The Fun Of Being Naked Outdoors free porn video

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From the age of about sixteen, I began to discover how much I enjoyed not having any clothes on; and not just in a sexless, healthy, naturist sort of way, I’m ashamed to admit.

It began by just sleeping in the nude. Once I’d shut my door and turned on my bedside light, instead of hopping straight into bed in my pyjamas, I’d pull my pyjama top over my head and kick off my bottoms. Sometimes I’d stand in front of the full-length mirror that hung on the wall and stroke my breasts, wondering if they were ever going to get any bigger, but enjoying the way in which my pink nipples used to get hard as soon as my fingers touched them. I liked the light covering of hairs that had sprouted on my plump pubic mound, although I’d already started trimming it round the edges to stop it sticking out from the sides of my swimsuit. After a bit of this, I’d slide under the duvet and enjoy the feel of the clean cotton against my body. I’d peep down and see the gentle bulge of my breasts, and slip my hand down between my legs, enjoying the sensation of putting a finger up inside my vagina and making a gentle squish, squish, squish noise as it dabbled in my wet juices.

Sometimes, if I needed to pee in the middle of the night, I’d risk running naked down the corridor to the bathroom. I’d listen at my bedroom door to make sure there was no-one else with the same idea, then open it slowly and peep round. Then I’d flit light-footed along the landing, bare breasts bouncing slightly, and sit naked on the loo listening to the stream of my pee splashing into the bowl. After a brisk wipe between the legs, I’d then listen even more carefully at the door. This was always the risky bit, wondering if the sound of me peeing had woken up someone else who might then decide they needed to go as well. My heart always began to beat fast at this point. What if I heard someone padding down the corridor and rattling at the bathroom door? I knew that I could easily wrap a towel round me to cover me up, but I was weirdly worried at that age that sleeping in the nude was naughty, and whoever it was would therefore guess that I’d been flitting about with nothing on, like a naughty little fairy.

I’d open the door quietly, peep round, then run back again. I’d then slip back into bed and lie there, feeling my heart beating faster. I’d sometimes touch myself and notice how much wetter I often was. I sensed that it was the danger of being caught that was getting me excited, as well as the thrill of being naked when I knew I shouldn’t.

I’m afraid to say that this tendency to enjoy taking my clothes off got more pronounced rather than less. I looked forward eagerly to occasions when I was left in the house by myself, and I’d strip off and walk around naked. I’m ashamed to admit that I got frightfully aroused by this; like I said, it was much more than just a healthy enjoyment of not having to wear anything.

Often I’d end up sitting on the sofa with my legs apart, masturbating, discovering how to bring myself close to orgasm without quite coming. Again, there was always that fear that someone might see me, and I always kept a bathrobe handy in case someone came to the door and I had to answer it. In my mind, I’d be about have a bath or something, to explain being in that state of undress.

One summer evening, my parents had gone out and my brother was away for some reason. Anyway, it was really warm and being naked was even more pleasurable than usual. The heat just made me hornier, and I’d been teasing myself with my fingers all evening. By 10pm, it was already dark but it was still very warm out, and I had the back door open into the kitchen to let some air in. Standing there naked I wondered what it would be like to be outside. The thought made feel all trembly, and of course I really wanted to do it. We had a little overgrown area at the bottom of our garden, with a couple of sheds, and it was pretty secluded. I slipped on a long t-shirt and some shorts, and walked out, barefoot across the warm grass. I looked round and could see the lights in the nearby houses. If any of them looked out, they’d just see me walking innocently in the garden, getting some air.

As I got past the bushes, I felt so excited it was ridiculous. Looking round nervously, I took hold of the bottom of my t-shirt and began to pull it up. For a moment I hesitated as it reached the bottom of my little tits, and almost chickened out, but my horniness kept me going. With one smooth movement, I pulled it right up over my head. I felt the warm air on my breasts - and there I was - topless in our garden! My bare skin looked pale in the darkness, except for the darker pink of my areolae and budding nipples. I touched the hard little buds, stroking over the rough aroused dimples on my areolae. Did I dare take any more off?

