A Knock On The Door: A M.I.L.F. Tale free porn video

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There was a knock on the door.

It was too early for Claire to be home and even if it was her, it was unlike her to forget her key. So even though she had no idea who it could be, Lori was more than a little surprised to see a good-looking young man at the door. He was about Claire's age, 19 or 20 and looked familiar, but more important than that, he looked upset.

"Um, can I help you?" Lori said as she opened the door. He looked over his shoulder, almost paranoid.

"Hi, Miss Reynolds. I don't know if you remember me, I cleaned your gutters last fall. Andy, Andy Parks." he introduced himself.

"Of course. Andy" She was being polite, as she had no clear recollection of him. "What can I do for you?"

"This is going to sound weird, but can I hang out on your back porch for a while?" he asked

"Pardon?" she said, confused.

"Well, there is a group of guys trying to beat me up, and I need a place to hide," he explained.

She didn't see anyone else around, but rather than risk him getting beaten up, she invited him inside. "Come inside, what is this all about?"

Andy stepped inside and as the door close she could see him visibly relax a bit. Not fully, the guy was a wound up coil, but he wasn't as tightly wound once he was inside. "Put down your bag a second, and explain this to me."

"A bunch of guys at the gym are trying to beat me up, and I need a place to hide for a few hours. I'll leave you be, I've got a book to read and everything," he explained.

Lori was confused. "Why don't you just call the cops?"

"I dunno, that seems a bit extreme," he said

"More extreme than wanting to hang out in a stranger's backyard?" she inquired.

"I guess not. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking, I shouldn't have bothered you. I just remembered this place as I was passing and thought Claire might be home." He began to pick up his bag as if to leave.

Lori stopped him "You know Claire?"

"Of course. We went to school together till last June. I did that science project with her back in grade ten? We ruined your kitchen table."

"Oh god, the volcano! Andy, I didn't recognize you at all" He had changed a lot since grade ten. He was a good-looking man now.

"Come, sit. Tell me what is going on"

They moved to the living room, she sat him beside him on the couch.

"It's a long story, but basically a whole bunch of guys want to kick the crap out of me, and a couple of them know where I work and where I live, so I need a place they don't know about till they give up and go home," he told her.

"Why? What could you have possibly done to make them want to hurt you?" she asked.

"Its kind of embarrassing, one of their girlfriends broke up with them and they are blaming me."

"But why? What did you do?" She pressed.

"Nothing I swear." and he meant it. "It's just that Gary's girlfriend got nasty and compared him to me, and then her friend confirmed it and then other girls were asking. which upset their boyfriends."

"Whoa, there partner. Let's back up a step, confirmed what exactly?" She asked, already lost in his explanation.

"Ummm..." he stalled.


"That's kinda the embarrassing bit," he admitted.

"Andy, I have raised a c***d, which I had, on my own, at 16. I have heard, seen or experienced everything. I'll bet you anything, whatever it is, I've already dealt with it a dozen times in my life." she assured him.

He pondered for a moment, clearly reluctant to share the details. "Okay, but I'm only saying this cause you asked, not cause I'm bragging about anything."

"Sure" Lori had no idea what he was talking about, but if that disclaimer made him feel better, so be it.

"I have a large..." He looked down, unable to make eye contact with her. "a large penis."

Lori's eyebrows shot up, caught off guard. "Let me get this straight, There are a bunch of guys, trying to beat you up because their girlfriends said you have a large penis?"

"Pretty much." He confirmed, still unable to make eye contact with her.

Lori let out a long breath. "Okay, that's a new one. I'll give you that."

"The girlfriend was real nasty, saying they were all boys with uh, small penises and she was going to find herself a real man. With a, umm bigger penis, and things escalated quickly from there." he continued.

She eyed him warily. His story was ridiculous, but to the point that she couldn't actually imagine he would make such a thing up.

"Is it cool if I hang out here for a few hours?" he asked.

She considered how to handle this situation for a moment, then she had a wicked thought. "Well that was quite the tale there buster, but I'm not buying it."

"Well I kinda cleaned up the language a bit," he said, sheepishly.

She laughed "I kinda figured, I'll tell you what, if you can prove your story is true, you can stay in here and watch TV with me."

Andy was confused. Being able to stay inside would be great, he wasn't exactly dressed to be outside for an extended period. And hanging out with Claire's sexy mom would be amazing, but how could he prove it?

"I suppose we could call one of the girls, I mean Claire might know a couple of them."

"Andy, sweetie, you're overthinking it. Just give me a quick peek and we're good."

"A quick peek?" he asked

"Yeah, just a for a second, so I know you're telling the truth," he told him.

Andy was confused.

"So what do you say?" She asked.

"I'm not entirely sure what you mean ma'am."

Lori laughed. She forgot how awkward young men could be. Clearly, she was going to have to take control. "Your dick Andy. I need to see your dick."

Andy had fantasized about this sort of thing. The day he cleaned the gutters, Lori had been wearing a sundress when a gust of wind exposed her panties for just a second. That had led to several masturbatory sessions thinking of her. In fact, this conversation was already good for several more. The idea of actually showing her his penis though...

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," he told her.

"Andy, I'm going to level with you. I don't have a lot of time to waste on this. I'm an unmarried woman who lives with her daughter. I can't have a man I don't trust, hanging around my house." She gave him an ultimatum. "You can show me your dick, prove your story is for real. Or you don't, and out you go. It's that simple."

