Submission. free porn video

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My fascination and addition to bondage, submission, and sex began when I almost 14. It began when my 20 Yr old first cousin from up north came to visit my grandparents for a week. My other first cousins includimg one wild female one all came to see him. They decided they all wanted to go to town and I wanted to go too. They said I was too young and couldn't go.

I told them I was going to have grandpa make them take me with them, and they said I wasn't. They grabbed me, holding a hand over my mouth and they took me out behind the barn and tied me to an old swing set out there. They said they needed to gag me so I couldn't call anyone. My girl cousin took off her panties and they tied them in my mouth, then left me there laughing.

The smell and taste of her sex made me get hard and as I struggled to get loose, I had my first orgasm. I thought I was dying at first then gave in to the greatest feeling I had ever had. It drained me of all energy but I remained hard. Once I regained my strength, I tried to get loose and came again. This happened 3 times before they returned about 2 hours later to untie me. Needless to say the front of my pants were a mess with my cum. I told them they had to get me some more pants and underwear or I would tell what they had done.

They went and got me some more pants but no underwear. I said I needed underwear to and my girl cousin said no problem and stripped off her panties and told me to put them since I seemed to like girls underwear. I said no and they held me down and put them on me and said if I didn't wear them, they would tell my parents that I had stole them. They felt good and I stayed hard nearly the rest of the day... They made fun of me when nobody was around. Thus began my introduction to bondage and sex.

Later in high school, one of my girl friends liked to hold me down, tie my hands, sit on my face and have me eat her till she came. Then she would wipe herself real good with her panties, put them over my nose, and then had regular sex.. then she would make me clean her sex with my mouth as she didn't want to get her jeans dirty. Then she would slide them on me and I would have to wear them home if I wanted to have sex with her the next time. On weekdays when we didn't get to go out, I would get them out of my hiding place and smell them as I masturbated to orgasm after my parents went to sleep. On nights we were to go out, I had to wear them to school and she would check to see if I had them on or she didn't go outwith me. Thus my fetish for bondage, women's underwear, and submission was reinforced.. Also had a girl in colege with similar tastes..

Then after college, I got married to a woman that wasn't into "kinky" sex and things were pretty dull for me. With the Internet and a magazine that featured "variations" I would fantasize and masturbate a lot late at night after she had gone to bed. Our sex life dwindled and I asked her why. She said she didn't get much fun out of sex anymore. I introduced her to tying me up so she could get the kind of pleasure she wanted, but she didn't really get into it much. She would tie me down if I pestered her enough but seldom took the lead.

However in about 2, years, things really changed. One Friday evening, when I got home from work, she asked if I had to work Saturday. I said no and she said good. I asked her why and she said we were going to have sex all night long and I said great.. Little did I know what was in store for me. She had fixed me a good supper and after we had finished, she told me to go take a hour relaxing bath as ibwould need my strength for later. As I was taking my bath, she came in and told me when I finished to go to the bedroom and put on the clothes I would find on the bed, them call her to come in. I said ok..

When I got dried off, I went in, I was shocked to see a pair of nylon panties, a garter belt, nylon hose, and some high heels. I thought what the heck, but then if she wanted to get a little kinky then who am I to stop her. Anyway I liked the feel of women panties, so I put them on with the garter belt and hose first then the panties and last the heels. I had a little trouble standing in the heels.

I called her in and she was wearing an outfit like what I had on except hers was all black and mine was a pretty pink. My mouth flew open as I couldn't believe that this was my wife looking like this. Before I could speak, she ordered me to turn around a couple of times so she could get a look at me. I did as asked, then she asked me if I liked the way she was dressed? I said yes, then she asked if I felt good dressed as I was and if I felt forced to wear it. I told her I liked it very well and did it freely. She said good and for me to get on the bed so my arms would just reach the head of the bed spread out, I started to ask why, but she put a finger to my lips and said that she wanted me too. I did as requested and she produced ropes tied under the bed and tied my hands spread eagle style. I thought this was going to be okay. Wearing panties, bound and going to have sex too. She told me to see if I could get loose. I did try, and she said to try as hard as I could. I really tried and found I was indeed secured and she looked happy. By this time my penis was straining big time against her too small panties. She noticed and began to rub me through the panties. I was in heaven, I thought. Then she asked me if it felt as good as when I did it myself. I asked her what she was talking about?

She said she knew all about my wearing her panties and beating off in them. That she had noticed stains in some of them and had suspected I was doing it, but had confirmed it one day when she was supposed to be out buying groceries and getting her hair done. She said the hairdresser had overbooked and couldn't do her hair and she had come home earlier than planned. She had come in and heard the music on ( happened to be the same music that was playing now) and had caught me with my eyes closed wearing her panties and beating off in them. She said she went back out and came back in about 20 minutes later making lots of noise so I would have time to take them off and get dressed. She also said she knew about all the internet sites I visited about bondage, men forced to dress in women panties, female domination, male chastity, and about all my variation magazines. She said she had read all the articles I had earmarked and all the lines I had underlined too. She could tell that all this excited me. She then asked me if I would like those things done to me. I was frightened in a way but at the same time I was elated that she was taking charge and wanting to do kinky things to me like my old girlfriend had done. I told her yes I would. She said to beg her to dominate me sexually and put me in bondage. I begged her to put me in bondage, make me wear panties whenever she desired, to tease, torment and force me to perform oral sex as she desired and to take control of our sex life. She asked if I was sure, I said yes. She said so be it then.

