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Forced Black Cock Suck Chapter II

I tossed and turned all night long worrying about what would happen at work and what he was going to do, I thought I might have to quit my job but I knew job prospects were slim.

But when I went into work the next day he didn't say a word to me, but I thought I saw the black guys grinning at me and leering a bit.

For the next week everything was normal and I relaxed and I thought it was over, but then on the following Monday when I went to my car after work he was there in his truck. All he said was, 8 o'clock and drove away.

I was a nervous wreck again and thought about leaving the apartment and not coming back until very late, but I knew he would see me at work and I was afraid he would make a scene and maybe even announce that I had given him a blow job, so I checked the fridge to make sure I had beer and sat and waited.

8 o'clock came and went, then 9 and after a couple hours of hand wringing stressful waiting I finally decided that he wasn't going to show and I got ready for bed relieved that I didn't have to deal with him that night. I got into my pajamas, well really not pajamas, I wear just an oversized t-shirt to bed, and got into bed.

It couldn't have been 15 minutes when I heard the knock on the door, I jumped up and said OMG and started scrambling for my pants but he started knocking louder and shouting, open up!

I was afraid he'd cause a disturbance so I ran to the door in my t-shirt and opened it a crack and I was going to just tell him to leave me alone. But he just pushed by me, went right over to the couch, put the TV on, spread out and told me to get him a beer without even looking at me.

I smelled alcohol on him so he was obviously out drinking which made me very scared.

I said ok just a minute and started to head to the bedroom to get dressed and he shouted, what the fuck you talking about, I said get me a beer and I mean NOW! So I sighed and said ok, got the beer and walked over to hand it to him while he was watching some sports show.

That's when he finally turned around and looked at me and saw me in my "pajamas", which I said is just an oversized t-shirt, which just covers my ass cheeks. He did a double take and said Whoa! Look at you! Come over here and he reached out spun me around lifted up the back of the shirt and grabbed my ass and started squeezing it.

He said omg you have a cute girly ass and kept squeezing, stroking and fondling it! I was soo embarrassed!

But at the same time I felt a tingle in my little 4" penis. Thank god I was facing away from him! That's the last thing I wanted him to see, not that it would matter much because even when it's hard it hardly peeks through my pubes, but it was very disturbing to me that I had that reaction from him fondling my bunns like I was a girl.

Then he said, in a nice non threatening voice, sit down next to me I want to talk to you. I said ok Derrick, I know his name from work, as I sat down, there's not another word to describe it but demurely, like a girl siting down in a short skirt holding it down so it didn't ride up and possibly expose the excitement in my penis.

He immediately said, again in non threatening, but firm tones, let's get something straight, you are NEVER allowed to call me by my name again, I am Sir to you, do you understand?

Even at work. You are my faggot cock sucker Jamie, not James, and I am your Sir. Understand?

I lowered my head, knowing it was useless to argue and happy that he wasn't going to rough me up, so I said Yes. Of course he said, no faggot, not Yes - Yes Sir. He didn't slap me, pull my hair or anything and that made me happy so I simply said Yes Sir.

Good he said, maybe one day if you do well with your training I'll let you call me Daddy and you'll be my bitch, but you haven't earned that yet. Understand? I said Yes Sir although my mind was reeling by what he was saying!

He seemed pleased, and then he continued to explain that he was late because he was at the bar drinking with his buddies watching the game, there were no good women at the bar and when it was over he decided he needed a booty call and that was going to be me tonight.

I blushed again, I couldn't believe he was talking to me this way, and then he said I need to get used to it because I was going to be his booty call when he felt like having a faggot give him a blow job. Understand?

I said yes Sir, still just happy that he wasn't beating me up but freaking out inside wondering what the heck being his "booty call" entails although I was pretty sure it meant sucking his cock but what else? My mouth was dry , I was starting to shake, and wring my hands.

He laughed at me, and said my job was to do as he says and please him, and he said now to start, my leg is sore and stiff from work and standing at the bar so he threw down a pillow on the floor and said get down there and massage my calves.

I got down on the floor and immediately began to massage his calf, I didn't mind that, I had given massages before and kinda liked it, so I kinda got into it while he watched TV.

He had muscular calves and I imagined his thighs were muscular too but I couldn't see them because he had long basketball shorts on. What I could see was the outline of his big cock in the shorts and I found myself sneaking glances at it and I think my mouth started watering a little because the dry mouth was gone and again I felt that little twinge in my penis.

He said I was doing good and now to move up to his knee and massage there so I obeyed and massaged from his lower thigh to his calves.

At a commercial he told me to do his thighs, and my hands slid under his shorts and started on his thigh, but I tried to keep away from his cock but he said, stop playing around and go higher, all the way up my leg. So I got up on my knees a bit, put both hands around his tree trunk thighs and squeezed and pushed up his thigh massaging as I went.

I felt an electric shock when the back of my hand brushed his cock and balls but kept massaging sliding my hands all the way up his thighs and back down to his knee and calf and then back up! Each time feeling the weigh his cock and balls on the back of my hand.

