Mom So Hot! - 1 free porn video

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Chapter 1

As I am sitting here writing this, I still find it hard to believe that this actually happened. It all started when my wife was about to deliver our c***d. Rita and I had been married about three years when she got pregnant. I'm an architect, still trying to establish myself in a big firm. We do all right, not great and we own a nice two-bedroom condo in a small town outside Boston.

Due to some complications, Rita was bedridden for the last three months of her pregnancy and had to be watched carefully. When it came time for the baby to be born the doctor checked her in early so they could try to control her delivery.

Around the time she was about to go to the hospital, my folks offered to drive up from their home in Connecticut and stay with us to help out until Rita felt up to taking care of herself. We jumped at the offer since Rita's parents were both dead and she really doesn't have any other family. My folks have always been great to us and were a pleasure to have around. They were always there for their k**s when they needed them. I was the third of four, two boys and two girls, and so my folks just figured that it was my turn.

My Dad is semi retired as a contractor, though he keeps busy consulting and such and Mom is a nurse, but only part time. So getting away for a while wouldn't be a problem for them. In fact my Dad had a friend of his that wanted him to consult on a development he was building, so he could make it a business trip as well. They originally lived up here, but had moved to Connecticut shortly after I got married. They are both in their mid-late fifty's and look like every body else's parents. Dad is a little over weight with graying black hair and Mom is tall and thin and has deep red hair with whispers of gray around her face.

The cause of all that happened started when Rita first developed these complications and had to be confined to our bedroom. Along with this came the orders of no sex for the duration. We had not had a very active sex life lately and not to brag, I have a very high sex drive and I need to get some every day. We weren't getting along too well, fighting and bickering, but not willing to part so we thought having a baby might help. We started going together in high school and got married about 5 years after college. While Rita isn't a great looking girl with brown eyes and long, curly brown hair that she wears in a ponytail down to the base of her back, she has some attributes you can't ignore. She has huge, round tits and a soft round ass and killer legs all wrapped around a full figure that made her very sexy to me. When we first started going together the sex was great, but what I really fell in love with was just how sweet she is.

Then as time went on, things went a bit sour, so when she got pregnant we thought it might force us to work on our marriage. So being shut off like this was killing me and, not wanting to cheat on Rita, I was left with old rosy palmer to reduce the tension. I haven't beat off this much since I was a k** and to be honest, it wasn't getting the job done. From the time I hit high school, I never had a problem getting laid, mostly due to my personality. Not that my equipment was inadequate, about 7" and thicker than most, but girls just seemed to like me. And once they got to know me they wouldn't leave me alone. But now here I was, three months without any real sex and climbing the walls!

My folks arrived the night before Rita was going to the hospital and it was real nice having them here. They helped get Rita ready for the next day and Mom cooked a great meal for everyone. I took Rita in the next morning and spent the day with her, getting her settled. The doctor explained that they were going to induce her slowly to try and control her delivery. He told us that she would probably deliver in 48 hours, but they would be monitoring her progress the whole time, and I could go home and they would call me if she got close when I wasn't there. I left to go home for supper and told Rita I would be back in the morning, since I worked for a very progressive company that gave you three weeks off when your wife has a baby. I had a nice dinner with the folks, watched some t.v. and headed off to bed.

Once I stretched out and felt the cool sheets caress my dick I began to get hard and realized I needed relief. I grabbed one of the playboys I keep in the nightstand and started thumbing through it while I yanked on my johnson. In a little bit I felt my cream rise up my dick and explode all over my hand and down my leg. I got up and went into the bathroom to clean up and then flopped into bed, feeling as frustrated as ever. I needed a hot twat to satisfy this urge and I needed it soon!

Chapter 2

I woke the next morning about as horny as ever and it seemed my beating off was only making matters worse. I put on a pair of long shorts and the way the fabric inside brushed against my dick only inflamed me even further! I was in a deep, lustful fog as I threw on a T-shirt and made my way out to the kitchen and made some coffee. I was sitting at the table reading the paper when my mom walked in.

“Oh honey, I didn't know you were up already. I would have gotten up earlier and made you some breakfast.” she said.

“It's ok mom, don't worry about it. Where's dad?” I asked.

“He went to buy a paper, he'll be back soon. Can I make you some breakfast?” she asked.

“Sure, that would be great.” I said and watched her move around the kitchen.

I noticed for the first time that my mom had a nice figure that her thin robe couldn't disguise. She had full, round, tits that seemed to just sag a bit under there own weight, a small waistline with just a hint of a slight bulge at her stomach, a nice, round, ass and long, tapered legs. It must have been due to my lack of sex, but I became mesmerized watching her move about the room, retrieving things from the refrigerator, her tits bouncing and her ass swaying under her robe.

I had never in my life thought of my mother as any kind of sexual object, but in a blink of an eye it all changed! At one point she bent down to get a pan out of the cabinet and her robe parted across her leg, her nightie riding up her legs, exposing her creamy white thigh. My dick lurched in my pants and began to swell as she remained in that position, trying to find the right pan, with me being unable to tear my eyes away from her bare leg! She got frustrated in her search and stood for a moment and then bent over to continue her hunt, causing her robe to ride up the back of her legs and stretch tightly across her round ass! This sight caused my aroused dick to go into overdrive and quickly rise to its full length, hard as a steel bar.

I was overwhelmed by conflicting feelings of recognizing this woman as my mom, the woman I had known all my life and had never considered as anything but that. She was my loving parent who tended my c***dhood sc****s, soothed my fears over nightmares and drove me back and forth to various practices. But now I was confronted with this sudden, irresistible, reaction I was having to her as a desirable woman! I had seen her prepare breakfast in this exact same way, dressed in this exact same way and never felt an inkling of what I felt at this moment!

I thought I must be losing my mind, but I couldn't stop watching her as my pulse began to race and my body heat started to rise. I found my breath shorten as my hormones went into overdrive and I was overcome with lust for my own mother!

I was reeling in a sexual intoxication as I watched her move to the stove, taking in every little jiggle beneath her robe. My heart was racing and the hair on my arms was standing up as I started to imagine the feel of her soft skin against mine. I couldn't sit there any more and got up to take my cup to the sink, quickly realizing my dick was fully erect and pushing out the front of my shorts. I reached inside and readjusted it as best I could so it would lie back against my stomach, the wide elastic waistband helping to hold it in place. My intention was to get out of that room and get to my bedroom where I could get some self-relief. The kitchen is a galley style with a square at the end for a table and chairs. As I made my way by my Mom there is not a lot of space since there are cabinets and counters on either side.

In the process of going by her she suddenly seemed to have a problem setting the burner, said something under her breath and then leaned over the stove to get a better look. In bending over she sent her round ass right into my inflamed crotch and I could feel my hard dick briefly become enveloped into the crevice of her ass cheeks! This had the same effect on me as when a dentist hits a nerve as a shiver went up my spine and my dick lurched in my pants. I didn't get a chance to savor the feeling as she quickly straightened out and half turned to face me. She showed no signs of realizing that she had accidentally bumped into my raging hard-on with her pillowy ass!

“Oh, sorry hon! I didn't see you back there!” she said.

“Its o.k. Mom.” I lied. “You got a problem?” I tried to compose myself and seem interested in helping her.

"It's your stove. I can't seem to get the setting right on the burner" she complained.

“Yea, we have the same problem, let me show you.” I said as we both turned toward the stove.

I leaned in from behind her, my chest lying on her back and my engorged dick lightly caressing her ass. We were practically cheek to cheek as I showed her how to adjust the stove to any temperature she wanted. As I did this I took in the heady, musty scent of my mom's body, obviously she hadn't showered yet and her aroma was driving me wild!

As she watched my hands on the control dial closely I let my eyes wander down my mom's neck and chest until I caught an eyeful of cleavage from her billowing nightgown and robe. Her tits were round and succulent, covered in freckles and they rose and fell with her breathing. I could almost see the beginning of her areolas and nipples, but they remained hidden against the material of her nightie. My libido was in overdrive now, as I couldn't fight off the overwhelming rush of lust I felt for her! My eyes retraced their trail up her chest and came to rest on her exposed neck. It was long and graceful even though it showed her age. I wanted to bury my nose up against it and ram my dick between the crease of her round ass!

Somewhere deep within my stupor I heard her say "Thanks, hon" and look at me. I quickly refocused on her face.

“You know mom, you smell really good, what are you wearing'?” I asked.

“Why nothing, I haven't even showered yet.” she replied with a somewhat puzzled look on her face.

“Really?” I asked. “I could have sworn I could detect something really nice.” I said as I let my face drop to the area of her neck just below her ear.

I took a deep breath and filled my senses with her odor, lost in a world of wantonness. I pressed my nose against her sloping neck, nuzzling it up and down.

“Tom, what are you doing???” she asked, with a bit of annoyance in her voice.

I didn't answer, but kept on nuzzling her neck as I brought my hands up and rested them on her hips. I felt all reason leave me as I began to follow my nose with small kisses up and down her neck

“Tom, stop it right now, this isn't funny!!” she yelled pulling her neck away from my face.

“Oh…Uhh..sure…” I said and broke away reluctantly. “I… ah… better get ready to go see Rita.”

I struggled to leave the room without exposing my raging hard on to my Mom and made my way to my room. Once inside I stripped quickly, my rock-hard dick twitching and swaying. I made my way into the bathroom and quickly turned on the shower. Once under the spray I soaped up my dick and jerked it urgently to the thoughts of my mother’s warm, pliant body pressed against mine. As my thoughts turned to the feel of her thick, soft lips on mine I came violently, my knees buckling as my cum flew out of the head of my dick.

