Learning The Lifestyle Pt 18 - Club Cane free porn video

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Been working hard to get more out so I'm posting two this time. Again please rate and review and let me know you like it. Drop me a mail but only about the stories. I"m not looking to chat, cyber or hook up so don't waste your time unless your fetish is rejection and the bottom of my delete bin. LOL I will try to answer any other mails however so drop me a line. Coming soon as promised, something about Baron. Drop me a mail and tell me who's your favorite and one lucky reader will find his or her name in a story.

I'll add anyone and I post special update there now that I know how... Add me and come check me out. I also post pics of outfits the girls may were and other pics that you might enjoy...

Notice to you spammers, if you add me and spam my page I will delete and block your loser asses. Join Fet.life or something if you wanna hook up, not my Stories...

Anyway here's an updated Table of Contents. Hope to have more out soon.

15. Feeling Hidden

16. Raping Silk

17. Bad Day Sex

18. Club Cane

19 .Blurred Lines Defined - Posted soon



Everyone kept telling Silk about Club Cane so Silk wanted to go. After they had been together for about a month, Michael finally said she was ready to see the club. They planned to go with Baron and his group as well since their private club's usual monthly gathering had been canceled due to the host having to go out of town due to a death in the family.

Baron and Michael belonged to a private group of sorts. Someone hosted a party every weekend for any and all in the group to come and once a month someone held a themed party. Michael and Silk hadn't been to one together yet but Michael had attended many in the past. Silk couldn't wait to go to the next one which was to be hosted by Starla. The theme would involve Halloween since it was the week after. The girls had ordered some costumes off an online site and were very excited to go.

This month however there was no private themed party so the group all decided to go to Club Cane for the evening. Club Cane as it was explained to Silk, was a BDSM club. While there was no sex there, other then oral, except of course in private rooms, you could see many other aspects of the lifestyle. The girls told Silk there was five floors to Club Cane.

The first floor was the entrance and held an actual dance club. While it sold liquor and beer, drinking was frowned on in the lifestyle and if you were intoxicated, you couldn't gain access to the upper floors. On the first floor, clothing was required but it could be indecent as long as it was legal, meaning you could be showing more then you should but if you could be in public in it, you could wear it there.

The second floor was similar to the first in that it they sold liquor and beer there again and it was like a club but the music wasn't loud and there wasn't really much dancing. This floor was more of a meeting place for people to sit and talk. This floor unlike the first was clothing optional. Slaves could be naked. This is the floor many of their group spent time on before heading up to the fun above.

The third floor was an instruction floor of sorts. People would put on scenes for others to watch. Who watched depended on the participants wishes. You could hold a public viewing, you could hold one only specifically invited people could attend and you could hold one that was like a peep show that anyone walking by could watch. It really depended on what the people hosting it wanted. Michael told Silk he was going to take her there and play with her for all to see and the idea sort of excited Silk.

The fourth floor was similar to the third except that it was more private. This was the only floor where you could have sex. One could rent a room to play. You could have as many people as you liked but at a cost over and above your membership cost. You could invite people to watch like the third floor but again at a cost. Michael told Silk they may use that floor at some point as well.

The fifth floor was like an event hall. It could be rented out for huge parties so most of the time it wasn't in use. Their group rented it on occasion when they needed a large space for a themed party, in fact Starla was renting it for her Halloween party next month as her dungeon wasn't large enough for what she had planned. This floor had a stage built into one side for performances, the girls told Silk causing her to wonder what type of stuff went on up there.

Finally the night came for them to go to Club Cane. Michael dressed the girls in sexy little short dresses, their collars and cuffs and nothing else. He told them they would be naked once they entered so they didn't need anything fancy. Once inside their collars and cuffs would be their only clothing. He did give them little ballet slippers to wear as he didn't like them walking around barefoot. Silk thought they looked funny naked with shoes on but once she saw the floors, she was glad for Michael's thoughtfulness. The place was clean but with all the traffic going in and out, their feet would end up black by the end of the evening without shoes.

They arrived at the same time as many others from their private group so they all went up to the second floor together. Silk didn't see much of the first floor but she saw enough to agree it was just a dance club. Syndee and Stacey had been many times before so they hung back allowing Silk to take in the place all on her own.

When they exited the elevators Silk was met with a huge room with a bar off to one side. All around were couches, chairs, cushions and small stools. Michael first led them over to a coat check where they undressed. The lady hung up each dress and gave Michael a ticket for each. Next he led them to one side to sit with the rest of their group. Michael took a seat on a chair while the girls all knelt on cushions around his feet. Silk knew already that they could look around as long as they obeyed the basic rules. Never look a Dom or Domme in the eyes unless asked and never speak unless spoken to.

While Michael and the others talked the girls talked among themselves. Dyna and some of her slave sister and brothers pulled up close to the girls so they could all talk. Dyna had asked Michael if she could brush Silk's hair and Michael agreed as long as she re-braided in when she was done, so Dyna was sitting on a stool while Silk was on her cushion.

Dyna had upbraided Silk's hair and was running the brush she produced out of a bag that sat next to Baron. Michael had teased him about it when Dyna retrieved her brush and Baron threatened to spank Dyna for making him look silly. They all knew it was an empty threat, so it was laughed off.

While Dyna brushed her hair, Silk asked questions of everyone about others around them. Silk had met a few people in their private group but not everyone, so she was curious about everyone she hadn't met so far so she asked questions of those she saw. The first one was about a lady dressed in all leather walking what was explained as, gimps, on leashes. They reminded Silk of Dobermans.

