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The Altar of Venus

The Erotic Education of a Victorian Gentleman



New York


Despite the fact that this story is the erotic
autobiography of one of our most famous
contemporaries, whose name is known to
only the secretary of this society, it is replete
with action and thrills. It goes far beyond the
usual run of erotic literature. It is a man's
frank and honest search of his soul for the
answer to that world old question: The riddle
of the universe — Why and How is SEX and
to what depths does it go. There is nothing to
compare to it outside that field of psycho-
sexual case books.

A word here as to how this manuscript fell
into our hands. Without being too explicite
we can say that sometime during the past two
years there passed away one of the leading
members of British Society. A sportsman, a~
Member of the House of Lords, one of the
pillars of our National church, he was never
known as a libertine. His memoirs have now
shown him to be also a Prince in the peerage
of Pornagraphia. In his declining years he
apparently achieved sexual satisfaction thru
his reminiscences. He, no doubt, little
dreamed that they would some day be put
before other eyes.

When his estate was being settled his sec-
retary had opened the wall safe in his home
and this manuscript was discovered. Fearing
that the publication of such a revealing vol-
ume would blacken his late employers repu-
tation he ordered the butler to burn it in the
furnace. This latter worthy gentleman upon
repairing to the basement to carry out the
order chanced to glance at a couple of pages
and, while astounded, realized that such a
treatise could mean money to him. He se-
creted it and at the first opportunity came to
the undersigned. After perusing page after
page, since I could barely put it down, I
knew that here was a real find. I am quite
sure that our members will appreciate that
the price we paid for it was but small in com-
parison to its value.

The reader will find it scientifically accu-
rate to the last detail. It is most illuminating
in its portrayal of the love-life of one who
thought of woman as the first consideration
in life. No other work, within our knowledge
so faithfully exposes the varied erotic urges
that beset mankind.

Chapter I

c***dren! Are they the same the world over
-. — does sexual precocity break out amongst them
in certain localities at certain periods, some-
thing like an epidemic of measles from which
few are immune, while in other places and at
other times, they escape uns**thed? Certain it
is that my own c***dhood was lived in an atmo-
sphere redolent with sexuality and this despite
the fact that my home environment was of the
best. My parents, indeed, held to the most Puri-
tanical notions and doubtless would have been
literally dumbfounded with horror had they ever
gotten the slightest hint as to what was taking
place almost under their very noses.

Either their own lives had matured under con-
ditions quite different from mine or the passing
years had obliterated all rememberance of juve-
nile delilitry for assuredly no suspecion as to what
was transpiring about them, almost, as I have
suggested, close enough to be smelled, ever
arose to preoccupy their well-ordered lives dur-
ing my c***dhood days.

Confidences exchanged in later years with
adult friends indicate that while many went thru

experiences similar to mine, the lives of others
were singularly barren of juvenile romance or
precocity. To the lips of the former, therefore,
my stories may bring a smile as old memories
are stirred, and they are carried back over the
highway of years by the narration of some inci-
dent which had a counterpart in their own lives,
and to the latter, a sigh of regret at something
missed in life.

I do not propose to fill up space with the nar-
ration of incidents other than those which some
curious, unique or laughable element justifies
their telling. With this brief prelude, I begin
my story.

I was born in the year 1900. My birthplace,
an English city, with some thirty thousand pop-
ulation. My parents, though not rich, were mod-
erately well off and we lived in the comfortable
fashion of the middle class English family. I
was an only c***d and as such was humored to
a certain extent, but I was also ruled with dis-
ciplinarian firmness, for my father, a grave, silent
man, was quick enough to take note of juvenile
insubordination, and as quick to chastise it. I
held him in great respect, with which was min-
gled a certain degree of awe.

I place the age at which I experienced my first
sexual excitation definitely identified with a fe-
male at somewhere between five and six. I say
definitely identified with a female because even
prior to this I had observed a periodic harden-,
ing and expansion of that curious little append-
age that hung between my legs, which phenom-
ena generally occurred in the early morning, or
when I was being bathed. More than once I
had been on the point of asking my mother for
an explanation of its peculiar conduct, but some
instinctive reticence always sealed my lips just
as the question was mentally formulated. Cer-
tainly, up until almost my eighth year I was en-
tirely unaware of the difference between the
sexes and blissfully ignorant of all things per-
taining thereto. But about the time I was six
years old the association of a female was for the
first time linked up with erotic sensations. It
was of a rather insignificant nature and trans-
pired under the following circumstances: For a
year or more my mother, failing in health, had
been confined to her room. There was in the
domestic employ, an elderly woman who acted
in the capacity of general housekeeper/ and
amongst whose varied, and multiple obligations
devolved that of watching over and endeavoring
to keep me out of mischief. When I was about
six years old, she retired from our service and
in her place came a maid of s*******n or eigh-
teen. Her appearance was attractive, her man-
ner genial, and I soon developed a strong liking
for her.

This girl had been duly authorized to punish
me for disobedience, or other infractions of the
household peace, corporal punishment being the
prescribed remedy. But she was a good natured,
kind hearted damsel and it wasn't until I had
committed a particularly malevolent piece of
mischief one day that she lost her temper mo-
mentarily, turned me across her knee, and gave
me a paddling. The blows were not of sufficient
severity to cause me any real discomfort, and
something about the position in which she held
me across. heir knees, or perhaps some dormant
instinct awakened by the contact of her hand
on my bottom, began to work on my sexual nerve
centers and resulted in a muscular reaction simi-
lar to that which 1 had observed on other occa-
sions already referred to. In addition, I now
became aware of a decidedly pleasurable sensa-
tion which was stealing through my body, a sen-
sation which seemed to be forming in and radi-
ating from the regions about my groins. The
condition I was in must have become apparent
to her through the pressure of a hard little cock
against her thigh for she abruptly discontinued
the chastisement, and I perceived a smile on her
lips as she stood me back on the floor.

From that time on I sought ways and means
of securing repetitions of this pleasant punish-
ment, and the obliging damsel, entering into the
spirit of things, accommodated me generously.
But the method first employed was improved
upon. Subsequent spankings were not adminis-
tered, without first lowering or removing my
trousers, and while the spanking was in prog-
ress the amiable girl held me in such a position
that while one hand was dealing blows of just
enough vim to warm my naked bottom, the other
could be insinuated under my groins, and cup-
ped over my cock and testicles. The soft pres-?
sure and contact of her hand upon these organs
caused me such exquisite tremors as to motivate
constant efforts on my part to provide her with
pretexts, which I instinctively sensed to be nec-
essary, for more and better spankings.

Now, it might reasonably have been expected
that these little incursions into the realms of
concupiscence would have paved the way to
others of a more advanced nature. But such
was not the case; she never ventured to extend
the simple repertoire, nor did it ever occur to
me to so much as* wonder what she might have
between her own legs. For upward of a year
the spankings continued and then, much to my
regret, she took her departure from our midst.
And though it concerned me not the slightest
at the time, I often speculated in after years as
to precisely what there had been for her in all
this and what pleasure she could have derived
from the performance. Possibly the mere han-
dling and fingering of my small but eminently
masculine attributes in their state of sexual ex-
citation reacted upon her own sensibilities, pro-
voking a species of reciprocal echo. At -any rate,
I remember her with the kindliest feelings of

I was seven years old when I made an import-
ant discovery. In the yard which surrounded our
home were a number of trees. Among them was
one of the eucalyptus variety, slim and straight
as an arrow. Some six or seven inches in dia-
meter at the base, its verdant bark as smooth
as silk and not a branch or twig to mar its lis-
som symmetry for thirty or forty feet above the
ground. There was something distinctly femi-
nine about this young tree. Perhaps it was the
smooth, beautiful bark, and its slender grace-
fulness which set it apart in vivid contrast with
its gnarled and rugged companions.

One afternoon, having nothing better to do, I
endeavored to climb this tree by the "shinning"
process. As you may not know just what the
term means I will explain that, having no limbs
or protuberances within reach which would pro-
vide foot holds, the only way to climb such a
tree was to wrap one's arms and legs tightly
about the trunk, and by virtue of much wrig-
gling and squirming, work one's way upward
inch by inch. I had succeeded in hunching my-
self upward a short distance in this fashion
when I began to feel again that delicious trem-
or which the hand of our erstwhile maid had
formerly provoked. It was being produced by
the friction and rubbing of my cock against the
tree. When I realized this I clamped my legs
tighter and wriggled more energetically and the
more I wriggled, the more pronounced became
that teasingly, pleasant sensation. I redoubled
my efforts, and abruptly something seemed to
burst down there inside, and as it burst, a wave
of delicious sensations was radiated through my
body from head to foot. I had experienced my
first orgasm. Half dazed, forgetting that I was
at some elevation, I relaxed my grip on the tree,
and half slid, half fell to the ground, where for
some moments I lay in a state of amazed won-
der. When my wits returned,\ I essayed an-
other climb, but the nice feeling refused to re-
peat itself. Another effort the next day was
more successful and needless to state, that tree
was for some time hence the object of my most
fervent adoration. So I may say with all truth-
fulness that my first sweetheart was a slender
young tree. I remained faithful to this love
until in the due course of time, I found that the
nice feeling could be reproduced in a far simp-
ler and much less arduous manner namely, a
little manual manipulation, and then the tree
went into the discard.

