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Why does he have to be so damn hot?

Felicia stood in her opulent bedroom, one manicured hand clutching the fine d****ry and the other pressed to the glass as she gazed down at Colin from the window. Her stepson was bent over, stretching for his run, ass firm beneath his sweats. From this angle, she could see how the material hugged his balls. Her pussy grew wet just imagining what it would be like to squeeze them. They wouldn’t feel anything like David’s. She just knew it. No, whereas her husband’s sagged in a most unattractive way, Colin would have taut, heavy balls. They would be a handful. She wouldn’t be able to fit them in her mouth all at once, but if she—

“Stop it,” she told herself in a shaky voice, turning from the window with a pained expression. Her inner conflict—the same exhausting battle she fought every day—was almost enough to bring her to tears. David didn’t deserve this. He wasn’t a bad husband. He didn’t abuse or neglect her. She wanted for nothing. Well, that was a lie, wasn’t it? She wanted her stepson Colin like she wanted her next breath. Like she needed her next breath. And didn’t that feel like its own betrayal.

Hugging herself, she walked over and sat in the oversized reading chair, tucking her legs under her. She’d married David, a sixty-five-year-old neurosurgeon, four years ago after he’d operated on her mother, removing a tumor and ultimately saving the woman’s life. Felicia had been indebted to him and readily agreed when he’d asked her to dinner. As her mother’s primary caregiver, Felicia had been thirty going on crazy cat lady, and he’d been rich, handsome, and kind. They’d had a whirlwind romance brimming with jewelry, luxurious hotels, and gourmet restaurants. She’d been powerless in the face of all that extravagance. Of being swept away from the normalcy of her normal life with its normal struggles. The wedding had been three months later.

And despite David being as charming as he’d ever been, Felicia craved Colin during her every waking moment. After accepting a residency at David’s hospital a few months ago, Colin had moved in with them to lessen his commute. With the incredible amount of hours he logged, the relocation made sense.

It also made her burn inside. Biting her lip, Felicia slid her hands between her legs and clamped them just to dull the ache.

Her stepson had taken over her every thought. He was so unlike his father. Colin was young and strong and had a wildness about him that called to her. His sparkling hazel eyes and sinful grin haunted her wherever she went. If they passed in the hall, her gaze always fell to his mouth, her tongue yearning for his. Her skin tingled when he was near, longing for his touch. And then there was his hair. It was too long for a doctor’s, and his strong fingers were always raking through the blond waves, giving him an unkempt look that drove her wild. She’d often imagined raking her own fingers through it while his head was between her legs, his tongue inside her.

“Holy,” she moaned as the visual bloomed in her mind. Guilt flared, but she found herself spreading her legs. Maybe if she’d already been dressed, she could’ve resisted the urge to touch her swollen clit, but it was early, and she still wore just her favorite old sweater over her bra and panties. As she pulled the panties aside with trembling fingers, exposing her wet pussy to the lavish room, she tried to convince herself she wasn’t about to masturbate to the fantasy of Colin. He was only two years younger than her, but that wasn’t the point. He wasn’t David. He wasn’t her husband. What he was was off limits. Untouchable. Forbidden.

It didn’t stop her, however, from closing her eyes and touching herself. Biting her lip, Felicia slid two fingers down over her clit and through her folds, massaging in an achingly slow circle. When her fingertips dipped lower, and she felt how wet she was already, her mouth parted, a soft whimper escaping. Oh, how she wished it was the head of Colin’s cock rubbing her instead. Just the idea made her breath hitch. It would slip over her delicate skin, teasing and testing her slit before sliding in, slow and deep. He would be so big . . . so thick, stretching her like she’d never been stretched before. She would cry out and spread her legs wider for him. She’d take all of him. Every last inch. She knew he wouldn’t just make love to her like David did. No, Colin would fuck her like he meant it. It would be hard and hot and wet. And she would scream so damn loud when she came.

Letting out a moan, Felicia jiggled her clit, hips rising off the chair in search of a cock that wasn’t there. Unable to resist her pussy’s ache to be filled, she slid her middle finger inside it. It went in slick and easy, and she jerked from the invasion, the muscles in her abdomen quivering. She gave herself a few quick pumps and then slowed it down. Licking her lips, she added a second finger. The fullness was delicious, and she couldn’t stop her small, soft cries each time she worked her fingers in and out.

With her free hand, she pulled aside the loose neckline of her sweater so she could get to her breasts. Yanking down the cups of her lacy maroon bra, her nipples popped free, the cool air making them harden. While she fingered herself, she tugged at her nipples, the added sensation making her tremble all over as her orgasm neared.

