Vegas Ch. 07 free porn video

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Although the central theme of the publication is poker, I have constructed the story so that it also works for those who have no interest in that subject and who wish to skip those sections. But as it is the central tenet, you may feel you lose the whole ambience of the story.

A number of the situations have been inspired by some of the small band of authors whose work I immensely admire. I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story, in tribute to them. Without their inspiration, this story would not have been told.


Lauren had spent the evening and then the night with her employer and Ming, at Kay’s stunning home. The three women had eaten late, enjoyed a Jacuzzi, drank a large amount of wine, snorted a good quantity of coke and Lauren had the most incredible sex she had ever experienced. These two women did things to her and each other that she had only heard about and she had lost count of the number of orgasms she had experienced in the last twelve hours.

And the remarkable thing was that when Kay drove her into the agency the next morning for the final day of shooting, her arousal levels remained just as high. Before they had left the house, her raven haired employer had administered some more coke to Lauren, and then she and Ming had separately made love to the blonde woman. But neither would allow her to reach orgasm, and she had needed that so very badly.

Kay explained that it would keep her fresh for today’s shoot, but the reality was that she was still feeling woozy from the drinks and the drugs and made worse, she felt, by her acute sexual state. She needed to cum and if the truth be known, she needed a man, too. But even when she had begged, neither woman had taken her over the edge. Nor would they allow her to bring herself relief, making sure that one or the other was constantly by her side until they had left on the journey.

The good news, as far as Lauren was concerned, was that Jimmy was modelling with her again today. In the throes of making love last night, Kay had explained how big Jimmy was in ‘that department’ and built up his sexual prowess to a point where Lauren’s mouth had actually started to water. If everything that Kay had told her was true, then Jimmy was quite a stud.

On their journey to the studio, Kay explained a couple of differences about today’s shoot. She said that whilst it would essentially involve Jimmy and Lauren, Ming might be required for some shots later in the day. And she told her that the publisher’s were so pleased with what they had seen so far that they had asked for a promotional video that they could use to promote the magazine.

When Lauren asked what that involved, Kay said it was all straightforward enough. They had hired someone to video certain parts of the proceedings, but that from Lauren’s perspective she should just regard the day as another photo shoot. She would not notice the video camera at all, and if she did, she should just disregard it. It would not get in the way, she said, but the good news was that it would double Lauren’s money.

When they arrived, both Kay and Ming joined her in the dressing room. The morning would consist entirely of topless shots, Kay explained. Lauren was not too sure about that, not with Jimmy there. But both women had laughed at her and told Lauren that he had appeared with literally hundreds of topless models in his career and took such things in his stride. She had no need to worry, they told her.

But it was not only that point that was on Lauren’s mind. Instead, she remembered Jimmy telling her how hot she looked and it was down to her that he was sporting an impressive erection. If he was such a stud, and she had given him an erection when dressed in a bikini, goodness knows how he would feel when he saw her topless. She smiled inwardly and her arousal increased. She might be able to have a little fun today.

The two women made a point of helping Lauren undress, making sure that their hands heightened her sexual state as they did. As she looked at herself in the mirror, dressed only in a thong, she felt an enormous buzz. Ming came up behind her and slid her slim hands around the blonde’s aroused breasts, fondling them in front of the mirror so that Lauren could watch her sensual pleasuring.

Ming’s tongue added to the eroticism of the picture by slowly licking along Lauren’s neck, both their pairs of eyes tracing the movements in the mirror. As Lauren moaned, in the corner of the mirror she saw Kay approach them. She was holding out some more coke and Lauren watched transfixed as the hand in the mirror approached her mouth. She saw it gently ease two fingers inside between her reflected lips, and felt the delicious sensation as Kay slowly rubbed it across her gums.

‘This will help, sweetie,’ she purred. ‘Now it’s time to go out there and give your best performance. Forget the video camera and focus on what Dan tells you.’

