A Meeting In Leather - Part 21. free porn video

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"Trouble till the end."
- A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-20-949740
- Or start at the beginning: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-1-925923

When we arrived at Carl's club around 22:30 pm that evening there was already a long line of people waiting to be let in. Robin and Rik saw me and Erik-Jan coming toward the club and rushed up to meet us. "Hey guys! How are you two doing?", they asked concerned. "We are doing just fine. But why the concerned look on your faces?", asked EJ. "We left early yesterday shortly after we saw Mike and André barge in.", told Rik apologetically. "Ah, yes. Very unpleasant business. They were ordered to leave after I told André that I would never come and work for him now.", I said to Rik. They nodded understandingly relieved nothing bad had happend.

I looked more closely at the line of people waiting in front of the club. "Ah. Now I see why you are so worried! It seems we got half the regulars from Club André waiting in line. Do you expect any issues Robin? Did André send them over?", I asked him worried. "I honestly don't know. But yes, it is possible that André put them up to this.", he replied equally worried.

"Ehmmm... So why are you two here tonight?", I asked curiously. "We have a meeting with Carl about possibly working with Tom to sell some of our stuff here. Or to promote our store in some other way.", Rik told us. "In that case, walk with me... I know the doorman...", I said and Xiam and EJ started laughing. "He 'knows' him all right... All 30 centimeters of him!", EJ joked. We walked up to Kevin and I said; "One plus 4 guests Kev.", pointing at the guys behind me. "I need to talk to Carl before you can open up. Trouble in paradise...", I said quietly, looking at the unusual crowd. Kevin saw my worried look an quickly let the 5 of us in. And he called for backup via his ear piece.

In the club I walked right up to Carl and introduced Robin and Rik. "Boss, half of club André is waiting in line outside. I don't know what they are up to, or who send them here. But from what I can gather from Robin and Rik you might want to step up security tonight.", I told Carl quickly. He saw my concerned look in my eyes and knew enough. He instructed his team to be extra vigilant. "Good to tell us Robby.", he said. "Carl to Security: Please adopt a zero tolerance attitude and search the 'visitors' for unwanted items at the door. Give access to regulars but be aware of potential trouble makers. Drop the maximum allowed people in by 10%", he spoke in his ear piece. Kevin answered promptly, and he asked Carl to inform the police already, because the crowd was getting pushy.

Carl asked a female bartender if her girlfriend was working that night. Sara answered; "yes I do think so...". Carl called Sara's girlfriend to tell her what was going on. They had a friendly conversation, apparently Carl knew her personally as well. "Ok Robby, additional backup is arranged. I want you to go and sit with the guys in the VIP area and obsurv the way we work here. If you see any potential improvements you let me know. Here is your own communication ear piece. Enjoy the evening but let us handle things.", he said sternly. "Yes Boss... Will do Boss!", I said with a smile. "Just call me Carl you silly boy!", he laughed. I quickly introduced myself to the rest of the staff and let Robin and Rik talk business with Carl.

Robin and Rik came walking up to the VIP area just before the waiting crowd was allowed to enter the club at 23:00 pm. "So how did it go with Carl?", I asked Rik. "We are in!", he told me. "We will have to work out the details but Carl was very impressed with our work and he had already spoken with Tom as well. So business should pick up some.", he said elated. We talked with our group in the VIP area. And started to enjoy ourselves.

I spotted that it was very busy at the main bar. People where screaming their orders over the people sitting on the bar stools. It was pretty chaotic. I looked at EJ. "Go do your thing honey... but ask if they want help first.", he said. I winked at EJ and thanked him for the helpful hint. "Robby to Bar: Cody do you want a hand at the main bar?", I asked. "Oh yes please! Robby...", he said. I quickly walked to the bar. Well as quickly as I could, because it was extremely busy there. After having pushed my way behind the bar I went into the kitchen to wash my hands and pick up a spare apron. Carl tapped me on the shoulder and handed me an official 'Drie Gebroeders-crew T-shirt'. "I guess you could not sit still...", he laughed. "What did you say? Am I getting time and a half. Cool!...", I laughed back.

I got a pat on the ass and was sent out to the front of house with a crate of extra glasses. I put the extra glasses in their place and started to help serving drinks. The look of all the guys and some woman dressed in Leather whom I was serving gave me a big sense of accomplishment. I pored the drinks and Sara made sure they where all payed for. After a while I got the hang of it and learned some of the prices. The extra pair of hands behind the bar caused the crowd to thin out quite quickly to a more manageable size. The people started to disperse around the club. Some of André's man tried to talk with me and to tell me that I needed to come back to André's club. But I managed to keep my mind on the job. I gave them a friendly nod or a smile and left it at that.

After a while I looked at Cody. And he nodded that it was okay for me to go back to my group. He thanked me for my services as I filled a tray with drinks for my guys. I paid Sara who looked oddly at me. "You don't have to pay, honey!", She said. "No but I want to, girlfriend. Thanks for the instructions!", I said. "No honey, thank you for the help!", she said with a smile. I put the tray of drink in my hand and walked over to the VIP area. I gave the guys their beers and we talked, laughed and joked around some more. All the while I kept my eyes and ears open. Some of André's regulars started to get rowdy. A small group had cornered a few younger men and wanted to push them into the dungeon.

