Family Life Ch 13 - Unexpected Romance free porn video

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David left his mother and Laura in the reception area while he went to find out where his father was. Eventually he was directed to the intensive care unit. When the three of them got there they were told that the medical staff were still working on him and they were shown into a private waiting room.

“I know this may sound awful Mum,” David said, “but l don’t know what to feel, l don’t wish him dead of course but he has brought this on himself and after what happened yesterday l don’t have a lot of sympathy.”

“I understand,” Mary replied, “he’s not been happy for years, Laura is the only one of us he really cares about and he sees her getting married and moving out, it has made him even more miserable.”

“But he’s never been that close to me either,” Laura said.

“What he said about you and Antoine Mum,” David said, “do you think that is what’s bothering him.”

“I don’t know baby,” Mary replied, “he has never mentioned it before, so for it to be on his mind now l suppose it must be something that’s been eating away at him for a while.”

“Was it a really bad thing in those days?” Laura asked, “you know, having sex with a black man.”

“Things were much different then,” Mary replied, “remember there were no black men living in the town, there were a few in the big towns, especially near the docks, so until the American soldiers arrived most of us had never seen a black man. The local boys treated them with suspicion but for the girls it was a bit of a novelty, plus of course the Americans had a lot more money and were always arranging parties.”

“So l suppose getting pregnant by one of them was a really big deal,” Laura asked.

“Well yes,” Mary replied, “although at the time only my mother knew, l didn’t even get the chance to tell Antoine, and then, with all the upset when l heard he’d been killed, l lost the baby before it had really started to show.”

“So how did Dad find out?” David asked.

“I told him,” she replied, “l was in a bad way emotionally, it was before l lost the baby, your father was being very kind to me and l was so mixed up l went along with it. He actually asked me to marry him a week before l lost the baby, l had no option other than to tell him, l was convinced that he would ditch me and l would live a life of shame, when he said he still wanted to marry me l jumped at the chance, l know it was wrong, l never loved him, but he was kind and we had some good years up until you two were born. He has never been a brilliant lover but l just accepted that it was the price l had to pay but gradually things got worse.”

At that point a nurse entered to tell them that Tom was on his way to theatre for emergency surgery, she said it would take a long time. She told Mary that there was a room available if she wanted to stay the night, and that she could get meals in the staff canteen. She also said that a Mr Dobbs was at main reception enquiring.

Mary said she would stay the night and that David and Laura should go home. On the way down to reception Laura asked David if she could sit in the front on the way home as the front seat was more comfortable.

On the journey home they told Dan what the situation was.

Dan glanced across at Laura, noting that her skirt had ridden up and that she was showing a large portion of thigh. “I haven’t seen you for a while,” he said, reaching over and patting her knee.

Laura took hold of his hand and guided it between her thighs. “Have you missed me?” She asked.

“Very much,” Dan replied, his fingers finding her naked cunt, “you could catch cold walking round with no knickers on,” he laughed.

“For Christ’s sake Laura,” David called from the back, “if l’d known what you were thinking l’d have made you sit in the back.”

“Oh don’t be a spoil sport,” she responded, opening her legs as Dan’s fingers parted her cunt lips. “It’s alright for you to be shagging your new girlfriend while all l get is John slobbering over me and trying to fuck me with that tiny cock of his. What do you say Dan, do you fancy shagging a girl in need?” She reached over, feeling the bulge in his trousers. “Do you want to find somewhere quiet or wait till we get home.”

“There’s a picnic spot up in the woods over there,” he said, indicating some trees on the left. “It should be quiet at this time of year.”

“Perfect,” Laura said, giving his erection a squeeze, “what about you David, l fancy having two cocks up me again as long as you’re gentle, this baby is taking up more room now.”

“You’re a fucking whore Laura Evans,” David replied.

“I am what you made me,” she laughed, “when l went to the toilet on the way out l used some of my moisturising cream to grease my bum hole, which one of you wants that hole.”

“Look out Dan!” David shouted as they turned off towards the trees, Dan cutting the corner too sharp and hitting the kerb quickly replacing both hands on the wheel. “Laura, leave his cock alone for two minutes before we crash.”

They pulled in to the picnic area. “Looks deserted,” Dan said as he parked next to a picnic table on the grass.

“Good, let’s have some fun,” Laura said, getting out of the car and quickly removing her dress and bra, standing there naked. David and Dan got out, making a move towards her. “Oh no!” She stopped them, “if you want to play with me you have to be naked too.”

“Don’t be fucking stupid Laura, get on that table and open your legs,” David ordered her, undoing his trousers and taking out his cock.

“No,” she replied, “my legs stay shut until you’re both naked. Come on David, there’s no-one here, it will be fun, look, l’m all wet and ready for you.” She put her hand between her legs, inserting two fingers into her cunt then putting them in her mouth. “Oooo l taste nice,” she said, “come on David, l’m fucking cold, get stripped off and warm me up.”

“I’m up for it,” Dan said, taking off his clothes and throwing them into the car, “Come on son, you take her arsehole, l’ll have her cunt.”

“Come on David,” she pleaded, “l’m all greased up ready…come and fuck your big sister’s bum hole.”

David gave in, he was rock hard and realised he wasn’t going to get anywhere if he didn’t do as she said. He followed Dan, taking off his clothes and putting them in the car.

They both went over to her, feeling her tits and fingering her cunt and arsehole.

“Oooo that’s good,” she giggled, reaching for their cocks then dropping to her knees on the grass, sucking each one in turn.

“I’m going to cum,” David said as she worked on him.

“Might as well give her a load now son,” Dan replied, “that way you’ll be able to fuck her longer.”

Laura loved the way they were talking about her as if she was a worthless piece of meat, she sucked harder on David’s cock and seconds later she was rewarded with a mouth full of spunk. She swallowed hard, not wanting to waist a drop.

“My turn now,” Dan said, walking over to the table and sitting on the seat. “Come and get your cunt on this,” he said, holding his stiff cock.

