Lowborn Ch. 07 free porn video

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Mindblind ran, fighting the wind, rain, and muddy terrain to stay upright with his burden. Raven had barely breathed when he found her, and there was no guarantee that she still was. Upon reaching the turf house, he turned his back toward the door and threw his weight into it. In a splintering of wood, the makeshift bar fell away. He stumbled into the room amidst alarmed screams from the women within.

Kayleen ran up and gasped, “Oh no. Is she okay?”

Mindblind didn’t answer, but instead lay her down, drawing one of her own daggers from a sheath at her hip.

“Rayneena!” Yani cried out as she dropped to her knees next to her sister. Seeing Mindblind with the knife, her eyes went wild and she grabbed his wrist, long nails digging in. “Leave her alone! Murderer!”

“Get off me, Yani. I need to get to that cut,” he snarled.

Then Kayleen was there, demonstrating strength and ferocity he would have never expected. She grabbed Yani by the hair, yanking her backward. The pain caused the prostitute to yelp and let go of Mindblind’s wrist.

After slamming the other woman to the ground, Kayleen stood over her and said, “He’s trying to help. Leave him alone.”

Now unencumbered, Mindblind made quick work of Raven’s pants with her razor sharp dagger. The wound was deep, and seeping blood at an alarming rate. It wasn’t spurting, but that could very well mean that she simply didn’t have much blood left.

Betty, who had bartered her charms for the wagon, walked up and reached into the bodice of her dress. She looked more than a little pale as she held out a small glass vial. “Humped a guy in town for this. He said it was a healing draught blessed by a priest. I was going to have someone look at it and tell me if it was any good.”

At a loss of what to do, Mindblind accepted the vial and pulled out the cork stopper. He sniffed, finding a sweet, almost flowery scent. Putting his thumb over the end of the bottle, he wetted it by tipping the vial. Throwing caution to the wind, he sucked his thumb, feeling an odd effervescent sensation on his tongue, and in his forehead.

Betty gasped. “Your forehead. It’s healing.”

Encouraged, and able to feel the sting from the cut and his bruises lessening, he said, “Help me sit her up.”

Betty and Alice wrestled with Raven’s limp body, lifting her into a seated position and supporting her with their arms. Mindblind didn’t waste any time in pouring a drop of the potion into the thief’s mouth, which hung open.

Her lip quivered and her eyes moved behind closed lids. After another drop, she took a shuddering breath that alarmed him, though her next breath seemed far stronger. He looked down, seeing the flow of blood from her thigh slowing. A tip of the vial splashed about half its contents into Raven’s mouth.

She coughed, and then quivered as if taken by a chill. The angry purple welts dotting her flesh from the hail faded, and when he looked down, the sight of the gash healing before his very eyes elicited a great sigh of relief.

After long, tense seconds, Raven’s eyes fluttered open. Only the blood soaking her smooth skin remained from the cut that had nearly ended her career. “You... If you wanted to get in my pants, all you had to do was ask,” she said in a drowsy voice.

Indigo entered, pushing the door shut behind him. “How is she?”

“What the hell happened, anyway?” Raven asked, her voice still a little weak.

“Later,” Mindblind said. He stood up and turned to Indigo, having seen the Draxnian bent over one of the assassins as he ran past. “That fucker still breathing?”

Indigo shook his head. “Raven struck well. The killer was delirious as he breathed his last. He spoke of returning to Foxwood, and of being done with this costly, foolish mark.”

“Think that’s where the scum holed up?” Mindblind asked.

“Sounds like it to me,” Raven said, sitting up on her own and waving off the women attempting to assist her.

Mindblind looked over his shoulder. “Lay back down. You need to rest.”

“I don’t think so,” she said as she popped to her feet. “What in the fuck happened? I don’t even look like a purple-spotted leopard any more, and I feel like I’m about to come out of my skin if I don’t get moving.”

“Some kind of healing potion Betty had.” He turned around, held up the vial, and said, “Come to think of it, there’s still some left.” He nodded toward Cammie sitting in the corner nursing her ankle. “Should give her a bit for that ankle.”

Looking remarkably fit and energetic for a woman on the brink of death only a short time before, Raven stretched. “If there’s still anything left in that little bitty bottle, then it doesn’t take much. The two of you should probably take a nip after she’s up and moving.”

