Fucking My Mom free porn video

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Sandra awoke with a start, the feeling that she had forgotten something was nagging her into consciousness. She arose, putting on a dressing gown to cover her naked body and as she did she began searching the house for the source of her forgotten task. Then she heard it, the shower running. Her son had soccer training today and at the tender age of 18 he was 6'2, extremely athletic and well built, she suspected that he had all the girls after him with his piercing blue eyes and long black eyelashes. He had obviously awoken before her and was in the shower. As she walked towards the kitchen to make some much needed coffee she passed the laundry room and spotted a basket full of dirty clothes, She turned the washer on and realized she didn't quite have a full load, she remembered her son Michael was in the shower and assumed he would have dirty clothes 'I'll just nip in and get them' she thought to herself, 'He'll be too busy to notice me'.

She entered the bathroom, the steam surrounded her as looked around in vain for the clothes. Then she spotted it, not the clothes but the nicest looking cock she had ever seen, pointing straight up surrounded not by coarse dark pubes but soft light brown ones. She tried to look away thinking to herself 'This is your son get a grip' but she could not bring herself to take her eyes off the beautiful circumcised monster (something her ex had insisted on and she was now grateful for). It was about 10 ½'' long and as thick as 2'' at least, then she noticed.... A silver barbell through the shaft just under the head! As Sandra was thinking how much the size reminded her of his father she was interrupted by Michael saying " Can I help you mum?'

In shock Sandra just froze there, her eyes still fixed on her son's massive member. Michael saw how much his mother was interested in his cock and lowered his hand to idly scratch his nut sack.. Then as he removed his hand he allowed it to brush his cock , which made it begin to swell even more. He then grabbed his thick shaft with his left hand and began to slowly stroke it, moaning slightly as he did. Sandra still frozen in shock began to realize what was going on around her and allowed her gaze to move up to her horny and hard son's beautiful eyes, his gaze bored into her as if he was looking straight into her could read her most inner desires. A little ashamed at this Sandra dropped her eyes to his now fully swollen cock which her son was now stroking with ever increasing speed and she licked her lips, as she did this Michael said to her 'Are you just going to look at it or do something about it?'

Sandra, a little taken back by his comment, automatically and without thinking dropped her robe and opened her mouth, as her robe fell to the floor Michael could see her big swollen nipples, this sight making his cock ooze pre cum. Sandra climbed into the shower cubical and lowered to her knees, placed her already open mouth over her son's swollen cock head and began to lolly pop it occasionally allowing her tongue to flick and tease the very tip making sure she lapped up every drop of his lovely pre cum. She could also feel that piercing slide over her lips, making her feel very naughty and wet indeed, Michael began to moan with delight 'Come on mum, take it all' Sandra obliged and soon had about 7'' of his meat in her warm wet mouth, as his cock slid into his mothers mouth Michael grabbed the back of her head and moaned 'ohhhhhhh yesssss' Sandra then began to give her naughty son the best blow job she knew he was likely to ever have had up until this point, as she was quite skilled in the art.

She grabbed the base of his thick cock with her right hand and began to jerk it in time with her sucking, and with her left hand began to massage Michael's full nut sack. Michael began to sway his hips in time with his hot mothers cock sucking and jerking, slowing pumping more of his hard cock into her mouth with every thrust. She began to suck the head as if she were tying to suck poison from a wound, this made Michael moan and grab her head tighter... She then began to increase the pace of her jerking and sucking and felt his nuts begin to seize up, she knew this meant he was close to shooting his load into the back of her throat. At that moment she felt him thrust another inch of his meat into her throat and moan 'I'm going to cum' and load of sweet salty cum wash her tonsils, she feverishly sucked and swallowed until she was quite sure is entire load was now sitting in her stomach.

The realization of what had just happened was beginning to dawn on Sandra and the guilt set in. Her face went red, she stood up and went to reach for her robe but Michael cut her off, grabbed her head and kissed her, thrusting his tongue into her mouth as if probing it for any remnants of his cum. It was a shock at first but then she felt at ease, as if it were the most natural thing to do and began to kiss him back, as she did she felt something on her stomach. His cock had sprang to life once more and was now as hard as a rock again. Sandra had forgot the stamina young men seemed to possess and instinctively reached for the hard member and began to tug lightly on it, as she did Michael released her from his kiss and whispered in her ear 'Gee Mum you are a very good cock sucker, I had no idea', Sandra began to blush again and felt a surge of wetness between her legs, her son's naughty comment had turned her on in a way she had not been expecting.

