Teacher's Pet, Chapter 1 free porn video

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Amy Robertson had just turned 17 years old and was in her sophmore year of high school. And even though she was an attractive girl with a very cute face, five foot tall, a hundred pounds with a very appealing 34-26-30 frame, Amy had a problem. A secret she didn’t reveal to anyone. Amy was a nymphomaniac. She looked, dressed, and acted like a slut, and she made no qualms about telling anyone who asked that she had been with several of the boys in school. After all, she flirted with anyone who caught her eye. Guys, girls, teachers - it didn’t matter to her. Amy was an easy piece... she had gotten the unofficial title of "the student body"!

One particularly hot and sticky afternoon, Amy sat at the cafeteria lunch table, staring at her food. She didn’t want to eat, and she couldn’t get her biology class off of her mind. She'd had the hots for her teacher since the start of school and knew that today she would have to sit through another of his classes somehow. Arriving at the classroom, she saw the movie projector set up. Mr. Cramer, her handsome 35 year old biology teacher, stood at his desk.

"Everyone please take your seat. I want to get this movie going and we don't have much time," he said. When the class had sat down, he started the projector and turned down the lights, taking his seat next to the projector.

As the projector started up, the class gave a collective groan. It was the same worn-out 1960's era sex education movie that everyone had seen so many times before!

So while the movie droned on and some of the kids doodled in their notebooks or fell asleep on their desks, Amy looked over at her teacher and daydreamed. Her hand found its way down between her legs and lifting her short, tight skirt, she began playing with herself privately. She secretively looked around at the students around her and, noting that no one was paying much attention, she scooted down in her seat and opened her legs up a bit more. She began fingering her always hungry pussy and toying with her swollen clit. She laid her head on the desk as she brought herself to climax. She was surprised at herself for being so quiet about it. Her juices soaked into her jacket that she was sitting on. She was really enjoying herself when she looked up and noticed Mr. Cramer looking at her sternly.

She knew that Mr. Cramer had caught her playing with herself. She was just glad it was during the movie they were watching in class and nobody else noticed her. After the bell rung and everyone was filing out of the classroom, Mr. Cramer touched her on the shoulder.

"Miss Robertson, may I have a word with you?" he said.

Mr. Cramer had a free period right after the biology class so when all the kids had left the room, he quietly shut the door.

"Miss Robertson, you many think you got away with something here today because no one caught you. But I caught you. I know what you were doing… you were masturbating in class. Did you enjoy yourself, little lady?"

"I... I..." she stammered.

"Indeed. Now we have to determine what we will do about this matter. I have a few options available to me… some of them you will not like."

"O... options, Mr. Cramer?"

"That’s right. Options. Such as I could tell the principal and you would be suspended. Which going by your grades, would mean another year of high school just to get enough credits to graduate. That is, if they let you back in school at all! Or I could tell your parents about your school activities and I am certain that option is not appealing to you either."

"No! Please!"

"That is what I thought. The third option - and one I think will benefit us both, is that you agree to become my personal slut… a job that you seem uniquely qualified for!"

"Your slut, Mr. Cramer? What do you mean?"

"Miss Robertson. Can we be candid for a moment? You come to school dressed like some kind of punk prostitute. You flaunt your pretty little ass and tits in everyone's face and flirt with anyone and everyone that so much as smiles at you - including me. Do you not think that such behavior goes unnoticed here at Wilkinson High? Many are the conversations we have had in the teacher’s lounge about student dress and your name always seems to come up during those conversations. Why do you think that is?"


"Precisely, Miss Robertson. You are a slut. Or more to the point you act like a slut. From the scuttlebutt I have been able to gather, you pretty much admit to, let's see if I can remember how the kids put it... being 'as easy to lay as a rug'. Isn’t that about the truth of the matter?"

Amy was embarrassed beyond words. Faced with the fact that she was caught masturbating and now her insatiable need was now going to have unwanted consequences, she blushed and looked away from her teachers accusation.

"I am waiting, miss."

"Y…yes, sir," she said, choking on her words.

"So is this the reputation you want at this school? Do you enjoy being the school tramp?" he asked, pausing to let the words wrap around Miss Robertson’s mind.

"I'm sorry, sir... I just can't help myself," she said. The words made her put her face in her hands and begin sobbing.

"Are your parents aware of your, shall we say, exaggerated sexual desires? Have you talked to the counselors here at school or to anyone else about it?" he asked.

"Oh no, sir! I could never tell my parents about this. My mom would die of shame!" Amy said quickly.

"Well what about the counselors here at the school - they are bound to confidence. Your parents would never need to find out about this."

"Mr Cramer, Thank you for trying to help, but counselors and psychiatrists just tell me I shouldn't feel this way. They say that I should learn to have more respect for myself, blah, blah blah. They don't help, they just make me feel worse about myself. Which makes me want sex all the more just so I can feel like somebody cares about me.

You see, sir, I was seeing a psychiatrist for awhile. He thought it was a deep-seated need for acceptance because my father left us when I was little. Every since then, he says, I have had a need for a male figure in my life. And because my Mom was busy working and trying to have her own life, I grew up pretty much on my own."

He sat there on the edge of his desk for a moment while she talked.

"I see, Amy. You certainly haven't had the ideal childhood, and I am sorry for that. However, I can't allow this kind of behavior to go on. You were lucky this time, Miss Robertson, that I am the only one who caught you. Had other students seen what you were doing, your options now would be extremely limited," he said.

"Yes sir," she said. Amy stood there in front of her teacher with her head lowered and tears running down her face. She kept her hands behind her back and waited trembling, unsure what would happen to her, but fearing the worst.

"Now then. What will it be, Miss Robertson? The principal’s office, a call to your parents, or are you going for door # 3 and become my slut?"

"What would I have to do as your slut?"

"Anything and everything I tell you, my dear," he said, stroking her wet cheek. His hand slipped down her neck to the front of her low cut and tantalizingly revealing blouse, and his fingers traced the edge down further. Then, just before he reached her ample tits, he pulled away, his finger leaving a burning trail of desire on her flesh. "You see my dear, I too suffer from a similar need for companionship. I have not been in this town all that long, and my work doesn't lend itself well to social activities. I am too old for the younger set, and the women my age are usually divorced and are not really anxious to get involved in another relationship. So my social life - and more to the point here, my sex life - suffers. I figured that we could both help each other out," he said.

Amy knew that she didn’t want to have another year of high school. All her friends would have graduated and she would be left behind. No senior prom, no graduation with her friends, no celebratory parties. She also knew that telling her mother was out of the question. Mr. Cramer didn’t know her mother real well, but she would not take this sort of news easily!

