No, I Am Not A Cocksucker PT2 Gay free porn video

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"No, I am not a cocksucker..."

He cut me off. "Then why are your eyes like ping pong balls following my cock? (Oh crap! They were. It's that purple fucking neon head!) It's a fair bet. If you win I will let you record me sucking your cock on your phone to keep forever to use against me. If you lose, no one will ever know."

The thought of having a video to hold over him was too much! "What's the bet?" I asked cautiously.

"Simple, we put our dicks together, you jack us off together, so you are in complete control. Whoever cums first loses and gets to be the other's cock sucking bitch, and suck and swallow like our pretty little nurse Bitch did...

It's simple, but, you know you want this Andy. (he gripped his cock.) Really the only out for you is to walk out now. We will both know you had to walk away or lose, but you can at least try to convince yourself you aren't my cocksucker." he said releasing his cock.

His dick was now pointing at the ceiling, giving me a vote of confidence that I could make him cum first.

"Fine, let me get up and..."

"No need, you get to do the stroking, so I get to choose the position. Lean all the way back in the chair," he ordered.

I did and was reclined in a completely horizontal position. Don straddled the recliner and leaned forward with his hands on the arms. I tucked my arms in to avoid touching him, but his thighs touched mine as he straddled me. He reached back with his right hand, propped up by his left, and gripped his cock. He brought it down gripping it at the base and tilted the purple head down touching mine. Heat radiated from his cock as he rubbed it back and forth on my sensitive underside. My eyes closed as his pre-cum smeared on my cock.

"Surrender yourself to my cock Andy," he whispered. "Just let go..."

I gasped, opening my eyes. I grabbed his cock and pulled it off mine. "I do the stroking!" I yelled gripping him firmly, amazed by his size and heat.

He went back to two hands on the chair, leaning in closer. I stoked him from tip to base slowly. His cock filled my hand and I stoked him faster. I could not believe he was letting me do this. I would win for sure!

"I knew you would love my cock Andy. Feel how hard you make me and think how great it will feel in your mouth. You have quite the grip on it buddy. You don't ever want to let go, do you?" he asked smiling at me.

I watched the purple head push through my fist, stretching the skin tight as the cleft of his cock head smiled at me. He was humping my hand with long slow strokes. It seemed to go on forever as the head pushed toward me and then slid slowly back into my fist. His pre-cum lubed my hand but he kept pumping. I was not even moving my hand and he was pumping his dick back and forth in my fist. I don't know how he could do this after watching that movie without cumming in my hand. It was so hard and the skin so soft. I never touched another man's cock but was surprised how powerful it felt. He was so much bigger but easily as hard as mine has ever felt.

"Go ahead Andy surrender yourself. Feel it cum in your mouth. You'll love it I promise Andy. I can do this all-night buddy. It will be worth the wait to feel your warm lips on me. Think how much that nurse enjoyed the taste," he said confidently.

He was pushing slowly higher and leaning forward. His balls were beginning to caress my cock as he pumped my hand. I was panting, and my heart was racing. His balls tickled my shaft and nearly made me shoot when they touched my tip.

I gave ground and let him push higher to stop from cumming, but he was inching further toward my mouth with each pump. At least he was no longer touching my cock. He pressed down on me pushing his cock against my stomach and chest, pumping my hand. I tilted my head completely back to keep away from him. He brought his knees up on to the seat of the chair straddling me and leaning forward

"Your skin feels good on my cock, Andy. Just feel it rub on your chest. That feels so good It might just make me cum first, Andy. Oh, shit Andy that feels good buddy," he panted.

The eagle hovered over my face as I released my grip on his cock and he pressed and humped my chest with his steaming dick.

"Surrender to it Andy. Taste it buddy. Once you do you'll want it every day, I promise." He moaned rubbing himself against me. "I'm close Andy, take it in your mouth before it's too late buddy. You don't want me to spill all over your neck do ya buddy? Hurry man, I think I'm gonna blow!"

He lunged forward, knees landing on the arms of the chair, his hot hardness touching my lips and thumping my nose as he pressed himself against my face. I got my hands on his hips to push him off as his balls reached my chin. I gasped and took in his scent. I pushed him back down, but he pressed down dragging his stiff cock across my lips, as he stretched my bottom lip down a his pre-cum smeared on it.

