our incest relation (me, dad and brother), I finally realized that it was nothing more than sexual interaction. I somehow felt that I could not get either dad’s or brother’s love and neither I could be loved as a lover by them. It was mostly sex with them....

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Threesome With Friends Wife And Her Lover

Last year, I posted one story “Seduction of wife of Fast Friend”, which was liked by many and replied to me. This was my relation (of course with changed names) with my fast friend’s wife Priya living in Patna, which was developed through a long time seduction since her marriage to my friend and then finally on a holi, I advanced my action which lead to sex with her afterwards. I used to fuck her every time when her husband go out on tours. My friend was on a job of sales executive in a company...

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Threesome Sex Trap With Cousin Sister Ashu 8211 Pt 2

Hello everyone, this is Diganth and I am 24 years old. Readers, this is a continuation of the previous story. Those who have missed the earlier part please read it. I am 5 feet 10 inches. I finished my engineering and currently, I am working in one of the reputed companies. About my structure, I am a medium built guy with a 6″ sized dick. So, here is the continuation. After two minutes, my cousin Manu came inside the room and asked about our decision. He said that he has another plan to...

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Threesome With Strangers From Online

Contact me on for any requests, queries and advice. Most are eager to try a threesome or group sex, but lack the means to. I don’t blame them, it’s such a difficult task to convince your partner for this. I have been in multiple relationships, and have jokingly brought up the idea of a threesome to my girlfriends, they have shot it down ridiculously without any show of emotion. So unadventurous of them. I have fantasized as to how I would fulfill this fantasy. Few months ago I ventured into...

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Threesome Sex Trap With Cousin Sister Ashu 8211 Pt 5

Hello everyone, This is Diganth, and I am 24 years old, 5ft 10 inches. I finished my engineering and currently working in one of the reputed companies. And about my structure currently, a medium-built guy with a 6″ size dick. I am here to tell you about how we explored threesome sex with cousin Ashu. I’ll also narrate how we trapped our distant relative Nayana for threesome sex. She was also 24 years old. Her stats were (34b-30-34). Her body structure could drive any man crazy and masturbate...

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Threesome With Pooja And Her Maid

Hello, guys, this is Rocky here back with my second story. I have good a good response to my first story . This story is related to the first one so please do read the first one also if you have not read it. Guys, it’s a long story so hold your mood. Let’s jump to the story. So as you all know that I had sex with Mona before her marriage for the whole week. Now after her marriage it had been almost 8 months we had not seen each other or spoken to each other. One day suddenly I had got a text...

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Threesome with a Friend true story

Phil and Rose hadn’t played with any couples or singles since they married five years ago, in the past they had met and played with a number of other couples who they met via sites on the internet, but they had never before risked inviting a friend to the bedroom. Simon was a long time friend of Phil’s they knew each other from school. Simon was a single guy having separated from his wife the previous year. He was tall, dark haired and what ladies would call fit. Simon worked long shifts and...

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Threesome Sex Trap With Cousin Sister 8211 Pt 6

Hello everyone, This is Diganth, and I am 24 years old, 5ft 10 inches. I finished my engineering and currently working in one of the reputed companies. And about my structure currently, a medium-built guy with a 6″ size dick. I am here to tell you about how we explored threesome sex with cousin Ashu. I’ll also narrate how we trapped our distant relative Nayana for threesome sex. She was also 24 years old. Her stats were (34b-30-34). Her body structure could drive any man crazy and masturbate...

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Threesome And DP With My Wife In Bangalore

Hello, everyone. This is Coolguy1607. Talking about me, I am a 6 feet tall, 29 years old guy brought up in a southern metro city. Due to a job change, I moved to Bangalore. Recently I got married. The marriage life and sex life have been great. About my wife, she is 25 years old wheatish complexion and has amazing boobs. Her best features are her sexy boobs and a great pair of eyes. We knew each other for one year as we met through a matrimony site and then started feeling for each other since...

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My Bestfriends Boyfriend Part 2

I grabbed my phone off the nightstand as I started getting dressed. I knew it was Tara. She had been calling me non-stop for almost an hour. I shot her a quick text to let her know that I was okay. Just as I did John’s phone went off. I went into the bathroom to finish getting dressed. I knew who it was. Of course it was Tara. I tried to busy myself with washing my face to drown out the conversation that they were having. As I walked towards the door John turned around but I just shook my head...

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Threesome With My Girlfriend And Her Sister 8211 Part 2

It’s a continuation of my first story Threesome with my Gf and Her Sister. I got many emails to to continue my experience. We 3 are enjoying our sex life for more than 8 months now. My Gf is jealous and bit angry with me having sex wither sister. Still, she loves me madly. So we 3 continued to have threesomes and sex games after the first incident. Usually i used to go to her house, when she is alone and have sex with her. Nowadays, i used to go to her house often and me and sanjuna(my gf)...

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Threesome with a bigger guy than my boyfriend

The first time I ended up in bed with two men I couldn't have imagined how far it would go. Just twenty minutes earlier we had been in the local pub garden chatting and drinking on a warm July evening. My boyfriend had said the night had been a lot of fun (and it had) but the pub was closing and it was time to go home."Or I could come back to yours and we could have a threesome" whispered Chris in a shocking display of nervous courage.Well I was taken aback; I had only been with my lovely new...

