- 2 years ago
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Chapter 4: Mrs. P
Walter, our van driver and general handyman looked puzzled when I said I would ride along to the flower wholesaler. Priscilla had not arrived so I left her a note to explain that we would be back soon.
I told Walter that I had not had time to prepare a list of what we needed. I had not slept well and had trouble concentrating.
‘You don’t look so good Kid,’ Walter said. ‘What happened?’
I did not want to talk about my misfortune of getting slung from the bosom of a female. ‘I got beat up for telling the truth,’ I said jokingly.
By the time we got back to the shop Wendy had called twice to check on my condition. Priscilla was dumbfounded by Wendy’s line of questioning. She eyed me with suspicion, I could tell the questions had made her curious.
I went into the house to call Wendy, wanting to forestall further conversations about me. ‘I’m fine,’ I said. ‘Now stop talking to Pris. about it.’
‘Cotton, I’m so relieved. I feel badly about what happened. What can I do to make it up to you?’
‘Humm…’ I answered. ‘I’ll think of something.’
‘You’re Frisky,’ She giggled. ‘Did Ellen really say that? The timing seems so, well, inappropriate.’
‘About being prepared?’ I had a feeling that was what she was referring to.
‘Yes,’ she said, in the raspy high pitched voice that drove me crazy.
‘I know what you mean about timing. It took me by surprise. I was shocked to hear her bringing it up at this point. We had spent the afternoon going over the steps in detail and the subject of protection had not come up. I was pissed!’
There were sounds coming from the other end of the line that I could not place. It could be the from the phone cord rubbing against something, I thought. Then it came to me. Wendy was making a soft noise at the base of her throat.
‘Ah, Cotton?’ She said hesitantly. ‘Were you pissed last night?’
‘What do you think?’ I joked. I considered telling her about the date I had missed with Sandy. I wondered what I had really missed.
‘Did you stay pissed at Ellen?’
‘Oh my No! She was just stalling. That’s what she told me later. She handed me a condom and told me to put it on. She was stalling because she needed some time to recover. That’s all. The being prepared part was just her fulfilling her role as teacher. I bought condoms the next day. Ellen told me about a guy she knew who carried one in his sock so that is what I’ve always done.’
‘Which sock?’ She said with enough rasp to make her sound sexy.
‘Why don’t you try to find out some time?’
‘Are you really okay, Cotton?’
‘Sure,’ I said. ‘That’s not the first time I’ve taken a knock on the head while trying to get laid.’
I should have kept my mouth shut. I knew what was coming.
‘Tell me,’ she said.
It was Saturday morning, our busiest day of the week. I was needed to help take phone orders and to answer questions to customers. Walter and Pris would be swamped and mistakes would be made. Chaos would rein!
I extended the telephone cord out as far as it would reach, stretched out on the couch and considered how to begin. I would have to be careful. Mrs. P was well known in the town. She may have even been a client at the law firm where Wendy worked. I had always referred to her as Mrs. P but even that could be dangerous. Recklessly, I began.
Mrs. P called one night and wanted our display picked up. Marcie spoke to her at length. She first suggested that Walter could go first thing in the morning. There was chatter from the other end. Then Marcie said we could get by without it until the weekend. More chatter. Marcie yielded, saying she would send me.
‘I’m sorry, Cotton, you’ll have to go. She doesn’t want us coming tomorrow for some reason. It’s just the display, Walter picked up everything else this afternoon. She wouldn’t let him bring the display because she wanted her kids to see it when they got home from school. Now she wants it out of her house.’ Marcie was holding back but I knew by her tone that she did not like kowtowing to this women.
It was the 11th of April. I later recorded it in my journal because it was the first time Marcie had called me by the nick name Ellen had given me and it was the first time I was permitted to drive the van alone. These events were minor compared to the real reason the journal entry was made.
‘Cotton,’ Marcie called to me as I was leaving, ‘be polite but don’t let her give you any Shit!’ That would also go in the journal, I thought.
Mrs. P had held a women’s gathering at her home that day and we had handled the floral arrangement. We had delivered the various pedestals, vases and baskets early that morning. There were enough pieces to fill the entire down stairs, including a giant center piece for the dining room table.
Once everything was inside Marcie sent Walter back to the shop and me to school. She would remain to set everything up and arrange the flowers.