She was in a real fix. She had no easy way out, it was just a matter of which way would do the least amount of damage! Two options could have long lasting and catastrophic effects on her future and the last one, well she may have a high sex drive but she wasn't a whore! However, he was a teacher and she did find him attactive. After all, she was daydreaming about him when she was masturbating! She made her decision.

"Ok, I’ll be your slut, Mr. Cramer. I don’t have much of a choice."

"It would seem not."

"So how long do I need to do this?"

"As long as I say. Until you have shown me that you are not going to do this sort of thing in my class again. Do you realize the trouble you could have gotten me in had anyone else seen you? I would have lost my job, my tenure, and my retirement from the school district!"

"I... didn’t know."

"We don’t have time to go into the particulars of your new job now. But I want you to be in here tomorrow after school, and we will go over all that then. Understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"And if you are somehow thinking about skipping out, well I will be forced to use BOTH option #1 and option #2!" he said.

Amy left the classroom a lot wiser than she entered that day. The rest of that day was a clouded blur to her. All she could do was think about what Mr. Cramer had told her and what possible things he had in mind for her. "Anything and everything" covered a pretty wide area of possibilities! But judging by the way he looked at her and his touch (let alone the subject matter!) she had a pretty good idea of what he was considering. And frankly, she was scared of the whole idea. Up to this point, she had been the one in charge - she would be the one to say who got into her pants and when. But now Mr. Cramer was in the driver's seat and she would be at his beck and call. This put a spin on things that Amy was unsure she liked just yet!

That night, Amy had dreams of Mr. Cramer and what she thought she may be facing the following day. Erotic, sexy dreams that had her frightened, yet strangely turned on beyond anything she had ever experienced. She found herself playing with her pussy as she laid in bed that night, thinking of him and what she imagined would happen. As she strummed her soaked pussy with her hand, her imagination conjured up images of her on his desk, her legs splayed widely as Mr Cramer had his way with her young, tight, pussy. She imagined what it would feel like to have him take her, to have him inside her, and to feel his cock stretching her and filling her completely.

The next day at school would prove to be a difficult one. She watched the clock as it slowly moved towards 3:30 and the end of the school day. She didn’t have biology class that day, but she knew that today would be different. She was going to have biology today, but not the same sort of biology that she was used to! She made it through most of the day - how she didn’t know - and she had two classes left when she decided she couldn’t take it anymore.

Amy had five minutes left before the bell rang for her to go to her next class. She put her books away in her hallway locker and ran to the girls bathroom. Luckily, nobody was in there and she could relieve herself of her built up frustration. She looked at herself in the mirror for a moment. She thought about what Mr. Cramer had told her yesterday. About how she looked and acted like a slut. She was a little bit ashamed of the fact she was a nymphomaniac. She really was just a girl wanting to fit in. She wanted what most young girls want... to find a guy, fall in love, get married, and live happily ever after. But things hadn't worked out that way. Now she was to become a slut for her teacher! She began to get horny thinking about the upcoming meeting with Mr. Cramer and finally discovering what she would be required to do as his slut. She shut herself in a stall that she thought would be a safe distance from the door in case she made too much noise. She pulled her skirt up to reveal her shaven pussy (she didn’t bother to wear panties anymore) and settled herself on the toilet inside. She was already glistening wet with the excitement of doing something so naughty, so her fingers easily slipped into her pussy. The thoughts going through her head were unbelievably arousing. All she could think about was the meeting with Mr. Cramer after school. She knew exactly why he wanted her to stay after, and he couldn’t deny it. He told her not to be late to his classroom…

Amy’s fingers massaged her clit and she began to rub her pussy with two fingers, speeding up quickly, constantly listening for any one that might wander in. Amy felt so dirty and so slutty there, masturbating in her high school bathroom! She soon began to moan, and the more she moaned, the more excited she got. She fantasized about Mr. Cramer, and her fantasies caused her to moan even more. She had to bite her lip to stifle the noise and keep from getting too loud. Her fingers flew over her swollen clit and she rammed them deep into her sopping pussy. Very soon, she could feel an orgasm coming on, and it quickly rippled through her body, sending shivers through her thighs and up her spine. She continued to masturbate, shoving her fingers in and out of her pussy as her juices poured all over the toilet. Her excitement began to increase again and once more she began to moan, getting louder by the second, exciting her even more. Her second orgasm hit her even harder than the first one and she bit down on her lip hard as the spasms of her orgasm washed over her. She tried desperately not to make noise but her body was jerked and twisted as she came and the toilet let out an occasional squeak as she writhed on it. She sat on the toilet for several minutes as the last of her convulsions passed and more juices flowed from her saturated pussy. Satisfied for now, she straightened up her rumpled outfit and washed her face, reapplying her makeup and settled in to wait until school let out. She stayed in the bathroom during the last two classes of the day. Finally the last bell rang to dismiss everybody. She knew everybody would leave quickly and the halls would be deserted. She took her time walking to his classroom, which was on the opposite side of the huge school.

She arrived at his room and he was standing right outside of the door, waiting for her. Nobody else was in the school, except for the janitors, but they had already cleaned this side of the school while she took her time getting there. She walked past him, going into the room and set her stuff on a desk in the front row. She hopped up on the edge of his desk and dangled her legs off the side. Mr. Cramer looked back and forth down the long hallway and walked in the room, shutting and locking the door behind him. They were lucky his classroom door didn’t have a window, and his room didn’t have windows or any connecting doors. She stared at him as he walked towards her, her heart was going crazy. He stood in front of her as she sat on the edge of the desk, they held eye contact for a few moments. He lifted his hand to her cheek and lightly caressed it, she turned her face and looked down, blushing and giggling.

"You little tease…" He whispered, grabbing her by the chin and lifting her face to his. "You know exactly what you do to me. I know you saw me watching you in class yesterday. Were you wanting me to catch you?" He took a step forward and got between her legs, pressing his crotch against her bare pussy under her skirt. "I watched you as you played with yourself. You were too engrossed in what you were doing to notice but I saw everything. It was quite… entertaining."

She closed her eyes and let out a little moan, her pussy was getting wetter by the moment. She took a deep breath and looked into his eyes, her bottom lip trembled, she wanted him to kiss her. She spread her legs wider and raised her eyebrow at him, biting her bottom lip.

"I see," he said, stopping suddenly. "Well before we get into that, there’s another matter we need to take care of." Mr. Cramer went around to the side of his desk and picked up his briefcase, setting it on the seat of his chair and opening it. He reached in and pulled out a long piece of plywood, an inch and a half wide and twenty four inches long. It had a small handle at one end and what looked like ruler markings along its length.

"Have you ever been to Catholic school, Miss Robertson?"

"No, sir."

