Pornstar Ch. 06 free porn video

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Chapter 06: The Problem

‘Well,’ said Mandy, ‘what did you think of his cock?’

She and Nancy and Lill dissolved into silent hysteria.

‘Yes,’ said Mrs Price, ‘that was a… surprise. Do you think he doesn’t know?’

More giggles.

‘Hey,’ I said, ‘this isn’t a laughing matter. We’ve got a problem…’

‘…Houston…’ interjected Nancy. The giggles surged.

‘OK, Kyle,’ said Mrs Price, ‘what are we going to do about it?’

‘Well, look,’ I said, ‘just from a graphic point of view, that shot where you’re like kind of squatting over him just isn’t going to work. I need to be able to see daylight between your bodies and have this glistening column connecting you… and there’s no way. If you lift enough for me to see daylight he’s just going to fall out.’

‘So do we get someone else?’

‘So the whole school gets to know Paul was dropped from his own porn flick because his dick wasn’t big enough?’ Mandy had obviously seen this coming.

‘Well,’ I said, ‘in some ways it’s the obvious thing to do, but who’s going to tell him?’

There was a silence.

Mrs Price broke it. ‘More to the point, who would you ask as a stand-in?’

Mandy said ‘it’s who would you trust as a stand-in?’

‘Well,’ said Lill fiercely, ‘not many of them could be as untrustworthy as Paul.’

‘Yes, but Paul can’t say anything even if we do drop him, because we’d just have to release a clip… you know, most guys our age are no better.’

‘Kyle is!’ said Nancy, kind of protectively.

‘Yes,’ said Mrs Price, ‘I think he is. But he’s doing the camera…’

Lill and I both spoke at once.

Lill said ‘I could do the camera.’

I said ‘Look, someone still has to tell Paul, and he will be real sore. Is there anything else we can do with, like, prosthetics?’

Mandy said, ‘like you’re going to tell him his dick’s too small and he has to wear a false one?’

I said ‘I will if I have to. Lill, could we do it?’

Lill said she’d try to think up a way, and that’s where we left it.

School life had settled into a different routine, but it was still a routine. Paul didn’t hang out in the news office much any more, although he was still officially editor. Instead, Nancy and Mandy hung out in there with Lill and me, and even joined in some of the paper work, writing and laying out. Lill and I also, somehow, got accepted a bit into the Bibbie crowd and were more sort of popular than either of us had ever been before. There was a sort of ‘any friend of Nancy’s is OK’ thing going on which was kind of nice. School was changing, too. Classes had really stopped being meaningful as we got closer to the exams, and mostly we were just revising in the library and the common room and stuff.

Work on the official movie went ahead as well. Someone’s father owned the Prospect Hill woods, and we got permission to film there and adapt the barn, and cut down the two trees we needed. On Thursday afternoon we all went up in school time and measured up the stalls, and made drawings for the extension upwards of the walls to make them more cell like. We scouted out a location for the ambush scene, and marked the two trees that would have to come down for the ambush. We workshopped through that scene and a bit of the jailbreak scene, and everyone felt quite up about it.

And that rolled us round to Saturday, and the plotters’ meeting in the barn. The cells had been extended upwards with canvas artistically painted so that it reasonably matched the planking. A lock had been put on the door, but that was, in fact, a good thing, since Mrs Price had the key. We had some of the props, now, too. We’d managed to work a bowdlerised version of the torture chamber scene into the official script, so we had stocks and a whip (which pleased Lill greatly). We had the first of the witch masks. We had a number of witches outer robes (black sackcloth and canvas, very grungy) and we had the one special set of witches under-robes, in chiffon and lace and silk, which Lill had made specially at home because they weren’t needed in the official script. We also had a prop dick (actually a monumental but very lifelike vibrator that Mrs Price had brought along) for the hole in the wall.

