Married Wife Has First Time Lesbian Sex free porn video

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My name is Susan. I’m a happily married 50 year old mother of 3 grown c***dren, and this is a true story of my recent and first experience with another woman.

I work for a small company with about a hundred employees spread across the country, and every December they fly us all to our corporate offices in California for an annual staff meeting and Christmas party. Although a long trip for me, I’ve grown to look forward to this long weekend and the opportunity to spend time with my co-workers. Now that our 3 c***dren are grown and out of the house, it’s easier for me to schedule this time away from home and my husband of 30 years. The most exciting thing happened to me during my trip this year.

After our first day of meetings concluded, we changed for dinner and our Christmas party. Although dinner is always nice, the after dinner celebration is always a little disappointing and usually consists of us all just mingling and talking with some piped-in music in the background as the company owners are fairly old and past their partying prime. Most of the employees are 40-55 with families back home, and even though we’re no longer in our 20’s, we’re not dead and we’d still like to enjoy some music and dancing.

Things wound down about 9:00, too early to turn in, so a small group of us left the restaurant on foot in hopes of finding some decent dancing music in one of the nearby bars. Some locals pointed us to an upscale bar with a couple small dance floors that usually has good music on weekends. When we arrived we noticed the bar was nicely appointed with dim lighting and good dance music, and although pretty packed, we managed to find a couple of tables in the back. I noticed that most of the patrons were the same age range as us, and most were women, similar to our small group of mainly women with just a couple of guys.

The dance floor was packed and it looked like most were dancing in groups rather than couples dancing, and as there were many more women in the room than men, most of the dancers were women, which was fine with me as I’ve found women usually like to dance more than men anyway. After settling in, we all joined the party on the dance floor, and soon we were all just dancing together. In between songs we struck up conversations with some of the other women that were dancing and found that many of them also worked together and were out after a company dinner same as we were. We seemed to bond with these other parties as we talked about work, being away from home, and just having a good time.

It seemed we were all 40’s to mid 50’s with spouses and mostly fully grown c***dren, but one difference was that our group was mostly Caucasian and they were mostly African American. We continued to drink, dance, and visit, and after about an hour we were all like one big happy group of friends. The dance floors weren’t big, so when we all danced there was little room to move, causing us to make frequent body contact with other dancers. We were all bumping, swinging each other, and occasionally grinding to the music, and I was enjoying the slight friendly physical contact of these other women.

One of the ladies I had just met, Marsha, danced next to me for a few songs and we began to talk and get to know each other. We kind of hit it off as she was also married with 3 grown c***dren. Marsha was a striking lady with rich deep chocolate skin, a full head of thick black hair that hung in ringlets around her exotic face and dark brown eyes. She had high cheekbones, large almond shaped eyes, and with her thick hair I imagined she had some Asian ancestry, although she was as dark as the night.

Marsha was lively with a warm engaging outgoing personality, but her most striking physical quality was her somewhat large mouth with thick full lips that spread into the most infectious laugh and smile displaying beautiful straight white teeth. She was actually captivating when she smiled and laughed, and we were enjoying dancing and getting to know each other.

We’d casually bump, grind, or swing each other to the music, and I was enjoying the contact and closeness of my new friend. Marsha also had the freshest scent from just a hint of vanilla from her perfume when I was close to her, layered with a slight muskiness, the combination was mildly intoxicating and I found myself wanting to be close enough to her so I could deeply inhale her fragrance.

When a slow song started, Marsha and I stood there uncertainly on the dance floor, as did most everyone else as most of us were women, until amidst some light laughter, everyone just seemed to pair up and dance together while slowing the pace and talking with each other.

Marsha looked at me and said, “shall we?”

I looked around a little nervously, and noticing others were also dancing, I said “why not,” as we closed the short distance between us.

Her eyes seemed to grow bigger as she approached while looking in my eyes and lightly placing her hands on my hips.

Marsha was wearing a short tight skirt showing off her long muscular black legs and well rounded butt, and a low-cut sleeveless top that displayed her bountiful chest with modest cleavage showing. Her arms and shoulders were strong yet still feminine with the outline of her muscles softly visible beneath the smoothest silkiest dark brown skin. I felt a small jolt of electricity as my hands made first contact with her skin when placing them lightly on her bare shoulders as we began gently moving to the music. I couldn’t help but notice the stark contrast of my lightly colored hand on her deep brown skin.

Marsha was a little taller than my 5′ 9″, and she was curvaceous and full bodied with wide hips, a round full butt, and breasts perhaps a little larger than my full chest. We both still showed that we were mature mothers with a little more body than we had in our 20’s, but we were also both in good shape. I have long legs, narrower hips, and a small tight ass that my husband just loves to grip when making love. I wear lots of skin tight workout wear while home and my husband says he loves to watch my long strong legs and tight ass, men! I have light brown hair, blue eyes, and full sensitive breasts that my husband never neglects. Marsha and I must have been quite a contrasting sight dancing together.

Marsha smiled at me, leaned to whisper in my ear, and purred, “mmmm, this could be nice,” as we then closed our bodies and began softly, slowly dancing as I would with my husband.

I had never danced with a woman in this way, but her right leg naturally pressed between my legs and my leg between hers, and our breasts came together as our heads slid next to each other. Her hair lightly brushed my face, and as I took a breath her fragrance flooded my senses, still fresh and crisp but with a stronger hint of muskiness as if I was literally breathing her skin and hair. It seemed as though neither was leading, neither was following, but we were just moving as one.

Whether from the drinks, the closeness to Marsha, or a combination of both, I began to get a little lightheaded, and a warmth began to spread thru me as her fingers on my hips began to softly move to my back and then lightly stroke my upper buttocks while pulling me nearer, gently pressuring my pubic mound with her thigh. My hands on the naked silken dark chocolate skin of her shoulders began to warm. It seemed so natural to lightly stroke her shoulders, and then wrap my arms further around her full body as my hands traced up her back, beneath her hair to her neck, and I began to lightly run the ringlets of her hair thru the fingers of one hand as the fingers of my other hand lightly traced the dark skin of her long graceful neck.

Marsha slowly turned her head to my ear, so close that I could sense her full beautiful mouth but couldn’t quite feel it’s touch, and then whispered, “so nice.”

Her breath on my ear sent shivers radiating from my ear to my toes, and I felt a slight twitch in my pussy. Her mouth was so close to my ear that I could feel the warmth of her lips and my ear so wanted her to take it into her wonderful mouth.

The song ended too soon, and as we slowly and reluctantly separated, both looking into each other’s eyes while still lightly holding each other, we both said, “wow” at the same time, which made us laugh as we held hands to leave the dance floor.

Before getting to our tables, Marsha stopped and flashed me her beautiful smile and said, “hey, come with me,” and before I could respond she began leading me as we held hands to the far end of the bar and around the corner to the adjoining restaurant section that was now closed.

We found a series of small private dining areas now dark and deserted by the wait staff, so we entered one of the private dining areas and stopped by the wall as she turned toward me. “I hope you don’t mind,” she said, “but after that dance, I just didn’t want to be around the others.”

