Night Before The Concert
- 2 years ago
- 33
- 0
It all started with free concert tickets. Josh’s sister and a friend of hers had managed to win four tickets and found two other friends to match the other tickets. All they needed was a ride, seeing as how none of them could drive yet, or at least they couldn’t drive with other people in the car without someone over 21 being with them. Thus, they turned to Josh, Megan’s 22-year-old older brother.
Being that all of the girls in the group were in the same after school activities, and family was often asked to come help with some of their events, they all knew Josh. In fact, he was rather popular with their group, always willing to help out, acting stupid from time to time to make them laugh, doing his best to cheer Megan and her friends up if something didn’t work out for their group and team things. It also helped that he was good looking, in an average Joe kind of way. He was 6’4 with a little extra around the middle, but not much. He had brown eyes like his sister and dark brown hair that he had grown out into a ponytail, one of the few odd things about him that by now no one really questioned. Sometimes the different girls in their full group would either convince him or have his sister convince him to let them play with his hair, so long as they didn’t take it too far.
Being the softy that he was for family and close friends, it didn’t take long for Josh to agree to take the girls to the concert. It was a Saturday concert deal and his college and work schedules didn’t include most Saturdays and Sundays. The concert was closer to his apartment than their parents’ place, and because the parents had all met either him or most of Josh and Megan’s family, they agreed to their 16- and 17-year-old children’s requests to stay over at Josh’s place the Friday night before, so long as Josh didn’t mind.
Again, being the big softy that he was, Josh agreed, knowing that he had enough couches and even a blowup mattress that would give all four girls a place to sleep.
So, when the weekend of the concert came, Josh found himself inviting four 16- and 17-year-old girls into his apartment. First, of course, was his sister, Megan. Some say that because of the long hair, the siblings looked a little bit alike. She had wavy hair down past her shoulders and dark brown eyes that were hidden behind glasses most of the time. Megan was a little on the chubby side, but far from being overly so. She had an average pair of breasts and a decent enough figure, too. The only reason she was single was because she was shy most of the time.
With Megan was her friend who helped her win the tickets, Jamie, who everyone just called Jazz. She was what most people described as a punk or goth-style person. She was shorter than Megan by about three inches and had short hair that she would often change the color of and would spike randomly every now and then. Tonight she was sporting light red hair with it down and naturally smooth and soft-looking. She also wore glasses, but she wore them all the time. Her clothing style was mostly tight jeans of varying shades and stripped or random design shirts with long sleeves underneath, and she would, every now and then, wear black, fingerless gloves.
Next to come over was Bridgette, who the girls would call Bridge for short. Bridge was taller than the other three girls going to the concert and was very skinny. She didn’t have the obviously well-developed body the average girl her age did, not that she hadn’t had guys ask her out yet—her personality did draw in enough guys in to see her natural cuteness. Bridge had long, straight, black-as-night hair that she often wore a soft hat or hoodie over.
Last to arrive was Rachel, who also had a nickname of Rainy, or Rain for short. Rain was about the most average looking girl of the group. She wasn’t the hottest girl in school, but she did have the cute bookworm look to her. Wavy, brown hair which was taken care of, average cute face, just an inch shorter than Megan, slightly larger than average 16-year-old breasts and a cute ass. Rain was the only one that would often wear skirts or dresses, which she wore and brought with her for the weekend.
By the time all of the girls were there, the mattress was blown up and off to the side for later, alongside the extra pillows, sheets and covers for when the girls decided to call it a night. Josh ordered pizza while the girls talked animatedly with each other while a movie played in the background, barely being watched. Josh would randomly throw his two cents in on their conversations, either being his opinion or making a joke that would often send the girls into a laughing fit. When he wasn’t talking with them, he tried to give them their space to enjoy their time together as friends, knowing how much this night would mean to them down the road in life.
When the pizza arrived and they all sat to eat, Josh made sure to sit with them in order to talk and plan for the next day. He was sitting next to Jazz and Megan with Bridge and Rain across from him.
‘Hey Josh,’ Rain started to ask, ‘Have you ever had this many girls over at your place like this?’
