Pauline The Slut Part 32 Therese Humiliates Pau
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What you are about to read is based upon a true story, as told by a Grateful Reader who has lived a life very close to the one you will soon come to know. Names have been changed, and some scenarios constructed, but the story is essentially as it was related.
To see Sally Sorrento today, you would barely guess at the fathomless depths through which her life has been drawn. Now aged 43 years, she is a successful career woman, a buyer in women’s fashion for a major Southwestern department store. She is married, no children, and lives in a secluded neighborhood in Southern California. She dresses immaculately, and conservatively, she carries herself with a quiet, pleasant air, and she gets along with her co-workers, although she generally keeps to herself. She seems, to all outward appearance, like a modest woman of upper-middle class status.
Her looks reinforce that perception. Except for endless restyling of her short, golden blonde hair, Sally hasn’t changed significantly since she matured into a full-bodied woman around the age of 16. Sally has the kind of understated beauty that you don’t notice if you just pass her on the street. But if you do take notice of her, you will always go back for a second look, and then you notice that everything about her fits perfectly.
She’s not tall, nor short, standing about 5-6, and slender, the result of a metabolism that allows her to eat what she wants without gaining weight. She does watch what she eats, though, and does some exercises in the mornings and light aerobics during lunch at the health club that is one of the benefits her company offers. Her facial features are somewhat narrow, with evenly spaced blue eyes, and her breasts and hips are perfectly proportioned, just enough to hold onto, without being showy, and her legs are tapered just right all the way down to her small, narrow feet.
But looks are sometimes deceiving, and they certainly deceive in Sally’s case. For under that conservative exterior is a woman with a secret life, or at least it’s secret from those who know her professionally and socially. Away from work and her quiet neighborhood, Sally becomes someone altogether different from the cool, conservative businesswoman in a dark suit that she presents to the public.
Sally’s eyes offer a clue to the person inside. They are luminous, expressive orbs that hint of innocence lost and never regained, eyes that have seen much of the world and of life, not all of it good. And there is something else in those eyes, a bare reflection of an inner fire that burns white-hot at certain moments in her life, when she sheds her proper outer shell and enters her secret world. The eyes are the window to the soul, and thus Sally tries to keep her eyes obscured as much as possible, wearing shades whenever possible outdoors, and lightly-tinted, black-framed glasses when she’s indoors, the better to shield her secret world from view.
Sally’s secret world is one of hunger, a hunger for sex that no one man – or woman – can ever satisfy. For most of her adult life, since she was 18, she has been driven by her need for pleasure, and she has actively sought out the ways and means to indulge that need. It has gotten her in big trouble on more than one occasion. She went through a painful addiction to and rehabilitation from a variety of drugs, cocaine mostly, and alcohol.
There have been very few limits to what Sally will do when she succumbs to her hunger, which is just as strong now as it was 25 years ago. Whenever she is out of town on business, or on some weekends, usually about once or twice a month, Sally seeks that which will relieve her need for sex. Sometimes she is the huntress, seeking out her lovers, both new and old, and she has several lovers of very long standing scattered all over the country. Other times she is the prey, as she allows herself to be pursued by one or more persons for wild, uninhibited nights of passion, risking it all for one more gut-wrenching orgasm.
The reason Sally is now so successful professionally and socially, given her background, is because her husband, Sam, allows her to indulge herself in her secret sex life. Indeed, he encourages her to be as active as she wants, because he knows it makes her happy, and because it turns him on like nothing else.
Sometimes Sam participates in her activities, and on those occasions he revels in the sight of other men joining him with his wife. But more often he sits at home lustfully thinking about different men sticking their dicks in every one of Sally’s horny holes. He waits eagerly for her to return, to his bed, and tell him all about it, in exquisite detail, and the sex they enjoy then is invariably stratospheric.