“Me neither,” I said as we stood closely, looking in each other’s eyes.

As my husband and I have aged together, we’ve opened up more sexually to each other. We’ve spoken of our fantasies, watched porn, read sexy stories, and explored a variety of toys. As I suppose with most men, my husband’s biggest turn on is to imagine 2 women together, with me being one of the women. I’ve never experienced another woman, but I have wondered what it would be like, tasting another women with my mouth, licking her clit and parting the lips of her pussy with my tongue. My husband is a great pussy licker and I love him to make me cum with his mouth and fingers, so I’ve wondered what it would be like from his perspective, with me making a woman cum with my mouth and fingers.

My husband tells me that watching women kiss turns him on more than nearly anything, so soft and sensual, and I’ve also wondered what it might be like to kiss the soft lips of another woman. We’ve fantasized together when making love about sharing another, sometimes a man and sometimes a woman. Although we’ve never actually included another in our love making, I knew if my husband were here he’d be encouraging me now.

My back was against the wall as my hands found Marsha’s hips and hers went to my shoulders and our bodies closed like magnets, not quite touching as we barely held ourselves apart, as though our auras were joining. Our heads went alongside each other and we traced each other’s faces lightly with our cheeks, noses, and lips, breathing in each other, until we finally could wait no longer and our lips quivered, barely touching. We began to lightly kiss, so amazing, her lips were so different than my husband’s.

Marsha held still as I lightly kissed her large thick upper lip, tracing it with my mouth from one side to the other, very lightly drawing that thick beautiful lip into my thinner, smaller mouth, and letting it travel along her upper mouth. She began to lightly moan as I then moved to her fuller lower lip, again lightly mouthing it as my smaller lips lightly engulfed her heavy yet silky smooth lower lip, moving from one side to the other across her full mouth.

She could be still no longer as her moan increased and I then felt her full mouth start to move into a soft full partially spread lip pucker and then completely engulf my smaller mouth. My mouth was completely held between the soft slightly moist warmth of her larger fuller lips. I was motionless with my lips relaxed and very slightly parted as she began to perform magic on my mouth, lightly sucking my mouth into hers, moving her lips, softly devouring my upper lip, my lower lip, my full mouth, until I responded in turn and our mouths were working together on each other, moving in unison while time froze and all our senses were concentrated on our joined mouths.

We kissed like this for what seemed an eternity, though I’m sure it was just a few minutes, still not using our tongues, but I could wait no longer. Her big full lips tasted so marvelous that I had to discover what treasure and flavors the depths of her mouth held for me. As I drew her upper lip into my mouth, I used the tip of my tongue to lightly trace its soft spongy fullness. Marsha moaned again as I then transitioned to licking her thick upper lip back and forth with the full flat of my tongue.

I then inserted my tongue more fully beneath her upper lip, parting my lips and reaching to tongue her beautiful upper teeth and gums. I knew then that I wanted to taste every corner and depth of her mouth, and this was the beginning. My tongue travelled back and forth across her upper teeth, her gums, and the inside of her upper lip. Our breathing increased as occasional moans escaped from us both.

I needed more. I lightly held her face with my hands and tilted her head as I moved mine opposite and we now hungrily mashed our lips together, our kiss growing in wetness as our mouths parted, allowing Marsha to fully accept my tongue into her sweet fresh tasting mouth. She drew my tongue into her mouth and welcomed it with her own full thick tongue. Our tongues began dancing together in her mouth, rolling around each other. I buried my tongue beneath hers, feeling the smooth underside of her tongue and probing the bottom of her mouth, pumping and massaging her salivary glands as they opened and filled her mouth, then licking the rougher top of her tongue, savoring the textured sensation of her taste buds.

My mouth was now fully buried within hers. Marsha alternated between sucking my tongue as though she was trying to swallow it, to sucking my full mouth between her massive lips. I have never kissed anyone this way, anyone with a mouth like hers. My small mouth fit so fully within her large mouth with its large soft lips, it felt like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I love kissing, and my husband and I love to kiss while making love, while cuming, but this was a very different experience. Kissing another woman was so different. A woman’s lips are much softer, and the sheer naughtiness of it made it far more erotic and sensual than kissing a man.

My tongue had been extended so long that I now had to withdraw it back into my own mouth, and Marsha’s large thick and very long tongue followed like they were connected. I felt the tip of her sweet tongue entering between my lips and then slowly filling my mouth to overflowing. She inserted her tongue as deeply as possible, nearly going down my throat as my lips wrapped around and clung to it. It felt wonderful as she swirled it within my mouth and then began a slow in and out motion, and I began sucking her thick full moist tongue as though it was a small cock.

My husband sucks my tongue in the same way when he’s buried in my pussy. I fuck his mouth with my tongue as he fucks my pussy with his cock, and Marsha was now fucking my mouth with her delicious tongue. Our arms encircled each other and our bodies were now mashed together and our hands moved over our bodies. I felt her strong arms pull me tightly to her, her strong hands massaging and gripping my back, and then moving to my ass, gripping a cheek in each hand as my husband does, pulling my lower body into hers as we both began to subconsciously grind our pubic mounds together.

I did the same with her, loving the feel of her strong yet feminine back beneath my searching, moving fingers. We continued our now deep wet open mouth tongue kissing and I too moved my hands to her large glorious ass and began to squeeze and kneed her flesh and glutes with my hands and fingers, never had I felt anything like her ass.

Our bodies were now very visibly moving together with our hands roaming up and down each other’s bodies and our pubic mounds grinding together. At one point we began to slide our breasts from side to side against each other’s chests, our nipples engorging and growing sensitive as we mashed and rubbed our tits together. I would lovingly yet forcefully hold her head in both hands with her hair trailing between my fingers, turn my head slightly to the side with our mouths open fully so I could feed my tongue as far into the depths of her mouth as possible.

Marsha’s much larger mouth and thick lips would completely surround my smaller mouth and thinner lips, drawing my full mouth into her own succulent mouth as I extended my tongue as fully as possible, tasting her wet mouth and wanting to draw her saliva into my own. She would then bury her tongue in my mouth, my lips and tongue tasting and swallowing her thick tongue as far down my throat as possible. The texture of her tongue as it stroked between my lips and over my tongue was so tantalizing. My mouth was wet for her and she lapped my pooling saliva back into her own mouth. I’ve heard of wet kisses, but I’ve never had one like this, I wanted to drink her into me.

Our breathing and moaning had grown until we finally broke our kiss, looked at each other with wide “I want you now” eyes, and I asked her, “can you come to my room?”

“Oh yes,” she answered.

We quickly gathered our things, told our friends it was getting late and we were leaving. It was dark as we left and began the walk to my hotel. Marsha reached to hold my hand and soon we were walking arm-in-arm to my hotel just a couple blocks away.

As we were walking, Marsha asked me, “have you ever done this?”

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“No, I haven’t,” I replied, “have you?”

Marsha said, “no, but I want to with you!”

“Me too,” I said as we entered the hotel and headed to my room.