She hesitatingly entered the studio, although the buzz from the drinks and drugs had removed any shyness. And her sexual arousal led to her hoping that she and Jimmy would be working closely together. But Dan told her the first shots would just be of her and he took some real tasteful photos, all the time telling her how classy she looked. He insisted she completely ignore the young man with the video camera and after a short while, that was exactly what she was able to do.

After an hour or so they took a short break and then Dan invited Jimmy onto the set. He was wearing a tiny pair of briefs that left absolutely nothing to the imagination and Lauren’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. He seemed to be semi erect already and as Dan directed him to walk over to the bed beside Lauren, the blonde woman felt an overwhelming desire to reach out and stroke him there and then.

Dan placed her on the bed with her legs slightly parted, her knees bent half way and her toes pointed forward. He told her to arch her back and point her breasts towards the ceiling. She was to throw her head back and look at the camera and as she did, he snapped away. Then he told her to arch her back even more and show him her sexiest look.

‘Make it look like you want to be fucked, baby,’ he instructed.

Lauren laughed inside as she thought that would not be too hard to pull off. She did as directed and moved to various positions under Dan’s instructions. Dan then brought Jimmy into the scene, asking him to sit behind her as he had her kneel forward on the bed.

Jimmy complied but as they held the pose, Lauren felt his tongue snake out and lick along the side of her neck. Her already erect nipples hardened further and she hoped Jimmy had not heard the low moan she emitted. When they finished the shot, she turned to her co-model, eyes flashing but a smile on her face.

‘Fucking hell, Jimmy,’ she whispered.

He raised an eyebrow and nodded to her breasts.

‘Fucking hell, Lauren,’ he mimicked but with a smile. ‘I’ve seen thousands of breasts, baby, but none as appealing as those.’

She blushed slightly but beamed back at him, her arousal level increasing further.

The morning continued on a similar theme. Dan introduced more and more erotic poses. Jimmy was asked to continually touch Lauren as he posed, nothing overt but touching all the same. And Jimmy continued to take more and more liberties when Dan was otherwise occupied, on occasions touching her intimately and constantly whispering to her, telling her how hot she looked.

In some ways she was pleased when Dan called a break. They had been shooting for a long time and Lauren’s libido was at a dangerous level. If she had stayed there much longer, listening to Jimmy’s constant whispering, feeling his hands or fingers running across her body at every opportunity, feeling him rub his hardened erection against her, she may just have grabbed him and fucked him whilst they lay on that big


After his session with Katherine, Daniel was grateful that for the second successive night Grace had appeared to have no interest in sex. In fact, she appeared to have no interest in anything he had to say and had barely spoken to him on their journey back to the hotel. He put it down to the pressures of performing and the early morning finishes and after attempting to draw her out, he had simply given her the space she appeared to need.

He had fallen into a deep sleep on their return, worn down by the late nights, the long stretches of concentration required during his Omaha performance, and the immense physical exertions of his time with Katherine. Not to mention the mental strain that accompanied his cheating on Grace. Nevertheless for some reason he felt nicely refreshed when he awoke and after showering and dressing quietly so as not to disturb Grace, he headed for breakfast, leaving her to a well-deserved and apparently much needed lie in.

Daniel’s Omaha experience had taught him the importance of sustenance prior to the event, so that food became one less consideration whilst he was playing. He sat by himself in the Treasure Island restaurant and ordered what he saw as a good, healthy breakfast – waffles and fruit. The restaurant appeared particularly busy as Daniel drained his first glass of orange juice, immediately requesting a second from the full of life ‘server’ who had greeted him so enthusiastically.

It did not take long to devour his breakfast and he left a sizeable tip, in the superstitious hope that it might bring him good fortune in the battles that lay ahead that day. He ambled out of the hotel and onto the Strip, ignoring the shuttle bus and slowly beginning the half an hour or so walk to the Rio.