I separated myself from the group and said in my ear piece; "Robby to Carl: There is a small group bothering our regulars near the dungeon. Is it possible to clear out the dungeon so there is more security in the club and the attic? Or am I going outside my jurisdiction with that request?", I asked Carl. Carl came over to the VIP area. Greeted the group as if nothing had happend and saw what I was looking at. "Good plan Robby! Again very good. I will get right on it.", he said impressed.

Carl send security to clear out the dungeon and locked the door after the last visitor had left. He came up to me and hugged me. "You may not know this. But I think you just prevented a heck of a lot of trouble. So again thank you. If you have any more suggestions I would like to hear them too Robby!", Carl told me.
"Well in that case... how about you remove some of the bar stools from the left side of the bar. That way people can order their drinks without having to push themselves past the people sitting there. You could even put up a barrier so it's one way traffic past that section of the bar... But that's just my 2 cents worth.", I told Carl. "Let me discuss that with Cody... Why don't you take the guys to the attic and enjoy yourselves there.", he said.

Carl sat down next to Robin and Rik and started to talk shop with them. I took EJ, Xiam, Stevan and Ian to the attic. When we walked over to the stairs I saw Master Tom chatting up one of André's regulars. "Hello Master...", I interrupted. "Oh Hey Robby.", he answered friendly. "Carl is talking shop with Robin and Rik at the VIP area. Maybe you want in on that conversation too.", I said with a serious look on my face. It was clear to Tom that I wanted him to be careful with the people he was talking too. Master Tom looked at my crew T-shirt and spotted my communication ear. "Are you working tonight?", he asked. "Only part time. But I really think you need to be there.", I winked while I pointed to Carl and the brothers. "Ah... In that case I will go there right away son.", he replied and left promptly without saying goodbye to the guy he was trying to pick up.

"What the fuck do you think your doing...", the guy shouted angrily at me. "Looking out for my Masters interests...", I replied calmly. "There are enough guys to play with here. Even some you know from the Sex farm André... Enjoy your stay. Play nicely...", I said friendly. Out of the corner of my eye I saw one of our security guys looking at us. I gestured that everything was okay. And walked upstairs with the guys. Ian blocked the rear and looked angrily back at the guy who was trying to follow me upstairs. The security guy intervened and escorted the man out of the club.

Stevan had not been upstairs yet. So he looked around and was pleased with what he saw. We walked over to the cinema and plopped down on the Leather couches there. I looked over at Steven and saw that he was sitting next to a glory hole. Ian looked at me looking at Steven and he nodded hornily at me. I walked back behind the glory hole wall and dropped my pants. I made sure I was fully erect and thrusted my dick through the hole. Steven looked in surprise at the guys. "Go for it Stef...", EJ called to him. And Ian pushed Stevens mouth in the direction of the throbbing cock. But he tried to resist Ian. Ian did not take no for an answer en put two fingers in the corners of his mouth and ordered him; "Open wide. And mind your teeth boy!". He pushed Steven over my rock hard member and pumped his had roughly and deeply over my shaft.

Steven started to gurgle and choke on it. The slurping sounds he made was only making it hotter. He started to get the hang of things and soon took me as deep as he could into his mouth. "Yeah... Hell men... Take that dirty dick... Suck him good... Make him know what a good little bitch you are... Suck it Stef!", talked Ian dirty to Steven. Stef really liked that and he lost all his inhibitions. I got deep throated by him now and I started moaning loudly. Trying to keep my load inside for as long as I could.

Erik-Jan sat behind Steven and tore his jeans. Stef's ass hole was now exposed. But he did not mind at all. He only wanted cock. The more the better. And EJ lubed him up with some spit and plugged that ass with his cock. When he was fully in there he started pumping in wildly. I could feel that Stef was being fucked hard because he no longer controlled the speed of him sucking me off. The guy fucking him made Stef's mouth fuck my cock as well. And that was great. I started to groan and came in Stef's mouth. As soon as I was done a new cock appeared through the glory hole. And he continued where I left off. I went back to the group and gave EJ a slap on his ass. I whispered in his ear; "Fill him up dude... fuck him full of your seed!... Lube him up for me!".

That turned EJ on and he dumped a load into Stevens ass and made room for me. I slammed my dick in roughly. But his hole was very slick. And EJ's sperm dripped along my cock onto the couch. I fucked his sloppy hole open and tagged Xiam that he was up next. Xiam was so damned horny that he shot a hot load into Stef's ass as well. And he slid out of him and Ian dropped behind Stevens ass to lick the seed out of him. Steven got his mouth filled for the second time and was fucked hard by Ian. And I had started to lick EJ's beautiful cock. Dropped my pants again and slowly took him in me. I road him while we both watched the gay porn.

Apparently we were the only once watching it. The rest of the crowd was watching the hot action in the back of the theater and cheered us on. EJ filled me up and satisfied we pulled our pants back up. EJ looked at me worried. "I ripped the pants of Stef... what do we do now? He can't walk back to the hotel with his ass sticking out...", he whispered embarrassed in my ear. "I have put some black leather shorts in my backpack. He can wear them if he wants to... But I bet the rest of the night he will go bareback.", I joked. And told Stef that he could use my spare shorts if he needed to. But he was okay with the fact that everyone could see his hole now.

