Family Life Ch.5 - Mummy Cums Too. free porn video

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The following morning, Dan was waiting in the van when David arrived for work. As they set out for the house, there was only one subject on Dan’s mind.

“How’s Laura this morning?” he asked.

“I haven’t seen her,” David replied, “ l expect her cunt’s a bit tender after the way you fucked her, you looked like you were enjoying it,” he laughed.

“She’s a fucking good fuck,” Dan chuckled, “and as for cock sucking, l’ve never had a blow job as good as that, Christ, l thought she was going to suck my balls out. You’re a lucky bastard having her for a sister, any chance of a repeat tonight?”

“I thought we’d agreed on Wednesdays,” David replied.

“Fucking hell son, l can’t wait a whole week, l had a hard on this morning thinking about it, had to wank off just before you arrived. Can’t you bring her round tonight, do you think she’d do it again?”

“She’ll do what l tell her,” David replied, quite chuffed with himself that he had got himself into Dan’s good books. “I can’t do it tonight though,” he continued, “l have rugby practice tonight then l go for a drink with my mates.”

“Well why not bring her round on your way out and you can pick her up later.”

“You really are a randy old bugger,” David laughed, “l doubt if l’ll even see her tonight anyway, l think she’s going out with her new boyfriend, she needs to get him to fuck her a few times.”

“Who’s the lucky chap?” Dan asked.

David told Dan all about Laura’s problem and how he’d convinced her to get John Perkins to fuck her just in case she was pregnant.

“So l take it this baby is yours then?” Dan said.

“Well, if there is one l supposed it must be,” David replied, “but it’s not definite yet but if she is up the duff then she’ll blame that Perkins cunt, he’s a bit of a whimp apparently, Laura said his cock’s that tiny he could hardly get it in.”

“Well well,” Dan chuckled, “that’ll be a good laugh, his parents are real snobs. At least Laura won’t lose out, they’ve got plenty of money though l don’t suppose they fancy having a tart like Laura as a daughter-in-law.”

“It may never happen,” David said, “but l had to think of something just in case.”

“You’re a dirty bastard,” Dan laughed, “as if fucking your sister wasn’t bad enough, you go and get her pregnant then palm your k** off onto some poor unsuspecting bloke. I bet you carry on fucking her after he marries her as well.”

“Probably,” David replied, “she’ll need proper fucking and l doubt if he’ll satisfy her.”

“Well don’t forget to include me,” Dan laughed, “l quite fancy the idea of doing the dirty on the Perkins family.”

Dan turned the van off the road and into the drive leading to the house. “Give me a ring when all the wood’s been delivered and stored,” he said, “l should be able to come straight out and pick you up, that is if you’re not busy enjoying yourself with the ice maiden.”

David laughed, “l’ve told you l don’t think she fancies me, and to be honest l’m not that keen on her.”

“Don’t be daft son, she’s got tits and a cunt, never turn down the chance of a fuck.”

David got out of the van at the front of the house, Dan drove off but then David realised the house was locked up so he had to wait on the steps. He had been sitting on the steps for a good thirty minutes before a car approached up the drive, the car drove straight past David and as he was half concealed by the balustrade it was obvious that he was not noticed by the occupants. David noticed that Ms Hargreaves was sitting in the passenger seat, he recognised the driver as Miss Edwards the head mistress of the big primary school in the town.

David watched the car pull around the end of the house and thinking there must be another entrance at the back he followed on foot. As he rounded the end of the house he saw the car parked outside another entrance door. He was about to approach when he noticed that both women were kissing. It appeared to be quite a passionate embrace and he saw Ms Hargreaves had her hand on Miss Edward’s breast, squeezing it quite roughly. David had never seen two women together like this although he had read about it, what fascinated him as well was that he knew Miss Edwards to be about the same age as his mother, but that it appeared that the younger woman was the dominant one. He quickly dodged behind a bush as both women broke off from their embrace and Ms Hargreaves opened her door, turning for one final kiss before unlocking the door and going into the house.

David stayed hidden until the car had driven away, then waited a few minutes before returning to the front door and ringing the bell. When Ms Hargreaves answered the door she was again very frosty toward him, telling him that he was only to enter those parts of the house necessary to store the wood.

Luckily David only had to wait a few minutes before the lorry arrived, it took about two hours to unload and store everything correctly and then David went to the office to use the telephone to contact Dan. He was told to wait outside the front door as Ms Hargreaves would also be leaving soon.

As it happened, Dan arrived first and David jumped into the van.

“Well,” Dan asked as soon as they had turned out of the driveway, “did you fuck her?”

David proceeded to tell him about what he had seen.

“Bloody hell!” Dan said, “l always assumed Pat Edwards was just an old spinster, l never suspected her of being a lesbian and she’s got a nice juicy young cunt to suck on, the lucky old hag.”

They talked about it all the way home, making up ideas of what the two women would get up to, David saying that it appeared the younger woman definitely seemed to be the dominant partner.

“I wouldn’t mind watching that,” Dan laughed, “never seen two lesbians together, only pictures in magazines, do you think we could get your Laura to do it with another girl?”

“I don’t know anyone we could get her to do it with,” David replied.

“If we could get your mother involved, that would be a laugh.”

“You’ve really got a thing about my mother haven’t you?”

“Sorry son, l don’t mean to upset you.”

“You’re not upsetting me,” David replied, “l’m just fascinated that you are so keen on her.”

“Always have been son, she was always a class above the other girls, l know Sid Penny reckoned she sucked his cock once and he swears he fucked her after she was married but l don’t know if l believe him because l know l tried it on with her once and she wouldn’t even let me see her tits.”

“You mean Mr. Penny the jeweller.”

“Yes, he was a bit of a jack-the-lad when we were younger, always bragging about the girls he’d messed about with, ended up marrying that right ugly cow he has for a wife but he got her pregnant so he was stuck with her.”

“That’s funny,” David said, “ because he was one of the men l saw going into the toilets when Laura was sucking cocks.”

“The dirty bastard,” Dan laughed, “so he probably had blow jobs from mother and daughter, lucky bugger. Can’t you try and see if you can get your mother interested, it would be great if we could have them both to fuck, even get them to do a bit with each other. Fucking hell son, I’m so fucking hard just thinking about it, l bet your mother’s a great fuck, like mother like daughter. Do you think you could sort it.”

