Ava And James: The Reunion (Part 2) free porn video

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Ava pushed through the large double doors emerging into the warm light of a late summers day. Small droplets of water clung to the surface of the plants and trees from a light summer rain earlier in the day.

Standing a few feet from the entrance James stands silhouetted in the light as he leans against a fence post to the side of the car park. Looking up from his phone a smile begins to spread across his face, his eyes lighting up as he sees Ava emerging from the building.

Spotting him standing the few feet away, Ava launched herself at him, nearly knocking him from his feet as she threw her arms around him, engulfing him in a tight embrace. Their bodies swaying slightly as they pulled each other in closer in an affection no words could express. Ava’s heart raced, threatening to beat right out of her chest as she pressed herself up against him, her mind franticly trying to find the right words to express how she felt.

Instead Ava just let herself lose herself in his arms, their bodies pressed together not wanting to waste an inch of contact as she nuzzled into his neck, inhaling his long missed scent. As their bodies squeezed together Ava felt her breasts pressing tightly into James chest. Most of the time she had been proud of her physic, her large breasts on such a slim figure had attracted her the attention of many guys. However on occasions like this she felt that they just prevented her from getting closer.

With every breath she let go Ava let her body melt a little further into his, wishing she could hold onto him forever, never letting go.

“I missed you,” she finally managed after what felt like an hour of standing in his arms, although it was probably closer to only a couple of minutes.

Ava lent away from James as if moving to end the hug as her eyes wandered over his body, her hands lingering upon his arms a moment longer unwilling to let go of him. The hot African sun had left his skin with a golden tan that seemed to make his smooth soft skin glow, seeming to radiate warmth and comfort. As Ava’s hands caressed down James arms, she could feel the strong firm muscles flexing beneath his skin with every movement.

“You’re looking really good,” she says looking him over, “Africa did you good”.

Ava couldn’t help but notice how much fitter James had gotten, his body had become firmer, his chest and shoulders larger and stronger and he stood with an a confidence, an air of authority. She had always found herself attracted to him, but now she couldn’t help but think ‘He is hot’.

"I missed you too," he smiled at her, “So I see you finally got that new job, beats putting clothes out I bet,” he teased.

“Haha,” Ava laughed, “Yeah its good fun although I’m not sure wiping old people’s backsides is much of an improvement to working in retail”.

“Oh that much fun is it? I might have to think of a career change, or better yet maybe I can move in and you can look after me,” he teased her.

“Oh is that so, well I’m sure we could find a spare straight jacket and a padded room for you if you like,” Ava said playfully, giving him a playful glance.

“Kinky,” he quickly returned before Ava pushed him away.

“The grounds are actually quite nice if you want the grand tour?”

Smiling James gestures for her to lead the way. Grabbing his hand Ava, pulled James down along the path towards the gardens. As they make their way around the gardens they begin chatting, catching up over the events of the last year.

One of the things Ava loved about the nursing home was the amount of history the grounds had. The main building was a mansion dating over hundreds of years. It had been converted to a nursing home after the one and only heir died while fighting in the First World War. The grounds were then used as a military hospital before being abandoned and falling into disrepair after the conflict ended.

After decades of decay the building was saved by a charity that converted it into a nursing home, maintaining the old structure and its grounds to their original standards. Ava loved to walk through the gardens in her spare time admiring the grounds. The gardeners took a lot of pride in their work and often the hedges along the foot paths were clipped to look like stags or swans that guarded the estates grounds.

As they walked they got further and further from the main buildings until they came to one of Ava’s favourite places on the entire estate. It was far enough from the main building that rarely anyone ever came this far out. The path wound through an ancient woodland before opening up into a glade that felt completely secluded as though you were miles from the nearest people.

Ava loved to come here to relax when she needed to get away from everything. At the centre of the glade was a large pond surrounded by bushes and more scenic trees dotted around the field. At one end of the pond there was a small wooden walkway with a park bench that overlooked the still waters, which Ava found herself leading James towards.

