Un Dimanche Matin free porn video

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Dimanche matin

Après une nuit inoubliable à chercher le summum, le plaisir sans fin, la jouissance éternelle, le bonheur incommensurable de deux âmes qui s’adorent qui ne veulent plus faire qu’une, quand les vagues de ton ventre poussées à l’excès de l’orgasme tel un océan en furie un soir de tempête nous emportent vers une île déserte…. nous nous sommes effondrés dans un sommeil réparateur et bénéfique. Lovés dans l’étreinte, soudés l’un à l’autre ……

Suis-je éveillé, suis-je en rêve, suis-je dans cette moiteur bien connue, dans ta douceur captivante enivrante, la tête dans la tiédeur de ton entre- jambe. La joue posée sur ta cuisse, les lèvres juste contre ton bouton qui s’émerveille dans la fraîcheur d’une rosée naissante.
Oh combien me pousse l’envie d’embrasser tes petits pétales à pleine bouche, de les prendre sur ma langue mais je n’ose. Je n’ose te réveiller, j’aime sentir ton souffle doux sur mon sexe, blotti contre ta joue, quand il commence à renaître de ses cendres. Oh combien tu l’as aimé cette nuit de folie furieuse, déchaînée, furibonde, où nous avons cherché les limites éternelles d’une volupté sans faille

Nous n’avons pas quitté notre dernier enlacement, les doigts plongés dans ton anus, croisés au plus profond, à le fouiller jusque qu’au sommeil. La tête prise dans l’étau de tes cuisses, juste contre ton intimité, je n’en peu plus, l’envie de happer ton bourgeon me ronge, de le prendre encore et encore, de l’enrouler dans ma langue de vipère, de l’étirer de le sucer de le serrer à l’étrangler. Je te sens revivre, j’imagine le sourire poindre sur tes lèvres que je ne vois pas, tu les écartes pour aspirer mon gland et faire grandir le mat du navire. Ta main se pose sur ma chevelure, tu me pousses le visage en toi, encore plus loin. Sous la surprise, ma langue glisse, pénètre ton antre, ta taverne de corsaires. Tu te cabres, t’ouvres, t’écartes, je sens la marée montante, tu commences à geindre gentiment…. Tu te réveilles, te couches sur le dos et remontes les jambes sur les épaules, tu t’offres, tu t’ouvres, mes doigts plongent en toi, caressent les parois de ton vagin, titillent la face avant, replongent aux confins.

Tu enserres mon poignet et pousses ma main entière, je plie les doigts et griffe légèrement les cloisons, tu adores………………………. Je serre le poing et commence de longs et lents mouvements. Tes avant-bras se posent sur le lit, tes mains sous ton bassin que tu relèves à la verticale, je vais et je viens en toi de plus en plus vite, de plus en plus fort, à genoux le sexe contre ton dos que tu as agrippé d’une main, tu le caresses, l’enserres. Il grandit de plus en plus et meurt d’envie de te pénétrer.

Mon bras toujours en toi ralenti pour te laisser reprendre ton souffle, ma main s’ouvre, mes doigts caressent ce tendre calice, reviennent sur la face avant de ta chatte, la pétrissent, je sens ton plaisir grandir, il devient furie, ta main m’a quitté pour te caresser la poitrine, tu amènes tes tétons dans la démence…… je me retire, tu éclates de plaisir comme une bouteille de champagne, ton jus envahi mon bras, coule sur ton ventre, dans le sillon de tes fesses. Je l’étale, tu l’étales, tu portes ta main à mes lèvres, je lape, je lèche. Je me penche pour m’abreuver à ta source, j’aspire ton bouton noyé de ton écume.

Tu te retournes, à genoux, le nez sur l’oreiller pour m’offrir ton …… mais que vois-je là? Un cyclope, ton corsaire barbu. Attend, viens, viens on descend.
Assise sur la petite table du salon, les cuisses largement écartées, tu m’offres sans pudeur ton sexe. Je commence par enduire tout le pourtour de ta vulve d’une fine couche de mousse à raser. Je saisi alors le manche du rasoir et commence mon travail sur ton pubis. Peu à peu la jolie forêt de poils noirs de ton sexe disparaît, sous les coups de lames sûrs et nets.
Très vite ton mont de Vénus devient totalement lisse, je m’applique à raser le pourtour des lèvres. L’opération pouvant se révéler délicate, le prend soin de bien dégager celles-ci en introduisant un doigt dans la fente, afin de tendre correctement sa petite lèvre. Là, passant délicatement le « sabre » le long de ta figue, je la rends aussi douce que ton pubis. Renouvelant l’opération de l’autre côté, il ne reste plus qu’à m’occuper de ton petit trou, ce borgne, ce flibustier barbu.