Then she rubbed me nearly to the point of coming thru the panties then got off the bed and left the room. I begged her to come back and make me come. She went into the bathroom and came back with her hands behind her back. She got back on the bed and asked if I remembered begging her to take charge?? I said I did, them she said that was what she was doing and begging or teing her what to do was not an option. And then she produced a pair of panties she had gotten out of the hamper and stuffed it in my mouth and tied it in place with an old tie. Then she sat on my chest and made me watch her finger herself to orgasm through her panties, then she took them off, put cotton balls on my eyes, arranged the panties over my mouth, nose, and eyes, so that the part that had been used on her pussy was over my nose. Then she secured it in place with an elastic band such that I was forced to beathe in the scent of her pussy.. All males know that it is impossible to not get a hard penis while smelling the aroma of a hot excited pussy... Why do you think dogs, Bulls, and other male a****ls smell the females?? She said all I needed to do was think about her now... Like I could do anything else anyway!

Then there was a stab of pain as she placed clothes pins on my tender nipples that were swollen like small g****s due to excitement. I groaned and she said be quiet unless I wanted some one sick too. I obeyed. Then she started rubbing my penis again till I was nearly ready to come, then she would stop and thump the nipple pins making me groan. Then would spank my penis with a foot long ruler, as least that was what it felt like. Then she would wait awhile and start again. I heard the closet door open and I assumed that she was getting something out to use in me.. After several rounds, she removed the pins, which caused a new sensation and sucked on my sore tender nipples for several minutes .. Then she took off my gag and said that to her next question was only two answers. yes or no! Yes would mean she continue on with my fun and games or if no then she would cease and continue on next week, that anything except one of those two words would result in severe punishment of my penis and no coming for me and there was to be no questioning or comment, just yes or no!! Was she clear, I nodded yes... She then asked if I wanted to continue on tonight and come.. I answered yes. She said good! And then she slid up And put her ripe pussy over my mouth and said to make her come. After what seemed like a hour, she came, gushing juices into my waiting mouth. I sucked and licked her clean. She said to remember to only 2 answers and asked me if I had enjoyed my night so far and I answered her Yes Ma'am, and she said that she liked that and I should add ma'am to all my answers and responses of any kind from now, on even when we are not playing, and did I understand that?? I said Yes Ma'am!

Then she had me to raise up my hips so she could remove my panties which had become wet with precum. Then I felt her putting something on my balls that made them stretch out from my body. She told me it was a ball stretcher that made my ball tight and stand out from my body, she said it made them easier to punish if the need arose and hit them with the ruler to prove her point. I cried out in pain, she said as long as I did as told there would not need be a repeat and that the stroke would be harder next time, I nodded ok, then she had me to suck my precum from my panties. Then she told me to rest up and get ready for round two of pussy eating, that she had really enjoyed the first time and hadn't realized that this way of like could be so much fun and don't I agree and want to continue, that soon it would be my turn to come. I answered yes ma'am.. She said she was so glad I was enjoying myself, and was I really enjoying her like this and before I answered, that I could speak freely without fear of any punishment of any kind. I said yes ma'am, I am truly enjoying all this and it was like a page out of my fantasy and was all I had been hoping for since we were married and wished to continue as she desired. All I could possibly ask is that I be allowed to come before being released from my bondage. She asked if there was anything else I wanted to add. I said no ma'am and she said then the previous rules were back in place and did I understand this? I said Yes Ma'am!

She then tied my legs off spread eagled to the bottom of the bed completely immobilizing me. She said she didn't want me to run off and laughed. I said thank you ma'am and she said I think I am going to like the new you and wished she had took me up on it years ago .. Then she shut the light, and left the room and shut the door. After awhile she returned and gave me a drink of water and I told her thank you ma'am. She then said that round two was about to begin and there was to be no comments or anything else from me unless I was asked and if I understood this (which I thought was curious at the time, but was obvious very soon) and gave me a very light hit with the ruler to let me know the price if I did. I understand ma'am. Good then we will commence, and I felt her get on the bed and straddle my chest. Then she moved up to place her pussy over my lips and I got a shock that sent trembles of fear up and down my body. I heard a giggle. To my shock and surprise, this was not my wife with her pussy on my mouth this female had hair on her pussy, where my wife was clean-shaven!! There was a muffled "what are you waiting on" and a tap tony balls to drive the point home. I dove in and in no time this woman was coming in my mouth but didn't get up till she had 3 more orgasms. My tongue and lips were give out at this point. She got off the bed after giving my penis several strokes and bringing me nearly to orgasm. My balls were beginning to ache from the build up of cum.

My wife asked if I was surprised ? Yes ma'am ! Did I enjoy my surprise ?? Yes ma'am! Good she said ! I will have to see if my friends would like a turn with you in the future! I started to say something then remembered her instructions and just said "as you wish ma'am!! She laughed.. Then left the room again. When they returned I serviced them both to a couple of orgasms each. She then said it was getting quite late and they were too give out to give me my orgasm tonight and they were going to bed and would continue again in the morning.. I started to protest but a slap to my already sore balls stopped me quickly. She said that she would release my balls for the night but the ball stretcher might be placed back on the morning. Also that after the other woman had left the room, she would remove my blindfold but a fresh set of panties with both their pussy scent would be fixed over my nose and mouth so I could both taste and smell their scent. I thanked her and she gave me another drink of water. Then the other woman left and my wife did as she said. Then she asked me if this was what I Had fantasized about and beaten off to many times? And if I had enjoyed it and wanted to continue in the future .. I answered "very Much so , ma'am! Aha said that was the answer she had hoped for and looked forward to our new life together, then gave me a big french kiss, said good night and shut the door.

