Sex Teacher Part 2 Chapter Seven free porn video

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When most my friends had their drivers permit at sixteen year old and they have been enjoying that new found freedom that come be able to drive. Not being Shoferd around by your parents all the fucking time. Well I wasn’t like rest of the kid due my ADHD my parents made me wait until i was eighteen year old .my dad sweet the deal I waited until after I was eighteen to get my drivers permit he would buy me car .

So has i promised my parents I waited to get my drivers permit. So once I got it my dad made good on his end of the deal and bought me not new car like i was want but instead he bought this 1985 baby blue Chevrolet Cavalier station wagon fromOne of his friends and I fell in love with and freedom that came with it and word travel fast when you get car.

Well one day after getting off from work i decided I was going take soak in bath tub instead of my routine shower it had hard day at work all I want to do was sit down soak my soar and aching feet and back. On top of all that it had been since January since of that year since Christiane had took my virginity and been twice that long since Stephanie jack me off in back of movie theater.

Well usually after work I would relieve myself and today was no different that would come back to bite me. I laid back in water and me some hand lotion on my hands and start to relieve myself. It was only minutes before an Stream of cum burst forth from tip of my dick fall on my chest. With my hand I splashed some water up my chest to wash way any my semen that was left. I was growing tired of having to relieve myself. What I really want to do was unload it into Jackie Pussy or just about any pussy that came my way other than my Sister’s

Few minutes later my cordless phone started to ring the on bathroom sink counter. So I quickly dry off my arms and hand enough so I could answer the phone without getting the shit shocked out of me. I step out of bath tube and answer the phone call “ hello Jackie how it going you sweet sexy thing you” “ I’m not Jackie Scott it me Stephanie you dumb ass. But thank for the sweet sexy thing” she said over phone.

I hadn’t expected Stephanie to call me. I hadn’t heard from her in while “ oh I so sorry about that Stephanie what up haven’t heard from you in while.. what you been doing Where have you been hiding at?” “ I know it been while since I invite you to come that lame ass party with me, it really suck that those douchebag want to charge you to attend!” As began to dry myself from the bath once I had finished drying myself off and undid the tube letting water run out of it“Yeah only reason my parents wouldn’t let me go was because of that single fact and with that kind fee my stepdad knew it had have alcohol involved”

“Scott is that water I hear draining out over there you were busy were you?”she said over phone “ well I was just getting out bath tub washing off the Funk from work . I just got home from work just while ago .. but what you up to Stephanie ?I asked. “ oh nothing much here just chilling here at Libary checking my yahoo... so Scott I heard the news you got some wheel congratulations!” She said over phone “ sure did I have had my permit for oh about month now and I’m enjoying the new found freedom of having my own car. Why what up?” I said as I put on my clothes and head out of bath head down to my room “ well I thought maybe you could come meet me at brambleton rd branch Libary and once I’m done here (spoken In a seductive tone of voice ) we could go back to my grandma mother house chill for while because she going be leaving the house in about hour to go run some errands and she won’t back for at least three or four hours tops how that sound to you Scott?”

I thought to myself sound lot like I going to get laid today “ Sound like an Plan to me Stephanie, we have lot of catching up to do? I said to her “ We sure do Scott it been way to long !So what been going on with you?” “ Well I’m not an virgin anymore!” I said to her “ What...... So you finally tap that fine ass Fiancée of your?” She said kind of Excitedly I took an deep breath and let it out “No it wasn’t Jackie Stephanie ... we still haven’t done it yet.” I said there was long awkward pauses then Stephanie asked “ Oh.... ok if it wasn’t Jackie than who?”

“ I’m kind I’m regret it now ... but Christiane..” I said “ Christiane ? Christiane! What the hell was you thinking Scott ?” Stephanie said over phone “ To be honest Stephanie I was desperate to lose my virginity. I was getting sick and tired of being teased by the Kids at school for being a seventeen and still a Virgin and both time that I came close make love to Jackie fell though right at very last second fucking Condoms. I really didn’t see any other options on table.” I said to her

“How and when and where?” Stephanie asked “ Christine came over one night to sleep over with my sister in late January... it was literally three days before my birthday and how it happen promise me you won’t laugh at me when I tell you!” “ I promise Scott I won’t laugh.” She said with a slight giggle “ we ended up playing an game of truth or Dare and she keep telling over and over No matter the dare I all was do my dare.” “ OMG fell me you didn’t dare her to fuck you did you Scott?” “ Yes Stephanie I did! I said “ OMG and she did oh please tell me wore an condom with her Scott? “Yes I did Stephanie but i really finish tell you this when I get there I’m just about ready to leave the house.” “ You better your sweet ass you going finish tell me” she said

“Before I go I bought these three playboy dvd girl on girl action would like me bring them with since your into that may set the mood if know I mean ? “ sure bring them with you we can watch them together” she said all excited “ Ok now Stephanie do you want me to bring something else along just in case?” I ask her “ do you mean condoms Scott ?” “‘Yes Stephanie just in case ?” “ sure it better be prepared because never know where this could lead to Scott ?” “ Ok I toss a few in the bag yet again maybe four or five they seem grow leg walk when I need them!” “ Ok I should be done when you get here ok see you few Scott .. your leave as soon as hang up with me right?” “ Yes Stephanie I’ll see you in few love you girl!” “ Love you to Scott” we both hang up the phone

As soon as hang up the phone with Stephanie I grabbed up all three of playboy girl on girl porn DVDs and them in Kroger bag and I also toss in about four different colored condoms that I had bought just a few day earlier and grabbed my key from the dresser and head out to my car. I had cell phone on so didn’t need really tell my mom I was leaving. Hell I’m not seventeen anymore I’m grown adult.

