So You Want To Share Me..... free porn video

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Chapter One

"Honey we've been through this so many times yet it never seems to go away. I wouldn't want to do such a thing and I think I'm incapable of even considering it! If you love me, how could you even conceive of sharing me with another?"

Kim was more than a bit exasperated as her husband of 12 years brought up what would become his continuing fantasy of his wife having sex with someone else. Two years ago, after a solid round of sex, John, in a languid voice, asked her if she had ever thought about having sex with another man. Her immediate reaction was to go up on one elbow and look into his eyes to see if he was asking to have sex with another woman. In his eyes she could always tell what was in his heart.

He had calmed her down saying and emphasizing that this was absolutely not the case. He assured her that she was the only one for him yet he had to admit that the thought of her seeing and having another man was exciting. So much so that he always had an erection at the end of such a discussion. Kim noticed this but simply jettisoned the idea as some sort of post-orgasmic fantasy. Yet somehow the subject always seemed to resurrect itself.

Kim and John plus the k**s formed the perfect family. Icons in the neighborhood, they were the definition of upper middle class, successful, attractive, family oriented and popular among various social circles. John often traveled for his job but for the most part, he was home for dinner and a great Dad. As a ritual, he always wrestled with the k**s as he walked through the door. The k**s tried to figure yet another way they could surprise attack him and somehow, even though he was stronger, they always managed to get the better of him; pin him down and shower him with kisses. Thus defeated, he would regain his composure set the little ones aside and head into the kitchen to maul his wife. The k**s always followed and said "Ewwww" as he wrapped his arms around Kim from behind, squeezed her and kissed the back of her neck. "Ewwww!"

The k**s could never watch this and scurried to other parts of the house. When the coast was clear, John would either run his hands up or down depending on what Kim might be wearing. "Stop it" she always whispered in a harsh tone. "The k**s could walk in any minute!" But he never stopped nor did she really want him to. If in a skirt, it was not unusual for her to lose her panty unable to fend him off as she stirred this and that on the stove top. She giggled non-stop as she was assailed by these marauding hands and could do nothing but squirm. And if he could hear the k**s well in the back of the house, once her panty was down, John would hike up her skirt to thoroughly m***** her knowing full well she would be unable to fight him off.

"Feels like you might need some attention here" he would whisper in her ear? His hands would dance across her pussy with just a slight invasion therein.

"Did you have anyone in mind" she would retort. They would continue along these lines until they could hear the k**s scurrying towards the kitchen again. Thus warned, the skirt would drop, Kim would kick her knickers somewhere out of site and dinner would continue. It was not uncommon for Kim to be lit up after these little sessions knowing she would jump John after the k**s were down.

Kim was a soccer mom. She had placed her career on hold to raise the k**s. John's income had continued to climb nicely so money was no longer an issue. She lived in the right house, drove a new Volvo, nurtured two perfect c***dren...boy and girl, had a good disposable income that was reflected in the clothes she wore and the image she projected. All was good.

She had been married to John for about a decade now. They had met in college and became monogamous shortly thereafter. She remained completely in love with John but to herself she admitted the sex was becoming mostly routine and the focus of wildness in bed had become subsumed by a more placid sex life. Rather than push limits, it was morphing into what could be called recipe sex: place your order for what you want and the partner will deliver. No questions asked. Yes there were regular orgasms but the path to getting there had become a bit mundane.

She wondered if John's continuing fantasy was reflective of a sex life that now lacked passion? She knew she was just as guilty as she no longer created settings where full out monkey sex prevailed. This was in part because there were k**s in the house and other social events seemed to eclipse what had once been a primary and very primal facet to the relationship. Perhaps things were stale.

As she worked through John's latest foray into extra-marital sex, she contemplated what might be required to go into such an event. She knew her family was sacrosanct and she could never find herself in a situation that might jeopardize that which she held most precious. But as she sat in her study with the house all quiet, husband at work and k**s in school, she wondered if John really meant what he said Furthermore, she wondered if she could help him get through this.

"No absolutely not" she thought. "It would never happen." She recognized that there would be an entire process required. It would need to be very removed from their public lives as she could never be seen by friends. How could such a thing even be set up? Where would it take place and with whom? "Oh my goodness...with whom?"

As the idea of even finding a suitable participant struck her fully in the face, she realized that the sheer mechanics of creating a safe setting were voluminous. And then there was the notion of breaking her wedding be true to John and John alone. What about her vows? And his vows? She retired the notion knowing that the next time John brought it up, she would be able to fend him off and place the idea to rest once and for all. She checked the clock. Time to pick up the k**s and head to after school soccer.

Chapter Two

Over the course of the next few weeks, Kim thought the wife sharing issue was dead. She had all but forgotten about it. But it came up just after they had had sex. Kim was still on top with John's softening penis embedded in her pussy. She had experienced a full orgasm which was easy for her to summon in this position. Even though being on top wore her legs out, she could control how his penis rubbed her and she was a woman who knew what worked best for her. John was always a willing lover, giving her what she needed. Any request she might have he would do his utmost to please her.

"Actually John, I have thought about it but it seems an impossible task to safely put together. There are so many things that could go many. I don't even know where to begin... And even if we figured out a way to safely make this happen do you really want another man's sperm inside of me honey? Really think about. Another man would ejaculate inside your wife. Another man's seed would be in me. Could you deal with that?"

"I guess the simple answer would be that I have thought about this in so many ways that I have figured it all out in a way that is safe for all of us. Another man taking you is just so hot to me."

"Honey the term for you would be a cuckold. You would be allowing your woman to have sex with other men...a true cuckold. How does that make you feel?"

She looked into his eyes as she sat astride him. As she said this, she could feel his tumescence returning as his cock began to grow still inside her pussy.

"My goodness John, I can feel your cock getting hard again." As it grew, she began to slowly rock back and forth on it. "I think you must really want this. Do you? Do you really want this honey?"

"I really want this babe. If we just tried it once perhaps that would be it."

"Then you'll have to convince me how this will happen. But later. Right now I want something else."

She rocked now not so much with another orgasm in mind but she wanted to make John dizzy. So over the course of 30 minutes, she brought him close to orgasm only to stop rocking. As she sensed him calming she would begin again. And so she drove John to heights such that he finally exploded deep in her pussy.

"Baby I am spent. That was nice"

"Shhh. Clean me up." With this, she moved off his deflating penis as she heard it thunk onto his belly. She moved forward on her knees such that her pussy was just over his mouth and settled herself there much as a nesting hen might get comfortable. John got busy. She could feel his tongue diligently sweeping up his seed and swallowing his load. She would move around and lift herself up only to feel John crane his neck to stay inside her.

"Honey, lick me up outside too. Time for sleep. "

He dutifully obliged her and snacked his lips when done.

"Good night baby."

"Good night."

Chapter 3

John was gone for the week. He had meetings in several places across the country. They spoke often and texted when speaking proved inconvenient. And there was email when text was too abbreviated for understanding.

Through the next several days John sent her a plan with many follow-on messages that described a way that would allow them to safely pursue her assignation. As she read and reread his messages, she came to understand that this was something he had considered for a very long time. The detail included not only the setting they would seek but he also described how he was going to help her prepare. It became a step-by-step recipe that described his full participation, exonerated her from any feeling of being somehow the instigator and culminated with her coming home and into his arms. She thought it reassuring that the final ingredient was that she would have to tell him every detail of her date. Every detail. He described it as "all he really wanted in return." It seemed both reasonable and necessary as she needed to be completely open with John such that she was fully shriven after the event.

While she had not fully agreed, she had to admit that a major hurdle was now addressed. The plan covered many bases and while she still had questions, she could see a possible path through the maze of obstacles.

With the k**s now in bed, she started to fill the tub. She needed a bath to think about what she had been reading. Her mind was still wondering why John needed this door fully opened but for the first time, she actually began to think about what kind of affairs she might entertain.

She went to the kitchen, poured herself a tall glass of wine and returned upstairs to the bathroom. She set the wine on the counter, shut off the water with the tub now steaming; full to the brim. She walked down the hall and peeked in on the k**s. All was well. She returned to her bedroom, closed the hall door and the doors to the bathroom, removed her clothes, lit three candles, shut off the lights found her wine and stepped into the too hot water. She grimaced but continued to slowly work her way into the tub's depths. She knew her pussy would balk with the too hot water but ultimately would surrender and even appreciate the heat once adapted.

