Medusa free porn video

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“Damn, damn, damn. Computer give me results of damage on the ‘squirt drive’.”

‘Squirt drive locked in drive mode and at full power. Attempting to cut power to drive to release controls and return to normal space.’

I had just hit execute on a jump when a ship coming out of jump slams into me and throws everything upside down. Now here I am travelling at 10 times light and can’t get the drive to shutdown. I don’t even know in which direction I’m going as the impact tumbled the navigation gyros. ‘Circuit breakers open to squirt drive and shut down in progress. Navigation system reset. Returning to normal space in 30 seconds… 25… 20… 15… 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.’ I felt the ship lurch as it fell back into normal space and the inertia dampers came back on line.

“Computer commence search. Locate home system. Locate any nearby systems.”

‘Search commencing, based on visual and spectrographic data search will take 6.4 hrs.’

“Computer I am taking a rest period call when search complete or in an emergency.” I go to my bunk and lay down. What a shit day; 1 st , I can’t get my rations stocked until after some Admiral gets his yacht restocked and refueled. 2 nd , I can’t get my full fuel load as the Admiral took most of the available fuel. And 3rd, I had to wait for that same Admiral to clear the system before I can leave station orbit. And 4th, all the delays have me trying to jump when some damned liner comes through early. So here I am which is exactly; WHO DAMN WELL KNOWS!

Bing, Bing, Bing. ‘Position calculated. Search complete. Two systems found, one with class M planet.’ The computer wakes me with its report.

“Computer report position.”

‘Position is 11,268 light years into sector J from nearest patrol base; 13,594 light years from Sol.’

“Computer with available fuel and rations chances of returning to consortium space?”

‘Odds of successful return to consortium space 1,568,283, to 1.’

“SHIT!!! Computer can class M planet be reached with avail fuel?”

‘Yes, with considerable reserve for station keeping if required.’

“Computer set course for class M planet at best speed without squirt drive.”

‘Computing; travel time to orbit 21 days 5 hrs 11 mins.’

20 hrs to orbit and sensors are telling me that there are no technologic indicators on the planet.

‘Scan complete. No signs of advanced technology with one exception. An anomaly exists at longitude 180 ° 00’ 00” by latitude N45 ° 00’00” on the small island at that location.’

“Define anomaly.”

‘Anomaly is energy field of unknown composition blocking all scans of 1sq km at the center of the land mass.’

“Give parameters of planet.”

‘Planet measures to within 0.01% of Earth norms in all parameters; orbital period, rotational period, circumference, mass, gravity and atmosphere.’

“Any life signs at all?”

‘No life signs, not even virus or bacteria. The planet is effectively sterile.’

“Computer initiate auto landing sequence 1 km from anomaly’s perimeter.”

‘Auto landing sequence engaged.’

Computer set the ship down on a small flat area on the southern perimeter of the anomaly; the only flat space available. What the??

“Computer, status?”

‘All systems nominal. This land mass is artificial.’

“WHAT? Computer confirm last.”

‘All sensors show this land mass to be artificial in makeup. No volcanic upheaval apparent. No natural continental drift apparent. All scans show mass to be made of unknown material that sensors cannot penetrate.’

OH SHIT! Now what the hell is going on? I think to myself.

“Computer run complete scan on atmosphere and surrounding land masses.”

‘Scanning: atmosphere; Nitrogen-78%, Oxygen-21%, trace amounts of Argon, Krypton, Neon, Xenon gasses; all to within 0.01% Earth nominal. No flora or fauna found, no life signs of any known organism or of any viral or bacterial trace. Surrounding land mass: by structural formation decidedly artificial, material unknown, constructor unknown, age unknown although based on disturbance patterns of surrounding sea floor artificial mass is between 6,000 and 10,000 years old. Other land masses show signs dating back at least 25 million years. All indications from primary are that system is at minimum 250 million years old. No further data available.’

WOW; now what. I guess the only thing to do is go outside and see if I can find a way through the barrier.

Just to be on the safe side I spray on a skin sealer and grab a breathing mask as I cycle the air lock. The outer door opens and I step onto the lift platform to be lowered to the ground. There is some moisture in the air due to the proximity of the seas but there is just silence. You can just barely hear waves lightly lapping at the land and a very gentle breeze blowing but nothing else. The silence is oppressive and a bit ominous. I start walking toward the barrier and it can be seen shimmering in the light. As I approach there is a sudden burst of light from the structure and as it passes over me I slip into unconsciousness.