And in her mind, it was Colin. It was always Colin. Even as her guilt warred with her pleasure, and tears stung her eyes, she didn’t stop. Her obsession had grown bigger than her self-control. It had grown bigger than her love for David. The fantasy had consumed her, and she hated herself for the weakness. Hated herself for not stopping. Hated herself for what she knew she would do if the opportunity arose. Because if Colin walked through the door right now, God forgive her, she would let him fuck her. She would let him fuck her on the three-thousand-dollar reading chair she now sat on, in the very bedroom she shared with his father.



Colin came to a pounding stop at the end of the paved driveway. Bending over, he put his hands on his knees to catch his breath. He’d built up running endurance over the years, but ten miles in a little under an hour was pushing it even for him. But hell, how else was he supposed to get that woman out of his head? He figured if he worked himself hard enough, the sweat and burn would make him forget about his stepmother.

“Goddammit,” he breathed, still bent over. Though he squeezed his eyes shut, he wasn’t able to stop her image from assaulting him. Those soft, brown eyes and porcelain skin. All that dark hair he wanted to tangle his fingers in. That shy smile. The way her voice seemed to go a little breathless when she spoke to him. Sexy as fuck. And utterly unattainable.

When Colin’s father had married Felicia despite their age difference, Colin hadn’t been surprised. David had always admired beautiful things. Had a mansion full of them. He was a collector. Oh, Colin knew David loved his wife in his own way. As much as a sixty-five-year-old man with multiple divorces could love a woman half his age. And it was clear Felicia cared for David, too. She was attentive and sweet, and the smiles she gave her husband were genuine. They were happy.

And all Colin could think about was how she’d feel underneath him.

Cursing, he stood and pointedly avoided glancing up at her window as he walked inside. He didn’t need to imagine what she might be doing up there. What she might be wearing. As he walked across the cultured marble floor of the entryway, he forced the scowl off his face. If he ran into her, he didn’t want to explain his mood. Couldn’t.

In the kitchen, he poured a glass of juice and willed his thoughts away from a woman he couldn’t have. Drink in hand, he headed up the gleaming, polished wood stairs at a jog. He’d get a shower, get his ass dressed, and go out. Being alone in the giant mansion with Felicia all day wasn’t an option. Even if it was his only day off. His father was booked with consults all afternoon and probably wouldn’t be home until late. Even Theresa, the maid, was off today. The place was a giant prison of temptation.

As he walked past Felicia’s room, however, he stopped, juice sloshing in his glass. She was sitting in the big chair by the window, gazing out at nothing, the sunlight kissing her drawn features. She looked . . . troubled.

“Hey, you okay?” he asked before he could stop himself.

She jumped a little at the sound of his voice and looked at him, clearing her throat. “Colin. You’re back.”

“Yeah . . . ” His voice trailed off as he noticed what she was wearing. Nothing but a slouchy sweater. It had slipped off her shoulder, revealing her right breast. The fine lace of her bra did little to hide her nipple from his gaze. Her long, smooth legs were tucked beneath her. “I . . . damn.”

She seemed to realize her partial nudity at the same time and gasped, jerking the sweater up and holding it at her throat like a cape. “I’m . . . so sorry.” Her cheeks pinked. “I haven’t gotten dressed yet.”

Colin could feel his rational thought draining like a pierced bag of sugar. The sight of her skin totally derailed him. He’d never seen so much of it before. He walked across the room toward her, losing his resolve with each step.

She tensed, but smiled. “How is your knee? I know you said it was bothering you the other day.”

Though her voice was friendly, he could hear the tremor in it. Was she intimidated by him, or was it something else? He returned her smile, not taking his eyes off her. “It’s fine.”

“Good,” she said, tugging on the hem of her sweater. “That’s good.”

They stared at each other, her eyes wide and unblinking, his steady and rapt, as something passed between them. Tension seemed to vibrate the air like a taut cord. All the times he’d had forbidden thoughts about her, all the nights he’d lain awake wondering why it’d been his father who’d met her and not him, all the stolen glances and accidental touches—it all seemed to burn so much brighter in that moment. She was his father’s wife, but right then he didn’t give a damn. He wanted her. To hell with the consequences.

“Tell me to leave, Felicia,” he said, setting the glass on the table beside her chair.

She blinked, fingers tightening on her sweater. “Colin . . . this—”

Gripping the arm of the chair, he leaned over her, tugging her hand free and sliding his own over her right breast, cupping it. “Tell me to leave.”

A soft sound of surprise left her lips, and she instinctively arched into his touch.

Colin’s cock jerked at the submission, and he rubbed his thumb over her nipple, lowering his voice. “Felicia.”

