Annabelle, Vides Couilles Professionnel ! free porn video

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Bonjour, je m'appelle Annabelle, j'ai 25 ans, je mesure 1m65 pour 48 kg, je suis très fine, j'ai des cheveux longs, de couleur rouge avec une mèche qui cache mon œil droit, j'ai les yeux de couleur gris clair, petite bouche avec lèvres pulpeuse, petit piercing a ma lèvre inférieure, j'ai des petits seins, et un petit cul bombé.

Je travaille dans un sex-shop, et oui un boulot rêver pour une petite salope comme moi, j'y travaille en temps que vendeuse et conseillère sur les sextoy de la boutique, j'adore y travailler, ce que j'aime surtout, ce sont ses gros pervers qui viennent déguiser pour ne pas qu'on les reconnaît, ça me fait beaucoup rire de les voir regarder ailleurs quand on leur propose de les renseigner sur nos produits, mais je peux les comprendre, ou alors ses mec trop confiant, qui viennent te parler juste pour essayer de te draguer alors que tu fais ton job, dans ce cas la, j'accepte un rendez-vous au resto ou au ciné, je les chauffent comme il faut avant de partir et de les laissés en plan en chien.

Mais ce que j'aime par-dessus tout, c'est que notre patronne a mis en service un Glory Hole dans la boutique, je passais plus de temps à faire des pipes qu'a proposer mes services à la vente, les tarifs était honnête, et les clients avait un large choix au niveau du service. Malheureusement, il n'y avait qu'une place pour le Glory Hole et les filles de la boutique n'était pas très chaudes pour participer, donc je suis la seul a proposer mes services.

-" Annabelle, on a des clients, tu veux bien t'en occuper ?"

Me demande ma patronne, je comprends que c'est le coup d'envoi de ma journée de vide couille. Je rentre de le Glory Hole et me déshabille au plus vite pour ne pas faire attendre ma clientèle.
Je m'assois face au mur, avec un élastique, j'attache mes cheveux en queue-de-cheval, et me voilà prête à accueillir mes clients.

-" Bonjour, je suis Annabelle, que puis je pour vous ?"

Une bite bien blanche et pas encore bandé entre dans le trou en face de moi, et une voix timide me répond derrière le mur.

-" Une pipe s'il vous plaît."

Je m'exécute aussitôt, je pose mes lèvres sur son gland et y dépose un délicat baiser, je sors ma langue pour soulever sa bite et la guider dans ma bouche.
Je referme mes lèvres sur son gland avant de le sucer bien fort et faire rentrer toute sa bite dans ma bouche baveuse et accueillante.

Je sens sa bite gonfler a l'intérieure de ma bouche, je sens ses veines palpiter sur ma langue, j'active la cadence, je le suce bien fort et commence a entamer des gorges profondes, je peux l'entendre râler de plaisir derrière le mur, j'augmente la pression dans ma bouche, ma langue lui prodigue de douce a l'intérieur de ma bouche.

-" Nnnngh je vais jouir, je peux jouir dans votre bouche ?"

-" mmmmmh oui, mais c'est un supplément de 5 euro et pour 5 euro de plus j'avale."

-"Je prends !"

J'accélère la cadence, je sens sa bite palpiter comme une folle, il donne lui aussi des petit coup de reins, quand il est prêt à venir, je ne garde que son gland en bouche.

-"nnnnnghaaaaaah !! "

Je sens alors sa bite se contracter et envoyer un premier gros jet de foutre bien frais qui vient frapper le fond de ma bouche et recouvrir ma langue, puis quelques jets suivrons, je suce bien fort son gland pour récupérer la moindre goutte, une fois satisfait, le client se recule et jette un œil dans le trou, je me rapproche et ouvre grand ma bouche pour lui montrer tout son foutre dans ma bouche, avant de l'avaler goulûment juste sous ses yeux.

-"mmmmmh merci beaucoup, repasser quand vous voulez."

Pas la moindre minute à perdre, à peine qu'il soit parti, une autre bite s'engouffre dans le trou pour se présenter a moi.

-"Bonjour, je suis Annabelle, que puis je pour vous ?"