David had to admit that Dan’s constant talk of how he wanted to fuck his mother had begun to change the way he looked at her himself, only that morning, when she had been making his breakfast, David had noticed that she appeared to be wearing nothing under her dressing gown, it had worked loose and gaped open slightly as she bent to put his breakfast on the table. He had got a glimpse of half of her tit, smooth and white, he had been tempted then to put his hand inside and get a feel of it but had realised the risk he was taking. He had noticed that she was much happier lately this seemed to happen about this time every year when she was looking forward to her annual trip to visit her sister in Cheshire.

David repeated what he had said before, that he had never thought of his mother in that way, but even as he said it he realised that Dan’s constant pressing had changed his thought processes somewhat and he felt a reaction in his loins when he thought about her.

Once back at work, David spent the rest of the day on his own as Dan had to go off to price up a couple of jobs, but not before he once again asked David if there was any chance of Laura calling round later. David promised he would do what he could although, as things worked out he didn’t actually see Laura again that day.

David did not see Dan for the next few days as he had left David a message that he had been called away to visit a seriously ill relative and asked David to look after things until he returned. Dan then telephoned him on the Thursday to say that he would be away for at least another week and that David was free to work only those hours that were necessary. Consequently, David decided to take the Friday off.

On the Friday morning David was enjoying a lay in when Laura walked in.

“Aren’t you going to work?” She asked.

“No point,” he replied, “Dan is away until the end of next week and there’s not much l can do. Do you want a fuck?” He smiled, pulling back the quilt to reveal his erection.

“Put that away before Mum hears you,” she replied, “you really are a pig.”

“Yeah,” he laughed, “and l bet your cunt juiced up when you saw this,” he said giving his cock a shake.

“Shut up,” she retorted, “ l just came in to tell you l’m going out with John tonight.”

“God girl,” David replied, “make sure he has a good time, a nice cock sucking before he fucks you.”

“You really are disgusting” she said, turning to leave.

“No chance of a quick blow job then,” he said as she left the room.

David knew that his father had left for work earlier so once Laura had gone and he could hear his mother moving about in the kitchen downstairs, he decided to lay back and enjoy a nice slow wank. He began by conjuring up an image in his head of Laura bent over the workbench with Dan thrusting his cock into her. He began to stroke his erection, reliving the way she begged for more, pleading to be fucked harder.

He had his eyes closed, imagining the scene, but then the scene in his head was interrupted by a vision of his mother entering the workshop, totally naked just as Dan’s cock filled Laura’s cunt with cum. David could feel his own orgasm approaching as, in his imagination, Dan moved away from Laura, only for his mother to drop to her knees behind her daughter and begin licking the cum out of her cunt.

David didn’t know what startled him, but he was aware of a presence. The vision disappeared from his mind and he opened his eyes. Initially he saw nothing of concern but then, out of the corner of his eye he spotted the reflection in the mirror on his chest of drawers. The reflection showed that Laura had not closed his bedroom door fully when she left, he could just make out a movement through the gap in the opening. He realised it must be his mother and immediately went to cover his cock with the quilt, but then something made him stop. He could hear Dan’s voice telling him how much he wanted to fuck his mother. Slowly he resumed stroking his cock, turning slightly towards the door to ensure she had a better view.

David began to moan quietly, as if his orgasm was near. “Oh yes baby,” he whispered, “suck it baby…let me fill your mouth with cum.”

As he said it he heard a gasp coming from the doorway, he could hear his mother breathing heavily.
“Why don’t you come in and get a better look Mum,” he said, turning fully toward the door.

He heard another gasp coming from beyond the door.

“Come on Mum,” he called, “ l know you’re out there watching, come on in and watch me shoot my cum.”

This time, instead of a gasp there was a muffled squeal.

“Are you playing with yourself Mummy,” he said, “is your cunt all wet and juicy watching your little boy wanking his cock. Does Mummy want to play with her little boys cock? I bet you’d like to slide your slippery cunt down onto my cock… come on Mummy, don’t be shy, no-one else will know. Come on Mummy…l know you want it…you want me to fuck you Mummy, don’t you? Come on…just push the door open and come in and get a nice deep fucking.”

There was a moment’s pause, David could tell she was still there, he could imagine the torment going through her mind, then, just as he was about to speak again, the door slowly swung fully open.

David saw his mother standing there in her dressing gown, her face was flushed bright red, her eyes glazed, her right hand hidden inside her dressing gown, obviously playing with her cunt.

“Come in,” he ordered, and as if by remote control she took three steps into the bedroom.

“Are you naked under that?” He asked, she could only nod her head in response.

“Take it off,” he commanded, “let me see you naked.”

Mary felt completely out of control, she felt incapable of refusing his instruction as she slowly loosened the belt of her dressing gown, shrugging it from her shoulders and allowing it to fall in a heap at her feet.

David had to work hard to maintain a calm control in his voice as he looked at his mother’s naked form. His eyes were first drawn to her tits, big and heavy with a slight sag but still having some upward curve, each one tipped with a large dark brown aureole and large rubbery nipples. From there his eyes moved down over the swell of her belly, quite pleased that it was firmer than he had imagined, then down to the thick mat of dark curly hair forming a V shape, completely concealing her cunt.

“Very nice Mummy,” David said, fighting to control his own excitement. “We will have to get rid of that hair though,” he continued, “l don’t want a mouthful of hair when l eat your pussy.”

Mary gave a strangled gasp, listening to her son talking to her as if she was some cheap slut.

“Do you like my cock?” He asked, taking hold of it and shaking it. Again Mary could only nod her head in response. “Come here then,” he ordered, “Come here and hold it, feel how powerful it is.”

Mary moved toward the bed, finally standing beside him, she reached down and took hold of his cock.

“That’s better…ooh that’s nice,” he sighed as she slowly began stroking his erection. David reached over and fondled her breast, gently pinching her nipple between thumb and forefinger, then rolling his thumb over it. Again, Mary let out a gasp.

“That feels good doesn’t it? I bet your cunt is soaking wet isn’t it?”

“Yes,” she whispered, so faintly he could hardly make it out.

David was amazed how expertly she was manipulating his cock, he was also pleased to see how compliant she was and decided to take things further.

“Kiss it,” he ordered, his command bringing a slight hesitation in her hand movements before she slowly bent forward and kissed the glistening head.

“Now suck it,” he commanded, “l bet you sucked a few cocks when you were younger…what about Antoine, l bet you had his big black cock in your mouth.”