Sleep did not come right away,as I had lots to think about?? Like who was the other woman? Was I really going to like this or was it going to be a passing fantasy? What was in store for me down the road? Finally I drifted off to sleep with dreams of things to come maybe.

I was awaken by the placement of the ball stretcher back on and then the return of the blindfold... A urinal was brought in for me to pee in and I was given some more water. Then they cleaned me up with a warm sponge bath. Then the other woman got in a 69 position and sucked and played with my penis as I got her off three more times, while she kept me on edge. Then my wife gave me the same treatment.

After a brief rest, she asked if I was ready for my orgasm. I said Yes ma'am if it is your will! She said very good, but first we have to set some rules for this relationship to continue in this fashion, is that agreeable? Yes ma'am ! She removed the ball stretcher and asked me if the answers I would give would be of my own free will and I said yes maam! Good then we will start and you will answer "I Agree ma'am or I do not agree ma'am" do you understand ? Yes ma'am !

Rule 1 : the female is to be the dominant partner and you will submit to her wishes at all times! I agree ma'am
Rule 2 : you will wear panties of your wife's choosing at all times and, on special occasions to be determined by her, also a garter belt and nylon hose to show her your willingness to be submissive to her will ?? I agree Ma'am
Rule 3 : you will address any and all females as Ma'am and answer all questions or any comments as Ma'am and be polite and curtsious at all times? I agree ma'am!
Rule 4 : you will not be allowed to orgasm until such time as your wife and or any adult females of her choosing have been serviced as required by your wife to their complete satisfaction. And you will be restrained and blindfolded during such service periods? I Agree Ma'am !
Rule 5 : when at home, on the inside you will wear the following items; garter belt, nylon hose, panties, a mini skirt, a C cup bra, a see thru blouse, clip on hoop earrings and 3" high heel shoes that will be locked on ! Outside wear will be panties: panty hose, men's shirt and pants with women style hot pink tennis shoes. The dress code inside may be modified only when we have company as directed by the wife ! Do you agree? I gulped hard but answered "I Agree Ma'am
Rule 6 : you will be restrained by what ever means the female deems proper during periods of sex or punishment for rule breaking. Punishment will be of the female's choosing and duration. I Agree ma'am !
Rule 7 : any female with tasks and chores if called upon by the female when and how directed. Failure to do so will result in punishment and/or extending the period of your sexual release . I Agree ma'am!
Rule 8 : you will not be permitted to see any female naked unless it is on tv and you are restrained properly and being teased by me or other females as I allow. I agree ma'am !
Rule 9 : you will not be required to perform any type of anal sex, licking or such on any female or have it done to you unless you request it ! I agree ma'am!
Rule 10 : you will be required to eat any and all come that comes from your penis ! I hesitated on this one, but after she pointed out that she had done this on those rare occasions that she hadn't wanted to have regular sex and given me a blowjob instead, it seemed only fair and I agree ma'am
Rule 11: you will submit to wearing of a male chastity belt of my choosing which may or may not require a piercing of you penis to ensure that you will not be able to get relief by masturbation or have sex with any female without my approval. Once installed on my penis, I shall have the only key. Furthermore, it will be taken off when you are fully and securely restrained to ensure it being replaced on you after I am finished with you. It maybe removed periodiodically for hygiene purposes and for your sexual release. These times will be established at the female's discretion but at least once a week unless additional time has been added for whining or punishment. Do you agree to this term??? I gulped hard as I had been beating off about 4 times a week.. But in the end I agree Ma'am !
She went on to state that these terms were for a period of one year and would be edited, amended or deleted as agreed upon by both parties on a yearly basis. We agreed on this. She once again asked if I had agreed to all her terms to continue this Fem-Dom relationship based on these rules agreed to of my own free will and I stated " I agree to the stated terms on my own free will Ma'am and wish to continue freely ma'am!

Then let us proceed. I think my friend and I could use a few more orgasms before you get yours. And her friend climbed on in a 69 and tormented my penis while I gave her three more orgasms. Then it was my wife's turn and she did the same thing. Freshly scented panties were placed over my nose once again and they left to get coffee. After about 30 minutes then took turns teasing my poor penis for nearly an hour before allowing me to come. They caught what seemed like a gallon of my come in a cup and then fed it to me per our agreed rules, other than being somewhat bitter, it wasn't all bad. Then after kneading my nipples for awhile they brought me to another orgasm. Followed by another one ten minutes later.

Then they said it was time for my chastity device and applied ice to my penis. It shrunk to nothing, then I could feel it being pulled into a short tight tube, then they attached the tube to a ring that went over my penis and between my balls and my body and was locked in place by a special one of a kind key. There she said "my penis is secure! I must have looked puzzled at this because she went on to explain, since it was locked up and only she had a key and it would only be freed when I was restrained in some fashion and she could use it as she pleased, she felt like it was hers and not mine anymore. She had a point !

The women then left the room and shortly thereafter I heard our car crank up and leave. After about an hour I heard it pull up and my wife entered the room. She said she had taken our new friend home and how did I like my fantasy night come true... I asked if I was allowed to speak freely and was told I could. I told her it was a dream come true and I really was glad to see her take control of our sex life. She asked if I was surprised by having the other women there? I said I definitely was and taken back by it. She said that she had helped set up everything and staged the whole show to give me experience as how good it could be for me..

