Postcards Ch. 06 free porn video

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Author’s note: You may want to check back up to the previous chapter. Sean has been up a while when this chapter begins.

Chapter 6


I woke with a start—Sean was not there. How quickly we adjust to new situations. Sleeping with Sean was one of my favorite things, though building sand castles had to rank high on the list.

From a technical difficulty standpoint, his work the previous night was only fair. For originality and execution, top grades. The wet sand bound my legs tightly. Sean did the wrist binding well, then used the stone on my back to force my elbows apart and put tension on the binding. The weight of the sand prevented any other movement. I tested it all and found I had no chance of escape. It mattered to me that Sean took the time and effort to completely immobilize me.

In the morning light, I looked at the poor scarves. Sand and salt water had ruined them for their intended use, though the pattern of the staining might be interesting. It struck me as a metaphor for how I felt. I was sand burned in several places and my ass still felt the invasion. Otherwise I felt relaxed to the point of limp. Five seconds of movement corrected that notion.

I took the scarves to the bathroom sink and rinsed them in cool water, which turned pink. As expected, there were now streaks and spots in the color. Fortunately, there were no holes. Silk is tough. I laid them on a towel to dry, then went outside to wash myself. As I passed in front of the cabin, I could hear Sean and Don talking about fishing, which changed my mind about the shower. Instead, I visited my stretching bar. It was like coming home.

Some aching time later, the sky began to lighten. I finished my stretch and went back to the shower. The cool water felt wonderful. Returning to the cabin, I found Barbara waiting. She kept glancing at the sky, which confirmed my thoughts about the weather. A storm was coming. Barbara gave our cabin a quick check, returning with a portable radio tuned to weather. The news was bad and good. It was a big storm, but the worst of it would pass between us and the Big Island.

I followed Barbara outside. She unlocked a door and started doing things to the generator inside. After a few seconds an engine started. Barbara threw a switch and told me we were on independent power for the day. After that, she started collecting the cushions from the outdoor chairs. The chairs themselves were tied with cable. She then showed me the switch for the powered shutters and the crank for the manual backup. It was all very routine, until I saw the idiot and his crowd.

Jan Sward was not acting like an idiot, which gave me pause. His posture lacked the aggressive, almost combative edge it held the previous two days. Instead, he looked at sky and water with resolution. He was Scandinavian, so storms would be an old enemy. I thought better of him as he herded his crew onto Don’s boat. They set off, leaving only myself, Barbara, Sean and the fish.

Sean always had mixed feelings concerning the fish. Well over five feet long and weighing sixty pounds, it was beautiful in its predatory way. The fish would have made a fine trophy, but Sean gave no resistance to Barbara’s desire to cut it up. Even that waited, since Barbara needed to lock down the island. Sean simply forced the fish into the cold box and helped Barbara with her chores. In the years since, Sean is more likely to mention the dinner of grilled filets than catching the fish. Yet, he always keeps an image near his desk. If someone asks, he will show the image and tell the story.

Preparing the cabin for a storm was not difficult. The house was designed with rough weather in mind. Lightweight items were collected and stored. Larger items were chained to an anchor. Barbara had already done most of ours. Sean went with her to lock down the other cabins. I stayed to fix breakfast—and other things. Sean had promised me a thorough lashing, with Barbara watching. I raided the picnic drawer, then searched for other possibilities.

Now that I knew to look, Barbara’s hand could be seen everywhere. The ceiling had exposed wood beams. Several hooks were set into them, some having hanging baskets. The highest point had a pulley attached, with a scented candle hanging. It was trivial to remover the candle and use the cord to pull through a much heavier woven rope. The hardware was stout enough to support two people. The rope could support half a dozen.

Other things included a curtain rod with ringlike finials. It was a ready to use spreader bar. The curtain rings were pinch type, which were perfectly sized for nipple and labia weights. The tiebacks were three feet of inch thick scarlet twist rope. One of the blind controls was made of Lexan and would be a perfect caning rod. The kitchen had a paddle shaped cutting board. Sean had already found the silicon spatulas. There was no whipping horse, but the bar stools had a pair of metal footrest rings, one just below knee height and the other three inches off the floor.

