A Slut After All. 1 free porn video

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“Have you asked her yet?” I heard one of the girls whisper.
“I will,” he replied, emphasising the word will.
He returned, standing behind me, combing my hair out.
“So, what is it that you want to ask me?” I said.
“Well Sue, its just that….”
“Spit it out Max, I won’t bite!” I told him.
“Look if you don’t want to…..” Max began.
Max had been my hairdresser for as long as I could remember. True I’d strayed occasionally, but I always went back to him.
“I won’t know unless you ask me, will I?”
“Look Sue, I’m, we’re, putting on a charity fashion show, for the local hospice, we wondered if you’d model for it?” Max said.
“The local hospice? Of course I will.”

The day had dawned, or rather the evening. The dress rehearsal was behind us. Tonight it was the real deal. I was nervous, a stomach full of butterflies.
“Look love, you’ll be fine,” Brian said. “Let me help you in with your bag.”
The hotel was plush, shame we weren’t staying there, still, I could always dream.
“Ah there you are,” Max called. “Brian, just the man, wouldn’t give me a hand with a few last minute dresses, would you?”
I watched them disappear, then I walked into the models dressing room. A madhouse of chatter, as girls sat doing their makeup, checking their clothes rails, the girls from the hairdressers did their hair.
“Sue, get undressed, then I’ll do your hair, and help with you makeup,” Anouska called.

I carried the clothes in their covers up the stairs.
“Just follow me,” Max said.
I followed, followed him into the models dressing room. Wow! They were all there, doing what girls do, makeup, hair. There was twelve of them, including Sue. And all of them, Sue included were walking around wearing just tiny flesh coloured thongs. Wow! This was heaven, a room full of bare breasted beauties.
“Come on Brian, we’ve another load to carry up!” Max laughed.

“Its going well sweetie, just another change, and that will be that,” Max said.
“I can’t believe just how smoothly it has gone.” Anouska replied.
“Did you,…you know, to Sue’s last outfit?” Max asked.
“I said I would, and yes, I have!” Anouska answered.
“Do you think she’ll notice?”
“Nah, the changes are happening too quickly, it’ll be fine, you’ll see, and I added an extra!”
“What have you done?”
“Well I cut the lining out of the cups of her corset, like I said I would, plus I changed the knickers, for something a little more revealing, shall we say!”
Just then she walked past us, to take her place, waiting for her turn to strut one last time down the catwalk. She looked fabulous, her shoulder length blonde hair shone, her legs long and shapely. The white corset, lace and silk, her nipples clearly visible through the silk, the material that should have been obscuring her assets gone. Her assets were now, thanks to my wife on display. My eyes dropped to her panties, sure enough, the plain white ones, that she should have been wearing were now transparent, her modesty no longer hidden by her flesh colour thong. Then I did a double take, I could see her pussy, see the little landing strip that was all that remained after her thorough waxing.
“How the fuck did she not notice?” I asked.
“Easy, in the rush her thong got pulled down with the last change, and with us having to move quickly……Look the papers will love her, and that will mean more money for the hospice, and that is what this is all about.”

I put my arms around his neck, he was taller than me, but not in my heels, in my heels it was me that was taller. I kissed him, my lips on his, his mouth slightly open, my tongue like an eel explored, finding his tongue, they danced. I broke the clinch, even as his hands around my waist pulled me tight.
“Does she know?” I asked, not that I cared if she knew or not.
“No, she doesn’t know, she doesn’t even suspect,” he answered.
“You’re a fool, either that, or she is, and I rather think that she is no-body’s fool.”
“I told you she doesn’t know,” he repeated.
“You could have warned me,” I scolded him.
“I could have, couldn’t I,” he said, laughing now. “But I’m glad I didn’t, fuck you looked so hot!”
“You mean you like me exposing myself to other men, other women!” I retorted.
“It gave me a hard on,” he admitted.
“You’ve always got a hard on.”
“With you always, anyway, you’d have still done it even if you had know!”
“Maybe, maybe not. So when did she decide?” I asked.
“She cut the cup linings away after the dress rehearsal, the knickers, I’m not sure.”
“Well at least I now know why she helped me with the last change! She had a very close up view of my pussy.”
“I’d like a close up right now!” He said.
“Mmm, that would be nice, oh and by the way, I want copies of the pictures.”
“I’ll make sure you get them.”
“Max!” I said. “Fuck me!”

His body was toned rather than muscled, his chest and back devoid of hair. I liked that, shame Brian wouldn’t go for the look, maybe he would given the right encouragement. I wrapped my legs around his waist, as he penetrated me, his cock sliding into me. I threw my head back, and gasped with pleasure. Slowly he fucked me, slowly, then faster, then harder, holding me, his hands gripping the cheeks of my arse, his cock impaling me. I wanted to bite his neck, but resisted, she would see. I nearly gave into the temptation, and bit anyway, but I was coming, my nails dug into his back, dug deep, I raked them down, she’d see that, fuck her, fuck her!
“Oh fuck Max….I’m…cominggggggggggggggg!”
I gasped for air, my orgasm fading, he pulled his cock out of me, then pushed me back, against a table, my ankles on his shoulders, he was in me again, fucking hard, furiously, fucking for England.
“Not inside me,” I said, “don’t come in me, not tonight.”
Tonight Hubby would want to fuck me, fuck his fabulously sexy model wife, and I didn’t want him to know, to know that I was an unfaithful cheating slut.

“Its ok Brian, I’ll do it,” Julie said.
She reached down beside the telly, switching the power on, in doing so her skirt rode up, revealing a pair of purple panties, slightly opaque. She held her position just long enough for me to know it wasn’t an accident. I watched, she really did have a fabulous arse, shapely, like a peach. She looked back at me, and smiled. My mouth was dry, and I suddenly realised I had an erection, and she could see it bulging in my jeans. She looked at me, with those big brown eyes of hers, eyes you could swim in. And I wanted to swim. She walked towards me, then stopped, bent and rubbed her ankle. My eyes feasted on her again, as I was treated to the view down her blouse, her breasts free, her nipples red, and so fucking gorgeous. I gulped, maybe I groaned out loud. I’m not sure. Suddenly she was kissing me, her lips wet, and yielding.
“You only have to ask,” she said softly, “Sue wouldn’t mind, its ok.”
Sue wouldn’t mind! Was this some kind of set up, a test even. The ice was broken.
“No, no I can’t,” I managed to say, though how I wasn’t sure.
“You say no tonight, but next time you’ll say yes. And Brian, there will be a next time. Ask Sue, just ask her!” Julie said.
Then she kissed me again, just lightly on the lips, squeezing my aching cock as she did so. Then she was gone, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

I lay on the masseurs’ table, I was naked, of course I was. I had a small towel over my bum, and I do mean small, what it was supposed to cover I had no idea, but it gave me the feeling that I was covered. She kneaded my shoulders, working out the knots, and the stiffness, much of which had been caused when her husband had fucked me after the fashion show. Wow, what a fuck. She worked lower, she wasn’t gentle, but she was good.
“Anouska,” I asked, “how come your working here today, and not in your shop?”
“Call me Ana, my friends do, and I’d like us to be friends, or at least become friends. One of Max’s girls called in sick, and my shop is closed today anyway, so here I am.”
“Mmm, oh yes, just there!” I said.
She worked on the tight area, then moved on. I drifted off, not sleep, but somewhere between awake and not. My eyes came wide open as her finger skipped across my sphincter, it was gone as quickly as it had touched, but returned again, staying longer.
“Sue,” Ana asked.
“Mmm,” I managed to reply.
“I want you to do something for me, if you would.”
“Mmm,” I murmured.
“Model in my catwalk show, its for my boutique, would you?” She asked.
“After what you did at the last show?” I said.
“Ah yes, that was a little naughty, but for a good cause, but you did look so sexy, and the publicity!”
“Mmm,” I murmured, as her finger ran down between my bum cheeks, across my starfish, and between my legs, skimming across my outer labia. “Mmmm,” I almost groaned.
“I’ll make it worth your while,” she continued.
I had no idea how she was going to do that, as her hands rubbed my bum, rubbing the oil in, kneading my cheeks.
“How does free use of the hairdressers, and beauty ther****ts’ for three months sound?” She asked.
“Sounds generous, but I’d rather four months, and the pick of one of my outfits, how does that sound?” I managed to asked her.
“Turn over,” she ordered me. I did as she wanted, turned, and lay down on my back.
She poured oil into her hands, then continued with the massage. My neck, décolletage, then my breasts, squeezing them, teasing them even, my nipples hard. The massage continued, her hands now on my thighs, and working their way upwards, gently she moved my legs slightly apart. My eyes closed, enjoying the sensations. She was good, so very good.
“Four months, and a dress!” She suddenly said, continuing our conversation.
“Not dress, outfit, the one I pick,” I said.
“Alright, but I get to choose your total look, no if or buts.” Anouska said.
“Mmmm,” I almost groaned, as her hands brushed across my pussy. “Yes, you can choose.”
“And you’ll wear whatever you are given to model?” She asked, her hand cupping my pussy, lightly rubbing.
“Anything?” I asked.
“Anything, or then again nothing!” She said.
“Anything, but fuck,….don’t stop!”
“I have no intention of stopping,” Anouska said, slipping her finger inside me, her hot breath on me, her tongue flicked my clit. I opened my legs, and was rewarded by her tongue running down the length of my labia, unzipping it, exposing the inner lips, then another finger, and as she penetrated me I came, the first of the afternoon.