I recovered in a short while and got out, drying off and getting dressed. I made my way out of the house and to the hospital. I spent the entire morning and early afternoon with Rita, mostly watching t.v. until I couldn’t feel my ass in the chair. I told Rita at this point I needed to go and said goodbye.

I left the hospital and went to the mall where I did a lot of girl watching, which did nothing for my condition. I couldn’t believe I had tried to put a move on my own mother! Just thinking about it gave me the shivers.

I spent as much time as I could at the mall before I made my way home.

Mom was making supper in the kitchen as Dad watched the tube.

She looked at me with a quizzical face and moved away. I watched her move about the kitchen, dying to get back next to her and press myself up against her.

She stopped at the counter and continued with breakfast. I slowly moved towards her and settled in front of her.

“Uh, Mom…I’m sorry…I just miss you…” I lied.

She looked at me for a moment and seemed to melt right before me.

“Oh honey! I’m sorry! C’mere!” she said, opening her arms in a request for a hug.

I stepped into her arms and wrapped my arms around her waist, intoxicated by the feel of her soft frame meshing against mine in a tight embrace. I turned my hips away from her to avoid her feeling my ram-hard dick.

“I miss you too!” she murmured as she ran her fingers through my hair.

I buried my face into the crook of her neck again, taking in her scent.

“My poor baby, a father now.” she sighed. “I do wish we lived closer.”

“I love you Mom, I love you so much.” I breathed and then planted a soft, lingering kiss on the base of her neck.

“Oh, Tom! I love you too!” she responded, pulling me closer to her as she continued to stroke my head.

I planted a series of kisses along her neck, caressing it with my nose.

“Uhmmm, its been so long since I’ve had the chance to hold one of my babies like this” Mom said dreamingly as she subconsciously tilted her head, exposing more of her neck to my kisses.

I became a bit more ardent with my kisses, parting my mouth and lightly sucking at her neck as I moved up and down.

“Ohh, Tom, It feels so nice to hold you like I used to when you were little.” she sighed as she planted a few fleeting kisses of her own on my cheek and ear.

I was consumed with lust as my mother’s light kisses stoked the fire in my loins and I continued to plant open mouth kisses along her neck and jaw line. I reached the tip of her chin and glanced up at her, seeing that she had closed her eyes and had a contented smile on her lips. I moved in slowly and pressed my lips against hers in a soft, lingering kiss.

“Mmmmm!” Mom moaned in a pleasant way as our lips met and pressed gently together.

I had forgotten how soft and supple my Moms lips were and the feel of them pressed to mine nearly caused me to cum in my pants! She allowed the kiss to linger a few moments before she peeled them apart and pulled my head back into the crook of her neck.

“Eehhmmmm, your rather affectionate this evening.” Mom giggled as she rubbed the back of my neck with one hand.

“I, uh, just like being held again.” I said as I went back to planting small kisses at the base of her neck.

“Ohhhh!” Mom moaned in a sympathetic tone. “Well anytime you need it, I’m right here.”

I was determined to get as much out of this moment as possible, so I resumed my assault on her neck with open- mouthed kisses, sucking a bit more ardently.

“Uhmmmm!” Mom moaned as I wandered up her neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses.

As I hit a spot halfway up her neck, I felt her tense up, realizing I had hit a nerve. I pressed in a bit harder, opening my mouth wider and flicking my tongue against this spot.

“Ohhhh…Tom…I..think we had better..stop…..” Mom moaned and gently struggled against my embrace.

I ignored her and continued to kiss and suck at this area with even more urgency.

“UHHHHhhhhhhh!” Mom moaned, still fidgeting against me, yet at the same time resting her chin on the top of my head, opening more of her neck to my kiss.

I moved up on her neck, lingering at each spot long enough to emit a moan from her as I kissed and sucked at it.

“Uhhhhh….T…..Tom…..uh…I…. think….we….we…should…..ohhhhhh!” she moaned, half fighting me and at the same time entangling her hand in my hair, pulling my mouth tighter into her neck.

I reached her jaw line and planted wet, open-mouthed kisses along it, aided by my mothers unintentional reaction of lifting her head. As I came to her chin, I kissed it gently, flicking my tongue against the cute cleft that is a family trait.

Mom’s eyes were mostly closed and her body was in a battle between pushing me away and pulling me closer.

Her lips were parted, struggling to bring air into her lungs, as she emitted a constant, low moan. I moved my lips towards hers, watching for a reaction that never came. I touched her lips with mine, barely making contact, feeling her breath brush against them. I slowly pressed my lips gently against hers, holding them there and then slowly pulling them apart. Mom had no reaction, as her parted lips hovered close to mine. I moved back in and pressed my lips against hers again, sealing them in a soft, illicit kiss.

“Mmmmm,” Mom moaned as I gently pressed my lips against hers, slowly applying a bit more pressure.

She stopped struggling as her hands slid down from my neck and quietly landed on my arms. I slowly swiveled my head, sliding my lips across hers and deepening the kiss. I began to notice a change in Mom’s reaction, her body, which had been tense, relaxed a little under my embrace as her lips seemed to soften under my kiss.

Her breathing steadied and her eyelids gave up their fight and closed, while all tension in her frame eased off and her head seemed to relent to the movement of my kiss!

Under her breath came quiet, soft moaning and I could feel her start to ever so lightly kiss me back! Her body was gently pressed to mine and I could feel her hardened nipples brush against me as her round tits snuggled slightly against my chest. I wanted her as badly as I've wanted any woman in my life and I knew now there was no doubt I was going to fuck her, my own mom!! The kiss went on for several more moments, soft yet firm, our heads bobbing gently in unison, our parted lips sealed.

Suddenly a car door slammed shut followed by the sound of someone climbing the short staircase leading to the door in my kitchen. It shook us both from this dream-like state and caused us both to quickly break off our kiss and move away from each other just as my Dad opened the door.

Mom shook the cobwebs from her head and rapidly turned to face the sink as Dad greeted us both. I made a hasty retreat, leaving them both in the kitchen.

I made it to my room and into the bathroom as I removed my pants and took hold of my swollen member. I rapidly began to jerk myself off, my eyes closed remembering the taste of that kiss I had just shared with my Mom. As if we were still pressed together, the feel of her tits resting into my chest, her mouth on mine, I began to cum!

It came running out of me in spoonfuls, so strong I felt my knees buckle and I needed to grab on to the vanity to hold myself up. As soon as it subsided I cleaned up and showered, quickly dressed and headed out to the hospital, yelling to my folks in the kitchen as I sped out the door.

All the way there I was wracked with guilt over what I had done to my mother, and yet, I couldn't help getting a bit aroused when I thought about how she gave in and started kissing me back!

Chapter 3

By the time I got to the hospital I found out that they had called me because Rita was getting close to delivering. The rest of the day was a blur as the baby arrived and we were so wrapped up in our happiness that I hadn't given my Mom another thought until she and Dad walked into Rita's room toward the end of the day.

Mom refused to make eye contact with me and spent the whole visit making a fuss over Rita and the baby. Dad seemed quite normal, so I could only surmise that Mom didn't tell him, not that I expected her to. They left about an hour later and I hung around until Rita convinced me to go home for supper. When I got home supper was just being placed on the table and Dad got up to get me a plate.

Mom on the other hand did her best to be pleasant, but very standoffish. We got through dinner mostly talking about the baby and as soon as we were done Dad grabbed his paper and excused himself to the "library", if you know what I mean. Mom quickly got up and started clearing the table and bringing things into the kitchen. I hadn't noticed what she was wearing up until now and took a moment to drink it in.

It was a flowered, short sleeve dress with an open collar that fit rather snug from her shoulders to her hips before ending just above her knees. Watching her move about got me the same reaction as this morning because the dress did little to hide her obvious curves, including her full breasts and round ass! The bounce in her chest and the sway of her hips and ass as she made her way around soon had me in a state of arousal and the feeling of drowning in forbidden lust!

I decided I had to pursue this, but perhaps with a different approach. I stood, grabbing a couple of plates and made my way into the kitchen. Mom was busy filling the sink with water as I placed the dishes on the counter and stood behind her for a moment.

“Uh, mom we need to...uh..tal....” I started.

“NO WE DON"T!” she cut me off.

“But Mom , we can't just ignore what happened this morning.” I said.

“NOTHING HAPPENED!” she admonished.

“Give me a break!” I said. “We both know that's not true and we need to talk about it!”.


“Well that's adult.” I said. “Just forget it ever happened and things will go on as normal?”

“I told you, I don't want to talk about it!”. she said, in a somewhat softer tone.

“But just let me explain...please??” I asked.

My mom said nothing as she started washing the dishes.

“You know how Rita has had a tough time with the pregnancy and all?” I started.

“Well it's been hard on me, you know, going without sex and all and I've been real frustrated and all. And, uhm, I can't really explain it, but this morning when you came in dressed in your robe, moving around making breakfast, I...I got excited. I know how nuts this sounds, but when I got close to you I just lost it and...and you know the rest...”

She didn't move for a few moments, but then finally turned around, tears in her eyes.

“And how do you think I feel? she asked. “My own son! And then if that wasn't bad enough...I....I..didn’t even….!”

She couldn't finish the sentence, but we both knew what she was talking about, her letting me kiss her. She quickly turned back around and stood there.

