Family Life Ch 12 - Life Changing Moments. free porn video

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David was out with his mates until the early hours of Sunday morning and so it was mid afternoon before he finally rose from his bed. He was in the shower when there was a knock on the bathroom door.

“Who is it?” He called.

“It’s me,” Laura said, “l need to pee and Dad is in the downstairs toilet, he takes ages, you have to let me in or l will wet myself.”

David stepped out of the shower and unlocked the door, not bothering to cover himself. As soon as the door opened, Laura rushed to the toilet, lifting her dress and pushing down her panties before sitting.

“Thank you,” she said as David heard the first stream of pee hitting the water. Laura looked up at him, his cock semi hard from when he was stroking himself in the shower. She noticed that he was staring between her legs, she parted her thighs to give him a better view as she continued to empty her bladder. “Do you like watching me pee,” she said, “why don’t you take a closer look.”

David got onto his knees, watching as the stream of piss continued. “Fucking hell Laura,” he said, “you must have gallons in there.”

“I held it as long as l could,” she said, “but the baby is starting to press on my bladder, l was desperate.”

David’s hands were resting on her thighs. He moved one hand to her lower belly then traced it down until the stream of piss was flowing over his fingers.

“You dirty fucker,” Laura laughed, “do you like playing with my pee then?”

As the stream started to dwindle to a trickle, David removed his fingers, holding them in front of her face.

“Don’t you dare,” she said, reading the glint in his eye, “don’t even think about it.”

“Suck them,” he ordered, moving them closer to her mouth.

“Don’t,” she said, shying away but unable to move far.

“Suck them,” he repeated, touching her lips. Laura tried to clamp her mouth shut but he pushed hard, hurting her. Her mouth was forced open and his fingers slipped inside. “Suck them you dirty cow, just like you sucked those smelly cocks in that toilet.”

Laura pleaded with him with her eyes as she was forced to suck on his fingers, tasting her own salty pee. She felt totally humiliated but excited at the same time. u*********sly her hand went down between her legs, locating her clit, rubbing it slowly.

“Suck them you dirty cow,” he said, forcing his fingers to the back of her throat, “taste your own piss.” With his free hand he began mauling her tits, he managed to undo the front of her dress then roughly pull up her bra, letting her tits fall free. Immediately he began squeezing them roughly, hearing her moan against his fingers. He pinched her nipple, twisting it, hearing her gasp, seeing her had working harder on her clit.
He pulled his fingers from her mouth, standing with his erect cock inches from her face. She took him hungrily, he held her head as he pushed his cock deep into her mouth, her face pressed against his tummy.

He had been daydreaming in the shower, dreaming of making love to Jean while he stroked himself to the edge of orgasm time and again, consequently he didn’t have to wait long before he felt his orgasm building again, Laura sucking hard on his cock. “Take it,” he sighed as he held her tight, pumping his spunk into her throat, hearing her gagging as she tried to swallow. She managed to take most of it, but when he finally pulled out he could see the riverlets of cum on her chin and the globs that had fallen onto her tits.

Laura smiled at him triumphantly as she used her fingers to scoop up the cum and transfer it to her mouth. Leaning forward, she took his cock back into her mouth, cleaning the last traces of cum.

“That was fun,” she smiled, “dirty but fun.”

“Read in a book once of where a women let a couple of men piss over her,” he said, “it was called a golden shower.”

“Don’t you even think about it,” she warned, laughing, but inside she felt a tingle deep in her cunt.

David saw that telltale glint in her eye. “Strip off and get in the shower,” he ordered.

Laura stood, her head telling her to refuse him but her body telling her to obey, she quickly shrugged off her dress and removed her bra, then, stepping out of her panties she stepped into the shower.

“On your knees,” he said, stepping in after her.

Laura slowly sank to her knees, feeling that tingling in her cunt again but resisting the temptation put her hand between her thighs.

“Look up at me,” he ordered as he held his cock above her. He saw submission in her face but he saw excitement too. “You can frig yourself,” he said.

Laura began frigging herself, giving a gasp as the jet of piss hit her face, instinctively her mouth opened, David directing the stream into her mouth. She tried to close her mouth but he pinched her nose, forcing her to open it again. He saw her mouth fill with piss, clamping her nose tightly he waited for the inevitable. His piss overflowed down over her body as her fingers thrashed at her cunt. Suddenly, she could hold out no longer, swallowing hard but then choking as she gasped for air at the same time. She coughed and spluttered as he continued to direct his stream of piss onto her face.

“Oh god,” she spluttered, “god l’m cumming…oh god.”

David watched as her body shuddered with her orgasm, the last dribbles of his piss landing in her mouth as she gasped. Laura looked up at him, her body heaving, without thinking she took his cock into her mouth, taking the last traces of piss.

They both took a few moments to recover, then David helped her to her feet, turning the shower on they began to soap each other, gently massaging each other’s bodies, without speaking, both knowing that they had both crossed into another stage of their relationship. Laura slipped her arms around him, hugging him tight as the water cascaded over them, he was no longer just her brother and her lover, she knew now that he was her master, and that knowledge gave her a warm feeling deep inside.

“We had better sort ourselves out,” he said, as they towelled each other dry, “Mum and Dad will be wondering where we are.”

“Oh they left for a meeting at church ages ago,” she said with a sheepish grin.

“You devious little slut,” he laughed, “so the downstairs toilet was available then. You planned this then.”

“I didn’t know what would happen,” she replied, “it was fun though.”

Later that afternoon David was in his room, Laura was getting ready to go out with John, she wasn’t happy about it, saying he was such boring company.

“I now what’s going to happen,” she told David when he had looked in on her, “we’ll go for a boring drive in his super new car that he keeps on telling me about, we’ll pull in to that picnic area up by Park Woods, then he’ll start groping me and slobbering all over me. We’ll fumble around for a bit until l end up in some really uncomfortable position, he’ll try and fuck me with his tiny cock and cum all over my tummy.”

“You make it sound so romantic,” David had laughed, ducking quickly as she launched a pot of face cream at him. He had gone back to his room to study his Highway Code, ready for his driving test in case they got a cancellation and a test quickly became available.

David was aware of raised voices downstairs, his father seemed to be doing most of the shouting, which seemed pretty normal lately. Both his father and mother then began shouting, he heard his mother shout out.

“I don’t know where you get your ideas from,” she yelled, “probably the bottom of a bottle. There has never been anything going on between me and Jack.”

“I’ve seen the way he looks at you,” Tom continued, “and at Laura, and your sister’s no better, she’s always had the morals of an alley cat.”