"Well I spent five years in Catholic school. And I mean the "old school" Catholic school, Miss Robertson. Complete with the mean Sister who used a ruler on wayward children. I remember that ruler well. And I have recreated it here - with a few twists of my own! This ruler will not break when used and it is slightly heavier and more effective on an errant ass.

"W-WHAT!!" Amy retorted.

"That’s right, Miss Robertson. You are going to start off your new job as my slut, with a little ‘motivational retraining’. We have to approach this with the right frame of mind you know!" he said.

"You…you can’t do that!" she said, shocked.

"Oh?" Mr. Cramer bent her over the front edge of his large desk. "We’ll see about that. Now grab the edge of the desk and do not move your hands. If you do, we will just have to start all over."

She did as she was told, not believing what was happening to her. He hoisted her skirt up over her back, exposing her naked white ass. He gently rubbed her white firm flesh and Amy moaned in spite of herself. His caress felt soo good…

SMACK! The "ruler" landed solidly on her right ass cheek. Amy squealed and tried to stand upright, but he was ready for her and shoved her back down onto the desktop.

"I thought I told you to grab the edge of the desk and not to move. Guess that one doesn’t count!" he said.

SMACK! Again the ruler fell - this time across her left ass cheek. A bright red mark remained from where the ruler landed.

"Yeeeowch!" Amy squealed again "Please Mr. Cramer! Please don’t!"

"Your pleas and crying aren’t going to help you, Miss Robertson. You have been very bad and could have cost me my job! Now you are going to be punished soundly!"

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Six hard swats in quick succession landed on Amy’s bare ass. She didn’t have a chance to scream or even try to get away. She just laid across the table with her back arched, open-mouthed and wide eyed until she found her voice.

"YEEEEEOOWWWWWW!!!! OH, PLEASE Mr. Cramer! Please! I’ll be good!" she pleaded.

"I’m sure you will, Miss Robertson. But we are not finished just yet."

With his left hand he grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her head back. "Take off your blouse!" he commanded her.

"WHAT?? Oh NO! Mr. Cramer, PLEASE!!" she tried once more to stand, to run off, but Mr. Cramer held her tightly.

"Do you want me to just forget all this and go straight to your mother and the principal? I’m sure they would be MOST interested in what you have been up to!"

"N..no…sir…" Amy put her face in her hands and sobbed. She knew she had to go through with whatever this man wanted to do to her. Her mother would be so pissed at her… her school career would be over - they don’t give out many scholarships to girls who try to seduce the teachers! She’d be lucky to even graduate high school. And without even a high school diploma, she would be stuck work at a local burger joint forever! No, she had made this bed herself… now she was going to have to sleep in it! She just hoped it wouldn’t take long for him to tire of her and let her off. She did as he said and removed her top, then her bra, freeing up her ample tits for his use and pleasure…

His right hand found its way up to her now exposed tits, pinching and pulling her left nipple. His hand traveled from her tit, back down her stomach, then her thigh, then back up to her soaking pussy. He pushed her backwards onto her back on the desk.

"You better keep those hands down at your sides. I don’t want any interference from you." he warned.

He knelt in front of her exposed, wet pussy, and breathed in her scent, feeling the heat radiating from it. He let out a low, deep growl and slowly licked up and down her slit, making her gasp and moan. He slowly let his tongue make its way between her pussy lips, finding her sensitive clitoris. He swirled his tongue around it slowly, pressing harder, slipping a finger into her pussy. He felt how tight she was.

"So you want to be a slut, huh? Well, I’m gonna make you my little slut. I am going to make you my own little slave slut. You are going to be my plaything until I am tired of you. You want to play the part of a slut, well here’s your chance. You are going to come to my classroom when I want, to my home when I want, and you’re going to do what I want. You are going to be at my beck and call whenever and wherever I want you. And when I call you, you had better show up ready for me. Because if you don’t…."

He shoved another finger into her tight pussy, thrusting in and out of it. She moaned, feeling it stretch around his fingers. She writhed and wiggled as his hand and tongue brought her to a powerful orgasm. Her pussy clenched tight around his fingers, her back arched and she tightened her fists, letting out her moans and screams as her juices flooded out and covered his face and hand. He pulled his hand away and brought it to her mouth. Her juices dripped onto her lips, she opened her mouth and sucked his fingers clean.

He quickly flipped her onto her stomach, her legs still dangling over the edge of the desk. He spread her ass cheeks and licked from her soaked pussy, up to her ass crack, circling his tongue around her asshole. She moaned as he did and pushed her ass backwards, he grinned at her actions. He pressed his tongue into her asshole, slowly pushing it in and out and squeezing her ass cheeks. Her pussy quivered and she moaned louder, gasping between her words

"Mr. Cramer… please," she moaned. He pulled his mouth away from her ass, still squeezing her ass cheeks.

"What is it Amy? Tell me what you want." She moaned again and pushed her ass up.

"Please fuck me… please? I need it…" He rolled her over on her back and stood up between her legs. He unbuckled his belt and slid his pants and boxers down with one push. His rock hard cock bounced out, he grabbed it and rubbed it up and down her wet slit.

"Is this what you want, Amy? Tell me where you want it."

"Please, Mr. Cramer… I want your cock in my pussy. I want you to fuck me. Please…" She moaned and tried pulling him forward. Instead he slapped her left tit hard, his hand making the white globe sting and pink up and causing her to gasp again.

He grabbed the girl by the hair and dragged her off the desk and onto the floor. She landed on all fours and he hauled her upright on her knees.

She looked up at him with wide, glazed eyes. She waited for his cue and when he nodded, she knew what was expected of her. She opened her pretty little pink lips, letting her tongue slide out just enough to lick the tip of his stiff hard cock. Stifling a moan, her eyes rolled back for just a moment as she tasted his cock for the first time.

Amy opened her eyes and mouth, letting her pouty lips encase the head. Her tongue stroked from the tip down the shaft to his balls, then back to the tip again repeating a few times before she sucked him in slowly, inch by inch. Amy’s tongue glided along the underside of his meaty shaft until her nose and lips pressed against his body. The pressure at the back of her throat brought tears to her eyes. Carefully, she pulled back, her soft lips dragging along the length until it cleared her mouth completely. His cock glistened with her spit. Again, Amy went down onto his cock, her soft lips tightly wrapped around the shaft, the tip of her tongue firmly turned up against his cock. Slowly, her lips and nose reached their destination, forcing the tears to pool in her eyes again. Amy slid off once again, strands of her spit stretching between her lips and his full, throbbing cock. She began again, her pace still as slow, when she suddenly felt his hand grab her hair and forcefully thrust her throat upon his cock in one fell swoop. The brute force sent Amy’s well of tears flowing, mixing with her thick mascara as they left black streaks trailing down her cheeks. She gagged, nearly choking, as he held her firmly, her face pressed hard against his abdomen and his cock invading her throat to the deepest depths.