I got him off my face, "Not the bet!" I yelled. "I get complete control Donny!"

He hated me calling him Donny. I gripped his dick and lead him down toward mine.

"I knew you'd be back Andy. You love that feeling in your hand and now that you've had a taste, you'll need it back there too." He said humping my hand again.

I could taste the salty sweet pre-cum as I licked my lips. He stretched out his legs and brought his cock to rest pressed against mine. The heat and silky-smooth skin sent my cock tingling. I gasped in response. He placed his elbows on the chair next to my chest, breathing on my neck as he slid his tool along my throbbing boner.

"You're a fighter Andy, but why? (He placed his right knee between my lower legs and pressed his leg between mine.) Your cock is so hard Andy...Why? (He moved his left knee between my legs and forced them apart, putting more of his weight onto my pelvis.) Because you love my cock buddy. (He pressed his tip gently against my balls and began to slide his huge cock up my length.) Surrender yourself to my cock Andy," he panted into my ear, sending chills down my spine as he reached my cock tip.

"AH!" I barked as our tips rubbed, lubed with pre-cum.

I arched my back and pressed myself against him. He raised up and positioned his tip back against my

balls to do it again.

"Say it Andy. I surrender myself to your cock Donny" he whispered as he pressed up my cock again very slowly. "I surrender myself to your cock Donny...I surrender..."

"Fuck," I grunted as are heads touched again.

"I surrender myself to your cock Donny," he repeated this time sliding his entire length against my pulsating cock tip even slower. "Say it Andy, let yourself go. Cum for me buddy, you can suck my cock every day."

His balls pressed against my tip engulfing it with silky heat, "Please...don't" I wined

He wiggled them against my sweet spot, "Say it for me Andy, be my cock sucking little bitch," he whispered as his lip tickled my ear.

He raised up off me again and I lifted my pelvis, needing the contact back, He only raised higher.

"Please," I whispered.

"Say it Andy, and I'll come back. Don't fight..."

"I surrender," I panted. Please..."

His cock tip touched my balls causing me to whimper. My cock hurt so bad, it had been so hard for so long.

"You surrender what, Andy" he asked not moving.

"I surrender myself to your cock Donny! Please make me cum! You win! Please! I whined, wrapping my arms around his muscular back.

He slid up my length again stopping when our tips met. He pressed in small circles mixing our pre-cum.

"Oh fuck, I surrender to your big fucking cock Donny! I'm gonna cum Donny," I shouted. "Oh, fuck yes!

My body trembled as he slid up further. His hot hard satin pole was such a slow steaming torture, I felt like my cock would pop like a balloon.

"Say it again Andy, I want you to cum for my cock buddy!" he said before kissing my neck.

How could an arrogant prick like Don have such warm soft lips I thought when his warm sack again engulfed my dickhead.

"I surrender my s,s,self...(my balls contracted.) to y,yoourr...(a huge shot of cum erupted against his balls and onto my belly.) cock!" I grunted.

He sighed, "Oh yeah, surrender (The second wave blasted onto my belly and chest.) I can feel it passing through your cock Andy!"

My hands gripped his ass and I buried my face in his neck muffling my shouts of ecstasy as a third rope shot on me.

"Wow Andy, you are coming hard buddy, let it go, don't hold back," he said pulling my face out of his neck.

"I'm cumming for your cock!" I yelled as the 4th spasm ran from balls to cock' forming a sizable puddle on my stomach. "Oh God! I Surr... AH! (My body convulsed as he rubbed against pulsing cock.) ender myself Donny!"

As my orgasm subsided, he began picking up the pace rubbing our cum drenched cocks together.

"Oh yes, I surrender myself to that beautiful cock, oh fuck you feel good. I surrender myself, oh fuck do I surrender Donny," I panted, staying stiff and wanting more.

"Good Andy, now let's see about cleaning this mess up," he said rolling off me. "Lay right there Andy. You're gonna like this I think."

He stood next to me and gripped his cock, leaning over me. He raised my dick up with his other hand and pressed his hard cock against my belly just above the pubes. Then he slid it into my puddle of cum scooping up what he could with his dick. Then he dropped my cock and quickly stepped up to my mouth offering his cum drenched cock.