Andy was embarrassed. He couldn't just whip it out, but he also couldn't go back outside knowing those guys could kick the shit out of him.

"Umm... can't I just sit on your back porch. just for an hour?" he asked, desperately.

"Andy, you don't have to do anything here, I'm not about to make you... but you can't stick around here unless I'm comfortable you're not some kinda liar or creep.," she told him.

"Maybe we could call Claire, I'm sure she'll vouch for me," he suggested.

Lori dismissed him, "No dice. She'll be in transit at this point, and won't be able to answer her phone."

"Ummm." he tried to think of something else to say or do.

"Andy, I think it's time for you to go," she informed him, secretly hoping to force the issue.

"No, no. there is like 13 of them out there. I'll do it. I'll show it to you." he relented.

She smiled. It was a ridiculous thing to do to the poor guy, but she did need to know if he was lying... and it had been a while since she'd seen a cock, so she wasn't going to let this opportunity pass her by.

Andy mentally prepared himself. Or rather he tried to, the reality was that he had no reference point for something like this.

"Um, should I...?"

"Right here is fine," she told him.

He stood up. From this vantage point, he could see down her top a bit. He didn't think she was wearing a bra. She looked up at him, her large brown eyes were gorgeous but the look on her face was one of impatience.

He undid his belt, the feeling of embarrassment growing.

He undid the button on his jeans,

then the zipper.

He reached in, got ahold of his member and took a deep breath...

he couldn't believe he was going to do this.

He pulled it out. He let go of it and put his hands behind his back.

Lori whistled, low and quiet. His cock was large. Really large. And it wasn't even hard yet she thought. As she had suspected, he was likely telling the truth about everything.

Oh god, he thought. She's not saying anything. Why isn't she saying anything? This was her idea. Oh god. Maybe it isn't that big, maybe she thinks I was lying. What do I do? he panicked.

"It gets bigger, I swear. I just have to...y'know." he struggled to find the words.

Lori smiled. Without meaning to, he had just offered to masturbate for her.

"Andy, I believe you. there's no need to...y'know. not that I don't appreciate the offer."

"Oh god no, I didn't, I mean..." Now Andy was even more embarrassed.

"Relax already. I've seen a guy jerk off before." She laughed. "You don't get a k** at 16 with being at least somewhat familiar with cocks."

He laughed and thanked god she was being so cool about this. It was still weird, but it was nice she was trying to put him at ease.

"You can stick around as late as you need to, don't worry about that," she told him.

"Thanks, ma'am," he said, awkwardly.

"Enough with the ma'am already, I'm 36, not 63."

"Sorry, ma...I mean sorry Miss Reynolds."

As odd as his story was, she believed him. She actually hadn't doubted it, and now she was having a bit of fun with him. How long could she maintain the conversation? How long would he just stand there with his cock hanging out.?

At the same time, Andy was wondering when to put his cock away. He didn't want to just grab it while she was looking at him, that seemed rude, but she was still talking. What if she said something sexy? What if he got an erection while talking to her? And once that thought jumped into his head, it wouldn't leave.

Shit, shit, shit! he thought. He was getting a "semi".

Lori noticed it immediately, his dick was getting bigger. She hadn't seen one in a while and hadn't seen one this big since her slutty teenage years. She was an adult now, she was a responsible and upstanding member of the community, but deep down she really missed her slutty years.

She liked sex and that was all there was to it. When she had Claire, she put her needs aside, well for the most part (there had been a couple of relapses, but not many)

But Claire was 20 now about to go off to college. Maybe it was finally time to put her needs first again

Looking up at him, she asked. "Andy, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, Miss Reynolds." He said, still trying to figure out how to put his dick back in his pants.

"It's kind of personal, so feel free to tell me to mind my own business, but how did you manage in gym class."

"You mean grades wise?" He started "I was..."

"No sweetie." She interrupted "I mean how did you manage sports with...well with such a large piece of equipment."

Shit, he thought, if she kept talking about his dick again, he was going to get a full on hard on. "I umm, I tended to wear briefs and boxers under my gym shorts."

"Wasn't that confining?" She inquired "I mean, putting something that big into an enclosed space... it tends to hurt, which is why I don't wear a bra anymore."

Oh god, he thought. His dick was definitely getting hard. Why the fuck did she just say she doesn't wear a bra? Doesn't she know what that was doing to him?

Lori smiled some more. His cock was definitely growing. This was so unfair to the guy, but it was fun as all hell. Plus, she was pretty sure he'd forgive soon enough. The thought of what she was about to do made her nipples stiffen.

"Uh, a bit but I kinda got used to it. It was better than the alternative I guess," he admitted.

"Still, I've seen Claire and her friends in that gym uniform. That many young women, in those short shorts and tight tops, running around." She drew quite the mental picture for him. "You must have been perpetually hard."

Why is she talking like this, he asked himself. He was having trouble maintaining eye contact with her, he was so embarrassed. His gaze lowered, and he could clearly see her nipples through her T-shirt. His cock continued to stiffen, he was well on his way to a full hard-on.

"Um, no. not really." he tried to deny it.

"Not really? A young man in his sexual prime, being surrounded by that many girls that, showing off even a little bit of leg? Andy, you're a terrible liar." she told him.