“Who is that?” Silk asked indicating the lady and her gimps.

Dyna looked up to see who Silk meant, “That is Lady Brianna and her dogs and when I say Lady I do mean Lady. She's from England and holds a title there.”

Silk was impressed as she'd never actually met English nobility. “Wonder if she'd come over here and talk to us,” Silk wondered out loud.

Michael over heard Silk as he was often attuned to listening to her with half an ear. He told himself it was because she was still so new in the lifestyle but Baron claimed it was something more. Whatever the reason, he often listened to her so when she voiced her desire he looked up and motioned for the Lady Brianna to join them.

“Master Michael,” Brianna stated in the accent many found desirable, “It's been a while. I see you’re not alone anymore. Introduce me.”

Michael smiled up at her as she took a seat neat to the group, her dogs/gimps held back and waited on her commands, “You are looking a lovely as ever my Lady,” Michael told her then gesturing to his slave, “These are my pets, Stacey and Syndee and Silk who is still new to the lifestyle,” He told her indicating each girl in as he said their names.

“They are lovely, especially the dark haired one,” Lady Brianna said turning to Silk, “Silk, what a lovely name for a lovely slave. Did your parents really name you that?”

Silk looked up for a moment, “Yes my Lady.”

Lady Brianna laughed, “So proper too,” Turning to Michael she added, “You've done well Sir.”

The Doms and Dommes turned back to talking and Lady Brianna joined in on their conversations after ordering her dogs/gimps to Sit. Silk watched them for moments while Dyna continued to brush her hair. She was still very curious about them and when Lady Brianna spoke to her, she was so lost in thought; she jumped when someone tugged her collar.

Quickly she turned her head expecting it to be Michael who had touched her collar but found it was the Lady Brianna. “My Lady,” she stuttered.

“Your Master says you are curious about my dogs?” Lady Brianna asked.

Silk gave a quick smile at Michael’s thoughtfulness and said, “Yes I am my Lady. I'm new to the lifestyle and ever so curious about all I see.”

Lady Brianna smiled down to Silk, “Ask away my dear.”

Silk smiled back, “So are they slaves to you or dogs as you called them? I've heard of puppy play I think they call it but haven't seen it yet.” Silk asked her.

“Well they are a little of both. When we are out like this, they are dogs. When we are home they are my slave except when they are my dogs,” She told Silk. “They switch roles but their main desire is to be my dogs.”

Silk nodded understanding since she'd read on the subject. “So do they bite? May I touch them?” Silk asked. It wasn't that she wanted to pet them like you pet someone’s dog, it was that she was curious as to their outfits.

Lady Brianna smiled again, “Michael I like her, she's got a curious mind. I bet she a joy to educate.” Then to Silk, “Yes you may touch them.” Then to her dogs, “Hans, Fritz stand. No bite. Now you may touch them.” She told Silk.

Silk crawled over to where they sat. First she looked them over from head to toe taking in their outfits. They wore masks that gave them ears like a dog. Next she studied their outfits which seemed to be of Swede leather, Silk assumed that would give them a soft dog like feel to their bodies. Lastly she moved around and found they were each wearing a buttplug that had a tail on it. The tail looked just like a Dobermans nub. Finally Silk moved back to beside them. She reached out and allowed them to sniff her hand as though they were real dogs.

Unbeknownst to Silk, Lady Brianna and Michael where also watching Silk. Lady Brianna remarked to Michael, “She's good Michael, she's treating them as if they were real dogs.”

Michael smiled, “I know, she seems to take to the lifestyle as if she were born to it. You should see her in action, you'd never know she's only been at it for about a month.”

Lady Brianna asked, “Will I get to see her tonight?”

“Yes, later I plan to take all the girls up and give them a workout,” Michael told her.

They continued to talk and watch Silk who was enjoying herself. She'd let the closest dog to sniff her hand and had proceeded to touching his body. She found the outfit did indeed feel similar to a dog’s coat. She found a name tag on his collar at some point and found him to be Hans. She whispered his name to him and felt him perk up in recognition. Upon further investigation she found their cock and balls to be visible but held by a cage of some sort. She didn't touch them there as she knew the rules about slaves and their private parts.

Finally she worked her way over to Fritz. His coat was actually softer Silk found and this made her wonder. She turned to ask Lady Brianna but before she could Fritz lunged on her and the next thing she knew he had pushed her down on her back and was snarling over her. His face was near hers. Somehow in the process, he'd bit her on her forearm and it was now bleeding.

Michael was the first to jump up as he was always keeping a stray eye or ear on Silk. He grabbed the dog up from behind and held its mouth shut. Lady Brianna rose up and loudly spoke, “Michael put him down away from your slave.” Michael backed up and Lady Brianna followed holding Fritz's leash. When Michael sat him down the Lady Brianna was quick to jerk on his leash as he lunged once more for Silk. She also did something that surprised Silk.

Lady Brianna pulled out a stun gun and zapped Fritz with it. The dog yelped but settled instantly. Once the dog was calm Lady Brianna turned back to the group, “I am so sorry. He's never behaved like that.”

Once Lady Brianna had her dog, Michael ran to Silk's side as he had already seen the blood as well. He knelt down and looked her arm over. Seeing it wasn't serious didn't help his mood but he also knew this was the time or place for that so he helped Silk to her feet. They turned as Lady Brianna was zapping the dog.

After Lady Brianna spoke Michael said, “What the hell is his problem. He seems to want to tear her throat out.”