She reached around him and turned off the water, grabbed a towel and his hand and lead him to her bedroom. She sat him on the edge of her bed and began to dry him off, just as she had once done when he was a c***d, she started with his hair and made her way down to his bulging pecks, then his rippling abs and finally his swollen cock. She once again grabbed it and began to idly jerk it this time she was the one who engaged him in a passionate kiss as she pushed him back onto her bed, she stared into his eyes as if to ask him if he had any objections as to what was undoubtedly about to happen, His lustful gaze gave her the answer she was hoping for and she climbed on top of him.

As Sandra began to mount her very hard and horny son, he grabbed her breasts and began to rub his fingers over her swollen and hard nipples this gave her another surge of wetness between her legs and she thought by now she must be dripping with pussy juice. He then took one of her nipples and half her breast into his mouth, and began to suck on it just as he had once done as a nursing infant. She aligned Michael's hard cock with her oozing wet pussy lips and slowly lowered herself onto it, inch by glorious inch, she felt that very attractive and proving to be useful cock piercing slide against the walls of her pussy, giving her an almost orgasmic sensation which made her pussy spasm and tighten around her son's cock, as it did they both let out moans of delight whilst Michael continued to suck feverishly on her breast. She then began to bounce up and down on his hard cock, he released her breast from his mouth, grabbed her hips and said 'Fuck me, come on fuck me harder'. Sandra began her assault on him, forcing as much of his man meat into her pussy as could fit, she placed both her hands on his very well built chest and began to use it to leaver herself up and down on his cock. Michael began to lift his hips off the bed to meet her every downward thrust and bury his cock as deep as he could, Sandra felt the head hit her cervix and screamed with delight.

Without warning Michael withdrew his cock and with great skill and care turned his mother over so as she was on all fours. He lowered his mouth to her asshole and began to rim it, Sandra was a little taken aback by this and went move away when he grabbed his hard cock with his right hand and fingered her pussy with his left getting copious amounts of pussy juice on them then rubbing it onto his cock and into and around her asshole. Sandra had never had anal sex, her son's father hadn't really been very adventurous in the bedroom and the other men she had been with were mostly one night stands. She felt a surge of excitement as she knew something she had always wanted to do was about to happen. Michael began to finger her ass, slowly, gently and carefully he began to insert a finger and finger the inside of her asshole, Sandra could hardly believe how good this felt as her naughty, surprisingly sexually talented and experienced son placed another finger into her ass gently stretching it open. Michael fingered her ass for about 5 min occasionally removing them to retrieve more lubricant from her now gushing snatch, and once he was satisfied her asshole was well fingered and beginning to loosen up Michael asked his mother ' Mum, do you have a condom? I don't want my piercing to hurt you' Sandra quickly grabbed the condom she kept in her pillowcase for convenience and gave it to her son. He ripped it open to find it was ribbed, smiled and slid it over his hard meat. He then slid his cock into her dripping pussy to get it nice and lubed up, removed it and placed the head of his huge swollen cock on her asshole and said to her 'I'm going to slowly start to push it in OK mum, as I do I want you to relax your ass as if u were going to take a dump to allow my cock to enter and not hurt you OK' Sandra moan 'Uh huh' and began to relax her waiting ass.

As he pushed his cock in Sandra felt a slight sting and began to think that this was a bad idea, a cock as big as his couldn't possible fit in her ass, she began to panic, as she did Michael seemed to sense this and stopped attempting to slid his cock in, moved his hand around her stomach , finding to his surprise a completely bald mound which made his cock spasm a little, and began to finger her. This took Sandra's mind off the slight pain in her ass and she began to relax again and in no time her son was slowly inching his cock into her ass once more, making her moan 'Ooooohh, ahhhhhh' with every thrust.

When Michael had about 7 inches of his monster in her he began to slowly fuck her ass, Sandra who was screaming with a combination of ecstasy and pleasurable pain once again found her son's fingers massaging the buds of her nipples.

