Valentine's Day With Mum free porn video

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It was always just my mother and me when I was growing up. My mum had me when she was only 17 and my father left when I was about 4, I don’t remember him much. My mum was a very loving and caring mother. She would spoil me and I wanted for nothing. Not only was she my mother she was my best friend, I could talk to her about anything. She worked hard as a nurse to keep us comfortable. When she'd leave for work in the morning I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She looked so sexy in her uniform. I especially liked it when she wore black stockings. She would catch me staring and just smile back. There was a handful of times she'd leave her bedroom door open while she was getting changed. When I was lucky enough to catch her I would stare as much as I could from the doorway while rubbing my young cock. Then I would go to my room and wank off while fantasising about her body. She had dark brunette hair, light skin, was 5’7”, with 38C tits and I knew she had a dark bush of pubic hair. I lusted after my mother. I had girlfriends and of course had touched them.

There was one day I got really lucky and I caught her masturbating. I had just gotten home early from school. I saw mums car in front of the house. I made my way up to my room and heard my mum having a shower. I quietly snuck my way into my mothers room. She had her own bathroom and thought she was home alone so she left the bathroom door open. Just the thought of seeing her made my heart race and my cock grow. I peered into her bathroom. She had a frosted glass shower door so I could not see everything. Still, I was able to make out her silhouette. She was washing her tits when I looked. Watching her run her hands all around her body drove me crazy. I pulled my hard cock out. I was fully erect. I wished I was in the shower with her. Rubbing her body with my soapy hands. Pushing her against the wall as I kissed her and washed her firm tits. As I stroked my stiff cock I pictured myself entering her wet soapy hairy pussy. I saw her bend down to wash her legs and thought about fucking her from behind. I felt pre cum starting to leak out when she turned off the water. I couldn't take the chance of her seeing me, so I quickly and quietly made why way out of her room.

When I got to the hall way I closed her door so I could just barely see in and she would not be able to see me. I saw her walk to her bed wearing only a white towel wrapped around her. She went to her dresser draws and took some clothes to put on. I pulled my cock and stroke it while I watched her dress. She dropped her clothes on the bed then dropped the towel. A shudder ran through my body as I got to see her fully naked. Her body was perfection. Her 38C tits stood firm. Her stomach had a little bit of pudge around it but I thought it was quite sexy. Her hips were wide and her arse had the perfect curve to it. I was loving every second of this as I jerked off my hard cock. She sat down on her bed and started putting her knickers on. She pulled them half way up then stopped. I froze thinking she saw me. Then she stood up and let the knickers fall to the floor. With my heart pounding and my cock throbbing I could not believe what I was seeing.

She laid on the bed and put her hand between her legs. I could not see her pussy from where I was standing but knew she was playing with it. As she rubbed it she would put her fingers in to her mouth and back to her pussy. With her other hand she was squeezing and rubbing her tits, and pinching her nipples. Her hips rocked up and down faster now, as she fingered herself, stopping to suck on her fingers and taste her pussy juices. I was getting close to cumming myself as I felt chills running through my body. Then she started moaning. I could hear her call out "Yes, oh yes. Fuck me make me cum". This was sending me over the edge as I pictured her talking to me. I was seconds away from shooting my load when she screamed out "I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cuuummmminng Ohhh God.” Right then I shot my load. It came out in long streams as my cock pumped and pumped. It landed all over the carpet but I didn't care, there was nothing I could do about. She laid their trying to catch her breath as she gently rubbed her tits. As soon as she sat up I pulled my shirt off and wiped up my cum the best I could. I then quickly made my way across the hallway to my bedroom and closed the door. Mum heard my door shut and I heard her call out. "Is that you Mark?”

"Yea mum, I just got home." I called back. I sat on the corner of my bed trying to process what just happened. Then my mum knocked on my door as she opened it.

"I'm gonna start dinner now. It should be ready in 20 minutes or so." I could see that her face was still a little flushed. I smiled and told her I'd be right down to help her.

I was just turning 15 and my birthday happened to be Valentine's Day. Mum decided we would go out for dinner that night. Most boys would be embarrassed to be out with their mother on such a romantic day. I on the other hand had never been more excited. I was out with a beautiful older woman, even if she was my mother.