I was glad to be excused because there had been some discussion between Mrs. P and Marcie concerning the placement of the items we had brought. I overheard Mrs. P complain that one of the baskets we had brought did not match the others. As I went out the door I heard Marcie say that basket was slated to go in front of the fire place.
‘The display is to go there.’ Mrs. P said with a tone of finality. I nearly went back to remove the odd basket but thought better of it.
The ‘display’ was one of a kind. Marcie had designed it and a blacksmith had fabricated it for her. It was made of wrought iron and had been painted white. It stood over four feet high and barely fit in the van. A large number of cut flowers could be placed in the slots in the circular top and the spokes that extended from the center. It was in demand. We got wedding jobs because we were the only company with such a lavish piece. It only weighed about forty pounds but was awkward to handle.
It was a short distance to Mrs. P’s home. I backed into the drive and opened the van’s back door. The house was dark except for a light at the back of the house. We had entered through the front door that morning but I headed toward the light. Just as I approached the back door the light went out. I recognized Mrs.P. She motioned me in silently. It was a short wave of the hand, a commanding beckon
I followed her along a porch which spanned the back of the house. We entered the kitchen which was also dark except for a lighted clock on the stove. I noted it was 9:36 p. m. She made a sharp turn and headed down a hallway. I recognized the passage and knew where we were heading but would not been able to navigate through the maze on my own.
A street lamp in front of the house gave off just enough light for me to make out the shape of the display in front of the fireplace.
‘My children are asleep upstairs so you must do this quietly,’ she whispered.
I shrugged, wondering if she wanted me to take off my shoes or something. When I bent to get a good hold on the display I heard a hiss.
‘Don’t take it without removing the flowers, those are long stemmed roses.’
I knew what they were, Marcie had inserted three dozen yellow roses in the slots. They peaked out around a bow made of wide yellow ribbon. Naturally Mrs. P. wanted to save the roses.
She disappeared for a minute then re-emerged, bringing with her a basket to hold the roses. I untied the bow and proceeded to remove the prized flowers.
Mrs. P walked backwards in order to guide me down the hall towards the kitchen. She warned me at the most, three times to be careful. As we navigated the turn at the kitchen, I saw the time on the stove clock. It was 11 minutes to ten. I wanted to ask why even one light hadn’t been turned on.
I repeated the phrase, ‘The customer is always right!’ silently to myself.
We moved along the porch. I was b
reathing easier as the path was wider and the door was only a few feet away. Mrs. P stopped in her tracks causing me to bump into her. It was pitch black and I had not anticipated the stop.
‘Cotton? That is your name isn’t it?’ she whispered as she turned towards me. Her hairline seemed to be about even with my chin. I could just make out the whites of her eyes.
I realized she could not see my nod, ‘yes, it’s my nickname.’
‘Cotton, would you do something for me?’
I bent down so the display would not make any noise when it met the floor, ‘Sure.’
‘I need a roast from the freezer and I can’t reach it, would you?’
We had just passed the freezer. I had not noticed it on the way by. I followed her until we banged in to a large box with a lid that she lifted.
‘It’s there on the left,’ she said, holding the lid open and pointing inside. I moved around her and leaned into the cold steam that was rising through the dark opening. If there was something down there I would have to find it by feel. Why doesn’t she turn on the lights, I thought.
I leaned over the side and reached out as far as I could. Other than cold air I felt nothing.
‘It’s farther down,’ I heard her whisper.
I reached out with my right hand and felt a package.
‘That’s not it. You need to go lower, more to the left.’
My feet left the floor and my weight shifted until my hand touched the bottom. I thought my hand would attach itself to the cold steel. I supported my weight with one hand while I felt around with the other. Something moved and made a rolling sound.
‘That’s it,’ she said. I wondered how she knew. Did she have an ear for the roll? Had she practiced rolling her roast around the bottom of the freezer so she could recognize its roll? I also wondered how I would be able to get the frozen roast and myself out of the dark cavern.
I grabbed the bundle with one hand and pushed with the other. With a swinging motion I moved my legs in a propelling motion with the hopes that my feet could reach the floor.
Just as my shoulders approached the surface where warm air meets cold Mrs. P dropped the lid. It glanced off of the back of my head and I felt it hit my rump which must have been at the highest above the side of the case. It made a thud as it bounced, coming to rest on my bottom. I had lost the roast and was suspended, arms waving, trapped by the weight of the lid.