As she lay in the tub with just her head above water, she let her mind think through the upside of this situation. As she considered this, she continued to sip her wine allowing her arm to drip water to the floor as she pulled another sip from the glass. So thoroughly was her mind engaged as she contemplated what could lay ahead, she scare remembered drinking the wine at all.

John was explicit that he wanted her to have complete free reign of the situation with just a few guidelines in place. He contended that if they targeted only upscale locations and sought men who appeared well dressed, they could eliminate any possible downside to this escapade. He also thought married men would be best as they were the least likely to want a longer term situation. This seemed logical. And since she was on the pill and had been for so long, there was virtually no chance of pregnancy. He also wanted there to be just one physical encounter (she wondered if he was implying there would be multiple dates) and in addition to his need to hear all the details, he asked that she come home with her pussy full of cream. She thought about this last requirement. Was it some sort of proof that she had a penis in her? Hmmm. Was there something not so obvious here?

She had been in the tub for some time. Her wine was long gone. With one toe, she flipped the drain plug and with this same toe, she turned on the hot water faucet such that cooler water was exiting and hot water was now coming in. She leaned back and closed her eyes listening to the cascade. She placed herself in a hotel room with a faceless but good looking man kissing her and touching her in ways only her husband had previously. This is not to say she had not fantasized about others prior but rather now she was thinking through what she wanted with the prospect of actually getting it.

A finger had found the area between her legs and was very slowly rubbing up and down synchronized to her thoughts. As he stripped her and forced her up against a wall, she rubbed all the more. He was not tender in the least. He forced himself into her and simply began pounding into her holding her hair tightly such that she could not move. Her face was pushed against the wall and held captive. He simply impaled her repeatedly with each stroke searing into her unprepared pussy. His action was relentless. As she felt him still more, she erupted in her hot bath and could not contain her cries of pleasure as she was conquered by this faceless a****l.

She opened her eyes, no further than slits, still panting. With a final sigh, she reached up and shut off the water and pulled the plug.

Her final text that evening to John read something like, "Masturbated to your fantasy just now. I think I may be in!" She hit send and shut off her cell phone.

Chapter Four

Before the k**s got up, Kim stood naked in front of the mirror and surveyed her image. She looked again at her last text and John's smiley face response. Had she really just agreed to this farce? She frowned, looked at her face and then rubbed her hands up and down across it in quick succession trying to clear her head.

"What have you are such a fool" was all she could come up with. She groaned at what she knew would ultimately be a complexity that could end up is so many unforeseen ways...all of them bad. She wondered at what John's true motivation might be. Did he just want to see her pussy full of cream?

As she brushed her hair, she thought further on this. She remembered back to a time when she and John had first dated, when his seed had ultimately ended up in her mouth, pussy or ass...or for that matter anywhere on his or her anatomy. Once ejected, he was done with it. Finished. Caput. In those days, she never understood this since it was something he had produced, they had shared and was very sexy in what it could do and how it was delivered. To her, once it left his penis, this signaled just the beginning of a continuing session in a post-coitus reverie. She loved his semen. Why didn't he?

Over many episodes, she would show John that playing with his seed was fun and essential in a way that only the closest of couples could share. When he came inside of her, she would display her pleasure to him by running her fingers along the outside of her pussy collecting just a smidge and putting it in her mouth. John seemed intrigued but unreceptive. But she persisted. On one occasion, and unbeknownst to John, she sat up after she was filled, took some of his spunk and rubbed it over her lips. She then went to John and kissed him with a peck and then kissed him deeply. He was an excellent kisser and was soon running his tongue, circumscribing her lips. She closed her eyes and let him do so. With each break she would reload his spunk to her lips and take still another kiss. And in this fashion, she was showing John that tasting his sperm was not only fun but erotic. When she finally told him, he was at first shocked but later started to laugh. He swatted her fanny and asked for anther kiss.

"Shhh" she responded. Confirming he was watching, she reached inside, drenched two fingers with seed, spread it on her mouth and went in for a kiss. She pushed John down in the process such that he was lying on his back and kissed him passionately and deeply. His tongue roved over her lips unabashed by this new knowledge.

"Do you like?"

"Ummm hmmm" was all he said. She then kept him pressed on the bed but wriggled herself such that she was poised over his face.

"Close your eyes and stick out your tongue." He did so. She mated her pussy to his tongue and gently squeezed and contracted her vaginal muscles to see how much of his seed she could deposit to his tongue and thereby his mouth. He put up no fight and actually slurped as he sought out still more. He was hooked.

It was seldom that they needed to clean up after sex preferring to drink down all their bodies produced. It became a bit of a ritual if not a point of pride. It went so far that she would take a load of his seed and place it into a blender from which they would make a pitcher of margaritas. They sipped it with pleasure knowing it was naughty but nice.

She wondered now if somehow this long ago training was factoring into his fantasy. Had she played a role in all of this? She wondered also at her own deeper motivation.

She snapped herself back fully into the present. She inspected herself with a critical eye. At 30, she was no longer a young adult. But as she swept her eyes across her naked image, she had to admit that even with two k**s and a devious husband, she was maintaining a trim figure. She always got looks but her man owned her heart.

She turned sideways in a way that had one leg bent and on tiptoes. Her breasts looked firm with just a touch of sag...two k**s after all. Full Bs. Her belly was flat. Her hips trim but with a nice feminine roundness; butt tight. No wonder the boys noticed her. Hair was parted down the middle, shortish in back but swept forward to longer lengths. Ultimately her face was framed by the cut. She wore glasses. Not wiry granny types, bur rather boldly framed, typically black in color that because of her beauty and inherent sexiness, worked very well to convey and innocent yet sexy image. She may be a soccer mom but with her flattering clothes, demure and understated look, she held any man's eye. She smiled within. John was coming home today. She had to straighten the house.

Chapter Five

He burst through the front door and went straight to the kitchen where he found Kim adding things to a few pots on the stove.

"Hi baby. I hope clam linguine sounds good. Come kiss hands are full."

Without breaking stride, John pressed himself upon her back and arched his arms around her waist. He pulled her in and squeezed. One hand moved to cup a breast while the other went low to hike up her skirt and fondle her panty.

"The k**s you big dope!" she was squirming to get away but with hands full all she could do was twist and giggle. The k**s were next door and were to spend the night with friends. They'd have the house to themselves but she would not tell him this just yet.

"How was the trip...and did you bring me anything?" She was still giggling and trying to sound like the k**s. He continued his playful mauling.

"As a matter of fact I did bring you something. Do you want it now or later?" He had her hunched over the stove where her glasses were now steamed up. She couldn't really see a thing. His hand had worked under her panty now and he was brazenly invading her cunny.

"Take you finger out of me or you'll be sorry." She continued to squirm and laugh but to no avail. He was too strong and her hands held too much for any effective counter maneuver. She would remain a victim until he relented.

He saw her predicament and moved her away from any counter space. She would have to continue holding these things in her hands or drop them where they would shatter all over the floor. Now isolated and with both his hands, he went under her skirt and zipped off her panty in one smooth motion. Next he unclasped her skirt and drew down the zipper where it fell from her frame and piled on the floor. Her thigh highs remained. Lace tops too!

She was now standing in the kitchen half dressed, hands still full, calling him all kinds of names but laughing all the while. In a final coup, he unbuttoned her blouse and unclasped her bra. Full hands had cost her her modesty...but at least her glasses had unfogged.

"Honey what about the k**s?"

"I spoke to Jerry already. I know they are sleeping over."

"Oh you bastard!" He kissed her hard, dropped to the floor and positioned himself such that his mouth was aligned to her pussy. His tongue surveyed the outer reaches but then dove in for maximum effect. "Ahhhh!" she exclaimed and almost dropped everything. He pulled out knowing that her arms must be about ready to collapse.