She met his gaze then, an undeniable mixture of lust and regret in her beautiful eyes. “Stay,” she whispered. “Please . . . stay.”

He closed his eyes and gave a small groan. “You don’t know how bad I want this.”

Something gave inside him at his admission, and he realized just how true it was. He’d gotten so used to beating down his desire that he’d almost convinced himself it didn’t exist. But here, now, with her softness filling his hand, he knew this had been inevitable all along.

Her bottom lip trembled, and when she spoke, the words tumbled out. “Let’s just pretend. Just for today. Let’s just pretend . . . okay? That we’re somewhere else. Someone else.”

He took her mouth in reply, kneading her breast. When he broke away for air, he said, “I’ll pretend. I’ll do anything you want. God . . . just let me have you.”

Looking dazed from his kissing, she nodded. “Have me.”

And just like that, urgency took over. He stared down at her with feral eyes and jerked her panties down over her hips. She raised her knees so he could pull them off the rest of the way and toss them to the floor. He made quick work of his own clothes and then stood before her nude, chest heaving. “You’re sure?” he demanded.

Though her thighs trembled, she spread her legs, welcoming him inside.

“Fuck,” he breathed at the sight of her bared pussy. She was so wet. So ready. For him.

He climbed over her, heart pounding and cock in hand. He held her gaze as he found her slick slit and worked himself into it. “You’re so tight,” he said, the muscles in his neck tensing as he gritted his teeth. “Holy shit.”

She let out a harsh gasp as he slid in slow and deep, her head falling back against the chair, mouth open. “Oh . . . god.”

He yanked down the lacy cups of her bra, freeing her tits. They were pale and plump, her nipples deep-pink. Colin watched them bounce as he pulled back and penetrated her again, harder this time. Her soft cry only juiced him up more, and as he started fucking her, all his pent up frustration and longing broke free like shingles in a tornado. She was the fire, and he would let her consume him. He’d let her destroy him if that’s what she wanted. He knew that now. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and his shoulders strained as he pumped inside her, watching her take it. Watching her revel in it. He’d never seen anything so beautiful.

Her whimpers mingled with his harsh breaths, echoing down the empty halls of his father’s house and drowning out the reality of the outside world. The reality of their sin. In this moment, there was only her—the woman he’d thought he couldn’t have, warm and wet around his cock. Soft and willing beneath his fingers. No consequences. No promises. No guilt. Only Felicia. Sweet, lovely Felicia. And the bittersweet knowledge that, all along, she’d wanted him just as much as he’d wanted her. That she’d been struggling against the current, too. That she felt something for him. And for now, for today, it was enough.


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The Retreat Although they didn't realize it until later, Ada and Charlotte were awakened simultaneously by the AI. At least Arlene had warned them that it would appear lifelike, but both were thankful that they had pulled the sheet over their nude bodies sometime during the night. Both agreed that the AI had seemed to check them out, and it was a bit too lifelike. They were in their sitting room as Ada groused, "I don't care what they say. That thing was looking at my tits." Charlotte...

3 years ago
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Magicians MergerChapter 21

I woke up, and I hurt all over. Some light was coming from around the blinds. When I tried to move, it hurt worse. I was thirsty and starving. At least my stomach thought so. I had to pee. I'm dying, I thought. So am I, thought Ursus. This is as sore as I've been since I broke my toe, thought Arthur. And that was only in one place. We need to get up, thought Ursus. It feels like every muscle in our body is pulled. We still need to get up. Try again. I rolled out of bed and landed on...

2 years ago
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Enslaved to the Mob Ch 12

(Author’s Note: I get a lot of anonymous feedback from writers, and one in particular was from a friend of mine I had not talked to in a while. You know who you are, China Dolly. Send me an e-mail with your e-mail address since you’re not on FL anymore. I’ve missed talking to you… Here’s another chapter to my Enslaved to the Mob. It’s short, I know, but something I’m proud of. As with all of my stories, all characters are eighteen years of age or older, and the intellectual property of this...

4 years ago
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Mother Son Incest In Japan

Leave your comments and opinions in Hi friends funrajrathode again I hope you enjoyed my last story, you already know all my stories are fiction but now I am going to say a real incest story so tune up. It’s a real experience of my colleague (my team leader),when I joined to IT field my team leader became very close to me, now after spending one years working together I revealed myself that I am posting sex stories so he wants me to post one of his experience, he is 38 year old now the story...