“You’ve got that just fucked look,” Julie said, as I joined her for a coffee before heading home.
“Really? Funny that, and I’ve just been to Max’s,” I replied.
“So, you’ve got that just fucked by Max look!” Julie said, giggling.
“So wrong girlfriend!” I said.
“Not Max, now you have got me intrigued, not Max?”
I sipped my coffee, as I watched her. She knew me so well, as of course I knew her, we’d been friends for years. She was my bestie, I sat on the sofa beside her, watching her.
“Have you fucked my husband yet?” I asked her.
“Don’t ask, look if not Max, then who, he’s the only man that works in there,…you don’t mean,…no you can’t, can you?” Julie asked, her mouth wide, the smile on her face as she finally worked it out.
“And she was very considerate!” I said laughing.
“Which one? Not the redhead?”
“Not the redhead, try again!” I said.
“That trainee, Kylie, she‘s got a crush on you, I know, the older one, the one with the tattoos, she is very sexy, but….”
“Wrong on all counts, try again.” I told her.
“No, if it wasn’t the tattooed one, then you’ve got me.”
“Anouska!” I said.
Her mouth dropped, surprise etched all over her face.
“You are fucking joking me!” Julie said.
“No joking!”
“So come on tell me, tell me everything, and I do mean everything!”
I told her, I told her everything, like I always did, like she always told me.
“Fucking hell girl!”

“Now, I’ve told you, now you tell me, was my hubby good?” I asked her.
“Good, oh yes he was very good. Too bloody good, good and faithful!” She said.
“You mean he hasn’t given you one, now that is funny…”
“Oh he’s tempted, Jesus he had the most massive erection, sadly encased in his trousers, shit I was so fucking wet, and he turned me down! Can you believe it!” Julie said.
“You want me to talk to him?” I asked her.
“If you want me to keep covering for you while you fuck Max, oh and now Anouska, then yes!”
“Alright, I speak to him tonight!” I told her.

She looked different, but I couldn’t really tell what it was, that was different.
“I’ve got something for you,” she said, throwing me an A4 envelope.
I opened it, inside a dozen photos of her from the fashion show, and half of those the ones from her last outfit. I carefully looked at them.
“Fuck Sue you looked great from where I was sitting, but these…wow!” I said.
“Thought you’d like them, what do you think about the last outfit, now you can really see?” She asked.
“Not leaving much to the imagination love,” I said, studying the photo’s closely.
“Good job I had my waxing done!” She laughed, watching for me, for any reaction.
“Nice, very nice,” I said, almost absent mindedly
“You don’t mind that I’m flashing my tits and fanny to everyone?” She asked.
“No, I don’t mind, your body, its up to you Sue.”
“Good, because I’m doing another, and not a charity one. Anouska wants me to do a show for her boutique, might be a little risqué, so be sure.”
“Do what you feel comfortable doing, no pressure from me either way.”
“Good, because I’ve already agreed, might take a lot of my time, not sure yet, so I’ll get Julie to pop over, shall I?”
“Well, I’m not sure Sue,” I said.
“Not sure, you like her, don’t you?” She asked, watching me squirm.
“Of course I like her, only….well…..”
“Only she wants to fuck you?” Sue said.
“You know?”
“Of course I know, know that she laid it on a plate for you, and you, you ungrateful bastard turned her down!”
“How do you think that makes her feel? I tell you, unattractive. Don’t tell me you don’t fancy her, I’ve seen the way you look at her, especially when she flashes her knickers, so come on why haven’t you?”
“Because she’s your friend!”
“Well I want you to, so fuck her brains out, don’t tell me about, she’ll tell me everything anyway. Now how about fucking me, I’ve not had a cock all day!”

She walked up the stairs, taking her clothes off as she went, I collected them, as I followed, enjoying the striptease. I walked through the bedroom door, stooping to pickup the last item, her knickers. They were wet. I looked back up, she was on the bed, on all fours, her arse in the air, a hand between her legs, pleasuring herself. She smiled, “hurry darling, I want you inside me, now!”
I stood where I could watch, watch as her fingers slipped between her swollen lips, two fingers rammed inside herself. I almost tore my shirt off, then hopping on one leg, pulled my jeans off, and with them my pants. My cock sprang up, already hard. I got behind her, ready to penetrate her, a hand on her hip, the other on my cock, ready to guide it into her wet, and oh so hot pussy.
“Darling, this is the last time you fuck me, until you’ve fucked Julie, understand?” She said.
I didn’t understand, didn’t understand at all, but right then, my brains were all in my cock, and my cock was inside her.

It felt so good, as he slowly slid his cock into me, filling me. He knew what I wanted, and so he should, he was my husband, and as it turned out, my very faithful husband, the fact that Julie wanted him didn’t surprise me. What surprised me was that I didn’t mind one jot. Of course I put it about, but that was me. Now he would have her, and that excited me.
“Mmm, yes darling, now harder!” I commanded him. “Much harder.”
I loved being fucked doggie, loved the different feeling, and the depth, I just loved that he could get just that bit deeper into me. Plus this way he always found my G-spot, whether he intended to or not, he always did.
“Oh fuck, yessss, just there, oh fucking hell, yesssssssssss!”
He reached over, gripping my tits, squeezing them, my nipples between his fingers and thumbs, the pain was exquisite, and I came again, and as I came I wondered what it would be like to have Max in my mouth, at the same time as hubby was fucking my cunt.
“Oh my God, yesssssssssss!”
I felt his cock stiffen, gripped it, felt it throb, as he came, his come hot inside my ever hungry cunt. His cock throbbed, the last of his come emptying into me. Together we collapsed sideways onto the bed, his softening cock still where it belonged, in me.
“No don’t pull it out, just leave it where it is,” I said.
He didn’t say anything, just held me in his big arms.

“When is this fashion show?” I asked.
A fortnight, Friday evening, dress rehearsal in the afternoon,” Max told me.
“And what has she got in mind for me?”
“No good asking me, I don’t know. Are you sure about this?” Max asked.
“No, but it might be fun, plus I get the use of your place, whatever I want, freebies for four months, and the pick of an outfit.”
“And she gets to choose what you wear, and your look, remember that!” Max said.
“You mean she might be setting me up because we’re having an affair?” I asked.
“More wine Sir?” The waiter asked.
“Yes another bottle,” Max said, then waited until the waiter was out of earshot. “I’ve told you, she doesn’t suspect a thing.”
“You’re a fool, of course she knows, now have you booked a room?” I asked.
“What makes you so sure? Max asked.
“Just call it feminine intuition,” I said.
“And where does hubby think you are tonight?” Max asked.
“Max we don’t talk about Brian, that’s the rule, end of.”
“Sorry, and yes I have a room, shame you can’t stay the night,” he said sarcastically.
“Who said?”
“What! You can?”
“Tonight I’m yours, all yours, and Anouska?
“In town somewhere, buying for her shop, and the show, of course.”
“Of course!”