She (finally) freed her hands, took to the stairs to replace what she had been wearing. Since her little quiet evening surprise was out of the bag, she decided to keep her clothing to a minimum. She left her nylons on since they worked well with her dark rimmed glasses. She was shooting for a sexy geek look and pulled it off perhaps too well as she wore just a black lacey shelf bra that was far more for suggestion than coverage. She was determined to make his dinner uncomfortable by denying him access until she was ready.

John had just poured two glasses of wine when she returned. He looked her up and down and felt a stiffening. The combination of a week without her, the taste of her still fresh in his mouth and her pervasive scent now on his face placed him in a launch countdown. "Baby I need a quick shower but hold that thought!" was all he managed to say. He grabbed his bag and hauled upstairs.

Chapter Six

Once the decision was made, things began to fall into place. Kim found she could drop into autopilot mode while John sweated the details. She could sense John's concern that she might renege on her reluctant agreement but as she watched John and witnessed his sincere efforts, she could not find it in herself to pull back now. While she had absolutely no idea where this may lead, she decided to jump into the river with both feet rather than just dip toes from the shore.

She marveled at John's preparations. He took her shopping for new dresses, undergarments, stockings, hair styling, waxing, nails, massage...really everything. Over the course of weeks, she couldn't deny that the prep made her feel, once again, rather special. And this translated into the bedroom as well. All the activity was now a giant aphrodisiac such that they were having more and better sex almost on a nightly basis. She felt that should they ultimately decide to not go through with it, the vigorousness of their entanglements had rekindled previous passions of younger days.

As they sat down to dinner in a rather nice restaurant across town, John offered, "So this is the place I was thinking...tomorrow night."


"I was thinking tomorrow night here at the bar." As he said this, he indicated with his eyes and a slight nod of his head towards a small but well set up bar further back in the restaurant. "We'll get you ready and I'll stay with the k**s."

She was almost thunderstruck as she contemplated this line of talking. Inwardly she had to admit they had both been plotting for this moment but now that it laid so close at hand, she was having severe butterflies in her tummy. She took his hand and held it close, "John, I ah...yes I guess so." She looked at him. He took her hand and kissed the back of it and said as he looked up, "We'll have the fresh fish special." The waiter was now just slightly bent at the waist and leaning in. He had been busted for staring a bit too long at Kim's sloping neckline. He could hardly be blamed since her outfit had been selected for just this reason. It was certainly working.

"An excellent choice sir. May I suggest a Rombauer Chardonnay as accompaniment?"


"Is there another?"

John smiled and said, "Perfect."

They sat at the same side of the table in an oversized booth. As they settled in, John reached onto her lap, pulled up the skirt just high enough such that his fingers found her nylon encased thigh. By running his fingers up and down, they would roll across the slick, smooth nylon, bump over the several inches of lace, roll across a metal garter hook and finish on naked and very soft flesh. He could stretch the elastic garter strap anywhere along her naked thigh as well. In a mechanical up and down movement, his fingers settled into a strumming of her thigh sometimes allowing his fingers to dance inside the top of the nylon where he would sweep them around, push down and then retreat to the outside to finish his circumnavigation. For good measure, he would occasionally run his fingers up high enough to glance her panty using the backs of his fingernails to dally upon her crotch as more a suggestion than an outright affront. The effect was hypnotic to Kim as she came to wonder if these incursions would ever solidify into a metered under table massage.

"Tomorrow evening we get you ready and then you come back here to have a drink or two at the bar. Just a few drinks to see what game?"

Kim was falling under the spell of his ministrations. "Okay, tomorrow" she managed to say as she continued to anticipate his fingers and what they might achieve before dinner.

With her affirmation, he squeezed her thigh and moved his fingers in a sweep directly to her crotch where they moved up and down the long axis of her opening. Slipping his fingers inside the elastic leg of her panty, he applied a more focused attention to her wetting gash and would now and then encircle her clitty in the action. It was impossible for Kim to ignore as the tempo of his rubs had clicked into the carnal side of her brain. All she could do was move her legs apart in response.

The waiter had returned with the wine and stemware for two.

"Miss, would you care to taste the wine?"

"YES, I mean yes."

The waiter poured a dollop into her glass.

John watched but rather than let up, he smiled and increased his tempo all the while watching Kim's face as she closed her eyes, reddened but continued to control as much as she could, her outward appearance.

She used both hands to move the glass to her mouth. And when the glass touched her lips it remained there with her head slightly downward tilted. It appeared she was in a moment of prayer. The waiter assumed so and waited dutifully.

John was mesmerized by his wife's control and took his rubbing up yet another notch. He focused more now on her bud. His fingers became sodden with juice. He knew her well and pushed now for completion.

In a sudden motion, Kim tilted her head back, mouth open and drained the glass. She swallowed feverishly knowing that she would be gasping for air in just a heartbeat. As her breathing convulsed into the upturned glass, her eyes closed, black rimmed glasses affixed. She tried her best to hide her convulsive and very public orgasm knowing that she would fail miserably.

As she crested and drew the glass away and settled it onto the table in a too forceful motion, she looked into the waiter's eyes and said, "Yes this will do quite nicely."

The waiter looked at John for confirmation. With an imperceptible nod received, he poured the wine for both and said, "Will there be anything else for the moment?"

John calmly stated, "I think we are good." Kim added, "Ummm."

The waiter withdrew after which Kim slugged John, "Oh you bastard" she whispered into his ear. Both could not help but giggle under the circumstances. John surveyed the room. None of the patrons seemed the wiser. He would leave a generous tip for the waiter.

Chapter Seven

The following day, both knew what lay ahead. Neither spoke of what was to come that evening, yet their actions indicted a collective effort was underway.

In the shower, Kim took extra time shaving her legs to perfection. As she toweled off, and with a silk scarf, she confirmed her pubes were non-existent except for the silver dollar tuft of bark bush just north of her pussy. The silk scarf bound to nothing as she tested the slickness of her skin. She thought about rubbing one out but decided to save her horniness for that evening. She might need it later. Part of her was alight with anticipation but far more of her was concerned for the unknown. John still seemed completely up for the event.

She loaded up the k**s for Saturday soccer wearing khaki shorts, tank top and flip-flops. She wore prescription sunglasses now as the day was in full bloom.

As she sat in the bleachers somewhat watching the k**s, her mind could not help but think about the upcoming evening.

"Is anyone sitting here?" He asked again, "Miss, may I sit down here?"

"Oh of course. I was somewhere sorry."

He scooted in next to her and surveyed the fields.

"Which is yours?"

"I've got two actually...number 6 in red there and number 10 in black there." She indicated two different games underway.


"Just one. Looks like they are on opposing teams. My boy is green 01." He nodded towards the field where all the boys were running in various directions. "We're somewhat new here. I'm John"

"Oh, my husband is John too. I'm Kim."

They shook hands in a very informal fashion as they settled in to watch the k**s. Kim was thankful for the company as it caused her to focus on the present. John and she had a nice conversation of the kind found in soccer parent situations...all about k**s, team stats, silly moves on the field and that sort of thing. It helped consume an hour or so.

At the conclusion, Kim's son had racked up another win while her daughter lost by two goals. Still all had great fun.

All the parents said their good-byes with the k**s doing the same. She shook John's hand again and looked him in the eyes and said, "So nice to meet you John. I am sure I'll see you again." He simply smiled and held her hand even after the customary shake. It was nothing really.

She took the k**s to In-and-Out before returning home. She actually felt pretty good now. The k**s were playing with their friends from next door. John was mowing the lawn in back and had taken care of the pool too. When she drove in, she could see fresh mower lines on the front lawn. The place looked tiptop.

As she walked into the bedroom, on the bed was a complete outfit John had laid out for her evening. She had to admit he had great taste. Everything matched; classy yet sexy. The wrap dress was dark blue with white piping highlights. The skirt was pleated with tiny white polka-dots which allowed for a mesmerizing sway of the material as she walked while the upper was a simple sleeveless rayon blend with white buttons. It conveyed 'expensive' but with a quiet understatement.

Even her lingerie matched with a navy blue push up bra and matching garter. He had selected tap pants for tonight. She knew that with tap pants, she could wear these over her garter belt so that she would have the option to pull them off and leave the garter nicely in place. She was never quite sure if she should wear her panties inside or outside the garter hooks. Tap pants were a great solution as it left all options open as it were; something that she and John came to appreciate.

