Un Dimanche Matin free porn video

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Dimanche matin

Après une nuit inoubliable à chercher le summum, le plaisir sans fin, la jouissance éternelle, le bonheur incommensurable de deux âmes qui s’adorent qui ne veulent plus faire qu’une, quand les vagues de ton ventre poussées à l’excès de l’orgasme tel un océan en furie un soir de tempête nous emportent vers une île déserte…. nous nous sommes effondrés dans un sommeil réparateur et bénéfique. Lovés dans l’étreinte, soudés l’un à l’autre ……

Suis-je éveillé, suis-je en rêve, suis-je dans cette moiteur bien connue, dans ta douceur captivante enivrante, la tête dans la tiédeur de ton entre- jambe. La joue posée sur ta cuisse, les lèvres juste contre ton bouton qui s’émerveille dans la fraîcheur d’une rosée naissante.
Oh combien me pousse l’envie d’embrasser tes petits pétales à pleine bouche, de les prendre sur ma langue mais je n’ose. Je n’ose te réveiller, j’aime sentir ton souffle doux sur mon sexe, blotti contre ta joue, quand il commence à renaître de ses cendres. Oh combien tu l’as aimé cette nuit de folie furieuse, déchaînée, furibonde, où nous avons cherché les limites éternelles d’une volupté sans faille

Nous n’avons pas quitté notre dernier enlacement, les doigts plongés dans ton anus, croisés au plus profond, à le fouiller jusque qu’au sommeil. La tête prise dans l’étau de tes cuisses, juste contre ton intimité, je n’en peu plus, l’envie de happer ton bourgeon me ronge, de le prendre encore et encore, de l’enrouler dans ma langue de vipère, de l’étirer de le sucer de le serrer à l’étrangler. Je te sens revivre, j’imagine le sourire poindre sur tes lèvres que je ne vois pas, tu les écartes pour aspirer mon gland et faire grandir le mat du navire. Ta main se pose sur ma chevelure, tu me pousses le visage en toi, encore plus loin. Sous la surprise, ma langue glisse, pénètre ton antre, ta taverne de corsaires. Tu te cabres, t’ouvres, t’écartes, je sens la marée montante, tu commences à geindre gentiment…. Tu te réveilles, te couches sur le dos et remontes les jambes sur les épaules, tu t’offres, tu t’ouvres, mes doigts plongent en toi, caressent les parois de ton vagin, titillent la face avant, replongent aux confins.

Tu enserres mon poignet et pousses ma main entière, je plie les doigts et griffe légèrement les cloisons, tu adores………………………. Je serre le poing et commence de longs et lents mouvements. Tes avant-bras se posent sur le lit, tes mains sous ton bassin que tu relèves à la verticale, je vais et je viens en toi de plus en plus vite, de plus en plus fort, à genoux le sexe contre ton dos que tu as agrippé d’une main, tu le caresses, l’enserres. Il grandit de plus en plus et meurt d’envie de te pénétrer.

Mon bras toujours en toi ralenti pour te laisser reprendre ton souffle, ma main s’ouvre, mes doigts caressent ce tendre calice, reviennent sur la face avant de ta chatte, la pétrissent, je sens ton plaisir grandir, il devient furie, ta main m’a quitté pour te caresser la poitrine, tu amènes tes tétons dans la démence…… je me retire, tu éclates de plaisir comme une bouteille de champagne, ton jus envahi mon bras, coule sur ton ventre, dans le sillon de tes fesses. Je l’étale, tu l’étales, tu portes ta main à mes lèvres, je lape, je lèche. Je me penche pour m’abreuver à ta source, j’aspire ton bouton noyé de ton écume.

