Sue Ch. 05-08 free porn video

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Chapter 5

Working With Brian

On my way to work the following day I wondered how Brian and I would cope with being in the same office together but I needn’t have worried, apart from a discrete wink and a hurriedly blown kiss when I first walked in, I don’t think anyone watching us would ever have guessed what had happened between us the previous evening.

I was pleased by his restraint and control, the last thing I wanted was to have a happily married man besotted by me – enjoying each other was one thing, being ‘in love’ with each other was quite another – and not for me.

But of course I would have been equally unhappy if he had completely ignored me. He didn’t!

I had worn the skirt that he had said was his favourite and it got the response I had hoped it would. I could understand why any ‘leg man’ would like it, it was a sort of tailored wrap-around, having a fly-away panel at the front that, if you weren’t careful, could expose a leg virtually all the way to the hip. On a couple of previous occasions when I had been wearing it I had, without meaning to then, been less than careful and Brian had obviously caught a fleeting eyeful. On that morning, intentionally that time, I made sure he did again and I saw that he hadn’t missed the brief ‘shows’ I put on for him – and the expression on his face told me how much he appreciated them.

But though there were plenty of long, meaningful looks and we could both sense the tension in the air between us, neither actually did anything to raise questions in anyone’s mind – at least not until after the factory had closed for the day. Of course I stayed late, there was no way I could have just said ‘Good night Brian’ and gone home with everyone else and as people were by then used to me staying back fairly frequently I felt sure that there was no risk in my doing so two nights in a row.

We both started to become restive as we watched the stragglers taking their time leaving the factory below but finally there were only two left and though they seemed to take forever to wash-up and leave, eventually they too went and as I heard the main door close behind them I turned and saw Brian, almost running from his office and in a flash felt his arms wrap tightly around me and his lips kissing me hard.

The growing tension that had been bottled-up during the day had obviously fired his passion and as his lips and tongue searched my mouth and his hands squeezed and fondled by body I could feel the urgency of it, capped like a volcano waiting to erupt. Feeling that added fuel to the fire that had been burning deep inside me too and, as I responded eagerly to his kisses I felt that familiar, deliciously warm tingling beginning between my thighs. While one of his hands kneaded the cheeks of my arse the other felt for my waiting breast and I heard him making soft moaning sounds of pleasure as his mouth kissed and sucked the tender flesh at the side of my neck.

‘I want you Sue. I want you so badly.’ he whispered.

‘I want you too Brian, you must be able to feel that I do.’

He pulled his head back, pushed and held me away from himself as he looked deep into my misted eyes and asked – ‘Are you sure, are you really sure you do?’

I pulled him back hard up against me. ‘Of course I do, after last night how could you think I wouldn’t?’

‘All day I’ve kept thinking that last night was just a dream, a fantasy, it seems impossible that it really happened Sue.’

‘Well it did – it’s going to again, right now – and whenever you want it to.’

‘Come on then, if you’re sure, come with me, downstairs.’ he said as his arms released me, he grabbed my hand and almost dragged me from the office.

At first I thought he must be taking me to his car and couldn’t imagine where he was planning for us to go but then I realised where we were heading and couldn’t believe that I hadn’t thought of it too. The factory had a small first-aid room – and it had a bed in it! Nothing fancy, just a very functional little bed where someone who was injured or who just felt unwell could rest for a while. But it was a bed – and though making love on the desk-top had been exciting it wouldn’t be very practical on a regular basis.

Brian unlocked the door, pulled me inside then re-locked it behind us before he again took me in his arms and kissed me long and hard.

Naturally we both felt more secure behind the locked door and our caresses were quickly less constrained, more intimate, more passionate. But after only a minute or two I again felt Brian pushing me away from himself and opening my eyes found his staring down into them.

‘I’d like to look at you, all of you Sue. Please?’

I smiled tenderly up at him. ‘Of course you can. I’d like to have you look at me – I just hope you like what you see Brian.’

I had never been undressed the way he did it, he made me feel as though I was some priceless work of art that was being carefully unwrapped for the first time, it was sensational!

