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Viral Load Does Not Equal...
POZ March 2019 cover U=U Undetectable = Untransmittable
Understanding Undetectable Equals Untransmittable
A growing global community builds a movement.

February 18, 2019 • By Olivia G. Ford

In 2018, in a packed hall at the biennial International AIDS Conference, the world’s largest HIV-related meeting, a tall, earnest man asked a question of Alison Rodger, MD, lead investigator of the PARTNER2 study.

The study had delivered yet more unequivocal proof that people living with HIV who are on treatment and maintain an undetectable viral load do not transmit the virus during sex. The monumental discovery is often referred to as Undetectable Equals Untransmittable, or U=U.

“Today is marking a revolution in what it means to live with HIV,” the man said, thanking Rodger for her research, before asking how she would respond to HIV information providers who persist in finding excuses to withhold the facts that her study and others prove.

“I think the time for excuses [is] over,” she quickly replied, to loud applause. “It’s very, very clear that the risk is zero. We very much have to promote this: If you’re on suppressive ART [antiretroviral therapy], you’re sexually noninfectious.”

Rodger made sure to acknowledge the global campaign whose mission is to amass support for this message—especially since the man asking was Bruce Richman, founder and key force behind that effort. “I just want to pay tribute to the U=U campaign,” Rodger told Richman. “It’s been astonishing.”


The campaign’s title—and the strong science now available to back it up—is a resounding yes to a question first posed publicly about 10 years earlier: Does undetectable mean uninfectious? Following extensive discussions and a literature review, a 2008 consensus statement by Swiss HIV experts was the first to assert that it does. The “Swiss Statement” inspired heated discussions, and more than a few objections, in the HIV research and advocacy communities.

The Swiss Federal Commission for HIV/AIDS was called “naughty” for releasing the statement without stronger evidence. The statement’s authors were taken to task for its irrelevance to gay men (all the evidence the writers cited in support of the statement concerned heterosexual transmission) and to those living in areas without access to treatment, viral load testing or screenings for sexually transmitted infections. There were concerns over stopping condom use. Caution reigned. Aside from coverage in HIV community media, discussion of the statement continued largely apart from those who stood to benefit from it.

The Swiss Statement was released on January 30, 2008—the day before Venton C. Hill-Jones’s birthday, his first following his HIV-positive diagnosis in 2007. “At that time in my life and career, everything was really new,” says Hill-Jones, now chief executive officer of the Southern Black Policy and Advocacy Network.

Hill-Jones was also in graduate school and relatively new to the HIV field in Texas. The statement’s release did not register with him. “Working in public health, the messages I was seeing coming out of the field were not reaching the people they needed to reach the most—particularly Black communities in the South,” Hill-Jones recalls.

Later that year, at a gay men’s health summit, Hill-Jones heard a speaker living with HIV share the notion that a person with a suppressed viral load was unlikely to sexually transmit HIV, offering as evidence his own experience in a long-term serodifferent relationship—meaning his partner was HIV negative.

As a public health educator, Hill-Jones wanted to spread the good news. However, when he searched the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) online and other primary sources to find references to support the claims made by the speaker he had heard, Hill-Jones found precious little information on the topic.

“It was kind of the wives’ tale of HIV,” he remembers. “You’re not going to pass the virus on, but there’s nothing proving that.”


In 2011, proof began rolling in, first by way of a study known as HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) 052. HPTN 052—a randomized trial, the gold standard of clinical studies—found that treatment for the partner living with HIV reduced HIV transmission in serodifferent couples by at least 96 percent.

At that time, JD Davids, a communications strategist and longtime HIV activist, was serving on a federal working group that helps guide the U.S. HIV research agenda. Davids heard the preliminary results directly from HPTN 052’s principal investigator after the study was halted years early “because it was so overwhelmingly successful that it was unethical to keep doing it,” Davids marvels, meaning that the benefits of treatment were so great that it was unethical to keep participants from taking meds as part of the study. Advocates had hoped for, but not counted on, favorable results; few expected quite so clear a home run.