My cock stirred at the offering before me. I turned my head and opened willingly for his steaming manhood. His cockhead felt like silk on my lips as he entered my drooling mouth. The cum flooded my tongue causing me to moan audibly at its warm creamy texture and surprisingly sweet taste. I sucked and swirled my tongue around it as he pushed in. I began to bob, thinking about that nurse on the patient's cock. I wanted to make him cum for me.

"Oh yeah Andy, that feels fucking good, but we got more clean-up to do buddy," he said pulling out with a slurp.

He moved back down and gathered another scoop and I lapped it right up. It took several minutes to sc**** up all my cum with his cock spoon, but I took it all and began to work his dick again.

"You want more Andy?" He asked panting as I sucked him faster.

"Muh huh!" I moaned with his cock in my mouth.

"Good, but I need you to tell me, you're my cock sucking bitch first..."

I pulled off," I'm your cock sucking bitch Donny!" I barked and dove back onto his cock.

He pulled out, "Let's change places Andy, it's my turn to relax."

He walked over to his recliner folded it up and sat in the chair with his feet on the floor, knees spread wide. "If you're gonna take my cum, I think you should be on your knees for it Andy.

I felt the urge to fight back against his arrogance, but that purple dick head was calling for me. I locked in on the prize and knelt before him. He slid forward until his balls were on the edge of the seat and put a hand under my chin looking me in the eye.

"What are you Andy?" he asked arrogantly.

My eyes looked at his still rock-hard cock. How was he still fucking hard with that big fucking cock? He was superman or something. I needed to taste his cum and did not care what I had to do. He released my chin and I looked him in the eye with my chin gently touching his warm balls

"I am your cock sucking bitch Don. I want you to please cum in my mouth. I surrender myself your big cock Donny. My cock is so fucking hard again thinking about you jizz in my mouth. Please let me make you cum."

My heart raced, and I could barely breath as I began kiss his balls.

"Andy, Normally I would love you to work my balls, but, buddy they are aching. Please suck my cock and let them unload!" he said setting straight up in the chair.

I moved in and gripped his shaft getting high up on my knees, so I could reach his prize cock and milk him dry. Looking him in the eye, I brought the tip to meet my flattened tongue wiggling it on his sweet spot. He moaned and closed his eyes.

"You could keep that up and make me cum Andy. Nice use of tongue b, b, buddy!" he moaned. "Oh, fuck Andy"

He began to pant and grunt, but in needed him in my mouth. I pressed my lips against the tip, pushing them open as I took him in. When his head was in, I again swirled my tongue on his most sensitive spot. I bobbed slowly pushing him in a little further each time.

I kept my eyes locked on his as I began to sense his excitement. I could feel those veins as my lips stretched around his fat pole. I sucked hard and bobbed faster, moaning as I felt him squirm. I was bobbing so fast I was making loud suction sounds as air escaped.

"Oh fuck, Andy," he groaned as his body stiffened.

I could barely keep on his cock, I was bobbing so fast, but his excitement got me revved and I wanted to please his beautiful dick. I needed his cum in my mouth thought I might cum again just from the feel of his cock in my mouth.

"You're fucking incredible! Oh fuck, Andy. Work my fucking dick, you horny bitch! Aaaahhhh fuuuccckkk! I'm gonna cum buddy," he squealed

"Mu huh!" I moaned in anticipation.

"AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH!" he groaned as I bounced on his cock taking almost all of him in.

At this speed I could force the purple monster into my throat and pull out before gagging. It was so big my mouth was as wide as I could make it and still use my lips to shield him from my teeth. I could not contain the massive amount of saliva throat fucking him was producing. I really thought I was gonna cum on the floor when he finally let go.

"Cumming! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! Andy! S, s, suck me dry bitch! Oh fuck!

His body spasmed as he flooded my mouth with hot creamy sweetness. My cock tingled with pride as he released in my hungry mouth. The warmth and texture and taste overwhelmed my senses.

"Oh God! Swa, swallow m, my fucking cuuuummm Andy!"

He unloaded four then five shots of his creamy nectar. I swallowed most but some escaped. As his orgasm subsided, I slowed down and slowly milked him dry. Then I licked his balls and shaft clean of any cum that escaped.

"Oh fuck, Andy, lick me clean buddy. That feels fucking great!" he grunted.

I pushed his dick back in my mouth, just to feel how big and warm it was. My jaws were already getting tired.