As his fingers slowly undid the buttons of my blouse and exposed the swell of my breasts I felt first his fingers and then, as he bent his head, his lips lightly brushing over my skin. My nipples responded to the thrill of his touch and I felt their swelling tips grazing against my lacy bra as his hands cupped and gently squeezed the full weight of my breasts and then a warm, sensuous glow seemed to be spreading out through my entire body as his strong but gentle hands slowly kneaded and caressed me. Then I felt his hands slip behind me and fumble for a moment or two with the catch on my bra, then its straps being very delicately slipped from my shoulders and heard him sigh as he saw my breasts for the first time.

‘They’re, you’re quite beautiful Sue, quite beautiful.’ he murmured as he lightly ran his fingers over and around their curves, thrilling me even more with the delicate touch of his fingers.

As he continued to slowly, tenderly caress them he gazed lovingly at me, his eyes moving from one breast to the other were like a child’s staring in wonder at a heap of presents on Christmas day. I pulled his head down against them and heard my own sighs of pleasure as, while his hands again slipped around me, his moist lips found and then began to nibble and suck me. I couldn’t believe just how much pleasure his varied caresses gave me – when his lips had aroused my nipples to full-jutting hardness he swept his tongue across the curving flesh, sometimes using it flat to sweep up and over them, sometimes just the tip to again tease their spiky points. Then, from time to time he’d open his mouth and, even while his tongue continued to work on the nipple, he tried to suck the whole breast inside it.

All this time his hands were sending shivers up and down my spine, at first simply holding me steady, then moving slowly up and down my back, gradually slipping lower, down over the curve of by arse, then suddenly moving still lower, getting his hands under my skirt – gliding over the backs of my thighs, cupping and squeezing my arse-cheeks, spreading them so that his fingers could burrow deep into the cleft between them.

The blissful combination of what his mouth, lips, tongue and hands were doing soon aroused a heavy surge of need inside me, that grew stronger and stronger as his caresses continued on and on. Then, when at last I felt his mouth slip from my breasts to move slowly down over my stomach and his hands moved out from under my skirt, to unfasten it, I heard myself moan softly as the mere anticipation of what was still to come sent a wave of pleasure rolling through me. As Brian eased my panties down he pressed his face to the soft curve of my belly and as I lifted each foot so that he could take them from me I felt his tongue poking through my bush, searching for and briefly teasing the hard ridg
e of my already swollen clit.

When he had me completely naked he paused and, looking down I saw him staring up at me, his eyes taking in every curve. ‘Beautiful, just stunningly beautiful Sue.’ he murmured.

‘I’m not that special Brian – but I’m glad you like what you see.’ I answered.

‘I still can’t really believe it’s happening to me – you’re every man’s fantasy come true.’

‘Not every man’s – but it would be nice being yours. But you’ll need to get undressed too if we’re going to make love.’ I reminded him.

‘In a minute Sue, first I want to give you a little of the pleasure you gave me last night.’

As he said that he gently pushed me backwards until I felt the edge of the bed against the back of my knees and I sat down on it. I spread my legs for him as he came forward to kneel between them and I felt his hands easing my thighs still further apart then, as he lowered his head I found that the slight roughness of his cheeks against the delicate skin of my inner thighs contrasted excitingly with the smooth moistness of his lips and tongue that began to work their way towards the core of me.

Again he took his time, maximising my ultimate pleasure by slowly building my arousal – kissing and licking my inner thighs, moving slowly, almost too slowly closer to my itching pussy and clit. Finally I felt the first, light touch of his tongue on the outer lips, lazily tracing the complete outline of them before it moved inside to then lovingly lap the warm wetness of my sex.

‘Oh Brian darling, that’s so good.’ I moaned and, taking his head in my hands I pulled him tighter up against myself.

Then, as my hips rose off the bed in even stronger response to what his tongue was doing to me I felt the firm grasp of his hands beneath me, gripping my arse, lifting me higher still and, while it felt as though he was trying to suck my entire pussy into his mouth, the rigid length of his tongue began to dart in and out between its puffy folds.