The study was heralded by HIV media and celebrated at clinical conferences; HIV treatment as prevention (TasP), as it was now more widely called, was the 2011 Breakthrough of the Year in the journal Science. Yet the TasP message was still not breaking through to most people living with HIV, especially not via their providers.

“You would hear about it in passing,” says Gina Brown of Southern AIDS Coalition, “but it didn’t really resonate.” Though her viral load had been undetectable for years, no provider had ever offered Brown information about her lack of risk of transmitting HIV.

“We continually hear from providers [and] public health officials that sometimes they are uncomfortable giving [U=U] information,” said Naina Khanna, executive director of Positive Women’s Network–USA (PWN-USA), the nation’s largest advocacy network of women living with HIV, during a recent webinar exploring racial and gender justice in the U=U movement.

This is a troubling, persistent trend in medical systems: health professionals acting as gatekeepers, withholding information people need in order to make decisions about their lives and health. Racial and other biases compound these conditions. For example, research shows that Black clients of health systems are less likely to share in decision-making with their providers than their white counterparts.

In 2013, PWN-USA conducted a sexual and reproductive health and rights survey of women living with HIV, most of whom were on successful treatment and highly engaged in care. Less than half of them had been told by a provider that having an undetectable viral load was a form of prevention. PWN-USA revisited the question in a 2016 community-based participatory research study; close to two in five of those women had not been made aware of TasP.

“That discomfort is frequently grounded in this idea that people living with HIV can’t be trusted with this information,” commented Khanna. “At its core…that narrative is racist, homophobic, patriarchal, misogynistic.”

In 2012, Richman, the founder of the U=U campaign, was told by his physician that he could not transmit HIV while undetectable. Richman had lived with HIV—and in fear of transmitting it—since 2003. It had been nearly a decade since he felt so free.

“This was incredible,” Richman told fellow U=U activist Davina Conner on her radio program, Pozitively Dee Discussions, in early 2017. “I had always heard and been continuously hearing from social marketing campaigns and clinics and doctors and governments and federal health departments that I was a risk, that all of us were still a risk, even when we were virally suppressed.”

Richman began collecting research, eventually quitting his previous career to launch the Prevention Access Campaign (PAC) in early 2016. PAC’s signature effort, “Undetectable Equals Uninfectious,” became “Undetectable Equals Untransmittable” after members of PWN-USA, who had been running campaigns to change stigmatizing language in HIV communications for years, brought to Richman’s attention the fact that a term like “infectious” was problematic in a campaign meant to fight stigma. The PAC founding task force ultimately agreed.

“Bruce wanted us in communities of color to have this information that he, as a white man, was freely given,” says Brown, who joined PAC’s steering committee after meeting Richman at a conference in 2016, researching the facts he shared with her and becoming a key bullhorn for U=U. “He brought the message to the masses in such a clear and concise way that it was easy to buy into.” While numerous leaders in the U.S. HIV community have traditionally matched Richman’s own gay white male demographic, Richman knew that the U=U message would have true power when U=U advocates more closely mirrored the epidemic.

PAC’s founding task force included advocates like Hill-Jones and Davids as well as the lead authors of HPTN 052, the Swiss Statement and two other trailblazing TasP studies, PARTNER and Opposites Attract. The group drafted a consensus statement to gather endorsements from institutions—including service providers, advocacy organizations, national and international policy bodies, publications, government entities and medical associations. The statement’s message was clear and direct: The risk of sexual HIV transmission from a person who has had a suppressed viral load for at least six months is “negligible to nonexistent.”

Co Founder and director of the African-American Office of Gay Concerns (AAOGC) Gary Paul Wright signed his longtime HIV testing and prevention agency in Newark on to the PAC consensus statement after he encountered Richman shortly after U=U’s launch. “You need to bring this to New Jersey,” he remembers telling Richman. “[Bruce] said, ‘Oh no, they don’t want me, they need you.”