Ian, Xiam and Stef remained upstairs as EJ an I went back to the club to dance a little. "Jesus, that was fucking hot Robby...", exclaimed EJ while we walked down stairs again. "Did you enjoy that?", I asked my boyfriend. "Hell yeah... I sure did. Stef has a nice fuckable ass!", EJ gasped. "Why don't we ask him if he wants to spend tonight in our apartment as our bitch...", I suggested to EJ. "Fuck yeah man! I think he'd like that...", Erik-Jan laughed and kissed me.

We danced a little and asked the DJ to play some of our favorite songs. He normally did not take requests, but seeing as I sucked him off the night before he wanted to make an exception. We enjoyed ourselves very much. But in my ear piece I could here that Kevin kept having issues at the door. And in the club some of our regulars got into several 'arguments' with the members of club André. Erik-Jan noticed that I did not pay much attention to him. And told me; "Go save the day, Robby... It's ok... Do your thing again honey!". I thanked him with a hot kiss and walked off the dance floor.

"Robby to Carl: Call in the extra help!", I said. As I walked behind him and Dave I told him; "I am going to see if I can give Kev a hand outside.". "Do be careful Robby!", Dave told me worried. "It will be okay Dave. I am not alone out there.", I said to reassure Dave and Carl. "You just prevent the guys from starting a fight in here.". They nodded and Carl grabbed his phone again.

Kevin was a little surprised to see me outside with him. "Hey R.", he said. I understood that he did not want to call me by name. I handed him a bottle of water and a snack. "Hey Boss... need a hand?", I answered. "Sure... Let me show you how I work the line...", told Kev. He showed me the total count of people inside and the maximum that Carl had set. He had a clicker on his belt so he could keep track of the numbers. After a while he asked; "Can you handle it for a moment. I need to get inside to pee. I will be back soon. You don't need to let any one in. We are nearly full anyway.". "Sure thing boss!", I answered, and that pleased Kev.

Kevin went inside and two guys left the club. "Thanks for your visit guys. Come back soon!", I said to them. They looked a bit surprised but where happy for getting the extra attention. Soon two more guys left. Again I thanked them for visiting. They where followed by two bikers. "Thanks for joining us to night studs. Drive carefully.", I said with a smile. "Thanks. See you around!", they said with a wink.

The guys waiting in line got restless... "Hey can we go in. 6 people left already... Man let us in now!", two of André's regulars shouted at me. I pointed to a group of 6 innocent looking college guys to go inside. "Why the fuck did you let them in? They don't even wear Leather. I doubt they know what this club is! You little ass hole!", the guys shouted at me. "Calm yourselves guys. That behavior will not get you in any faster. Besides, give them a couple of minutes and they will come running outside again.", I laughed and the guys agreed.

A young police officer came walking up to me. "Everything okay here?", he asked me looking stern at the Leather men. I recognized the guy. He was the man that Master Tom had asked to fuck Ian brutally in the dungeon the night before. "Everything is under controle out here officer.", I said. And the police officer picked up on the fact that I did not know what the situation was like inside the club. "Let me get a few colleagues and make a round inside.", he said and he walked away. He came back with 4 other policeman and a policewomen officer. I told security via my ear piece that they where coming in. And I let them inside promptly. I got a pat on the back from the high ranking female police officer.

Moments later the group of 6 students came rushing out. "Thanks for the visit guys. Hope you enjoyed your stay... There is a nice Leather shop down the street. Maybe you can buy some Leathers there for next time!", I said and winked at the waiting leather guys. "See... Told you... they where in there for 1 beer and came running back to their mommies...", we laughed as I let 2 more men enter the club.

Kevin came back and took the job over from me. I wanted to go back inside but he stopped me. He pinned a little V security brooch on my chest. "Your one of my guys now... Wear it with pride. We heard you speak to Jeffrey. You left your mic open. Nice touch. Saying goodbye to visitors!", Kevin said and winked at me. I was very proud of the gesture.

Inside it was chaos. The police had arrested some of André's guys. And they where taken outside via the back entrance. I gestured to the police officer that had been talking to me earlier. I introduced myself and asked if we could have a short off the record conversation. I guided him to a side room and I explained what I thought was going on. "I was baited by 2 guys to come work for them as a sex slave in their gay club. But I refused. Ever since then they kept on bugging me about it. Nothing bad. At least not bad enough for me to seek help from the cops. But still. I think you need to know that the people you arrested all seem to belong to the rival club. And they may possibly have been send over here to cause some trouble. Just to spite me!". I told him. "But this is only so you know what's going on in my opinion. Nothing you need to take action on. And this is off the record. Right?", I asked. "Sure thing Robby...", he winked as he nodded his head.

The female officer came looking for her colleague. "Just got some background info, Mam.", he promptly answered. I felt like we where caught doing something we should not have been doing. "This is Robby. He is working here part time.", Jeffery said.
"Robby. I here from Carl that we have you to thank for not letting things get out of hand. My name is Carla. I hear you met my wife earlier, Sara. She spoke in high praise of you too. Come on Jeffrey. The guys are waiting for you!", she told us.

"I will remain on the square in case there is more trouble. I got some intelligence there may be more going on here. Mam.", he said sternly. "Oh. Okay then... I will get back here as well then, after we book these guys. See you soon Robby! You have been a great help", Carla said friendly. "The night isn't over yet I fear.", I said. And she looked at me in surprise. "Do you think we need to keep a few extra officers on the square?", she asked. "Can't hurt. If you can spare the people? But so far everything is under controle again.", I replied.