Lady Brianna spoke again to the dog, “Fritz sit, stay,” She then walked over to Silk. First she inspected her arm as well then she sniffed her. “It's the scent you’re wearing. I didn't think to check before hand. He associates that smell with something bad. It must have set him off. I am so very sorry. I'll pay for any damages.”

Michael would of blown up at this point but Silk spoke first, “It’s ok my Lady. It's only a nip. I understand about smells. We had a horse like that. If he smelled certain things it reminded him of a bad past he had and would set him off. I totally understand.”

Michael couldn't keep angry at this point. Silk was ok with it so he would have to be as well. He did say however, “Well keep him away from my slave.” He then turned and took Silk to the resident doctor the club kept on staff.

Michael took her to the doctor's office. He checked her over. It had been a small nip, but he cleaned it nonetheless and gave them a prescription for antibiotics. He told them you could never be sure with a bite from a human. Once done he bandaged it up and they left. As they walked back Silk put her hand on Michaels arm so he turned to look at her.

Silk could tell he was upset, “Please Michael don't be mad at your friend. It happens.”

Michael was livid but controlled. “Silk if that was a real dog I'd understand but it's not.”

“Michael to them they are real dogs. From all I've learned over this past month, the key to being a successful slave or in their case dogs is to put yourself into that mind set. When I am your slave, I am Your slave. That is my mindset,” She told Michael firmly. “They are in the mindset of dogs. I could tell when I was looking them over. To them, they are real dogs. To me, I am your slave. There is no difference.”

Michael couldn't help but listen to her words. She had a point. When he was a slave, the very thing that helped him get through his time as a slave was to think of things from that point of view. While he didn't like being a slave because he knew all along he was meant to be a Dom, he knew that he had to think like one to be one, so that he would learn and be able to move on. This in mind he spoke, “Okay you are right. They are dogs and he reacted as a dog would of. I still don't like that you got hurt but I'm okay with it otherwise.” He then pulled her close and hugged her.

Silk was shocked at the hug. Not that he did it, but because of where they were at. Michael was very affectionate but not when they were with others of the group. She figured it had something to do with the Dom/slave relationship since she'd never seen other Doms or Dommes be affectionate with their slaves. She returned the hug however and held him tight till he broke the contact.

He looked down at her to study her reaction to the hug. He knew she might confused and that it wasn't normal but he didn't care. When he saw the dog lunge and heard it snarling and then saw the blood he panicked. All he could think was no please don't hurt her. He also felt his heart pull hard and knew he'd have to consider his reaction at a later time, but his first reaction was to save her. Thinking on all this he decided to let it go for now, “Are you really okay my pet?” He asked.

Silk watched him watching her for those moments wished she could read his mind. She thought she had an idea of what he was thinking but decided it wasn't time for such things so let it go, when he spoke she was relieved at his words. She feared he'd want to go home. “Yes Master. It was only a small nip. I'll be fine.” She told him sincerely.

Michael was appeased at her words and tone, “Okay, let's go back to the others. Later we'll go play upstairs as I promised.”

His promise sent shivers down her spine. Thus far except for her punishment the night of the party which she was too worried about to notice the audience and her slave sisters, Silk had not preformed publicly. Michael promised to run each of them through their usually workout while any and everyone watched. The idea had Silk so turned on her pussy was already moist and Michael words made get wetter. Silk couldn't wait to play.

Michael led her back to the group. Everyone asked if she was alright to which she said she was fine. Everything went back to normal and Silk noticed Fritz was made to sit farther away from the group. Hans however came over and sat at her feet in almost a guarding manner. Silk wondered on this but began to stroke his neck and back while Dyna resumed brushing her hair.

While the Doms and Dommes talked, the slaves began to talk amongst themselves once more while watching the room. Silk was told pretty much who was who as people walked by. Some she recognized from their group, some she didn't and some just weren't part of their circle. Silk saw a guy walking 2 slaves on a leash at some point and could tell they weren't happy so she leaned in and asked.

“See those two slaves with that Man with the hat on over there. Is it just me or do they not look happy to be his slaves?” Silk asked.

They informed Silk that he wasn't the greatest of Doms, known to be very tough. He'd never crossed limits so he wasn't black listed but he wasn't very pleasant either. The two slaves he currently owned also weren't happy to be in his service as they weren't there willing. He'd won them from their regular Dom in a poker game. Their Dom had bet pretty heavily and lost; when he couldn't pay that Dom had suggested the slaves work off the debt so they had to serve him for six months. Silk could understand why they weren't happy. As she watched how miserable they were, she suddenly turned to Michael and finding him looking right at her she gave him a pleading look.

Michael heard what they were talking about and while the practice wasn't one their group followed, he knew that sometimes slaves were used to pay off debts. He himself would never do such a thing as he just didn't like sharing but he had been on the receiving end of such a deal once. He learned from that deal that he wasn't into such practices and was glad the rest of the group wasn't either. He reminded himself however to ask Silk what the look was for later.

The slaves talked for a while more before Michael tapped Dyna on the shoulder. She looked up, “Yes Sir Michael?”

“We're about ready to head upstairs. Re-braid Silk's hair now,” He told her.

“Yes Sir,” Dyna told him and began to re-braid Silk's hair. Once she was done, she put her brush away and took her spot back near Baron's feet.

Michael informed every one of their plans and offered anyone who wanted to watch, please join them on the third floor. Silk's pussy responded to his words with a renewed flash of wetness. She also felt a catch in her breathing and heartbeat. Her excitement skyrocketed.