I pulled the front of my shorts out and looked inside. I could see the little nest of curly hairs. Looking round again, I slowly pulled down the shorts and stepped out of them. And that was it – I could feel the warm air on my fully naked body. It felt so naughty, and good at the same time. I looked round – what if someone was looking out of their bedroom window and saw me? What would they think? Even in the near dark, surely they’d be able to see the little dark triangle of hairs between my legs, the cute pert buttons of my nipples; I touched them and felt them rise up stiffly, the areolae dimpled and rough with arousal.

I leant against the shed and put my hand between my legs, running my fingers through the hairs that coated my plump little mound. I twirled a bunch of hairs round a finger and tugged gently, feeling them pull on the tender skin. I was so horny as I rubbed slowly downwards, finding the tight folds of my labia, themselves protecting the moist pink flesh inside. I knew that I needed to finish myself off, before I thought too hard about what I was doing.

Parting my legs, I let a finger slip inside my vagina. I hadn’t realised how wet I was: normally I’d need to play with myself for a while to get my juices flowing, but now it had just happened. It was easy to slip a second finger inside and exciting to feel how wet my palm was getting as the juices ran out over it.

I curved my fingers up and pressed them against my soft spot, breathing in sharply as I felt myself shiver delightfully. With my other hand, I rubbed up and down over my clitoris, small and hard and half hidden in its nest of pink flesh. Looking down over the mounds of my breasts and hard nipples, I could just see the shape of my fingers sliding in and out, and could hear the gentle schlup, schlup of my fingers dipping in and out of my juicy hole.

It didn’t take long. I’d masturbated enough to know what I needed to do to get myself off, and I felt my orgasm starting to build from around my clit. My fingers began to move quicker, and I held my breath as I reached the point of no return; holding off as long as I possibly, possibly could – before letting it roll over me and through me and up my body, and I had to breathe heavily to fill my lungs with oxygen again. The tingle continued, and I actually felt a second, smaller orgasm bubble through me.

My legs almost buckled under me as I got myself under control again. Now that I’d come, I felt a wave of fear and embarrassment at the possibility of discovery - quickly I pulled on my t-shirt and shorts and scuttled back to the house.

I think I probably masturbated in bed again that night; I was always playing with myself in those days! So no change there then.


Having discovered the pleasure of being naked in the open air, I got all excited about wondering if I could take it further. Luckily, we lived right on the edge of a little English town, so it was only a few minute’s walk to be out in the country, walking by a river. As you got further away from the houses and out into the fields you could be almost certain of not being disturbed, especially if you got away from the official footpaths. I was always out with my friends anyway (in the summer we sometimes used to swim in the river), so I knew the area pretty well, and where the quiet places were.

I knew that if you walked up-river past a farm you were soon well away from other people. Once I’d discovered the pleasure of masturbation, I’d sometimes find a quiet spot and play with myself; but always fully clothed, just pushing my panties out of the way under my dress, or maybe pulling my jeans down as far as my knees. Once or twice I’d had to adjust my dress quickly when I heard a sound, but I’d never actually been caught. Of course, someone might have been spying on me, but I never saw them if they were!

But I began to wonder if I could get away with taking all my clothes off. I was sure I could. I knew where there was a little steep-sided field sloping down to a hollow, sunny and secluded, and far enough off the usual paths to be as private as anywhere. So I made plans to go for a walk that way next time there was a sunny day.

Looking back on that day, it was funny how I pretended to myself that I wasn’t going to do anything naughty at all. I remember setting out in one of my loose summery skirts and a matching blouse, carrying a book and a bottle of water in a bag, telling myself that I was just going to go for a walk, then sit in the sun and read all afternoon. I kidded myself that there was no reason why I shouldn’t go as far as that quiet little field, and that it was a nice place to sit anyway. The grass would be clean and dry, ideal for lying down and having an afternoon nap in the sun.

I kept up the pretence with myself right up until the point when I put my bag down and stood there. I could feel my heart beating like crazy. I knew I could just sit down and do something normal, like maybe just pull my dress up my legs to get some sun on them, but I told myself to stop being so silly. That wasn’t why I had come all this way.