It was sheer bliss, his mouth and tongue sent a constant stream of heavenly sensations coursing through me and, as I felt my need grow steadily stronger and then the first slow up-welling of my impending climax I couldn’t believe that it was possible to feel anything stronger – that is until his darting tongue slipped from between my pussy-lips and then skimmed up over my clit. I heard myself shriek and I’m sure it took only two or three of those quick licks for him to finally bring on that climax.

But of course Brian didn’t stop then and though I was writhing and heaving so much that he had to grip my arse really tightly, he managed to keep my spasming pussy hard up against his mouth and somehow, while his tongue continued to flicker over my almost unbearably sensitive clit, was still able to suck and drain the juices that flowed freely from within my pleasure wracked body.

Time stood absolutely still, one climax merging with the next and the next as he continued on, apparently quite untiringly – the ecstatically draining experience was completely unlike anything I had ever felt or even imagined.

But eventually he slowed and then stopped, resting his head between my now limply relaxed thighs and I lay there, ruffling his hair while I waited for my pleasure-weakened muscles to regain some strength.

As the haze gradually cleared I found myself thinking how Brian must be feeling right then. The sight, feel and smell of me must have excited him, excitement that by then must be turning into a frustrated ache. For a moment I wondered if my exhausted body could respond to it but as I recalled his love-making the previous evening, the feel of his cock, steadily pistoning in and out of me, I found a familiar, warm tingling sensation working its way up from deep inside my body.

I don’t know if Brian sensed something stirring inside me but he slipped his hands from underneath me, lifted himself up to sit beside me on the bed then, bending low took my face between them and gently kissed me full on the mouth. His was still slightly sticky with what he had sucked from me and the memory of the first time I had tasted my own juices, with Richard, flooded briefly back. But now it was Brian I wanted to please and to have please me, his body might not look as great as Richard’s had but, though at the time I had thought Richard to be a good lover, only Brian had been able to give me the series of rolling climaxes that I had craved so much for so long.

‘That was unbelievably wonderful darling.’ I whispered when the kiss ended. ‘Now I want to see you and then to feel your cock inside me, the way you were last night – big and strong.’

‘I don’t have much of a body to look at love.’ he answered quietly. ‘It’s not a young man’s body any more you know.’

‘That doesn’t matter darling. It’s yours and it’s you I want to please, a man, not some boy.’ I sat up and pushed him up. ‘Now come on, be fair, you’ve had a good look at me, now it’s my turn.’

He was obviously shy, I liked that, it gave me a funny feeling, as though I was somehow ‘in charge’ – and suddenly I realised something I hadn’t before, I had felt that the previous evening too – and I liked it.

His shoes socks and shirt came off quickly and, as I had expected, although his body wasn’t that of a young man, I still found the sight of it appealing. His chest and shoulders were broad and retained much of the power that he had obviously had as a younger man. A fine coat of slightly greying hair covered his chest and a thin, darker line of it ran down across his still flat stomach to the waist-band of his trousers – as though pointing the way to where the real source of his maleness lay. He turned away from me slightly as he unzipped and unbuckled himself and in embarrassment, paused for a moment before slipping off and stepping out of his trousers.

I was glad to see that he wore briefs, not baggy shorts and, as he turned back to look at me, my eyes dropped automatically to the bulge in the front of them. Although it didn’t look as though his cock was still fully erect it was obvious from the shape of the bulge that it wasn’t far off it, and I felt myself getting more excited as I just sat there looking at it.

‘Believe me – that looks good darling.’ I said quietly.

‘I warned you I’m not much to look at – but if you say I’m O.K., I’ll believe you.’ he answered with a sheepish grin. ‘Though I feel a bit of an idiot doing a strip for you.’ he added with just a hint of bravado.

‘You don’t look like an idiot – you look like a very attractive man, who, in just a few minutes is going to make me feel fantastic. Now come on, get the briefs off too, let me get a proper look at what did such a great job on me last night.’