-"Je voudrais, le *baiser romantique* "

Je m'active, sa bite est déjà bien dure, d'une main, j'empoigne sa bite et recouvre son gland de salive, je souffle délicatement dessus, j'approche mes lèvres de son gland et commence à y déposer de doux baiser, j'embrasse sa queue sous tout les angles, j'embrasse ses couilles qui on l'aire d'être bien pleine, je continue d'embrasser sa queue délicatement, j'entends ses souffles de plaisir qui augmente au fur et à mesure des baiser.

Je sors ma langue et la fait tourner sur le bout de son gland, ses râles plaisir se font entendre, je continue met baiser sur son gland et fait tourner ma langue sur son gland de temps en temps.

-"nnnnngh ça vient ! Ouvre ta bouche salope !"

J'ouvre grand la bouche et tire la langue pour recueillir son foutre dans ma bouche, sa bite se contracte et envoie de gros jet de foutre bien épais, son foutre bien chaud recouvre entièrement ma langue, une fois satisfait, je donne un dernier baiser sur le bout de son gland pour suçoter les dernières gouttes coincées dans sa bite, je m'approche du trou pour lui montrer ma bouche pleine de son foutre.

-"mmmmmh top bon! Avale la salope"

J'avale goulûment son foutre bien épais et j'ouvre de nouveau ma bouche.
Il part content de ma prestation et les couilles bien vide, j'entend ma patronne frappée a la porte.

-"Tout se passe bien Annabelle ?"

-" Hmmmm oui nickel "

-" Bien, le dernier a pris le service complet."

J'attends le client toute excitée, une grosse bite noire s'engouffre dans le trou.

-"Bonjour, je suis Annabelle, vous avez pris le service complet ?"

-"Oui, j'ai entendu dire que tu étais la meilleure vide couille du coin, alors, prend ma bite et savoure là !"

Elle n'est qu'à moitié bandée et pourtant elle est déjà bien grosse, j'empoigne sa bite et décalotte son gland tout rose, j'y dépose un premier baiser sur son gland, puis je la soulève pour embrasser ses grosses couilles qui doivent être bien pleines, je fais glisser ma langue de ses couilles jusqu'au bout de son gland avant de l'engouffrer dans ma bouche de salope.

Ma petite bouche accueille cette belle bite, je la sens se gonfler dans ma bouche, sa grosse brûlante palpite dans ma bouche, je commence un lent va et vient, une fois bien raide, je la prends entièrement en gorge profonde, heureusement, j'ai l'habitude, j'accélère la cadence, je bave beaucoup pour que sa queue glisse parfaitement dans ma gorge étroite, il donne des petit coup de hanche pour que je la prenne encore plus profondément, il râle de plaisir, ma gorge lui pompe le dard alors que ma langue lui masse la queue a chaque va-et-vient.

-"nnnngh aaaaaaaaah ! Avec une salope comme toi, je risque de ne pas tenir longtemps ! Lève toi salope ! Il est temps que tu t'empales sur ma queue comme la chienne que tu es !"

Je termine ma pipe par un doux baiser sur son gland, sa queue sautille, elle est déjà prête à me fourrer. Alors que je m'apprête à prendre une capote, le client a une requête.

-" J'ai pris le service complet et j'y ai mis le prix, alors pas de capote ! Un bon vide couille se doit de se faire remplir comme le sac à foutre qu'elle es ! Aller tend moi ton cul sale chienne que je te la colle bien au fond !"

mmmmmh remarque, il n'a pas tord et puis je préfère sans capote, j'espère que j'ai pris ma pilule.
Je me retourne et lui présente mon cul, je pose un pied sur la chaise pour lui faciliter la pénétration, ma chatte est en feu, je suis trempée à l'idée que cette bonne queue s'enfonce en moi.

Je l'entends cracher sur sa bite, je sens son gland brûlant et couvert de salive se coller a l'entré de ma petite chatte bouillante, il a un peu de mal a visé, alors je le guide avec mes doigts, une fois son gland bien positionner, je m'empale sur sa queue, je la sens glisser en moi, son gland force le passage et atteint très vite les profondeurs de ma moule trop étroite pour sa queue, je sens son gros gland se coller au fond de ma chatte qui se ressert sur toute la longueur de sa bite, sa queue brûlante réchauffe mon ventre.