Amy felt his strong, forceful grip on her hair tighten as he pulled back. She gasped for air as best she could before he invaded her again. Amy felt his cock throbbing between her lips, trembling, near ready to erupt. Her tongue reacted, desperately stroking, massaging the meaty pole. She looked up at him through the haze of tears and burning lust, silently begging him for his release. Gagging as he pulled away and gasping just before he thrust again, this time much harder, she blinked and and balled her fists at her sides. His eyes rolled back with his final thrust, more violent than any other. As he spurted and spasmed in the deepest recesses of her throat, she gagged and swallowed as quickly as she could, trying frantically to waste not a drop. He held her tightly, his hips pushed fully forward as he emptied every last drop down her throat.

Still holding her hair with one hand, his other hand reached under Amy’s chin, wrapping around her jaw. He slowly pulled his softening cock out, his grip forcing her lips and tongue to clean him. As she looked up for a reaction, he simply slid the tip of his cock across her lips, the final droplets clinging to her. Still without saying a word, he zipped up his pants and stepped back, leaving her kneeling and still in heat as she licked the last few salty bits of cum from her hungry mouth.

"Now get up and get dressed. I have work to do. I can’t waste any more time. I will see you tomorrow."

"My Mom is going out of town for the weekend. Upstate to visit my grandmother."

"Good then we will have ample time. I will be by to pick you up at 10:00 am. Be ready - I do not like to wait."

"Yes, sir."

* * * *

The next morning after Amy’s mother left for her trip, Amy scrambled to get ready for Mr. Cramer. She didn’t have much time and she wanted to make sure she was ready. She didn’t want to piss him off - he could make her time with him very unpleasant! She quickly got dressed in an outfit she hoped would please Mr. Cramer. Now that she knew her position as slut with him meant she was going to be used sexually, she knew that whatever outfit she wore would have to be sexy and pleasing to his eye. Amy found an outfit she thought would work - a purple corset that zipped all the way down the front with black lace ruffles around the bottom. The corset plunged to just below her tits and was cut so that her tits were displayed prominently. She also wore black faux-leather hipster short shorts - low enough to show some abs, skintight, with a zipper all the way from the front, through the crotch, and up the back. She wore black heels to complete the outfit. Amy’s shoulder-length blonde hair was done up in her normal pigtails and tied with purple hair ribbons to match her corset. She wore a vibrant magenta eyeshadow with a little too much mascara and bright red glossy lipstick. With her clothes and makeup done she was waiting inside her home, looking out the front room window, waiting…

Mr. Cramer was right on time - 10:00 on the button. He pulled up in his shiny silver BMW and got out, walking around and standing by the passenger side door, arms crossed and looking very intimidating. Amy came out of the house shyly, locking the door behind her and walked slowly, bashfully down the sidewalk to his car.

"Hello Amy, are you ready for today?"

"I…I think so, sir."

"Good because I have a feeling you are going to be a very busy young lady, today!" Amy wasn’t sure she liked the sound of that news, nor the tone in which it was delivered. But she had little choice, so she decided that she would take whatever the day was to bring. It would turn out be a mistake she would soon regret.

The pair drove in an agonizing, uncomfortable silence for about 20 minutes before reaching Mr. Cramer's home. When they arrived, he got out and walked around to her side, opening the door for her.

"We are here, come with me," he said flatly. She stepped out of the car and followed him into the house.

"Welcome to my home," he said, shutting the door behind her.

"T..thank you?" she said unsure about what was going to happen.

"Come into the living room so we can talk about why you are here," he told her. He started towards the living room with Amy following close behind. When he got to his favorite recliner he sat down. Amy walked up in front of him and stood there, waiting. He casually took out his pipe, filled it with tobacco from the pouch next to it, lit it, and took a couple deep drags.

"Kneel in front of me," he said. She looked at him for a moment puzzled.

"What part of that command did you not understand?"

Amy knelt down in front of him, still not sure what was happening.

"Good. Now then, Miss Robertson. From now on you are going to be my slut. At least that’s what I will call you when others are around. When it’s just us, like it is here, you are going to be my slut. You will be used as my slut, my sex toy, and I will do whatever I like with you. Understand? You are my personal sex slave and you will be used as I see fit.

"Yes, sir," Amy said. She wouldn’t admit to it, but the thought of being used as a sex slave sent a tingle through her pussy and she could feel a sexual excitement building already!

"Now when we are alone, you will address me as Sir, however in public I will still be Mr. Cramer."

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. As we go along there will be more things to learn but that will do for the time being. Now follow me upstairs and we will begin."

"Yes Sir," She went to stand up and he slapped her across the face.

"No. You will crawl on all fours like a good slut. Now follow me and crawl, slut!" he said, walking towards the stairs.

Amy began crawling on all fours but soon found the hardwood floors to be hard on the knees. She made it to the stairs though and crawled up them behind Mr. Cramer. She was relieved when getting to the top of the stairs she found the upstairs floors carpeted. Amy followed him into the bedroom, the tingle she felt in her pussy now growing into a tiny flame at his words and her treatment so far.

"Now, out of those clothes," he said.


"You heard me. Now strip. I don’t want you wearing anything you weren’t born with."

Amy proceeded to get undressed as she had been told, folding her clothes neatly and setting them on the dresser. Then she turned back to wait for his next directive.

"Get up onto the bed," Amy complied and settled onto the bed.

"No, lie on your stomach, slut. I want access to your ass!"

Amy looked at him in horror. "Her ass!" she thought. "No! Please Mr. Cramer! Please not that!"

He slapped her across the face. "I told you to call me Sir, slut!" he said gruffly. "Now roll over!" Amy rolled over as she felt herself starting to cry. He pulled her legs together and then pulled out a rope from under the bed. He secured her ankles together and then ran the rope under a rail at the foot of the bed, tying it off securely.

"Do not worry about your precious asshole, slut. I am saving that treat for another time." he said as he gathered her wrists and bound them together. Stretching the rope around the rail at the head of the bed he streched her to full extension so her arms were taut and she was unable to move. With her arms overhead and her legs bound together, she wondered what he was up to. She was certainly not in a position to be used sexually - he didn’t even have access to her tits like this!

"Now then we will begin your work as my slut with a little ‘behavioral modification’," he said. He removed his belt from his pants and bent it double, holding onto the buckle and tip of the belt. He slapped his hand with it and the cracking sound made her jump!

"Please Sir! Oh please, don’t whip me! I will do anything you say! Oh please, please, please!" she whimpered softly. But her pleas fell on deaf ears.