I arrived home, it was just before ten. Julie’s car was on the drive. I opened the door quietly, and crept in. Crept into my own house, like a stay out late teenager. I could almost hear my father shouting, “and what time do you call this Susan?”
I made myself a cup of coffee, and kicked my heels off, not that they’d been on long. After about twenty minutes, as I was on my second coffee, they both emerged. Brian looked embarrassed. Julie didn’t.
“I’d better get going,” he said. He kissed me.
“Mmm,” I said, “Julie tastes nice.”
Brian coloured, “oh fuck, oh shit, I’m so sorry,” he said rushing upstairs, the bathroom door slammed.
I laughed. “I take it from the taste of you on his tongue that you were successful last night?”
For an answer she kissed me, her tongue in my mouth.
“You really are a dirty bitch!” I said, after our kiss, a kiss during which I tasted Brian’s come.
“Make me a coffee, and I’ll tell you everything!” Julie said.

We took the coffee’s to the sofa, then cuddled up together, as we often did, even when we were out. I felt the warmth of her body, and was suddenly jealous of Brian, I put the thought to bed.
“Well come on then!” I said.
“He needed a bit of encouragement, well at first, but then, fuck he was all over me like a rash, you do still let him fuck you, don’t you?”
I was quiet.
“You do, I know you do, anyway, the first time was a bit rushed, tore my fucking knickers off, I’ve got a pair of yours on, I knew you wouldn’t mind, anyway, he went at it like a bloody rabbit, came in bucket loads, does he always produce that much?”
“He does, loads of it, but I told you that ages ago!” I said.
“Mmm, I don’t remember, anyway, then we did it again, slower this time, lots of fore-play, you have trained him well, good tongue I thought.”
“Glad you approve, make you come?” I asked.
“God yes, rimmed me as well, I do like that, but then so do you!”
She lay down, her head in my lap, then she continued, as she told me how she had fucked my husband in my bed, as I fucked somebody else’s husband in a bed not far away. I stroked her hair, suddenly wondering why we had never slept together. I mean we’d slept together, but that was it. Sleep. I suddenly had a vision of her between my spread legs, and not Anouska.
“Sorry,” I said.
“I was saying, he’s a stayer,” Julie said.
“Mmm, I know.”

I stood in front of her, and not just her. I turned three sixty.
“Good bum,” some guy said.
“Can you take your bra off sweetie,” a girl asked.
I took if off, then resumed my position, as they discussed me, as if I wasn’t there.
“You’re right Anouska, she’ll make the perfect model for the boutiques, and definitely the lead model for the show.”
“Isn’t she, now the hair is all wrong, we’ll change that,” Anouska said.
“Totally, and the colour, we’ll do something there,” the girl said.
“Sweetie, we need to see you walk,” the guy said.
I walked.
“No, no, in heels!”
I found a pair of heels, then in just my knickers, I walked.
“She walks well, nice legs….can you tuck your bum in a little, and put one foot immediately in front of the other…..”
I learnt to walk, walk like a catwalk model.
“Are you fully waxed darling?” The girl asked.
For an answer, I pulled the front of my panties down.
“God, a bit hairy darling, we’ll have that sorted, Anouska?”
Hairy! Fucking cheek, I just had a landing strip, that was hidden even in these knickers!
“Yes, you’re right, I’ll have that done, and I’ll have what remains coloured to match her hair, what do you think?”
“Super,” they chimed.
“I’ll need you after the show, for a day darling, is that a problem?” The guy said.
“For what?” I asked.
“The photos sweetie, the photos!” He said.
“Its alright Sue, I’ll tell you later, now anything else?” Anouska asked.

“Sorry about those two,” Anouska said, once we were alone.
“Pair of pretentious tossers,” I said.
“They are, but it’s the network that they bring with them, so bare with,” she said.
“Photo’s?” I asked.
“Sorry, do you mind, you’ll be paid, and in money, at least for that.”
“Well alright Ana, it might me fun,” I said.
As I spoke, she pushed a strand of my hair away from my face, then kissed me, a graze of her lips, on mine. She smiled.
“Why did you break up with my husband last year?” She asked suddenly.
“I needed some space, time to re-assess,” I said.
She kissed me again.
“How long have you been sleeping with him, three years?” She asked.
“Four,” I told her.
She kissed me again, this time passionately, her hands on my bum, as I stood, still in just my knickers, my breasts pressed against hers, then her hand was down the front of them, her fingers suddenly busy, I moved my legs, giving her space, as she gave me pleasure, her tongue still in my mouth.
“Fuck you’re wet,” she whispered, then bit my ear lobe.
I heard the door open, and went to move away, but she held me, her fingers didn’t stop.
“Oh sorry Anouska, didn’t mean to disturb you!”
It was the girl, the pretentious girl, and she wasn’t sorry at all.
“You want to join us ?” Ana asked her, her hands still in my panties, her fingers inside me.
“Tempting darling, tempting!” She said.
I didn’t know what to do, I hesitated, and the decision was made for me.
She kissed me, a girl whose name I didn’t know, then ran her hand over my bum, having first pulled my knickers half way down my thighs.
“Mmm, nice very nice, but sadly I’ve got to dash, but after the show Ana, I want her then, and I‘ll get you a front page, and centre spread.”
“Carla sweetheart, you can have her if that includes the European issues!” Ana said.
“Done, must dash!”
“What…..” I began.
“Don’t think Sue, now kiss me.”

I sat in the hairdressers chair. The chair in Max’s. His redheaded cutter stood behind me.
“You sure?” She asked. “Once I’ve cut it, you can’t change your mind.”
She wasn’t speaking to me, she was talking to Anouska.
“I’m sure,” Anouska said.
Snip! Snip, snip, snip. She cut away, cut hard. My shoulder length dark blonde hair falling onto the floor. She then cut some more, then when I thought she’d cut enough, she switched on a pair of clippers, they buzzed into life, then a razor, the old style cut throat, she sc****d away, and I cringed inwardly as my crowning glory fell away. I was still stunned, when the hair colouring was applied, the smell of peroxide making my eyes water. I closed my eyes, and pretended it wasn’t me. Then it got worse. The chair was tilted, and I spread my legs, and the pubic hair I still had, and it wasn’t much after the earlier waxing, was coloured the same as my head, whatever that was. I had asked, but Ana just said, “you’ll see, you’ll see!”
I’d been waxed, legs, bikini line, and then some, underarms, arms, I was hairless, all but for a very small strip, just above my slit, a landing strip? Postage stamp. Then I’d been plucked, around my anus, and anywhere else a stray might have escaped the red heads attention. “Ouch!” Fucking bitch!

“God that was good,” Julie said to me. “I needed that!”
We lay bathed in sweat on our bed. Mine and Sue’s bed. I lay there with my wife’s best friend Julie, having just fucked her. She lay beside me, on her slide, a leg over mine, high enough for her knee to just be touching my still wet cock, wet and now softening. I felt her hand cupping my balls.
“I wonder how quickly we can get this hard again?” She asked.
The woman was insatiable.
“We’d better get up, Sue might be home soon,” I said lamely.
“You know she won’t be, and anyway, she doesn’t mind that your making love to me.”
“No I know, but….”
“You feel uncomfortable actually doing it in her bed.” Julie said. “Don’t you!”
Any further argument was lost on her, as she moved down, and began giving me a blow job. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy shagging her, fuck I did, of course I did, she, like Sue was fucking gorgeous, I’d wanted to give her one for ages, but I hadn’t, because she was Sue’s friend, and not just any friend. The thing that nagged was why? Why did Sue want me to fuck her best friend? Julie really was a dirty bitch, and while she clearly enjoyed foreplay, she wanted to be fucked, and the harder the better.
“Yes, sort of, and yes I know she doesn’t mind, why does she want me to fuck you Julie?” There I’d asked.
“Because Terry is away working, and will be for another couple of months, and because she is my friend, and the best friend I’ve ever had. I’d do anything for her, and she’d do anything for me, that’s why.” Julie said.
Then she kissed me, her lips so soft.
“You know I fantasised about shagging you, don’t you?” I admitted to her.
“I know, Sue told me you had the hots for me, said you liked my purple panties!”
“Is there anything you don’t tell each other?” I asked.
“No, absolutely nothing, and I mean nothing.” Julie said.
“Really, lets see, she likes you to fuck her from behind, because you hit her G-spot, um, oh yes, you fart, then scratch your bum as you get up in the morning, and she hasn’t let you fuck her arse, but she is thinking about it for your birthday.”
I felt my cock twitch, at that thought.
“Mmm, maybe I’ve spoilt the surprise, want to fuck me in the bum, I don’t mind, and Sue knows that, so do you want to?”
“Fuck yes, and I don’t scratch my bum when I get up!”
“You do you know, or at least you did the other morning after we’d slept together!”
My cock was suddenly hard, again, and I was anxious to slip it into her gorgeous bum, and gorgeous it was, shape, size, all perfect, and firm as well.