If she’s been out on a weekend night, she will come in late, lie with him and give him the wonderful, frantic sensation of fucking her cream-filled pussy or ass. If she’s just returned from a trip, they’ll go through a little seduction ritual, spending hours preparing for and having hot, smoldering sex as she relates her actions on the road for the benefit of her husband.
Sally long ago lost count of how many different men she’s fucked in her life, and there is no measuring how many gallons – yes, gallons – of cum have been shot in her, on her or just in her general direction over the years that she’s been a slut.
But Sally wasn’t always a slut, at least not outwardly. Rather, she was made that way, or perhaps her slut side was brought out, by a man who crossed her path when she was 15, and who took advantage of a youthful indiscretion to inexorably draw her into his steamy world of sex, addiction and control. He took an average, innocent young woman and turned her into his personal whore, changing her life forever. This is the story of how Sally became a tramp, and the man who made her that way, her stepfather, Ted Bissett.
Friday night
In mid-July of 1978, Sally Johnson had it all. She had just turned 18, had just graduated from high school and was headed off to UCLA in the fall.
Sally was the archetypical Southern California cutie from a beach town, her body bronzed and her waist-length blond hair shimmering like ripe winter wheat from a sun-drenched lifestyle. She currently had a boyfriend that she’d been dating a couple of months, but she wasn’t sure where their relationship was headed. He was considering joining the army, and that didn’t sit too well with Sally, but she wasn’t going to sweat it. Even if he left, she figured she’d have her pick of any number of guys from the beach. Too bad, too, she’d been thinking about giving it up to him soon. He was cute, but if he was more interested in the military than her, then she wasn’t going to go out of her way to entice him.
Before this particular guy, Sally had had three boyfriends, and she’d eventually gone all the way with each of them. But, they had all been fairly inexperienced, and sex with them had never produced the bells and whistles she’d always expected. She was an average teenager, and she had done her share of partying, nothing serious, but she knew how to have fun. But while she had the usual lusts and desires of a teenager coming of age in the late 1970s, sex with the boyfriends she’d had hadn’t been anything more than mundane, and she had never been known as part of the really wild crowd at her high school.
It was different with one person, however, the person she was closer to than anyone in the world, her sister Sylvia, who was 15 going on 20.
Sally’s mother had divorced their father when she was 14, and had remarried less than a year later to the tennis pro at the country club to which they belonged, just to spite their dad. Sally’s dad had been a wealthy businessman, but he was considerably less wealthy after his wife cleaned him out in the divorce. She’d come home unexpectedly to find him screwing the Mexican maid, and subsequent investigation revealed that he’d been cheating on her for years, including bopping every secretary he’
d ever had.
Their mother’s divorce and remarriage had been a dark cloud over the sisters’ lives, and they had learned to console each other whenever they were down. Eventually, as Sylvia matured rapidly, that consolation turned to various forms of experimentation. It was the first sign pointing Sally toward the life she currently leads, but she didn’t realize it at the time.
Other than the divorce, however, Sally’s life was relatively carefree, and she had few neuroses about her parent’s split. She’d regarded her father’s departure as good riddance. Her mom and dad had done little but argue the last few years of their marriage.
But Sally’s carefree life ended abruptly late one Friday night, after she’d come home from a party at a friend’s house.
She knew the instant she walked in the door that something was wrong. She entered the den of her mother’s large house to find her stepfather, Ted, sitting on the sofa with a glass of whiskey on the coffee table. The television was on, but he didn’t seem to be paying it much attention, rather he stared at her in a disconcerting manner, with something of a smirk on his face. He patted the seat next to him on the sofa and beckoned her to sit next to him. Sally tried to demur, but Ted insisted.
‘I’ve got something here you need to see,’ he said. ‘And it will go better for you if you are right here to see it.’
Distastefully, Sally did as Ted asked. Sally didn’t much like her stepfather, and the feeling was mutual. Sally correctly saw what her mother didn’t, that Ted was a two-timing gigolo who had married her strictly to have access to her father’s money, and kept her drunk so she wouldn’t know what was going on. For his part, Ted thought Sally was a spoiled little bitch who didn’t respect him or any other adult. But as the young blonde sat down next to him, he smiled to himself at the thought that all of that was about to change.