Next, I prepared a waiting place. A folded tablecloth covered the rug. On it I placed the flogger, then arranged restraints and implements to either side. Behind these I put bottles of lubricants, lotions, Sean’s massage oil, aloe and first aid astringent. The tableau finished, I set the available imaging devices around the room. One still camera was set to shoot every fifteen seconds. The other sent video direct to the laptop. My old laptop would use its integral camera to gather a different angle and my smartphone would cover the tablecloth. Once I had disrobed, emptied and cleaned myself, I assumed Second Position and waited.

Christine loves Second Position. It fully exposes her, which feeds her exhibitionist streak, yet it is suitable for long term use. She can stay in it longer than most people can sit in a chair. I expected Sean at any moment, but I might wait a hour or more. Using Christine as my guide, I searched for a quiet place in my mind. I found something.

Barbara was the first through the door. Whatever she had been saying died. Sean nudged her out of the doorway, then continued into the room, his eyes intent on me. A thrill went through me. His gaze left me to inspect my work. My breath stopped, not to begin until his tiny nod conveyed approval. Sean looked at the preparations around the room, then turned to Barbara.

gYou have been busy. How much does Don know?’

Barbara preferred silence, but Sean’s will is a thing of iron. ‘Some’, she admitted, ‘but not much. Madame tied me up for him yesterday. Cobra weave with monkey paws in the loose ends. Danté was impressed.’

Sean nodded. ‘You may stay, but understand that this session is being recorded. Do you consent? Speak aloud for the record.’

Barbara hesitated at the formalities, then said, ‘I do.’ When she realized her phrasing, she blushed deeply.

Sean ignored the obvious wordplay. ‘Sheila, prepare her.’

Barbara started disrobing before I could rise to my feet. There were many possibilities, but I elected only a gag and wrists tied behind her. Once she was settled on her heels I squared her shoulders and pulled her head up, saying ‘Taller.’ That done, I presented myself to Sean—eyes down, heels together, wrists together in front. It was a bit pushy, but Sean seemed to be in a permissive mood. Naturally, Sean went a different path.

The curtain rod was a ready made spreader bar, but there were no cuffs. Sean had me stand on one foot while he wrapped leather around my ankle, then tied it in place with all three colors of paracord. Once both ankles were cover and tied to the rod, Sean told me to grasp the bar. His warm up swats started firmly and quickly went to stinging. After about a dozen on each side, he switched to the cutting board paddle. It was only the warmup, but neither Christine or Mario would consider it trivial.

The flogging flowed smoothly from the warmup. Sean used the heavy curtain tie to
bind my wrists together, then to the pulley rope. With little apparent effort, he hoisted me off the floor, then stuck cushions under my feet, to prevent twisting. Nice touch. He began with light, thuddy strikes on the small of my back. After half a dozen as foreplay, he started spreading the strands and snapping his wrist. Ten stinging blows covered my back, then four more on my ass. Finally he set the flogger aside and picked up the Lexan rod.

Caning is not something I do lightly. Usually, it must be on Friday, so the client has the weekend to recover. I already anticipated trouble sitting on the plane. If Sean used the rod, it would be a difficult flight. Recalling the time Christine declined the heavy lash, I looked at the rod and nodded. Fire exploded low on my ass, followed by a slapping sound. Another blow, followed by another slap.

For a heartbeat it made no sense. Then I burst into tears and shook my head. Though I could not see it, I know the sound of cane on flesh. If it was not my flesh it had to be Sean’s, most likely his palm. I could not let him bruise himself for me. The problem was that I started crying and could not stop.

Sean let me down, released my arms and legs, still I cried. He released Barbara, then pushed us together. Still I cried, but Barbara cried with me. Sean guided the two of us out the front door and around the house. Shower water put an end to the tears, but not to Sean’s purpose. He pulled us, dripping wet, to the ocean. I had never been skinny dipping and that was not how I envisioned my first time, but I made no protest.

