GF Birthday Surprise Pegged free porn video

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Cindy promised that she had something special planned for my 30th birthday. I wasn't sure whether to be pleased or frightened. And yet, there I was, naked, my wrists shackled to either bed post like Christ on the cross, my ankles shackled and bound up with straps against my thighs, making my nether region fully exposed and accessible.

And then she put on the blindfold.

"I am not sure how I feel about this," I finally said.

She breathed softly on my ear and said, "Trust me, relax, and enjoy."

I took a deep breath. "OK," I replied.

"Good," she whispered back. "Let's have some fun."

I heard her walk away and then return. I felt the cool sensation as she worked lube into my ass with her fingers. She then slid what felt like a medium sized butt plug up my ass. I moaned softly.

The last few months had been a wild ride as Cindy introduced me to dildos, butt plugs and even her fist shoved in my ass.

When I met Cindy, she had just broken up with her girl friend. She was my first and only bi girlfriend, or the only one that I knew of. One night she said that she really wanted to fuck me in the ass with her strap on and crazily I said, yes. Happily, my ass has never been the same.

She stepped back to the head of the bed and gave me a long passionate kiss while pinching my nipples really hard. My cock sprang to life.

I repeated to myself, "Trust, relax, enjoy." So far it was working.

Cindy stopped kissing me and let go of my nipples. She climbed on the bed, straddled my chest and pushed her pussy into my face. Blindly, I reached forward as far as I could with my tongue to explore the familiar geography, until I found her clitoris and started licking and swirling my tongue around the firm little bud, stopping to suck gently before going back to a tongue lashing, slow then faster, then slow again.

Now it was Cindy's turn to moan. I could feel her arch her back and push her pussy harder against my face. The energy was incredible and I licked and sucked in a frenzy, caught up in her building ecstasy.

The suddenly, I felt a hand on my cock and another gently pulling on my balls. I yelled "Hey, what the.." and pulled my head back, startled, only to have Cindy grab my hair and pull my head forward again. I didn't know anyone else was in the apartment. Who held my cock and balls? A woman, a man? What had I gotten myself into?

"Don't worry, just keep doing what you are doing," Cindy said gasping.

I kept licking Cindy's clit, if perhaps a bit slower and with less enthusiasm, not sure how I felt about the unseen hands gripping my cock and balls. I was shackled, immobilized, and with the blindfold on, all was darkness. In a few minutes Cindy came with a guttural moan. She held my head to her for a moment and then slid off and gave me another deep and probing kiss, my face covered with her wetness.

Then I gasped as I felt one of the hands give my balls a firm squeeze.

Cindy laughed. "I am being rude," she said. "I haven't introduced our guest."

With that she pulled the blindfold off my face and I beheld a beautiful, naked, dark-skinned woman standing at the foot of the bed.

"May I introduce Loraine, an old and dear friend."

"I've been looking forward to meeting Cindy's new boy-toy."

"A pleasure to meet you," I replied, feeling foolish and exposed, literally and figuratively naked and helpless, strapped to the headboard.

Damn, she was hot. Slender with skin a lovely shade of mocha, she had flashing eyes and a wicked smile. Her breasts were small and perky with silver rings piercing her nipples. Her legs were long and lithe, from her dainty feet to her absolutely gorgeous round ass. She put her hands on her hips as if to say, either "Do you like what you see?" or perhaps, "Can you handle me?"

Loraine. I knew the name. She was more than a beautiful naked woman who unexpectedly tugged on my balls. She was Cindy's ex-lover. The lover from the breakup which caused Cindy to try out guys again, or at least this guy. Were they back together? Was this my birthday celebration, or a farewell party?

I didn't have time to wallow in my fears, as Cindy had moved over and began to suck my cock. She pulled out the butt plug and worked four fingers inside my ass. I suddenly had more pleasant things to think about. Indeed, I could think of nothing else beside her mouth on my cock and her hand in my ass.