"No, I just..." oh god he thought, he did not like where this conversation was going.

"You just what?" he pressed

"I...I'd rather not say."

"Andy? Did you masturbate before gym class?" she asked, point blank.


"It's okay. One of the things you're going to learn when you get older is to not be ashamed of something everybody does. And everybody masturbates Andy. Everyone." She told him.

"Um...okay" he managed.

"Andy, relax. This isn't a test. I already know you masturbate. Just like you know I masturbate. Really, it's not that big a deal. We can talk, like this, as adults, knowing we both pleasure ourselves." She was having fun trying to work the word masturbate into the conversation as much as possible.

Andy was rock hard at this point. It was completely Lori's fault, and she knew it. His dick was sticking up and out, directly at her. It was all she could do to not just reach out and grab it.

"Um, sure. I guess that's true." he really didn't know what else to say.

"So the question still stands...did you masturbate before every gym class? I mean, you had to have." He was at a loss for words, luckily she just didn't stop talking so it wasn't much of an issue.

"If you didn't, your cock here would have been either poking down your leg and out the bottoms of your gym shorts or up overtop the waistband."

She reached up, and just before he touched him. "Excuse me a second, while I check this" and with that, she used the tip of a single finger to push his cock up and against him. The head of his cock was well past the top of his pants.

"See. There is no way you could have held back a boner with so many nubile girls running around, your stiffie here wouldn't have stayed in your shorts."

She let go, and his dick bounced down, once again pointing right at her.

"So I guess the question really isn't, did you masturbate? But rather, what did you masturbate to? You probably had to go into the bathroom stall. Did you have pornography on your phone?" She didn't give him a chance to answer "No, you would not have been able to risk the noise I'll bet, so photos?"

"Umm, I actually don't have a smartphone" Which was true, and nicely avoided him admitting that he had indeed masturbated before gym class every day for the last couple of years.

"Oh, you poor boy. Then you were just having to use your imagination? I know how visual guys are, that must have been difficult to do every day. When I was your age, I used to have a boyfriend of sorts that needed to at least see my tits before he could cum. I can't imagine you having to pump away, so secretly, with nothing to help you."

"Can I ask you another question?" she continued.

Andy's head was spinning. His cock was rock hard, and her brief contact with it had really gotten him going. This talk about masturbation was killing him.

"What did you think about?" she asked.

"Um, I really...Miss Reynolds, I'd rather not, you know..."

"Oh come on, give me a cheap thrill. I haven't had a date in forever, what is it that gets a guy like you going these days?" she asked

"Ummm I dunno" he mumbled.

"Was it a specific girl? Or all of them? Did ever picture several of them at the same time? Playing with your johnson, or maybe with each other?"

He could have answered to yes to everything she had said. He had, of course, had many different fantasies

"Or was it a teacher? Maybe an older woman does it for you. Someone who knows how to handle a cock like this, and would show you how to use it on her? I bet that was it! Did you ever stroke your penis, while thinking about an experienced woman going to town on it? Did you ever think of a woman, like me, might grab a hold of it?"

She reached up and did exactly that. She began stroking his cock, slow and steady.

"Oh god," he said.

"Did you ever think about that Andy?" She gave him a playful squeeze, prompting him to answer.

"Yes," he said.

"Yes, Miss Reynolds" she corrected him.

"Yes, Miss Reynolds. I thought about all those things," he admitted.

"Did you ever think of me, Andy? Did you ever whack off thinking about me?"

She sped up her hand as answered, making it harder to for him to talk. "Yesss, god yes. That feels amazing."

"What did you think about specifically? Was it my hand around your cock like this, or was it more?" she teased.

"It was..ahhhh, it was more." he was having issues speaking.

"Tell me, Andy, tell me specifically or I'll stop. I'll stop and you won't get to cum."

That was the worst thing he could hear. He was already desperate for a release and was willing to do anything she asked to get it.

"I..ahhh, I pictured you...in your sundress. The wind, oh yes..." He was unable to talk for a moment as she began twisting around the head of his cock. "...blows your dress up, and you, ahhhhh, weren't wearing panties."

"My panties?!" She feigned shock "Do you want to see my panties now?"

"Oh god yes!" he practically yelled.

She let go of his manhood and stood up. She turned and bent over so her heart shaped ass faced him. Her pants read "Juicy" on them, but no sooner had he read that then she was slipping her waistband over the curve of her butt. Her cheeks were toned, and her skimpy panties were black and frilly.

She stepped out of her pants and turned around. The front view was even better. Her legs were long and smooth, the front of her panties, barely there. He could see she had a neatly trimmed bush through the sheer material.

"So in this little fantasy of yours, was the wind the only thing blowing?" she asked.

"God no, you got down on your knees and..." he told her.

"Like this?" she interrupted him, dropping to her knees.

"Yes...oh god yes." Andy was unbelievably excited. He knew he needed to calm down or risk blowing his load too quickly.

"What happened next Andy. What did Miss Reynolds do for you in your fantasy." She asked, her breath on his cock.

"She...You took off your top."

"Like this?" she grabbed the hem of her shirt and began rolling it up deliberately slowly. Her midriff was sexy as hell. When she reached the swell of her ample breasts, just far enough that he could see her the lower half of her tits, but her nipples were still covered, she stopped. She looked up at him and asked. "Was fantasy Miss Reynolds a slut?"