I had almost forgotten how thick and heavy his cock and balls were and I let myself massage more there so I could feel them on me more. I think I felt it twitch a couple times and it may have started to stiffen a little.

It almost felt sexy to have my hand under this masculine man's basketball shorts and to feel his cock and balls that he had recently ravaged and ****d my mouth with.

He looked over at me and said, I know - you're dying to hold it aren't you. I shook my head and said No Sir! He laughed and said then what's that little tent and wet spot I see under your t-shirt and roared with laughter.

I looked down and was appalled to see that my tiny penis had pushed out the t-shirt just a tiny bit and there was a telltale tiny wet spot where this tip was.

He said, whatever, even though you "say" you don't want to I'm telling you to grab my cock with both hands and massage it like you were massaging my legs. I almost cried but I grabbed his cock in both hands and started to massage it. Not jerking him off, but truly massaging it, the he said, do my balls too.

I continued to massage his growing and stiffening cock with one hand and with the other cupped his big balls from underneath and gently massaged them too. He had me do that for a while and soon his cock was fully erect and the tip was poking out of the band on his shorts.

That's when he literally lifted me off the floor and placed me on the couch next to him. He was sooo powerful! If he wanted to he could beat me to a bloody mess and even kill me and he knew I knew it.

He looked me in the eye and said, you're doing good, you're following direction and not trying to resist, and I know you noticed that I'm not roughing you up like last time. From now on I'll only rough you up if you are disobedient or I want to remind you how good it is when I don't rough you up, understand? Of course I said yes Sir.

Good, now I know I forcibly fucked your face last time and you went along with it because you didn't have a choice and you wanted to get it over with.

Tonight things change, YOU are going to do the work and please and worship my cock, I'm going to help you do a good job and start to learn how to give a man a blow job of your own accord. Understand? I fidgeted on the couch, wrung my hands and pushed them between my legs.

I guess I had adjusted to the fact that I had been forced to suck his cock, I justified it in my mind that I didn't want to do it but had to for my safety, but this was different, this is something that I really didn't want to do, no matter how my little penis was reacting,

But I also knew that if I didn't comply nice "Sir" would go away and mean "Sir" would return and he would make me do it anyway. I said to myself, ok, this is just me and him, no one would know so I said with tears in my eyes, yes Sir.

The first thing you need to learn is that it's the cock sucker's job to take his man's cock out, a good cock sucker understands that the blow job should be relaxing and effortless by the man in most cases, and also when the cocksucker pulls out his man's cock it shows that he WANTS it and he WANTS to please him, although sometimes I like to get my aggression's out and I will take control. For tonight I want a nice relaxing blow job so YOU will pull my shorts down now and release my cock.

I knew that was an order, and while saying to myself in my mind - no one will know - no one will know - I pulled the front of his BB shorts down and his big black cock sprung out. Again I was in awe of it and just stared waiting for his instructions.

He said, now stroke it and squeeze while your stroking, milk it. I learned how to milk his cock the last time he was here. I milk my little penis on the rare occasions that I jerk off but it's so small that I can only use my thumb and finger to milk what little cream I have, my balls are very small.

But to milk him I need to get my whole hand around his big piece of meat. It's sooo different than mine, I could sense the power in it.

I enjoy giving back rubs and massages and since it was just me and him I allowed myself to get into it and enjoy the feel of his cock in my hands, stroking and milking from his thick spongy mushroom head down to the base of his cock by his balls.

I guess I was kind of in a zone staring at what I was doing and he was just enjoying it and watching to when I saw the first glisten of pre-cum peek out from his pee hole.

I couldn't believe it but I felt a sense of accomplishment and continued to milk his cock trying to get the drop to grow!

I made my strokes go only to the bottom of his cock head because I didn't want to ruin my accomplishment and wanted to see how big I could get it. I was even squeezing and massaging his balls gently hoping that it would squeeze more pre-cum up his shaft and out the pee hole. I didn't want to admit it but I was actually enjoying doing it! It was kinda fun watching the drop grow!

I guess he noticed that I wasn't paying attention to massaging his cock head and he looked over at me and saw the big drop of gooey juice, almost the size of a pea, that I had produced on the tip of his cock. I was afraid he was going to chastise me for not paying attention to the head but he just smiled at me, patted my head and said good job faggot.

Well I don't know how to justify or describe this but that actually made me feel good! And it was not only because he wasn't going to beat me but I was happy that he was pleased with me and I didn't mind at all that he called me faggot! I mean it was just me and him and no one else could hear it and he wasn't calling me faggot at work so I just went with it. I felt very relaxed now and good inside.

I looked up at him and actually smiled. He said, last time you didn't get a chance to taste and savor a real man's pre-cum and cum but tonight you get your chance. Why don't you put your lips around just the very tip of my cock and pull that nice drop onto your tongue, don't swallow it but let it stay on your tongue and enjoy it.

I must admit I was fascinated by it and I had some in my mouth the last time so it wouldn't be something I hadn't done before so I started to do did what he suggested.