Pour ce faire, tu te places à quatre pattes sur la table basse, m’offrant tes fesses, calant ta tête entre tes avant-bras, ton anus bien visible, je suis bien disposé à rendre ton intimité anale aussi nette que le reste. Je plante mon doigt bien au centre et pousse tes fesses de chaque côté pour passer l’outil. Tu geins légèrement, mon doigt s’active en toi…..
Je termine en passant une serviette chaude sur ton arrière, et le vaporise légèrement de ton parfum préféré.
J’embrasse à pleine bouche ces fesses appétissantes, glisse à nouveau ma langue dans ton œillet, elle le cerne, le contourne, il s’ouvre se détend.

Tu descends de la table, tu viens m’étreindre, joues avec ma langue dans la tienne, tu glisses ta jambe entre les miennes, tu me prends le sexe, tu le fais grandir, grandir. Tu te baisses, t’agenouilles, l’agrippe entre tes lèvres, le suce, le gobe, l’aspire tout au fond de ta gorge le mouille de salive, le fait raidir comme l’acier…. Et tu t’allonges le ventre sur la table les jambes pendantes, tes mains s’agrippent au bord.
Je plonge en une fois dans ton rond si largement ouvert, je bande tellement que je te pistonne comme une bête en chaleur. Je n’en pouvais plus d’attendre ce moment, la table craque sous les coups, tu gémis….. tu cries
- Ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii vas y,, vas vas plus loin.
Tu lâches le bord de la table et tes mains agrippent mes fesses pour m’enfoncer jusqu’aux couilles. Je me recule, tu descends, t’agenouilles à nouveau me pomper jusqu’à limite du non retour.
Tu reprends ta place à genoux cette fois, ton anus est serrant, je force et tu cries, je ne t’entends pas, plus, j’ai envie de jouir en toi. Mes mains att****nt tes seins qui ballottent dans le vide,, les étirent pincent tes tétons à les arracher. Je viens contre ton dos et te bourre à n’en plus finir. Exciter comme un monstre, je te possède, t’empli au comble. Tes cris fendent et déchirent l’air de la pièce, comme une bête en furie. Tu jouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis
- Encore, encore, encore pompe baise déchire moi le cul, encule moi à fond, comme une chienne.
Je glisse ma main entre tes jambes, les écarte encore plus et l’enfonce dans ton vagin, je sens tes doigts occupés sur ton clito, il est au comble lui aussi

Je me retire, plante ma main dans ton cul brûlant, je cherche les bords, pour les attiser de bplus belle et replonge mon sexe de plus en plus grand entre tes fesses.

- Oui, oui, vient en moi, gicle, fais couler ta sève au fond de mon cul, je veux que tu m’inondes, vas y, je te sens venir, ta bite brûle, lâches-toi.
Je fais encore une trentaine de mouvements et me vide entièrement jusque la dernière goûte dans tes entrailles ouvertes.

Tu descends et viens me téter pour aspirer jusqu’au bout ce liquide que tu adores.
Tu es une nympho, tu n’en a jamais assez. Déjà ta main me soupèse les couilles, ta langue lèche mon mat et tu enroules à nouveau tes lèvres dessus……..

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Present – Jack and Masha – At the cabin In our haste to head to the tunnels where Vanya could be trapped, we forget about evading any fake Marines. I feel a round hit me in the arm and grunt. Masha declares, "Jack, you've been shot!" I mention, "I've had worse. We can look into this after we find Vanya..." I turn and see the person that shot my Jack and open fire with my pistol. Even though he is wearing body armor he goes down because body armor is no match for the potent GSh-181...