“Ooo yes please,” Laura said, releasing David’s cock, running over to Dan and getting astride him, lowering herself onto him. She wriggled on his lap as she felt his cock deep inside her. “Oh that feels good,” she said, “all l’ve had lately has been John’s cock and he is so useless, he just about manages to get in me before he cums, this is so much better.” She placed her hands on Dan’s shoulders as she began slowly raising and lowering herself.

“Come here Broth,” she said, “let me get you hard again, l want you up my bum.”

David had not fully lost his erection which pleased her as she took hold of it, wanking it hard.

“Come on baby,” she said, working on him, “Oooo that’s nice,” she said as Dan sucked and bit on her nipples. “Look, l’m ready for you,” she leaned forward, using her hands to spread her buttocks to show him her arsehole.

David loved the way she acted like a complete cum slut. He was stroking his cock, feeling it coming back to full erection.

“Oh yes baby,” she said, reaching for him, feeling him good and hard. “Give it to me baby, l want two cocks inside me so much, but mind the baby, not too rough, after the baby’s born you can do it as rough as you like but not yet.”

David got behind her as she leaned forward. He had to bend his knees slightly but as soon as the tip of his cock pressed against her anus it slipped easily inside.

“Oh god yes!” She sighed as she felt both cocks deep inside her.

“You just need one more for your mouth,” Dan said, squeezing her tits hard and pinching her nipples.

“Ooooo baby that’s good,” she groaned, “Oh yes, l want that…do you think Paul would join us broth, do you think l could take him up my bum.”

“I reckon she could get a horse up there son,” Dan laughed, “what do you think son, do you think you could persuade Paul to join us.”

Stirred on by the vision in his head of Paul fucking her arsehole with his huge cock was having the desired effect, he felt his cock become fully erect as he started fucking her. She went with him, moving herself on Dan’s cock. Both men could feel the other’s cock moving, separated only by a thin membrane.

David grabbed her tits, mauling them roughly as Dan chewed on her nipples.

“Oh that is so good,” she sighed, “be careful of the baby but you can be as rough as you like with my tits.”

“I want to milk these fuckers when you start producing,” Dan said, twisting her nipples, feeling her muscles clenching on his cock.

“We’ll milk her like the dirty cow she is Dan,” David said, digging his fingers into the soft tit flesh.

He began slowly fucking her arsehole as she lifted herself up and down on Dan’s cock.

“Oh god,” she cried, “this is a great way to get fucked, l want you to do it harder when the baby’s born.”

They continued to fuck her, David slapping her tits as he pushed in slowly but deep, hearing her sigh with pleasure. Dan nuzzling and chewing on her nipples as she moved on him.

“I want your cum,” she cried, “l want your spunk.”

“We’ll have to fuck you harder for that,” Dan replied.

“Not both together,” she said, “it’s too risky, l’ll take you in my mouth and cunt then you can fuck me properly.”

David pulled out, Laura moaning as his cock vacated her. Then she climbed off Dan’s cock, moving onto the grass and getting on all fours.

“Which end do you want Dan?” David said.

“You take her mouth son,” he replied, “she can taste her arsehole while l fuck her cunt.”

Dan got behind her, easily slipping his cock into her soaking wet cunt, David grabbing a handful of her hair as he pushed his cock deep into her throat.

Laura gagged as his cock hit the back of her throat but she managed to relax and take him, his tummy slapping into her face as he began fucking her. Dan was in her to the hilt, mauling her tits as they hung down, his tummy bouncing against her bottom as he rammed harder and harder. She wanted to tell him to be careful but she was unable to protest, also it felt so good, she could feel her orgasm approaching.

David came first, forcing his cock into her throat as he pumped his spunk into her.

Dan was alternating between slapping her tits and slapping her buttocks, as he heard David groan with his orgasm he felt the rush of heat as Laura came, one more hard thrust and he came with her, grinding himself in as deep as he could as his spunk jetted into her.

As all three collapsed, Laura gasping for air as David vacated her mouth. “You are one hell of a sexy woman Laura,” Dan said. “One man is never going to satisfy you.”

“Oh David has promised me loads of cocks after l get married.”

“You can start with John’s father,” David said, “l was talking to him on Saturday, he fancies you, it wouldn’t be a bad thing to get him fucking you.”

“He’s been very nice to me,” she replied, “it’s that stuck up cow of a wife that needs a big cock up her arse, you should find a way to fuck her David.”

“She might be stuck up now,” Dan said, “but l remember when she was a racing certainty on a Saturday night, then she got pregnant and had to get married, once she had his money all of a sudden she became all high and mighty.”

Laura started to shiver. “I’m getting cold,” she said.

With that they all recovered their clothes and climbed back into the car. Dan dropped them at the house, Laura made a sandwich for her and David. After eating it and talking for a while about what might happen to their father, Laura said she was tired and went up to bed.

David did some tidying then went up, walking into his bedroom he saw Laura snuggled down under his quilt. Smiling he undressed and slipped into bed beside her, she sensed him there and nestled up against him, resting her head on his chest. David put his arm round her, listening to her even breath as she drifted into a deep sleep, soon he began to drift off himself.

They made love slowly in the morning. None of the urgency of the previous evening, just two lovers coming together, taking each other to orgasm slowly and gently.

“We’re like a married couple,” Laura giggled as she curled up next to him, still feeling the last fluttering of her orgasm.

David smiled, he had to pinch himself sometimes when he thought of the situation he was in. Unlimited sex with his mother and sister and now he had Jean as well. “It doesn’t get better than this,” he said, holding Laura tight.

When David got to the workshop, Dan was busy on the phone. When he had finished he told David that he had been talking to an old mate who worked in the depriving test centre.

“I explained to him what your situation was,” he said, “he wasn’t hopeful at first but then he found a cancellation for tomorrow afternoon, the only complication is that he says you have to do the test in a car not a van so we had better spend the day getting you used to driving the car.

David used the phone to contact the hospital, they would not give out much information but did say that they would tell his mother that he had called.

The day went well. David quickly got to terms with driving the car, he actually found it easier with better visibility. In the evening, Dan sat with him as he drove to the hospital. Laura said she had to meet with some friends to finalise some things for the wedding.