Mrs Price took Paul out, officially as lookout but I assumed to talk to him about the prosthetic. Lill got us started on the torture scene. She started it off by saying she wanted someone to volunteer to get one ‘like properly hard’ blow with the whip on their ass so that she could get to see what a weal actually looked like so she could work out how to do them in makeup. I volunteered but Mandy (who was going to be the witch who’d been supposed to be guarding the cells and was getting punished for having failed to prevent the incest) said no, what was needed was to see what it looked like on her skin so she’d better do it, and said Nancy had better do the whip because all the rest of us would hold back and this wouldn’t work unless it really hurt. I said, OK, if we’re actually going to do just one for real could we get the tape recorder set up so we get the sound? So Lill and I set up microphones and stuff and then Lill set up a camera so we could see how the weal came up and Mandy skinned off without any fuss and went and leant on the stocks. Lill wanted to lock her in but Mandy wasn’t having that for the real one.

Then Mandy said OK, and I said hang on, since we’re doing the sound could she try to yell in character, and Mandy said how the fuck did she do that, and Nancy said OK let’s do it.

‘OK,’ I said. ‘Camera, sound, action.’

Whizzzz… CRACK!

Nancy wasn’t messing when she said she’d do it properly, and Mandy, rather than yelping or screaming or cursing as I’d kind of expected did this series of huge gasps that sort of died away into rapid panting. I put my finger to my lips and tried to keep everyone quiet as Mandy’s breathing came gradually back to normal. After a couple of moments I said was she OK quietly and she sort of nodded and Nancy and Lill sort of gathered round keeping out of the way of the camera and touched and felt the swollen pink line that was lifting up out of the gorgeous soft sort of buttery skin of Mandy’s backside.

After a bit I said ‘OK?’ and Nancy and Lill said OK and Nancy put some salve on Mandy’s ass and Mandy stood up and we stopped the camera and the tape recorder and all gathered round.

‘OK, wow,’ I said. ‘I thought that was just so powerful…’

Mandy said ‘yeah,’ and everybody laughed. Then she said ‘was it sexy?’

Nancy said ‘Worked for me’.

I said ‘More than I expected.’

Lill just nodded silently but emphatically.

I asked Mandy whether it had been sexy for her and she told me not to be so fucking stupid.

Lill and I started discussing how we could set the scene up and Mandy said no, wait, let her try something. She went a leant on the stocks again.

‘OK, Nancy, you get in position… Kyle, how many decent camera angles can you get on us so none of the cameras can see any of the others and they’re all good shots and they don’t get in the way of the whip?’

I walked around, carrying the camera, framing shots. ‘At least five.’

Mandy straightened up and came back over. ‘OK, how many times does the script say I get hit?’

Lill said ‘it doesn’t.’

‘OK, so how many before it loses impact on the audience?’

‘I don’t know. Ten? Fifteen?’

‘OK, look, I think I can handle two, maybe three of those. I have to get screwed afterwards, don’t I?’

‘We could do the fuck before…’

‘No, that won’t look right because I won’t have the weals, and it’ll show. No, here’s what we do. We get the cameras and the sound set up, like five cameras… have we got five cameras?’

‘We can get at least four.’

‘OK, we get the cameras set up and rolling and Nancy really lays one into me. Then we stop the cameras and Lil
l does three or four artificial weals across my backside. Then we roll cameras again and Nancy moves round a bit so the angle changes and lays another one into me, and then Lill does some more artwork and then we roll cameras again and Nancy moves round and lays one more. Then you’ve got twelve different shots of like for real no messing whipping, and then if you film some reaction shots on my face or maybe Paul’s face as he’s watching it then if you needed to you could cut it to make it seem like twenty strokes. How does that grab you?’

Lill said, ‘I think that would be like totally amazing.’

‘OK, well what I want to do now is I want Kyle and Lill to go out, ’cause I don’t much want to be watched, and I want Nancy to lube me up like thoroughly and lube the dildo up and then lay two more licks into me as hard as she can and then straight afterwards ram that dildo up me and try to make it hurt. And if I can handle that I’ll do it on film.’

So Lill and I went out and there was Paul and Mrs Price there, and they said what’s going on, and we gave them a sort of short version, and at that point there was a crack that sounded loud through the shut door and we all sort of shut up and listened. There was another crack and this time an audible gasp, and then this yelp which turned into this really injured moan, and Paul sort of blanched a bit and said ‘Jesus,’ which was kind of how I felt.