As soon as we entered the room we both instantly grabbed each other and resumed our kissing frenzy. Her amazing mouth travelled to my ear as she consumed it and then wrapped her thick lips around my neck, licking, nibbling, and sucking my entire neck causing me to physically shiver. The electricity of her touch and her rich sensuous vanilla scent that flooded my nostrils combined to inflame my senses.

It was then my turn, I had to, was desperate to taste her skin. I licked the full length of her long jet black neck with my tongue, up and down, tasting her fully, preparing for what was to come, and then I opened my mouth fully to take as much of her dark neck into my mouth as possible and I hungrily licked and sucked at her chocolate skin and neck muscles until she broke away with a squeal.

I then took Marsha’s hand and led my soon to become first female lover to the waiting bed.

Marsha lay on the bed as I straddled her, anxious to feel her body beneath mine. I ran my fingers through her strands, gripping hard and pulling her face to mine, tasting her soft lips, gently probing the inside of her mouth with my tongue. She sucked on it before reciprocating by pulling me close.

I sat up and Marsha took my hands and placed them over her breasts. I had never touched a woman’s breast before, at least not in this manner. I could feel her warm and soft breasts moving under my palms. The now hard nipples almost burned a hole in my hands. I looked at Marsha, my eyes wide like a deer caught in the headlights and saw her smoldering eyes gaze back at me.

“Come here,” Marsha whispered and pulled me close until I was leaning over her. “Kiss me.”

As if in slow motion I leaned down until my lips were inches from Marsha’s. I closed my eyes and moved down. “Mmmmm,” I moaned when I felt Marsha’s soft lips under mine. My tongue came out of my mouth.

Marsha moaned as my tongue once again touched her lips. She opened her mouth wide to take it inside, and we were again kissing passionately.

I was aware of my saliva draining from my mouth and into Marsha’s. I felt Marsha swallowing, drinking it down. Then I felt the black woman’s tongue pushing back on my own. I let it in and sucked her tongue hard. Our mouths continued exploring each other’s faces and lips. I couldn’t believe how soft Marsha felt under my lips and fingers and I found my hands wandering over her body. I slowly caressed Marsha’s neck, my fingertips tracing her body down to her breasts.

I felt Marsha’s breathing increase as I began to caress her nipples thru her clothing, feeling them harden even more under my touch. I gazed in her eyes as my fingers slowly undid the buttons of her blouse, baring her magnificent cocoa skin to my eyes and fingers. I unclasped her bra, freeing the soft globes of her full dark bosom and jet black of her aureoles and nipples. My hands went to her full mounds, filling each hand with an overflowing soft full female breast other than my own for the first time.

Running her fingers through my hair, Marsha guided my mouth towards her erect nipples. My tongue snaked out and began teasing, tickling, tasting those big beautiful chocolate globes and hardened ebony nipples, loving this first taste of a woman’s nipple in my mouth. I squeezed and fondled them in amazement, then anxious to bare my own chest to Marsha, quickly rose to strip down to my panties as Marsha also removed her skirt. My C cups were slightly smaller than her larger chest, but she smiled at the sight of them.

I lay back on her, the feel of her naked body causing me to tingle all over, and then picked up her flesh and buried my face in it, slurping her nipple into my mouth. She tasted sweet and her smell was a sensuous combination of vanilla and her own slightly musky fragrance.

But it wasn’t enough. I needed more. I pulled off Marsha’s panties, and then took in the sight of Marsha’s perfectly trimmed black pussy, and breathed in the scent of another woman.

“Oh my,” I gasped as I stared at Marsha’s pussy. It was dripping, and looked beautiful. It looked like a dew soaked black orchid, delicate dark black outer pussy lips encasing inner lips that faded from black to hot pink, surrounding a center that opened to a bright wet red pink in color. I froze for a moment and just gazed at this lovely sight that I knew would soon be in my mouth for the first time.

I softly kissed Marsha’s soft thighs, and watched as Marsha’s clit became engorged, beckoning. Marsha shifted her legs, opening her pussy lips for my mouth. My body erupted in goosebumps.

It was all that was needed and I leaned forward and for the first time in my life, tasted another woman. First my tongue caressed her inner lips and then up the center of her vulva. I reached her clit and then probed lightly under its hood, stimulating her most sensitive area with my taste buds. I was at first unsure of how to eat pussy, however Marsha began to moan in response as I did what I know feels good to me. Marsha then opened her legs fully and wrapped her large dark thighs around my head while running her fingers through my hair. With Marsha now wide open, I allowed my tongue to enter into her waiting pussy. And loved it.

I heard her moan softly when I sucked her tiny nub into my eager mouth. I could smell the perfume she must have used but, even stronger, was her natural female odor. I breathed in deeply through my nose, her scent exciting me even more.

Marsha’s moans became louder and her clit became swollen under my touch. I reached one hand beneath her to grip and massage her wonderful ass, and Marsha’s back arched while I slid one, then two fingers into her juicy womanhood, marveling at the contrast between my white fingers disappearing into Marsha’s black vulva.

She was already perfectly lubricated and my fingers easily found the tiny bump inside her smoldering pussy. I pushed into it, as if trying to reach through to her belly button. Her head fell back and a guttural moan escaped her lips. I continued mouthing her clit and thrusting into her, causing her body to tremble all over and her pussy to spasm around my fingers.

Marsha responded by pulling my face into her throbbing pussy and I could feel her body begin to spasm and shudder. I realized that I was about to make a woman come on my first attempt and within seconds Marsha’s moans became moans of, “I’m gonna cum baby, you’re gonna make me cum in your mouth.”

I then tasted a slight rush of pussy juice enter my mouth as Marsha released a scream and cry. Marsha rode her orgasm with my tongue working her clit and my fingers deep inside as her body shook in passion and ecstasy. Her bliss continued while I let my tongue and fingers continue to explore her velvet pussy.

As Marsha’s quivering slowly subsided, she encouraged me back up her body. I then reluctantly and slowly withdrew my tongue and fingers, gently kissing the inside of her dark fleshy thighs, and feeling my lips moist with Marsha’s love juice, moved back up to face my lover who was looking at me with lustful eyes. She radiated ecstasy. I tasted my fingers and smiled at the sight of her, a woman completely satisfied by me alone, my own desire now burning in my groin.

“Am I really your first?” Marsha asked in amazement. When I smiled and nodded, Marsha whispered, “Oh god, that was so good.”

I responded by offering my cum soaked tongue to Marsha who hungrily tasted her own pussy on my mouth.

Again I marveled at the softness of a woman’s kiss. Our mouths melded in unison and I reveled in giving myself fully to my first lesbian experience.

We rolled over as one with Marsha now above me, and I felt Marsha’s tongue touch my lips. It ran back and forth, tickling my suddenly dry lips and leaving moisture behind. Then the tip moved to the center… wiggling gently but waiting patiently. It seemed like hours but was only seconds when, with a moan from deep within my throat, I opened my mouth.