Mrs. P became a bundle of terror. From the depths of the freezer I could hear her. She stammered, wheezed, coughed and made choking sounds. I remained trapped by the heavy lid.
‘Don’t bother with the roast,’ she coached as she freed me by raising the lid.
I was determined to bring up the prize. I felt around for football sized package. I felt the frost soaked paper wrap that held the roast. Like a quarterback, I grabbed the ball in both hands and tucked it under my left arm. With an exaggerated move, I flipped myself over the side and fumbled the ball. The package sprayed from my grasp and hit the floor rolling. The lid slammed down, echoing the sound the dropped package had made. Unruffled by the noises we had made, Mrs. P grasp me with both hands and pulled me to her.
Her body was pinned between me and the freezer, arms wrapped around me tightly with my nose in her hair. My legs felt wobbly and feared that I would collapse. I placed my hands on each side of her and clutched the top of the box to brace myself against sliding down. Our bodies were pressed together, and I felt her warm thighs touch mine. She made halted gasping sounds and her body shook.
Mrs. P placed her hands on mine, pressing them down slowly without any effort at all. She propelled herself upward, and our bodies never lost contact as she did so. Sitting perched at the edge of the lid, her bare legs were folded at the knee and her feet pressed to the side of the case. Her thighs supported my arms as her her hands found the back of my head. Gingerly, Mrs. P patted it as if checking for blood, or a raised spot, she found neither. Sobs were beginning to escape from her lips.
My face was pressed to her bosom with her chin resting on my head. She cradled it in her arms.
We moved in a gentle rocking motion for what seemed like minutes.
I brazenly took advantage of her concern by accenting the movement with an open mouth, trying to make contact with her right breast. I moved my lips over the part that was peeking out above the open neck of her dress and I was almost certain that my chest was rubbing against her panties as we rocked. Her hands moved on my back and clutched my shoulder blades tightly. Her butt seemed to move even closer and I could smell her musky scent of arousal. Mrs. P suddenly clamped her legs together against my rib cage.
She lifted her chin from my head and placed her hands on my shoulders. I held my breath, certain it was ending. A sudden jerk on my jacket made me drop my arms and the jacket dropped to the floor. I tilted my head but could not see a thing, nothing! Then I felt her lips on mine. Her mouth was open and the kiss was as equally crushing as was our embrace.
The position I was in was uncomfortable. I found myself having to stand on my tiptoes in an effort to even our height. The women must have sensed my discomfort and took corrective action. She leaned to her right and I followed. Our mouths were joined together on the same level but we could not hold that position for long.
Leaning farther to the right, she took me with her. I placed my right knee and my left hand on the box and boosted myself to a position above her. We only lost contact for a second. I placed my left hand under the back of her head as we slid backward onto the flat surface. My right leg found its way to between hers, while my knee was making rhythmic contact with her pussy.
Our tongues frolicked in unison, her arms moved over my back and my right hand replaced my knee between her thighs. Her mouth became unlatched from mine when my finger made contact with her panties but only for a second. The panties were soaked, and her lips bounced back with renewed pressure as one of my fingers stretched the leg-band wide and inserted it into her. Mrs. P arched as I moved my finger in and out.
I moved my hand to the waistband and tugged. Her butt lifted up from the box and I pulled at the waist band with only one hand, but it was no use.
She broke our kiss and pushed me to the side. With another butt lift her hands moved the panties down and her left leg came up to free itself, leaving them to dangle around her right ankle. I used the few precious seconds that I had to unbutton my jeans and push them down.
Mrs P pulled me to her. There was no need for conversation. She was the trainer and I was her pet elephant. The women tapped my left thigh until I was on my knees between her legs. As I pushed my shorts down I felt her hands there too, helping me!
Her small hand found my cock and squeezed it gently. She tugged and I moved forward too fast, stabbing at the wrong spot. ‘No,’ she said with impatience, ‘Higher.’ She guided me to her pussy entrance and rubbed the head up and down against it. I let her have her way with me and hoped that I would not waste the seed that was boiling within me. I pushed into her moist pussy but stalled like a revving engine in neutral with a slipping clutch.
Grunting, Mrs. P bucked causing her legs to fold at her waist and her butt to rise up off the surface. Like an automatic transmission that shifts from first to second, we were fully joined. Soon we were in the highest gear and it was ecstasy.