So the drive from my house to Brambleton branch Libary where I was to meeting Stephanie at took just about 20 minutes to drive give or taken five minutes for traffic. When I arrived at Libary I park my car when inside to find Stephanie and i around the corner and found her sitting at one of many computers desk. She was still chatting away on yahoo message when I walk up. Damn she look fucking hot as hell. It had been while since last time we saw each other and she has changed slightly her tits had gotten bigger and she had fill out a little more and she has lost a few pounds.

When she saw me around that corn she jumped from her seat and give me big hug and kiss on lips before sitting back at computer “ omg Scott it so fucking good to see you” she said I look her up and now and said “ damn your looking fine Stephanie you about ready to roll ? I asked her she look down at her watch and said “Yes my grandma mother should have left by now her dr app was at three o clock just let log out the. We can go ok” she said “Sure thing Stephanie” I replied

Few minutes late we were leaving the Libary and walking over to my car. Stephanie poke fun at me when she saw my car “hey it car and get me from point A to B now”I said as we both got to the car and drove off. For some reason Stephanie was taking us the long rout to her house I guess to burn time a little to make sure her grandma was gone. Stephanie and I talk about all kind of stuff during that time. About five minutes from grandma house she ask “Scott did you bring them both with you ?” “ sure did the DVDs and condoms are in the bag in back seat ... Stephanie the condom are for just in case if it happen it happens if not I’m ok with it to” I said “oh Scott i really don’t think you handle me I’m get pretty wild in sack” she said “ oh sweet Stephanie you won’t be able handle me sweet heart trust me I have many month of Pent up sexual frustration that will be unleashed” I said

Well moment later we pull into the her grandma drive away and it was good thing she took long way to her house because her grandma was just driving down the road going to the city. I turn off the car and reach over into back seat grab the Krogers bag and we both made our way into the house.once inside the house we when into their living room and popped it one of playboy DVDs I bought with me. I known she was into that kind of stuff and I could tell that she was getting turn on she lend in lay her on my shoulder and started to ask about what when on with Christine.

“ So Scott tell what happen with Christine?” “ what do you want to know Stephanie?” “ Well for it being you first time did she let you eat her out or give you blow Job?” She asked “I wish to be totally honest with you when we got done with game she tossed me condom and told me get ready while she when up stairs to get ready. Didn’t even tell how put bloody thing on or anything . Being Virgin I didn’t know if there was right and wrong way put it on I just put it on a hope for the best and when she came in she didn’t want have any forplay ..” I said “‘so you telling me your special night and she didn’t make it special for you damn Scott I’m sorry continue on” she said “ well you have understand what we were up against here my sister in other room my parents up stairs so we had cut corner with sucked because I want to do all those thing being first time I said

“So no blow job,no eating her out ... damn was sex any good?” Stephanie asked I sighed -“ to be honest she came in drop her pants and panties and allow me to suck on her breast but other that she just wanted to hurry up so I enter her fuck her hard but for first time I want to make love not just have freaking quickly and hell she didn’t even make a sound other than a few moan here and there nothing Hell I even ask her if I was even in and she told me I was to be honest it was like I fucking a knot of an Log and that wasn’t the worse thing my sister walk in on us and I thought she said she would tell on us boy was I wrong”

“ what did she tell on you?” Stephanie ask as started rub my the Crotch of my shorts “ oh yes she did and my mom had the biggest bitch fit and we were in store when she told her and oh when we got home mom yelled at me for hour before grounding for month and now Christine can’t come back to house and I’m not allow to have girls in room anymore so that take care me getting any” i said

This when Stephanie stop the porn movie we were watching and lead me by the hand to her room and I noticed she had bag with condom in it in her other hand she lead in to her bedroom and we sat on floor behind her door and she look at me and said “Christiane should have know better than to do that to you, I mean if guy want give you his Virginity then no matter what you make it special. It really piss me off knowing that you give that honor to her, Scott all you would have done is called and ask me and I would made it a night to remember!” “ I didn’t think you wanted to do it Stephanie since I with Jackie” I said

“ speaking of your girlfriend has she ever give you blow job?” She ask “ No I don’t think she like doing that now she has give plenty of hand jobs but I never had an girl go down on me yet” I said looking down at floor Stephanie lifted my head up and our lips lock for second “ so I take you girlfriend never has allow you to down on her either?” “No every time I ask she says no close I came is finger her Now we came close making love a few time but something alway get in way”I said once again looking at floor.

Stephanie stood up and said “Well you haven’t really experience the full scope of sex Scott christine may have took you cherry but you have experienced Sex” she stood me up and took off my shirt and she also removed her her and bar letting her big Beautiful tits spring free she took my hand place them on her Chest and told me to do as wish with them so that what I did.