At nine I was in my second year of school and
was being initiated (in theory) in the mechanism
of love by well informed young companions. An
intriguing word of four letters was being con-
stantly brought to my attention as it appeared
mysteriously chalked on the walls of toilets,
sometimes in more public places. The little girls
snickered, giggled, or blushed at covertly whis-
pered words, or signs and motions. Or with sim-
ulated indignation threatened to "tell the teach-
er." I knew now that these little girls had some-
thing between their legs entirely different from
what boys had; something in the nature of an
opening, provided for the express purpose of
having a boy's cock inserted therein, and that
when so inserted both parties to the transaction
enjoyed ineffable delights. And my heart hun-
gered for practical demonstrations. But, alas,
I was not of a bold and forward disposition, and
could not bolster up my courage to the point of
asking a girl to "do it" with me, the proper for-
mula, according to my more venturesome com-
rades. And so, I had to content myself with
listening to their tales of conquests, while my
heart was consumed with envy. I would have
blushed with shame to have been obliged to
confess it, but up to this period I had never so
much as glimpsed in a single instance that mys-
terious region between a little girl’s legs. True,
they played and disported themselves at times
with careless abandon, in which short dresses
were well elevated, but they invariably had on
panties which effectually concealed the salient
point of interest. With what enthusiasm would
I have hailed a law probiting the use of panties
by girls.

There was one for whom I eventually came to
feel an overwhelming passion, but my love was
mixed with awe, I guarded it a close secret, nor
ventured by word or act to convey any indica-
tion of its existence to the object of my adora-
tion. Her name was Flora. A golden haired lit-
tle fairy who wore her hair in long curls. Flora's
age was about that of my own or possibly a lit-
tle younger. I watched and admired from the
distance, and was filled with rage when one boy,
a coarse, displeasing fellow in my opinion, calm-
ly observed that he had "done it" with Flora.
It was a lie, I felt certain, a bit of bragging de-
signed to awaken the envy of his hearers, but I
hated him cordially from that moment and on
the slightest provocation would have picked a
fight with him.

I passed my waking hours in day dreams of
Flora. Before falling to sleep at night I imagined
delicious situations in which she and I were
thrown together under circumstances which
forced us to sleep together. We were marooned
on tropical islands, or lost in the wilds. In fancy
I hugged her naked body to mine, touched and
caressed her limbs, fondled her to my heart's
content and delighted my eyes with the vision
of her nude loveliness, to fall asleep at last with
my cock sticking straight up while Flora danced
through fantastic dreams.

'Tis said that all things come to him who waits.
And one Saturday afternoon I passed by a va-
cant lot in which a group of youngsters from my
neighborhood were playing. Flora was amongst
them. Somebody shouted my name, calling me
to join them. Not having business elsewhere of
sufficient importance to offset the pleasure of
being near Flora I immediately accepted the in-
vitation. Little did I suspect it at the moment,
but wonderful things were in store for me that
sunny June afternoon. It is thus that Fortune
favors us when we least expect her grace.

After a while the charming little mistress of
my heart approached me, and with a friendly
smile on her face, whispered:

"Let's you and I run off and play by our-

Had the sun suddenly turned green I could
not have been more surprised. It was the first
time she had ever addressed me except in the
most impersonal manner. Furthermore, the se-
cretive way in which she had communicated the
little message, the furtive look she cast toward
the others as she whispered it, were pregnant
with romance. My heart leaped with pleasure
as I nodded my conformity.

"All right! Come on!" she answered in a low
voice, and together we slipped away unobserved
by the rest. When we had rounded a corner,
and were out of their range of vision, she again
placed her lips close to my ear and shielding
her mouth with her hand, whispered :

"Let's go to the park and play married !"

The surprise I had received when she first
addressed me was nothing compared to the elec-
trical effect of this second communication for
the expression "playing married" had a very
concise, and unmistakable meaning in our little
world — a meaning which admitted of no misin-

The part she referred to was an extension of
land which traveresed the northern section of
the city and which was destined some day to
become a public park, having been purchased by
the municipality for this purpose. At this time
however, it was nothing but an uncultivated
tract of ground, overgrown with weeds and wild
shrubbery. Through the center of this terrain
ran a deep gulch in which water had sometime
flowed. It was dry now and there were occasion-
al deposits of clean, white sand in the boulder
strewn bed. Its precipitate banks were overhung
with vines and wild vegetation.

This so-called park enjoyed a peculiar reputa-
tion among the young folks. It was referred to
with sly looks and smiles for it was supposed to
be the scene of most of the amorous adventures
which took place between juvenile gallants and
accommodating misses. Certainly, the secluded
nooks and refuges available amidst its verdant
shrubbery lent themselves admirably to the game
of "playing married."

So off we trotted and five mniutes later, breath-
less and flushed, we were at the outskirts of the
park described. We slipped under a wire fence,
and were soon scurrying through the underbrush
toward the gulch itself. When we reached it we
followed its bank until we found a place which
afforded a safe descent, and then, jumping, slip-
ping and sliding we reached the bottom.

From the beginning Flora had taken the ini-
tiative. I accepted her leadership, and acquiesc-
ed to each suggestion she offered. I was still
tongue-tied with timidity. Truly, the female of
the species is, at certain ages, more venturesome
than the male! After a short exploration we
found a cozy little nook almost entirely con-
cealed behind a curtain of green foliage, an
ideal little love nest requiring no alterations ex-
cept the clearing away from its sandy floor of
an accumulation of rubbish and dead leaves. We
set to work and quickly cleaned out this refuse
until nothing remained but clean sand. Satisfied
with the results of our labors, we sat down to
rest for a moment. The position in which Flora
was sitting afforded a generous glimpse of her
tight little panties and between this and other
anticipated revelations my nerves were tingling
with excitement. After a short silence, during
which she eyed me expectantly, she suddenly
arose and exclaimed:

"Well, if we're going to play married, you
have to take your pants off! I'll take mine off!"

And suiting action to word, with perfect sang-
froid' and without the least embarrassment she
raised her dress and unfastened the garment to
which she had referred. It slid down her legs
and was kicked off to one side. I got tip and
began fumbling with my own buttons. My fin-
gers were numb and torpid and it was an inter-
minable length of time before I got my trousers
and underwear off. And now I became aware of
an embarrassing condition which further con-
tributed to my confusion. One which on two
or three subsequent occasions in my life made
itself apparent much to my mortification and

Something which* on countless occasions had
risen valiantly at the mere thought of seeing
Flora naked and which had been standing up
manfully while we were arranging the nest, now
failed me treacherously and was hanging with
its head down in the most listless and dejected
attitude possible to imagine. Flora gazed at it
a moment and exclaimed:

"Why, your dickie isn't stiff yet!"

There was no denying this allegation, and I
remained silent. However, she evidently regard-
ed the condition as amenable to correction, and
with worldly wisdom, added:

"Look at me between the legs and it will get

So saying, she lifted her dress and separating
her thighs, arched her body outward so that her
little cleft was exposed in all its juvenile nudity.

What were my emotions, as I stared wide eyed
at that tiny portion of feminine anatomy which
had so long intrigued my imagination, and on
which I was now gazing for the first time in actu-
ality? Too mixed and confused to render a des-
cription possible. My fascinated eyes perceived
that what I had supposed to be something in the
nature of a hole or a round opening was instead
a narrow cleft — a cleft resembling a tiny valley

between two plump little hills. A valley that,
starting from a little dimple, coursed downward,
and curved inward between her thighs. It was
like the letter "V" with a straight line down
through the center! Surely a boy's thing couldn't
be pushed very far into that tight, narrow little
place. Probably it was only supposed to be
rubbed along the length of the little valley, be-
tween the fat little hills.

Meanwhile the efficacy of Flora's homeopathic
remedy for impotency was making itself appar-
ent, and my cock began to straighten out. It
lifted itself upward with little jerks, and before
many moments it was standing out horizontally,
as firm and hard as it had been before.

As soon as she was satisfied that its condition
was favorable to her purpose, a condition she
verified by extending her hand and testing its
rigidity with her fingers, she twisted her dress
around her waist, and lay down on the sand. I
knew enough to place myself on my knees be-
tween her open legs. Inclining my body for-
ward over hers, I managed to get the head of
my cock between the plump little lips and com-
menced to bob up and down, pressing and rub-
bing against her.

She stood this curious treatment for a few
moments and then pushing me from her, she
sat up.

30 "Silly! That isn't the way! You have to make
it goto!"