While it could be taken as an innocent enough question or be a jab at his love life, Jazz couldn’t help but have some fun with it before Josh could answer. She smirked as she nudged him with her elbow, saying, ‘Yeah, stud, how does it feel having all these teenage girls staying the night with ya? Huh-huh?’
Blushing a bit at the obvious implications, Josh shook his head and said, ‘Ha ha, girls, very funny.’ This got all of them giggling as they looked at his blush and each other. Something they all knew about each other was that most of them were either single or stayed single most of the time, especially Josh. Even though he was a good looking guy that was in college, he, like his younger sister, was rather shy and didn’t go out much. The few girlfriends he had had over the years Megan has either approved or disapproved of, and most of them were disapproved and watched very closely their whole time together.
And being the tight-knit group they were, most of their group, especially the four in the room, knew about the few girlfriends he had had. Thus, they were often among the many trying to encourage him or push him into going out and getting either a girlfriend or getting laid, which ever came first.
Before any more of the jokes they could think of came up, Josh decided to get some plans together. ‘Alright, we need to make sure we are ready for tomorrow. Because we will need to leave no later than ten tomorrow morning, let’s get most of the showers out of the way tonight. This way we will all have hot water. That being said, I will be one that gets a shower in the morning because you do not want to deal with me in the morning until I’ve done something to wake me up.’
Megan shook her head and said, ‘Oh, you girls do not want to see that. Just remember, do not talk to him until he’s either showered or had something like tea or coffee. You either won’t get a response or you’ll get a glare.’
Chuckling, Josh said, ‘You know me too well. Anyway, make sure you have all your stuff together before you get ready for bed tonight and make sure to throw away all your trash.’ Gathering his own trash as an example, he said, ‘Now, I’ll mostly just stay in my room, so if y’all need anything, just come knock. Sis, you good out here?’ At her nod, Josh stood up and threw his stuff away heading to his room.
All the way from standing up to closing his door, all four of the girls called out random thanks. Some were serious, others were joking or leading, the rest varied between the two. When they were alone, they turned back to each other and continued to talk about all kinds of things, and it wasn’t long before they came back to Megan’s big brother.
‘He’s so sweet, doing all this for us,’ Bridge said as they started to talk about Josh, knowing he wouldn’t hear them from his room.
Jazz nodded and said, ‘Yeah, he is. How big did your eyes have to get for him to give us a ride and let us stay here, Meg?’
‘It wasn’t that bad. I did have to beg a little bit,’ Megan said, using her finger and thumb to exaggerate the ‘little bit’ part, ‘But he didn’t mind, so long as he didn’t have work or plans. You know I tried harder to get him to try and ask a girl out to join us?’
‘Oh, yeah.’
Rain spoke up at that point, asking, ‘Well? What did she say?’
Throwing her arms up in a big shrug, Megan said, ‘He finally asked her, but she couldn’t make it. And the whole time before he asked her he would tell me that it was just one of those ‘friend zone’ things. Turns out he was right.’
‘Damn,’ Jazz said, Bridge and Rain nodding to her one word reaction, ‘So, please say he at least got laid before that happened?’
‘Being that I’m his sister and he doesn’t like to tell me,’ Megan said in a sarcastic tone, ‘No, he didn’t. I’m really tempted to make him an online dating ad and find him someone.’
‘It’s really weird,’ Bridge started, ‘I mean, he’s cute, and really sweet, too.’
‘Maybe we can find him a girl at the concert!’ Rain said, holding a finger up like the idea was an epiphany. ‘Do you know what kind of girl we can look for, Meg?’
Scoffing a bit, Megan said, ‘Yeah, girls like you guys to start with.’
There was a pause for only a couple of seconds. When the other three realized that Megan wasn’t going to explain what she meant, they asked her.
She merely shrugged before saying, ‘Well, I heard him talking to my mom last week saying that he’s more popular with our girls than he was with girls when he was in High school. So, I guess we could try and find someone that would fit in with us. I mean, he likes you girls enough.’
‘Really…’ Jazz trailed off.
Bridge, noticing her tone, asked Jazz, ‘What are you thinking?’
‘Me?’ When Bridge nodded, Jazz just said, ‘Well, if he likes us, why not us? Hell, I’d love to get with a guy like that.’
‘Yeah, I guess…’ Bridge trailed off, giving it some thought.