Tu te retournes, à genoux, le nez sur l’oreiller pour m’offrir ton …… mais que vois-je là? Un cyclope, ton corsaire barbu. Attend, viens, viens on descend.
Assise sur la petite table du salon, les cuisses largement écartées, tu m’offres sans pudeur ton sexe. Je commence par enduire tout le pourtour de ta vulve d’une fine couche de mousse à raser. Je saisi alors le manche du rasoir et commence mon travail sur ton pubis. Peu à peu la jolie forêt de poils noirs de ton sexe disparaît, sous les coups de lames sûrs et nets.
Très vite ton mont de Vénus devient totalement lisse, je m’applique à raser le pourtour des lèvres. L’opération pouvant se révéler délicate, le prend soin de bien dégager celles-ci en introduisant un doigt dans la fente, afin de tendre correctement sa petite lèvre. Là, passant délicatement le « sabre » le long de ta figue, je la rends aussi douce que ton pubis. Renouvelant l’opération de l’autre côté, il ne reste plus qu’à m’occuper de ton petit trou, ce borgne, ce flibustier barbu.

Pour ce faire, tu te places à quatre pattes sur la table basse, m’offrant tes fesses, calant ta tête entre tes avant-bras, ton anus bien visible, je suis bien disposé à rendre ton intimité anale aussi nette que le reste. Je plante mon doigt bien au centre et pousse tes fesses de chaque côté pour passer l’outil. Tu geins légèrement, mon doigt s’active en toi…..
Je termine en passant une serviette chaude sur ton arrière, et le vaporise légèrement de ton parfum préféré.
J’embrasse à pleine bouche ces fesses appétissantes, glisse à nouveau ma langue dans ton œillet, elle le cerne, le contourne, il s’ouvre se détend.

Tu descends de la table, tu viens m’étreindre, joues avec ma langue dans la tienne, tu glisses ta jambe entre les miennes, tu me prends le sexe, tu le fais grandir, grandir. Tu te baisses, t’agenouilles, l’agrippe entre tes lèvres, le suce, le gobe, l’aspire tout au fond de ta gorge le mouille de salive, le fait raidir comme l’acier…. Et tu t’allonges le ventre sur la table les jambes pendantes, tes mains s’agrippent au bord.
Je plonge en une fois dans ton rond si largement ouvert, je bande tellement que je te pistonne comme une bête en chaleur. Je n’en pouvais plus d’attendre ce moment, la table craque sous les coups, tu gémis….. tu cries
- Ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii vas y,, vas vas plus loin.
Tu lâches le bord de la table et tes mains agrippent mes fesses pour m’enfoncer jusqu’aux couilles. Je me recule, tu descends, t’agenouilles à nouveau me pomper jusqu’à limite du non retour.
Tu reprends ta place à genoux cette fois, ton anus est serrant, je force et tu cries, je ne t’entends pas, plus, j’ai envie de jouir en toi. Mes mains att****nt tes seins qui ballottent dans le vide,, les étirent pincent tes tétons à les arracher. Je viens contre ton dos et te bourre à n’en plus finir. Exciter comme un monstre, je te possède, t’empli au comble. Tes cris fendent et déchirent l’air de la pièce, comme une bête en furie. Tu jouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis
- Encore, encore, encore pompe baise déchire moi le cul, encule moi à fond, comme une chienne.
Je glisse ma main entre tes jambes, les écarte encore plus et l’enfonce dans ton vagin, je sens tes doigts occupés sur ton clito, il est au comble lui aussi

Je me retire, plante ma main dans ton cul brûlant, je cherche les bords, pour les attiser de bplus belle et replonge mon sexe de plus en plus grand entre tes fesses.

- Oui, oui, vient en moi, gicle, fais couler ta sève au fond de mon cul, je veux que tu m’inondes, vas y, je te sens venir, ta bite brûle, lâches-toi.
Je fais encore une trentaine de mouvements et me vide entièrement jusque la dernière goûte dans tes entrailles ouvertes.

Tu descends et viens me téter pour aspirer jusqu’au bout ce liquide que tu adores.
Tu es une nympho, tu n’en a jamais assez. Déjà ta main me soupèse les couilles, ta langue lèche mon mat et tu enroules à nouveau tes lèvres dessus……..

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A Story of Love Ch 03

Parker Posey was making her way home through the crowded streets of Greenwich Village. It was a wonderful spring day and half the city seemed to be out enjoying the sunshine. It was one of the first really warm days of the year. This was truly New York at its best, vibrant life on the street and the air feeling fresh after an intense but short downpour earlier in the morning. Parker didn’t walk as much as she strolled through the crowded city. Parker was only a block away from her apartment...