David saw the hesitation at his mention of Antoine’s name but he was not prepared to stop now. “Suck it,” he repeated, placing his hand on her head and guiding her toward his cock. “Be a good Mummy and suck your little boy’s cock.”

He saw a visible tremor pass through her body as her warm mouth engulfed the head of his cock, then slid slowly down his shaft. This was beyond his wildest dreams and he thrilled at the thought of what Dan would say when he told him how his mother had sucked his cock.

Mary was overcome by the pleasure of feeling a pulsating cock in her mouth, she held the root of it with one hand while gently massaging his balls with the other as she slowly lifted her head lingering at the sensitive head before licking down his shaft and then engulfing him again.

“Oh fucking yes!” He sighed as he felt his orgasm building, his mother expertly gripping the base of his cock firmly to hold him at the edge. “That’s fucking superb Mum, Oh Christ…how did you learn to suck cocks like that…l can’t hold back Mum…l’m going to cum…oh fucking yes.”

Mary released grip on the base of his cock as he let out a deep sigh, arching his back up as she in turn took him deep into her mouth, thrilling at the feel of him swelling then finally bursting forth and filling her mouth with his hot cum. She sucked hungrily on him, swallowing his cum, relishing the taste of him, revelling in the sensations as his cock continued to pulsate.

“Oh god Mum!” He cried, “Oh fuck, that’s so good…take it Mum…take my spunk… yes Mummy, drink your little boy’s cum.”

As his ejaculations subsided, she lifted her head, releasing his cock.

“Stay hard,” she said softly, “l want you.”

David just lay back recovering as he watched his mother climb onto the bed and straddle him. Without hesitation she held his still hard cock, positioning herself above him, then slowly lowered herself onto him, giving a deep sigh of pleasure as she felt his cock travelling into her cunt.

“Oh fuck Mum, that’s so good,” he said as she settled on him, his cock buried deep inside her, feeling the heat of her cunt as she controlled her cunt muscles to grip him. “Where did you learn to fuck like that…oh that’s so good.”

“Shush,” she said, leaning forward so that her tits swung in front of his face, brushing her nipples against his lips. “Suck them,” she said, “suck them hard, don’t be gentle, bite them and suck them.”

David caught one of her nipples between is teeth, biting down on it and being rewarded by the increased pressure on his cock as her cunt muscles contracted.

“Yes!” She cried, pulling her nipple free from his mouth and offering the other, “and again, harder.”

David was conscious that he was hurting her and tried to hold back a little but as she gyrated her hips and used her muscles to milk his cock he increasingly felt himself losing control, sucking each nipple in turn deep into his mouth and biting down on the soft flesh of her tits.

“Yes baby,” she cried, her eyes rolled back into her head as if she was on some d**g but the d**g was the taste of his cum in her mouth and the feel of his cock as it pulsated deep inside her cunt. “Treat me like a whore baby, use your Mummy like the town whore, oh god baby l need you to fuck me hard, please fuck me hard baby…please.”

With that she rolled sideways, David staying with her, still buried deep inside her until their positions were reversed and he was above her.

“Deep and hard baby,” she encouraged, “don’t hold back, god it’s been so long, too long…fill me baby, fill me like Antione did, his big thick black cock stretching me wide as he pounded my willing cunt. Think of him fucking me baby, that hard black body, glistening with sweat as he fucked me, planting his seed deep inside me…fuck me like that…l’ll be your whore baby…l’ll do anything you want…just fuck me hard.”

David was completely lost in a red mist of lust as he began pounding his cock into her as she drove her hips up to meet each of his thrusts. His hands went to her tits, his fingers digging deep into the soft flesh as hers went to his chest, her nails dragging over his own nipples. They were both taken up by the frenzy of lust now, yelling obscenities at each other as each tried to hurt the other.

Mary saw the change in his face, she realised his orgasm was near. “Not yet!” She cried, “l’m nearly there…oh please don’t cum yet…please…l’m nearly there…please wait for me.”

“Come on then bitch,” he shouted at her, taking her nipples between his thumb and fingers, squeezing them hard and twisting them.

“Oh yes!” She screamed as her body convulsed in orgasm as the pain shot through her body. David felt the heat of her juices flowing over his cock, burning him as he in turn drove into her with his full weight, unloading what was left of his spunk deep inside her.

“Oh yes baby,” she cried, pulling him down on top of her as his cock pulsated with ejaculations, the waves of multiple orgasms flowing through her body. “I love you baby,” she whispered as she covered his face with kisses, “stay inside me baby, l don’t want to lose him, don’t go baby…please.”

David could feel her cunt desperately squeezing him, trying to hold him in place as his erection slowly subsided. He rolled off her in exhaustion, lying on his back trying to recover his breath.
“Oh thank you baby,” she whispered as she turned towards him, kissing his chest then moving down, over his tummy until she found her prize, kissing his wet, limp cock, taking him into her mouth and savouring the mixture of his cum and her juices. Then kissing her way back up until she was lying on top of him, smiling down at him.

“We need to talk Mum,” he said in between returning her kisses.

“Shush baby,” she replied, “talk later, just hold me and love me, let me feel you next to me, let me feel your arms around me.”

David held her tight as she lay on him, resting her head on his chest, feeling their hearts beating together as they slowly descended into a deep sleep.

David woke with a start, turning his head to look at his bedside clock he saw that it was almost midday. He felt the weight of his mother on top of him, felt her regular breathing as she stayed asleep. He put his hand on her back, running his fingers down her backbone, feeling her react as she snuggled into him. His hand went to her buttock, still surprisingly firm for her age, he gave it a squeeze.

“Mmmmmmmm,” she responded, raising her head, looking into his eyes as she kissed him. “Hi lover,” she smiled, slipping her hand between their bodies and taking hold of his cock. “Do you want me again?” She felt his cock respond to her touch, “l think he wants me again.” She kissed his chest, sucking on his nipple.

“I’m hungry,” he said, rolling her sideways and laying her gently on the bed, “ l need to pee and then we eat, then we need to talk.”

“And fuck,” she replied with a pout, “say we need to fuck as well.”

“Get up,” he said, giving her a sharp slap on her bottom as he stood up, “go and get me some food, then we talk, then, if you behave, we’ll fuck again.”

“Oh yes sir,” she responded, climbing off the bed, giggling and giving him a little curtsy, “thank you sir.” She turned and left his room.

David smiled at her retreating naked bottom, it was as if she was some giggling schoolgirl and he realised that even thinking of her like that was giving him another erection.

