Misty Mountains Ch.2 The Interview free porn video

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They watched the sun crawl over the grasslands and lake as it moved towards the treeline that seperated them from the elves. As the sun slipped closer it lit upon a small convoy heading for the mountain, it was clearly the elves arriving to present their brides.

He counted eight horses and King Thranduil's stag, this one wasn't as majestic as the one he'd lost in the battle Thorin noted with slight satisfaction. Out of all the horses he could see they were all white except one, it's coat shone black as the sun hit upon it's flanks. This one walked in he center of the others and the figure riding was heavily cloaked to where he couldn't make out the rider. When they reached the edge of the bridge they came to a halt waiting for the gate to be opened so they could enter the city.

"Should I get them open the gates Sire?" Dwalin asked sounding slightly amused.

"I suppose we have too. Go ahead Dwalin before Gandalf shows up to scold me." Thorin said with a slight sneer.

Dwalin chuckled to himself and stepped away from the balcony to call down to the gatesmen.

Thorin examined his 'guests' carefully from where he stood. He saw Thranduil, the elf's son Legolas, two women, the cloaked figure, and the four soldier escorts they had brought with them. Thorin had set a limit of ten people for each party, he didn't want to many people occupying the mountain in case one group tried to fight with the others. He had to make sure they remembered who was really in charge of this event.

The large stone gates swung open and the elves dismounted and walked the rest of the way handing their mounts off to dwarves waiting to take care of them. They were immediately fussed over and he knew it was planned by Balin to hopefully avoid offending them over the others arriving a day earlier than them. He was a little relieved that Balin had gotten ahead of him on that so that he might at least keep peace while they were under his roof, he wanted to appear a gracious host afterall.

Thorin took a deep breath and shook himself, he had a long day ahead of him with all these women.


Fili had been in the main hall making sure that all the women were gathered together by dawn just as his uncle had asked him. He knew it was a task to keep him busy only but it was working to keep his mind busy. Plus he got to one of the first to greet the elves as they arrived in the hall.

As the gates opened and the elves handed their mounts off to the stablemasters he hobbled forward as proudly as he could on his crutches. He made sure to have a big smile -no matter how fake- on his face for the elves as they entered.

"Welcome to Erebor, Lord Thranduil it is an honor to receive you in our halls." Fili said with a bow of his head.

"Thank you. Where is the king? He won't be receiving us?" Thranduil demanded.

"The king is busy seeing to other matters but he would ask you and your son to join him in the throne room before he receives the brides." Fili said flushing.

Thranduil frowned and his eyes narrowed visibly as he looked at Fili. It made Fili feel smaller then he ever had having the elf's eyes stare threw him like that, he took a deep steadying breath.

"That sounds perfect." a female voice said.

The speaker stepped forward dropping the cloak from over her head and this time the dwarf's breath caught in surprise, she was beautiful. He bowed his head to her respectfully trying to collect his thoughts.

"Thank you master dwarf your very kind." she said with a warm smile. "But I do have a small request if it wouldn't be to much trouble."

"Of course malady how can I serve you?" he asked giving his best smirk.

She turned to gesture behind her at the two other women behind her then said "These are my handmaids Laurel and Seraph they had no chance to eat before we left the temple. Do you think you could escort them to break their fast?"

Laurel and Seraph were clearly twins with the biggest difference being Laurel was taller then her sister by an inch. Both had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and the same plae skin all elves had. Their figures were slim and they had nice round features that made Fili blush. They were both wearing long flowing white gowns that had a small train dragging behind them.

"It would be my pleasure malady." Fili said bowing "Ladies right this way."

The two elves giggled and hurried to his side with wide grins, they were young for elves he was sure.

He turned planning on asking the others if they needed him to show them the way but the elf lord was already moving into the halls. He knew the way from when he had paid respects to the old kings that had reined under the mountain. Fili felt a little guilty letting the elf lord back without announcing him to his uncle but the giggling elf maidens quickly chased that guilt from his mind.


Bilbo walked to the main hall trying to find his way to the throne room where Thorin had asked him to meet him, he was supposed to arrive wih Gandalf but the wizard had went on ahead of him. That was how Bilbo came to be wandering through the throng of brides waiting to go in and see the King Under the Mountain, while most were flitting about getting in the way he saw one that made him pause. She was the only elf in the room and she was the only one calmly sitting.