He actually smiled at that and, with bit of a flourish, quickly stripped them down and off.

I had been right about his cock, although it certainly wasn’t standing upright it was hard and even as I looked at him it twitched and as I continued to watch I saw it was growing, little by little, lifting higher.

Feeling myself becoming increasingly aroused by the sight of him I almost absentmindedly slipped one hand between my thighs and let my fingers trail over the moist tenderness between them. But I really only became aware of what I was doing when I saw Brian’s eyes drop and then his hand take hold of his cock and begin to slowly stroke it, doing to himself what I was doing to my pussy. As we watched each other I could see from the now rapidly increasing size and hardness of it that he was quickly becoming fully aroused and knew from the mounting sensations in my own body that I was keeping pace with him. For a brief moment the thought of seeing him erupt in front of me seemed strangely exciting and made a mental note of that for some future occasion – but this time I wanted to feel that happening inside me.

‘Come here lover.’ I said and as I kept my eyes on his now fully engorged cock, I slid up on to the bed, lay back and spread my
bent legs wide apart.

He didn’t hesitate and within a few seconds I had all of him deep inside me and then felt the quickly mounting thrills as he began to stroke powerfully in and out of my hungry sex. I had half expected that his earlier arousal would mean that his orgasm would come more quickly – and that after the continuous climaxes his mouth and tongue had forced from me I would probably be unable to fully respond to him as I had the previous evening – but I was wrong, on both counts!

Again I couldn’t believe either his staying power or my body’s ability to react to it and soon he had me groaning, then loudly crying out as the feel of his rock-hard cock, steadily stroking in and out of me triggered the first of two even more massive climaxes from me before he finally erupted and completely flooded me with his hot semen.

We lay locked together on that little bed for a long time and Brian actually dozed off for a short while. I just lay there beside him, utterly spent, enjoying the complex sensations that continued to play through my body. Later we both had a quick shower and though I was tempted to see if he could be re-aroused I resisted it, knowing that we didn’t have unlimited time and I certainly didn’t want to cause problems for him with his family. Afterwards, as he drove me home I sensed his eyes flicking sideways to look at me and then he reached out and lightly squeezed my thigh.

‘We’re on a road that has nowhere to go Sue – but you can’t imagine how marvellous you make me feel and, if you really want to travel it with me for a while I’ll do my best to make sure I make you happy too.’

I turned and smiled at him. ‘You do make me happy Brian, you don’t know just how much. I really do understand that it’s only for a while – but let’s not think about that, let’s just enjoy the time we do have, not worry about the time we don’t.’

Over the next few weeks we spent times together like that two or three evenings a week, sometimes we had a couple of hours, usually less and on one occasions, when for various reasons he had been unable to stay behind for several days in a row, we actually had a ‘quickie’ in his office during the day. That time was incredibly intense for each of us, hearing the noise of the factory below us, knowing that at any moment someone could come up the stairs and though I still climaxed first, I felt sure that Brian’s orgasm came much faster than when we were relaxed and secure in our little room below.

Chapter 6

Going Away

Like many factories ours shut for the three week holiday period and as that began to get close I asked Brian what he and his family were doing during the time off. Of course he knew what was really in my mind – three weeks was a long time – would we be able to see each other!

‘I’ve thought about that a lot Sue – I didn’t know what your plans were and wasn’t sure how to go about asking how you’d feel about what I had in mind.’

‘What’s that?’

‘We rent a house on the northern coast for a couple of weeks, my wife was born in the town and as there are good fishing spots nearby we’ve got into the habit of me visiting them while she visits her relatives and old friends. I thought that if you came up for the middle week-end I could find a motel for you to stay at – and during the day we could go off somewhere together.’


He laughed. ‘No, not fishing darling. We could walk, hire a boat on the river, surf, lie in the sun, whatever you like.’

‘Make love all day?’

He grinned. ‘Well maybe not all day but I did have in mind that we would have time for that too, without being rushed I mean.’