"Damn Andy, you want more don't you?" he asked petting my head.

I nodded, not wanting to let him out of my mouth. He pulled me off and looked at me.

"Stand up here buddy," he said lifting my chin.

He stood up facing me, gently gripping my hard-on. "You are a horny little thing, aren't you?"

"Oooohhhhh," I sighed as he stoked me, smearing my pre-cum on my cock.

"What are you Andy?' He asked working his thumb on my sensitive tip.

"Oh Donny, I'm your cock sucking little bitch. Ooooohhhh," I sighed ready to cum in his warm hand.

"Do you want to cum for me Andy? he asked working the magic thumb.

"Oh yes please, make me cum for you Donny," I begged quivering.

"Not quite yet," he said releasing his grip.

"Do you want me to cum in your mouth again Andy?"

"Yes, please, I love the taste of your cum," I said reaching for his softening cock.

He pushed my hand away. "Good, here is what you need to do, if you ever want to suck my cock again Andy. While my taste is still in your mouth buddy, I want you to take your hard-on and go home. Think about how my cock felt and tasted in your mouth. Set your phone up and face time me, so I can see you laying on your bed. I want you to masturbate for me while you tell me how much you love my cock..."

I cut in, "Why? What did I do? Why can't I just..."

"You pissed me off Andy," he said calmly. "Ok you are done. I proved you're a cock sucker I don't need you anymore. Thanks, buddy see you for the next game."

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"You will not suck my cock again..."

"What did I do Don? I thought you liked it. Please...Ok, I'll do it. Please!" I begged.

I was drunk horny and at a complete loss about what set him off. He looked at me with pity and gripped my cock again.

"Are you listening?" he asked sternly. (I nodded.) Good, after you cum for me, I want you to eat your cum for me. Understood? (I nodded.) Now since you have aggravated me again, you will go home naked, with just your wallet keys and cell phone. Your clothes stay here and if you argue or whine we're done. Understood? (I nodded.) Good now go home quick before I pass out or fall asleep.

I did as ordered, which wasn't too difficult since we are neighbors with 6-foot solid fences and a gate between the houses. I was home in less than a minute although it was chilly outside. I went straight to my bedroom and set up the phone, hoping to not lose my woody. I propped my pone up and checked the frame to make sure it covered the bed. I initiated the call and he answered right away smiling.

"Hi Andy, glad you have your priorities right buddy. Can you still taste my cum in your mouth Andy?" he asked cheerily.

"Yes," I said crawling on the bed and stroking myself.

"That was the most enthusiastic blow job I ever got, Andy. I am glad you want to be my permanent, cock sucking bitch." He said matter of factly.

Permanent? I thought, who agreed to permanent. But, I did not want to anger him again that night, until I had some time to think.

"Tell me how much you like my cock, Andy," he commanded.

My cock was stiffening already, at the thought. "I loved the way it felt against my cock...I can still feel how thick and warm it felt, but so silky smooth as you rubbed it on me."

I was lying with my legs spread and the camera pointing right at me balls. I was looking at the camera and stroking myself, disgusted that I was excited about jacking off for him. I was rock hard again!

"I will never forget how your big balls felt rubbing my boner and making me cum. Oh God, Donny, you make me so fucking hard and horny. I want to please that beautiful cock. I'm leaking pre-cum Donny, and it feels so good jacking off for you!' I surrender myself to your cock Donny, please let me swallow, your cum. Oh fuck, I'm cumming for you Donny, I need to suck your dick Aaaahh! (I shook.) Aaaaah! (I shot cum on myself.) Aaaahhh! Cumming for you Donny!"

I caught the rest in my hand and yelled, "I love cum Donny!"

I licked my hand clean and then scooped the cum off my belly and licked my fingers clean. "Please cum in my mouth Donny! Let me come back over please." I said looking in camera.

"Excellent show Andy! But for now, you get some sleep, sober up and think about whether you need to drink that special drink to suck my cock. Your little snide ass comment pissed me off today Andy. So tomorrow, when you sober up, you will need to text me a picture of your boner, stone cold sober, thinking about my dick in your mouth. Then you can come over and beg for my cum. Understood?"

"Yes, I'm sorry... (He disconnected).