My makeup was done, and with two sets of false eyelashes I looked like someone else. My hair, fuck, it was incredible. Cropped short, very short, then the top left longer, but still short had been razor cut. Then there was the new colour. Bleached white, ice white. The contrast between my hair, and my bright red lipstick was startling, blusher blended towards and into to my grey eye shadow, then black eyeliner. Shit I didn’t even recognise myself.
I was first on, a black dress, tight, short, and a lot of cleavage. The heels were ridiculous. I was given the nod, and I walked out onto catwalk, and the lights. Flashlights almost blinded me, then I adjusted my eye line, and did the walk, strutting to the end of the runway, standing, half turning, then sweeping around, and walking back. I passed the second girl three quarters of the way down, then through the curtain, and towards my area, a young guy behind me, unzipping me as I walked. Other girls were dressed ready to go, as I was helped out of my dress. I stood, as my dresser brought my next outfit, standing in just my heels and hold-ups, teetering in my heels. He zipped me up, a quick check that everything was where it should be, then back, to the line. Three girls ahead of me. She was there, Ana was there, double checking. She checked me, patted my bum, then I was strutting my stuff again, as the cameras flashed.
My fourth dress, a little silver number, no back, scooped front, I waited in line. Ana adjusted the straps, pushing them to the edge of my shoulders. She smiled.
“God I want to fuck you,” she whispered, though loud enough for the girl in front of me to hear.
I strutted down, my breasts swaying in the dress. I stood at the end of the walk, turned slightly, cameras flashed, then flashed again, one of the camera men stood and his camera flashed almost continuously. Then I was gone, my hips swaying.

I changed shoes, and stockings. Nude hold-ups, nude heels. Change of knickers, gone the flesh coloured thong, replaced by silk ones, gossamer thin, shot through with silver thread. A matching bra, as see through as the panties, hiding nothing. Then a pair of opera pants, and a dinner jacket, left open. My dresser, cute boy, buttoned the trousers, and zipped the fly. Helped me with the jacket. Then I stood in line, again. I led the girls out, my jacket blowing open as I walked. The cameras loved it, and so did I. The boy rushed, helping me out of the trousers, the jacket thrown on my chair. The long back dress was next, gorgeous, this was the outfit I would choose as payment for tonight. I felt him fiddle with my bra, then it fell away. I raised my eyebrow.
“No bra with this one,” he said.
There was no time to argue, as he pulled the dress up, and over my breasts. He smoothed it down, running his hands over my curves.
Ana looked me up and down, like the hungry lioness that she was. She tugged the dress down slightly, then fiddled with the neckline. The dress was strapless, and I was showing a lot of cleavage already. She folded the top over, once. Satisfied she moved on to the next girl.
A tap on my shoulder, and I was on the catwalk again, hips swaying, and as they swayed, my breasts came free of the dress, as they gained freedom. I wasn’t sure what to do, though I remembered to keep walking. Was this what Ana wanted? Of course it was, but did I? Fuck it! I pulled my shoulders back, and strutted to the end of the runway, stood hands on hips, as the cameras went mad. A half turn, then back again, before half turning the other way. Then I strutted back, tits out. The next girl was still waiting, as Ana milked the fact that I was topless.
“Fabulous darling,” she said.
“What you wanted?” I asked.
“Exactly!” She replied.
It was over, the boy unzipped me, and as he did, so Anouska went on the runway, to make her speech. This was a biggie for her, the fashion press had turned out strongly, them and buyers, or so I was told.
“Sue, take the bouquet out to her will you?”
“Like this?” I asked. I was just in my knickers and heels.
“Like that!”
I walked out, then gaining confidence again, strutted, my chest hidden behind the large bunch of flowers. I’d have loved someone to buy me such a lovely bouquet. I reached her, she looked back at me, feigning surprise at this carefully orchestrated gesture. She took the flowers from me, I kissed her cheek, and she took my hand, holding my arm up, my tits again the focus for the camera lens’.

The bar was buzzing when we got there, everyone talking about the show. I squeezed in, and took a drink from the waitress.
“You looked gorgeous,” Max said.
I hadn’t seen him at the show, but knew he had been there. I kissed his cheek.
“You liked?” I asked.
“I liked, and this new look, fuck Sue it really, really suits you. Lets slip away, be seen, then go.”
“Max, I’d like nothing more, I’m as horny as hell, but Ana wants me to met some people, or something, so not tonight, tomorrow?”
“No can do, with the accountants. Sorry, I’ll ring you, ok?
“No! But ring me, soon.” I said.
“Sue, there you are, flirting with my husband, now, I need you, sorry Max,” Anouska said.
She led me away, towards the girl from the audition. Carla.
“You really are a naughty slut Sue, now you can fuck my husband another time, tonight I want you to be very nice to Carla, you’ll do that for me, won’t you…yes of course you will. Does your husband know your fucking Max? Ana said.
“Ah there you are Carla, what did you think of the show?” Anouska asked.
“Absolutely divine darling,” Carla replied, “and you’ve brought Sue for me, promise I won’t damage her darling, I’ll let you see the article tomorrow, at the photographic studio?”
“See you there, now must go, people to see, busy, busy,” Anouska said. They kissed, and she was gone.
Carla took my arm, “Your new look is so sexy, now shall we go?”
“Go?” I asked.
“Yes darling, I don’t want to fuck you in front of all these people, or would you like that?” Carla asked.
I looked at her, nonplussed.
“Oh you would! Well maybe we can arrange that, now come along.”
She led me out of the party, then to the lift, as soon as the doors closed, she took my head in her hands, pulled me to her, then kissed me, her tongue slipped into my mouth, I put my hands on her hips, and as I did, the lifted stopped, the doors opened, and she led me by the hand along the corridor.

I watched Sue on the catwalk, at least I think it was her. I sat in the fourth row with Julie.
“Is that her?” I asked.
“You don’t recognise your own wife?” Julie asked.
“Fuck she is hot!” I said.
“Isn’t she, wonder who she is going to fuck tonight?” Julie said.
“What!” I said.
“Just joking, but you have to admit, she is going to be, well in demand!” Julie said.
“In demand, fuck Julie I’d give my right testicle to fuck her, and she’s my wife!”
“Poor you, still you can fuck me instead.”
“Fuck now she’s flashing her tits again,” I said.
“And its making you hard!” Julie said, her hand between my legs, squeezing my cock through my trousers.
Then Anouska came on, standing at the end of the runway, thanking everyone, thanking the models. Then as if one queue, Sue walked back on, carrying a huge bouquet, her long legs and her head all that could be seen.
“Ah and here is the star of the show, the gorgeous Sue,” Anouska announced.
Then Sue handed the flowers to Anouska, to reveal that she was only wearing a pair of panties, even from where I sat I could see they were see-through. Anouska took Sue’s hand, then held it high, Sue tits now on full display, as the cameras recorded her nakedness.
“Wow, doesn’t she look ravishing,” Julie said, “that hair and make-up, wonder whose idea it was to crop her hair that short, not hers, and the colour, talk about bleach blonde, that’s looks like pure peroxide, very sexy though, who’d have thought it! And she seems to like flashing her bits!”
“Yeah I’ve noticed that, she asked me if I was ok with it.” I said.
“And are you?” Julie asked.
“Seems weird, but yes, yes I am.”
“Making you randy?” Julie said.
“Fuck yes, still have to wait a bit, till she’s ready to go,” I said.
“Brian, she’s the star of the show, she won’t be ready for a long time, so come on, you’ve got me for the night, if you still want me?”
“You’re right, lets go!”