When she’d sat down – at the edge of the sofa so as to avoid any chance of contact – Ted picked up a package of pictures, opened them, pulled them out and showed them to her.
Sally’s face went white, her eyes were like saucers and her mouth gaped open as she saw that they were clear, unmistakable snapshots from earlier that afternoon, and they were quite revealing. Sally had had the day off from her part-time job working as a sales clerk for an upscale woman’s boutique owned by a friend of her mother. So she’d gone shopping then returned home to find Sylvia cavorting in the pool that dominated their back yard. Sally had joined her sister and they’d soon gotten hot, under the broiling summer sun.
The two sisters wanted to spend as much quality time as possible because in a few short weeks, Sylvia would be going off to a boarding school in the East, while Sally was going to move into a small house not far from the UCLA campus. They were dreading the separation, so they wanted to take every opportunity they could to glean as much pleasure with each other as they could before they went their separate ways. Plus, Sylvia was going off that evening to spend the weekend with the cousin with whom she was going to room with at the school she would be attending.
They had been so into what they were doing that they didn’t see or hear Ted off around a corner of the house, snapping away with his expensive camera with the zoom lens. They had thought they had the house to themselves, but Ted had taken off from work to play a round of golf with a prospective business partner and had come home early to find his stepdaughters thoroughly preoccupied.
Now, at last, Ted could put into motion his long-planned seduction of Sally, thanks to her foolish actions with her sister. For despite, or perhaps because of, their mutual dislike for each other, Ted had long lusted after Sally, to the point of obsession. Every day, he would see her in various stages of undress, in loose, around-the-house clothes or her nightshirts, her perfect tits bouncing freely under the material. Being around her all the time, he understood the subtlety of her beauty, and he sensed, correctly, that underneath her shy exterior beat the heart of a whore.
And the daily disdain with which she held him simply fueled his desire to make her his possession, to bend her will to his and turn her into the woman he wanted her to be.
Sally felt like she was falling down a bottomless pit, with the underpinnings of her life having been kicked out from under her. She had a gut feeling that she knew what was coming, and it made her afraid.
‘Wh-What do you want from me?’ she asked hesitantly.
‘Why, you, of course,’ Ted answered gleefully, as he stood up and paced methodically around the room. ‘We are about to change the nature of our relationship. From this moment forward, I own you. You are mine, to do with as I please. You will do exactly what I want, whenever I want. You will do anything I ask of you, immediately, without question or argument.’
‘I don’t understand,’ Sally said, even though she was pretty sure she did.
‘You are going to be my slut,’ Ted said. ‘You will be available to me in any way I want, any time I want. If you don’t, I’ll make sure a copy of these pictures ends up in the hands of your mother, your father, your boyfriend, your boss at work, your friends from school, everyone you know. Hell, I may even send them to the police.’
Sally was reeling at his words. The idea that she could go to jail was abhorrent to her. Equally abhorrent, however, was the notion of becoming her stepfather’s sex toy. So she begged and pleaded for Ted not to do this to her, but he just sneered at her, while reveling in her pleadings.
‘You’re going to do it,’ he said roughly. ‘You’re going to be my whore, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.’
‘Why are you doing this to me?’ Sally asked tearfully.
‘Because I can,’ Ted answered jovially. ‘The truth is, I’ve wanted to fuck you since the first time I laid eyes on you, and now, thanks to this (and he waved the package of pictures in Sally’s face), I’ll finally get a crack at that hot little body of yours. And, because you’ve never treated me with anything except disdain, just like all the other country club cunts around here. I’m just the hired help, who just happened to have a little ability at one of their games. I’ve been fighting this shit all my life. My folks were middle-class people who sacrificed a lot so I could develop as a player, and yet all of the rich folks never stopped looking down their noses at me and at my folks. So I enjoy fucking their women, and I’m going to especially enjoy fucking you. Who knows, maybe in a few years, I’ll do the same thing to Sylvia, and have you both. That would be dreamy.’