When they reached the hospital, Mary told them that Tom was still u*********s and that they expected him to stay that way for at least a day so she had decided to go home.

As they pulled up outside the house, Mary kissed Dan to thank him, then she paused.

“Why don’t you come in and stay the night,” she said, “you’ve got no-one at home and l could do with a bit of fun.”

“You two go on in,” David said, “l’m going into town.”

“If you’re going to visit Jean Lovell you be careful,” Mary warned, “her husband may well be there, don’t you go giving her any trouble, she has enough on her plate without you making her life more complicated.”

David assured her that he would be okay, he gave his mother a quick kiss and headed into town. As he went he heard a slap, followed by his mother’s giggle, he guessed her and Dan were in for a good night.

As he walked through the town he was hoping Mr Lovell would not be there but his hopes were dashed when he rang the door bell and the door was opened by the man himself.

“Hello David,” Mr Lovell said, “ Have you come to see Paul, come on in.”

David could hear loud music coming from upstairs.

“You just caught me,” Mr Lovell said, “Paul is upstairs, go on up.”

Just as David moved toward the stairs Mr Lovell spoke again.

“I have to say David, both Mrs Lovell and l really appreciate the way you have stayed friends with Paul, l have to go and check on the shop, l will only be half an hour, Mrs Lovell will get you anything you need.”

David looked beyond Mr Lovell, seeing Jean stood in the kitchen doorway. She looked very worried, motioning to David for him to go.

“Thank you Mr Lovell,” he replied, “Mrs Lovell is always very kind to me.” He saw Jean frantically shaking her head, obviously praying for him to leave.

As soon as Mr Lovell left, closing the door behind him, she came running up to him, pushing him toward the front door.

“You must go,” she said, panicking, “you shouldn’t have come.”

David smiled, turning his head toward the door as he called out, “Oh by the way Mr Lovell, do you mind if l shag your wife while you’re gone.”

“Stop it,” she cried, seeing the wicked smile on his face, “this is not funny.”

“Does he talk like that in bed?” he asked, “Excuse me Mrs Lovell but would you mind awfully opening your legs so that l can put my penis in and waggle it about.” He said smiling, mimicking Mr Lovell’s posh accent. Taking her in his arms and kissing her.

“Stop it,” she said weakly, “he will see us through the door.”

David quickly pulled her into the living room, pressing her against the wall as he continued to kiss her.

Despite her protests she kissed him back passionately.

He started to pull up her skirt.

“No,” she said, trying to wriggle free.

“You want it don’t you?” He said, getting one hand under her skirt and worming his fingers inside her panties.

“Stop it David,” she protested, but her efforts to get away were getting weaker.

“Tell me you want me,” he said, kissing her as his fingers slid back and fore against the cleft of her cunt.

“Stop it David, please,” she whispered, “Henry will be back in a minute.”

“Half an hour,” David replied, “tell me you want me.”

Jean gave a groan as his fingers located her clitoris, her legs buckling slightly as the pleasure flowed through her body.

With his other hand, David undid the fly of his trousers, managing to free his fully erect cock. “Tell me,” he said, flicking his finger against her clit.

“Oh god,” she whimpered, “Yes….yes…but be quick.”

She helped him by pushing her panties down, kicking them away. David lifted her, instinctively her legs wrapped around him. He felt his cock pressing against her cunt lips, then lowered her onto him.

“Oh god,” she sighed as she felt his heat inside her.

“I love you Mrs Lovell,” David whispered as he pressed her against the wall, forcing himself deep into her.

David heard a noise, turning to look into the hall he saw Paul standing on the stairs watching them.

“Are you loving Mummy David?” Paul asked.

“Yes Paul, l am loving her,” David replied, feeling Jean freeze in terror.

“That’s nice,” Paul replied, “Mummy likes it when you love her, it makes her happy. Are you coming up to see me after.”

David told him he would be up as soon as he had finished loving his mother. He could feel Jean trembling with nervous laughter as he saw Paul turn and go back upstairs.

“God this is surreal,” she said as David resumed fucking her.

“Is Paul right,” he said, “do l make you very happy?”

“You know you do,” she replied, kissing him, “do it to me now, please…come on…finish me off.”

David humped hard against her as they kissed passionately, Jean moving her hips to meet his thrusts, grinding herself against him.

David came with one last lunge, holding deep inside as his cock unloaded. She felt him cum and a warm feeling flowed through her body, not the powerful orgasm he usually gave her but a flow of heat as if their bodies were fusing together. She held him tight as the ecstasy of the moment overcame her.

They had just recovered when they heard Mr Lovell’s car pull up outside. David headed for the stairs, turning back he saw her frantically searching .

“Yoohoo!” He called, waving her panties at her then putting them to his nose, inhaling the scent of her.

“Go,” she whispered, laughing.

Paul wanted to know if David had made his mother happy, David assured him he had.

“Will l be able to love Laura again?” He asked.

David promised that he would arrange something in the next couple of days. They talked for a while about music and rugby and of course Paul wanted to talk about Laura. Eventually David said he had to go, as he was leaving, Mr Lovell said that her had heard about David’s father and asked how he was. David thanked him for asking, explaining what the situation was.

Mr Lovell saw him to the door, wishing a speedy recovery for his father.

“Thank you,” David replied, the looking at Jean standing behind her husband he thanked her for looking after him. Jean had difficulty keeping a straight face.

On his way back through town he saw a group of girls standing outside the fish and chip shop. He noticed Heather Rowlands among the group and suddenly remembered he had promised to get in touch with her. As he reached them she broke away from the group.

David raised his hands in apology. “I’m sorry,” he said, “l have no excuse.”

“Oh l’m used to being let down,” she said, “but l heard about your Dad so l’ll forgive you this time.” She offered him one of her chips while they walked over to a bench near the war memorial.

“Thank you,” he said, “but l can’t use that as an excuse, it’s just that there has been so much going on, l will arrange something though l promise.”

They chatted for a while, David was impressed that she seemed far more intelligent than he had given her credit for. She said she wouldn’t hold him to his promise. “I know what you boys think of me,” she said sadly, “l might be alright for a quick shag out the back of the pub but l’m not the sort of girl you want to take out on a date.”