-"mmmmmmaaaaaaaaaah ooouai ! T'es serrée ma salope ! mmmmmmh une vraie pute de luxe ! Juste parfaite pour traire les queues ! T'auras même le droit à un pourboire salope ! mmmmmh aller vide moi les couilles sale chienne en chaleur ! Je vais remplir t'a chatte de jus de couille bien frais !"

mmmmmmh il me remplit complètement, vu qu'il peut a peine bouger, je commence les va et vient, lent et régulier, je le prend entièrement en moi, je sent son gland aller toujours plus profond, il râle puissamment son plaisir, je n'arrive pas a m'empêchée de couinée comme une petite pute, il tente de donner de petit coup de rein, je comprend alors qu'il veut accéléré la cadence, je m'exécute et je prend un rythme plus rapide, mon cul rebondit sur le mur, je sent son gland frapper le fond de ma chatte, je passe des couinement au petit cris de plaisir, ma moule aspire sa queue goulument et se ressert de plus en plus, mon cul claque contre le mur, je peine a rester debout, mes jambe tremble sous mon plaisir.

-"aaaaaaaaaah ouai continue comme ça ! nnnnngh je vais pas tarder à jouir ! Je vais noyer ta chatte sous mon jus de couilles ! aaaaaaaaah salope ! J'envoie la purée, prend tout sale pute !"

J'enfonce une dernière fois sa queue dans les profondeurs de ma moule, son gland bien collé au fond de ma petite chatte qui se contracte sur sa queue, je sens sa bite palpiter très fort en moi, puis je sens enfin ses grosses giclées puissante de foutre bien épais frapper le fond de ma petite chatte, il râle son plaisir alors qu'il vidait ses couilles au plus profond de ma petite moule, je me mords les lèvres sous les assauts répété de ses giclées de foutre qui me remplissais.

-"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah oooouai ! mmmmmmh trop bon ! Ça valait le coup ! mmmmmmh tient ton pourboire sac à foutre tu la méritée !"

Je le sens se retirer, ma chatte l'agrippe et ne veux plus le laisser partir, une fois son gland sortie de ma chatte, je sens son foutre épais et brûlant couler sur ma cuisse, il passe sa main dans le trou et me tend un billet de 50 euro.
Pour le remercier, je lui ai nettoyé sa bite avec ma bouche, heureux, il repart les couilles vide, je reprends mon souffle tranquillement, j'enfonce mes doigts dans ma petite chatte remplis de foutre bien frais, je lèche mes doigts qui son recouverts de foutre et les dégustes. Ma patronne repasse moi voir pour voir si tout, c'est bien passer, je lui confirme que oui et que j'ai gagné un pourboire, elle me félicite, et me dit que de nouveau client son arrivée.

Putain, j'adore ce job !

J'espère cette nouvelle histoire vous a plus, désoler si je ne poste plus autant d'histoire qu'avant car je n'est plus autant de temps qu'avant pour pouvoir écrire les histoires, mais ne vous inquiétez pas, je continuerai à écrire les suites de "Pauline, lesbienne mais pas que !! " ainsi que "Marina, copine infidèle !!" , a très vite pour une prochaine histoire ;)

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No Pride Amongst The Wounded

Note : This sex story is completely fictional! Greg Anderson cut a sad profile of humanity as he sat slumped in his easy chair. The same one he had been seated in that day so long ago, when his wife had announced breathlessly, “The doctor confirmed it this morning honey…we’re finally going to have a baby,” He had leaped up, held her tightly and kissed her lovingly….inarguably the proudest husband in the small residential conclave of Madison Heights at that moment. Now, his greatest happiness...