“Make me come slut!” Carla commanded me, pushing my head down to her crotch, as she held the hem of her skirt in one hand, my hair in the other. I hesitated.
“What did you think we going to do? Now make me come!”
I kissed her through her knickers, smelling her arousal, kissed her thighs, then pulled her panties down, reveal her totally shaven cunt, her inner lips poked through her outer ones, which glistened with her excitement. I ran my tongue along them, then with my fingers held her open, as my tongue found her erect clit. I worked it, flicking it with my tongue, then licking it, then sucking it, my fingers finding her opening, she was wet, and I slipped two fingers into her. She squirmed with pleasure, pulling my face harder against her.
“Oh yes slut, oh yesssssssssss!” Carla gasped.
Her juices flooded my mouth, and I drank her in. She tasted sweet, and suddenly I knew I wanted more of this young woman, then idly wondered how old she was, younger than me, younger than Anouska, then I didn’t care, as she pulled me across to the bed.
“Undress me slut,” she said.
I did as she wanted, unbuttoning her blouse, peeling it off her shoulders, throwing it onto the floor, then her bra, freeing her breasts, her nipples hard, and pierced. I studied them, intrigued.
“Mmm, you like my piercing, maybe we’ll have yours done, but only if your good!”
I took one in my mouth, biting it, teasing it, feeling the metal on my tongue, her hand on the back of my head.
I took my mouth away, then unzipped her skirt, letting it full to the floor, her knickers, were halfway down her thighs, I pulled them down, then off, and over her heels. Then she laid on the bed, her legs spread, her pussy open, and inviting. My mouth dry with expectation.
“Now you slut, strip, let me see you again.!” Carla said.
My dress slipped to the floor, leaving me in just my knickers.
“You are a slut, look at you, your soaking.”
I pulled my panties off, they joined the pile of clothes on the floor.
“Pick the clothes up slut, fold them, and put them away, I want this room tidy, what if we had visitors, hurry!”
I did as she wanted, as she watched me, watched every move.
“Now, pleasure me again.”……………

“What she just used you?” Julie asked.
We lay together in the bath in my house. I had been out all night, Carla’s sex slave, then during the day, a photographic model, for Anouska. Now I was home, and Julie wanted to know everything. And so, I told her what she wanted to know.
“Just used me,” I told her.
“Wasn’t it humiliating?” She asked.
“I think that was the turn on,” I told her truthfully.
“And the pictures?” Julie asked.
“No, not what you think, I was modelling Anouska’ clothes, for her shops,” I said.
“Shops?” Julie asked. “I thought she only had one?”
“So did I. Turns out she has a string, franchised.”
“Wow! Is that why they cut you hair?”
“Yeah, it’s the look they wanted, fucking short, not really sure I like it, and talk about peroxide blonde!”
“No Sue, no. You look fantastic, it really suits you, and the colour, or lack of colour really does it for you. So sexy, I even fancy you myself!” Julie said.
“You do?”
“I really do.” Julie replied.
“Why have we never…you know?”
“Cause I don’t do it with girls!” Julie replied.
“Nor did I, well if you change your mind…”
“I’ll let you know,” she said, laughing, although I had been serious, suddenly I wanted to fuck my best friend.
“So this Carla just told Anouska she wanted to fuck you, and Anouska without asking you agreed?” Julie said.
“That’s about it, always implying that unless I did, then Brian would find out about me and Max.”
I stood up, about to get out of the bath.
“Mmm, you know, I like that they colour matched your fanny,” Julie said, gazing up at my almost bald pussy.
“Not much coverage,” I said.
“None at all, just that little patch, suits your new look,” Julie said, reaching up, and running her fingers lightly across my postage stamp, and down onto my labia, then suddenly taking her hand away.

“Sue, you were wonderful, the show, the photo’s, and Carla, she’s into you, you didn’t mind?” Ana asked, though in truth it wasn’t a question.
“No, I enjoyed it. Enjoyed it all,” I told her truthfully.
“Good, she wants you again, so whatever it was you did….anyway she wants your nipples pierced, so I’ve booked you in to have them done.”
I didn’t say anything, it seemed I wasn’t being asked.
“Have you fucked my husband lately? No of course you haven’t, not had the time, have you, you slut. Now I want you for another show, and some more photo’s. Keep this look, I like it, you’re part of my business plan for the coming year or so, so I want you like this, you have free use of the salon, use it. Has Max fucked you in the arse?” She asked, and as she asked so her hand felt me up. My skin tingled with excitement.
“No, I don’t do anal,” I replied.
“No?” She said, then she kissed me, her mouth so soft. Suddenly she pulled away, leaving me breathless.
“Fuck my husband tonight, in my house, leave a little something behind, your panties, yes they’ll do, call me on my mobile so I know where they are, and you can tell me at the same time how you enjoyed being fucked in the bum, how is your husband?”
“He’s fine, enjoying my friend Julie,” I told her.
“So must you sometime, then tell me all about it.”
Her fingers parted my cheeks, a finger on my sphincter, soft, and gentle, then a sudden push, the finger tip in me.
“Mmm, tight, wish I could be there to watch.”
She kissed me again, her tongue in my mouth, I responded, my tongue finding hers, her finger a little deeper, my head twisted to keep contact with her mouth.
“Mmm, you are a slut aren’t you, you’ll do whatever I want. Should I fuck your husband do you think?” Ana asked.
“When do you want to?” I asked.
“I’ll tell you when, or shall I just do it, then tell you afterwards?”
“Mmmm,” I groaned.
“Or shall we have a threesome?” She whispered, kissing my bare neck, my newly shaved neck, her tongue behind my exposed ears.
“Make sure you keep your hair cropped short, a number one, remember. Does he like your new look?”
“And you cunt, does he like that?”
“What about your friend Julie?”
“Her too.”
“Does she like your new look cunt?”
“Yes, she….”
“She what?”
“She likes it too.” I managed to say, her fingers busy, taking me to the edge.
“Do you want to fuck her as well?” Ana asked.
“Yes, God yesssssssssss,” I said coming as I replied.

I’d been to Max’s house before, not often, but a few times. I smelt her perfume as I walked into their bedroom, she dominated the room, even though she wasn’t there.
“This doesn’t feel right Max,” I said.
“Nonsense, look she’s away for the evening, we have hours, relax, here, this will calm your nerves,” he said, handing me a glass of bubbly.
He unbuckled my jeans, his hands tugging them down.
“Let me, you’ll be there all night at this rate.”
I wiggled out of them, pulling my knickers off as I did so. Then my top, and then my bra.
“Fuck Sue, I love your new hair style, so fucking hot, oh fuck, when did you have those done?” He asked, looking at my newly pierced nipples, the silver bars new and shinny.
“This afternoon,” I said.
“A bit, they’re fine now, a little tender that’s all.”
I felt his cock hardening, and smiled.
“Fuck me Max, really hard, oh and Max, to go with my new look, you can fuck me in the arse, if you want,” I said, seductively.
“Really,” I said.

He took it gently, I was on all fours, he’d fucked me doggie, until I had almost come, now he was knocking on the back door, a door which I had always kept closed. Until now. His cock was lubed, my anus was lubed, fingered, and lubed. Now his cock was pushing its way in. I felt myself being stretched as slowly his cock head entered me. He paused, and I was grateful, then before I was ready he penetrated me further, past my sphincter, slowly pushing inside my anus, past in inner ring. It hurt, but not as much as I had feared. Then slowly he began to fuck me, as I furiously rubbed my clit. I came, a mixture of clitoral orgasm, and something else, something different. Then it hit me, like a steam train.
“Oh fuck Max, of fucking yessss…..harder, oh God….yesssssssssss,” I screamed, as a huge wave of pleasure swept through my body.
Max redoubled his efforts, fucking me deeper, and even harder, I came again, then caught the ebb tide, as another orgasm hit me. My sphincter was pulsating, I felt it spasm, gripping his cock hard as it was embedded in me. He did well, bless him, held out longer than I thought possible of him. The inevitable happened, and he came ejaculating inside me, deep inside, where no man had been before, but where others would defiantly be following.