Michael led the girls to the elevators and then onto the third floor. He came upon a reception area of sorts and Silk listened and he ordered a room with a view for all. After giving the name House of Wolfe, he led them to the room. At the door, he turned to them. “Silk and Stacey you two will stay out here and watch. Syndee you will go first since you have been good.” He then led Syndee into the room while Silk and Stacey knelt at the window to watch.

Silk noticed others were joining as she watched Michael first prepped Syndee for what was to come and then had her strip down to just her collar and cuffs. Each girl had things they liked, Syndee being the biggest pain slut as Michael called her, of them all. She watched as Michael clipped Syndee's cuffs to the chain hanging down and then inspected her body as he always did. Silk had learned that the inspection was so that a Dom knew if there were any injuries to the slave's body and to what extent it might be. Silk also knew Michael used the inspection as a warm up of sorts because of how he ran his hands over the slave's body. His caresses turned them on big time. Once he was done, he blindfolded Syndee and then the fun began.

He lit a candle and grabbed some ice. Silk had heard of this, but as of yet, had not tried it. The girls called it fire and ice but it was called Wax Play. Silk watched as Michael would run the ice cube down a part of Syndee's body and then drip hot wax onto it. Silk couldn't hear any noise from inside the room but she could tell by Syndee's body languages that it was affecting her greatly.

Once Syndee's body was a crisscross of wax lines Michael moved on by grabbing a flogger. He then began to whip the wax off her body. Silk could see Syndee was becoming more aroused with each slash of the flogger. When all the wax seemed removed from Syndee's body, Michael reached in his pocket for the knife he'd brought. Opening it, he used it to remove the remainder of the wax from Syndee's body. Again Silk could tell she enjoyed every minute of it.

While Silk watched Michael with the knife, Stacey explained that this was Edge Play. Silk had heard of it but never seen it done as Michael hadn't introduced her to it yet. He'd used a knife while he fulfilled her rape fantasy but she didn't consider it to be the same thing. While Stacey further explained Edge Play; Silk watched avidly.

Michael felt Syndee was warmed up sufficiently for the next phase of their play. Syndee had asked Michael expressly for Caning. Michael wasn't overly fond of the cane as it could harm a slave badly but he knew how to use one. They had spoken at length about it and while Michael did not agree to use the level of force Syndee asked for, he did promise he would use a cane on her. Taking up the cane he slashed it through the air a few times to let her know what was coming. He watched her shiver in anticipation.

He began lightly allowing her to warm up to it after about ten strokes, he would pick up the level of intensity. He was mainly caning her ass and thighs but he would give her few strokes at a less intense level across her tits here and there to keep her guessing. Finally he reached the intensity level he felt comfortable with. He could tell she was about there herself so he asked her, “What color are we slave?”

“Green Master,” Syndee gasped. “A little more and I'm there.”

Michael knew she meant subspace so he gave her five more strokes just a little above his comfort level knowing he wouldn't mark her too bad. He watched as these last five pushed her over and dropped the cane to catch her. Reaching up, he unclipped her cuffs and motioned for the girls to join him.

Silk was watching it all. When Michael first produced the cane, she questioned Stacey. Stacey explained that Syndee enjoyed it rougher then she did and thus the cane was one of her favorites. After watching for a few moments Silk agreed with Stacey, no caning for her. They watched as Michael slashed their slave sister's body and when she dropped the girls knew that she had hit subspace. When Michael motioned them, they came a running.

Both girls attended Syndee while Michael went for water. This was something Michael had them do often for each other. If Silk was alone with Michael, he would attend her after play but when it was all of them together, he had them attend each other. He explained it helped them to be closer to one another, something he felt was important in a poly relationship such as theirs. Michael returned with the water as Syndee was coming too. He handed it to Silk and watched her to help Syndee drink some.

When Michael felt Syndee was ready he asked, “So how did I do, my slave?”

Syndee purred, “Master it was wonderful. Those last five were just what I needed. Thank you for that.”

Michael laughed and said, “I guess even a Dom's limits can be pushed from time to time.” The girls all gave a laugh knowing what he meant.

Soon Syndee was ready to carry on so Michael had her and Silk leave the room once more leaving Stacey for her turn to play. Silk and Syndee went back to the spot before the glass and as they knelt, Silk noticed they had acquired quite an audience. The idea that they would be watching her soon sent shock-waves to her already sopping wet pussy and made Silk wonder if she would be able to control herself when her turn came. She was so keyed up right now, she knew it wouldn't take much to make her cum. She only hoped she wouldn't disappoint Master.

Michael began the same way he had with Syndee. First they went over what he would be doing as per her wishes. Next he clipped her cuffs to the chain above and began inspecting her body. Once he was satisfied with her, he blindfolded her also. This time he grabbed the riding crop hanging on the wall and began slapping Stacey's nipples. When they were hard, he grabbed some clamps and slid them on Stacey's hard nipples. She hissed in approval.

While Silk watched she also rubbed arnica cream into the slash marks on Syndee left by the cane. Michael often used it on them to help reduce and aid healing after particularly tough sessions. Silk knew that it would help Syndee greatly as the marks were already looking pretty bad. Syndee must have noticed the look on Silk's face as she rubbed the cream in.

“Silk, really it's alright. I really love the cane,” Syndee reassured her.

Silk gave her and the marks a dubious look, “I could tell you liked it but it just seems a bit too extreme to me.”

Syndee laughed, “It is extreme, that's why I like it. Think of it like this, you know how you like the ball gags?” At Silks nod she went on, “Well for me gags are a dislike.”

Silk thought about it for a moment and said, “Canes aren't a dislike for me, they are a hard limit. You dislike being gagged but allow it. I will not submit to a cane.”