With that she walked away. "Robby, Don't know if you noticed... but it's very unusual for Carla to introduce herself with her first name... I think you got a new fan.", Officer Jeffery told me with a smile. "See you around boy. Here is my private phone number if you need me...", he told me handing me his business card.

I put his number in my phone and went back into the club. I got flustered because I still had the feeling the trouble wasn't over yet. When I walked back to the VIP area I saw Xiam staring at his phone. His hands were trembling wildly. I put an arm around him and asked if everything was okay. "No I just got this text from André. My Master wants me to hand back my Corvette!", he said and started crying. I looked at EJ and he went looking for Dave and Carl. "May I read that text, buddy?", I asked. Xiam handed me his phone.

The text was very clear. "If you don't bring me back my car right away I will send some guys to burn it down to the ground with you in it! You little Chinese whore!".

"I think you should contact your farther and perhaps even the police. He can't go around threatening people like that!", I said worried. We talked to Carl about it. And he arranged for Xiam to park his car in the garages of Tom and Ian. When we got back to the club his father mr. Cheng Heou was there. And he was talking to Officer Jeffery and Carl in his office.

I gave Xiam a hug and left him to talk to his father and the police officer Jeffery. "Ehmmm... Xiam... If you can prove that the car is in your name and that you got it as a present from André then your save.", I told him. "I still have the letter from André when I got it on my 18 birthday. I think it said clearly that it was a gift.", said Xiam with a smile. He understood my questions. So did Police officer Jeffery. "Okay. We can sort this out then. If you want to file charges you can! Death threats like these are not to be taken lightly mr. Heou.", said Jeffery to Xiam.

I left the office of Carl and went back into the club. The rest of the group were dancing and I joined them. "Everything okay Robby?", they asked. "Not sure. I think people are working on it though.", I reassured them.
We danced and drank some more. I got hot and told them I would go outside for a bit. I picked up my Leather Biker Jacket from the staff locker room and went outside. There was still a line of people wanting to get into the club. But it looked more the regular crowd then before. So the line moved along pretty fast now.

All of a sudden Mikael van Buren stood in front of me. I looked at Kevin in surprise. Kevin told Mike that he would have to wait. I had stepped back and texted to Jeffery "9 1 1. de Drie Gebroeders main door".

"Hello Mike. What are you doing here?", I asked quietly. "I wanted to speak to you and give you my apologies.", he said looking at me strangely. "Cool... Well apologies accepted. Goodbye Mike...", I said as I opened up the line so he could step out into the square. "Kevin. Let's not get involved with people like that!", I told Kev. Jeffery walked up to me as Carla detained Mike. "That's one of the 2 people I told you about. I want to file charges for stalking. Give him a stern talking too. Then let him go...", I said, and Jeffery shot into action. They arrested Mike and took him away. With that a sense of calm came over me.

The last of André's men left the club and our regular crowd was allowed to enter. I walked back inside with them. And I talked to Xiam and Steven. "Do you studs want to come play at our apartment tonight? I think we have a few whips with Stef's name on it...", I winked. The boys agreed to have some kinky fun back at the 'Black Rose' hotel. I said goodbye to the staff members and thanked Carl, Dave, Cody and Kevin. The four of us walked over to the hotel. Steven wrapped his coat around his waist to cover up his torn pants. Knowing that soon it would be totally ripped from his ass anyway.

And at the apartment we put Stevan in his proper place as we played roughly with him the rest of that night. We took it in turn to fuck him hard or he was used by the 3 of us together. We made full use of the facilities as we enjoyed ourselves and Stef took great pride in the fact that he could please us. We ended up naked in the hot tub and ordered roomservice. Talking, laughing, kissing and fondling each other. Late that night we went to bed and slept in till late the following morning. Ready for the last day of our joined impromptu vacation together.

We went clothes shopping that morning with Stevan after we had said goodbye to Xiam. He had to work in his fathers Chinees restaurant later that Saturday. So only Erik-Jan, Steven and I where left in the hotel. We decided that Stevan and Erik-Jan would leave for home after dinner. As I told them that I would have to 'work' at Carl's club from 14:00 pm to that night. We bought Stef some new pants and at Master Toms store we bought Steven his own Leather Jacket. As sort of a thank you for the hot and kinky few days we had with him.

I went to the hardware store to pick up some electrical supplies and arrived at 14:00 pm at Carls club. I set to work changing the lighting near the staff entrance and in some of the back rooms. I added some lights and light switches and put some emergency exit signs up in the right places. I even taped some fluorescent tape on the floor leading from the club to the emergency exits. Around 17:00 pm Carl walked in on me. I had cleared the back room clutter and cleaned the fire extinguishers and put them in more logical places near the doors. Carl had someone from the city council and the fire department with him.

"Ah, Robby. You did managed to turn up after all.", he said annoyed at me. "Oh, Sorry man. I see you have been busy!", he continued after he looked around at the back entrance of the club. The inspector from the fire department was very impressed. "Look, this is how we want every club owner to maintain the emergency exits!", he said happy to the person from the city council. The inspectors left satisfied with the progress Carl had been making on outstanding safety issues at the club. And Carl gave me a huge hug. "You have saved my bacon again Robby!!! You don't know it, but they were about to close us down for safety violations", Carl said elated.