As he worked his way through the tourists and past Caesar’s Palace and the Bellagio, he found himself reflecting on his Omaha achievements. The ridiculous thought that he actually might be heading towards his destiny flashed through his mind. But as he approached his destination, the enormity of his revised expectations hit him and his mood gradually began to alter. Self doubt began to creep in and the sheer size of the event seemed to weigh him down.

As he entered the Rio and saw all the other players milling around, the scale of the challenge ahead became apparent. A major aspect of the appeal of this event was that it was open to all-comers, anyone who had a spare $10,000, or the ability to win through via a satellite, as Daniel had. It was a lottery, with so many taking part, he thought, and to think of doing well was ridiculous. But surely he could at least outlast many of the other hopefuls?

He began to make his way to his table. He had no idea know how many tables there were in total, but there were a hell of a lot more than for his Omaha experience. He quickly estimated that there looked to be upwards of eighty or so. The fact that he was now beginning to grasp the magnitude of the event did not help his nervous excitement and he even began to believe that his Omaha achievement was solely down to luck and that he was completely out of his depth.

Negative thoughts were appearing that had no place, he thought, and took three long, deep breaths set him back on track again. Survive the first day, he told himself. That was all he needed to do. Survive.

It was then he found himself being greeted by Norman Chad, his new television-friend courtesy of his Omaha Hi-Lo performance. After a brief chat, they shot a television piece where Daniel made a point of playing down his chances, citing his simple ambition as being to survive the first day.

That interview seemed to arouse some interest amongst some nearby competitors, who wandered over to exchange a few words. Unfortunately, Daniel quickly realised that any claim to fame he was feeling was quickly impacted by questions such as ‘What have you won,’ and even better, ‘Who are you?’

Nevertheless, it did no harm to his ego and also helped to kill a little time whilst the room surprisingly quickly began to fill up with people and with noise.

Daniel had been assigned to table 45 in a main hall that seemed broadly the size of the new Wembley stadium to him. He found the table and stood silently, gazing around him. For a few minutes he was lost in the moment, wondering who would be the first player to join him, if it would be anyone he recognised, or if he would be there long enough to see anyone famous, any of his poker heroes.

He remembered reading the magazine that featured Chris Moneymaker during an interval in his qualifying satellite. It had said that before he had commenced his journey to poker stardom that year, he had rubbed along the green baize for good luck. Well, Daniel thought to himself as he stood there, if that small superstitious gesture was good enough for Moneymaker, it was good enough for him.

He leant over the table and mimicked Moneymaker’s motion. Standing back up, he then ran his strong hands down his black Practically Poker long sleeved shirt, feeling the embossed name woven into the front pocket. He gently inhaled and exhaled several times, attempting to calm the nerves that had suddenly appeared as a result ofg thinking about the 2003 champion.

As he did so, he glanced up and saw an older man beaming at him. He wore a broad, warm and friendly smile that seemed genuine enough and his loud Hawaiian shirt combined with a pair of shorts seemed almost mandatory for many of the competitors here. He was an imposing figure, pretty much bald, large and with a warm demeanour. He came over, extending an arm to shake Daniel’s strong hand.

‘Saw you on television,’ he said in a voice oozing friendliness and comfort. ‘Quite a performance and quite a story.’

‘Thank you,’ Daniel politely replied, briefly rubbing his temple.

At that moment of recognition, his five minutes of fame seemed worthwhile after all. But in a second that brief moment of optimism was well and truly sunk.

‘It’ll make it harder for you to do well in this event,’ the man said, smiling again.

When Daniel’s eyes narrowed as he momentarily appeared puzzled, the man continued, ‘More of a target.’

‘Oh,’ Daniel less than enthusiastically retorted. That thought had not occurred to him. ‘You’ll be looking to take advantage then?’ he somewhat lamely added.

‘No, not me,’ the man said, his smile never leaving his worn face. ‘Hell, I don’t play. But I’m out here every year to observe. Just love the atmosphere and the stories.’ He laughed and his large body shook, as he then added, ‘Mostly bad beat stories, of course.’