David did feel sorry for her, he knew she was a bit of a tart, he had fucked her himself a few times and he knew some of his mates had as well.

“I know what you’re thinking,” she said, “l only have myself to blame, girls are not supposed to like sex, l know you think l’m cheap, but l do like you David, and not just for a quick shag.”

They talked for a while longer, David found her easy to talk to and soon they were laughing with each other, he could see her friends watching them, nudging each other and giggling.

“Look,” he said finally, “l have to go now, but l have my driving test tomorrow, meet me here tomorrow evening at seven after rugby training and we can either celebrate my pass or you can help me drown my sorrows.”

“Do you mean a proper date,” she said smiling at him.

“Yes,” he replied, “a proper date, no conditions.”

“What, not even a shag?” She asked.

David laughed. “That’s up to you,” he said, “but only if you have a good time.”

David saw her face light up, thinking how pretty she looked when she smiled. He stood up to go, but first bent and kissed her on her lips. “That should get their tongues wagging,” he said, indicating her friends before heading for home.

The next morning, Mary and Dan were in the kitchen when David went down for breakfast. David was amused to find his mother naked, two bright red patches on her buttocks.

“I take it you were a naughty girl last night,” he said, standing behind her, taking hold of her breast in one hand while the other slipped between her legs, feeling the stickiness of a cunt that had recently been fucked.

“I tried to be,” she giggled, parting her legs and leaning forward. “Do you want seconds, Dan has just had me.”

“I can see that,” David replied, “you’ve still got cum on your legs.”

“If you’re going to fuck her make it quick,” Dan said, “we’ve got a full morning practice before your test.”

David did make it quick, ramming his cock into her cunt the moment she bent over the table, taking hold of her hips and fucking her savagely as she encouraged him. He looked at the red bruising on her buttocks and spanked her hard as his cock ploughed into her.

“Oh yes baby!” She cried, “fill me up baby.”

“Fucking whore,” he said through clenched teeth as he felt his orgasm approaching.

“Mummy is your whore baby,” she responded as he hit her again, “use your whore Mummy baby.”

David cried out as he came, driving his cock deep as he pumped his spunk into her, holding it there as jet after jet fired from his cock.

“Oh thank you baby,” she said as he withdrew, turning and dropping to her knees to take his cock into her mouth, cleaning his cum and her juices.

“I bet when you used to wank off thinking about fucking your mother, you never thought she would turn out to be such a fucking whore, did you son,” Dan said, stepping over to them, wanking his cock, waiting for Mary to finish with her son before pushing his cock into her mouth just as he came.

“All those years she kept it secret son,” he said as Mary licked the last drops of cum from his cock, “she’s making up for it now though, aren’t you you cock crazy bitch.”

“I don’t hear either of you complaining,” she smiled, sitting back on her haunches.

“Come on son,” Dan said, zipping up his trousers, “let’s get started before she tempts me to stay and give her another good spanking.”

“Promises, promises,” she giggled, getting up and going over to David. “Have a good day baby,” she kissed him, “good luck this afternoon.”

David had a good morning practicing, he soon got to grips with the car, in fact he thought it was easier to drive than the old van. They were just entering the bottom of town on the way to a café for lunch when he spotted Jean heading toward him on the pavement. He stopped the car just in front of her, getting out and walking towards her.

He loved the warmth of her smile as he approached her and had to stop himself from taking her into his arms when he saw her expression change to nervous uncertainty when he got too close.

“Sorry,” he said, realising he was making her nervous and stepping back. Looking around and finding no-one close he said. “You are beautiful.”

Jean smiled nervously as her face flushed. “Don’t David,” she whispered, struggling to contain her own emotions.

“I love you,” he said.

“Stop it…please,” she replied.

“I want to take you home and make love to you,” he smiled, enjoying her embarrassment, thinking how beautiful and innocent she looked.

“Stop it David,” she pleaded, “You know how gossip spreads in this town, please don’t do this.”

“I’m sorry,” he said recognising that she was getting upset. “I just wanted to ask when l could come round, l have a surprise for Paul.”

“He will be home tomorrow afternoon,” she replied, “Henry is away in Swindon tomorrow, and will be late back, but we can’t do anything with Paul there.”

“Oh Paul will be playing with his surprise,” he replied, “l’m going to make love to you properly.”

“Stop it,” she blushed again. “Any way, l thought you had your driving test today, shouldn’t you be practicing instead of bothering me.”

“That’s this afternoon,” he replied, then seeing another elderly couple he raised the volume of his voice. “Thank you Mrs Lovell,” he said loud enough for the couple to hear, “if you can tell Paul l will see him tomorrow.”

“I will do, he will be looking forward to it, good luck this afternoon,” she called after him as he got back into the car. She then turned and smiled at the old couple as they passed.

“He’s a nice lad that David Evans,” the old lady said as she passed, “they’re a nice family, l expect his mother is very proud of him.”

“I’m sure she is,” Jean responded, smiling to herself, thinking, “if only you knew the truth.”

“You’re a cool one,” Dan said as David got back in the car, “she was creaming her knickers, l bet she’s a fucking hot shag.”

David drove the car away, stealing one last glance at her as he drove away.

One more hour of practice after lunch and they pulled in to the testing station. The examiner seemed like a friendly chap which put David at ease. An hour later he pulled back in, rather nervous as he knew he had made a couple of silly mistakes.

After parking the car, the examiner asked him some questions, then proceeded to list the mistakes David had made. David’s heart sank as he convinced himself he had failed, then the examiner said that each of the mistakes were classed as minor and were within the permitted allowance, consequently he told David he had passed.

David was even more thrilled when Dan told him that he could use the van as his own as he had already added David to his insurance.

His mother and sister were home when he arrived to give them the news.

“Oh that’s wonderful,” Mary said, hugging him, “we should celebrate, l wonder what we can do,” she said with a cheeky grin.

“Not this evening,” he replied, reading her dirty mind. “I’m meeting Heather Rowlands to thank her for helping us out on Saturday.”

“Oh she’s a pretty girl,” Mary replied, “are you fucking her?”

