White Wife Teases Younger Black Guy - Part 2 free porn video

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Part 2

Rebecca's period was over a week late. With each passing day she was more and more afraid that her encounter with Davis had left her pregnant.

Dan noticed that she was off and kept asking what was wrong. She would lie and tell him that it was nothing, she was just fine.

Finally, almost two weeks late, she got her period. Relief washed over her when she was not pregnant. Her one time fling with her student had not left a permanent reminder inside her.

Her mood changed for the better and she was much happier than she had been since before the night with Davis.

Dan saw how much happier she was. "You seem to be feeling much better."

"I really do." she confirmed.

"I know it was nothing that I did. Was it something your boyfriend did?"

"Be serious Dan. I've told you, nothing happened. He is just a student trying to better his grade."

"Sure, sure. I know. I just like teasing you. I love you."

"I love you too." she said and kissed him.

Feeling much better emotionally, Rebecca actually looked forward to going back to school after the weekend. She didn't have to dwell on whether or not she was pregnant and could focus on teaching her students.

During class she had endless energy. She was upbeat with her students and felt like they were really grasping what she was teaching.

It wasn't until halfway though her class that Davis was in that she even thought about what she had done.

She was in the middle of a lesson when Davis blurted out, "You seem to be feeling better Mrs. Coral. You seem happier today."

Her eyes found his. He gazed at her and winked as she stared into his eyes. "I am Davis. I got some really great news over the weekend."

"Anything you would like to share with the class?" he asked.

"No Davis. I would prefer to go back to my lesson if that is ok with you."

"Sure thing."

The bell sounded to end class.

As the students were leaving the room Davis walked to the front of the room to Rebecca's desk.

"Can I help you Davis?"

"I wanted to talk about what happened."

"Don't." she stopped him. "It was a stupid mistake and it will never happen again."

"It didn't feel like a mistake. I don't think it did to you at the time either."

"That doesn't matter. I can't believe I let you do that. Especially without a condom."

"So if I used a condom it would be different?"

"Yes." she quickly added, "No! That is not what I meant. It should have never happened at all. And it really shouldn't have happened without any protection. It was wrong no matter what."

It was getting close to when the next class would be showing up. Rebecca looked at the clock and then back at Davis. She was feeling nervous that someone would come in and hear what got said. "You should be heading to your next class."

"Don't worry about that. I'll make it." as he moved from her desk he stopped and turned back. "And don't worry. Next time I'll be sure to use a condom."

"Ok, wait, no, there isn't going to be a next time."

As he walked to the door he called back to her, "Anything you say Becky."

She felt her face flush with anger at hearing him call her Becky. Doing it as he fucked her was one thing, but in the classroom. Wait, did she just think that. The whole thing was wrong. She tried to push the thoughts from her mind. As hard as she tried to stop it, her mind went back to that night.

She felt her nipples harden in her bra. Her pussy felt heated too. She was about to reach down and touch herself when a student walked in. She leaned down and pretended to look for something in her bottom desk drawer to hide her erect nipples from the female student.

After their conversation that day things returned to normal in the classroom between Rebecca and Davis. She did catch him many times checking her out, but she knew there was nothing she could do to stop that. She tried to limit the opportunities for him to get a good view however.

A few days later, she had the students taking a pop quiz. As they took it, she moved around the room checking on how they were doing. She would stop and give them help if needed.

She was making her rounds and noticed that Davis appeared to be struggling. She stopped at his side and leaned over to check his paper. She saw him lean back in his seat to check out her ass. She let it go and focused on teaching.

She pointed to his paper and whispered a question about the work to him.

He shrugged his shoulders and raised his hands. As he did this his left hand found her breast. He gave her a quick squeeze before letting his hand fall.

Rebecca froze. He just grabbed her boob in the middle of class. It was lucky that he sat in the back corner and everyone was facing the front and looking down at their papers. She stood up and glared down at him.

He just smiled at her and again shrugged his shoulders.

Rebecca was furious at him. How the hell could he do that during class. She tried to continue moving through the class but went and sat at her desk. Even through her anger she had felt an excitement run through her when she felt his hand squeezing her. She could tell her nipple had hardened at his brazen touch.

As she sat at her desk she felt her body grow more and more excited. This was wrong, she thought to herself. She should not be getting excited by a student grabbing her boob in class. But as she sat there she could feel a dampness between her legs. Why did it make her wet that a student had groped her like that. She should be angry, but all she wanted to do at that moment was reach down and rub herself.

The bell sounded and the students started to file out, leaving the quiz behind on their desks. Davis stayed in his seat. As the students left he asked, "Could you help me with this last one Mrs. Coral."

"Sure Davis." she said and hurried to his desk. "Make it quick, you have your next class and I have one too."

"I'm almost done. I just wanted you to check my work on the last one."

She was at his desk and stood next to him as she did before. She bent down to check his paper. It looked like he had the right answer. "I think you have it right."

"I wasn't sure."

"No, you got...." she couldn't finish her sentence, shocked as he put his hand on her ass.