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Fucked Girlfriend8217s Bestfriend In Oyo Room

Hi friends! My name is Divine and I’m here with another story and I hope you will like this one. This happened last week. I’m in last year of my graduation and fortunately, I have a girlfriend since second year. So, coming to the story. The name of the girl in this story is Vaishnavi. She is my girlfriend’s bestfriend and they are like sisters. One day, my girlfriend and I were casually talking and I asked my her to have sex with me. But she said I won’t do it till marriage. I tried to convince...

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Threesome With Sameer And Seema

I have been a very ardent reader of all the exciting stories that i enjoy on this site. And I used to always wonder when will I have a real experience like most of you shared with us readers here. So I am motivated to share my sex experience with you all, which is real and it will be shared in parts as we go along. I am doing away with all the ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ when Seema and I had a wonderful time along with her husband Sameer, I am leaving it to the imagination of my readers to visualize and...

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Threesome Sex Trap With Cousin Sister Ashu 8211 Pt 1

Hello everyone, this is Diganth and I am 24 years old. I am 5 feet 10 inches. I finished my engineering and currently working in one of the reputed companies. About my structure, I am a medium built guy with a 6″ size dick. This is a real story and it’s quite lengthy so, I have written them in parts. Readers who have missed my other stories please do read and enjoy. The person involved here is Ashu whom I have had sex with earlier in my previous story. I hope everyone is safe during this time...

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Threesome With Sexy Beloved Chachi

By : Mudgal.Rahul Hi once again this is Abshiek (name changed) here on ISS with my second story.  Hope you all enjoyed my first story on the ISS “first sex with beloved chachi. After getting many mails from the people I am going to post my other sex story with my chachi. But before that I request to all not to mail me saying that they too want to fuck her but ya on request of the readers I can provide you with her mailing address so that you can ask her directly and can enjoy her sexy body...

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Threesome With Office Collegues

Hi all, This is Suresh from Coimbatore again to share another exotic experience. First of all thank you all for your overwhelming responses. You people are my real encouragement to submit my experiences here. Those who are new can read my old stories “New neighbor got fucked” “Satisfying the unsatisfied” “My Classmate – Dream come true” “A day to remember with girlfriends”. I am 23 year old, good looking, muscular with Asian complexion. Currently working as HR in a reputed organization in...

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Threesome with my husband and father in law

100% fiction! My husband all ways wanted to have a threesome with out best man and I all said I would think about it. Then one night when my father in law came to live with us after my mother passed away and I saw the size of his cock it turn me on. That night I asked my husband if he still wanted to have a threesome he said he did. I told him we can have that threesome if I can pick the other man. He said I could and then asked me who the other man I wanted to fuck. I told him I wanted to fuck...

4 years ago
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Threesome With Ladies

Hi, this is Abhi . this story is happened when i completed my graduation. myself is of age is 24 years . this incident happened with my mami. her name is Vaishalil. she is very nice and looks very attractive. she is having an age of 31. her size is 34 30 34. Whenever I looked at her I am feeling so much of attraction towards her. This incident happens when I am studying my family is staying in another city. i am staying in her flat for graduation. She is having one kid of age 5 years she is...

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Threesome Fun With Meena And Kavita

I was posted to Hyderabad and got settled in a studio apartment in a gated community. After a few weeks, I found it difficult to maintain the apartment and began to look for a maid. I selected Meena, who was around 35, sexy petite looking with curves at the right places. Meena and I began having sex, and we would watch all kinds of clips on the internet to try out. Soon we came across some threesome clips, and Meena asked me if I had tried this. I replied in the affirmative and told her about...

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Threesome With My Gf And Her Sister

Hi my name is rahul, I am from Jaipur and I study in Bangalore. I am in a relationship from past 2 years. My girlfriend’s name is mansi and she has a younger sister, whose name is Lavanya. She is very hot and I wanted to fuck her. She has a figure of 32-28-32. Mansi and Lavanya are also from Jaipur but they study in Delhi. I am in long distance relationship so we often used to discuss our fantasies. This story is about a month ago on my 20th birthday. I was going to Delhi to meet her on my...

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Threesome Delights

Leaning in, closing the distance between their soft red lips, Ruth felt a slight pang of nervousness in the pit of her stomach. This was not the first time she had kissed another woman, once upon a time in college, some 15 years before, she and her friend Kim had been a little adventuress and one night curiosity got the better of them. That kiss had been electric, the softness of the other woman’s lips and the feel of her body as they embraced each other had brought out something that Ruth...

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Threesome Sex on beech

THREESOME SEX AT THE BEACH Holding my senses was pretty hard for me at this amazing beach trip me, my ex and his best friend cum my boyfriend had arranged this time. Rubbing a little… THREESOME SEX AT THE BEACH Holding my senses was pretty hard for me at this amazing beach trip me, my ex and his best friend cum my boyfriend had arranged this time. Rubbing a little massage oil while basking in the sun, my boyfriend was slipping his hands all around my busty boobs and pussy. I was turning...

3 years ago
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First Time Sex With My Longtime Bestie

Hi everyone Akshay here, age 23 from Chennai. I’m a reader of ISS for the past 5 years, and it’s high time I shared my experience. This happened a couple of months back. It was with my longtime bestie. Her name is Vaishali. We know each other for around 6 years, starting from our college days. She lives half an hour away from my place. I’m pretty familiar with her parents. We got to know each other from our college days as we were from the same department. She had a sexy shape, which gave me a...

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