He had a quick shower before pulling on a pair of shorts and going down to the kitchen. He was surprised to see his mother preparing a meal, still completely naked.

“Shouldn’t you put something on,” he said, “what if the neighbours see you?”

“Oh there’s no-one in next door during weekdays,” she replied, “l could run round the garden naked and no-one would see, would you like me to?” She giggled, giving her tits a shimmy.

David couldn’t believe this was the same person, he had never seen her so carefree and bubbly, certainly not what he was used to from his mother. She had always been good to him but he had never seen this side to her character.

As David sat at the kitchen table, his mother placed his meal in front of him. “Your meal Sir,” she said with a smile, “ got to keep your strength up, l’m hoping for at least one more fuck before Laura gets home.”

“Sit down Mum,” he replied, “ we have to talk.”

“Yes sir,” she said mockingly, “ Are you going to tell Mummy all the sexy things she has to do for you?” Mary placed her own meal on the table and sat facing him.

“Seriously Mum,” he said, “ we have to talk about where we go from here.”

“Straight back to the bedroom l hope,” she laughed, “unless you want to fuck me over the table, is that what you’d like, l don’t mind where you fuck me as long as you do it.”

“This is all very sudden Mum, l didn’t expect this sort of reaction, l knew you were spying on me, l just wanted to tease you, l never expected it to turn out like this.”

“I hope you’re not complaining,” she laughed.

“Of course not,” he smiled, “ it was fantastic, and l want to do it again.”

“Great,” she said standing up, “l’m ready when you are, in here or the bedroom…or even the garden if you like.”

“Sit down Mum, we need to talk.”

“Oh,” she said putting on her fake miserable expression as she sat down. “I think it’s about time you heard the full story.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well now we’ve started doing this,” she continued, “you’re going to find out a lot of things you probably never imagine about your boring old mother.”

“I never said you were boring Mum,” he protested, “it’s just that…”

“I know,” she interrupted, “ you just never thought of me as sexy.”

“Well maybe,” he laughed, “but sitting there now with your tits on show, you certainly look sexy now.”

“Thank you,” she said cupping her tits and displaying them to him, “do you like them, l know they’re sagging a bit nowadays but they’re not bad for a woman approaching fifty.”

“They’re beautiful,” he replied, “and you’re only 46, plus you look years younger than that, l’ve seen pictures of mature women in magazines who don’t look as good as you, Dan is always saying how much he fancies you.”

“That dirty old sod,” she laughed, “ Do you two talk about me then, you know, like talk about me with regards to sex…do you?”

“Well yes we say things,” David replied reluctantly.

“What like?” She pressed, her face betraying her excitement, “like dirty things, like things you’d like to do to me…oooo that’s making my pussy wet, do you talk about fucking me and filling me with cum.”

“Dan does, he never shuts up about it, ever since l started working there he’s been going on about you, about how he’d like to fuck you. He reckons you were a real corker when you were young, he says all the boys were trying to get into your knickers.”

“Oh yes they were,” she laughed.

“He says you were always a better class of girl than the others, he said he tried it on with you once but got nowhere.”

“Well no, not that l didn’t fancy him a bit but he was married to some tart he got pregnant and l wasn’t prepared to be anyone’s bit on the side.”

“What about Antoine then, was he different, l mean l know he was black but was there something else about him?”

“Oh he was very different,” she said, sitting back as if remembering some lovely times. “He was very gentle, you would never believe he was a soldier prepared to kill people. He used to write me poems, we would lay in the grass by the river and he would read poetry to me, he was so beautiful.”

“Did you ever…you know…fuck, l mean, when we were doing it you said some things.”

“I wanted to very early in our relationship, l knew he would be going off to war soon and l wanted to share that experience with him, but he was such a gentleman, he didn’t want to put me under any pressure. In the end l virtually had to beg him to make love to me and when l saw his cock l realised why he was so reluctant.”

“Was he big?”

“He was massive,” she continued, “l had only ever seen Daddy’s close up before but Antoine was much, much bigger than Daddy.”

“What do you mean about Daddy, do you mean Grandad, had you seen Grandad’s cock, had he fucked you?”

“One thing at a time,” she replied, “l’ll explain about that later. Anyway l finally persuaded Antoine to make love to me but when he tried to put the ‘johnny’ on his cock, he was too big and it kept on bursting, he tried three or four but we had to give up, then he asked if l would suck him instead. I knew my sister, your Auntie Ann, used to suck boys off, we had talked about it, so l did my best to do it for Antoine but he was so big l could hardly get him in my mouth.”

“Did he cum in your mouth?”

“Not the first time no,” she replied, “ but l knew Ann let boys cum in her mouth so l told him l wanted him to do it to me, we did it a couple of times, then l told I’m l wanted him to make love to me, he said he wouldn’t do it without protection but l insisted l wanted him. He gave in eventually, it was beautiful, he was so gentle, l could feel him stretching me but there was no pain and when he came inside me l had my first proper orgasm.”

“How many times after that?”

“None,” she replied, “l never saw him again, when l enquired at the camp l was only told that he had been posted to an invasion embarkation camp. It was two weeks after D Day that one of the Captains at the camp told me he had been killed on the first day of the invasion, by then l had missed a period and knew l was pregnant but with all the emotional upset it never held and my periods started again.”

“How did you end up marrying Dad then?”

“Oh l met him where l worked at the ammunition’s factory, he was a scientist. He was very charming and l was very fragile, don’t ask me how it happened but l just seemed to drift along into marriage.”

“What is sex like with Dad, are you as wild with him as you were with me?”

“That was the trick fate played on me, l doubt if your father has fucked me more than a dozen times in all the years we’ve been together and only then when he’s full of booze, not that it would likely be anything to write home about, by the time he manages to get his tiny dick hard enough to enter me he cums in seconds.”

“Why did you stay with him, l know he’s not an easy man to live with?”

“Women don’t divorce men because they don’t fuck her properly, at least not in my day.”

“What about other lovers?” he asked, “ Dan reckons Mr Penny the jeweller fucked you at least once.”

“God, you have been gossiping,” she replied, “that was a one off on Coronation Day and l was very drunk.”

“What was that about Grandad?”

“Ah, Yes…perhaps l shouldn’t have said anything about that but l suppose you have to know everything.”

“Grandad was fucking you?” He asked.