James moved to sit on the bench however as soon as he touched the bench, he had jumped back up, looking down at himself in agitated disapproval.

"Ah damn it," he complained wiping down the wet patch appearing on his jeans.

Ava couldn't help but laugh at him as he tried to wipe the damp from himself, giving her a mock evil look.

“Well seen as you’re already wet, I think you should let me sit on your lap,” Ava teased.

“Well you’re already wet anyway, I don’t want to get a wet bum do I,” she gave him a sad smile as though he would be condemning her if he denied.

“Fine,” he said in an exaggeratedly defeated manner as he returned to sit on the bench, pretending to wince in discomfort.

Ignoring him Ava walks over turning to sit in his lap heavily, sliding her body back against his, wiggling in an exaggerated way of getting comfortable.

"Mmm nice and dry," she teased.

“Okay, okay, you can stop rubbing it in already,” James complained.

A naughty thought popping into Ava’s mind as she remembered the time they danced together.

“What you mean like this?” she says grinding her ass harder against him, giggling aloud.

Laughing too James says “On no you can carry on like that if you like,” teasingly.

“Oh, well then, don’t you complain at me later,” Ava said with a naughty undertone in her voice, grinding herself against him as though trying to cause deliberate discomfort to him. All the while Ava’s mind is taken back to the night they danced, hoping to once again feel that familiar pressure against her.

“Oh now don’t you worry about that,” his voice offering the promise of something more.

Ava giggled at his comment a little lost on what she could come back at him with. Sliding her body against his again, Ava wondered how much more she would be able to get away with, before it did just become obvious she was just dry humping him.

Ava decided to try to distract him by carrying on their conversation, while subtly adjusting her position in his lap, pretending only to be getting more comfortable. Using her weight Ava allowed her body to slowly slide down his lap, giving her an excuse to push herself back into his lap, giving a little wiggle to get comfortable.

After a while Ava felt the familiar pressure against her ass as her efforts began to take their effect. Every time she moved back into his lap she allowed her ass to grind against his crotch, each time adjusting him a little more until his length rested between her cheeks.

Ava loved knowing she could turn someone on like this, having the power to make him so hard just from feeling her body so close to his made her feel empowered. The idea that every time she moved her body, wiggled against him, clenched her cheeks or slide against him, he would be at her mercy. She could reward him with pleasure or deny him, teasing him with the smallest movement.

As she moved against him Ava found herself just wanting to hear him let out an uncontrollable moan. Sometimes she wasn’t sure if she was imaging it but she thought she could feel him pressing his hips forward into her while she squeezed her cheeks around him. However all of her efforts to hear him moan backfired when before she realized to stop herself. A small half moan half sigh escaped from her lips as she felt his hardness slide along the valley between her cheeks.

"I thought you wanted to sit on my lap so you wouldn't get wet," his voice teased.

"Well what do you expect when you’re pressing it into my ass like that," Ava came back at him, squeezing him again.

"You keep doing that and I might think you actually like it," he said in a more seductive tone.

"Mmm well maybe I do," she purred back.

As if reading her mind, James wrapped an arm around Ava’s waist, pulling her body back firmly against his own. His free hand moved slowly, teasingly as he stroked along her thigh, gently squeezing her soft skin through her jeans. Each time his hand moved up her thigh it came a little closer, his fingers sliding in to massage her inner thigh mere inches from her aching sex.

Before she had even realised she was doing it Ava found herself rocking her hips in time with his fingers, pushing herself closer to him every time his fingers got near. She didn’t know when it happened but suddenly he was in control, her body was a slave to his will. She could grind against him, but her body craved his touch, more than she could deny him hers.

“You’re still a little low,” Ava purred to him in a seductive tone, as James hand Moved away down her thigh.

“This any better for you?” he asked bringing his hand closer, his index finger lightly grazing against her crotch.

Moaning her encouragement, Ava pushed her hips forward, grinding against him with increased vigour. Becoming more confident James began pressing his fingers firmer against her, rotating them in a slow circular motion, as Ava tried to push further against him.