Then after a minute or so Nancy came out and said we could all come back in and we trooped in and there was Mandy with a robe draped over her still leaning on the stocks doing the heavy breathing thing, and when she looked up she had like sweat and tears on her face but it wasn’t like she had been crying like miserable but just there were tears.

She sort of gasped ‘OK’ a couple of times and just kept on breathing.

Mrs Price dug out the flask and handed round coffee. Mandy came over and leant on the back of a chair and Nancy put an arm round her shoulders.

‘OK,’ she said, still gasping, her voice very breathy and deep.

‘OK, I tell you. That really bloody hurt, but I was wrong. It is sexy. It’s fucking sexy but it fucking hurts. I can handle it. I think I can handle it. When we do it for the movie I want, like, a little break between the whipping and the fuck. Also, also, I want Lill standing by all the time, like, to stop the scene and get me out of the stocks if I say stop. No fancy safe words, just ‘stop’. Stop means stop from the moment I go in the stocks until the end of the scene. If that’s OK I think I can do it.’

‘Hey,’ I said, ‘is this worth going through that for a little toy porn flick?’

‘Yeah,’ she said. ‘Yes. It’ll be so much more raw this way, like so much more real.’

Then Nancy started a discussion about the reaction shots. She’d had the camera on Mandy’s face for the bit she’d done, and she showed us on the little fold out screen. And she was right, it was visceral. OK, she said, the script says Mandy’s masked. If Mandy isn’t masked then we’ve got to lose the girlfriend, but this is just so much more powerful. Mrs Price asked Mandy how she felt about not being masked and Mandy said she wasn’t sure. Nancy said OK, look, all the shots of Mandy in this scene except the reaction shots are from behind, so if we can shoot them we can try a cut with them in and a cut with them out, and Mandy can have the veto.

Mandy was too sore to do the workshopping for the scene just then which kind of didn’t surprise us, so Mrs Price (who was actually next smallest) stood in for her and we went through it. We ended up cutting out all the dialogue. The scene would start with two witches leading Paul (who’s naked) along a corridor, with the sound of whipping on the sound track getting louder. Then they come to a corner and there’s a whip sound and a gasp and we get a reaction shot of Paul’s face and then we switch to his point of view and see Mandy getting thrashed and then the view point just jumps about and we see blows landing from all angles and we keep switching back to Paul’s reaction and one of the witches touches him with this amulet thing and he’s supposed to change from shock to lust and by the end the witches are holding him back and then they let him go and he sort of launches himself into Mandy –

‘Like really brutal,’ said Lill.

We looked across and it’s surreal. Lilith is sitting on a straw bale in her full goth rig with Mandy, naked again, draped over her knees like she’s dead and L-Ill’s messing with makeup on her butt like some necromantic craft-obsessed black widow at a quilters evening.

‘Like no tenderness at all, like the total antithesis of making love, like just pound her and like claw at her with your hands to slam yourself into her harder. Like this is the black magic sex that ends up being answered by the white magic sex in the last scene so it’s got to be just as nasty as you can make it.’

‘Only,’ said Nancy, ‘remember she’s really sore so make like you’re slamming without actually slamming too hard,’ which must be as difficult a stage direction as any actor ever got.

The biggest row of the whole sex-scene thing just suddenly blew up out of nowhere. It was Wednesday afternoon and we were all in the news office for the very good reason we had to get an issue ready for the printers, and even Paul was there which he hadn’t been much at that point. And suddenly, out of nothing, Mandy said ‘Nancy, how big is Kyle’s dick?’

‘Works for me. Why?’

‘Well, is it big or average or small? Is it thin or thick?’

‘How am I supposed to know? I haven’t like seen that many.’

‘Is it bigger or smaller than Paul’s?’

‘Oh. Bigger.’ No hesitation at all.

Paul like got up suddenly, and I thought he was going to say something.

‘Longer?’ said Mandy, ‘thicker?’

‘At least twice as long, and thicker in proportion, I’d say. Also, it’s nice and straight and I personally think it’s got a very nice shaped end.’