Daniel smiled back and nodded, slowly adding, ‘Yeah, I wonder what mine will be?’

‘Tell you what,’ the man said after a moment’s pause during which he peered intently in to Daniel’s bright eyes. ‘I brought you this.’

Daniel looked down and saw the man’s large extended hand holding a small crystal.

‘The last person that I took to so quickly, and gave one of these to, was Chris Moneymaker.’ He winked at Daniel. ‘That was just before the final table. And he didn’t do too badly, did he?’

‘Thank you,’ Daniel said, his dark eyes smiling.

That was two references to Moneymaker in the last couple of minutes. An omen? He realised that his fragile confidence index that had been bouncing from very low to high and back again, had now returned into the positive sector.

‘Some people rest them on their cards, others stroke them when they need some luck,’ the man explained. ‘This particular one,’ he added, nodding down at the crystal in Daniel’s large hand, ‘Needs stroking. Believe me, it’ll bring you strength and perseverance and luck.’

‘Thank you so much,’ Daniel said again, with a genuine warmth in his voice. He appreciated the gesture and the trouble the guy had taken.

He worked the crystal with both hands, running his fingers along the surface, already liking the encouraging feelings it gave him. He listened as the m
an talked about the power of his crystals, and of the strength Daniel would be able to gain from the positive energy it would create.

‘When I saw you interviewed on television, I sought you out especially to give you this,’ he said, winking again.

Then he looked around before warmly shaking Daniel’s firm hand, and then nodded to the growing numbers in the room.

‘Better let you get on with it,’ he said. ‘Good luck.’

‘I really appreciate it,’ Daniel quickly stammered as the man turned to walk away. ‘Both the good wishes and the crystal. Thanks very much.’

The man turned back to look at Daniel for a moment. As he did so, he accidentally brushed against a guy to his right who was dressed as if he’d been up all night.

‘You’re welcome, young fella. And don’t forget, it helps you draw positive energy. Very powerful. Use it when you need it.’

He winked again and began to thread his way through the crowded room back to the spectator’s area. Daniel realised that with this turn of events, his confidence index had edged a few extra degrees higher.


Grace had devilishly decided that today she would go commando style. She pulled on a tight t-shirt over her naked breasts and could not help but grin when she imagined the look on Joshua or Samuel’s face when she revealed herself. She was just at the point of leaving the hotel to begin her journey to the club, when she received Joshua’s telephone call.

‘Congratulations, baby’ his deep voice boomed.

‘Congratulations? Why?’ her uncertain voice asked.

‘You wanted to become an Angel?’

Her heart leapt into her mouth as she heard him say the words and her lips instantly dried as she took in his meaning.

‘Yes,’ she breathlessly responded, her deep eyes staring blankly at the far wall of the room. She paused for a brief moment, and then throatily asked, ‘Now?’

She could almost hear Joshua’s smile as he spoke.

‘Now! Your car is waiting outside the hotel. Then hurry back to the club,’ he said. ‘I want to see them. And see you, baby. I’ll be waiting.’

It took the car thirty minutes to reach the tattoo parlour. Grace had lost track of the direction in which they were travelling some time ago and had no idea where they were. All she knew was that they eventually stopped outside a tattoo parlour and she was about to officially become one of the select group known as ‘Samuels’ Angels’!

Nevertheless, the fact she was unaware of her location, and walking unaccompanied into the building, meant that she entered with some trepidation. It was not the most salubrious of places and as she pushed open a door that seemed destined to come off its hinges before too long, a bearded giant of a man looked up from behind a counter. She walked quietly across the bare, wooden floorboards towards him.

‘Er… I’ve come from…’ she began to stammer.

The man grinned at her, his smile belying his grizzly features.

‘You must be Grace,’ his deep voice boomed. ‘I’ve heard all about you.’