Reaching down, Ava slid her hand along James arm that was wrapped around her waist, lacing her fingers through his, she guided his hand up to her breasts. Cupping, massaging and caressing herself with his fingers, Ava sighed and moaned at the touch of his fingers as she encouraged him to take over control.

James soon took the initiative, caressing Ava’s large firm breasts, feeling her nipples harden, poking through the thin material of her tank top as his fingers rubbed over them. James squeezed his thumb and finger around her nipple causing Ava to moan out while his other hand worked to undo the button and zipper on her jeans. Before she knows it she can feel his fingers finding their way down, rubbing through her already damp underwear.

‘Damn he is a fast learner,’ Ava thought to herself, arching her back and taking in a sharp breath as she felt his fingers pressing against her clit. Ava felt she had lost control of her own body as moan after moan escaped from her lips, her body wiggling in his lap as his fingers pressed deeper inside of her. The more she rocked herself against him the more she could feel his hardness pressing between the cheeks of her ass.

James pressed his fingers inside of Ava, pushing them deep inside of her, twisting them as he slowly pulled them back out of her tight pussy. The more he did it the faster he became, until his fingers pumped into her causing Ava to become lost in the ecstasy, screaming out her pleasure.

Feeling herself getting closer to the edge Ava pulled his hand away, standing up she turned to James.

“I need to feel you inside me now,” she demanded, pulling off her clothes, gesturing for him to do that same.

Before long their clothes are a pile on the floor, all except for James boxers which he was still wearing, his erection threatening to burst out from them at any moment. Moving over to him Ava looked up into his eyes, biting her lower lip as she reached down wrapping her hand around his shaft.

Ava still couldn’t quite believe that this was happening, this had been the centre of so many of her fantasies. A part of her thought that in a moment she would open her eyes find herself alone. His cock throbbed in her hand as she slowly stroked up and down along the length, squeezing him in her palm. Ava smiled to herself as she listened to James moan. Slipping her fingers over the elastic waist band of his boxers, James cock sprang up towards her as she pulled the fabric away.

Ava couldn’t help but stare, wide eyed as the purple head of James cock stood up in front of her eyes. Her hand slowly stroked up and down along his length savouring every last inch, feeling the pulse as each beat of his heart sent blood surging through him. Squeezing him between her thumb and fingers, Ava watched as pre-cum began to emerge from the tip.

As her hands caressed him, Ava found herself leaning slowly forward getting close and closer to him. Soon the tip of his cock stood an inch from her lips and before she knew it she found her lips closing around him in a slow gentle kiss. Hearing his moans urged Ava on further. She flicked her tongue over the tip of James cock, leaning in a little more to take his head into her mouth, slowly sucking on him. Each time Ava went a little deeper taking more of him into her mouth, James moans urging her on.

After a few minutes of sucking and teasing him Ava looked up into James eyes, she watched as his eyes seemed to roll back into his head, as she took him deeper. Her hand pumped along James cock as she looked up at him, seeing the expression of pure lust and pleasure within.

"I want you to fuck me now," Ava demanded, getting up.

James took Ava in his arms kissing her deeply as his hands moving down to her hips, turning her to face away from him. Ava found herself standing behind the bench looking out over the lake with James standing behind her. He pushed her forward forcing Ava reach out to grasp the back on the bench to steady herself. Arching her back James was treated to a great view of her ass.

James held onto Ava’s hips with one of his hands to gain advantage over her, sliding the head of his cock along her lips as her juices coated the head of his shaft. Ava felt him press against her lips as he positioned himself at her entrance, she couldn’t help but give him an encouraging seductive moan in anticipation.

James hand came down hard on Ava’s ass filling the air with the loud sound of skin striking against skin. The stinging sensation the spread across Ava’s cheeks shocked her forcing her to push her body back against his, James cock suddenly found its way deep inside of her. The pain was soon forgotten when she felt him rocking his hips back and forth, sliding his cock almost all the way out slowly before ramming hard back into her. Ava soon found herself lost to the world again as she became consumed by the feeling of James cock filling up her tight pussy.