Bilbo walked a little closer fidgetting as he saw the woman's eyes turn his way. She smiled gently and as she leaned forward her long hair spilled over her shoulders casting a veil between them as he approached.

"Good morning." Bilbo said softly.

"Good morning." she said with a musical voice like wind in chimes, he thought.

"You must be Arnial the elf princess." Bilbo said shifting nervously.

"That would be me. You have me at a disadvantage I see, you know me but I don't believe we have had the pleasure of meeting." she said leaning back into the chair.

"Oh my apolegies I am Bilbo Baggins of the west end Baggins from the Shire." Bilbo said bowing slightly. "Gandalf mentioned you might be here today."

"Bilbo? You were a part of the company that retook the mountain, it is an honor sir."

"Well I helped it was a group effort after all..... I hope you don't think me to forward but..."

"Yes Mr.Baggins?"

"Your not worried? About meeting someone and then maybe marrying that person. You barely know one another it just seems freightening."

She looked at the hobbit with an understanding nod of her head, she seemed to look off into space thinking.

"I am worried but I look at it this way, I am a stranger to him as well. How must he feel being forced into a marriage same as I am?" she said softly. "If it is meant for me to marry Thorin Oakensheild then we will know at the end of our stay I'm sure."

"I see." Bilbo said nodding his head slowly.

Bilbo looked at her and wondered if he should tell her that Thorin had looked her up in the hall of records, he had seen where it was recounted how she was wounded saving the life of the king's great grandfather. He wanted to tell her to at least be prepared for whatever Thorin would say or do, he had seemed impressed when he had read about her. Bilbo knew Thorin though and he knew that the dwarf wouldn't be so easily swayed by an elf.

"May I give some advice to you Lady Arnial?" Bilbo asked.

"I would welcome your council." she said eyes already drifted closed.

Bilbo could see she wore a white flowing gown beneath her cloak and he saw it had no sleeves, he knew the elves had very open dresses from his visits among them.

"Don't wear your cloak into the throne room. I... read about your scars in the hall of records. I think those would actually work in your favor." he said softly blushing. "I must be going. Good luck malady."

She opened her eyes a little surprised but gave him a grin none the less as he hurried away from the women.

Bilbo hurried to the throne room where he could see the others finishing readying themselves for the women to arrive. In the room sat Thorin on the throne, beside him stood Dwalin and Balin,Thranduil and Legolas Greenleaf sat in chairs to the side with Bard the Bowman. Gandalf was in the room standing inbetween the guests and the residents of Erebor. Bilbo hurried to take his place beside Gandalf seeing many eyes follow his movements.

He blushed knowing he was late and hoping he hadn't caused them to wait for him.

"I'm sorry about being late ran into some of the brides and had to go around to even get here." Bilbo said with a slight smile.

"We were just getting settled in. I imagine it will be a long day." Thorin said with a deep sigh.

Thranduil gave a humph and turned his eyes away from the dwarven king clearly offended by the treatment and attitude of the king. Bilbo knew Thranduil believed Thorin wasn't showing the proper respect for the importance of the events.

"Who shall we start with then?" Thorin asked turning to Balin.

"Well we planned on the three dwarves from the Blue Mountains since they have the farthest to travel, then the four from the Iron Hills, then the two human lasses from Dale, and because the elves are a bit late the bride they have brought will be last." Balin said reading from a list he held.

"That seems hardly fair." Thranduil protested looking to the dwarves. "We came at the time appointed to us by Oakensheild."

Bilbo didn't miss the slight smirk that lit Thorin's face before it returned to an impassive mask.

"There must have been a mistake then," Balin said with a helpless wave of his hands. "But I can not change the line up it would be unfair to the others who showed up on time."

Bilbo cleared his throat before arguing could break out "Should someone call in the ladies then?"


It was a long day.

Arnial watched as one after another of the brides were called back to the king, she knew that each woman would spend some time in his company to answer any questions. From there they were free to roam having completed the first day of the selections, until then they could not leave the main hall. So she had not even left to eat or take care of other needs she may have pressed on her.