When the water was armpit deep, Sean ducked me and held me under for about twenty seconds. I could hear Barbara objecting. When he let me up, Sean said, ‘I’ll go get towels. Explain to Barbara what is going on. Next time I hope I don’t need to be so literal.’ I love that Sean is pushy, but sometimes it can be a major pain.

Confession is supposed to be good for the soul. I was not Catholic, but I knew that much. Sean seemed to believe it. He ordered me to tell all to Barbara. Even though she had heard most of it before, it helped. The second time through was easier, but I was unprepared when Barbara jerked in shock. After a moment I realized I said that one of the muggers almost died. Barbara did not know that detail. Funny. I did not go ten minutes without thinking about it.

I began to tell her the details, but Sean returned with towels and footwear. He asked Barbara to leave, saying he wanted to fuck me senseless. That was ironic, because I was feeling very stupid. Barbara pinked at Sean’s language, hugged me close, whispered thanks for her anklet, then fled. In other times, watching a middle aged woman running naked on a beach would have been funny. That day I had awareness only for Sean. As he led me to the house, I realized I was wrong. Last night, for two hours, while Sean built the sand castle, I never once thought of Ugly and Stupid.


The big fish was a bit of a rush. I never pretend to be an outdoorsman, partly because there are so many of the real thing around. Still, the stories had always been interesting and now I had one of my own. It put me in a good mood. Barbara promptly put it in perspective by mentioning the storm.

For half an hour we went around tying up and locking down. Sheila went back to the cabin to get things ready. I did my best not to think about what was coming, because I did not expect to enjoy it. Sometimes I hate being right.

Sheila did her usual thorough job of laying things out. It wasn’t her studio in New Jersey, but it came surprisingly close. There was even a hoist. While I took everything in, Sheila did a quick job of gagging and tying Barbara. Good. An audience is necessary for a public whipping.

The whipping itself was a workout. I started with my hand, switched to a cheeseboard, the flogger finally a clear plastic rod. Every step was to warm Sheila up for the next one. The problem was that the rod was as far as I was willing to go, but Sheila had no such limit. In desperation, I used the rod on my own palm. Holy shit.

Sheila reacted exactly as expected. Her desire for punishment did not extend to me. She also started crying. With that crack in her resolve, I changed the nature of the scene. As quickly as I could manage, I unbound both the women, then marched them naked out of the cabin. Sheila was still in tears when I turned on the shower. That stopped the crying.

Next came the ocean. The plastic rod left a red stripe, which had to burn in the salt water. I left them there while I went to get togs and towels. It gave me a chance to think about who I could get for guilt counseling. With any luck, my sharp lesson would have effect, but there was no chance things were fully settled. I knew too many military men with the same problem. At least Bozo hadn’t died.

All that was beside the point. The time was right to push some issues. Handing Barbara her towel, I said, ‘Please don’t take this wrong, but it’s time for you to leave. I want to take my wife inside, tie her to the bed and fuck her senseless.’

Sometimes the truth can work magic. Barbara disappeared.


There are times I wonder what goes on in Christine’s head. Sometimes, I think I have a small clue. As Sean led me into the house, I knew there was nothing I would deny him. He could call me names or use me as a toilet. I would do it willingly. All I wanted was to bask in the glow of his fire.

Sean and Siobhan have a strange inferiority complex. They think of themselves as slow and plodding. To compensate, they are systematic and very thorough. If you saw The Accidental Tourist, Sean is a bit like Macon Leary. Part of it comes from Sean’s inarticulate nature. He speaks well from a script, but not out of hand. His thoughts run ahead of his mouth, resulting in a tangled, confusing mess.

Another part is the older brother, George. He is enough smarter than Sean and Siobhan that no one argues the point. George was described to me as an absent minded professor crossed with Taz, the cartoon Tasmanian devil. He graduated Berkeley because the department thought things like missed final exams were less important than being able to claim him as an alumnus. It was not completely improper. His instructors tracked him down and gave oral exams—for advanced quantum mechanics and high energy physics. George did the math in his head. He also showed up three days late for his brother’s wedding.