Megan looked between them, but didn’t say anything. This was her brother, but she did want him to enjoy himself sometime. She definitely wasn’t interested in her own brother, but maybe… Wait, what was she thinking? He was about 6 years older than all of them.
Rain found herself agreeing with her two friends, saying, ‘We did say he was good looking. And he’s been really nice and sweet by doing all of this just for us.’
Okay, she just had to say something now. ‘Guys!’ Megan said, getting all their attention, ‘You realize your talking about dating my older brother, right? My in-college, older brother?’
‘Right,’ Bridge said after she thought about it, ‘I guess the age difference and us being in high school would kinda put a damper on that…’
‘On dating it would,’ Jazz said, letting the thought hang in the air. It didn’t take any of them long to see what Jazz meant by that. And none of them said anything in protest against the idea.
Megan took the pause after Jazz said that to look at all of her friends. All of them had this look in their eyes and she could tell that they all were thinking about the idea of having sex with her brother. The funny thing was, while she didn’t have the same exact thought, she was thinking something similar. If they were interested and wanted to, then maybe…
‘Okay… If y’all really want to, then I need to know a few things,’ Megan said in a low and slow tone. When neither girl said they were or were not agreeing to anything, she took that as a sign that they were serious.
‘First, don’t expect anything serious. For now, its just this once until you talk to him about it. Any problems with that?’
No one spoke.
‘Second, if you even think you’ll get pregnant, don’t… you know, let him finish like that. None of us, not even Josh, needs that.’
By now everyone was blushing, even Megan. But she had at least one more thing she had to say before she let anything happen.
‘Last, do not let things be weird from now on. We can’t tell anyone about this and if you think you’ll act any different around him or each other afterwards, then don’t do it. Okay?’
Finally a reaction. All three girls nodded their heads. Looking at each other, they all knew that the others wanted the same thing. And no one was speaking out against it for any reason.
‘Al-‘ Megan swallowed to keep her throat from being any more dry, ‘Alright, I’ll go tell him to come out here with y’all. I’ll just… stay in his bedroom tonight, and be out of the way. If anything happens, it’ll be up to y’all, okay?’
Again, another nod. Megan merely nodded herself and got up to go to Josh’s room. Before she left them completely, she heard her best friends all say thanks in some quiet way.
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I’m John and I’m 25 brown hair and eyes. One Saturday night I had a big concert to go to. It was the Uproar Tour with Avenged sevenfold and many other bands. The concert was at a huge stadium that filled roughly 40,000 people. As the main stage bands were about to begin, I started to feel the need to go to the bathroom. But I wasn’t desperate as of yet. I never seen Avenged Sevenfold who was headlining the show. So I held out as long as I possibly could. But as I was enjoying the show, I did...
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The wife and I got tickets to see Hinder in concert. She wore a very short low cut dress with nothing underneath. During the opening band we found an empty area in the upper balcony. I sat in the middle of the section and she went down on her knees and started sucking me. Shortly after she started a stranger sat down next to me and just watched at first. After about a minute he took his cock out and started masturbating.The wife seeing this, reached over and offered a helping hand. After...
My boyfriend and I are going to a concert in North Carolina; it's about a three hour drive. It's the middle of summer so it will be a hot day and night. I start getting ready by trying on different clothes to wear. I finally decide on a denim mini skirt with a black top that says "stay dirty my friends on the front" I love this shirt, it fits me perfectly and I don't need to wear a bra with my small breasts, which I hate wearing bras anyway. I slip my black lace bikini panties on then my...
Imagine the setting : an outdoor amphitheater on a beautiful summer night in Virginia. On the stage, one of my favorite local bands. Hundreds of fans sang and danced along, pressed together in the park like so many cattle. It was chaos, and we all loved it. Packed in among the crowd, my friend Wes and I paid no attention to the thromg of people surrounding us. The concert was our first night out together in a long tme, the pressures of work and family having kept us from having any quality...
At this point it should be obvious that Gail, my former mother in law (step-mother in law), have had kind of a "friends with benefits" type thing going on. Gail had won some tickets on the radio to see an older, classic rock band. I can't remeber who it was, it was a band that had 1 or 2 songs I liked but certainly not a band I'd go out of my way to see. But I also never say no to free concert tickets if I can make it work. I went to Gail's condo a couple hours before the show so that we could...