She squirmed under me. I feared that she would move us too near the edge. Her arms were no longer around me. Mrs. P’s hands were firmly planted on each side of the enamel box with her legs drawn up to her side. This combination allowed her to buck and push back hard with my every lunge.
I tried to kiss her but I was unable to catch h
er head which was turning from side to side to my lunge cadence. I stopped abruptly.
Her head stopped moving, and she dug her heels into my hips as if to give me a kick start. I tried to kiss her but she still resisted.
‘Fuck me!’ she hissed. ‘Hard!’
That was all I needed to hear, it was an acknowledgment that we were actually doing what I thought we were doing. I banged away with renewed energy. I felt her cunt walls tighten around my cock. Her legs were now locked around my waist, she was letting me do the work. Her fists hammered my back. Her slender body was awash with sweat. We were both panting and I knew I could not keep that pace for long.
I slowed down a little. Mrs. P’s hands moved to my head and drew it down. She whispered in my ear. ‘Just a little more,’ she coaxed, and I felt her pussy walls grip my cock then loosen, grip and loosen again.
‘I’m so close, please! Give me one more,’ she moaned.
That’s what I needed to hear, I slammed into her and she folded her legs back again to give me a straighter shot. I placed my hands under her ass to hold her in that position an inch above the surface.
‘Like that!’ her voice was a faint whimper, ‘Yes, like that, please, oh please, I’m.. that’s it! Yesssss.’
I believe we said ‘Yesssss,’ in unison. My balls rocked from the blast followed by another blast.
I collapsed, her legs straightened and I no longer felt her hands on my head. We were both out of breath and neither of us could speak. The afterglow was exhilarating. My prick lay on the enamel surface of the freezer.
‘Get up, get off of me,’ she said, tapping my side. Like a trained animal, I responded.
I slid off the freezer and touched the floor. Mrs. P was stirring behind me, and when I turned to help her down, I and realized that my jeans were around my ankles.
‘Get dressed and go home,’ she ordered as she pushed my extended hand away and hopped to the floor.
My jacket was at my feet. I picked it up and found the display, then inched toward the back door. The telephone began to ring.
‘What’s this about you needing an aspirin?’ Marcie asked as I came in. She stood at the far end of the house at her bedroom door, dressed only in a long night gown. Her hair was in rollers and there was white cream on her face. Marcie did not move my way, for which I was glad.
‘Huh?’ I was in a daze. ‘What was she saying?’ I thought to myself.
‘Did you bump your head? How did that happen?’ She stood there, waiting for my answer.
‘I was getting a piece of meat,’ I answered.
Marcie gave me one of her ‘I-am-so-angry-at-you’ looks as she slammed her bedroom door.
Thinking of what I had just said struck me as funny. Then looking down I burst into laughter upon seeing that I had put my jacket on inside out.
‘Did you leave something out?’ Wendy brought me out of my meditative state. This was the first time she had interrupted the account, I had forgotten that she was in my audience.
‘Leave something out?’ I needed clarification.
‘Like protection?’
‘You’re good! You’ll make a good trial lawyer,’ I said.
I didn’t have one. I had thrown on a jacket and grabbed the keys to the van. The need for having a condom in my sock had not entered my mind.
‘I guess you could say I was unprepared,’ I answered.
Mrs. P came on Saturday morning to settle her account. There was a discussion about the invoice and she wanted something taken off because one of the baskets did not match the others. Marcie argued that it had been worked out satisfactorily. ‘Had her affair not been a success?’ Five percent was mentioned. One percent was offered. They settled on a three percent reduction of the bill and a single white carnation which Mrs. P pressed against her breast like a trophy.
Marcie frowned at me as if to say ‘shue! Why are you hanging around?’
Mrs. P stepped toward me and inquired about my head wound, noticing the bump on my head now. Her concern was genuine although her voice was more dramatic than I thought necessary. Her patter continued on through the door and I followed because it seemed expected and also because I wanted to. As the door closed behind us she turned to peer back at me. There was an almost pleading expression on her lips.
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My wife and I live in a small town where I had worked my way up over the years to become the manager of my local office. About a month ago, I got notified that I was in line for a promotion but it would involve my wife and me relocating to a larger town halfway across the country. My pay would increase by almost 30%, my wife was tickled at the thought of extra cash but was reluctant to leave her many friends. We talked it out and agreed that I should take the job, as a teacher she could always...