Marsha turned her head to the side and pressed her tongue forward, opening her mouth wide over mine. She grabbed the back of my head gently and I felt Marsha’s long and wet tongue inside my mouth. My lips automatically closed around it, sucking the sweet saliva from the smooth surface and drinking it down. I felt Marsha’s tongue moving inside my open mouth as if trying to touch every place it could reach. Then, when she pulled her tongue back, mine automatically followed until it was trapped in the exotic black woman’s ravenous mouth. Marsha sucked my tongue with sexual abandon. The room filled with the loud sucking sound as the kiss continued and grew even more passionate by the second.

I don’t know how long the kiss lasted. When I finally wrenched my lips away from Marsha’s, we were both gasping for breath. My mouth and tongue were tingling and my lips felt swollen. I looked at Marsha and saw fire in her eyes.

“I want your breasts now,” Marsha whispered as she slid down my body, exposing my heaving breasts. I felt my core becoming a furnace in anticipation of another woman touching my sensitive breasts. I moaned loudly and could feel Marsha’s eyes staring at my nakedness.

I gasped when my nipples, already hard with excitement were exposed to the air, and moaned when the coolness was replaced with the heat of Marsha’s mouth. Marsha’s tongue swirled expertly over my aureole before her teeth gently nibbled my nipple, teasing as the tip of her tongue brought a pleasure I had not experienced previously, because it was from a woman, from my exotic dark skinned lover.

My body quivered as my pussy became a molten bed of desire. I couldn’t take my eyes from the erotic sight of this beautiful woman tasting my tits, her tongue swirling and slurping around my nipples while she looked into my eyes. The contrast of her soft coal black hands cupping my pure white mounds and her large mouth with thick dark lips devouring nearly half of my large white breast excited me even further. Her dark black body atop my whiteness must have been quite a sight.

Marsha then began sliding down towards my mound and I felt her fingers trace patterns over my fluttering stomach, each time getting closer to my now throbbing pussy. Marsha’s fingers slipped under the elastic of my panties and she smiled as she started to remove the last article of clothing from my body.

I watched my neatly trimmed pussy become exposed and heard Marsha whisper, “Beautiful.”

As Marsha moved her face within inches of my mound, I opened my thighs further in invitation. Marsha then extended her tongue, seeking a sign from me.

Marsha whispered, “I want to fuck you so badly.”

With that simple sentence any remaining uncertainties I may have held disappeared as I opened my legs further and pulled Marsha’s face between my legs.

I felt Marsha’s tongue at my opening, probing, testing, and my body reacted with a rush of emotions at the realization that one of my deepest fantasies was about to come true, I was about to be fucked by a woman.

Marsha then teased and lifting her tongue from my pussy asked, “Is this what you want baby?”

“Oh yes!”, I whispered with intense anticipation.

I then watched Marsha plunge her tongue deep inside my pussy and felt the warmth of her breath against my clit and the glorious sensation of another woman eating me. My body, quivering with pent up tension quickly rose towards orgasm. Throwing my head back, moans escaped as my fingers clenched in Marsha’s black hair, pulling and grinding my mound into my lovers face, my hips bucking.

I was only seconds from climax as I then felt Marsha’s fingers entering into my soaking sex. My body exploded and an incredible well of intense tingling consumed me. Throwing my head back I moaned loudly as one of the most powerful orgasms of my life hit me, wave after wave of a****l bliss causing my body to buck and convulse with my genitals mashed to her mouth.

Marsha’s fingers slid easily in and out and she asked, “Do my fingers feel good baby, do you love being fucked by another girl?”

I responded by gasping, “Yes, oh god yes,” as my body continued to quiver.

Marsha kept kissing my pussy for a long time after I stopped moving. With my eyes still closed and breathing deeply, Marsha moved up next to me, pulling me close. “Are you okay sweetie,” she said as she took my head in her hands and looked at me.

I opened my eyes to Marsha’s face and moist lips above me. “It looks like I’m all over your mouth,” I whispered.

“I know,” Marsha answered and licked her lips.

I then pulled Marsha’s lips to mine for a very wet kiss, savoring the mixture of my wetness and her saliva.

Marsha’s excitement had rekindled as she ate me to orgasm and now grew further with our wet cum and saliva infused kiss. Marsha broke our kiss and leaned up revealing her full heavy dark breasts and large nipples hanging from her chest. Her nipples were as hard as pebbles and stuck out like pencil erasers. She grabbed one large pendulous breast with both hands and guided the nipple to my waiting own mouth. I suckled as she fed me one black breast and then the other. My husband loves when I feed him my breasts in this way, and now I know why.

Her breathing grew heavy and raspy as I gently rolled Marsha away from me, rose above to look down upon her, and with a moan dropped my head and continued to feast on her womanly dark flesh.

“Oh yes,” Marsha gasped as she held my head to her heaving breast. I groped and ravished both large black breasts wantonly with both hands and my hungry wet mouth.

I left her saliva soaked heaving breasts and moved down her body while she spread her legs wide in the process. I could smell Marsha’s excitement.

“Kiss my thighs,” Marsha said.

With trembling hands, I spread Marsha’s toned dark legs and began to kiss up her thighs. I felt her tremble as my lips drew across her soft black skin.

I kissed high up one thigh and then moved to the other side and began kissing back down. When I reached her knee, I switched again, using my tongue this time as I moved back up the warm flesh, loving the taste and softness of her ebony skin.

“Mmmm, so nice,” Marsha whispered.

I worked on Marsha’s thighs for a long time, enjoying the feeling of her soft flesh under my lips.

“Kiss my pussy like you kissed my mouth,” Marsha implored me.

I hesitated, wanting Marsha’s desire to grow.

“Kiss my pussy!” Marsha said again more emphatically this time, bouncing her hips and trying to force contact between her pussy and my mouth.

I closed my eyes and moved my head forward.

“Ahhhhhh!!” Marsha gasped as my lips touched her pulsing sex. “Kiss me, kiss me, kiss my pussy!” she gasped.

I felt Marsha’s juice on my lips and moaned. I licked my lips and brought the taste into my mouth. My heart began to beat faster and with a little whimper, I stuck my tongue into her wet pussy and felt it surrounded by her tight pulsing sphincter muscle. My head began to spin as more juice dribbled down my tongue and into my mouth. With a moan of excitement I pushed Marsha’s legs wider and began to fully probe and suck on her open vulva.

“Oh yes, yes, you know how to eat pussy already,” Marsha gasped and humped her hips into my sucking mouth.

I pulled away abruptly, teasingly. Then I felt Marsha’s hands reach for my head and I heard her squeal, “No!” With a smile, I let her pull my face back to her sodden sex lips. I began to suck and kiss her lips like I was kissing her mouth. I worked my tongue in and out and then sucked her lips. I began to concentrate on licking her sweet clit as I eased 2 fingers into her. This sent her over the edge as I gently wiggled my fingers up and down and felt her pussy muscles begin to spasm and squeeze my probing fingers. Soon I felt Marsha’s thighs tighten on my head.

“Oh God Susan!!” she screamed and began to climax. The sound of her voice echoed off the walls of the hotel room.