The evening of our date. Mum bought me a very sharp suit just for special occasions. I could not wait to see what she'd be wearing. I was standing in the kitchen waiting for her to finish getting ready.

Finally, I heard her walking down the stairs. When she walked into the kitchen. She was wearing a red blouse and a black leather skirt that stopped a few inches about the knee, and black leather boots. Her dark hair flowed down her shoulders in beautiful waves. Her makeup made her look like a model, no wonder it took her so long to get ready.

"So, how do I look?" She asked as she straightened her hair.

I heard what she said but could not process it. I was in shock and stood there frozen.

"Mark, did you hear me, you ok?" She said with concern in her voice as she stepped towards me.

The sound of her boots walking across the hard floor snapped me out of my dream.

"Yea mum, I’am great.

"By the look on your face I'm guessing you think I look alright." She said with a smile on her face.

"Alright? Mum, you look gorgeous. I've never seen you look so beautiful."

"Stop it, you're embarrassing me." She was starting to blush. She turned away and started rummaging through her purse.

Right Let's go have a great night together." She smiled at me, gave me a kiss on my cheek and we left for our date.

Dinner was amazing. I saw a couple of stares from people who seemed interested in a young lad having dinner with an older woman on Valentine's day. As far as I was concerned then can look all they want. I was proud to be out with my attractive mother, especially on Valentine's Day. After dinner we enjoyed the music the restaurant had put on. Mum told me she wanted to dance. I absolutely hated dancing but I obliged her request. At first I felt a little awkward, but after a few minutes I loosened up and really started enjoying myself. When a slow song came on we just stood there looking at each other.

"You wouldn't want to slow dance with your old mother would you?" She had a shy look in her face when she asked me.

"I'd be honoured to madam.” I put my hand on her hip, held her hand and we danced. We danced the rest of the night away. It was without a doubt the best night of my life. By the time the cab dropped us off at home mu was pretty drunk. We were standing at the front door as mum was searching her purse for the house keys. Before she put the key in the door. She squeezed my hand a took a step closer to me. I had a million thoughts of what I wanted to happen next.

"You really have been a gentleman tonight darling.” She lightly brushed my cheek with the back of her fingers of her free hand. She leaned in towards me. I thought she was just gonna kiss me on the cheek, but she didn't. Instead she ever so gently pressed her lips against mine. It only lasted a second or two, but to me it felt like a life time. I wanted to press my lips back against her but couldn't find the courage to do so. "Thank you for a lovely evening, this is a night I'll never forget. Happy Valentines Day Mark.”

"Happy Valentine's Day mum. I had a great time too." Without thinking about it I leaned in to give her a kiss. I was afraid she might pull away, but she didn't. Our lips pressed together gently for a few seconds. I drew my lips away slowly, making the kiss as romantic as I could. She put her arms around my neck and pulled me towards her. On instinct, I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her tight. She buried her head into my neck and shoulder. We stood there holding each other. My cock started to grow as fast as it could, I was so nervous that she would feel it pressed against her. Then something happened. She started crying.

"Mum, are you crying? What's wrong?" I tried to pull away but she only held me tighter. I didn't know what to do. My heart was breaking. I lost my erection and held her tighter. All I cared about in that moment was comforting her. I asked her again. "Mum, talk to me, did I do something to upset you?"

She pulled away from me as she sniffled. "I'm sorry darling. I'm ok, I don't know what came over me." She looked at me and still had tears rolling down her cheek.

As I wiped her tears away I asked her. "What ’s wrong? You know you can tell me anything."

"I was just thinking that I'm going to lose you one of these days. Some lucky girl is gonna snatch you up and I won't have my baby boy around the house anymore."

"Mum, No girl will ever take your place. Now stop crying and let's get inside."

When we got inside I wanted to run to my room and jerk off, but I wanted to make sure mum was ok. I asked her if she wanted one more drink and watch a movie with me. She said yes that would be nice” I went to the kitchen to get two glasses of wine as I’m aloud to drink a little at home. I gave one to her and sat down next to her on the couch. I sat as close as I could to her. Our thighs were touching and without realising what I was doing I put my arm around her. She nestled close to me and rested her head on my shoulder. After I few minutes I saw that she was starting to squirm. She said her feet were hurting and she wanted to take her boots off.