‘It’s a marvellous idea Brian, I’d love to come.’

The look of surprised happiness on his face told me that for some reason he hadn’t really expected me to agree to his idea and the way he hugged and kissed me when he stopped outside my house showed just how excited he was at the thought of us having a one or two days together, rather than just one or two hours.

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My Real Love Ragini 8211 Part I

Hello readers! How r u all? Today I m going to narrate a real love story of my life happened in Dec’06.. I’m Chhavi {Unmarried} age is 26+ & height is 5’5” living in Uttarakhand. This story is about me and my first & last girlfriend Ragini living in Delhi. Earlier I was living near Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh and was working in Airtel Franchisee office as a Showroom Manager. As there is a customer care (call centre) for mobile subscriber, so same like that all the mobile franchisees also have their...

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A Letter to My Lover Epilogue

I read this letter written by Snowmomma some time ago. It stuck in the back of my mind for a long time and then I thought — what changes might have occurred in this woman's life over time. This is my take on it. I tried to contact Snowmomma by e-mail but I never received a response. If this epilogue offends her, I apologize but I did try to let her have first right of refusal. I precluded my letter with hers so that there might be some sense to it all. Thanks. Seawarrior61

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Sara stayed for the weekend, placing many of her new clothes in what had been Daisy’s closet and dresser. Neither of us had discussed her moving in with me, but it was in process none the less. I certainly had no objection. The more time I spent with Sara the more I realized how much I loved her and how much I wanted to be with her every second of every day. I went to work exhausted, looking for a much needed rest at my computer. I had been in the office about two hours and Cara was on...

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The Wooden Book

Chapter 1. Representation of the People Lord Philip Harvey sat in his armchair before a roaring fire, frowning at his newspaper in disapproval. The first handful of articles he had perused were completely satisfactory and very much to his liking, but by the time he was half way down page four, he was in a foul mood. "One would think, would one not," he announced grandly, as if addressing the Lord Speaker of the upper house of parliament, "The Times would be above the printing of such...

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The Beginning

Hi, i'm Ruby. I'm 23 from Nottinghamshire, England. I'm 5 foot 4, a redhead with quite a punky style. I'm here to share some stories with you.First a little about me. I'm married to a guy called Tim. I cheat on him regularly, treat him like shit and also enjoy cuckolding him. I have not let him touch me with his hands or tiny cock for 18 months, the only contact he gets with me is his tongue, cleaning other mens hot spunk off me. He is totally submissive to me. This is my dominant side.However,...

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The initiation

 I had just turned 21 and my 13 year old sister was budding into womanhood. I’d only really noticed her when she had strutted to the pool side wearing her usual black bikini. Now, to put this into perspective, she had owned the garment since she was 11. The bikini was now a ‘micro-bikini’ and the fabric stretched tightly over her body. I was stunned but even more so when, after she had taken a swim, she walked over to me. The bikini clung even tighter to her and every part of her womanhood was...

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A Welcome Intruder

Later that night you wake up on the sofa, 'god I did it again!' you think, falling asleep on the sofa is getting to be a habit! You decide to have a shower to see if that will relax your aching muscles before you go to bed. 15 minutes later as you get out of the shower you hear a noise, you stay quiet but don't hear anything else and thinking it was your imagination you stroll into the living room without turning on the light, there you see a shadowy figure move quietly round the room.......

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Ten Day Cruise

It all began on a normal summer day. As I did most days, I spent much of it sunning in the backyard and reading one of my romance novels. My brother left earlier to play ball with his friends in a park near our suburban home. Mom and Dad both worked. I turned eighteen a week before. My brother would be nineteen in a month. Glen and I graduated from high school a few weeks earlier. We were in the same grade because my brother failed the fifth grade. After that, he buckled down. Mom and Dad's...