"Cool. I am here to serve. Do you and Dave have time for a dinner?, I am going to send Xiam and EJ home after dinner. And I can do a full evening shift at the club if you need the extra pair of hands Boss!", I asked Carl. He dragged me back into the club. Got his Leather Jacket and the 3 off us met up with Stevan and EJ for a fancy dinner. Afterward Carl and I brought our friends to the railway station. I said goodbye to Erik-Jan and Stevan. Knowing that our union could not have grown any closer. When the train had left I looked at Carl. "Thanks for everything boss...", I said with a teary eye. "No thank you buddy... And stop the fuck calling me boss...", he laughed out loud...

That is how, in a little over a month, Robby turned his live around. From a insecure nerdy Judoing whimp, to a tough leather loving dude with new friends for live. Who were into the same things as he was. Leather, Gay Sex, Laughter, Joy, Good food, Fast Mopeds and more Leather. Oh... and did I mention LEATHER...?



Thank you for reading this series: 'A meeting in Leather'. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did writing them. This was my first attempt in writing. I can say that I am very pleased how this fictional (and semi auto biographical) porn turned out. Maybe in the future I will add some more about the escapades of Robby, Erik-Jan and their friends.

- StrykerJ (pseudonym)

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Leather granny fuck buddy Part 3

Val climbed up off the sofa, and as I lay there watching, I could still see my cum seeping from her old, wet pussy, and without any hesitation she pulled up her knickers and jeans and left the room. I wasnt one to leave a horny, leather wearing granny waiting so I grabbed the bags like she asked and followed her upstairs. Just doing this got me excited again, not only was I intrigued as to what was going to happen next, but watching her slowly walk up the stairs in her leather and boots,...

1 year ago
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Leather or Knot

?Leather or Knot? by SwitchMan ([email protected]) F/m, M/f, bdsm, bondage, machine, slave, toys, kidnapping, cons, reluctant, nc, torture, XXChapter 1 – First ImpressionsChapter 2 – The Job InterviewChapter 3 – Dan’s First Modeling SessionChapter 4 – Things Get PersonalChapter 5 – Amanda’s in a BindChapter 6 – Dan’s Private Modeling SessionChapter 7 – A Lapse in JudgmentChapter 8 – Honesty is the Best PolicyChapter 9 – Dan’s New PositionChapter 1 – First ImpressionsIt was late June in...

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A meeting in Leather Part 4

#English / #Engels- A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-3-927198Completely satisfied I walked home with the heavy weekend bag full of Leather. The outfit I was wearing now would not attract any attention, I thought. The white sneakers, the black leather trousers with a sturdy belt, and the T-shirt with half short sleeves was something that every young guy could have. Without anyone finding the look too strange. Or that they might think, "Look, there goes another...

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The leather mother

The leather motherA fantasy only and did not happy feedback welcome Looking back now I feel so dumb, that I did not pick up on the signs earlier. Let me explain. I am Josie a 44 year old divorced mother who had her son late in life. I had given up so much for my career and was now the head solicitor in my practice. My life had just become humdrum, cases that no longer challenged me and coming home to the same old existence. A son on his computer a ready meal and some old crap on the tv and a...

3 years ago
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The leather mom

A fantasy only and did not happy feedback welcome Looking back now I feel so dumb, that I did not pick up on the signs earlier. Let me explain. I am Josie a 44 year old divorced mother who had her son late in life. I had given up so much for my career and was now the head solicitor in my practice. My life had just become humdrum, cases that no longer challenged me and coming home to the same old existence. A son on his computer a ready meal and some old crap on the tv and a few to...

2 years ago
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A meeting in Leather Part 15

"Try anything once."#English translation- A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-14-946003- Or start at the beginning: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-1-925923 We dropped off Erik-Jan at his home that Tuesday evening, and Dave and I said goodbye to Carl. "I have to say Robby, I didn't think I would ever experience this. Sex at your home, and then with the both of you at the same time... I hope you enjoyed it too.", Carl said. "If you are ever...

3 years ago
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Tipsy girlfriend gets dressed in leather to fuck

This one happened a few weeks ago and as you may know from my story, ‘Getting girlfriend into leather’. She has started to wear it on her own without me asking/begging her to, and this is what happened after she had a few drinks,which, gets her horny plus she was wearing leather which gets her going now. And also to add to the sheer thrill she knows how much it turns me on when she wears it anyway. She was going on a night out with a group of work friends so I was to get a relaxing night on my...

1 year ago
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A meeting in Leather Part 11

"A new brother and a friend."#English translation- A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-10-944721- Or start at the beginning: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-1-925923 That Wednesday afternoon the 'slaves' and I went crazy. We fucked and we let ourselves be fucked. But this time we had complete control. And in a strange way, the other staff members and visitors enjoyed it just as much, as the slaves they normally used in this way for their...

3 years ago
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A meeting in Leather Part 12

"Gang fucked in Leather at the club."#English translation- A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-11-945139- Or start at the beginning: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-1-925923 I woke up in Dave's arms. And looked at him, how he was sleeping there in his Leather motor Jacket. A half stiff dick stuck out from under it. So he must have had a beautiful dream. I let my tongue pass over that thing for a moment and his cock happily rocked back and...

1 year ago
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A meeting in Leather Part 6

#English / #Engels- a sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-5-932685I went to the front door and quickly looked through the window, to see who it was. My fear was proven right. It was Leather master Mike. He indeed knew where I lived. "Fuck," I thought, "Should I open the door? And damn, how does he know where I live?" Of Course I knew that I should not have gone to that private club without an invitation. Let alone screw with that boy there. And now Mike was...