I pull her back down on to carpet and took my time kiss and lick every inch of both of her breast and she was moaning loud. Most louder that Christine did and I soaked her both of breast with my Saliva. Soaking her nipples heavy as took one into my mouth than the other flickering my tongue of them. Once I finish with her breast Then I proceeded to kiss my way down her belly blowing my hot breath over her exposed skin make the flesh of her belly warm to touch this when she sat up in floor and undid the button to her pant and pull both her panties and pants off and toss them by the way said and lay back and spread her thighs nice wide and told me “‘Scott I want you eat my fucking pussy until you have had your fill now without using your teeth only your mouth and your tongue slide your head between my thighs have at her and don’t you fucking hold back damn it enjoy it”

So I nervously moved my head between her thighs kissing my way up her inner part of her thighs and She was moaning and pushing my head closer to her pussy. Damn I literally buried my face into her pussy sucking and licking every inch of it the very first time I flick my tongue over her G spot my face was covered her in sweet juices.I only stop long enough to get take in every bit of her juices that hit my face then i was back at one again she wrap her thighs around my back pushing my face further into her pussy it seem every two minutes she was having an thunderous orgasm I drove my tongue deep in your her canal and started tongue fuck her and pushing my tongue in and out of her canal at rapid peace and she had an Numerous body quacking orgasms

After one of them she lend up and said “ are you sure you never ate woman out ?”she has let another moan “ yep first time way” Im said has plunged my tongue deep into her pussy and started tongue fucker her Again harder and faster than them first time and she scream out “ there no damn way this your first time the way your eating my pussy tell me you have done it before OH MY FUCKING GOD that feel GOOD don’t stop tongue fucking me baby OH MY GOD IM about Cum ... CUMING” she said had Unleashed her 9th orgasm since I started and her pussy juice spew out from her canal once again covering my face once again.

I withdraw my tongue and start mouthing her lips of her pussy with my mouth and flicking my tongue over her G spot this when I near bite her clitoris off and she cry out in pain and said “damn it Scott that a part of me NO TEETH damn it OH HERE we Go again her body began to shake and she arched her back as the Tenth and final orgasm rock her body her body when limp and she look at me said “ I’m pretty sure you stay down all fucking damn eat could you?”’she said as lifted my head from between her thighs “ Yep if you let me i would” i said wiping her pussy juices my my face and running my tongue over my hand to get every last drop of it

This when Stephanie push me down flat on my back and undid the button to my shorts and quickly undid the zipper and didn’t waste seconds removing both my pant and boxer from my body. She straddled my body and she started to kiss my chest working her way slowly down my Torso kissing every inch of my body until she to my Crotch and slide herself down and took my testicles in her hand and rolled them around in her palm for moment and i throw back my head and moan thinking to myself finally I’m going to get head from an sexy ass woman who is starving with Hunger for my dick. She ran the full length of my penis with that long tongue of her and in thrust my hip a little “ Oh may God Stephanie your about to take my blow Job Virginity I been drying to have one of these”

Stephanie then rolled her lips and slipped the tip of my penis into her moist mouth sliding my penis deeper into her mouth and she began to slide up and down on my penis and i throw my head back and let loud moan of my own “ Oh my God Stephanie that feel so Fucking Good suck my cock and satisfy your hunger” I said as I moaned. I felt the tip of my penis hit the back of her throat and was Amazed that she was literally deep throating me.

This was totally new experience for me. For I never before had woman give me blow Job not Diana nor Jackie or Christiane. I watched her every movement how she took pride in giving me best blow job she could. I may have lost my virginity to Christiane. But Stephanie was acting like she was taking my virginity. Hell I was kicking myself in ass for giving Christiane my cherry now and I was was really wishing I hadn’t relieve myself earlier because if I hadn’t I would have surely shoot that load in her mouth.but I was hoping there was more in tank

All suddenly I felted this overwhelming urge to start thrusting my hip but wasn’t sure if that what I was supposed to do. “ umm Stephanie this maybe stupid question but am I supposed thrust my hips I mean I don’t want hurt you since you have so far in mouth?” She pull my penis from her mouth and look at and said “ Scott that normal reaction a man when their getting an blow Job from girl. If girl giving blow Job doing it right their mouth muscles are supposes to mimic the feeling I guy has when their inside the woman pussy. So thrust away” then she rolled her lips and slipped my penis back into her mouth and returned to slide her mouth up and down my rock hard penis and this when urge to thrust my hips came I when with it.

After about twenty minutes Stephanie pull up from my penis and look at me with this weird look on her face and she said “ Scott I been blowing you for almost thirty minutes straight.Most guy I have blown had all really blow at least one or more shoots in my mouth, Does It usually take you this long to cum when jack off ?” I couldn’t bring myself to tell her that I had already relieve myself earlier in day. So I had think of something quick. So I decided to tell her little white lie “ I’m sorry Stephanie it most be me being all nervous. I might do better when I’m inside of you!” I said to her. I didn’t want her think she was doing it right because damn for first ever blow job I was given it was out of this world experience for me.

Thousand of thing when rushing though my mind. I know i couldn’t tell that I had already relieve myself before she called. So I told her small white lie “ No it doesn’t usually take this long for me to cum. I might do better once I’m inside of you.”I said I believe those were the words she had been waiting for because her face lite up “ well then Scott why didn’t you just say so” she said as she when grab an condom from the Kroger’s bag that was laying beside us in the floor. As she pull a condom pack from the Kroger’s bag I felt I need to tell her about the issue I had with the condom with Christine definitely didn’t want an repeat of that happening.

“ Stephanie I need to tell you something? I nervously said Stephanie place unopened condom pack on ground between us and look up at me “ Yes Scott what is it?” “ One Thing I didn’t about last time with Christine..But I’m kind of ashamed of it please don’t laugh.” I said nervously “ Scott i promise not to laugh just tell me.” “ Ok I when to put the condom on last time I kind of put the fucker on the wrong way and after I nutted and when was pulling out of her it came off inside of her” I said to her “ OH ok that why you mom made go get check out now it make total senses. Need not to be worried about that I’m going show you the proper way of putting one on” she said as grabbed ahold of condom

Make quick story this part. She open the pack and show me every condom come with small white instruction sheet and told me basically if you feel wetness when roll on your doing it right and dry you screwed up and if you happen to screw up toss the condom get another one. Don’t change it . When saw the color of this of I was thank God it green and not bright neon pink .So a few seconds later Stephanie had roll condom on me and we were ready to rumble.