I lay back down exhausted and intoxicated. Would I be able to stop this when I'm sober? It felt so good in my mouth. but he would control me beyond all reason if I gave in... But I liked being his bitch. I was getting hard again...

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No way was he Gay PT2 Gay

I picked up a pizza and a couple of slurpees (there is nothing better than an all meat pie and a cream soda slurpee) and headed home resolved to assure Ben I wasn't mad, but we needed to talk.I walked into the house and Ben, near tears, groaned, "I'm so sorry, Dad."I handed him a slurpee and said calmly, "Apology accepted. Now let's both chill; we can eat and have a talk.""Okay," he said, surprised by my calm. Truth is, I was a very calm person ninety-nine percent of the time, but when I...

2 years ago
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Wrong Text to My Phone PT2 Gay

I was shocked! It felt like I was watching a porn video and then the guy impossibly stepped off the screen and stuck his wet dick in my face! Without any warning I was suddenly transformed from anonymous audience to active participant with the lights shining on me and the cameras rolling!And my impulse was to obey, to suck.I opened my mouth and took his rock hard cock in my mouth without even thinking... just doing.And I knew in one second, in one impulsive moment, that I wasn't as straight as...

4 years ago
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Eager CockSucker Gay

I put on a fresh pair of panties, I knew I was going to obey. I put on a pair of black pantyhose and a bra, before hiding my inner slut with a suit and tie. I stared at the phone, praying he would text back. My hunger for cum, for being on my knees, possessed my every thought.I noticed my phone was flashing.A rush of excitement coursed through me that it might be the black guy. The fact was that even though I had just swallowed two loads and should have been satisfied, I instantly wanted more....

1 year ago
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Youre just a Perfect CockSucker Gay

The building had obviously been repurposed several times in its life, and every time it was done it appears to have been done on the cheap. It looks like there might have been no plan to start with and every stage was an afterthought (Hey, why don't we...). The building might have started as a mechanic's garage. It had a flat roof so it was some kind of commercial building. It was on the edge of residential property that was older and, not dilapidated, but well worn. It was at the end of the...

3 years ago
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Little Tommy the Cocksucker Gay

I don't think I am that unusual. That is, not that unusual before my accidental encounter with a high school acquaintance turned my life upside down. I am married, fit guy, in my mid-thirties. At just a tad under five foot eight and 155 pounds, I have a slight build. I am a naturally hairless and smooth guy. I always considered myself straight but have also always been attracted to men. I have a normal sex life with my wife. I don't see other women outside of my marriage. In fact, I only rarely...

2 years ago
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Worship my cock you Cocksucker Gay

The building was a made of cinder block that had been painted several times, though not anytime recently. All of the layers of paint were worn and blistered and it would be possible for some individual with nothing better to do to count the layers. The last painting was two-tone with light blue on the bottom and then at the height of five feet the paint was white. There was an aluminum storefront window facing the residential street that had been installed during some iteration before this one....

4 years ago
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On Call Cocksucker Gay

To be an on-call cocksucker... 24/7? If yes, text us back the following oath: I am a cocksucker for big black cock. I was born for big black cock. I crave big black cock. I am available 24/7 for every big black cock. Did I feel guilty leaving my girlfriend in my bed after fucking her to go upstairs and suck dick? Yes. Did it make me stop walking up the two flights of stairs to go and suck the cock of a stranger, or perhaps even someone I knew? No. I re-examined our brief correspondence:...

3 years ago
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First Time CockSucker PT 3 Gay

"I said," there was a look in his eyes that terrified me as he spoke – my father had the same look when he was angry – "if you leave like this, then the next time won't be as..." I'd shut the door and started the engine and couldn't make out exactly what he said, but I think he said "gentle." The next time won't be gentle because he's pissed at me? Fuck him, there's not going to be a next time, and out of anger on my part, I flipped him off as I backed out and drove away. Then I noticed my...

3 years ago
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Cocksucker available 247 Gay

I put my phone in my pocket, and walked into room 441. I closed the door and paused. Was I really doing this? "Hurry up, cocksucker," he demanded, as I heard shooting as he was playing call of duty. As I walked to him, he didn't look at me at all as he focused on the game and spoke into his headset, "Yeah, a white boy just walked in, eager to suck my dick." I should have felt humiliated, but as I saw he was naked from the waist down and his big black cock was dangling down there tempting me, I...