"Uum..." He knew how he wanted to answer, but even now he was afraid of saying the wrong thing. Luckily, just as before, she continued talking so it wasn't an issue. "Did she show you her tits? Was she a dirty slut that got naked for you?" She asked.

Lori rolled her shirt up over her breasts. She pinched her nipples and looked up at Andy. Her eyes as wide, and with as innocent a voice as she could muster, she asked him.

"You don't really think I'm a slut, do you?

"No, no of course not," he assured her.

"But your fantasy Miss Reynolds, she was a slut right?"


"Why don't I just pretend to be your slutty Miss Reynolds then." she offered.

Her logic was flawed, but if a gorgeous brunette was looking for an excuse to act like a slut for him, He wasn't going to say anything to contradict her.
"What did the slut do next?" she asked.

"After you were naked, you..." He decided to just go for it "...well, you put it in your mouth."

"This thing!?" she grabbed his cock at the base. "I don't think that that this would fit in my mouth! But I supposed a slutty Miss Reynolds would at least try. She'd probably want to."

She was laying it on a bit thick, but he was a young man and she knew young men often liked to feel a sense of power, even if they were too scared to actually take control. She figured the more innocent she acted, the more he'd enjoy it.

"Here goes." she lowered her head, mouth opened wide and swallowed as much of his cock as she possibly could. As his cock filled her mouth, she realized how much she missed this. It was as much the feeling of "naughty-ness" as anything. Good girls don't put cocks in their mouths. A proper lady would never do this. And that was the appeal. She didn't need to be a proper lady, she didn't need to be responsible, she could be irresponsible, she could just be a dirty, little slut and she missed that freedom.

She looked up at Andy, and pushed forward, gagging almost immediately. She backed off a bit but kept his cock in her mouth.

"Ithh suuu iggggg" she tried to say.

She pulled off it completely but resumed stroking it.

"Did slutty miss Reynolds get all the way down?" she asked, innocently.

"Yes...but that's okay." Andy wasn't that experienced, but he knew he was too big to reasonably expect a woman to deepthroat him.

"No, I want to try again." Lori dove back on his cock before he could object. Not that he was going to.

She made it a little farther, but not much before she started to gag.

"I'm sorry Andy," she said before licking his shaft quickly. "It's just..." she sucked the tip into her mouth and released it. "...too big!"

And then she devoured his cock again.

It was like she was trying to lick and suck and talk all at the same time, alternating between all three as quickly as she could.

"I want to..." slurp,

"be a..." lick,

"proper slut..." lick, slurp

"for you." slurp, slurp, slurp

Andy couldn't believe it. He was getting a killer blowjob and the gorgeous woman doing it was apologizing for not doing it better!

She stopped sucking just long enough to ask him, "What happened next? What else did slutty Miss Reynolds do?" Then she resumed bobbing her head up and down his cock as much and as fast as she could.

Andy couldn't speak, the feeling in his testicles building.

"Did she lick your balls?" she asked. Without waiting for an answer she licked his balls and stroked his cock with her hand. After just a few licks, she sucked a ball into her mouth and began to hum.


The vibrations were too much, it felt the best he had ever felt in his life.

"Oh god, that's it, I'm close," he warned her.

She released the ball from her mouth but continued to stroke him.

"Where did you cum with the slutty Miss Reynolds?" she asked.

"Um, I...I dunno," her told her.

She gripped his cock tighter and pumped her hand up and down.

"Andy, tell me where," she ordered.

"I can't..."

"Tell Me!" she barked, pumping him as fast as she could.

"Your face!" he yelled. "I came on your fucking face." She began to sit up and point his cock at her face when he erupted. The cum splashed on her lips and cheek as she was still trying to aim his cock. A second spurt hit her forehead. a gooey string trailing into her hair.

"Fuuuuck." he groaned as yet another spurt hit her, this time the other cheek. "Oh, Andy." She said and then engulfed his cock once more.

He looked down at Miss Reynolds. There were streaks of jizz all over her face. Her beautiful eyes wide and looking up at him as she sucked the last of his cum straight out of him. He reached down and stroked her hair. He caught their reflection in a wall mirror. The sight of the gorgeous, black-haired beauty, topless in black panties, and on her knees sucking him was amazing, it was literally a dream come true. He smiled ay her, it was probably the happiest he ever felt, and he wanted that feeling to last forever. Which is probably why he hadn't heard the front door when it opened.

Claire walked into the house and stopped dead

"Mom, I was... Andy?!"

Any and all constructive feedback is appreciated. Let me know what worked for you and what didn't, so my next story is better

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Introduction: The MILF next door finally realises Im not a little boy anymore The MILF next door was probably the most attractive woman on the street, she was 5 foot nothing with a tiny waist, an amazing ass and her tits were glorious. She was a mother of two and wouldve been about 40 max, her name was Jenny and ever since my family moved in next to her 4 years ago when I was 13 I had been absolutely awe struck by her beauty. She enjoyed wearing skimpy outfits around the house and outside,...