That's when I realized that he hadn't ordered me to do it, he just suggested it, and in that instant I knew that what I was about to do was my own choice and that I did want to do it!

After all this was just between me and him, no one else would know, I would let myself go and enjoy the experience.

As I started to lower my head down towards his cock he grabbed my head and just said, slowly - do it slowly. He must have known what was going through my head about doing this of my own choice and instead of shoving my head down on it he guided my head down ever so slowly actually making me wait for the moment and making me want it even more while saying that's a good faggot, enjoy this moment, look close at my big beautiful manly cock with my juice waiting for your lips . Then when I was an inch away he released my head and let me do it on my own.

I licked my lips reflexively, and parted them just a bit, enough to wrap around the smallest bit of his cock head and take his pre- cum into my mouth. I held it on my tongue and straightened up and looked at him and smiled as he watched me smear the inside of my mouth with it and enjoy it's salty flavor and gooey consistency. I loved the way it felt and tasted.

I smiled proudly at him and he smiled back and asked if I wanted more. I said yes Sir, please, and he said milk some out again.

I started milking and then I felt pressure on my head from his big hands and he pushed my head down onto his belly inches away from his cock head. I felt comfortable resting my head on his muscular abs and I relaxed and I watched intently as I milked his cock and massaged his balls anticipating seeing the first sign of wetness, then it was there and soon it grew again into a nice drop.

I wanted to taste it right then and there but somehow I knew that even though he wouldn't beat me I need to wait for his permission.

I looked up at him and he just smiled and said nothing until I finally whined, please sir.

Please what?, he said

Please may I taste your pre-cum again, Sir, I answered.

He said, giving me the proper words to say, Please Sir may this faggot cock sucker taste your essence.

I couldn't believe how easily the words came out of my mouth, it felt so natural now. I echoed his words and he said, like in the c***d's game, yes you may cock sucker, but this time, lick it with your tongue and smear it all around my cock head with your tongue.

I said thank you Sir and I started to go down to his cock, he didn't hold my head this time but I went slowly anyway because I liked that he made me do that, and all the while thinking in my head, omg omg omg your going to do this!

My tongue slid out from between my lips and wet them again and then like a snake my tongue licked up the drop without my lips touching his cock, then I swirled my tongue all around his cock head getting it slimy with his pre-cum, rolling my tongue around it licking as much as I could into my mouth to taste it.

When I had cleaned it up and there was none left I continued to run my tongue around the head. His cock head felt sooo good against my tongue, soft and spongy, I wanted, wanted wanted! to put it between my lips let my lips and tongue feel it together.

He turned my head towards him, I felt the heat in my cheeks and I was breathing heavy almost panting with desire. He know I wanted more so he said milk some more and you can put my cock head in your mouth and suck the pre-cum out. That's what you want isn't it?

I said yes Sir and thank you sir and started to milk, when the drop was nice and full he just said, go ahead you know what you can do.

My head went down again, and this amazing feeling came over me, the actual act of having my head going down to take a cock into my mouth was sooo exciting, naughty and dirty to me that I couldn't believe it!

Just before I got to the tip I wet my lips again and then with my lips together I put my lips on the glob and slowly parted my lips and opened my mouth to smear the pre-cum over his cock head and allow his cock head to enter my mouth.

It was an amazing rush! I couldn't believe that I just had gone down on a black man's cock and I wanted to! I allowed myself to enjoy the feel of his cock head in there and my tongue swirled around while my lips massaged it.

I was working just on the tip and decided to take a chance and see if he would allow me to go further so I slid my lips down over the ridge so that the whole cock head was now in my mouth. OMG the sensation of feeling my lips expand to get past the ridge and then contract under it was incredible.

I massaged it with my mouth and tongue and he took my hand and wrapped it around his cock and guided my hand into stroking it, he was allowing me to milk more pre-cum so when he let go I continued to milk on my own and then I felt it oozing onto my tongue. It was such a thrill, I wanted more.

I felt his big hand rest on my head and I felt pressure holding it in place and then he gently thrust his hips just a little pushing my mouth down onto the shaft itself! He didn't violently face fuck me, he face fucked me gently knowing that this time I WANTED more in my mouth and when I had reached my limit he let me go and pulled me up and looked at me.

He asked, are you ready now? Are you ready to enjoy pleasing my cock on your own? Do you understand now that that's what your role is? That you are nothing more than my cock sucker and no matter when I come over you will not only willingly suck me you will want to suck it and you will know to take it out and please it.

Are you ready?

Yes Sir, I said. He said, OK but first you need to kiss my cock and balls all over to show me how much you love and worship my man parts. Then I'll let you know when to get started and if I need you to do something special I'll tell you so you learn.

I had lost all my inhibitions by now, whether it was a mistake or not, I had decided not to fight it and to let myself go and enjoy it because it was going to happen whether I cooperated or he would make me do it by beating me.

But my inhibitions were gone and I felt safe in the private world we were in and I realized that I actually DID enjoy doing it and pleasing him.