“Mom, I just so sorry, it was all my fault.” I said. “Can you forgive me?” I asked.

“I...I...don't know...if I can forgive either one of us.” she cried.

“Oh c'mon Mom, we can put it behind us.” I said as I moved up behind her.

Just at that moment, as I looked at her from behind, taking in the curve of her neck, the points of her shoulders, her rigid back, ample hips and her soft, full ass, I felt awash in desire again! It was then that I realized that it wasn't just that she was a woman that was making me behave this way, but the fact that she was MY MOM, and that this was so forbidden! The very fact that I was trying to fuck my own mother was what was turning me on so much!

I put my hands on her shoulders and slowly turned her around. She refused to look up at me, keeping her eyes on the ground. I studied her face and came to rest on her full, sensual lips, the lips that tasted so wonderful! My desire flamed within me and I knew I was going to try to kiss her again! This was so weird! I was in lust with my own mother! I put my hand under her chin and tilted her head up.

“Look at me, Mom?” I asked.

She raised her head and looked me in the eye, hers filled with tears and her lips trembling slightly.

“I can't say I'm sorry about what I did.” I kept my hands resting on her shoulders. “I just acted on impulse”

My hands slid up her neck and came to rest under her jaw line. She kept her eyes on my mouth as I spoke, as if I would come up with some explanation that would absolve us both.

“That’s no excuse!” she said softly. “It was a lovely moment that turned into something….else!”

“I know and I’m sorry if I hurt you. It’s just that…you’re a truly beautiful woman Mom and for a moment I forgot you were my Mom.” I said.

“Oh please!” she protested.

“No, its true!” I admonished. “I guess I never really noticed before, but you are a very sexy, beautiful woman.”

She just looked at me, her face telling me she was having a hard time buying this.

“Tom, when I think of what could have happened if your father hadn’t come in when he did.” she cried.

“It was just a kiss!” I argued, hoping it meant more to her too.

“It was more than that and you know it! It was where it might have headed!” she said.

“I…I guess in the state I was in……” I admitted. “But then why didn’t you do something?”

“I….I guess it’s because its been some time since I felt desirable. You father hasn’t shown much interest in quite some time and when….you…..started……you know..….I sort of zoned out! I got swept away by feelings I haven’t experienced in quite a while. I guess…I…also forgot for a moment who I was with…"”she explained, casting her eyes to the floor.

“Can we get past this?” I asked

“I….I…don’t….” she started. “We….have to! I can’t go through my life being afraid to come near you…”

I leaned into her, wrapping my arms around her waist. She stiffly stood there, quite undecided about how to react.

“Mom?” I said, waiting for her reaction.

“Oh, Tom!!” she cried and wrapped her arms around me.

I buried my head into the crook of her neck and pulled her tightly against me.

“I never want to hurt you. I love you too much.” I said as I caressed her back.

“Oh, honey! I love you so!” she cried and rested her head on my shoulder.

We stood there hugging and caressing one another for a while. It got me really turned on and I had to maneuver my hips to keep my rapidly expanding dick from coming into contact with her.

“Mom. If it makes you feel better, I think Dad is a fool!” I said.

“Oh!” Mom replied and squeezed me.

She then pulled back and grabbed my head in both of her hands, looking me in the eye. She smiled sweetly at me and then drew my head in and planted a firm, but motherly kiss on my mouth. I felt my dick lurch at the feeling of her lips on mine, even if it was brief. She quickly returned her head onto my shoulder and I buried my face back into her neck.

We again stood there hugging and caressing one another and I planted several fleeting kisses across her neck.

“Uhhmmmm!" she moaned in reaction to my kisses and continued to caress my back.

This encouraged me to start pressing my kisses a bit harder against her neck, parting my lips. I began gently sucking on her neck, flicking my tongue against her skin. I felt her tense up and begin to struggle a bit.

“Uh…Tom…don’t. I told…you what that…feels like..” she said, her hand fluttering up to my head.

I ignored her and began pressing my mouth against her neck, firmly kissing it and lapping at with my tongue.

“Uhggghh! Tom…please..we…shouldn’t….” she protested, but moved her head to expose more of her neck to my kisses.

She continued to struggle as I maintained my mouth action on her neck, sucking on her soft skin and bathing it with my tongue. I was now pressing my engorged dick up against her crotch, slightly rubbing it up and down as my hands kneaded her back and sides and my mouth made its way up her neck towards her chin line.

“God...Tom....we need to....stop......” my mom begged in a breathless voice as she tried in vein to move her neck out from under my sucking mouth.

I continued to kiss her neck and felt the tension in her body relax and her breathing become ragged as I made my way under her chin. She moved her head to the side, almost in a gesture of surrender, and moaned in a low tone as I set my sights for her lips. As I reached the point of her chin, I pulled back for a moment, looked into her glassy eyes and saw that she had partially closed them.

I leaned in and gently pressed my parted lips to hers in a slow, firm kiss. She didn’t move, she just stood there as I kissed her. I slowly pulled back, peeling our lips apart, looking into her partially closed eyes.

“Ohhh, Tom…..stop…we can’t….” she moaned while staring at my lips.

I moved back in, capturing her lips between mine for moment before releasing them. I moved back in again as just as I reached her lips, she parted them, clinging to mine for a moment, before parting again.

“Oh Mom!” I moaned, kissing her cheek.

I kissed my way back to her lips and paused, looking into her eyes. I leaned in and kissed her again, firmly pressing my mouth on hers.

“UUHHMMMMMMMMHH!” she moaned, but kept her eyes closed as I pressed my mouth onto hers.

She was limp in my arms for a few moments, but then, very slightly, began to respond to the kiss. Slowly her lips softened and she began to kiss me back while her arms snaked their way up my shoulders and around my neck. She pressed her lips firmly against mine, our heads bobbing gently as our lips slowly parted and the kiss grew to a deep, soulful embrace. It went on for some time, our lips sliding against one another’s in a building fire of passion, pressing more and more firmly together until, in an explosion of lust, she tightened her grip on me and we dove into a frenzy of desire.

In a burst we were kissing up a storm, ravishing one another's mouth, moaning in pent-up hunger, grasping onto one another in unbridled lust!! Our mouths opened and were filled with the force of our searching tongues, fencing in an illicit duel, as our hands clutched and grabbed in a fervor filled dance. All time stood still as our i****tual kiss went on and on, neither one of us having the will or the inclination to break free. Abruptly, out of the fog, I heard the sound of flushing coming from the bathroom and knew my Dad was on his way out!

I broke free of our kiss, pushing her slightly away.

“Dad's coming to...move..!” I wheezed.

Mom, still in a haze, looked at me under groggy eyes, her body unsteady.

“Oh...ok...” she mumbled and then grabbed my head, pulling me towards her and smashing her mouth back onto mine.

I immediately forgot the danger and wound my arms back around her and resumed our demanding kiss, both of us moaning in wild abandonment!!! A few moments later we both heard the door to the bathroom open and quickly broke free, with Mom heading out to the garage and me leaning over the sink, trying to catch my breath!

I got control of myself and joined my Dad in the living room, where he was watching t.v..

“Where's your mom?” he asked.

“Taking out some garbage” I lied.

We were soon joined by Mom who announced she was going to read in bed for a while and left. She was on very shaky legs as she made her way to the guestroom, although I doubt my Dad noticed. He and I stayed up for a while, until I couldn't take it anymore and went to bed where I jerked off thinking of my Mom and our latest kiss!

The next morning I got up and found both of my folks already up and eating. The moment I got to the table Mom announced she was off to take a shower, ignoring me altogether. Dad and I sat around shooting the breeze when it occurred to me that if I played it right I might learn a little about Mom's sex drive from Dad.

“Uh, Dad”, I started, “Can I ask you for some advice?”

“Sure.” he replied

“Well, when Mom was pregnant with one of us did you ever, you know, get shut off?” I asked.

“Well, yes and no” he said.

“What's that mean?” I asked

“Well, if you must know, my, uh, sex drive has never been too, uh, strong, if you catch my drift.” he said.

“How so?” I asked.

“I, um, never had a great interest in it. I know that sounds weird, but, to tell you the truth once a month was about all I ever needed.” he said.

“Huh.” I replied.

“And that was ok with Mom?” I inquired.

“Well, not exactly. She was always after me for more. Your Mother always had a very healthy sex drive. She just married the wrong guy.” he explained.

“So how did you...” I started.

“Stay together?” he finished for me.

I shook my head.

“Well, we love one another, and most times that's enough, at least it was for her.” he said.

“So do you ever....?” I left the question hanging.

“Oh sure, every once in a while. In fact, between you and I, something got into her last night and I didn't have the heart to turn her down, since it had been a while.” he said.

I felt myself blush as I realized I was what got to her last night, to the point that she seduced Dad! I began to put it all together and realized that the reason my Mom relinquished to my advances is she isn't getting any from the old man and probably has a lot of pent-up urges. They probably got the best of her.

I got up to go shower and get ready to go to the hospital when I passed Mom in the hall and she put her head down and went right past me. Well, so much for that!

I left and was soon sitting in Rita's room, enjoying the baby and talking with my wife. My folks joined us after a couple of hours and said they had some news. Dad had been offered a consulting gig on this job he had been monitoring and it would last a couple of more weeks. He said he had talked it over with Mom and they would be getting a hotel suite for the rest of their visit. I could tell this was Mom's idea by the way she enthusiastically was shaking her head, probably as a way to get away from me. But Rita would have none of it and after a lengthy argument the folks agreed to stay.