A key battleground for U=U advocates is the language used to convey HIV risk. The launch of the consensus statement coincided with the publication of interim PARTNER study results, which famously logged more than 58,000 transmission-free condomless sex acts in serodifferent couples. Richman and other campaign supporters were charged not only with correcting misinformation about the study from community members, providers and media but also with encouraging the reframing of risk messaging—from cautious to celebratory, from vague to direct.

“The message about the transmission risk from someone living with HIV has a profound impact not only on HIV stigma…but also on HIV prevention, testing and treatment,” wrote Richman in his inaugural blog entry on POZ.com when the campaign launched. “It is essential that message about risk be accurate and meaningful.”

“Accurate” meant stating the truth—that in light of increasing evidence, risk of sexual transmission while undetectable was not “extremely low” or “greatly reduced” but rather negligible, as in so small that it is not worth considering. In other words, the risk was zero. Information sources needed to reflect that.

The campaign developed discussion guides and trainings to equip supporters to respond to and resolve incorrect or biased communications whenever they encountered them. “It’s up to us to change the narrative about us,” read the tagline of one of PAC’s media training programs. The program was successful in correcting language in several national publications that exaggerated transmission risk or otherwise stigmatized people living with HIV.

“We are up against more than 35 years of fear of people living with HIV,” says Richman of the challenge of communicating these truths. “I think that people fear change, especially a change that involves people living with HIV not using condoms.”


Jennifer Vaughan’s story of becoming ill, finding out in early 2016 that she had HIV and then returning to health is emblematic of the modern era of HIV treatment and hope. She believed she would be all right. She found an HIV medication regimen that worked, and her virus quickly became undetectable.

Vaughan shared her diagnosis with her c***dren, family, friends and a growing audience of YouTube followers through regular video blogs sharing her journey, and responses were supportive. When someone connected her with Richman, he was the first to tell her that now that her virus was undetectable, she couldn’t transmit it to her boyfriend.

“I remember saying, ‘What?!’” shares Vaughan. “My second reaction was why: Why had I not been informed by my doctor or anyone about this information? Why was I left to feel that I was still a risk to my boyfriend?” Vaughan’s doctor had encouraged her partner to use condoms and pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP.

When Vaughan spoke with this same doctor about U=U, the doctor discouraged her from sharing the campaign’s messages via her growing platform. “[My doctor] agreed with the science but felt people wouldn’t be responsible with it,” Vaughan says. As those who have learned about U=U from Vaughan’s videos know, she could not stay out of the campaign for very long.


“The science wasn’t the problem,” says Richman about his efforts to convince prominent HIV leaders to sign on to PAC’s consensus statement. “They were worried about being the first.” Richman recounted this process to longtime advocate Nelson Vergel in a 2017 interview.

Early adopters amassed: Demetre Daskalakis, MD, a pioneering physician from New York City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, signed on to the campaign the month of its release, making New York the first city public health authority in the United States to do so. Housing Works was the first U.S. HIV service organization to sign on. Then NASTAD, the coalition of U.S. directors of state HIV programs, came on board as well. But like Hill-Jones, many advocates on the ground were hesitant to take up the message until public health information sources like the CDC stood beside these declarations.

A series of watershed moments came in September 2017 when Anthony Fauci, MD, longtime head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said from the stage at that year’s United States Conference on AIDS that “the science really does verify and validate U=U.” Soon after, the CDC made its first statement featuring its updated HIV risk messaging, the result of a months-long process to develop new language incorporating TasP: People who are virally suppressed have “effectively no risk” of transmitting HIV.

After the CDC and other federal agencies came around, says Richman: “Then we felt like we could breathe.”

The New York State Department of Health U=U campaign
The New York State Department of Health U=U campaign
Courtesy of The New York State Department of Health

More than 800 organizations, from nearly 100 countries have signed on to PAC’s consensus statement and agreed to spread the campaign’s message and values. The simplicity of the U=U message is among its greatest assets—and most vexing challenges.