He rubbed his hand across her butt as she was frozen in place.

"Davis, please." she begged him. "Take your hand off me."

She was still bent over his paper, unable to move after his hand found her ass.

He removed his hand and she relaxed.

"Could you double check it for me." he asked.

"Davis, I already told you. You have the right answer."

"Please. For my peace of mind. I want to know if I showed my work the right way."

"Fine." she consented.

She studied his work. She didn't realize that he had leaned back and had his hand beneath her skirt.

She was running her finger over his work and then felt his hand between her legs. He was sliding it up her inner thigh.

"Do I have it Becky?"

"Please Davis. Stop." she pleaded with him as her body shook.

She felt his hand rubbing the front of her panties. She tried to move from his grasp but he grabbed her arm and held her in place. "Do I have it Becky?"

"Yes." she whispered. "You have it right Davis."

He let go of her arm and reached his hand up to cup her breast again. He had one hand squeezing her tits while the other rubbed her panty covered pussy.

"Davis. Please." she said looking to the open door of the classroom.

He let go of her boob and pulled his hand from her pussy. When he pulled his hand from under her skirt they both saw that it was wet from her juices.

He held his hand out to her. "Clean yourself off of me. I can't go to class with my had smelling like pussy."

Looking at the clock she knew she had to act fast. She grabbed his wrist and guided his hand to her mouth. She took two of his fingers into her mouth and sucked them. She did the same with the other two.

He had enough with tormenting her and pulled his hand away from her. She started to move away. "Not so fast." he told her.

She stopped in her tracks. He reached out and wiped his hand dry the rest of the way on the butt of her skirt.

Rebecca was just moving from his desk when the first student came in the room.

"Thanks for the help Mrs. Coral." Davis said as he stood to leave.

"No problem Davis." she said to the exiting student.

She went to her desk and nearly collapsed into her chair.

She spent the entire next class on edge after what had happened.


Over the weekend, Dan asked if her "boyfriend" had asked her out yet. She told him that nothing had happend and that he was right in the beginning that it was just an accident.

During the next week, Davis made a few subtle remarks to the teacher. Nothing that would alert anybody else that something had happened between them, just enough to make her feel uncomfortable and flushed.

He took to staying after class just to get in one last jab of the day. Some days he would go to her desk and say, "Nice lesson today Becky." egging her on with the name she hates.

Other times he would grab her ass or breast. He even made her suck his fingers like she was giving him a blowjob. She did it, unsure why she allowed herself to be controlled like that. She would do anything he told her to. She tried to resist him, tried to not give in to his demands. Her efforts were in vain.

Friday after class he came up to her desk. "Show me your ass Becky."

"I can't to that Davis." she told him plainly.

"Sure you can Becky. All you have to do is stand up, lift your skirt and bend over."

"Why do you have to call me Becky?"

"Because I can Becky. And because you secretly like it. You just won't admit it."

"I don't like it."

"Sure you do. Now stand up and show me your ass."

"I'm not showing you my ass."

"The longer you wait the more chance of someone else coming in and seeing. Time's wasting Becky."

She looked at the clock and stood up. Her brain told her not to do it but her hands found themselves grabbing the bottom of her skirt and lifting it up to her waist.

She turned around, giving him a nice view of her ass. She was wearing a pair of french cut panties that showed the bottom of her ass.

"Bend over Becky. Give me a good look at it."

She swallowed hard and bent over.

Davis reached out and ran his hands over her ass.

Becky yelped as he grabbed her panties and yanked them up, pulling them up until they showed almost all of her ass.

Davis pulled her skirt from her hands and let it fall back down her legs. "I don't want you to fix that for the rest of the day. If I come and check I had better see them panties just like they are now. Got it?"

Becky turned back around and smoothed her skirt better. "Yes Davis. I will leave them like this."


"I promise."

"That's my girl." he said and headed for the door. He passed a student coming into the room as he walked away.

Rebecca spent the rest of the day wondering when and if Davis would come and check on her.

He never showed up and she went home with her panties still bunched up her ass. Finally fixing them when she got undressed from her school clothes.

Rebecca tried to hide all that had happened from Dan. She didn't want him to get upset about what has happened. She didn't tell him that she had let Davis have sex with her, and hadn't told him about any of the things that had happened since.

She put on her best poker face throughout the weekend. Hiding the conflict in her head as best she could.

Dan hadn't brought up her "boyfriend" since the weekend before. They actually had a pleasant weekend together. They went to lunch on Saturday and saw a movie after.

On Sunday they spent most of the day grading papers. It was a tradition they had been doing since they got their jobs. They would sit across from each other at the table and go through all of the things that needed to be graded.

Monday at school Rebecca had put the events of Friday out of her mind. She was in a good mood as she prepped for her first class.

There was still almost 15 minutes before the bell rang to start the first class so she had plenty of time to get her plan together.

She was going through her notebook when she heard a knock on the door.