Looking round one last time to check there was no-one looking, I slowly unbuttoned the front of my blouse, revealing more and more of my chest – first my bra-clad breasts, then beneath it my nice bare tummy. I then slid the sleeves down my arms one at a time and dropped it carefully onto the grass. Standing there in my bra, I wasn’t showing any more than I did in my bikini, but it felt much naughtier. It was just an ordinary white bra, not especially sexy, just doing its job of holding my little tits in place. Taking a deep breath, I reached behind my back and undid the clasp, slipping the straps down my arms. With a little shiver of excitement I glanced around again, then pulled my bra right off.

I looked down at my little breasts. My pink nipples were standing up like firm little raspberries, and I touched them gently, sending a tingle down to my tummy. It felt good just being topless, so I sat down on the grass in my skirt, trying not to think about grass stains. I reached up my arms, and stretched like a satisfied cat, flattening my little boobs. The sun on my bare torso felt warm and relaxing, and I suddenly felt the need to feel it on the rest of me too.

I kicked my pumps off and undid the couple of buttons that stopped my skirt from sliding down off my hips. Feeling every more excited, I slid it down my legs too, and suddenly I was sitting on the grass in just my panties: plain white to match my bra, clinging tightly over the plump bulge of my mound.

This was it. I lay back, raised my bum, and pulled the panties down over my thighs. I could see the little curls of my dark bush as I paused with my panties round my knees. I looked round to check that I was still alone, and pulled them right off.

Now I was totally naked, sitting on the grass. It felt so nice not having any clothes on, the warm sun all over my whole body, the grass tickling my bare bottom. I laid down on my back and just lay there for a few minutes. Then I rolled over on my tummy and enjoyed the sun on my bum for a change. I could feel my breasts and pubic mound pressed into the grass, and wriggled about a bit just for the fun of it.

I wanted to just lie there and doze in the sun, but was a bit nervous in case someone came upon me unawares. In any case, I was feeling horny, and wanted to masturbate. I slipped my hand under my body and found the little bump of my clit. Rubbing it made me feel even more aroused.

Rolling onto my back again, I stroked my bare breasts some more, sliding my hands down my body, opening my legs to expose the folds of my pussy. I slipped a finger inside the entrance to my slit, feeling how wet I was.

I closed my eyes, and imagined what it would be like if Sam, my boyfriend, was here as well. So far, I hadn’t let him fuck me properly, but I’d taken my t-shirt and bra off and let him play with my little breasts. I’d also taken out his penis and rubbed him until he ejaculated, spraying his thick white stuff into my hand. I’d kissed his knob, just quickly, but hadn’t sucked him properly yet. I didn’t want him to think I was that easy! But I began dreaming of what it would be like to have his long, thin penis inside me, like in the videos I’d watched on the internet. I imagined him between my legs, his penis nudging at my entrance before slowly gliding in. I slid a second finger inside, and dreamt that it was him penetrating me.

As usual, thinking dirty thoughts like this really got me going. My other hand was pressed against my clitoris, rubbing and squeezing, faster and faster. Soon, quicker than I’d expected, I could feel myself getting closer and closer to orgasm. I rubbed a bit more, and then I was past the point of no return, holding my breath as I came, gasping and trembling and kicking out my legs.

As my orgasm subsided, I sat up and examined the gooey juices on my fingers, licking them and enjoying the sharp, tangy flavour. I looked between my legs and could see that more juices had been forced out of my vagina by my thrusting fingers, clinging to the curly hairs of my pussy. There were even a few small droplets glistening on the blades of grass.

And that was it really. I wish I could pretend that it all got exciting and porny, with some hot guy walking past and fucking me like mad on the grass, but that sort of thing doesn’t seem to happen in real life – or not to me anyway!

Oddly enough, even after coming, I still felt happy and relaxed being naked, so I lay there for a while, just keeping an eye out to make sure nobody saw me. I even saw someone in the distance walk past with a dog on a lead, but I decided they were too far away to see much of me. When it was time to go, I just pulled my skirt back on without bothering with tights and panties, and put my blouse on over my bare breasts. The dark circles of my nipples were visible through the material, so it was obvious I had no bra on, but I decided I’d take a chance on no-one really noticing before I got home.

I decided that next time I’d try and find a secluded place down by the river, and see if I couldn’t try a bit of skinny-dipping. I thought I knew of just the place – but that would have to wait for another day.