“The message was primed for this upcoming generation,” AAOGC’s Wright points out—a cohort accustomed to receiving information in quick bites via apps and social media. The pithy phrase could also be a jumping-off point for community members to further investigate the matter, he adds. However, what a hashtag-based message reaps in shareability, it may lose in complexity and nuance.

“How this message gets translated to the wider world can be problematic,” says Andrew Spieldenner, PhD, chair of the United States People Living with HIV Caucus. The caucus brings together networks and other groups of people living with HIV to speak in a collective voice for the U.S. HIV community. While many of its member organizations have signed on to the U=U consensus statement, the caucus itself has not.

Both Spieldenner and vice chair Barb Cardell, as individuals and on behalf of the caucus, praise the groundswell of strength, self-empowerment and sex-positivity U=U has inspired among people living with HIV.

“We know that it is not the intention of the campaign” to relegate those with a detectable viral load to lesser status, says Cardell. However, U=U supporters cannot control all the message’s uses, including as a potential tool to punish people living with HIV through criminalization.

Spieldenner cites a recent revision to North Carolina’s HIV-specific law that lists a suppressed viral load as a reason not to criminalize HIV nondisclosure, leaving people with a detectable viral load vulnerable to prosecution. To address concerns such as lack of access to treatment and over policing, PAC developed the “third U”: “Unequal.”

“Our collective celebration of U=U is undermined if our access to HIV diagnostics, treatment and care is unequal,” states the page on PAC’s website devoted to the third U. Richman sees the third U not only as a reminder to be conscious in communications and not shame detectability but also as a tool to advocate for treatment access for all.

The caucus, according to Cardell and Spieldenner, continues to wrestle with questions of how the campaign can satisfy its own best intentions.

“How do we make our public health partners accountable to that message?” asks Spieldenner. “How many organizations [that have signed on to U=U] have done in-service trainings with their staff to change the way they talk about HIV?”


With or without the #UequalsU hashtag, the facts behind U=U are reaching an ever-wider audience. Hill-Jones expressed excitement at the potential for the U=U message to spread more widely into communities of color across the country, citing the most recent season of the Fox series Empire as an example of an innovative, accessible approach.

In a tender, informative and markedly undramatic turn for the often over-the-top family/music-industry drama, a main character on the show and his boyfriend, two Black gay men in a serodifferent relationship, engage with disclosure, undetectability and efforts to assuage the fears of a mother who witnessed the worst of the epidemic’s early years. “Those are the messages that reach people in their living rooms,” says Hill-Jones.

Wright hopes that U=U will influence the basic messages young people today receive about HIV and that the focus on biomedical prevention approaches will not eclipse the need for behavioral interventions that can help people connect with care and treatment. Wright has seen funding for behavioral approaches flag in recent years, as PrEP and TasP have taken the stage.

Vaughan, who is contacted by many newly diagnosed people as a result of her YouTube videos, has noticed that more and more of them, in many countries, are already aware of U=U. “That means our message is getting out there,” says Vaughan, “it’s working!” Like many involved in the campaign, she hopes the facts of U=U can be leveraged to improve treatment access for all.

Cardell’s suggestion to that end? Talk about systemic inequities first. “What if there were a T-shirt that had just one U on it?” she muses. “And the conversations started off with: ‘We acknowledge that there is unequal access in the United States and globally to these medications, to [viral load and STI] tests. We need to always be working around that unequal access—and we want to do that so we can reach this vision of people being undetectable if they choose to go on medications.’”

Longtime HIV activist JD Davids has also thought a lot about where the U=U movement might go from here. “Amazing, brilliant people have come together to call for this,” he says. How might those people work together to become an even stronger base of power in the HIV community, pushing for deeper systemic change?

He recalls and quotes from ACT UP icon Vito Russo’s classic speech “Why We Fight”: “After we kick the shit out of this disease, we’re all going to be alive to kick the shit out of this system, so that this never happens again.”