3 years ago
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Leather Store

Going into town to pick up a new leather jacket, my former having been ripped to pieces when I fell with my bike. Using my car since my girlfriend would not let me ride my bike without proper protection. Being new to town I finally find a shop selling leather clothing, the man behind the counter is in full leather gear which I find rather odd but I figured it's to show off the merchandise to customers. He is slightly taller than my 6 feet and more muscular by a fair bit, not small myself by any...

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A meeting in Leather Part 14

"A lessen in Discipline and Love."#English translation- A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-13-945878- Or start at the beginning: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-1-925923 The men drank some coffee and were enjoying the memories of that horny threesome that we just had. I went upstairs. Rinsed me clean and went to my bedroom to get dressed in Leather. I put on the Leather Chaps with the black zippers over my black jock strap. And put on the...

2 years ago
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A meeting in Leather Part 5

#English / #Engels- a sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-4-932559"Wow, what a night I had!", I thought, when I woke up. I would love a few more like that one. I could recall the dreams I had one by one in my mind. Of course I looked back at them with a extreme amount of horny pleasure. Just thinking about them my almost 17 year old hand started to play with my cock. It felt like that thing had grown a few centimeters in one night! It occurred to me much later that...

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First time with a mature leather escort

This is the true story of my first experience with an escort. But not just any escort, it was to be with a mature leather and boots wearing escort.So to start from the beginning, I have always wanted to fuck a mature woman that would be dressed in leather and boots for me. I was unable to achieve this goal through my own effort or luck so went on the website adultwork. (Still the greatest website in the world for me lol)There I found speedybee. She was an experienced escort and a gorgeous...

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A meeting in Leather Part 17

"Robby's coming-out party."#English translation- A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-16-946681- Or start at the beginning: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-1-925923My parents became more and more used to our new looks in the following days. And Dave and I found the right way to handle the whole situation. Sometimes, when we met in the hallway, we had to pinch each other to see if it was all real. We now had the greatest fun together. And of...

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A meeting in Leather Part 13

"Spit roasted on the breakfast table."#English translation- A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-12-945472- Or start at the beginning: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-1-925923 Dave and I drove around the area. It was a beautiful summer day, but you could tell that the summer was slowing down. So I was happy that I was wearing my new Leather Motor Jacket over a white shirt with long sleeves. And we had Leather Jeans on, a Jock strap and...

2 years ago
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A meeting in Leather Part 8

#English / #Engels - A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-7-933116The water felt nice on my skin. And the gentle touch of Xiam while we were in the shower made me excited again. And not to forget those deep blue eyes of his, that drowned me in his sea of ​​horniness. I did not stop. I turned Xiam around quickly and pressed him up against the wall of the shower. The warm water flushed down his back. He turned those tight buttocks back from him and spread his legs a...

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Leather granny fuck buddy Part 1

As you may know from my other stories I have a massive fetish for leather, pvc and boots. This is the story of how I got my very own mature leather wearing fuck toy.It involves Val who is my cousins mother in law. She it’s the nicest of people to start with and there is nothing special in the looks department either but she does seem to wear a bit of leather here and there and nearly always wears a pair of black leather boots. It started at a family bbq at my cousins house, not quite summer but...

4 years ago
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leather grandma seduced n fucked

 ANOTHER LEATHER FANTASY CUM THRULet me start of by explaining where i come from so to say....
I've had a fetish 4 leather ever since i was a young k**,i remember how i always use 2 try on my mom's boots back in the early 80's(i'm 33 now) and later on when i moved 2 my dads house i targeted his new wife's closet,she had a really soft black leather skirt that i use 2 make love 2 even b4 i could cum or produce sperm..She also had a pair of brown leather pants and a milky white pair plus a jacket...

3 years ago
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Rupali Indian wife trained in a kinky leather slut

There is one scene in the Bollywood movie Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge I watched on video over and over again. Simran and her friend Sheena walking in London, discussing the trip to Europe. Why? Sheena is dressed n a hot leather dress and walking in hot boots. From that moment I decided that I would do my best to change my future wife in a leather slut. Not only leather and boots turn me on. I have another fetish: a gag in the mouth of a girl. Nothing is so good as a ball gag between the red...

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A meeting in Leather Part 19

"A hot night at the Club."#English translation- A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-18-948843 - Or start at the beginning: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-1-925923Erik-Jan sat down on the edge of the sling and looked around him. He wasn't sure how to start. A few whips and paddles hung on the wall. There were also Leather hand and ankle cuffs hanging on the walls and a few dildos and other sex toys lay in a cupboard. He looked questioningly...

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Leather kink good deeds bad results

My old school mate Kev and my work partner in our plumbing business was always a tearaway and when he got 'sent down' for a 12 month stretch in prison, i promised to keep things running for him. The first month was tough for everyone, not least of all his recent wife, Tracey, so i went around and helped with general issues around their house. After a month or so when the weather improved, so i went around on the Harley and as usual, we sat in the kitchen over a cup of tea planning work and...

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A meeting in Leather Part 10

"Letting the Slaves play Master for once."#English translation- A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-9-944287- Or start at the beginning: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-1-925923 That Wednesday night I couldn't sleep because of all the build-up tension. I was excited because I was planning to buy myself a cross moped that day. Apart from that I had a busy day anyway. I had an appointment with the doctor, had to go fitness with Mike and get...