“Guess it was worth the hump, huh?” Betty said in smug tones, turning toward Alice, the blonde who had become the defacto madame of the group, keeping things orderly and tensions at a minimum.

“You were going to give him a ride anyway,” Alice countered. “You’re a sucker for the young, desperate ones.”

Raven chuckled. “Anyway, I’m not laying down. Pass that stuff around, then you’re going to tell me what happened while I was out, and we’re going to get my daggers back.”

Mindblind smoothed his hand through his still-soaked hair, shaking his head. He passed the vial to Alice, who took it to Cammie, and then he began telling the story of the battle, with Indigo chiming in on occasion. There were indeed a few drops of the potion left once Cammie was steady on her feet, and what remained almost completely healed the bruises Mindblind and Indigo had suffered.

Raven pursed her lips, fiddling with her pants where Mindblind had sliced one leg from hip to knee while the two men finished their recounting of the battle. “Hmm. I can barely remember getting up once that dagger got me. I knew it had split me good, and I was trying to keep pressure on it. It was almost like my dagger told me to get up and throw it. After that, everything went dark.”

“Perhaps it did,” Indigo speculated, “Your blade appears to have the kiss of magic. Where our steel failed, yours cut through his sorcery to win the day.”

“All the more reason to get it back.” She looked up at the roof and cocked her head to the side. “Sounds like the hail’s quit. We should search those fuckers and see if there’s any kind of clue or anything we can use.”

Indigo asked, “How are we to bury them?”

Mindblind scoffed. “Ain’t using my sword to dig those scum a hole. Leave ‘em for the cats and the vultures.”

After a sigh, Indigo nodded his head. “Let them reap what they have sown.”

“Wagon first,” Raven said, still worrying at her pants. “I’m not getting tripped up by these.”

The rain still fell in stinging sheets, but behind the fast moving storm, there were hints of blue on the horizon once more. The three made their way back to the scene of the battle once Raven had changed into her spare pants. She stopped at the first of the assassins, retrieving the dagger from his side that had started the battle. It still retained more than enough edge to begin cutting away his clothes.

Mindblind and Indigo went to search the men they had faced. Rifling through the man’s clothes, Mindblind found nothing. The killer wore the now-familiar ring that marked him as a member of the guild, but otherwise carried nothing save his weapons. The man’s sword was too slender for Mindblind’s taste, though it would at least bring some coin if sold. The dagger was another matter.

Housed in a tooled sheath of dark – almost black – leather, the dagger had intricate scrollwork on the blade. What appeared to be some sort of precious stone was set in the pommel. Caring not a whit that the blade had been owned by an assassin, Mindblind unbuckled his belt and threaded the end through the loop on the sheath.

Upon standing back up, he saw Raven walking toward him, carrying a similar sheathed dagger and sword. She held the weapons point down, allowing the blood-saturated mud coating them to drip away as the rain washed it free. “Probably sell these for some extra coin. Find anything?”

“Nothing but a ring and the tools of the trade,” he answered.

“What about you?” Raven called to Indigo.

“Much the same. There is a small bag, but it contains only a few coins and some hardtack.”

“That’s probably the only one who’s very far from home – or has been,” Mindblind suggested.

Indigo nodded. “I agree. It confirms the dying man’s words.”

“So we’d best watch our backs in Foxwood. Not as if we’re going to be able to sneak in.” Raven shook her head to dislodge the water droplets clinging to her nose and eyelashes. “Let’s see what that big fucking bear has to tell us.”

Indigo knelt next to the big man upon reaching him, and grabbed his arm. “As I suspected, this man was the master of the murderers. This ring would have once spared him in confrontations with the secret police of Draxnog.”

Raven pulled her dagger from the killer’s shield. It had pierced the metal ornament and went through into the wood. “I’m going to have to find someone who knows something about magic and get this thing looked at.”

“Wonder if that thing’s still got any magic in it,” Mindblind asked, nodding at the shield.

Raven sheathed the dagger that had foiled the shield, drawing another instead. A quick flick of her wrist left the blade quivering in the wood. “Doubt it.”

Indigo reached for the hilt of the sword, but as soon as his fingers touched it, he fell back into the mud, exclaiming something in Draxnian.

Hand on his sword, Mindblind asked, “What?”

Indigo shook his arm and flexed his fingers as he got back on his knees. “That sword is... It is evil.”