"She then began to rock backwards and forwards to meet his thrusts, and plunged her fingers into her wet pussy and massaging her swollen and sensitive clit.

Just as Sandra begun to go into that pre-orgasmic zone where everything goes quiet and all you can think about is the task at hand she heard a male voice coming from somewhere in the distance.

" This brought her sharply back to reality and she began to panic.

"Photos http://uii.io/VDEV4v

" Someone was about to walk in on her fucking her own son!

"She turned her head to look into Michael's eyes and was about to move away from him when he grabbed her hips pushing his meat deep into her ass making sure his cock didn't come out and whispered 'shhh don't worry it's only Dan'.

"The fact that it was only her son's very attractive blonde haired and blue eyed best friend didn't help her feel more at ease at all.

"Then Michael did the unthinkable, he looked his mother straight in the eye with a wicked gleam and called out 'We're in here dude come join us'.

Sandra's mouth fell open, she couldn't believe what her son had just done. They were about to get caught doing something people are put in prison for and her son was encouraging a witness to join in. Though she had to admit the thought of two 18 yr. olds fucking her simultaneously strangely excited her ...so much so that her pussy began to ooze again. Michael whispered, 'Keep that wonderful cock sucking mouth of yours open Mom, you're going to need to use it in a minute'

Dan walked into the room and was taken aback for a second, he then looked at his mate and proceeded to take his shirt, shoes, jeans and finally boxers off to reveal a semi erect and also rather large cock like her son's, also with not one, but three piercings down the shaft, Sandra suspected they got their cocks pierced together. Sandra's pussy once again spasmed and actually started to drip juices onto her bed. Dan climbed onto the bed and positioned himself in front of Sandra, as he did so Michael placed his arms under his mothers stomach holding her up off her hands and began to slowly fuck her ass again. Sandra ,now with her body weight being supported by Michael, had full use of both her hands and grabbed Dan's half erect cock, placed it into her warm wet waiting mouth while massaging his nut sack and jerking in time with her sucking, Dan began to moan, he looked at Michael who knowingly smiled.

As soon as Dan's cock was fully hard and oozing pre cum almost constantly he slid under Sandra and lined his cock up with her oozing pussy, sliding it in slowly inch by glorious inch. Though not as long as Michael's it was a lot thicker and filled the girth of her pussy easily and then some. Sandra could feel those 3 piercings hitting all her 'spots' and began to moan. The boys soon found a rhythm and began to fuck her with precision timing. Sandra had never had 2 cocks at once and felt as though she might die from the pleasure. It was becoming difficult to distinguish which cock in which hole felt better. Just as she though her pussy was about to explode with an orgasmic river her ass would feel as though it was going to spasm so tightly around her son's cock that he wouldn't be able to move it. She was in heaven. All she could hear was the slopping of juices and smacking of skin against skin accompanied by moans of delight from the two boys. She could feel her orgasm nearing it's peak and dug her nails into Dan's shoulders, something he didn't seem to mind but in fact relished letting out a painful, yet pleasurable, cry. She could feel the warm tingly sensation begin to fill her stomach and move throughout her body. She opened up her mouth and let a string of very loud and pleasure filled moans and screams, with each vocal display the boys seemed to fuck her faster, harder and without end. She wasn't sure this orgasm was ever going to end and she didn't want it to. By this point she was being muffled by Michael's hand over her mouth, for fear her screams might attract the unwanted attention of the neighbours.

Once Sandra had finished cumming she saw Michael reach over to the bedside, open the bottom draw and grabbed a condom and tube of lube, Sandra began to blush at the fact the her son knew where she kept her sex aids, and he passed them to Dan raising his eyebrows as he did. Dan withdrew his cock from Sandra's well satisfied pussy, slid out from underneath her, opened and rolled the condom over his still hard cock, climbed off the bed and walked around behind Michael. Sandra craned her neck to see what was going on. Michael then lent over his mother to expose his ass to Dan who promptly opened up the lube and began applying it to Michael's asshole working it in with his fingers and all over his cock, exactly as Michael had done to her earlier.