2 years ago
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The Branded MILF

The Do-gooder MILF The Do-gooder MILF -2 The Do-gooder MILF -3 MILF Meat The Do-gooder MILF -4 BASTARDS The Do-gooder MILF -5 She is Mine Oh this is so sweet, my Tommy has her tits in his hands and I am grabbing them too. Oh shit, we are working together. I can actually feel him throbbing inside her. I can feel him cumming. Ah the Bitch is moaning. She likes it. Tommy shot his load in Joan’s ass. Come on, one of you guys, fuck my ass. It was hard to tell if she really...

3 years ago
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Hot Foursome In Trial Room With MILF Mom And Her Son

All of you horny readers will love jerking off to this incident that I am about to share. So, grab that bottle of lubricant and keep your cock on standby. And those who don’t know me, I am Simraan. Last week, I went to the mall with my lover to do lingerie shopping. It is my view that a former flame will select the best bra and panties than a lousy husband. I call him ‘love’ because I am an open-minded married woman! My lover and I picked up a few pairs of bra and panties for trial. We both...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 6 FutaDaughters MILF Rebellion

Chapter Six: Futa-Daughter's MILF Rebellion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I stood frozen at the sight of Natalie. Water spilled down my bestest friend's big tits. More gleamed on her wrist and ran down the outside of the glass she held. She had almost run into me at the base of the stairs. Her question hung in the air. “What are you doing?” she'd asked. Going to fuck that MILF across the street, I thought. But it was really...

1 year ago
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What is it about hot fucking MILFs that makes your dick stop whatever it's thinking about and turn its attention to these refined, sex beasts? I know I'm not alone, either! These little pricks you see around college campuses wearing their stupid fucking hats and chasing young freshmen with fuck-all pick-ups lines can keep the inexperienced teens whining that they, 'have to put their mouth on that.' Give me the goddamn cougar that, 'yes please,' and, 'how deep you want me to blow it?'...

Mature Porn Sites
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MindControlled Blowjob Bliss Chapter 6 Blown by the Fertile MILF

Chapter Six: Blown by the Fertile MILF A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Things changed at school rather quickly. With my older sister's help, I started dividing the girls up into different categories. Some became whores. Literal prostitutes. These were the hottest girls that I would sell to the boys who attended my college. The twins, Rosalita, Janet the lesbian, and others were sold to the boys for $50 for a...

4 years ago
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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 7 Sisters Tease the MILF

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Sisters Tease the MILF By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! The Armstrongs would be here in an hour for their second lesson from my brother, Clint. It was two weeks since that wonderful Saturday morning when my brother showed Mr. Armstrong what sort of wife he had. Two weeks since she was spanked and fucked and shown to be a cuckold. Clint was having fun teaching Mr. Armstrong to control his wife. The...

4 years ago
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Doing A MILF

"Hey, Amy," I said, walking into her room."Hey, Ben," she responded, turning to me. "How have you been?" she pondered before kissing me.I failed to answer and just checked her out for a moment in silence."Does that mean you like the top, Ben? Is it all the colors?""And the black pants too, they perfectly match your hair," I answered, feeling a few strands. 'I just want to see it off you though, with me not wearing anything either.'"You're staring again, dude, what's going on, and...

2 years ago
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Doing A MILF

"Hey, Amy," I said, walking into her room. "Hey, Ben," she responded, turning to me. "How have you been?" she pondered before kissing me. I failed to answer and just checked her out for a moment in silence. "Does that mean you like the top, Ben? Is it all the colors?" "And the black pants too, they perfectly match your hair," I answered, feeling a few strands. 'I just want to see it off you though, with me not wearing anything either.' "You're staring again, dude, what's going on, and please...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 10 FutaMommy and the Hot MILF

Chapter Ten: Futa-Mommy and the Hot MILF By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow I stared in shock at Lupita Reyes, the math professor, staring with horror and disgust at us. She had caught me getting ass-fucked by my futa-daughter while I licked out Aoi's pussy, making the student cum on my face. Her cream dripped down my chin. “Madeline Marlow!” Lupita gasped in shock. “You're fucking the students. What is wrong with you? And one of...

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The MILF next door Chapter 2

Introduction: I experience more than my favourite MILFs mouth this time I kept up regular visits to Jenny whenever we both could see each other, Id walk in take my clothes off and she would suck my cock with her amazing milf mouth till Id blow down her throat, shed suck my cock clean and send me back home. Not gonna lie this was the most amazing feeling, coming home after a long day of school and having your balls drained by the milf next door who was cheating on her husband for my young cock....

1 year ago
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YesPornPlease MILF

There is a thing with mature women that I am sure we can all agree with. They are all grown in a ridiculously sexy way, and they fucking know what ticks for them as well as how to get it ticking. In fact, I must admit that those who are into the MILF kind of porn are mostly freaky assholes who want something close to real. Also, there is the fun in seeing some massive load of porn experience thrown into the mix.From the handjobs, blowjobs all the way to lengthy cock rides. It'sIt's almost as if...

Mature Porn Sites
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Sharing the MILF List PT01

Practicing to make the MILF List AirtightAuthor's note: It is time to share. This begins the process of sharing the MILF List. The MILF List was made in the previous series, "Making the MILF List". If you like, you can read that first and this may make that much more sense. The characters are the same and the origins of this story are there. Thanks to everyone who commented on the previous installment. I stayed in bed late Sunday morning. My three sisters banged around and giggled and talked,...