“Yes…l suppose, but not the way you think. It started when l was th*****n, Mum told me that she had developed a medical problem that made sex very painful, she explained that although your Grandad was a very gentle man it was only right that he be able to get some sexual relief at least once a week. I loved my Daddy very much and after a bit of discussion l agreed to carry out her wifely duties for her.”

“ l bet that was wild,” he said.

“Not at all,” she replied, “it was all quite passionless in fact, he wasn’t very big and he was very gentle it was a little painful the first time but after that it became a regular Sunday evening thing, l would bend over the kitchen table, he would lift my skirt and pull down my knickers then he would put his cock inside me, after a few minutes he would pull out and cum on my bottom, them Mum would clean me up and we would go back to normal. It carried on right up to when he died in 1957.”

“What about Auntie Ann, did he fuck her as well?”

“Yes, once she was old enough, we did alternate Sundays. But it wasn’t proper fucking, it wasn’t sordid or anything, it was just that we both loved him and he needed the relief.”

“Is that it then?” David asked, “is there anyone else you’ve been fucking, because from the way you were this morning, l got the impression you were quite used to it, l just thought it must be between you and Dad.”

“If only,” Mary laughed, “l’m afraid when it comes to sex your father is sadly lacking, both in equipment and ability. But there is one more thing l need to tell you.”

“As you kept it till last l assume it’s very important.”

“It’s something you need to know, now that we have started doing it,” she continued. “You know l go and stay with your Auntie Ann and Uncle Jack at least once a year, usually a couple of times.”

“Don’t tell me you’re fucking Uncle Jack!” David exclaimed.

“Well it’s more than that, l was staying with them, oh it was quite a few years ago now, you and Laura were still in school, your father’s sister used to come and look after you so l could have a break.”

“Oh l remember Auntie Ada,” he replied, “what a miserable old bag she was, her and Dad made a good pair. Laura and l used to hate her.”

“I know, and l’m sorry, but our father would never take a holiday and it was the only chance for me to get a break. Anyway, l was up in Cheshire but your father and l had had a big argument just before l left, he was drunk and wanted to fuck me but he couldn’t get hard, l tried to suck his cock, thinking it would help him and he called me a dirty slut and he hit me. He’d never hit me before and it frightened me.”

“I don’t know why you stayed with him Mum.”

“Not enough gumption to make the break l suppose. Anyway, l was with Ann and Jack, l’d had a bit to drink and l started to cry, before l knew it l was telling them everything about how frustrated l was because your father couldn’t have sex with me. Jack came over to me and hugged me, then he started kissing the top of my head, he just felt nice and comforting. After a few moments l was aware that he was undoing the zip at the back of my dress, l did try to move away but when l looked up at him to protest he kissed me hard on my mouth, forcing his tongue inside me. I could feel his hands on the naked flesh of my back, then l felt him undoing my bra.”

“What about Auntie Ann?” David asked, “didn’t she say anything?”

“I was suddenly aware that she was beside me, whispering to me, telling me to relax and enjoy it. My mind was spinning, maybe it was the drink but probably a collection of things but l just allowed him to peel my dress and bra down leaving me naked to my waist. As he was undressing me, he was half turned away, l looked down and saw that Ann was on her knees with his cock in her mouth.”

“Wow Mum!” David said as his own hand slid inside his shorts to stroke his erection. “I bet that turned you on.”

“Everything suddenly went wild,” she continued, “it all became very hurried and blurred but somehow l ended up naked on the carpet with Jack deep inside my cunt fucking he with Ann encouraging him and urging me to relax and enjoy it. I just didn’t care by then, it felt so good to have a hard cock inside me again after so long, he started off doing it gently but soon he could tell l wanted him harder than that and soon he was really fucking me. I came first then he followed and l came again as l felt him shoot his cum inside me.”

“What happened after?”

“I was embarrassed but they both told me not to worry. I was concerned that Jack hadn’t used any protection, remember this was before the days when the pill was easily available, but he and Ann assured me that Jack had had a vasectomy as they didn’t want any more c***dren. We were all sitting around naked by this time, it was quite surreal. Then they told me that they were members of a small group of married couples who got together regularly for sex parties.”

“What, like wife swapping, l thought that was quite a new thing.”

“Well obviously not as it appeared they had been doing it for quite a long time, then they really dropped the bombshell when they told me that Carol, your cousin, also took part in the parties.

“So Uncle Jack was fucking his daughter as well, what about her husband?”

“Well this was before she was actually married. I was shocked but then Ann reminded me about what we used to do with your Grandad and l realised l didn’t really have any justification in being shocked.”

“So did you join the parties then?”

“I did yes,” she replied, “ they arranged one for that weekend, three other couples turned up, plus Carol, it was wild, we were all naked, there was a big bowl full of condoms on the table and we all just danced and fucked all evening, it was the best fun l’d had in years.”

“Did it happen again?”

“Not that time no, l was only staying until the following Tuesday, but Jack fucked me a few times, l also watched him fuck Carol.”

“How old was she then?”

“She must have been twenty as she’s six years older than you, it was just before she got married but Jack had been fucking her since she was fo*****n.”

“Did Auntie Ann know about that when he started doing it?”

“Oh yes, but you see it wasn’t any different to when we started with your Granddad and Jack knew all about that.”

“So l take it that’s why you look forward to going up there, what about Carol’s husband, does he join in. I haven’t seen her in years but she always had huge tits.”

“Oh l knew you’d remember that,” Mary laughed, “she has got massive tits, all the fellas like to play with them. Her husband works on the oil rigs and is away a lot, he hasn’t got a clue what she gets up to, she’s a right slut, fucking all sorts while he’s away, but yes, that is why l look forward to going there, l need it David, it makes me feel alive, the group is quite large now although not everyone turns up for every party and we rotate to different houses, but you have to realise how good it makes me feel to have men wanting me like that.”

“What about me wanting you then,” David said, standing up and pushing down his shorts to expose his erect cock.

“Oh baby,” she said, standing and walking round to him, taking hold of his cock, “that is so beautiful, let Mummy take you into the bedroom and you can see how hard you can ram this lovely cock up Mummy’s cunt.”

Having listened to his mother’s account, David realised that there was no way he was going to be able to hold back his orgasm for long, he need not have worried though, Mary had already realised and told him to lie down and let her bring him off with her mouth.

“I love sucking cocks,” she said, “l love the feeling of power l get when my mouth is in control of that pulsating shaft, love the feel of hot jets of cum hitting the back of my throat, love the taste of hot cum. Jack says l give fantastic blow jobs so just lie back and relax.”