She asked me if I thought that at any time I would want to go back to the way it was. I said I didn't think so! She said she had been communicating with her friend for a long time and they had been planning this weekend for quite a while. She had called my boss in advance to see if I was going to have to work this weekend and he said no. Then she called her friend and met her at the airport earlier and she taught her how to tie the escape proof knots and what else to do, then hide in spare bedroom until I was in the tub. Then she hid in the closet and filmed me getting dressed and tape recorded all the conversation to be sure I couldn't deny that I did it on my own.. And that hen I heard the closet door open it was for her to get out and join the fun. I made you state several times you wanted this done on your free will and every bit of what was done to you is on film and tape recorded so you can not deny it, ever. She said her friend was going to get several copies made of both and put one in my wife's safety deposit box in her friend's home town. She would keep one, sent her two copies (one for her and one for me) and there would be a few more for lawyers if needed. Course she said that wouldn't be needed unless I tried to divorce her or hurt her. I told her how much I loved her and would never hurt her.

She kissed me and said she believed she needed some more loving before I would be released just to see how the chastity device would work (I found out later it was a custom built Lori's Tube (one of the most confining and secure ones there is on the market)). Then she got in a 69 position and after 3 more orgasms, she got up and asked me how was the tube? I told her it was painful trying to expand with lust and not being able to. Good she said, that will remind you that I am In control of my Penis and you are being punished for trying to Use it without my permission.

She then let me loose and told me to go take a bath and get dressed. That there was shopping to be done for my new indoor and outdoor wardrobe and I was required to go along to Make sure everything fit right. I groaned and she reminded me of my rules and what might happen if I disobeyed and I said yes ma'am, as you wish ma'am!

Course she didn't find everything she wanted me to wear in just one store. It took six stores and trying on several items in each. Got several funny looks from sales ladies when I would have to go into stalls with wife for her to try on items that were big enough for me (8 sizes bigger than her and she would loudly remark that looked good on me). There were a few that knew the score and helped her pick out items they thought would look good on me.. In one store she called the sales clerk in to ask her opinion as to how a mini skirt fit and even had me to bend over to let her see if my panties would show (remember I have on panties (pink), a garter belt and hose). The woman really got off on that and brought in several more for me to model. She wanted to take pictures but thankfully madam wouldn't allow it.

The jewelry store was another trying time as it was put in the open and I got all kinds of looks from passerbys as she tried a dozen pair of earrings on me to see how they looked. One tall thin woman with huge boobs came over and helped her pick out them. She insisted on sticking those big boobs right user my nose to put the rings on and did it for several pair. Needless to say my wife's penis suffered on that one. Hadn't realized how short and small the tube was till then. Then there was the shoe store, had a male clerk and she had me try on several styles of feminine style pink tennis shoes.. She finally decided on a pair of hot pink ones with all kinds of girly designs on them.. I could have squeezed under a 10 ton flat Boulder on that one.

Next she decided I needed some perfume. She would dab some on behind my ear and here and there, then get the sales girl to help her decide on one that would supposedly smell good on her.. We left that store with two and me smelling like a two bit whore on a Saturday night. We next ate lunch in a very crowded cafe and I got strange looks because of my heavy perfume and girly tennis shoes (yes I had to wear them right away) When we got home I sat down to relax and she reminded me I wasn't dressed properly and to go get dressed. I came back and she puts me to working on sweeping, mopping and doing the dishes from last night. Finally it was time to go to bed and she tied my hands to the headboard and had me give her two orgasms before releasing me. Then she said I almost forgot your night wear and reached under the bed and brought out a short baby doll night gown for me to wear with some frilly lacy ruffled panties. After putting them on me she kissed me good night. Was several nights before I got a good nights sleep.

Things progressed and my wife got lots of compliments on what an attentive, well mannered polite husband she had and wanted to know where she found me at and did they have any more. She would wink at me and tell them they just had to train the ones they had. After about 18 months I really started to notice that some of my wife's closest friends husbands had started to act like me and that the wives would seemly go out of their way to rub against me to feel my garter straps or give me a I know what your wearing look!

Over the next 30 months, occasionally my wife would include another woman in my training in the bed. I could tell by their smell and texture of their pussy hair they were all different. I am sure that at least some of them were my wife's friends she was showing how to train their husbands and what pleasures they could enjoy without having to do traditional sex... How they could enjoy all the orgasms they wanted while controlling the husbands. About 3 years after my introduction to My fantasy come true, I recognize that same woman again. She spent the whole weekend.

By now we had added a regular Strap on dildo to my wife's collection and that was her favorite toy. It was a penis shaped gag with a 8" fat penis attached on the outside with a 3/4 inch hole drilled all the way through both penises. I hated it as I had a penis in my mouth but mostly because I drank all her juices plus the scent from her pussy was right there in my nose Everytime she came down which made her penis try to enlarge in its tiny prison. Luckily she only used it about once or twice a week as she said it made her sore. However her friend fell in love with it and I spent nearly the whole weekend restrained and blindfolded in some form or fashion. She would ride it for 2 or 3 orgasms rest for 30 minutes and go again. During the days she would take our car and go to her motel to rest awoke and shop then call and have my wife tie me back down and go at me again! Finally on Sunday night after a marathon session of being rode and eating pussy, I was ridden to my orgasm and performed cleanup duty and locked away again, then her friend got bathed and ready to leave, and I got the shock of my life.