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The Worlds First Futa 01 Transformed into a Futa Chapter 2 Futas First MILF

Chapter Three: Futa's First MILF By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 April 17th, 2047 “So, your boyfriend's mom walks in on you naked on her living room couch, your new futa-dick hard and thrusting before you. That sounds... interesting,” said Adelia Tash, the talk show host sitting beside me on the couch before her studio audience. The cameras rolled, the lights shining down on us, illuminating us for the entire world to watch as the interview was streamed across the internet. “Yeah,”...

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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 02 Futas First Naughty Awakening Chapter 3 Alyessas Afternoon of MILF Delights

Chapter Three: Alyessa's Afternoon of MILF Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 August 21st, 2036 – Alyessa Howards Three days after Ms. Evans revealed that Mrs. North, the reverend's wife, was eager to fuck my futa-cock, I was trembling. I had an appointment to work in the Norths' yard, mowing the lawn and trimming the hedges. I did it once a week for them to earn money to help buy college supplies. I was leaving for college next week. This was my last chance. I couldn't believe...

1 year ago
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Futa Daughters Naughty TemptationChapter 6 FutaDaughterrsquos MILF Rebellion

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I stood frozen at the sight of Natalie. Water spilled down my bestest friend’s big tits. More gleamed on her wrist and ran down the outside of the glass she held. She had almost run into me at the base of the stairs. Her question hung in the air. “What are you doing?” she’d asked. Going to fuck that MILF across the street, I thought. But it was really Spice, the futa-demon who’d given me my girl-dick. I was better at recognizing her...

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PornTrex MILF

Who else remembers the time when hanging out at their friend’s house was the highlight of the day? Well, I know you used to turn up at their home because you enjoyed watching your friend’s extremely hot mom walk around the house half-naked. There is actually no shame in that at all. Everyone has that secret MILF; they’d give anything to get between their legs. Personally, the thought of an aged woman flashing her tits across my face and spreading her thighs to show a set of thick vaginal lips...

Mature Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Nicole ther MILF and Her Morally Questionalbe Actions INCIDENTS 68

The following is a fantasy (as in porn fantasy) story about an abnormally well hung teenager and a MILF. The major theme here is mother/boy. Contrary to my older written works, this is not a xxx story filled with fucking, this is more sensual and erotic. Romantic even. It does start off with rather younger characters, but will move forward through time. INCIDENT #6 - Rinse and Repeat One week passed, and the incident was still fresh in Nicole’s mind. It was now Saturday morning and...

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Adult Empire MILF

The male love of milfs starts at a ripe young age. Basically, the moment we get our first ball hair, we begin having wet dreams about teachers and friends' moms. We can't help ourselves.From Ball Hair to Ant HillsWhile young men are certainly still attracted to their peers, when you're a kid, your peers aren't fully developed women like moms and teachers. The evolutionary urge to reproduce takes over, and women of obvious mating age become sexy as fuck.The human mind is a strange beast,...

Premium Mature Porn Sites
2 years ago
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MindControlled Blowjob Bliss Chapter 2 Blown by the Married MILF

Chapter Two: Blown by the Married MILF A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! My mom, older sister, and little sister all ducked their heads down and licked my cock. All three of them were mad to suck my dick, willing to do anything for that privilege. I had fucked them all just now. Popped my eighteen-year-old sister Lisa's cherry, then pumped away at Mom's snatch and flooded her cunt, and then just pounded my...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Hot MILF Wish Chapter 3 Cassandras Futa Party

Chapter Three: Cassandra's Futa Party By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Lana's accusation echoed up the stairs to the second floor where I was. Her mother's pussy clenched on my futa-dick. I groaned, trembling, staring down at my best friend as she stared up at me, the other nineteen-year-old girls attending her slumber party arranged around her at the stair's vase. They were all only wearing bras and panties, their eyes wide at seeing my naked body pressed against busty Mrs. Teller's...

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The Dogooder MILF 3 MILF Meat

The Do-gooder MILF The Do-gooder MILF -2 Her legs were untied. Now what? They left her there a little while. Then hands grabbed her ankles and her legs were lifted up They were spread wide and lifted up and tied next to her wrists with ropes to the top bar. Joan was bent like a pretzl, trussed up. She was wide open. In full panic Joan screamed, begged threatened. You pigs, stop, you will pay for this. What is wrong with you. You can’t do this. She could see the bright lights...

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CamSoda MILF

We’re at it again, boys. About to dive into some random ass MILFs from across the world right here on CamSoda. I’m reviewing the MILF section in specific because you know I like to get really nitpicky with my smut. Plus, I know you guys appreciate the extra narrow categories. I’ve been covering a lot of live cams lately, and I think that CamSoda is doing its best to stick out ahead of the competition with some unique design choices that distinguish them from other similar websites. But, then,...

Live Mature Sex Cams
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Sexy Ali the northern MILF

Just wanted to share possibly my greatest sexual experience from when I was young with you all. When I was only 19 I got to know this uber sexy older woman; blonde, petit and busty. She was like Debbie Harry in her prime. She was 36 and was old enough to be my mother, she was confident, slim and busty and in her sexual prime and oozed it from every orifice. She epitomised the term MILF. I got to know her through a friend who worked with her, and before I knew it we were flirting over the...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Hot MILF Wish Chapter 2 Cassandras Futa Problem

Chapter Two: Cassandra's Futa Problem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Tears fell down my cheeks as I stared at my new cock sprouting from where my clit used, the folds of my pussy wrapped about its base. It was still wet and shiny with Mrs. Teller's hot pussy. The MILF, mother of my best friend, had rode me so hard, so eager to cum on my dick. I thought, finally, that I had her. After lusting after her for years, I had the MILF in my arms. Yes, I didn't imagine I would grow a cock at...