They left shortly after and I caught up with them back home. Mom almost seemed to be her old self and at one point Dad sidled up to me and said he thinks last night might have been a mistake and that Mom had made several references to a second honeymoon. Sure enough, Mom seemed to be very content, probably thinking she could now brush me aside in lieu of her husband's new found sexual vigor. After supper they announced that since they were staying they needed to do some clothes shopping and would be heading to the local mall.

Chapter 4.

The rest of the night was uneventful and I ended up going to bed before the folks got home. The next morning I got up and headed towards the kitchen to find my Dad sitting, reading the paper over a cup of coffee.

“Morning Dad. Did you and Mom have a good night?” I asked

“Oh yea!” answered Dad in a somewhat sarcastic manner.

“Why, what's up?” I asked.

“Oh, your Mom picked up a few new bedroom items last night, if you know what I mean, in an attempt to light a fire under me" he explained

“And?” I inquired.

“Well, like I told you, I'm not exactly driven.” he replied.

“Uh oh!” I chuckled.

“Exactly! She comes at me wearing one of these new nighties and I'm just not interested. Next thing you know she's pissed and not speaking to me. She stayed in bed after I got up and I get the feeling she's gonna stay there until I leave. I'm gonna pay for this!” he cried.

I nodded my head in agreement.

Dad finished with his coffee and announced he was getting out to the job site.

“Tell your Mom I should be back by noon, not that she'll care.” he said as he went out the door.

I turned my attention toward the closed guest room door and my mother beyond it. Now was my chance to get her alone and see where it might lead, especially with her coming off a rejection last night! I thought she might try to avoid me as well so I went to my room to plan this out. I was dressed in my usual attire of a T-shirt and shorts. I had no idea what I was going to do, but I got up and took the T-shirt off, leaving me naked with just my shorts, no underwear.

I stepped out of my room and shut the door loudly and waited. Standing there in anticipation got me a little excited and my dick started to rise, creating a bulge in my shorts.

I heard some rustling going on in the guestroom and then the door swung open and my mother came out, dressed in her robe carrying a towel. She was obviously on her way to the bathroom for her morning shower.

“Uh, Mom!” I called out.

She stopped and turned, startled at my presence.

“Oh, I didn't see you standing there.” she said.

I could see her taking in my semi naked form, her eyes traveling across my frame.

“Dad said to tell you he'd be back around noon.” I said.

“Oh, all right.” she mumbled.

“I….uhm...need to….talk to you.” I said.

“Uh...I..really..don't think this is a good time..” she replied in a somewhat nervous tone, her eyes getting wide and her face taking on a worried expression.

“But, I...I think we need to Mom.” I protested as I took a step towards her.

She immediately took a step back, looking down on the floor. I figured this was probably my last chance to get something going and I needed to lay it all out to her.

“Tom...please...just...just...drop it.” she begged.

“I can't Mom. You have no idea what you do to me.” I told her.

“What I do to you?? What.….what… you mean????!!” she asked incredulously.

“It's just that ever since that morning in the kitchen I...I...can't stop thinking about you and how you feel and smell and....taste.” I admitted as I felt my dick continue to lurch in my shorts.

“Tom, please.” she beseeched.

“I...I...can't help myself Mom!! You turn me on so much!!!! You're driving me crazy!!!” I told her, my dick now reaching maximum proportions, as I slowly made my way towards her.

She was backing up at the same pace and shaking her head to what I was telling her.

“Just....just stop it!! This is so wrong. You can't have these feelings about me! I'm your mother, for god's sake!!” she yelled.

I stopped about three feet from her and grabbed the snap on the front of my shorts.

“I know I shouldn't Mom, but I can't control it! Look at the effect you have on me!” I cried.

With that I pulled on the snap on my shorts, pulling it apart, and quickly pulling down the zipper. My shorts hung there for a moment and then fell from my waist, past my hips and down my legs, leaving me completely naked with my ragging hard-on jutting straight out from my body.

“TOM, MY GOD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!” mom cried out as her wide eyes locked on to my steel hard dick.

“I have to show you. It's the only way I can tell you how much I need you!” I said.

She stopped in her tracks, looking up at my face and then down at my dick with a look of disbelief on her face.


“I can't do that Mom.” I answered in a low, wanton tone as I continued towards her. "I need you to see how I ache for you, how badly I want you!”

“Don't talk that way to me. It's not right!” she said in almost a hushed tone, her eyes still taking me all in.

“Mom, you have no idea how hard I've tried to fight this.” I told her as I got just close enough to reach out and grab the belt on her robe.

“NO, DON"T!!!” she cried as she moved back and, in doing so, causing the belt to come undone.

As her back hit the wall outside her room, the robe fell away, revealing part of her naked form. I could feast my eyes on the inside contours of her round tits and the deep red hair on her full bush! She looked down and realized what had happened and quickly grasped the lapels of her robe and pulled them around her.

I told her as I got just close enough to reach out and grab the belt on her robe.

“NO, DON"T!!!” she cried as she moved back and, in doing so, causing the belt to come undone.

As her back hit the wall outside her room, the robe fell away, revealing part of her naked form. I could feast my eyes on the inside contours of her round tits and the deep red hair on her full bush! She looked down and realized what had happened and quickly grasped the lapels of her robe and pulled them around her.

“STOP THAT!!” she implored.

“Mom, don't you see how desirable you are to me? How incredibly sexy you are?” I asked as I continued to close the distance between us.

“NO, DON"T TOM!!" "YOU MUS'NT TALK THAT WAY!!” she cried, her breathing becoming somewhat ragged and labored.

“I'm only talking the truth, Mom.” I replied.

As I stood right in front of her I took her clenched hands in mine and pulled them from the lapels of her robe, causing her robe to part wide open!

I looked down at the body I had been lusting for and it took my breath away! Her tits were shaped like large teardrops, with a bit of sag, topped by large areola's that covered half the area and punctuated by two large nipples! Her waist was thin with a slight bulge at the stomach and she had just a little fat around her hips. Her legs had some signs of stretch marks, but for the most part they were long and slender and gracefully tapered to her feet. And being a redhead, her entire body was covered in sexy looking freckles!

“LET ME GO!!” she demanded as she tried to gain release from my grip, causing her tits to jiggle in a very enticing way.

One thing I knew for sure was that there was no way I was going to **** my own mother. Either I got her to go along or I just give up and go beat off. I took another step toward her causing the head of my dick to press into her bush before sliding up and grazing her lower torso!

We both let out a loud moan, “OOOOHHHHH!!”, as sparks flew between us at the touch of my engorged dick across her abdomen.

“Oh, Mom.” I gasped and quickly lowered my head, pressing my mouth against her parted lips.

“UUUHHHMMMMMMMM!!!!” she groaned in response of my lips against hers, meekly trying to escape my grasp.

I knew then that she wasn't really trying to get away and was probably getting just as turned on as I was!

I let go of her hands and quickly slid my hands inside her parted robe, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her towards me and then wrapping my arms around her waist. Her tits flattened against my chest as my dick crammed into her midsection with my balls nestled into her bush!

Again she let out a groan, “UUUUHHHHMMMM”, as I pulled her against me, my mouth sealed against hers.

Her arms seemed to hang in mid air for a moment before they floated down to my shoulders.

She continued to moan under my unyielding kiss and I could feel her concede as her body relaxed. Her breathing began to take on a gasping rhythm as she started to respond to my kiss and I could feel her slightly rubbing her torso against my rock hard cock!

I needed her naked, I WANTED HER NAKED!, so I slid my hands up her back, grabbed her robe around her neck from the inside and pulled. It met with resistance for a moment as she had her hands resting on my shoulders, but finally she allowed her arms to slide down and the robe drifted off her shoulders and down to the floor.

I immediately wrapped my arms back around her, my passion taken to a new level just knowing I had my own mother completely naked in my arms! I renewed my vigorous kiss, my hands roaming up and down her back in a frenzy filled embrace!

“MMMMMMMMMMM!!!!” she moaned, finally giving in.

She wound her arms tightly around my neck and returned my kiss with unbridled passion, opening her mouth and jamming her tongue into mine where they dueled in a lustful fencing match! We stood there in this crushing embrace, our mouths ravishing each other's, rubbing our groins together in a maddening caress. I swept my hands down her sides, grasping a full ass cheek in each hand, and pulling her up and tightly towards me, flattening her twat against my throbbing dick. This swept her right off her feet with only her toes still in contact with the floor as I clutched her by her ass.

This only served to heighten our passion as our heads bobbed wildly in the throes of an all consuming kiss while our groins mimicked our mouths in a crushing kiss of their own!!

I knew I wasn't going to last much longer and, keeping my grip on her butt, I completely lifted her off the ground just enough so I could walk us both towards her room. She quickly wrapped her feet around my ankles to steady herself as I slowly moved us into her room, neither of us missing a beat in our illicit kiss!! I finally felt the back of her legs come into contact with the edge of the bed and stopped for a moment before slowly lowering us both onto it.

We came to rest with my body covering hers, her arms still tightly wrapped around my neck, kissing wildly as I lay between her widely splayed legs. The heat in our systems was reaching unbearable levels as we continued to rub our groins together, me bearing down, while she lifted her ass off the bed to meet mine. I knew then that this was going to be the fuck of my life!

We continued at each other like two love starved a****ls, moaning and groaning loudly, mouths devouring each other, our hands running wildly over each other's body and dry humping each other in pure desperation. As we were lost in the throws of passion, another jolt of excitement tore into my overloaded brain. In the mist of thrashing around my dick managed to wedge itself between the puffy lips of Mom's undulating twat and I felt the underside suddenly become soaked in hot, runny juice!