I awaken to the incessant BING, BING, BING of the computer alert. Computer has routed it through an external speaker mounted in the airlock; the door of which is still open. My head hurts like hell but the fuzziness is clearing and I slowly sit up and look around. I pick up and place back in my ear the comm bud then; “Computer cancel alert, standby.”

‘Alert cancelled.’

“Computer report.”

‘A beam of unknown energy passed over your body and you collapsed from the exposure. Upon the beams termination the energy barrier ceased operation.’

“Computer repeat last.”

‘Upon the beams termination the energy barrier ceased operation.’

I thought to myself; What the hell is going on here?

I walk up to the structure and am puzzled as it appears to be one solid block of whatever it is built from. I walk around it; it is 500m on each side and there is no opening, no seam, no marking of any kind on its surface. I start examining the ground around the area that the beam came from and about 5m from the structure and 5m to the right of center there is a slab of the same material buried in the ground.

I brushed the grit from the surface and saw markings carved into the surface. They read;

⌐╢⌐ ░¡⌐╖ ▒⌐¿╣╖Ñ ╕⌐ │¿│▓ ┤░Ѻ⌐¿ ⌐╢⌐ ª╜ ╛⌐╣╖

“Computer scan carvings and check against all known writings from any system.”

‘Scanning, processing, carvings appear to be from an archaic computer code known as ASCII. It was once the coding for devices to enter data into computers in the latter decades of the 20 th century. It was no longer used after the discovery of direct voice input in 2035 old Earth date.’

What the hell. 20 th century Earth computer code on a ‘stone’ block 13,000 LY away and 10,000 years old?

“Computer can you translate?”


“Computer repeat last.”


How the hell did an old Earth Greek Myth end up clear out here? Did the Greek/Roman Gods of old really exist? Could this be the real Medusa, rivaled for her beauty until Hera took offense at her fucking some dude in her temple.

“Computer do you scan a way to open whatever this is?”

‘The inscription below reads: If You Dare Place Your Hand On The Pad And Press Down And Turn Left.’

After clearing the grit from the rest of the ‘stone’ I place my hand on the pad and pushed down. It took some amount of force but finally it moved down and when it stopped I turned it to the left. It rotated about of a turn before stopping and when I pulled my hand from the well and stood up a doorway opened in the side of the structure.

I walked up to and entered the doorway. As I did it was lit by an eerie glow coming from the walls and ceiling. There is a wall set 2m out from the end of the passageway and I step to the right to go around it when suddenly the entire room is lit by daylight pouring in through skylights. They must have been sealed until I tripped some hidden release. There in the middle of the room was a raised dias with a glass sarcophagus on it.

I approached and stepped up on the dias as I looked within to see the Medusa lying there. There was another inscription carved into the glass itself.

“Computer translate the inscription.”

‘The inscription reads: MEDUSA Placed Here By ZEUS Until Such Time As A Lone Warrior With NO Ties To The GODS Of Olympus Wakes Her With A Kiss. BEWARE: If You Are Not He You Will Die When She Looks Upon You.’

I look into the sarcophagus and gaze upon the features that men feared for so long. She was indeed a snake; guessing she is about 20m in length, she has snake like fangs protruding from her mouth down over her lower lip of about 30mm, her skin is as snake skin and her head is covered with dozens of small snakes each with its own set of fangs. You still see though the underlying structure of her face and know that at one time she must have been very beautiful. I can imagine Hera the Queen of the Gods being jealous of someone so lovely being within her realm.

I search the case for the release catch and find it on the side opposite the inscription. I trip the catch and the glass slowly rises from this side and tilts back to allow access. I walk around to the head of the dias and peer at the face that turned men to stone. Oh well I can’t get home anyway so why not. I lean over and place my lips between her fangs and press them to her lips. I feel a sudden surge go through me and as I stand up as I see her eyes open and I prepare for the worst.

Medusa rises up and turns to me and I see a change coming over her face. The great fangs are receding and the snakes on her head are changing. The snake like texture of her face is fading and snake like eyes slowly shift to those of a human woman. Her entire upper body changes and becomes more like that of a very beautiful woman.

Her eyes are a dark brown and her hair is now a luxurious black color its length about 2m and lightly curled. Her lips are a luscious deep pink and her skin is alabaster white and as smooth as the glass she was imprisoned in. Her bust is full and voluptuous about 96D or even DD but just below her navel there is no change as she remains a snake from there down. She speaks and I don’t understand the language. “Computer can you translate?”

‘Yes; she is saying thank you for awakening her from her long sleep.’

“Can you tell her it was my privilege to do so.” I put my wrist comm on ext spkr and computer tells her in whatever language she speaks.

I hear her voice coming to me via the comm bud; “How did you break the spell Zeus placed me under?” she asked.