Without waiting for apologies, she extended
her body out again on the sand, took my cock
between her fingers, got the tip of it inserted
and started in the right direction, and with a
sudden upward heave secured its complete in-
tromission. Guided by instinct I raised and low-
ered my hips in unison with the undulating
movements she imparted to her own. The fric-
tion of her hot little genitals and their moist
embrace as they clung to, and sucked at my
cock brought the natural reaction, and as the
preliminary tremors of ecstasy began to make
themselves felt, I accelerated my movements.
And with the acceleration the pleasure intensi-
fied. Frantically I worked my cock in and out
of the tight, wet little lips which clung on it so

Ah, if I could live them over again I would
dsaw those happy moments into hours of de-
light, extending and prolonging each precious,
celestial second into indefinite lengths. But alas,
I knew nothing of the principles of conserving
energy or scientific methods of prolonging to its
utmost the all too fleeting pleasure and thought
only to reach the culminating, divine instant as
quickly as possible.

Just as I was trembling on the verge of a

sterile but deliciously swieet orgasm, her legs
flashed up and engaged themselves tightly about
my body, and from her lips emerged a series of
exclamations which testified to the measure of
her own sensations. She clung to me for a mo-
ment and then her arms relaxed their grip about
my neck. She disengaged her legs from my body
and lay back upon the sand. There was an ex-
pression on her face, as she eyed me covertly
from under half closed lids, which denoted some-
thing of surprise as well as satisfaction.

We got up a few minutes later and I took a
final look at the little bisected "V" at the base
of her stomach which had provided me with
what would probably be the tenderest memory
of my life. In silence she replaced her panties,
smoothed out her clothes and stood waiting for
me to finish dressing. Then, when we were ready
to leave, she snuggled her hand into mine, glanc-
ed shyly at me and murmured:

"Gee, it felt nice, didn't it?"

That night as I lay awake reviewing the mo-
mentous event' I suddenly remembered that de-
spite all the castles in air I had built up in my
imagination around just such an occasion, I had
not kissed her when the opportunity was at
hand. No, not a single kiss or caress of any
nature aside from the copulation itself. Nor had
I scarcely more than touched with my fingers

32 that seductice and mysterious little cleft. And
part of my complacency changed to chagrin as
I realized all I had missed by my silly bashful-

From that day on my character began to un-
dergo a change. My shyness and reticence fell
away and while at certain times it returned to
plague me temporarily, I was generally bold and
venturesome whenever I had the slightest reason
to think I knew my ground.

My next rendezvous with Flora was effected
through my own initiative. Our relative positions
changed and it was I who assumed the leader-
ship* Her manner toward me was respectful,
submissive, as if in a certain sense she belonged
to me, and this time I put into execution every
fancy my inexperienced mind could conceive. I
petted, caressed, fondled and handled her to my
heart's content. I made a close ocular examina-
tion of the mysterious domain between her
plump, white little thighs. I even ventured to
explore the interior depths with an inquisitive
linger. To all this manipulation she submitted
patiently, apparently gratified at my interest.
When I had looked, handled and caressed my
fill, I placed myself betwieen her outstretched
thighs, and without any false movements this
time, got my cock into her, and handled it to

such good effect that we were both soon gasp-
ing with pleasure.

After this I progressed rapidly. Not to be out-
done by other boys who boasted of many con-
quests I began to make advances to other little
girls, and was amazed at the facility with which
I obtained their complaisance. Some indeed re-
pulsed me — there were girls like that — foolish
little things, who wouldn't know what was good
for them — but there were plenty of others, and
so I mentally consigned the obstinate ones to
the dark regions, and devoted my attentions to
those who were amenable to reason. Flora her-
self presented a little friend who blushingly con-
fessed to a desire to "try it" once. To my mysti-
fication, an intact hymen in this instance ob-
structed a successful demonstration and in my
ignorance of feminine physiology I attributed
the failure to a sad defect in her little body-
she had been born without a hole! I had yet
to learn that maidenheads were at a premium.

A boy friend confided that he had "done it"
with his sister, aged twelve.

"We were playing up in the hay loft in the
barn and I got her down and looked at her
cunny. Then she wanted to look at mine, and
so I let her. Then I told her she had to do it
with me. She didn't want to, but I made her.
Now we sneak up there and do it lots!"

34 The girl in question was such a sedate quiet
Miss that I was much astonished and really
doubted the truth of the story, but it aroused
my lubricity and I asked him if he would get her
to do it with mi© too. He said he would, and
his efforts as an "ambassador" of love in my be-
half were so successful that an agreement was
promptly arrived at. Upon an altar of sweetly
scented hay, under the dusty rafters of the old
barn, the blushing, but willing victim of this
libidinous sacrifice to Venus was offered up. Sans
panties, and with dresses up she permitted me
to take my place between her outstretched legs
and drain the cup of love while her young bro-
ther looked on complacently. When I had fin-
ished he quickly took my place, and without un-
due embarrassment at my presence, inserted his
small cigar shaped cock in her and gave her a
second work out.

The next day she communicated to me by
means of a note surreptitiously slipped into my
hand at recess that if I would wait for her after
school at a certain place we could "do that again
that we did yesterday."

Another little youngster of nine or ten, a veri-
table Mesalina in the budding, conceded her
favors to four of us "en masse". In the basement
of the deserted schoolhouse, to which we gained
access through an unlatched window one Satur-

day afternoon,, she stripped off both panties and
dress for our edification, and one by one, un-
troubled by an excess of spectators or hygienic
considerations we took turns in prodding her
with our small, but rigid little cocks.

According to orthodox theories these little
girls were all on the road to inevitable ruin if
not already there. Yet to my personal knowl-
edge with respect to several of them, they grew
up, married and lived normal and respectable
lives. One indeed who had been particularly
liberal with her favors — I doubt if there was a
boy in the entire neighborhood for whom she
hadn't removed her panties at least once — I met
some sixteen years later. At first I failed to rec-
ognize in the modest, well dressed young matron
and mother of a beautiful c***d of two, a former
youthful partner in fornication. But something
stirred in my memory and without stopping to
think that perhaps she would prefer not to have
the past recalled, I asked her if she hadn't lived
in such and such a neighborhood in her c***d-
hood. She nodded assent. "Don't you remember
me?" I asked impulsively, repeating my first
name. "No, I don't recall you!" she replied.
"Why, I — " and then I saw that her cheeks «were
blazing. Belatedly, my own face burning with
the sudden comprehension of my tactless inter-
rogation, I changed the subject.


At thirteen I was growing rapidly, was quite
tall and well developed, this also contrary to
certain other accepted theories for according to
all authorities on the subject, such excesses as I
was indulging in should irrevocably have under-
mined my health. For in addition to fucking
every little girl I could wheedle into removing
her panties I also masturbated myself with more
or less frequency. One day I ran across an old
medical book containing drawings and diagrams
of the human form in various stages of revela-
tion. The book intrigued my purient interest, and
while searching it for more illustrations I came
upon a chapter on masturbation which, hastily
read, chilled the blood in my veins and sent me
flying to a mirror to see how many of the visi-
ble signs, so luridly described, were visible in my
own countenance. According to this book, boys
who practised the destructive vice were recog-
nizable under a cursory examination. Their eyes
were dull and lifeless, the lids discolored and
swollen. Their faces were sallow, and even their
self-conscious and nervous demeanor was suffi-
cient to betray their guilty secret. All unfortu-
nate boys addicted to this vicious habit were
doomed. Insanity, consumption, premature old
age were all lurking close at their elbows. A
rapid calculation as I rushed to a mirror told
me that I had been at it for four years or more,

and it was indeed with a sigh of relief that I
scrutinized the reflection which gazed back into
my anxious eyes. No signs of senile decay were
visible. My complexion was cleiar and rosy, my
eyes bright and limpid. And I certainly was not
undersized, for my physique was such that I was
generally taken to be at least two years older
than I really was. A prolonged examination dis-
sipated my fright, but I had received a shock,
and thereafter I indulged in masturbation only
on special occasions. As the book said nothing
about anything disagreeable happening to boys
who fucked little girls, I assumed that no evil
consequences need be anticipated from this di-

At f******n, I was associating with boys sev-
eral years older than myself, some of whom had
had experiences with adult females, some even
with prostitutes. In the light of their revelations,
my own little adventures seemed insipid and in-
fantile. I learned of mysterious houses where one
could go and have his choice from among a num-
ber of luscious young females on display in the
nude. There was a certain section of the city al-
lotted to their special occupancy, whole blocks
of buildings devoted to the traffic of commercial-
ized sexual pleasures.

Grown women! It must feel much nicer to do
it with an adult woman than with an immature,

38 inexperienced little girl! The thought grew, ob-
cessed me, seit my fancy on fire. And still I
dared not think of trying to enter one of these
palaces of delight, for though I knew where
they were located, boys under eighteen were not
supposed to be admitted. I could pass for six-
teen easy enough, but hardly eighteen.