My Mom's slit was completely soaked and the feel of her hot emission on my prick was sending me headlong toward a huge orgasm! I broke our kiss and dove headfirst between my mothers cushiony tits, rubbing my face against them before turning my head to her left one and capturing the entire end in my mouth, sucking wildly on it!

“OH BABY!!!” my mother groaned as I ravaged her titty with my sucking, pulling mouth.

I sucked hungrily at her breast as she ran her hands through my hair, mashing my face down against it. I released her left tit to quickly capture her right and proceeded to ravish that one in the same manner, my mother pulling at my hair, smashing my face into it as if she was trying to fit her entire tit into my mouth!

I pulled free of her breast as we continued the excruciatingly pleasurable motion of cleaving my hard dick between the swollen, wet lips of her cunt! I was drowning in emotions I had never felt before as I kissed her succulent tit all over before working my way up her tit onto her neck.

“Tom, honey...we shouldn't....this isn't stop before we go too far...” she moaned.

But there was no way I could stop. I had come too far and had realized how desperately I wanted her, how badly I needed to fuck her! I had never been this turned on in my life! I attacked her neck with hot, frantic kisses, like a man possessed as I quickened the pace of my humping cock slicing between her wet, extended pussy lips!

“OH, BABY” she groaned, arching her neck against my insistent lips.

I kissed my way up her neck, stopping for a moment as I voraciously sucked on her earlobe and then made my way across her chin.

“OH, CHRIST!!” she groaned, pulling my face down and mashing her lips against mine!

With our lips once again pasted together, our bodies were franticly rubbing together, desperate for the only release that would satisfy us! In our squirming passion, I suddenly found the head of my bloated dick resting against the soft, hot, fleshy opening of my mother's cunt!

As I paused for just a second, taking in the heat of exuding from her weeping love hole, I felt her swiftly tilt her hips and roughly press herself against me. Savoring this moment for as long as I could, I continued to grind my mouth against hers, our tongues sliding along each other’s.

Suddenly I felt my mother's hands on my tightly clenched ass. As she grabbed hold of my ass, I felt her dig her long, painted fingernails into me. Unable to postpone the inevitable any longer, I slowly pushed the head of my dick into the burning, cleaving opening of my mother's drooling pussy!

“AAAHHHHRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!” we both gasped as our lips broke apart.

Gasping for breath, I felt beads of perspiration pop out on my forehead. I felt feverish and light headed as a wave of scintillating wickedness washed over me. Finding her lips once again, I hungrily kissed her, deep and long. As we kissed, I slowly eased my cock down into her flaming core. I couldn't believe this was happening as my cock slowly slipped deeper and deeper into the scalding depths of her forbidden, clutching canal. I was fucking my own mother!!! Surely I will go to hell for what I was doing, but it would be worth it, because nothing could compare to this illicit feeling of fucking my own mother!!!

It was an indescribable feeling, like thrusting your cock into a wet, burning sheath of silky softness that furiously clenched and squeezed at my lurching dick! Unbelievably, it was hotter and wetter as I went deeper and deeper inside the prohibited intimacy of her very soul! It was nothing like any of the women I had fucked before, no doubt due to the very taboo of who I was doing it with!

While the physical pleasure was incomparable, the fact that my mother was my willing partner in the wickedness drove my passion over the edge!

“OH, MY FUCKING GOD, MOM!!” I gasped, finally breaking our lip lock.

“OH, TOM, JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!” she cried out, thrusting herself up against me.

My cock slid effortlessly into my mothers steaming canal, my origin, my source! The fiery oven of my own birthplace! It felt like heaven. Even though I was reveling in the immoral delight of fucking my own mother, I was slightly surprised. It should have felt dirty and perverted. I should have had some guilt at cheating on Rita and betraying my Dad but I was only overwhelmed by how electrifying it felt!

Overcome by the delicious feelings pouring from my dick, I tentatively pulled my swollen, throbbing, cock out slightly and then pushed it back down into her fiery sheath once again. The sensation of her wet, hot flesh wrapped around my aching cock sent fire coursing up my shaft and into my reeling mind. The exquisite pleasure spewing from my loins was rapidly becoming too intense to tolerate.

I realized my Mom must be feeling the same way as she arched her hips, wrapped her legs around my ass and pulling me even deeper inside her scorching cunt.

As I entered her, I could feel her bare tits scrapping up against my chest. Thrusting myself into her, I finally felt the head of my cock thud up against her cervix at the same instant my belly touched hers. We were made for each other and fit together perfectly. Holding myself deep inside of her hot, sucking cunt, I bent down and quickly kissed her again. My Mom returned my kiss, opening her mouth in mine and snaking her tongue into my mouth. We embraced tightly, and kissed deeply with our hips flattened against each other. The passion that was pouring out through my body rapidly blossomed into a white-hot spasm of ecstasy as the tension in my loins was reaching the boiling point. I broke off the kiss and buried my face into her neck, concentrating on pistoning my engorged dick in and out of her burning channel

“OH, GOD TOM!!” my mother gurgled, wrapping her legs around my hips and pushing her hips up against me. “OOOHH TOM, HONEY!!!” she cried as her body started to spasm and writhe.

Over and over I thrust my swollen cock deep into her hungry, sucking cunt as our bodies were moving in a heated rhythm.

“OH, TOM....I LOVE IT” she groaned as I fucked her, her hands clutching at me.

“MOM...MOM...MOM!!” I heard myself moan involuntarily as our hips clashed together over and over.

Our pent-up passion overcame us and suddenly we were going at each other like two clawing, biting a****ls!! We were unable to get enough of each other as we fought for release from the burning, festering desire!

“OH, GOD!! OH, GOD!!!!” I heard my Mother grunt every time I slammed my hard cock into her.

Our hips slammed together loudly as we fucked, the loud slurping of her cunt as it sucked on my dick filling the room. At last, after less than a minute of fierce, ball busting fucking, I could feel my scrotum begin to tighten. I could feel myself nearing the point of eruption as my mom writhed and groveled below me, urging me to fuck her harder and harder!

“OH, HARDER TOM.... HARDER HONEY....HARDER.......I FEEL IT...FEEL IT CUMMMNNNNN!!!!!!!” she finally screamed as her body tensed and her muscles became hard as boards.

I felt her cunt lock down around my cock, squeezing it so hard I couldn't stop it from exploding!

“FUCKMOMCUUMMMNNNN!!!!!!!!” I bellowed.

As I felt like the head of my dick had been blown off inside my mother! I couldn't stop cumming inside her. Over and over again, my cock gathered itself and spewed out load after load of my thick, hot, creamy cum into her clinging cunt!

“OOOHHHH TOOOOMMMM!!!!” my mother cried out, gripping me desperately as her cunt continued to spasm uncontrollably, milking my dick for every drop of cream I had.

I quickly filled her contracting twat to overflowing and could feel my cum oozing out around my convulsing dick and run down the crack of my mother's upturned ass! Time seemed to stop as we groaned and fucked and fucked and groaned, franticly clutching onto each other, drowning in a pleasure that boarded on pain. At last there was no more and we collapsed in each other's arms, consumed by our sinful act, we immediately fell asleep.

I awoke dazed and dead tired. For a brief moment I didn't know where I was, but then I realized that I had been awakened by the movement of my mother rolling out of bed. It all came back to me! I had fucked my mother and god what a fuck it was! I had had the greatest cum of my life and I knew I was hooked.

I focused my attention on Mom who was sitting on the edge of the bed, her back to me, with her head in her hands. I took in her form as she sat there. The long neck, the way her spinal column was visible along the graceful slope of her back, the slight love handles at her waist and the expansion of her hips until it ended in the round, twin globes of her ass. Just looking at her I could feel my loins begin to stir and my dick come to life. I could tell she was troubled by the way she sat there and yet all I could feel was that familiar lust rising in my blood.

I reached out and let my finger tip touch her back as I spoke her name.

“Mom” I whispered.

She immediately stiffened at my touch, straightening up to escape my touch.

“Please Tom.” she said in a tone just above a whisper.

She began to get up and I quickly reached out and grabbed her arm lightly pulling her back to a sitting position.

“PLEASE TOM!” she asked more insistently. “I think we've done enough damage for one day.” she said

“I'm sorry Mom, but I just don't feel that way. That was, without a doubt, the most amazing sex I've ever had.” I announced.

“And at what cost??!!” she asked with a hint of disgust in her tone.

“Why does it have to cost us anything?” I asked “We both have strong needs that had to be satisfied and I don't see how it has to cost us a thing.”

“Because it can destroy everything we cherish and….” she started.

“Why? Why does it have to?” I interrupted. “Who does this hurt? No one has to know!”

“And our relationship? This doesn't tear that apart??” she asked almost incredulously.

“How Mom, how does it do that?” I implored.

I began to run my fingertips up and down her back. She stiffened at first, but then seemed to relax under my touch.

“You’re still my Mom. Only now I see you as someone else as well. One of the sexiest, most desirable women I have ever known” I said, as I continued running my fingers up and down her back.

“But.…..” she started.

“No buts, Mom. What we just experienced was so intense, so fierce, that I can't see it as wrong!” I said, my hand now running around her back to her sides, coming close to the edge of her tits.

“I...I......" she tried.”

“Just tell me one thing” I asked “Was this enjoyable to you?”