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Mom Son And Aunts 8211 Pt 2 Mother8217s Blowjob

Hello, GrayWizard back with the second part of the incest story, “Mom, Son and Aunts”. If you haven’t read the previous one, do read it before continuing. Rajashree lying in the bathtub thought about what just happened. She had been very close to Rahul, too close. Getting naked before him was one thing but to give him a handjob while actually enjoying it was different. At first, she thought that she was only helping him and relieving him. But, soon after, she enjoyed his cock in her hands. Her...

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I cheated my husband

I came across this sex – story website and I thought I d share my experiences about how I cheated on my husband Chuck with our neighbor, Jacinto; I can’t say I’m proud of it, but on the other hand I’m really not ashamed of it, as it was really hot and felt absolutely natural; it s also kind of fun and naughty to write about it. First a little about myself; I m not a grammar nazi or even close to being a skilled writer; I even had to go online and read a bunch of erotica just to get a feel for...

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I watched my wife fuck Tim

Tim has been a close friend of both me and my wife Andrea for several years. One evening Andrea and I had been enjoying a few adult beverages and she had puffed some green when the phone rang. It was Tim and he said he was close by and wanted to come by. I told him sure come on over. After hanging up I told Andrea to go put on something sexy for Tim. She jumped up and ran to our room to find something to wear and I went in the kitchen to get another cold one. I heard Tims truck coming up the...

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New Game

Kat pulled into the driveway after a long day at work. She gathered up the groceries she'd picked up from the store on the way home and made her way to the house. She opened the door to find a kitchen chair sitting out of place in the entryway. Straight away she knew what this meant. On the upright of the chair was a note. She ignored it, walking straight past the chair and its contents, lugging the groceries to the kitchen. After settling in for a few moments. Kat returned to the chair sitting...

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Sensations Escort ServiceChapter 4 Rich Guy Poor Girl Combinations

Amber had bought an expensive designer roll-on suitcase that she’d packed for the weekend. As usual, she was dressed to the nines, this time in a little black dress that showed a lot of sexy thigh, five-inch heels that telegraphed ‘come fuck me’, an obvious lack of under garments that made any male figuring out their absence hard as rock, and some tasteful jewelry including a diamond tennis bracelet that a client had given her a few weeks earlier as a tip after a great and sex-filled weekend...

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My Sons Huge Cock Ch 01

As any 38 year old woman can tell you, there are times when you just want sex all the time. I am a horny lady who loves sex and need it almost every day. I am very orgasmic and love to masturbate. I have been doing this for most of my adult life. I have had several affairs when I was married, but since my husband could not keep pace with my sexual needs and desires, I have since divorced him.I have medium length brown hair and deep blue eyes. I am always being told that I look younger than my...

4 years ago
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Wet Lightening

The summer rain pounded against the roof, swirled down the gutters and turned the yard into a huge mud hole. The pack of kids, boys and girls ranging from 4 to 14, ran in and out of the back slider, whipped into a frenzy of delight by the rain, the mud, the mess and the fact that none of the adults were paying them much attention. As if the energy was contagious, the dogs barked joyfully each time a young body streaked past. At the kitchen table, Melissa was in a deep discussion with Joy,...

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Lullaby for a Teenager

Thank you to my Protector who gave me ‘One More Angel’. The courage to do this came from your affection and your understanding, and I will always love you for it. * Honey, it’s your Mommy. I know that you probably don’t recognize me because it has been a long time. I haven’t been well, locked away so as not to be contagious, but for the first time in a very long time, I am finally feeling better. You were gone from me before I ever fully confirmed that you existed. I don’t know if you...

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Haseen Safar Bus Se Ghar Tak

Hello,dosto.. Mera name Avi(name change) hey.Mera id hey or me surat(gujarat) ka rehne wala hu.Me kaffi gora hu or meri height 5’8” hey. Mere lund ka size 8 inch ka hey or itna bada lund kisi bhi aurat or ladki ko ache se satisfy kar sakta hey.Meri sex story padhane k baad agar kisi bhi unsetisfy aunty,bhabhi aur ladki mujse secret sex karna chahe to par muje reply kare me hajir hu aap k liye…. Me abhi masters kar raha hu. Or me masters ki exam dene k liye ahmdabad gaya tha.So story...