With every moan and scream that escaped from Ava’s lips she could feel James becoming harder and faster. Spurring him on she allowed herself to succumb to the pleasure with each of his thrusts. Her pussy tightening around him each time his hand descended hard upon her ass, often eliciting a loud moan of satisfaction from her.

Feeling herself coming closer to the edge, her pussy tightening around him each time his cock found itself deep inside of her. Ava gasped for breath as her screams and moans merged into one, her body becoming a slave to his will, her body trembling as he keeps her on the edge of orgasm. With one hard thrust James buried himself deep inside of her, spanking her at the same time sending her over the edge. Ava screamed out as her body trembled in a violent orgasm.

“You wouldn’t believe how long I have waited for that,” Ava purred as she came down from her orgasm, taking long deep breaths as she tried to regain herself.

“Probably not as long as I have,” James smiled back at her.

Ava turned to face James, noticing his still hard cock, glistening with her juices.

“Are you close?” she asked him.

“Yeah I’m just holding on” James replied.

Leaning forward without a word Ava took James cock into her mouth, tasting their combined juices in her mouth.

“We taste good,” she said with a teasing smile.

Holding the base of his cock in her hand, Ava licked up along his length, taking the head of his cock into her mouth and sucking, as she looked up into his eyes. Ava stroked slowly along his shaft as she sucked and licked him, savouring the taste of their combined juices. Pushing her hair from her face so he can see her eyes James gently rocked his hips encouraging her to take him deeper moved up and down along his shaft.

"I'm going to cum," James moaned after a few minutes of her sucking him.

"Yes cum for me I want to taste you," Ava said back to him in a seductive tone.

Ava Pumped her hand along his shaft harder and faster, squeezing him in her palm, her tongue flicking out over the head of his cock. It didn’t take long before she was rewarded with the sweet flavour of his cum spilling out onto her tongue.

Collapsing onto the bench, Ava fell into James arms, recovering from their exertions as they enjoyed the closeness of each other’s bodies. James softly stroked her hair from her eyes as she leant into his chest.

Finally Ava managed "So where are you staying now your back?”

"I've not really thought about it yet, I was thinking of finding a hotel for the night until I figure out what I'm doing”

"You could always stay with me if you like,"..."I've only got one bed in my flat as long as you don't mind sharing that is," she said back in a playful tone.

Laughing James said "I don't know about that then, couldn’t you could sleep on the sofa, I am a guest after all, I should get the bed," he teased, to which he received a short sharp punch to the shoulder.

"Come on I think we should go before someone wonders why I'm still here," looking at her watch "An hour after my shift ended," she laughed, and with that they re-dressed making their way back to the car park before heading off to Ava's flat.

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SRU High School Reunion

This is written for the third anniversary of the SRU universe. It's a little late, but somethings can't be helped. The first story specifically designated as SRU (although I spelled it all out the first couple of posts) was posted to the TSA-TALK mailing list on October 8, 1996. At first, I wasn't sure if I would have the time to write an anniversary story. There was the crossover series with the Altered Fates universe to consider, although that project now looks dead. And I didn't...

2 years ago
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Reunions Can Be FunChapter 3 More preparation for the second reunion

The next reunion was only a few months away. Suzy was getting antsier by the week thinking about sharing a hotel room with my brother. She was his first pussy many years ago when he stayed with us for a while and she could hardly wait to find out how he’d matured. She’d seen him at family events of course, but there was never an opportunity to get their parts together. Bobby and I had kidded a bit about me teaching his wife how to fuck better. I’ll be damned if he didn’t arrange it. He’d...

2 years ago
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A Night at the Reunion

A Night at the Reunion By Bill Hart Pete arrived fashionably late at the hotel, where the thirty-year reunion of his Forrester High School graduating class was being held. When he'd first received the notification in the mail, he hadn't been certain whether or not he'd wanted to attend. Quite obviously, his name had appeared among the many on the "We Found Them" list, but there was another name - this one listed among "Those Still Missing" - that had grabbed his full...