SMACK! "YEEEOOOWWW!" Amy screamed and jerked at the ropes but they held firmly. She twisted and struggled but Mr. Cramer knew a thing or two about holding an innocent girl down! An angry red stripe immediately began to appear where the belt had landed.

SMACK! "YEEEOOOWWW!" Another swipe with the belt on Amy’s other ass cheek caused her to jump and jerk at the ropes holding her again. Her twisting and struggling took on a renewed effort, but again the ropes kept her in place.

"Please No more! Sir! Please! I’ll be good! Oh God please stop!" she howled as her ass caught fire. But stopping was not what he had in mind at all.

"Oh my little slut, we are far from finished. We have only begun today’s entertainment. I have you for the whole day, you already told me your mother is away! We have lots of time for fun and games!"

With that he took a firm hold of the belt. He paused for a second and then let fly with a seemingly unending barrage of strikes.

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! The belt landed on her now reddened ass over and over. She jumped at each strike but they kept coming. Her ass was aflame now and redder than it had ever been. The pain grew in intensity until she felt like she had no hide left back there. Her screaming became one long continous wail of anguish. But just as she felt she couldn’t take another hit, a strange thing happened… her pussy became wet and the pain began to turn into sexual desire!

Amy had turned the pain into pleasure and began raising her ass up in anticipation of the next strike. Her cries of suffering turned to moans of pleasure as each subsequent strike landed. She raised her ass to meet the belt and as it landed she moaned… softly at first, but louder as the belt continued falling. Amy’s ass had turned from the pale white she came in with to pink, then red. Now it was turning purple at the abuse it was taking. But Amy no longer felt the pain, she had become turned on like never before!

"Please Sir! Oh please Fuck me! Oh God I want it so bad! Please! Please use your slut!" she moaned. She didn’t even know where she had learned to speak like this, but it seemed almost natural to her… like an inner part of herself was emerging.

Her words had the desired effect this time as he dropped the belt onto the floor. Untieing her legs, he flipped the girl onto her back and forced her quivering legs wide apart. He noticed immediately that her shaved pussy was sopping wet, she had indeed become highly aroused at her beating. "All the better." he thought and he positioned himself between her splayed legs.

"Now slut, I want to see you cum! I am going to see if you truly are the slut you make yourself out to be! You dress, act, and talk like one - let’s see if you can cum like one! We aren’t in school now, no need to be quiet here so let’s see what kind of a slut you really are!" With that he plunged two fingers into her wet pussy. Amy arched her back as he entered her, his words and the spanking she had gotten had excited her beyond belief! She spread her legs and lifted her hips to his hand as he sawed in and out of her.

"Oh fuck! Oh yes, Sir! Oh God fuck me! Fuck my pussy with your hand! Ohhhhhh!" she moaned. Amy writhed and twisted and humped back at his hand as he pumped in and out of her sex. The room filled with her swearing, her moaning and the squishing sound of his hand in her sloppy pussy. His hand teased and tormented her pussy and her clit as Amy’s orgasm built. She was delirious, she had never felt anything so incredible! She was floating in a sea of bliss and ecstasy… getting higher with each thrust of this man’s hand into her. It didn’t take long for her orgasm to reach its crescendo.

"OHHMYYGOD! OH FUUCCK! OHHH!" Amy screamed as her world came crashing down around her. She arched her back and stared wide-eyed and open-mouthed at the wall in front of her, Her whole body tensed and she froze there - a stiff, arched, monument to complete sexual rapture. Her legs quivered with the strain and her breathing stopped as she concentrated her whole being into this one tremendous moment. She stayed like this for several seconds before her orgasm broke and she collapsed, sweating and panting in ragged, tearing, lung burning breaths. Her legs trembled and spasmed as her orgasm worked through her and she continued to jerk for several minutes afterwards. It took a full five minutes for her breathing to return to something approaching normal.

As she came back to earth, Mr. Cramer was there to greet her. "Impressive, slut. I see that you indeed can cum like the pro you pretend to be. But now can you fuck like one?"

Amy looked at him through her lust filled eyes like he was speaking another language. She had no idea what he was saying until he moved betweeen her legs.

"Pleeease…" she whispered weakly. She was exhausted, but he took no mind to her words. It was his turn and he would not be waived.

He lined up the head of his cock with her entrance and put his hands on her hips and slowly pushed into her. Her tight pussy wasn’t making it easy for him to get inside her. Even with how wet she was, his thick cock had trouble opening her up. He leaned over her and kissed her shoulder, then up to her neck, sucking and biting. He kissed along her jawline, from one side to the other, then pressed his lips to hers, slowly working his cock in and out of her pussy. She gasped against his mouth, he took the opportunity to stick his tongue in her mouth, distracting her from her pussy stretching around his thick cock. Their tongues danced and chased each other. Her pussy starting to relax and let him get in more easily. He was getting deeper with each thrust, he finally reached her cervix, slowly pressing against it. He bit into her shoulder, making her moan and scream. He thrust hard, bottoming out inside her, his balls slapping against her ass. She screamed out and her body shook as his cock split her open.

He waited a few minutes for her pussy to adjust to the thickness of his entire cock inside her. Once it had relaxed and she stopped shaking, he made slow thrusts in and out of her, using his thumb to play with her clitoris. She moaned and squirmed under him, her orgasm building slowly as he fucked her. Her pussy quivered around his cock, her juices were ready to burst out. He quickened his pace in and out of her, and rubbed her clitoris faster.

"Oh God, Mr. Cramer! Harder!"

She was moaning and screaming, begging for more. Who was he to deny her carnal needs? He bit into her tit and thrust harder. His balls were slapping her ass with each long, hard thrust. With each thrust her moans reached a new octave. Her voice was reverberating throughout the room. Her pussy clenched tight around his thick cock and once again her orgasm took over. Her body writhed and shook as her juices flooded out of her. But he wasn’t near done with this little slut. He slowed his pace as she came back from her climax. Once he knew she was okay, he pulled out and flipped her over onto her stomach.

"Are you ready for more, Amy?"

"Please, Sir, Oh please fuck me. Oh God I need you inside me! Please…"

He rubbed his cock up and down her wet, slick pussy slit. He eased the head between the soft petals and right up to the entrance to her hole. He grabbed her by the hair and hauled her head back as he shoved full length into her. She squealed as he split her pussy once more, still sore from being so abused, but her need for him overcame any pain or discomfort. She felt him deep inside her, she felt his huge cock stretching her, filling her, and bringing her to new heights of pleasure. She wanted more of him, she wanted all of him.

He gave her everything she asked for and more. Pounding her fresh pussy savagely, he pumped in and out of her without resting. She moaned and groaned as she felt her pussy stretched by his thick cock. She spread her legs to allow him better access, wanting all of him she could possibly get. He was buried balls deep in her tight twat and she was loving every inch of it.