So I thought we going do it on her bed. But instead she surprised me but laying down in floor in front of her door. “ um Stephanie wouldn’t it be better if we did this on you bed”

I said to her . “ Yes it would but if we did it on bed and grandma would come home and catch us we would be screwed so this way we blocking the door. So she won’t be able walk in on us .so come here you. You have not idea how long I have been waiting to get an opportunity to fuck You Scott !” “ How exactly long have you been wanting to fuck me Stephanie?” Stephanie reach up to ahold of my hand and pulled me into floor beside her.

She looked me straight in eyes and she said “ since moment I first laid eyes on you Scott. I have many dreams about you screwed the hell out of me and finally my dreams are coming true. You have no idea how much I wanted to undo you pant and suck you off those time we were in movies.But I thought you would freak out so i didn’t. I only wish you would told me that you felt same way.”she said as she ran her hand over my dick. “ So Scott how long have you wanted to screw me?”

I slipped my hand between her leg and slide two fingers into her pussy and started sliding in and out of her pussy and she started to moaning “Stephanie first of all I never want just to screw you but I want to make love to you since Vicki told me that you like me. Stephanie would you like to make

hot passion love to me?” I asked her as I could tell she was about have orgasm “ Yes Scott I been waiting for you ask me

That for longest time ahhhhhhhhhhhh” her body Tension up and she arched her back as the wave of her orgasm rippled thought her body she grab a hold of me and pulled me farther in floor now we were laying side by side our lips locked and both of our tongues invaded each other mouths as she spread her legs wide and motion for me move in between her legs

I took my time as made my way in between her thighs wanting to kiss every inch of her thighs which drove her wild. I specialty took extra time running my tongue over her G Spot I enjoyed watching her buck her hips. Then I grab ahold of my dick and place it just at very entrance off her pussy rubbing my rock hard dick over her G spot watching her body Reaction “ Stephanie I wish this was me me giving you my cherry because what we have done here today feel more like what I should gotten from Christine. May I enter you Stephanie?” “ Oh Dear God Yes Scott you may this dream

Come true” she said

Without another one I press the tip my dick into her pussy. And she let out a massive moan and arch her back. I felt the tightness of her muscles of her canal drawing me in deeper and deeper in her pussy. Damn it had been so long since I last felted this. “ oh god Scott your so damn Big your filling my whole canal oh God I been wanting this for so long Fuck me like your life The Depended on it Oooooooohhhhhhahhhhh. Fuck me hard treat me like a dirty slut that I am”’she demanded as she wrap her leg tight against my body pushing me even farther into her canal.

“Stephanie I’m going to make love you and make this a day you never forget” I said as I started to pound in to her with all my might. Stephanie began to match every one of my thrust with one of her own . Stephanie started to yell “ that right treat me like slut I am . Harder harder harder Scott that fucking feel good.” We when at this pace for about fifteen minutes and I felt the muscles in her pussy tighten against my dick and then I felt the rush over her vaginal juices rush over dick more than once. I was really starting to kick my self for reliving myself earlier. Here I was get fucked twice as good as Christine and I couldn’t perform.

I couldn’t fake an orgasm because I had condom on so I was hoping and praying I would cum. How I regret blowing my load earlier in day when this sexy woman laying under me want to feel my seaman rush it condom after about ten minutes she want me to do her doggie stole so I pull out and she got up on hand and knee and wiggle that ass of her in front of me I quickly mounted her from back slamming with all my might into her pussy her double D tits bouncing in air she lend backward and our lips connected and our tongues with wild in each other mouth. I retched around a hold of one of her tits rubbing my hand firmly over her nipples and once again I felt the wave of her vaginal fluid rush over my dick as she had another massive orgasm.

Still I was no where near blow my load. I really felt bad at this point we had been hardcore fucking going twenty minutes still nothing. She much be think to her self I couldn’t Perform. I pull out of her pussy and she said “ stick in my ass!” “In your ass?”I said “ yes i my ass I want you fuck all my holes”she said “Ok” I said so I line up my dick with her ass and slowly push it in allowing her muscles in her ass you expand around my dick moments later I was fully in side her ass pounding away as she want me to and she had multiple orgasms and still I have came yet .

After trade out for new condom we when back to the first position and I bang her hell out of her for another fifteen minutes and she had multiple orgasms by now she was getting tired so i we had been fucking hard for the last 45 minutes and I still hadn’t came “ Scott we need Stop I can’t go anymore my pussy started to burn from being Raw. So I stopped and withdraw from her pussy and started to cry a little and Stephanie came up beside of and through her arms around me “ Scott wrong please tell me I won’t be mad I promise!” “ Yes you will!” I said “Scott tell me please!” She Pleaded

“ The reason I didn’t cum was because before you called I had relieve myself already and I was trying my best to cum again I’m sorry if I let you down I most be world worse lover” I said as bury my head in her chest soaking them in my tears she retch up with her hand ran through my hair she lifted my head up and looked me in eyes “ Scott your not the worse lover in world ok so what if you didn’t get off as long as you enjoyed it didn’t you baby?” “ yes it was hell of a lot better than Christine. But you came at twenty time and I didn’t once .” I said to her Stephanie look me in eyes and said “ as long as you enjoyed it that all matter hell look at this carpet burn you give me”she said I had to bust out laughing at that one. “ So I guess we found out who couldn’t handle who” I said laugh my ass off “ smart ass” she said as she push me and I topped off on the floor “ I look like you could handle me Stephanie” I joked as I took off condom and throw in trash .