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os HS Reunion

o’s High School ReunionHigh School reunions are often a source of surprises; the homely ?fat chick? turned into the gorgeous swan, the tough-guy, troublemaker, is now a cop, the science whiz is a shoe salesman. There are, i’m sure, similar surprises at every reunion, but can you imagine the girl known as ?The Ice Queen?, and voted most likely to be a virgin when she gets married, returning to her high school reunion as a sex slave; Hard to imagine? Well, i’ll try to describe how it went.i...

1 year ago
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Reunion Masquerade

Author's Note: The characters in this story are fictional. Any use of actual names is purely accidental. Reunion Masquerade By MartiB "Oh come on. It will be fun! Besides, if you think my reunion is boring I promise we can leave. Wouldn't you like to meet some of those weird friends I've talked about?" This onslaught had started about fifteen minutes ago and showed no signs of letting up. I knew from experience that Paula would not relent until she had achieved victory. So,...

3 years ago
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The Reunion

The invitation read: Come and reminisce with the Class of 1985 S.R. Butler High School Saturday, August 20th, 2005 7:30 pm to 11:30 pm The Courtyard Huntsville Hotel 4804 University Drive N.W. Huntsville Alabama 1-256-837-4114 Now, I hadn't been real fond of high school back when I was going to high school, but I tossed the invitation onto the table as I left for work that day. I tried to put the invitation out of my mind and concentrate on my work. As a computer programmer, I need to be able...

2 years ago
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

3 years ago
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Fortieth Reunion

The world seemed in never ending turmoil as the decade of the 60's drew to a close. Vietnam was an ongoing war and the peace movement was in full swing. Woodstock was fresh in everyone's memory having provided our generation with the hope that as we graduated high school we could actually affect change in a world of unchanging politicians and nineteenth-century morals our parents had grown up adhering to and tried to force on our generation.After receiving the diplomas we'd work twelve long...

3 years ago
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25th Class Reunion

I have to be honest, when I first received the, 'hold the date' notice for my twenty fifth high school reunion, I deleted the e-mail almost instantly. As a forty three year old mother and career woman, I had left my school days far behind me. My family and I lived just over one hundred miles away from the town in which I grew up and I rarely went back to visit, particularly since my parents retired to Florida a few years earlier. If fact, I had not even thought of my alma mater in ages.I know a...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 77 Reunion

Saturday, June 25, 1983 Intellectually I knew that my family’s meltdown was not my fault, but rather the fault of my insane brother and his equally culpable mother. I was as much a victim as anybody. Emotionally, I knew otherwise. They were all the same people as on my first trip through, only I was different. That made it my fault, ipso facto, ergo sum, quod erat demonstradum, etc. etc. etc. Intellect had nothing to do with it. Marilyn helped me. She simply couldn’t understand my family;...

4 years ago
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What If The Reunion

What If? By Karen J. Roush Prologue: What if life had been different? What if had been born a female rather than male? Or perhaps even more confusing what if I found myself female in certain situations with full female consciousness, awareness, and knowledge like I had been born and raised that way and had simply progressed to that point of my life yet fully aware of my maleness and male life? I got to thinking about...

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Class Reunion

Driving home from work was always a pleasure for Kevin. It meant that he had survived another day and lived to tell about it. Thus was the life of a police officer. His main objectives every morning was to be safe and to survive his shift, all the while doing his job to the best of his ability. It hadn’t been a busy day for him, two domestic violence calls, three traffic stops, one DUI, and one criminal trespass. All in all, it had been pretty easy for a Monday and he would be getting home on...

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Ten Year College Reunion Ch 1

March, 2028My wife, Adriana was engrossed in her tablet when she looked up at me and said, “Honey, I just got an e-mail. My college graduating class is having a reunion next June. I’d like for us to go. Is that okay with you?”My name’s Matthew, my friends call me Matt. My wife, Adriana, and I were sitting in our living room watching TV. Well, I was, anyway. Apparently, Adriana was more into her tablet than the TV. I groaned at what she’d just said. Crowds and I don’t get along. I have this...