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A meeting in Leather Part 7

#English / #Engels- A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-6-933025After showering with Mike we got dressed in our Leathers. Mike got dressed quickly, but said that we would have to go to his apartment first for a shirt. Because he could not walk into the Chinese restaurant with only a Leather harness on, he joked. I put on a cock strap with metal studs. And stuffed it inside a pair off tight pale blue jeans. I put on the worn-out cowboy boots underneath. Mike was...

4 years ago
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Ladies Night at the Leather Bar Part 2

Now that you've met Chloe in Part One:Today I want to remind myself of how much I owe her for luring me into the circumstances wherein I met a beautiful man, a man who would change not only my life, but my basic conception of myself. I found him in the most unexpected of places. A place where Chloe brought me.SUMMER 2011. THE SAN FERNANDO VALLEY.I had just gotten home from work, put on my makeup and changed into some old, torn black fishnets and garter belt, but I couldn't decide on a top. I...

2 years ago
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Love of leather Gloves

My parents announced to me that due to her mother getting ill they were going to have to go to the states for a month, but as l had my university interview coming up l would go and stay with my aunt ( my father's elder sister).Now l have a bit of a 'thing' for my aunt who is in her 50s but she looks and dresses younger and everytime l see her she is always wearing skintight black leather gloves which excite me and l've often wondered what it would be like to have my cock played with by a woman...

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A meeting in Leather Part 9

"Breaking free, getting a new look."#English translation- A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-8-933489- Or start at the beginning: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-1-925923After breakfast in bed with Xiam, he took a shower, while I laid out his clothes on the bed for him. He got dressed and we walked to the door. There I kissed him and looked deep into those beautiful dark blue eyes of his. Apparently I was staring at him a little too...

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Leather Passion Revelation

I had a dream where Jess was kissing my cock & sucking it. Then I pulled up her underwear in her 5ft nothing frame & she disappeared. I couldn’t have any of it.What I imagined from that was being in a club with her on a night out with friends & seeing her body on the dance floor. I pictured her in long black leather gloves in a longish dress & leather thigh boots up to her ass but you wouldn’t have known from the dress. They were at least knee high. Sure enough we complimented...

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Sexy Japanese Model In Full Leather

I've been on tour for months. Djing venue after venue. From one hotel to another. From country to country. All over Asia. With the lifestyle, Djing from place to place has its perks. I'm originally from Canada and my skills landed me numerous club gigs and fashion shows starting in Hong Kong. I hooked up with an agency that throws after parties for fashion shows in Asian hotspots. I was living like a rock star in the prime of my life at 25 years old. Not a fuck was given. Women, good d**gs and...

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Leather and Lace

It was a hot day in Maine and I awakened hot and sweaty, my nightgown was wet throughout and was bunched up around my waist, Robert my boyfriend at the time was watching me as I slept. “Its so hot just like Florida” I whispered to Robert. “come on, we can cool off In the shower” Robert followed me into the bathroom, I looked into the mirror watching Roberts face as I pulled my nightgown over my head, The fresh cool breeze wrapping around my body caused my nipples to harden, I could see...

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Becoming a leather toy boy

This is a little story of one of my first encounters with a leather milf.It all started when the parents were looking to move house and began visiting properties. Not something I'm interested in at all but one day decided to go with them to see this so called 'amazing' house. And I'm so glad I did because it turned out it really was.... Well for me anyway!!!So we walked up the drive and knocked on the door. As the door opened there stood a gorgeous green eyed, blonde mature woman. Not only did...

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My Custom Made Leather Accessories

                                               CH 1        Want to know when you’ve been married too long? Its when you come home with whip marks on your breasts and your husband doesn’t notice. I had just become a sex slave to another man and had spent the afternoon being tortured. I’d been tied to a bed,  whipped and screwed for hours and when I walked in the house my husband didn’t even look up from the television. He ought to have sensed something! To be fair, my husband didn’t know I was...

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Leather Book 1Chapter 2

For the next couple of days Sarah was having trouble not thinking about the leather clad stranger from the coffee shop. She went through her daily routine; sending her husband, Brian, off to work and getting her daughters ready for school. Three days later she had given up trying to forget about him. She took a shower; imagining the tall stranger's body rubbing against hers while she aimed the gentle pulsating shower sprayer at her cunt until she was tingling all over. She dried off with a...

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High on Kinky Leather Boots

It was in Camden Town, London, late 2015 I discovered a store that housed imperfect but seriously sexy leather trousers, jackets, skirts, even dresses. The kind of place that would make you become a leather addict if you weren't already. The best part was I had already been on the kinky dark path of leather. By this stage, I was 24 & I'd worn high heeled thigh boots & elbow length leather gloves at the same time to masturbate in front of a mirror watching as I shook with incredible...

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Leather Book 1Chapter 3

Sarah knew that she looked good. The leather jeans were so tight it barely showed any wrinkles except for the puckering around her protrusive pubic mound and a few creases behind her knees. Even her two hip bones protrude and shine out. She wondered what Kip was thinking. He hadn't taken his eyes off of her as she disappeared down the hallway. He waited a moment and then followed. She'd left the bedroom door open and he quietly looked in. He could see her in the bathroom, standing in front...