"Yesss Oh fuck! Oh Sir, fuck my tight pussy! Use me like the slut I am! Oh shit! Ohhhhh…"

He could feel his balls tightening as he neared his orgasm. He grabbed her throat and just as he crested, he bit down on her soft shoulder as his cock exploded inside her. She felt his cock swell inside her and then the searing hot cum splash against her pussy walls. The sensation of him cumming inside her threw her over the edge as well and she howled out her own orgasm. She clamped her pussy down around his cock squeezing it and milking it of its precious seed. Their cum mixed together and seeped out around his cock as he continued to pump in and out until spent, his cock softened and slipped out of her with a wet plop. She leaked pussy juice and cum out onto the sheets as she lay there, face down and panting with Mr. Cramer, laying beside her, gasping for breath himself.

Once he had calmed his breathing down, Mr. Cramer sat up on the bed, untied Amy’s still bound wrists, and swatted her on the ass. "Go take a shower and get dressed. Put everything on except your shorts - the corset, and the heels, just not the shorts. I want this pussy and ass open and exposed… I may want it again before the evening is over!"

Amy went in and took a shower as she had been told. After she had finished washing herself, she let the cool water run over her ass, soothing the burning that remained. When she was done, she dressed as he had instructed her and went downstairs to Mr. Cramer.

"Would you like some lunch? After that workout you must be hungry!" he said as he made them some lunch in the kitchen.

"Yes, Sir. Thank you," she said. They ate their lunch with Amy standing at the counter, her ass still too sore to sit comfortably in the barstool. After they had finished eating, he put the dishes in the sink and took Amy into the living room, sitting in his chair with her kneeling at his feet.

"Sir, what will I be doing now? Am I only to be used as a sex toy?"

"Hardly. You are to be my assistant. That means you will be helping me with some of the things I have to do so I can concentrate on the more important matters. And today that will include some housework. There is laundry to do, beds to be made, dishes to wash and straightening up around here that needs attention. I have some school matters to attend to. I will be in the study. When you have finished, come in and I will see what else I need from you."

Amy got to work. After what he had given her, she was happy to do a little housework for him. She made the beds (she had to change the sheets after oozing all over them!), then went to start the laundry. While the laundry was being done, Amy went into the kitchen and began doing the dishes. After that she picked up the front room and the bedroom. It only took her a couple hours to finish the tasks that he had lined up for her so once she had completed them she went to the study.

"Sir I have finished everything you set out for me."

"Very good. You can go into the living room and wait for me. I will be in there shortly."

"Yes, Sir. Do you mind if I call home and check the machine for any messages? My Mom may have called."

"No, go ahead."

Amy called the house and listened to the machine. There was indeed a message on the machine - a rather disturbing one. She listened to it, then went in and told Mr. Cramer.

"Sir, I just checked the machine. There was a message from my mother. She said that my grandma had fell down the stairs in her home. She said that she didn’t break any bones, but she was banged up some. She is in the hospital for observation overnight or a couple days. My mom also said they will be staying for a few days until grandma is able to get around on her own, just to help her out around the house till she can do things on her own again."

"I see. Well I am sorry to hear of your grandma’s unfortunate accident, but I am glad she will be ok. And I am glad your mother is going to stick around there and help her out. But in good conscience, I cannot allow you to be alone at home for the time your mother is gone. When will she return?"

"She said she is going to be staying there with my grandma for a week. She will be returning a week from tomorrow, Sunday."

"Well then, you will stay here with me until then. I have need for you here anyway. I will take you to school and bring you back here afterwards. We will go to your house after dinner and you can pack some clothes and necessities."

"Yes, Sir." she said.

Mr. Cramer allowed Amy a break while he finished up the last of the school paperwork he had to do. When he had completed his work, he went into the living room. He sat down in his recliner and motioned for Amy to come over.

"Come, slut." he said. She walked over and he placed her directly in front of him straddling his knees.

"Put your hands behind your back and do not move them. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir." she said, following his directive. He reached his hand up and began fondling her sex, fingering her puffy pussy lips and tracing circles around her clit. Amy moaned softly as his teasing began.

"So have you had a good time here today?"

"Y..yesss, Sir," she said, starting to breath harder.

"I am glad. Because this is just the beginning for you, my little slut. We have a few days of uninterrupted work before your mother gets back and then the rest of the school year together. I am sure by the time school lets out next spring, you will have learned a valuable lesson. And that is to be careful what you wish for… you just may get it."

They sat down for dinner. Amy wondered what other things she would be learning at the hands of Mr. Cramer.

The above story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over sixteen (16) years of age.

Same as Teacher's Pet, Chapter 1 Videos

1 year ago
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Teachers Pet Ch 14

DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously. DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story certainly can be dark, I do try to keep things light with a certain "comic book" style....

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Teachers Pet Chp 1

Introduction: This is my first story online. Hope you all like it. Any future ideas will be taken into consideration. Sighing I stand up from my desk, it was the new school year. I had been stumbling from class to class. It was finally the end of the day, and I had one more class. Then I could go home. My last class was with a new teacher, who happened to be an English teacher and my older brother. I walk in and he is leaned against his desk. Nobody else is in the room, his head is down looking...

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Teachers Subterfuge Chapter 2

It was pure chance for Emma, Lily, and Lizzie, or, rather, bad luck for the teachers, Miss Brent, Miss Carson, and Miss Logan.It was Sunday at the boarding school, and everyone was more laid-back than during the week. Mrs Jasper, the headmistress, was out for the day which allowed the atmosphere to be even more relaxed than usual. However, the girls still had to wear their school dresses of a short-sleeved green check gingham dress, a white belt, and ankle socks.It was mid-afternoon and Emma,...

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Training of Shauna the Pet

WARNING!  THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION.   IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE.   DELETE NOW IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO VIEW THIS TYPE OF MATERIAL.The Author does not condone any of these actions, this is fantasy, make believe, ya know day dreaming. COPYRIGHT 2006:  This story is copyrighted by the author, Stillbehindblueeyes. I?d love to hear from you Stillbehindblueeyes (at) yahoo (dot) comIf you post this story else ware please let me know and give me access to it....

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Teachers Pet 20

I managed to concentrate on the subject enough to get through the class. I packed up quickly and hurried out with the crowd but was caught when Mrs. Stanton said "Mr. Walker, please stay for a moment." I waited until the door closed after the last student and then looked at her. She quietly said, "Albert, when I got home last night, I realized that I had left an incriminating piece of evidence here in the room. However when I got here this morning, I couldn't find it. Do you know...