"let me." I told her. I slid over and picked up her legs and rested them across my lap. I loved the feeling of touching her stocking covered legs as I removed her boots. Gently I started massaging her calves and feet. She didn't say a word. She just leaned back and closed her eyes. My cock grew rock hard within minutes, and I felt it pressing against her leg. She started moving her leg that my hard cock was pressing against. I moved my hands further up her legs and was now massaging her thighs. At this point I knew I had cum leaking out of my hard young cock. I so badly wanted to move my hands up her skirt, but I couldn't dare. I didn't want to go too far and ruin the moment. Out of nowhere she opened her eyes and sat up.

"I think I'm gonna go change and put on something more comfortable. Then we can watch the movie."

When she pulled her legs off of me I grabbed the couch pillow and put it over my lap in order to cover my rock hard cock. My heart was pounding against my chest. When I saw her reach the top of the stairs I thought I would go and change myself. When I got to the top of the stairs I saw that her bedroom door was left open. I had to go look, hopefully catching her undressing. When I peered into her room she was taking off her bra. I could see that her nipples were hard, they were sticking out. She unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She was wearing red lace knickers. I was praying that she'd take them off, and I got my wish. She moved her hips back and forth as she pulled down her knickers. They fell to the floor. I lost my breath when I saw her hairy pussy. She had a lovely dark bush of pubic hair.I started rubbing my hard cock. I watched as she walked towards her bathroom. Then I left to go change myself.

I got undressed. My cock was still hard. I put on a pair of loose shorts. I threw on a clean t-shirt and went downstairs to watch a movie. When I got to the living room mum was ready sitting on the couch. She had on a long brown silk nightie. It had a lace slit on each side that ran from the bottom all the up the side. She had her legs crossed and her entire milky white thigh was exposed.
I felt my cock twitch and thought I should have worn some underwear. I sat down next to her with excitement flowing through my body. I wanted to touch her thigh but was too afraid. She leaned her head on my shoulder and thanked me again for a great night and being such a great son.

When she lifted her head I turned to give her a kiss on the cheek. As fait would have it she did the same thing. Our lips met for the third time tonight. One second passed, 5 seconds passed, and neither one of use pulled away. At this point I stopped think and let my body take over. I pressed my lips against hers firmer. Sparks ignited as she started to kiss me back. I could not believe I was kissing my mother. She slowly opened her mouth and I did the same. She entered her tongue into my mouth and I eagerly accepted it. Moving my hand to the back of her head we kissed more passionately. Our lips touching, our tongues licking each other and dancing together. She wrapped her arms around her neck and pulled me towards her as she leaned back, I was laying on top of her. I could feel her tits pressed against my chest. I moved from sucking her tongue and was now kissing and sucking on her neck. I pulled her straps down so I could release her bare tit. She started rocking her hips up and down and moaning as I kissed her from her neck to her mouth. I could feel my hard shaft pressed against her as I grinned against her. We were kissing as lover, not a mother and son

"Are you sure you want to do this? We don't..." I pulled off of her and she had an immediate look of shock on her face. She thought I wanted to stop, but I wanted more. I pulled her nightgown off, followed by her knickers. I put them to my face and tasted the wetness and aroma of her pussy juice before I dropped them to the floor. I dropped my clothes to the floor as well. She took my hand in and said "Let's go to the bedroom darling.” When she stood up, she took hold of my hand and I walked naked with my mother to her bedroom. She could only look at me with love in her eyes.

When we got to the bed she laid down and I laid next to her. We were kissing again as I ran my hand up and down her body. I was playing with her nipples when she grabbed my hand and moved it down between her legs down to her hairy pussy. She was so wet . I slid two fingers inside her and moved them in and out. As I sucked her tit into my mouth I fingered her faster and harder. "That's it finger fuck mummy, make mummy cum. Suck on my tits like you did when you were a baby." The harder I fingered her the louder she screamed out in ecstasy. She was lifting her arse off the bed as she was approaching her orgasm. She let out a scream as she arched her back "Oh my god, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm ccuummmming!". She went limp. I was still gently finger her hairy pussy which was now leaking with her love juice.