So I said, really meaning it!, Yes Sir I said, I'll show you that I want to please you and your man parts.

I licked my lips again, and kissed the tip of his cock, then I kissed all over the head and then down the shaft making sure my lips were wet when I kissed it.

I kissed all around the shaft and then down to his big manly balls, the source of his salty pre cum and kissed them lovingly, thanking them for giving me his essence to taste. At times I even let my tongue lick it a bit while I was kissing.

All the while I was stroking his cock and letting myself go and enjoying the sensations, so when I kissed back up the shaft to the head there was another drop of pre-cum there, and he said, ok faggot, you can start giving me a proper blow job, do what ever you want.

I didn't even look up at him, say thank you or yes sir, I just licked the pre-cum off the tip and slid my mouth down on his cock. I held his balls while I bobbed my head up and down on his cock, making my mouth a pussy for him. I let my tongue explore the shaft as I fucked his cock with my mouth. I could feel his big cock veins on my tongue and lips and I loved the feel.

Sometimes I would slide it in as far as I could and fuck it deep in my mouth, trying to push it down my throat, but I couldn't do it without his help but it still made my mouth all wet and slimy like I imaging a woman's pussy gets from getting fucked.

Other times I would just suck on the head and upper shaft, using my mouth and tongue to massage it and to feel the differences between his soft spongy head and the steel hard shaft.

And then sometimes I would slide my mouth down from the tip down as far as I could over and over slowly to enjoy the feeling of fucking his cock with my mouth. All the while conscious that I what I was doing was not only for me but for his pleasure, hoping that what I was doing was making him happy.

After a while he grabbed my head gently and lifted me off his cock and said just lick it now, I want you to lick and suck my cock from the outside of your mouth and lick and suck my balls, so I wrapped my lips around the outside of his shaft and sucked and slid my mouth up and down the outside of his shaft, all around it, up and down then licking it with my tongue down to his balls.

I sucked the skin of his ball sack into my mouth and then my mouth went around one ball and I caressed and massaged it with my lips, then the other one, then I felt like I needed to have both of his balls in my mouth and I was able to.

He said, that's my little faggot you're doing good, you look great with a real man's balls in your mouth. I think you're a natural cock sucker and I think you enjoy sucking and making your man feel good don't you.

I looked up at him, slightly embarrassed but I knew there was no sense in lying, I said yes Sir I am loving how this feels and that it makes you feel good and you approve of the way I am doing it. Then he said, Now it's time to make me cum.

He stood up and told me to get on my knees because he was going to face fuck me until he came. I knew what to do, I got on my knees in front of him and opened my mouth waiting.

He grabbed my head and slid his cock into my open and (this time) willing mouth, I closed my lips around it and pushed my tongue right against it as he started to slowly fuck my mouth, deeper and deeper with every stroke until he was pushing against the back of my throat where he held it there and I gagged and couldn't breath.

I held my breath as long as I could and then slapped his thigh and he released me, like the first time he ****d my mouth. Then when I nodded and opened he did it again, and again and again but then he said you're doing good but I want you to loosen your throat when I'm back there.

I didn't know what he was talking about but when his cock head was against the back of my throat and I started to gag, I tried to relax my throat and I felt him pushing his cock against it then it happened, I felt his cock pop past that spot and slide down my throat! It was an amazing feeling to have him hold my head with his cock down my throat and then literally fuck my throat!

He fucked for about 3 strokes and then let me up. Good faggot, he said, you liked that didn't you. I said Yes Sir that felt amazing! Does that make your cock feel good when it's down there? He told me yes faggot, your throat feels like a tight pussy or a tight ass hole around my cock.

So I smiled at him and opened my mouth for more. I made sure I took a deep breath before he stuck his cock in and this time it popped down easier, and I was able to take 4 strokes. I was soooo pleased with my self, stroked his slimy cock, kissed the head and opened again.

This time it went down nice and easy and he started to fuck my throat without stopping, I needed to breath and I was slapping his thighs and trying to push away and he kept fucking and fucking.

Tears were running out of my eyes when he let up and said suck it now faggot suck it hard.

So I grabbed his shaft and sucked hard while bobbing up and down on it and stroking his big cock in rhythm until he held me down on it and filled my mouth with his cream.

I held his cum in my mouth and kept sucking and milking every drop out until he slid his cock out of my mouth saying, don't spill a drop and enjoy having a man's cum and sperm in your mouth, play with it, taste it and when you're ready swallow it.

I did just that! I swirled it around in my mouth, ran my tongue through it to taste it's pungent bitter man flavor and then there was nothing more I wanted but to swallow his cum into my belly so I swallowed it down.

Even though I had swallowed his cum before, this was different, I did it because I wanted to.

He sat down and told me that I always need to clean him up when he's finished so I started to lick and suck the cream off his cock. While I was doing that he awakened me to the fact that a black man's essence was being absorbed into my body and that he was literally a part of me now.

He got dressed and on his way out he called me over and spun me around, lifted my shirt and gave me a slap on my ass and said see you soon faggot. I literally giggled, blushed and was happy that I was his faggot!