Then, Davids asks, “If we have ‘kicked the shit’ out of [the myth that] people living with HIV are dangerous to others, what shit are we kicking out of the system so that the stigma, the misinformation, the intentional underinforming of people—all of it—never happens again?”

#access to care #Advocacy #campaign #Centers for Disease Control and Prevention #Criminalization #Housing Works #International AIDS Conference #National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors #New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene #PARTNER #Positive Women's Network USA #PrEP #Prevention #Prevention Access Campaign #Southern AIDS Coalition #suppressed viral load #TasP #transmission #Undetectable #United States People Living with HIV Caucus #USCA

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So I continued to watch Tyler masterfully sucking and licking my cock...my eyes closed every so often to feel his lips and tongue take me closer to the edge. I wasn't gonna stop him from making me cum...my cock belong to his lips and tongue. Then Tyler looked up to me and said," let's see if your banana fun opened you up for my cock..."He got up and stood above my body...his cock stood hard and somewhat dripping. He looked and smiled as he came over to above my head, his balls were swollen as...

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Little Emmas Sugar Daddy

My name is Emma, blue eyed, blonde, white, bubble butt, nice round boobs. I was an honors student in high school and I was also the cheerleading captain. After my high school graduation ceremony, I was spending the summer in our family farm in Iowa, until my college in Boston starts. My BFF Emily, who is a redhead with green eyes, and a year older than me, introduced me to an app called Tinder, and I installed it on my phone. Emily said I should put some photos with my friends showing I am...

3 years ago
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Special Delivery Sex

Scene: two brunettes 22-25 sit in a car. Driver wears tight jeans, boots, a tight sweater. Passenger has come from work. Grey or brown skirt just below the knees and conservative blouse. Passenger says “Thanks again for giving me a ride home while my car’s being worked on. I sure appreciate it. I know it’s not really convenient for you.”“I’m happy to help. Besides, I’m not going anywhere tonight except home, so it wasn’t any kind of bother to me.”“Well, I’m still very appreciative. You say you...

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Aphrodites RevengeChapter 5

Kaia awoke shivering as the cool morning air of the Mediterranean blew over her naked body. It was still dark overhead but the stars in eastern horizon had began fade and sky change to a dark cobalt blue. She noticed their speed had reduced drastically since last night. They appeared to be driven only by the wind in the sail. Medaethus sat holding the rudder handle and gazing at the stars. "Where are we?" Kaia inquired, her teeth chattering. "Our heading is north-west. We're going the...

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Kahana Hula Tiki Bar

The bar car gave a sudden lurch, sending most of Ed Hastings' martini flying toward the seat in front of him, where it splattered a newspaper picture of LBJ and Humphrey at a barbecue in Texas. There were only half a dozen passengers on this late night run, the last train from the city to the western suburbs, so Ed didn't have to worry about having ruined another guy's suit. He was sorry for the rest of the martini, though. The train sat for a few minutes, nothing happening. A few nervous...

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His Awaited Return

She lay there, nude, her little vibrating friend humming away at here clit. In here mind it wasn't a toy, it was her husband, doing what he enjoyed, flicking his tongue, exciting her. She imagined him splitting her crease with his tongue, occasionally dipping it deep inside her then quickly returning to it, lapping feverishly, he was always happy to do it, even when she didn't want him to. The steadily humming device quickly made her climax, it always had. She lay there now somewhat satisfied...

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Rachael And JuliusChapter 5 Family Life

"Lord o' Mercy, woman!" JD's eyes nearly bulged from his head, "You done bought the display model not the tool!" Next to it, JD was sadly comical, but the mammoth dildo would have dwarfed most men. It was huge; fully thirteen inches long and almost three inches across, it was the second largest model the store had carried. She and Helen started hunting for the perfect all-purpose tool shortly after the discussion with JD. She had tossed most of her toys after they had moved in...