I held on to Marsha and kept sucking. I accumulated the juice from her throbbing pussy and held it in my mouth until it threatened to overflow. Then I drank it down, sucking for more.

After a long while, Marsha came down from her climax, and leaning up tried to push my head from between her legs. However, she felt me resisting and I heard her moan in protest. She stopped trying to push me away and lay back again, spreading her legs even wider. A moan of satisfaction escaped her lips as she allowed me free access to her sex, and it only took a few minutes before she felt her excitement building again.

I was now lost in a sea of sensual delight. I never knew how exciting it could be to please another woman with my mouth. It was so unlike oral sex with Steve.

“Oh Susan,” Marsha gasped when she felt me using my fingers to again open her sex lips. Then she felt me teasing and tonguing her clit. “Oh God, oh God!” she gasped.

I sucked her clit into my mouth.

“Ahhhhhhheeeeee!!” Marsha screamed and went over the top again.

Later when Marsha left my room, there was a smile on my face. I was happy that I had pleased Marsha, but I was also surprised at how much I liked it. I ate my beautiful black lover to three strong climaxes and would have continued had she not pushed me away. I could still taste Marsha’s sweet juices on my lips… and she left me her panties as a souvenir, one which both my husband and I would use to masturbate with when I got home.

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Indian wife discovers lesbian love 2

Returning from a tiring day at the office I found the house quiet. My sensuous Indian wife Anita had not met me at the door and sat with me in the drawing room as was her normal custom. I went up the stairs to our bedroom and found her sitting at her dressing table. I could tell from the humid air of the room that she had been bathing and washing her long black hair. There was a strong aroma of perfume. I watched as she applied lipstick to her full lips. I walked up behind her and kissed her on...

3 years ago
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My Wife A Lesbian Prostitute 8211 Part 3

A big Hi, to all of the readers of ISS. Its really a privilege that such a forum has been created by the makers of this website. I find many of the stories being too artificial and made up while some are certainly genuine. As I have mentioned in my earlier parts, this is a fact of a story. But due to the gravity of the matter , I have to be extra cautious, in divulging the details of character involved and their location. Also , ISS takes a lot of time to publish stories. In this case it was...

2 years ago
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My Wife 8211 A Lesbian Prostitute 8211 Part 2

Friends and Co-readers of ISS, its been long since I have continued with my story on how my wife ended up becoming a lesbian prostitute. I had been real busy all the while. To recap about it in a nutshell , I would like to recall the first part. I am an educated person with a decent job and a perfect family. My wife is good looking and looks a bit like Bhumika Chawala and also like Bhagyashree ( of Maine Pyar Kya Fame). More like she looks now a days. Now, it so happed that our office’s new...

4 years ago
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Indian wife discovers lesbian love3

Our car pulled up outside Mrs Kumila’s substantial villa. It was, she had told me, paid for out of her husband’s business but he saw little of it – spending most of his time in the Middle East. She was more than happy with the arrangement for it gave her the freedom to indulge her preference for Sapphic love. And so it was that we walked up the steps, hand in hand, to be admitted by the pretty maid. By now I was very happy and supremely horny. Mrs Kumila had said that she wanted a lesbian slut...

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Turning the Wife Bi Lesbian

After years of being married I decided to have someone seduce my wife. I began to plant the seed into my wife head as we started to play little games. We started to watch lesbian porn together before we would make love I would only eat her pussy and not fuck her. I started to point out women to my wife and suggest she was probably gay. After sometime she started to point them out to me and we continued too watch lesbian porn movies but she was very interested in one's that had them licking...

4 years ago
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Turns His Wife Lesbian

John had no idea that his darkest deepest fantasies would soon become reality when Susan his wife invited her friend Lynne for dinner. She didn't realize that this meal would change them for ever. Susan is tall slim, with long red hair, green eyes pale skin with freckles. She has a slim body and firm small pert breasts. Lynne is slim, short with short dark black hair and brown eyes and small firm breasts similar to Susan's. As Susan was getting ready up stairs John heard Lynne knocking on the...

2 years ago
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Lesbian LoveDoctors Wife Collars Me

I’m Marsha I work as a Nurse for Dr. John Everett, an Ophthalmologist who does a lot of Lasik eye surgery, which is a very lucrative business. The Doctor’s wife Ruth is also a Doctor, and we have been lovers for six months now. Last weekend was a very special weekend for Ruth and me. The “Doc” was at a golf outing all weekend and we spent two days going to social events, shopping and making love. I’m a thirty-seven-year-old divorcee with two k**s. I’m not a complete lesbian by any standards,...

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Tina OBrien has lesbian sex

It was during the hot spell in the early summer of 2010 when Tina (26) met up with her close friend and fellow ex Coronation Street (Corrie) star, Nikki Sanderson (26) in a club in Manchester. Even though both girls are no longer in the famous long-running UK TV soap they are still mainly remembered for their roles as Sarah Louise & Candice rather than anything they've done since.Tina had left her little daughter Scarlett with Tina's Mum & Dad; a task which they loved and therefore Tina...

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A Wife Frist Lesbian Sex

This story and contains lesbian sex.Hello my name is Jemma What’s and I’m 42 years old and I’m happily married to my husband Frank who I’ve had 3 c***dren with, twin boys named Max and Ben aged 10 and my daughter Christy aged 5 and we have a loving and caring babysitter named Lilley White aged 27.What I’m about to tell you shouldn’t of happen because now I can’t stop think about it, yesterday I had lesbian sex with Lilley who I’ve known for 15 years from her looking after the boys and my...

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My Wife Switch Teams Lesbian

My wife Tami is cute, and has a hot body. Picture a brunette, 5 foot 5, 110 pounds, perky 34b breasts, small waist and a round dancer's butt. Pretty face, large eyes, upturned nose, full lips.Our sex life was red hot at first, but got boring and unsatisfying for both of us. We got into a rut, like a lot of couples. As a solution, I rented some porn video, thinking it might give us ideas, and spice things up a bit. She seemed to be into it, as we watched blowjob after blowjob and various fucking...

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Wifes FirstTime With Another Man

My wife Karen and I have been married for 9 years, and have three k**s. Karen is a short 5'1; slim, has an attractive face, short brunette hair, and smallish tits with magnificent large, puffy nipples. She’s fairly reserved, especially about sex. It’s not that Karen doesn’t enjoy it, she does, she’s just not comfortable talking about it. She claims to have no sexual fantasies, and outside of breathing heavily, makes little sound while we’re having sex, which is maybe once or twice a month since...

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Housewife Enjoys Indian Lesbian Sex

I am Sarika, recently married. My husband works in an MNC in Gurgaon. We stay in an apartment near his office. I am a housewife. After my husband goes to the office, I complete the household chores. As we have a family of two only, I become free from these household pieces of stuff by noon. After lunch, I generally watch some movies, web series or surf the Internet. One day while doing FB, I came across the profile of my college best friend, Ipsita. Ipsita and I were roommates and best friends...