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My Mothers sister took me outdoors

This story is not factual but based on fantasies I've had over the years which I've had no control over... Enjoy. I received the phone call returning home from High School. My Aunt Sandra would be in town for the weekend and wanted to take me camping in the hills just East of San Diego. It was just what I needed. A little time away from Friends, Mom and Dad. I had not seen Sandra in almost two years and she was always a woman who could pull fun out of a hat. The older sister of my mother who...

3 years ago
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Saras Surrender Part 7 Cumming Outdoors

It took us less than ten minutes to get to where I wanted to stop for the night, but Sara looked like it couldn’t come too soon – and neither could she! When I swung the pack off my shoulders and put it down, then picked hers off her shoulders, she dropped to her knees, put her mouth against the front of my shorts, seemingly trying to eat my stiff cock through the fabric, and moaning, “Please, Master, please let me cum…”I stroked her hair, and said, “Perhaps, Little Slut. But first, you’re...

1 year ago
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Me and John try outdoors

Summer was turning to autumn, it was hard to believe the year was passing so quick but what a year it had been, John and I had found new pleasures between us and Dee was getting more sex than any woman could hope for. If other women could be told Dee would have had many jealous girls to contend with, more than one had shown an interest in John and remarked on his similarity to pop star Robbie Williams,infact he could have been his body double judging by the photos in the press and a video when...

2 years ago
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Being DippedLife can be pretty sweet. Look at me, sitting here in the prime of mylife on a Friday evening watching a movie on my super huge tv with mybeautiful girlfriend by my side. Hell, I don't even like the stupidmovie, but nothing is gonna get me out of this terrific mood."Hey Loverboy, I got a secret sumthin'- sumthin' today from one of myspecial friends," my girl teases in a sing-song way. Cammie and I havebeen pretty close these past few months, and I'm starting to really seeus as a...

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r/FuckOutdoors!! The novelty of fucking in public is unrivaled by a lot of other sexual acts. The excitement is heightened by the fear of getting caught and the knowledge of engaging in an act that is frowned upon by society in general.I have had sex a couple of times in public and I would say that it was thrilling every single time.I am not rubbing it in your faces but I fuck a lot, it is what I am up to when I am not reviewing a porn website or forum for you losers.The novelty of outdoor sex...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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The F4F Fundraiser

The F4F Fundraiser Our university has a preschool on campus for the children of our older students and our younger professors. The annual “F4F” Fundraiser covers the expenses and there is no cost for the parents of those children. The “F4F” Fundraiser was started by our Sororities with the financial help of our Fraternities. “F4F” stands for “Fuck For Five.” The full name of the fundraiser is: “Fuck the Sorority Girl, Student, or Professor of your dreams for five hundred dollars…all...

2 years ago
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School Fundraiser

School Fundraiser by Le Chat Author's note: This story was inspired by the drawings of Splyf ("Visitto the Restaurant", "Dolcett Palace", "Westworld",and others).  The story was written around Splyf's favourite charactersand was submitted here with his approval. "Welcome to Merle's Bar and Grill!  A table for four?"  The Malcolmfamily was greeted at the door by a nude waitress.  She looked very youngbut, as Brent didn't fail to notice, her slender frame was adorned with a pairof fairly...

1 year ago
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Fundraiser Fiasco

PART 1 - FASHIONABLY LATEIt took me longer than I planned to get ready. It took me forty-five minutes to style my newly highlighted hair in the loose curls I wanted to go perfect with my outfit I bought for the occasion: a baby blue Valentina cashmere short sleeve sweater and a white Marc Jacobs pencil skirt to match my six-inch white Louboutin heels.Despite the skirt having a flared hem, the lycra-cotton material hugged my hips and thighs. With every step I took, the skirt pulled taut,...

4 years ago
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Renaissance Faire Fundraising

?GOOD AFTERNOON, LADIES,? began Sarah Nilsson, speaking with the measured tone of the career politician she wanted to be. The light chit-chat amongst the Student Council representatives subdued into silence, as a dozen pairs of eyes focused on the Council President,        ?We have one issue and only one issue today: the pool.? The handful of girls who hadn’t been giving Sarah their full attention immediately did so. ?I have just been informed by Headmaster McGregor that, effective May 15,...