3 years ago
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My personal whore

How is it that a man can be as lucky as this, to have a woman, totally willing to submit to cock? When she comes over, the lights are out and everything is dark, the only light comes from the bedroom down the hallway. Without a hello or greeting she comes to me and kisses me deeply, passionately and it instantly turns me on. She has the perfect tongue and nice full lips, so you can imagine what it must feel like. Her hand is on my chest and traces down to my cock, where she stops to pay special...

4 years ago
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A True History Book OneChapter 13

When I got back into the house, the girls were ready for our movie tonight. “I’m not normally old enough to rent this, but that’s the advantage of knowing both the kids at the counter and using Dad’s account,” Beth said. She hit play. The opening line on the screen said, ‘That which does not kill us, makes us stronger,’ and attributed it to Friedrich Nietzsche. A man started speaking to a black screen. “Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis...” The actor that played the main role...

2 years ago
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Do Your Duty part two

It was Week 2 of Phase III of Initial Entry Training for this group of recruits at Fort Jackson. The fort has the largest contingent of army recruits in the country. At least seventy percent of the women entering the Army travel through IET here. I was a Drill Sergeant and I had troops out here in the pine forest. They were all male. But we had some platoons of females in the field too. I had my eye on one of them. A sweetheart named Lovall. When these recruits completed this ten weeks of Basic...

Quickie Sex
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mark part 1

He walked by a quiet little shop, barely noticing it. As he passed a sign in the window boasting 'the perfect little shop for gifts' he knew he had to go in. His sister's wedding was coming up soon and he needed a gift He walked in and was utterly amazed. It was a sex shop, he walked into a sex shop, of all places. Just as he was about to groan, a sales lady appeared at his side. Great, now he had to explain we walked in here by mistake. He looked her over. Nice piece of work. She managed to...

2 years ago
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Synopsis: A wife urges her husband to get breast implants just like hers. The following story is a bit more fantastic than my usual, if only because the breast procedure it describes isn't yet generally performed, because it isn't yet anywhere known (at least not to me), and may not even be feasible. I aim for plausible truths readers might wish to believe at least while reading. We all have plenty of actual truths, but if this story helps us uncover a few more about what we...

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Perfect kinky story

I would love to take u out and then get back here and pull your shirt off along with mine and grab your head and pull your lips gently into mine after looking deeply into your eyes. I would pick u up and pin you against the wall to make out with you aggressively pulling each of our heads side to side. As we are on the way to the bedroom we fall on the ground, and you are on top of me. I flip us over and start kissing you really slowly and passionately and start kissing down your sleek neck...

3 years ago
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Servant Boy

I was working on a project work in warangal and stayed alone for a year. My company provided me quarters, car and a servant boy to look after the house hold work. His name was chakri and he was about 18 years boy. Chakri was a medium height well built brown coloured youngster. He was having a big family to look after and he was the earning member along with his mother who was a attender in our office. He used to wear a knicker[loose half pant]which covered upto his thighs and a tee shirt. I...

4 years ago
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KinksChapter 7

As soon as I got to school Sandra came up to me and put her arm through mine. I grinned at her. “You okay?” Her answering smile said it all, but she nodded as well. “Yes,” she whispered. She let go of me a few moments later. We didn’t hold hands, but she kept her hand close to mine as we walked in. I think she just didn’t want to advertise that she was with me now, yet still wanted to be close. Well that was okay, I felt exactly the same. At first break I found Bondy with Talulah, Sandra...

2 years ago
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Lalita the nice mature maid

Hello everyone , I am raja as I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories. This took place when I went to Ranchi to visit my uncle and aunty as my aunty been sick for some time as she had a stroke couple of years ago. All of there children are well grown and all are married. They live alone with a full time maid who assists my aunty as she can’t walk and need well assistance in many things. This maid was around 40 with dark complexion and well built. I am always attracted by big thick women as...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Colleague In Office

To introduce myself..I am Mark. I work as a database administrator in telecom company. I am 5 ft 10..Athletic..Work-out regularly in gym. My work involves sitting late nights..Fixing the databases in night..So that everything is fine when the users login in the morning. As expected, its very difficult to keep yourself up all night and concentrate on the job. I need to mostly need to monitor a few things every now and than and relax. So to say a nice job..But a night job :). As expected..In...