For the afternoon, the family played in the backyard, swam in the pool and generally hung out. But along about 4PM, Kim got up and simply stated to John, "I'm going to go get ready."

"Mommy, where are you going?" the two little ones sounded in unison.

"Mommy has a dinner date." She said as she looked at John and winked.

John remained with the k**s outside and played with them for the entire afternoon.

Kim was no stranger at preparing herself for an evening out. She had now settled her internal turmoil by simply burying it and leaving it alone for now. She decided it was better to simply engage on the agreement and look ahead.

She showered more as a formality but wanted her hair washed and rinsed so she could do it just right. Over the course of an hour and a half, she emerged to the back yard in her completed ensemble. John was speechless.

She looked the part of a sexy sophisticate right down to her blue and white high heels. A single string of pearls with matching earrings adorned her neck. The dress and stockings clung sweetly to a body that was soaped, lotioned and ready for action. There was nothing more to be done except to go.

She swung open the sliding glass door, stepped into the sunlight and walked directly towards her babies. She squatted down to hug both k**s. As she squeezed and they screamed in delight, her dress opened to reveal her thigh. It was covered in navy blue hose that ended half way up revealing an alabaster thigh that continued on. The garter dimpled her flesh and disappeared under a pleated tap pant.

Inwardly John sighed at her beauty and suppleness. Her hair came to two points and framed her blacked rimmed glasses to perfection. The glasses were even more sexy as they acted as a focus to all that laid below.

"Honey, don't wait up for me. I may be late."

She looked at him with raised eyes as she broke loose from her adoring c***dren. As she moved his way, her dress fell into place and swayed seductively as she walked towards her husband. She bent and gave him just a quick nip on the lips. She mustn't smear her lipstick. John got a whiff of his favorite perfume after which she spun 'round and was gone.

Chapter Eight

In her Volvo, Kim headed north back to the restaurant she and John had visited the previous evening. As she drove, she reflected on her romance with this man. For over a decade, she had only known John...John's caresses, John's touch, John's penis, John's preferences. And he knew her's. Completely. She wondered how rusty she might be in acting single. But she wasn't really to act single. John and she had agreed she would wear her wedding ring to simply convey her non-availability to any man she might meet. She could use this to turn away a man she did not care for or she could use it afterwards to insure a man would not assume something more. It was just sex. Still, she was about to see if she could find and attract a one-night stand. In her teens she always felt the notion to be slutty. Good girls weren't one-night stand artists and now she was pursuing this with her husband as a co-conspirator and instigator. Was he leading them both into a pit?

It was 6:30-ish as Kim arrived. She was familiar enough with the place to park her own car and head in. The restaurant was already packed as she went through the doors. She had a short wait at the bathroom to empty her bladder and then look at her make-up for one last time.

As she emerged, she walked to the back where she knew the bar to be. It was small as she had noted the previous night but it was somewhat quieter that the rest of the restaurant as the dinner crowd was in full motion.

A couple was just leaving their seats at the bar. She made a b-line directly to one of the chairs and settled in. The female bar tender made quick work of the cleanup, set down a napkin and asked, "May I get you something?"

Kim thought for a moment. White wine. "Have you white wine by the glass?"

"Indeed we do. Have you a preference?"

"I don't suppose you pour a Rombauer Chard by the glass by any chance?"

"I can arrange that." She walked off and out of Kim's visual range for a spell. This gave Kim a chance to survey the bar and to look into the mirror behind the bar to see the landscape behind.

It was definitely an upscale crowd. Fashion was evident. There were so many attractive people in this city. She felt so small by comparison.

The wine arrived in stemware she recognized from the previous evening. As she took her first sip, she looked at the bartender's tag...Adrianna. "Thanks Adrianna. Just what I needed." Adrianna nodded and left. The wine was noticeable as it glided down, coated her throat and ultimately fell into the pit of her belly. There it immediately warmed as she was empty of anything that might co-mingle to blunt the alcohol's effect.

As she took another sip and was setting down the glass, she felt a bump to her elbow that sloshed a bit of her wine on the bar. In the mirror she saw an older gentleman with a graying beard looking over at her.

"I am so terribly sorry my dear." His accent was hard to place. "I seem to have managed to disrupt your reverie and at a time when you seem to be thoroughly enjoying yourself."

He was well dressed in evening attire and appeared to be in his late 50s, or so she thought. His clothes were well tailored, with expensive wool blends but with an Italian cut which gave him a dapper appearance. His graying beard tied to brilliant eyes and a lean physique told her he was a man of substance and refinement. She saw on his wrist a subdued Patek-Philippe gentleman's watch. Everything about him exuded quality and content. Attracted to his smile and engaging manner, she felt immediately at ease.

"So are you a weekend refugee as well?" he inquired.

"Excuse me?"

"Are you laying over for the weekend as well?"

"Oh no. I needed an evening out. It's an arrangement I have with my spouse. He is away all week while I'm with the k**s. Sometimes I just need to have some quiet time all on my own and he enjoys his time with the k**s. It works out well.

"Well then, may I buy you a glass of wine to replace the one I managed to spill."

"That's not, ah..

"James. My name is James."

"James then. It's not necessary James. It was just a little splash after all.

"As you like...ah...


"As you like Kim. May I join you for a bit of conversation? Unlike you, I am holed up here for meetings next week then I am off.

"Oh I'd enjoy that." She said simply and genuinely.

He looked at the bartender, "Oh hello Adrianna. How are you?

She nodded with a smile that consumed her face. It was genuine.

"I'll have what she's having...ah...what is it she's having?"

They all chuckled. When Adrianna answered the gentleman's question he said, "Oh excellent! Please bring a new bottle and put it on my tab if you would. And have you any of those excellent finger food samplers? Please bring us a few nibblers if you would."

Kim acknowledged his gracious gesture by leaning into his shoulder and saying, "How sweet."

And so they talked for quite some time. With a bit of rather excellent food in her tummy, she felt 110%. Kim realized that to seem at all normal she would need to be honest in her conversation. The only omissions were her last name and any references to where she lived. Beyond these few withholdings, she was completely open with James.

As it turned out, he was very well traveled. His business escapades took him around the globe on a regular basis. As an experienced person possessing great insight, James guessed why Kim was there so he took it upon himself to see Kim was fully engaged.

As the evening wore on and as the wine flowed, James seized the initiative in the following manner...

"Kim, I'm wondering if you'd like to continue our wonderful conversation in a place more private?"

She had opined over the last hour what she might do should he offer a proposal. She could not deny that James was intoxicating in his finesse. And while he was older than any man she had ever expected to bed, she wondered how a man of his experience would ravish her.

"I'd love to James." She was completely taken aback as to how simple it was to have closed the deal.

"Adrianna, would you be a dear and close me out? Put 20% extra there for you...there's a girl."

"Sure thing Mr. Barrow. See you soon."

And so she followed him. As they were leaving, several of the staff acknowledged James. One waiter in particular saw Mr. Barrow and while not unusual, he did a double take as he recognized the most interesting woman from the previous night. He wondered if they were together.

Once out of the restaurant, she took his arm as they covered the distance to the hotel. It was connected to the restaurant via a covered causeway. She recognized that she was going to have sex with a stranger...a gentleman stranger. What she did not know was that a gentleman on the outside often hides something quite contrary within.

Chapter Nine

In the elevator, James took a more aggressive posture. All alone when the elevator door closed, he firmly took Kim's arm and pulled her to him. He looked into her eyes and dove into her mouth tongue first. Kim was taken by surprise but not overly concerned. She had been anticipating a passionate kiss. In that he chose to do so in an elevator was a novelty.

Once in the room, James took the lead as he sat down and pulled her to him. He undressed her piece by piece. The dress was the first to go. As it wrapped around her pert figure with a tie in the front, he tugged the knot free. It came loose easily. He spun her around hanging onto one end of the tie. When she completed the revolution and was again facing him, her dress opened up to his full gaze: bra, tap pant, garter, stockings and high heels. He nudged it from her shoulders and if spilled to the floor.

She felt a blush hit her face as she realized a man other than her husband was taking delight in manipulating her person.

