Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poacher s ProgressChapter 28 The Duel
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I wrote this story several years ago- 7, maybe. It is a lot different than any of my others on here. This story is based in the late 1700s, following the American Revolution, so what better time, but around July 4th, to post it. Enjoy.It was the late 18th Century; Horatio was a very successful and prosperous farmer. He was in his late 30s and had been an expert marksman in several regiments, but he had gone on to acquire significant land in the Lehigh Valley of Colonial Pennsylvania. ...
Our division took Bordeaux without firing a shot, and it was here that I met my nemesis, Lieutenant Jarvis Braxton-Clark. I had scarcely noticed him when he first joined the battalion, along with other replacements for men lost during the campaign, as I had my hands full with matters other than a newly arrived officer. Captain Gurney Slade, my company commander, had been wounded at the Nivelle but had carried on in command, although in some considerable pain. Soon after our arrival at...
Rising food prices, and the local gentry enclosing common land, had sparked sporadic unrest in the county over the past few years. Troops of cavalry from the Wiltshire Yeomanry had been mustered to contain the disturbances, but their numbers were insufficient for the task, and so the regular army was deployed to assist the civil authority. Curfews could be imposed, and property and persons searched by the army, in those areas thought to be particularly factious by the district...
I do not intend chronicling the campaign in the Iberian Peninsula, although it brought fame and fortune to Arthur Wellesley and added fresh lustre to the reputation of the British army. There are those far mightier with the pen than I to describe the battles, so I shall just touch on the points of the campaign were I was involved. The 69th arrived too late for the Talavera campaign, and so spent our first six months in Portugal getting more intimately acquainted with the topography of that...
On my return from the overnight stay at Devizes I re-joined my men in the abandoned school house that lay just a stone's throw away from the Rectory itself. There were two large classrooms that easily accommodated the 60 or so men of the company, a headmaster's office, which I used for the company office, and two smaller rooms, one used as my bedroom, and the other used by James McMurdoe. There were privies, and a water pump, in the courtyard, and the place was a perfect billet for me and...
Two of the clock on Tuesday afternoon found me sat by the side of the small stream, what we would call a 'beck' in Lincolnshire, awaiting the appearance of the Rector's wife. It seemed bizarre in the extreme that I was contemplating having a sexual dalliance with a woman whose name I did not yet know. However, there was a strong possibility that she was bored with her life at the rectory and was merely having a jest with me. Even now she could be hiding behind a shrub somewhere, watching...
The days rolled by, and the Tuesday ‘nature walk’ with Susannah became the highlight of my week. After that first assignation, I soon introduced her to soixante neuf, and we spent many happy hours entwined, with heads to groins, licking and sucking at the sweet flesh presented to our questing mouths. Summer strayed into October, with unexpected but welcome warmth, and Susannah and I would cavort naked in ‘our’ dell, where I would coat her nude body with my seed. I can vouch for the...
A week had passed since my company had moved to take post at Burbage, a small village alongside the Kennet and Avon canal. The long Indian summer had finally come to an end, with a vengeance, as it had been continuous heavy rain since the day we had arrived. It was now the back end of November and it was difficult to believe that I had been cavorting naked with Susannah, in the warmth of summer, not much more than a month ago. The rain was now sheeting down, the temperature had dropped like...
A few days before my birthday one of my men tripped over a canal side bollard and fell heavily, dislocating his shoulder. I managed to push the shoulder back into place, but as it remained very swollen and painful I sent for Surgeon Armityge at Devizes, as I knew he would have some lineament or lotion to assuage the pain, -- Surgeon Major Armityge had taken over from Sawbones Casey as Regimental Surgeon on our return to England. Meantime I bought a bottle of rum from the Anchor Inn and poured...
When the pale grey light of dawn woke me I was under the warm body of Jenny Makepeace. It was an awaking that any man would be pleased to receive, and I was no exception. I thought back to when I had first discovered her in my bed. I had obediently slid in between the sheets at her invitation, issued in a throaty whisper, and she had wrapped her arms around my neck. She then pulled me into her bosom and kissed me with abandon, her tongue filling my mouth like an unfurling stair carpet,...