She looked up and saw Davis standing in the doorway. "Davis." she said. "What are you doing here so early?"

"I'm here to see you Becky." he said as he walked towards her desk.

"I told you I don't like that name."

"I told you that I don't believe you. Why do you say you don't like it?" he was right at her desk now.

"It doesn't sound professional."

"I don't call you that during professional times do I? I call you that during play time."

"I have a class to get ready for."

"I know. I'm here to help you prepare."

"I don't need any help Davis. I can take care of my lesson plan."

"I don't want to help you with your lesson plan. I'm here to help you get ready for your class Becky."

"I'm serious Davis. I have to get ready."

"So am I. Stand up for me."

Not wanting to argue with him she stood up. "Happy? I stood up."

"Good. Now I want you to unbutton your shirt. I want a look at them tits of yours."

"That is not happening Davis. This has to stop. I can't do that."

"Sure you can. All you have to do is start at the top button and work your way down. It's easy, just go nice and slow."

Rebecca kept her hands down, using all her will not to listen to his demand.

"Go ahead Becky. Just undo the first one."

Rebecca felt her knees get weak. Everytime he called her Becky send a shockwave through her. It made her want to listen to him, to do what he tells her. She felt her hand start to rise on its own. Her brain ****** it back to her side.

"Don't think about it Becky. Just to it. Open your shirt for me Becky."

Hearing him call her Becky again had her hands at the top button of her shirt. Her brain didn't register that it was happening until she moved her hands down to the second button.

"This is wrong." she whispered.

"Don't think about that Becky. Just think about showing me your tits. Keep going Becky."

Her hands undid the next two buttons. They were shaking as she did the next ones.

Her red bra was visible where her shirt had opened.

Her hands had reached the top of her skirt. There was another button that was under the skirt. She felt herself tugging the shirt out and undoing the last button.

Davis reached across the desk and opened her shirt, getting a good look at her tits. "You have amazing tits Becky."

"Thank....thank you Davis." she stuttered.

"Take off your bra Becky."

"I can't."

"Sure you can Becky. First take off your shirt and then the bra. Nobody is going to be here this early. Do it for me."

She looked over his shoulder at the clock. Nobody every came to class more than 3 minutes before the bell. She still had almost ten minutes before anyone showed up. 'That's not the point.' her brain yelled at her. 'You should have never let things get this far. Stop it now before it goes any farther.'

That is what her brain said. Her body was screaming something different. She felt her pussy getting excited. Her nipples were hardening in her bra. Her legs were feeling like jelly.

She found herself removing her shirt and setting it on her desk. She reached behind her and undid the clasp of her bra.

Slowly she pulled it down her arms and set it on her shirt.

"Nice." Davis said, reaching over and fondling her breasts.

She yelped as he gave her nipples a twist.

He let go of her tits after giving them one more squeeze. "Now, onto your day." he said and picked up her bra. "I'm keeping this. You won't need it today." he handed her the shirt back. "You can put that back on." he told her as she stuffed her bra into his back pack.

"Please Davis. Don't keep my bra." she pleaded as she put the cream colored shirt back on. She had to undo her skirt to tuck the shirt back in before she buttoned it back up.

"Don't worry. You can earn it back. I want you to give your students a show today. At least once per class, when you are writing on the board, I want you to give your nips a pinch. Just enough to get them excited."

"Are you nuts? I can't do that."

"Sure you can. Just keep your back turned. Nobody will see anything. Just bring your other hand up and give them a pinch."

"If I do it you will give me my bra back?"

"You have to do one more thing for that. I won't have any proof that you actually do what I told you all day. You have to do something for me that I can't question."

"What is it?" she asked before her brain could stop her.

"During class today you have to give me your panties."

"No way. Your crazy."

"It won't be a problem." he came around her desk and stood next to her. "Here." he said, reaching up her skirt and pulled her panties down her legs. "Take them off now and give them to me later."

"Can't I just give you them now?"

"Nope. I want you to do it during class. Just ball them up and come to my desk and put them in my hand. You can stand like you did before when I grabbed your boob. Nobody will see anything." Davis kneeled down and helped her step out of her panties. He held them up and checked them out. The thin lace matched the red bra that she had been wearing.

He held her panties out to her. She grabbed them and balled them in her hands. "Put them in your desk and give them to me when the time is right."

"Ok Davis."

"Good girl Becky. I think you will like not wearing anything under your clothes all day."

"You should go. People will start showing up soon."

He check the clock. "You're right. See you later Becky."

She had to sit down as he turned to leave. Her pussy was feeling excited from the mornings events.

He turned back at the door. "Give them a quick one for me Becky."

She looked up at him. He gave her a smirk as she reached her hands up and pinched her nipples for him.

He could see them poking into her shirt. He laughed and left the room.

Rebecca couldn't rationalize why she followed his instructions. She even went beyond what he said to do. Every time she turned to write on the board she found herself pinching her nipples. She would do it a little harder each time. She did notice some of the students give her a strange look at times. The girls as well as the boys. She knew that her nipples were poking into her shirt but she didn't stop doing it.