I went to bed that night, tasting his cum in my mouth, thinking of him being absorbed in my belly and slept like a baby.

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Wife sets me up to SuckCock

My wife Sara had expressed her interests in watching me suck another man for the last couple years. I was never really sure about it, so it was just something she fantasized about when she was masturbating. Sometimes when eating her, she would tell me to lick her cunt clean from the mess the boys had made in there. Of course there wasn't any cum in there but it got her off thinking about it. To be honest, the thought kind of turned me on. I've never sucked a dick but forced bisexual porn always...

2 years ago
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My life as a selfsucker

I bet every man in the world has thought about sucking his own cock. I know I did for years, until one day I started doing stretching exercises and I noticed I was so limber that I could put my head in my lap. I started thinking about how good it would feel to stick the head of my cock into my mouth, so I got undressed and my cock was rock hard. I stuck my legs over my head and there was my cock inches away from my mouth.I stuck my tongue out and could just barely lick the head of my swollen...

3 years ago
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Andreas campsite cocksuck

Andrea's Campsite CocksuckIt's my first story folks, bin a while coming.I had been working away from home and had chosen to stay in a campsite rather than a stuffy Bed and Breakfast. I had left myself a couple of days at the end of the job for some 'fun' and relaxation.I love to wear knickers and tights under my boring boy clothes at work, but this is never enough for Andrea. So, after getting back to the campsite after work on the last day, I showered and shaved the bits that show and returned...

1 year ago
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Beach CocksuckerI

I was cruising the gay friendly beach awhile back when I met a guy wearing a barely there white mesh see thru g -string . I pulled up my chair a few feet away and intrduced myself . I could clearly see his fat semi hard cock and full balls as I told him how hot his thong was . Mmm, you like it Randy ? Oh yes John , where did you get it ? As he was telling me about a shoppe run by his crossdressing friends my cock was so hard in my swim suit . Would you like to touch it Randy , feel how soft it...

3 years ago
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Do we have a Deal Training CuckSucker

I had been curious about sucking cock for years, but I always kept it in the back of my mind. When I was really horny, images of getting down on my knees and worshipping a big, hard cock would spring into my mind. I would fantasize about a hard-on pulsing between my lips and shooting spurts of warm spunk into my mouth – and in particularly horny moments, I would imagine pulling it out of my mouth to shoot ribbons of sticky jism all over my face.While I had always kept these kind of thoughts in...

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Pool Suckfest

As I've mentioned in other stories, I love porn theaters and am very orally bisexual...having sucked many cocks. I'm not as much of a cumslut as I am a cock lover...although I definitely love sucking all the sweet cream out of a hard cock when that's what the guy wants. My main pleasure is the actual sucking of a throbbing piece of man meat. I absolutely love having my mouth full of hard cock and one of the main reasons I love playing in porn theaters is the opportunity to suck cock while...

3 years ago
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Dressed for Sucksex

Dressed for Suckcess(DISCLAIMER: This story is part reality/truth, and part fantasy. Please feel free to comment.) It had been a busy time and I had not been out as Danielle for several weeks. I was so aroused I could hardly stand it. I had arranged to meet two of my crossdressing girlfriends at a bar that was tgirl friendly. We often hung out there since it was safe and there were a number of male admirers there. These guys were there to meet us so they were almost always clean and...

3 years ago
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Mini Van Suckfest

I decided to drive to this park that is frequented by bi/gay men looking to hook up to see if I could get a little action the other night. It was 7pm, cold, damp and dark. I pulled into the lower parking lot in a secluded out of the way area hoping to see another parked car. What was there was a black mini-van. The lights were off and I didn't see anyone in the front seat so I figured the dude got out of his car and walked down the path looking for some fun. It was too cold & dark for...

1 year ago
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Bondage Suckpants

Long time ago when I discovered this “device” on the Internet, I thought that it would be fun to try it. And forgot for a while.But recently Dworkin wrote about his experience with this garment. And it all began again…As I mentioned in that thread, I would prefer to wear the hood, and I would like to have a man in the pants, and I would like to be bound. I would like to feel how (at the beginning) a soft flaccid member, which neither looks nor feels like a danger or anything threatening,...

2 years ago
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Sadhna The Insatiable Dicksucker

I had built my factory in a place that was about 60 km outside of Bombay along the Mumbai-Ahmedabad Highway. In the 10 years since the factory went through ups and downs but over the last 2 years it had doubled production and tripled revenues. Most importantly it had provided employment to a lot of people around the villages in that area. The men in these villages normally went far off to Thane, Mumbai, Pune ,Kolhapur apart from Vapi, Silvasa and Daman. The biggest challenge for me in the early...

4 years ago
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As long as I can remember I always had a hunger for a big hard cock. I'm not really sure when this all took place inside my body. I often wondered if I should have been born a female because I have female tendencies. It started when I was in the military that I had my first encounter with a big dick. I was staying in a hotel in San mataya with a friend and we were invited to a party. I was surprised when we got there that there was only men there. There was an...