Made curious by Indigo’s reaction, Mindblind brushed his finger across first the blade, and then the hilt of the weapon. “I don’t feel anything.”

“This we should bury – deep,” Indigo declared, pointing at the skull adorning the crosspiece.

Mindblind grasped the hilt this time. “Just a sword.” He lifted it. “Doesn’t feel as heavy as it should, though.”

“You are not burned?” Indigo asked in amazement.

Shrugging, Mindblind said, “No,” and stood up. The sword was certainly lighter than so much steel should be, and felt remarkably well balanced. He gave it a few slow practice swings, a smile spreading across his face.

Raven nodded. “Looks better on you than that little pig-sticker. You should grab the scabbard. People will think twice about fucking with us with you carrying that around.”

“I am uneasy about this,” Indigo warned.

Raven rolled her eyes and walked up to grasp the crosspiece. “Nothing. Maybe he had some wizard make it burn Draxnians when he was there to keep people from trying to steal it or something.”

Indigo didn’t look convinced, but he didn’t protest when Raven wiped the rain out of her eyes and knelt down to remove the scabbard for the sword. After handing it up to Mindblind, she went to work on the assassin’s clothing.

Mindblind slipped his arms into the harness and adjusted the straps, settling the scabbard on his back. After a couple of fumbled attempts, he was able to sheathe the sword. Drawing it proved much easier, as the hilt almost seemed to jump into his hand when he reached back for it. The weapon slid free and into a ready position with a dangerous sounding hiss.

A snort from behind prompted him to turn and look. Raven had cut through the man’s pants and pulled them down, looking for anything of value or useful information.

“Looks like the big sword was compensating for his tiny dick,” she said, laughed, and then stood back up.

The rain was beginning to taper off and the wind – though still strong – had lessened as well. The strip of blue on the horizon grew larger by the minute.

Raven gave the still form of the man on the ground a kick. “Not that far from Foxwood. I say we wait this out, then hit the road again. We got the boss, but that doesn’t mean someone isn’t going to take his place. I’ve got friends there, and we’ll be safer with people around.”

“There is wisdom in your words,” Indigo agreed.

Mindblind nodded toward the turf house. “Let’s go tell them what’s up and get outta this damn rain.”

“This isn’t over,” Raven iterated in ominous tones. “Even if all these bastards are dead, someone hired them. I want to know who the fuck it was.”

The two men nodded in agreement and followed her back to shelter.


The chill winds of the storm moved on, and Mindblind quickly discovered that yet another turn in the weather was behind it. The day had started off pleasant, but behind the tempest, the temperature and humidity spiked.

It was a miserable, sweat-drenched group that rolled onto the main street of Foxwood just before dark. Unlike their last visit with civilization, this town was more akin to what Mindblind was familiar with. There was no attempt to hide the true nature of the town, to masquerade as a larger, richer city. There was little uniformity to the structures, and the streets looked to have been laid out by old farm roads, around which the town had arisen.

Despite the name of the place, there was barely a tree to be found.

As Raven had predicted, town guardsmen shadowed them. The men made their presence known, but didn’t approach. When the thief directed the wagon to pull up in front of the local house of prostitution, the guards took up positions across the street.

“Alice and I will take care of business. Stay out here, and don’t make any sudden moves. Those two watching us look green and nervous.”

Mindblind nodded and leaned up against the wagon. Seeing the guardsmen eyeing his newly acquired sword, he couldn’t help a snorting chuckle. He then shook his head, trying to dislodge a daydream of drawing that sword just to watch the pair fill their pants in fear.

Not long after, a woman with her breasts overspilling the bodice of her gown exited the brothel. She lifted her eyebrows as she looked over the group around the wagon, but continued across the street, her hips swaying. After a brief conversation, the prostitute returned to the brothel and the guardsmen went on their way.

Raven returned and nodded toward the door while addressing the women. “They’re drawing baths. Alice will let you in on the details. We’ll be at the Leaping Wench just down the street.”

The women filed into the brothel. Kayleen walked with Yani, who had calmed down after a large dose of her tea. The dark-haired woman had a distant look in her eyes.

“C’mon, let’s get to the Wench,” Raven said, and then led the way.

For an inn on the less-reputable side of town, the Leaping Wench was surprisingly large. At two stories, the building loomed over most of those surrounding it. The exterior was taken care of enough to be inviting – especially in light of its surroundings – but not so well-appointed as to seem out of place. The sound of loud conversation and drunken laughter spilled from wide open windows on one side of the building.