“I am Jason Patrick and I am not from Old Earth even though I am familiar with her myths and legends. I am indeed human but I am from the tissue vats of Omicron 3 where tissues from various species all around the galaxy were mixed for the purpose of creating the perfect ‘human’. In short I am an engineered life form.” Computer translates for me.

“Why didn’t all of you change?” I ask.

“The curse placed on me by Hera could be broken but only in part. She was so furious that she actually placed two curses on me: the 1 st being the one you broke by kissing me and not being exactly human. The 2 nd was much more vicious and permanent. No matter what; the rest of me will remain as you see it and even if I should be granted the luxury of love I will be as you see me unable to have children and unchanging until such time as I die and pass over the River Styx to join those who went before,” she told me.

“We have one major problem,” I tell her, “there is no way for either of us to return to the worlds upon which we were born. We are more than 13,000 years travelling at the speed of light from old Earth and more than 11,000 years from the home I know. And even if I could use my squirt drive I don’t have the fuel to reach even the closest planet of the consortium and refuel. So we are stuck here with each other and whatever we chose to do. Now don’t you think that you should get down off there and come outside with me?”

She slithered down and the two of us proceeded out of the building and as we stepped out there was a huge energy surge from the top of the building. BING, BING, BING; “Computer report.”

‘There has been an extremely powerful energy pulse from the structure and it is changing things all over the planet. Plants and animals are coming into being all over the planet. Sensor scans are overloading and I am processing data at the fastest possible rate I can. Will advise when scans are complete.’

It has been a year and we have grown closer, Medusa and I, so tonight I will attempt to bed her. Unknown how she will react so here’s to luck and hope everything works out.

We have finished our evening meal and are watching the minute ribbon of stars that appears in the sky every night. I have videos on the ship but we have seen them all and tonight we are stargazing. I am sitting on a cushion from the ship with my back against the wall of the building. Medusa’s upper body is leaned against me and the rest is coiled loosely about the ground before us. I feel the urge to make my more; so I move my hands to her belly and cuddle her tightly. As she relaxes I slowly move my hands up her body till they are just below and cupping her gorgeous breasts; a slight moan escapes her lips so I move my head down so that I might nibble her ear and kiss her neck. She leans her head away to give me better access. I tweak her nipples lightly and a shudder runs through her body from her neck all the way to the tip of her tail.

I turned her body so that I could more easily turn her head and kiss her lips. I pushed my tongue against her lips and she opened her mouth to allow me to search out her tongue and stroke it lightly with my own. As our tongues battled I caressed her breasts and rubbed my thumb over her nipple eliciting a moan from deep in her body. She put an arm around me and pulled me tight against her body all the while running her other hand down my body to grasp my cock and stroke it forcefully. I moaned into her mouth as I felt my cock rising to the call.

I moved down her body kissing and nipping down to her breasts and sucked a nipple into my mouth, she arched her back trying to force more of her tit between my lips. I reached down, and because of her size I could just barely reach her cleft. I rubbed my finger gently over the top of her slit and she bent backwards seizing up as she got very wet between the lips of her slit. She started wriggling and squirming as I kept up the pressure on her slit and she seized up again and got wetter and slicker. She is moaning and sighing and grabbing and pulling at my body. I slip down her body until my mouth is over her slit, I stroked my tongue over her and she lunged up to me as she went rigid and squirted from between her lips.

She rolled her body up and put her hands on my head pushing my face deeper in to her sloppy slit. I laved my tongue over her opening and again she went rigid and squirted into my mouth and on my face. She is crying and breathing hard as I slid up her body laying her down and straddling her as I aim my cock at her slick opening. I press myself into her open gash and feel her heat engulf me as I sink to my balls.

It seems awkward for me to be straddling her but it’s the only way I figured I could get my cock in her and give myself a position to move without pressing on her body. Now; I’m not huge in the cock department only about 20cm long and 7.5cm in dia. but I believe that Medusa was ‘technically a virgin’ since her transformation had changed her whole body and as no man could get close because of the curse she had never had sex in this form.

I stroke my cock in and out of her pussy as she wriggles and squirms under me. I swap long and short strokes along with grinding against her lips as I pump her pussy full of my cock. She is hunching up against me and her pussy is almost sucking me as she goes rigid again and soaks my cock with her juices. That is all I can stand and I ram myself deep into her and start spurting cum; 6… 7… 8… huge spurts and then I just dribble as I slowly deflate and slip from her.