“Ana?” I said into my mobile.
“Hello slut,” Ana said. “Well?”
“They are under the bed, your side,” I told her.
I had left my black knickers for her, as she had asked.
“Good, and the rest?” She asked.
“I did it, he fucked my arse, fucked it hard,” I said.
“Well done little slut, did he come inside you?” She asked.
“Yes, deep in my anus,” I replied.
“Good, now some one needs to clean you, all that nasty come leaking out of you, go and find someone, the bar, just down the road from my house, go there, pick someone up, you’ll do that won’t you!”
“Yes,” I whispered.
“Let him, or her even fuck you, and make them pay, because you are a slut, aren’t you!”
“Make sure they clean you well, won’t you, don’t want hubby finding that come leaking out of you, do you?”

The bar wasn’t busy, but there was a fair crowd in. I’d never been there before. I went to the bar, and was about to order of drink, when a guy offered to buy me one. I let him. Ten minutes later, we were in his car in the car park, my jeans around my ankles, my arse in the air, as he fucked me, he was quick, just what I needed, before he fucked me, he had gone down on me, licking my cunt, rimming my anus, in his enjoyment he cleaned me, cleaned the mess that Max had left, now his reward, a fuck, although he didn’t know it was a reward. I felt him grunt.
“I want you to come in my mouth honey,” I cooed.
He was only too happy, he pulled out, and I span around, taking his cock, wet from my cunt in my mouth, I wrapped my hand around him, helping things along, then he came in two ropes, filling my mouth with his come. I swallowed, taking it all. I smiled.
“Thanks love, here’s the hundred, you work round here a lot?” He asked.
“Sometimes,” I replied, “maybe I’ll see you again?”

I had just got into my car, when my mobile rang.
“Hello slut, how much did he pay you?” Ana asked.
“A ton,” I said.
“Good girl, all clean?”
“Yes,” I replied.
“You sold yourself cheap, I’ll sell you for more, much more. Your husband is a handsome man, isn’t he.”
“You’ve fucked him?” I asked.
“That is for you to find out, I’ll ring you tomorrow, right now I have a pair of knickers in my bedroom, that aren’t mine!”

He was asleep when I got home. I sat down and watched as he chest rose and fell. Julie wasn’t there, I wondered where she was. Then I wondered if Anouska had fucked him, then wondered again if he would tell me if she had. He woke with a start, saw me, and smiled.
“Hello sexy,” he said.
“Hi, no Julie tonight?” I asked.
“No, her Mum rang, she’s not well.”
“So home alone?”
“Yeah, something like that,” he said.
“Then I have you to myself, and I’m very, very hungry,” I told him.

His cock was hard, even before I wrapped my lips around it.
“Mmm, this is nice, not had you in a few days,” I said, before dipping my head again.
“I’ve missed you,” he said.
“I’ve missed you too, but you’ve not been alone, now is this Julie I can taste?” I asked.
He was quite, I stopped, and looked up.
“Not Julie then?” I said.
“I’m sorry, I really am, but…..”
“Not Julie, Brian, so who, whose cunt can I taste,” I asked, my silver nails digging into the shaft of his cock.
“Anouska,” he said, “look I’m…..”
But I wasn’t listening, I was sucking his cock again, doing the best job I could, and I could do a very good job.
“You’re not mad,” he asked.
I took my mouth away.
“No, now, do you want to fuck me in the arse, like you did Julie?”
“You know that as well?”
“We share everything, maybe a threesome next time, or would you prefer Anouska?
“I…I don’t know, you choose?” He said.

“You never did?” Julie said.
It was early, she’d driven to her mothers, to discover there was nothing wrong with her. They’d rowed, and she’d driven back to mine.
“I did, picked him up in the bar, and charged him fifty, I mean I didn’t know how much,” I said.
“And you did that because she told you to?” Julie asked.
“It was so exciting, just doing it, I know I shouldn’t have, that it was dangerous even. That made it all the more thrilling.” I said.
“You dirty bitch! And you’ve had it up the bum twice in one night with two different guys, or did you let your paying customer do it to you there as well?”
“What for fifty! What do you take me for?” I said, then we both laughed, then laughed some more.
“Sue, be careful won’t you,” Julie said suddenly seriously.
“I promise,” I said.
Then my mobile rang.
“Hi Max,” I said.
“Look Sue,” he whispered. “She knows, knows about us, found your knickers under the bed, for fuck sake, anyway, thought I’d warn you.”
“Max, darling Max, she has always know, I did tell you, and you’re a fool, a loveable fool if you think otherwise.”
I ended the call, wondering what game Anouska was playing now.

Same as A slut after all. 1 Videos

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The big city was a lot different in the daylight than at night. Sallie Shadow liked it better at night because she could slide around everywhere and remain mostly hidden in the darkened corners away from the streetlamps at her own volition. Hardly anyone knew Sallie's last name was Shadow because she never used it unless she was caught in a situation that demanded she repeat her full name. Usually, that was in places like some silly soup kitchen or even a Police Station when she got scooped...

3 years ago
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Teddys WorldChapter 12 The Magic Of Fallon

The next morning came so quick I had to ask myself did I even go to sleep. As I showered last night I just freshened up, got dressed even I had to admit these girls dressed me well. When the girls came down I told them we would be doing dinner at my parent’s house. I called mom to ask her, if tonight was spaghetti night? She said, “Yes it is if I was going to be there.” I asked her “If we needed to bring anything?” “No just a big appetite,” was her response. I let her know it would be just...

2 years ago
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Meri Patakha Senior Pallavi

Hi friend this is Sam from Bangalore. I am a sports person use to play cricket for my college so have an athletic body and my height is 6 ft with a fair complexion. I have read many stories at ISS and I m a big fan of this site and always thought of when I can also post my story here. So the day has finally arrived. I am here with my story. Lets not take more of your time and let me come to the story….. From here I vl continue my story in hindi. To friends ye story meri aur Pallavi ki hai jo...

2 years ago
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Delivery Boy Laddoo With Sallu

Readers I am Salman Khan from Pakistan….my parents and school and neighborhood all call me Sallu…I am 28 years old strong sporty built and good handsome looks. A strange thing about me is…. I always love fucking Gaand for young Boys only…. I just fuck young age guys with cute and sexy looking boys only….and that’s all…. I have relatively big Laura it is almost 11 inches long and thick pointed dick head around 5 ½ inches round. It gets very hard and swells to full width when I am turned on…. my...

Gay Male
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The Possession of Mallory

The Possession of Mallory By X-Girl Chapter One The flat landscape of Indiana with its long distant fields and cold Saharan sunsets hides a hidden treasure. And an urban, east coast man sought to mine it from the front porch of his home and pressed between his hands was a thick envelope... "Sign right here," said the courier. "Okay," said the man. "Thank you," said the courier and he stepped away tipping his hat and said, "Good day." Mallory, had now released his offer...

4 years ago
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HALLE (Part 1) Hi, my name is Terrie and want to tell you about meeting the most wonderful girl, Halle. First of all, a little about me. I'm a bi-sexual girl, and have been since my early teens. I'm currently attending college and working on my Masters in psychology. I enjoy going to the various gay/lesbian clubs for the obvious reasons. And, it was at one of these clubs that I met Halle. I had just arrived in town to work on my Masters at City College, and had been told by some...

3 years ago
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Fun With Mallory

It started innocently enough. I was a newly hired professor as was Mallory. I was to teach Native American studies and Mallory was to teach English. A few weeks into the semester, someone in the department suggested an evening department meeting and potluck. Mallory quickly volunteered her house and we all agreed. When the evening arrived, we had a quick business meeting and then had our dinner. In addition to the food, it seemed that everybody brought a bottle of wine. Food was served and the...

2 years ago
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Hot And Horny Mallika

Dear friends, this is a real story about hot love making with mallika who is known for her escapades with 3 men (apart from a husband)…….Well in short her affairs started when her age was 23 and went to a peak with 2 men parallel for 4 years and cut of from one person for few years and with another she wanted to elope and get re married and finally adjusted and stayed back with husband and however the relationship with other two men going strong still …….The initial hot and love making sessions...