We both got dress and once we were dressed and I noticed Stephanie walking a little odd “‘damn didn’t come but I must have done something right your walk crooked. “ Asshole! I got rug burn down there think you . This shit hurts like hell damn I feel bad for your girlfriend when you finally take her cherry.” She said as toss a pillow at me hit me face with it “ hey am the one that said we should took the bed your the one who want the floor !” I said toss the pillow back at her “Yeah yeah this shit going burn” she said

Stephanie taught me a great deal about how to please a woman and little did I know that just week later Jackie and I would finally become love which won’t be beginning of end of our relationship but your have read next chapter to find out Exactly how that when down.


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Teacher Sexy Teacher Chapter II

“Oh my god Miss Davis, that was so HOT!” he panted out barely catching his breath.“I’m glad you liked that Jason.” She said as she pulled up his underwear and pants, tucking his cock back inside with his help.He looked at her with surprise, hoping they weren’t finished as she turned towards him and said, “We can’t risk getting caught here Jason. Tell you what, come to my apartment tonight and we’ll see what happens, ok?”“Alright Miss Davis, I’ll be there.” He quickly replied.“Please Jason, call...

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Summoning My Succubus Mother Chapter 4 Spanked by the Dominating Teacher

Chapter Four: Spanked by the Dominating Teacher By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Note: This is based off a one-off story was commissioned by a fan! Brenda and Izolde clung to my arms as we left the cafeteria behind. They had glommed on to me. Like every other girl in school, they had become attracted to me, turned on by my presence. I was a cambion. The son of a succubus. My mother claimed that this was all me. “So, uh, you girls on birth control?” I asked, my cheeks burning at the...

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The Teacher Part 02 The Party

After a week or two the teacher invited me to a party at her house. i was the youngest in the party. there were other teachers at the school. at once i wanted to have a drink. i went to get a drink. i watched the party from a corner. i saw the teacher who had sex with me is going to the bathroom with another teacher of our school.the other teacher is a bit taller than the teacher who had sex with me. and had a round ass. her tits were about to jump out of the dress. they are bouncing when she...

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Teacher Teacher chapter 8

You should read the previous chapters to get a handle of their adventures so far. Dawn rode in the backseat with the twins in front. Her coat was open and all she could see was the word SLUT emblazoned just about her cunt. As soon as the school was out of sight her mind went back to the slave mode. Her arousal was climbing, and her hand was drifting down to where her legs met. She smiled as her fingers found her clit and began to lightly massage it. She looked at her mistress driving and...

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Teacher a Short Novel Under ConstructionChapter 17

(here's another extra-long chapter at readers' request) "I hope some of you guys finished reading The Red Badge of Courage over those snow days. Here are some study-guide questions, and you can have the rest of this period. Tomorrow I will assume that everyone's read it. It's a short book." He principal walked in and then led him from the room and out into the hall, silent, motioning with his head. "The PTA wants to give you an award, a plaque probably. You surely deserve it. I...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing the teacher part1

My parents moved us to a better part of town and it just so happened that the wife next door was my ex math teacher. I was totally shocked when I seen her walk out of her back door and into her yard, not that there's something weird about that, it was that she was wearing about the smallest white bikini I have ever seen on anybody. She laid on the lounger next to the pool about to tan herself, I remember back in her class now I wondered how she would look naked and here she is very close to my...

4 years ago
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Sex With Teacher And Her SisterInLaw 8211 Part 2

Hi, guys and lovely girls… Thanks for your valuable comments on my last story sex with a teacher and her sister-in-law.So hardiicck (with double I and double c) is back. It’s a sequel to that story. Who haven’t read that story please read that one and then read this. I am from Navi Mumbai so girls and ladies can contact me on So without much ado let’s jump to the story. It’s been 2 months since that sexual night. And a lot has changed in these two months. Firstly I and sandhya(my teacher) both...

3 years ago
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CuttyChapter 35 The Whore Teacher

Donna sat at the kitchen table taking a break from her morning duties. She had still so much to do! She looked at her nails to check if she had done them correctly. She had done so five times already in the last minute alone, but she kept forgetting. Her mind couldn’t hold anything anymore; she was so desperate for sleep. And as she sat in the chilly kitchen, she had to constantly rub herself as both her holes itched terrible. She never had had it this bad. Both holes were flaming red. It...

1 year ago
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College Teacher Chapter Three

College Teacher. Chapter Three ‘Have you seen this?’ Kit asked me as we sat down for breakfast, waving two sheets of paper before me. I could only shake my head at his question. ‘I put this notice up about camping at the weekend,’ which made me laugh at his choice of title, ‘and on Sunday there were only eight names up. Now look! Tuesday morning and there must be at least eighty names down. They even tacked on another sheet. We can’t handle that many with only being allowed ten at one weekend....

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College Teacher Chapter Three

College Teacher. Chapter Three ‘Have you seen this?’ Kit asked me as we sat down for breakfast, waving two sheets of paper before me. I could only shake my head at his question. ‘I put this notice up about camping at the weekend,’ which made me laugh at his choice of title, ‘and on Sunday there were only eight names up. Now look! Tuesday morning and there must be at least eighty names down. They even tacked on another sheet. We can’t handle that many with only being allowed ten at one weekend....

First Time
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My Widow Professor 8211 Part 5 Teacher8217s Darkest Secret

Hi, my cutie pies. How’s the day? This is a continuation of my story. Please read the previous parts to enjoy the story. But before I continue my story, I would like to thank the ISS team for publishing my story. I got to make many friends who read my story and send their valuable feedback. Some became very close friends of mine. Thank you very much for being my buddies. Here I continue. The next day I was fidgety. It’s been a long wait since I proposed her. And after yesterday’s incident, my...