4 years ago
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22YearOld Guy Becomes Gigolo 8211 Part 2 The Good And The Bad

So as I had told you guys, the Malayali girl who auditioned to become an escort with me, I was about to get her twat. But there was the good and the bad part in this profession. Sharon – Big boobed colleague in need, should be fucked indeed. Suddenly, one evening in August, I got a call from Sharon. I was amazed. She seemed needy now and asked me what am I doing. Whether I’m still doing that job, to which I replied as yes. She wanted to meet me. I wondered whether why she...

2 years ago
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Ek Majboor Maa

Hello indian sex stories dot net friends mai abhi 25 sal ka well settled life ji raha hu. Iss life ko banane me meri maa ka bahut bada hath hai, jo ki sabhi ki maa ka hath hota hai uske bate ki life banane me, par mare sath kuch alag hai meri maa ne apna sab kuch laga diya meri life banane me. Meri maa ne kya kiya eh mai har kisi ko har jagah bata nahi sakta, par mujhe eh jagah sahi lagi apni dil me chupi hui baat ko batane ke liye so I am writing here. Eh story tab ki hai jab mai 18 sal ka tha...

1 year ago
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Scoreland Diana Eisley Diana Eisley Takes Over

Our girl Diana Eisley has a new outfit to show off to Berry McCockiner. It’s a long yellow fishnet dress, the kind that girls wear over their swimsuits at the beach or pool. Berry reaches out to fondle Diana’s magnificent boobs. She peels off her dress and they both play with her pale, creamy tits. She eagerly pulls off his pants to get at his pole so she can smoke it. She tugs on him and sucks him hands-free then uses her arms to squish her breasts together with his cock buried...

1 year ago
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Shelby and Her Best Friends Forever

"He's so cute." Fourteen year old Shelby Irving heard the statement during her high school lunch break as she approached Emily and Laura, her two Best Friends Forever. The young teen brushed her auburn bangs out of her eyes. It was Emily who had said the statement. "He sure is," said Laura. There was something in Laura's voice that Shelby took as being surprised that Emily said it yet not genuinely surprised. "I'd totally do it with him," said Emily. "Without a doubt." "Who?"...

2 years ago
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The Institute Prolog

“Jessica and Abby still coming over tonight?“ I asked. “In about 15 minutes.” came the quick reply from the bathroom. “How do I look?” Donna asked as she walked out. She looked amazing. A formal green dress, not to long, splendid legs, and she had made herself up like a classy movie star from the golden age. Very Marilyn Monroe, but with natural blond hair. “Ridiculously good.” I said, giving her a kiss. “Well, you got home late, so get cleaned up.” she chided, returning my kiss....

2 years ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 59

Five o'clock and my cell was going nuts. I answered, "Johnson." "This is Airman Franks from the team that picked up the prisoners from you earlier last night. I have some information for you." "Go." "There is a bomb in the South Central Tulsa Mall set to go off at ten this morning, another possible bomb in the basement of the federal building set to go at noon, and one at the West Tulsa Mall for two in the afternoon. We think there may be another somewhere, but no one knows exactly...

3 years ago
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Kristen Is Given The Real Thing By Zak

We were drying each other off standing in front of the mirror. I was admiring the beautiful body of Kristen. She had her arms wrapped around me from behind whispering in my ear.“Let me share what my friend Anna did to me,” said Kristen.“Today I was a naughty girl and didn’t wear panties. I wore a short black skirt, stockings, V-neck blouse and, push-up bra. At my desk, I was squeezing my legs together and that felt good to my pussy,” said Kristen.*A meeting was scheduled about a new platform...

First Time
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Using Sara Part 2

After sleeping the best I had slept in years, I woke up more excited that I was last night. I cannot stop thinking about last night. I cannot even believe that my wife went along with it. Not only did she go along with it, she seems to be enjoying it. I looked over and found my wife still sleeping. I snuck down into the basement to check on my newest toy. I found her still strapped down to the table where I left her, and awake. She began to plea to be let go. Poor Sara, I couldn’t let her...