“That’s ridiculous Tom,” Mary replied, “what has she ever done.”

“Well, she got herself pregnant before they were married,” Tom replied.

“What a stupid statement that is Tom,” Mary laughed.

“Don’t you fucking laugh at me,” Tom yelled.

“I beg your pardon,” she replied, shocked. “Did you just swear at me?”

“You heard,” he replied defensively.

“I don’t know what kind of gutter language you speak when you’re pickling yourself down that pub,” she told him, “but don’t you ever talk to me like that again. And while we’re at it, you need to cut down on the drinking.”

“I’ll drink as much as l like,” he shouted, “with a frigid wife like you, what else is there to do.”

“Me, frigid,” she shouted back, “that’s rich coming from a man that can hardly get it up long enough to put it in me, then finishes in seconds, no wonder you put me off sex, having you snorting and slobbering over me is bound to put any woman off.”

“Yes, well… who’d want to shag you anyway,” he replied, “anyway, that’s not the point, l don’t want them here and that is final.”

“Well that’s tough,” she shouted back, “because l’ve already invited them, they are coming on the Wednesday before the wedding and staying as long as they like.”

“We’ll see about that,” he said threateningly, “it’s about time you realised who is in charge in this house, you will fucking do as l say.”

“What are you going to do…hit me?” She replied, “you think that makes you a man do you, let me tell you, your son up there is ten times the man you are.”

“You bitch,” he yelled, “you were lucky l took you on, no decent man would have touched you if he’d known you’d been fucked by a black man, you would have been on the streets like the slut you are. I’m telling you, you will obey me or you’ll feel the weight of this.”

“Get off me,” she yelled, “don’t you dare, get off me.”

David had crept down the stairs and was listening outside the door when he heard the sound of a slap, followed by his mother’s scream. That was when he decided to act.

David burst into the room to see his mother on her knees, there was a big red mark on her face, his father had hold of her by her hair, his other had raised to hit her again. They both froze when they saw David standing in the doorway.

“Leave her alone,” David ordered.

“Just teaching your mother who’s in charge son,” his father said, “you’ll find out when you’ve got a wife of your own, they need to know their place.”

“Let her go Dad,” he said, “let her go before l make you.”

Tom looked at the fire in his son’s eyes, he knew that there was no way he could match his son for physical strength. “If you stand against me son, you will regret it,” he said.

“I said let her go Dad,” David repeated, “and don’t you ever raise your hand to her again or you’ll have me to answer to.”

The two men stared at each other but Tom knew that he was no match for his son, with that he released Mary, pushing her away roughly so that she sprawled on the floor. Then he stormed past David, slamming the front door with a resounding bang as he headed for the pub.
“Thank you,” she said, walking over to him and hugging him. “he has been so moody these days, but he’s never been like that before. He’s drinking far too much.”

“Has he hit you before Mum?”

“No never,” she replied, “l was afraid he would pull my dressing gown off and see the marks. I was just going for a shower when he saw the letter from Ann saying they were looking forward to coming for the wedding. Your father and Jack have never got on.”

“I take it he has no idea that you’re screwing Jack.”

“No, l never even thought he suspected anything until today, l don’t know where he got that idea from.”

“Are you going to be okay when he gets back?”

“Oh yes,” she replied, “he’ll be that drunk he’ll just want to sleep, you could come in a fuck me next to him and he wouldn’t disturb,” she held him tighter, “the way you threatened him made me go all gooey inside.”

“You’re sex mad,” he laughed, sliding one hand into her dressing gown and holding her breast.

“I’m really wet down there,” she said, her fingers working to loosen his belt and undo his trousers.

“John has just driven up,” Laura said from the doorway. “As much as l would prefer to join you two l have to go and let him grope me, l hate you two,” she smiled. “Have fun.”

As Laura closed the front door after her, David pushed the dressing gown from his mother’s shoulders. She let it fall to the floor, at the same time pushing his trousers and underpants down and taking hold of his cock.

“The marks are fading,” he said, stooping to kiss her breasts, sucking each nipple in turn.

“They always fade quickly,” she said, pressing his head against her breasts, feeling him sucking her nipples hard. “Do you want me here or in bed.”

“Here…now,” he replied, separating from her to remove his trousers and pants. “On the sofa.”

Mary sat on the sofa, leaning back and spreading her legs. David supported his weight either side of her as he positioned the tip of his cock against the lips of her cunt. Slowly he sank into her, the heat of her body engulfing him until they were joined completely. He bent down kissing her, his tongue entering her as his cock had done. Her hands were on his chest, caressing his nipples as he slowly worked his cock inside her, their mouths still joined.

He heard her moan with pleasure, her nails scr****g down his chest, catching on his nipples. Her tongue entwined with his as she clenched her cunt muscles, milking him.

Slowly he withdrew, almost to the end, then slid back in, her body arching to meet him. He lifted himself up to alter his angle, looking down on her smiling face as his pace increased.

“That’s wonderful baby,” she said, “love your Mummy baby, love her deep, there’s nothing better than having your son inside you, loving you.”

“I do love you Mum,” he replied, “l like being rough with you but this is the best Mum, slow and gentle, this is the best.”

“I know baby,” she said, gyrating her hips as his thrusts became more urgent, “You can love me, fuck me, use me…anything baby, l will always know you love me.”

As his thrusts became stronger and quicker Mary felt her orgasm building, not the usual earth shattering, violent orgasms she had when he was rough fucking her, just a gentle build up which suddenly released with a warm feeling flooding through her body.

“Oh baby, that’s so good,” she sighed, “can you feel me cum baby?”

“I can feel you Mum,” he answered, “god your cunt is so hot…l’m cumming Mum,” he slowly sank onto her, buried deep in her burning passage as he injected his seed deep inside her.”

“Mmmmmm, yes baby,” she sighed, “That is such a good feeling, to have your son’s cock inside you, giving you his seed, to feel it pulsating deep inside. Promise me you will never stop fucking your Mummy baby, even when l’m old, please never stop.”

“I promise Mum,” he replied, kissing her, “l love fucking you and Laura, l’m never going to stop.”

Monday morning, and David arrived for work. Dan was not in the workshop so he went through to the house. Eventually he found Dan fast asleep in bed. Concerned that it may be more than sleeping, David gave him a shake.

Dan stirred, looking up at David, then looking at the clock, trying to focus his eyes. “Fuck, what time is it?” he said.

“Half past nine,” David replied.

“Shit,” Dan said, sitting up. “I was fucking knackered son, that mother of yours, l love her to bits, but she takes some fucking, l thought she was going to kill me.”