2 years ago
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Teacher a Short Novel Under ConstructionChapter 15

"What's a muckraker, Sean?" he asked as the class began. I wonder what my leg was doing down there, folding up on me. Very odd. Never done that. The boy shook his head but raised his hand. "What happened at lunchtime, Mr. Thompson? There must have been a dozen cop cars out there." "I don't know, not really. Nothing serious. One of the kids, a junior, got into some bad stuff I think, some kind of drug, maybe one of those you-know, prescription things, nobody hurt, window broken I...

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Teacher Teacher chapter 5

They then give them to their twin daughters for their eighteenth birthday present. The trap was sprung on the second day of the new school year as the two teachers surrendered their freedom to keep from being sent back to Mexico to face charges. Three days later each of the teachers through different paths, have now accepted their fates, and are starting to embrace their servitude. Although you can read this as a standalone story, to get a better idea of how they got here you should read the...

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Teacher Teacher chapter 7

Once her side of the room was finished she walked out into the courtyard to enjoy the sunshine. Susan walked over to a nice tree and sat down and turned on her iPad and started to read. The story was about a student and teacher having an affair. It was an erotic story that had the student dominating her female teacher. Ever since high school it had become Susan's favorite fantasy. Susan closed her eyes and reminisced about those couple of days last year in high school. She thought about how...

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My Voluptuous Lisha Teacher Part 8211 2

Hai friends, this is the second part of the” story my voluptuous lisha teacher” make sure that you have read the first part. Due to very long rough anal romance of last night I woke up very lately, and went to sir’s room to know if lisha teacher was coming, and he said she’s not coming as she’s not well and said how do you knew this?? I said she had already an headache or something last day,thats why.. He said ok, and I was told to sit to take care if I could as I had already visited kodaikanal...

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Teacher Teacher chapter 20

Back Home. It was now two weeks since the young teachers had returned from Mexico and they had yet to talk. In fact they hadn't talk on the way home either. They mostly slept and tried to keep a low profile. When Sandy went through customs, the agent looked at her in her club wear and she knew he thought she was a slut. Then he opened her suitcase. Sandy gasped as there were no clothes in it, and it was filled with all sorts of sexual devices. There were anal plugs, dildos, ball gags, cuffs,...

4 years ago
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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 15 FutaTeacher Enjoys Her Panties

Chapter Fifteen: Futa-Teacher Enjoys Her Panties By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Athena Pearce The elevators dinged and then opened on the executive floor. I strode out with confidence, my heels whisking on the thin carpet. Behind me, my secretary-slut heeled me. Minako was under the power of my mind-control panties, serving me as my slut and helping me achieve the goals of serving the love of my life, Mildred Dean. Just thinking of the sexy,...

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Teacher Teacher chapter 12

***** Anita walked over to where Cindy and Susan were kneeling. "So Cindy, who's your friend, and why are you sticking your nose into our business?" Cindy looked up at the towering teen. She was scared as ever; since they had dominated and stripped her at school she had avoided them at all costs. Now she was naked and cuffed, cowering at Anita's feet. "Anita, this is Susan; she's my roommate at school. Miss Hauser was her teacher last year. She just wanted to visit with her."...

2 years ago
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College Teacher Chapter One

College Teacher. Chapter one. Quentin College was a place that I had taken a fancy to when I was studying for my doctorate at University and was very pleased when I received a letter asking me to attend an interview. I was one of twenty there that day and I progressed into the next interview of ten and finally for a third visit of just three of us for a position in such a prestigious college. I was the last to be interviewed and I went into the Dean’s office to find two other people sitting...

First Time
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My Teacher Become My Mistress 8211 Part 2

Hope you all enjoyed my first story. If any girl/aunty/mistress need service in Bangalore can contact me at Now I am going to explain the next part of my story. That was Saturday evening, my mistress teacher called her friend to her home at that evening as they have a dream of making a boy as their slave. My teacher’s friend came to home around 7pm in the evening. She was brown in color, looking not so attractive as my teacher was. She was little fatty and having long tied hairs and large ass....

4 years ago
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Owned Teacher CHAPTER 1

Mrs. Mary Clark sat at her desk checking the senior English compositions herclass had turned in today. While school had been dismissed about twenty minutesago she was in no hurry to get home. Her husband was off on yet another businesstrip and her daughter, Amy, was attending a camp retreat for the weekend.Mary had been married to Bill for f******n years. Since he got his last promotionhe has been required to go on extended business trips. The longest was two monthsand this trip could well be...

3 years ago
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Through My Teacher To Her Daughter 8211 Part 2

That night I slept well. Who would not, after getting to fuck your favourite teacher in a totally unexpected way. And also, after her promising me her little daughter for me to enjoy. I had gone to sleep imagining the girls cunt, hidden safe, untouched and un-fucked till date, it’s shape it’s texture, it’s hole size etc. I was more curious about the shape of the daughter’s cunt. Would it be like her mother’s cunt ? Why not, when one can get facial resemblances, why not pussy resemblances of...

2 years ago
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Second Grade TeacherChapter 2

The morning and most of the afternoon passed quickly for the lovely red-headed teacher. After Alan had gone, Karen spent a little time going over her class roll, and then spent some time with the other teachers in the lounge. For the most part, they talked about how the first day had gone and how eager the children seemed to learn. Although she was the only woman at the meeting, she did not feel uncomfortable. In fact, she felt rather smug in the knowledge that she would be able to teach her...