Loraine stepped around and took up Cindy's previous place, straddling me, her crotch to my face. Now, however, I could see what I was doing. Loraine had four rings piercing the lips of her outer labia and a barbell piercing just above her clitoris. The piercings were exciting, exotic and wondrous but before I could really admire them, she mashed her crotch into my face and I got started licking and sucking.

She began to moan and coo as I set to work, in no particular hurry to make her come, enjoying every moment myself, as Cindy sucked my cock and played with my ass.

Soon, I had a mind-shattering orgasm, while I tried to keep my composure enough to keep licking,

A while later, Loraine came, hard, forcing my face back against the headboard, grinding her crotch into my probing tongue. She climbed off me and said to Cindy. "He really is not bad. I can understand what you see in him."

"Oh, you have no idea," Cindy replied, which pleased me until I realized that I was being referred to in the third person, as more of an object or pet. A boy-toy, as Loraine had previously called me.

I repeated what Cindy had told me. "Trust, relax, enjoy."

Loraine lowered a nipple to my mouth. I latched on to it hungrily, sucking, swirling my tongue around the ring that deeply pierced her flesh, tugging gently on the ring with my teeth. She murmured 'hmm" and let me continue, until after a while, she pulled away and slapped me across the cheek.

"More later," she said softly.

Cindy stepped over and gave Loraine a lingering kiss. It was both exciting to watch and a bit threatening. Cindy was obviously enjoying herself with her ex-lover.

Then, perhaps sensing that I felt left out, she leaned over and kissed me, snaking her tongue into my mouth. When she pulled way, she smiled and said, "I know where that mouth has been. You smell like hot pussy. Very sexy."

I smiled back at her.

"When you are a k**, did you ever get birthday spankings?"

"No," I replied. "I only got a spanking when I was bad."

Her smile widened. "Are you a bad boy now? Because you are about to get spanked."

"Do I have anything to say about it?" I asked.

She shrugged slightly. "Sure. Do you want us to stop the party? Or should we play some more? Your choice."

I took a deep breath. "Let's keep playing." Trust, relax and enjoy, I silently repeated to myself.

Cindy smiled and unshackled my wrists from the headboard then released my ankles which were clipped to my thighs.

"Edge of the bed. Ass up, head down," Cindy commanded and I followed her orders. Soon I was shackled again, the cuffs on my wrists connected to my ankles by a short chain.

She stood behind me, rubbing her hands across my ass, alternating between squeezing and a gentle caress.

"This is one great ass. Wouldn't you agree?"

Loraine murmured, "Hmm" apparently in agreement and began sliding her hands over my ass as well. It felt wonderful, four hands softly caressing my backside. It was both sexy and relaxing. Gentle and loving.

Then, without warning, Cindy stopped and gave my ass cheeks a thunderous slap. It burned and shook me. I let out a yelp, which was followed by the sound of both Cindy and Loraine laughing.

Cindy caressed my ass again. "You are thirty, so you have 29 more to go. Shall we continue?"

I pressed my forehead into the bed and replied, "Yes."

The next blow was as intense as the first, just not so unexpected. I heard Loraine count "2."

And then came the next with Cindy counting "3". Apparently they were alternating, hitting me hard barehanded. I felt the heat rising from my backside. "4", "5", "6."

At "10" they stopped. Given how hard they were hitting me, I wondered if they stopped because their hands were sore. I was breathing deeply, grateful for the reprieve.

"Your ass is such a beautiful shade of red. So lovely," Cindy commented.

"It most certainly is," Loraine replied, lightly running her fingertip over my flaming cheeks.

Cindy walked away and then returned a minute later. Near my head, where I could see them, she lay a silver hairbrush, a rubber paddle and a rattan cane. "You choose. Which do you want for the next ten?"

"The brush," I replied softly.

"The hairbrush, it is. Good choice," she said with a wink.