In some ways the affair, if it can be designated as that, between myself and Jenny Makepeace was continuing along the same mundane course as the battalion's interlude along the canal. We, that is the officers and men of the battalion, had eased into a comfortable routine; guards were mounted and patrols sent out with the absence of any excitement -- as between Jenny and me. The men had become complacent, and their duties were not being carried out with the vigour and exactitude as should...
Six o'clock on a Christmas morning is not the best time to try and arrange the transportation of dead bodies and prisoners to Devizes, or indeed to arrange to transport anything anywhere. There were several barges tied up alongside Burbage Wharf, but most of the bargees were either drunk, or dead drunk. I found one crew, who were just about conscious, and ordered them to take me, some guards, the bodies and the prisoners to Devizes. The barge captain refused, until I told him I was used to...
I had left Adjutant Bywaters in charge of the dead bodies, the wounded man -- whom Surgeon Armityge said was fit to travel and to be questioned -- the captured man, and the pamphlets. I had also written a full account of the events that had occurred on that Christmas morning. The prisoners and my report were dispatched to General Picton's headquarters in Bristol. It later transpired that the men we had captured, and those two who were killed, were the ringleaders of an anarchist movement....
On the last day of January 1815, Jarvis Braxton-Clark got married. It was common knowledge in the battalion Lord Ashford’s daughter was marrying simply to discharge the debt her father owed to the Braxton-Clarks. Jarvis Braxton-Clark was marrying in order to father a son on an Earl’s daughter and advance himself and his family in Society. It was a business transaction pure and simple, and the poor woman had been sold into marriage just as surely as an African is sold into slavery. I wondered...
We sailed from Harwich on the 24th April and disembarked at Ostend two days later. The Grand Coalition had been thrown into a complete pother by the news of Napoleon's triumphant return to Paris, when King Louis XVIII had to beat a hasty and undignified retreat. Regiments arriving in Belgium from England found themselves being ordered from one place to another, as Napoleon's intentions were first anticipated, and then rejected, by those in charge. After marching and counter marching for a...
You will have read, no doubt, of the battle which took place at Quatre Bras, on the 16th of June 1815? Well I do not intend going over that battle in any great detail, other than how it looked from my perspective. There have been accusations of cowardice, of wrong orders being given, of no orders being given, of mismanagement, misunderstandings, and mistakes being made at that battle -- and all that is absolutely true. We were roused from our beds at dawn, on that warm overcast June morning...
During the night we had the most tremendous thunderstorm, which completely drenched those of us not in shelter, which was most of the army. The thunder was as loud as a cannonade, and at first we thought the French were making a night attack. The morning broke overcast but warm, and soon, with cooking pots and kettles boiling, and clothes drying, we regained our humour, which had been sorely tried during the night. It is a strange thing, although I can recall the slightest detail of the...
By good fortune the transports that we boarded at Ostend took us direct to the port of Boston, in Lincolnshire, which is no more than a three day march from Lincoln. We were greeted as heroes through every hamlet and village we passed through on our journey, and on arrival in Lincoln were permitted to march through the city with bayonets fixed, drums beating, and colours flying. I say 'colours', as another King's colour had been manufactured by the regimental tailor, and none but the most...
The time spent in Lincoln was shorter than anticipated because the 10th Foot, the senior Lincolnshire regiment, returned from India in February of 1816. Their Colonel in Chief was a Royal Duke, and ours was not, and so the 2nd/69th was evicted from Lincoln Castle, to make room for the returnees. Nonetheless, my stay in Lincoln, although truncated, was pleasant, and not without incident. The first reason for my pleasure was that I reacquainted myself with the lubricous girls of the Temple....
She was a vision. A mass of golden curls framed an elfin faced, cornflower blue eyed, red lipped beauty of about twenty years of age. She wore a diaphanous gown that showed her figure was an equal to the rest of her for beauty. Her bosom strained her bodice, and I swear I could see her nipples erect against the tight fabric. "You certainly sent him off with a flea in his ear, Captain." Her voice was pleasant, and the smile she gave me would have melted the heart of a gorgon. I bowed....