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Wifersquos First Lover Takes Her Back Lesbian

I’m Jayson Davis, my wife Dani and I have been married for a year. We met the first day of college of our freshman year. Dani was from the north east and I was from the Mid Atlantic, Our College was in Palo Alto Ca, all the way across the country. We were assigned to a special IT dorm that was more like an apartment complex everyone lived alone in their own apartment. Everyone there was on genius level and all cost were covered corporate sponsors. We had all passed our PHD College level...

3 years ago
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My uncles wifelesbian

My name is alisa. I m now 20 years old.I was a lesbian from begining. I never liked boys. My first lesbian experience was with my friend. but the story which i m writing was my best lesbian experience.I was 16 yeras old at tat time.I was invited by my uncle in december for spending my holidays with him and his wife. First i thought to not go but then i decided it as a time pass and decided to go to my uncle's house. I decided to go live at their house for 1 week only. My first 2 days were...

4 years ago
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Wife discovers her Lesbian Side

My wife Sally and I have been married now for twenty two years and I am still discovering new things about her. The true story that I am about to tell you is how my dear Sally first brought Lynda into our lives and what happened the first time that she visited our house. If you find lesbian sex and cream pies offensive then please do not waste your time by reading on.We live in a medium sized village somewhere in the south of England. I am manager of the local bank, and for the last ten years...

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Lesbian Funtime

Me and my friend had just graduated high school. At grad night we were hanging out and we started to play truth or dare. She asked me if I had ever thought about being lesbian or bisexual. My reply was that I was lesbian and I had been since we were little. She was shocked it took me until I was 18 to come out to her and that she was bi curious. She said that she had never kissed a girl and asked me if I had. I said yes and she asked me if she could kiss me. I had had a crush on her for years...

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apni cousin ke sath lesbian sex

Main pinky hu delhi ki rahne wali hu aur call center me job karti hu ap sabne mujhe mail kiya uske liyea thanks main ap logo se whatsapp par sex chat ki aur apni hot pics bhi bheji aur ap mujhe aur mail kariyea main apse aur whatsapp par sex chat karungi aur apni hot pics bhi bhejungi ap sabko bata du ki main apni colony ki bahut hi mast maal hu mujhe dekhte hi ladke mujhe chodne k liyea mere piche ghumte h lekin main jayada kisiko bhi bhaw nahi deti hu ab main apni kahani par aati hu ye kahani...

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Training My Wife Lesbian

My 25 year old wife is hot.The first time I saw her jogging I thought about the proverbial beach bunny.Ironically, she worked at the same hospital I worked at. We eventually met, moved in and married.After moving in together she went for a girls night out only it was in the afternoon.This was the first time I saw she liked to drink. She came home very tipsy and shed all her clothes. She went into the kitchen of our apartment naked and was going to cook something, I don't remember what. I was...

2 years ago
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My wife and her lesbian friend

I worked on getting my wife Renu to try a threesome for years, and I almost gave up. I held on to the belief that she would eventually give it a try, I just didn’t know when. Thank God persistence pays off! Renting a bunch of porno movies with lesbian scenes was the best idea I ever had. She really got hot watching two athletic lesbians go at it, and I was shocked when she confessed she’d slept with a woman in college and enjoyed it. You can imagine how this new information excited me and I...

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A man leaves his uncaring wife only to find out that she8217s been carrying on a lesbian relationship

It had been three weeks since Eugene and Audrey had had sex, and he was ready to explode. He had tried everything, from subtle hints to fancy dinners. Gradually, he got increasingly direct. Tonight, he had coated his request in flattery, with a touch of humor, ribaldry and raw desire, and she still turned him down. “Are you playing some kind of game with me?” he said. “No.” “Then what’s wrong?” “I’m not in the mood.” “You...

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Lesbian Wife Works Hard At Our Resort Bar

Sexy Lesbian Wife Works At Our Resort BarHi, I’m Kathy last year my husband Phil and I bought the business of our dreams a lakefront resort and bar in Southern Wisconsin. My husband used to be a wrestler in college and he still had a body builder’s physique that any women would die for. I had been a bodybuilder also; I am a large but very muscular woman in her forties. I love my husband’s Hugh cock and since college I have had quite a few lesbian women who were drawn to my physically fit...

2 years ago
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Sexy Lesbian Gets My Wife at Resort Bar

Sexy Lesbian Wife Works At Our Resort BarHi, I’m Kathy last year my husband Phil and I bought the business of our dreams a lakefront resort and bar in Southern Wisconsin. My husband used to be a wrestler in college and he still had a body builder’s physique that any women would die for. I had been a bodybuilder also; I am a large but very muscular woman in her forties. I love my husband’s Hugh cock and since college I have had quite a few lesbian women who were drawn to my physically fit body....

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My Wife 8211 A Lesbian Prostitute

Life sometimes takes such turns that one can just be a mere spectator and be a passenger in the seats of time. Sometimes, one cant fight or control the situations and could just flow with the directions of time. I choose this platform for tow reasons . first being cant express my self other than this forum and 2 love many a stories in this site. Well, let me start by describing the whole conditions. I am a doctor working as health researcher in a reputed health care organization . My life was...

3 years ago
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Naa Modati Lesbian Sex

Hi I am ramanjali I am from karimnagar telangana I 20 yrs old and this is my first story hope you will like it if you like this then plz comment and reply me at my brothers email at nenu iss lo chala sex stories chadivanu nenu kuda naa real life sex stories share cheskundam anukunna ala ee story rastunna Ekkuva tym waste cheyakunda story loki vaddam maadi oka small family nenu amma nanna annaya.Naa figure 28 30 28 fair colour chinnapati nundi naaku sex korikalu ekkuva evariki cheppukoledu ela...

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I Can Turn Your GF or Wife Lesbian

Patti was eighteen and had just graduated high school and was enjoying a sleepover at a school friend's house. Patti was of medium build with brown eyes, short brown hair, small breasts, about 5 feet 6 inches., and knew for most of her life that she was a lesbian but only had a few experiences with her friends but all that was about to change quickly. Patti had managed to seduce her blonde friend and was happily licking the girl's pussy when the girl's mother walked into the room and screamed....

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Lesbian Nurse Does The Bosses Wife

Hi, I’m Marsha and here is the story of my reintroduction to the lesbian lifestyle. I work as a Nurse for Dr. John Everett, an Ophthalmologist. We do a lot of Lasik eye surgery. His wife Ruth is also a Doctor but practices at a local hospital. Now I’m not a complete lesbian by any standards, but I did have a two month affair with a neighbor several years ago, so I guess I could call myself bi-sexual. I sometimes look at certain women in a sexual way. Mostly, I am attracted to large curvy women...

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The Rakshasas HeartChapter 4 The Rakshasarsquos Heart

Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this! Princess Malakisha – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith I strode through the corridors of the Ziggurat, my men at my back, armed, armored. Death was in the air. The future promised blood and violence. My nipples were hard as my purple sari whisked against my thighs. Juices dribbled down my legs. My heart, my dear Lucy, marched at my side, naked and unashamed, her light-brown hair bouncing about her shoulders. She smelled excited, too. Eager. She was...