David laughed. “I know what you mean,” he said, “she needs a good fucking every day, Laura is the same, it’s a good job l’m young, l just can’t resist either of them. I wanted to fuck Mum this morning but Dad was up early, l could tell she was disappointed, l usually have her over the table first thing in the morning.”

“You’re a lucky bastard David,” Dan replied, “it must be great being able to fuck your mother, when l was young l used to wank thinking about fucking mine but never actually got to do it, l did see her naked once, l looked through the keyhole in the bathroom door, she was getting out of the bath. She was a big woman, huge tits, she was bent over and they were hanging down, l never saw her cunt though, she had masses of hair down there, but l’m telling you son, l saw those tits in my mind every time l wanked for years.”

“I saw you had some fun with Mum,” David said, “more than just a spanking then.”

“Don’t get me thinking about that son, l’ll need to wank again, she is one sexy woman your mother. What happened to you at the weekend, l heard there was a bit of bother at the rugby club with your Laura.”

David gave him a full account of what had happened as Dan dressed and went downstairs to get himself breakfast. As he was finishing, the phone rang, Dan was busy frying himself an egg so asked David to answer it.

David picked up the phone, giving Dan’s name.

“Is that you David?” the voice at the other end said.

David’s heart skipped a beat when he heard Jean’s voice. “Yes,” he replied, “good morning Mrs Lovell.”

David heard Dan cough, he looked over to see Dan smiling at him, he had obviously heard who was calling, he was pretending to be wanking as he smiled at David.

“That’s very formal,” she replied, “surely you can call me Jean now, especially after…you know.”

“Sorry,” he replied, totally embarrassed.

“We need to talk,” she said, “are you free this morning?”

“I….l don’t know,” he said, looking over to Dan, “l will have to ask Dan if he needs me, what time?”

“Well, any time from now,” she replied, “Paul has gone off to the zoo for the day with the day centre crowd.”

“Hang on a minute, l’ll ask,” he said.

As he turned to Dan, it was obvious that he had understood what was being said, he just waved his hand to tell a David he was free to go if he wished.

“I’ll be there in about ten minutes,” he said back into the phone.

“Thank you David,” she replied, “the front door is unlocked, just come straight in.”

David thought she sounded a bit strange when she said that but he was so excited to be invited to see her that he didn’t give it a second thought.

“Feeling randy is she,” Dan said with a chuckle when David had hung up the phone.

“It’s not like that,” David said defensively, but unable to deny the semi erection he was getting just from the thought of seeing her again.

“You mark my words,” Dan laughed, “she’s hot for fucking son, you jammy bastard. If you need a hand, give me a ring, l’ll take the hole you’re not using.”

“She’s not like that Dan, she’s different, she’s…”

“Randy son,” Dan interrupted, “go on son, go and give her one, l bet she’s frigging herself off now to be nice and wet for you.”

David decided there was no point in trying to explain that Jean wasn’t like that, in his eyes she was pure and innocent and none of Dan’s dirty talk would make him change his mind, however he was aware of the growing bulge in the front of his trousers as he left the workshop.

He decided to walk, hoping his erection would not be too obvious when he got there. As promised, the front door was unlocked, he entered and stood in the hall.

“Up here,” she called, “in the front bedroom.”

David climbed the stairs, not knowing what to expect, certainly the vision that confronted him when he reached the bedroom door was not even something from his wildest dreams.

Jean stood by the bed, her long slender legs encased in black, fishnet stockings, held up by a red garter belt. Her panties were a fine red lace, sheer enough for David to make out that the little triangle of pubic hair had gone. The panties were matched by her bra, a tiny thing, cupping her neat breasts but leaving her nipples exposed, nipples that were rouged to match the colour of her bra.

David felt his heart skip, his breath taken away as he stood, transfixed.

“If l say myself, l used to be quite good looking,” she said tentatively.

“You’re beautiful,” he said, stepping towards her.

“I want you David,” she whispered, “make me yours.”

David felt tears running down his cheeks, she was the most beautiful women he had ever seen, even standing there like that, so obviously ready for sex, she looked so innocent and fragile. In her stiletto heels she was almost the same height as him, he stooped slightly to kiss her, her soft, warm lips melting to his touch, he wanted to be gentle but her hands went to the back of his head, pulling him hard against her, her tongue darting into his mouth as she kissed him passionately.

His hands went to her waist, moving up to cup her breasts, his thumbs rolling over her nipples. He heard her gasp and her hands went to his shirt, frantically undoing the buttons, her fingers working expertly. Her hands reached his waist, loosening his belt and undoing his trousers.

David was kicking off his shoes, he pulled away from her long enough to shed his clothes then took her into his arms, feeling her body pressed against his naked flesh. He picked her up effortlessly, gently laying her on the bed, he lay full length, half on top of her as they continued to kiss, her hands seeking his cock, then squeezing him gently.

“Please be gentle with me David,” she whispered, “l understand that you like to be rough with your mother and Laura but please be gentle with me.”

“I love you,” he responded, kissing her eyes, then her nose. He travelled down, kissing the swell of her breasts, moving to her nipples, kissing each one in turn, sucking them gently, hearing her moaning with pleasure.

He moved on down, kissing her flat tummy, reaching the waistband of her panties. He pulled them down, taking them all the way and tossing them onto the floor, then returned to kissing her tummy. As his kisses moved down, her thighs parted, David was lying between her legs now, her neat cunt before him, he could see her labia glistening, he dipped his head, running his tongue along the length of her cleft, he heard her gasp, lifting her knees and opening wider, gasping again as his lips found the sensitive nodule of her clit.

He sucked gently, feeling her back arch in response, her hands on his head, pressing him against her.

“Oh god!” She sighed, as he nibbled on her clit then sucked on it, “Oh god that is beautiful.” Her legs wrapped around him, trapping him as his mouth and tongue worked on her.

David could tell her orgasm was close so he slowed, keeping her on the edge, his hands went to her breasts, caressing them, rolling her nipples.

“Oh please, finish me,” she cried, “please my darling, make me cum, god this is heaven.”

David went back to sucking on her clit, teasing her nipples as he did, pinching them gently, each time hearing her gasp and pleading with him to finish her. Her fingers were entwined in his hair, forcing him against her and her body heaved, arching as his tongue entered her.

She thought she would go mad, no one had taken her to this level since her modelling days, she had resigned herself to never feeling this way with a man again, she remembered how her best friend Sally had made her cum like this when they were flat mates together but no man had ever taken her to these heights, time and again he took her to the very edge then held her there.

She had reached a point where she thought her body would explode if she didn’t orgasm. “Please, my darling,” she begged, “Please, anything…anything you want…please darling….oh please, please.”