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Teachers Pet

Introduction: Hi guys! Im pretty sure the last time I posted anything was around two years ago, so I am sorry for leaving for that long! Just got caught up in real life, but Ive been rediscovering my love of this kind of writing.Simple thing, if you dont like it then dont read it, no one has a gun to your head. Hope you enjoy, or at least get off ,) Its a weird feeling to sit in an empty classroom, especially a history class. I looked around at all the walls, the World War Two propaganda...

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My new pet

There was quite some tension in the house initially but after a couple of weeks a sort of calm descended and I began training my new pet in earnest. Coming home from work rather later than planned I decided to embark on a training session with my new pet anyway. I went into the room where all three pets slept and softly went up to my newest pet who was still sleeping. I gently stroked her back and tickled her around her ear. Pet's big brown eyes flickered open and as she rolled on her back...

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Teachers Subterfuge Chapter 1

The three teachers knew they had their own reasons for sending the three upper sixth formers to the headmistress.Miss Brent was the thirty-seven-year-old form teacher. Miss Carson and Miss Logan were both twenty-eight-years-old and were teachers of biology and history respectively. They all wore the same outfits of white short sleeved blouses and dark blue skirts. It was summer and they had bare legs, and dark blue high-heeled toeless shoes.The sixth form girls boarding school was always fully...

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Bedroom Pet Part 2

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A Most Favoured Pet

Please note, the following is a heavily fantasised, entirely fictional depiction of a sub/dom relationship. It does not truly reflect/depict a real life healthy sub/dom relationship and so therefor there are certain themes of abuse which should/would never be acceptable in a real world setting between a true sub and a true dom.With that in mind, please enjoy the following fictional story for what it's worth, and let me know your thoughts on it in the comments below.Happy...

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Becoming a Pet An Innocent Start

Introduction: Straight girl is seduced by a sexy, black woman. Becoming a Pet: An Innocent Start Note: This story is dedicated to Jamie who requested this perverse tale. Jamie you are one naughty deviant. Note 2: And thanks to Estragon for his dedicated copy editing. Becoming a Pet: An Innocent Start Ever look back on your life and try to pinpoint exactly when your life changed? It is almost never anything dramatic, but usually a decision that is out of character with what you thought your...

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I am addicted to the erotic elegance of his pain, specifically when he offers it to me so willingly.  If someone had told me a few years ago that I’d draw such immense pleasure from inflicting pain onto another, I’d have questioned their sanity.  I’m the same person who feels a little remorseful after swatting a fly with a rolled-up newspaper; yet I have no qualms whatsoever about tormenting my Pet’s body with my hands, teeth, fingernails or any implement I can get a hold of.   It never ceases...

3 years ago
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The Pet part 1 Arrival

She wakes with a start. Her eyes roam and her memory returns. She is in the bath, and must have dozed off in the warm embrace of the water. Looking across the room to the clock, she gasps; it's late! Half-standing up, she sits down on the side of the bath, shivering slightly at the tub's cool edge. Reaching over, she picks up her razor and cream. Squeezing some gel into her hand, she begins to rub her hands together, working the gel into a creamy white lather. The girl reaches down and...

3 years ago
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Juicy Jessy at Poets Petra n Peter 2

Juicy Jessy meets Pretty Petra at Professor Poet Peter, her great grandfather, who learned her all in loveJuicy Jessy meets Poet Peter's meat, which is her right, as soon she discovers the truth about her f(a)milyPrincess Pretty Petra 'en Profil' at her 18th birthday: https://nl.xhamster.com/photos/gallery/3350284/55852955----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Poet Peter has only one...

3 years ago
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MindControl Panties Story 15 Becoming a Submissive Teacher Pet

Story Fifteen: Becoming a Submissive Teacher Pet By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure trembled as it stroked the last pair of mind-controlled panties it had made. The fun of this game was exquisite. It savored shaping young girls' minds into its sluts. Turning good girls into whores, bad girls into virgins, and a whole host of other naughty designs. But too much of a good thing was bad. It needed to move on to new amusements. The figure...

2 years ago
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Daddys Little Pet Part 1 Slut Puppy editio

You wake up your very own dog bed, on the bedroom floor next to daddy's own double bed. You're naked, apart from your tagged little collar with your name tag on it, and you're wearing a decent size plug in your tight little ass.. A plug with a long, fur tail on it... You've been sleeping well. Having some wet dreams... The room is hot enough that you can sleep comfortably naked, just like daddy does on the bed. You can feel the sticky wetness on your fingers, and you know you've touched...

1 year ago
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I Am Pet

There is only darkness. I am immersed in it, surrounded by a deep and enveloping blackness that is unbroken by even the slightest sliver of light. I can hear no sounds, not that I expect to. Our basement Sanctum is completely soundproofed. Master has ensured that no one on the outside would ever be able to hear my screams.‘Silent! I need to be silent.’ I remind myself as thoughts both fearful and erotic flash through my mind. I want desperately for my fear to escape through my whimpers, but I...

1 year ago
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Becoming a Submissive Teacher Pet

The figure trembled as it stroked the last pair of mind-controlled panties it had made. The fun of this game was exquisite. It savored shaping young girls’ minds into its sluts. Turning good girls into whores, bad girls into virgins, and a whole host of other naughty designs. But too much of a good thing was bad. It needed to move on to new amusements. The figure slipped unnoticed through the department store. It had been in one of these places many times. It knew through its...

2 years ago
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My First Pet A Gentle Nudge

This is continued from my previous stories, and is about next day with my pet. Again any and all comments are welcome, and I hope you enjoy. I woke the next morning, the memoriesof yesterday still fresh in my mind, as I lay still, holding my pet close to me and wishing I’d never have to let her go. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was about time to get up. I reached over turning the alarm off and went back to holding my pet until it was time for the alarm to have gone off. I gently leaned over...

2 years ago
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My First Pet A Gentle Nudge

This is continued from my previous stories, and is about next day with my pet. Again any and all comments are welcome, and I hope you enjoy. I woke the next morning, the memoriesof yesterday still fresh in my mind, as I lay still, holding my pet close to me and wishing I'd never have to let her go. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was about time to get up. I reached over turning the alarm off and went back to holding my pet until it was time for the alarm to have gone off. I gently leaned over...

4 years ago
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A Pets Performance Part IV

In the pet's rooms...After a short walk Tabitha showed off her little suite.Anna was in awe of the game room with actual arcade machines including a wall of pinball games. At the other end of the room was a huge multi-screen video game set-up. 3 people could have their own space for any sort of game from playstation to x-box to Wii. A whole bunch of stuff she did not even recognize.One whole room was her wardrobe. The girl had enough clothes to open a small shop. Dresses, shoes, A wall of...