One of my friends became the envied owner
of a packet of pictures of nude women. They
were passed from hand to hand. I persuaded the
fortunate owner to let me take them home with
me over night. I wanted to enjoy them in pri-
vate, at leisure, in the seclusion of my room.
One by one I examined them with my jcock stick-
ing up and threatening to go off by mere force
of mental stimulation. What took my eye was the
fascinating triangle of curly hair which stood out
so prominently on the pubic regions of the mod-
els. None of the little girls I had had dealings
with had hair down there, or at least more than
a soft, incipient, almost imperceptible growth.
The thick, curly profusion which adorned the
sexual regions of the ladies in these pictures held
my eyes in fascination. What an exquisite sensa-
tion those ciisp curls woult provoke as they tick-
led one's cock and testicles! And their breasts,
full, round iand luscious, projecting outward like
snowy hills! Not a girl I knew had anything to
compare with what these pictures revealed.

As I studied them, my hand u*********sly
dropped downward over an erected cock which
was fairly bristling with fury. And, unable to re-
sist the urge, I jacked myself off with rapid
strokes. As orgasm took place several jets of
milky fluid sppurted outward. My testicles were
secreting semen and I now constituted a first
class risk to damsels of twelve and upward who
were indiscreet enough to let me squirt that hot
starchy looking stuff between their legs. When
the last drop had been squeezed out, I sighed,
hid the pictures under my mattress, and turned
out the light.

I wanted a mature woman, one who had hair
around her cunt and big breasts and I wanted
her with all the ardor of my being. But there
was no woman I dared approach. Then, as un-
expectedly as golden haired little Flora had en-
tered my life, Fortune led me, or I might say,
actually shoved me, right into circumstances
which culminated in the fulfilment of my ambi-

Among my acquaintances was a boy by the
name of Gerald. Having interests in common we
formed a species of alliance although he was
somewhat younger than I. He invited me to his
home and thus I came to meet his mother. One
look and I was head over heeds in love. She was
everything imaginable in feminine pulchritude.

40 Around thirty but still conserving a youthful
beauty which might well have been the envy of
women much younger, small and petit of figure,
a pair of bubbies which projected her blouse out
in front in the most amazing manner, she fairly
made my mouth water. I could hardly take my
eyes off of her during the time I was in the
house. She was a widow, Gerald's father having
died years previously. Evidently she had married
at a very tender age. It was apparent that Ger-
ald was the pride of her life, and any of Ger-
ald's friends were treated with royal considera-
tion. My visits became frequent, and I was in-
variably regaled with cake, mince pie, plum pud-
ding or other gastric delicacy. But it wasn't the
cake, or the- pie, or the pudding which drew me.
I came to look, and long, and siglu Presumably
my passion was unsuspected, but at times she
seemed to be eyeing me with a quizzical, under-
standing expression on her face.

One afternoon Gerald and I decided to enter-
tain ourselves by making and flying a pair of
kites. We secured paper, twine, sticks, and other
essentials. While engaged in this for once eiu
tirely innocent occupation, Gerald's mother
brought us two big glasses of lemonade, and
some chocolate cake. She was going to town, she
said, and was serving us this luncheon so we
wouldn't get hungry meanwhile.

Gerald and I finished our kites, and carried
them to the square six blocks distant. He soon
had his floating in the sky, but mine, solicitously
guided by the finger of Destiny, tried to argue
the right of way with an electric light wire and
before I could extricate it was badly damaged.
Repairs necessitated both paper and paste, so
while Gerald remained, I returned with the in-*
tention of getting these essentials from his mo-
ther. When I reached the house I ascended the
front steps, and rang the bell. There was no re-
sponse. As I waited, I suddenly remembered
that she had, presumably, gone to town. In a
tentative way, I tried the door and found some-
what to my surprise that it was unlocked. Know-
ing exactly where to find the things I desired, I
opened the door and walked in. Prom the parlor
a hall led to the kitchen and in this direction I
turned my steps. I was exactly half way thru
this long hall, when the door to the bath room,
just ahead of me, swung open and Gerald's mo-
ther stepped out into the hall, fresh from the
tub and strip, stark naked except for her hose
and slippers.

It would have been difficult to say which of us
was the most astounded. We both froze in our
tracks gazing at each other wordless with sur-
prise. I opened my mouth to make some explana-
tion, but a correct formula of apology to offer a

42 lady under such circumstances was beyond me
and I closed it again without having uttered a
word. There seemed to be a haze in the air
which partially obscured my sight through it I
perceived a black triangle which gradually re-
solved into a glossy silky profusion of tight lit-
tle Tinglets of hair, sharply outlined against a
background of snowy whiteness. As this became
fixed on my consciousness, something down in
the front of my trousers began to hoist itsef up-
ward. A low, strained voice broke the spell:

"Where is Gerald?"

Mechanically the answer fell from my lips.

"He's down at Wellington Square with his

The expansion in the front of my trousers had
reached its maximum, causing a tent shaped pro-
jection outward. I was still gazing thru a sort of
cloud, but it seemed to me that she was smiling
faintly. The next thing I knew she was standing
close in front of me, and had placed one of her,
hands on my shoulder. The other slipped down
inside the waist band of my trousers. A bit of
fumbling with underclothing and soft cool fin-
gers closed around my cock. They remained
there for a moment and were withdrawn. I felt
them tugging at the buttons in the front of my

One, two, three, four little tugs, and like a

jack-in-the-box released at the touch of a spring,
my cock jumped out into the light of day as the
clothing which had imprisoned it was loosened.
Again soft fingers encircled it and with a for-
ward movement of her hand the scarlet plum
shaped head was exposed to view. The hand re-
ceded and; it disappeared from view within its
protecting shield. The movements were repeated
a few times, sending little electric thrills chasing
up and down my spina And then a soft voice
murmured in my ear:

"You've been hanging around here with this
thing sticking up under your pants to tempt me
for the last three months. Can you keep a secret ?

I nodded my head affirmatively. '
, "Well then run and slide the bolt on the front
door before someone else comes walking in!"

My heart was pounding with excitement as I
ran to obey. When I returned, she opened the
door to her bedroom, and motioned for me to

"Take off your clothes!"

I was still flushed with emotion, but I was
recovering my composure, and as I stripped off
my clothing, my eyes were devouring the delect-
able spectacle of her nudity. Pretty as she was
dressed, she was a hundred times prettier naked.
How different she looked from those flat chest-
ed little girls with their small bottoms* their


bodies, except in one single detail, little different
from those of boys! Her full round hips, her
narrow waist, her maturely symmetrical legs and
thighs, her breasts so big and white, with their
luscious carmine nipples. Even as I looked, those
luscious strawberry-like tips seemed to be
changing in form. They were puffing out, taking
on a deeper hue, projecting themselves forward

And, charm of charms, that fascinating pro-
fusion of dark ringlets of hair which formed as
true and perfect a triangle at the base of her
stomach as though drawn by rule and pen.
Plainly visible under the inverted point of the
triangle, could be seen the clean-cut incision of
her sex as it curved gracefully inward between
white, round thighs. Observing my trembling ex-
citation and wide-eyed wonder, she broke into
laughter, and throwing her arms about me be-
gan to kiss me, exclaiming:

"Haven't you ever seen a woman naked be-
fore, darling ?"

"Yes. . .1. . .that is. . .girls. .. ." I answered,
my voice trailing off in confusion.

"Girls?" she prompted, "What girls ?"
"Why., .ah. . .lots of them, girls in school!"
"School girls?" she repeated, in surprise,
"What do you mean, darling? Girls don't take
off their clothes at school, do they?"

"No, no! After school I mean, in the park,

"You surely don't mean they take off their
clothes in places where boys can see them naked,
do you?"

"Yes, m'am."

"Girls how old?"

This interrogation was making me uneasy,
still I sensed the fact that I was safe in con-
fiding in her. "Oh, all ages," I answered, rather
vaguely. "I did it with one girl that's past 12."

"You did it! Are you trying to tell me that
you've really had intercourse with some of those
little girls?"

"Sure, I have!" I answered disdainfully. "Lots
and lots of them!"

"But darling," she gasped, "I can't believe it!
Little school girls are not even supposed to know
about such things! Why, good heavens, you
couldn't make this go in a little girl without
hurting her!"

"It doesn't hurt all of them !" I insisted, stub-
bornly. Which was true enough, for I hadn't
in fact encountered many maidenheads.

"Well, it doesn't seem possible," she comment-
ed. Suspending for the moment the interroga-
tion she led me to the bed, lay down upon it,
and drew me over on top of her.

Soft fingers took possession of my cock, and
guided it quickly to the entrance of the humid

46 recess between her thighs. Now she placed her
hands over the cheeks of my bottom. A firm
pressure, a gentle movement of hips and thighs
and the turgid emblem of my sex was within the
portals and I felt the contact of thick, crisp
hair against my flesh. She undulated her hips
with a gyratory movement and almost immedi-
ately that "nice feeling" began to generate it-
self around the principal point of contact and
was radiated thence in delicious little waves
thruout my body. I raised and lowered my hips
in unison with her own movements.