I have to say I felt like really weird about being discussed like this.

‘I’ve been thinking,’ said Mandy. ‘All the scenes you get to see a dick up close, that’s like about all of the guy you do see. So, like, when we cut to close up for the moment where the dick goes in that could be Kyle, and like the Mrs Price fuck shot where you couldn’t see daylight that could by Kyle…’

‘Are you saying my cock’s not big enough?’

‘Ah, come on, Paul, you know it’s not. It’s not big enough for real life, let alone a porn flick. Lots of actors have body doubles, why shouldn’t you have a dick double?’

‘What do you mean it’s not big enough?’ said Paul hauling down his flies and getting it out.

It was soft and like tiny and without meaning to I sort of snickered. He was like pumping away at this little thing the size of the top joint of his little finger trying to get it to stand to attention, and (typical of cocks, really) it was like definitely not co-operating.

‘Come on,’ he said, ‘get yours out and show us how much bigger it is.’

I said ‘put it away, Paul’ and just sat there but Nancy leant down and whispered ‘I want to fu..u..u..uck you so’ in my ear and like ran her finger nail up and down my zip and I kind of didn’t need to get it out because everyone could see. Not like I’m saying I’m that big or anything ’cause like Nancy I haven’t actually seen many. But it was true that my cock was like a lot bigger than Paul’s.

‘Hey,’ said Paul, ‘it’s not how big it is it’s what you do with it…’

Mandy grinned evilly. ‘But when it’s that small you like can’t feel a thing, like ‘is it in yet, Paul, is it in yet?’ Not a thing, can you, Lill?’

‘Well, something sort of tickled and, like, he said he’d done it, but I wasn’t sure… it was all so quick…’

‘Hey,’ said Paul, ‘Mrs Price said I was OK and she’s got way more experience than any of you. And anyway’ – this to Mandy – ‘if you’ve got a cunt the size of a convention centre with the muscle tone of a d
ead jellyfish it’s not surprising you don’t feel anything…’

Have I told you about Mandy? You’ve got this high school full of good corn fed all-American girls and then there’s Mandy. She’s, like, about four feet nine and weighs like maybe 70 pounds at the absolute outside. Like she’s not a dwarf or anything, she’s OK looking – no, she’s a good bit better than OK looking, but she’s half Vietnamese and like tiny. She must be the smallest grown person I’ve ever seen. Cunt the size of a convention centre? I sniggered again. I could not help it.

‘Oh,’ said Mandy. ‘I thought when you were going round the school telling everyone how easy I was and all the things you could get me to do you were saying that I wasn’t much good for anything but oral ’cause I was just way too tight?’

Lill said ‘Yoh! You tell him, Mandy!,’ and Paul, like, suddenly ran out without (as far as we could see) stopping to zip his fly.

After the laughter had died down a bit I said ‘That wasn’t very kind’ and Mandy said, ‘no, but it felt so good’ and I said ‘did he really deserve it?’

‘Hey, look,’ said Mandy, kind of fierce with like tears in there somewhere, ‘do you know how many guys I’ve had in my life?’

I didn’t know. I’d sort of heard she was, like, a bit wild. ‘Three?’ I said, tactfully underestimating, ‘four?’

‘OK,’ she said, ‘do you know how many times I’ve had sex in my whole life?’

I had no idea. I shrugged. ‘about a hundred?’

‘Well, I’ll tell you. I went out with that guy for three months and it was all ‘oh, I really love you, oh, I really respect you, oh if you really loved me you’d go the whole way with me’ and then one night I had too much to drink and we had a quicky in the back of his car and next day it’s all round the school that I’m a slag and I’ll do anything. Sex with just one guy, just once in my whole life, and I’m a slag and I bet Lill’s just the same, hey?’

‘I’m not sure we even properly had sex. I mean honestly. I mean like I’ve never done it with anyone else so I don’t really know but we just did this fumbling stuff and then he makes all these honking noises and there’s a bit of mess in my panties…’

‘You’d know,’ said Nancy, squeezing my shoulder. ‘You’d know.’