Syndee laughed again, “Ok that was a bad example, how about this. Romance. You and Michael are more then Dom and slave, you have a romance. Romance is a hard limit to me. I would not submit to a Dom who wanted more then submission. Does that make sense?”

“Surprisingly it does,” Silk smiled, “I can totally understand that.” She had finished applying the cream to Syndee and put it back in her bag. They both turned back to watch the scene before them.

Michael had been using the riding crop and the flogger at the same time on Stacey while the girls were talking. He'd worked Stacey up pretty well at this point slapping her breasts especially as he knew they were very sensitive. Stacey could cum just from her breasts being whipped and played with. Michael would also throw in a slap or two to her sopping pussy. Finally Michael felt she was ready for the next phase.

Stacey had expressed an interest in forced orgasms. Michael had lots of experience with that area because his first slave was very sensitive to that so as punishment he would force her to cum till she passed out. Sometimes he'd get six to eight out of her before then. The key was to not let up between each orgasm.

Michael retrieved the vibrator wand he'd brought for this purpose. This kind plugged into the wall so he looked around for a plug. When he turned it on, he saw Stacey shiver. “Do you know what that means my slave?” Michael asked her as he ran it down her breasts.

“Yes Master,” Stacey hissed, “Your going to force as many orgasms out of me before I pass out or hit subspace.”

Michael smiled, “Very good my slave.” He then ran it down her belly and down on to her thigh to tease her. “How many do you think I can get before that happens?”

Stacey arched her body toward the wand as it passed her pussy, “Four or five Master.”

“Four or five? Is that all? I thought you wanted this very badly.” Michael teased as he neared her pussy with the wand but stopped shot as he went back up her belly.

Stacey gave a whine, “Maybe seven Master?” She stated more as a question.

Michael laughed and moved the wand down again to her pussy this time barely touching, “How about eight” I think eight is a nice number don't you?” He told her as he moved the wand away again.

Stacey gave another whine, this time only high pitched, “Yes Master, eight orgasms” She said, then begged, “Please Master.”

This time Michael gave in and held it to her pussy full on this time. It only took her about twenty seconds to begin begging, “Please Master, may I cum?”

“Cum at will slave but I better get eight of them or you will be sorry,” He told her as he watched her let go for the first one.

Then next one came about five minutes later. Michael watched her thrash through it keeping and eye on her bonds as she did this. Within about five more minutes she had her third and her fourth followed about three minutes later.

Giving her a moment to rest he pulled back, “How many was that slave?” He asked.

“Four Master,” Stacey moaned, “Thank you Master,” she also added.

Michael rubbed the wand around her breasts while he allowed her to rest for a few moments. He knew that rubbing her breasts would almost be the same for her as her pussy but it gave her a moment to catch her breath. After a few minutes he returned the wand to her sopping pussy noticing her thighs were soaked. Taking his free hand he rubbed the wetness and then held it up to her lips.

“You are making a puddle slave.” He told her as he allowed her to lick his fingers clean.

As she sucked his fingers, she came for the fifth time. Michael then switched positions for his own comfort and sat on the floor at her feet. He then milked another out of her about ten minutes later. Watching her he could see six was taking it's toll on her but felt she could give him two more orgasms if he gave her some help.

Reaching in the bag, he pulled out her favorite dildo and slide it up her soaking wet hold. Stacey went up on tiptoe at this and within three minutes gave Michael the seventh orgasm. This one took a lot out of her and she was nearing subspace. Michael could tell so he stood up so that he could catch her after the last one.

“You're doing well slave, only one more to go. Are you ready?” Michael told her, letting her know he was there and ready to catch her.

“Yes Master,” Stacey said wearily, “Thank you Master.”

Michael kicked it into high gear this time. He turned the wand to high and began thrusting the dildo in and out as hard as he dared. The last orgasm took her about seven minutes and when it hit, Stacey let out a scream even the girls could hear. As it took a hold of her, she hit subspace. Michael dropped everything and caught her, unclipping her cuffs, he lowered her to the floor.

Silk and Syndee watched the whole time. Syndee explained what Michael was doing and about forced orgasms. Silk had heard the term but had never seen it till now. She was intrigued to say the least and decided she'd ask Michael about trying it later. When Stacey let out a scream the girls knew it was time to attend their slave sister and went running.

When the girls entered the room Michael allowed them to take over Stacey's aftercare while he got her some water. He watched as the girls held and rubbed her back noting that Silk was very loving toward Stacey. Soon she was coming around so he handed the bottle to Syndee. Syndee held the water to Stacey's lips helping her to drink. Soon she was ready to move.

“How was that slave?” Michael asked Stacey.

Stacey smiled, “Very nice Master. Did I achieve eight like you wanted?”

Michael laughed at the fact she didn't know how many she had, “Yes you did well my slave.”

Syndee then helped Stacey out of the room while Silk stayed behind for her turn. Silk turned to Michael and swallowed nervously.

Michael noted that and said, “Are you scared my pet?” While he spoke he began to circle around her doing his inspection.

“Very Master,” Silk said frankly.

“Why? You know what's expected. We went over exactly what we'd be doing tonight,” He told her as he clipped her hands above her head. He learned that it was best to proceed as normal to ease her fears.

Silk sighed, “I don't know, just the newness of it but I'm very green Master,” She told him letting him know to proceed.

Michael hadn't planned anything to elaborate since it was her first time in this type of setting. He took into account her newness to the lifestyle and the fact she was still learning to control her orgasms. Once she was clipped to the chain he began his full inspection. He talked to her though to ease her fears.