She had been uncomfortable in the wilds where she had been camped for her campaign against the orcs so this was nothing new to her. The other brides occupied themselves by chatting with one another though none wanted to be seen speaking with the elf lest the king think they sympathized with them. she understood and didn't mind the peace and quiet.

But by the time the last of the other brides was called back she was tired, hungry, and hot from sitting in what felt like a giant stone oven all day.

Her stomach had just growled for the secon time when she saw the handmaids and the dwarf return again. The woman looked into the hall ahead of the dwarf and both gasped realizing she was still there alone.

"Malady!" Seraph gasped "We are so sorry we should have returned to check on you!"

"Yes we should have but we thought you had already been called back to be seen. We thought the dwarf servants would have seen you by now!" Laurel said rushing up with her sister to fuss over her.

"It is alright. I am used to taking care of myself, gives me time to think." Arnial assured them as her stomach growled again.

Fili came forward on his crutches his brow furrowing in confusion.

"No one has come to check on you?" he asked looking around the hall.

"No master dwarf they have not. Is something wrong?" Arnial asked standing to remove her cloak.

"At any time were there dwarf servants looking after you? Or any of the women?" he asked.

Arnial thought hard for a moment and then nodded slowly. She had seen a few dwarf servants speaking to or tending the other brides but none had come to speak to her. No one had offered her anything or asked if she was alright. She had been left to herself since she had sent the maids with him.

"There were a few but the other women kept them busy I'm sure it was just oversight due to so many needing them." she said shrugging out of the cloak all the way.

Laurel quickly took the cloak from her and Seraph hurried to make adjustments to her hair.

"Maybe." Fili said frowning. "Regardless I am sorry for the poor treatment you have received. Can I serve you in anyway malady?"

Fili looked genuinely sorry and his eyes showed concern for the elf woman as he looked her over. He seemed worried that she would collapse on him from lack of care and this made her smile.

She put her hand gently on his shoulder "Thank you but I am alright. I'm sure I won't be waiting much longer for the king to see me."

Fili smiled back at her and nodded his head "Would you mind if I walked with you when you go I have need to speak with my uncle after?"

"I would welcome the friendly company."

Arnial looked to the nearest corridor as a single dwarf came walking in carrying a page of paper. He called Arnial's name saying the king was ready to see her now and if she would follow him he see she arrived safely. They didn't want her falling from the walkways after all.

Shaking out her long hair over her shoulders to where she could feel it fall against the bare skin of her back, she took Fili's arm so that some of his weight was carried by her. He seemed slightly embarrassed by this till she whispered that she was nervous and asked if he didn't mind keeping her arm so she didn't fall. He seemed to perk up at being looked upon as a guardian.

They followed the other dwarf to the large double doors leading into the throne room and this is where Fili gently removed his arm from hers with a pat of his hand against hers.

"Ladies first I'm afraid." he said with a smile. "I'll be in the room behind you though, probably over by Dwalin when all is said and done."

"I'll look to you if I need aid." she said sincerely.

Fili bowed then held his hand out to the door.

Arnial took a deep breath and then decided to make her entrance. She walked briskly fearing she would lose her nerve and flung the doors wide open walking quickly into the throne room, her hair streaming down her back behind her elegantly. She could see the surprised looks on the faces around her and she smiled to herself satisfied, she had at least been bolder then the other women.

Her eyes found the King easily and her breath caught briefly. His long black hair and beard were combed till they shone, he was dressed fitting a king in deep blue robes. His cold gray eyes were locked on her and seemed mildly surprised. She walked towards the throne and got onto her knees bowing to the King Under the Mountain eyes closing briefly. She heard him clear his throat and she looked up into the dwarf's gray eyes with a smile.

"Greetings Arnial of the high elves." Thorin said motioning for her to stand with his left hand.

"Greetings to you as well Thorin King under the Mountain." she said with a smile.

"Please sit or stand however is comfortable to you." he said "Now as I did with the others I will ask you a few questions about yourself, it will help determine if you'll fit here in Erebor."

Arnial rose to her feet and looked up to the throne with a nod.

"To start with I would like to thank you for the deeds you have done for my people. I have searched our records when I heard you were to be coming here, I was quite impressed. What have you undertaken since serving my grandfather?" Thorin asked leaning back into his stone throne.

"I have been serving King Thranduil since then as of the last few years I have protected our borders from the orc packs." Arnial said nodding her head.