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DoortoDoor Fundraising

DISCLAIMED        -        READThis is a work of fiction. None of the events depicted in this story should ever be attempted or recreated in real life, in any degree, for any reason. The legal council stated in this document may not be accurate, and should not be taken for fact. Replication of any of these events may result in fines and/or imprisonment. This work is copywrited by the author, Samsara. Any similarities to any person, place, organization and/or event are purely...

2 years ago
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Fundraising Auction

Fundraising AuctionI work in a large company and every year we have a large fundraising event. If you don't have the money to contribute, you can also donate any goods or services. All of the funds go to local charities, so it helps everyone. The event is held at a large hotel, and there is a large silent auction of donated items. There is also plenty of food and drink, although it is a cash bar and the profits go to the different charities.At the time, I was just making ends meet with my...

4 years ago
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Technology Malfunction

Technology Malfunction A Short Story By Maryanne Peters "Just because technology allows you to do it, doesn't mean you should do it." It was not the first time that Ashton had said the words to his friend Cody, but it seemed like it might just be the last time. He was on the gurney now. The surgery was less than an hour away, and Cody would soon be unconscious as the drugs took effect. "You don't understand," said Cody. "This is what I want. What I've always wanted. To be...

1 year ago
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An Unusual Fundraising Venture

Lucy Hogarth was a leading light in the local Women's Institute and in her own eyes, she was THE leading light. She was good at organizing things but she went way beyond just organizing and became bossy bordering on tyrannical. Some of the other ladies put up with her and tolerated her but a few almost loathed her, virtually none of the members actually liked her.She was aged sixty and her husband was some fourteen years older than her but most of Henry's married life had been spent being told...

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The Fundraiser

Among the usual bills and mailshot letters one envelope caught my attention. My name and address on the front side, handmade paper and instead of a sender just the words “Come and enjoy”. I sought for my paper knife. Tearing such an expensive envelope open would be an act of barbarism. Golden letters in fancy type read: “Are you looking for high class entertainment? Are you fed up with the impersonal and boring services of the run-of-the-mill night clubs? Mr. Martin B. is cordially invited to...

Group Sex
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Fundraiser Glamour Shots

Fundraiser: Glamour Shots By Karen Hansen Darren was still struggling with the ropes around his wrists which held his arms above his head when a stunningly beautiful Japanese woman walked over to the platform he was kneeling on and stood before him. As she looked over his body, he could see the excitement on her face as plan as day. Any other time and place, he would be thinking this was his lucky day and he knew a good time was ahead. But now... in the state he was in... this was...

4 years ago
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 26 Two Funerals

WE attended two funeral services together, Mary and I, one low key in terms of attendance but deeply emotional, on one morning and followed that by another higher profile one the following afternoon, that was more for public show than anything else. Mary insisted I attend by her side for both funerals. How could I deny her my full support at them both? To be honest, I wanted to spend every moment of our shrinking allotment of time we had together. Mary wore the same black outfit for both...

3 years ago
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Living With Erectile Dysfunction

I had flown half way across the country to see my lover. We had not been together in three years; each home with our respective primary partners. Our relationship was open. It was very sexual. When one of us arrived and we were initially together, G was normally a little nervous. Once in our room, we would take our clothes off. We would hug and kiss reasonably briefly, and with a little sexual touch, I would be quite aroused. G would relax as my cock entered her and we would have a...

4 years ago
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Impregnation game using a funnel

Impregnation game using a funnelIt is just so very slutty to get impregnated from a funnel, especially with multiple guys contributing sperm. I love the videos our avid members have found and contributed. I hope there are more posts and videos coming.A SEXY PREG RISK GAMEWhat I think would be sexy is a game at a swingers club or at a breeding party.Everyone signs waivers saying no one else will be held responsible for any results and it is fully consensual. STD test results can be exchanged or...

2 years ago
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Daddy Spanked The Nakedblonde Then Fucked Her Sexy Legs

Ashley began to get aroused when the toes of the nakedblonde's white high heels started clicking against the cold kitchen floor. Daddy was sitting on a chair with the nakedblonde over his lap. Up and down, clap-clap-clap went the shiny shoes, sometimes in unison but usually one after the other, left-right-left-right, a stamping protest to the smacking pain being delivered to her upturned rear end. Ashley liked how sometimes the nakedblonde's right leg was straight while her left was bent...