All too quickly the humid warmth and suction
vanquished my limited powers of resistance, and
soon the spermatic liquid was being drawn from
my testicles. As I moaned with pleasure the
pressure of her hands on my bottom became
more forceful and her movements more energetic
She gasped some unintelligible phrase, a convul-
sive shudder shook her body and ... it was all
over. I lay quietly with my weight upon her body
until my heart ceased its excessive beating. Then
raising myself, withdrew my dripping cock from
between her thighs. She gave it one look and
springing hastily from the bed, exclaimed:

"My heavens! You're old enough to give me
a baby, if I don't watch out!"

She ran into the bathroom and after a brief
absence returned with a damp towel, with which

she sponged me off. Assuming that my hour of
triumph was over, I reached for my clothing but
she detained me with a gesture and suggested
that I lie down and rest a few minutes first. So
willingly enough, I lay back down on the bed
again. She lay down by me, slipped an arm un-
der my neck and drew my face over against one
of her protruding, pointed breasts. I pressed my
cheek gratefully against the cool, smooth flesh.

"Now tell me about those girls," she insinu-
ated, softly. And bit by bit she drew from me
the gist of my juvenile romances. These disclos-
ures seemed to cause her the most genuine sur-
prise. While we talked one of her hands en-
gaged itself with my cock. She slipped, the fore-
skin back and forth, fingered and toyed with it.
Between this tantalizing manipulation, the sight
of her naked body, and the erotic effects of our
conversation as she pressed me for intimate de-
tails of my conquests, it began to recover its dig-
nity, extending itself perceptibly in length and

"Do all the boys in school do such things ?"
she asked, her fingers continuing their soft play
over the head of my cock. -

"Sure; they all do," I answered, innocently.

"Then Gerald has been doing it, with girls,

"Gerald? Well I don't know about him!"

48 I answered in confusion. She remained silent
and recovering my composure I ventured to ex-
tend my tongue, and rather timidly caressed one
of those luscious, red strawberries which was in
tempting proximity to my lips. I felt a tremor
pass over her body and encouraged, I took the
whole strawberry in my mouth and sucked it
avidly. Immediately her fingers tightened around
my cock and she began to pump it vigorously. I
became still more daring, and placed my hand
down over the triangle of dark curls. And, after
a momentary hesitation, I laid my finger on the
warm, moist membranes of her cleft.

In the course of my education in sexual physi-
ology, I had learned that in the upper extremity
of the little valley, just like a sentinel on guard
over the sacred precincts, was a little protuber-
ance which had a predilection for being petted
gently. It had the odd faculty of enlarging itself
slightly wnen touched or caressed, its reaction
in this respect being similar to that of the male

Putting this knowledge into effect I located
the highly sensitive little nerve, and with the tip
of my finger agitated it softly. Under the light
touch it responded by expanding and hardening.
At this point she suddenly seized my hand, and
laughing hysterically, removed it. She kissed me

with real fervor and pressed her body closer to

"Come on sweetheart, we'll do it once more!"

Disengaging herself from my arms she turned
over on her back, and separating her thighs,
drew me up upon her. Again my cock, now well
restored to virile capabilities, was introduced in-
to the tempel of love. The encounter was swift
and vigorous. I seconded her lively movements,
and again those hot lips drained my testicles to
the last drop. Shortly thereafter I was dressed,
and ready to take my departure. As I stood near
the door, she kissed me good-by, adding in an
anxious whisper: "You won't ever, ever tell any-
one, will you, sweetheart?" Fervently assuring
her that I never, never would, I took my leave.

At the fronfr gate I met Gerald, who greeted
me angrily.

"Where have you been all this time?" Did you
get the paste?"

"Paste? I repeated, vaguely, "Paste?" Why
.. .ah, no, there wasn't any!" And leaving him
staring at me open-mouthed, I continued on up
the street. Kite flying no longer interested me.

With the optimism of youth, I assumed that
the romance so auspiciously begun, would be
continued. But alas, I was doomed to disappoint-
ment. Whether the lady repented of her little in- "
discretion, or decided that I was too young to be

trusted I know not, but at any rate, never by
word or sign did she encourage me to expect a
repitition of the adventure, and eventually I com-
prehended that the chapter was closed.

During the year which followed I made a num-
ber of conquests among young girls of the neigh-
borhood but do not recall of any which were of
special interest. It was not so easy now as it had
been at first. Girls had to be won with courting,
coaxing and artifice. They protested hypocriti-
cally at bold advances. They were afraid they
would "get a baby." And how it happened that
none actually did only heaven knows, for some
of these young misses were close around the age
of puberty, as was attested to by the fine growth
of silky hair on their little mounts, and diminu-
tive, budding breasts.

I found that successful dealings with them
hinged mostly on coaxing them into some seclud-
ed place where there was no danger of intrusion
or interruption. Once this was accomplished, a
preliminary kissing and petting to get them
"hot" followed up by the sudden insertion of a
hand up under their skirts and panties was gen-
erally sufficient to get things started. There
would be a few squeals and protests, but the tip
of a skilled finger played over and around a cer-
tain magic little spot generally vanquished the
half-hearted resistance. The system was simplici-

ty itself, but almost invariably successful.

One thirteen-year-old, who claimed to have
learned the method by spying on her parents
when she was supposed to be sleeping, permit-
ted me to penetrate her but to my surprise, just
as I reached orgasm, jerked away from me and
seizing my cock with her hand, pumped its con-
tents out over her naked stomach. This proceed-
ing she denominated by the expressive term
"milking the cow", adding that it caused her a
nice feeling when the warm stuff squirted out on
her stomach.

With greater frequency now my thoughts were
on those intriguingly mysterious houses fco pic-
turesquely described by older companions, where
charming young ladies were at one's disposition
for a modest consideration.

But it wasn't until I had passed my sixteenth
birthday that I got up courage to make the
plunge. A sudden wave of boldness inspired the
determination, and in order not to give it a
chance to cool off, I decided to act immediately.

That night, nerves tingling with anticipation
anci excitement, I set out on foot for the red
light district. Approaching an establishment se-
lected entirely at random, I stepped inside and
closed the door behind me. I paused for a brief
moment and then mustering up my courage, ad-
vanced toward an open door. Enveloped in an

52- azure haze of smoke I saw a nearly furnished
room in which were seated or moving about, a
dozen girls and several men. The girls were in
varying stages of dress and undress. Some were
garbed in chemise, high heeled slippers and hose
only. Others had on diminutive silken skirts
which hung about halfway to their knees. One
or two were d****d in vividly colored kimonas.
Another, crossing the room at that moment with
a tray of liquor glasses in her hands — an attrac-
tive damsel with a mass of copper colored tres-
ses, and a skin as fair as a lily, was stark naked
except for hose and slippers. Her beautiful and
prominent breasts vibrated and trembled with
her movements.

Quickly my eyes took in the scene, impressing
upon my mind a composite picture of silk clad
limbs, naked thighs, breasts, arms, and a not dis-
pleasing array of faces. The girls were young,
much younger than I had supposed they would
be. As I stood motionless in the door taking in
the novel sight, a sudden hush fell upon the as-
sembly, and all eyes were turned on me. There
was a momentary silence. Then a feminine voice
exclaimed: "The stork has brought a baby for
someone !"

A burst of laughter followed this cynicism and
my cheeks began to burn. Then from among a
group of girls seated on a sofa one arose, and


came toward me, smiling: "Do you want a girl
to take to a room?" she insinuated coaxingly.
I knew that patrons were supposed to select
. their own merchandise, but my nervousness and
the embarrassment their risibility had provoked
inspired me with a desire to get out of the range
of all these curious eyes just as quickly as pos-
sible and I assented to her invitation with a nod
of my head. She took my hand and conducted
me down the long hall to her room. Once the
door closed behind us and we were in privacy,
some of my animation returned and I examined
my companion with deep interest. She was a
wholesome, sweet faced girl of eighteen or nine-
teen and her cordial, friendly treatment quickly
put me at ease. The financial details of the trans-
action arranged, she stripped off her little, silken
chemise and while I was removing my own cloth-
ing, occupied herself with the preparation of a
basin of warm water to which she added soap
and a few drops of some fluid, probably of an
antiseptic nature. As soon as I had disrobed she
approached me and holding the basin, washed
my cock in the soapy water. Under the touch of
her soft fingers as she manipulated it in the
warm fluid, it stiffened out valiantly.

As she bent over, her hair falling in glossy
ringlets about white shoulders, her pretty cone-
shaped breasts vibrating with each movement a

54 sense of satisfaction and exhilaration swept over
me and I placed my arms around her neck, drew
her face up and kissed her with enthusiasm, al-
most causing her to drop the basin. Hastily she
set it down and proceeded to dry me with a
small towel. Then, after pirouetting about the
room for a few moments to tantalize me with
the sight of her nakedness, she flung herself on
the wide comfortable bed and invited me to fol-
low her.