“Oh, don't ask me that” she begged.

“Answer me. Was it good for you?” I asked again.

There was a long silence as if she were holding on to the answer, afraid to let it out.

“ most intense orgasm I have ever had. I..I.. have had small ones with your father on occasions, but this...this was like nothing I had ever experienced..” she admitted.

“I thought so!” I said, running my hand up and down her sides.

On an upstroke my hand went up and over her left tit, pulling it up and coming to rest on her nipple, which was rock hard!

“Tom...don't...” she groaned.

I ignored her request and continued to caress her breast, capturing the nipple between my fingers and tugging and pulling on it.

“OH!!” she sighed, taking in a sharp breath.

This was having a profound effect on me as well as my dick was growing at a rapid rate, about to extend to its maximum length.

I played with her tit for a moment longer and then I had had all I could stand. I leaned forward, wrapping my arm around her waist so that my hand was gripping her right hip. I massaged her side for a moment, playing with the small roll where her torso meets her hip. Then I pulled, both turning her towards me, as well as down to me.

She resisted for just a second before giving in. As she turned on the bed to face me her eyes locked on mine and then traveled down to gaze at my near full erection. Her body started traveling down to mine and just as she got within a few inches of me her eyes traveled back up to mine, her lips parted and she fell against me.

We stared into one another’s eyes for several moments until our heads slowly came together, our mouths locking on to one another! The second our lips meshed together a spark went off between us and we embraced and kissed as if we were old lovers apart for years!

“MMMMMMMMM!!!!” my mother moaned, wrapping her arms around my neck.

She pressed her body up against mine, sealing her open mouth onto mine and thrusting her tongue into my mouth. We lay side by side, our hands running over each other, lips bound together in a hot, i****tual kiss!

Our passion knew no boundaries as we ravished one another on the bed, desperately searching for a way to get closer to one another. My hands roamed down her side to her plump, round ass, grabbing it and pulling her closer to me. I kneaded her ass causing her slit to rub up against my swollen cock sending more sparks flying between us. I worked my hand around to her front and then dove it between her legs. My two fingers sliced between her swollen labia, entering her steaming, wet canal.

“AAAAAHHHHHHHGGGggg!!” Mom groaned, breaking our kiss as my fingers entered her sloppy, hot canal.

I worked two fingers in deep, marveling at how hot and horny she was, not at all like I knew her, even just days ago! She began humping against my fingers, moving them in and out of her juicy love hole and moaning continuously.

After a few minuets of this foreplay, all plans I had of making this a long, exploring session went out the window.

I couldn't wait to get back inside that boiling cunt and spray down her walls with more of my hot cream! It was apparent Mom was feeling the same way as her humping took on a frenzied pace.

“OH, TOM...STOP TEASING ME..... GET INSIDE!!!!” she groaned.

She quickly lay back and attempted to pull me down on top of her. I wasn't about to resist and went along with her, lifting myself up so I could land in between her spread legs and come down nestled groin to groin.

I removed my two fingers and started slicing my steel hard cock between her juicy slit, driving our anticipation to almost painful levels!

Mom became inpatient at this and lifted her but off the bed in an attempt to capture my dick in her weeping hole. I decided enough was enough and on her last attempt I pulled my hips back, lining my cock at just the right angle and drove my cock into her all the way to the hilt!

“OH, YESSSS!!!” Mom sighed as my dick quickly hit the bottom depth of her hot, clinging wetness and came to rest against her cervix!

It was all I could do to keep from cummimg immediately as Mom raised her ass of the bed, wrapping her legs around my waist and slapping our bellies together in a breath taking moment of ecstasy! I began grinding myself into her, holding my cock inside the clutching, squeezing heat of her cunt as I bent down and began to suck on her tits.

“UUUHHHHH, YES, OOHHH, YESSSS, HONEY, GIVE IT TO MEEEE!!!!!” Mom groaned as I rapidly withdrew myself and in rapid succession impaled her six or seven times!

She began to meet each of my strokes by lifting her ass off the bed and driving her twat onto my swollen member!

I was out of my mind with passion, never having felt like this! I had to posses her totally. Conquer her and make her my willing sex slave for all eternity! I had to have all of her for my own. How could I possibly share her with anyone? I had to have all of her! Her tits, her pussy, her mouth, her ass, her body, her love! I had to have it all!

I continued my maddening pace, driving my dick in and out of her drooling wetness.

“OHHH,YESSSS, SWEATHEART, DO ME, DO ME, DO MEEEEE!!!!!” Mom cried out, continuing to meet my thrusts with her own in an illicit rhythm!

I became a mad man as I fucked her with brutal, deep strokes! My clenched ass was bouncing up and down like a car with bad springs on a bad road! My essence, my spirit, my total consciousness flowed down to my extended, driving cock! I became the thick, heavy cylinder of rock hard muscle and blood. I could feel every sensation as my heavily veined body plowed in and out of my mother's hot, clinging cunt!

In and out, in and out, I drove

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Heather Heather slowly panned her telephoto lens around the crowd of music lovers in the park. She had been assigned to cover the local jazz festival in her role as photographer for the university newspaper. More importantly, this provided her a chance to capture some great shots for her senior portfolio. Her viewfinder found the image of a guy in a tie-dyed shirt and dreadlocks dancing to the wailing saxophone on stage. Heather quickly framed the shot and caught him with hair flying in very...

2 years ago
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Hot Sexy Naughty Pregnant Photoshoot

I’m gonna share something personal today that is a major part of our lives. Me and Birgit haven’t shared an important news with you – we’re going to be parents. Yes, Birgit is pregnant since the first night in Ibiza. Weird, isn’t it? For many conservative people we might now seem officially the crazy ones, but it is our life and neither one of us see any problem with pregnancy and our common interest. Maybe you know that many pregnant women tend to be sexually more eager than usually.Like every...

3 years ago
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Hot bhabhi gangbanged during a photoshoot

This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics, which you can read . Savita was dressed in a sexy saree that would grab any man’s attention. Ashok and Savita were invited by Bharat and other board members she sucked off yesterday. They made an offer that Savita could not resist. They were ready to publish a magazine for women like Savita who were into business. They wanted to do a photoshoot with Savita at her restaurant. This would boost the fame of her revenue, and she will be...

4 years ago
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Cersei the Photo Shoot HOTWIFE

You've just finished kneeling in front of Charles, sucking and licking his monster cock while Jamie snapped pictures of you performing...but the thought in the back of your mind has always been about how this thick, long cock will feel in your're torn between thoughts of your own pleasure and being unfaithful to Jamie...he's told you time and time again, it's not being unfaithful, you've been given permission from him...but still...then you see Charles's cock again, standing rigid...

3 years ago
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How to Find a Bull for Your Hotwife

Want to find a bull who will make your cuckolding fantasies come true?Cuckolding couples might think it’s easy to find a guy who’s happy to sleep with a hotwife. While it’s true that many men will be into a cuckold arrangement in theory, making the right connection can be a bit trickier than it sounds. But no need to make things complicated.Before the Bull Hunting Begins Get clear on your cuckolding desires:Make sure both cuck and hotwife are on the same page before moving any closer...

3 years ago
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The Beginning of a Hotwife

Chapter 1 I'm a hotwife, always have been. What's a hotwife, you ask? Well, on my computer The Urban Dictionary defines it as: A married woman she has sexual relations with with other men, with the husbands approval. Usually while the husband watches or joins. Please don't blame me for the poor English of the definition, that's what's on their website. Also, I go a bit beyond their definition - I like women, too. So, I want to tell you how I got to be that way, how I became a...

2 years ago
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moms dirty megazine

I was 18 in 1994, living with my Mom and two younger sisters somewhere in the English suburbs. It was a hot Sunday morning and a friend had called by earlier and we had roamed the streets aimlessly for a while before visiting the local corner shop. While my friend ordered cigarettes at the counter I skulked around the magazines secretly eyeing up the porno on the top shelf. Those sexy girls looking out from those magazines made my blood blaze in my crotch. With the shop keepers back turned for...

2 years ago
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Moms Night Out Part 3

Things were good at our home. Mom was a very happy satisfied woman and I was happy living out any teen boys' fantasy. In addition, the large commission checks from her deals with Eduardo were about to start rolling in. Mom was trying to put away as much money as she could for my college which is why she kept us in this modest apartment these last years. By this time next year she would have my college paid for as well as the down payment on her dream home. She house she was going to retire...

3 years ago
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Hayleys Second Photoshoot

After the previous evening, Hayley was absolutely buzzing in anticipation at the thought of doing another photo shoot with Pete. She had enjoyed the first one so much, and despite previously thinking that posing nude was tacky and for, in her own words, ‘cheap sluts who don’t respect themselves,’ the experience from the day before had completely changed her perspective. The thrill she had experienced was intoxicating, and she could not wait to repeat it later when she finished work.The day...

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Mommys true passion part two

We didn’t talk on the last few miles on our way home. I lived in my thought that time and just wondered if that really had just happened. Did I really just taste my mum’s shit on a dinner toilet? Had mum really written that letter to me? I touched my pocket. Yes there it was. Mums letter in my pocket like a sweet promise of forbidden pleasure. I watched mum driving. She looked that great in this short white dress. And I must say I never had seen her body that way. It was really perfect to me....