He knelt down in front of her. Reaching his thumbs into the waist of the tap pant, he tugged them over her hips and down to join the dress that was piled around her heels. He sat back in the chair and admired her fully.

"Please spin 'round for me...slowly."

Kim was keenly aware of her nudity and blushed fiercely. But she spun around as requested and to his delight.

"Unfasten your bra."

She reached around, unclasped the double hooks, shimmied it forward and tossed in at James where it landed on his head and face. He left it there while they both laughed. He pushed is aside and reached for both nipples. These he gave a definitive pinch enough to cause a slice of pain. She bore it however knowing her body was heating. Her nipples came fully erect as his hands retreated. His eyes surveyed his prize. He decided the garter belt, stockings, and heels should stay. The glasses were a very nice touch.

"Have you any special request for this evening," he casually asked.

She thought for a moment as she stood in front of him. She placed her hands to her hips with one finally moving up to her mouth. A finger tapped on her lip.

She bent over, placed her hands on the arms of the chair and leaned over. Her breasts swayed seductively towards his line of sight. She moved still closer until her lips were next to his ear. She said something not quite audibly. She pulled away to look into his eyes staying bent at the waist. Breasts jostling.

"Please say that again," he asked.

She leaned back in and repeated, "I want you to **** me." She said it matter-of-factly and waited for his response still bent and leaning on the chair. She looked intently to his eyes.

In this position she was irresistible. She knew it to be a favorite pose for any man with so many women using it to their advantage.

He looked back at her with an equal gaze and simply said, "Plain vanilla." That was all.

She raised her eyebrows and tilted her head in confusion.

"It is your safety phrase."

He then reached out and grabbed her hair from behind. At the same time, he stood and whipped her around solely by the use of her hair. Once spun and with her back now to him, he pulled still more of her hair together and clasped it into one thick pony tail such that he had a majority for the best control. This he used to conduct her movements. And thus he led her to and bent her over a thickly padded arm of the sofa.

His metamorphosis was instantaneous; so much so that Kim was caught off guard. The pain she felt on her scalp was exquisite. She now knew her safe word but she had no intention of using least not now.

As she was being led across the room she knew her ass was plainly in sight and that she was helpless. Her glasses were knocked off and lay somewhere on the floor. Her ever so slight clothing did nothing to hide her anatomy; in fact, it only emphasized her sensuality, making her attributes now more obvious to this man that had seized control.

She was being guided somewhere in the room. She led the way and was responding to signals he passed on to her through her hair much like a bridle on a horse. She came to rest bent over the arm of an overstuffed sofa. James held her head down as she heard a zipper in motion.

Her eyes were wide open as she contemplated what might be next. There was a loud "crack" in the air as her brain registered a sting on her fanny. "Oh it hurt so badly" she winced but still she held on. Over the next few moments she received too many swats on her ass such that her skin was searing. But even in this onslaught, she marveled at the pleasure at being controlled and subjected to such pain.

The slaps stopped. There was no talking. The room was quiet. Her head continued to be held down. She sensed James move squarely between her thighs and with a shoed foot, he kicked her feet further apart. She knew she was completely exposed in this position; both her pussy and her virgin anus. She could feel a presence just outside the lips of her pussy...nothing definitive but it was there. She wondered how and where James would impale her. She knew her pussy would be wet but what if this was not his target? She decided to be compliant and await his next assault. That was when it came.

In one forceful shove, he pushed all of himself completely inside her pussy. The shock of it forced out a deep scream that was a mixture of both pain and pleasure. In her mind, she was dealing with the searing pain of all the skin on her ass, the forced penetration now within her, her inability to move unless so directed by this stranger and wondering now if this might actually be a ****. She had her safe phrase but held onto it.

In her controlled position, he now began an assault of her vagina. His cock was fully fledged and in combination with his hand, he had two unassailable control points upon her body. She could not move yet her insides were being forcibly shoved aside with each extraction and insertion. He persevered giving no sign of emotion but providing a wickedly focused layer of stimulation to which her body responded. While she had little latitude of motion, her clitoris was receiving a pummeling to which she knew would offer just one ultimate response.

Her thighs began to tremble as she felt waves of spasm come forth from her crotch and radiate out to her toes and fingertips. As her shudders increased, her convulsions erupted in tsunamis of energy for which she had no control. In this condition she had failed to notice that her anus had been invaded by both spit and fingers. He had been loosening her for what would be a culmination of his onslaught.

In mid-orgasm, and while her spasms were at their peak, he extracted his tool, positioned on her anal sphincter and in one fell swoop pushed forcibly into her rectum. She was lubed sufficiently such that she could not resist the invasion. And before she could do or say anything, his shaft was fully inserted and with his free hand now over her mouth, she screamed uncontrollably as he unrelentingly forced himself in and out of this once virginal space. Each stab was as a knife cut into her rectum. She could no longer think as the pain was so intense. But as her ass adjusted, the searing pain morphed into something she had not before experienced, she exchanged her cries of pain to mews of desire. She pushed back in a coordinated effort such that her rectum would receive the maximum onslaught. Pleasure replaced pain.

Again she felt her crotch tingling in what she knew was a building orgasm but one induced in a way completely new to her.

He let go of her hair and mouth and with both hands on her hip points, he used these to achieve maximum penetration. There was only a single sound beyond her cries of delight. It was the sound of slapping bodies working together in that dance of dances; a penis and a hole for it. In unison, they slammed in a head on collision as if a single, cruel orgasm took them both. For his contribution, he dumped a sizable load into her awaiting chamber only to have her muscles squeeze him for still more. She refused to let him go clinging to this organ that was spent and seeking a momentary solitude for some form of recovery.

Finally she relaxed and as he withdrew, she mumbled "plain vanilla" delivered in a flat monotone. They both chuckled but in a tone that conveyed weariness. She remained on the arm of the chair in the same position untrusting of her legs to move. He came around and sat next to her head, his penis now drooping but all shiny. With one hand, he rubbed her hair and back.

"Are you okay? he questioned.

"Ummm hmmm. But I can't move." She lay there purring to herself with eyes half closed. "Do you see my glasses anywhere?" She now had her read atop her hands as she began to recover.

He returned a moment later and handed them to her. She stayed bent over but rose up on her elbows and set her glasses on her nose.

Now in place, she could see that James was quite fit. Yes he was over a half century in age but he did not go quietly into the night. No, not at all.

"James, I've never had my bottom done. Ever. And I think that may be as close to a **** as I could imagine."

She was smiling at the situation...a strange man, a strange hotel, anal orgasm and here she was with her bottom still up in the air.

They had been at it for over an hour.

"Kim, let's take a hot bath...sound good?"

"Yup. I'll get the water going."

She rose up onto shaky legs and kicked off her heels. As she walked towards the bathroom, she said, "Oh...I can feel your spunk coming out of me." This caused her to pick up the pace and scurry to the toilet. She sat down and pushed feeling a stream of liquid leave her bottom and splash into the toilet. The sensation seemed so erotic. A bit of air escaped as well.

She stayed in the bathroom but heard James order Champaign from the other room. She still had to remove her lingerie and draw a bath. In a few minutes, James joined her carrying a bottle and two glasses. He dropped his robe, popped the cork and joined her in the water.

The hot water and wine served to reinforce how spent they were. After they soaked, they stepped into the shower, lathered and rinsed. They then pulled back the covers on the bed and laid down. In moments, they were both asleep.

Chapter Ten

James awoke to Kim sucking his dick. "Shhh James. Please don't say anything."

Kim's actions were more of expediency than erotics. She seemed determined to inflate James in a very mechanical fashion. Once he was of sufficient tumescence, she simply mounted him to let her vagina finish the job. In her position of control, she made sure James could see her breasts sway as she rocked not so much up and down but more back and forth. This motion caused his penis to bend as it retook her high ground. It was a far more erotic feeling.

And in this fashion, she reached back to massage his balls, tugging and rolling them in her hand. She would pull them down almost forcefully only to release them so they could fly back into position. She would then bounce them in her palm and say, "Come on James. Cum in me. Let these boys release."

She began to gyrate her hips in an all too familiar fashion for Kim. She had acquired an ability to pole dance around her husband's penis such that she could bring herself and John to climax within a very short spell. At times it seemed a crime how her body could pull his semen from him almost as if he was victim to some high gravity anomaly. Within moments, he would pump his load into her. This always triggered a reciprocal response.