2 years ago
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As long as I can remember I always had a hunger for a big hard cock. I'm not really sure when this all took place inside my body. I often wondered if I should have been born a female because I have female tendencies. It started when I was in the military that I had my first encounter with a big dick. I was staying in a hotel in San mataya with a friend and we were invited to a party. I was surprised when we got there that there was only men there. There was an...

3 years ago
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An Afternoon with Suzie Ccksucker

One of the strangest relationships I've had over the years was with awoman named Laura. She saw my profile on Yahoo and dropped me a note. It was like manna from heaven. She was very into the idea of fucking a man in the ass with a strap-on dildo. She'd not done it before but had fantasized about it for years. Would I be willing to help? You bet! We chatted for a long time before we finally agreed to meet. Her trailer park wasn't too far from where I was staying at the time and I went to see...

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Sleepsuckers Sleepsuckersby Dennis C. Lee  ? Bebe woke up with the funniest feeling in her stomach. Usually when she woke up she was hungry for breakfast, but today she felt surprisingly full. ? As she got out of the warm bed and stretched her pert agile body she began wondering what exactly happened the night before. Here it was, a weekend, and was she really having the fun she told herself she would all week? Her and her friend Alicia had gone out; that much she remembered. They'd...

2 years ago
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Massage became suckage

Hi all…Thx for the responses. Here is one incident which I mentioned in earlier. (I dont want to use the word story – incident).She is from Karnataka although a Mallu and looks good. Wheatish in color pink lips and small but firm boobs and good ass. I never had any bas intentions towards her, but it happened unexpectedly. One Sunday evening she came our home and was looking so dull. We had a cup of tea and were taking rest. By that time my friend left for work. We were alone and I noticed that...

2 years ago
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It's Sunday again. And I again invited my four friends to drink alcohol and watch football. Surprisingly, Amy's sister, Lucy, and her husband came to visit us. Tony and my other three friends were silent about the incident of the previous Sunday. Amy and Lucy had been hiding in the kitchen, but from their drunken laugh, I made sure they had a good time. Several times they had brought more alcohol and nuts. With each subsequent loading of the table, I felt Lucy's nipples swell more and...

1 year ago
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Why I need to swallow Outwardly straight cocksuck

a reply to a short story I read just now.... A short story where a married man is talking cock sucking to another married man on a site such as this, And one of the married men happens to be a car salesman. After some weeks, The married man takes a visit to the car lot to look at a motor-home. Once inside the vehicle the salesman locks the door and spontaneously drops his pants to reveal a modestly large semi hard cock for the sucking. The surprised costumer, can not help himself to such a...

3 years ago
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Vallejo ABS Sucktales

When I was 24 and in the Navy, they sent me to a school at Vallejo California, where I spent the next 12 weeks. Vallejo is a small town north of San Francisco. I mean a small town. On the first visit I discovered the only ABS in town. It was enough. There was no internet back then, and I would buy porno playing cards (good for jerking off in the bathroom) and magazines. Straight porno because that’s what I enjoyed looking at while I jacked off. But then I would leave my bag up front and go back...

4 years ago
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"It's time for your 4 o'clock Dr. Roberts" Fabian O' Patrick, Dr. Robert's secretary said, quietly poking his head through the door of your office. "Yes send them in." Leon Roberts said adjusting his papers on the desk. His 2:30 appointment had left quite the mess in his office. Patrick nodded and opened the door. In walked a tall man whom Dr. Roberts had never seen before. Dr. Roberts was always taking on new clients. His office was fairly new and he had a high turnover rate of happy...

3 years ago
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Semen Girl Tinas Friday Night Suckoff

Dylan What a way to spend a Friday night, Dylan thought as he boarded the subway car. Sitting around the office, listening to sales projections and corporate propaganda. The company meeting he had just left had gone on far longer than anticipated, and, to make matters worse, many of the executives in attendance were attractive women in tight miniskirts, and Dylan's cock had to struggle to ignore their shapely bodies and luscious faces. The Viagra in the air tasted particularly thick tonight,...

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Dv8 the Formula for Sucksex

This is a continuation of "Dr. Jeykll and Ms Heidi – DV8." While this story can stand alone and I do give a brief background for those who do not want to read the first story, I think it is worth reading (duh, otherwise I wouldn't have written it). Hopefully you enjoy them both. Because there are some strange people out there I must put in this reminder – this is fantasy, do not take this as reality. In reality people want to be treated with respect and dignity, do not abuse or take...

2 years ago
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Nurturing Nubile NovicesChapter 3 Sue Suckumbs

Dear Diary - Bill went all the way with me. And he says I'm THE BEST! I wish I could describe how it felt so, someday, I'd be able to read this again. It hurt! But only at first. I thought I was going to split right apart. I still can't believe that he got all of that huge penis up into me. It must have been in me up past my belly button. And boy, did I ever cum! I thought I was going to pass out. He did too. Cum, that is, not pass out. Mom warned me but I hope I'm still too young to have...