"Now it's your turn."

I told her as I climbed between her legs. "I want to fuck you. Do you want to make love to your one and only son?"

"Yes please, please make fuck with mummy."

With that I slid my hard young cock into her dripping wet pussy. When I was all the way in I gave a couple hard thrusts and felt her pussy tighten around me. She let out a gasp as she threw her arms around me and pulled me tight against her. We kissed as we made love. I was propping myself up with one arm as I thrust in and out of her hairy pussy. I had my other had squeezing her tit and pinching her nipple. I held myself back as long as I could. I never wanted this moment to end. When I felt myself getting close I sped up. I pulled almost all the way out then rammed it in with one hard thrust. I did this a few times, and each time she would lift off the bed at the moment I was all the way in. Now I started moving at a fast pace.

While staring into her eyes and used all my energy to fuck her as hard and fast as I could. The sweat was dripping off my face and falling on hers, when a drop hit near her mouth she'd lick it off. I was seconds away from cumming, she must have seen it in my eyes, cause just then she said "Cum in me, cum in mummy’s pussy darling!”

I exploded into her pussy, stream after stream of my hot cum filling her pussey. I feft her pussy tighten around me as she screamed out and warm juices poured out of her hairy pussy and past my still twitching cock. I collapsed on top of her as I caught my breath.

She whispered in my ear "You're my new lover now. Now go to sleep. Don't pull it out, I wanna sleep while you're still in me."

I woke up about an hour later while she was trying to slip out from under me. "I gotta use the bathroom honey, I'll be right back." I rolled off of her and let her go.

She was back after 2 minutes. When she crawled back in bed we laid on our sides facing each other. We kissed, neither one of us speaking a word. We again fell asleep in each others arms.

After that night we decided to no longer live as mother and son in side the house. From now on we'd be lovers and mother and son when outside. We kept our special relationship a secret until I left home at 23.

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Can I Have A Quick Word With You Mum

Can I have a quick word with you Mum? Or how I came out to my mother. By Maria Ski. As I look back over my life I have begun to realise that I have reached a lot of milestones. Some were passing exams, others achieving a personal goal in a hobby related activity. But I think the major milestone in my life was when I took the major step and chose to come out to my mother and tell her about my secret desire. So if I may I'd like to take you back on a little journey. It was the year I...

3 years ago
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A Stormy Road Trip With Mum

Helen and Mark were returning from a two-week visit with her friend, Joyce who lives in Cornwall. They had gotten a late start and now it looked like they were going to have to pay for it."The storm is approaching Bristol. It should arrive within the next half-hour. All persons should take shelter as soon as possible. You can expect strong winds and heavy rain with. Travel is not recommended!" the radio blared as Helen drove along looking at the dark cloud approaching from the west."I guess...

3 years ago
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Moving Furniture With Mum

It started off as just another weekend. My mother had asked me to help her move furniture around the house. Mum was wearing navy-blue shorts and a white T shirt. Her long brown hair was tied back in a pony-tail.Mum was a real knock-out. Her breasts were large 38C. Her eyes are light blue and her long dark brown hair.Mum walked into the living room just as I was finishing moving the sofa to a new location. She watched me silently for a few moments as I grunted and strained and finally...

2 years ago
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A Boob Job Off Mum

I got home from school to find my mum in my room. She had completely cleaned it for me and was vacuuming as I walked in. Mum was in the most beautiful sundress. I stopped in the doorway before she saw me and watched her lovely, heart-shaped arse as she ran the vacuum across my bedroom floor. Her 38D breasts swayed beneath the thin covering. She turned the vacuum off and greeted me with her usual gleeming smile."Hey, darling, how was your day at school?" She asked."Okay, I guess. I didn't expect...

1 year ago
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Amazing relationship with my mum

Note : This story is completely fictional! Just to set the scene, I am Kyle, a 25 year old man from England. My mother Margaret is 67 and I lived with her since birth. There is often a stigma attached to incest. If it is between two consenting adults and no abuse is involved what is the problem? We are ordinary people, not freaks. I have a university degree and work in a well paid job. I have a great social life with my mates and play a lot of sport. Without being arrogant, I am quite good...