Then he grinned again. But Grace was determined not to be overawed by this giant of a man.

‘Oh, yes?’ she responded, her head held high. ‘And what exactly have you heard?’

The bearded giant appraised her for a moment, before answering. His dull eyes never left hers.

‘Well, Missy. First of all, I’ve heard that you’re gonna be a big star. Then I heard that you were a stunning looking woman.’ He hesitated for a second, before adding, ‘And I can see that’s true.’

Grace’s painted eyelids fluttered slightly at the compliment, but she chose not to respond. She wanted this man to understand that she was no pushover.

‘They didn’t tell me that you had spunk, though, Missy. And I can see that you have.’

His eyes softened as he said this and Grace felt a slight blush appear.

‘Oh, yes. And they told me you’re the next Angel,’ he finally added. ‘That’s quite an honour. But it seems to me they made a good decision.’

The redness in Grace’s cheeks increased in intensity at this last remark and this time she did thank him.

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"It's awlful warm today." Lee hoisted her hair from under the shirt collar and let it fall in a heavy waterfall of curls. She hated getting dressed when she was sticky hot. "Yeah. Too warm," Jay glanced to the hog hanging from the tree. "Babe, we've got two choices, or three." He shrugged, "We can call it over, and take our piglet friend here home." Jay shifted trying to find a more comfortable place to lay his arm. "Go get a shit load of ice and another cooler." He smiled at...

2 years ago
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Angel Ch 04

After dinner we all sat in the living room having what my mother liked to call cocktails. Really it was wine, beer and for my father, vodka and tonic. We were situated around the room comfortably, my mom and dad on the loveseat, my brother Brian, Diane and then Josh on the couch. Josh’s wife, Emily, was sitting in the overstuffed leather chair (on account of her bulging stomach) and Johanna and I were sitting on the floor against the fireplace, directly across from the sofa. Everyone seemed to...

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A Little Fijian Gang Bang Chap 2

Dave -The next morning I again woke just after 6 am and strolled down to the beach, along to the end and up around the golf course. On the way back to the unit I stopped and had some breakfast. Cath arrived not long after I sat down; she collected some food for herself and came over and sat with me.“Alright if I sit with you?” she asked.“No problems. You are up early, I thought I was the only silly bugger who gets up early on holiday.”“Oh I like to sleep in, but if I have things on my mind, I...

Group Sex
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 636


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Mama Bear Date CrashingChapter 3

“That was some breakfast, wasn’t it, Callie? Like Mom’s cooking?” I challenged my date from last night, who might not have worked out in the sense of a girlfriend, but who had turned into a serious booty call and a half overnight. “Mom ... yeah, your cooking rocks as always!” Callie agreed, now growing used to calling Mom by that title ... Mom seemed to love being called that by her, too “Got that right ... just what we need to fill up the tank for some more hot and sweaty sex. Mom’s always...

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Ms No Dr Bobby Johnson

It was much like the tricycle in Laugh In, a decidedly non-spectacular accident but enough to break my right leg below the knee. Oh, the acute pain was long since over with, but then, weeks later, I'd been reduced to the chronic malaise of boredom. The doctors--the "orthopods" -- had done a magnificent job of patching me, but it required a couple of operations and a long-leg cast only a little lighter than the Staten Island Ferry. I was mostly confined to a lumpy day bed that'd been set up...

4 years ago
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Finding her place with The Guys

*This story is not mine. it was written by Foxilexi in the old Chyoo site and since no one bothered to transfer it over so far, i decided to take the initiative and do so. I am also doing a cleanup on typos and such while at it. all credit should go to the original writers of the story and the chapters. The original intro is messed up so i largely removed it and just moved to the character introduction instead. Should the original owner feel the need to take over or ask me to remove the story...