I was just staring at Mandy feeling really conscience stricken. Like I’d just believed it ’cause Paul had said it without really knowing Mandy or evaluating the evidence or probabilities or anything. I felt so… like culpable.

‘Hey,’ said Mandy, ‘you know what’s the worst thing? We’re doing this porn film and, like, we none of us actually know how to screw…’

‘We do!’ said Nancy, hotly.

‘Oh yeah? Like how many positions have you done?’

‘Well, Kyle’s ribs are bust, so…’

‘How many?’


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You and I finally get to meet. You jump off the road runner shuttle and I jump into your arms, giving you the biggest hug and the sloppiest wettest kisses ever. I say lets throw your things in the house and I’m going to show you a good time. I’m wearing my sexy black latex outfit with corset and your wearing leather pants and black pvc shirt. We drive downtown to LA to the Bondage ball. Your like shit I didn’t know we were going here....why didn’t you tell me...I said no worries you look fab...

3 years ago
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My Twin SistersChapter 4

We got in the SUV and Mom started to drive. About an hour out of town, her phone rang. I looked at it and said, "It's Dad, can I talk to him or do you want to?" "Go ahead," she said. "Hey Dad, what's happening?" I answered. "I came home and found a letter from your mother, put her on the phone!" he directed. "Why, so you can lie to her some more, telling her you have to work late, so you can screw your assistant all night on your office desk?" "Charles, put your mother on...

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The Life of RyanChapter 34 A Cum Contest at Sea

Ryan was always thinking up new ways to have as much sex as possible, and to challenge those around him to push their limits as well. To him, sex was not just fun ... it was healthy and vital. It charged your life force. It exercised your body in the very best way. It made you feel alive and strong, and connected to other people. Orgasms were the best and most incredible thing you could give yourself, and no matter how many he had, each one was always a special and relished experience of its...

2 years ago
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Nicole Heat First Anal Journey

I walk out of Jack’s office staggering. Scarlet evening sun shines upon the enormous Los Angeles skyscrapers. Business people are heading home, replaced by joyful couples. Gotta take a taxi and ride home as fast as I can. Damn, I’m still wet! I wave my hand trying to stop a cab and lean onto the traffic light post. I’m about to start laughing: I look so much like a street hooker now. The very first taxi skids to a halt in front of me. There’s a black guy with bright white teeth smiling at me...

1 year ago
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Equal SharesChapter 9

Stan woke up late Saturday morning. At first he lay still while he put his scattered mind back together. Then he rolled onto his back, whispered, "Good morning, love, " and went over what had happened last night. With the morning sunlight flickering through the curtains, last night's events didn't seem so momentous. Last night he'd thought the evening was incredible. He'd spoken to Anne in a non-work setting; it had been almost as if they'd been to a dinner date on their own. Now,...

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The Institute Body DoubleChapter 5

I awoke late that Saturday morning, feeling groggy and confused. What the hell happened last night? The memories, if they came at all, were disjointed, kaleidoscopic flashes of light, sound and sensation. I remembered coming like there was no tomorrow; the most explosive climax of my life. I should have awoken on a cold wet spot on the sheets, but there was nothing; not a trace that I had even had sex, either on the bed or my person. Did I hurt, ache from the experience? No. In fact, I felt...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Joanna Angel Joanna Angel8217s Lana

Joanna Angel and Aaron (Small Hands) are still in the process of settling into their new home. Boxes marked ‘FRAGILE’ sit atop tables, waiting to be unpacked, while new morning routines are being established. Joanna is enjoying a nice yoga session to start her new morning routine. She’s completely in the zone as peaceful music plays from the speaker behind her. Everything seems well until the speaker suddenly starts crackling, sending a chill down Joanna’s spine....

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 329

These are compliments of mario_mario The policeman approaches the driver's door. "Is there a problem, Officer?" The policeman says, "Sir, you were speeding. Can I see your license please?" The driver responds, "I'd give it to you but I don't have one." "You don't have one?" The man responds, "I lost it four times for drunk driving." The policeman is shocked. "I see. Can I see your vehicle registration papers please?" "I'm sorry, I can't do that." The policeman...