This night was no different. As her pussy danced about this pole, her hips, juices and musculature caused an immediate and compelling swelling that reached deep into John's loins. In moments, he was planting his seed in this extraordinary anatomy. And as he sprayed, Kim convulsed atop him squeezing her knees into his sides and shaking violently. In a final orgasmic expression, she flung her head back and simply cried, "Oh god...". The rest was a violent inhaling and exhaling as she remained stone still on the outside but her internals pulled out everything James had to offer. But now there would be no post orgasmic reverie.

She bent down and gave him a quick kiss on the lips and then went still further to take his cock into her mouth. She sucked gently and was rewarded with a stream of semen. She swallowed and rose to her feet.

"Bye John. I have to run. I'll never forget this....oh and you taste divine!"

Completely nude and with her geeky glasses on her face, she was absolutely charming. She reached into her purse, pulled out a conventional bikini panty, stepped both feet inside and pulled. She continued a hurried dressing, stuffing most of her clothes into her purse. All she was wearing now was a panty and the dress. As she moved, her charms giggled and bounced.

At the bedroom door, she held on to the jam and pushed her feet into her shoes. Absent the nylons, it took a bit of effort. She looked at James now sitting against a pillow with fingers locked behind his head.

James simply watched. His head spun. He wondered and even hoped she had left a glass slipper.

She blew him a kiss as he listened to her retreating footsteps on the granite floor. She was moving at a determined pace.

"Kim, grab one of my cards there on the desk just in case."

And she was gone.

Chapter Eleven

She had done it. She didn't want to linger with this man in some sort of pillow talk scenario. While he was charming and an astute lover, she wanted to be with her family, see her k**s and snuggle with her husband in the safety of her home. As she thought about her family, she could feel the wetness between her thighs growing. It was not the wetness of being turned on by her man but rather the wetness from a foreign paste of a man she barely knew. He had taken her violently and in ways her husband had not. Her body had responded.

She was having deep regrets as she drove the empty highways towards home. She tried the radio but turned it off, preferring to wallow in thought. She did not understand how she could ask a stranger to **** her yet she had not and probably could not ask the same of her husband. John would do anything she asked. So why could she not say these words to him? She wondered if **** was more about the loss of control and with John, even though she had been involuntarily used as happens in any relationship, she had never been in a scenario until tonight, where she was not in control. Even James' safe phrase placed him in control. She had been at his mercy. She had never been at John's mercy even though the sex was extremely hot. She chided herself for overthinking the event. "Jeez" was how she finally put the issue to rest.

Chapter Twelve

By the time she rolled into her own garage, it was past 1AM. All the way home she could feel strange seed beckoning to escape but her panty was holding the swimmers within.

As she walked in, John was dozing on the sofa.

"I'm back" she called.

"Hi Hon. k**s are in bed."

She stripped off her shoes and dress leaving just a wet panty that was now decidedly see-through at the crotch. She looked down at her crotch and with head still down, raised her eyes to John's, "See what I brought you?" she said playfully. "I think I have a full load baby. I've done as you asked. But I need to know I am your woman. I need to hear you tell me you love me and that I am special to you. I need to hear there is no other but me. I need you inside me John. I need you to put your seed deep inside me to wash away any other. Can you John? Please?"

He smiled and ran his fingers across her sopping crotch. He then slipped his hands down the waistband of her panty. As he nuzzled his fingers around her outer anatomy, he could feel the creamy ooze that was not his. His cock sprung to life.

"Baby, I am so in love with you right now; more than ever. I know I've asked so much and you've given so much." He held her close. His fingers were playing in the goop and moving in a slow rhythm.

"Will you take me John? Right now? I want you inside."

He walked her upstairs holding her hand. She wore just the sopping panty; all else was removed. In her nakedness, the air glided over her skin to cool her. The wetness of her panty acted as a wick to draw off still more heat. She tingled at the sensation.

Once in the bedroom, she peeled off the panty, kicked it to the side and jumped backwards onto the bed taking John with her. She knew he would be hard. Spreading her legs and guiding him, she lined up their anatomies and simply said, "In!"

He lunged and because of the seed already within, he glided fully home. He lay gently astride her and rocked in and out. It was a conversational rhythm and not focused on a climatic ending. It was more about talking and relaxing. In this mode, it was not uncommon for them to talk for hours. She could ask him to dial up the heat as she liked to keep herself on a high plateau and he would manage his own elevations. At times neither would speak as they managed intensities. Sometimes both would stop to allow one to cool off before resuming again. It was an unwritten rule that neither would cum as they spoke in this mode. And so they talked.

As agreed, she walked him through every detail. How she had asked to be ****d and how he had assaulted her anally. She walked him through her spanking and how she later milked him.

"But did you like?" he asked.

"I don't know yet Honey. But I need you take us both up an over now. I want your seed deepest in me to wash his out. No more talking for tonight.

He smiled and began to raise the tempo. It was an imperceptible increase as he skillfully raised her sexual metabolism. But they had managed a pre-orgasmic plateau so skillfully that just this slight increase in energy focused squarely on their groins. In just a few minutes he was fully committed such that his legs were no longer on the mattress but rather the weight was now bourn by the penis within her. The intensity was maximal. She climbed quickly and awaited for the shove over the edge she knew was imminent. In one last rational movement, she pulled John deeply into her pussy holding his buns tightly as she felt him jettison his cargo. Pallet after pallet let lose and coated her locker in a final offering. Thus triggered, she too convulsed with a scream into the night. Over and over she cried with a noise part primal and part woman. Any passerby would note the unmistakable sigh of a woman erupting.

John rolled off out of breath. The two of them lay panting like big dogs on a hot afternoon.

The stress of the day had taken its toll. She was exhausted with her mind rapidly clouding. But in one last habitual act, she mounted her legs over John's chest and began to inch forward on her knees. John watched from below as her pussy hove into view just over his mouth. She eased her anatomy down, wiggled a bit to get comfortable and then collapsed forward. They were conjoined tongue to pussy. She worked her muscles and pushed down to expel all she could. As she did so, she felt a rivulet trickle from her back door, across her perineum, to join the confluence. It tickled. The last thing she remembered was John's tongue sweeping deeply within.

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Tell Mommy What You Want1

Summary - This is the story of hot mother and her horny young son. He discovers his mother is an insatiable, submissive slut. What would you do? Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. You must be 18 or over to read this story. In real life, incestuous relationships, particularly when an under-aged person is involved with a parent or adult, often causes deep psychological damage. This story is provided for entertainment purposes only. The author does not condone any...

3 years ago
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Getting What I Want1

I looked up to see my best friend Ivy. We’ve been friends since the start of the school year. Spring break just ended and I haven’t seen her in over a week. For some reason she looks different. “Hi Ivy, it was good. I didn’t do much. How about you?” “It was great! Just mostly enjoyed some relaxing time at home.” As she was talking I noticed that she was showing off her figure. Her shirt was being pulled tight across her breasts. They must have grown since I last saw her. I wonder what bra...

2 years ago
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Mom may get more then she wanted1

Note: This is a three part story if you want me to continue please let me know with your comments. This is a story about a mom who wanted to spice up her sex life but got in way over her head. Rita and Josh were you average couple she was 32 he was 39, he was a salesman for a large chemical company which took him out of town at least two weeks a month. Rita worked part time in the school cafeteria. They had two sons both in middle school. Rita was a small woman just 5’, she had a great set...

2 years ago
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Missed The Fenian Outrage at Wantsumford Manor

MISSEDThe Fenian Outrage at Wantsumford Manor ************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan July 2015The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ...

2 years ago
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iWant To Go Further 4 iGo Back

[Carly and Sam are still early in their relationship. When the more experienced Carly wants to go faster, how will Sam take it?]There were definitely some upsides to taking the final steps. It made Carly happy, and Sam would be lying if she said that having a mouth between her legs wasn't enjoyable. Carly was rather eager to do that for some reason; perhaps so that Sam could return the favour.That being said, it did bring certain disadvantages. For one, Carly was occasionally a bit too eager,...