2 years ago
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Stepmom Gets a Deep Anal Pounding

I was right in the middle of finals week at Reed College, and I wasn’t in a good mood. The spring weather was glorious for a Portland campus; the flora was intensely green and in full bloom, and girls were dressed in light summer clothing, which meant that as I drove out of the parking lot, it was hard to miss the legs, cleavage, and everything else that gets a 19-year-old guy’s hormones flowing. I was horny but pissed that I couldn’t stay. I had to drive 30 minutes back home to walk the dog....

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Stepmom Gets a Deep Anal Plundering

I was right in the middle of finals week at Reed College, and I wasn’t in a good mood. The spring weather was glorious for a Portland campus; the flora was intensely green and in full bloom, and girls were dressed in light summer clothing, which meant that as I drove out of the parking lot, it was hard to miss the legs, cleavage, and everything else that gets a 19-year-old guy’s hormones flowing. I was horny but pissed that I couldn’t stay. I had to drive 30 minutes back home to walk the dog....

3 years ago
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Moms New Girlfriend she had a dick

Moms New Girlfriend (she had a dick) * __This mom had made a new close friend when a new neighbor lady moved in. Moms daughter knew a few things about the woman, but kept quiet. The young teen brother talked to his older sister about the woman. Sis carefully started telling him about what she knew about the woman&hellip,&hellip, —- __Im Erick. I cant ever tell this story to anyone I know,.&hellip,so&hellip, I guess Ill tell it here. My mom Mandy, just had me and my older sister Carla at home...

1 year ago
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Moms Night Out

It was just past 6 am when the front door woke me up. As I stirred awake I figured it was Mom getting the newspaper, I pulled on some gym shorts and headed to the bathroom for my morning piss. Not always an easy thing with 17 yr old morning wood. As I stood there trying to piss I remembered I hadn't seen Mom last night. She was having dinner with a real estate client after work and she wasn't home by the time I crashed out. After my piss I was headed back to my room to get some more sleep...

1 year ago
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Moms Last Visit

Note : This story is completely fictional! My last telling of the exploits between mom and I was the story of how it all started when I was about 18. Now this story happened many years later. I’m now 40 yrs old, married, and have three pre-teen kids. mom and dad retired early and moved from Southern California to Arizona. Mom is 56 and dad a year older. My mother is only 18 years older than I am. The kids were almost hysterical with joy when they heard grandpa and grandma would be here this...

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Stepmom Gets a Deep Anal Plundering

When I arrived home, I noticed that Cassandra’s car was parked in the driveway, which was odd because she typically worked until late in the evening. It was only 2:00 in the afternoon. I sat in my car for a few minutes, unsure, before I finally made my way to the front steps of my stepmom’s house. As I peered through the living room window, I spotted my stepmother dancing by the stereo and really getting into it. The mushy, lazy sounds of Jack Johnson wafted from the speakers. She never...

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Asian Hotties

Asian Hotties have always been one of my favorite topics here at ThePornDude, and frankly, I had a serious and crippling case of yellow fever even before I became a professional porn reviewer. There’s just something special about oriental women, whether we’re talking about babes from China, Japan, Korea, or any of those islands out in the Pacific Ocean. Just the thought of them makes me start getting hard, which is why I was eager to check out this next joint just as soon as I heard their...

Asian Porn Sites
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Moms a Swinger

100% fiction! I grew up in Indiana where I lived with my mom and dad. Since I didn't have any brothers or sisters, I grew up sort of alone. Our neighborhood didn't have anyone my age for me to hang out with either. Mom and dad were in their late fifties and since I'd hit puberty, I'd been infatuated with my older mom. She was little, with a nice figure, big tits and a plump bubble butt. Her hair was short and she got a permanent once a month. She wore glasses and had false teeth that she would...

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Stepmom helps out 1

It was well past midnight when I got home from my last date with my now-ex Sarah. I had dropped her off at her house, having resisted the urge to tell her to go to hell and walk home. Getting dumped was bad, but having to drive her home was extra insult. As I pulled into the driveway I shook my head. This was the second time in a year I had been dumped, and for the same reason. I unlocked the door as quietly as I could, hoping to wake no one. I passed my stepsister Liz's door and then turned...

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We Heard Gunshots

We Heard Gunshots My sister Dakota and I heard gunshots. What was more important was that we were in a State Forest and that it was NOT hunting season. We did what every red blooded American kid would do. We ran…in the opposite direction of course. My sister ran smack into another girl that was also running…and was that girl ever scared. We ran further and hid up in some rocks. We stayed there for almost an hour without hearing or seeing anyone coming after us. While...

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Moms night out Part 2

,I said well mom last night well, it kind of scared me, she giggled and said honey it’s ok I’ll show you what you will want and need to know about sex, and she laid back in the tub and since there were no more bubbles she was exposed and she unplugs the drain and now is sitting with no water and says ok see my hair here and points at her bush, and says feel it but carefully, man I was shaking in excitement sitting a foot away from moms pussy and she wants me to feel it, oh gawd, so I...

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Moms night out

It was about 1:30am when I hear Monica bang open the front door totally drunk and laughing, Monica was pretty and always had a good time when she was always drinking and partying, she was pretty cool for an old lady too and she said help me get your mom in the house she’s plastered drunk, mom was laying on the walkway outside. So Monica and me drug mom in to the house, she was laughing the whole time, she was so drunk and very much covered in grime and dirt from falling down so many times...

2 years ago
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Mommies Naughty Girl

It was Saturday and we had been on a walk, been shopping and had watched a movie we had rented. We went out to a local gasthaus for dinner and had come home to watch another movie and opened a bottle of wine. Just as the wine was poured mommy announced it was time for panty inspection. My heart jumped a little since I knew this meant the start of a night of sex and service to Mommy. I knew what to do, I was to stand up and bend over with my hands on the table and wait for Mommy. She came over...

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Hayleys Fourth Photoshoot

It only took a couple of Days before Pete sent Dan and Hayley pictures from her set with Carly, and as hoped, they were incredible. Some of them had been converted to black and white, which only served to enhance the picture, and both were over the moon with what they saw.Talking about it as they looked at them, Dan asked Hayley if she would like to do another set like that, possibly with someone different, which received a resounding yes from her, but only if he was happy. Dan couldn’t...

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The Photoshoot

The Photoshoot Part 1: Maisie Williams. By A Greater Creator MC, M/F, Maisie Williams. Thee face of Maisie Williams in the pictures was taken after she turned 18. = This story is fiction I am not a photographer and have never met a celebrity except Richard O’Brian in a café once whom I have no desire to fuck. If you think hypnosis works like this in real life you’re a moron. If you try it I will not come and visit you in jail. If you are under 18 then stop reading. I’m sure there’s a non-sexual...

Mind Control
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Tracyrsquos Bondage Photoshoot

This how we managed to have a threesome with Tracy for the first time without her knowledgeThis picture story involved Me Terry and my Wife Tracy and Bill an old family friendIt all started with some pictures of Bill’s ex-Wife on an old laptop A couple of weeks ago I got a call from Bill an old friend asking for my help with his laptop which had broken down. I said for him to bring it over on Saturday morning.He arrive with it on Saturday as planed after 20 minutes of testing it I told him the...

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Getting 8216Handsy8217 In A Photoshoot

I am a college student. Basically, as most of the college students, I try to make a few bucks for myself by using my skills. I like to think of myself as a good photographer. I have done decent photoshoots. Some along with my friend at weddings, engagements and other functions. Since my friend always loves an extra pair of hands he pays me quite well for the help with shoots. My friend owns a studio and he also used to take photoshoots for women alone. Once due to my friend’s tight and hectic...

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6 Mrs Wild Jo The Photoshoot

“You’re here early again, Jo… in fact fifteen minutes.”“Well, I need to get the most out of this two-hour slot, Jean-Pierre.”“Lucky for you, I finished with my other client early, so you can come right through.”The receptionist was a part-time student in her mid-twenties. She smiled to herself. Most of the women who came to the studio were flirty with Jean-Pierre. Despite her make-up and Botox, she could tell this client, Jo, was well in her forties. She doubted Jean-Pierre would be giving her...

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moms new year gang bang

Every year my mom has a New Years eve party and every year she gets really drunk and I have to carry her to bed. But this year was different. I decided just to let her get drunk and see what happens. When the new year came she was really drunk and started to give every guy at the party a new year kiss. She was wear a tight black dress and I watched as she was walking around kissing all these men that her dress started to ride up a past her ass. Some of the men started to grab and slap her ass...

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Zobia Dekhne Main Bahot

Friend my name is Ahsan I am from Islamabad.I am 30 years old, my height is 6feet, weight 68 kg now m PG student. Dosto main apni ek story aap logon ko batane ja raha hoon, batane ki wajah yeh hi ke main ne bahot sari stories desipapa par padhi hain to mera dil bhi chaha ke apni story type karoon. One day I m in homeislamabad akela tha mera friend circle bahot kam hi isliye friend ka aana jana bahot kam hi hota hai bus din main 2 or 3 phone hi aate hain .aaj se 3 mahine pehle mere samne wale...

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Moms 50th

It was moms 50th birthday, and I had a big surprise ready for her, I had organised dan to come over and fuck my mom with me, mom had been at work all day and she was ready for some birthday drinks. Mom was 50, shoulder length brown hair, natural FF boobs and a cracking ass, me and my mom Tina had always had a close relationship but adding dan Into the mix will be a big treat. Dan had posted online for a threesome, I got in contact and told him I wanted him to fuck my mom with me and it had to...