Sean is a complex package of contradictions. The one that mattered most to me was the pushy, self-confident business tycoon vs. the devoted family man. Sean’s usual style is blast-through-the-obstacles. His nickname is the Bear, which fit, but not. Bears are loners. Sean used a team approach for his mayhem. He would point out an obstacle and we would all take it down. My role on his team was as the cutting edge. It is not a nice place, but it both important and respected.

Being part of his team had perks, but the big one was Sean himself. There were many things I would have been hard pressed to explain, but Sean never needed an explanation. His support was unwavering and his timing sublime. The protective side is easier to understand. It is natural for leaders to defend their subordinates. Sean goes the next step and cares for us more than we care for ourselves. When it was necessary, he carried me home. It is a big reason why I love him.

Another is because he understands me. Take the flogging. I would not have connected my mood to the mugging. Sean had, and so it proved. His way of telling me that I was wallowing in self pity was pointed, typically so. What I would have seen in one of my clients, I did not see it about myself. It was insight I not only prized, but needed. The thing that made it work was that Sean needed my insight nearly as much. At that moment, Sean wanted to live out his fantasies. I was going to help him.

It would not be an easy service. Like many—most—men, Sean fantasized about m
y tits. Sean understood why I hated my forward development, so he had been restrained in his urges. That day it would change. His message would not have been more clear if he had text it to my phone. Oddly, I found myself anticipating his attentions. Perhaps I had been too hasty. If nothing else, my baby would be able to nurse.

My nipples were hard as erasers and ached terribly. Naturally, Sean made me wait.


After I ran Barbara off, I had Sheila lie down on the floor. I smoothed coconut oil over her back, butt and thigh, tweaking things as I went. I took particular interest in the anus, since the area was a little swollen, as expected. Swollen means sensitive, so Sheila reacted to the slightest touch. That was good. If she were in sub-mode, she would suppress her reactions. I made a decision.

gI am going to tie you to the corners of the bed. Then I will do as I wish. Since this is for my pleasure, you may cum at any time. I will blindfold you. No gag, but no talking. Clear?’ The Army has what is called ‘command voice’. I learned it as an NCO and use it often in a business context. Sheila accepted with a nod.

Everyone has fantasies. Sheila evoked a few of mine. Call them what you wish—boobs, tits, knockers, melons, jugs, hooters, headlights, puppies, peaches, pears or sugarplums—most men have an appreciation of female breasts. I was no exception and Sheila’s breasts were premium. From the time we met, I wanted to worship her breasts. It might be taking advantage of Sheila’s weakness, but I was going to indulge.

Breast tissue is unique in the body. It sits on top of the chest muscles, but has no muscles internally. There are many fat cells, and their size increases as the body deposits fat, but size only partly depends on fat content. Sheila was a fitness fanatic. Her muscle/fat ratio would be the envy of many star athletes, but she also had truly massive mounds.

Sheila hated that mass, so she hid them in a corset-like undergarment. As a side benefit, she found the tight fit comforting. I think it was a metaphor for control. The bustier also supported the full weight of the tits, so that gravity had never gotten a grip. The results were two of the firmest breasts I had ever seen, regardless of size, and the smoothest, whitest, tenderest skin possible. For the next several hours they were all mine.

Barbara had given Sheila some lubricant, which was supposed to be safe and not unpleasant tasting. That would be good. In my younger days, several of my lovers had used perfume in their cleavage. Perfume is nasty on the tongue. I tasted a bit of the lotion—not good, but not bad. I could cope. I spread some on my hands, preparing to attack Sheila’s bassooms, but I stopped.

How do you describe perfectly shaped tits? Lying on her back, with gravity pressing her breasts down, Sheila still projected further than many women in full sag. What was the line from Wilde? Something about breasts falling like hanged men. Sheila was pregnant. In mere weeks she would put on weight, including her milk cans. That would be something to document. After putting an oily sheen on her skin, I went in search of the camera. Sheila loved images. She could provide a few.