“As we discussed, I'll warm you up with the flogger, crop and paddle. I'll also be blindfolding you and clamping your nipples. Once your warmed up, I'll use my fingers and the flogger to bring you to orgasm. If you don't hit subspace I'll give you a few orgasms and then we'll end it,” He told her as he caressed and teased her in the guise of inspecting her body.

Silk responded to his touches and words. She knew exactly what was going to happen but felt apprehensive just the same. Why she didn't know, it wasn't the first time she'd been in public like this but it was the first time that it was for show. Last time had been a punishment. Something about the fact that this time she was willing seemed to trigger her shyness.

Michael felt she was ready so he placed the blindfold over her eyes, “Ready little one?” He asked. At her nod he went on and picked up the riding crop and began slapping her nipples to get them hard. When they were hard, he placed her clamps on them and was rewarded with a hiss of approval. Next he used the crop and slashed at her body from all angles hitting all the spots allowed.

When she was warmed up to the crop, he switched to the flogger knowing she loved it. He again slashed her body at will, some soft, some hard. Reaching back he also grabbed the paddle. When he felt she was ready he would stop with the flogger and deliver swats to her ass till she began to dance on her toes. He would then switch back to the flogger for a few minutes. He did this about five or six times before he felt she was more then ready to move on to the last part.

Leaning over to her ear he spoke, “Alright my pet, I think your ready to cum aren't you?”

“Yes Master,” Silk begged.

Michael took up position behind her and began to stroke her pussy lips as he teased her with the flogger. Soon he was rubbing her clit as he flogged her breasts. Michael thought she'd cum fast so he was surprised when she hadn't started begging for it. He slid two fingers into her tight hold and began thrusting in and out. Soon he realized she still wasn't close and this stumped him.

“Slave,” he whispered in her ear, “Are you going to cum for me?”

Silk was trying hard to cum but it just seemed to never get there. She was very keyed up but she couldn't seem to let go. “I want to Master, but I can't.”

Michael was shocked at her words. Silk came so easy usually that orgasm control was a challenge for her at this point. “You can't?” Michael whispered to her hoping his voice would help push her over. “What more do you need little one,” He asked as he began to nip at her neck hoping that would help.

Silk dropped her head and moaned. His voice was usually enough and combined with nipping at her neck she'd usually lose it but this time it wasn't enough. She knew what she needed, “You Master, I need you.” She told him.

Michael gave a small laugh at this, “Me? And just what about me do you need my pet?” He asked her hoping talking about it would push her over. Actual full on sex wasn't allowed on this floor and while Michael knew what she meant, he couldn't do anything about it here.

Silk lifted her head and turned toward his voice, “I need your cock Master. I need you to fuck me hard.” She told him.

Michael was floored at this point, Silk never spoke like this to him. Usually he'd have to force such words out of her mouth. He thought over her pleas quickly and decided she wasn't going to cum this way. Knowing what he was going to do, he stopped all play and motioned for the girls to join them.

Stacey and Syndee had been watching and knew something wasn't right. They too could tell Silk wasn't cumming and wondered why as she was the easiest of them all. They joined Michael in the room and listened to his words.

Michael waited till the door was shut, “Silk can't seem to cum,” He told them as he let Silk down. “I'm going to take her outside for some fresh air, I want you guys to clean up and then join Baron and his group while we are gone.”

Silk wondered if that meant to no orgasm for her but didn't question Michael, only followed him out of the room. Michael led her to the coat check and waited while she put her little dress back on. Next he led her to the elevator and then outside to the truck. Opening the back door he told her to slide in and over then got in himself. Silk was curious as to what he was planning.

Michael opened his jeans and pushed them down to his knees. He then turned to Silk and pulled her onto his lap. As she straddled his thighs, he pulled her face down to his and devoured her mouth. Silk gave in completely as she felt him slide deep inside her.

“Now you have me, just what will you do with me, my pet,” He whispered as he lowed his mouth to her neck. He started rocking her on his cock.

Silk was in heaven as Michael slid deep into her she almost came right then. “Thank you Master,” was all she could think to say as Michael began rocking her on his cock. The feeling was so intense.

Michael kissed her and nipped at her neck as he rocked her. It didn't take long till she was cumming. Michael just kept rocking. He felt her nails on his shoulders dig in deep and knew she was so keyed up that she would just be a mass of multiple orgasms at this point. As she came over and over, Michael sucked the cries from her lips. Their kisses were so deep at this point Michael felt connected to her and he also knew at this point his heart was involved. There was no denying it now.

Finally when she slumped against him, he spoke, “All better little one?” He asked.

Silk sighed and smiled up to him, “Yes Master. I don't know what happened back there. I wanted to cum but it just wouldn't push over.”

“It's ok, I understand. It happened to me my first time here. I was so turned on at the thought of preforming in public that when it came time, I wanted to but I couldn't. It's normal,” He told her as he rubbed her back to soothe her.

Silk smiled up at him again liking that he could relate and understand. “So what now Master?” She asked.

Michael gave her a devilish smile, “Now we go back in. Later I'm going to fuck you in the ass because now I want to cum but I'll wait because when I take your ass you will be screaming my name very loudly and they just don't approve of that in the back seat of a truck, plus I plan to tie you down and torture you till you cum so much you pass out and I just don't have what I need here for that,” He told her as he lifted her and sat her back on the seat next to him.

Silk flushed hotly at his words. Now she couldn't wait to go home.