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Straight White Girls A Pet Teacher

Introduction: White teacher submissive is seduced by black dominant parent. Straight White Girls: A Pet Teacher Summary: White teacher submissive is seduced by black dominant parent. Note 1: Thanks to goamz86 and Robert for editing this story. Straight White Girls: A Pet Teacher Jasmines last parent-teacher interview was scheduled for nine at night, a full hour after the evening was supposed to end. Janet Jones, the mother of Bethany Jones, couldnt make it until this late time because of...

4 years ago
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Die Geister die ich rief

...dürfen gerne auf ewig bleiben. Ich weiß, so geht dieser Spruch nicht. Aber in diesem Fall machen wir eine Ausnahme. Doch etwas zu mir: Mein Name ist Bernhard, von allen nur Bernie oder im Englischen “Börnie” genannt. Ich bin Anfang 20 und durchschnittlich gebaut. Ich sehe bestimmt nicht übel aus, bin aber sicherlich auch kein Adonis. Ich hab keinen so üblen Job (ich arbeite in einer großen Firma im Vertriebsdienst und werde gerade zum Kundenbetreuer hochgezogen) von dem ich nicht reich...

Group Sex
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Emptying Santa

"Fuck me now" the slutty elf demanded. The store Santa looked at her astounded. He was asked for a lot of things during the daytime, a litany of youthful demands, but coming home and being met by her dressed in her sluttiest elf outfit had thrown him off his stroke. Being ordered to fuck her had instantly filled his sack with a hardness he wouldn't dare to show at work. This would make the days of having to fulfill an endless line of demanding parents worthwhile.She reached out and grasped his...

1 year ago
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Emily Gets Her Dildo

Emily is a young 18yo girl. She is very horny and loves a good fingering. This is Emilys 1st story of many more to come. *** It was Thursday morning and Emily had just woke up. The night before had been very hot as it had been a heatwave so Emily had took all of her clothes off. All Emily had on was her white ankle socks. Emily got out of bed and put on her dressing-gown. She walked round the house to make sure she was alone. Sure enough she was. She dropped her dressing-gown on the floor and...

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fantasy and desires

Hello fellow writers readers, porn lovers.I cum again to you with one more story as some know my history of my love affair with who is now my husband which we’ve been together since was 18 well now to speed up a bit. but if you don't know what this whole situation is about read my other stories. This story Shelley as you know came looking for my husband “ if you will”...anyhow when she came we had a heated passionate weekend as she did with when he went to see her after her showing up in our...

4 years ago
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What Katie Did Next

She stood in front of the bathroom mirror and flicked the brush through her hair. Katie had always been proud of her hair. It had been cut short when she was a teenager and she had cried for weeks, swearing to never again cut it so short. It now fell to the middle of her back although she had had it thinned out a month ago. She stared at the white, satin blouse. She had dressed carefully that morning, ready for another Sunday morning in church. The collar ties had been slowly tied and the...

3 years ago
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A Time for SharingChapter 9

After our little celebration I thought the people on the farm looked less worried, and more relaxed then before. There were still many problems in the total overall community, but they had been somewhat cheered by what was little more than a momentary time out from the very real problems they, and many of their loved ones, were facing. Lupe came up to me a few days after the party, asking me to let him know if what I'd told all the others was actually true. I learned from him that, in Old...

2 years ago
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Bewitching Sister

Vivian was cold, her arm hurt, and she was scared. Very scared. She peered upward, out of her cylindrical, stonework prison to the blue sky above. The sky brought her no comfort, it only seemed too taunt her. Reminding her how close and yet how far away she was from freedom. “Vinnyyyyy!” She called out for her brother, hoping she heard him. In truth, Vincent wasn’t far away. His instincts had told him something was wrong, that his twin sister was in danger. He was right, and knew so once he...

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Playing Out Ch 02

Chapter 2: Swing Set It has been a while since I have been in this part of town. The fall air feels refreshing as my friend and I walk into the patio of this funky little place. We find a table near the pond where the mannequin now sports a stylish scarf to ward off the chill. The red lights glow warmly in the branches of the trees. My friend Gina goes to the bar to order our drinks. I settle in for an evening of music and remember the last time I was here. The guy, sweet smile, shocking blue...