1 year ago
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Meryl and Alex

I'm 20 years old and I'll call myself Alex. A somewhat normal kid making it through school. I was at my parents house for spring break. I went all out last year and decided to take it easy this time. My parents were away on business in Reno. My dad was a high baller investor so there was money laying around for me and my sister. My sister Meryl was a year younger than me and super hot. She was 5'5" 115 pounds. Perfect body. Great 36c breasts and a tight ass. It sounds strange to describe her...

3 years ago
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Uniform Ass Play

I rang the doorbell again. What was taking him so long? I was desperate to get inside - I couldn’t stand the embarrassment of being caught by a stranger, standing at Mark’s door in my old field hockey uniform.Mark had texted me an hour earlier. His message was straight to the point:Mark: Come over at 7:00 pm. Wear that old uniform you were talking about and a pair of white panties. Put your hair in a ponytail. Don’t be late, slut.I blushed when I read it. Mark and I had only been screwing for a...

4 years ago
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TV Star

This is the scrapbook from the DNN concerning what we reported on "TV star". The most controversial reality show ever. You be the judge. Has TV gone too far? DNN February 11, 2008 New Reality show will cost millions. Hollywood has been shocked today as multi billionaire Bates has announced he will produce a new reality show that will cost close to $600m. He has revealed that a town will be built within a bubble. Where a human is cut off from the rest of the world. The...

4 years ago
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Cum for Me A MS story

The accident wasn't all Lisa's fault, but she carried the guilt with her as she often did with things in her life. The car came out of nowhere and demolished hers with quick v******e. But it wasn't the car that had her upset. It was what happened to her teenage son, Josh, who was sitting in the passenger seat. Both of his wrists were broken from the impact of the accident. Both arms were put in casts for eight weeks.For the first week, it was like he was a baby again. She had to help him dress...

4 years ago
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Being a complete slut for hubby Part 1

Gary was a little miffed that I hadn't thought to ask for the film of my performance, so I planned to phone Bulent and ask him about it. But I didn't have to.Bulent phoned me quite early the next morning, telling me that he had forgotten to give me my wages. I don't want to be paid for what I do, but he insists. The cash just goes to an animal charity.Whether it was planned that way or not, I will never know, but it meant that we had to fix up a meet somewhere. We quickly arranged to go to the...

2 years ago
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PureTaboo Vanessa Vega No Going Back

Jenna (Vanessa Vega) looks at a loss as she’s lovingly ushered into the room by a man (Nathan Bronson). Jenna looks emotionally wrecked, insisting that she feels regretful about what they did. But the man, on the other hand, tries to convince her otherwise. ‘We did what we had to do to be TOGETHER, Jenna. There was NO other way,’ he insists as he tries his best to comfort her with familiar little kisses and caresses. But, as the events leading up to this moment flash before...

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Wife Customized by Black Lover and Boss

"A special thanks to 'mikef52' for Editting" I am Robert 27, my wife Bethany 28. Chapter 1 Situation I am a writer of fiction stories. Beth was my classmate and after a few years, I proposed, and we have been married for 3 years. She is a college lecturer, very boyish pixie haircut, slightly dark skin tone, whitish. Always smiling and very attractive. She loves the company of friends and she loves to attend parties with her friends. She will always wear an attractive normal dress....

3 years ago
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Awesome Night With Ramesh 8211 By Preethi

Hello Chennai! This is Preethi, working as a HR manager in Chennai. I am newly married, tall, and slim and I have a wheatish complexion. And because of this, I don’t get much attention as the fair women, thanks to all those stupid cosmetics commercials. Coming to the story – I was having a naughty chat with my junior colleague Janani, about her love life. She said she had a date that night with Ramesh, a friend of her. When I asked further, I was shocked to hear the full story. Janani and her...

4 years ago
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Pleasure Of Married Woman

This is my first time on ISS and since few months back I had read many stories they are good to arousal but most of them I found certain fake narrations in story and like screwing her for 1hour blackmailing or fertile her to make pregnant that does not sounds me good year and please do respect woman and their lust it does not mean that she had sex with you and she will gave birth to your child. They know their (female) limits in external affairs and also how to keep everything in proper way. I...

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