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Hotel TagTeam

I go to Seattle to play quite often because there's such a choice in BBC. There's something about a black men, what can I say (and, I don't really care how big they are).I was in a hotel downtown, and I was online hoping to pick-up and host in my suite.I was walking around naked and showing off on in the Squirt cam room when I got a hit from a guy. When I checked out his profile I was definitely turned on: 57 y/o black top with a great uncut cock (I LOVE uncut!).I immediately invited him over...

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AddictedChapter 17 Free Mans Rebellion

When I arrived at my home, I saw that Teresa's jalopy of a van was parked on the curb which probably meant both Thing 1 and Thing 2 was inside. I heard the noise from the garage; someone was playing really loud music, something Ann had never allowed previously. I found the culprits of the noise in TV room; which was full of people and all of the furniture was pushed to the side to make room for the exercises everyone present, including all of the kids were doing as Thing 1 led the room in a...

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My Aunt and I The Beginning

I was always close to my Aunt, even if I did see her once or twice a year, we got along well. She was funny, knew how to have a good time, and she's very good looking for her age. But she's always been a little too strong with the physical showing of affection. When I was a lot younger, we had to share a bed and she wrapped her body around me. Another time we were sat on the sofa and she wrapped her arm around me, resting my head against her breasts. Of course, you'd think nothing of it; but a...

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Archies Veronica Gets Her TurnChapter 7

After what seemed forever to Veronica, she watched as her four naked friends collapsed over each other. They had selfishly engaged in the vile act of lesbianism right in front of her. And worst of all, they had completely ignored her. She just sat there in the easychair, with her finger absently still stuck up her twat, never having reached an orgasm for herself. She watched as each of the girls rolled off of the other with a slick coating of female cum around each of their lips. Each of...

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The Perfect Remedy

She sat staring blankly at the screen, miserably trying to work as she pointlessly tapped on the laptop keys. Her tummy felt so bloated and her breasts so tender that she just couldn't focus at all and plus, every time she actually did think of something to write, thoughts of him popped, unbidden into her mind, it was almost as if he were standing beside her, chatting, waving his arms as he explained something or better still, rubbed her back, god, how she ached to have her back rubbed right...

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BellesaFilms Vicki Chase Permission Granted

Vicky’s once innocent curiosity with the idea of being dominated had, at some point, turned into a full-on fantasy. One that excited her and filled her with a craving she had never felt before. Wanting to explore the lifestyle properly, Vicky finds a Dom/Sub matchmaking service, whereby she would be able to fill out a detailed questionnaire about her experience, her desires and her limits, and to pair her with a Dom that best suited to her. When she meets Charles, he clearly explains the rules-...

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An Autumn ChillChapter 4

Turns out Mike caught wind that Kristin was at the party with another guy. That Mike had been "snubbed" by not being invited to the party was only fuel for his fire. How he found out that Kristin was with another guy was never really uncovered, though she wasn't really subtle in whom she was flirting with. Word travels fast in high school, and by the Monday following the party everyone had heard that Mike caught Evil Brody trying to rape Kristin and, being the heroic ex-boyfriend, Mike...

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Brad and I

A Month had went by, football season was over, Mister Brad had not been by the house in a while, my butt had been aching for the whole time. I was going to the park when a familiar voice called my name, turning I saw Mister Brad heading my way. I stood as he caught up to me and placed his arm arm my shoulder 'where you headed to boy?' I looked at him and said 'I'm heading to the school, I'm to meet the coach there this morning.' Mister Brad looked at me, glanced at his watch and said 'coach...

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Capri Or Top Mai Gadi Ka Safar

Mai kafi arsey say iss per stories padh raha hon to aaj itefaz howa story likhney kaa. pehley mai kuch apney barey mai bata don meri height 5:5 hai or smart si body hai 27 kamar 34 chest hai or 36 tak mere hips hein not mascular or girls k tarah thora femenish hon mai. mjhey cross dressing kerney ka bht ziada shoq tha laiken kabhi pora nahe ho paya tha kion k mai apney friends say chupata tha yeh baat. then aik din meri net per aik larkey faisal say friendship Hoe jis k sath mainey apni fantasy...