I was soon lying between her round white
thighs while her fingers started my cock in the
right direction. Then in and out, with slow delib-
erate movements at first and faster and faster as
the pleasant sensations increased in intensity,
and finally, with hard furious thrusts as she drew
from me the milky elixir of life. As it spurted
forth, she clasped me more closely to her and
gave expression to several passionate exclama-
tions. I didn't know at the time that simulating
orgasm is an art quickly acquired by these little
vestals of love whose business it is to always
"please" the customer.

After she had attended to certain hygienic re-
quirements, she returned to the bed where we
lay for a * while exchanging confidences. Her
name was Josephine. She assured me, greatly to
my satisfaction, that I was much nicer (!) than
most of the men who visited her, and extracted

a promise that I would come back to see her,
a promise which was whole-heartedly and be-
came real friends with Josephine.

Some of the other girls attempted to win me
from Josephine but on observing that our rela-
tionship was firmly cemented they desisted. As
a matter of fact, there were several I would
have liked to "try out" but a spirit of loyalty
to Josephine who was so good to me and the
fear of hurting her feelings kept me faithful.
Her affection for me was evidently quite sincere
and she counseled me wisely in many things.

During "the petting and teasing processes which
generally preceded our expansions I discovered
that she was partial to digital manipulations, or
in brothel terms, finger frigging. This condition
was probably due to some abnormality, or pos-
sibly the too frequent copulations in a profes-
sional capacity had dulled the normal reaction.
At any rate her emotions could not be complete-
ly, aroused any other way and I think the fact
that I was able to perceive this condition, and
was considerate of it, inspired to some degree
the affection she felt for me.

While gratifying her in this way I learned to
subject and hold my own emotions in check for
prolonged periods and this is an asset which can-
not be too highly estimated. Not only does it
sharpen the sensitory nerves, making them more

56 responsive to the delayed, orgasm but it also
places one in a very advantageous position with
respect to women. The pleasurable sensations
which accompany ejaculation in the male are
far more intense with the first orgasm than with
a second or third. Apparently, the "pleasure ca-
pacity" of the masculine sexual organism is de-
pleted or dulled greatly by the first ejaculation
and does not respond with the same vigor to
successive efforts unless there is considerable
time between.

The unnatural life led by girls in houses of
prostitution, submiting their bodies to sexual in-
tercourse without regard to their personal in-
clinations, frequently with men abhorent to them
tends to stultify and deaden their sensibilities.
Josephine had not reached this stage. She was
only two years older than I and as yet showed
no signs of dissipation. Her clear, grey eyes and
rosy cheeks sparkled with health, life and vim.
But she didn't like the way the men "did it"—
on top, finished and off before it hardly began
to feel good. She never really enjoyed herself
except with me, she said!

One day when I came in I noticed some of the
girls running in and out of the parlor, laughing
and giggling about something the nature of
which I was in ignorance. When Josephine and
I were alone I questioned her as to the cause of

the merriment. "Oh, it's that Swede who comes
to see Marigold," she replied.

The man. she referred to was, like myself, an
afternoon visitor. I had seen him on several oc-
casions sitting in the reception hall, waiting for
Marigold, the object apparently of his undivided
affections. He was a quiet, polite fellow, large of
stature, always plainly but neatly dressed. How
they had come to designate him as "the Swede"
I don't know unless it was that his blond hair
and Nordic accent someway suggested the na-
tionality. As Josephine replied to my query, she
too began to giggle and my curiosity was further
aroused. "Well, what's so funny about it?" I
insisted and as I spoke, there flashed over me
the recollection of previous instances when, after
the departure of this man I had observed smil-
ing glances directed at Marigold- — Marigold, the
girl I had seen cross the room naked the mem-
orable night of my initiation in sporting life —
who was also blond and whose copper colored

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PornHub Vintage

Do you enjoy watching vintage porn videos? There is just something irascible about the lovely natural babes of the past, right? If you agree, I have the perfect place for you, and it is called This is a free porn website covering a wide array of porn niches, and you are welcome to check out whatever you are in the mood for. With that said, I shall mostly be talking about the beauty of vintage pornography today!What is vintage porn?Vintage pornography is just old pornos. As you...

Vintage Porn Sites
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XVideos Vintage

Do you love watching porn from before you were born? I’m not talking about a few years before your birthdate either. I’m talking about porn that was filmed over a fucking hundred years ago!Or maybe you don’t find a crash course in pornographic history all that interesting. Perhaps you want to watch hot professionals getting their fuck on from the era when you grew up. Or maybe you get off to watching pre-HD content for some reason.Whatever the case may be, has the content...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Men Are From Venus Women Are From Mars

Men Are From Venus, Women Are From Mars By Roy Del Frink CHAPTER ONE: GETTING OFF THE GROUND It all started innocently enough. As you are probably fully aware, I'm C. J. Floyd, the cracker industrialist. One out every five crackers sold on Earth is a Floyd cracker. But there's more to me than crackers. I'm also a wealthy owner, No. 42 on the latest Forbes 500. I own the Floyd Foundation, and I donate a third of my earned millions into that charitable fund every year. And I've...

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iXXX Vintage

Vintage porn has always been one of those genres that aren’t so popular, but without it, the rest of the porn industry as we know it today would not exist. Vintage porn set the stage for all these new-age categories and genres to rise and win over the hearts of many people. So, it comes as no surprise that I wish to pay homage to the damn genre by looking at the category “vintage” on any free porn tube site from time to time. Today we are looking at this category on the website Trust...

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(taking to foxxy directly)You and Venus decide to have lunch in the restaurant that I work in. It's a rainy day and you two have just returned back to Newark to your suite in the Courtyard Marriott. You sit at the bar and order a couple of drinks. I see the two of you take your jackets off to reveal tight mini skirts and halter tops. When I see the two of you, my mouth drops open and I cannot help but to stare because you guys are looking extremely hot. You notice me staring and whisper in...

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ImageFap Vintage is a simple free porn website filled with lots of galleries and hot videos. Regarding old-school pornography, that kind of content is on a whole different level than the pornos that are produced today. This can be a good and a bad thing, obviously. But I am sure that since you are here, you would like to hear more about the beauty of vintage pornography, right?Well, as I said, is a free porn website, so you can enjoy the content as much as you want. Of course, I am...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Vintage Cuties

Vintage Cuties and classic beauties will always have a place in my heart and masturbation fantasies, no matter how many generations of modern sluts I continue to shake my dick at. So much porn is made and forgotten that you have to appreciate the photos and videos that have stood the test of time. When you’re cranking it to vintage smut, you’re continuing a sexual legacy that may have lasted a hundred years or more. Imagine being so sexy people are fapping to your memory a century after you...

Premium Vintage Porn Sites
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Vintage Classic Porn

VintageClassicPorn isn’t just for grandpas, porn historians and dapper lads in crotchless zoot suits. It’s arguably for anyone who wants to jack off. While there’s no shortage of modern, ultra-HD premium teen flicks and VR gangbangs that drop you right into the action, pornography doesn’t have to be that complicated; if it makes your dick hard, it’s good smut. The retro stuff that’s still around has stood the test of time, inspiring fap fantasies for tells you...

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Vintage Erotica Forums

Oooh!! I'm a big fan of the classic old Vintage Erotica Forum! Porn sites are a great place to get access to smut, obviously. But if you're into certain niche types of porn or unable to find exactly what you are looking for like a certain movie, magazine, or some other kind of print porn, googling around will only get you so far. This is particularly true when it comes to vintage porn.Vintage porn is great, but let's face it – it's a pain in the ass to find even decent...

Porn Forums
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Scrolller Vintage

Do you need a literally endless supply of vintage porn all on one page with no redirects and an infinite scroll? Boom. I got you, fam. Or, more accurately, Scrolller’s got you. This right here’s more of a compilation of several tags, but I’m pushing it as a section because, God damn it, it works so fucking well. Follow the link above, and you will end up on a page with infinite vintage porn. That’s about it. You don’t have to pay for it. You don’t have to watch any ads at all. You just get...

Vintage Porn Sites
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PornPics Vintage

It’s hard to beat the classics. Those hot pornstars of old had a unique technique the studios just can’t capture these days. And, hell, porn shot on film just has a whole different feel to it. And to be precise, I’m not referring to the early 2000s porn featuring scene bitches and dudes wearing parachute pants. That shit isn’t proper vintage. I’m talking about that good stuff from the 80s and back when just having a porn shoot of a mixed-race couple was a goddamn sensation. I want sluts with...

Vintage Porn Sites
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SpankBang Vintage

The old adage ‘they don’t make them like they used to’ holds enough truth that it has become a cliche. Shit just isn’t made to last like it used to be, but whether that phrase fits in porn can be debated. One could argue that porn studios don’t put the time, energy, and passion into porn that they used to back in the day, but I’m not sure that’s true. And even if it was, modern technology helps make up for some of that loss. The insane detail seen in current high definition porn blows what VHS...