1 year ago
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Cocksucker available 247 PT3 Gay

Once out of the shower, feeling refreshed, but still craving it (black cock and cum becoming one) so much, that without thinking of the consequences I found the number from last night in my pocket, typed the number into my phone and texted the phrase 'Cocksucker available 24/7'. I quickly pressed send before I could change my mind, but then wondered if I'd done the right thing. But before I had time to really ponder this, there was a return text. Potential black cock worshipper, You have taken...

2 years ago
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Married official CockSucker I am not gay

What the hell am I doing? A couple hours ago I was just going out for a drink and now I am driving in my car following a guy to his house. I am a married man, 57 years old and as straight as they come. My hands are sweating, I can feel my heart pounding and I am as scared and nervous as I have ever been. It is like the first time I felt up my date when I was 16 years old in high school. Excited, yet scared to death.I have been married for 30 years to a gorgeous woman and we have a great sex...

3 years ago
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CockSucker Fucked by a Women PT2

After Mike was with Jack, the rest of the day he was confused. He knew he wasn't gay, however he was having gay thoughts. He liked sucking cock and having his cock sucked. He wasn't too sure about having his ass fucked. But, with practice anything was possible.With all these thoughts clouding his mind, he had to make sure he still liked women. He had to fuck a woman and make sure he was still straight. He loved pussy and needed to taste it on his mouth again. He needed to drill his cock deep up...

2 years ago
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I want to be your CockSucker Gay

It was my Sophomore year in College and once again my girlfriend was too busy with homework to spend time with me. We hadn't done anything sexual in a while so I was feeling deprived and extremely horny. I needed to jack off like crazy but my roommate was in the room so I went to the bathroom in the food court building. It was a quiet place. There was only one guy in there and he was at the urinal. I figured he would leave soon so I sat on the stall and took my six-inch erection out and started...

3 years ago
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Running in the Wrong Neighborhood PT2 Gay

I entered my apartment and quickly got undressed and hopped in the shower. I needed to wash this away and get the image of my mouth gagging on Terrence's black dick out of my head. Impossible task by the way. He definitely had a way about him that made me seemingly want to please him. Most likely it was the scare of getting my ass kicked by the thugs on the porch. Not really sure, but there had to be a way out of this. What did he mean by "I'll be in touch", I was sure I didn't want to see him...

2 years ago
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You never told me you were a Cocksucker Gay

For six months I had been going out with just one woman, Jeanine, and I managed to keep my fun time with other boys a secret. One day, that all changed.It was a normal Friday night. I was kneeling on the porno booth floor, stripped to just my pantyhose and a smile. My mouth was full of a nice, long, slender cock that was tickling a couple inches down into my throat and back out again.He pulled until just the very tip was in my mouth let loose a load of thick cum that would drown a horse....

3 years ago
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Becoming a CockSucker Gay

"Hey, do you want some help?" I looked up and saw a large man towering over me. "Excuse me?" I asked him. "Well, I could spot you if you wanted to do more than just free weights," the man offered. I looked up at the guy. He looked huge! Especially with me sitting on the bench. The guy easily stood over six feet tall. Maybe six feet four inches, a couple of inches taller than me. And he was easily larger than me. But not by a lot. I may be only 18, but I've been lifting weights for the past two...

1 year ago
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Still a CockSucker Gay

As the months went by, my cravings remained and I satisfied them from time to time by finding guys online who who wanted head. I would meet them or have them over and worship their cocks until they filled my mouth or covered my face with their cum. This would satisfy my hunger and sometimes weeks or months would pass before I would feel the need to suck another.During this time, I also met another girlfriend (yes, I'm totally Bi) who has no idea that I love pleasing men. As you can imagine,...

3 years ago
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Take it CockSucker Gay

I'm sitting here in my hotel room waiting for you. I am waiting for you to come and dominate my mouth. My cock slowly grows inside my pants. I rub it as it swells and gets stiffer in anticipation. The door opens and you walk in. I stand up quickly. My cock throbs with anticipation as I wait for you to tell me what to do next.You command me to take my clothes off and I obey. I throw my shirt off and then unzip pants and let them fall to the floor. I then slowly slip off my briefs exposing my...