They began again. Cindy, then Loraine counting each blow. The sting of their hands was replaced by the nastier hard-edged thud of the silver brush. The pain rolled over me with every strike. I was moaning softly. I didn't like the sensations but they wrapped around me like a blanket and I felt almost enveloped in their warmth.

At twenty, they stopped again. This time Cindy offered either the rubber paddle or the cane. Both looked viscous and I chose the paddle as the least likely to kill me. My poor battered ass was on fire even with no one wailing away at it. Cindy ran her hands lightly across my checks and I could feel the welts forming from the pounding by the hairbrush.

"Only ten more," she whispered in my ear. Only ten. Only ten suddenly seemed like a lot.

The first blow from the paddle landed hard, but somehow I could take it. The blows rained down on my ass, but I was invincible. Instead of moaning, I was almost growling now.

And then it stopped. Cindy unclipped my wrists and eased me down on my stomach. She stroked my faced and whispered, "You did so well."

"How do you feel?"

Oddly, I felt really good. A warm endorphin high flowed throughout my body which seemed to almost float on the bed. "I feel amazing," I replied.

She kissed my forehead and said, "Be right back."

She returned and gently spread a cream across my bruised backside. "Arnica," she said. "Will help with the welts."

Loraine stood by the bed and light dragged her fingers across my back. It felt wonderful.

"That is one well spanked ass," Cindy said. "Now it needs a really good fucking."

"Oh, yeah," Loraine replied. "Let's wear that ass out."

"On your hands and knees, pretty boy," Cindy whispered in my ear. I got up on my hands and knees as I watched Loraine strap on on a harness securing a very large dildo. She also put on long black rubber gloves that extended up to her biceps. She was at once both beautiful and terrifying.

Behind me, I felt Cindy working more lube into my ass, followed by four fingers, twisting and turning, sliding in and out. The sensations made me forget entirely about my still stinging ass cheeks.

Loraine walked over to the bed and held the dildo up to my face.

"Open wide, little cocksucker," she purred. I opened my mouth as wide as I could to take the massive dildo. I started to gag as Loraine pushed it deeper against the back of my throat.

At the same time, Cindy was working on my ass, twisting her hand and pushing deeper until passing her knuckles, her hand slipped into me. I gasped and then gagged again as Loraine, laughing, shoved the dildo deeper in my throat.

Cindy's hand slipped deeper and she began pumping it in my ass, fucking me with her hand and part of her forearm. I was in heaven. The connection, both literal and almost spiritual, was overpowering, the intimacy almost beyond words.

Loraine pulled the dildo out of my mouth and stepped around to watch Cindy fisting me. "Oh, that is hot, girl," Loraine cooed. "Can I get a piece of that?"

"I guess I could share," Cindy replied.

Cindy stopped her rapid pumping and slowly pushed her hand deeper than she had before. I moaned and closed my eyes. Then, slowly, she pulled back, sliding her hand out, the stretch almost as intense pulling out as it had been pushing in.

A moment later I felt Loraine's dildo sliding inside me. It was narrower than Cindy's hand so the stretch was not as great but Loraine kept sliding the phallus deeper. Over and over she pumped the large silicone cock in my ass, pushing, prodding, and probing. I cried out as the sensations grew so much more intense. She pulled back slightly then pushed again and pulled back, this time pulling all the way out.

Loraine stepped to the side of the bed where I could see her. She grabbed the lube and started lubing up her gloves, from her fingers up the arms. The shoulder-length black latex gloves glistened. Catching my gaze, she smiled back at me. She was so damned hot and the only thing I wanted in that moment was to have one of her hands fucking my ass.

I was not disappointed. She stepped over to me and smoothly slid her hand and part of her forearm straight up my ass. I moaned, more out of surprise than anything else. Her hands and arms were much more slender than Cindy's. And my ass was about as stretched as it might go, or at least that was what I thought at the moment.