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Teacher Teacher chapter 9

Julie lay in bed, she was tied spread eagle and naked. She was gagged, blindfolded and had a headset covering her ears. Her mistress had placed clips on her nipples and labia. She had also inserted something in her pussy. Now the headset started to play some music. But Julie heard something in the background. She strained to hear what it was. As she listened intently she realized it was a voice. It was telling her things. "You are a slut. You must obey your mistress. You love to eat cum....

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My Daughters TeacherChapter 8

CHAPTER 8 (told from Amy’s view) The rest of the holiday went by with Sam and I only being able to see each other one more time. He told me that when Beth got home from her week with Sara and her family that it was tough to look at her without remembering the pictures that I had showed him. When we did see each other we looked at the pictures again, it turned me on and I could tell that he liked looking at Beth and Sara too. The night before school was to start back up I called Sam and asked...

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My Daughters TeacherChapter 8

CHAPTER 8 (told from Amy’s view) The rest of the holiday went by with Sam and I only being able to see each other one more time. He told me that when Beth got home from her week with Sara and her family that it was tough to look at her without remembering the pictures that I had showed him. When we did see each other we looked at the pictures again, it turned me on and I could tell that he liked looking at Beth and Sara too. The night before school was to start back up I called Sam and asked...

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Teacher Teacher chapter 4

Dawn crawled after her Mistress into the kitchen to the bowls sitting on the floor. “Eat up slut; it might be awhile before you eat again.” She dropped her head down to the bowl of kibbles and started to eat. It was dry and tasteless especially after sitting out all night. After finishing all the food she moved over to the water dish and drank her fill. For the first time in what seemed like days her belly was full, she looked up at her Mistress and said “Thank you for the food Mistress.”...

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Second Grade TeacherChapter 4

Later that evening, Karen was sitting in her home feeling better than she had in a long time. She would never have believed when she moved to this small town that she would ever be as sexually satisfied as she was right now. She smiled to herself as she thought of the men in the town. For the most part, they had little or nothing to do with her. She assumed that it was because she was still an outsider... something she would probable always be. She knew that most of the people in Lincoln had...

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Second Grade TeacherChapter 3

Time passed quickly for Karen Heller and her class. Before she knew it, the lovely red-head had been teaching at the experimental school for a full month. She found that she had a rather amusing way of marking the days as they passed. Each day, after school, she would suck or fuck one of her students, taking them in alphabetical order. When it came to be Alan's and Billy's turn, the two boys were glad enough to give up their turns, since they had already sampled their teacher's sexual...

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Sex With My Teacher Part 8211 2

Hi to all sex freaks. This is john again here to post my second and till date best experience in my life. Any girls or aunties in and around Coimbatore can contact me in and can also message me directly on twitter at writers_edition. And boys don抰 ask me her number or pictures. I had consulted her about this issue and she refused me to give her number to unknown people. So sorry!!! Boys keep your tools ready for jacking and girls keep your fingers in pussies to squirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guys I...

3 years ago
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Hot Bottoms at Middlesex High The Science Teacher Sees the Stars Part A

Learning from the Lap of Miss Anderson Bob Perkins had been the history teacher at Middlesex High since he graduated from the state teaching college seven years before. Miss Bonnie Anderson, the school principal, appointed him Boys Dean after a few years on staff, as he was very good with the students. Bob and Bonnie had a very good professional relationship, and she relied upon his advice in matters of discipline and student affairs, even though she was nine years his senior and had much more...

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Thanksgiving To Teacher 8211 Part 1

This is Paul again(Just like other authors here, this is a fake identity, though the facts are true). For those who don’t know me, I am 22 years old guy from Kerala living in Bangalore working as Software Engineer. I studied in Mumbai. I am 6 ft tall and have a dick of 6 inch. Reviews about the story and invitations to enjoy (from ladies from Kerala and Bangalore) are welcome on my mail ID Thanks for earlier reviews are mails. My family is composed of my Dad Mathew,  mom Susan, with whom I...

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A Teacher Blackmailed Chapter 2

She instinctively went to grab her silk dressing gown that she meticulously laid on her bed each night. However, as she picked it up the cold reality of her situation came crashing back down around her, as she remembered Matthew's demand for her to remain naked at all times. She instantly felt self-conscious again, knowing he could be watching her as she dropped it back onto the bed and got up to use the bathroom and get ready for the day ahead. It was a strange feeling being watched....

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A Teacher Blackmailed Chapter 2

Tiffany woke the following day and stepped out of bed. As her foot hit the ground she gasped and hobbled a little; she could feel the pain still resonating from the previous night’s assault. Her tits and nipples were bruised and swollen and the top of her legs were bruised and battered. She instinctively went to grab her silk dressing gown that she meticulously laid on her bed each night. However, as she picked it up the cold reality of her situation came crashing back down around her, as she...

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Jennie Teachers PetChapter 5 Peru Teachers teach Teachers

(Fm, romance) (edited) Six months had gone by in a flash for 17-year-old Jennie, her 34-year-old husband Mike, and her mom Karen as they worked in the village school in Peru that Sandy, Randy, and her parents had built and taught at. Each day, Mike, Jennie, and Sandy would teach at the school. Mike taught math and sports with the kids while Jennie and Sandy taught English, History and social courses, with marriage and relationship courses, mixed with sex education for the older girls. Mike...

3 years ago
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Sex With Teacher And Her SisterInLaw Part 3

Hi, guys and girls… thanks a lot for your valuable comments on my last story sex with a teacher and her sister-in-law-part 2. So hardiicck (with double I and double c) is back. It’s the third part of this series. I am sure this will give a boner to guys and girls will get wet before they reach the end of this story. Who haven’t read the previous parts, please read them first. I am from Mumbai so girls and ladies from Pune/Mumbai can contact me on So let’s start the story.In the last part as...