4 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 4

The smell of fresh coffee and bacon filtered into the room late the next morning. I surveyed the room. I was still at Sally's, so it hadn't all been a bad dream. Damn! I raised the sheets and checked my equipment. I breathed a sigh of relief. She hadn't pulled a Bobbit. In fact, it looked and felt as if my erection had never gone down from the night before. The few personal items I kept at her place were still hanging in the closet and sitting unbroken on the dressing table. So far, so...

2 years ago
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Americas Playboy Ch 04

‘Have you noticed the respect that I receive from my associates, Anthony,’ said Julio with arms up, as if he was the Pope giving Mass to thousands from a balcony in Vatican City. ‘Have you noticed the respect that I receive from those who live in my neighborhood?’ Julio turned from one side of the street to the other and whenever he made eye contact with someone looking out a window or standing in a doorway, they slammed shut the window or ducked in the doorway. Love was not in the air when...

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DirtyWivesClub Sloan Harper 23327

Pineapples! It’s the magic code word Sean’s been dying to hear again for so many years, especially now that his old college buddy is married to super-sexy Sloan Harper. And when she drops that word, Sean can’t believe his ears! He’s over for a supposed pool party his buddy told him about, but Sloan’s informed otherwise by her husband: that she’s to fuck Sean and his big dick, and to say “pineapples,” and he’ll understand that he gets the hall pass to bang his friend’s wife! Sean’s been wanting...

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fun at the beach 2

Well we had such a fun day that we decided to try the beach again and this time we were going to the nudist part that our friends from yesterday were telling us about. I had convinced you to go nude and as we got to th nudist beach there was a big dune and some cabins to get changed in, We had never been to a nudist beach but as we had fucked on a regular beach I didn’t see it being much of a problem.We got changed and wondered out you holding my hand tight as we walked along in the dunes...

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When I first outed

It was summer, I was living in an apartment with some fellow steardesses, and I wasn’t out to a soul.I had spent the last several months haunting the website of the one bar in the city that had an exclusively lesbian night once a week. Over and over again I would return to the page, each time feeling a little jolt of adrenaline as the screen loaded. The homepage featured a video of one of the dance floors – I must have watched that thing a hundred times. All those women dancing together! It...

1 year ago
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Cheating Boyfriend

Cheating Boyfriend By Tiffany Parker The following story is a work of fiction and is copyright property of the author. Please don't repost it without permission. But most importantly, I hope you enjoy reading it. Chapter 1 Nathan woke up on Saturday morning. It was the second round of the NCAA basketball tournament in March and his friends were coming over to watch the games, have pizza, wings, and beer. They had all placed bets on the game which added to the excitement. He...

1 year ago
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The secret between me and you part 1

This is my first story please show me some love and support! I love you guys! Hey it's Evie and this is my personal story. When I was 19 years old, I had a giant crush I really liked… This is my first story please show me some love and support! I love you guys! Hey it's Evie and this is my personal story. When I was 19 years old, I had a giant crush I really liked from my uni. His name will be changed due to his privacy. He was Nathan. He was just a normal Asian dude. About 6'2, muscular,...

2 years ago
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For Her Too

"Look, can't we just get naked again?" Melissa tugged at her clothes. "This shirt itches. And these pants are too tight.""I'm not comfortable either, but Susan will be here soon. We can put up with it for one evening." Then I added, "And then I get to undress you. I hardly ever get to do that anymore. Taking off your clothes always feels like Christmas."Melissa smiled and shook her head, then went back to tidying up her living room. I turned back to getting dinner ready before her best friend...

Group Sex
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 179 Loose Ends Again

John, John didn't fall asleep like a man my age would have, but it took some work for him to get it up again. His sister Cindy was ready to tryout her power well before he was able to play along. She had me doing all kinds of kinky things, which she had only read about in books or seen in porno movies. I went along with most of it. After some rest, and a little manipulation, John, John was ready for more. I sucked on his cock until he was rigid, then I knelt in front of the sitting Cindy...

3 years ago
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The Bet Chapter 36

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 36 (Saturday - week 5) In her dreams, she was holding a tiny infant... so sweet. The precious baby felt soft and warm in her arms. And in her dreams, Sissy was standing there right by her side - supportive, attentive, waiting to hand her bottles or wipes, or whatever she needed for the baby. But then, as so often happens in many dreams, the oddly unusual thing occurred. The face of the baby in her arms became Sissy's face. Confused, she...

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Loving Moms In The Dark Ch01

So there I was, standing at the doorway to our bedroom with flowers in my hand, watching some total stranger fuck the living shit out of my wife.It wasn't until she actually opened her eyes that she even considered stopping as this muscular white guy fucked her doggy style while pulling on her long black hair."Oh, My God! Glen!!" I heard as my heart sank. Dropping the flowers to the floor, I turned around and slunk into the kitchen.As I popped the top of a cold beer with my shaking hands, I...