1 year ago
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Suck Sex! There are plenty of porn sites on the World Wide Web that specialize in all sorts of formats of pornography, from the well-known and ultra-popular porn tubes that the majority of porn consumers known and love like ‘YouPorn’, ‘XHamster’ and so on, to other porn tubes that focus on different genres of internet pornography such as amateur homemade videos, hardcore BDSM fuck flicks, Japanese adult videos and so on. It’s undeniable that we live within a porn-fueled society which for better...

Indian Porn Sites
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Reddit IWantToSuckCock, aka r/IWantToSuckCock! When you have such an obvious name, I am pretty sure that you do not need an explanation of what you can expect. However, is a very broad website with a lot of stuff for you to check out, and I am here to make your life much easier by pointing out all the shit that actually matters. So, if you are interested in r/IWantToSuckCock/ subreddit, you have come to the right place.Lots of cock sucking to enjoy.If you are somebody who enjoys the...

Reddit NSFW List
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Dressed for Sucksess

It was a crisp october evening when I began the drive back to the city from the commune style farmhouse where I'd spent the weekend with a sensous divorcee and a half dozen other open lifestyle couples. I'd brought along a slutty girl outfit complete with brown curly wig, spike heel pumps, lacy garter belt, breast forms, several baby dolls and blouses as well as short revealing skirts. And..I'd chickened out. Despite a sex filled weekend with Dianne, I was going home unfullfilled. I'd...

3 years ago
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forced to Watch and Suck

Johnny had lost the bet and he had to let Billy watch the sex tape of his girlfriend that he always bragged about. As Johnny reluctantly hit play, Billy was getting harder and wetter in his pants as he knew he was about to see the girl he ahd alwys fanatsised about , but never gone near because of his friend, naked.She stripped in front of the camera, her white smooth skin and D cup breasts made Billy's dick throb out of control. "that's enough" said Johnny as he went to press stop "fuck no"...

1 year ago
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Forced to Be A StripperA Mind Control Story

Copyright© 2004 The John Mellencamp song was blaring loudly as Vanessa danced around under the lights. "I want you to dance naked, so I can see you, I'd like to get to know you, you don't have to act naughty." Her hips moving back and forth, synchronized with the strings of his guitar, a wanton display of simulated sex. "Spin it round and round, spin it round and round and round, I want you to dance naked." Vanessa twirled around, her unbuttoned blouse blowing out to the side, her...

4 years ago
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Forced To Be A Latexdoll

Forced To Be A Latexdoll By Latex Bondage Boy 2000 copyrighted by Latexbondagefun One night Jim came home drunk after a hard day's work. When he drank, he was a violent person. He would come home and hit and yell at anyone who was in his way. This peculiar night was different. He came home and passed out in the living room. His wife, Samantha, was getting tired of his shit after 10 yrs. She pulled Jim into the bedroom and put Jim into bed. After that, she went upstairs. She went...

1 year ago
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Forced Sissy Wedding

Forced Sissy Wedding (Forced to be who I was meant to be) By: Missy Satinpanties I woke up feeling groggy, my head pounding, wondering what the hell had happened. My throat was raw and sore, and felt like someone had worked it over with sandpaper. The last thing I remembered was sitting with my father in his book-lined study, drinking my first glass of brandy with him to celebrate my 18th birthday. That I was with my father at all was rather rare, as my father was a very busy...

3 years ago
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Forced to be a Black cock slut

F*rced To Be A Slut (for BBC)forced to be a Slut Story from the perspective of a mom who is forced to become a slut for their neighbor's daughter. The mother’s daughter also becomes her mistress and mom gets nigger fuckedTears ran down my cheeks as the nigger cock rammed my pussy from behind. Jessica watched with a smile on her face as she often did. Here I was, in the back of a van in a mall parking lot, getting my white pussy violated by a nigger buck while the woman who had become my...

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forced Faggot

forced FaggotHello and thank you for letting me share this free true sex story about how I forced my male roommate into being a fag. I didn"t know it at the time but this was how I began my obsession with turning men into fags. Nothing gives me an orgasm more quickly than to watch a straight guy being taken by a stud for the first time.I was living in Hawaii barely making a living as a surf instructor. I had a beautiful apartment overlooking the Pacific Ocean but could not afford it so I placed...

4 years ago
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forced to be Female

forced to be FemaleCHAPTER ONEThe last thing I could remember was walking out of the Bank and crossing the road to my car. I had just been to see my bank manager to discuss transferring some money from one of my accounts into a high interest savings account.I had won quite a bit of money on the Lottery, enough to change my life. I was unaware just how much my life was going to change.I had just reached my car door when I felt someone bump into me. Then everything went...

4 years ago
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Forced Into Babyhood

FORCED INTO BABYHOOD a story by Johnathan It was Friday evening. Lesley Johnstone and her husband David had been invited to stay the weekend with Catherine Fanshaw-Jones, chairperson of the feminist organisation that Lesley had joined three months ago. David drove the car slowly down the drive towards Catherine Fanshaw-Jones' mansion. He did not want to spend the weekend with Lesley's friends, but she had insisted he joined her. "There will be other men there," she told him. "It...