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The Dogooder MILF 4 BASTARDS

The Do-gooder MILF The Do-gooder MILF -2 The Do-gooder MILF -3 MILF Meat All fucking smiles for the boys. Barry was next. The bitch was shivering, quivering. She realized she was not only being raped, she was going to be gangraped. Fucked one at a time. Slowly. Hard. Brutally. The cunt hung wide open ready for the next cock. Barry had a gruesome mask. A Vampire mask. The face of death. He had a little surprise. A tittie surprise. He grabbed her left breast and tied a...

3 years ago
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I Did the Milf Next Door on Her Living Room Floor

So we've fucked each other twice at this point and we're fully immersed into each other, constantly messaging one another throughout the day and talking dirty all the time. We're counting down the days until we can meet up again and we've got it planned because she's going to have the house to herself one afternoon in the next couple of days. The day has finally arrived and I'm just waiting, clock watching all morning long with pure lust and excitement on my mind, I can't concentrate on...

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Introduction: With sisters help on New Years Eve, he fucks his MILF Neighbour. BEST PRESENT EVER: MILF NEIGHBOUR Summary: With sisters help on New Years Eve, he fucks his MILF Neighbour. Note 1: This is the third part of the Best Present Ever series. In Part One (Bitch Sister), Matthew turns the tables on his bitch sister making her his personal sex slave. In Part Two (Cheerleader Orgy), Matthew has a fun foursome with his sister and two other cheerleaders. Of course, I suggest you read the...

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Eporner MILF

Remember being a young man and going to a friend’s house for sleepovers? So many people harbor fond memories of staying up late with their best buds, playing video games, eating candy, and drinking Mountain Dew. It’s the epitome of youthful fun. Here’s the thing, though. I never had sleepovers with my best friends. Why? Well, it’s simple. My best friends’ moms were ugly sacks of shit.How much I liked someone had nothing to do with my urge to sleep over at someone’s house. For me, it was all...

Mature Porn Sites
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Second Honeymoon with a Wicked MILF

Hi, all horny Indian sex stories readers.Greetings .The unsatisfied 29-year-old guy with lots and lots of fantasy, decently fit and fair.Passionate and nice guy.Life started to become monotonous.I all most was updated with all latest porn movies, sex stories and masturbating with vr glasses.I did not have a soul to spill my sexual appetite and try all the amazing things about sex.Life was so boring.The same old position sex with my girl was getting really boring.I was really looking for my...

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Lesbian MILF Seductress BrideChapter 2 Flashback A Sorority Mother Falls

Ms. Parker had a reputation for being the Ice Queen or an Iron Bitch; those were actually the names the majority of the girls called her when she was not around. Ms. Parker actually knew about the names and revelled in them. She was tough, but fair. She ran the sorority with an iron fist. She had gotten pregnant, when she was twenty-two and in college, to a loser one-night stand and she sure as hell wasn't going to let that happen to one of her girls. And, for the past ten years, she had an...

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Milf Prime

What’s so prime about MILF Prime? Are they claiming to be the very first free MILF tube, or just the best one? Maybe the Prime designation is referring to the women, which certainly suits me as a connoisseur of top-quality cougar meat. Perhaps they mean Prime in the sense that we’re living in what just might be the golden age of dirty movies starring Mothers I’d Love to Fuck. Honestly, give me any or all of the above and I’m bound to show up with my dick out and a bottle of lube at the ready.I...

Mature Porn Sites
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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 02 Futas First Naughty Awakening Chapter 2 Alyessas Naughty MILF Affair

Chapter Two: Alyessa's Naughty MILF Affair By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 November 12nd, 2045 – Alyessa Howards “So you just had your first time with a MILF in your neighborhood,” said Adelia Tash, the beautiful talk show host that was interviewing me about the book I wrote, Accepting Being Futa in a Post Becky World. She had such gorgeous coffee-brown skin and a lovely smile. I saw why my futa-mother, President Becky Woodward, liked to come on this show. Adelia helped me feel relaxed...

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Freeuse Milf

What would you do with a Freeuse MILF? The phrase itself instantly gets your mind spinning in all kinds of perverted directions, at least if you’re a red-blooded straight dude. If I had one at my disposal 24-7, I probably wouldn’t have to spend so much money on pocket pussies and tissues. It’s a simple premise for a fantasy, but it’s one with so many immediate possibilities that I was eager to check this next website out as soon as I heard the name. Mothers I’d Love to Fuck, who are always down...

Premium Mature Porn Sites
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MILFTrip! What the fuck is it about road trips? Every time you go on one, it seems like you always find a MILF you wouldn’t mind fucking in between pit stops. But, wait, you’ll give her a pit stop, won’t you? Ha! Too bad you wouldn’t know how to use that acorn between your legs if a woman ever spread her legs for you!But it is not all lost; you can still fantasize about the MILFs you cannot have. And that’s where Globe Twatters wants to help! And no, they’re not going to send you on a worldwide...