At first, she was slow and gentle, long and deep thrusts into my ass with her arm. I could feel her fingers gently played in the opening at the top of my rectum. Slowly but relentlessly she worked her finders deeper, gently straightening out the curved tunnel as she slipped deeper inside. It was heaven and hell. The sensation was too intense to bear but I didn't want her stop.

And she kept moving deeper. Finally, she took my hand and told me to reach back. I did. I couldn't see what she was doing, though the waves of sensations were overpowering. Reaching back, I felt her upper arm. Her elbow and a part of her bicep were inside me. Her long glove was almost entirely inside me. "Oh my god," I murmured. I growled and grabbed her forearm and pulled it in deeper.

She started pumping her hand and arm. She was so deep, it felt as if she could, if she wished, reach up and grasp my beating heart and cradle it in her hand.

Cindy ran her fingers gently across my back. "Oh babe, that is so fucking hot. Ever been that deep before?"

"Close, but not quite. This boy has one fine ass."

With that, she ever so slowly pulled her arm back. I felt her hand sliding out of my ass and immediately felt her other hand sliding in. Then that hand slid out so the other could take it place. Like the pistons of a corporeal engine, one hand pushed in as the other pulled out. Her relentless pumping fucked me faster and faster. I felt my ass being stretched wider and wider.

Finally, she broke the sequence and forced in both hands. I cried out as her second hand drove into my ass beside the first. I let out a sharp gasp. I was being torn apart as now two hands fucked me. I breathed deeply until I could handle the intense pressure that bordered on, but didn't quite reach, pain.

Cindy stepped over to Loraine and whispered something, I couldn't tell what, but Loraine, murdered, "Oh yes. Such fun."

Loraine pulled out one hand and then the next. I felt bizarrely empty. In a moment, I felt Cindy's larger hand slip into my now stretched ass, followed by Loraine's. Again, I gasped as the second forced its way in.

I felt their figures moving inside me.

Then Cindy said, "I wonder if he is concerned that I am holding hands with my old girlfriend?"

"And behind his back, too," Loraine added.

"Well not exactly behind his back. More like deep in his ass."

"Yeah, that is more like it," Loraine agreed.

I don't know if they expected an answer from me but I was too distracted to care. They began to slowly fuck me with their clenched hands. Slowly, forward and back. Deeper and shallower. I was moaning softly, trying to take it all in. Their clenched fingers and arms felt like a battering ram had been shoved up my ass.

After a while, they pulled back until their clenched knuckles were next to the walnut sized lump of my prostate gland. They started rocking their knuckles slowly over the gland as I gasp in a silent scream. It was exquisite and overpowering. They rubbed harder until I my entire body shook, from my toes to the top of my head, in a mind-rending orgasm. Without touching my cock I came, explosively spurting on the bedspread.

I let out a loud, "Ooooh," as Cindy and Loraine pulled out their clenched hands in one swift motion. I fell over on my stomach, gasping for air, still shaking from the full body orgasm, feeling impossibly empty after the twinned hands and arms had been ripped from my ass.

Whap. Cindy gave my ass a solid smack, which burned like hell but brought me back to the world. She leaned down and said softly,

"Happy birthday, love. How do you feel?"

"Amazing. A little sore but amazing."

In a few minutes, I managed to sit up, still naked and dazed. Loraine had gotten dressed and, remarkably, looked almost as hot clothed as she had naked. She gave me a big kiss and wished me a happy birthday before running off.

An hour later, after I took a shower and got dressed myself, Cindy asked, "So, what did you think of my birthday surprise? Did you like Loraine?"

"It was wonderful. Loraine is beautiful. Love her pierced nipples ... and her small hands."

Cindy laughed. "She likes you as well. And she really likes your ass."

"My ass likes the both of you."

I paused. I might as well ask the question that had been bothering me. "Is Loraine my competition?"

Cindy laughed. "Jealous, are we? Are you worried that I will get back together with Loraine?"

I shrugged. "Maybe."