Wife Lovers
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My mother in Reunion

I'm a twenty-five year-old nerdy-looking-balding-red-haired dude living a bachelor life in big city Los Angeles. Well, "bachelor" in my case is spending nights in front of my iMac jacking off to the world wide web's plentiful free porn. I work as a digital art technician in one of the numerous studios in nearby Hollywood, and out there my job is giving so-so looking chicks digital makeovers and boob jobs to make them look good onscreen. Trust me, I'm pretty good at my job.It is not entirely...

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The Twin Cheerleaders High School Reunion

The twins had befriended a local housewife, named Claire Bontsman, who used to be a schoolteacher, but was laid off and decided to open up her own daycare. This woman was only four years older than us, at age 27, she had one kid, who was the same age as my two children. All in all, leaving my children with this woman, was a good opportunity. My children were able to interact with other kids, and I was able to get to know other parents.  My father had asked me two years ago if I was going...

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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE SEVEN Kirsty Sheraton was thirty-three years old, and had graduated from...

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The School Reunion Part 1

The School ReunionBy Paul Garland A No Angels Erotic Novel All rights reserved by the Author.Contents copyright 2018 © Paul Garland and Cerulean Publishing This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Chapter 1My wife Claire is a pretty little thing. Even after ten years...

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Ammavai Thungum Pozhuthu Naki Oothen

Vanakam enathu peyar Bala, vayathu 22 naan kalluriyil padithu varugiren. Enathu kalluri chenniyil irukirathu naangal ingu thaan vasithu varugirom appa aransanga vellai seithukondu irukiraar. Avaruku vayathu 45 aagugirathu enathu ammavuku vayathu 36 aagugirathu aval eppozhuthum veetil iruka maatar. Amma thaniyaaga thaan irupaargal engalin vaazhkai ippadiye sendru kondu irunthathu aanal enathu ammavai naan oopen endru appozhuthu ennaku theriyavillai. Pengal annaivarukum sariyaaga 32 muthal 38...

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The Reunion

The Reunion By Mister Double-U Part I It was a bright sunny fall afternoon as Ryan and Ashley wandered through the flea market. It was a tradition on Sundays that they both enjoyed. They used to go for fun, to look for little knickknacks and old videos. Now, they went looking for baby items. Ashley was 5 months pregnant and very much showing. She waddled through the flea market feeling extremely self- conscious. Ryan held her hand and kissed it. She smiled and they...

4 years ago
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High School Reunion Drinking Games 5th in the Golden Series

A few years ago I went to my twenty five year high school reunion. Coincidentally, I’d also begun a fitness regime about a year ahead of the reunion. I didn’t really do it for the reunion, but over that year the reunion date did provide some motivation. After all, the desire to impress a group of people that you shared five years of your life with in the distant past seems a common condition. Since I wasn’t famous or rich, the only avenue left to me to impress was through a regime of workouts....

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The Reunionreloaded

The reunion…reloadedThis was the 50th Class reunion. Really the 50th anniversary of our graduation from high school…Unlike the 40th reunion (see that story)…my wife was in fine fettle and able to attend…had even ordered a VERY fetching little red dress …which she looked quite marvelous in…Being one to cover my bets…we left the house for the reunion quite early and arrived well before the appointed time. Still there were a fair number of classmates there…mostly gathered at the bar. I ordered my...

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Chrissies High School Reunion

Chrissie’s High School ReunionWhen the announcement arrived in the mail notifying Kelly and I that our High School graduating class was organizing a ten year reunion we spent that entire evening discussing the pros and cons of attending. I was fairly certain that I wasn’t interesting in attending but Kelly insisting on listing all the reasons why she felt we should attend.She was interested in going because she wanted to make passes at all the “stuck-up bitches” that pissed her off in high...