“My darling Jason; never in my life have I felt so loved. Even knowing about the curse you woke me, knowing I could never be a real woman you cared for me and loved me. And now you have made it complete by making love to me. I love you Jason Patrick; with all my heart and soul I love you. I give myself to you to do with as you chose; you are my ‘one love’”

“I too love you Medusa. I took a chance that my not being completely human would release you as the inscription stated. I took a chance believing that you had never truly been loved to love you and give you my all in the hope that we could share our lives here. I know that we will be alone here but I am willing to do so freely knowing that your love will be mine until such time as I too cross the River Styx and join those that went before.”

Suddenly Medusa is racked by extreme pain, her body is constricting and twisting and writhing as she screams out, “Aaaagggg, help me Jason; by the gods help me?”

I don’t know what is going on I can see the pain washing over her continence as I hold her and try to comfort her; whispering to her, “I love you.” I massage her body trying to relieve the pain and as I do so I feel the convulsions deep within her. I keep my hands moving hopping that the contact and massage will ease her suffering. She is crying and tears are streaming down her checks as I to begin to tear up seeing the woman I love in such agony. I put my lips to hers and kiss her to let her know that I am here and I love her; and as I do so my own tears drip onto her lips and just as suddenly as it began it stops. I can feel her muscles moving within her but there doesn’t appear to be any more pain.

“Jason; something is happening to me. I feel as if something is growing in me yet I know that I’m not changing. It is as if my insides are being changed in preparation for I don’t know what. I feel the contraction and convulsions slow and stop inside her and soon she relaxes and goes to sleep. Soon I join her and the next I know is the sun is coming up and it is daybreak again.

I kiss her lips at whisper, “Good morning my Love. Did you sleep well?”

“Oh Jason, I slept like never before and dreamed as never before. I dreamed that I was giving birth to our children, to our children Jason. Never have I dreamed of children, never.”

“Well my Love we can at least dream,” I tell her.

It has been about three months since our first night together and last night she figured out a way that she could ride me without crushing me. I put my ass on the cushion lifting me up and then lay my legs open so that she can lie between them forcing her pussy down onto my tumescent cock. As she ripples her body up and down over me she strokes her bud against my cock as I fill and pump her pussy. “Oh my god I’m cumming,” she screams and she squirts all over my cock and balls. She clamps down on me so hard it feels as if she is going to rip it off and then I start pumping a huge load into her. She is clamped so tight that there is no place for my load to go and it forces me from within her. I spray my seed over my stomach and hers as I empty my balls.

She lifts herself off me and I notice that she is getting fat. “Darling, are you putting on weight?”

“I don’t think so. Why?” she asks.

“Look at your belly. You have a very definite bulge like you’re getting fat.” She looks down at her body and then rubs her hands down and across her abdomen. Looking at me with fear or was it shock in her eyes.

“Jason, Ja… Ja… Jason there is something wrong, there is a hard bulge inside me. Help me Jason, help me,” she cries.

“I don’t know if the med scanner in the ship can do anything being you are what you are; but we can sure find out.” “Computer do you have the availability of a remote for the med scanner or can you use the ships main sensors patched in to the med comp to scan a person?”

‘Yes to both’

“Computer provide remote scanner and use main sensors to scan the life form Medusa. Pay close attention to distention in abdomen.” I jumped onto the lift and scrambled into the cabin to retrieve the remote for the med scanner and then back out to lower myself and rush to Medusa’s side. “Computer commence scan.”

‘Scanning, scanning, processing, processing. Raised hormone levels, commensurate body structure, blood chemistry within parameters. Subject life form Medusa is pregnant, scan reveals eight life forms within.’

Medusa looks at me and I look at her with the same look of incredulity on are faces. “Computer repeat last?”

‘Subject life form Medusa is pregnant, scan reveals eight life forms within.’

“Computer report gestation time based on human nominal?”

‘Based on nominal human gestation period subject Medusa is approximately thirteen weeks into apparent normal gestation. Based on human norms birth can be expected in approximately eighteen weeks as multiple births are often premature. Recommend weekly scans to keep abreast of growth patterns and rates.

We look at each other tears in our eyes and almost as one say, “By the gods, we have been blessed.” Medusa looks at me and says, “This is not supposed to happen. Hera specifically said that I would remain barren as part of her curse.”

“Darling, the question is; part of which curse?” I ask.

As we sit there stunned she leans against me and I whisper in her ear, “I love you and now we will not be alone or forgotten.”

She turns her head to me and whispers, “Thank you my love for rescuing me and loving me and… and… and…” She bursts into tears and I just hold her tight thanking Zeus and the others for a love such as this.