No more than a single step inside the front door, an angry voice rang out from behind the counter of the inn. “Raven. What are you doing here, you sticky-fingered whore?”

“Looking for a bath and a bed that isn’t infested with your fleas, you reeking ass boil.”

Mindblind warily eyed the balding, spindly-armed man. The innkeeper’s face was twisted into a snarl that bared his teeth, and he stared at Raven as though trying to strike her dead with his gaze. Mere moments after she tossed her return insult, the man threw his head back and laughed.

“Ha! Damn, but it’s good to see you,” the innkeeper declared, slapping his hand on the counter.

“You too, Magar,” Raven said as she approached with Mindblind and Indigo following behind. “How many rooms do you have open? I’m dragging along these two and a pack of a dozen whores. Some of them will probably bunk up at Yvonne’s Cradle, but they’re going to need some beds.”

Magar scratched his scraggly beard. “I’ve got seven open, but that’s going to cost a fair pretty pile of coin.” His expression changed into a leer, and he added, “I might give you a discount...”

Raven rolled her eyes and snorted. “Half price – when we leave. Or have you forgotten a little incident a couple of years ago?”

The innkeeper’s shoulders slumped. “Kinda hoped you had.”

“Not a chance.”

“Fine,” he replied, and then sighed. “You want me to have someone fill the tubs?”

“Yep. Know anything about Draxnians in town?”

“Besides him?” Magar said, nodding at Indigo. “Bunch on the east side. Mother-murderers, fronting with a chow hall.”

Raven grinned. “Four fewer now.”

“Well now, that’s good news. Ain’t seen but four in a fair few days, besides the women that do the cooking.”

“I’m going to pay a visit after midnight,” Raven said under her breath.


Mindblind groaned and settled back into the bath, a little surprised by how much he was enjoying the rare pleasure. The bath house was well-appointed, with three ceramic tubs, which each had their own pumps, and a stove for heating water only a few feet from the tubs. Unusual enough in large cities, it was a marvel to find such a place in a disreputable establishment on the seedy side of a prairie town.

Indigo had left his tub some time ago to return to the taproom. Despite expressing concern about the owner’s trustworthiness and that of the rowdy clientele, he had fallen into an easy rhythm of telling stories at Raven’s encouragement, and found an eager audience.

A lapping of water from beyond the wooden dividing wall revealed that Raven was still enjoying her bath. A moment later, her voice further confirmed it.

“Hey, Mindblind.”


“Come here a minute.”

He blew a sharp breath out his nose and said, “Hang on. Let me dry off and find my draws.”

“To the hells with that. Just come here, damn it. I don’t want to talk through a damn wall.”

Trailing puddles from the water running down his body, Mindblind stepped out of his enclosure and to the end of the narrow hall. He’d closed the door, but Raven had left hers wide open. She lay back in the tub, her arms supporting her on either side, water lapping at the underside of her perky breasts.

When he glanced at the door, she shrugged. “You can close it if you want.”

Ignoring the door, he asked, “What’s up?”

“Kay said that Yani said my name – my real name.”

“I had other things on my mind at the time, but yeah, I guess she did.”

“Don’t go yapping it around.”

“Didn’t plan to.”

“Too damn soft for the likes of me.”

Mindblind grunted and nodded his head by way of answering.

“Probably going to have to bunk up with Yani and keep an eye on her.”

Wondering exactly what she was driving at, and baffled that she wasn’t coming right out and saying it, as he’d come to expect from her, Mindblind leaned up against the wall. The flimsy partition supported him, but just barely. That summoned up an altogether unpleasant flashback to Delly’s room, where the same thing had happened just before the chaos that had put him on this road.

“Suppose so.”

Raven’s shoulders slumped. “Never mind. Go ahead back to your bath.”

An exasperated sigh passed his lips. “Look, what’s with the games, Raven?”

The thief’s expression and bearing suddenly switched back to the confident countenance with which he was familiar. “What games?”

She rolled over in the water, lifting her taut ass above the surface, and bent over to grab the edge of the tub. “Think I’m playing games with you? What are you gonna do about it?”

Blood surged into his loins at the sight of her. “Maybe go grab my draws and have a beer or two.” If she could play games, so could he.

“Oh, is that so?” She asked, and wiggled her ass at him while eyeing his rising manhood. “Don’t feel like working up a thirst, first?”