2 years ago
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I live for your cum CockSucker Gay

I'm sitting here in my hotel room waiting for you. I am waiting for you to come and dominate my mouth. My cock slowly grows inside my pants. I rub it as it swells and gets stiffer in anticipation. The door opens and you walk in. I stand up quickly. My cock throbs with anticipation as I wait for you to tell me what to do next.You command me to take my clothes off and I obey. I throw my shirt off and then unzip pants and let them fall to the floor. I then slowly slip off my briefs exposing my...

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But Iam Not Gay PT2 Fucked Gay

I looked at the leader of the group and he was smiling a knowing smile. They had me and I was powerless to fight. I thought I had done enough to get out of this situation, but it did not seem so. As I glanced down, I noticed the leader had a sizable hard-on trapped inside his tight black jeans.He walked over to number 2, took the camera and ordered me, "stand up."Then he told number 2, "Take of you pants and assume the bottom position, knees up and ass out on the edge of the bed."The leader...

1 year ago
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Male Stripper Changes Teams PT2 Gay

At that, the crowd erupted in hurrahs, and began to gather around me. However, I excused myself to retire to the bathroom for just a minute to pee and prepare myself, while Curt passed the hat to collect my money. In the bathroom, after I peed, I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered what I'd gotten myself into. I was about to become a real-life whore, a paid sex provider, and the prospect was a little intimidating.But I had told them I'd do it, and frankly I got a thrill out of the...

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White PussyBoy PT2 Blacken Gay

After the second day with Jay when I agreed to the reduced rent, I waskind of in a state of shock over what I had let him do to me. I was evenmore shocked by the fact that I had been a willing participant. However, Idecided that would be the last of my encounters with him of a sexualnature. I dated women. I fucked women. I'm not gay. I couldn't keep letting a guy useme like that. With my new resolve, I didn't call Jay and even avoided thebuilding in which he lived as much as I could. Wednesday...

1 year ago
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Trip to Rio PT2 Gay

Later that night I think I must have banged Jenny harder than usual. My experience with Carlos had left me reeling. I didn't know what had come over me. It hadn't been my plan to be on my knees, in my apartment, in front of a Brazilian guy with his cock stretching out my cheeks and fucking my throat while he looked down at me smirking. But something had come over me around him.His physique, the strength in his rippling, tan muscles. The way he stood and walked, projecting dominance, grace, and...

1 year ago
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My First Black BJ PT2 GAY

We drove a couple of miles towards an apartment that he was sharing with his brother. He was 19, in his first year of college working toward an engineering degree. I drove slowly so I could get to know this young black man. We talked and as I drove, I kept glancing down at his full crotch. Even after having his big black cock stuffed into my mouth and throat I couldn't believe his size. He saw where my eyes were going, smiled and slide forward on the seat bringing his crotch up a little more....

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Poppers and a BBC PT2 Gay

The weekend started the next morning, and after jacking off three times the night before high while flushed on the aroma of that little yellow bottle that Ray had given me, I finally awoke. I called Ray at the number he had given me. A recorder came on when I called, and without leaving a message, I just hung up. It was around 9:30 in the morning and I had the entire day off with nothing to do. No school on Saturday, I had a day off at work, my parents had gone to garage sales as usual on the...

1 year ago
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Creampie Eater to CockSucker Gay

I first met my wife at a party where she was the center of attention, fucking one well-hung guest and blowing another. And she kept repeating that pattern, again and again. I had spent a good part of that afternoon impressing a few of the women attending with my love for eating pussy. And since I'm a little bigger than average in the dick department, (8 inches), they appreciated pretty much everything I offered them. I was taking a recuperative break from my actions when I wandered into the...

1 year ago
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CockSucker Wants Gay

I don't claim to speak for all cock suckers but what I'm about to reveal isn't going to come as a surprise to those who have given this subject any thought at all. Married cock suckers, in general have a guilt complex! That's right. If you think about it why would a normal, healthy, married man actively seek out men to "service"? Something is rotten in Denmark.Ok, maybe late in life they discover they are "bi"....really? How? Why?Something is not right somewhere. Wife no longer has sexual...

3 years ago
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CockSucker App GAY

"Cocksucker needs aggressive men to fuck my face."That was the entirety of my profile on the Fuck My Face app. The app promises to find guys who want to plow their cocks into eager young throats like mine. It lets you know when guys looking for sex are nearby. It uses the GPS to show where everyone is, supposedly accurate to within a few feet of their real life position. I arrived at the mall at 9 a.m. looking to buy a new pair of jeans and thought I'd give the app a try for the first time,...