Same as Learning the Lifestyle Pt 18 - Club Cane Videos

3 years ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 19 Blurred Lines Defined

Here's another one just on the heels of Club Cane... Enjoy and let me know what you think. 'll add anyone and I post special update there now that I know how... Add me and come check me out. I also post pics of outfits the girls may were and other pics that you might enjoy... Notice to you spammers, if you add me and spam my page I will delete and block your loser asses. Join Fet.life or something if you wanna hook up, not my Stories... Anyway here's an updated Table of Contents. Hope...

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Learning the Lifestyle Part 25

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Learning the Lifestyle Part 25

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 9 First Play Date

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 6 Educational Shopping

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Learning the lifestyle Part 2

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 3 Learning

Introduction: Michael begans to learn about Silk, while Silk begans to learn the lifestyle Blaring music woke Silk up later. What a noise she thought to herself, such a change from the soft sensual music from the night before. She reached up and noting the time, turned off the radio. She then rolled over and found that Michael was still sleeping. Thinking it would please him greatly, she pushed him on to his back and scooted down under the covers. Once there she proceeded to orally excite him....

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 9 First Play Date

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 5 Making New Friends

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 5 Making New Friends

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 7 Lessons Learned

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 1 How it all began

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 1 How it all began

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 2 It Continues

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Richard Bends Over For Margarets Cane

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My Wifetobe Received The Cane

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 17 Bad Day Sex

Also please don't spam our stories in our comments. I am asking admin to looking removing these comments especially since I got one from some 16 yr old girl trying to pick up men. The comments are not for spamming and picking up dates. They have sites for that. I suggest you go look at Collarme.com or Fetlife.com if this is your need. Otherwise get a life and spam else where. That said here is a new story for you to rub one out on or whatever it is you do with them... LOL Current table of...

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Rachael gets the cane

I was taking a risk with the undies because as I’m sure you’ll remember (strange how men seem to remember these things) my uniform called for me to be wearing plain cotton knickers in dark bottle green and although a plain bra was acceptable, what I was wearing was not what could readily be described as ‘plain’. The reason for this infringement of school rules? The usual of course! After school I had a hot date with a rendezvous on the back row of the cinema. I was looking forward to...

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Meg gets the cane

Mr Spencer put off the inevitable meeting with Meg for as long as possible.Meg was a pretty young thing , very much like her Mother except that Henry knew Sally had always been a prick teaser and slut and Meg had never been fucked as far as he could tell. He had looked at her cunt only the day before and she whilst her cunt gaped quiet openly rumour had it that Meg didn’t “put out”.Meg had forgotten her homework and had to be caned but according to her Mother she had forgotten it again!“What...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 10 A Night out Dancing

Introduction: Michael takes the girls dancing and Silk learns a lesson They got to the club around ten-thirty and true to his word, Michael got them all in and without being carded. A bouncer showed them to a private table that overlooked the dance floor from a balcony. A waitress came to take their drink order and the two girls piped up that they would have tequila sunrises. Michael ordered a beer and looked at Silk. Michael leaned over and spoke in her ear, What do you want to drink? His...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 10 A Night out Dancing

Michael leaned over and spoke in her ear, "What do you want to drink?” His breath in her ear distracted her and she sat dazed for a second, finally what he said sunk in and she said, “I don’t know. I don’t drink enough to know what I like.” With a grin, Michael asked, “Do you want what they’re having?” She had heard the word tequila and knew that it was out of the question. Michael could not control her if she had tequila. She spoke up, “No. You only wish.” Turning toward the...

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Country Club Lifestyle Part 1

Country club communities are sprinkled all over the area where I live. So it's no surprise that there are a lot of lonely housewives looking for a distraction while their husbands are away on business or out playing golf. The other thing they love to do is throw parties, and as a caterer I get to meet a lot of these housewives. Here is one of their stories;Karen called me about an event she wanted to host in her home. She lived in a gated country club community where all the homes were...

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Young Athletes Club of Northern Florida

I just love the way the girls play. We’d been in the sports club for about a year and I could hardly wait for each Saturday to roll around. It was hard to remember a time before I began coaching my granddaughter in softball and then basketball. I’ve been an athlete my entire adolescent and then adult life and knew just how to get the most out of someone’s abilities. Looking back now I’m astounded by how the club began and how it had taken a hold in our community. Bible belters would never have...

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Cut by the Cane

“May I be excused now Miss?” The time was now exactly a quarter to four – his appointment with the Headmaster was in ten minutes. Miss Sheighal had just finished chalking up on the blackboard the piece to be translated into French for homework. “And what makes you think you can sneak off early Brown?” she challenged jokily and then wandered over to Jason Brown’s desk. He handed her the plain white envelope which contained his formal notification of punishment. As she read it Jason watched...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 11 Sunday

Introduction: Silk gets education in Masturbation and finds anal with Michael to be exciting Dear Readers, Sorry the punctuation is off, Ive asked them to fix it but well see. Anyway, Michael and Silk are moving along nicely. Hes gonna teach her to masturbate and they will have anal for the first time. Please rate and review and send me a mail or check me out on twitter. I hope you enjoy my work. *********************************************************************************** It was four...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 11 Sunday

*********************************************************************************** It was four thirty when Michael finally got home. What a bitch, he thought. It took forever to fix the cart machine. He threw his jacket over a chair in the dining room and sat down on the loveseat to take off his shoes. He sat there in the dark for a few minutes before reaching up to turn on the soft light next to the love seat. It cast a soft glow over the loveseat but was not so bright that it went much...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 4 Tattoo Turnons

Introduction: Silk gets tatted and oral. Michael finds out there is more to his lovely lil slave They changed the bedding and Michael showered then got dressed. Next Michael put the dirty sheets into soak in the machine and then they were on their way. By this time, Silk was starving. Michael took the keys and so Silk just naturally let him drive. He took her by her apartment to get another shirt to wear since her other one was missing a few buttons. She changed her outfit and met him back at...