She made it through the first few classes, her nipples in a near constant state of hardness.

It came time for the class with Davis in it. When he came in he took his usual seat in the back corner. She was glad that he didn't decide to change his seat and make it harder to give him her panties.

Just as the bell rang to start class she turned to the board. She wrote a few things, giving her nipples the hardest pinch yet. She could tell they were very visible as she turned around.

Her eyes found Davis. He gave her a knowing smile and winked.

About halfway through class she had the students working from their books. They were all focused on their work.

She turned back to write on the board, making her nipples hard again with a twist.

She quickly opened her desk drawer and balled the panties in her hand.

She folded her other hand on top of the closed hand with the panties.

She made a show of moving down the rows of desks, she didn't want to go straight to Davis and make anything obvious. She could not explain why it made her so excited to be walking around her classroom with her panties stuffed in her hand. Knowing that they had no idea that their teacher was walking around them with her panties in her hand, about to give them to a student made her wish she could play with herself.

She rounded the back row and stopped at Davis' desk. Bending slightly to appear to look at his work she held her hand out.

Davis opened his hand, allowing her to give her panties to him.

She put them into his hand and closed his fingers around the red lace.

Davis tapped his paper. Rebecca looked at his work.

He moved the paper down and let her see the sheet under it.

It said, "Your bra??? Right here, right now??? I keep it???? You choose."

She read the words. She didn't want him to give the bra back in the middle of class. Figuring out a way to answer him, she grabbed the pen from her ear. She put an X through the words, 'right here, right now', and heavily circled, 'keep it'. Her nipples were so hard they almost hurt as she told him he could keep her bra and panties.

"Thanks Mrs. Coral." Davis said like a student getting help with the work.

"You're welcome Davis." she said, moving to another student that put their hand up.

At the end of class, Davis once again stayed behind. He walked to her desk as the other students left the room. "You did good today Becky."

"Thank you Davis." she said, unsure why she was thanking him.

He came around and twisted her nipples to get then hard again. "Are you excited?"

"Yes Davis."

"How much? Are you wet?"

"Yes." she said, her face blushing as she admitted it.

"Show me. Put your hand down there and show me you are wet."

She didn't even hesitate to put her hand down her skirt. She rubbed her pussy for a second before pulling her hand back out. She held it out to him, her juices clearly visible on her fingers.

"Now clean them off Becky."

Her brain didn't stop her as she pushed her two fingers in her mouth and sucked them clean.

"Do it again. This time push two fingers in your pussy."

She quickly did as instructed. When she pulled them out they were near dripping wet.

"Clean them off Becky."

Her fingers went in her mouth. She closed her eyes and mimicked giving a blowjob..

"How do you taste Becky?"


"Maybe the next time you taste yourself it will be off my cock."

"Ok Davis. Wait, what? I can't do that. These games are one thing, but that can't happen again."

"Sure Becky. Whatever you say. How do you like not having and underwear on as you teach?"

"It's ok I guess."

"Don't wear any tomorrow. No bra, no panties. You better have a skirt on too."

"What are you going to do to me tomorrow?" she shocked herself at asking that.

"I'll come up with something. See you later Becky."

Rebecca hurried home that day. She played with herself as soon as she got her clothes off. She brought herself to two orgasms before she stopped.

She just finished putting some clothes on when Dan got home. "You made great time getting home today."

"Yeah, I caught the lights." she told him.

"You seem relaxed. Easy day?"

"Most of the day. How about you?"

"Not bad actually. Did your boyfriend ask you out?"

"You keep talking like that and I might have to ask him out." she giggled as she said it.

"You wouldn't."

"Maybe I should. He might be too shy to ask me."

"Ok, ok. I get it. No more jokes about it."

"Good. I do feel pretty good today. You might get lucky tonight."

"Hell with tonight. How about right now?"

"Don't push it mister."

They did make love that night. Dan was asle ep shortly finishing and throwing out the condom. Rebecca laid awake, unsatisfied with their love making. She rubbed herself to another orgasm before going to sle ep.

The next day as Rebecca was getting dressed she decided to do as Davis told her and not wear a bra or panties. She put on a black skirt that came to her knees and a red silk blouse. She noticed as she put it on that her nipples got hard and were very noticeable. She kept it on and just hoped that they would cooperate with her and not get hard.

She got to school long before the first class started. She got to her classroom and began double checking her plan for the day. She had a hard time concentrating on it. She kept looking to the door to see if Davis was standing there.

She looked up at the door countless times until it was almost time for the first class to start.

Davis didn't show up. She felt a sense of disappointment that he hadn't come to see her. As much as she knew it was wrong, she found herself looking forward to what he would do to her. What new way he came up with to tease and torment her.

The students began entering the classroom and she made herself focus on teaching her class.

She went through her morning classes. Davis never came to her room. With each passing hour she felt a building level of sadness that he didn't show up.

Finally it was time for the class with Davis. She felt her excitement rising as she watched the students taking their seats.