Dan then proceeded to place the head of his cock onto the rim of Michael's ass and push it in gently, as he did Michael moaned and began to fuck his mothers ass again in time with Dan's cock sliding into his ass. Sandra while excited realized that her son was being fucked by another guy and this inevitably meant he was at the very least bisexual, Sandra felt her pussy begin to drip down her legs and once again plunged her fingers into her pussy.

Once Dan had his cock completely inside Michael's tight ass the 3 of them began to fuck in time with each other. Michael in his mother ass and Dan in Michael's. Sandra once again felt that pre orgasmic feeling rising inside her and in no time was rocking back and forth onto her son's cock so hard that she was sure the whole 10 ½ glorious inches were fully inside her. As she began to moan louder 'oh fuck, ohhhhh god, fuck me, fuck me' the boys also started moaning 'ahh yessssss, fuck yeah' . Sandra then heard Dan beginning to cum, moaning and thrusting his cock deeper an harder into Michael's ass who also began to moan louder. Dan removed his cock from Michael's ass and pulled the condom off, climbed back onto the bed and positioned himself standing with his cock in front of Michael who began to suck on it then with one loud grunt Dan pumped his cock deep into Michael's throat and emptied his cum into Michael's throat, who swallowed it all with much enthusiasm. At the sight of this Sandra began rock back and forth on her son's cock faster and massaged her clit harder and faster and felt she was about to cum again . she took Dan's now red and sensitive cock into her mouth and began to suck on it gently, Dan occasionally flinching, Sensing that she was about to cum again Michael grabbed her hips and plunged his cock in to meet her backwards thrusts and in no time Sandra was screaming in ecstasy, a river of pussy juice erupted from her cunt streaming down her legs and spraying all over her bed and Michael's nuts.. At this Michael moaned and let out an exasperated ' HA I'M CUMMING' and emptied his load also, making sure he pumped her ass a few more times ensuring she was well and truly spent.

Michael then slowly removed his cock from his mothers ass, removed the condom and lay in front of his mother, who released Dan's cock from her mouth and replaced it with Michael's making sure to lap up all the remnants of his cum off the head of his cock.

She continued to suck on both of their cocks lightly until they were both soft again. Sandra then climbed between the boys and cuddled up to her son whilst Dan spooned her from behind. She then said 'So boys, what are we doing tomorrow?' And as she closed her eyes she imagined her next adventure with her son and his mate.

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Roses video Chapter 10 Maria and Rose swap moms

POV: Maria Both Rose and I kissed each other's moms for about twenty minutes straight. I couldn't help, but to look at Rose and my mom from time to time. It all created the perfect storm of sexuality where the taboo aspect of it still made it quite hot.'Even as I'm not actually related to Kate, it still feels like incest. Maybe it solely because she is my godmother or that my mom is making out with Rose right now. Who the hell knows? Kate has always been like a second mom to me, and she never...

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Oh Hello Stepmom

Hello, my Dear Readers. I have been writing incest themed stories, focusing mainly on mom-son relationships, for some time now. I wanted to try something light-hearted, featuring a young & naive stepmom and her stepson, who is expecting nothing sexual from her. This is my humble attempt on the same. Happy Reading! Sidharth was both bothered and excited. He had just landed back in Mumbai, after completing his studies from a university in the UK. He was on his way home, and he was going to meet...

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Fucking Another Friendrsquos Hot Mom

I don’t know what it is with me and my friends’ mothers, I just can’t seem to keep away from them! Maybe it is because they are generally more sexually available, and I just find older women incredibly attractive. They will also do their best to satisfy a younger lover. A couple of years later, I stopped by a friend’s house to see if he was at home, and wanted to go out partying that night, and a similar experience happened to me again! I had just rung the doorbell, and there had been no...

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Fucked my mom

Hi readers, I am Rohan from Mumbai writing my story. I am studying my B.E in Mumbai. I am the only son to my parents. My dad expired when I was in 4th class. He has left us enough money to go through our lives normally with the money he gave. My mother used to work in a software company alone with my dad. I love my Mom as every son would love. She used to dress as the way she dressed when my dad is alive. Relatives told her to dress normally as before as my dad died at her 29 which is early for...