"Don't be concerned. Loraine and I will always be good friends, but you are the one I care for.

"I just thought you might enjoy a threesome with a beautiful woman on your birthday. Was I wrong?"

"No, no," I replied. "That was a great gift. And it was a threesome with not one but two beautiful women."

Cindy smiled. "So, if you can get over your silly jealousy, should I invite Loraine back to play with us from time to time. Even if we are not still together, she is loads of fun. We three could get really nasty."

"Sounds great to me," I replied. After all I had received for my birthday, I wondered just how much nastier we could get. Perhaps I had something to look forward to. Then again, I was reminded of the old adage, "be careful what you wish for."

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Birthday surprise

Yesterday was my birthday and I had the surprise of my life. I finished work early and drove home thinking about the surprise my wife had promised me. I was about to find out it was nothing I could have imagined. I showered and shaved and slipped on my new tight jeans that showed off my manhood very nicely or so my wife tells me, a casual shirt and was waiting for her to arrive believing that we would be going to a restaurant for a meal then on to a club. I knocked back a couple of drinks and...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Birthday Surprise

Greg looked around Tampa International Airport as he waited for his phone to turn on. His heart raced, finally, he was in America after years of talking and planning. Greg's mind was brought back to reality by his phone buzzing. Greg smiled as he looked at the notifications, he sent a quick message to his family saying he had arrived safely. He blushed when he read the message from the woman he was going to see. He locked his phone before he broke and gave in to the temptation to message her...

Straight Sex
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Birthday Surprise

Julie Parks tired pulling on her arms but found herself too tightly bound to move them more than a couple of inches. She couldn't help but think just a several hours ago her world had been totally different but here she was nude, kneeling on a couch, her ass sticking up in the air, her arms pulled tightly out to the sides, with her chin resting just over the back of the couch, leaving her feeling helpless and exposed.The biggest thing though was she'd never been more turned on in her life. She...

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise

It was my wife's Birthday in a month's time, and I was racking my brains for a special surprise for her. Something she wouldn't forget.She'd mentioned a few times how she'd love to have lots of men cum over her, but I'd always thought she'd just been fantasising and was maybe just saying it for my benefit. I have to say the thought really turned me on, and made me cum pretty quickly when she told me!So, just for fun, I put a request out on an internet sex site for 10 horny men who wanted to cum...

2 years ago
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Birthday Party Surprise

“Yes, Mom, we’re both getting enough to eat. … Yes, Mom, her grades are good. … No, I’m not going to tell her what to major in. She’s a big girl. She can decide what to do with her life.” I glance over at you, sitting on the couch with your feet up. You’re trying to look like you’re not listening to the conversation, that you’re engrossed in your book, but I can tell by the smirk tugging at the corners of your mouth that you are enjoying the weekly call. I hang up the phone and without looking...

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise from my Wife Cocks

Last month was my 43rd birthday and I always get a surprise from Susie. I knew this birthday would be the best yet. As many of you have read from my previous stories, we are tried and true cum lovers. The taste, touch, feel, and power of cum is overwhelming in our lives. We eat it most every day. Whether by myself or with my wife, we have globs of fun trying new things and often surprising each other.I came home on Friday to a dark house. When I walked in, Susie and her friends yelled,...

1 year ago
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Birthday Surprise Gone Awry

The room was booked, and I was anticipating getting things prepared for Jake’s birthday surprise. The room was nicely kept; I had removed the roses in the bag and placed rose petals over the hot bath water. Jake deserved a nice hot bath. I removed my accessories from by bag and removed “Blue” aka the bunny vibrator with a clitoral bullet simulator and a special sleeve. I placed it on the night stand. I had placed candles everywhere in the room to have the experienced ambiance for Jake. He knew...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Birthday surprise

This past birthday, Dec. 29, my wife asked what I wanted for my birthday. Being a smart ass, I told her that since it has been years since we had done anything kinky, I wanted to have a threesome or at least sit back and watch her fucking my best friend, Terry. She got a bit upset and I told her that I was just messing with her, that I was trying to put some kick back in our marriage, but whatever you get me is fine. Nothing else was said, then a couple days later on my birthday, we get up that...