"Very noble of you to undertake that task." an old dwarf with long white hair and beard to match said smiling like a grandfather. "Have you ever been in a leadership role off the field?"

"I have been in charge of the men on the field but not in a political setting." she said.

"I see." Balin said with a nod.

"There are of course a few things we must know regarding other matters of a more delicate nature." Thorin said coughing slightly.

"I understand. What would you desire to know?"

Arnial heard a throat clear and turned to look at the others in the room. She saw Bilbo and Gandalf the gray wizard standing together while Fili hovered behind them. Sitting in chairs on the other side of them were Bard the Bowman, Thranduil, and Legolas they had raised brows while looking at her. She looked to the other corridor and could see another dwarf standing in the doorway.

This one looked much like Thorin Oakenshield he had long dark hair that seemed thinner then the other's hair. He had gray eyes that were soft instead of cold, his skin was tanned, his face was almost clean shaven which was surprising with him being a dwarf, and his was average height for a dwarf. He wore all black, with a sword on his hip, and a bow slung over his back.

He had been the one to clear his throat.

"Kili? It is good to see you please join us." Thorin said sounding surprised.

The dwarf quickly walked in to stand by his brother giving an embarrassed wave to the elf female. She nodded her head with a warm smile.

"Your nephew I presume?" she asked.

"Yes he and his brother Fili whom you've met already are my nephews." Thorin said softly. "Now back to business."

Arnial smirked turning her head back to face the king.

"As I've said I will answer anything you ask, I have nothing to hide." she said.

"Very well. As queen you understand that your expected duty to the kingdom would be to conceive and give birth to healthy heirs." Thorin said leaning against the arm of his throne. "How likely do you believe you'll be able to follow through with those duties?"

Arnial tilted her head slightly and thought about the question honestly. She looked him up and down admiring the King as her eyes cast over him slowly. Finally she felt she could answer honestly.

"My family has never had a generation that has not produced children, all have given birth to children. As you can see from the three of my blood that are here we are all healthy." she said with a nod.

"Yes but what are the chances that you'll conceive?" Balin asked, with a smile.

"It helps that the king is rather handsome." Arnial said with a smirk at Thorin. "The nicer looking the mate more likely one is to breed."

Balin and Thorin both blushed while everyone else started chuckling as quietly as possible.

"If I have a child from there I think it would the king who should be questioned from there." Arnial said tossing her hair.

Thorin's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to speak but closed it unable to find the words to speak to rebuff her. He stood up slowly and walked towards her the fire in his eyes taking causing her breath to catch in her throat.

"Fair enough elf." he said with a smile that lacked humor. "My family has a long unbroken line so I am not worried over giving a child to whomever becomes my bride."

"That is good new to know."  Arnial said bowing her head lowly.

Arnial's hair moved forward over her face.


Thorin saw the elf's auburn hair move forward and watched interested, then he saw the scar along the back of her neck. The scar ran vertically down her neck, from just below the hair line to below her dress. Thorin reached his hand out slowly touching the tips of his fingers to the raised pink scar, it was an old wound long ago healed from the feel of it. He saw a shudder pass through her slowly and he ran his fingers along to the neck of her dress. Thorin looked up and saw the other elves frowning deeply at him in disapproval.

"What do you think your doing Oakenshield?" Thranduil demanded.

"I wish to ask a few questions about the ladies scars." Thorin said smirking.

"A bit rude don't you think?" Legolas asked.

"I don't mind the questions." Arnial said looking up for the first time since he had touched her neck.

"Where did you come by the one on your neck?" Thorin asked.

"The burning of my family home my parents died in the blaze, when I was a girl. There was a timber from the roof that collapsed ontop of me I was cut deeply but did not get burned. I would of died if it hadn't been for my uncle he pulled me from the house."

"How was the fire started?"

"A young fire drake from the north had come after territory and wealth. The elves were in it's way."

"I have not heard of this incident. Why?"

"The drake was young and dispatched quickly. There was no spread of the flames besides a few family homes."

"You seem unbothered by this." Dwalin said with a frown.

"It was a very long time ago master dwarf." Arnial replied. "I ran out of tears long ago."

Thorin nodded his head slowly and looked at a scar close to her wrist that was very small, very thin. It was a clean cut at one point and also very old looking it was a dim white color by now.