3 years ago
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Your Mum Your Mum

Your Mum, Your Mum!This is a secret I have kept to myself for years, about what my stepmother Teresa did one summer morning. Now, I think it's time I made all privy to this strange and lurid tale; the account of "Your Mum, Your Mum!"About two years after the incident of "Teresa's Torture" [which is in another story] and perhaps a year after the incident with her rude optician, when I was about 20 now, this happened. Firstly, I overheard some of the local 18 to 19 year olds talking about Mum...

2 years ago
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Two couples and Mum

Some time later my parents were away for a few days and we all settled down to an evening together with a few drinks and a pack of cards. I suggested a game of strip poker and we commenced taking our clothes off. The girls were somewhat shy about it but with some encouragement their tits were soon on display. I couldn’t help myself and bent down to suck Linda’s tit, she didn’t want me to but I insisted and persuaded until my lips were caressing her pink nipple. I noticed that John was...

2 years ago
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Erin enjoys her mum

It had been over 6 months since mum and I moved to Bristol, her promotion to sales and marketing manager was everything she had wanted, we had settled down in our new home and our love life was all so good and exciting, we have explored each other’s bodies to the maximum, leaving nothing we could not do in the sexual department apart from a few ideas, but overall mum made love to me as a love not a boy turned girl, I had even got a job working in the same department as her as an accounting...

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3 Hanky panky holiday with mum

This is part 3, but also a story in itself!The weeks seemed to fly by and, before I knew it, the time had come for myself and my mother to leave for our holiday. I was still in the dark as to where we were actually going, as my mother placed her finger against my lips every time I tried to ask "Shhhh..." she would say "you'll have to wait and see like a good boy."I arrived at her house early on the Monday morning and was pleasently surprised to see her in a pair of butt-hugging pink shorts,...

3 years ago
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A Hot Summers Night With Mum

My name is Mark,. My father left us 10 years ago. Mum ended up renting a small two bedroom cottage for us. You see dad was the main bread winner in our family but mum also worked at a part time job so we could go on nice holidays and put some money aside for my. Well that fund disappeared quickly enough so here I am at 14, living with just my mum. I go to high school and work a part time jobs after school and weekends.Since money is tight she has us counting every penny. I love my mum to death,...

4 years ago
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Getting Caught With Mum

Mark was a typical teenage boy. Ever since his hormones took over, most of the time, all he could think about was sex. In the last year, he had found that he was growing like a beanstalk and was rapidly approaching the six-foot mark. Though still thin, he was starting to fill out but not just his body. His cock had somehow turned from a small worm into a fat slug overnight. And that was when it was soft. Fully erect, it stuck out like some curved pole. He was quite proud that when he had a...

2 years ago
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Daughter And Mum

TRAGEDYIt was a lovely spring day. I was walking home from the bus stop after high school let out, bouncing along, listening to my music. I went in the front door of our unit block, walked up to our floor, and put the key into the lock of our unit.I didn't expect what I heard. Mum was inside, sobbing hard. I turned the key and went in. She was sitting on the couch in the lounge room, crying her eyes out."What's wrong, Mum?" I asked. She couldn't stop crying, but held out a note. I took it....

3 years ago
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Loving Mum

Even as a young schoolboy, I was fascinated with my mum. I remember getting up early for school each day just so I could catch a glimpse of mum dressing in front of the roaring open fire. To see mum pulling up her panties or sliding on her stockings, gave my pre-pubescent cock a raging stiffy. Mum has always been a good looking woman, lovely long legs and gorgeous tits, I remember regularly wanking my little prick thinking about mum. Years later I graduated to taking her panties out of the...

2 years ago
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A hot summers night with Mum

This story is fictional, and is inspired by the video 'Wendy Taylor Role Play' which you can find on xhamster....Back in 1984, we were having an unusually hot, humid couple of weeks at the tail-end of the summer. I was 23yrs old then, and still living at home with my Mum, who had been widowed about 5 years earlier, but at the age of 59, she looked at least ten years younger and - thanks to all the walking exercise she took - had a very well toned body despite having had three k**s.I was engaged...