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Mom and Son I was awoken by a stirring in my loins and opened my eyes to see my mom’s head sucking my cock to hardness and her hand playing with my balls. I grabbed her head and pushed her further on my cock so she took all of it to the back of her throat. My mom looked up at me and tried to get more cock in her mouth as encouragement.I pulled one of her legs up so she knew I wanted to eat her cunt in 69er she moved around so i could have a feast for breakfast. I jabbed my tongue into her cunt...

2 years ago
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Erotic Sex With Akanksha My Girlfriend

Hello friends……mai hu Akash[name changed]….mai aj apko apni ex girlfriend Akanksha[real name] k sath apne sex ki kahaani btaane ja rha hun……ummeed hai ap achha response doge…. mai Dehradun k selakui town me rehta hu Akanksha b yahi ek chhota sa village hai dhoolkot waha rehti hai.ab uske bare me kya kahu she is just gorgeous……log uski tareef krte ni thakte kayi ldko ne use propose b kiya but wo fansi mujse hi……ab seedhe story pe aata hu…hm dono yahi k ek english skul Shivalik Academy me pdte...

3 years ago
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Ladys Next DanceChapter 2

"I'm never going to get this dress on, Jen!" "Teresa," replied the slim brunette, as she adjusted the dress's modifications over Teresa's eight and a half months of pregnancy. "You need to talk to TC about that little problem. After all, he's the one who destroyed your figure. Besides, I wouldn't have to do this over if Thomas hadn't rearranged his apartment and moved lower." "Well, destroying Teresa's figure really was kind of a joint effort, wasn't it?" asked Shawn as she...

2 years ago
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Trip To New Orleans

Kitty and I were sent to a seminar in New Orleans. We had adjoining rooms and planned to sit together during the class. We arranged a time to meet downstairs in the lecture hall and said our good nights. I got up early and gathered my briefcase and travel coffee cup and secured a table near the back of the room. I got some of the free coffee and a banana and sat at our table. I had a deviant urge and when no one was looking, I slid under the tablecloth and hid under the table. I left my...

3 years ago
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Seduction of the new teacher

I had just graduated college with a teaching degree in English and I was burdened with debt that would be with me for decades. I decided to accept a position at a title one inner city high school in hopes of making a difference in my soon to be students’ lives, plus the bonus was a nice incentive too. I prepared my classroom for the coming school year and looked forward, not without some anxiety and hesitation, to meeting my new students. I was in for a really rude awakening that first day when...

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've been a single dad for quite a few years now, my daughter's mother simply wanted a divorce and didn't want anything else to do with me or Jenn. You can ask me why but I really have no clear explanation, that's just the way she wanted it.So, I became Mister Mom when she was five and, while it's been a strenuous job being a single parent, there have always been abundant rewards that have made it far more than worthwhile.Jennifer has always been both pretty and bright, I've never had to push...

3 years ago
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A first for both of us

I Have NEVER Done This to Anyone Before!This is for her – for you, baby – I wasn’t sure which way to write it (you/she), but after 3 hours sleep I’m tired, and I just wanted to get it down.Last night was the second time she had slept in my bed in less than a week, and waking up beside her, my arms around her, is already all I want for the rest of my life.She’s been gone an hour and I can still smell her on my sheets, my fingers – my whole body.Trying to give the background to this would risk...

2 years ago
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Slave of the OutcastChapter 28

While Charles had lay unconscious inside the operation room, Ivy took out her special I-Phone and filmed Charles's behind. She moved from the back of his head all the way to his legs, filming all a large tattoo of her image on her slave's own back. She then asked the servants to turn his body over, so that his unconscious face, was towards the ceiling. The servants turned Charles body over and now it was towards the ceiling. Ivy moved closer to his sleeping face, then down to the rest of...

2 years ago
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Smart Mother Fucker

I gave scant attention to the elbow digging into my right breast as I leaned over my son's window seat to take-in the sight of our nation's capital from the air. The excitement I felt was due solely to other factors and had nothing to do with the realization that my fourteen-year-old son was feeling me up on a crowded airplane. Only after I sat back and put my seatback and tray table in the full upright position did my excitement center on that. Having raised three boys older than Matt, I'd...

2 years ago
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Anita and some workers across the street

Anita and some workers across the street That Saturday morning I was glad to have a day for myself, really a free day… But close to ten o´clock some repetitive hammering from the workers putting a new roof on my neighbor`s house across the street made me finally wake up… I stood naked in front of the mirror looking at my body, looking carefully specially my round buttocks and my thighs. Suddenly a strange motion behind me called my attention. I turned around and saw I was standing directly...