"This one?" he asked.

"I brought my arm up while in combat to keep a blade from coming down on me. It hit my sword first and when he came back around with the blade he got my arm thankfully I saw him coming. I dodged backwards out of the way in time." she said "It was only a minor injury thankfully."

"Lucky. I see no more visible scars, are there anymore that I do not see?" he asked walking back to his throne.

"One, your majesty I'll let you see it if you want." she replied softly.

"I would like to see it then."

He sat down and turned to look at her again. She slowly shifted the front of her dress downwards to where her cleavage was low cut without revealing anything to the king. He saw clear skin until she let the glamour fade away and his eyes widened slowly, he knew where she had gotten that wound.

The wound ran from her left shoulder down at an angle towards the right He couldn't see how far it went below the dress. The scar was raised and from the looks of it the wound had been horrible, it was pink like it would never fully disappear.

"I have been to the hall of records here in Erebor, I want to know exactly how you got that scar in your words. Not just what some old scroll tells us about what happened." Thorin said frowning.

Arnial moved her dress back into position and he saw her glamour come back into place.

"Very well King Thorin." she said smiling slowly.


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I washed my hands and face and went into the kitchen to start making breakfast. " What are you making?" Asked Katy when she walked in Tracy, who was acting like she didn't feel good. "Breakfast burritos." I said. When Katy walked over to start pouring juice into cups, Tracy came over to me and whispered in my ear "Good job thinking on your feet but next time could you think of something that doesn't require me to take a shot of medicine?' Crap "Sorry, she actually had you take the...

2 years ago
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Misty Peaks

Matt grumbled quietly to himself. How much longer would it be? he thought. The FBI agent had been assigned to Misty Peaks to investigate something about a missing scientist. The problem was, the town seemed to be way out in the middle of nowhere. The dark-haired man had been driving for three hours, and night was falling. Being a field agent, Matt had to keep himself in good shape, and he stood a hair under six feet tall, though neither of those would stop his boredness as he continued down the...

3 years ago
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King of the CulDeSac Ch2

Yesterday I had set us on the first steps to her being my submissive whore. This morning I could sense her resistance mounting. So I pulled off the t-shirt I had allowed her to sleep in. Revealing her beautifully curved body. Pale and dotted with freckles. Right there in, what had been her, master bedroom I spanked her ass for a couple minutes. Pushing her face into the pillows as I dominated my own mother. Then I made her suck my dick. She had to prove she remembered her place. The...

4 years ago
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Jennifers Sexual Awakening Ch2 The Date

As the week went on, David found himself watching the girls who passed through the dorm, and it was a while before he realized he was looking for the girl on the roof. However, he never saw anyone who looked like her, and after three days was ready to give up his search. He was sitting in the lounge, leaning back, feet up on the chair, the book he was reading for his English class open and ignored on his lap. He stared out at the rain dripping down the window. It had rained since that day on...

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The fy Sucks A Lot ch2

Chapter 4 ‘Oh God, Jeffy!’ Dianne gasped, pulling her mouth off his. ‘Your cock is hard again.’ Instinctively, her thighs parted. She swiveled her hips upward, feeling the huge knob of his prick drag down the steamy crevice of her pussy. She paused when she felt his throbbing cockhead contact the yawning opening of her cunt. Jeff wriggled his hips, feeling his prick-knob move around in her cunthole. He grinned lewdly, his face still smeared with her pussy- juice. He thrust his hips...

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The family Sucks A Lot ch2

Chapter 4"Oh God, Jeffy!" Dianne gasped, pulling her mouth off his. "Your cock is hard again."Instinctively, her thighs parted. She swiveled her hips upward, feeling the huge knob of his prick drag down the steamy crevice of her pussy. She paused when she felt his throbbing cockhead contact the yawning opening of her cunt.Jeff wriggled his hips, feeling his prick-knob move around in her cunthole. He grinned lewdly, his face still smeared with her pussy-juice. He thrust his hips forward just a...