He was done playing at that point.

Raven let out a growling moan when he stepped into the tub behind her and dug his fingers into her hips. A push of his thumb settled his hardness against her nether lips, and he stabbed inside her.

She cried out as his cock stretched her, filling her full. “Fuck yeah. Give it to me. Hard.”

Her petite hips made perfect handles as he took her. Though a little dry at first, her canal quickly grew slippery with wetness as he forced his cock into her. Mindblind pulled her toward him with every thrust, making her cry out as his cock knocked at the entrance of her womb.

“Faster. Damn it. Fuck me,” Raven growled, her arms already trying to buckle from the power of his thrusts.

Water sloshed and loud claps sounded from their colliding flesh. It was quite the contrast to every other time they’d had sex, where she had ultimately been in control, no matter what the situation or position. This time, she was truly offering herself up for the taking. His right hand slipped from her hip, though it left behind a rosy imprint in her skin, and curled around her leg.

Raven squealed as his fingers flashed over her clit, his hips never losing rhythm.

Pained-sounding grunts burst from her lips with every thrust, growing higher in pitch and volume by the moment. Her canal squeezed tight around him, her skin flushed, and she screamed as orgasm claimed her.

Mindblind kept his fingers moving over her clit for a minute or so more, drawing out her climax. Her muscles were stiff, fingers curled into claws on the edge of the tub as she screamed again and again. Finally, he was at the point of no-return, the squeeze of her velvety walls too good to hold back any longer. He grabbed her hips in both hands again.

A few more thrusts took him to the edge, and he pulled her tight against him, the loudest slap yet sounding as their bodies collided. A growl exploded from his lips even as cum erupted into her depths.

Raven groaned as his cock pulsed, flooding her with cum. A few whimpers marked her climax winding down into aftershocks, her walls contracting erratically around him. Dripping with sweat, he couldn’t take it for long, and pulled free from her to sit on the precarious perch of the tub’s edge.

Panting for breath, she reached between her legs and winced. As she bent lower, it revealed her canal gaping from being stretched by his cock, and cum beginning to dribble from deep within.

“Fuck, I needed that,” Raven said in a quiet, breathless voice. She turned around and splashed back into the water, looking up at him with a crooked smile. “Thanks for not leaving me for the vultures back there.”

Having not quite caught his breath, Mindblind weakly chuckled and answered, “Don’t mention it.”

A kick sent water splashing across his drooping member. “Give me some room, so I can wash up – again. I’ve got a den of mother murderers to check out in a few hours.”

Shaking his head, Mindblind climbed out of the tub to return to his own long enough to wash away the sweat and sex.


He had to admire the stamina.

Despite everything the women had been through, the prostitutes were hard at work after only brief naps in shifts. Word had spread quickly that fresh flesh was available for purchase, and the taproom was packed.

Mindblind glanced toward the door and the hallway leading to the foyer of the inn, wondering what was keeping Raven. She’d left over an hour ago to scout out the eatery that served as a front for the assassins’ true profession, only planning to check out the building, and perhaps look in a few windows.

He was on the verge of suggesting to Indigo that they go after her when she walked in the taproom door. The look on her face wasn’t promising.

“We’re going to have to get in there,” Raven growled under her breath as she thumped her knuckles into the table and leaned over it.

“The nest is not yet empty, eh?” Indigo asked.

“I’m not sure. I heard women crying. Never saw a soul.”

“Perhaps we might speak with the guardsman?”

Mindblind scoffed at Indigo’s suggestion. “If they’re on the take from the whores and thieves, that bunch is paying them off too.”

Raven’s voice dropped even lower. “I can get us in quick and quiet. After that...”

Mindblind stood, his fingers already wanting to curl around the hilt of his newly acquired sword. “It’s up to them.”

“I suppose there is little alternative,” Indigo agreed, rising as well.

Raven nodded toward the foyer of the inn. “Stick close to me, and keep your yaps shut. We’re taking the dodgy paths, and I’m the only reason that you won’t get a knife in your back for seeing the places we’re going.”

The dodgy paths started right down the hall, within what looked like little more than a closet near the front counter. Once cramped up inside the small space, Raven opened a trap door in the floor, revealing a ladder leading down to a faint glow some dozen feet below.