3 years ago
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iWant To Go Further 3 iCome Out

[Carly and Sam are still early in their relationship. When the more experienced Carly wants to go faster, how will Sam take it?]"Carly? Principal Franklin called. He said that if you and Sam wanted to stay home today, he'd understand," Spencer yelled up.So the principal heard about it too. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. For neither the first nor the last time that morning, Sam wished cruel and violent death on Freddie's mother.Once again, Sam knocked on Carly's bathroom door and pleaded for...

3 years ago
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iWant To Go Further 2 iGive In

iCarly: iWant To Go Further # 2 - iGive In[Carly and Sam are still early in their relationship. When the more experienced Carly wants to go faster, how will Sam take it?]Two days passed since the challenge, and Sam was beginning to think that Carly had forgotten about it. Such thoughts were, of course, foolish and immediately proven wrong. The suggestion wasn't awful, but still not something Sam would want to hear for the rest of their relationship. Carly reacted to the rejection with a playful...

1 year ago
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iWant To Go Further 1

(sequel to 'iWant To Kiss')[Carly and Sam are still early in their relationship. When the more experienced Carly wants to go faster, how will Sam take it?]"Hey Spence."His surprised face was the second-best thing Sam saw that morning. The best had been Carly sl*eping next to her, but then again, it was hard to compete with that. Poor thing must've been tired. Not that Sam had anything to do with that. It wasn't like they'd spent the previous night making out until 4:30… honest."I didn't know...

3 years ago
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iWant To Kiss 3 iClimax

[After an iCarly segment that wasn't fully thought through, "just friends" becomes nearly impossible for the girls.]The scent of fried bacon and freshly baked bread floated in through the opened bedroom door, while birdsongs found their way in through the window. It would've been a pleasant way to wake up, if not for the fact that Carly Shay hadn't really been sl*eping. It was more like dozing off every now and then. Nevertheless, she had no problem getting out of bed that day."Good morning,...

2 years ago
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iWant To Kiss 2 iRealise

[After an iCarly segment that wasn't fully thought through, "just friends" becomes nearly impossible for the girls.]Freddie couldn't help but smile at the girls' dancing routine. At one of the rehearsals earlier that week, they had decided that Random Dancing wasn't as random as it could be. Hence the duct tape binding their ankles together, and the pillows for the many times they fell over. In Freddie's opinion, it was an improvement, and not just because Sam missed the pillows at one...

2 years ago
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iWant To Kiss 1 iHave Second Thoughts

Sam Puckett was up early that day. It wasn't like her to show up early, let alone the earliest, but today was different. Today, she couldn't wait to get started. In fact, she'd gone to bed fully dressed the night before just so she wouldn't have to waste time on that this morning. Five minutes of freshening up, and she was on her way to the best place in the world: somewhere other than her house."Freddie! Hey, Fredwardo." Shouting didn't work; punching did."¿Qué está pasando?" asked the boy...

3 years ago
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iCarly iWant Her Chapter 3

Sam loves hanging out with Carly, but she feels slightly awkward around her, she makes her feel so strange. She finds out she's not the only one who feels this way when she goes over to Carly's house. BTW-I still don't own iCarly, and my chinchilla is forever awesome*SAM*I was on the couch watching some show about a guy and magic hamster, eating ribs covered in Carly's favourite yellow blanket. She was probably talking with Freddie about how she made such a huge mistake, and must've gone...

2 years ago
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iCarly iWant Her Chapter 2

Sam loves hanging out with Carly, but she feels slightly awkward around her, she makes her feel so strange. She finds out she's not the only one who feels this way when she goes over to Carly's house. BTW-I still don't own iCarly, and my chinchilla is still awesome*CARLY*I felt the pit of my stomach suddenly groan in pain, and my heart beat a million times faster than it's supposed to."OH MY GOD" Freddie screamed.He looked disgusted, and, although my strongest feeling was fear, the fact that...

3 years ago
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iCarly iWant Her Chapter 1 ndash Does She Wan

Sam loves hanging out with Carly, but she feels slightly awkward around her, she makes her feel so strange. She finds out she's not the only one who feels this way, when she goes over to Carly's house.BTW- iCarly does not belong to me, but I do have a pretty awesome chinchilla*SAM*"It's raining again" I said, turning to face my best friend."What do expect, it's Seattle," she answered.I reached for the popcorn off her lap. I was in Carly's living room, watching TV, sleeping over again. It didn't...

2 years ago
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Rakhi Sawant remix

Rakhi sawant remix: “Ek pardesi meri BRA legaya, jate jate, mitha mitha, DOODH pi gaya. jane anjane mujhe pata na chala, dhire dhire khud ki MALAI de gaya.: friends comment me on my email at

1 year ago
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Wantan lust

My wife, Sabitha and I have an open marriage. This means we are comfortable, not threatened with each other’s sexual partners. My next-door neighbor, Geetha has been very friendly with both my wife and myself. We will fuck together as a threesome or separately with one another. This story is not about Geetha, rather about Saranya, my wife’s half sister from Chennai. Saranya called Sabitha last week and she coming to stay here for the rest of the summer. It seems she just finished dealing with a...

1 year ago
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Yashwant and Geetha in queue

Hi this is Geetha I and Yashwant went for shopping The complex has a beautiful museum which no one should miss. So after having a round in the ashram, we decided to visit the museum. For that there is a big snake like curved que that we had to pass through even after getting the tickets bought. One has to stand and they will allow in batches through a series of doors. So we started together in the que. Suddenly the museum admin thought something and broke the que into two parallel que’s. The...

3 years ago
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Ah Wanter Be Preggers

“Oh SHIT!” spluttered Melba May, “Dam monthly came agin! After Ah tried sew much to git knocked up tew.” She sat down and wept. The determined eighteen-year-old had been screwing her brains out for two months with the goal of planting a fetus in her womb. Well, her brains ain’t been where most of the action happened, but that is how the saying goes. She didn’t understand where this irresistible urge come from but a quick family history showed that for many generations out there in those...

1 year ago
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I Want Clips is the ultimate clip site for anyone who likes fetish filled porn featuring professionals and amateurs alike. It has an amazing assortment of fetishes, XXX stars, and your favorite amateur content producers. All it takes is a computer and a few minutes to spare, and soon you will be feeling the urge to grab a tissue and some lube as you enjoy sex clips that will simply put you over the edge and make your blood flow in the right fucking areas. No matter how kinky your porn tastes...

Amateur Porn Sites
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What Boys Want! What else would boys want more than; to grab those tiny soft nipples they see everyday popping out of see-through tops and perhaps savour them inside their mouths, to probably see their crushes making out/ naked/ masturbating, or rather to slide under those tiny skirts mature pretty ladies wear to work among other fuckin' naughty fantasies that hardly ever see the light of day unless, of course, you check out This sex bombshell is packed up with lots of...

Free Porn Tube Sites
1 year ago
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Reddit IWantToSuckCock, aka r/IWantToSuckCock! When you have such an obvious name, I am pretty sure that you do not need an explanation of what you can expect. However, is a very broad website with a lot of stuff for you to check out, and I am here to make your life much easier by pointing out all the shit that actually matters. So, if you are interested in r/IWantToSuckCock/ subreddit, you have come to the right place.Lots of cock sucking to enjoy.If you are somebody who enjoys the...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit IWantToBeHer, aka r/IWantToBeHer! I am pretty sure that when you saw this subreddit, you were not sure what the heck to expect. I mean, the name would suggest that it is designed for women who love to see other women in different scenarios, hence the r/iwanttobeher/. However, you can see this both ways, because, at the end of the day, you have loads of dirty sluts doing dirty shit. Simple.Reddit is a free website with lots of naughty subreddits, but there are also plenty that are very...

Reddit NSFW List
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When I think of hot sluts that I would love to fuck, it’s actually pretty difficult to think of what she might look like. I usually have to see her and that’s when I’ll figure it out. I’ll just be staring down a chick and in my mind, it hits me: “Damn, I would just love to slide my cock in that bitch!” Have you ever felt this way? If you have, then you should probably check out /r/iWantToFuckHer. This is a collection of photos where people spot cute babes and hot sluts that they would love to...