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My Former Succubus 2 A Holiday to RememberChapter 7 Tying up Loose Ends

Beth and I decided to give Dave and Monica some privacy, so we got out of the car to rejoin our friends. "I'm so horny right now," moaned Beth, as we walked back into the restaurant. "Me too," I whispered. "I can't wait to get you into bed." "Me either," she grinned, as she squeezed her arm. "Josh?" I turned my shoulder and saw Stephanie and Jennifer Van Allen. "Yeah?" "Can we borrow your girlfriend for a little while?" asked Stephanie. I looked at Beth and she...

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Seer 1 I See Dying People 12Part 4

Carl Linnaeus Hall was a large auditorium that could probably house little over three hundred people at once. This was the place were Melissa's first real lesson was held. She had almost forgotten the beautiful, dark stranger from breakfast, but when she walked along the seats of the lecture hall toward the front of the auditorium -- she liked to be close to the lecturer -- she got a firm reminder of her. She was sitting just and few seats away from where Melissa was standing. She wasn't...

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Bikini Beach Betrayal

Based in Elrod W's universe and utilizing characters created by him. Bikini Beach: Betrayal By JDG Anya smiled at the pretty red head sitting before her. She judged the woman to be in her late 30's to 40 based on the mental impressions she was getting. Based on looks she would have to be judged to be late 20's to early 30's. She obviously worked hard at keeping herself in shape. "So... what can I do for you today Mrs. Johnson?" "Well, Anya is it? Anya, I have been having a...

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Angels and Guardians Pt 01

Author’s note: The following story is about an eventful fall that brings a cheerleader from another state to know a very special group of friends. This story is 9 parts storyline, 1 part sex. If you’re looking for ‘Wham Bam’ right off, it isn’t for you. All characters are aged 18 at the time sex is described. Thank you for reading. ************************************************ Chapter 1 Living On a Prayer ‘You really need to stop saving my life. You’re gonna kill yourself someday.’ Joe...

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VincennesByKurt SteinerPART ONEOn the fringes of the Calcutta Racecourse, in an expensive and extensive top-floor apartment with views across to the beauty that was the Hoogly Bridge, Vincent Vincennes was surrounded by affluence and lived the life of a canine.The root of his discontent?His Indian girlfriend.Samira.Where he was Anglo/French and Paris/Londres, Samira was all India and Kolkata. Where he was, had been, proud European , she was unrepentant sub-continent. Where he was? As usual at...

1 year ago
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BSC05 the Girls of BSCChapter 7 The Need to Jerk Off

As things returned to ‘normal’ Stephen pointed out to Jenny Trent and Mandy Gretz some lockers where they could store their clothes. They would come back this way later on to collect them after he had shown them around BSC. Chloe was still at his side as the other two headed off to stow their stuff when Stephen felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and there was the stunningly beautiful and naked Latoya Carter in all her ebony beauty. Her skin was still shiny from the perspiration...

1 year ago
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PornstarPlatinum Halle Hayes Halle Hayes in Big Cock Lovin8217

I love it when a man cums over with only one goal in mind, to fuck the hell out of my tight pussy. So you know it’s on when Will Tile comes over. In a flash, I had my hot lips wrapped around his massive shaft, he couldn�t even get his dress shirt off & I was already sucking away. Then it was my turn, with my legs spread wide apart, Will muff dived until is he absolutely breathless! While Will munched away on my pussy, I could not help but to play with my big tits, are you getting...

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Ivys AphrodisiacChapter 7

"Well he's a pleasant fellow." Commented Michael when they were on dance floor. Ivy didn't reply to Michael verbally. Instead she opted for a less traditional dance hold and wrapped her arms around his neck. Michael, knowing that Ivy was hurting, wrapped his arms tightly around her back and lowered his head to whisper soothing words into her ear. Michael loved Ivy, but only as sister and his heart ached for her. "It's okay Sweet. He didn't hurt my feelings and besides you should be...