David was lost in his world, totally intoxicated by the smell and the taste of her, he could feel her body covered in a film of sweat, her thighs clamped hard around his neck. He moved one hand down, sliding two fingers into her cunt as he sucked harder on her clit.”

“Oh Jesus,” she cried, “l have to cum baby, l can’t take any more, please baby…please.”

He removed his fingers, clamping his mouth over her cunt as he traced one finger back to her anus, pressing lightly.

“Oh my god,” she cried, “Oh my darling, no…no…no….yes….oh god yes…..yyyyeeessss!” She screamed as his finger entered her and her orgasm finally exploded, her head thrashing from side to side as her body heaved violently.

David felt it coming a split second before the torrent of juices flowed into his eager mouth, he stayed clamped onto her as she thrashed beneath him, sucking hard on her, his tongue delving deep into her, his finger still pressing an inch into her bum hole.

“Oh yes,” she cried, as a second orgasm tore through her.

David carried on working on her, taking her juices then sucking on her clit.

“Oh my god…no…yes!” She cried again as another orgasm took hold, “l can’t, no more, l can’t, Oh god no, yes…oh l love you, oh baby, no more…no more …no…yes baby, l love you….fuck me baby, make love to me, l want you inside me…fuck me baby please.”

David looked up at her, he could easily have stayed there tasting her cunt for the rest of the day, just to know that he was giving her so much pleasure was enough for him. She was pleading with him with her eyes. He crawled up her body, kissing his way until he was above her. She responded by wrapping her legs around his waist. His cock slid effortlessly inside her, the heat of her burning him.

“I love you,” he sad, looking down into her eyes as his cock reached the end of it’s passage.

“I love you baby,” she replied, lifting herself as if to pull him back in as he withdrew only to slide in again.

He fucked her slowly, relishing the feel of he as she milked him, watching the different emotions travel across her face.

“Cum baby,” she urged, “l want to feel you cum inside me…oh god l’m going to cum…oh god….yes baby….that is beautiful.”

David was ecstatic at the thought that gentle fucking could give her so much pleasure. He felt the contractions in her body, then the flood of heat bathing his cock, then his own orgasm as with one firm lunge he planted his seed deep inside her.

“Oh yes my darling,” she cried as she felt each jet of cum released inside her.

David rolled onto his back but she followed him, “Don’t go, don’t leave me,” she cried, “ stay inside me, l need to feel you there.”

They clung together silently, kissing and holding each other tightly as they both came down from the heights of their orgasms.

“I was afraid you would never want to see me again,” he said finally.

“I know, l’m sorry,” she replied, “it was just too much to take in, l thought about what you told me, l tried to tell myself it was disgusting, that l should never talk to you again, but then l thought about Paul and what we were doing, what we were probably about to do, then l realised l had no right to judge you. Then Paul settled it for me.”

“What do you mean?”

“It was Saturday morning, Paul asked if l was taking him to watch the game, he was so excited, then he asked me if you had loved me again.”

“Loved you?”

“I know, l didn’t understand at first, then he told me that he had watched us when we were making love in the kitchen, he said l looked really happy when you were making love to me, how he wanted you to love me again to make me happy.”

“Sometimes you know, l think Paul looks at life the right way,” David smiled.

“We talked about it, and l told him l knew about Laura, he was worried that l would be angry but when l told him l wasn’t he told me how good it felt to love Laura and he hoped he could do it again.”

“I tell you what,” David laughed, “considering everything, he’s bloody good at it, Laura can’t wait to have him again.”

“You know,” she said, “it really should feel wrong for us to be talking like this, but it doesn’t.”

“Are you happy?” he asked.

“Very happy, “ she replied, kissing him, “happier than l have been for a very long time. When l saw what you did for me on Saturday, l knew there was no way l wanted to keep you away.”

“I was worried for Paul to see that though,” David said.

“Oh he was very upset, he genuinely thought Laura had been hurt, l had to get him away quickly or he would have turned violent, he is incredibly strong.”

“I know,” David said, “l don’t wrestle with him any more, l have a job to hold him without hurting him and l would never do that.”

“He is so lucky to have you as a friend,” she kissed him again, “and l am lucky to have you as a lover.”

They embraced again, David removing her bra so that he could kiss all of her breasts, then she managed to get on top of him, kissing him first on his mouth then working down to his chest, biting gently on his nipples before sucking them, then down over his tummy, admiring his muscle tone, she kissed the line of his pubic hair then moved down to kiss the tip of his cock.

David was already growing hard as she travelled down his body, but when she kissed his cock the blood surged trough his system and he was soon fully engorged.

Slowly she took him into her mouth, tasting the residue of his cum mixed with her own juices. She took him deep into her mouth, then released him and licked down the shaft.

“I’ve not done this properly for a very long time,” she said, looking up at him, “lie back and let me see if l can make it good for you like you did for me.”

David did as she said, groaning with pleasure as she licked her way to his balls, sucking them then moving back up the length of his cock, taking him deep again, sucking him, then drawing her teeth across the head and working her tongue into the eye.

He felt the pressure building as she caressed his balls, tracing her finger around the base of his scrotum. This time, as she took him deep, his back arched to meet her.

“Oh babe l want you,” he moaned, “l want to be in your cunt, l want to kiss you as l make love to you.”

“No baby,” she replied, rubbing his cock against her cheek, “l want to taste you, l want to feel the power of you in my mouth when you cum, let me do this for you.”
She engulfed him again, sucking him deep into the back of her throat, David groaned again, knowing he was close but each time he felt his orgasm coming she gripped the base of his cock firmly, lying still until the moment had passed.

“See,” she smiled up at him, “it’s my turn to drive you crazy, how many times did you make me beg, now it’s your turn to beg.”

“I won’t beg,” he laughed, “do what you like, l won’t beg.”

“We’ll see,” she giggled as she went back to kissing his cock.

Time and again she brought him to the edge, more than once she almost went too far, having to hold him firmly but still a bead of pre cum would ooze out for her to taste. Each time it grew more painful, David gritting his teeth as his body cried out for release. He was determined to hold out, refusing to beg, but each time he grew closer to shouting out. He was covered in sweat as again she brought him to the edge. This time the pain was too much.

“Please,” he cried “please.”

This time she didn’t stop him, taking him deep as he thrusted up, crying out as he delivered a torrent of spunk into her throat.

She sucked hungrily as she felt the power of his pulsations, swallowing hard, determined to take every last drop.