As David lay there, watching his mother working her magic mouth on his cock he couldn’t help thinking how it was obviously a talent that had been handed down to her daughter. One minute his cock was engulfed with heat and suction, the next she was licking his shaft, then sucking on his balls, taking each one in turn into her mouth. Three times she brought him to the very edge, each time gripping the base of his cock firmly to hold him.

Mary was in heaven, so many times Ann and Jack had encouraged her to find a way to get David to fuck her, the last three times she had returned from her visit she had been resigned to finding a way for it to happen only for her resolve to melt away with the fear that it would all go wrong and it would ruin her relationship with her son. But now, here he was, his beautiful cock deep in her mouth.

She knew she had him right on the edge, gently she caressed his balls then traced her finger around his scrotum, at the same time drawing her teeth across the sensitive head of his cock. She had learned of the secret spot just at the back of the scrotum, knew the effect it would have as she traced her nail over it, forcing her mouth down onto his cock as he let out a roar, arching his back to force his cock deep into her throat as his orgasm exploded.

Mary felt her own mini orgasm as his cock pulsated, firing hot cum into her throat. She swallowed hard, determined to take every drop as he thrashed under her, holding her head down onto him as his orgasm almost tore him apart. He felt her sucking every last drop of cum from his balls but even when he was dry his cock continued pumping as she still worked on him.

Finally he collapsed on the bed in exhaustion, his mother nestling against his side.

“Good baby?” She smiled at him.

“You know it was Mum, it was mind blowing… where did you learn to give blow jobs like that?”

“I don’t think l’ve ever given one as good as that,” she replied, “l know most of the fellas at our parties say l’m a good cock sucker but this one felt extra special.”

“It was certainly that,” he said, kissing the top of her head.

“Why don’t you come with me when l go up next week, it would be such fun to have you there watching me with different men, you could fuck Ann and Carol and some of the other wives are really gorgeous, it would be so much fun, please say you’ll come.”

“I don’t know about that,” he said, immediately sensing her disappointment, “we’re just starting a special job Mum, l really have to be here to help him with that, we were supposed to start this week but Dan had to go away.”

“How long will it take?” She asked, tracing her fingers across his chest.

“Dan reckons a week.”

“Well l can tell Ann l’m coming up later in the month, she won’t mind, especially when l tell her we are fucking and you are coming up with me.”

“I will have to see if Dan will let me take a week off, l haven’t been there very long.”

“What if l let him fuck me,” she said, giggling

“Are you serious?”

“Well you said he fancies me.”

“He’s mad about you,” David replied, “every day we end up talking about how much he’d love to fuck you.”

“You’re very naughty talking about your mother like that,” she laughed, giving his limp cock a flick and thrilled to see it twitch in response. “It’s as if you think l’m just a cheap slut.”

“No Mum honest,” he protested, “ l don’t think that, honest.”

“Shush,” she said, putting her fingers against his mouth, “l’m only joking, l don’t mind being a slut for you, Jack says l’m a proper slut when l go there. I love to think you two talk about me like that, do say all sorts of dirty things about me, all about what you both would like to do to me.”

“He does,” David replied, “ l admit l had never thought about you like that until he started saying things and encouraging me to fuck you.”

“Well l’m glad he did,” she kissed him, “l want you to treat me like your slut, and you can tell him he can fuck me if he gives yo a week off.”

As Mary went to roll over on top of him, she caught sight of the clock on the bedside table. “Christ!” She shrieked, “ look at the time, Laura will be home any minute…l have to have a quick shower before l start getting a meal for you home, your father will be home soon as well.”

“What if l want you to stay,” he said, grabbing her tits and holding her on top of him. “What if l don’t care if they catch us?”

“Don’t be silly baby,” she said, kissing him and gently removing his hands from her tits and rolling off the bed.

As she turned to leave, David gave her a firm smack on her bottom.

“Ooo Yes,” she squealed, “Mummy likes being spanked too.” She blew him a kiss as she left the bedroom.

Same as Family Life Ch.5 - Mummy cums too. Videos

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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 17

Hello friends aap sab ne meri pichli kahani me padha ki kaise aroon ke papa ne meri mummy ko meri mummy ke bedroom me choda aur fir chale gaye. Ab mai aap sab aage ki kahani batane jaa raha hu. Chudai ka ye silsila aise hi chal raha tha bich bich me mujhe kai din ghar me school se aane ke bad condams dikhe kuch samay tak aise hi chalta raha bich bich me meri mummy bahar bhi jati thi rat me mai ache se janta tha meri mummy kis kaam ke liye jaa rahi hai. Kuch din ke bad ki bat hai Saturday ka din...

2 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 15

Hello dosto aap sab ne pichli kahani me padha ki aroon ke papa mumbai se meeting karke vapas aaye aur unhone meri mummy ko ramesh uncle ke ghar pe puri rat choda. Mai apne ghar aa gaya tha lekin meri mummy uncle ke sath hi soyi us din agle din meri neend 9 baje khuli mummy ghar nahi aayi thi. Kariban 11 baje meri mummy ghar me aayi bahut thaki hui thi aisa lag raha tha jaise vo soyi nahi ho. Mummy aake apne kamre me chali gayi unhone mujhe bualaya aur pucha rat me khana khaya tha maine kaha ji...

2 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, aapne meri pichli kahani dost ke papa aur meri mummy ka nazayaz sambandh ki agla part hai apne feedbacks mere mail id pe bejhe meri pichli kahaniyo me maine aap sabko bataya ki kaise meri mummy aur mere dost ke papa ke bich nazayaz sambandh kayam hua aura b mere dost ke papa meri mummy ko barabar chodtte hai.Ab mai aap sabko aankho dekhi ek aur kahani batane jaa raha hu hope ki aap sab ko usi tarah pasand aayegi jaisa aap sabne meri pichli kahani ko like kiya.Meri mummy us din bhi...

1 year ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 10

Hello every one hope karta hu ki aap sab ne meri pichli 9 part dost ke papa aur meri mummy ki nazayaz sambandh ko padh liya hoga. Ye kahani aage ki bato ka hai last kahani me aap sab ne padha ki uncle us rat ko bahut aggressive ho gaye the aur mummy ko apne bed pe bahut choda. Ab mai aap sab ko aage ki kahani batane jaa raha hu. Us rat ke bad uncle barabar meri mummy ko chodne lage. Mujhe ghar me school se aane ke bad kai bar condams dikhte the mai jan raha tha ki din me aate hai yaha pe in...