This is Rehan working as a software professional in Bangalore. I am narrating an encounter with Tanya whom I met through a common friend. One evening, I was having snacks at the stall outside the office. My friend came along with a hot girl Tanya who happened to be part of his previous project. Tanys was a pretty smart Bengali girl and introduced her self. Since I relocated to Bangalore from Mumbai, she was very curious to know how much I missed the social life in Mumbai. We had a few chit...
"We aren't done," I panted. "Oh no. We definitely aren't done yet," Maggie said as she finished wiping my cum off her face with her veil. I had just unloaded and epic amount of cum, and I couldn't get my mind around how I was supposed to make it all happen again? My legs were shaking, adrenaline was high, my breathing wouldn't settle down. In the meantime, Maggie has disappeared back to the bathroom. She returned with a warm washcloth and had gently gone about dabbing my balls with warmth. So...
Wife LoversCourse 8 / Day 48: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: My aim with Fifty was that on her return she should be reintegrated into the course as quickly as possible. There are still eight days before she completes the course and the time needs to be used effectively to minimise any detrimental impact of the "rendition" fiasco as far as possible. Anyway it is time for her to try to put what she has learned into practice in a more integrated way. Jenny's Recollections It's...
Ed Biggers returns to Arizona where he becomes the head of the Carter Clan. ... to explore the tension between generations. A conflict exists between learning from one’s elders and learning from self-discovery. On one hand, the elderly have so much experience, that learning from them would help the young avoid many of the same mistakes. On the other hand, the world changes from generation to generation so much, that many of the lessons of the elderly will no longer apply. Too often,...
The best way to start a swinger experience with people is playing swinger card games. We had some friends over on Monday and we have never played around with them before, but we started playing cards and one thing lead to another! It started by my wife showing her tits,then him sucking his wife's toes,then me showing my cock to my friends wife in the other room,then my wife taking her shirt off and sucking him,then me and the other girl watching. It finally turned into a real sex party with...
Story till now: In the year 2099 the metropolis of Climax City has become one of the most violent and corrupt cities in the world, were the super rich and super poor live mere miles from each other, but are in entirely different worlds. Tommy Gunn, a 19 year old bully, is returning home after a long day fucking someone else’s girlfriend and witnesses an unusual event. Two young woman fighting and fucking each other on a train in an abandoned part of the city, who are each coached by two older...
Several months passed; Mae and I were together generally a few times a week. I didn’t know if my wife knew anything or nothing about her mother and I coupling, but our home life was comfortable and she seemed not to find it a problem that I now never tried to force sex upon her. She either had her own supply or just didn’t want it anymore (unlike our courtship year when we managed a record five in one day one time, but often daily or twice daily for weeks and months: not anymore). Mae’s...
"Is Rapemeat crying again?" you ask. "Yes, master." Alice answers. "What do you suggest then?" you say, grabbing one of her tits. You sit in your garden, naked in your comfortable chair next to a table, right in front of your mansion. You are the only person out there. Right next to you is Alice, a blonde gorgeous 19 y.o female of 1,75 height and a big c-cup cleavage. Like all other objects in your mansion, she does not wear clothes inside your property. Unlike most of the other slaves, she is...
BDSMI was staring at the blank page on my computer trying to decide what to write, I wasn't sure what Faye would tell Paige, but I knew that she needed the time away from home. Just a few hours ago we had talked about what her next step would be, that was right before I went out into the back yard and gave my kid sister her first orgasm as my Mom looked on. As far down the rabbit hole I was, I knew that I had to keep my head above water with Faye. She still had no idea that the camera...
I knew I had a long hard day ahead of me and another overnight stay in a lonely hotel! At 10.30am I was in a rather long and tedious meeting, that finished at 3.30pm earlier than I expected so having a little time on my hands I decided to brows my favourite site xhamster. I was looking through the dating section to see if anything took my fancy and almost immediately I noticed what looked like Inspector Morse's old Jaguar pasted as someone's avatar, I guessed that someone mad enough to do that...
Laura and I have been fuck buddies for just a couple of months when she mentioned that she wanted to try 2 guys at once and asked if I would help set it up and I quickly agreed. I had called my friend Eric and it took a bit of begging and a deal on my part which will be discussed in a future story he agreed. Eric was not into the big girls like I was and Laura was big. Laura was 5.1 about 270 with 42DD tits, Blonde hair and green eyes. We all than met in her basement on a Saturday night and...