4 years ago
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Let Rudy Toodle Do You

Sue's marriage to Paul Pringle was in its third year and it was all ready showing signs of strain. They were snapping at each other over the smallest and silliest things imaginable, such as toothpaste cap replacements and leaving the toilet seat up, or down, take your pick. Well, whether the damned seat was left in the up or down position, their sex life was in the toilet, too. Paul had taken to popping his cork in her a measly once a month and, in her view, with about as much passion as a...

2 years ago
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Internet Se Pyaar Married Women 8211 Part 2

Hi Friends, I am Sahil, again back with my story Internet se Pyaar married women… Part 2 Pehli Story aapne padi aur acha response bhi mila. Mai ISS ki bahut sari stories padta rehta hu.. jisse mujhe bhi apni real life ka experience likhne ka moka mila … Ab mai aapko bataunga ki kaise maine Avantika (married women) ko us ek mulakat ke baad dobara uske ghar jake choda.. Avantika ke sath Hotel Ke kamre mai bitaye hue us din ko mai bool nahi paya.. aur jab use main Station chodne gaya to train...

2 years ago
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The Initiation of Gwen MarkhamChapter 1 Arrival

Gwendolyn Markham gazed from her bedroom window as the servant guided the limousine to the front door of the mansion. Gwen knew the carriage was for her, but she lingered. Apprehension, eagerness and fear flowed through her body as a deep shiver. The 16-year-old girl knew she was about to experience new delights. For years her mother had spoken mysteriously of Gwen's "initiation." It would be her rite of passage into womanhood. Afterwards, she would be looked upon seriously by men who...

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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 15

As the day of Tom and Yolanda’s wedding approached, activity around the Hacienda exploded. We were expecting fifty people from Las Cruces to begin arriving three days before the wedding, all expecting accommodation at the Hacienda. Luckily most of those people were Yolanda’s extended family, so putting as many as five or six into a single room wasn’t going to cause much concern. Regardless, for the very first time, every room in the Hacienda was going to be used. Every room was assigned to a...

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Life in the NeighborhoodChapter 16 Cathys Birthday

The next morning Cathy and I woke up around seven but instead of taking our usual hour getting out of bed we grabbed a quick shower, got dressed and made our way to the kitchen to throw together some breakfast for the whole gang. As we were getting started Tracy and Alex showed up to help. By that time I had the coffee pot going so I poured four mugs of heart fuel for us. Cathy and Tracy got busy whipping up a batch of pancakes as Alex fried a couple of packages of bacon. The girls in the...

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Sir John and the six rooms

Sir John was the richest man in his small town. What ever he wanted he got. Now he wanted a bride in each of his six bedrooms. He already had four and was looking for two more. His brides had no job except please him. They cooked cleaned and let him use their bodies for any sexual thing he needed. He had a high sex drive and never could get satisfied. The brides he chose were slim, pretty, large tits, huge nipples, tight pussies, and round asses. They were virgins and he was the first to fuck...

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Corruption of Innocence ReduxChapter 14

"Welcome to a special video auction ladies and gentlemen," announced the man in the tuxedo. He stood in a large room darkened except for a small circular cushioned mat positioned in the center of the floor. The mat was brightly lit with video floodlights. The man stood in the middle of the mat addressing the several cameras which were televising his image, by closed circuit television, to the private homes of cartel members around the world. "Mr. Drawes." he said, looking into the...

3 years ago
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African Slave

??????????????????????????????????? African Slave (part 1) ?? Note: this story is a fantasy of mine i have had for a long time, that I would even like to one day live out. ????????? It's a sizzling hot summer day, and im on vacation in africa sunbathing in a revealing bikini top (no bottom) showing off my slim body with 36 DD's and plump round butt, with my strawberry blonde hair spread on my back. As im laying there in the hot african sun, i see shadows start to block the sun...