4 years ago
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A Rough Night

A ROUGH NIGHT   After peering thru the window at your sleeping form on the couch I carefully sneak in the front door. I am very glad that you left the door unlocked for me tonight. And that I gave you a few days in a row to leave it unlocked. I know this is gonna be a real suprize for you. I take a mental inventory of my supplies as I sneak towards you. Thinking back to our past conversations I know you will enjoy this immensely. I carefully reach your side without making a noise to wake you....

3 years ago
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Chucks Forced VacationChapter 9

I woke to kids climbing on top of me. "Get up, get up, come on, Chuck, we can't eat until you get up. We're hungry, Chuck, please get up." They all left, or so I thought. I was about to throw the covers off when a soft voice said, "I'll be glad to be back on the ocean so you can teach me how to play some more. I've missed you teaching me." Bonita was sitting cross-legged on the bed, facing me. She was sitting there waiting, for what, I don't know. "Ah, Bonita, why don't you go...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Reyna DeLaCruz The Sex Doll

Johnny just wanted to enjoy his sex doll in peace. The only problem is that he was fucking it around the house out in the open. His step sister, Reyna Delacruz was fed up with catching him all over the house. So she devised a plan, she asked him to fuck her instead of the dumb sex doll. She stole his doll and began scissoring his sex doll. From there, Johnny got jealous and at this point is where she asked him to fuck her in order to get his doll back. Reyna’s pussy got penetrated by her step...

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Kim blackmailed part

In the meanwhile Kim was on cheerleading practice. As the leader of the group she had a meeting with them about the lack of showers in the locker room. Kim: “Girls, the principal told me yesterday that we have to finish quicker in the showers so the football team can use the room, I know when it is so few showers it takes some time, particularly for some (giving Bonnie a mean look) but we just have to learn to use less time. I for my sake will shower last when you are gone to make sure...

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Mondays Child

I know you are there at your window, watching me as I pour myself a glass of very cold white wine. I slowly slip off all of my clothes except for my thigh high stockings and heels and walk… no, strut... out onto my deck. It’s Monday and almost midnight - time for me to perform and for you to observe and appreciate. I get comfortable in a soft patio chair. I enjoy the feeling of the nice breeze on my body, which is also bathed in moonlight. .We are close to a full moon. I know I look very good...

1 year ago
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The Truth Part 2

‘Good, you woke up.’ ‘Look who’s so anxious to learn about my gay past…’ ‘Yes. You were on the second part of the story?’ ‘Right… The second part starts when I’m in a bed, but not mine.’ *** There’s always something different about fucking guys. The obvious differences are physical. I love the rough texture of the skin, the tightness of the asshole. My large, muscular body spread against another man, pumping strings of cum into his hole. There’s another difference to it, though. Their...

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My Boss SlutChapter 6

I showered in the morning and made us breakfast. "I wonder what I'll do today?" Becky said. I smiled. I knew what she was going to do because I knew she was going to be tied to the bed all day. She kept asking me what I was doing as I fastened the leather restraints to her wrists. I snugged them tightly so she could not get away. Then, I chained her to the headboard corners with the chain, just like Mr. Williams told me to do. "Bobby, what are you doing?" she asked, concern evident in...

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First Date Courtney

I was still friends with John's ex-girlfriend (Portia) and Courtney was one of Portia's best friends. Courtney was thin, about 5'7", sexy blue eyes, set of B-cups, with a cute, tight ass. Oh, and how could I forget a set of luscious pouty lips. She was recently divorced and had a one year-old son. Since her divorce she has been living in her parents basement which they had finished as an apartment and had been hoping to rent it out for some additional income. She was very experienced in the...

Straight Sex
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Jonnys Intervention

Jonny's Intervention A Wish Fulfillment Story by Rugburn Major Elements: Transgender Author's Note: Shall I admit that this story originally started as a caption for an anime picture I found? It quickly spiraled out of control in length and I had to stop when the text required an average browser to scroll down to read everything. I thought I could leave it at that but the damn story kept popping up in my head until I finally sat down to flesh it out into a nice little story. I'm...