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Eating at Moms

100% fiction! My name is Mike and I live with my 60 year old mom. I never knew my dad, and my mom had an endless string of men visiting her over the years. Mom was a drinker and a party girl and a slut that always tried to please the men in her life. She's a little woman with dark brown hair that she keeps short. She has nice tits for her size but her perfect bubble butt is her best feature. She wears granny glasses and looks sort of innocent. moms pussy and lower plump belly is now covered...

3 years ago
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Fucking Sukhis mom

So hi to mature moms n licking to their pussies …….so in the earlier story I narrated my experience of fucking Sukhi’s mom now it is the continuation of my that story ……now Sukhi’s mom was like whore to us Hum log jub bhi chahte hum ussse chod dete ,jab bhi man karta us ke chitron main apnan muh de deta,kai kai bar apne lode pe shehad laga kar us se khub chatwate aur fir us ki fudi pe shehad gira kar us ki fuddi chatt te the hum usse bhi khub maja ata ….us raat ke baad maine bapu ko nind ki...

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Uncontrollable Cock 8211 Part 1 My Sexy Stepmom

Hi everyone, my name is Pratyush, and I am from Nepal. I have been a regular reader of ISS (especially after meeting my sexy stepmom) for more than 7-8 years now. When I first came here, I was a virgin, and now, I do not even know how many girls I have slept with. Finally, I realized why not post my stories here in ISS, the same ISS that has taught me so many things. Before starting, I would like to thank every writer here in ISS who has shared their stories and helped people relieve their...

4 years ago
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The white teenage boy who as 2 pitch black moms

Hi everyone im Brandin. My mom name is Kisha and my other moms name is Latosha. Yes I have 2 black moms.Oh yea they are lesbos by the way. I dont even know my real parents are. any way ill let you read the story now.It was sunday after noon when my mom latosha walked in with the londry wearing a black spandex dress shirt and black spandex pants.she had huge watermelon tits and a big round nice hipo ass real thin abbs thick legs and strong arms when she bent I stared.I dont know why tho she my...

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Fucking mom

I’m 25years old. I’m a regular viewer and would like to share my story with you all. this story is about me and my mom pretty who is around 36 years and just mind blowing, gorgeous with large tits. My father is a charted accountant, so my cousin had brought a file from his dad. We reached there place in afternoon and came to know that my dad was out of town and would be returning after a week or so. we were a bit disappointed as we had some work with him. but still we managed to hang on as we...

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Fucked My Hot Sexy Mom

I am Vinoth from Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.I am 19 year old guy 6 feet height and 60 kg weight.Tall handsome and athletic body.To tell about my mom her name is lalitha 40 from coimbatore.She always wears saree in home and nighty sometimes.My .She has a sexy figure 36-32-38 that can make any guy to fall for her.She has a sexy ass that swings while she walks.My dad is 48 years old he never cares for my mom he is busy in makin money.My father works in chennai.He comes home once a month.I always wonder...

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Fucking Mom

When I came back from Canada I found both my mother Vanaja and Aunt Lakshmi waiting for me in the Airport. Both looked very radiant and it was very late in the night when I landed. I was surprised by seeing two people I was missing for so many days. When I smiled at them both looked very coy and bent their heads refusing to meet my eyes. Then Subbu Aunty looked up and said we are having an addition in our family. I saw Mother turn away and color pink with shyness. I went to Aunt and hugged her...

2 years ago
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Fucked And Satisfied My Mom

Hii friends I am rishi , this is my first and true story about the sexual relationship between me and my mom. Please forgive me for any mistake in the story. I will not bore you and now the story will be in hindi . Jab se mai sex ke bare mein janne lga tha tabhi se mujhe married aunties bhut psnd thi khas kr meri mom . Wo dikhne mein hai hi itni mast ki kisa ka bhi land use dekhte hi khada ho jaye , morning workout ke karan uski figure bilkul sexy hai aur wo sadi and salwar suit mein ek dum...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Cousin And Her Mom

Hello everyone Likith here. I received some really good feedback for some of you guys for my previous sex story. You can check my previous story . I am a Bangalorean since birth. Let me describe myself. My family consists of me, my dad and my mom. I am 5 feet 11 inches tall and my tool size is not that big but of average size. Let me describe my cousin sister Sakshi. She is 27 years of age, fair, a bit on the plump side. I swear I don’t know her sizes(I don’t what those numbers mean). She is...