The bell rang and Davis was nowhere to be seen.

She hid her sadness and began to start her lesson.

Five minutes into class the door opened and Davis strolled in. "Thank you for deciding to join us Davis." she said to him as he sat down.

"No problem Mrs. Coral." he said sarcastically.

Rebecca continued her lesson. Each time she looked at Davis he was not paying attention to her. He seemed to be ignoring that she was even in the room.

As is her usual way, she had the students work on some problems from their books. She walked around the room offering help as needed. She kept checking on Davis and each time she did he was looking at his paper. She was upset that he wasn't checking her out.

She rounded the corner and stopped at his desk. Leaning over his paper she checked his work. He was getting the right answers and didn't need any help. Deciding to make a move, she leaned in closer to him and pushed her breasts against his arm.

He glanced up from his paper and then looked back down.

Rebecca kept her tits against him for another moment and then slowly stood up, keeping the contact as long as she could.

He didn't even glance up from his paper as she did it.

Rebecca fumed at his neglect. She moved away from him and continued moving through the room.

As the bell sounded to end class she called out, "Davis, could you stay behind for a moment?"

"Sure." he said gruffly.

When the last student left the room and they were alone she said, "I did as you told me. I'm not wearing a bra or panties."

"That's great. I should be getting to my next class."

"Don't you want to check?" she said as she reached to unbutton her blouse.

"Not really."

She felt angry and sad at his response. "I did everything you asked me to do. Things I never should have done. Things I never thought I could have done."

"Look, I gotta go. I'll come by after school and talk about it. Hang around till I get here."

"Of course Davis. I'll wait for you."

He quickly left her alone in the room. Rebecca slowly walked to her desk and sagged into the chair. She felt like she wanted to cry. What made him dismiss her like that. She had done everything he told her to. Even things that could have gotten her into serious trouble.

She stayed in her classroom after school. She had been waiting for almost half an hour before Davis came in. He closed the door as he entered.

She practially jumped up from her chair. "You came."

"Yeah. I wanted to tell you..."

"Before you say anything aren't you going to check on me. Make sure I listened to you."

"Fine. Show me."

Her hands quickly found the buttons and she nearly ripped them apart. She pulled her shirt open and showed him her bare breasts. Slipping out of the shirt she dropped it on the floor.

She then unzipped her skrit and pushed it down her legs, exposing her naked pussy. She let the skirt fall to the floor and stepped out of it. "See. Just like you said. No bra or panties."

"That's great. The thing is, I'm bored with you. If this is as far as things will go we might as well put a stop to it all."

She was hurt by his words. She had come to look forward to his actions to her. Her body had spoken louder than her brain and won the argument. She needed the stimulation of his torment. She needed him to make her do things that seemed wrong.

She felt like crying. She moved in close to him and sank to her knees. "Please." she begged. "Don't stop this. I need it."

"Do you? Do you need it Becky?"

"Yes. I need it. Becky needs it."

"I'll give you one chance to prove it."

"I will. I'll prove it. Anything." she pleaded from her knees.

Davis reached into his backpack. When his hand came out he was holding a small item in it.

It took her a moment to realize what it was.

He was holding a condom.

"You said it would be different if I had a condom. I have one."

She knew what he was implying. If she wanted anything more from him she would have to have sex with him. "I don't know Davis."

"Fine by me." he said and turned to the door.

"Wait!" she called to him. "Don't go."

He walked to the door.

"Stop." she begged. "I'll do it. Please don't go."

Slowly, he pulled the shade on the door down and turned the lock.

She felt a wave of joy in her body.

Davis walked past her to her desk. He leaned against the edge of the wood desk, "Crawl to me Becky. Crawl to me like the slut you are."

She didn't like being called a slut but she found herself crawling to him. Slowly moving across the floor to where he stood.

When she was before him he unzipped his pants. He pushed them down, leaving only his boxers to cover his package. "Take my cock out Becky."

She reached up and tugged on his boxers. She struggled to get them past his buldge. When she did his cock fell out towards her. The sight of his massive black cock made her nipples harden. She felt her pussy getting hot as she reached her hand up and wrapped it around his thick shaft.

It was warm and pulsing in her hand. He was too big for her hand to get around but she wrapped her fingers around what she could and stroked him.

"Lick my balls Becky." she heard him demand.

She looked up at him and nodded. Holding his cock up she began licking his sack. She coated it in her saliva before taking one into her mouth. She sucked it hard, flicking her tongue around it as she did.

"Damn that's good." Davis told her.

Becky switched and took his other nut in her mouth and repeated the same process with it.

"Don't forget my cock girl."

She didn't say anything. She let his nut out of her mouth and licked around the base of his shaft.

Getting a moan from him she continued to lick him. She ran her tongue from the base to the tip. When she got to the head she gave it a kiss before licking her way back down his shaft.

Kissing her way back up his length, she wrapped her lips around the head of his cock. Her warm mouth felt great on his cock. Davis reached down and held her head as she sucked him.