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ViperGirls Vintage

Let’s take a trip down memory lane and look at how porn once was. Let’s remind ourselves of how porn used to be like decades ago. Let’s look at porn made before all the big porn networks got into the game and began out-competing each other regarding how many pixels they can cram on a screen while showing you a penis entering a vagina. Seriously, if you think about it, that’s all that HD porn is. Ever since we achieved 720p HD, 1080p Full HD and 2160p 4K Ultra HD have just been marketing...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Consensual ConsequencesChapter 28 The Altar

The next time that Sandy was able to collect a conscious thought, she was naked, cuffed and collared. The cuffs one her wrists were bound together behind her back, and a chain connected the cuffs on her ankles, limiting her movement. She was vaguely aware that she was in her Mistress's home once again. She could faintly recollect entering the large house, being stripped and collared, bathing, having her hair dried and styled, and being led back through the house by a leash. Then, a single...

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The Vampire Kiss Chapter Four Slut on the Altar

Chapter 4: Slut on the Altar by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 The metal door boomed shut behind Abigail D'Angelo. The room was pitch-black. Her naked feet flexed on the cold concrete. She didn't mind the cold or the dark. She could see. Everything was painted in hues of blue in the absent of light. This was her room now. Her Sire's orders. Abigail felt the oppression of the sun outside the room and the walls of Faust Tower in downtown Chicago. She curled down naked on the floor,...

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Sacrificed on the altar

The smell of church pews lingered in the air as Tabitha sat quietly praying. The first week of the honeymoon seemed to shout out to her that she was much less of a woman than she thought. Her long brown hair draped down covering her head like a hood of shame as she prayed asking God to show her how she could be a better lover. Joseph had imagined their love making to be so much more passion filled than it was. He blamed himself really for the clumsy attempts to please his wife. He thought...

Love Stories
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Venus Goddess of Love

Chapter 1: I Meet the Goddess “Venus, goddess of love?” I stared at the picture of the small figurine in the book I had borrowed from the library. “Nothing like the Venus de Milo I’ve seen in another book,” I thought. She was beautiful even if she didn’t have arms. This one had ballooning breasts, huge thighs and buttocks. Her hair covered her face like a woolly cap. I read the caption that told me that “Without fertile women, no primitive band of hunter gatherers could hope to survive.” ...

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The Dungeon of Venus

THE DUNGEON OF VENUS BY JARED ALEXANDER Vinnie was your typical boy with the doing of boy things until one day, he announced to his parents that he wanted to be a girl. Vinnie started to get teased in school and his home life also started to get dicey as well. His mother supported Vinnie's transition to female while his father didn't. Things got easier when his mother and father got a divorce mainly because of Vinnie's...

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The Vampires KissChapter 4 Slut on the Altar

The metal door boomed shut behind Abigail D'Angelo. The room was pitch-black. Her naked feet flexed on the cold concrete. She didn't mind the cold or the dark. She could see. Everything was painted in hues of blue in the absent of light. This was her room now. Her Sire's orders. Abigail felt the oppression of the sun outside the room and the walls of Faust Tower in downtown Chicago. She curled down naked on the floor, her clothing having been stripped away by Faust, the vampire who Sired...

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FapHouse Vintage

What’s up, you naughty little cum-fiend! You know, sometimes, I like to enjoy the classics. Sure, it’s nice watching the hottest girls of today get down with the nastiest sex trends in insane quality. Nowadays, it’s like you can look at any slut of your choice beat off while you watch from outside a fucking window. That’s how far technology’s come! But, there was a special kind of charm to porn back in the day. The 80s dance music, the permed hair, and stockings. I mean, holy shit! Do you...

Premium Vintage Porn Sites
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The Good Ship Venus

Yet again, something unexpected erupts from me... Okay who's got the dirty mind? You can stop the sniggering now and grow up. So, as I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted, an unexpected story from me, as it just slipped out while I was concentrating on other things. It owes a hell of a lot to Heinlein and E.E. 'Doc' Smith, but I am pretty sure it is all my own work (It may sound silly but a few wonderful ideas I had recently have been written already. John...

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Sacrificed on an altar

For me it was decided by my family a long time ago that i'd be offered up. I grew up knowing this and never fought it - although the idea scared me a lot. my 20th birthday was going to be a big deal, a huge party that had been prepared months in advance. On the day my mother, two of my aunts and a cousin gathered to prepare me for the offering. i was bathed, removed of all body hair, pampered with lotions and perfume, every strand of my hair put in it's correct place and white flowers were...

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The Anomaly Volume Two the Schemes of the Unknown UnknownChapter 2 Venus 3725 CE

Although it had been quiet for several weeks now, Laurent still experienced some trepidation as he walked into the Emergency Rescue station. It had been quiet for too long. When would this spell of relative peace come to an end? The long history of unfortunate incidents in the South West section of Ishtar Terra suggested that this would be very soon. The extreme heat and oppressive air pressure on the surface of Venus along with the tempestuous atmospheric storms ensured that life as a...

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Vintage Movies

It's no secret I love the movies I watched in the 70's so I still Love watching the ones (I can still remember). I used to go to this movie theater with my friends and watch at lease 2-3 movies on a Friday or Saturday night. I had never thought about anything more than Straight Porn. Then I got into wearing womens panties,borrowing them,stealing them from relatives and wearing them to jerk off. (Wish we would've had digital camera's back then). I remember dating this girl when I was 19 and this...

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Abused on the Altar

Abused on the Altar I first met Mary some years ago at Church. She was the wife of the Pastor and had been a young woman when she married her husband. He was much older than her, but he had a persuasive voice and Mary was young and pretty. Many years later, Mary's husband died, and she inherited the congregation. She was now much older. I wasn't really sure how old, but I guessed about 55-60. However, she still looked attractive for her age, and dressed very smartly; usually in...

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The Venus Seed

The Venus Seed By: Erapuer - [email protected] In the summer of 2000, a fellow colleague named John Nash and I received a grant from the University of Geneva to study a plant located somewhere in the Amazon rain forest. Fresh out of college, we were determined to prove ourselves within our small scientific community of various botanists and biologists. The plant officially had no name because it had never been documented in any scientific journals but the local word for it...

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Sybian and Venus Racing ndash4 Couples and The Bet

Sybian and Venus Racing –4 Couples and The Bet.I fancy a chance of fucking any of my mate’s wives. All six are sexy in different ways. So after a drunken night out we boys all agreed to find a way to swap partners for a night…….. but how?I told my wife about our drunken agreement while I was in the bath the following day. Not to my surprise she said that she was up for it. She moves close to the bath and places my hand on her pussy and as I slip a finger in its obvious that she’s highly...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 37 The Altar of Souls

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Kora Falk – Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch I gripped the ruby amulet as we climbed the small hill revealed behind the massive illusion. At the top, something glinted. Something crystal. The Altar of Souls. My heart beat faster and faster. A hot thrill built and built in me, it grew with every step. I could almost feel the soul of the Biomancer pulsing and quivering inside the ruby. Did he know that his phylactery’s...

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The Venus Club ch2

He stopped and, before he had a chance to turn around, I reached him with a long stride. I wrapped my arms around him. My cock, horizontal until a second ago, was now pointing up, caught between his lower back and my stomach. I squeezed my friend and sucked his right ear while he rested his head on my left shoulder sighing lightly. "I was begging you would do this," he whispered. I slid my left hand down to the base of his cock and began rubbing firmly his pubic hair with my palm, my...

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The Venus Curse

The Venus Curse By Lampwickxxx There was nothing in the mail for John that morning. But just as he was turning away from the door he heard a letter drop onto the mat. The postman must have forgotten it and turning back he saw a pink envelope lying on the mat. Picking it up he looked at the crisp black letters and his address. Opening it, he found a single piece of very fine paper inside, the border was gold and in old fashioned writing it had complete jargon. Metaphorsic Venus...

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The Anomaly Volume Two the Schemes of the Unknown UnknownChapter 5 Venus 3732 CE

The scorching wind that blew sluggishly across the Venusian plain made progress difficult enough for Beatrice, but much worse for Laurent and the others in his team. Although she could have taken the lead, Beatrice tactfully trailed the rest of her crew as they struggled with immense effort in their thick-shelled space suits across fifty metres of dimly lit superheated soil to the crumpled wreckage of the crashed shuttle. It had fallen victim to weather conditions dramatically worse than...

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Venus My Mistress In Leather and Lace

I enter the room and get undressed, neatly folding my clothes and placing them in the corner. I remember the first time I was here, how angry my Mistress was when I just tossed my clothes to one side. Now I am more careful. Once undressed I stand in front of her, my Venus: my Mistress in leather and lace. Hands on head, eyes straight ahead, and legs apart. I am so nervous: my heart beats so fast. Will I be getting dressed and leaving? Will I stay and serve her? I stand, exposed, waiting for her...

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1956 The Vintage Years

"1956, The Vintage Years" I'd been sneaking into Madge's house for the past two years by having a spare key made for her back door. Madge, a family friend lived across the alley and two homes down from me and my foster mom Ruth. Madge always wore very feminine clothes and her hair was always in a feminine hair set that was lacquered tight. She wore heavy makeup, powder and perfume and always had her nails long and painted gloss red. Her smooth legs always sheathed in tightly...