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Fucking His Best Friends Mom

Caught Masturbating While Watching A Porn Movie, Brandon Enjoys Hot Sex With His Best Friend's MomBrandon had finished his finals at the local college and decided to see if his buddy Randy was home yet. He arrived at his house, and knocked on the back door hoping he hadn't missed him. The door opened and Randy's Mom Maria answered inviting him in. "Hello Mrs. De Carlo....is Randy here?" "No Brandon, you just missed him. He's gone to take his finals, but he'll be home at around four. Would you...

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Tennis Moms

Linda and Stacy were both the same age–thirty-six–and looked great. But they were like night anvisit my msg board it got pics and you can post there to http://piclink.aimoo.com/d day: Linda was a tall, six-foot platinum blond, with small tits, and a runway models body, Stacy was Italian, five-four, with huge breasts and long black hair. Her body was thin, but more curvaceous. They just got finished with a morning of tennis, and now they were in the locker room. They only went there to dry...

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Fucked My Hot Sexy Mom

I am Vinoth from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. I am 19 year old guy 6 feet height and 60 kg weight; tall handsome and athletic body. This is completely a fiction story. To tell about my mom her name is Lalitha 40 from Coimbatore. She has a sexy figure 36-32-38 that can make any guy to fall for her. She has a sexy ass that swings while she walks. My father works in Chennai. He comes home once a month. I & my mom live in a double bedroom house. One room is for me and another room for my mom. My dad’s...

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Dinner at moms

We had just got back from holiday a week before and mom had invited us round for dinner, Elaine wasn't feeling too good so i went alone to see mom Tina. I had told mom the night before that Elaine wasn't coming so she wasn't surprised when I turned up with just a bottle of wine for the two of us. When we was on holiday mom promised an all day fucking session and I think today was that day . I let myself in Moms house, she was upstairs getting changed, so I went to have a sneak peak. She had...

1 year ago
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Fucked my lovely mom

Hi this s raj and i m here to express my sex adventure with my mom. My mom s a house wif. My dad working in dubai.. Me and my sister with my mom staying in a home outer of the town..i m now 20 years of age doing engineering.. My mom s very sexy lady.. Her sizes are awesome..her age s 40 now.. Most of the time i mastrubate my self by thinking about mom… But one day it happens really.. I cant forget those days. And now I am here to express with u all. My dad went abroad before 2 years. We are all...

2 years ago
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Fucked Girlfriend And Her Mom

Hey, guys, Monty is back. I hope you all liked my last sex story “ride with chick made me fuck her “. I got a great response by many girls on my email and then even had sex with them on their demand with full privacy. So, if any girl is interested, can email me anytime. Ok, coming to the sex story, I came to Mumbai for my higher studies and then I met the princess I wished for. In the second year of my graduation, I got committed with this really beautiful girl (Akansha). Her chocolate color...

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Blackmailing My Stepmom

“I’m in love with my stepmom. I don’t live with my Dad, but I stay with him and her two weeks a month. I swear, those two weeks are constant masturbation for me. She’s 18 years older than me, I’m 18. But, for some reason I always wanted to fuck her. I’ve known her all my life. She stays home and takes care of my half baby sister, while my Dad goes to work. I’m always sneaking around trying to catch her bending over or something. Taking a shower. Lying out in the sun with a bikini on....

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Ever since I learned what masturbation was, my stepmom Pammy became my #1 jerk off subject. After every weekend I spent with my dad and stepmom I would come home and my dick would be so sore from jerking it off all weekend. I was in high school when I really started to notice Pammy; she was 37 at the time. I don't know if she would qualify as hot to most k**s in my school, but she drove me wild. Pammy is average height with a slender body. Tits were 34B, I knew from always looking at her bras,...

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Caught by My Stepmom

I thought my stepmom was hot, but I never expected this!I was watching porn in my bedroom one day and wanking off when my stepmom came in and caught me! I tried to hide my cock, but it was too late.“What are you doing, Joey? Are you watching porn?”“Yep. You caught me. So what? I’m not hurting anyone.”My stepmom is about thirty-five, has long blonde hair, big boobs, and I’ve often thought she’d be a nice fuck. But to have her catch me with my cock in my hand was not what I’d envisioned ever...