Becky kept up stroking him as she tried to take more of him in her mouth. She gagged as he hit her throat. She bobbed her head back and forth on him, stopping right before hit her throat.

His hand pulled her head towards him each time she leaned in. He grabbed a fistfull of her hair and held tight.

Becky was using her tongue with skill as she sucked him. As she was rocking her mouth on him, her tongue was bathing the underside of his cock.

Becky took her free hand and gave her nipples a tweak before cupping his balls. She fondled them gently as she sucked his cock.

Davis jerked hard on her hair, nearly pulling him off his cock.

Becky looked up at him, puzzled.

He held the condom down for her. "It's time. Put it on so I can fuck you."

Becky nodded, the head of his cock still in her mouth. She took the condom from him and opened it. She kept him in her mouth as she did it.

She let him out of her mouth, feeling a pang of regret as she did. Holding his cock in one hand and the condom in the other she slowly rolled it onto his thick shaft.

It must not have been a large condom. It only made it just over halfway down his cock.

He yanked her to her feet and guided her to lay on one of the desks. She did and held her legs open for him.

She had a wave of pleasure surge through her as he slapped his heavy cock down on her pussy. His head hit her clit solidly. "Fuck me baby. Please, I need it." she pleaded with him.

"You want my cock baby?"

"Yes Davis. I want it. I need it."

"Then put it in."

She reached down and grabbed him. She lined him up with her hole and felt him slip inside her. Letting go of him she shivered as he pushed deeper into her soft pussy. "Oh god." she whimpered, feeling his cock invading her. He was again much deeper than her husband ever got, and still had almost half of his cock to go.

He eased back and slowly pushed further into her. She moaned with every thrust he made. Each one bringing her closer and closer to climax. She had to stop massaging her tits so she could hold her legs back to allow him better access to her.

He finally pushed the last of his length into her. Becky had to bite her lip to keep from yelling. Davis could feel her pussy squeezing his cock as he began to fuck her as deep as he could.

As he slowly worked her pussy, he leaned down and sucked a nipple into his mouth. He flicked his tongue around her sensative tip. He gently bit down on her as he pulled his head back, stretching her nipple away from her body.

Becky cried out slightly from the sudden pain, but also felt herself getting wetter at the same time.

When he released her nipple from his teeth he quickly took the other one into his mouth. He did the same to that one, eliciting sharp gasp from Becky. He could feel her pussy working him and knew she was close to orgasm.

He focused his efforts on working her pussy. He quickened his pace, grabbing the desk as he pounded into her.

"So good." Becky moaned. "Don't stop......Soooo.......gonna......"

Davis thundered into her even harder, pummeling her excited pussy. He knew she was close. Even if she didn't say anything. Her pussy was telling him the same things she was. He felt her clamp down on him and knew she was about to go.

Becky let go of her legs and covered her mouth with her hands, trying to cover her screams of pleasure as her orgasm washed over her.

Davis held her legs open for her as he slowly fucked her through her climax.

Just as she was recovering, he picked her up like she weighed nothing. He kept his cock lodged deep inside her as carried her behind her desk and set her down.

He pulled his cock from her, "Turn around. I want you to look at your classroom as I fuck you."

Becky did as he said and turned around. She could feel his cock pressing against her ass.

Davis eased her down onto her desk.

From this position, Becky could see all the desks in her room. She could visualize all of the students sitting in their seats as she was about to be fucked. The visions seemed almost real in her foggy mind.

She was brought back to the present as she felt her legs being pushed apart. She allowed him to spread her legs, anticipating his cock being back inside her.

Feeling his cock back at the entrance to her pussy, she arched herself as best she could, giving him the best angle to get inside her.

He grabbed her hips and pushed forward, sending his cock deep into her wet pussy.

"Fuck yes." she moaned as he buried himself to the hilt.

As he pulled back from her he gave her ass a playfull swat.

"Slap my ass baby. Spank Becky's ass."

Her response caught him off guard. He oblidged her and spanked her even harder. Once on each side, squeezing her both times.

He started fucking her in rapid, hard thrusts. The way her pussy gripped him as she came had brought him close to cumming himself. He was not quite ready yet. He wanted to enjoy her pussy as long as he could.

Becky worked her ass in a twerking like fashion, trying to take him as deep as she could.

"You like this cock baby?" he barked at her.

"Yes." she cried out. "I love it. I love your cock."

"Better than your husband?"

"Yes....Fuck. So much better." she said, not caring that it was true. "Soooo much bigger."

"I'm gonna cum for you Becky."

"Yes. Do it. Cum for me Davis. Cum for me."

"Your pussy is making me cum. I can feel you trying to milk me."

"My pussy loves your cock too. Show my pussy that you like it. Cum for my pussy."

"Here it comes baby. I'm gonna cum!" he gave one last thrust and came.

Becky could feel his cock pulsing as he shot his cum into the condom. She could feel each time it sent its cum through his shaft before filling the tip of the condom. She even felt the condom as his cum filled it, as it was right against the back of her pussy. She felt it's warmth as it pushed the tip of the rubber against her insides.