Premium Mature Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Nightclub Milf Slut

I was out with my friend and we were in one of the best nightclubs in town, its plays dirty rnb were girls get wild and crazy and do made stuff, my friend Neil is a bit of a stud and he always gets the girls but this time was different, We were dancing on the dance floor when a older women in late 30’s id say kept looking over at Neil and smiling she was obviously d***k as she was all over the place but she was mighty fine for a milf, in the end she came over and started dancing with Neil, she...

4 years ago
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Asking A MILF For Sugar Part Two

I couldn't wait to go over to Jeannie the MILF's house today. I was still relishing over the fact that I fucked her yesterday. She was just as slutty as I thought she’d be. I was happy that she and I were on the same page. She wanted to fuck me as much as I wanted her. She seemed to be starved for sex and for attention. I was happy to be her stud muffin. She wanted to fuck me for the next three weeks. I was like a pig in shit. This was better than winning the lottery. I was going to get fucked...

1 year ago
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Nightclub Milf Slut

I was out with my friend and we were in one of the best nightclubs in town, its plays dirty rnb were girls get wild and crazy and do made stuff, my friend Neil is a bit of a stud and he always gets the girls but this time was different, We were dancing on the dance floor when a older women in late 30’s id say kept looking over at Neil and smiling she was obviously drunk as she was all over the place but she was mighty fine for a milf, in the end she came over and started dancing with Neil, she...

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Plumber helps MILF and often

“You’re gonna leave it that way? You can’t just walk out and not finish the job young man. Just because I can’t pay you right now, doesn’t mean you’re not gonna be paid.” Mrs. Treves was shocked the two young men from the reputable 5 star company wouldn’t complete the job when they discovered she didn’t even have the money for a down payment. Lyle Davis a 4 year employee with the company and 26 years old apologized. “No, no there has to be another way” the 42 year old destitute woman pleaded....

Erotic Fiction
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The Dogooder MILF 5 She is mine

The Do-gooder MILF The Do-gooder MILF -2 The Do-gooder MILF -3 MILF Meat The Do-gooder MILF -4 BASTARDS Joans head twisted, she could not see when the next blow was coming. He body flinched, quivered AHHHHHHHHHHHH. Another hit with the belt. Every part of her body hurt the way she was tied. Totally exposed to all the men. Pain. Fear, Despair. AHHH. Her head shook. Her head had been slapped. NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Another hit with the belt. The hands on her ass. A cock...

2 years ago
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Milf Waifu

All characters are at less 18 years old unless the story says so. The Male has aMilf fetish fucking milfs and getting females pregnant too. The milf as a child that you are friends with, and if the milf has a man in the show, movie, book, or comic/manga she will not have him here, the man would ether be dead or they split sometime in the past. My name is (First Name) (Last Name) and I’m in love with my friend’s milf of a mother, I had first fallen for her when I was very young I thought it was...

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NaughtyBlog MILF

Curiously, the two most consistently popular porn genres are teens and MILFs. Both the young and the clearly adult draw our attention but for different reasons. The draw of teens is their youthful innocence and unadulterated bodies. (Pun intended) We wish to christen them into a world of sin with our penises. We anoint them with our seed, forever tarnishing what was once god’s perfection. Once her pussy has been fouled by your manhood, it can never be unfouled. It will forever be fetid and rank...

Mature Porn Sites
4 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa Futas First Naughty AwakeningChapter 3 Alyessarsquos Afternoon of MILF Delights

August 21st, 2036 – Alyessa Howards Three days after Ms. Evans revealed that Mrs. North, the reverend’s wife, was eager to fuck my futa-cock, I was trembling. I had an appointment to work in the Norths’ yard, mowing the lawn and trimming the hedges. I did it once a week for them to earn money to help buy college supplies. I was leaving for college next week. This was my last chance. I couldn’t believe that the reverend’s wife, the wholesome Mrs. North, wanted to enjoy my futa-cock. My...

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2nd date bbw milf whornymilfintx

So after the first date we had (if you haven't read my first post check it out) it ended on a very good note, I had a BBW, MILF slut for myself now. I couldn't stop jackin off to her whenever she was gone. but any way we still text each other, or I should say sext as that was just our language now. but we were already trying to see when the next time she was going to come over. so we plan that out and we both know that as soon as she walks through that door we are getting straight to fucking.So...

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AdultTime MILF

Adult Time MILF! Two of the most popular porn categories both have to do with age: Teens and MILFS. What isn't there to love? Teens offer fresh and perfect bodies, pure and untouched, while MILFs have the experience needed to turn your cock into a cum factory.Professor MILFWhile both are fantastic, today we're focusing on MILFS. Nothing beats the knowledge of a sexually liberated MILF with a divorce under her belt and a soaked pussy. That vagine has been ignored for years by her ex-husband, and...

Premium Mature Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Asking a MILF For Sugar

Summer vacation was just winding up. I’d be going back to Florida to attend my second year of college. I had a fantastic summer. Recently, new neighbors moved in. A gorgeous MILF and her family moved directly across the street from my parent’s house. It appeared that her husband was out of town a lot.  She had a toddler, but brought them to pre-school every day. She didn’t work and loved to wash her car in a skimpy bikini. She liked to put a show on when she was outside. She would sunbathe in...


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