1 year ago
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Birthday Surprise

So it’s my birthday and I still haven’t decided what to do today. Sitting here on my couch, I realize that this is the first time that I hadn’t made any plans. At that realization I laugh to myself, apparently I have been working too much. Reaching over to grab my phone, I hear a loud knock at the door. Not sure who it would be I slowly get up and head to the door. After hearing another loud knock, I open the door. Standing there is my neighbor, Anna, from across the hall. “Happy...

2 years ago
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Birthday Surprise

So it’s my birthday and I still haven’t decided what to do today. Sitting here on my couch, I realize that this is the first time that I hadn’t made any plans. At that realization I laugh to myself, apparently I have been working too much. Reaching over to grab my phone, I hear a loud knock at the door. Not sure who it would be I slowly get up and head to the door. After hearing another loud knock, I open the door. Standing there is my neighbor, Anna, from across the hall. “Happy...

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise with my Brother pt 1

As I removed my underpants, ideas rushed to my head of the ways I could celebrate 18 years of life with myself. I brought my underwear up to my nose and took a big sniff. I then took the wet spot to my mouth and licked what was left. Like I said, this time around I had enough hormones to last, and shortly after taking off my clothes, I had a morning wood waiting to be taken care of. I began stroking my dick slowly, building anticipation. My cock was throbbing. I could feel it ready to bust a...

2 years ago
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Birthday Surprise

I woke up to the smell of coffee and country gravy. I looked at the clock and saw it was still early. Just after 7:30, no way was I getting out of bed that early on my birthday. I dozed off for a bit then my wife came in. I was in that in-between state where you’re not really awake but not really asleep. I could hear her moving around in the room and it was starting to get a bit irritating. I was just starting to drift deeper when she spoke. “Honey, are you awake?” she asked in a quiet voice....

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise

Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. The roar of a lawn mower and edger, both running at the same time, rudely disturbed my Saturday morning sleep-in. A moan from the other side of the bed indicated that I was not the only one being annoyed. Darla sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She sort of stretched and yawned at the same time. "Sorry, Brian. I totally forgot. The boys wanted to get an early start on the yard work so that everything would be ready for...

2 years ago
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Birthday surprise

Birthday surprise.So, it was coming up to my 40th birthday We had been married several years and sex was getting a little vanilla, that would be Jayne riding my cock cowgirl style and it was all getting a bit flat and predictable.As my birthday was only 4 weeks away, Jayne took the decision of asking me whilst riding my cock what I wanted, just as she had done at Xmas. That was a simple question to answer, the same answer as before, Jayne and I, to go to the new swinger’s club up the road, and...

2 years ago
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Birthday Surprise Wife 3 Other Asian Girls re

This is a repost of a great story that was deleted by another xhamster member. hope you guys enjoy it. I most certainly did.Another birthday. Mid-30s birthdays are no big deal. When my wife told me to meet her at the generic restaurant off the highway next to all the hotels for a special birthday dinner, I figured it was about par for the course. I suspected she had a coupon. I met her at 7 p.m. as she told me to. She was already waiting for me, wearing her work clothes, navy skirt, black...

1 year ago
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Birthday Baby Surprise

I had contacted Laura through a popular online dating site, she was just turning 40 and a very good looking red head. She seemed to have a lot things going for her, working on a PhD, driving a Hummer and she was a high placed administrator at a Community College. She was extremely determined to meet and wanted to meet soon! I told her I had a commitment on the night she was insistent on meeting. I offered to meet the next day. I asked her what's the rush, the tone of her voice changed and she...