“She’s a slut,” Laura said with venom, “half the boys in town have fucked her.”

“You can talk,” Mary replied, “standing there with your brother’s baby in your belly.”

Laura gave her mother a withering look as she stormed up the stairs, slamming her bedroom door.

As David made his way to his bedroom, he opened Laura’s door and walked in.

“Don’t bother to knock will you,” she said angrily, standing in just her bra and knickers, looking at her reflection in her full length mirror. “Look at me,” she said, “l’m grotesque.”

“I like these,” he said, pulling up her bra and letting her heavy breast fall free. “Any milk yet?” He said pinching her nipples.

“If you want to fuck me get on with it,” she said, “l’m not in the mood so make it quick.”

“I’m not going to fuck you,” he replied, “l expect l’ll be fucking Heather later, l want to have plenty of spunk for her.”

“You are a callous bastard,” she replied.

David smiled, giving her nipples a wrist and seeing the response in her face as shy tried to defy him.

“I only came in to tell you to be free tomorrow afternoon,” he said, “we’re going down to see Paul.”

He saw her expression soften.

“I’m sure he’ll love playing with these,” he said, patting her tits then turning and leaving.

That evening David pulled up near the war memorial, he spotted Heather waiting for him. He had to admit she looked good, wearing one of the fashionable very short mini skirts, a tartan, pleated skirt and a tight sweater that showed off her big tits. David thought how much better she looked now that she no longer used those ridiculous bras that pushed her tits up into an unnatural position.

He left the van and walked over to her, seeing excitement on her face, he bent and kissed her in greeting and they walked arm in arm over to the cinema. David noticed a group of girls outside the cinema all watching them.

Heather bristled with pride as they walked past her friends, she saw the jealousy in their eyes, David was viewed by all the girls in town as quite a catch and she felt proud that he had picked her. When he had kissed her in greeting her legs had almost given way.

The cinema had recently started selling popcorn in big tubs like they had seen on tv, David bought her a tub and they went into the cinema. Heather was thrilled when he led her to the row of double seats at the back, usually occupied by boys with their girlfriends. She knew that other girls would be watching, she knew they all thought of her as a slut but she didn’t care.

Once seated, she placed the popcorn on the small table in front of them, then, as the lights dimmed she snuggled up against him. David put his arm around her, pulling her close against him, the absence of an armrest between them in the double seats making it more comfortable.

As the programme began, he allowed his hand to rest against her breast, encouraged that she made no effort to remove it, he began to gently caress it. Heather gave a sigh of pleasure as his fingers traced gently over her breast, turning her face up and kissing him. Soon the film was forgotten as they kissed passionately, David sliding his hand under her sweater, pushing up her bra and freeing her tits.

Heather responded with a moan of pleasure as he gently squeezed her tits, teasing her nipples. Her hand went the front of his trousers, feeling the hardness of her erection.

There were other couples in the row of seats, all similarly occupied. David moved his hand down from her tits onto her thigh, instinctively she parted her legs as his hand slid under her skirt, feeling a slightly damp patch of her panties covering the cleft of her cunt, his fingers wormed their way inside her panties and two fingers slid easily into her wet cunt. She gave a guttural moan as his thumb located her clitoris, rolling over it.

“Suck my cock,” he said as they broke off from kissing.

Expertly she undid his trousers and released his cock. Taking a quick look along the row of seats she could just make out the shadowy form of two other couples, both of them with the girls head bent over the boys lap. This row of seats was know as blow job row by all the local girls and it was living up to it’s name.

Heather shuffled down in her seat, bending over and taking his cock into her mouth. As she sucked him, he managed to get his hand under her, squeezing her tit and pulling and twisting her nipple.

David knew from experience that Heather was an expert cock sucker, using a variety of tricks to bring him to orgasm quickly and soon he was pressing her head hard down into his lap as he pumped his spunk into her mouth. Heather swallowed hard as she felt the power of his cock pulsating in her mouth, her own hand was under her skirt, rubbing hard on her clit and as David’s cock continued to spurt in her mouth she felt the warm flood of a mini orgasm.

After they had tidied themselves up, they resumed their original positions, Heather deliberately placing his hand to hold her breast. She turned up and whispered to him. “Can l be your proper girlfriend?”

“If you like,” he replied, placing the popcorn on his lap.

She gave him a quick kiss then settled back, blissfully happy as they watched what was left of the film.

“Do you want some chips?” He said as they left the cinema.

“Okay,” she replied, “but don’t you want to take me up the alley and fuck me?”

David burst out laughing. “Is that all you think about?” He said.

“Sorry,” she replied, “it’s just that that’s what most of the boys want when they take me out.”

David saw the sadness in her face.

“Why do you do it Heather?” He said, “you’re a pretty girl, you don’t have to open your legs for every boy that wants you.”

“Do you want to stop being my boy friend?” She asked sadly.

“No Heather, l like you,” he replied, “l just want you to have more respect for yourself.”

“But you fuck me too,” she replied.

“I know,” he said, not knowing how to really handle this conversation.

“When you fuck me, do you do it because you want me or because you know l’m easy?”

David hesitated.

“That’s okay,” she said, “l understand, it’s my own fault l know, but if you stay my boyfriend l won’t do it with anyone else l promise.”

“I don’t have the right to dictate your life,” he responded, “besides, what if l did it with another girl?”

“Who do you want to do it with, is it that Carol Smith, she’s still a virgin, all the boys want her but she won’t even get her tits out.”

“I’m not interested in her,” David said.

“She’s got bigger tits than me, are mine not big enough?”

“There’s nothing wrong with your tits,” he replied, “especially now you’ve stopped wearing those silly bras.”

“I know,” she replied, “your sister told me to stop wearing them, l thought the boys liked looking at my tits, mine don’t stand up firm like some of the girls.”

“I like your tits as they are.”

“Really!” She said excitedly, “it doesn’t bother you that they sag a bit.”

“No,”he replied, “they’re big and heavy, l like tits that swing when a girls bent over getting fucked.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to fuck me,” she said, “l’m all wet.”