2 years ago
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The Blushing Sissy

The Blushing Sissy by StateRowdy [email protected] ? She'd been teasing me all week, much, much more than usual. And, now I could hear her talking to me from her bathroom tub, which by the way, used to be our bathroom. Me, I was busy ironing her long and elegant pinstriped wool gabardine black skirt with the flounced hem and her very sheer ruffled black silk halter. Ironing is perhaps one of the hardest chores I have to do. Everything had to be just so, or it was over her knee, panties down...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Kat Dior Gym Bunny Gets Fucked

Kat Dior is the hot, fit gym bunny with a tight ass popping out of her tiny shorts that we all want to fuck right there in the gym! Marco Banderas can’t help himself picturing this slut ass naked working out and needs to tie up this whore right there on the equipment for some squirting orgasm exercises. Keeping her knee high socks on, Marco drags Kat down to the filthy gym showers and ties her up in rope bondage for some corporal punishment. Flogging, ball gags, electric zappers, clothes pins,...

1 year ago
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Betting can be fun

This was supposed to be just another night out with the guys. Where you go out, shoot some pool, drink some beer, and have a good time. We normally go out to the same bar, where they have about 30 tables and a lot of people, loud music, and some pretty good eye candy. This night was no exception. The music was loud, the drinks were flowing, lots of skin to be seen. I am not a pool shark by any means, and no one in my circle of friends is either, but I can hold my own with just about anyone. We...

2 years ago
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The Girlfriends LessonChapter 5

"Julie, honey, there are some things we're gonna have to talk about," said Ertha setting a cup of steaming hot Italian roast coffee at her friend's side. For the second day in a row, Julie had woken up hung over and depressed and, if she followed yesterday's pattern, she'd lay on the sofa all day and watch television. Any question would be answered in a brief monosyllable with no inflection. A picture of depression, if ever there was one. "Huh?" Julie raised her head reluctantly off...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Anuskatzz Alexis Crystal Lesbian AltSex

Adventurous director Proxy Paige finds the most exotic, interesting performers: Anuskatzz is slim alt-babe with perky tits and a tight body covered in tattoos. Trim cutie Alexis Crystal teams up with lusty, elaborately inked Anuskatzz for a freaky lesbian fuck session. They start with a sexy tease segment — the ladies grope each other’s body, and Anuskatzz digs a finger into Alexis’ cunt. Next, hot Anuskatzz pries open Alexis’ butt crack for a rim job, and the girls...

4 years ago
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Pune Can Be Fun When You Find The Gspot

Let me start by telling you a bit about myself, My name is sarvesh, currently, I’m based out of Pune. Apart from attending lectures at my university, I spend my free time hunting good sexual escapades in and around the city. I’m 6’2 and weigh 75 kgs with a decent physique and ample chivalry. It was the end of the 2nd semester, I was not attending college and situations had made me completely broke. My parents had given up on me and that’s when I thought I should make some money of my own. I...

3 years ago
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Dirty weekend

I had booked us a weekend away for our anniversary and when I told my wife she giggled and said I hope it's a dirty one?! That got me thinking over next few weeks of possible fantasies we hadn't fulfilled...The weekend arrived and I had to work late (typical!)so we had to meet at the hotel. I was finally on my way when I received a text from my wife saying she had decided to go to hotel bar and told me to meet her there and for me to try and pull her as if we were strangers. This got my cock...

2 years ago
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taboo africabritish

MY Name is john, i'm your average young black African boy who is told to respect his elders although i go to church my sexual mind does not reflect it , i most times when my parents are out sneak onto the computer to have a hard on.Most times i gt caught by my dad who gives me a lecture on how to leave it but at times i wonder if he has the right to tell me anything like that , since he had an affair with his Secretary ,but all the same i listen to him.I have always watched i****t on the...

2 years ago
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A Newyears to Remember

A NEW YEARS TO REMEMBER Dan, Anna, Marie & myself had gotten closer than I ever thought we would. That was a surprise, but a nice one just the same. New years is traditionally thought of as a new hope, a fresh slate for the future. Welcoming the new year of hope with a bang, as it were. We pretty much figured they'd want us over for some kind of New Years party. But we didn't want to leave the boys at home alone on New Years Eve. Quite the dilemma? Besides, if we keep taking off every...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 166

These are compliments of Allan A guy was crawling through the Australian outback, dying of thirst, and gasping, ‘water, water’. He looked up and saw a sign saying “Sisters of Mercy Convent”. He managed to crawl to the door, and banged on it. When a nun opened the door he gasped, “Water, please, I’m dying of thirst”. The nun said, “We don’t have water, but we do have tea brewed from a koala bear.”. The guy said, “Anything, I’m dying of thirst”. The nun gave him a big mug of the tea, he...