The next six months of my life were the happiest that I had ever experienced. Even the return of Jarvis Braxton-Clark to the battalion could not diffuse the golden glow that seemed to envelope me. There had been rumours that his attachment to the Yeomanry was at an end. Some say it was because of his complete ineptness, both as a training officer and as second in command, but it was probably because the Life Guards had recently taken over guard duty at Windsor Castle, where Mad King George...
Two days after my marriage proposal had been rejected by Amy I was sitting alone in the Officers' Mess at Hounslow barracks. Most of the officers of the 69th Foot and 8th Dragoons had gone to watch a prize fight at Putney Green, and only a handful of duty men were in barracks. I was still in Amy's thrall, and was slowly coming to the opinion that it would not be dishonourable to continue our sexual relationship, at least up to the time of her marriage, but I could not in clear conscience...
After my talk with Surgeon Armityge, or Krish, as I now thought of him, I wrote a letter to Amy apologising for my behaviour at our last meeting, and suggesting that we meet to discuss our future relationship. I was too ashamed to take the letter to the Bell myself, as I did not want to face the black haired serving girl, but one of Billy's troopers took it for me. A dragoon, from Billy's troop, would call into the Bell every day looking for a reply from Amy, but I still had not received a...
It was the evening after the Dining-in-Night, and Billy and I were sat in a corner of the Mess talking, about something and nothing, and drinking. Billy could put brandy away as if it were spring water, but I'm no toper, and a glass or two will set my brain muzzy, and I had already reached that state. Billy suddenly gave a groan and got up from his armchair. "I need to void my bowels, Jack, probably some Indian bug still in my belly." "More likely it is the amount of food you stuffed in...
I heard the clock on the tower of Hampton Court Palace strike five. Amy was due to meet me at six that evening, so I made sure the room was tidy, and the fire was giving out a good heat. The rooms at the White Hart were far superior to those of the Bell, as each were furnished with a large, well sprung bed with clean linen, two comfortable armchairs, a table with four ladder back chairs, and in front of the fire place a large thick woollen rug, which reminded me of the fleece at the...
Dueling Narrators (v2) by Jamie and Lisa Lake Houston, Texas Sunday June 2, 2019 Yesterday there had been a lovely interlude. It existed between the time we helped put her acquired bounty away, Kristin having returned from the grocery, and the time she needed to fill the crusts we had made. During that time we had placed our lover Kristin upon the cool granite countertop and had both of ourselves a very good good taste of the world’s finest chef. She was so delicious; we savored her juices...
Du sitzt mit deiner besten Freudin Mia auf der Couch und ihr unterhaltet euch über Vor- und Nachteil des Frau bzw. Mann seins. "Dann lass uns es herausfinden", sagst du zu ihr. Mia stimmt dir und ihr legt Bedingungen fest. Nach einer Weile habt ihr alles besprochen und seid zu einem Ergebniss gekommen. Es gibt 3. Wettkämpfe, 1. Armdrücken 2. Schere-Stein-Papier 3. ein Wrestlingmatch. Nach jeder Runde darf der Gewinner sich eine Strafe für den Verlierer ausdenken. Wer 2 von 3 gewinnt, steht als...
BDSMSome comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. Tales from the Batman and Robin Universe Duella Dent, Mistress of the Magical Masks by Steve Zink In the mid-70's, DC published a short series of comic books called the Batman Family. In a string of at least 4 of these books, there was a continuing story with Batgirl and Robin teamed up to...
The raid was supposed to be a surprise. Both my company commander and the battalion commander had given me a green light. We were to drop in two assault shuttles at dawn and hit the rogue world training camp. Things went wrong before that and the battalion commander sent a one word text, "NOW!" So we scrambled into the shuttles and dropped. Only they were waiting and we took fire before we even began to exit the shuttles. I lost ten men during the attack and after the last enemy died we...
Robert grumbled quietly to himself, anxiously scribbling notes, readingtextbooks and tapping his feet, anything to distract him from constantlychecking the dingy clock mounted on the classroom wall. If he were alittle more dramatic, he'd complain that 8th period study hall was killinghim. Instead, he just whined to his neighboring students that it was puretorture. They all sympathized, of course, because they'd all arranged theirschedules so they could end the school day on a relaxing note,...