“Why don’t we go for a drive?” He said.

She agreed enthusiastically, knowing the group of girls on the other side of the road were watching them, she knew they would be jealous when they saw her getting into David’s van, hardly any of the other boys their age had passed their driving test yet and even if they had they had little prospect of having their own car, David’s van may not have been as good as a car but at least it was transport.

David drove to a spot about five miles outside town, he had often ridden his bike there, it was a picnic area on the top of a hill with a view looking down along the river to the town, the lights twinkling in the evening air.

“I’ve never seen you with your parents,” he said after parking the van. “What does your father do?”

It was as if a dark cloud had passed over her face, David saw a tear forming then running down her cheek.

“Sorry,” he said, “l didn’t mean to upset you.”

“It’s okay,” she sniffed as she dabbed her eyes with a tissue. “My Dad was killed in an accident at the steelworks when l was five.”

“Oh, Sorry,” he replied, “that must have been hard for your mother.”

“She never got over it,” Heather continued, “she struggled for a couple of years then had a nervous breakdown,” she said, wiping away more tears.

“Hey, l’m sorry,” he said, putting his arm round her. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“No,” she replied, “l need to tell you. Mum tried to commit suicide, she is in a special hospital out side Nottingham, l go to see her a couple of times a year but she is in a world of her own, she doesn’t recognise me, l live with my Gran.”

“That’s awful, l’m so sorry,” he said.

“Oh Gran has been great,” she said, “we’ve had a lot of laughs over the years, she’s a real character. I’ve never really talked about it with anyone until now.” She turned to face him, they were only inches apart, they came together as he kissed her, gently at first then more urgently. They broke away for a second. “I want you,” she whispered.

They attempted to undress each other, hampered by their urgency and the restricted space. Suddenly they both burst out laughing together.

“Can we get in the back?” She said, “is it clean?”

“There’s an old sheet folded up, but the floor will be hard, not very comfortable,” he replied.

“I’ve done it in worse places,” she giggled.

David got out of his side and went to the back door, he spread the sheet across the floor of the van. Once he had finished he turned, she was stood next to him, totally naked except for her high heels.

“That’ll do,” she said as she climbed inside, lying full length on the floor her legs parted and knees bent.

David switched on the dim light in the roof.

“Won’t someone see us?” She said.

“I want to look at you,” he replied, “you’re gorgeous. You need to get rid of this though,” he said, indicating the whispy hair surrounding her cunt.

“Do you want me shaved?” She replied. “I can get it done tomorrow.”

“Do that,” he said, quickly removing his clothes then climbing inside. He knelt between her legs.

“It’s not very comfy,” she said, “can you be gentle with me?”

David bent forward, using his thumbs to part the lips of her cunt, he could feel how wet she was, could see her inner lips glistening. He placed his mouth over her cunt, lapping at the moisture, his tongue invading her, then tracing the edge, circling until he found the hard nodule of her clitoris.

He felt her body quiver as his tongue flicked at it, then his lips closing on it as he sucked.

“Oh god that’s good,” she sighed, her body rising for him as her legs parted wider, “Oh yes…..oh yes….don’t stop.”

David could feel the fluttering in her body, her knew she was close to orgasm, he eased back, holding her there, holding her on the edge until she calmed, then he resumed.

“Oh god,” she cried, “you have to finish me ….please.”

David loved doing this to his women, loved hearing them beg just like Heather was begging. He brought her to her peak again, her body heaving as he sucked and nibbled on her clit. He reached up, holding her tits, rolling his thumbs over her nipples. He could sense her dam about to burst. Then he stopped.

“Oh god no,” she cried, “don’t stop, you have to finish me, don’t stop…please David…please.”

Her hands went to her cunt, trying to finish herself, but he forced them away. He could see the sweat glistening on her body, he looked up and saw the fire in her eyes, he smiled at her, knowing he had her completely.

As she calmed again he resumed, this time inserting two fingers into her as he sucked and licked, easily bringing her back up. Her hands pressed against the back of his head, desperately trying to force him to finish her. Her legs wrapped around his neck, clamping him there as her body heaved.

He knew he couldn’t hold her again, knew she was right on the edge. His fingers went to her nipples, pinching hard and twisting as he sucked hard on her clit.

“Oh Christ l’m dying!” She screamed as her body erupted.

David expected a flood of her juices but nothing like the fountain that burst from her cunt. Jet after jet, spurting into his mouth as her body twisted and turned under him, her hands forcing him against her as he swallowed hungrily, intoxicated by the scent and taste of her.

It was the most powerful orgasm he had ever witnessed, her body heaving and thrashing as jet after jet of her sweet cunt juice spurted from her, even as her legs relaxed allowing him to pull away, she was still spurting, his face and chest was covered in her fluid, as he knelt back, watching her going through the final stages of her orgasm he felt a deep emotion for her. He knew what she was, knew what people said about her, but he didn’t care.

As she calmed he parted her thighs, moving forward he put the head of his penis against the entrance of her cunt. Her body was still heaving as she slowly came down from her high.

“Yes please,” she whispered as he slowly sank into her, their bodies coming together as she wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him deep inside her. “I love you,” she whispered as his face lowered onto hers, their mouths joining.

His cock felt as if it was in a furnace, he felt her contracting her muscles as if trying to draw him in deeper. “Don’t move,” she whispered, “let me…let me finish you.”

David had never experience this before, without any movement on his part he could felt the movements inside her body bringing him to his orgasm. It took him by surprise as his cock suddenly pulsed, shooting his spunk into her, at the same time feeling her squeezing him tight as more of her hot juices washed over him.

“Oh that is so beautiful,” she whispered as he continued to pulsate inside her.

“You’re a witch,” he replied, kissing her again, “how did you do that.”

“It’s never happened like that before,” she said as he rolled sideways but still remaining inside her. “But no-one has ever done that to me before, l thought l was going to die, it was so cruel, so beautiful, l’ve never cum like that before.”

“It was like a fountain,” he laughed, kissing her.

Suddenly they both heard the snap of a twig, turning to look out of the back door just in time to seem the back of a shadowy figure moving away into the darkness. David attempted to free himself to follow but she held him tight.