4 years ago
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Another Business Trip Continued

I slept like the dead, and woke up to the room phone ringing. "Sir, Mr Lim's driver is waiting for you." said the voice on the other end. "That's impossible, our meeting isn't until tomorrow," I replied. As it turned out, we crossed the international date line, so we did actually have a meeting that day. My bad. Worse, was that I was also supposed to have dinner with Mr Lim, and one of his Jr VPs, that evening, even though I'd made a date with our sexy flight attendants. This called for a...

2 years ago
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Deep Secret Ch 08 Oral

Her tongue was awash in the ejaculate of maybe a dozen men, sloshing around in her mouth like the whitecaps off Westport, Washington, in the midwinter’s wind. And yet, her face kept smiling while another nine or ten men shot towards her still open mouth. There was so much semen in it that there was now a slow, but regular dripping from the corners and, occasionally, a small white waterfall just over her entire lower lip. Some of the later shooters came almost at the same moment making it...

3 years ago
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Babs Alan

Arriving home after being shopping in town I was surprised to see my sixteen year old nephew Alan’s bike leaning against the garage, he was the 16year old schoolboy who I had seduced in the summer-house in our garden a few weeks before. I suddenly had the urge for hopefully a repeat performance at seeing his bike there. Going into the house all was quiet, perhaps he was in the bathroom with my knickers, he’d told me that when he goes to my bathroom, he rummages through my washing basket for my...

1 year ago
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Curse of the Black Goat

You wander about your old childhood home's backyard, a long stretch of field with a garden on the right side dividing your yard and the neighbors, some 100 yards out is the lane that your frequently take long walks on when the days were just right. Woods run parallel on either side of the lane, some fields to the left side where your other neighbors grow their crops. The sky is a nice overcast in the summer, a cool breeze blows down the lane cooling you off on your stroll. You note the sound of...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 447

English humour I saw my mate Charlie this morning, he's only got one arm bless him. I shouted - "Where you off to Charlie?" He said, "I'm off to change a light bulb." Well I just cracked up, couldn't stop laughing, then said, "That's gonna be a bit awkward i'nit?" "Not really," he said. "I still have the receipt, you insensitive bastard." Angela Merkel arrives at Control in Athens airport. "Nationality?" asks the immigration officer. "German," she...

3 years ago
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Tina and Paula The last days

I walk into Meredith’s bookstore expecting another afternoon of cleaning, pricing and stocking instead I find Meredith and Tina sitting behind the counter. Neither notices me when I walk in. I have a moment to watch them. Meredith is older, her face more mature and her body more womanly. Tina is losing her baby fat, her face becoming that of a woman. She has matured in other ways, her clothes are nicer now, she has become adept with powders and paints and, simply put, she makes more effort to...

3 years ago
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Adventures in Florida part one

Being a good boy for twenty years had become rather boring. I had never cheated on my wife. And I think she never even considered cheating on me. I considered it all the time. I was one horny bugger. Always had been. But I had never taken the chance to cross the line. I'm not sure I ever had prospects. Some ladies would flirt with me, but I always assumed it was just that, a bit of sexually tinged teasing that would come to nothing. And there was the whole thing about getting caught. I knew for...

1 year ago
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Service Station Mechanics

*** This story is fictional any comments you may have I would love to hear them. My day planner read, Monday July 10th. (Job interview at 3:30 CellAir) I was feeling pretty confident and prepared. But felt I could use a new pair of loafers to go with my slacks. So I left my apartment around 10:30 and headed toward the Mall, giving me plenty of time to find the right shoes. The mid summer heat was already up to a balmy 87 degrees and climbing. After several miles on the freeway my car started...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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mature nudist beach 3some

It was when i was about 20 and hadjust started visiting a local nudistbeach - when i had a very fit tannedbody.One day i thought i was alone on thebeach in a big dip in the dunes.But then i saw an older couplewalking towards me - pretty muchnude apart from sun hats, shoes anda smile ....I was lying on my front hiding arather stiff cock - what can i say itwas a warm day and i wasdaydreaming about sex...They both said hi and set downnearby. My hard on got much moreintense as i watched...

3 years ago
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Unatural Accident

My feet left a trail of wet footprints across the bedroom floor, as I hurried through the room to turn up the television, stopping only to snatch up my silk bathrobe from the bed as I passed. I had been showering in my on suite bathroom, listening to the nights soaps through the open door, when they had been interrupted suddenly by an urgent local broadcast that I now hastened to listen to.As I approached the screen, its image switched from that of a young reporter, to a map of the state, and...

1 year ago
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The Sons Experiment

By : Rtruth Karthik was a 24 year old horny boy. He works in a software company and the main income generator in the short and sweet family. His mom Devaki was 50 years of age and lost her husband 10 years ago. They were two in the house only two. Karthik loved his mother and so did Devaki who loved her son. Both were committed to each other in expressing love for one another. Karthik was 6’0 tall with a seven inch penis and was wheatish in complexion. Due to his IT job he had put on a lot of...