1 year ago
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Accidental meet up with mum

It had been a bit of a dry spell for me, I decided to start checking out online dating and to see if there were any women out there that were up for no strings attached fun. I didn’t want to settle down I just wanted a bit of fun now and then. Once I started looking I was surprised how many sites were available and that there was quite a few after the same as me. I started talking to a few women, but nothing seemed to be coming forward from it. Being a guy aged 28 I have always had a thing for...

3 years ago
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Comforting Mum

I came home to find mum crying. It was a surprise because I had never seen her crying before."What's wrong, mum?" I asked, putting an arm round her shoulder."It's nothing. I'm just being silly.""Come off it. Mum, it's obviously not nothing ... you never cry.""Well, it's your father and me. We had an argument." I knew that wasn't all because they had argued before and mum never cried. She saw my distrust and smiled nervously. "It's nothing really. Just ..."I waited, but mum didn't seem to want...

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Helping Look After Mum

Remembering back, It's hard to believe it really happened, and, of course, I still get a hard-on recalling those great days. When I was foureen, my mum slipped and sprained her right wrist rather badly, and, being right-handed, this made her life somewhat difficult, especially since my dad had left us. The doctor put my mum in a cast on her lower right arm. It allowed her to move her elbow and use her fingers, but the wrist was immobilized. The doctor told her not to get the cast wet, or it...

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A Hot Night With Mum

My name is Mark, You see my father ran off when I was 4 so we've had to lean on each other with out a dad around. It was hard, but we managed. My Mother was great. She taught me everything, fed me cloath me, everything, all on her own. We ended up renting a small two bedroom cottage that mum could afford. Since money is tight she has us counting every penny, trying to save enough to find a better place to live. I love my mum to death.So its one of those hot, sweaty nights where there is no...

4 years ago
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My name is Mark and I have a secret, or had a secret. My wife knows all about it.SO HERE YOU ARE.I guess you could say it started the winter after my 14th birthday and it was all so innocent at first. Dad and Mum split up when I was 5. I was an only c***d because mum had problems during my birth and could not have any more k**s.As I said, it started the winter after I turned 14. We experienced particularly harsh freezing weather and the bedrooms in the house were particularly cold. So it was...

2 years ago
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My name is Mark and I have a secret, or had a secret. My wife knows all about it.SO HERE YOU ARE.I guess you could say it started the winter after my 14th birthday and it was all so innocent at first. Dad and Mum split up when I was 5. I was an only c***d because mum had problems during my birth and could not have any more k**s.As I said, it started the winter after I turned 14. We experienced particularly harsh freezing weather and the bedrooms in the house were particularly cold. So it was...

4 years ago
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Son wanking with mum

I was naked sitting at my computer looking at porn, and of course giving myself a lovely wank in the process, the woman turned me on so much I didn’t realise till it was too late that my mum had come to the door and was watching me, I quickly tied to hide my erection but I knew it was too late, she had seen all of me in that instance, “Playing with yourself again” she remarked coming into my room, “Mum, you should knock, I could have been doing anything” I said trying to hide my cock, “I don’t...

1 year ago
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Shoe shopping with mum

Note : This story is completely fictional! I ran into mum in the mall. She was doing what she loves best, shopping for highheeled shoes. Her collection is huge, at least 100 pairs, with nothing under a 5 inch heel. We started talking. "Would you like to join me dear" mum said. I was pretty bored so i decided to join her. She was dressed very hot, in a shiny pink silk blouse, black satin skirt, nylons & pink strappy sandals. Her fingernails & lip gloss matched her blouse & heels. Watching her...

1 year ago
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My affair with mum

100% fiction! It was the weekend. dad was away fishing & mum & i were home alone. Mum was feeling a little down. Since turning 50 mum said she had become increasingly frustrated with dad sexually & that she was considering having an affair. I was 18,full of hormones & feeling very naughty. "Why not take your sexual frustration out on me" i said boldly. Mum almost dropped her wine. She looked at me,then stood up. "I have something to show you,wait here". She went to her room. I thought i was in...