We walked into the kitchen of my house at just after four thirty and saw my mother talking to Jill McLelland. She turned to me and smiled. "So has my studly son had a good afternoon?" "A fucking good afternoon," said Vikki laughing, "if you get my drift. Especially an episode in the taxi on the way to the beach." Suddenly she turned to our neighbour. "Oooh, excuse me I hope I didn't offend you." My mother laughed. "Offend Jill? You have got to be kidding. After what her son did...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestMother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
My college roommates managed to drag me away from studying finals to see a band playing in the city. I wasn’t enthused as the only breaks I took during studying were spent eating, using the bathroom, or masturbating, all of which took less than 15 minutes.Worse even, my friends didn’t tell me anything about the band, not even the genre. I later learned this was because it was my least favorite type of music: punk rock.See, I grew up as a country boy and hardly listened to anything besides...
Gay MaleVictor and I have always enjoyed rock concerts, specially outside in an open space; but sometimes I hate to be pushed amongst the crowd, as always been…When we were engaged, my loving boyfriend invited me to listen his favorite band. The concert was for free, so there was many, many people. The yard was close to a river and there was a nice wood at one side.The show started by night time; Victor and I were surrounded by the whole crowd and it was almost impossible to move an inch.It was summer...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
They walked into the dorm room. The florescent lights above them gave off a harsh light but the room was cozy nonetheless. It was quiet, no one else was there. She sat down on the futon as he mumbled something about changing clothes. He grabbed them and hurried quickly into the small bathroom. The door shielded him. She relaxed a bit knowing that for a few minutes they could avoid the tension of seeing each other. Inside, he tried to change his clothes quickly, something he had never been good...
The Senior Center Concert It was hot. It was always hot in those places. They had the air conditioning on, but because old people are always cold, it wasn’t set low enough. It felt like it was set at about eighty five. I was sweating as I set up my stand, and unpacked my bari sax. I fingered a few notes without playing, just to be certain all the keys were still functioning properly. They weren’t. There was a broken spring on the B flat side key. Great, I thought. That’s just ducky. I didn’t...
He barely got a word out before I stuffed his cock into my mouth. I spit, slurped and slobbered all over it, pulling it out of my mouth occasionally just to look at it in awe before hurriedly stuffing it back into my mouth. I’d never in my life enjoyed sucking a cock this much, but I guess I’d never had this much cock to suck before. Honestly I was somewhere between ecstatic and overwhelmed, with just a hint of in-over-my-head. Despite all this, I was determined to give it my all. I sucked that...
Great concert. My boyfriend had taken me out for drinks before this show at a medium sized place with a stage and large dance floor. In the back of the room where booths and tables. We had a table, but when the band started we got up to the "mosh pit". I felt very happy after all the drinks. We danced and had a blast. The floor got more and more people on it. I bumped into a lot of people while dancing. A couple of times I felt someone grope my ass, I guess that it was the alcohol, because I...
My friend and I had bought tickets to see an 80's hair band, and on the day fo the concert, her k** came down with a stomach bug, and she had to bail. I decided to go by myself. I showed up for the opening act and was a bit disappointed at where the seats were. I was first level, last row, second seat from the end! Half way through the first set, the people in the seats beside mine arrived. They were all women, early twenties, hot, and the one that sat beside me was wearing tight white spandex...
"Sweat dripping over my body! Dancing getting just a little naughty! Let's get dirrty!!!" It blared over the stadium loudspeakers. Enticing the crowd to move their asses and get down and dirty. This song was Christina Aguilera's new anthem, her official transformation from "the genie in a bottle" to this sexual beast. This was my first Christina concert but I had admired her music for quite some time, I always thought she had one of the most beautiful voices ever and decided I wanted to...
He barely got a word out before I stuffed his cock into my mouth. I spit, slurped and slobbered all over it, pulling it out of my mouth occasionally just to look at it in awe before hurriedly stuffing it back into my mouth. I'd never in my life enjoyed sucking a cock this much, but I guess I'd never had this much cock to suck before. Honestly I was somewhere between ecstatic and overwhelmed, with just a hint of in-over-my-head. Despite all this, I was determined to give it my all. I sucked that...