4 years ago
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Raven Ch2 Little Neighbor Boy The Two EarlyBloomers Meet

Chapter 2 – Little Neighbor Boy (The Two Early-Bloomers Meet) Words – 4,903 Same rules as the first, friends. C&C appreciated. Any mistakes seen, please comment on it. Also, prepare for some reading. **** Weeks had passed since Ravens mini-marathon of masturbation. Since that day, she fucked her little pussy at least once every 24 hours, maybe even more if permitted. She used her fingers and some phallus-shaped foods to get her juices flowing. She was walking home from her newly repaired...

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Anna Saves the Compant Ch2

When Anna opened the door to leave the bathroom, she noticed Mr Davies had left. In a slight panic she looked around the room and found he had left her a note.Dear AnnaI know tonight seemed cruel of me but I couldn't resist. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I just simply couldn't turn down the offer once I had seen you. I have signed the contract and will keep to our agreement.Yours sincerely Alan Davies."Turn down the offer?" she said out loud to herself.Anna sat...

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He Cried Wolf CH2The Return

 July 25, 2014 8:09PM I fucking hate Tristan Northam. Hate his guts, hate his face, hate that fucking hot body, hate that I can’t really hate him and fucking mean it. Yeah, quite the dilemma I’m in. I had sex for the first time, and not only was it with the last person I thought I would ever hook up with, but it totally bent my ruler. Yep, no longer a straight edge. Am I trying to paint a metaphorical picture of my sexuality? Yes. Am I doing a good job giving a visual? Uh… questionable.  I...

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Bow down to the one you serve Ch2

Introduction: If you havent read the first chapter, this one might not make sense. Her eyes shut even more tightly at his threatening words. She wasnt a virgin but she wasnt terribly off from it. Shed only had one serious boyfriend and a single one night stand. Shed fucked her boyfriend many times but he wasnt all that adventurous and stuck to simple positions that had her on her back or on her knees. It had mostly been on her knees with her riding him or him doing her doggy style. Hed never...

3 years ago
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Bow down to the one you serve Ch2

Strip. He wanted her to strip. She was close to crying and was honestly surprised that she wasn't already sobbing pathetically. He pressed her face harder against the cold wall. "I'm going to let you go. You're going to strip. You don't need to speak." He let go of the back of her neck and stepped backward, ready to pounce her if she tried anything stupid. His steel blue eyes roamed her legs and ass as she slowly pushed herself off of the wall. She stood with her back to...

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The Song Bird CH2

Cate Things had changed for me. The time on the road hadn't changed; it was always this way except when I started it was for a week or three to four nights at the same venue. Now I was lucky if I got two nights. I didn't bemoan my situation; I was still doing the thing I loved, singing. When I was young and fresh there would be small presents in my dressing room with offers to dine or to supply me with something that would relax me. Well you can imagine what they thought would happen...

2 years ago
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The EX ch2 finale

Mark was right on time. Shane had spent the afternoon, working herself into a frenzy. Making herself cum two more times. She hadn't really given a lot of thought over the years, as to why she allowed herself to allow Mark to treat her the way he did. During their sessions anyway. Outside of the dominating state, Mark was loving and sweet. Affectionate lover. He was giving in every aspect of their normal sex life. She always came first. Had he not cheated on her, they would still be together and...

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Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch2

As overwhelming as the situation was, I looked down at myself, and staring over the hard nipples inside the empty cups of my ex-girlfriend’s bra, to my still very stiff, throbbing and now leaking cock encased in a lacy thong. I rationalised that it didn’t matter. I was just going to masturbate like I had that first time, it didn’t matter how many people were watching, but the more that watched the more I might be able to earn, and then I wouldn’t have to worry about my job. I was sure no-body...

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Jim The Cuckold Ch2

Dana arrived home well before Jim and quickly fell asleep. It had been years since she'd been sexually satisfied like she just had been. Perhaps, she pondered as she drifted off, the experience that night may have been the most satisfying of her whole life! *********************************************************** Jim drove home after his shower and went over what had transpired that night in his head. He got so horny thinking about Dana being fucked by Kyle, that he had to pull over and jerk...

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A shot in the dark Ch2

After the honeymoon week, Robert and Trisha went back home and started their lives together. Trisha had always been a free spirit. She enjoyed adventure. It is one reason it took her eight years to get her bachelor degree. She kept trying a new adventure. She went to Argentina for a year and learned Spanish, worked in a coffee shop, and did lots of hiking. Another year, she worked in a bicycle shop just because she found bicycles interesting. When she was not on an adventure, she was a...