‘NO!’ Sally exclaimed. ‘I’ll let you do whatever you want to me, but leave her out of it. Please?’
Ted smiled wickedly then answered, ‘As you wish. Now I think it’s time we start in on your training. Tell me. Have you ever sucked a cock?’
‘Twice,’ Sally answered in a small voice.
‘And did you swallow their cum?’ he asked again.
‘Ewww, no, that’s gross,’ she said.
‘Well, that’s about to change,’ Ted said as he flipped the waistband of his sweatpants over his rapidly swelling cock, dropped them to the floor and stepped out of them, kicking them aside.
In spite of her revulsion and fear at what had happened to her, and what was going to happen to her, Sally couldn’t help but stare at the dick that swayed before her eyes. As Ted lightly stroked himself to full hardness, Sally’s eyes widened, for here was by far the biggest cock she’d ever seen. It was at least nine inches of long fat meat topped by a perfectly proportioned head. As she watched, a pearl drop of pre-cum oozed out the tip.
Ted grinned at the astonished look on Sally’s face. One of the great pleasures in his life had always been to see the reaction in women’s eyes when they got their first glimpse of his manhood in full regalia. And he especially reveled in the
look in Sally’s eyes, which was a combination of fear, disgust and fascination.
‘You’ve never seen one this big, have you,’ he said, then chuckled when she shook her head no. ‘Go on, take hold of it, get used to the feel of it. You’re going to be seeing and feeling a whole lot of him from now on, so you might as well get acquainted with him.’
‘What about Mother?’ Sally said nervously as she took Ted’s cock in hand and began to lightly run them over the shaft. ‘Aren’t you the least bit worried that she’ll wake up?’ Sally knew Sylvia was off on her sleepover, but her mom had stayed home drinking her vodka, as usual.
‘Naw, I slipped her a little sleeping pill with her last drink,’ Ted said. ‘You could march the whole Red Army through our bedroom and she’d never know it. No, sweetheart, we have the house to ourselves. Now, I think it’s time I introduced my dick to your mouth. C’mon, bitch, get on your knees and suck it!’
Sally obediently got on the floor, on her knees, opened her mouth and tentatively licked the head of his cock, tasting his pre-cum. It didn’t taste bad or good, just kind of pasty. Then, on Ted’s instructions, she licked and kissed all up and down the shaft, getting him liberally coated with the combination of his pre-cum and her saliva. She was trembling nervously, but she was feeling something else, as well. It was just the first germination of excitement, of arousal, at being forced to do this. She quickly banished the thought, suppressing it into her subconscious for the moment. She was appalled at the thought that she might enjoy this encounter. Events had come at her this night at a dizzying pace, and she was still too distraught to think that she could get pleasure out of submitting to her stepfather’s perverted desires.
Nevertheless, she didn’t hesitate or object when Ted took his cock from Sally’s hands and pushed it gently, but forcefully, past her lips and into her mouth. Under Ted’s surprisingly low-key instruction, Sally swirled her tongue around the head of his cock as he eased a little more of it into her mouth. Eventually, he hit the back of her throat and she began to gag and cough, so he pulled back a little bit and let her begin to work the half of his cock that she could easily take.
Ted knew he would someday soon bury himself to the hilt in her throat, but he would have plenty of time to teach her that skill, along with all the other things he planned to teach her. So he was content to let Sally work her mouth around only about half of his dick, the rest he fisted himself as he thrust himself back and forth in her mouth. Sally’s cheeks alternately hollowed and bulged as Ted worked his meat between her warm, wet lips, and her mouth made sloppy noises as she sucked him steadily.