As I considered the scene, many potential angles suggested themselves. Rather than try to choose, I shot them all—straight overhead, bed level profile, worm’s eye view, bird’s eye view, everything in between. The one between the legs was nice, but I thought the vulva was distracting. It did give occasion to note that Sheila was showing clear signs of arousal. Her lips were parted and the tip of the clit was visible in the hood.

I stopped for a moment to lick her toes, so I could stare a bit longer at her sex. That brought a reaction. I am no foot fetishist, but I know one. It would be something to consider when she was gravid. CC jumped to mind. I chuckled as I pictured Sheila, very close to term. I suckled her breasts while CC suckled her toes. She was in my office, in my leather President and CEO office chair, with her legs over the armrests. Sheila’s dress covered her privates, but the door was open and Helen was taking pictures.

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Sex education

Introduction: Kids Joe and Ellen are curious as to how to fuck Daddy was reading the newspaper in the living room. Mama was preparing dinner in the kitchen as she always did at this time of day. Upstairs the siblings, Joe and Ellen were discussing things. They were 9 and 6, Joe was the oldest. He was a very able reader for his age but Ellen only knew the names of most of the letters. They quarreled a lot as siblings usually do, but this time they were talking together in their best of mood....

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MoneyChapter 5

I woke up during the night when a tiny body snuggled up to me. I knew it had to be Izzy, and I did tell her we could sleep together. She had snuggled her butt into my middle, pulled my arm around her to put my hand over her small breast. She is just so tiny. It's so hard to believe that this tiny creature was the same age as Dora and me. I really have to search for someone for her. I had the thought of 'why not me' as I lay there listening to Izzy begin to softly snore? Why not this...

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The RescuedChapter 39 SM03Pi Day 0 through Day 6

There were more hugs, and a lot more congratulations, before everyone decided it was time to get some rest. No one had any idea what 'time' it was, but everyone felt exhausted. There was a brief attempt by the girls to let Steve and Anna have a night alone together, but Anna managed to convince them that they wouldn't mind splitting up that night to let more of the girls cuddle with Steve. They went ahead with the draw, using playing cards; five hearts for Steve's bed, two diamonds for...

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A Cloak of Lies Ch 08

Olan heard another round of raucous laughter drifting up from the main floor. He chuckled softly, turning on his side with an achy grunt. Burying his head in the pillows, he tried not to listen to the sounds of his partner getting laid. He felt like a lecher for enjoying the noises they made. He was even a little envious of his two friends downstairs. ‘Shh,’ Camille said, hissing like a punctured tire, ‘Olan will hear us.’ ‘I’m sure he’s heard it before,’ Niko growled, pulling her down to...

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Its Better Than Football

Chapter 1 It was a typical English summer's day; in other words it was raining, as usual. Being summer the rain was not too heavy and was quite warm. It was ideal weather for football (for those of you across the pond I mean proper football played with the foot i.e. soccer). I was on my round to my mate Doug for a prearranged kick about. It was early Saturday morning, about 8:30 when I knocked at his door. It seemed an age before his mother finally opened the door. 'He's gone fishing for...

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Help Im fucking Kate Upton

Katherine Elizabeth Upton is an American model and actress. Upton was born in St. Joseph, Michigan. She is the daughter of Shelley (née Davis), a former Texas state tennis champion, and Jeff Upton, a high school athletics director. Upton attended a casting call in Miami for Elite Model Management in 2008 and was signed the same day. She eventually moved to New York City, where she then signed with IMG Models. She appeared in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Issue in 2011—for which she was named...

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Time Once More for MarilynChapter 6

Marilyn had offered to cook me a breakfast which I declined. My travelling had opened my mind and now I would usually breakfast on rolls with butter and a preserve and coffee or tea. The traditional English breakfast of bacon and eggs no longer appealed. She agreed. "Yuck! All that grease. I used to get sick in the hotel with the smell of bacon and eggs at breakfast time." We sat down to fruit juice, granary rolls with butter and apricot jam. We ate with one hand only, my other hand was...