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LoneMilf Ana Foxxx A Bodacious MILF Bubble Bath

Ana Foxxx has been waiting all week to get the chance to unwind with a nice bath. There is nothing like paying herself some attention, because she deserves it. She decks the tub out in some sensual roses and fills it up with hot water so that she can get all soaking wet. Then she dips her body in, loving the sensation of warmth on her silky black skin. It is enough to make her want to touch herself, and she does, running her fingers up and down her gorgeous body. When she finally gets to her...

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Bill and Haley and DeenaChapter 8

Bill’s turn: Business is business, and with 3Sigma business is good. In the short time that I’ve been on board we’ve grabbed three million dollars from ONE client, and others are queued up, waiting. Adding Dave Johnson to the western group is going to help us, as is getting a few field technicians going. The Alabama bunch just made a big kill with a client in Oklahoma. “We’re going to get an easy four or five million from them, but we’re going to do it at the expense of putting some people...

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Clara part 1

The ‘campout’ was actually taking place in a detached garage, where five girlfriends had gotten together, planning to spend the night having sex with their boyfriends. The other boys were already there, and my friend quickly paired off with his girlfriend, leaving me alone with Clara. Clara was the youngest of the girls, as I was the youngest of the boys, and it was clear I had been selected to be her partner for the night. She was our host, Olivia’s, younger cousin, and that was about all...

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When I was in my twenties, I hit a rough patch and had to move in with a friend for a while. She had a boyfriend who was obviously interested in me. I stayed in an upstairs attic room. It had no door. I had been there a while. I got home one night after drinking with friends. I was a little horny. I decided to do something about it. Taking matters into my own hands, I made myself cum so hard, I let out a moan or two. Then I went to sleep. I woke up to a slapping sound. There was also some...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 2

I was really getting tired of waking up from a strange nothingness as it felt exceptionally weird each time it happened. You would think I would have at least dreamed something while I was out, but, alas, I was not so fortunate. It seemed like only a moment had passed since I had lost consciousness and once again, I found myself waking up in a barely lit room. I was disoriented and a little woozy, with no idea where I was this time. Unlike before, I was not lying on the ground when I came to...

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Married Indian Girl Fucked In A Bus Coach

Hey readers, I am JP a normal guy from Mangalore and it is my first story in ISS. Pardon me for any mistakes in the story. The incidents narrated in my stories can be real or fake. It is up to the readers to decide. Let’s begin. I was working in Bangalore when this happened. I had to visit my native on an urgent basis. It was summer and it was vacation time. I couldn’t book the bus ticket in advance as it was unplanned. Around 9 at night, I was at the bus stop with a backpack checking on each...

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The SaviorsChapter 3 The trek across the plain begins

Troy woke up to find Kathy's arm draped over him and she had molded her body tightly against his back during the night. Her sleeping breath blew softly on his neck. Gently he lifted her arm and rose to his feet. Suzie's back was pressed tightly against Kathy's and her front was molded tightly against Kurt's back. Troy quietly went out of the shack and down to the dock to greet the new day. Shortly he was joined by the rest of the team. "So what shall we do today, chief?" Kurt jokingly...

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MyFriendsHotMom Katie Morgan 22961

Katie Morgan’s finally ready to get out of her house. She’s on her way out after selling it, and she’s ready for a new, post-divorce life full of sun, fun and fucking! But before she’s gone, there’s one more memory she’s ready to make at her house; she’s just waiting for her son’s friend to arrive! Justin shows up, just as expected, asking Katie if she needs help with anything else. With no need to be shy anymore now that her son’s away at college, the busty blonde MILF accepts Justin’s...

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XXX Apartments Issue 2

Aman is having a hard time at his college. His professor Ms. Monica won’t leave him alone during class; she scolds him and makes him stay after class every day. So when Aman drops by at his strict professor’s house one day to return her book. He’s surprised to find out that there is a lot more to her than meets the eye. What secret about Ms. Monica has Aman uncovered? And does this have anything to do with her special interest in Aman? Watch how Aman satisfies the desires of another tenant in...

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