2 years ago
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Mummy Ne Gair Mard Se Chudwaya 8211 Part 5

Hi friends aap sab ne meri is kahani ka title jiska naam meri mummy ne gair mard se chudwaya ke 4 part pahle hi padha hua hai.Mai ab meri mummy ki chudai ki kahani ko aage bhadte hue ek naya part likh raha hu dosto maine aapko pichli kahaniyo me bataya ki meri mummy ko mere chacha ne chod ke ek chudakkad aurat bana diya hai chacha ne meri mummy ko apne do dost aslam chacha aur firoz chacha se bhi chudawaya meri pichli kahani me maine aap sabko bataya ki kaise aslam chacha aur sibu chacha ne...

2 years ago
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Kiski Mummy Kiske Saath Saga Continued

Ek din darwaze ki ghanti baji .babloo kotian aunty ke saath apne room mein busy tha . wo kotian aunty ki chudai karte hue keh raha tha ki asli mazaa tab aayega jab rohan ghar mein ho aur ek kamre mein main tumhare se mazey loot raha hoon. fir 3-4 baar fir se ghanti baji. babloo gusse se apne kamre se baahar aaya aur darwaza khola to ashwin khada tha. babloo gusse se bola abe kya hai . kyun mood kharab kar raha hai. ashwin babloo se bola yaar ghar pe koi nahi hai . babloo bola abe phoot na ....

2 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 12

Hello friends aap sab ne meri kahani ke pichle parts padhe uske liye thank you very much. Ab mai aap sabko aage ki kahani batane jaa raha hu. Subah jab mummy ghar aayi toh jake bedroom me chai gayi mai chai leke kuch der bad unke kamre me gaya meri mummy leti hui thi. Mujhe dekh ke mummy uth ke baith gayi bahut thaki hui lag rahi thi. Mummy ne pucha khana khaya tha rat me maine kah diya haan khaya tha. Mummy ke shakal se pata chal raha tha ki rat bhar chudi hai unke pair me vo payal thi jo...

1 year ago
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Mummy Sy Pyar Our Chudai

Hi dosto kesy ho ap mera na surmand hy or mjy ghar main sb sono kehty hn meri family main meri mummy 43 year papa 51 year jo ky usa main rehty hain or 2 ya 3 saal bad aaty hain mummy house wife hi our main ny abi mumbai sy mba kya our our ghar shift hwa hon To dosto meri mummy mery ghar jany sy pehly apny sath apni badi behan ko rakhti thi jo k apny pati sy talak ly chuki thi us ky age 48 year thi us ka figar bi thora plus size tha but mummy ki trah bohat hot dikhti thi. Lekin mery jany ky bad...

3 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh 8211 Part 1

Hi friendS, mera naam vicky hai.Aaj mai aap sabko ek sachi kahani batane jaa raha hu ye kahani vaise aaj se kuch sal pahle ki hai.Kahani padhne ke bad mujhe mail kajiye taki mai aage ki baat aap sab se share kar saku .Kahani suru karne se pahle mai aap sabko apne family ke bare me bata du meri family me 4 log hai mai mere papa meri mummy aur meri didi meri didi b.Tech kar rahi hai dusre city me.Mere papa ek software company me kaam karte hai aur maximum offshore rahte hai depend karta hai...

4 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh 8211 Part 2

Hi friends ye meri pichli kahani dost ke papa aur meri mummy ka nazayaz sambandh ka agla part hai jo log mujhse contact karna chahe mera mail id hai is par apne mails bejh sakte hai.Sabse pahle mai un sab dosto se thanku kahna chahta hu jinhone meri kahani padhi aur like kiya aur un sab se jo ye kahani padh rahe hai unse ye nivedan hai ki jake pahle iska pahla part padh le. Dosto jaisa ki maine apni pichli kahani me bataya tha ki mere dost arun ke papa ne 31st ki night ko sari rat meri mummy...

3 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 8

Hello friends aapne is kahani ke 7 part already iss pe padh chuke hai ye kahani 7th part ka continuation hai.Apne feedbacks mujhe mail kare .Pichli kahani me aap sab ne padha ki kaise ramesh uncle aur sudhakar uncle ne meri mummy ko ek ek bar chod liya ab mai aap sab ko aage ki kahani batane jaa raha hu meri mummy ko nashe ki vajah se acha feel nahi ho raha tha jab mai hall ke pass ki khidki ke pass gaya vaha sudhakar uncle aur ramesh uncle dono nude hoke sofe pe baithe hue bat kar rahe the...

3 years ago
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Meri Mummy Bani Mere Dost Ki Randi

Hi friends this is Vicky meri dusri story hai meri first story thi “meri mummy ne gair mard se chudwaya” .mujhe khushi hai ki aap logo ko meri story pasand aayi. Mujhe bahut sare mail bhi aaye thanks to you guys for liking my story.ab mai apni second story likhne jaa raha hu ye story meri nahi hai par ye mere dost rajat ki hai .rajat mera bahut acha dost hai usne mujhe apni puri kahani batayi.usne mujhse kaha ki vickey tu mere liye story likh de. so aaj mai rajat banker ye story aapko...

3 years ago
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Mummy Ne Gair Mard Se Chudwaya

Hello friends mai vickey aaj mai aapko ek kahani sunane jaa raha hu jisme holi kai awsar par meri mummy ki chudai hui .mai 10th class mai padhta hu aur mai mummy papa Mumbai mai rahte hai meri mummy dekhne mai bahut hi achi hai unki age 38 yrs ki hai unka fig bahut hi acha hai ab mai aapko apni story par le jata hu aaj se do mahine pahle ki bat hai holi ka samay tha meri dadi nai call kiya aur humse kaha ki is bar sab holi par gaon aao mummy nai kaha thik hai .papa jub sham ko ghar aaye toh...

2 years ago
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Satisavitri Meri Mummy

Hi dear mera naam ajay .Mere ghar me papa, mummy, bhaiya, bhabi, or ek chota bhatija hai hum sab kanpur me rahte hai.Papa ki umra52 sal , mummy ki umra48 sal, bhaiya ki 26 sal or meri 22. Papa ka apna business hai , or bhaiya job krte hai. And mera final year khatam ho chuka hai. Jo kahani mai aap sab ko.Batane jaa raha hun bo kahani or kisi ki nhi meri mummy ki hai. Jo pativarta hokar bhi kisi gair mard se apne sambandh bana leti hai . Bo gair mard or koi nhi mere apne phufaji (meri.Bua ke...