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The Awakening of Christine

My wife, Chris, and I live in an urban center on the east coast. We're both successful lawyers who work downtown and have been married for 15 years; 14 of them in total monogamy. I am 50 years old and she is my second wife.Chris, who is 38, stands 5'5" tall, has short brunette hair, 116 lbs., beautiful legs with breasts in total proportion to her body; a lovely figure with a defined, European face...big eyes and soft lips. (Her parents came from Sweden.) We don't have any c***dren by choice....

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The Repairman Chapter 3 4

Jimmy woke first to find himself spooning with Jane and his morning wood tight against her soft ass, He lean in a little and began softly kissing her neck and then to her ear. “Mmm,” she moaned softly as she turned her head halfway to look to see who was kissing her. Jimmy kissed her softly on her lips and then began manipulating her left nipple. Nothing got Jane going quicker than someone plying with her nipples. She dropped her hand to her ass and found one of the biggest, hardest cocks she...

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A Little Tail Part 4

A Little Tail - Part Four By Lexi Lee Tom the Plumber After my Todd night of passion (I still haven't paid the bitch) I had to just suck off my clients for a few days. I didn't mind and I doubt if they did. I still think I'm the best cocksucker in town. Hell maybe the state. Why I'm probably in the top 10 in the world. Somebody should make it an Olympic event. I can see me now getting the gold metal or better yet a pearl neckless. Have you noticed I...

2 years ago
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A Nice Surprise

I was just leaving my office to visit a client up country when I was asked by a colleague, as a favour, to drop off a small package to a 'Miss Julia' at a company on route. I happily agreed but knew nothing of the fun that was to come from my little good deed. I arrived at the company very late in the afternoon and it looked like everyone had already left for the day, I tried the door and it was still open, there was no one on reception so I continued on into the building. The first few offices...

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Intrusive DelightsChapter 20 ReTraining Rubina

After ten weeks of unremitting attempts, the Chief Eunuch knew he was unlikely ever to train the recalcitrant but beautiful new slave, Rubina, to accept that her lot in life was to loll around in the harem almost naked until she was taken to a man's bed. Even more was he convinced that she would never consent to being a bedroom plaything for just any man to whom her Master chose to lend her. Just shaving her required five eunuchs to strap her down and even at that she was cut by the razor...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 513

???????????????? A new Priest at his first mass was so nervous he could hardly speak. After mass he asked the Monsignor how he had done. The Monsignor replied, “When I am worried about getting nervous on the pulpit, I put a glass of vodka next to the water glass. If I start to get nervous, I take a sip.” So next Sunday he took the Monsignor’s advice. At the beginning of the sermon, he got nervous and took a drink. He proceeded to talk up a storm. Upon his return to his office after the mass, he found...

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Devil worship

You'll also recall how we watched the movie on TV, and became inspired to have me talk about all sorts of Satanic and Devilish things for my wife. I know that I'd gone a bit overboard in advertising my wife along those lines on the net sex sites, but I'd been feeling so horny at the time and besides that, I got the impression that my wife was really excited when I told her what I'd done. Well, it so happened, as it does with most of these sorts of postings, that there was an initial...

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Celebrity Dating Kimberly Nixon

"What, that ginger bird from Sex in the City? She's a bit old now ain't she?" Sam was staring at me over a pint. I looked at my mate and took another drink. "No, not Cynthia Nixon, Kimberly Nixon. The blonde one from Fresh Meat." "Oh yeah, no, she's hot. Shit show though." "I'll be sure not to tell her." I finished the beer and stood up to leave. I made a mock bow and left. I don't think he believed my story, but then again, neither did I really. In the thirty odd years I've...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Melania 03182019

Melania is a 19 year old shot girl with a great attitude and a huge sexual appetite. What puts our young Puerto Rican into potential pornstar material territory are her great body and one the nicest sets of all-natural tits we’ve seen in years. “HOLY SHIT!!” – moment nice. Oh and she was up for anal antics of all kinds, even after she collapsed onto the floor in pain after we gave her The Chair treatment. We thought we were going to need to stop the shoot, but she...