3 years ago
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A Hot Night With Mum

My name is Mark, You see my father ran off when I was 4 so we've had to lean on each other with out a dad around. It was hard, but we managed. My Mother was great. She taught me everything, fed me cloath me, everything, all on her own. We ended up renting a small two bedroom cottage that mum could afford. Since money is tight she has us counting every penny, trying to save enough to find a better place to live. I love my mum to death.So its one of those hot, sweaty nights where there is no...

2 years ago
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My Fit Mum

My Fit MumI'm 31 years old and my dad is probably about 50 by now, we haven't been in contact since he left us for some little Asian slut he met on a job in Singapore twenty or so years ago.Mum was clearly devastated but I stood by her and, despite my young age, provided encouragement for her when she felt low, old and unwanted.A very attractive woman at 49, mum has always had a petite, tight little figure, no doubt due to being very active during her younger years. Swimming, running and...

3 years ago
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Jack is Spanked by my Mum

Jack was almost seventeen and lived next door with just his mother mostly, as his father worked away for months at a time. According to stuff my mum gossiped about to her friends, Jack’s mum had always struggled to ‘control’ him but she said it’s worse now that he was in the sixth form. My name is Alison Davies and I used to hear loads of interesting stuff by listening in on Mum’s coffee mornings. Once or twice she told her friends how Jack’s mum, Mrs. Moore, threatened to get my mum to punish...

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A Gift From Mum

I came home from school, and mum had left me a present. As I entered my room, my eyes immediately focused on the lacy black knickers that were on display upon my pillow. As my school bag hit the floor, my cock was rock hard. My heart pounded as my eyes focused what a wonderful present. She knew what it would do to me, and I was eager to comply.Since I'd been caught by my Mum, our dynamic had changed, and my deepest fantasies now seemed within reach. As I walked to my bed, my mind swirled...

1 year ago
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Sally and Her Mum

  Susan had already decided that if her 22 year old daughter Sally doesn’t have a good enough reason she is going to be put across her lap and given a spanking to remember.   In fact Susan was worried. Sally was at the shopping mall and had promised she was going to be back by 3 O’clock. It was now 4 O’clock and no phone call. She had even tried to call her daughter’s mobile but it went to voicemail. It was so unlike Sally as she knew the penalty for being late without reason.   Just then...

1 year ago
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Getting Caught By Mum

I was playing the new video game that had just come out. I had no idea what was to be in store for me besides playing the new game. I was a 15 year old. And I got nothing else to do! But enough about games. Lets get to the good part. My mother, what this whole story is based upon, is extremely nice with dark brunette hair. She is a size 12, 38C breast that go perfectly with her figure. Nothing much happened in the line for the video game. Later that night I was playing this game "Now Mark, get...

1 year ago
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Helping Mum

I knocked on my mum's bedroom door."Mum, can I come in.""What do you want", my mum called back."I just have to get something from your bathroom.""Come in, but make it quick."I opened the door and entered her room. My mum was in jeans that covered her belly button. On top she had nothing on but a white lacy bra. Mums tits were 38 D. My mum was no skinny lady. She was a size 14, so she still looked good. I loved what I saw but did not stare. I went to the bathroom in her room, got my hair...

2 years ago
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It Started In The Bath With Mum

This is the story of my relationship with my mum. My dad left when I was very young so as far back as I can remember, it was always just me and my mum. One of my favorite things to do when I was little was my nightly bath with mum. I loved the feel of her skin against mine, especially when we were both soapy. I loved how she scrubbed me all over. I loved when she'd wrap me up in a big fluffy towel when we were done. It wasn't anything sexual, it was just the wonderful sensations that I enjoyed....

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In Bed With Mum

Mum is 32 years old. Her hair is nearly black and long, it drops almost to the middle of her back, and she has 38D tits.I am f******n year old and also have dark hair like Mum hair. I am in high school and there is nothing special about me. Just a typical teenager, and my cock when it's hard is 6' and is a little thicker than my mates in school. Yes, we all look just to compare our dicks in the showers When I was young, my mum would come into my bedroom and tuck me in. She always gave me a kiss...

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