PLAYBILL Cast of Characters Doctor & Mrs. O’Connor, Punch’s parents Pastor & Mrs. Deveraux, Eva, Lillian and Clair’s parents Katherine and Gabe Saunders, George, Lisa, Jamie (unofficially adopted at 13), and Ethan’s parents, aka ‘the Kinksters’ in light of their 60+ year D-S sexual relationship. Sherri Stuart, Kristin and Steve’s mom, she ran “Miss Sherri’s” a diner in town. Hugh and Monica, mostly appear as ghosts in our stories, Jamie’s biological siblings, whom like their...
Hi my name is raunnak.Meri family me 4 log he me mere dad mera bhai aur meri mom mere papa bank me manager he.Aur hamari family well educated hey.Meri mom howes wives he.Lekin wo ab hamre yahan ke corporator ki slut he.Mere mom ke baree me batta ta hu meri mom ka naam durga hee aur age 39 hai meri mom ki fugure ekdam hot aur sexy 38 32 36 hai.Meri mom ghar pe jyada tar waqt nighty me hi rehe ti hey.Bahr jatee waqt wo jeans or legins pehenti hai.Hamari family ek reputed family he. Meri mom...
Hi indian sex stories dot net readers This is the second installment to “Son, Mom and Aunts” series. Hope you like the story. If any women interested in submission can mail me at “”. Any reviews or suggestions are welcomed. Enjoy. Cheers! Chapter 2: Alex had fun that night with his new fuck toys. He fucked Trudy very hard throughout the evening. He ordered Trudy to move into his house. Trudy did as commanded. He did not fuck his mother that night as he had some special plans for her. “I am...
IncestMy heart was pacing and my palms were sweaty as I tried to appear cool, calm and collected. I was standing in line at my local post office waiting to pick up a package you had sent me. I was excited, so excited to see what you had sent to me, but I was worried too, as usually the packages were just put into my locker.So here I stood, between a older business man and a teenage boy, waiting to see why I had been forced to endure this.The line was moving slowly, as there were only two attendants...
ToysI enjoy sucking real man cock....it was figured out at a younger age then some. I was 18 just moved to college and ended up in a dorm room with someone right around my size. I never played sports never got fat just stayed in regular skinny shape, he on the other hand had a really muscular ass and waist it was just shaped like an apple however he stood and it reminded me of a womens booty. Also his thighs were extremely smooth and skinny and he stayed tan. I didn't talk to him much the first...
I took a deep breath, and looked down. There was somebody bent over in front of me, naked. And I was naked also, my hard cock jutting out in front of me. I reached out my hand and caressed the hip and bottom in front, and I looked closer. It was not an ass I recognized, it was a man’s ass! The hairs on the ass confirmed that. Then I heard a high whining voice say “Please daddy, you said you would fuck me. Please fuck me daddy.” I could not tell who he was, his face was pushed into a pillow...
Chapter 2: Our First Night Together ‘Dace?’ Her voice was soft and low in the darkness, but also burdened with an unmistakable trembling. The door was open between our rooms though the beds were such that we could not see each other. She had wanted to leave it open so I didn’t seem so very far away, and asked if that would be all right. It was fine with me. ‘It’s OK, Christine. I’m right here.’ ‘But, I’m so scared… I can’t sleep.’ There was a long silence. ‘Can you hold me a little like...
"Has he fucked you yet?"I laughed. "No, he hasn't.""Really? Well, I would have!""Would have what?""Fucked you." I gave her a puzzled look."What!" she said, giggling. "You go with girls, don't you?""Yes, but you're his sister and besides, Marco and I have only just met."Giulia lay back on her sun-lounger and looked up into the clear blue sky. "Well. You've got a gorgeous little bod, and I would simply love for us to, you know, do things.""Good to know, Giulia, but can we change the subject now,...