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise For Sir

Your birthday is finally here. I've spent the whole day cleaning the house and getting ready for tonight. As time for you to come home draws near I become more and more excited. Soon I begin to prepare for your return. I go to the dresser, pulling out everything I'll need. I grab the blind fold, hand cuffs, ball gag, and the black leather whip with five long tongues. I take it all to the foot of the bed and, checking the time, I lay things out, getting more excited. With five minutes until you...

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise

After a long day and the k**s have gone to bed, he sits at his desk looking up a few things online. From the bedroom, he hears a soft voice saying “hey birthday boy, come here.” He gets up and walks to the bedroom to find his lover laying on the bed in a black leather skirt and fishnet pantyhose. She slides toward the end of the bed and says “time for your birthday present, lover.”He feels himself getting hard just looking at her as she gets up off the bed, pulls him close and gives him a...

1 year ago
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Taking His ASS Pegged

I slip my hand around your waist and pull you into me, into a tight embrace. I'm wearing four inch heels, but you still stand a couple of inches taller than me, looking down into my gaze, an excited sparkle in your eyes. You run your hands through my hair, pushing it away from my face so you can see me better before coming in for a kiss. My hands run from your waist and grab at your tight buns in your equally tight jeans. While you give me a long, slow, hungry kiss, your hands running through...

1 year ago
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She takes His Ass Pegged

Kim and I were sitting on the couch relaxing when she looked up from her laptop with a grin on herface. “Honey, I was reading an article today about a sex act for which a local sex writer coined a term.It is called pegging. Have you heard about it?” she asked with a slight twinkle in her eye. “Yeah, Ihave heard about it. I have read a few articles of his about it and some other stuff.” “Well, I am gladyou know what it is. I thought I was going to have to go into a long, drawn out discussion...

2 years ago
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Birthday surprise for hubby

Well it’s was my hubby birthday and I wanted to do something for him that he would never forget. Well it turn out to be a night neither one of us would forget lol. Well I decided I would take him to a strip club for his birthday. I knew he has never been to one and now I am bicurious and love looking at sexy women I figured it be a great adventure to share together. Well where we live there is not one so we had to travel about a hour to a bigger town that did have some. So I decided I get us a...

4 years ago
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Lucy Konne had worked for Bruce Campbell for four years and on his every birthday, for the past three years, she would go into his office dressed in something really sexy, lock the door and fuck him until he couldn’t stand it anymore. She had no other intimate contact with him apart from that one day a year. Her 45-year-old boss looked forward to this little celebration and Lucy figured no matter how slow business got she’d be secure for the next twelve months. However, like all well-laid...

2 years ago
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Birthday surprise for hubby

Well it's was my hubby birthday and I wanted to do something for him that he would never forget. Well it turn out to be a night neither one of us would forget lol. Well I decided I would take him to a strip club for his birthday. I knew he has never been to one and now I am bicurious and love looking at sexy women I figured it be a great adventure to share together. Well where we live there is not one so we had to travel about a hour to a bigger town that did have some. So I decided I get us a...

1 year ago
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Birthday surprise

Amber just turned 18 today but was celebrating it alone. Her parents were gone on a business trip and had sworn they would make it up to her later. Kathy, a friend of hers, was out of town, and her little brother was staying over at a friend's house. She wanted to be alone with her boy friend, Robert, anyway because she was ready to give herself fully to him, but he couldn't come over. He told her his parents were making him stay and to help fix the car. She thought she was going to spend her...

3 years ago
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First Date Pegged

My last boyfriend broke up with me because I was "too aggressive." Our society expects women to be passive during sex. I have never wanted to be a woman who just lies there, passive and moaning, spread-legged like a frog on a dinner plate. I love to be on top. I always straddled him and put my hands on his forearms so I could pin him down, and then I pounded my pussy into his crotch. When he got close, I'd slow down and go up and down in long, teasing strokes to finish him off. I loved to watch...