‘Ohhh, yeahhhhh!’ Ted exclaimed as he began to drive his hips forward, pushing more and more of his cock into Sally’s maw. He could feel the sap rising in his balls, and he knew he was close to an explosive climax. So he slowed his thrusts slightly then grabbed the back of Sally’s head with both hands and began to fuck her face with slow, measured strokes.
Sally was having trouble keeping up with Ted’s pace as she resumed stroking him into her mouth. She squeezed her eyes shut and drool ran out the corners of her mouth. Occasionally she gagged and coughed, wincing in pain when he pushed too deep too fast. Ted had passed the point of caring, however. He was ready to bust a tremendous nut and he couldn’t wait.
Gasping, he pulled Sally’s mouth from his cock, spun around, turning Sally around in the process, so he could sit on the sofa, and enjoy watching his stuck-up stepdaughter swallow his cum. Keeping a tight grip on her head, Ted began to thrust upward forcefully, making Sally squeal painfully. Her eyes watered as she struggled to accept his cock in her mouth. Occasionally, Ted pulled out of her mouth and made her lick it in a lewd manner, and so she could gobble air, before pushing back into her mouth.
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THE TRAINING OF SLUT HEATHER AS A PONY GIRL CHAPTER 4 As we were about to enter our cabin, Jack and Jane was right behind us. Jack asked Ann if we still had a date for that night. I had completely forgotten about our date with them that night, but Ann retorted,"Not on your life," "I was about to go into our cabin, and change into something more appropriate!" Jack spoke up and said, "then hurry, cause we are in the mood for some hot sex!" I looked at Jane with a quizzical look...
Sally Company Slut Gets a Filthy Mouth on herHi my name is Rob and this is the third account of my wife Sally. You may wish to read these however to recap she is 24, lovely long brown hair, pretty face and clear blue eyes. Her body is amazing and there is a picture of her on the writers profile page. Large firm breasts, slim waste, flat tummy and a very nice tidy pussy.So far Sally has changed from being a shy retiring woman to a liberated sexpot, to be honest. With my full support she is...
THE TRAINING OF SLUT HEATHER OR MY WEEK-END OF SERVITUDE AND HUMILIATION CHAPTER II VISIT TO THE BEAUTY SHOP HUMILIATION Friday morning came too early with the alarm clock blasting a way. I slowly crawled out of bed, and hurried to the bath room to relieve my bladder. I gushed what seemed like an endless stream, then noticed that I was not nearly as bloated as last night, but had a light hang-over. It dawned on me that during the night my body had absorbed most of the...
THE TRAINING OF SLUT HEATHER THE SEQUEL OR PREPARARING FOR MY LIFE AS A SUBMISSIVE T-Girl CHAPTER VII I entered the lobby of the apartment building, found the elevator, and rod up to the 8th floor. I found the sign to room 812 and walked down the hall until I was facing the door of 812.With a deep sigh and a little anguish wondering if I would fit in and be able to have a good time. A very pretty, young looking petite girl answered the door. She gasped a little, studied me for a...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
My wife and I have been happily married for several years and have a very active sex life. We are perfectly matched, as I am a dominant and she is quite submissive. Although she is often shy, once she gets worked up she becomes a sex crazed a****l. It's a wonderful transformation to see and one I put to good use on a regular basis.This one particular weekend, I decided to give my wife a thrilling tease and told her I was taking her to an adult theater one state over where nobody would know...
THE TRAINING OF SLUT HEATHER THE SEQUEL OR PREPARARING FOR MY LIFE AS A SUBMISSIVE T-Girl CHAPTER IV My Continued Education as a Slut On Sunday, Mistress Ann called me to ask if I had purchased every thing for my "monthly". I responded in the positive and told her everything that I had bought. She said, "Heather. You know that a girls period last at least 5 days sometimes even longer." "Now, you only experienced a two and a half day period, so I want you to finish this months...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Six: Mommy-Slut Orgy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Chae-Won “Cherry” Kang – Virgo It was a strange for me to be excited to be at college once my classes were over for the day. Normally, I liked to get home as soon as I could so I could masturbate my virgin pussy. Tonight, however, was special. Tonight was the first true meeting of the Mother Fucking Club. This would be such a wild...