IncestJeremy was working on the catered meal. "We were calling it a counter rally. A political rally with barbecue and no politics. It was a hell of an idea, even if it was mine. While he did that I went back to thinking about a new car of some kind. The cruiser really was breaking down a bunch, and that meant a tow bill just about every time. Fortunately the breakdown had been during daylight and in area's with cell phone coverage. I was worried that it might not always be so cooperative. I...
‘A New Beginning’ is another of my literary experiments, this time a parallel story in two parts. Part 1 was the story as told by Patrick. The second part is the same story told by Rachel, ending with a convergence of both parts that lead into the conclusion. The conversations between Rachel and Patrick remain the same, highlighting what was going on in the lives of each of them at the time. This, Part 2 is Rachel’s story. ***** I had been standing here for at least an hour, looking out over...
That first afternoon had passed with Iris showing me over the rest of the old house. It was originally Georgian with pieces added over time. The cosy flagstone kitchen was adjacent to the comfortable living room having a lovely French bay opening onto the pretty patio garden. It was choc-full of character; Upstairs had creaky corridors leading off to various bedrooms and bathrooms. and even an old family ghost had appeared in the past apparently. The room Iris had prepared for me was on the...
The royal wedding was over. Ric and Vicky sat in a rail car that was slowly traveling North, the small electric motors in each wheel vibrating with inefficient annoyance through the floor and walls of the plain, unadorned boxcar. "You know, I bet I could make a fortune building decent rail cars for passenger travel," Ric said, standing up yet one more time to give his backside a much needed break. "You'd think that, in all the time this place has been here, somebody would've invented...
Hello folks!! Wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Well I’ve been reading the stories uploaded here for quite some time now and I’m glad that people are willing to admit their most intimate secrets via ISS. I’ve also something to contribute, hope you readers have nice time reading and enjoying the moments and all those hot and horny ladies out there, let me tell you I’m all yours you can mail me at , I promise you won’t regret it. To begin with, I’ve always been attracted to girls...
Doug was getting ready to go into the office the next morning when he heard his cell phone start buzzing. Going to pick it up he hoped it wasn’t a telemarketer and he could see that it wasn’t. The caller ID indicated the caller was Lisa. “Good morning Lisa. Is there a problem that you are calling me this early?” “No, no problem at all. It’s just that I thought I would catch you before you came to the office. We are not operational yet so there is no reason for you to come in and I am...
A Friend Ass Fucked by Daddy----------Dad was always providing guidance and support for my friends and me as we grew up. Many were from broken homes where the father figure was missing in their lives and he fulfilled many dreams that they would not have had otherwise. Seldom did a night go by that I had not managed to invite some wayward teen home. Most were my age but that varied, some older and some younger, but always the same premise, they had nowhere to go and no one to turn to for...
Lesley woke with a start confusion raced through her very soul. It must have been a dream, a nightmare even, had all of her sisters really perished? Moving her head gently she glanced around the still basement, and to her relief she could make out some familiar bodies in the dim light. Quietly she moved towards the nearest and spoke in a whisper. "Trish, are you awake Trish?" When no reply came she reached out a hand to the sleeping girls shoulder, it was so cold to the touch. Gently she...
Charlie thundered down the stairs and headed straight for the kitchen. A chorus of "hi Charlie's'" was quickly acknowledged. "Anyone seen Mike?" "No, I haven't seen him. Why don't you join us, c'mon, sit down." The 'us' was what Charlie referred to as the coven, a mixture of female relatives and neighbors that had long hounded Charlie about her tom-boy ways. Every year during the Superbowl they sat in here talking while the men, and Charlie, watched the game. It was Charlie's...
I waited outside the door waiting for her to open the door. Soon I heard footsteps and the door opened. It was her mother. For a moment I was awestruck. This was the first time I had seen her mother and she was beautiful. She must have been around 40 but she had a very firm pair of breast. I could see that she was not wearing a bra or anything. So her tits were just bouncing around when she walked. I could even see her nipples. Suddenly I had an urge to touch them, but I contained my self and...