3 years ago
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The office

Dwight Schrute wad given omnipotence pver everything after his promotion at Dunder Mifflin. He didn't realoze this until he told Jim to go suck a lemon and he did. That was only yesterday, but he has big plans for the present.

Mind Control
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Balancing the BooksChapter 5

Despite having slept for 12 hours after our ponygirl experience with the Sapphics, Caitlin and I were still exhausted, and would willingly have gone to bed early and slept round the clock the following night. However, our descriptions of the experience as ponies had really excited dear Lily, and it was clear that Caitlin and I would get no sleep unless we satisfied Lily. So early in the evening we took Lily upstairs and Caitlin and I put on two large strap-ons and proceeded to take turns...

4 years ago
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First Time for Everything A Jo Cross Story

"Kirsten?" Even though I was dressed in male clothes --- not even wearing panties --- I looked up instinctively from my booth in the diner. After all, in the great scheme of things, Kirsten was my preferred name. "I thought that was you." Jesus. Talk about a blast from the past. Jo Cross as I live and breathe. And still looking gorgeous with a warm, sweetheart smile. "Jo?" She grinned and bent to hug me. I felt her fingers exploring my shoulders. "You're not wearing a...

1 year ago
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Return To Pleasant Street Ch 05

DEBBIE’S ALL GROWN UP Larry Tilton lives three doors down from me on the East side of Pleasant Street. Larry has been divorced for about three years, now. He and his ex-wife were married for eight years, and have a couple of wonderful kids. The marriage came apart because Larry’s ex-wife, Monica, developed a drinking problem. That led to Larry having a short affair with Debbie Lawrence, a cute neighborhood girl who babysat for them. I’ll give him credit, he broke off the affair in an effort...

1 year ago
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Utopia Stories! Alright, everybody, it’s time to put on your reading glasses cause we’re going on an adventure. It’s going to be an adventure of a lifetime, so if I were you, I would buckle up. Welcome to, one of the finest places on the internet to read amazing BDSM stories that have been picked out to be the best. Not just any story can be uploaded to this website, which means that only the best stories get through. And, of course, the site is entirely free, as are all the...

Sex Stories Sites
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SSShotguneagle Part Three

He yanked the whip off her neck, leaving Leah gasping for air. Leah writhed in despair as she welcomed more air into her lungs. It was difficult to soothe her aching neck. All she could do was wait for the pain to go away and sob. Kenny tossed the whip to the ground and walked over to his cart of tools. After he grabbed what he wanted, he walked back to Leah, standing in front of her. She was still sobbing, trying to get used to the discomfort that was steadily growing. Kenny thought she...

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Sex with Sameer

Hi, this is Anjali the divorcee lady again. This was happened when I was with my husband. Sameer had been known to my husband for years before our marriage, in fact when I came as a newly wed bride, he had welcomed us and had helped me set up home in the building where we all lived. He was in the habit of dropping in some evenings and staying over for dinner as he was divorced and lived as a bachelor. This closeness through the days between us had been on a very innocent level and Sameer has...

1 year ago
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Sex Chat Aur Aunty Ko Seduce Kiya Part 2

Hi mera naam Keshav hai, 6 ft tall handsome ladka hu abhi graduation final year mai hu from Hyderabad , lamba aur exercise yoga ke wajah se mai aur mera lund healthy aur fit hai 6 ft ka mai 7inches ka woh ! Kahaani mai kahi koi spelling mistake ho toh maaf karna English-Hindi phone mai dictionary on karke type karo toh galti ho hi jaati hai , par aapko yeh kahaani zaroor pasand aayegi ! Yeh chudai story mai ! aapko mai bataunga kaise mere uncle ne mujhe unki wife jo meri aunty thi unko seduce...

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