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Fucking my Buddys Mom

I'm a 19 year old guy that has been friends with my buddy Jim since we were k**s. We grew up together and I knew the whole family well. Jim's sister was getting married and I was invited to the wedding, the date I had lined up ended up backing out on me at the last minute so I asked Ron my room mate If he was interested in going with me. I told him hey a wedding, shitty dinner open bar and a room full of drunk single women! We ended up going together,had a really good time Ron ended up dancing...

2 years ago
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Fucking her mom

I sit now and remember the day I got to fuck my neighbor while studying hard for final exams! Hell that was incredible! Well, I got her mother as well. While I and Deborah continued to study together we got really close by time. And it should have happened one day! She would often time tell me about her parents and how her father was never home out on business trips and that he was always busy on his job. He worked as a top manager in some large company. Well, Deborah always suspected him of...

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Fucking Hanks Mom

He groaned as the pain streaked through his head. Rolling over his eyes opened as slits and quickly closed again. The body laying next to him moved and he started.“Oh wow,” he groaned again. “Who are you?” he asked of the person next to him.“Good morning Ted. You don’t remember me? I’m Vicky, Hank’s mother. You do know Hank your best friend?” She rose up on one elbow and looked at him.“Oh, Mrs. Franklin. How did you get in my bed?”“You might ask how you got in MY bed,” she smirked.Ted looked...

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Fucking my bestfriends mom

I had been bestfriends with this girl for probably 2 years when this happened.One day after dropping my bestfriend off at home I started talking with my bestfriends mom in her living room.her daughter was sitting next to me on the couch. Both girls were very slim, and Italian. They both stood at around 5'4. My bf had tiny A cups, while her mom had slightly larger breasts. Anyway, my bf got a call on her cell and she said she had to go pick one of her friends up. I decided to stay since an...

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Getting To Know Joys Moms

 POV: DarceeAs we got to the front door, Kaylee didn't even knock, we both went in there and headed straight for the living room."She's not here, maybe she's in her bedroom," she pointed out, before heading to Joy's bedroom. "Her door is open, though, so she's not in there.""This door is closed, sweetie," I mentioned, in front of it."That's her parents' room, though, Mom."I put my ear to it, but brought it off a few seconds later. "I don't hear anything."She bit down on my...

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Fucked My Mom

I had a strange relationship with my mother. After I turned eighteen, she became less inhibited around me. Maybe because she thought since I was a legal adult, I didn't mind seeing her naked, which I didn't. She would walk around after her shower without any clothes on, and she was very playful around me. When my dad was at work, she would walk around and flash me or just be plain naked for no reason. She loved showing her body to me, and I loved seeing it, but I knew this wasn't a normal...

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Golfing with Mom

Golfing with Mom I was the youngest of three siblings growing up. My older sisters Kat and Debbie were both older by a few years. My mom Joanne, and dad John were products of the war generation which made my siblings and me 'baby boomers'. I grew up in a suburban neighborhood and had a middle-class neighborhood upbringing. My mom and dad were quite athletic in their youth and still were very active and loved to golf. My sisters were never into sports, but dad and I used to have fun...

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Trapped In Paradise With My Mom

"Honey,are you coming home this Christmas...???”my Mom asked at the other end.I looked reluctantly at the phone in my hand.I had no intentions of going home.There could be no better way to ruin a holiday than to go to my hometown,a remote little hill town far off in the north.People say it's a beautiful place,maybe.But in this season,the end of December,when the whole town will be covered under tons of snow and with its sub-zero temperature;it does not look like a dream holiday to...

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I love to fuck my mom

This is not my story I read it from another site and like it very much so I have decided to post this story on ISS This is real story of my life. I fuck my mom. My is too sexy, I could not give justice to portray her more vividly. She is amazing. I am crazy for her. You may enjoy this story, give your comments. Don’t forget to rate as high as you can, so that I can write next chapter of this This is true story of my life. I am very happy to write this and put on thread for sharing my heavenly...


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