3 years ago
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 56

"Shannon, what are you doing?" Savannah demanded, standing in the hall behind us. Shannon's head came up off my chest, and she turned toward her Sister in a more determined way than I had seen before. "It's all right, Savannah. He will take us with him and will marry both of us," she told her Sister. Savannah gasped in surprise. "Really? Both of us? Are you sure?" she asked in a doubtful voice. "I told Shannon that I would marry both of you. I will be glad to have both of you as...

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WITH THE MOTHER OF MY GIRLWe went to Madrid to a trade fair at Ifema and then dinner with my brother-in-law in Foster. We accompanied a couple that she was my girlfriend University classmate, ultimately left me alone with my mother-in-law.Thank you all for your comments and for reading my stories. I tell you a special session that my mother and I, had in Madrid, on the floor of my brother-in-law, left us alone.It was Friday, in the morning we took the car, my mother-in-law, my girlfriend and I,...

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A box of lust

Everything began with an e-mail: "I got to ask you for a BIG favor, please me call me as soon as you can, love you Willy". It came from my dear friend Charlie, we had known each other since we were 13 or 14 years old, we met at a summer camp and were became really good friends from the beginning due to all of our similarities, even tough I am from Naas (Ireland) and she's from Elgin (Scotland) and we grew "geographically apart", it was like if we grew together since we used to write to each...

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Weekend With A Young Indian Sex Stories Reader

Hello, friends this Sharik from Delhi once again with his 8-inch dick came here to tell you about the recent incident in which I fucked a hot Indian Sex Stories dot net reader. Hangout me or mail me at I got so many appreciations by likes and hangout message for my last sex story. I also got a message from a girl named April (named changed for obvious reasons) she told that she really liked my sex story and I made her too wet and she is currently living in Delhi. So, friends, this was an...

1 year ago
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Off Season

Southwestern Florida is hot in July.  It's very hot.  But for peace and quiet, there wouldn't be many places like it.  Destiny was looking forward to some time alone at her parent's summer place in an upscale mobile home community.  At thirty-five, she was starting to appreciate the finer things and needed a break from the hustle and bustle of the rat race up north. She is very much a loner, but by choice, an independent professional who finds personal relationships somewhat draining and...

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Charlie WorkAthens

"You should know better, Charlie. We keep it on the level." "You didn't have me make the three hour drive here, pay for my hotel, and pay for my dinner just so we could catch up." Tiffany took a sip from her wine glass and brushed her jet-black locks out of her eyes. Her emerald eyes glowed like the edge of a knife. The candles lighting the Italian restaurant were barely enough to light each booth, but it worked well in giving each patron a sense of privacy. She scooted around...

1 year ago
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Analized Layla Price Wants Her Ass Destroyed

Bubble butt blonde Layla Price loves to have people look at her big natural tits and shapely ass. She is a horny slut who loves to be used. Anything she can do to draw attention to her body in hopes that someone will be willing to whip out their cock and shove it into her holes. Today, Layla Price wants the roughest and most hardcore sex she can get. She teases with her body before being manhandled and fucked like a cheap whore. Layla uses her tongue to rim the ass of her man. Her asshole is...

3 years ago
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Booster Club Slut in Action Part Two

This story could possibly be read as a stand-alone story, but it will be much more enjoyable if you first read "Booster Club Slut in the Making - Part One", which will give you the details of our situation and provide a context for this part.  However, the next three paragraphs should give you at least a cursory idea of what has happened in Part One.Part One Recap:My name is Jennifer, and my husband Ed and I moved back to my home town of Marietta, Georgia when I was forty years old and Ed was...

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All Because Of My Sister

Hello to all and I’m came through this site while searching some stories but after seeing this and I really became fan of this site and everyday I read at least one story nut now what am going to type is not a story it was happen in my life. My sister is the reason and I will come into story. I have nice attractive body I can say that any male will get attract by my figure and this happen in 1998 when I was just in teen of age and I was doing my high school studies. I’m from Bangalore stay in...