Raven moved fast, and Mindblind had little opportunity to take in more than a general impression of the subterranean thieve’s road. The passages were low and narrow, but branching corridors seemed to indicate that the network was extensive.

At times, hidden latches Raven triggered revealed entrances into basements and cellars, which in turn led to more passages. The location of the first such cellar was fairly obvious from the sounds of passion coming through the floor above – the brothel. Others were more difficult to fathom, and some seemed to be attached to no sort of structure at all. Though he never saw a soul, Mindblind was almost certain that they were being watched every step of the way.

After nearly a half hour of creeping through the darkness, lit only by a curious lantern Raven carried that focused a beam just large enough to barely see the path ahead, she blew out the light in front of an angled doorway at the top of three wooden steps.

“The place is just across from here. We’ll be at the back, but that’s not where we’re going in. I only peeked, but I know everything back there is rigged up with nasty traps. We’ll hit the service entrance for the chow hall. Watch me, and be ready to hit the dirt, run, or fight – but keep your swords sheathed for now.”

The two men quietly acknowledged the instructions, and then Raven pushed open the door after listening intently for a minute or so.

The layout of the surrounding buildings hid them from view on the street, though the open plains loomed on the other side. Raven crossed the distance between the two structures on light feet, her eyes scanning for any sign of discovery. She skirted around the edge of the building, staying in the shadows cast by the moonlight, and finally reached a door.

In turn, she whispered directly into both men’s ears. “Keep your eyes open. If anybody comes along, let me know, but don’t touch me. These locks are good, and they could be trapped.”

Despite the warning, Mindblind heard a click less than a minute later.

“Time to get your swords out,” Raven whispered as she drew a pair of daggers.

A combination of moonlight and banked coals let Mindblind take in the interior – a large kitchen. Double doors led out to what he assumed was the front of the establishment, but Raven guided them toward a far stouter portal leading deeper into the building. She knelt immediately upon reaching the door, the curious metal shapes that were the tools of her trade appearing once more.

The second lock opened even more quickly than the first, and the sound of a woman softly weeping reached them almost immediately. Of far more concern was a corpulent Draxnian who jumped into the lamp-lit hallway directly ahead, wielding a stout cudgel.

Mindblind brought his weapon to bear, though the close quarters weren’t exactly optimal for the large sword. Raven let out a sharp sigh when Indigo snapped something in his own language, and then quickly repeated it in their tongue, just in case.

“Put down your weapon.”

The man’s eyes widened upon seeing what he faced, and the cudgel clattered to the floor. At the same time, the front of his trousers darkened, and a spreading puddle of urine formed on the planks at his feet.

Mindblind’s knuckles turned white from gripping his sword. The urge to lash out and remove the fat man’s head was so strong that he actually took a step forward. Raven darting ahead to press her dagger to the Draxnian’s throat cut him off, and he was further brought up short when he considered what his instincts were telling him to do.

Wary of the puddle at her feet, Raven said in a harsh whisper, “How many more of you are there?”

“No one. There is no one here,” the fat man answered.

The lone woman’s sobbing had ceased, replaced by murmurs of more voices.

“That doesn’t sound like no one,” Raven said, and her sharp blade drew a thin line of blood.

Her captive’s words emerged in a high-pitched rush. “Just the women. Just the women.”

“Get face down on the floor, fat-ass, or I’ll cut your balls off before I kill you,” Raven warned, keeping the dagger at his throat while yanking on his beard.

As soon as the man was lying on the floor in his own piss, Raven rapped him smartly in the back of the head with the hilt of her dagger.

“You don’t deliver warnings when you’re skulking, Indigo,” she said as she stood, barely moderating the volume of her voice. “Could have got us killed if there were more of them.”

Twitching with energy, Mindblind passed between the two, going farther down the hall, where he’d heard the women’s voices. “Fuck it. Know we’re here now. Cut ‘em down as we find them.”

He heard her say his name, but ignored it as he stalked with single-minded purpose down the hall. Somewhere in this place, there had to be a way to find out who had ordered Delly’s murder. More immediately, there were women in obvious distress, possibly facing a life worse than death.

One way or another, this was going to end, and he was going to end it.

Another frightened whimper emerged from a door at the end of the hall, singling out that room from several others. The sound of his booted footfalls on the planks below echoed back from the walls as Indigo and Raven hurried to catch up. He reached the door and grabbed the doorknob despite a rushed warning from Raven about traps.