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Twins and Mother and TeacherChapter 12

The knock at the door was terrifying and yet Alice had the wild feeling that help was at hand. Whoever it was... whatever it was... somehow she would be better off than she had been so far, locked in what had become the claustrophobic walls of her small apartment, all of her terrors and desires loosed as though she had been drugged, or as though she had suddenly lost her mind. In her frantic attempt to ascertain what was wrong with her, she'd recalled reading an article about hallucinogenics...

2 years ago
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The Lesson Plan Part Two Supply Teacher Episode Three

The Lesson Plan -- Part Two: Supply Teacher Author's Foreword: This is a unauthorized "part two" to Tiffani Andrews' excellent The Lesson Plan Part One: Endless Summer ( =1431653814505060881). The characters, the setting and the setup were so wonderful, I felt inspired to continue in my own way. Thanks to Tiffani for setting the scene so well. I hope you don't mind. Wednesday: Shakespeare for beginners Chapter...

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Sex with lesbian teacher

I am an ardent fan of INDIANSEX STORIES I came into this site by chance and was thrilled after going through its contents. I see to it that daily atleast twice I enter the site and go through its various topics. Regarding the stories I am not sure whether how many are true but nevertheless it does certainly tiltillate you. After much thinking I thought of putting my story and experience in this site. By doing so iam sure I will get lot of relief since I cant say about my experience to anyone....

4 years ago
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Boarding School EncounterChapter 6 Henrietta is Spanked by Her Teacher

My bowels had a wonderful ache to them as I stumbled out of the Headmistress’s office, once again dressed. I closed the door behind me. The Headmistress sat at her desk, writing on it calmly like she hadn’t just sodomized me with a dildo she had strapped to her crotch with a curious, leather harness. She had pounded me with a wonderful fervor, ramming her dildo deep into my bowels and giving me such an effervescent paroxysm of delight. I came hard. Yes, you did, Merita, the lesbian alien...

3 years ago
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Owned TeacherChapter 7

Lisa drove the "well" dressed teacher out of her neighborhood. She had decided that it would be necessary to travel across town to a mall about 40 miles from home to insure the no one would recognize the teacher. When they arrived and had parked the car Mary was reminded that she was to follow 2 paces behind and speak only when given permission. As Mary began moving across the parking lot she realized just how exposed she was. The skirt barely covered her bare thighs above her stockings...

4 years ago
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My Daughters TeacherChapter 2

This is chapter 2 and I hope everyone enjoys it. As always comments are always welcome.CHAPTER 2I woke early the next morning and started breakfast for Beth and I. Beth made her way into the kitchen around 7:15, dressed and ready for school. She sat at the table and asked me how my parent teacher meetings went last night. I told her that I met all her teachers and they all expect her to do very well this year. As she finished breakfast and was making her way out the house she turned to me and...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Parent Teacher ConferenceChapter 1 The Beginning

The end of the school year was always a stressful time for me. Not only do I have to administer and grade over 100 final exams, but grading final projects, completing report cards, and of course, the dreaded packing of my classroom. I wasn't sure which part I hated more as it was so much work at a time that was filled with so much joy and sorrow as I closed the chapter on another school year. Two years ago, I took a transfer from my elementary school to the local middle school and discovered...

2 years ago
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Raping the Drunk teacher Part 2

Mrs Rawat, the school teacher I'd just raped, screamed at the top of her voice as the rustling of leaves informed my hyperactive senses that she was being dragged away. I could see neither till a silhouette appeared in the square of light, dragging another writhing one behind it. In a moment, both were gone. I stared into the dark garden, her screams almost inaudible now. Should I follow her ? Or should I return to the party ? Before I could decide, my dick was leading me across the ...

1 year ago
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The Lesson Plan Part Two Supply Teacher Episode Five

The Lesson Plan -- Part Two: Supply Teacher Friday: After-school Activities Chapter 22 I have a spring in my step and a bounce in my stride as I go into school the next morning. The soft curls of my long hair jump and twist around my face in rhythm with the wiggle of my hips and the increasingly familiar jiggles of my body. Today's dress swishes around my ankles, with a loose flare at the skirt and a tight-fitting top, long sleeves and a keyhole back fastening. It's light blue...

2 years ago
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Owned TeacherChapter 6

Lisa woke up around 8:30 to the sound of her teacher whimpering from the floor next to the bed. Getting up and walking around the bed she found Mary sitting against the bed with her knees pulled up and spread wide with her wrists tied to her ankles. Her eyes were red and her face was tear streaked. "What's wrong Mrs. C.?" Mary looked up and saw Lisa's naked body for the first time. She thought she was beautiful. About 5'4"... not much over 100#. Her breasts were about 34b and she had a...

3 years ago
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College Teacher Chapter Six

College Teacher. Chapter Six. I was awake before him but let him sleep until he woke up himself and I gave him a sweet smile and kissed him good morning. ‘You’re not ashamed of we did last night are you?’ but I put a finger to his lips to stop him from answering that wrong question. ‘For I am certainly not, for I enjoyed what we did. You needed the release from the pressures you’re always under and I was here to help you in that. It was my fault for I wanted you to have me and so don’t think...

1 year ago
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College Teacher Chapter Six

College Teacher. Chapter Six. I was awake before him but let him sleep until he woke up himself and I gave him a sweet smile and kissed him good morning. ‘You’re not ashamed of we did last night are you?’ but I put a finger to his lips to stop him from answering that wrong question. ‘For I am certainly not, for I enjoyed what we did. You needed the release from the pressures you’re always under and I was here to help you in that. It was my fault for I wanted you to have me and so don’t think...

First Time

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