1 year ago
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The Pet

The Pet         Good evening Sir’s and Ma’am’s. Please if you will allow me to share with you a story. A story that might, or might not be true. A story about a dominant couple somewhere in the southern United States named Master and Princess. Now they have a few slaves, and a pet. This story however deals with the pet. More specifically the creation of their pet. As with anything else, Princess and Master wanted a specific pet. Something that would be truly theirs. A human pet, a puppygirl....

4 years ago
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Teachers pet Part 2

This class was so fucking boring. I couldn't wait until the next period, Mr. Charlie's class. The dirty thought raced through my head and I got wet just thinking about it. Just a few more minutes of class. I sat at my desk and looked around the room,bored. I tried not to look at the clock because if i thought about the time then it would feel like forever. So I instead focused on my dirty thoughts, thinking about how my teacher had pounded me on his desk just last Friday. I looked up...

3 years ago
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Teachers Pet Part two

Hi awesome readers it's Beckyj1992 ^_^ thanks for the positive feedback on part 1 and I hope you all enjoy part two! Dinner is about as awkward as it can be as expected. Brett can feel her eyes on him....he is trying hard not to look at his student. Yes...his student that he was just fantasizing about as he made love to his wife. Wiping a bit of sweat off of his forehead " are you alright sweety?" Bella's beautiful voice bringing him back to reality he is about to give her a smile...

2 years ago
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Teachers Pet Part 1

There were only two more weeks left in the school year, and Mary was sitting at her desk reading a magazine as her students finished the exam. She was only two weeks away from finishing her first full year as a High School math teacher. All the students in her class were seniors, and many of them would be going off to college in a few months. It wasn’t that long ago that she had been in their shoes. Mary thought back to the first day she arrived on campus. She’d loved her time in college, and...

1 year ago
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Teachers Pet Part 3

It was funny being back in my old school, especially given that it was a Thursday evening. There was a dead feeling to the building, which wasn’t surprising as there were only twenty adults in the place, rather than 500 screaming kids. This was a school where I had only been a pupil, rather than a teacher. Things had been much simpler when I’d been a pupil. Life had been happy and carefree. I’d been lucky enough to have a great family and great friends surrounding me. And of course, I wouldn’t...

4 years ago
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Teachers Pet

  My women’s studies professor was a very popular teacher at my university. Emma Morgan was one of the younger professors and connected well with the students. I liked her classes because she was smart and engaged the students with interesting topics. I hated to miss her class, but I did one day when my car wouldn’t start. That brought me to her office for the first time. I went to apologize and see what I had missed. I knocked on her door. “Come in,” she said. I walked in and sat down facing...

2 years ago
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Teachers Pet Part 1

It was wrong. There were no two ways about it. As a trainee teacher, any digression was liable to impact my entire career. But I couldn’t help myself. He was just that gorgeous. He wanted me and I wanted him but I should never have told him that. Never admitted to thinking about him after seeing him in the boy’s locker room, naked. It hadn’t been a big deal at the time but I’d become obsessed. I’d frigged myself over his tight teenage body twice a day for weeks and every time had been like...

3 years ago
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Class Pet

Milford Boys Academy was not a typical private school. For one thing, it was incredibly isolated in a remote mountain region. Combined with its 5 year program, most students were enrolled for the duration and didn't leave school grounds in the entire curriculum period. The other thing which made the Academy different was the programs it offered; Milford Boys Academy was a School of Magic. Like most of the boys at the Academy, Brad had arrived after his powers manifested at age 16....

4 years ago
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Teachers Subterfuge Chapter 3

Eight o’clock couldn’t come soon enough for the three teachers, nor for the three college girls.Miss Logan knew that Emma would be arriving at her room any moment, as she sat on the bed in her nightdress knowing that she had on no knickers, and that as soon as Emma arrived, the nightdress would have to come off.Emma stood in the corridor outside the teacher's bedroom area and they all giggled as they knew that they were about to go in and spank once again their favourite teachers.Emma said,...

2 years ago
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Teachers Pet

Yes, okay, so I was Mrs. Miller's pet. Teachers pet. I liked her and we got along real well. And the past three years of high school i kept getting in her classes and for this final year I was her aide. It would be an easy A. Mrs. Miler was always nice to me and we talked alot. Nobody else liked her and she did not seem to like them either, but I did not care. Plus I getting all kinds of pussy from the girls, I mean tons of pussy. One of the girls I been working on invited me over to her...

2 years ago
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Daddys Little Pet part 1 Kitty edition

You wake up your very own cat bed, on the bedroom floor next to daddy's own double bed. You're naked, apart from your tagged little collar with your name tag on it, and you're wearing a decent size plug in your tight little ass.. A plug with a long, fur tail on it... You've been sleeping well. Having some wet dreams... The room is hot enough that you can sleep comfortably naked, just like daddy does on the bed. You can feel the sticky wetness on your fingers, and you know you've touched...

2 years ago
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Future pet wish

You take my phone turn it off and tell me to Strip naked and put my clothes in trash bag on floor You ask if all my toys are in bag I brought I reply yes sir You hand me a eye mask and tell me to put it on then you grab my head an pull it to your lap and say suck my cock good and while you are sucking my cock, I want you to take and finger your pussy and get yourself wet for me. I do what you ask and finger my pussy while sucking your cock naked and blindfolded I don’t know where you...

4 years ago
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The Pet

Alexis Ferguson stood from the leather chair in her office suite overlookingdowntown Manhattan and placed a few papers from her large mahogany desk inthe attaché case beside her. She smoothed her ruffled Chanel suit anddeparted, making her way through the labyrinth of offices on her floor to theelevator. As a founder and senior partner in one of the city's largest firmsthe occupants of the various offices cleared a path when she passed. Afterexiting the building on Park Avenue, Alexis nodded at...

1 year ago
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The Pink Pet 3 Day 1

The Pink Pet 3 Day 1? I woke up the next morning from the deepest slumber I have ever had. My entire body felt exhausted but well rested. I was warm and cozy and wrapped up in the softest warmest fuzziest blankets on this heavenly bed. I moaned softly to myself as I peeked an eye open to take in the room I was in and felt the memories of last night come rushing back to me. I took a soft breath as I opened my other eye and saw the incredibly beautiful room I was in. The daylight was...

2 years ago
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Sir and Pet break in their new home

My pet Rebekah is an internet cam model. She essentially makes money just by being gorgeous and having a great personality. At first I was hesitant to tons of men whacking off to her, but in the end I'm the one who shares a bed with her so I win. However, we do have some general rules. She only shows her pussy, cums, or goes to private with my permission. This limits how much she can actually make, but she finds teasing strangers hot and it keeps me from throwing a jealously temper-tantrum, so...


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