1 year ago
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Dosto ki madad se mummy ki chudai part 12

Maine Karan se 1 ghanta baat ki. Aur uske baad main aapne dosto ke pass chala gaya. Fir thodi baad main ghar aa gaya. Jab main ghar aaya. Tab bhi pados wali chachi bethi hui thi. Woh mummy se baate kar rahi thi. Mummy hamesha se pados wali chachi ke sath jayada time bitati thi. Waise bhi woh aur kya karti. Ghar mein koi rehta bhi to nahi tha. Fir kuch der baad chachi chali gayi. Aur chachi ke jaate hi mummy kitchen mein chali gayi. Main bhi sidha mummy ke pass gaya. Woh mujhe dekhkar muskurane...

4 years ago
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Meri Mummy Satisavitari

Hi dear mera naam ajay hai , aaj mai aap logo ko ek sach ghatna batane jaa raha hun . Mere ghar me mummy papa or bhaiya bhabi rahte hai, didi bhi unke sasural me rahti hai . Hum sab kanpur ke ek chote ganv me rahte hai . Papa ki umra 52 sal hai or unka khud ka business hai , bhaiya bhi papa ka business sambhal te hai.Bhaiya ki sadi 5sal pahle hui thi . Or didi ki 3sal pahle. Mummy ki umra 48 sal hai or bo ek sati savitri housewife hai . Ye kahani or kisi ki nhi meri mummy ki hi hai jo ek...

3 years ago
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Holiday trip par mummy ki chudai 8211 Part 2

Mummy – Mujhe yakin nahi ho raha hai. Tu mera hi beta hai. Apni maa ke bare mein aisi soch rakhta hai. Agar main tere papa ke sath khus nahi bhi hu. To kya ek maa bete mein aisa rishta ban sakta hai. Main – Mummy, aaj ki duniya mein sab hota hai. Aap bhi dekhti hi ho ki aurat aur mard bahar chakkar chala lete hai. Koi sasur apni bahu ko chod raha hai. To koi saas aapne damad se chudwa rahi hai. Mummy meri baate badi gaur se sun rahi thi. Unka dimag kaam nahi kar raha tha ki woh kya kare. Isse...

3 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 16

Hello friends sabse pahle thanks ki aap sab ne meri story ka 15th part padha ab mai is part me aap sabko aage ki kahani batane jaa rahu. Aap sab ne meri pichli kahani me padha ki kaise meri mummy ko us ghar me dubeyji ne choda agle din meri mummy lagbagh 11 baje ghar aayi maine jab gate khola toh dekha meri mummy ki aankhe lal ho chuki mujhe aisa lag raha tha jaise meri mummy rat me soyi hi nahi hai, ho sakta tha dubeyji ko chodte hue maine dekha tha ho sakta hai unhone rat bhar meri mummy ke...

3 years ago
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Makan Malik Ne Meri Mummy Ko Choda

Hi friends mera nam Vicky hai aaj mai aapko ek aisi story batane jaa raha hu jub mai 8th class me tha .jisme mere makan malik ne meri mummy ko choda tha. Agar aapko meri story pasand aaye toh mujhe mailkijiye .mai pahle aapko meri mummy ke bare me bata du. meri mummy ka name varsha singh hai vo bahut hi sudar aurat hai unki age 39 yrs ki hai par unki body bikul fit hai unko dekh kar nahi lagta hai ki vo 39 yrs ki hai unke boobs bahut hi bade bade hai aur unki gand bilkul gol gol hai. meri...

2 years ago
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Satisavitri Meri Mummy 8211 Part 3

Hi readers, mai Ajay aap sab logo ke liye apni kahani ka next part lekar aaya hun.1st or 2nd part me mujhe abtak koi acha response nhi mila hai.Plz meri story padhne ke bad aap jarur mail krna mujje. Ab mai story pe aata hun . Jisne kisi ne part 1,,2 nhi read ki ho to plz read kr lena tabhi ye part aap aasani se samajh skte ho. Karim uncle or meri mummy dono ek dusre ki bahon me jhum rhe the. Kabhi mummy uncle ke upar to kabhi uncle mummy ke upar. Uncle mummy ke pure sarir me apna hath ghuma...

1 year ago
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Holiday trip par mummy ki chudai 8211 Part 4

Fir main mummy ke upar aa gaya. Aur unke pet aur nabhi ko chaat te hue. Maine unki chuchi muh mein bhar li. Idhar main mummy ki chuchi chus raha tha. Aur neeche mera khada lund unki chut par dastak de raha tha. Mummy aapne aankho par hath rakhakar leti hui thi. Main unki chuchi ko kheech kheech ke chus raha tha. Fir maine mummy ki aankho se hath hataya. Aur hum dono ek dusre ko dekhne lage. Maine aankhen band karke aapne hont unke honton se mila diye. Aur unhone bhi meri gardan mein aapne hath...

4 years ago
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Meri Mummy Bani Mere Dost Ki Randi 8211 Part II

Hi friends aap aaj mai aap sabko apni mummy ki chudai ki ek aur kahani sunane jaa raha hu.Ye kahani mere pahli story meri mummy bani mere dost ki randi ki second part hai jisme aap sabne padha ki mai apni mummy ko bachpan se chudwate hue dekh raha hu meri mummy ke kai mard ke sath saririk sambandh the unmese ek mere chote chacha bhi the jo meri mummy ko mere hi ghar me chodte the meri mummy ko bahut logo ne choda hua hai unke sharir me sex ki ek ajib se aag hai jiska faida bahut sare mardo ne...

2 years ago
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Mummy Ne Gair Mard Se Chudwaya 8211 Part II

Hello friends this is Vicky story mere pahle story meri mummy ne gair mard se chudawaya ka 2nd part hai.jin logo ne first part nahi padha please padh lijiyega fir aapko meri puri story samajh me aa jayegi .meri first story me maine aapko bataya tha ki kaise mai aur meri mummy holi ke samay gaon gaye the aur vaha hamare chaha jinka nam sibu tha unhone meri mummy ko holi ke din choda.hum kariban 10 din gaon me rahe aur chaha ne mummy ko kai bar choda . ab mai aapko aage ki story batane...

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