“No,” she said, “let him go, l don’t care, just stay with me, hold me.”

His cock had slipped from her as he attempted to get up but they remained entwined with each other, saying nothing but saying everything as they looked into each other’s eyes, kissing tenderly.

They lay still for quite a while, until she gave a slight shudder.

“You’re cold,” he said, “you need to get dressed, l should get you home, your Gran will be worried.”

He helped her out of the van, just as they heard a car start in the distance.
“I bet he was wanking as he watched us,” she laughed as David handed her her clothes.

“You should have let me catch him,” he said.

“I don’t care about him,” she replied, “there was no way l was letting you go, l never want to let you go.”

They paused, looking at each other.

“Am l really your girlfriend?” She asked. “I really want to be, l know what l am David, l know l’m not the sort of girl that boys want for a proper girl friend, l know people will laugh at us because of what l’ve done.”

“I don’t give a shit about what people say,” he replied, “you’re a sweet k** Heather, l enjoy being with you and l’d like to see you again. Why don’t we give it a try and see how it goes.”

“Oh than you,” she said excitedly, hugging him. “I won’t do it with anyone else l promise.” She saw a shadow in his eyes and quickly reacted. “I don’t expect you to be faithful to me, l don’t deserve that, you are a proper man, l understand that other women are attracted to you, l promise not to get upset, but l promise to be faithful, please David.”

“We’ll give it a try,” he said.

“Oh thank you,” she hugged him again.

“Now let’s get you home,” he said, looking at his watch and seeing it was well past midnight, “before your Gran sends out a search party.”

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Engineering Romance

It was close to midnight as Callum Donald followed the tight butt of curvy Paula Olsen, his latest girlfriend, up the narrow stairs to her apartment. It was the third time they’d dated and he wondered would she’d get lucky tonight. She must want it as she’d made admiring comments about his physique. That surely indicated her level of interest. Paula was an assistant accountant at a construction company he’d visited when engaged as a consulting engineer. He arrived at her workplace whenever the...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor3

Chapter 1 It was after ten o'clock on a gloomy January night. There was a cold rain falling, and it was being driven by a stiff wind. It was a good night to stay in. I was sitting in front of my computer about to finish my data entry assignments for the night. I thought I would read a porn story or two after that. The only light I had on in the house was the one on my desk. Suddenly, I was startled by a knock on my door. Being naturally suspicious of such unexpected visitors at...

1 year ago
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Driving with Uber An Unexpected Benefit Part 4

It had been about three months since I had given Khrystiana that first (and last) spanking.  It was now the first week end of August.  As we had done the previous three months, Khrys and I were getting  together at her place to see how her finances were going.   We had also had a number of ‘dates’ in which we had dinner, had gone to a concert, had a picnic at the lake or just spent some time together.  The time we had spent together was 100% platonic.  Both of us just simply enjoyed our...

1 year ago
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Cindys Unexpected Reaction Chapter 1

This occurred over 20 years ago... and I am still surprised, somewhat embarrassed, and quite aroused by my unexpected reaction to receiving my very first enema. Jim and I had been married about three years when we decided that it was time to live a more respectable lifestyle and start raising a family. If you have read my earlier stories, you know that up to this point our sex life had been nothing short of steamy and tawdry. Early in our relationship, Jim awakened an exhibitionist streak and...

3 years ago
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The Unexpected Real Incident Part 4

I had just met Parth yesterday morning as a stranger from some different school. But as already been shared with you, what a wonderful unexpected night I had yesterday. And how can I not mention the super kinky morning I had today ;) And also, the unexpected and harsh afternoon which had led to the red ass of Parth. It was going great. I was loving every bit of it. So as I had told you, even the night was unexpected. I thought I will make out with Parth and sleep, but that did not happen. It...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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An Unexpected Bonus Office Party

I haven’t been back to the movie theater where I work since last Thursday, when I had that unexpected, amazing romp with my manager in his office. But tonight is my first scheduled night back at work, so I’m headed up there now. I’m a little nervous. I haven’t heard from Rick all week, except for the message he left on my voicemail telling me what day and time to come back to work. Knowing I’m going to see him tonight, I tried to dress up, but it’s really hard to make those burgundy polyester...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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My Unexpected Life Partner 8211 My Brother

Hi guys, I am Vasanti aged 28 with a good figure of 40C-26-38. I would like to tell the story happened 10 years back. I and my brother were very close since childhood but there grew a gap between us due to our parent’s jobs. I stayed back in my village and my brother moved to Vizag. Now I’m in my 12th and 18 years now and attained a womanly figure of 30b-24-33 and a height of 5ft 6. Many of the boys in my college and some local guys had an eye on me. But I ignored all of them. After my...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Entry

Summary Bethan’s back from her first term away at uni, freshly-pierced, freshly-tattooed and now, it seems… freshly-bisexual. And what better way to shock everyone back home than showing off her sassy, rebellious, dreadlocked new girlfriend Emily? But when they visit her old school friend Jadie, it’s Bethan and Emily who’ll get a shock. And Jim might just have something to do with that… Jim’s had his ups and downs in life, a parent at sixteen, an orphan at eighteen and a widower at...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Desire Updated Chp 14

Introduction: The Journey Begins An Unexpected Journey – SociallyxxDistorted This story, plus the following chapters, is interwoven with a little bit of truth, fantasy, and fiction. Stories are what you make of them … the more realistic, the better. Due to editing problems, Im including the entire story here rather than separate chapters. If you are waiting for another chapter to be added, it will post soon! As always, all comments and suggestions are appreciated. All characters are of legal...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Titty

Reddit Unexpected Titty, aka r/UnexpectedTitty! Sometimes, we are lucky enough to be present during something unexpectedly hot, and that is basically what r/unexpectedtitty/ is all about. I think the name of the subreddit pretty much says it all, and you can expect a lot of unexpected titties or so to speak. With just a bit browsing, I am sure that you will get the gist of what r/unexpectedtitty/ is all about.Now, keep in mind that is a free website, and there are loads of NSFW...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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A super romance

Max was with me today, being a good work colleague he sometimes shares his lunch hour with me rather than his new wife. He'd go on about her sometimes, which is fine and I'm happy for them both, but it simply serves to remind me just how single I really am. Today was my lucky day though. She showed up almost right after I did, and ordered a mint chocolate coffee and a muffin. Her name's Karen. I discerned that from her orders being called by the barista, but I knew very little...