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Hasina The Naughty Bitch

Hasina lay stretched out on her bed wearing nothing but a yawn. It was a scorching hot summer day, not to mention boring. Hasina was wondering how in the world she was going to make it through a whole long, hot summer without a man.Hasina, a petite 20-year-old brunette, was home for the summer and separated from her boyfriend, Munna, who'd had to return to his own home town hundreds of miles away. Munna had given her plenty of steady loving over the past three months, and Hasina missed it...

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Lesbian Sex

Her 32D breasts bounced up and down in front of my face. Her brown eyes stared at me as she moved herself down onto my body, down across my breasts, my stomach, my mound, and finally she made it to my vagina, where she set her lips onto my clit… I woke up from my dream immediately. I had never dreamed of lesbian sex before and it started to make me curious. I moved my hand towards my vagina, it was soaked with my pussy juices. My nipples were rock hard as well. My dream had actually turned me...

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Sexy Lesbian Wife Works At Our Resort Bar

Hi, I’m Kathy last year my husband Phil and I bought the business of our dreams a lakefront resort and bar in Southern Wisconsin. My husband used to be a wrestler in college and he still had a body builder’s physique that any women would die for. I had been a bodybuilder also; I am a large but very muscular woman in her forties. I love my husband’s Hugh cock and since college I have had quite a few lesbian women who were drawn to my physically fit body. The resort and bar was not doing well...

4 years ago
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Diana nagercoil First lesbian sex

Hi, I’m Diana age 22 back again Friends. I’m really attracted with the site ISS. Accidentally I came to know about it. Reading the stories, I also got an inspiration. I am from Nagercoil , kanyakumari , tamilnadu .After many days preparation, I got the boldness to write the experience, ie my first lesbian experience. Mine is a small family with father, mother and elder brother. Ours is an ordinary family then. We live in a village. I’ve no knowledge about any kind of sex till my college days....

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Heather Peace and Roxanne McKee lesbian sex

After her successful role as Louise Summers in the UK soap Hollyoaks she was offered a major role in the BBC drama called “Lip Service” which is set in Scotland and is about lesbian relationships.Although Roxanne has always been a sex symbol she’s never really shied away from, not-only playing, raunchy roles but also stripping off for glamour mags as well. All very tasteful but she had been approached many times with cash to go further but she’s always said no.Now just turned 30, she’s a 5ft...

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Real Lesbian Sex

I’m going to written something secret of my life that I’m keeping it secret for long time. Today I read some story from iss So I feel to share my story here with iss reader. I’m Lisamunny, my nick name is Lisa 27 years old now I born in New Delhi. From my child I’m not interested in male; I’m always feel for female as u can call me lesbian or gay. Its feeling from my heart. 1st I want to tell about my family, in my family only my mom and me. My Dad has been pass way about 20 years ago while I...

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How I Became a Hotwife Ch 06 Lesbian Babysitter

After the birth of my second child, a cute little girl, we decided to hire a part-time nanny or babysitter. The agency sent a young girl to us and after only one session, we decided to change as she was totally clueless as to what to do with the baby. The second nanny came and she was in her late twenties. She had previous experience before and she had brought up her own child before. Hence, we were very comfortable with the way she handled our baby. She dressed simple but she looked sweet from...

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A lesbian Prostitute wife

Life sometimes takes such turns that one can just be a mere spectator and be a passenger in the seats of time. Sometimes, one cant fight or control the situations and could just flow with the directions of time. I choose this platform for tow reasons . first being cant express my self other than this forum and 2 love many a stories in this site.Well, let me start by describing the whole conditions. I am a doctor working as health researcher in a reputed health care organization . My life was...

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Turned Another Straight House Wife Lesbian

"Please don't make me do this," Nancy pleaded, her gorgeous green eyes filling with tears."I'm not making you do anything," I told my pretty neighbor, leaning back into the couch, legs spread, waiting for my show. I was ready, wearing only panties and a bra.Her eyes flickered to the side, once again taking in the collage of pictures on the coffee table."You know that if John ever saw those pictures he'd kill me.""So am I supposed to lie to him?" I asked her, pointedly.She stood quietly, firming...

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Stella arrived just after lunchtime. She loves our unit with the view looking out over the water, especially the very large balcony. She asked if we sunbake naked on it? Lots of chat and discovered we are both the same age and star sign, Libra. As you know Librans have a strong sex drive. Spent the afternoon sunbathing by the pool. No one else at the pool, so we took our tops off. Stella has a very good body, 36D tits she told me, most impressive and huge nipples and you would like her big...

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Stella arrived just after lunchtime. She loves our unit with the view looking out over the water, especially the very large balcony. She asked if we sunbake naked on it? Lots of chat and discovered we are both the same age and star sign, Libra. As you know Librans have a strong sex drive. Spent the afternoon sunbathing by the pool. No one else at the pool, so we took our tops off. Stella has a very good body, 36D tits she told me, most impressive and huge nipples and you would like her big...

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The Doctors Wife Lesbian

THE DOCTOR’S WIFEMartha, the doctor’s maid, did notice that Mrs. Howard had changed into a rather short skirt that evening after dinner but didn’t take much notice of it. The doctor’s wife sometimes went out alone and Martha never asked her where she went, neither, she was quite sure, did the doctor. The maid did notice though that Mrs. Howard - her full name was Olivia Howard – had put on make-up and was dressed more for a party, with her low-cut blouse and high heels, than a formal dinner or,...

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Computer Room Rendezvous With Hasina

I was working in a company in Hyderabad, in the company I was surrounded by people who were many years my senior, Then about 2 months ago, Hasina joined our company, I could scarcely believe my eyes. I was overjoyed that I would now have a beautiful, fresh, good looking girl of my own age working with us. My super active mind was full of fantasies involving her: blowjobs under my desk, quick fucks in the rest room, doggie-style humping and so on. Hasina is a knockout in the truest sense, she...

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Wife Submits To Her New Lesbian Lover

It has been two weeks since I learned that my neighbor Angela had turned my wife Carol into her submissive lesbian lover. I returned from a five day business trip and that night I noticed that Carol’s ass had several reddish marks on it. I asked Carol what happened and she explained that she had fallen off a treadmill at the gym and bruised her whole back. What I really suspected was that Angela was being a little “rough” when she made love to my petite wife. I called Rob a retired cop friend...

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My Introduction To Lesbian Sex

Hello friends, I am Neha Sood, there are certain things you all must know about me before I start telling you about my journey of sexual adventures. I am 25 years of age and I belong to quite a rich family. My father and mother both are in real estate business. I am a single child, so you can understand the level of freedom I get from my parents. They haven’t said no to me never, like literally never. I have passed out engineering two years ago and currently, I am doing nothing just enjoying...

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Subhash Takes His Maid Anal

Dear Readers, this is the third story about an Indian man and his maid. The first story was about how an Indian man, managed to entice his maid to have sex with him. The second story was about how he fucked her the first time. Subhash was anxiously waiting on the third day for his maid Sushila to come for her work. He would glance at the clock, pace his room and again look up. The clock was showing 10:00 A.m. Sushila was already an hour late and Subhash was fuming inside. Two days had gone and...