"Fuck yeah." Davis grunted as his cock pulsed one final time.

Davis held himself in her for another minute. When he pulled out he sank into her chair.

Becky stayed sprawled on the desk as she got her breath. She turned her head to see him slumped in her chair.

Slowly she slide off the desk and got to her knees in front of him.

His cock was hanging softly, the condom still covering him, right in her face. Even as it got soft his cock was still heavy as she grabbed it.

Becky eased the condom slowly off his cock. There was some cum on his head after she took it off. She quickly took his cock in her mouth and cleaned the cum from him.

Being sensative after just cumming he pushed her off his cock.

Becky lifted the condom and saw the big load of his cum that was hanging in the tip. It looked like more than her husband produced if you added a few times together. "I can't throw this away here." she quietly said.

"Stand up." he told her.

She did, leaning slightly against her desk.

He took the condom from her. He tied it in a knot tightly. "You should take it home and flush it there."

"Good idea. I'll put it in my purse." she said and held out her hand.

"I have a better idea." he said.

She quickly found out what his idea was. He ran his hand up her leg and rubbed her pussy. Getting no resistance from her, he pushed the condom up inside her. "Take my cum home in your pussy. Do what you want with it when you get there."

As her brain was coming back to her, she realized what she had just done. She had sex with her student, again. This time in her classroom. How could she have let things go this far. What the hell was she doing.

As those thoughts ran through her mind, she heard herself saying, "Yes Davis. Anything you want."

"That's a good girl Becky." he said, getting up and putting his clothes back on.

Davis tossed her clothes to her as he finished getting dressed. She put the shirt on, quickly doing the buttons. She then pulled her skirt up her legs, tucking the shirt in before zipping it. There were some wrinkles in both items that she tried to smooth out with her hands. She knew they were still visible after her attempts.

"Thanks Becky. I gotta get home. I enjoyed the fuck." he said crudely as he headed for the door.

As he left Becky finished gathering her things. She got her purse from her desk and put her papers into her other bag.

She got to the door and was about to turn out the lights in the classroom when something caught her eye. Something shining on the floor. She went to see what it was.. As she neared the object it dawned on her. It was the condom wrapper. She had almost left it on the floor. She picked it up and put it in her purse.

She turned out the lights and headed home for the day. As she walked the halls she could feel the condom moving around in her pussy. The thought of walking through the school with the condom in gave her a strange thrill. She felt her nipples poke into her shirt as she made her way to her car.

End of Part Two

Same as White Wife Teases Younger Black Guy - Part 2 Videos

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Employees Blacked My Black Wife

This happened a couple of months ago when the Covid virus was about three months old. I’m 51, white, been married for over 25 years to a beautiful black wife. When we married, she was a super virgin, had not even kissed anyone, ever! Never had her pussy ate! Never sucked a dick! Never, anything! Sherry, my wife, is 5’1”, 135 lbs., 41 years old, but looks like she’s in maybe her late 20’s. She has a nice medium ass for a black woman and small tits with big nipples. She weighs 120 pounds, gets...

1 year ago
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My wife in a black bachelor party

Two weeks went by after our week end trip to Las Vegas. Then I got a phone call from Leon; the black guy that had fucked my fife in a wild way while we stood there.He wanted to know if I could come down to the city where he lived during the next week. He invited me to his friend’s bachelor party. He had an idea and wanted to know what I thought about it. After dinner that evening I went with Ana to our bed. As she was inserting her favorite black dildo in her hot cunt, I told her I had received...

1 year ago
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With Younger Cousin8217s Wife In Surat

Hi, Viraat(name changed) here from surat. This is about how I had the best experience with my younger cousin’s wife Sneha (name changed). Let me know how you all find it desiguy2124. To begin with myself, I am 6 feet tall Marwari married 32 yr old regular gym going guy, which has given me a decently good athletic body and adding to this is my regular running schedules of half marathons. I was into few physical flings before marriage but not much after marriage. By not much I mean, I just had...

2 years ago
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Housewife Bobby Fucked By Another Black Guy

Hi readers it’s me Bobby (not real name just a fake name) again with another experience. Again I am introducing myself am 36 year old beautiful housewife with white color huge sexy boobs and nice curved ass. My body size and structure is similar to Tamil actress Namitha. Those who are reading this first time please go through my other posts housewife bobby fucked by young guy and bobby again fucked by young guy. Please forgive my mistakes. Thanks for your feedback’ u can mail me at So coming...

2 years ago
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My Wife Set Up To Get Fucked By Black Guy

I have been married to my wife Abby for just over a year now and married life is just wonderful ,considering I married my high school sweetheart. At 20 she still looks the same way she did in high school. She still has her petite sexy figure, 4'8" 115 lbs, gorgeous silly black hair shoulder length, firm 32c cup breasts and a cute tight butt that guys can't seem to take their eyes off when she walks by. I joke around sometimes in bed about her being with another man, but secretly craving...