David was in a different world, a world of ecstasy, his head was banging as his cock was pulsating. As the pulsations dwindled the banging in his head continued. Slowly, as his orgasm subsided they both became aware of the banging, they both froze, David saw panic in her eyes.

“Who could it be?” She said looking up at him.

David rolled away from her, wondering if he should grab his clothes, he went to get off the bed.

“Stay there,” she said, walking over to the window, moving the curtain slightly so that she could peek out.

“There’s a van outside the house, l think it could be Mr Dobbs.”

David stepped up behind her, peering through the gap in the curtain. Sure enough it was Dan’s van, David moved slightly and could just make out Dan at the front door as he knocked again.

Quickly, David grabbed his trousers and shirt, dressing as quickly as he could and running down the stairs. Opening the door he was confronted with a very worried looking Dan.

“Your mother just rang,” he said, “your father has had a heart attack at work, he’s been rushed to hospital.”

David ran back upstairs to tell Jean, she had heard the conversation. “Go my darling,” she said.

He kissed her, telling her he loved her before heading back downstairs and into the van.

As they were driving, Dan said he would drop David at home then take the van back to the workshop, he would then come back with his car and take them to the hospital as it was 16 miles to the town where the big hospital was.

When he got home his mother told him that she had received a telephone call from his father’s boss, telling her that an ambulance had taken him to hospital. David told her that Dan was coming back with his car and they got together a few things they thought they might need. Laura was there and she insisted on coming despite her mother saying it wasn’t necessary.

Ten minutes later, Dan arrived in his car and they all left for the hospital.

Same as Family Life Ch 12 - Life changing moments. Videos

3 years ago
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An Accident Changed My Life0

An Accident Changed My Life Maybe accident isn’t the best way to describe what happed but it really was accidental. I signed on for a two-week trip to Branson, Missouri where I would see twelve live shows in fourteen days. All of the rooms were double occupancy to lower expenses, so I would have an unknown roommate. The evening meal was also part of the package. Well I missed my flight and after a few text messages I was on the next flight and just a couple of hours behind my...

1 year ago
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Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...

Hookup Sites
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A Day In the Life0

“Oh, you’re awake! It’s almost time to get up for school, so we’ll have to be quick.” She lifted herself up and slipped my dick into her surprisingly tight pussy. We’ve been fucking like this nearly every morning for years, and it just never gets old. In our house, my family has a pretty open view on sex, pretty much operating on the principle of, “As long as everyone involved consents, then have fun.” Mom, dad, my sisters, and my brother are all fair game. Ever since...

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Office Slave Chapter 6 First Morning of Her New Life0

She didn’t open her eyes, just pictured him. The large handsome Spaniard she had met on the beach. Who'd whisked her off her feet, with his dark skin and rock hard abs. He'd taken her in his arms for a night of passion she would never forget The way he had held, and caressed her breasts as he inserted her from behind; her arse pressing against his groin. She could feel her wetness as his shaft slid effortlessly inside her. Penetrating her deep; filling her with lust. She gasped as he pinched...

3 years ago
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The Love of my Life1

John came over to visit my neighbor’s brother. He was a very handsome young man and extremely kind and thoughtful. He saw me working outside and came over and introduced himself. His bright blue eyes and blonde hair caught my eye along with his athletic physique. He offered to help as he seemed bored with those he was visiting. He was in high school then. There was something special between us and I wasn’t sure of what his thoughts were. He was 16 and I was 21. He came from a very...

1 year ago
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Double Life0

I think I worked that out early on when in 2nd year of high school. Once school for me was over, the dudes I hung with would catch-up on Sundays every month for a get-together. We’d shoot pool, talk about bitches they laid, take turns in shouting turns of beer and generally talk crap, yarda yarda yarda, like friends do. Ten years and not much has change, within our group. That’s the skin on the outside but on the inside these get-togethers are a great escape from secrets on the...

3 years ago
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Unfulfilled life0

Their sex life was so bad Tanya was considering getting something to help Chris with sexual performance. When they have sex Chris and last for about 5 or 10 minutes which isn't long. Sometimes when Chris asked her about her sex life she would lie and say that he makes her so happy knowing he's not pleasing her. She could never tell her husband that his dick could never do anything for her. At dinner time they would sit down and eat and she would have to pretend like she was happy. Not...

3 years ago
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Alexs New Life1

First off this is an edited version of a story that I wrote a wile back. I've made some minor edits and I'm working on the second part now. When this story gets to a certain amount of views I'll post the next part. This story is purely fiction, any similarities of anyone described or any actions that take place in this story is purely coincidental.... thought pretty hot.... This is my first attempt at submitting a story so please bare that in mind as you read this. If you have any...

4 years ago
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New life0

I felt and hear voices in my minded. I should have been scared out of my mine, but I felt serenity and peace. I could hear in my mind voices. At first I could not make it out, however in time I could hear them talking. They were talking about my thoughts and they did not understand them. Then I felt like my whole brain was in a down load. It was down loading so fast I could not keep up with what they wanted to know. I started to say words, but all the came was like baby talk. Then all...

1 year ago
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Greg and Shelbys new sexlife0

One day I was talking to my friend, Ethan, about my sex life with Shelby. Ethan understood my struggle having been with his girlfriend for 5 years. He offered me some advice and told me about sex toys. Now I was always skeptical whether toys would really make sex better but I had to do something for my relationship. The following night as Shelby was getting ready for bed I started to kiss her neck. Usually at this time if she starts to slightly moan she's up for sex and luckily she did....

3 years ago
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Vicky is taught the realities of life0

I touched the kids’ minds, planting a little conditioning, to ignore me, be more obedient than normal for the next few hours. I then planted some thoughts in the kids’ grandma’s mind, that I was a well-liked distant family friend, total trustworthy, but to then ignore any sexual comments I make. Finally, touching the mum’s mind properly, set some controls that outwardly, she would be calm and subservient to me, do whatever I said, but leave her mind to be able to ‘know’ exactly what was...

4 years ago
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The Forest Nymph Part 1 A Second Chance At Life1

Felix remembered waking up to the sound of his front door being smashed in as the soldiers broke into the city. His father and brother were killed without mercy and he was stabbed in the side, a near fatal blow. He remembered falling to the floor, unable to stand or move as blood poured from his wound. Like savages, the soldiers took turns violating his sisters and mother in front of him, before killing them all and leaving him for dead. With the fires of the burning buildings illuminating...

4 years ago
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I Dream of Angels Part 1 Cursed Life5

Chapter 1 If someone were to ask just who “she” was, I wouldn’t be able to answer, as I hadn’t the slightest clue. A hallucination? Some kind of angel? For the past five years, I would greet each morning with the last warm fingers of a dream clinging to my mind. I’d roll on my side, and lying next to me would be a girl of my age, but with beauty unmatched by anyone else on the planet. With liquid smooth skin as soft as ripe fruit, a complexion shade like that of molten bronze and...