I was still bound to the bed and they took the blindfold off to reveal that her friend was my old girlfriend from high school that got me hooked on being tied up to have sex! Seems they met at a business conference and she had discovered that my wife was married to me. She had told her about how I liked to be tied up for sex, all the benefits of controlling the males orgasms and even got her researching it on the computer where she had found my websites on such things and eventually my stash of variation mages with ear marked pages and underlined parts I liked. They had gotten together and planned out a course of action knowing I would go for it completely. She was still horny and I was once again blindfolded and had to eat her to several more orgasms before my wife took her to the airport and on her return ate her to a couple also.

It's been 5 years now and we are as happy as can be.. I still service several women a year, all while blindfolded and can tell that there is a new one from time to time. The rules have changed very little since that first day and I still dress the same but have gotten a guiche piercing to add additional security to my tube. Life is good !

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N.B. * Sorry for the lapsed time with completing this; I consequently only have myself to blame for lack of responses.......... as I lightly ran the bristles of the brush vertically through her pussy, she began to quiver. I explained this action was not for her pleasure, and proceeded to press the brush more firmly against her. My objective was to redden her lips thereby causing a slight swelling. She was a true blonde in that her pubic hair was not like hair at all, but fine, white, sparse,...

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We eventually made it to my house, which was on a typical, mature, suburban street. I led Deb out of the car to the front step where I told her to sit & wait fo me. With her hands still tied behind her back, sans panties, I helped her down to sit on the 2nd step, about 12" off the ground, leaving her knees up in front of her considerably higher than her waist. I instructed her to rest her forehead on her knees & not to move while I removed the blindfold.I went in the house & watched...

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As I was preparing to go take care of the cheque, I told Deb she could use the washroom to put her panties back on & dry her dress if need be. "But", I instructed, "I will be sitting at the bar when you return, and I want you sit back down at the table & give the gentleman behind me now, and so across from you, an opportunity to see up your dress; be discreet and act as unaware as you can; I will then return to walk you out.""Oh gee", I don't know...." she challenged."You know you want...

4 years ago
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She breathed out slowly. It had been a stressful day at work. Her jackass of a boss had given her co-worker the raise that she had been working her ass off to get. The bitch had probably fucked him to get it. She pulled her sleek red mustang into the driveway of her condo. Daddy could buy her anything she wanted, but she'd rather work for it. She unlocked the front door, slipping out of her black heels as she went. She walked up the stairs miserably. She needed a glass--no, a bottle-- of...

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Your name is John Doe. Where this story takes you is up for your decision. You can choose your gender, you can choose your significant other. But after that, you will lose the ability to choose. You will become obedient, like you know deep down you should be. Ready? Pick one, and begin. NOTE: {[email protected]}It is highly recommended that you play this using Game Mode, as this story takes advantage of score tracking, and it is also suggested that you change the names this game supports to the...

2 years ago
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His girlfriend, Cindy, was angry -- again. He was late picking her up and they had already missed the first ten minutes of the movie the two teenagers had planned to see. "Shit! I don't want to start it in the middle. We'll have to do something else, though I should just make you spend he evening by yourself. You're such a ditz sometimes Fred!" "I said I was sorry! I had to stop for gas." "You had plenty of time earlier." "Well, my watch stopped working." Cindy had given him the watch for...

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over the years I had messed around with a few kinky plays with girl friends and then my wife. These had been great fun, but I had normally been the Dom, my wife being very unsure of taking control.We enjoy an open relationship, so I joined Fab about 5 years ago and tried to find a Dominant lady. To cut a long story short, I was talking to a lady who claimed not to be Dom, but who needed a Handyman. She needed her bedroom painting as she was selling her house, I joked that the price would be...

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The rhythmic click-clack of her three-inch black stiletto heels against the concrete ground reverberated off the walls of the alley, intensifying the sound as if it were a hundred pair of feet instead of just the one. Had it been night instead of day she never would have chanced walking through the dirty alley with its discarded trash and wandering bums, but it was not night and the alley was the only short cut that she knew of. Hidden in the midday shadows a dainty pale wrist lifted revealing...

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I so want you OUT of the beautiful outfit but let’s take it slow shall we? First, lets caress and kiss the shoulders and neck...left and right...right and some tongue...and some more. Oops, looks like the stockings are coming down...I am facing my thumbs roll over your nipples, ohh they like that! Then I see beautiful belly that is oh so, so sexy. My tongue circles your belly button and the piercing then probes for more.My tongue moves lower...and I detect a sweet...

1 year ago
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Her sun-bleached hair blew wildly in the breeze, floating across her face, masking the expression of mixed emotion. Complete and utter joy at being able to walk freely along the broken sea defences, yet devastation at being alone, no one to turn to in time of need or danger. She lifted her face to the setting sun and bathed in its glory, feeling the warmth of its rays upon her face, feeling her skin glow in its light, she adored the sun. Her bronzed skin contrasted stunningly against the pale...

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Kyle locked the door and turned around. He smiled and reached forward at the bow. He tugged at a loose string and the lace fell the floor. She smiled and leaned forward for a kiss. Kyle smiled and grabbed her left nipple. She moaned and dropped to her knees, the pleasure overwhelming her muscles. She breathed a sigh of relief as his hand released its grip on her breast. She smiled as he pulled out his dick. She looked at the rock hard throbbing rod and reached forward tentatively. “What do you...