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Altar Boy

Darlene Wood has been active in the church for years. Her c***dren and grandc***dren attended the church school. She is very active and known by all the members and especially the k**s as she was a volunteer in the lunchroom. She has watched most of the young ones grow into adulthood and all the k**s would call her Mrs. W. Even today they run up to her, hug her when they see her anywhere. She can be depended on by church staff to assist with any type of event, especially weddings and funerals....

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My Love For Vintage Pussy

I would have to say that my love for vintage pussy started with my three older sisters that used me as their practice sex doll. They wanted to know what it was like to kiss a guy, they would practice on me. Wanted to know what it was like to jack a guy off, they would practice with me. The same for giving head, getting eaten out, fingered, and of course sex. And they shared me with their friends also. So my early to mid teen years were pretty much a cornucopia of fresh pussy and not only did my...

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A Vintage Happening

Note. I would like to thank everyone who has commented and encouraged me with their reviews of my other stories on Fictionmanina. I would also like to say a huge thank you to Robi for taking the time to proofread and edit this for me. A Vintage Happening. By Trish. Apart from being a nurse there was not much about my best friend Lucy's life that could be considered typically feminine. Losing her mother as an infant, she had been brought up by her back street mechanic father and...

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Lifestyles Urban Vintage And Exquisitely Permanent

"Lifestyles: Urban Vintage And Exquisitely Permanent" It was an early fall day in the city. October 1955 as Ted Hawthorne finished his coffee and morning newspaper. He left the change for the check on the table then after buttoning his suit coat and putting on his hat he left the restaurant and began his walk down the city sidewalk. By the time he neared the downtown beauty salon he paused and lit a cigarette. But it was only a few moments later that an attractive woman exited the...

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The Altar Room

picture a dark ceremony... where a young man is tied down, spread eagled over an onyx altar as a boi... dark figures in the shadows... opening a portal, a gateway to another place and time... summoning a being not of this world... candles arranged in a pentagram of protection around the room to contain the power of the creature that is being brought forth... unable to speak or move... tentacles, thick and dripping with ichor rising from the shadows around the altar can hear the...

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ALTAR GIRL  BY DOROTHY STRANGELOVEThis is the story of Me and Him.He was The One, the love of my life and in his arms I knew complete love. He was wise and understanding and he knew of the need in me to be on my knees as his humble servant. I had loved him for many years and our friendship had grown into a deep love and with deep love comes the holiest of trust : Absolute Trust. He knew I had longed for years to have the kind of relationship where I could be 'owned' in the sense that all...

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The Venus Chronicles The Bath

He stood in front of the mirror in his mother's bathroom. She was out for the night. The neighbors watching the house, worried he might have a party. They couldn't be more wrong. You would think that at sixteen He would want to sneak girls into the house and drink and do things like that. But he didn't. He wanted to crossdress. He was wearing his mom's silk bathrobe, covering up her bra and panties he had on. His "boobs" lopsided from the socks stuffed in there. He knew some part of...

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The Venus project

You awaken in a groggy state. Your head inexplicably hurts, your body is unbelievably sore, and you become aware of being bound hand and foot while seated in a metal chair. You are fully clothed and in a small, spartan sanitized room with two locked doors on either side of it. The walls are painted in a lush pink, and there is a faint buzzing sound coming from the flourescent lights. The environment is a sterile one. There are no windows and no reference points that might reveal your location...

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The Taste of Vintage Pussy

My first taste of vintage pussy happened when I hit puberty. It was not planned. My plan was to hit on some hot blonde from my school that I could fuck the legs off of like a "Don Juan" and she would love me forever and beg for me to fuck her some more. I never even thought of fucking a woman so much older. I was playing Xbox one Friday night. Mom and dad had gone out like they do. I planned to play video games and then retire to my room, wack off and go to bed. Mom and dad came home a little...

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Tales From Venus Town

TALES FROM VENUS TOWN By Dorothy Strangelovepart one: THE DYING BREEDVenus Town had seen a rebirth in the last ten years. Not on the scale that mankind had seen a rebirth in the last hundred years, but it had brought changes that might as well have been on a grand scale like the revolution and then the third world war all over again for the changes it had made to the poulation. Change was sometimes a good thing,  especially where once there had been chaos and hardship. Now the town was seeing a...

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Vintage Platinum 5

Vintage Platinum By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 5 As they hurried back into the master bath area Nate began anxious hoping for the best. He sat at the vanity while the girls attended to his hair and touched up his makeup while he could feel his heart beat a mile a minute. "So?" gulped Nate. "Please tell me you're getting me out of the rest of this." "It's complicated my darling," said Joe looking away. "It can't be please," said Nate getting upset. "I can...

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Vintage 8mm Porn

The very first depictions of humans having sex were plastered on cave walls thousands of years ago. These crude sketches weren’t much to look at, but they were enough to light a fire under cavemen’s balls. Sure, it does nothing for us now, but we owe those ancient cave painters a debt of gratitude. Were it not for the groundbreakers; I couldn’t be watching two red-headed midget sisters scissoring on top of a taxidermied wildebeest right now.I wonder what cavemen used for lube back in the day....

Vintage Porn Sites
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Altar Preparation

Calming the bride before the altar is easy for a bridesmaid and her step brother:A quaint romantic heritage country church and a former colonial mansion as the reception and honeymoon site, well what more could a young woman want on her wedding day. I was about to get it all. My divine hunk of a guy. My Tom. All mine. All that remained was a leisurely forty minute drive to the altar accompanied by my bff, my bridesmaid, the always reliable Stephanie and my driver for the occasion, her...

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Men From Mars Women From Venus

Ok on the subject of men. Yes they are from Mars. They speak another language and we can’t live with them and we can’t live without them. I have found, and most women friends I talk to say the same, that if you are mad about a man and you love him, treat him like a king, admire him and appreciate him and accept him for himself, he in turn will reward that love with hankering after another woman who treats him like shit, who doesn’t appreciate or accept him. On the other hand if a man, who you...

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Venus Flytrap Ch 02

(This is the second part of a three part series. Please read the first part before you read this. Any and all constructive criticism is most welcome.) * Jessica woke up in Jim’s bedroom as the light of the early morning slipped between the venetian blinds. The simple décor was much the same as the rest of the house and spoke of a man who needed just a touch of feminine style in his life. Somewhere there was a lonely seabird calling and a fresh sea breeze smell lingered in the room. Jessica...

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Mars vs Venus

The year is 2216 and humankind is divided in a war that has lasted decades. Babies are no longer conceived, but grown. Their traits and attributes are hand selected by the scientists creating them. This is the underlying cause of the war. Groups on both sides no longer saw the other gender as needed. Rifts were created between sexes that eventually let to war, and the destruction of Earth. Humankind's former home is now just one large battlefield. Warriors from both sexes meet here to try and...

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Experiments With Exhibition Vintage 8211 Part 5

This is the fifth story of the vintage collection and starts from the end of the vintage part 4. That night, Manu slept with me and told me about the dera which shocked me a lot. But I did not show much shock at that time. She told me that when she time met ‘Babaji’, he told her mom that I will not become a mother in my life. An “Upaye”, the solution should be done fast before the marriage. The first step of the ‘Upaye’, as she told, was that the baba took her to her cave for the ritual of...

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The Venus Metamorphosis

The Venus Metamorphosis by Bill Hart inspired by "Modified Magazine Cover #75" on Jenny North's website "Damn!" swore Frank Fenton as he stared down at the gas gauge. Impossibly, the needle rested well below the line underscoring the big red "E". His car was out of gas, but having driven less than a hundred miles since he'd last filled the tank, he should have still had better than a half a tank of gas. "Given the high cost of gas these days and all those strangers at Jerry's...

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The Venus Club ch1

I joined the army right after graduating from college in 1979. The prospects were good and I needed time to decide what to do with my professional life. Now, I see how innocent things were then. Some may say "naïve", but to me things were innocent. Sexwise. The scare of HIV was years away, most STDs were treated successfully with antibiotics and the worst that could happen was a hurt ego when you got rejected. A year later I was stationed at a base by the large capital of this small...

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The Venus Idol

Disclaimer: This story is pure trite crammed onto a hunk of silicon. But I don't care. I like it, and I'm going to send it in anyway, because there are no other pages I really want to send it to. If you only read original, fresh stories (and _you're_ surfing a TG fiction page?!), then keep looking. Otherwise, continue on. So I can't come up with an original story. Sue me. Gotta warn ya, though, my lawyer's a psychotic mutant. Moving right along... The Venus Idol By Tanto Brandon...

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Venus by Chance

‘Venus here will choose her dwelling, and forsake her Cyprian groves’ (Dryden) * Jana lived a life of self imposed semi-isolation. She was one of those women who, it seems, having loved once, could not find it in them selves to risk loving again. Having finished studying at a commercial college she had been fortunate in that she got a job as clerical assistant in the staff library of the City Botanic Gardens. It was here that she first met Guy. At that time the Defence Forces had taken an...

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