4 years ago
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A Day In the Life2

The sun rose softly, slowly over the horizon. Colleen a petite arctic fox awakens in her pent house in down town Miami. With a groan she arches her back and stretches her arms above her head. “Well...time to get ready for work.” She speaks out to herself not really sure why. She stands and makes her way to the rest room, where she looks herself over in the mirror. Her breast are small yet firm, a comfortable B cup, even though she secretly wishes they where bigger. She giggled a little as...

2 years ago
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My New Life4

We headed home, and as soon as we got there my daddy went to the basement and got a pail of paint to paint my room a more appropriate color. He said, “Babygirl you’re going to have to sleep in our room with us until your room is ready for you.” News that made me elated, because that meant that I will be getting fucked by my daddy’s big cock and my mommy’s big strap-on whenever I want. So I gladly gathered my clothes, at least all the girly ones I had from before, and found my way to my...

4 years ago
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Nikis New Life1

remember my parents call me Niki. I come from a family of lawyers. When I say that I mean both my parents, all my grandparents, and most of my uncles. I have lived in Chicago my entire life. I was brought up to be very obedient. My parents taught me at a young age that obedience is the most respect you can show someone. Mommy and daddy raised the perfect obedient little girl. I had no idea what true obedience was until my 14th birthday. I am very pretty at 5'6",...

2 years ago
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Nikis New Life0

remember my parents call me Niki. I come from a family of lawyers. When I say that I mean both my parents, all my grandparents, and most of my uncles. I have lived in Chicago my entire life. I was brought up to be very obedient. My parents taught me at a young age that obedience is the most respect you can show someone. Mommy and daddy raised the perfect obedient little girl. I had no idea what true obedience was until my 14th birthday. I am very pretty at 5'6",...

2 years ago
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Billys sexlife 2

A Whole New Level After my two year or so stint in Virginia I finally moved back down to south Florida just in enough time to start high school. Even though my first experience was epic, I hadn’t had any luck since then. The closest thing I can to was kissing my date at 8th grade prom and getting to feel her up most of the evening. Back in SOFL I felt I would have a way better chance. I was attending Hallandale High School, and the first few days were very nerve racking. I ran into a...

1 year ago
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Billys Sexlife begins

Being born and raised in south Florida never seemed to have any disadvantages, until at the age of 13 when I went to live with my mother who just moved to Galax,VA. My parents divorced and my brother Paul and I lived with my dad while my sister Lee and baby brother Travis lived with my mother. This was ok with me because I never liked how my mother treated me and Paul and I were very close with my dad. During the summer my mother talked my dad into letting us visit with her in Virginia,...

1 year ago
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A new life2

I was in a barn with four stalls, the stalls had a dark red wood from the ground 3 ft. up and the rest of it were bars. The top of the stall had bars on it too. I walked up to the entrance of the stall, I put my hand through the bars and unlocked the stall. I pulled, but it didn't budge, I pushed but it still wouldn't move. I rested my head against the bars, when I looked up at the stall in front of mine I noticed there was a latch on the bottom of the door that a person couldn't reach. ...

2 years ago
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My New Life1

A crackle emerges from a speaker system behind me, coldly saying: “Room 249, detainee number 58. Prepare for first session.” And with that, an old iron lock clunked open and I heard the creak of a door, and several paced, methodical steps of heels on stone. Her breath warmed the back of my neck. Resting her head on my shoulders, I heard her almost sultry voice echo across the room as she dictated: “Well, well, well. Looks like I’ve got another toy to play with. I was getting ever so-” I...

3 years ago
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Normas Secret Life1

By edmondl Chapter 2 Norma's love for her dog grew stronger and stronger. The love she’d had for her husband died. The dog was more than her pet, he was her lover. She had learned how to control her pelvic and vaginal muscles. She was able to tighten her pussy muscles around the dog's hard cock to keep him inside her pussy longer. All Stan ever did was to roll on top of her, push his small cock unceremoniously into her pussy. After a few quick thrusts he would finish, pull his...

2 years ago
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Normas Secret Life0

Chapter 1 Posted: May 05, 2003 - 12:00:00 am Norma was born on a farm to very loving parents. Being an only child she was always alone; she had no real chores or jobs to do on the farm except for gathering the eggs which were a money making commodity for the farm, she was annoyed when at the age of ten she was sent away to boarding school; she no longer had the freedom that she enjoyed on the farm. At least when she did have the holidays when she would come home. Her parents had given...

3 years ago
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New life2

I don't like the dark I have my reasons. So when I wake up, and its pitch black I panic, I'm not sure how long it takes me to realise that I'm cuffed to the bed but when I do I begin to wonder. Its been one week since my adoption was finalized and my new mother and father (Francis and Carol) decided on a family vacation out in the country. Carol having to tie up some things with her company is to meet us here in a few days. So its just me and Frank. Could something have happened to him?...

2 years ago
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My Life3

The first week into school she decided to come home with me to study. To help me mostly. I opened the door to my house and let her in. I couldn't help but trail my eyes across her ass. "Looks like no one is home" I said. She dropped her bag and walked through my living room and to our kitchen. "Damn girl were you going." I yelled after her. I saw a note on the table and picked it up. "Went to mattews wrestling meet be back in a few hours" I smiled and called after Kayla....

1 year ago
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My Life4

I am Lizzie (Holmes brother, no need to hide my name, Holmes is not my brother’s real name). I am a 24 year girl, blonde, average height, extremely fair (got my fucking dad’s color), blue eyes, firm and steady 32-D tits (I like to say it short) and without exaggerating the most beautiful girl among those who know me (as they say). It has been many years since bro went out to complete his studies. He gave me this account so that I can maintain it when he is gone. Although he promised me that...

3 years ago
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New life1

chapter no. 1:Thats how it started......... {Note from the author:this story is not fully about sex there is love ,bestiality,torture ,etc if u are not accustomed with it or don't like it so pls don't read} i and jake is a big fan of this site and after reading the story "richboyslove" though i dont know its true or fictional we thought of writing our story which is true and has occurred in our life. Here is the detailed account what happened to me and changed my whole life and i hope u...

3 years ago
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My New Life2

I was rather clueless so living on the streets was incredibly scary – I was terrified. My first night I found a sheltered shop door and settled down only to be dragged out by the hair as this was someone else’s place. I cried my heart out as I settled into a gutter; what was to become of me. My parents had been very strict so if I had no clue on how to live on the streets, I had even less clue of the dangers that surrounded me. I must have managed to doze in the gutter because I...