3 years ago
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Archies Girls Betty and Veronica in Naked in SchoolPart III

If Veronica Lodge was too rich for Riverdale High, Dilton Doiley was too smart. He should have graduated when he was like twelve and gone on to MIT or someplace. The kid had a Jupiter-sized brain in a scrawny, asteroid-sized body. He launched rockets in his backyard. His beach reading was the Principia Mathematica. And he always wore a lab coat, even in gym class. He was wearing it now, as he sat at the head of Professor Flutesnoot's science room waiting for the bell to ring. Beside him, on...

4 years ago
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Archies Girls Betty and Veronica in Naked in SchoolPart IV

"Carry your books, Titty Girl?" "I only have the one." "Hence the offer." "So it's not too much work." "Right." "That's what I love about you, Juggie. No effort is too small." It was their U.S. history text. Jughead clapped it against his own copy with a flourish. Betty took his arm, as she had that morning, and they strolled together down the hall — the beanpole in the beanie and the naked, natural blonde. Jughead was the only boy in the school, other than Archie, who...

2 years ago
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Archies Girls Betty and Veronica in Naked in SchoolPart V

Reggie Mantle settled back in the driver's seat of his convertible, relishing the blowjob. He would pay for it later, he knew — Veronica never touched a guy's dick without demanding something in return — but for now, all thoughts of intrigue were banished as her supple tongue slithered about his glans. The bitch was amazing. She knew just where to lick, when to jack, how hard to suck. Archie Andrews, the poor boob, would never know the ecstasy of a Veronica Lodge Special, simply because he...

1 year ago
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Welcome to one rather unconventional site… called db Naked. At first glance, I really thought this was an ad, then I thought maybe this is just a site filled with lots of galleries. But after a bit of browsing, I came to the conclusion that this place is actually a generic porn site that just looks a bit different than what most of us are used to.The content here is pretty random, and I am pretty sure that like 90% of it is professional pornography, so if you were looking for amateur shit, this...

Pornstar Databases
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I Post Naked! Welcome to a wonderful place filled with horny amateurs who are not afraid to show what they love to do in their free time. I think I can safely say that everyone can kind of guess what has to offer… you literally have it in the title. This is an amateur site offering naughty content (duh!), and if you love amateurs, you might find something that will make your boner happy here.But, there will always be pros and cons to every site, since no place is 100% perfect,...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Reddit FitNakedGirls, aka r/FitNakedGirls! What’s your perfect woman? We all have a type, but at the same time, there is a type that everyone can agree is super addictive, such as fit babes. I mean, what is there not to appreciate with girls who are fit and hot? Well, unless you are into something highly specific such as fatties or whatever, I think that you will surely enjoy this subreddit; called r/FitNakedGirls/.Don’t you just love when the name of the subreddit basically explains all that...

Reddit NSFW List
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Fit Naked Girls! When I first saw the link for this next site, I thought somebody had made a new amateur gallery starring the local Tinder girls. Then I shook the clouds out of my head and realized it wasn’t called Fat Naked Girls. This is Fit Naked Girls! I guess I can put away the pizza and Budweiser I was going to use as bait.You’ve probably already figured out what is all about. I appreciate a simple, straightforward site name almost as much as the 5,000 daily viewers...

Fetish Porn Sites
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TikTok has been taking the world by storm. It’s, therefore, no surprise that there are a bunch of girls on the platform trying to get famous by showing off their nude bodies. Well, TikTok is very vague about its rules - it can only be compared to the Wild West right now when it comes to its content. People are posting anything and everything to the damn platform, and you can catch a glimpse of TikTok thots a fair bit when you’re on there. However, to make your life easier, so you don’t have to...

Reddit NSFW List
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Naked Tik Tok 18 has the kind of on-the-nose title that I really appreciate as a professional masturbator. Even before I clicked on the link, I had a pretty good idea of what I was in for; there would be nudity and probably a lot of those fresh-faced legal teens whose ages match up to the digits in the site name. To be honest, the title combines TikTok with my favorite things about the platform, and I could see the same formula being applied effectively to other websites. Let me know if...

TikTok Porn Sites

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