1 year ago
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Uncles Favorite Niece ch01

Note : This story is completely fictional! Special thanks to my wonderful master, Lover< and Editor for all the work and support you have given me SEVERUSMAX My name is Grant. I am the eldest of 3 kids, with myself being the only son. My sisters are Megan and Peggy. All three of us were a year apart each. Megan was the middle child, and Peggy was the "baby" of the family. I was happy when my sister, Megan, had a little girl, which she named Gracy. Our parents, on the other hand, weren't too...

4 years ago
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Wife Trains Me Bi

Up until about 2 years ago I had never entertained the thought of being with another man; but after my wife, Kat, and I had joined a swingers website and had a few experiences with other couples I found myself watching her sucking on and riding another guy's cock and wishing I could do the same. I had told Kat about these fantasies and she had loved them, partly because it gave her reason to use her strap-on with me on the basis that she was 'preparing' me for the real thing.Over the following...

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You cant always get what you want Part 1

Cole and I had been friends for quite some time now. We worked at rival tattoo shops in New York and my boss and best friend, Sasha, always warned me about him. She was always telling me how troublesome he was and how whoreish he was with the women. Did I care? No. It only intrigued me more. I was a rebellious person, I wanted what I wasn't allowed to have and that was Cole. Problem was? He was in and out of relationships like I changed my undies. It seemed like he had a new girl on his arm...

3 years ago
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Gal watching mom getting fucked

I’m 19 years old boy from a small family. Mom dad and myself. I was studying for my examinations when this incident was happen. My dad is an engineer and was working at abroad and coming only once in two years. He is having medium size body and in his mid 50s. But mother, Sulochana is just 42 and still having very lusty figure. She is very fair in color and a typical Indian lady with plump body. Her gorgeous figure was around 40/34/44. And her butt was the sexiest assert she had. It was so soft...

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Some fucking little things about me

Let me fucking talk a little bit about me:I am a young stud thinking about fuck all the time. I live among very beautiful hot fucking women, so I am surronded by them all day fucking long. I am good looking and I usually get a lot of attention from females. I keep getting approached by all kinds of women just for satifying each other`s fuck needs, like I am some kind of fem fuck toy, a fucking living vibrator. I sometimes feel like fucking hate women for that, they don`t think I fucking can do...

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Mom thank you

My mom and I live together in upper Westchester, New York. My name is John and this is my story.A few years ago, my dad was killed in an automobile accident. It was then that mom decided to move to northern Westchester. She bought a nice, old colonial house that was set in from the road and private, The house had an inground pool and a hot tub.Mom worked from home and I attended the local high school and would be graduating in a couple of months.I had made several friends, including my girl...

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Earths CoreChapter 36 The Hurdle Of The Second Savage Cave

Those who succumbed to savagery were ample in number as usual; poor soul who will either perish in the first Savage Cave or by stroke of luck will regain their sanity. The former was more probable. The Blood Red Grapes’s groves were occupied as expected. Zax did not care much about their occupants, but neither he disturbed them when he passed through some for an invigorating unripe Blood Red Grape, which he developed a taste to during the old days... ‘The gravitational force’. Zax noted...

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Accidental AttractionChapter 9

Eleanor went home that evening thoroughly pleased with the day's work. Before, she had failed to come to grips with the realities of the problem but Reg had pointed her in the right direction. She was much clearer on what she needed the computer to work out for her and she could tweak the displays later. She was very grateful to Reg but what he had come up with reinforced her opinion that he had a good if not very good brain. "It's just his wretched dyslexia that's holding him down,"...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes April Aniston 02052019

Whenever you swing by Prince Yashua’s crib, it’s always poppin’! Most of the time Prince is entertaining white girls who are there to party and get pounded, but today he’s having a serious talk with a dude calling himself Pressure. You see, Pressure wants “in the game”. Pressure wants to be Prince’s protege, and this is something Prince doesn’t take lightly. Prince doesn’t fuck around with just any dude…but he sees good things with...