Reddit NSFW List
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When Wife Wants to Play, what do you say? It’s a question I like to pose to strangers, especially if they’ve got a good-looking ball and chain, and it’s a question you may be asking yourself right now. Maybe it’s your own cuckold fetish you’re looking to feed, or perhaps your wife has developed a sudden new interest in BBC, but whatever the case, this next site may answer some of your questions, give you some ideas, and maybe even help you find a well-endowed stud to give your hotwife the...

Porn Forums
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Sph story share

Hello, welcome to my new story. In this one I decided to try and get everyone involved and share their own story’s. So in this story anyone is welcome to add their own story of when they were humiliated for their penis being on the small side. Your story has to be true and follow the Chyoa guidelines. Other than those two things everyone is welcome to share how their story goes on here. If you want to add a new type of series of any type of experiences you have, feel free to message me and tell...

2 years ago
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Youtube star

Eva was really excited today she would make her first step in becoming the next youtube star. She was going to make her first stream on youtube. She planned this since days and had everything perfectly planned. She'd do a hairstyle tutorial showing of her beautiful brunette hair. She wore a nice fitting jeans but that didn't matter anyway because she would be sitting all the time. Her top was more important though she wore an expensive dolce gabbana top that she extra bought for this. It was...

Mind Control
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Learning To Share

Over the next few weeks I started to know the beautifully complex girl that I had met that December night. She was not just the perverted sex fiend I had found at an orgy one night, although she certainly was that. But her life outside the parties was much like everyone else's. Stacie Oberwise was a captain in the Air Force, a pilot stationed about an hour from New Orleans. She had spent a few years overseas in Europe and the Middle East and had traveled extensively while there. She grew up...

3 years ago
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JOYOUS by Throne Jay wasn't happy about where he was meeting the woman he'd met on-line. It was at the food court in a major mall. As she had instructed, he had lavender panties on under his slacks, ones with ruffles all over the seat. He wondered if the extra material gave his bottom a filled-out appearance. And he was wearing a bra under his shirt. The bra was pale pink and his shirt, as she had insisted, was white, so that the undergarment showed through very slightly. She had...

4 years ago
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Size Queens Share

“SQS” read the message on Lana’s phone. The blonde looked up at Sandra Kong with a smile. The techno music at the club was too loud for conversation so the women texted each other instead.“What does that stand for?” typed Lana.“Size queens share,” replied Sandra an instant later.Lana’s phone vibrated again.  A photograph lit up the LCD screen. The man possessed a truly awesome appearance. Nature blessed him with a luxurious mane of jet-black hair that almost reached his waist. Though he wore it...

1 year ago
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Yours to Share

Introduction: Im a 21 year old queer woman who loves being dominated by men, women and anybody in between. This is just a glimpse into a fantasy I have. Ive been yours for a few months now. Ive been yours since I lost funding for school, and had to come to you, an old high school friend, to help me with the money. My days are pretty much the same. Im studying English at a local college, and you told me I had to arrange my classes so that you could have me for days at a time. Now, all of my...

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Bayou Birthday Party

Orgies are always impromptu settings. My brother and I decided to throw a party for our good friend Trey, he was turning 30 so we had to make it great. Were very simple guys. We don't really get into the club scene for gatherings or events. We have a 2 bedroom house with an upstairs and downstairs. So we moved all the furniture around and cooked foo, I made my special 3 bean chili that I learned from one of the chefs I worked for a t a seafood restaurant.My brother grabbed the alcohol and...

1 year ago
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Lets Share

Twenty-eight-year-old Josh was a Sergeant with the Cincinnati police force, who worked overnight.  He’d just left work early on a rainy Friday morning, and from that point, all he could think about was Chris, his partner of ten years.“Hey, babe,” he texted Chris.  “I’m on my way home, but I’m stopping at the Wal Mart for a jug of milk and a few things.  Need anything else?”Chris, a supervisor at a coffee plant not too far from their home, was usually up around 5 a.m., the time Josh texted him,...

Gay Male
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The Teachers Learn How to Share

Leslie cuts off her friend – the one she has just caught fucking me in the back of the school bus- before she can finish her sentence. “Yes, you could lose your marriage and your job,” she says to her, “but don’t worry Becky, you’re not going to lose either. However, today you are going to learn something!” As she reaches for my shiny, pussy juice coated cock, she stares at it and licks her lips. It’s growing long and hard in her hand. “Today is the day,” she says as she looks up and over to...

3 years ago
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A New House Share

New York. The Big Apple. A place for dreams to come true, etc. etc. My name is Tom, I'm a 25 year old American from a small town in PA. After getting a job in the city in finance, I needed to move, so I found a house share for a few months. Nothing fancy, nothing too expensive. I talked to the landlord over the phone - four women already in the property and I'd be the only man. Not a problem for me, I said, my last share was with guys and it was filthy. It'd be nice to have a woman's touch. How...

Group Sex
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Sisters Share

Some of my friends were talking about their most embarrassing sexual moments. Of being caught by parents, interrupted by cops, getting seen by others while making love, things like that. I didn't tell them this story, but I wanted to. Part of it was embarrassing while it was happening, but it would be more embarrassing to tell it to my friends. So I am going to tell everybody, because it's too good not to share. When I was in my freshman year in high school, my older sister Kathy came home...

1 year ago
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Postcards From the PacificChapter 4 Time Share

Depart: 9:15 a.m. Thu., May 31 Kwajalein, Marshall Islands (KWA) Arrive: 5:50 p.m. Wed., May 30, -1 day Honolulu, HI (HNL) Flight Time: 6 hr 35 mn Travel Time: 6 hr 35 mn 1 Stop. Time on the ground is 52 minutes. Distance: 2,446 miles Flight: UA1655 Aircraft: Boeing 737-800 Fare Class: United Economy (Q) Meal: Dinner No Special Meal Offered. Sheila: There is an old joke. A student answers a professor by saying, "I have a deficient education. My high school did not offer mind...

4 years ago
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Youtube Star German version

Eva war schon ganz aufgeregt heute würden Sie den ersten Schritt ihrer Star Karriere machen. Sie würde gleich ihren ersten Youtube Stream senden. Sie bereitete sich seit Tagen darauf vor. Sie hatte ein Hairstyling Tutorial vorbereitet, was sich bei ihrem wunderschönen blonden Haar natürlich angeboten hatte. Sie hatte sich schon ein Outfit vorbereitet sie trug eine eng anliegende Jeans, die sich sanft an ihre Beine und po schmiegte, darauf hatte sie aber nicht soviel wert gelegt. Sie würde ja...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Cookie Shares

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. oooooooCookie: He’s upstairs in the study. I’m chatting to MonstaMunch.Jellybean: Are you sure? Last chance.Cookie: Go for it, sweetie. Make him happy, please.Finally, the night was here. Lashing rain, howling wind, and the slime of the wet leaves on the path made the walk up to the front door mysterious and exciting.________________Months of chatting online to Cookie had broadened Jellybean’s...

4 years ago
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Yours to Share

I haven’t been allowed to wear panties for weeks, ever since I forgot to get on my knees one night when you came home. That rule is simple: when you walk through the door of any room I am in, I must get down on my knees and open my mouth to you. Sometimes you use my mouth, and sometimes you don’t. Either way, you don’t care my mouth desires you or not, you take what you want. It’s Tuesday today, so I come home from class expecting you to have a five day week planned for me and my holes....

1 year ago
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Hi just a few short lines to ryme feel free to comment and we will all see how dark we get.. I remember walking in and seeing my sister in the bath.. I was addicted from that moment I knew her body will be mine to enjoy and have.. Could not resizt Even though Am 6years older. [email protected] looked at her smile saying it’s OK don’t worry if I see you naked am your brother then I told long as nobody else finds out.. Specialy as I should know better no doubt.. I Even laugh and say...

2 years ago
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Ryouichi and Akira

A storm rages outside a large log cabin. Thunder rumbles loudly and vibrates the weak glass windows of the silent house. Lightning strikes quickly, illuminating the dense forest for a brief second before dissipating. Inside the wooden abode, a boy of 16 is sleeping in a small bed. The blanket is made of a soft cloth and the mattress is cotton lined with feathers. The boy tosses about in his bed, still asleep, not paying any attention to the torrent and light show that is occurring not a few...

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