4 years ago
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King Cock PT2 GayMaker

Later that week Eddie brought his girl over to watch a movie with him. I'm sure part of the reason she was there was to show me that he was straight and really wasn't interested in my sizable meat. She was pretty cute. Nice body, big tits, I wouldn't mind fucking her. I bet her pussy would feel nice wrapped around my big dick. I finished with my shower, wrapped the towel around my waist and went into the living room to meet Eddie's new girl Kim.I knew that I would be fucking with Eddie's mind...

3 years ago
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Not One and Done PT2 Gay

A few days after my fun with Troy he called and asked when I could stop by again. His shyness seemed gone as he stated please bring my toy bag! I told him I was free the next day and would be there around noon. The next morning I showered and shaved, then took a few enemas to make sure my ass was nice and clean. I got to his house around 11:30 and went in. I was surprised because he had 3 friends over and all were either naked or just in robes. I could also smell the pot that they had been...

4 years ago
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World Class CockSucker Gay

So, you want to be a World-Class Cocksucker? Here’s a step-by-step guide to guarantee – once you learn and practice it – that you too can suck the seeds out of a watermelon without breaking the rind.SLEAZY DOES IT. First, get comfortable – I’m talking not just in terms of your physical positioning, but your mental state as well. RELAX. Breathe a little! Just like taking a mack daddy dick up your ass, the key here is breathing. (Once the meat is crammed down your gullet, breathing won’t be an...

2 years ago
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First Time CockSucker Gay

After having made love with over 63 women, I began to become more and more curious about guys and what it would be like to go down on a guy. When I was younger, a neighborhood bully forced me into the woods behind his house, pushed me to my knees, and had me suck his cock until he came. He started slowly, telling me to kiss it and then finished with his hands on the back of my head, making sure I didn’t miss a drop of his cum. I remember only kissing his cock and don’t think I ever actually...

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Wife Prepared Me for Cock PT2 Gay

It had been seven days since I had invited Danny to the house and had been initiated into the world of bisexual sex . Kat had returned home two days after his visit and since then she had become insatiable. Previously she had loved ass play, but now she seemed obsessed with it. I rarely got to actually fuck her, it was as if our roles had been reversed and it was now me that found myself getting called upstairs, to find Kat waiting for me, her strap-on protruding from between her legs, after...

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Getting a Big Dick PT2 Gay

It had been months since Justin and I first had sex and we were still going strong. During the night after our first time together, I had finally admitted to him that I was bi. He wasn't bothered by it, finding it cool that I could bounce between guys and girls. He told me he had fucked and been sucked off by a few guys, among them Alex. Not because he was bi, but because he didn't care who was on his cock when he was horny. To that end, I began to spend a lot of time on his dick. Initially, if...

1 year ago
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I dont wear No Condoms PT2 Gay

Sammi jumped off the couch and began barking, signaling that Ann was home from a weekend trip to her parents. I rose from the e-z boy and met her at the door. "Hey babe," Ann said with a quick kiss to the cheek as she pushed past with an armful of packages. "Could you grab my bags and the rest of the packages in the car," she asked not really looking for a reply. Opening the car door I saw that she and her mom had been on a mall mission as the back seat was covered in bags of department store...

2 years ago
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From a Top to a Bottom PT2 Gay

My face reddened and I gulped as he gently and then more forcefully slapped his perfect dick against my cheeks. I turned my face left and right, chasing it and bobbing my head for it, but he held it just out of reach. It was fucking humiliating but I couldn't help myself. I wanted to taste it. I needed to taste it.He took my chin in his hand and gently thumbed my lower lip, playing with it. Then he laid his cock across my lips and smiled as they automatically parted for it. A bottle of poppers...

3 years ago
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First Glory Hole PT2 Gay

The Lee was a rundown theater past its prime. Its heyday was probably in the fifties, and it probably went through several revival attempts before becoming the adult theater for the town. It was alright that seats were broken, and everything was musty with mold smell in the air, because people were coming to see movies that they couldn't see anywhere else because of the war on pornography. Nothing in the layout of the theater had been changed or even professionally cleaned for that matter. The...

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