3 years ago
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My Secret Life1

“See theres your problem. I do the thinking for you remember?” “Im sorry Master.” “Youre damn right youre sorry. But not sorry enough, at least not yet. Roll over.” He lets go of me and I roll over onto my stomach. “On your knees and spread ‘em” I obey. He runs his hand tenderly over my back, over the red handprints on my ass and down my leg. He brings his hand back to my ass and SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! I gasp, careful not to make a noise or move. I can feel him caressing my ass again,...

2 years ago
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A new life7

It's been a month since mom and dad split and she's already met another guy - his name is John and, like mom, he's divorced too, but so far that's all I know; I've never met him and now I'm going to be living with him. "Adam!" she yelled from downstairs. "Are you done showering, yet? We have to leave soon to beat traffic!" she continued. "I know mom... I'm almost done," I yelled back. It's been a while since I've masturbated in the shower - I'm a virgin and I'm horrible...

3 years ago
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The Best Week Of My Life0

It all began about 9 months ago and I am so happy for the way it all turned out for me. I am some who loves sex and is very open to try new things but there are some things we don’t really consider until an opportunity presents itself. I am 38 years old and married and also have 2 kids, Jenny and Tim. I work at a very well known manufacturing firm and my life is great and so all is fine and well. I work almost every day of the week and sometimes I crave for a holiday so that I can spend time...

1 year ago
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The Best Week Of My Life1

Looking back, it's hard to believe that the best week of my life started out as possibly the worst. And that was on top of a previous week in which my luck had really plunged to an all-time low. Not only had I managed to lose my job, have my car stolen and throw away a grand playing poker, I'd been dumped by my girlfriend just as I'd been on the verge of proposing. So not good, but I remained philosophical. Being fired, I could handle. Unhappy in my job for the past six months and...

3 years ago
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My New Life3

Now John's parents decided to leave Wednesday night so they could spend some time with their family although everyone would be arriving either Friday or Saturday and be leaving Sunday. Now lately John's mom, Patricia, has been really moody and has said that life would be a lot easier if he was born a girl and they always had the same arguement that it was all his father's fault and then his mother would always say his room should be neater,etc. John has though about a couple of times, very...

3 years ago
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Midlife Ch 02

Tuesday came and Peter found himself pacing his office. It was 3:30 in the afternoon and he was waiting for a client to get back to him about a new contract. He moved to the window, tapping his pen on the windowsill. He hated waiting. He was trying not to think of Maria moving around his home, doing all the domestic things that he loathed to do. He pictured her in his bedroom, changing the sheets, vacuuming under the bed, kneeling on the floor to fetch a stray sock from under the bench at the...

3 years ago
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In his small but immaculate barracks room Marine First Sergeant Jake Weeks took off his uniform for the last time. In his mirror he saw a man who was more at home in a uniform than jeans and a pullover shirt. Tall and lithe with cropped grey hair, blue eyes and leathery tough skin, he looked exactly what he was: a warrior. Or at least what he was up until today. He had spent the afternoon in the NCO club laughing and joking with old friends and avoiding the question of what he was going to...

3 years ago
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Midlife Ch 03

There were only dying embers left in the fire pit as the breeze off of the lake picked up making Maria shiver in Peter’s arms. ‘Better get you inside.’ Peter broke the silence. ‘It gets pretty cold at night at this altitude.’ Maria sighed, ‘Okay.’ They didn’t move for a moment, enjoying the warmth of each others bodies pressed together on the wicker sofa. Peter liked the way Maria’s body felt in his arms. She was so soft and pliant. He pressed his nose to her hair and inhaled. She smelled...

3 years ago
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‘Well, that ended badly.’ Peter mumbled to himself. He tried to get to his feet. He was sitting on the floor of his living room trying to sort out just what had happened. But his alcohol clouded mind and his stinging cheek made coherent thought a little difficult. He had acted like a prick and he knew it. He made another attempt at standing up but his pant-legs were bunched around his ankles and one foot slid out from under him again. ‘Fuck it.’ He growled. And lay back onto the floor, his...

2 years ago
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Midlife Breakthrough

As a recently divorced man pushing fifty, with few social skills and even fewer dating prospects, I felt a change of scenery was in order. I was fortunate to have some money saved up after the breakup, and as I work online as a consultant, I could go anywhere. As the wind whipped the snowfall into the tavern window, my friend suggested I take a trip out of town awhile, and suggested Florida. “The weather is better and you may get your groove going again.” My groove! I had to laugh, I was the...

2 years ago
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Billys Sexlife begins

Introduction: A legendary life begins …. THE FIRST TIME Being born and raised in south Florida never seemed to have any disadvantages, until at the age of 13 when I went to live with my mother who just moved to Galax,VA. My parents divorced and my brother Paul and I lived with my dad while my sister Lee and baby brother Travis lived with my mother. This was ok with me because I never liked how my mother treated me and Paul and I were very close with my dad. During the summer my mother talked...

3 years ago
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I had just broken up with my boyfriend, Bryce. I wanted to be able to go to a club, get drunk and fuck with a guy I’d just met. Bryce was too clingy, I liked to be free. Well, now I was. Tonight would be fun. I would get drunk and have sex. Simple, right? Right. I was 21 and in college, and partying was what college was for. I dressed in my sluttiest dress, skipping underwear. The dress was long enough to cover my ass but short enough that when I bent over you could get a full view. I did my...

2 years ago
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The Right Side of Forty A Midlife Reawakening Based on True Events

Chapter 1: Reuniting I faintly remember coming to this house thirty something years ago for play dates when I was allowed and then a few times with my mother to visit during the holidays and different occasions, but I never realized her family called this side entrance the “back” door. Karen did say over the phone to come to the back door near the driveway. And she was right about the front door having too much snow in front of it. She must struggle to handle such a hefty house all alone,...

1 year ago
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Billys sexlife 2

Introduction: Back in south florida, and learning some new tricks! Thank you to all of you guys that have posted about my first story, even the negative ones!Keep sending me suggestions about my writing style and I will try to adjust when possible. I will do my best to write at least a story or two a week. I assure you that the stories I write about are 110% true. The only things I change are the names (even mine) in order to not make any people I care about mad. I have had a very blessed...