1 year ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 45

I looked up as I stepped out of the car. It was well past dark but I could tell that the sky was overcast. No moon or stars were visible. Though not as forbidding as thunder and lightning, it still fit the occasion of visiting this woman who gave birth to me so many years ago so she could confess her sins to me before her death. The hospice was in low light mode. I'd been here before, when Daddy's expertise had been needed for one of the patients and he brought me along on a follow-up...

3 years ago
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Project Eldest SonChapter 9

Bruce Schacht walked into the conference room with Denise, Talitha, and David Miller. He sat down next to Denise and waited for Agent Miller to start recording the interview again. “Joining the interview at this point is Assistant Unites States Attorney for the 4th District, Bruce Schacht. He was asked to join the interview by the defense attorney of record to witness an accurate accounting of Svetlana Michaels cooperation with federal authorities. The primary interviewers have not changed.”...

1 year ago
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A night out

I was on secondment to a local authority for 12 months and the team I was working with had a conference someone had to attend providing a promotion stand. For various reasons none of the permanent staff were able to attend as it meant an overnight stay, so Sarah my boss and I were the delegates.We arrived at the hotel late afternoon, went to our rooms to clean up and agreed to meet in the bar for a pre-dinner drink.Showered & changed, at about 5, I wandered down, Sarah arrived only a couple...

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Just A Friend

You invite me over to watch a movie. Unlike all my other friends, you actually enjoy sitting and watching and discussing them with me. But from time to time, I've noticed your hand inching closer to mine, or your eyes resting on my breasts when you think I'm not looking. But you’ve never made a move. I can tell that you're nervous. We've established a fragile friendship at best and neither of us want to ruin it. You can forgive my drunk texts asking you to come over. We ignore them in each...

Straight Sex
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10 Button Dress

This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where you are reading this, stop now. Copyright August 1998 Don Darkdom all rights reserved. Permission to read and download for non-commercial purposes is granted. 10 Button Dress by Don Darkdom The first time I played the game, I was wearing a blue silk, ten-button dress. My college roommate, Sonia was trying to convince me...

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Brother Sister

Tyzonn Stalvia was bored he had nothing to do. Everything was all set up for college next year and his parents were no t home. So He went to the Bathroom to get himself an enema. Just the thought made his cock hard. He was sooo horny that it wasn't even funny. He hadn't gotten laid in a month. Mind not that he had tried either. As Tyzonn set up the enema he was thinking about his beautiful sister Reithos. She was a just a year or so younger than him and hot as hell. He was Gorgeous at 6' tall...

4 years ago
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Rock and Water Chapter 3

After leaving the gym, I confirm with my parents that they’re picking Addie up after school for the weekend. I don’t tell them about the date just yet. They moved to Oregon from the east coast when she was two since she was their only grandchild, insisting on being a big part of her life. It’s been especially helpful since the divorce. As a single parent, it’s a blessing to have every other weekend to myself. Addie leaves for London in 10 days, and this will be the last weekend they share...

2 years ago
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Cruel Carnal Convent

There she sat, grey-haired and stern looking like always, in the middle of the long cherry-wood table on the dais, her lips barely able to contain that self-assured smile that annoyed me so much. Behind her hung the usual silly and perversely expensive depictions of tiny angels worshipping the Lord. Left and right of her, her fellow senior sisters in their black habits waited submissively for her signal to start the meal, now that the prayer was over, and I had to struggle to contain my...

3 years ago
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Stumbling Upon Life Chapter 3

A fictional story based on true life events. Please enjoy chapters 1 and 2 before to enhance your experience. Thank you for reading my stories! I love your comments! Please share.Chapter 3: A Sweaty MessWe took our buzzed, sex-coated bodies outside, all the way reliving our erotic deviance through lively giggles and repartee. Bouncing shoulder to shoulder between us, Rachael pointed and laughed at the elephant in the parking lot.“It’s a Winnebago?” “A Minnie Winnie. It was a 25th anniversary...