4 years ago
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Kendall Baxter was used to being passed over for a lot of things in life. Having always been the smallest boy in class and presenting few signs of masculinity in his facial features or physique he was often mistaken for a girl, and a young girl at that. At 17 he had finished high school graduating in the top 10 in his class and a college scholarship had provided him with the path to degrees in Music, Performing Arts and Literature. It was other parts of his life which had challenged and...

2 years ago
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The Allotment

“I went to the allotment today, dear,” Sarah revealed as her husband sat at the small dinner table. Sarah sat opposite and started to eat her dinner with her husband Allen. “Have the rabbits got to the vegetables yet?” “No not yet the small fence you put up has kept them at bay for the time being. They’ve devastated several other plots thought,” Sarah went on as she ate, “I had a go at weeding that plot we’re resting when Derrick made some very suggestive remarks to me.” “What did he say?”...

1 year ago
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Master Cowart Slavegirl Mallory

100% fiction! Magnolia Plantation is nestled amongst tall pine trees and large oak trees in Southern Alabama. It is owned by Henry Cowart, the richest slave owner for miles around. Henry is 50 years old with salt and pepper hair, clear blue eyes, and around 6ft tall. He has large hands and broad shoulders. Henry has always had a fancy for his slave girls. He loved their dark brown and sometimes black nipples, curvy waists and large round bottoms. The showers for the slaves were set up right out...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 182 Meanwhile What Had Been Happening in Corvallis

Tuesday, May 3 to Friday, May 6, 2005 Vanessa's story interrelates too much with Mom's and the PIs, so I'll merge their stories to make them more comprehensible. Vanessa's fun and games started when Prof called her early Tuesday evening, after he'd started talking to Patrick. Patrick had mentioned that Binion's would send investigators to Corvallis. Prof had excused himself, called Vanessa, warned her that there could well be investigators in Corvallis already, and to keep Mark...

2 years ago
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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 2 of 7 Jeff and Allie

Aftermath Confessions: Chapter 2 of 7- Jeff and Allie Author’s note: It was hard picking a category for this one. It’s a wife loving, voyeur, masturbation straight sex story about a man telling his wife about his past experiences with another couple. Send me an email at if you would be interested in an illustrated version. ____________________________________________________________________________ “You tell me yours and I tell you mine. Nothing held back.” She squeezed my cock into her...

1 year ago
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Callie by Mya Fantasy Story Description This is the story of a single mom named Diane who has a 15-year-old son named Calvin, who tells his mother that he believes he is actually a girl and all he wants to do is wear a French maid uniform. This is a fast-moving, G-rated story about a year in the life of a 15- year-old transgirl, the year she came out to her Mother, who fully supports her from the very beginning. This is an uplifting story, but with a few of my own...

3 years ago
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Techno CultivatorChapter 34 Mysterious Challenger

-Tech City Spire- With 4 days left until the auction, things had been quickly ramping up in the city. More and more powerful cultivators were entering the city and with that influx was the increase of people taking advantage of the cities services. Namely, a lot of people were trying their hand at the Spire or at the Arena. On this day, James had been busy trying to ascend to the 22nd level of the tower when he got a coms from Jasmine. “James, it would appear that a new contender has...

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The GlimpseChapter 2 Fallow vs Fallow

I eventually took residence in St. Louis and got a job as a test pilot for a military aircraft manufacturer. I let my employer know what was going on with my soon-to-be ex-wife and that I needed a week off. He understood and gave me all the time I needed. Once I was settled I drove back to Jacksonville to arrange the divorce process. It has been a month since I left and I have to say that things started looking positive in a different way. I was still distraught over Lisa, but I was learning...

3 years ago
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Painsluts of Buttermilk Falls

ONE "You see, Entworth, I saw you last night at the PainCafe, when you were hitting that girl's breasts....she was tied down, her hands were, and you kept, like thrashing her with that wire thing." Jinx O'Casey smiled at Entworth beseechingly. ? Entworth's swarthy face?stared at Jinx through his prescription sunglasses, his copy of "Soap Opera Digest" forgotten. "You-you aren't here about my share of the rent?" He tried to look matter of fact, but this was an extreme relief. ? Jinx shook her...

1 year ago
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Welcome To The Nieghbour HoodCally

New Jersey-2006well it was around spring when Cally arrived.i was just walking shop when i saw a moving van next to my house,there was a brunette girl who looked around my age,long brown hair,curves to die for,and bright blue eyes.i went over to introduce myself i asked her how old she was and i was right she was 16after a while her mother asked her to go shop so we both went.on our way back she asked me what school i attend.it turns out she attending there next weekso i said i will knock on...

1 year ago
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Catherine and Callie

I met Catherine when I was 16 and she was 14. She had a high school crush on me, a shy, skinny boy who she had seen playing basketball in her neighborhood park. We were introduced by a mutual friend, and spent a few hours that first day just talking on the swings, until her mother called her in for dinner. Catherine was a beautiful girl, with deep brown eyes, dark brown hair, and an hourglass figure even at her tender age. Though we dated for a few months, we never went farther than kissing...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Once again back with a new story !!! This time the story reveals about true incest relationship one of my close friend REV & his mom Mallika. Everything is common like you friends since from primary to college life . I was very much attracted with Hot ladies .I was regular to porn and imagine the erotic scenes masturbated in free times. As the desires and lust take me into the incest relationship between mom Mallika. She was hot milf thick lady with big Boobs and Ass. Soon after the college...

3 years ago
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Teddys WorldChapter 14 the Fallout From Getting Fallon

As the plane touched down and motored over to where it could be serviced, we stood around less than five minutes waiting for the courtesy van to take us to long-term parking. We cruised the lot until we found the two Broncos next to my dad’s 1976 Cadillac Sedan Deville, I had keys to the blue Bronco, and so I unlocked the doors. We put all the luggage in my truck Pam and my ladies got in her truck, My parents and their ladies got in the Caddy; they let me drive my own truck Whoopee! We all...

4 years ago
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Me And My Sexy Aunt Valli

Hi everyone. . My name is Raj i am now 22 yrs. old i am a regular reader of iss for last two months it was very good and now i am going to write the incident happened in my life its between me and my aunt Valli. Four years ago. She is my sex teacher taught me about sex now coming to the story it’s a bit long but if u read it be really good and myself i am a normal boy after school i was on my vacation i planned to go somewhere that time my uncle called me and said came to his home for spending...

2 years ago
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Halloween Story Mallory

“I can’t believe you’re going to wear that costume, Mallory.” It was time for our annual Halloween party and I couldn’t wait. We took turns buying the costumes and that year it was up to Mallory to decide what we were going to wear. She wouldn’t tell me a thing and part of the game is for me to beg and plead for just one little clue. All week long I’d promised her interesting sexual favors and anything else I could think of, but of course she never said a word. Well almost nothing. There was...

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Happy Birthday Allan

Hannah was looking in one direction, Elle in the other. They were making sure their teacher wasn't coming. The three had the system since the beginning of the year. Texting and spotting. 'What do you have next period?' It was his best friend (and not-so-secret crush), James. 'Geometry. Marks. Why?' 'I thought so. You have a sub today, so I was wondering if I could take you out for your birthday.' 'Sounds good. When?' 'Next period. Duh. No one would notice you're...

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday Allan

Introduction: Its my best friends birthday, so Im writing this for him because… Well, this way I dont have to buy him stuff. He was sitting in his second period Graphic Design class with two of his friends when his phone started to buzz in his pocket. He glanced at his phone under the watchful eyes of his friends. Hannah was looking in one direction, Elle in the other. They were making sure their teacher wasnt coming. The three had the system since the beginning of the year. Texting and...

3 years ago
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Fifty Shades Of Gray In Cornwall

He was a professor at one of the most prestigious universities in London. Distinguished and sublimely intelligent, he was very much the complete and well-accomplished gentleman that I’ve long admired. Tall, handsome and extremely fit for his age he was the type of man who walked around as if he’d already discovered the secret of life.Such was his developed mind and supreme confidence, that it made others sit up and pay attention, hoping that they, in turn, could learn and take on some of his...

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Tied Bound In Cornwall

He was a professor at one of the most prestigious universities in London. Distinguished and sublimely intelligent, he was very much the complete and well-accomplished gentleman that I’ve long admired. Tall, handsome and extremely fit for his age he was the type of man who walked around as if he’d already discovered the secret of life.Such was his developed mind and supreme confidence, that it made others sit up and pay attention, hoping that they, in turn, could learn and take on some of his...