3 years ago
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CommunityChapter 52

Cindy's turn: I'm sitting here looking at this email and giggling. Tina's in class. I'm not, and neither is Terri, so she and I are at the lab and I'm showing her some hardware things. That's what I was doing when my iPhone buzzed. I pulled it out of my jeans and looked. "It's from Johanna." Terri has the cutest squeal. "Open it. I hope it's what I'm thinking." "Me, too." I punched at the screen and brought it up. Dear family in Alabama- You have to know that we miss you...

2 years ago
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A Different Kind of Wake Up Call

{If you haven't already, read part 1. A Helping Hand, and this will make a lot more sense to you.} The way my night had gone it wasn't really all that odd that my dreams were filled with steam and sex, mostly with Jamie but also Kelly too. That was different. Kelly was sexy and I’d known that, especially the past few months, but I'd never really looked at her that way myself. In my dreams she kept showing up at my doorway, stripping just as she'd done before but she didn't stop at the doorway...

Straight Sex
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"You don't seem your usual ebullient self today Wolff." Stated Krystal. Krystal Black was one of my colleagues at the small accounting company I worked for. She was an atypical accountant, always stylishly dressed and never boring. In fact nobody was boring around her, she didn't allow it. A petite brunette, the twenty nine year old Krystal just loved life and her escapades often entertained the office for days, if not weeks. Saying that she always attracted the wrong type of man, she...

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Harrys Protg Ch 02

Harry O’Hern’s alarm went at 7:00. In recent weeks as part of his return to normal life he’d resumed jogging each weekday morning. Fifteen minutes later he set off, a lone figure but no longer ‘lost’ as thought of Teresa and the gap that had left in his life had slipped into the background. He’d received a call from Sierra’s mother the previous evening saying her daughter had arrived home two days ago and was ready to return to work, she’d be in her office in the morning. The Sentinel was a...

3 years ago
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Spying more hot neighbours undressing part 2

New propertyI realised I was a voyeur at a young age and ever since have been chasing those fleeting glances of ladies changing or slipping a nipple. The rush from a new 'spot' is incredible! We moved house recently to a spot with potential, my attention has been focused on the houses to the back of the garden with some success until I got busted by one of the neighbours (no consequences yet but I am pretty nervous).After a fruitless couple of hours waiting for any bedrooms to go live (lights...

4 years ago
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Her Brothers Obsession0

He looked at her a way a brother shouldn't look at a sister. Every time she walked around in her short shirts or tight-fitting shirts, it drove him mad. Her big 34DD breasts were always so inviting along with her wide hips that were begging him to grab ahold to as he plunged deep inside her virgin pussy. He watched her from the living room as he saw her sway her hips back and forth to a song she was playing while she cooked. Thinking of what it feel like to sway her hips on his...

4 years ago
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Ek Adhuri Prem Kahani

Hello dosto my name is Rahul, me thane near mumbai ke pass rehtha hu.Mera email id hai koi bhi bhabhi ladhki aunty mere se contact kar sakthe hai mere se chudane ke liye friendship karne ke liye, aap logo ne jo mera pechla story pada or uska aacha fedback diya uske liye me aap logo ko thanks bolna chatha hu sath me iss ka aaj jo bhi muje response mila uska me iss ko bhi thanks boltha hu jisne mera story upload kiya, thane mumbai or kolkatta ke ladies log mujse bindass contact kar sakthe muje...

1 year ago
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Enjoying My Dear Crush

Hi to every horny readers I m 22 male from Tamil Nadu. I m am an engineering graduate finished my education in Tirunelveli. Presently I’m working in Chennai. The heroine of this story is my classmates in UG; saying about her she is 5.2ft with white complexion and not to fleshy (I love lean gals more). Telling about me; I’m normal looking guy with lot of humor sense and bit bulky with 6.1ft height. We both are of same class with lot of small fights soon social networks broke the distance between...

3 years ago
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When Sorrows ComeChapter 2

Some days later, on a Sunday morning, Barbara poured a cup of coffee for her husband and, while brushing a kiss on his forehead, reminded him, "Honey, do we have enough liquor for the New Year's Eve party next week? I took care of the caterer and the food and soft drinks will be delivered as promised, but I'm not sure if we have enough booze." "I think so, dear. But, you know what, I think that I'll shoot down to the store and get a couple more bottles of scotch, just in case." Ted...