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Moms Night Out Part 2

Moms' Night Out (Part2)After that incredible morning my mother and I were like newlyweds. I couldn't keep my hands off her. I even moved into her bed to have more access to her always hot and ready pussy. I was fucking her 2-3 times a day that week and loved every minute of it. After a couple nights I asked mom to tell me more about her gangbang the Friday before. She loved telling me how many times she came and what a thrill it was to take on all those cocks. Her slutty talk always...

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Moms Hot Halloween Party Surprise

Introduction: Mom decides to help her college aged son get over his painful last break-up by bringing the whole family to a Halloween Costume Party. She accidentally mixes up the sizes for the costumes for father and son, leading to… other mistakes. How could you! I screamed at my phone and was so mad I wanted to throw it on the ground and smash it. Only the fact that Id worked all summer to pay for it kept me from doing just that. Im sorry Randy, but it just kinda happened. I hope we can...

3 years ago
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Writings of the Devils Messenger Hottub

Introduction: From a friend. I have been extremely busy here as of late so I havent been able to write much. I am currently working on the next installment of The Goth and three other series that I think you will enjoy. However I have been given some stories from a friend of mine that wants to know what you think. Here is the second. Hottub. Later that evening when they had returned to the house once more, Sara decided it was as good a time as any to begin the next step in the training of Tina...

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Stepmom sleeping

True story. My stepmom and my Dad came home one night both drunk after being at a party. Stepmom is 45 and a total milf, she has huge tit's and a biggish ass, she has the classic hour glass figure. Dad is 49 he has kept himself well over the year's, I was 15 at the time. stepmom was wearing a knee length skirt, she sat down opposite me, I caught a glimpse of thigh as she sat down, she sat there with her leg's slightly apart, I was enjoying the show, when Dad said to Mom "come on honey bed time"...

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Moms birthday treat

It all started when I was 16, i was home alone all day and decided to venture around moms bedroom, it was then I found her sexy outfits and dildo under the bed, this was the stuff if hope to find, I've always thought mom was a very attractive lady being blonde , a size 8/10 and natural FF boobs, after I found this I couldn't helpBut fantasise about fucking my mom.Years went by and I got into watching mom and son porn, it was then I realised I needed to try and set up a plan, so I read through...

4 years ago
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Moms pussy dp told from two perspectives

Today was the day. Mom was going to get two dicks in her pussy at once. She had always imagined what it would be like, i would lie if i said i didn't wonder as well. However today was her day to get two dicks in one hole. It just so happened that i knew two guys who were close and wouldn't mind doing it. I came home and walked through the door. Eric and Jason were sitting on the couch, watching some porn and jerking off together. Mom was in the chair across from them watching them and the...

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Shes finally a hotwife

First let me start by saying this really happened and was way better than any night I could have planned myself. I changed our names for obvious reasons. I'm the cuckold I'll call myself George. My wife will go by Ann. So Ann and I have been together in a very happy marriage since we were teenagers. I myself had only had sex with one person when we met and Ann was a proud virgin. I took me over two years before we had sex. Now we are in our mid thirties and have been together for...

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Chapter 1 8211 Shalini My First Hotwife

Hi, I am Ronny I live in the suburbs of Mumbai in Dombivli. I work for a BPO as a team leader in Airoli.I am 27 years old 6ft tall and I have decent cock fair and good in bed too.I don’t discriminate in age and skin tone of a woman. But I have turn on for mature women i.e; milfs. What is a bull you might be wondering. A bull is a wife’s lover, chosen to take over her husband’s sexual role in their marriage. The term “Bull” denotes his superior sexual prowess. A bull always seeks a hotwife and...

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Moms Stockings My Sons Cum Bucket

Introduction: A slut going wild Moms Stockings: My Sons Cum Bucket I have wanted to fuck my son for a while, ever since he graduated high school this year and really buffed up over the summer working construction. It was then, one random day, while he was in swimming trunks to go for a dip in the pool that I noticed that my son had turned into a man. In fact, my son had grown into a very handsome man, a virtual replica of his deceased father (who died serving his country two years ago). I...

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Moms Big Dicked Boyfriend

100% fiction! My name is Mike and I live with my mom. She is 60, widowed, cute, sexy and as slutty as it gets. She's 5 ft. tall, weighs about 120 lbs. with old style cat eye glasses, short gray hair, decent figure with big boobs and a nice bubble butt. Dad was very religous and controlled mine and moms live's. She had to dress very conservatively and couldn't wear makeup or be to outgoing. When dad died four years ago, mom went off the deep end. She quit the church, started dressing way to...

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Stepmom Goes to the Prom

When Jillian's period came a few weeks after her encounter with the boys she breathed a huge sigh of relief. So far her stepsons had not said anything to their father and she felt this was the last bullet she had to dodge. Despite taking a "morning after" pill she would not believe she was in the clear until she was sure she wasn't pregnant. She had never been so happy to have her period in her life. Her husband had asked during those weeks why she was so nervous, but she kept putting him...

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Moms Dress

Moms dress Janet L Stickney [email protected] My mom likes to look at those web sites have a lot of pictures on them, and once in a while they show a girl wearing her moms prom dress or wedding gown or some other very nice dress. Sometimes she sees a womanless pageant or contest and she almost always points out the very best looking boys to me, and some of those boys dressed as girls looked better than their mom! I never gave it any thought, although I do however, like to dress...

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Moms Curtain Call

Note : This story is completely fictonal! Bright Sunday morning and someone is knocking early. My wife Angie and I are sleeping in after a the previous evening. It be mom, looking as sharp and effervescent as ever in dress, designer heels and pearl earrings. Angie staggers thru the house in my long tshirt and tight nylon panties, "who is it?" It be Mom, she wants to hang curtains for us. "Shit, why isn't she home fucking with someone else today?" She obviously misses me with her and Dad now...

2 years ago
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Me And My Maids 8211 Part 1 Choti

People, my name is Akash Saxena, 27yrs old from Delhi. I am a regular reader of ISS stories, especially maid stories. They are the best depiction of how sex starved people lose control and give into their carnal desires….. Coming to the story. Yeh baat hai tabki jab main 12th std mein padhta that. I was doing pmt prep. I lived with my parents and brother. We had a full time maid called choti. She was about the same age as me. Maybe 2 years elder. Dark complexion, skinny with a curvy buttock and...

1 year ago
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Moms sweet pussy

She pulled into the drive, and headed for the door. As she walked to the door, she looked good. I knew where I got my looks from. I smiled. I hope I look that good at 42, I thought to myself, as she walked into the house. Hi honey, she said as she hugged and kissed me. Coffee is ready, lets sit and catch up, I told her. Where is the great white hunter? she asked, while laughing. She has never really liked Tom. Where do you think, he is in the woods with his buddies, I answered her....

4 months ago
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Moms bus ride

This is the story of my mom getting banged hard inside bus by driver and conductor Hi this is raji and am 22 years old and am from kerala.My dad works in a bank in banglore and my mom name is velamma and she is 38 years old.My mom is a house wife she is malayali women.She is so fair,long haired,pink lips,good assets.Her figures are 36-34-44 and her boobs are so huge in size and are round for her age.she wears saree chudithar and nightie at home.Dad never bothers her he is a workaholic and money...

3 years ago
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stepmom grace

So I knew my stepmom would be really horny after a while. ”see you soon Jon im heading to Chicago for 3 Weeks”. Ok bye dad I hugged him and left to my room. after about half an hour my stepmom grace walked in. ”hey Jon” . I looked up and said hello. This is going to be the first time your father leaves us alone and I think this will be a good time for me and you to get to know each other. Yea I think so to. ”good well im going to order a pizza for us to eat im to lazy to cook today. Ok. All I...

2 years ago
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Moms Plumbing

The sink disposal was broke so mom called a plumper to come over to take a look. After an hour he'd would have it fixed up and roaring to go. Mom was delighted that it was working again, "how much do we owe you sir?" mom asked! "That's ninty dollars mam." said the man, "oh my, I only have fifty! Is there something we can do?" mom replied! After a minute of thinking, the plumber walked over to me and untied my shorts and pulled the down saying "lady, you could make the difference up by playing...

2 years ago
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Mom or beta ki kahani

My name is David…I am 22 year old now.. While I was growing up, I lived in the Goa belong to a christian family. My dad is in merchant navy so he come home twice or thrice in year.He doesnot come back home for last 8 month This meant that my mom and I were alone..I am small at that time when I had first sex experience.. We even used to go to swimming pool 2 or 3 times in a week as it was quite close of our house..As it was good time pass for both of us She had a good body, was about 5′ 6″,...

1 year ago
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Mom Ki Transformation Ki Sex Kahani

Hello dosto mera nam raj hai aur main uttarakhand state k ek chote se gaav se belong karta hu. Ye sex kahani meri sachhi ghtna hai islie main apke sath share karna chahta hu. Ager apko story pasand aaye to plzz muje mail karke bataye taki main aur acca likh saku. Apke suggestion v aap pe ap de sakte ho. Dosto meri ek choti si family thi jisme main meri mom aur papa ji the papa ji army me subedar the islie paiso ki hume koi problem nahi thi but unka gher me aana sal me ek do bar hi ho pata tha....

2 years ago
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Mom plays nurse

Mom had a gorgeous hourglass figure with a size 16 dress size with sexy curvy hips and large tits which as you will read on I later found out to be double E cups.* * * * * * *I always remembered my dad once talking about motorbikes with the family in the front room of the house, debating how the great Barry Sheen was a rare breed after he'd come off his bike again braking his legs, and how they were death traps."bloody dangerous if you ask me," dad said, "if you come of one of them you've got...

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