1 year ago
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Submissed Network is a hot porn site that is all about those dark fantasies and kinky fetishes that you have! Yes, it’s about that freaky stuff that you dream about doing. This place has many surprises for you to enjoy, and when I say surprises, I know what I am talking about. This place is not like anything you have seen in 50 Shades of Grey. Oh, brother, not at all. This is the real deal, not a little spank and wank. There are 5 BDSM sites here all of which focus on a different theme. There...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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Now I have a very feminine side and have always been interested in men,however, being married and from a small mid western town where they calledguys interested in men queer, fags, well you know all the derogatory termsthe straight laced populace use. We had moved to Florida for the purposeof a job that I had applied for and after two interviews actually landed.I found that even though the city we had moved to was more of a large town,the community didn't come down so hard on guys like me. I...

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We had been talking on the internet for some weeks, I had been setting you tasks, which by enlarge you had forfilled. Each one was designed to test your ability to follow my commands but also to expand your sexual horizons.You were desperate to meet, after each completed task when I gave you your reward you always asked for me to meet you. I finally said yes, but there where going to be rules.I booked a hotel room not far from your Home and emailed the rules to you.First arrive at the hotel at...

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I had advertised on Craigs List “a live porn show in your home” of me and my slave girl. When we arrived at this surburban home, our customer was there. The client was a middle age man and his wife who appeared in her mid 30’s. They greeted us as if we were long lost relatives, each giving us a hug and a peck on the cheek. They offered us something to drink and we had some small talk to get to know each other for a min or two. The man then said, “well, let’s get this show started,” That...

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This story begins on a Saturday afternoon. It had been almost two weeks since you and I had last spent an afternoon sucking and fucking, and I was more than anxious to turn my divine little vixen anyway but loose.When you arrive, I can tell immediately that you are just as hot and bothered as I am; and would do anything I demanded in order to satisfy your own lust."On your knees, slave!" I command.You close the front door and obediently kneel before me. Slowly, I take off my shirt, then drop my...

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Vera was measuring a quarter cup of laundry detergent to add to her Monday morning load of wash when the phone rang! "Hello," she answered while cradling the phone between her shoulder and ear, "who's calling please!?!" "A deep voice on the other end of the line intoned evenly, "It's been a long time, Vera, I'm very disappointed that you moved away without even the courtesy of a good by!!!" Vera's blood immediately ran cold at the mere sound of the menacing voice, and it was all that she could...

2 years ago
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Trials and TribunationsChapter 12 Saturday Afternoon Orientation

The first meal on board a colony ship is always a memorable one. The replicators are a complete mystery and the food choices are often overwhelming. The clothing is new, the ship is confusingly laid out and the colours in your pod are very alien, and in general there's a lot of getting used to things going on. Ben started taking charge immediately after he came out of Medical. He instructed the AI to restrict the food choices to four kinds of pizza (pepperoni and cheese, vegetarian,...

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I was at club with my friends then i met with a couple he 52 she 46, a man approach me and said come here lets have a chat let me buy u a drink so I sat and chatted then he whispered to his wife and then she said in my ear she wanted her husband to watch me have sex with her back at their place, I smiled and told my friends I see them back at army Base, so we all left in taxi she was wearing a dress like Jessica rabbit all red and he was in blue shirt and jeans , I had tight army tshirt on and...

2 years ago
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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 17

I was so wrapped up in watching Halle ride my cock, I didn’t notice that Sherry had moved over to let Catherine lie next to me in her place. As soon as I realized what they had done, I cut my eyes over to look at Catherine’s pile of pubic hair, running halfway up to her bellybutton, and down both her thighs. I had never seen a woman or girl, in my short history of being naked with them, with this much bushy pussy hair. With my guitar pick between the fingers on my right hand, I twisted my...

4 years ago
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Love And Sex For My Hot Neighbor

This is my first story on ISS. I am a second-year student of engineering. Let’s skip to boring part and start the story. This happened when I was at my home for the holidays. Things become weird one day when I woke up and got to know I am alone at my house. At the start, it felt good as I can do whatever I like. But it started to bore me. Then things change when Avni (my sweet neighbor girl) came to my house. As we are childhood friends she is comfortable around me also when she is alone with...

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DesiderataChapter 9

Penelope accepted Isobel's silence and did not pursue the conversation. She felt that Isobel was in a much better frame of mind even if she was still being stubborn about Gerry. At least she was over what Penelope had thought to herself as approaching suicidal. "Well now," she said, "Henry's going to be home in three-quarters of an hour or so. What would you like to do? Wait and see him? Go home now or spend the night? You'd be very welcome." "Oh no! That's a very kind offer but I...

1 year ago
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Rathichechi A Sweet Memory

I am Rajendran and I was 18 years when this real incident happened on Nov 2,my 18th birthday. Now I am settled as a computer engineer in Gulf with my family and enjoying a very good family life but still I am cherishing the fantasy sometimes because I cannot forget my first lovemaking with my fantasy lady. It was with my fantasy lady, JAYABHARATHI, the famous actress of Malayalam. Now I have the film in CD and sometimes I used to watch it my computer. My wife knows regarding my crush about...

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cheating wife Blowjob

A nice sunny summer day I thought I would surprise my wife and show up to her work with some lunch. Pulling into the parking lot i see her car and part a couple rows over and sit and wait for her to come out on her lunch break. I was only a little early and did not have to wait long before I saw her walking out the door talking with a male co worker. I watched as she walked with him and I started to open my door to get out to meet her. Tail lights flashed on a car as he unlocked his and my wife...