4 years ago
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Forced to Frustration

Forced to Frustration by Tegeli A fully equipped kitchen was more of a status symbol than practical addition to the penthouse. I opened the drawers until I found the cutlery. As I expected, they were pristine, possibly completely unused. I grabbed a knife, and screamed. A forbidding burning sensation pulsed from the regulation implant in my neck. I dropped the knife back to the drawer, fighting back the tears of pain and shock. The warden AI had known what I had intended. I...

1 year ago
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Forced to be a Ponygirl

This is one of my fantasies. I’ve always dreamed of being made into a ponygirl, so here we go?Amy couldn’t remember much of what had happened last night. A college girl, she had been in a bar for a while. A handsome man, a fair bit older than her, had bought her a drink and chatted her up for a while. Amy was a slim brunette who normally had her fair share of successes attracting guys in bars, so this was nothing out of the ordinary. But then there had been something about going home in a taxi,...

3 years ago
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Forced to Be A Stripper

The John Mellencamp song was blaring loudly as Vanessa danced around under the lights. ‘I want you to dance naked, so I can see you, I’d like to get to know you, you don’t have to act naughty.’ Her hips moving back and forth, synchronized with the strings of his guitar, a wanton display of simulated sex. ‘Spin it round and round, spin it round and round and round, I want you to dance naked.’ Vanessa twirled around, her unbuttoned blouse blowing out to the side, her bra barely able to contain...

3 years ago
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Forced to be Female

Forced to be Female By Susan Fraser CHAPTER ONE The last thing I could remember was walking out of the Bank and crossing the road to my car. I had just been to see my bank manager to discuss transferring some money from one of my accounts into a high interest savings account. I had won quite a bit of money on the Lottery, enough to change my life. I was unaware just how much my life was going to change. I had just reached my car door when I felt someone bump into me....

4 years ago
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Forced to be a Sissy III

Forced to be a Sissy III By Cheryl Lynn This is a forced feminization fictional story and any resemblance to anyone living or dead or any other situation is purely accidental. If you do not like forced stories in which some pain is administered do not send negative commentary. Permission is granted to down load for personal pleasure. Down loads for any other purpose or for putting on pay sites is strictly forbidden. Forced to be a Sissy III Jacob stood before Mz. Nelson with...

2 years ago
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What Could Be Better Cocksucking

It was my Sophomore year in College and once again my girlfriend was too busy with homework to spend time with me. We hadn't done anything sexual in a while so I was feeling deprived and extremely horny. I needed to jack off like crazy but my roommate was in the room so I went to the bathroom in the food court building.It was a quiet place. There was only one guy in there and he was at the urinal. I figured he would leave soon so I sat on the stall and took my six-inch erection out and started...

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Forced Feminization

Forced Feminization? Hello to all my friends and readers, I guess this little discussion should be written in a blog or something, but I don't know how to do that, so hey ho. As well as writing stories, I like to read them too and one of my favourite subject headings is "Forced Feminization", however, and this is the reason for this discussion, many of these stories disappoint. The heading is two words, Forced and Feminisation, yet so often I find that the key character appears to...

1 year ago
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Forced Entry

Introduction: A man forces himself inside a womans home and rapes her. (A rape fantasy) It was almost 2 AM in the morning. I went out with some girlfriends to go clubbing and I was tired ready to crash for the night. This was our weekly Friday ritual. After a night of dancing and drinking, we could forget about the workweek and put it all behind us for a couple of days. I fumbled with the keys at the front door. When I unlocked the door and opened it, a man from behind grabbed me and forced...

3 years ago
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forced to be Female Pt2

Back in my room I lay on the bed trying to come to terms with the fact that I was being forced to become a woman. I kept looking at where my testicles had been, trying to see what they had done to me.My penis had been pulled back into the space where my testicles had been and then they had stitched it flat. I soon found that I had to sit in order to go to the toilet.I felt my face and arms. They were so smooth and free of hair. My chest was bare and smooth too and I looked at my nipples for any...

4 years ago
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Forced incest torture adventure

One night, I arrived to the home around one in the morning, brick in hand. They lived a half mile from any neighbors, easily enough to quietly break in unnoticed. I hurled the brick through the sliding glass door that opened into their luxury dining room on the ground floor, and immediately sprinted toward the bedrooms upstairs. I kicked in one door, but found nothing except clothes and an empty bed. I surged into the next, and found one of the sisters lying in bed still asleep despite my...

2 years ago
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Forced to strip my older aggressive perv

I'm sharing this story to ask for people opinion.. So 3years ago I was made home less and basicly was forced to move to Coventry into a hostel and this is how it belongs began...okay after lunch I bumped into a hairy sweaty older guy I fell over infront off him as he came out toilets.. I spilt my hot chocolate over him. And okay its was my fault but he went crazy and got in my face started goin crazy shouting rite In my face omg it scared me and as he shouted he was spitting all over my face......

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