1 year ago
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Interview mit PORNOLIFE

PORNOLIFE: Wann hast Du deine ersten Sex-Erfahrungen gemacht? Andrea: In der Schule lernte ich viel, aber Sex lernte ich von den Jungs. PORNOLIFE: was bedeutete dies für dich? Andrea: Das Lusterlebnis war bestimmend für mein Selbstvertrauen. Ich war begehrt und deshalb stolz auf das, was ich als junge Fickstute tat. PORNOLIFE: Und nach der Schule? Andrea: Ich hatte weiterhin sexuelle Beziehungen zu den Jungs und deren Familien aus dem Maghreb, wo ich wurde zur Hure abgerichtet wurde. PORNOLIFE:...

2 years ago
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In all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...

3 years ago
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You recently moved to the big city to find a job, since unemployment is very common where you come from. Another aspect was, that you wanted to try out new stuff. Sexual stuff. But word in the small town spreads fast and you did not want to shame your Family. You like it rough, and none of your small town friends could really satisfy you. So here you are. Your name is Lena, 20 years old. You are 1,62cm short, have blonde curly hair, a slim body with nice 80c breasts and a cute small ass. It’s...

3 years ago
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A Lifetimes Payback

Brianna Black strolled down the hall of her high school, heels clacking, as she held her head high. The people around her turned their heads to watch the beautiful yet arrogant girl as she showed off her curves and strutted around. Her lush, long blond hair swayed around her shoulders, and large globes of flesh formed a line of cleavage easily visible through the low-cut, tight pink V-neck shirt she was wearing. Her tight jeans also accentuated the other curves she was hiding. Yet as many...

Mind Control
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Midlife Crisis

"Big" James Johnson was one of the best professional basketball players of his time. Two NBA championships, 9 time all-star, top 25 all time in both rebounds and points, the 6'11" power forward had an excellent career playing for Miami, New York, and finally Detroit. After nearly 20 years pro, his bad knees suffering more and more each season, he finally decided to throw in the towel and retire. Retirement was an interesting time for James. He spent the first few years just hanging around the...

2 years ago
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It must have been my midlife crisis or something

I'm going to tell you of what I've got myself in to as I still can't really believe it myself! My name’s Sue & work at a printers factory in Derby UK, Have been marred for many years with not that much very "Sexually" exciting happening along the way as it were. I thought our sex life was ok & still had sex quite often but it only lasting around 5 to 10 min's being the norm, The only real excitement I get is knowing the lads at work like to get a look at my arse when I'm bending over...

2 years ago
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The third phaseTen days had passed, by now Dora and Terry, had been sleeping together each night in the marital bed, though till then, during the daylight hours they were just mum and son. A policeman had called that afternoon, saying that “someone”, he didn’t say who, had been in his words “Taken up for maliciously spreading diesel fuel on the road for a bet! he had been charged with manslaughter, and he gave a crime number, so she could contact the insurance folk. That she did and a few days...

1 year ago
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Sissy dreamlife

Hello little sissy. Do you still remember me? You don’t do you poor thing. Allow me to refresh your memory. Last night I saw you at a bar you looked so shy and a little awkward so I approached you. We talked for a little while and I immediately came to the conclusion that you would make a great sissy, so I d**gged your drink. No stop that little sissy you won’t make it out the bondage you should embrace it, it is what you are meant to be. You must have so many questions. But since I don’t like...

2 years ago
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The Worm TurnsI thought that I would let you, the reader, know how my life has changed, some would say for the better! It all started as a normal day at work, where I am sales manager for a team of guys who sell fitness equipment. As a totally non P.C. team, we have chosen our office staff for their, shall we say, flexibility to work procedures, which they are quite happy with as it is reflected in their bonus payments. This afternoon I had just closed a big deal, and as I reflected on the...

2 years ago
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Midlife Breakthrough

As a recently divorced man pushing fifty, with few social skills and even fewer dating prospects, I felt a change of scenery was in order. I was fortunate to have some money saved up after the breakup, and as I work online as a consultant, I could go anywhere. As the wind whipped the snowfall into the tavern window, my friend suggested I take a trip out of town awhile, and suggested Florida. “The weather is better and you may get your groove going again.” My groove! I had to laugh, I was the...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Spicing Up Our Sexlife with Unexpected Results pi1

Unintended? Well to start at first, but along the way there were points when the changes that occurred were fully embraced with a wicked smile or full on grin. I am a healthy man with healthy urges that I just thought were going unfulfilled. When I began we had been married for twenty years and we had lost that spark that we once had. Sex had become boring and not all that exciting, so I began by shaving my balls and trimming my pubic hair a little shorter than usual. I began working out a...

1 year ago
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Deboras Sexlife Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - The man with the moneyIt's a great feeling to know that so many men think I'm hot. Which is also why I'm often in chat, because it's fun to meet strangers and having hot fun with them.One day in chat, a guy wrote me and made me a deal. He said, he'll give me 1000 swiss francs if he can fuck my ass. I was accepting the deal immediately and we also met pretty quickly. We talked about a location and time to meet, and I told him I'll wear a blue skirt. I also showed him a picture of me...

2 years ago
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Georgias Sexlife Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - You're a slut!"You're a slut!"I've heard this so many times by now that I don't care anymore. Is it really that bad to be a slut? If the word is used in connection with sex then yes, I AM a slut!There are many men going out in clubs to seduce girls, so why shouldn't girls be allowed to do the same? I like to seduce men and being proud of my dates.I'm always straight forward and honest when I talk about my one night stands, of course there are girls who think bad about me afterwards....

1 year ago
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Deboras Sexlife Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - The DriverI often live rather dangerous and don't realize it until afterwards, but I still don't wanna change my way of living.I knew early on, that men always keep on looking at me because they like my body, and I always enjoyed the watching.My name is Debora and I can say that I'm addicted to Sex.I don't just look for hot dates when I'm going out in bars or clubs. I'm also often in chats or sites like these, and that might just be the dangerous thing about my way of living, since...

2 years ago
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Greg and Shelbys new sexlife

My name is Greg and I have been dating my college sweetheart, Shelby, since freshman year of undergrad and now coming up on 25. We recently moved in together in a small but cozy 1 bedroom apartment close to the city. Shelby loved being in the city surrounded by people, while I enjoyed my solitude so we settled on the apartment not too far from the city but close enough to make her happy. I've been at my new job for about 4 months and have dedicated a lot of my time to my work, making our sex...

1 year ago
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Midlife experience

I was trying to remember when I first got the urge to see another man penis. I mean, i am a straight guy. I've had many woman since an early age. Patty, my first girlfriend use to come over to my parents home during 8th grade school lunch period. No one was home. We would quickly go into the living room and start playing with each other. Petting and kissing, trying to undo her bra. My she had the biggest tits an eight grader could have !! I would the slip my hand down to her white panties and...

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