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Kocam Arkadana Beni Siktirdi

Kocam Arkadaşına Beni SiktirdiHerkesten beklerdim de kocamdan beklemezdim. Çünkü kendisi kıskanç ve kimseye dokunmamam için bana her seferinde kızan bir adamdır aslında. Fakat siniri, kıskançlığı ters tepmiş olacak ki beni kendi arkadaşına siktirdi. Hatta ben akadaşıyla sikişirken benim kıskanç kocam da bizi izliyordu. Nasıl sikişiyoruz diye. İyi okumalaHerkese merhabalar ben güvenliğim açısından seks hikayemi anlatırken isim vermek istemiyorum. Çünkü başıma gelen sikiş olayı ve bunu kocam da...

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My foot fetish fantasy fulfilled Part 2

So there I was with my dick in one of my girlfriend's friends heavenly mouths. My left nut being caressed slowly by the foot of another friend of my girlfriend. While my eyes were blindfolded. I was yet to find out if I had guessed which girls foot had been caressing my right nut. If I guessed right I would get access to the feet of three of my girlfriend's friends and had one guess left for a shot a four."So did I guess right?" "Yes!" Said Emily as she let my dick pop out of her mouth. "And...

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The Old Woman The Boy and The Girl2

She knew it was coming on again. The Urge. The irresistible urge that always won out over her weakness. She decided to take a cold shower in an effort to blunt the increasing desire. It didn't work. But then, it never worked. In fact, the shower was actually the start, the catalyst. Instead of taking the edge off of her wild need, she ended up fondling herself, teasing her clit under the cold water. She soon turned the hot water up. She suspected that she subconsciously knew that the shower...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 29 Isekai Life Butler Revelation

We filed into the room the carrion crawlers had occupied, gagging at the stench, and saw what they were feasting on- a small pile of bodies, stacked like cordwood, charred and burned but still quite raw on the inside. They just barely identifiable as humanoid, and since we were unable to do anything for them now, we moved on. “Am I beginning to sense a theme here?” Voss said after a tense silence, “The fire pattern on the jar, the guy they burned at the stake, the arson of that...

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Gretas Story 3 High School Senior Year a Naked in School Tale

Funny, after Sam and Brenda and I returned from Gramma Kramer's the summer quickly melted away into the new school year. Three new things separated junior year and senior year. First I had agreed to take the work-study job with the Program, which in addition to my gardening money and my nursing home hours was putting a tidy sum away for college. My medallion, which identified me as a full time Naked In School participant, had been taken from me on the first day of senior classes. Oddly, a...

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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 14 Veronica Melissa

This episode deserves a brief setup. If you have been following the Boy Toy series, you know who the women are. If this is a new read for you, this will be helpful. Veronica is my wife of 30 years now. She is, was, the niece by marriage to Melissa Thompson. She is the only niece or nephew of any form to Melissa Thompson. Even though not blood related, Melissa still took her under her wing and treated her like a daughter- niece -employee- friend…if that makes any sense at all. Melissa...

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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 5

2081 a.d. – The Fourth Month Spatial Experiment The great ship had entered the asteroid belt. The two princesses took their assigned turn on Bridge watch, manning the heavy lasers they used to clear their orbit of asteroidal debris. 'I wish I could straddle my legs around this fucking great gun and fire it up my cunt, ' Beth thought, sending the erotic image directly into her sister's mind. She'd just finished carving up several large rocks into little pieces of gravel that could no...

3 years ago
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first time

I took the past week off of work to work around the house, take Sarah out for a quiet weekend away and just kind of regroup. The week has been unbelievable when it comes to the amount and quality of sex. Sarah has been insatiable for most of the week. She wakes me in the morning with my cock in her moth or in her hands as she lightly squeezes my balls and lightly licks the head of my cock. Normally quite cold blooded flannel nightwear is the order of the day, this past week I think she has worn...

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