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ReunionChapter 2

All I could think of while in jail was getting hold of Mark and beating him till he was near death. As far as Amy was concerned, I had no idea what would happen between us. My first thought was to embarrass her to no end and then divorce her. The only problem was that I still loved her. Since Brent wouldn't take me to the airport I took a cab. He kept telling me how sorry Amy was and that I should talk to her, but I didn't want to listen to either of them. I told him to tell Amy to go to...

1 year ago
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Brendas Reunion

Brenda Powers received the invitation to her 13th high school reunion in the afternoon mail and was sitting in her kitchen pondering if she really wanted to go or not. For the umpteenth time that afternoon she looked at the date for the reunion and realized that there wasn't any reason for her not to go ... well only one reason really — that bitch Trisha Grant. Brenda wanted to see all of her old friends and dance and have a few drinks but if Trisha showed up she didn't know what would...

1 year ago
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Reunion Union

A story written in a kind of ‘she thought and did/he thought and did’ fashion… alternating paragraphs. It starts slow but builds… hope you like it. The story… ***** He’s my best friend and has been since we were kids. He used to fix my bike and I’d help him deliver papers in the mornings. We went all the way through school and are still best friends ten years later. We’ve never gone out and we’ve neither been married and we’ve each had a lot of friends and a few lovers and we’re still...

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Farm Girl 220 Year Class Reunion

Following the summer of  '83 Eddie went away to college and I remained home on the farm and attended a local college taking up business. Throughout Eddie's four years of college we remained in contact and went out together on various holidays when he came home and also during the summer months. Regardless of what the future held, Eddie and I were glued for life.  During those years I also met Tom and though we were not under any commitment to each other we went out together a lot and became...

Straight Sex
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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE FIVE Raquel Fuentes was taking little satisfaction from the fact that the...

4 years ago
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Class Reunion the Bet

Thanks to my assortment of Editors, including Dragonsweb, Jacques Noir, RastaDevil, The Old Fart & WanderingScot and other advance readers that prefer to maintain deniability I really hadn't wanted to attend my ten year High School class reunion, but my fiancée Amber talked me into it. While I had stayed in pretty good contact with most of my old school friends and had visited home fairly often over the years, Amber had never met any of them and the timing of the reunion seemed ideal for...

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The Reunion40th High School Reunion. My wife and I were both looking forward to the reunion. It was my high school reunion…but she wanted to meet the friends I had talked so much about.The day of the reunion, at noon time my wife got sick…so sick that it looked like we were not going anywhere except maybe the emergency room...After a two hour nap...and she never naps she was much better. Even ate some toast. Well she wasn’t in shape to go but I felt ok going without her.I arrive at the...

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The Class Reunion

Saturday, May 28, 2005Heather couldn’t believe it had already been ten years.  Ten years since she’d sat in one of those classrooms. Ten years since she’d heard Mrs. Wagner’s warbling voice.  Ten years since she’d heard that bell ring for the last time. Ten years since she’d walked across that stage. Heather’s ten-year high school reunion was approaching rapidly, and she was surprised to find herself slightly nervous.  In this case, “approaching rapidly” meant a matter of minutes—less than an...

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Reunion slut

The thing that struck her most was the passage of time. Driving through town on a warm summer afternoon, wondering if she knew this person or that person. That's when it hit her- it had been 15 years since she had cruised these streets, laughing and carrying on and doing all the things that teenagers do.Of course, back then she didn't have a car, and didn't have the perspective of college, work, the outside world. Still, it struck her just how long it had been since her school days.The reunion...

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The Reunion

Although I had been sitting in front of the computer for hours trying to finish the last chapter of my next sword and sorcery fantasy novel, nothing seemed to be working. I knew someone needed to die in order to create a climatic finale; I just couldn't make up my mind which one it should be. Should I kill off the Elf or the Dwarf or perhaps even the leader of the little band of mercenaries who was the hero of the story? For whatever reason I just could not find a workable ending that my...

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