‘Penny, there you are!’ Where were you yesterday? You missed the meeting!’ Sheri was so sweet, I regretted that I hadn’t spent more time with her. Truth be told, I’d been so busy trying to hold my own life together, I hadn’t time for anyone else. I decided, then and there, that I would change. From then on, I resolved to allow more people into my life. I also reminded myself that I may not be employed any longer. ‘Thanks, Sheri, did I miss anything?’ ‘Nothing much yesterday, but guess...
Hi friend I’m Rahul so much thankful to ISS ,it is a nice site for youngster who give their imagination and life incident’sI’ m a regular reader of ISS ok lets the matter come to the topic in this story u get so much Passion and romance that u want this story is so interesting after u read this, u get some knowledge about romance and sex once upon a time when I was in 20 yrs old was full of excitement in that age this time I was going to a cousin house the House of my Mausi”s father-in-law’s...
I have always loved looking at porn, my dad had a huge collection of videos and magazines so it was always easy enough to borrow a film or magazine. These days it’s so easy to watch porn, too easy possibly, but over the years has led me to explore the world of available adult content. Now I find myself mainly drawn to the more amateur videos, it all seems a little more ‘real’ than the standard porno king/queen approach. This has also led me to becoming quite interested in amateur housewife...
John spent the weekend following the Rachel's call with his girlfriend, Susan. They went out as usual, to the pictures and to a club. John never mentioned the phone call. He cared about Susan, but she was insecure. He didn't know how she would react to the news that he had spoken to Rachel. The thought of making love to Susan scared him. The last thing he wanted was to call out Rachel's name at the point of ecstasy, but he knew that he might. That would devastate Susan. Somewhat...
A friend of mine's girlfriends ask me she really wants to see the nude beach. She never visits one before. I was quite a few times at our local nude beach and had some wonderful experiences there. So I agree but she don't want me to tell her BF, my friend, because he so conservative and won't take her to a place like that. He is also very jealous. Her name was Ann.We leave early morning when we arrive at the beach it was still a 2km walk along the nature path to the private nude beach. Ann was...
The Spanking Couples: Femdom Spanking Poker PartyAfter their initial introduction at the Spanking Party, Bill and Debbie quickly became friends with Ron and Marion. After all, they all loved spanking games and bisexual sex. For several weeks, the two couples took turns hosting each other for private, bisexual spanking parties. Bill and Debbie both began to love the taste of both cock and pussy ? even when forced to ?Clean-Up? partners of both sexes. Bill, like his friend Ron, was becoming...
Hey guys. I am back with the next part of my story. Apologies for the long delay since I got busy with my work. Finally, I got the time to write the continuation of my story. If you didn’t read my previous part of the story please do so. Like I mentioned in my previous part, I am not great in writing so kindly bear with me. After myself and Harini flirted and masturbated on the phone for hours we went to sleep after our session. The next day from the morning I was waiting eagerly for her call....
It’s Halloween AND movie night with the fam! Well not my (Johnny Love) family, but my girlfriend Violet Gems & her stepmom Mandy Rhea. We totally get into the spirit, costumes, decorations, and a horror movie! Violet is in a super cute cheerleader outfit and her stepmom is looking pretty fine as a sexy cop. Things get a little awkward when Mandy notices her stepdaughter’s head bobbing between my legs under the blanket. Violet immediately gets sent to her room and I figure the...
xmoviesforyou"I don't know if I can take it, Honey," Santa said. "Delivering presents is just not as rewarding as it used to be." A light bulb dinged across Mrs. Claus' head. "Why don't you deliver presents for the adults as well," she said. "I do give presents to the adults," Santa sighed. "I give to the young, I give to the old. I give to the rich, I give to the poor. Every year in the midst of the night, I travel the world, and I've seen it all, both new and old." "That's not what I meant," the old wife...
Velvet and I knew it was plain stupid and would lead to a spanking, and guess what, yup, it has. We are on holiday, Velvet Jaden and me, with Valentine my Mum, and Alexander my Dad, and we came away with my aunt and uncle and two cousins. We were all on the beach, well except for my Dad and Uncle who have gone on a three day sailing trip. Velvet and I were playing ball dangerously close to Mum who told us three times to play further away from her. It wasn’t just the noise, but twice the ball...