4 years ago
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Wife teases with a bbc

Wife's Teasing TreatFor years I had had this fantasy of watching my sweet red headed wife take a big black cock into her pussy. And for years she denied it to me. However, she would jerk me off telling me "stories" of her interracial infidelity. It was coming up to my birthday and she had started hinting a month in advance that she had a special treat in mind for me, and that is all she would say about it.Finally it was my birthday, we went out with some friends for drinks then came home. She...

2 years ago
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White Lactating Wife is Impregnated at a Black Stag Party

It is a little unusual to find a couple who was born and raised in Fargo, North Dakota living in North Carolina. That is the case for my wife, Cindy, and me when we moved to Raleigh. My father retired from the Army and he and Mom were living near Raleigh when his health declined. Mom needed help taking care of things around the house from time to time, so I agreed to move near them and help.My name is Greg and I went to trade school for a year to become a machinist after graduating from high...

3 years ago
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housewife bobby fucked by a black guy

Hi readers it’s me Bobby (not real name just a fake name) again withanother experience. Again I am introducing myself am 36 year oldbeautiful housewife with white color huge sexy boobs and nice curvedass. My body size and structure is similar to Tamil actress Namitha.Those who are reading this first time please go through my otherposts housewife bobby fucked by young guy and bobby again fuckedby young guy. Please forgive my mistakes. Thanks for your feedback’u can mail me at [email protected]...

1 year ago
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Watching My Wife Fuck A Hung Black Guy And Cleanin

I have a couple stories about my wife Brittany and I on my profile along with a picture of her in my gallery if you wanna check her out. EnjoySince the day my wife Brittany and I got together we have loved partying and loved the idea of just getting together with a group of people some that we may not know and having fun and maybe make some new friends. This is the story of how I met one of my best friends Anthony (Who is black for those wondering). One weekend Brittany and I were just sitting...

2 years ago
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White Wife Black Baby

I have something to tell you that will make you proud of me. My wife is a very fertile young lady, she has 1 k** from her last marriage and still has a hot body to die for. She has really light almost perfectly white skin. With bright lights on, you almost need dark glasses to look at her, her skin is that light. Both me and her ex are white also. Our story: We told my wife's doctor we are trying to have a baby together but she hasn't been able to get pregnant. He ran all the tests and both of...

3 years ago
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Brahmin8217s wife with kenyan black guy

Suman Pai is a very reserved gowda sarswath brahmin girl. She was 26 when she got married. She is a very beautiful girl very fair, soft skin.She married to a big businessman Ranjan he was also a handsome person. He had Export business & he was regularly going out abroad for business purpose. There sexual life was quite good, suman was also happy with her sexual life. But suddenly sumans life got a turn after an incident…. This incident happened after 8 months of there marriage. Suman was also...

2 years ago
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Giving my wife to 3 black guys

About five months ago me & my wife was on our way to Memphis TN to try out a swingers club that we saw on the web. To save money we stayed in a cheap motel it was in kinda a bad part of town there was bars in the windows of ever store & all we seen walking around was black people. Later that night we got ready to go my chubby wife had on a short leather skirt with out wearing an panties if she just bent over a little bit you could see her fat pussy hanging out. Her shirt was a low cut...

2 years ago
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My wife enjoys a younger man

My wife Bridget and I have been married now for over 20 years and in that time had a fairly normal and quiet existence. The c***dren are now 22 and 20 years old and both recently left home, leaving us with lots of time on our hands together. For many years I have fantasized about watching her have sex with another guy, and more recently this has developed into watching her have sex with a younger guy, she is now over 50 of course. I have raised this subject with her in the past (usually after...

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WhiteBoy Taken

I led Jay down the short corridor, opening the bathroom door for him to see. It was neat and clean. Then I led him the next few steps to the bedroom. The door was open and he pushed past me. His shoulder and arm brushed across my chest as he moved through the doorway. My cock was already rock hard. I watched him walk to the closet and open the door. As he checked it out, I checked out his body.Jay was tall and muscular, but not overly developed. He wore some long shorts and a tight fitting...

1 year ago
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Wife Fucks Her Younger Brother

Introduction: I told you about wife fucking her older brother. This is when she did her younger brother. In My Wife Fucks Her Brother I told you about the time Sue fucked her older brother. This is the true story of when she fucked her younger brother. My stories may not be as racy as some of the fantasy stories written on this site, but truth usually is milder than made up stories on what one would like to happen. By the way in all my stories the names have been changed to protect the...

1 year ago
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White Wife Becomes a BBC Slut part3

A few days passed from my “cucumber” incident. I tried to keep my thoughts clean. It helped that it was a busy week. I was back at work after being off for the weekend. The k**s were busy with football practice and dance and that kept me busy after work was over. By the time I got home it was late and my husband and I were both tired. We usually were ready for bed soon after and there was no hanky panky. By Wednesday I was doing pretty good. Most of the memories of Roger’s penis and the...

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