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Leather Short Shorts

I have always liked the look of leather shorts that have a very short inseam. While looking through Ebay one day, I came across some black leather shorts that looked quite sexy. They were square cut with a little v-shaped notch at the sides of the hem. They were being sold by a manufacturer in Pakistan. I was a bit hesitant to order the shorts because the seller was in another country. The photographs of the shorts did look quite good and the description of the item convinced me to give it a...

Gay Male
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Emma Bunton Lead to sexy Leather Fun

So, it all started with the usual browsing of this glorious website. Started with a quick look through the British video section however nothing really took my fancy. So, onto the photos category and obviously being the celeb lover, I am ended up straight in the celebrity category where i was greeted by the lovely Emma Bunton in all her beauty and to top everything off she’s in an amazing shiny patent leather raincoat / MAC. Now patent leather is up there with my favourite things and had to...

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Meeting Sarah Part1

It was the end of March when I finally moved to a new neighborhood after my divorce became final. Since I work nights as an ER doctor at a local hospital, I have a hard time meeting and interacting with most people as they are going to work as I'm coming home. One morning I came home to find an invite on my door to a block party that was happening that Saturday night. Since I had the weekend off, I figured what the heck.Saturday rolled around, and I was fashionably late to the party. Several of...

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My first gay experience leather bar

I generally think of myself as a straight man. I am attracted to women, I was never really attracted to men. I have a huge leather fetish and I do enjoy playing with a dildo in my ass. After thinking about it for quite sometime I decided I would try to be with a man - what the hell right? So I met up with a few guys that I met online but never felt comfortable doing anything with them, never got turned on enough to try so I generally didn't bother. The desire to have gay sex kept gnawing at me...

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The Leather Twins

THE LEATHER TWINS By Anne Gray Chapter 24 – The Piebald Pair Karen and I were down at the pond situated at the very back of our property.Behind the house was a large, fenced formal garden then a further half sectionthat was fairly heavily wooded with a path through it to the pond that markedthe back boundary. Amy and Susan were not with us; actually they were hanging around in thegarage, literally. After a breakfast that they had probably not enjoyed since,as we fed them, their arms were laced...

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Leather Lace Co

Leather & Lace – Book 1 Chapter 20 – The Contest By The White Knight I could barely believe that it was real as we walked into the Jacob Javitscenter in New York. The huge conference center was decked out like a Louisiananightclub during Marti Gra, with feathered boas and string beads dangling fromthe metal rafters. Posters spotted the walls depicting the 2004 Bondage Conventionand Contest and all of the thirty previous conventions. Pictures of premierbondage models that had found their first...

3 years ago
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Leather and Oil Daughter Sharing at Poker Night

The Black, burly sixty-something-year-old biker was peering over his cards and eyeing my oldest daughter Theresa. The beautiful young girl was bringing out another round for the group of older men, and everyone at the table paused for a moment. The low-cut black top she was wearing exposed a great deal of the milky smooth skin of her tits. She was wearing the usual for poker night, a short black skirt and a tight, low-cut top, the milky white skin of her tits jiggling slightly as she bent...

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A meeting in Leather Part 20

"It feels good to be bad some times."#English translation- A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-19-949324- Or start at the beginning: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-1-925923After a way too short a night I was woken up with a wonderful feeling that Friday morning. Erik-Jan played softly with my dick and gently took it into his mouth. He apparently didn't want to wake me up yet. I watched him suck me off with half open eyes for a while. This...

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Granny leather

While this is not my personal story or experience (but how I wish it was). I had to share this wonderful story.my first experience with the more mature lady was whilst I was sifting through charity shops in my local town,i was looking at the books and whilst engrossed in one particular book, I did not see who was stood behind me, as I stepped back I felt my foot crunch down on something soft and quite a loud yelp in my ear,as I turned around I discovered I had stepped on a ladies foot.......I...

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First time with Leather Master

I had been into leather since I was young, I was in my 30's now and married. When I first started dating my wife I had come clean about what I liked and what I didn't like so I never had to worry about being caught. Very early on in our dating we came to an agreement I could be with boys and she with girls. I liked to keep my exploits to myself and tended to only play during the day. The big problem was the lack of quality Dom's in the Houston area. I had met a few guys off Recon over several...

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The Leather Clowns

The leather clowns were late. Usually they showed up the last full week of April, but here it was May and no sign of them. I worried. We all did. I asked Hobo Joe, him being the oldest of us, if they’d ever been late like this before. Once. When he was young, before any of us, he told me. Why? I wondered and he just shrugged. Never asked, never said. Only time it ever happened.So we sat around and worried, night after night. Far as any of us knew, the leather clowns had been coming forever. ...

Gay Male
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Leather granny fuck buddy Part 2

The next few days after the fun I had had with this leather clad granny my head was all over the place of how I should play the next move. Did I go round there? Do I message her? Do I just leave it as I one of night of drunken fun?And because we didn’t have a number for one another that ruled out the ease of her contacting me that way too.But once again luck was on my side. I was driving back from work one evening and it was heavy rain when I noticed a lady wearing a pair of tan leather, flat...

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My mother inlaw introduces me to leather 2

Continued from part 1.....As I looked at my mother inlaw (Sarah) her leather clad body still straddling my cock... my mind was in overdrive.. I couldn't believe what has just happened.. Have I really just had the most erotic filthy sex with my gf's mother and blew my load inside her 48 year old pussy. As I composed myself and realised that I wasn't dreaming.. it really has just happened. At this point although I was still in heaven and was as horny as ever the guilt started to set in and I was...

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