THE TRAINING OF SLUT HEATHER OR MY WEEK-END OF SERVITUDE AND HUMILIATION CHAPTER VII MY PIERCINGS I laid on the bed face down for about half an hour, until I heard Tom close to front door and come up the stairs. He walked into my bedroom and came closer to my bed and inspected Ann's handiwork. He said, "Ann, is going to kill somebody one of these days if she doesn't restrain herself better." He left the room only to return a few minutes later with a tube of salve in his hand....
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Mommy Slut Orgy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! In the shipping department of The Institute of Apotheosis Research, Ulrich Geller threw his mom down across the sorting table, his hands ripping up her tight pencil skirt. The short, black-haired women moaned and wiggled as she squirmed. “I... I have to become a slut, don't I?” his mother asked. She ran the shipping department where...
CHAPTER VIII THE TRAINING OF SLUT HEATHER THE SEQUEL OR PREPARARING FOR MY LIFE AS A SUBMISSIVE T-Girl Preparing to make the final move to the west Coast Now, it was only 3 weeks until the time for me to board a plane for my trip back to the West Coast. There I would serve as a slut and slave girl to Mistress Ann and Doctor Tom. I was a little apprehensive about me also serving as a "Pony Girl," since I did not know what that position would entail. But ,I did trust Mistress Ann...
Chae-Won “Cherry” Kang – Virgo It was a strange for me to be excited to be at school once it was over. Normally, I liked to get home as soon as I could so I could masturbate my virgin pussy. Tonight, however, was special. Tonight was the first true meeting of the Mother Fucking Club. This would be such a wild time. I couldn’t wait for all those slut mothers—all those whores like my own mom—getting fucked and gangbanged. Being used by their sons and other young men. It was hot. My boyfriend...
Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
‘Oh Fuck Annika’ my boyfriend moaned as I gagged on his thick juicy cock.He gripped hold of my hair forcing me to take all of his white, thick, hot, cum down my throat. I moved away chocking on the unfamiliar sensation a little,This was my first ever blowjob, I was a very shy, conservative, religious, Muslim girl – on the outside, but deep down behind the hijab I wore, I was a horny slut who masturbated at every opportunity. I had to be careful to not draw unwanted attention to myself; if I got...
IncestIntroduction: My story of how I became Gina the Love Slut. I will start at the beginning. Gina the Love Slut Chapter 1: The Beginning My name is Gina, I am 35 years old and I would like to share with you my sexual adventures. I guess you could call me a slut, as I love having sex. I have been married three times, as the men in my life could not keep up with me. One husband left me just for being a little too kinky for him. I am now married to a man who understands my needs as well as allowing...
The next morning as Mallory headed downstairs she could hear the usual family chaos going on in the kitchen, a sound she had lived with for as long as she could remember. The twins were dressed and ready for school and her parents were on their way to breakfast with friends, which left Mallory to lounge around the house before she had to leave for her first class. She indulged in the quiet before guilt nagged her into cleaning up the breakfast mess and straightening the house a bit. She was in...
IncestSally Company Slut Gets a Filthy Mouth on her Hi my name is Rob and this is the third account of my wife Sally. You may wish to read these however to recap she is 24, lovely long brown hair, pretty face and clear blue eyes. Her body is amazing and there is a picture of her on the writers profile page. Large firm breasts, slim waste, flat tummy and a very nice tidy pussy. So far Sally has changed from being a shy retiring woman to a liberated sexpot, to be honest. With my full support she is...
AFTERMATH ('THE SLUT') By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 WARNING: CONTAINS REFERENCES TO SUICIDE & RAPE. Author's Note: One of the saddest stories on FM is Janice's 'The Slut': "Three teenage girls exact revenge on the older brother of one of them, who is obnoxious to them, with dire results." It's a short but powerful story, cutting 'close to the bone' of reality. Many of its reviewers demanded a sequel. 'Aftermath' is an unauthorized tribute to Janice's gut-wrenching realism....