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise

My best friend, Kim, invited me to her son's birthday party. It seems the k** finally hit his final year of high school and was having a blow out birthday. Kim has been my best friend since first grade and though I thought her k** was a spoiled brat I still wanted to go for her. Now my husband told to have a good time and it was just on the other side of town. Once I got there I started to drink pretty heavy, Kim was already sauced. Our friend Alice was there also. Alice was an older red head...

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise For Three

The phone rang. Just before the third ring Kat answered, "Hello?""Hi Kat, its Lynn. Are you busy?""Nope, just watching a little TV. What's up?""I was thinking about the conversation we had the other day about the cake; the one for Matt's birthday," Lynn said. "I want you to make it."Today Lynn had decided she would have Kat make what had been dubbed the pussy cake."Ok, I'll get some photos off the internet today as reference and get started right away," said Kat."Umm," started Lynn. "I was...

2 years ago
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birthday Surprise

I keep my wild c***d past hidden from my husband though I give him what he wants and needs sexually. A part of me wants him to read what I write here then again a part says no though I like the danger. I remember one particular birthday I was looking at my life At a table with some friends. They all had someone, I didn’t so I went home by taxi feeling sorry for myself. I went in the house, stopped, poured a glass of wine, and went to my bedroom and I stripped my clothes and looked at my body...

2 years ago
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birthday Surprise

I keep my wild c***d past hidden from my husband though I give him what he wants and needs sexually. A part of me wants him to read what I write here then again a part says no though I like the danger. I remember one particular birthday I was looking at my life At a table with some friends. They all had someone; I didn’t so I went home by taxi feeling sorry for myself. I went in the house, stopped, poured a glass of wine, and went to my bedroom and I stripped my clothes and looked at my body...

4 years ago
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Birthday Surprise

What a lousy way to spend your 50th birthday, I thought to myself as I pulled up in the driveway. My wife the law partner was out of town on some trial and there was no knowing when she'd get back. My high school age son was out of the country as an exchange student. It was the middle of the week, so there wouldn't be any celebration until the weekend. I'm a photographer. I like to consider myself a nature photographer, but like anyone who wants to be an artist, I spend most of my time in...

1 year ago
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Birthday surprise

Yesterday was my birthday and I had the surprise of my life. I finished work early and drove home thinking about the surprise my wife had promised me. I was about to find out it was nothing I could have imagined.   I showered and shaved and slipped on my new tight jeans that showed off my manhood very nicely or so my wife tells me, a casual shirt and was waiting for her to arrive believing that we would be going to a restaurant for a meal then on to a club.   I knocked back a couple of drinks...

3 years ago
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Birthday surprise4

When I said that she looked at me again and I slowly leaned in just short of her lips. Our eyes still open. I closed my eyes and she gave in. She closed the distance pressing her lips against mine as she brought her hands up and slid her arms around my neck. Our mouths opened and my questing tongue began exploring her mouth. "You are an excellent kisser", she said. Smiling I said "Hey, I never claimed to be a saint... I just never get serious anymore... after 5 divorces, I want to make...

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise 2

Just in case you forgot. For my wife Zoe’s 30th birthday, we were introduced to the kinky world of strap on sex by her naughty friend, Ivana. I have not been able to stop thinking about that incredible day. Where once I was so apprehensive, now I thirst to do it again. My wife doesn’t have the same feelings as me. Zoe would rather save it for special occasions so it will not lose it’s thrill. I must experience that pleasure soon or I’m going to go crazy. Luckily, for me, my 31st birthday is...

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise

Dear diary, I don't know where to go with this.. just wow... I'm still in shock girls So the other day, my friend (the girl who saw me after my beauty bath) and I met for a cup of tea at a coffee place in the mall. She wanted to give me my birthday gift. I met her in the parking lot and we walked in together. Walking through the mall, I couldn't help but reminisce about my amazing weekend as Kimberly. We stopped at Sephora. "Do you mind if we go in? I need a few things." She...

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