3 years ago
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Coming Onto MomChapter 2

Inside the doctor’s office, Billy sat on the examining table. His mother had just left, but his cock continued to stand up beneath his white Jockey shorts. Nancy, the lovely doctor, stood back a pace or so, looking at him. Taking her stethoscope, she listened to his chest and lungs. She tapped his knees and elbows. She looked into his throat and ears. Her examination was swift and professional. Finished, she sat down at her small desk and wrote her findings in his chart. Billy watched her,...

1 year ago
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Easter at the Creepy Twins House

Written By: Mr. Mongo 5/4/2012 Home for spring break Lara was scrounging for money while she was working on her teaching degree. Asking friends and family for any work they could get her, one of Lara’s aunts found a babysitting job for her. Driving over to the family’s house Lara met with the Mr. Lewis and his pregnant wife who told Lara they need help keeping an eye on their sixteen years old twin sons Karl and Kevin. From what the mom and dad told Lara their sons cannot be left home...

2 years ago
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Beyond Integration Limits

Hi, I am a 19 year old college student from Delhi. This incident happened when I was 18 years old and was in high school. My Maths teacher is a perfect big beautiful woman, very tall with very large hips, buttocks and boobs. She had been close to my family and we had known each other much prior to her becoming my teacher in high school, as our families were both tamilians. She had become a widow a few years back and was living alone with her two daughters. From the time I got into 11th...

3 years ago
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Ms Marca Fort Worth Boat Show Part 2

    Ms Marca …. Fort Worth Boat Show … Part 2   I turned to see what Rob was saying and looking at where he was walking to. Now, call me stupid if you like, but this Glen guy he was calling out to, will his eyes had locked in on me the man was staring at me, with what I imagined to be lust, as he spoke to Rob, and I was getting that familiar wetness in my crotch. Fuck he was gorgeous! I just stood waiting for that drink order, I could stand and look at him all day and he was   giving me the...

2 years ago
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Cute Love Story

Hey girls and guys, this is Adi again with another story. This story is a work of fiction from my mind. It relates to no one dead or alive. Send me your review at If there are any horny girls, aunties around Delhi ncr looking for a fling feel free to mail me. I assure your privacy will be kept. Thank you. looking forward for your replies. Skipping credits just enjoy. Sometimes you love someone more than yourselves. When they leave your whole world comes crashing down, shattering to bits. This...

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A Spy At Sunnyside Dom LandChapter 2

Domineer Land Sunny Side Up Homeowner Assoc. A thought from Kat I ask for those who have already started reading this ongoing continuing story, to be aware that beginning in this chapter descriptions of evil explicit acts by the haves by the have nots are necessary to build a rival private kink community with an incentive to beat the big guys at their own game! Thanks for reading and voting. I’m shy, but wanted to say thanks for the votes and comments. Let’s start with the premise things...

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Sexually Starved Wife Finds a Lover

Recently I've felt I've been in a rut, been with the same man 10+ years, lived in the same condo 10+ years, and worked at the same company 10+ years. One day while surfing the net I stumbled onto an adult website and decided to register. Next thing I knew I had so many hits on my profile I was wondering if I'd made a hugh mistake LOL or if I was going to have a lot of fun. After sorting through several responses I hit upon a 45 year old married military man from Virginia. I was really horny as...

Wife Lovers
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The RiflemanChapter 20 Rebellion

William "Soria can you stop the overload?" I asked as I reloaded my second pistol, I quickly ejected both clips and loaded the magazines up to full again as the alarm continued sounding. "Yes if I can get to the controls, but we can't," she replied as she crawled into the access hatch. "WARNING TEN MINUTES UNTIL CORE BREACH!" "Soria, get your cute ass back out here and get to work. I'm going out there to hunt them down. Lock the door behind me," I said as I started walking...

3 years ago
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Got to Love Young Studs

I walked into the bar, tired and wore out from a long week at work. I wasn't in the mood to see anyone or even talk to anyone, just swallow a few stiff drinks and then head home to pass out. Work was still calling my name and that meant no rest because I had to be at the office through the weekend.I turned plenty of heads as I walked into the dimly lit room wearing a black pencil skirt that hugged my round ass and shapely hips. My legs looked phenomenal wearing the four inch heels and my white...

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