2 years ago
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Temporary Romance

CAUTION: This is a story of a romance that is still building. The people in it don’t know what will happen next, but they hope they have found something beautiful and lasting. Because they have been so unsure of themselves until now, there is no sex at all until late in the story, and even then there is nothing very explicit. * Nicole Evans found herself between the proverbial rock and a hard place. She was unemployed, eligible for only the minimum unemployment compensation, and with little...

2 years ago
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Jill and Hobs Micromanaged Romance

Chapter One: Boy Meets Girl I noticed her on the bus ride to downtown in the morning. She was a very pretty young woman in her mid twenties with a nice shape but painfully shy. She had a faded purple streak in her brown hair but now she was sporting a new style, blond curls with highlights. She worked in an office and always wore sneakers even with her dresses. I was attracted to her and started saying ‘hello’, ‘good morning’, ‘have a great weekend’ and was granted a rare smile. One day I...

2 years ago
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A Bittersweet Romance

If you want raw, graphic sex, go to another story. This is romance, and also a sad story. ***** My wedding to Carla, my fair skinned, black haired beauty, was an event I will always remember. It was not just because I was publically committing to the woman I wanted to spent the rest of my life with. I hadn’t thought about it while single, but on my wedding night nearly every woman in the room wanted to spend time with me. All the men wanted to be close to my beautiful bride was well. We had...

3 years ago
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City Romance

**A/N** So this is something new.. I’m trying it out and will post the next chapter if this gets high reviews. Rate and Review please Kay City Romance Monday It had been a long day. My body was sore and I definitely needed a shower, I reeked of hard manual labor. My hair had sweated itself into a mass of tangles stuck flat to my forehead and face, I was the epitome of a hard worker. My clothes were caked with a layer of dust collected over the years in a filthy attic. What’s sad is that...

4 years ago
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A Crawling Romance

CHAPTER 1 A three-night stop in Chicago and then back on the train to Boston was Harvey Chadwick’s plan. He had been visiting his sister in LA after roaming the world for two years following his wife Sophia’s death in a car accident only three months after their marriage. The 30-year-old computer systems troubleshooter had long lost his grief and when reaching his parent’s home in Boston Harvey planned to find another lively lady and settle down again. His mom reckoned she had three lined-up...

1 year ago
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A Staged Romance

A romance is a tale told by an idiot, full of flowery phrases and stolen kisses, and signifying nothing. To the fool, the teller of such tales, the fascination lies not with the sexual act: a messy business finishing with a shout and a grimace, but with the dance that brings them there. That eternal game of cat and mouse that brings two seemingly complex people into the hormone-induced dream world we call love. Love causes people to merge until they wed and propagate, or go their woeful ways. ...

2 years ago
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Building A Romance

This is a work of fiction. As this is in the Romance category, it takes time to build the entire story, including the sex. Be patient and enjoy. Your feedback is always appreciated. MEETING DR. STEIN In my capacity as the Regional Manager for a large pharmaceutical company, I was given the charge of developing a partnership with the Cardiology department at one of the major New York City Hospitals. Dr. Stein was part of the faculty at the hospital. She was the physician I was told to contact...

1 year ago
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Sailing Quiet Romance

Sailing – Quiet Romance This is a little tale about an experience I had a while ago. But first, let me introduce myself, and also mention that all characters herein are consenting adults. The names have been changed in an effort to circumvent unnecessary persecution. I’m an ‘older’ guy, recently retired, living on a barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico, off the southwest Florida coast. I enjoy leading an active life, and try to stay fit by walking, bike riding, swimming and sailing on the...

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Sibling romance

Five years ago I started to fall in love with my beautiful wife BUT WAIT it’s not what you think it’s my sister but with a step in front of it. I’ve always seen my step sister Jane as the most beautiful woman ever and the day that I met her was the best day of my life...well not exactly because a month before my parents got a divorce and I couldn’t see my mom anymore because she cheated on my dad and took my by blood older sister away so I was not in the best mood. At the time that I met her I...

3 years ago
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An unlikely romance

Let me start by introducing myself before I tell my story. My name is John, when all this started I was a freshman in my university study. I'm a 5 ft 7 inches tall guy, I'm average when it comes to my physique, not a scrawny little guy or a fat short one and my intellect was not also on the extremes, which didn't help me to fit into any of the stereotypes at school; I was good at sports, but not so good to join the school's team, I was a gaming geek but not smart enough to join the nerds, and I...

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Fireplace Romance

They dance closely, holding each other as near as possible. The ballroom is lighted romantically as hundreds of men and women dance the night away. They might as well be the only ones there, for all she can focus is him and all he can focus on is her. He's looking at her in the way a man looks at woman that he loves. His hands make their way a little too close to her breasts for The song ends, everyone politely claps. A new song begins but he takes her arm, guiding her swiftly off the dance...

3 years ago
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From Bromance to Romance

This story is the story of romance and genuine love. There are alot of erotic firsts in my life but none are as dear to me as my first time with Jacob. We meet our junior year of college. I had just left the rugby team which was a club sport and he was openly gay and had just broke up with a long time boyfriend after he cheated on him. We were both changing and ended changing together. We had common interest like the outdoors. He turned me on to meditation and alot of liberal ideals....

2 years ago
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The Magic Of Love And Romance

Hello readers.. I’m in love with this site and you readers. You readers have been so kind and I’m surprised with ya feedbacks, your mails flooding.. This story is for you wonderful readers how you like it. And hope I have replied to all ya mails… For all the new readers let me introduce myself. This is Rohan Sharma. Age 27 years. I won’t talk about my looks, u can check it out yourself as I shall forward my pictures to you. I’m a sex advisor, a massuer by hobby. I’m here to help you in any way...

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The Dommes Romance

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

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