“Give me a second and I’ll pick it,” Raven said when he found the door locked.

Mindblind had other ideas. Transferring his sword to the other hand, he leaned back, and then threw his weight into the door.

The frame gave with a loud report, cracking around the lock and sending the door slamming into the wall inside. The sound was barely audible over a chorus of frightened screams.

The women ranged in age from a young girl to an old woman, and they all looked remarkably alike. From their skin tone and manner of dress, he assumed they were Draxnian. The eldest of the group stepped in front of the rest, and rattling off something at him in that language more or less confirmed it.

Mindblind turned around to his companions, and gestured toward the women, “Indigo.”

Indigo nodded and passed him, immediately speaking to the women in his own language. Mindblind fixed his eyes on the nearest door, planning to force his way inside it as well.

Raven grabbed his arm. “Hey. What in the hells is wrong with you?”

His lip curling up into a snarl, Mindblind snapped his gaze to her and growled, “What are you talking about?”

She lifted her eyebrows and eyed him with a slightly wary expression. “Look, you’re not going to do anybody any good if you get stabbed with a poison needle or something. Let me get the damn doors. I want to know who’s behind this as much as you do.”

Mindblind’s grip tightened on his sword and he clenched his teeth. Then, as if a fog had lifted from his mind, the wave of overwhelming anger passed, and he shook his head. “Yeah. Okay.”

Raven pointed at the door at the end of the hall that was more finely crafted than all the others. “That one. That’s the thing about guildmasters, they always have to remind their lessors who’s in charge. That’s his room.”

Not giving him a chance to open the door in his more direct manner, the thief swept past him, her leather pouch of tools emerging from a hidden pocket. She knelt in front of the door and went to work.

Mindblind shifted from foot to foot, the couple of minutes it took Raven to open the lock feeling like an eternity. When the click finally sounded, he immediately reached for the doorknob. Raven’s hand snapped out and closed around his wrist.

“Stand back,” she warned.

Rankling at the delay, he took a step back. Raven remained kneeling, but moved off to one side of the door. She turned the doorknob, and then gave the door a shove before snatching her hand back.

A twang from within the room merged with the thump of two crossbow bolts embedding themselves in the wall at neck and chest height.

“Easier than breaking the trigger,” Raven explained, and then walked into the room.

The guildmaster was living well – or at least had been right up until Indigo stabbed him in the throat. Silk and satin, expensive carpets on the floor, ivory and gold adorned items were everywhere in view. A bedroom connected to the main living quarters.

“What are we looking for?” He asked.

“Someplace nice to lay around and get drunk for a year when we fence all this,” Raven quipped. She then pointed at the bedroom. “Probably a hidey-hole in there somewhere. He’ll have a book of all the jobs they’ve taken.”

“Why?” Mindblind asked, thinking that keeping written evidence of a career of murder wasn’t exactly the wisest course of action.

“Deciding who ranks when two guilds have conflicting interests. That’s all I know for sure. Got myself in a bad place and had to pose as a guild recruit for a while.”

She walked into the bedroom and examined every nook and cranny with a critical eye. A grin spread across her face when she paused while looking at the far wall, beyond the bed. “There we are.”

Mindblind didn’t see anything until Raven grabbed a lantern hook on the wall and rotated it to the side. She reached into the hole beyond, and a click sounded from a couple of feet to her left, within a wardrobe. Opening that revealed a hidden compartment in the back, which the latch had triggered to open.

Raven pulled out the leather-bound book, which had an embossed image of the guild insignia on the front cover. She plopped down on the bed, and started thumbing through the pages. When she tapped a finger against a page and nodded for him to approach, Mindblind leaned in to look.

“There’s our Lakeshore Man,” Raven said. “Problem is, it doesn’t identify him. Guess that big bear was smarter than I thought.”

“The meetings were all in town. Must be someone from there,” Mindblind grumbled as he read the entry.

“Someone with coin.”

Mindblind’s face flushed and he growled. “Could be anyone. Stinking blue-bloods with money and fat, rich merchants everywhere.”

“We may never find out.”

Under his breath, with ominous finality, Mindblind said, “Yes I will.”