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The Ordeal of Emilia Clarke Ch5

His heart pounded as his hands slipped around Emilia Clarke's little tummy. "Emilia? Sweety?" asked Jack, quietly. His hands roamed all over his step-daughter's stomach, gently massaging her soft skin. "Honey?" said Jack, louder this time. He gave Emilia Clarke a little pinch, then another. Satisfied that his step-daughter was out cold, he slid his palm under her panties and felt her mound in his hand. Jack squished his step-daughter's soft flesh. He leaned closer, breathing down...

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Journey of A Life Time

Hello everyone, I am Kiran and a big fan of ISS and am a regular reader. This is my first post, hope you will like it. Please mail your opinion to So here it goes… Billy watched the train coast into the station. Glancing down at his watch, he saw that it was already four o’clock in the afternoon. He had been waiting for the train almost an hour. The smell of diesel and hot metal washed over him as the train slowly inched down the track. Looking down the line of dirty silver cars, he saw a very...

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Sperm Cum Semen Why do I love It that much

Hey guys, I have a request today. Maybe you can tell me the answer to my question:What are the secret ingredients in a man's semen that make me love cum so much?First of all, I love the salty and nutty taste.I also like the strong masculine smell of fresh semen.I think the warm feeling when it splatters on the skin is indescribably beautiful.I also find sperm has a funny texture and I like to play with it. Between my fingers or in my mouth before I swallow it and I especially like to rub it on...

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Guess Who Came to Visit

Concentration is an act of will power, an act of mind over matter, an act of focusing on something to the exclusion of all else. Deep in her subconscious Eve knows this, but all the concentration in the world is not helping her. Line after line, page after page, she scans the computer script before her until it is just a blur. Her concentration is gone and the job seems insurmountable. The problem seemed simple enough on the surface. Someone had lost a decimal point in the program, just a...

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The CavemanChapter 62

Hugo and George—we get to first-name terms pretty quickly once George starts suspending his disbelief—spend half the night talking. At one point I ask George if he needs to call somebody, but he’s a bachelor with nobody at home expecting him. Ultimately, after he downs a second and then a third drink, I make up the guest bedroom for him, I don’t want him on the road. Mostly I just sit around listening. A lot of what Hugo is saying I’ve heard before, but not all of it—he’d never told me the...

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First Time

I never thought I would tell this story. I was so ashamed of this incident for years. I didn't want to believe how pleasurable, naughty and sinful it was and I longed for more for I thought of myself as fully heterosexual. This should certainly repulse me but, I found myself fantasizing about it till this day. I had had thought about females with females. Most men do like watching two lesbians make out and fantasize about joinig in with them. When I was in my teens and very horny, the...

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The Adventurers ClubChapter 14

Even with the anticipation and apprehension Laura still fell asleep within minutes. But she had dreams. Not nightmares as people usually think of them. Well, maybe for most people they would have been nightmares. She found herself in a medieval castle courtyard, naked and bound between two posts. While a group of handsome knights and beautiful ladies watched she was whipped and then left for the group to use to amuse themselves. When Kelly woke her at eleven thirty, she found she was soaked...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 12 Deeper and Deeper

After having salvaged a young woman’s life and my immortal soul, I proceeded to sell out the latter anyway. I took my relationship with Stacy hardcore. I turned her from the playful nudist she’d become into a slamming body of sex. Her programming was set for her to respond instantly to my suggestions or commands. So harder, faster Stacy were the new magic words. I didn’t plan it that way but it must have surely seemed that way to her. I came home exhausted from all of the precise measuring...

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Crying shame

I was so upset when my granny passed away that I cried for nearly a week and even had to take a few days off work because of my grief. I still miss her today and would much rather she was still with us even though she was so generous to me in her will. It transpired that my grandparents were very astute and although they lived very modestly, they quietly built a substantial fortune amounting to nearly one million pounds sterling. My mother and uncle were the main beneficiaries but when...

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