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I was watching the late movie on the living room TV when lights flashed through the window indicating a car pulling into the driveway. The clock across the room showed about 12:30.“A bit early for Connie to be home,” I thought.When the car door slammed, I glanced out the window to make sure that was her and saw another car pull up by the curb. A nice-looking older woman, late-forties, got out. I went back to watching the show.“Hi, hon. This is Trish,” Connie said as they came in. I greeted...

Group Sex
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True Incident With sister

What I did was wrong. I know that. You don’t have to judge me, I take responsibility for my actions. I am not going try to make excuses. I simply want to explain how it happened. I want you to understand that it was an accident. It was an honest mistake. I did not realize what my sister was doing to me until it was too late. I’ve had some time to sort through the events of the past year, and there are so many things I would do differently if I could. To be honest though, there are some things I...

2 years ago
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When younger my late parents kept pushing me into church activities. I was expected to go to Sunday School every week and had to go to church Sundays with my father who,d never bothered till his Mother died then he suddenly got religion. Mother not being a hypocrite didn,t bother. With religious education in school it was like the subject was force fed and I more or less hated it. But when my parents decided to send me to Church Camp at a lovely lake about a hundred miles away in northeastern...

1 year ago
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A Golden Shower

Wet WipesA Golden ShowerShugar LipsSame Story Written with 3 different Middles and EndingsThe Same characters with 3 different outcomes to a storyTrying something DifferentHope everyone likesBuckxooxI just graduated a few weeks ago. My parents were trying to get me out of the house more. I studied hard the last few months before the end of school. I got some money for graduating. Now I did not have to get a job until the end of Summer. Most of my friends had to get a Summer job right away. It...

2 years ago
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Payment In LooeChapter 14 Back To The present Day

The story did indeed have the desired effect. Roger had pumped a fair amount of semen into his granddaughter's pussy while his much younger granddaughter Marianne had looked on giggling. Christopher O'Keefe had pumped a load into his mother-in laws vagina and was working towards a second. Her grandson Christopher had been enjoying bouncing in his grandma's lap while watching his grandpa and also his father Allan as he fucked his sister-in-law Sharon. Further over Helen was still making...

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Ghost for Hire Episode 1Chapter 4

Victor rubbed his forehead, and saw flakes of his dying skin drop to the antique desk. He knew it wouldn't be many years before he would have no skin covering the top of his head. For at least hundred years he hadn't been able to go publicly out for he looked like what he was. A corpse, and old one at that. "Death, mister, doesn't suit you any longer." A voice said, and Victor glanced up, surprised. He felt nor heard any presence before the voice. Even as his eyes fell upon the form of...

3 years ago
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When Wednesday Comes

It was the middle of Monday afternoon and Jill was lying in post-coital contentment with her lover, under the print of the Vermeer her father had given her years ago, a canal scene. "I'll have to go soon," Paul said. "You never stay; once you've fucked your old lady you're off, doing whatever teenagers do these days!" she snapped. His voice became wheedling, "You know I want to stay but my mum will wonder why I'm late. And you're not old, thirty two next time, yes?" He was stroking...

2 years ago
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Velaikaariyai Kalluriyil Sex Seithu Mudithen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil kalluriyil velai seiyum velaikaariyai usar seithu avaludan sex seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Navaneethan, naan oru college principle. Maduraiyil ulla kalluriyil velai seithu varugiren, enaku pengal meethu athiga mogam irukirathu. En siru vayathil irunthu niraiya pengalai sex seithu othu irukiren, ippozhuthu en kalluriyil velai seiyum teachergalai usar seithu en guest houseil vaithu oothu irukiren. Naan niraiya kama kathaigal...

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Samanthas Breakfast With The Boyfriend

Samantha was sitting up against her headboard this morning after hearing her roommate leave. Her roommate had again visited last night and Samantha was kind a replaying the whole thing in her head. She could still feel her roommate’s lips on hers and her roommate’s fingers deep in her pussy bring her over the edge. Even though what she was sharing with her roommate felt so good, she still wasn’t sure why this ever started. She and her roommate never discussed these visits during the day and...

Love Stories
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Moms Ripped Pantyhose True

Another true story... So my mom wears hose a lot mostly for her job but she sometimes wears them out when we go somewhere or on special occasions. About a week ago, our lockdown ended and businesses started to open up and my mom wanted to head straight to this outdoor mall, west of Kansas City called The Legends. And so she got very excited and we all went into our rooms and got dressed. My dad was at work because his job is an essential job so that's that but anyways, my brother and I are...

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