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Watching others while having sex on a train

Barely conscious. 3 AM, or that’s what my bleary eyes saw on the glowing big hand and little hand of my watch. I’d been sleeping for the last couple of hours as the train sped through the northern reaches of the Midwest taking several hundred of us from Chicago to points east. In my case, back to New York after a conference. Hours of talk and then the rush to make the Lakeshore Limited. I enjoy riding trains and if I’d had my wits about me when I planned this trip I...

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Unchained Chapter 6

CHAPTER 6 "BUZZ!" I woke suddenly to a loud noise. Before I could register any other feeling, I realised I was horny, very horny. I was hornier than I have ever been in my life. "BUZZ!" The noise reminded me that there was more in this world than me and my pussy. Leaping off my bed, I stumbled around to see what the noise was. Being in a new body inside a new house was beyond disorientating. "BUZZ! BUZZZZZ!" said the door. It was the doorbell. I hobbled to the front door...

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When you awake, you’re not sure how long it’s been since we had sex – maybe an hour or more, as many of the candles have burnt out and it’s a lot darker. The room of the holiday-cabin seems to be filled with vague, flickering shapes of blackness. You sense a movement nearby and turn on your side to see me sitting at the edge of the bed where I’ve pulled back the thin, white cotton d**** that surrounds us. I’m motionless now and facing out into the room. You follow my gaze and discern indistinct...

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Didi Ka Boss Part 1

Hello indian sex stories dot net doston me chandubakchod fir se hazir hu ” couple dance with bhabhi” aapne pdhi hogi I m 24 years be graduate avg body wheatish lounda from bhilai , ghar me mere mummy papa hn dono govt job me hain aur bhiya bhabhi , and 3 bahane , 1 badi h aur 2 choti h , meri elder sis ka naam sakshi , she is 5’4 fair has figure 32-27-32 , 26 year be etnt , working as asst manager in reputed company , ek din di boli- chandu teko 2 sal ho gya passout hue ghar me bas tv dekhta h...

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Prom Night

I knocked briefly at the doorframe before poking my head into her room. “Amber,” I said, “your date’s here.”“Michael,” she responded incensed, “what are you thinking just barging in here while I’m getting dressed? Do you think you can just barge in here?!?”I glanced briefly at my fiancée’s teenage daughter, who appeared to be fully dressed, aside from trying to finish the zipper of her dress behind her back. She was youthful looking, maybe 5’ 6”, with blonde hair, smallish but perky breasts,...

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In confessional

This is a story heard while waiting for someone to come on the other side of the confessional, and I had asked to speak.He told of how, temporarily emigrated, he had been working for several months away from home, in a foreign country, not knowing anyone, where language, religion and customs are the completely unknown.This told the other side of the confessional:"Fortunately, the work assigned by the multinational was easy, and well-paid, with long hours that led to completely tired, but...

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Transition to Vikki part three reworked

Transition to Vikki, part three (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Next part of how Steven Jennings became Vikki. A new playmate is encountered and life stories of the main characters begin to be told. Following after the two newer rewrites, this one has also been updated. Typos have been corrected, grammar put straight and plot errors sorted out. Some parts have been added,...

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A Teen Sluts SagaChapter 17 Guilt Anger and Defiance

George's temporarily pacified brat-of-a-daughter became more defiant than ever in the days following her trip to his boss's house. He didn't understand what had changed. When he picked her up from the fat-ass prick's house she'd been quiet and obviously exhausted, but it hadn't appeared that she'd been hurt. That night, in fact, George had stole into her bedroom to inspect her body but had found nothing more than slight scratches on her otherwise smooth, soft back. Her pussy was sort...

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Hypnotic Adventures of Beauty Ch 03

My eyes were already open, and ‘waking up’ was sort of like having a sheer drapery pulled aside in my mind. All of a sudden, I could THINK again. My body still sort of throbbed with sexual longing… especially my breasts and nipples… and my lips. But the REST of my body felt as if I’d just arisen from a long, afternoon nap. I put my arms over my head and stretched like a cat, and when I looked over at Belinda, she was doing the same. I abruptly found that ridiculous in the extreme… and we both...