Taylor Swift couldn't wait for the party. Dan Dymtrow had told her that an executive producer of Weinstein Company was holding a New Year’s party and needed someone for the main event of the night. Dan had mentioned her and she got the job. She would finally get a chance to display her singing talents and hopefully get a contract. Dan would pick her up in two hours. Even though she had already shaved her legs and under her arms, she decided it wouldn't hurt to go over them again. While she...
I really tought i had found the perfect summer jobdriving cars around this hotel parking , washing them and bringing cars to guess was such a cool jobi would always remember when my boss presented me to Peterthe bmw m3 he was driving was so cool and he wanted me to be working at his bbq this coming weekendwashing and parking cars at his private club up norththe money was good and i acceptedi knock at his door on the friday evening like requestedhis house was huge and nicethe door opened and...
Tiny Asian babe Avery Black is all ready to head off to college, but when she finds out her tuition check bounced, she realizes she needs to go all out for her education. She needs to get a rich guy to pay for her college classes, so she heads over to our stud’s place to earn herself a free ride. She gobbles his cock, gagging loudly as his dick pokes the back of her throat. Then, she spreads her legs wide and begs for more as he plunges his boner deep inside her cute Asian cunt. Avery gets a...
xmoviesforyouIt all started during Desert Storm in Kuwait, I was I was wounded when the vehicle I was riding in took an RPG hit, My crew and I took minor damage, nothing serious I had a broken wrist the some cuts and bruising, we were evacuated to a field hospital for treatment. I was met at the facility by a young medic who was to be my attendant during my treatment, Her name was Harmony, she stood about 68 or 69 inches tall, had nice brown hair and hazel eyes, and a sweet smile that could melt the...
The next day I left clutching Sharri’s arm and tapping in front of me with my white stick. If I wasn’t so terrified of stumbling or tripping I would have laughed at the image it conjured in my mind. Settling into Sharri’s flat was a bit awkward. She had cleared the furniture to the edges of the room as much as possible so that I wouldn’t trip on things and set me up with the bedroom nearest the bathroom. I had to take a couple of practice runs at finding the loo on my own, that sort of...
This happened few years back. He was our Hindi teacher. He was very rude but was teaching well. He always beats up those who are do not study well and makes fun of them also. He lived in my friend’s village once I visited my friend’s home for attending his grandma’s funeral. As usual, body was kept for visitors till late evening and around 8, the body was burnt and I headed back to our village by bidding good bye to my friend. On the way I saw my Hindi teacher laying in the bus shelter…talking...
Ok so, ohhhh yesss meeting that Handsome, Hot guy, was awesome!!! we have so many encounters in so many different places, to mention some of them, in his house: at the kitchen, the living room, his room most of the times, in my house: my room and wow once on the couch of my living room, mmm mmmm, in his car, on the hood of his car and well we had to park in different places too so we wouldn't get caught, all of our adventures were always so hot and all of them bareback. so having his load...
A Lesson from Mom What could be worse than to be 18 and have your mother catch youfucking your boyfriend? Nothing, right? Wrong. Mom came home early one afternoon, earlier than I'dexpected. She caught us, alright, but she caught my cousin, Ann, too.We were in bed together, with my boyfriend. Ann was kneeling, asscurved high over drawn up knees, face buried in my thrusting crotch.My naked thighs covered her ears. Jim had just come in Ann's sweet pussy when Mom walked into theroom. The...
You lay back on your bed, helpless. Your wrists tied together with a stocking, and you find yourself blindfolded by a pair of your thin tights. You had no idea what I was going to do to you, but the excitement was overwhelming. You tried to relax, but you didnt know where the next touch was coming from, your nerves where tingling, your senses playing tricks on you like never before. I looked down at you on the bed, looking amazing. That stunning figure, helpless, I could do what ever I desired...
FetishHi all. My Name is Sandeep I’m 28 year old with fair complexion smart boy from chandigarh still unmarried, main ek pharma co main kam karta hun. Mere pass ek computer opreter ki jagha khali thi. Ek din boss ne ek larka bheja bola ki yeh tumhari sath kam karega us ka Naam Gupt rakhta hun kyo ki abhi bhi wo mere saath kam karta hai aur yeh storyia bhi partha hai darsal mujhe partiyan dena ka bhuat shonk hai main roz roz kisi na kisi ke sath shaam ko pine baith jata hun dhere dhere us ke sath meri...