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Birds eye lust

Prologue: I always thought that my first experience would be with my wife on my first night but my age of innocence was over when I fucked a 33 year old married woman in my vicinity. Let me have the pleasure of explaining to you how this happened in my life and how she ended up being my fuck buddy. Here we go……….. Chapter: 1 Construction of my slut’s residence I was sixteen then and I was living in my flat for the past 11 years. So, I pretty much knew almost everyone who lives there. It was at...

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From Wearing To Worn

From Wearing to Worn By Paul G Jutras I wasn't there when he started. I'm not even sure which of us was the first to be changed. My story started one dark and stormy night. Back then I was known as Nick Knight. Full time banker and part time cross dresser. I was going through the TG Internet while I waited for the purple polish on my toenails to dry. That was when an electrical surge rebooted my computer. Instead of bringing up the screen saver, what came up was a clothing store...

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A families Tale 1

What I loved was that my current husband knew that from the very very beginning, and he loved and respected that from the very very beginning. It was to the point that our second date and many others after that, I got to bring Haylee on our dates! It was so amazing to finally find a guy who accepted me and the fact that I had a kid! A guy that worked our dates out so that they worked perfectly with a single mom, he was so fucking amazing about the fact that I had a daughter. There’s so much I...

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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 01 Futas First Naughty Birthday Chapter 1 Lolas Hot Birthday Surprise

Chapter One: Lola's Hot Birthday Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 July 22nd, 2037 – Lola Albertson “Today's guests are the six futa-sisters who organized the campaign that got their mother, Becky Woodward, elected president of the United States last year,” Adelia Tash said as she sat in the central chair of her streaming studio. My sisters and I, plus my wife, were seated in two couches flanking her. I was to the left, Jen at the end, with Rebecca next to me and Christina beyond...

4 years ago
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Husband My wife and I moved to town about a year after we got married. I, David Lewis, had been offered a job at a tech firm and Janine was going to start her first position at a Law firm. We were a normal young couple, me 30 her 32. Our interests were mostly on our education and how our futures would develop. One thing that people noticed about us is that I was considerable shorter than Janine, at only 5'6" to her 5'10" or more when she wore heels, people tended to look twice. ...

2 years ago
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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 24

I slept that night between Amy and Lucille. I should say, I tried to sleep. I was restless for some reason. I was bone tired, but I just couldn't sleep. Instead of laying there and waking up my girls, one who was not feeling well at all. I decided to get up. I did it as slowly and easily as I could. I finally slithered off the end of the bed. I know I had made some motion getting there, but hopefully not too much. I stepped out as quietly as I could and made my way to the couch. I have...

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That Bastard Husband Of Mine

That Bastard Husband Of Mine I could scarcely believe that my neighbor asked me to take dirty pictures of her and to post them on the Internet. As it turned out her husband had cheated on her and she threw him out threatening divorce. This was another way for her to get even with him. He had a goody two shoes persona that he kept up, even though he was a dirty filthy pig. Danielle had suspected her husband of cheating on her for years but let it go because of their children....

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A Tale of Revenge

"So I wasn't sure why Vito Corleone stabbed that old fat Don," Tricia said in her English accent. She put down the spindle of yarn and rubbed her neck. "I know it was supposed to be for revenge, the old Don had killed the rest of his family, but he'd gotten away from Sicily. What would he gain by killing the man?" Kit Cameron listened to this with an amused smile. "You don't understand what revenge is all about, do you?" she asked with her soft southern accent. Like her friend...

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Anusha From Gym To The Washroom

Hey fellows, this is Ankit here again, with another wonderful sex encounter but this time with gym partner, if any suggestions or if you want to know me, feel free to mail up at And in no way, I am going to share any of the girl’s details. So kindly please don’t ask for it in mail. If any girl and ladies in Bangalore, want to have some fun, you can mail me up. Coming to the story, I am 25 years old with 5 ft 8 in height and 6 inch tool. I hail from an eastern state of India, but reside in...

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A rough afternoon with Vince

During the last absence from my loving hubby, I had met a guy at the mall, who had convinced me to have a drink with him at his place.He was a handsome guy, blond hair, nicely muscled body and I could guess he would have a very huge dick, which could even get bigger after I treated it with my wet mouth…So I climbed up his car and led him to drive me to his flat.But once there, I discovered that I was in a wrong place, since in that elegant and comfortable loft, another two guys were waiting for...

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Carla at the Fair

Introduction: This story was written for my wife to enhance our sex life. This story fulfills her fantasys. It was our first time going to the Renaissance Fair in Dallas and we were both excited. We arrived wearing traditional renaissance clothing. My wife was a winch wearing a tight leather corset that lifted her boobs up high and me as a noblemen. We went to see the shows and buy new additions to our outfits. Everything at the fair has a sexual undertone and that is why we both liked it. We...

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Horny Voyeur SchoolgirlsChapter 5

Mike started to crawl over the seat to join in the action in the back. His cock came towering up and, for a moment, Linda thought that another observer had come upon the scene. Then she saw Mike's prick--and that it was available. Mike's cock was hard and hot. It was coated with the juice of Tina's cunt, as well--but that only made the idea of sucking it more attractive, for Linda was far too horny to have any reservations now. Mike knelt behind Tina. Tina was on her knees, leaning...