Sally Company Slut Part 4 Hi my name is Rob and this is the fourth account of my wife Sally. You may wish to read these however to recap she is 24, lovely long brown hair, pretty face and clear blue eyes. Her body is amazing and there is a picture of her on the writers profile page. Large firm breasts, slim waste, flat tummy and a very nice tidy pussy.So far Sally has changed from being a shy retiring woman to a liberated sexpot, to be honest. With my full support she is fucking Private Wealth...
"Oh fuck damn!" shouted Amber, in a high pitched tone while being covered in sweat.The vision became dim as she started to faint from exhaustion, heat and the pounding of Kai who had her in a doggy style position and was giving her a merciless anal pounding. Kai was so intense and held the helpless raven-haired beauty in place while tearing through her. Amber's head bounced around as she could barely balance on her knees and started to collapse, only being held up by Kai's strong grip on...
SeductionSally the Company Slut Part 5Hi my name is Rob and this is the fifth account of my wife Sally. You may wish to read these however to recap she is 24, lovely long brown hair, pretty face and clear blue eyes. Her body is amazing and there is a picture of her on the writers profile page. Large firm breasts, slim waste, flat tummy and a very nice tidy pussy.So far Sally has changed from being a shy retiring woman to a liberated sexpot, to be honest. With my full support she is fucking Private...
The Story of Sissy Slut AmandaThis is a story of fictionPart 1: The BeginningWhen I was twenty-three I meet my Sissy Slut Amanda for the first time. Now he was only eleven at the time and it would be many years before I would know him as Sissy Slut Amanda, but still funny to look back at now. The first time I met my future sissy slut, he was Mark, son of the woman I was dating. He seemed like a nice k**, very shy and timid but sweet nonetheless. It’s wasn’t too long after our first meeting...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
I went a few days without news from Thomas. Every time I masturbated I was thinking of him using my body as he wished for his pleasure. Or at least the few memories I had of it. I was drunk and remember only about half of it. But it was hot and passionate. I remember Thomas really horny for my whole body. For some reason I didn’t want to text him first and was waiting for him to do it. And it happened on Tuesday evening so about three days after he dropped me off at work my place. It took some...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Daughter Takes on Her Brothers By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah My eyes flicked from my daughter lying on her back, her first customer's cum leaking out of her well-fucked and bald snatch, to President Carver pulling out his wallet from his discarded slacks, his dick soaked in my daughter's juices. A hot tremble raced through me. I pulled my fingers out of my own snatch, my orgasm...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
PLEASE NOTE! All characters depicted in the following story are over the age of 18 years. This story is fictional! ******* WARNING: The following fictional account is a story of unbridled, uncensored incest. Read at your own risk, while considering the strength of your own sensibilities. ******* One day, one moment captured in time, of an incestuous situation... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Donna resembled Natale Wood in many ways. Especially how Natale looked in the 1960s Hollywood film "Sex...
IncestWe had a huge garden which had been walled on all sides. But because it was so big, we had difficulty in maintaining it. Dad would be away on business a lot and I had school. My stepmother tried to manage it but it wasn’t easy work. She often nagged me about it and it irritated me and one day I just gave it back to her. It was a normal Tuesday afternoon and I had just returned from college. Marta, my stepmother was on about how the garden was overgrowing and I should take a look at it. I was...
IncestChapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...
I love dressing up whenever possible, which is not often enough. But, what I love even more is dressing up as a hot and wanton sissy slut cocksucker and then going to the local adult theater for some great XXX fun. I am not totally passable, but have been told my legs are fantastic and my ass is nice and tight with a hot tramp stamp just above my ass. Most guys say it's sexy as hell while they are fucking me. Fortunately, my wife had to go out of town for a few days and thereby giving...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...