4 years ago
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Summer Waitress

Brian had grown up in the small town of Hopsville. His dad had left before he could remember but his mom did pretty well. At least, as far as people in Hopsville did. The local factory had closed years before he was born and now the town mostly survived on servicing traffic for the local freeway and the local High School's football team. Brian would have liked to make a name for himself on the team, but is small stature and slight build made that unlikely. Several of the jocks joked that he...

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The Liberationist and the TGirl

The story is set in 1969 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a hotbed of feminism. At a student party a male sophomore makes the mistake of calling womyn "girls". A women's liberationist then frees him from his existing life as a privileged male. The meaning of liberation for one American T-Girl becomes clear over the three decades covered by the story. The Liberationist and the T-Girl By Dawn Dewinter So you think it's tough being an American male in the 21st century? Well, friend -- can...

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FamilyHookups Aaliyah Love Cute blonde Milf Aaliyah Love strips for her hung stepson then fucks him

Aaliyah Love is worried that her husband isn’t interested in her anymore, she’s starved for sexual attention. She thinks learning to strip tease for him might do the trick, but while she’s practicing in the living room her stepson comes home and sees everything! She’s embarrassed at first, but her stepson surprises her by telling her how hot it was. She’s so flattered and hearing those compliments her hubby doesn’t give her makes her SO horny. She can’t help herself, and she puts his strong...

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Neighbor Aunt 8211 Part II

Hi, ISS readers, I am new to this site and after reading all the stories posted here, I thought to post my story too. This is a real life incident that happened before 3 months. Let me describe about myself first, I am Rahul (Name Changed) from (India), good looking and average built boy and I doing my G degree. It all started before 4 year when my neighbor’s marriage, the new bride came into our neighbor. Her name is Samia (name changed) who was educated and very nice, when I saw her I want to...

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The Library Crawl

The Library Crawl     by ZenmackieI must be crazy, Patti thought to herself.She didn't look crazy—in fact, she looked the opposite of crazy, if there was such a thing, although it was true she didn't look the way she normally did. At the moment, to the casual observer Patti might easily be mistaken for a librarian: her dark hair was pulled up into a bun on top of her head and she had on glasses and no make-up, and she was dressed in a long, conservatively-cut leather jacket that came almost to...

4 years ago
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Screwed a tribal virgin maid

Hi am Ashok again with another real sex encounter with a virgin tribal maid during one of my postings. Hope my real sex encounters are being liked. This incident happened when I was 27 yrs and had got my first project site posting to an interior site at Asansol. I reported at the site and was put in a 3 bedroom bungalow by my office because it was a part of my perks. I shifted into my bungalow and it took me a few days to settle down and after that I was on normal course. After a few days I...

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Breaking Entering Ch5 The continuation of

The conclusion to Chapter 4... Again, I hold copyright, blah, blah, blah...---------------------------------------------------------I was barely aware of my surroundings after a few minutes. Jewan's way of fucking took total control over me, and my thoughts. I craved more of his cock when it was in me, and lusted for it when not. At the moment, my knees were parted high and wide, allowing Jewan full access to my bikini-trimmed pussy, and he was taking full advantage. My satin skirt was lifted...

4 years ago
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New Me Old Me Part 2

"Girl, you're smelling of hormones and lies..."Colin looked at me skeptically, as I kept making up excuses to explain why I took that long to come back.He didn't buy any single word of mine, not like I was really trying to convince him, actually.I could have said anything, my shining eyes couldn't help, but to reveal I was lying: his hungry kisses were still on my starving lips, just one taste of what was left of my muscle bear in my mouth, made me smile all around!The match was over, and...

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Aztec Feastings

Aztec Feastings By RotnebSynopsis:  Human sacrifice was an important element in the ancient Aztec culture. This story is a modern version as Tanya and her friends are experiencing. The price for the losers in the competition to get a husband is that the losers will be sacrificed to the Aztec gods in the impressive old Chichen ltza area created by the Mayan.The story is only fantasy.The Aztec BeachTanya was not entirely sure that she was ready to follow her friend Patricia to the nearest Aztec...

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