Same as Lowborn Ch. 07 Videos

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Young Sophia 4

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The JaysChapter 31

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My First NAWTY Threesome FFM

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Sherry in Public

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Posing TogetherChapter 1 No Peeking

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Five Hands Make Light Work

I had known Edith in a casual way for several months but wanted to get to know her better. My roommate at the boarding house was dating Edith's sister, Elaine, so, as he would be leaving after supper to see her, I would ask him to say hello to Edith from me. After about three weeks of dropping hints, he got the message as one Saturday evening, he said that he, Elaine and Edith were going skating the next afternoon and would I like to join them. Of course, I jumped at the chance.The next...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 45

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My wife and I were on vacation for a few days in Switzerland. It had been raining for the last two days and we were getting bored. So bored we started playing cards. It was early afternoon and it was supposed to rain all day so we found some cards to kill time. I had a friend living in Stockholm that said he may stop by on his way to southern France. But Christer was not very reliable and I did not really expect him to show. Then out of the blue he called and said he was at the hotel and...

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A late night text

Sleepily, I looked at the name under the big envelope, and raised an eyebrow quizzically when I saw that it was Brianna that had texted me this late. Brianna and I had always talked rarely, and we wouldn’t at all if it wasn’t for the fun night we’d had at prom junior several months back. We were both bored with our dates, whom we’d gone with more out of laziness and resignation than any great affection, and more than a little drunk from covert swallows from hidden flasks. Brianna was...

4 years ago
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Locked up part two

As I looked at myself naked in front of the mirror in the bathroom, my reflection pleased me. My strong, muscular upper body was tight and hairless, albeit a small patch of chest hair in the middle of my upper chest, with a trail leading down across my six pack abs which led to my crotch. The hickeys left on my lower abdomen by Derek gave me chills remembering how he so expertly sucked me off two days before he left. The thought of it caused my cock start to swell, but then the chastity cage...

1 year ago
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Porkin MindyChapter 2 Mindy Bribes Me

Mindy sat up on the bed, her arms wrapped around her knees, and looked at me. "Jeez, Willy, you scared the shit out of me," she said. "What do you think you're doing, anyway?" Mindy had always been a supporter of the "best defense is a good offense" school. But I wasn't going to let her get away with it this time. "Don't give me that crap, Mindy," I said. "I was there because I was pretty sure what you were up to, and it looks like I was right. What the hell do you think you're...

3 years ago
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Beginning of a Party Slut

I walked into the party wearing my new ultra short skirt and a loose grey top i got from the Zara store opening last weekend. I'm wearing deadly high heels that make my legs look amazing, and as i walk in i see a few of the guys have noticed. I walk over to the make-shift bar to get myself a drink when Decker places his hand on my arm spinning me around to greet him. "Hey Tash," he says in his sexy husky voice. His muscles are rippling under his tight black t shirt, the package in his...

2 years ago
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Up until the time I was in my last year of university I had what I considered to be a fairly average sexual life. I was 5ft, 7 inches tall and very athletic due to may years as a competitive swimmer, although by breasts were only a B cup back then they were a nice shape and I had nice pert nipples. So all in all I had no shortage of offers from guys, most of which I turned down as I favoured longer term relationships and I had possibly only had 2 or 3 one night stands. However that was all...

3 years ago
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That was before Ada asked me to work for her ‘exclusive agency’. “We have a wide ranging client list, males and females, and lots of constant work,” she told me as she auditioned me. “And we provide for some very kinky people with lots of sexual fetishes.” NOLENE AND HER FEMALE PARTNER. Ten-minutes after I arrived Nolene was sitting on a stool with me standing alongside, sucking my ten-inch erection as her younger partner licked her almost bald cunt lips. They were both very attractive...

1 year ago
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One night stand

This a story of my favorite one night stand. It happened a few months ago and involves quite a bit of backstory. At the beginning of the year I was given a chance at a project at work that would require traveling to our Wisconsin facility, about a three hour drive away. I would leave Illinois Sunday night, work Monday through Friday and driving back to Illinois on Friday. The project would start in June and end in August, lasting 10 weeks. I would be payed a substantial bonus if I took on...

4 years ago
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Sex Education WorkshopChapter 2

SEX EDUCATION PRACTICE DUMMY Chrissy Jones was pushed into the sex education cycle because her students had all written such glowing reports about the professional standards of her all-day workshops. In retrospect, it was really quite amusing because she was certain that the supervisory staff would be dismayed at her "hands on" instructional methods. Her immediate boss, Mr. Prodhard gave her his full support and was firmly behind her, especially when she bent over his desk at lunch...

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