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Tuition Sir8217s Wife Turned Ruchi Into A Lesbian

Hello friends how are u all? I’m from Mumbai. I am a great fan of incest and also love satisfying women (age-no-bar). Be it a 20year old Virgin or a 70year old granny. I love to satisfy all women. This is my 1st story on ISS and it’s not my experience but of one of my friend who asked me to write here on her behalf!! Well here I present u an incident from cute sexy Ruchi which happened with her sometime back. Over to Ruchi now! Hello guys and girls I’m Ruchi from Nagpur and I would like to...

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Hotwife Chapter 3A The Continuation Of My Hotwifes Weekend

HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...

Wife Lovers
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I Love Seducing Married Wifes Lesbian

I'm Reyna; I am a twenty two year old confirmed lesbian, but under the right circumstances I can look like I'm sixteen. Not only am I a lesbian, my preferred lovers are women who have never had a lesbian experience before. I love older women, ladies that are bored with their lives, their husbands, their routines. I love the ones that never see me coming, ones that want to mother me, to make it all better. The thing is; they mostly seduce themselves. I don't force them; I lead them where their...

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Subhash Does The Maid

The next day Subhash heard the door-bell ringing at 8-00 A.m. , he was surprised, because there was nobody expected and Sushila never came before 9-00. When he opened the door sure enough he saw it was Sushila standing there with a plastic bag in her hand.Subhash let her in, locked the door and asked her, “Does that bag contain the towel?” Sushila just smiled and nodded. Subhash asked her to make tea for him first. She went to the kitchen. It was a small flat, two bedrooms, a hall and a...

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The Rakshasas HeartChapter 3 The Rakshasarsquos Whip

Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this! Princess Malakisha – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith Queen Adroyna was dead. My grandmother. The longest-lived queen in Naith’s history. She had fended off assassination plots from aunts, from cousins, from sisters, and from her own daughters. She had drenched the Ziggurat in the blood of rakshasas to gain and maintain her clawed grasp on the queendom. And now she was dead. Of natural causes. Just thinking about it sent a horny wave of desire...

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Movie and some lesbian sex

Tori walked into the adult theatre. It was crowded; atleast 75/100 of the seats were occupied. One girlstood up, and sat down in the seat next to it. She invited Tori to sit down. "Hi," she said, "my name's Jane." "I'm Violet," said the other. "My name's Tori," was the reply, and she sat down, and they began to talk. A few minutes later, the movie began. The movie was about two gay men. Tori wasn't really into gay men. She liked to see some tits in there. This one was pretty hot though. Tori...

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Shashi Ko Uske Ghar Par Choda 8211 Part I

Hi friends kaise ho mai aapka raj fir se hazir hu aapke samne apni ek story ko lekar ummid hai aap pasand karenge or mujhe par mail zaroor karenge to mai aapko apni ek real story sunane ja raha hu jo meri or meri girlfriend ki saheli ki chudai ki kahani hai to dosto mai start karta hu ye story 3 mahine pahli hai mai sham ko ghar par baitha tha to mere mobile par ek call aaya call attend karte hi dusri taraf se ek meethi si aawaz aayi usne apna intro diya ki wo shashi bol rahi hai mai aapki gf...

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Aditi Ka Affair Shashank Ke Sath 8211 Part 1

Hello friends,main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek nayi sex story. Main aapko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi Jacob (24 years) ne uske college friend cum businessman Shashank Chopra ke sath apna extramarital affair shuru kiya. Toh bina time waste kiye aaiye main aap sabko new sex story batata hoon. Aap logon ne meri last sex story mein padha. Anamika ke sath mere Abu Dhabi based hotel ke personal suite mein sara din sex kiya. Uske baad hum dono raat mein dubai wapas...

1 year ago
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Aditi Ka Affair Shashank Ke Sath 8211 Part 2

Hello friends,main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek sex story. Iss part mein main aapko bataunga ki Aditi aur Shashank ne ek dusre ke sath kya kya kiya. Uss din Aditi ke iss decision ko sunkar main andar se tut gaya. Mere Aditi ko time nahi diya. Iski wajah se hi Shashank Aditi ko emotionally weak karke apne sath extramarital affair shuru karwane mein successful ho gaya. Fir Shashank ne Aditi ke chehre ko apne dono hatho se pakda aur apne hoth ko uske hoth par rakhkar...

4 years ago
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Mera Shashank Aur Anamika Ka Pehla Threesome 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap logon ke liye ek nayi kahani. Ismein main aap logon ko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi ke lover Shashank Chopra (27 years) aur maine (25 years) mere hotel ki manager Anamika Malhotra (24 years) ke sath Shashank ke ghar mein sex kiya. Agle din subah 8 baje main apne ghar se nikla. 9 baje Anamika ke ghar ke gate par pahuncha jahan. Woh mera wait kar rahi thi. Anamika ne us din grey blazer, black full sleeve shirt inside, grey pant...

2 years ago
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Smelling Orthodox Wife From Hassan

Hi all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here, first of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. I am writing this story after a break because there was nothing horny/wild in my life which was to be written. My dearest sex story readers, you can message me if you have come across or experienced wildest unique encounters, a real one. I will be happy to write the story in your stead and publish for...

4 years ago
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Threesome With A Lesbian And A Bisexual

Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. I’m going to narrate another fictional story. This story is how I got lucky with two lesbians. Just think whatever we are doing. It is not a real story. Guys, hands on your hard cock and girls, on your pussy now. One day I was travelling in a bus. Two hot north Indian girls got into the bus and they sat together in front of my seat. One was wearing a noodle strap and the other was wearing a tank top. Being at the back seat, their sexy...

3 years ago
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My first lesbian orgy

2007 was an important year for me. I had turned eighteen; went to university and had my first sexual experience with more than one girl. At the time, I was seeing my best friend Gemma. We had been together since my first year at college and we continued to be an item until our first year at Uni when being at different universities put a strain on our relationship. Even so, we remained friends and to this day there is something special between us and always will be. My first lesbian experience...

1 year ago
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Mera Shashank Aur Anamika Ka Pehla Threesome 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap logon ke liye ek nayi kahani. Ismein main aap logon ko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi ke lover Shashank Chopra(27 years) aur maine (25 years) mere hotel ki manager Anamika Malhotra (24 years) ke sath Shashank ke ghar mein sex kiya. Toh bina time waste kiye aaiye main aap sabko apni kahani batata hoon. Aap logon ne meri kahani mein padha ki maine Anupriya ke sath usi ke ghar mein sex kiya tha. Aur din bhar sex karne ke bad hum...

3 years ago
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“The compliments kept coming. Love your legs. You have a wonderful body, she told me as she watched me trying on clothes. I could see the girls in the shop trying to tell me something. Then a shock. “I am a lesbian Joanne. I would love to make love to you,” she told me out loud. The girls in the shop all had knowing smiles. The next day Joanne phoned me at work. “I can’t stop thinking about that woman. It is very tempting for me. I have never had a lesbian experience, though most of my...

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