A mother's intrusion on her son's privacy happens once too often By Oediplex 8==3~ {Adult literature. The author neither advocates nor encourages any illegal or harmful activities which may damage oneself or another; either physically or emotionally or in any other way. If you find sexual fantasies offensive, you are free not to continue reading this story. This story is based on real people, real situations and real desires.} [I have always found the scene in “American Taboo”,...
(Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! Contains firstly oral, then later oral, straight, and anal. Mike’s Tale Mike and Amy at the Villa Mimosa I’m writing this some time after the event. Lena wanted to collect all these pieces together so she could remember the past when she was older. She added to them all the...
Penny stretched looking round at the last few items resting against the far wall. Yvette smiled at the exaggerated sigh Penny gave. It was not obvious at a glance that the pair were sisters, they had very different appearances. Penny was the oldest at twenty two. She was short, a couple of inches under average height. She had short, stylish black hair and dark eyes. Her figure matched her size in that it was small, but not too small. Her breasts were not tiny, instead they matched her...
“Mendor”, Zax called out. He waited for almost thirty minutes, after leaving the registration office, for all the mercenaries and villagers to enter the city. “Mm? What’s wrong?” Mendor saw the bothered look on Zax’s face. “Where are we going?” Zax asked in turn. “Well, I need to lead the villagers to the law enforcement station to hand over the bandits and my men need to carry the alligator’s parts to the Business Centre of the city.” “I’ll go with you and explain on the way.” Time in...
“Well I’m free this weekend, so we’ll see how it goes!” she replied, “In the meantime, I really must do something about that rigid cock of yours!” She pushed me flat on my back and straddled my hips before lowering herself down onto my cock – impaling herself upon it, and then raising her hips up and down to slowly slide it in and out of her slurping cunt! ** On the third day of me painting Paula’s rooms, she said she wanted to talk to me about...
Follow the tasty ginger goddess Katy Kiss into her private quarters as she begins to take a hot and steamy bubble bath. Her fiery orange pubic hairs against soft white bubbles is a beautiful sight. She started to play with herself in the water, and even got a friend to help her too for the double the pleasure. She returned the favor by sucking down his thick cock until her pulsating pussy was ready to be railed. That cunt was so good that her boys load was spread all over it, making for one...
xmoviesforyouMitchell’s Creek, Sunny Corner, New South Wales, Australia:3 We went regularly. The upper Turon River, McKinnon’s Reef, Napoleon Reef, Williwa Creek, Scott Creek ... there are thousands of places. If research showed old timers working gold ... we went there. Jim finally thought I might be trustworthy. He didn’t know I never get lost. After he realized I was a hobbyist, too ... that and my Ute. It was one of those rare visits at my place, I had laundry going, dishes soaking, cleaning off...
Guys, the story goes out to all those teenagers who have just entered into their life of Puberty, where every second, every minute and every single hour u only dream about Sex and nothing else. Me being no different. Myself, Akshay want to share my true story of having sex with my not so favourite chemistry teacher in the school. It happened in the year 1996 when i was in eighth grade. I have known my Chemistry teacher Mrs.Smita from grade 5. She was a chubby lady with heavy breasts which went...
Movement from the bed to the blind was a blissful blur. I was looking at the morning sky our driver introduced himself,"I am John Deer Antler.". His native features were framed by his long black braids. I rested against Ben on our way into the blind to help me regain strength for the rest of the day. When we arrived at the cabin Ben and John hauled our equipment and supplies into the building. The two of them were talking in the back of the cabin as I settled into one of the chairs and...
i want to tell you that i have started modeling. A lot of people thought i had the right figure… i have slender curves with 34dd firm boobs and nice long legs. i am also very fair, and i get a lot of proposals from men which i love…my husband and me as i said are now separated because we got married by being pressurized by family. He loved another girl, but i believe its not his fault. We are friends and we live live our life according to our own wishes.Well, at one photo shoot i was told to...
"Ladies, is this some kind of sick joke? Oh shit." Jake had woken up to find himself tied spread-eagled on his bed in his dorm room. It was Spring Break, his roommate was gone, campus was empty…which might be a very good thing or a very BAD thing. He licked his lips as his girlfriend Lana and his girlfriend's best friend, Jessica, loomed over him. "Why am I naked? Lana?" He looked up at his girlfriend. She was gorgeous, a tall, pale-skinned brunette with impressively-sized breasts....