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Not This TimeChapter 10 The Moment of Truth

I was thankful that we were on winter break. I could feasibly not go back to school for a term, but if I wasn’t enrolled in school, then I had no health insurance. And I got the good news that my tuition waiver had been renewed. Lily helped me set my class schedule, but I was going to need help with childcare. She worked full time and had already taken on most of the cleaning since Thanksgiving. I dusted, but it had been difficult to lug the vacuum cleaner up the stairs and outside in the...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 36 Intimacy

March 9, 1994, LAX, Los Angeles, California “Steve Adams,” I said into the cell phone. “Steve, it’s Patrick. Aimee asked me to call you. She’s received orders for the Enterprise.” “Fantastic! When does she report? And what assignment?” “May 15th and she’ll be second-in-command in the CIC.” “Tell her congratulations for me. When does she come Stateside?” “About ten days before. She’d like to see you, obviously.” “And I, her. My schedule for early May should be pretty clear. Let me know...

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Orgasm total

Cat de important este sexul in viata de familie? Sunt casatorit cu o superba femeie. Dincolo de alcatuirea trupeasca fara cusur, Miriamin cucereste prin trairile interioare pe care si le exteriorizeaza fascinandu-i pe ceilalti. Ea este, deopotriva, naiva si cocheta, copilareasca dar frivola, are gesturi pline de eleganta, insa, subtil presarate cu parsivenie. Creaza, permanent impresia ca se simte, o doamna din lumea buna si, in acelasi timp, tarfa de lux. Deseori, amicii mei, dupa un pahar in...

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Restoring the Castle Ch 06

Ally sat by her mother on Lois’ sunporch, holding Miranda’s hands in hers and talking soothingly to her. Angela was hovering nearby. Lois and Sheriff Shiflet were concealed in the hallway just beyond the sunporch door, where they could hear but couldn’t be seen. It was no use, however. Miranda had recognized her daughter when she came in, Angela already having been there and prepared her friend for the visit. But the more Ally gently tried to draw information about the past from her mother,...

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The 57 Solution

I awoke strapped to a metal chair in an operating theater. I was gagged. Above me in the auditorium sat row upon row of serious-looking men. They stared down at me intently. I tried to say something, but of course a gag has a way of preventing that. This was clearly not the IRS audit I had been "invited" to that morning. After a few minutes a man dressed in a strange uniform arrived in the theater. He looked up at the crowd of men and began to speak. "Steve Harlin could be...

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Helping Big Brother 2

When Jimmy woke the next morning he was terrified of how his 13 year old sister Cindy would react to the things they'd done the night before. After all, as much as he'd enjoyed their "play", what if she started feeling guilty and told Mom. He worried as he stepped into the bathroom that separated his room from his sister's. Just remembering the night before when Cindy had helped him get some "relief" from a bad case of blue balls with first a handjob, and then the most outstanding...

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Jenny comes home to stay as sex student 4

Love lessons at last after a long lasting tasty teaseAll warm weekend Jennifer is terribly hot and horny for more of my love lessons.The tasty teen tries to tease me all the time. I can even smell how sexy she feels.I pretend I do not notice her state of sexual arousal, playing hard to get at her.The sexy school girl even has to endure my lectures in the surrounding game of Go.She likes the idea she can be taken prisoner or even captured, but not being killed.I explain her about the concept of...

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The Oral Only Affair

“WTF??? Your boyfriend won’t give you oral sex? Why?”  The little black box popped up with a reply a few seconds later saying, “I tried to get him to without being pushy but it is not his thing,” she replied. “Get rid of him! Life is too short to waste on a guy that will not eat pussy,” I typed via IM. “I really like him. He is cute and so nice,” she answered. The IM’s continued over the next few weeks, both of us having fun talking dirty and both of us knowing it will not progress any...

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I love having sex with older women. I find they’re usually so much better at it than their younger counterparts, plus they don’t go gossiping to their friends after you’ve fucked them and quite a few of them are very grateful, especially the less attractive ones. I don’t care myself, as long as they’re over forty and not too fat, then they are fair game. My first oldie was a teacher from school. Miss Shaw was her name, Helen Shaw. She was fifty when I fucked her and still a miss. I was twenty...

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Sarah Carerra 228 A Staple for the Holliday

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: March 21, 2011) Chapter 28 - A Staple for the Holliday There were already a number of people standing around when the limo pulled up to a door at the Staples Center. For a moment I worried that things would become complicated...

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Payback for Cheating Wife

This is a true story. The names are altered to keep it private. It is about a wife that started cheating and a husband that was turned on but let it get out of hand ——————————————————————————————————————————————— I started to notice the change in my wife. At first it was a subtle change in her clothes. She always wore revealing clothes and never wore a bra so her tits and nipples were somewhat exposed through her tops but now her tops were tighter shearer and opened more showing a lot more...

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World BDSM

WorldBDSM! Well smack my ass and call me The Dude; it’s time for some BDSM action. I’ve never really gotten deep into the BDSM lifestyle, to be honest. It’s really hard for me not to be all sweet and appreciative when I’m with a girl. I mean, don’t get me wrong, when I go I go hard. But BDSM is all about chains and whips and pain thresholds and it’s just not my forte. I kill them with pleasure, not with pain. But I have to know everything there is to know about the world of BDSM because it’s...

Hall of Fame
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StacieChapter 12

The following Friday, we once again had guests for supper, Larissa, Latoya and Frank Morely. I was gradually getting used to the idea of Morely dating Latoya. They seemed to be an item. I still didn't trust the son of a bitch. I hoped that he wasn't another like her high-school sweetheart. Once again, Latoya might be too trusting. In any case, Morely's articling would soon be over. I promised myself not to let the incident in the coffee room influence my evaluation of him. But his...

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