4 years ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 4 Tattoo Turnons

He took them a truck stop diner and watched her face. He was pleased to note that she seemed perfectly comfortable. Some of his dates would not eat here. Too beneath them. “They serve the best chicken fried steak here,” he told her as he escorted her in. The waitress greeted Michael by name and asked who the pretty porcelain doll with him was. Silk was used to this reaction since most people thought she looked like a little china doll. Michael introduced her to the waitress and...

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Learning the lifestyle a small addin part

Silk came in and quickly undressed and went to bed. She fell asleep rather quickly. Sometime later she felt someone climb into bed with her and began to caress her body, she thought it was Michael. When she didn’t wake up fast enough the caressing stopped and she felt the person leave the bed and fell back to sleep totally unaware of whom really had been in bed with her. Reed heard her come in and didn’t want to scare her so he waited until she went to sleep. Once asleep, he got into bed...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 12 And So it Begins

Keep reading and rating and drop me a line if you love it. I love to talk to my fans, some have become good friends... HEY WRISTY, hope the wrists have been sexy... That's said, I might even give you a shout out here and that reminds me, I do take suggestions as well for ideas. Allow me to make your fantasy into Silk's reality... LOL... Ok on to the story. Thanks for reading... Faith...

4 years ago
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Cum to the Cane

Struggling slightly cur eased his rock hard cock against the sheets. Bound hand and foot he knew he should remain still or he would strop and cum before Mistress Reana returned. She had met him at the door after work instructing him to strip; blindfolded him and led him forward, remaining silent until they stopped walking. 'Kneel.' 'Yes, Mistress.' His wrists had been fastened behind him and her hand had guided his head forward until his nose and mouth were enveloped by her wet, warm...

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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 4 Lifestyle Nudism

Eventually Jack’s father came out of the kitchen and turned the television off then looked at his son and said, “Well, come on, Jack. Don’t keep us in suspense. Read that thing aloud so we can all appreciate what it is you two idiots have gotten yourself into.” With those words Jack began to read aloud the PDF document from... THE COUNCIL OF LIFESTYLE NUDISM Thankyou for showing your interest in the NUDIST Lifestyle. People have been practicing NUDISM for centuries (often called...

2 years ago
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 30 Twenty Pages

If Tom thought that registering to become a Lifestyle Nudist was going to be easy he was wrong - very wrong indeed. It all started off looking so easy but the whole process very quickly got bogged down in a whole quagmire of paper work and red tape. Tom very quickly realized that becoming a Lifestyle Nudist was going to involve way more than just signing a piece of paper and doing a boy scout salute at the flag. Once Tom had left the Success Nudist Resort and returned home he sent off an...

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Learning the Lifestyle Part 71

“I have a dungeon which we will use later, but since Silk if just starting out tonight I wanted to go slow,” He told them as he turned to the first bin. Noting it was Stacie’s, he decided she would go first. He grabbed out some cuffs, a flogger, a blindfold and a riding crop and placed them on a small table he had placed near. He fished in his pocket for the leash he always kept. Turning to Stacie, he tapping her on the shoulder with the riding crop he said, “Stand up slave, your first,”...

3 years ago
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The Dallas Fathers Club

Introduction: The families that play together get layed a lot The Dallas Fathers Club There are fathers clubs all over the United States, probably all over the world, dedicated to the proposition that sex between parents and their children is a good thing. Of course you will not find them listed in the yellow pages or advertised on billboards, at least not in this country. However they do exist and they all seem to have many members. In fact I was surprised a secret of this sort could be so...

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Mind Controlled Mothers Club Chapter 2 Mommy Slut Orgy

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Mommy Slut Orgy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! In the shipping department of The Institute of Apotheosis Research, Ulrich Geller threw his mom down across the sorting table, his hands ripping up her tight pencil skirt. The short, black-haired women moaned and wiggled as she squirmed. “I... I have to become a slut, don't I?” his mother asked. She ran the shipping department where...

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Our First Night In The Cuckold Lifestyle

My wife, Liz, and myself have been married for 5 years now. However, we have been in the cuckold lifestyle for almost 2 years now. I write this story out because maybe it will serve as a guide for someone else who wants to enter into this lifestyle--but also for people who are entertained by this lifestyle too.This is how we entered the cuckold lifestyle.Now, for the first 2.5 - 3 years of our marriage we were the typical young married couple. At the time of our marriage I was 27 and Liz was...

2 years ago
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Wildclub First Swingers Club Visit

Exactly a month has passed and, surprise-surprise, it is time again to look back and write down some words. Not only for you, dear readers, but also for future us to look back and remember…Experiences with Pamela and Maimu have taken more bold and adventurous. I remember that we both discussed we could also try sex with other couples if we cannot find the right female partner. Birgit was not very sure about it, but, as always, the topic needed some time to settle in. I have told her multiple...

2 years ago
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Mind Controlled Mothers Club Chapter 3 Naughty Daughter Joins the Club

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Naughty Daughter Joins the Club By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Ulrich Geller, a young man barely in his twenties, worked fast in the shipping department of the Institute of Apotheosis. Orders had to be process, but all he could think about was the coming 10 AM break. The other men working in shipping moved fast, too. He'd never seen packages readied so fast. They were sending out...

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