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My Fisrt Bukkakke

I 15yrs old when i was hanging with marie in her room, we were supposed to be working but instead we were talking about boys and dressing up, trying different sexy outfits on and putting on real doll-like makeup, giggling and being cute in our undies, when marie's mom came into the room all agitated. mom! don't you knock?! marie said, we froze. marie's mom rolled her eyes when she saw us like that then asked marie, did you turn in your college registration? today is the deadline you know, this...

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Mias Service Part 4 A Test

It was evening and the lamplight gave the room a warm glow. The princess sat nearby in an armchair reading a far more interesting book. They had been here for several hours. Mia sighed again, not a little dramatically, and Liana looked up from her own reading. “Are you bored already?” She asked in a teasing tone. Mia turned to look at her as she replied. “How could I not be? These aren’t exactly exciting stories like the one you’re reading you know.” Liana replied in a stern voice,...

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Lord Harringtons Ordeal

This story began as a prologue for a much longer story that was never completed – so I just continued with this part instead.Lord Harrington’s OrdealLord Harrington was laid naked on a long, thin table, his arms secured to the sides by steel rings and his legs spread wide and secured high in the air to a metal bar suspended from the ceiling.  Carol was stood between his open legs, gently scraping her long fingernails around the tip of his throbbing cock. ?I do hope that you’re going to give me...

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A NotSoSimple Life Part 4

Introduction: If you like it, dont like it, just feel like commenting or anything in between, feel free. Feedback is always nice. Plox-n-Thank you ???? The cafeteria died, figuratively of course, but it did feel like I was staring at bunch of ghosts after that. Everywhere I looked I was met with pale, awestruck faces that I tried my best to ignore as I weaved through the crowd. Keeping my head down, I managed to break free from the mass and escape the cafeteria, leaning up against the wall to try...

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BethChapter 79

October 27, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, After last night’s dinner, Meka and the other seniors went to stay at the Devlin house and the whole family went along to take Gracey, Liya, and Civia home. The three of us had a subdued and tear-streaked hour in bed before we dropped off. Our lunch table held only freshmen. “This is not a dig at anyone here, but it’s not quite the same without Shameka,” Cera said. “Yeah, it’s no wonder that she’s the most-popular senior,” I responded. “She’s funny and...

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An Unsettled CalmChapter 21

The silence over the blower suddenly turned menacing. Not one to lam out on a fight, even one over the phone, I let him know how I was feeling. Well, so much for a friend for life. Listen Guido, you can choose who you want to side with, but you had better watch out who you decide to bunk with. I'm not gonna forget that you sent your chopper squad over to pay a visit after your guy Branch found out where I would be." He started to say something, but I cut him off. "I have to take my...

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28 A Halloween Story

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 34 Reunion

LTD, Malissa's Academy,34 Reunion The scientist types were nervous; it had been a few months since the IGP raid on the secret underground Laboratories. Sure, they were gone now, but from time to time elements from the Free Alpha Alliance come through the area on patrol looking for people who needed their help. One such patrol followed by one of their big support vehicles had passed within a few blocks yesterday making a sweep down the wider streets...

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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 34

"Yes, Bill. In a long line of bad ideas, winning the lottery using your watch is probably the worst idea you've ever had." Mina frowned, "it puts all the other watches ... and their users ... in jeopardy." "How so?" "Most of the watch users were / are looking for a little comfort and a few bucks to invest, pay taxes on and live under the radar. Wendy the first, and her David, used the newspapers to research stolen or illegal funds, recover part of them and bought stocks they knew...

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A Touch of DeathChapter 5

I stared up at him through slitted eyes. His dark face was flushed and his nicely shaped chest heaved as though he'd run a marathon. I hoped no one had heard my shrieking. Not that it bothered Ty. He seemed overly pleased by it, in fact. "When you said you had after lunch plans, I had no idea the trouble you intended to get into," I told him from my vantage about ten feet to the east of the sailboat. I treaded water and glared up at him from where he'd unceremoniously thrown me overboard...

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