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The Inn Kisa and Randall

The Inn: Kisa and Randall By Mr. Pec A young, armored, weary female entered the empty Inn and was instantly recognized by the owner. "Hello Kisa! how've you been?" he bellowed. "G'day, Keep. I'm well, and you?" she responded as she stepped up to the bar. "As good as could be expected. Business has been slow with the war in Tyrin, but we make due on the weekends. What brings you back to the Capital?" "Business. I'm following a lead on a band of bandits in...

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Fraternity Brother To Sorority Sister Chapter 28Return To Tallahassee

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 28 Return to Tallahassee Mercifully for Beth her week in Charleston ended. She felt like she had survived a very difficult test and she wanted to celebrate. As they were heading back to Tallahassee Beth looked at Aaron. She knew what she wanted. "We had a good visit in Charleston. I think we need to celebrate. There is a nice Embassy Suites in Savanah. Let's stop there for the night. We can enjoy the Manager's Reception and the...

3 years ago
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Fucking Hard My Online Friend Pallavi

Hi ISS readers this his abhilash from Hyderabad posting my second sex experience with my online friend Pallavi. Give me your comments and complements to . I met here in One of the famous social networking site. I think no need to mention name of that as all of you know it. We became very close friends in a short period of time. We exchanged our contacts and use to talk daily when we are free.we even exchanged our photos. She completed her b.tech in one of the college in vijayawada. She used to...

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Altered Fates The Search for the Medallion

AF: The Search for the Medallion By Bashful Kenneth Farnsworth, Lord of Eastham, was on an antique buying trip when he discovered one of the most powerful magical devices known to man. That is to say, he discovered its existence. 'Lord Farnsworth,' he had a hard time accepting the title. It was his, to be sure, he was the true heir to the Farnsworth title and holdings. He just never thought of a twenty six-year-old man as a "Lord". His father had died suddenly of a heart...

3 years ago
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Sluty hot MIL AND SIL visiting for the weekend qu

So my mother in law and s*s in law our in town. They are both smoking hot and sluty. Mil is 56 5"5curvy frame lbs big 36Ds nice legs wide hips and sexy ass short brown hair, Sil 20 5"6 135 sexy b cups phat phat ass so we all went to dinner and our the girls were pounding drinks all night long as the night went on they trashed and being extra flirty well sluty towards me when my wife wasn't around or paying attention. Teasing me when they could I even danced with the my MIL my cock was growing...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 1 Visiting Allan

Sparky kicked up a stink about being left at home. Lee told Sparky straight out she had too many responsibilities to go haring off to different continents to socialise. Sean and Lee had taken the faeries home from Clarksville to find a village full of babies. Muirin and Ide had both managed twins. Muirin had sons and Ide had daughters. Searc, Feme and Taillte all had sons. Faeries are a communal clan. If a baby cried and a woman had milk, it was fed. Sparky’s three daughters soon had lots...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 75 Callie

November, 1984, Chicago, Illinois The last days of November went by quickly. I didn’t say anything to anyone about the meeting; only Bethany knew that Scott had called me. Kara and Sofia both joined me for karate on Monday night, though they were in a beginner’s class taught by one of the two black belts who studied under Sensei Jim. I found Jorge after my accounting class and he was pretty resolute that he was happy being with George and that Cindi had been fun, but he knew it couldn’t...

1 year ago
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Altered Fates A Double Dose of the Medallion

AF: A Double Dose of the Medallion By Julie Jeff was on his way home from another typical day at the office. He wasn?t in a big hurry. It wasn?t that he didn?t want to go home, but there was no big rush. As he pulled up in front of the house he noticed his wife Beverly wasn?t home yet. That was no surprise. She had been working longer and longer hours and now it seemed they rarely saw each other anymore. Beverly was a computer programmer and even when she was home, she...

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Cockslut Mommy

Cindy was just your average 42 year old mom, and was divorced for roughly 8 years. She lived on the outside of town with her 2 son, Adam and Jacob. Cindy was a good mom to her boys and she would do anything for them. She was also a good wife but there was one thing her exhusband could not deal with, which is why they are divorce. Cindy is a huge nympho. She loves sex more than alot of things and just cant get enough. When she was married, her husband knew her powerful sex...

2 years ago
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Would you like to try it Snowballing

"Have you ever heard of snowballing?" my wife asked me one night as she sensed my moment of climax rapidly approaching.We often spoke to each other during sex, even oral sex, which was our preferred method of satisfying ourselves and each other.Recently we had increased our gym nights from two to three each week, working out on the machines and enjoying the ever-present eye candy. For a couple in our forties, we were both in pretty good shape, if I must say so myself, and sweating and straining...

4 years ago
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Sharing the Load Snowballing

"Have you ever heard of snowballing?" my wife asked me one night as she sensed my moment of climax rapidly approaching.We often spoke to each other during sex, even oral sex, which was our preferred method of satisfying ourselves and each other.Recently we had increased our gym nights from two to three each week, working out on the machines and enjoying the ever-present eye candy. For a couple in our forties, we were both in pretty good shape, if I must say so myself, and sweating and straining...

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Every community has one, larger communities may have several, but if you look closely, you will find the Wallflower. They are friendly yet quiet, seemingly self-contained, seldom sitting in a group although not always alone, and never the center of attention. They are pretty, they are not, they are plain, mysterious, tall, short, slender and not so slender, but without exception, they know they are a Wallflower. As young children, the Wallflowers were often alone on the playground, or they...

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Show What You Cant Say Mallory

Part 1- "What are you reading, dear?" Mom and I were relaxing in the living room after dinner. We had always been close, but ever since her divorce had been finalized she seemed to put more effort into spending what she called 'quality time' with me. There was nothing worth watching on TV, and my homework was done. I had started skimming through some catalogs she left on the end table looking for anything interesting. "Just a catalog, Mom." "Oh, which one? Let me see,...

1 year ago
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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 3 of 7 Opening Allie

Author’s Note: These stories are hard to categorize… voyeurism, exhibitionism, masturbation, quasi-threesome with bi overtones and a hot wife. If you’re interested in an illustrated version of the stories, send me an email at ———————————- Smiling up from between my legs, she ran her tongue sensuously along my shaft, licking her own juices from my cock. ‘Now, give yourself a minute to calm down, and then tell me how you got ‘poor, sweet, innocent’ Allie to spread her legs for you.’ ‘God, Carol....

2 years ago
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Training Allie

Training Allie part 1, revised and extended {Les Evans} [1/2]  ?Training Allie? was originally posted as ?Allie.?  Consider ?The Story of O? and ?9-1/2 Weeks.? This story is an exploration of the question: why would any woman consent to persist in a relationship that, by any standard, would be considered abusive? There are many possible answers, each of which could be the basis for other stories. I hope that ?Allie? presents one answer.  Introduction to Chapters 1-11:  This fantasy has been...

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Deflowering Allie

It had been months since Allie had any attention from her brothers. It seemed the emotional weight of the their transgressions had taken their toll. Ending a very brief, but sensuous love affair. Allie could not wrap her head around the reasoning behind the sudden constraint of affection. Everything she tried it seemed, brought her back to the same emotional standstill. She filled with anger as the days turned into weeks and now into months. It wasn’t as if she shared the quandary her brothers...

1 year ago
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Allie by Unknow Allan had been in trouble before, so this was nothing new to him, however, this time things felt a bit different. The director of the orphanage had called for him to come to the office and to watch how he behaved. Allan had been orphaned at seven when his parents were killed in a car accident. He didn't have anyone else in the world and had been turned over by the court to the custody of the Orphanage. Being seven meant that he was too old and not...

4 years ago
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Intriguing Marshall

“The Marshall will take me?” I said. I wasn’t sure about that. He was a tall and grizzly looking man who stood nearby us. I questioned whether or not I wanted him of all people to ride along with me back to my home town. The other man said he would ride along you with me. I wasn’t sure about that either but I knew it would be a “long” and treacherous ride if I didn’t take precautions. I looked at the Marshall. He did look brazen to say the least but I had heard without that heavy and ugly beard...


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