1 year ago
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The Scientific MethodChapter 4 Experiment and Collect Data

'SEVEN THIRTY-ONE!?' I thought. 'That's impossible!' I knew for certain that the vials I took were only half-hour dosages. I stopped momentarily in the kitchen and opened the fridge. I grabbed two sodas for cover, but took a quick look at the vials as well. They each were labeled, '30min Dose.' I carried the sodas and led the naked teenager back into the sparsely decorated master bedroom where she happily climbed onto the bed. I put the sodas on the end table and tried to think how I...

3 years ago
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OpportunitiesChapter 13

Breakfast was loud and rowdy. It was only Tuesday but felt like Friday, time to party. Reality sunk in, and everyone settled down to eat breakfast before going to classes. I needed to hustle through the day, including lunch, as I needed to be at the baseball field early to warm up in case I was called on to play. Shouldn’t have bothered. I did pinch hit in bottom of ninth. I got a decent single, but it didn’t help, as no one drove me in. We lost 7 to 2, bummer. Supper and library were...

1 year ago
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Christmas Spirit ReallyChapter 4

Everybody sat up late watching television but paying little attention to the programs, all lost in their own thoughts trying to make sense of the day’s events. Finally, from pure emotional exhaustion, first Adam, then Lynn and lastly, Aaron went to bed. Next morning Aaron had to satisfy himself that Lynn would be okay staying home from school by herself, then he waited with Adam for the school bus before heading off himself in the pickup. During lunch break he got a call from Fran who had...

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Porn Comix Online! There are so many independent creators with fap-worthy comics and series that it’s simply impossible to keep up with them all. You’d have to be on dozens of Patreon pages watching your bank account get funneled dry if you wanted to support all of them. There’s just so much content out there, and you can only beg your poor mom for her credit card so many times before she kicks your ass out. That shit gets a lot less cute when you’re 30 and still living in your teenage fap den....

Porn Comics Sites
2 years ago
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The Ola Ride

A little about me, I am a chubby 22-year-old bisexual who tends to try and have gay sex only after smoking up or drinking, otherwise, I love to have sex with my really cute girlfriend. We are currently in a long distance as she is in Pune and me in Navi Mumbai so I sometimes plan on PR for guys to come over to my place. If you like my story and want to have some fun with me ping me on PR “brownbottom10”. It was a hot Saturday afternoon, my girlfriend had called me over to Pune where she stays....

Gay Male
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Playing the Rent

Please feel free to read and comment on my other stories. Playing the Rent Lately, I had been thinking of getting a hold of a top country western singer, thinking that maybe I could make some money by selling them the story of the last several months of my life. It started with my car, which had never been much more than rolling metal. Something deep in the motor finally broke and the cost of the repair was more money than I had and certainly more than the car was worth. So...

1 year ago
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Jacquees Black Dress Ch 02

Note : This story is completely fictional! For the next few days Wayne walked around in a perpetual state of arousal after what had happened with he and his sister. He was excited about seeing her Friday night, but he also knew that since Phil would be there they would have to behave themselves. Still he was looking forward to seeing her in that new black dress again. Before he left for Jacquee and Phil’s house Wayne took a shower and shaved, then quickly drove over. Phil greeted him at the...

1 year ago
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Sex with neighbour aunty

Hi this is Jaleel form hyderabad, i am a mechanical engineer. I am smart 5′-6“ tall my friends say i am very smart and handsome. I would like to share my true first experience which happen with me in 2002 then i am 20 years old i have a great passion for the big boobs,whenever i see a girl or married women with sexy figure my body might get heated . Now i tell you my first sex with my neighbor. Her name is puspha then her age might be 32.she has two child one son and one daughter. Let me...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Lily Larimar Lily Comes Back To Cheer Up Her Professor

Adorable and cock hungry cheerleader Lily sneaked away from the big game to find Professor White and try to cheer him up. Mr. White being taken by her sentiment welcomes her in and Lily quickly drops to her knees, whipping out his hard cock and swallows every inch of swollen meat. Mr. White drools as he spreads her legs and begins to lick her hot sweet pink pussy juices as she begs for him to get deep inside her. Lily fucks his cock hard on the desk, especially when she bent over allowing his...

2 years ago
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Indian Wife and Bold Neighbours

It was after a good deal of search that Zoya and Rehaan had finally chosen this house. It was in an upmarket locality of the town. Although the house was small, it was compact and the neighbourhood was good. That is what the agent who had got them this house had told them. Zoya was all of twenty eight years old and married four years back to Rehaan, a software engineer employed with a multinational. Yet another added advantage of this locality was that their immediate neighbors were known to...

Wife Lovers

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