4 years ago
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Dragon Queen Ch2 Part1 The Festival of Death

Introduction: turning the tides we see through the eyes of the dragon Chapter 2 Part 1 The Festival of Death I broke off my dangerous words as my kid brother Sunbeam appeared at my side. Seeing through the shadow that he created, I reached my hand in and dispersed it. I was met with a pouting frown. What did you do that for sis, I was just trying to have some fun. I put my hands on my hips and scowled down at him. It is not called fun when you take the shape of a ghoul, I could have killed...

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Leere The Lust Demon Ch2 The Demon Awakes

Slowly, but surely, the spectral mist floating around Marie’s sleeping form coalesced and solidified. The body of the demon materialised beside her bed, seeming to take physical form. But there was nothing monstrous or grotesque about the demon’s body. If anything it was beautiful. The perfect image of an attractive naked young man in the prime of his life, fully of energy and virility. The demon Leere looked down at his newly formed body. He admired and caressed the athletic form of his...

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Billy the kid ch2

Chapter 2: Billy goes balls-deep "Oh my fucking God. I can't believe I'm doing this" say's Shante to herself. Meanwhile, Billy has lit up a cigarette. So, I go to the kitchen to get him an ashtray. I tell Billy "I'm going upstairs to take a hot shower. Billy replies: "Cool, I gotta call up my buddies anyway. Don't take too long! I get undressed and turn on the shower. I still can't believe how much cum he plastered all over me. I gotta let him know that it's not...

3 years ago
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The family tradition CH2

________________________________________________________- Chapter 2 I was stil not really sure that I was even awake, during breakfast I just kept wondering what's my name. I still can't make any sense of it. At least I'm having fun. After breakfast I just walked around the house, wondering what my name was. Then I remembered that my sister left me a note. Hello Thom, I know of your latex fetish, and I want you to know that I share this fetish with you. The catsuit you're...

2 years ago
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The EX ch2 finale

Mark was right on time. Shane had spent the afternoon, working herself into a frenzy. Making herself cum two more times. She hadn’t really given a lot of thought over the years, as to why she allowed herself to allow Mark to treat her the way he did. During their sessions anyway. Outside of the dominating state, Mark was loving and sweet. Affectionate lover. He was giving in every aspect of their normal sex life. She always came first. Had he not cheated on her, they would still be together and...

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Slaves Ch2

But she could stand to take it easier as well. Long and drawn out play was, after all, more sweeter than following your immediate impulses. In fact, looking back the last dozen or so years, Laedia could remember killing only one boy during rape (either suffocated him or choked him, she wasn't sure). That was pretty good, she thought. Torturing to death, of course, did not count, for such a thing was rarely unintentional. The boy was taken to a tall table with a platform in front of it. The...

3 years ago
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Juvenile Ch2 A Special Delivery

All:16 years old, good looking, and sent to juvenile prison Jordan: short straight dark blonde hair, tanned white skin, brown eyes, football player, the tallest of them all at 5 foot 10 Liam: short straight black hair messy at the front, fair skin, penetrating blue eyes (think Asa Butterfield), skater, 5 foot 9 Ben: slightly longer but still short straight light blonde hair, fair skin, blue eyes, swimmer, 5 foot...

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Artificial Affection Ch2

The person I found at Victoria’s apartment was not the same as the Victoria I once knew. She was laying in her bed, wearing nothing but black, lacy underwear. Her long, wavy, brown hair was messy as if she’d just woken up. Her healthy, tan skin looked darker than usual. There were bags under her eyes. It looked like she had been crying. I felt horrible. She was really sick and the only way to cure her was to get her pregnant. Despite being a guy, it was still a nightmare, even to me. She...

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Ians New Job ch2

She really didn’t have a lot of sexy clothes. She wore a matching bra under a thin, button up blouse. Sheer enough to make out the outline of her bra. Nearly half the buttons were undone. She sat quietly in the passenger seat as Ian drove. All too soon they were pulling into Grant’s driveway. “It...this will be ok.” Her husband tried to assure her. Placing his hand on her shoulder. He had driven wearing nothing but a pair of black boxers. He hated to admit to himself that it felt weird to...

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Goblins Rise Ch2

Rebecca had always wanted to live in New York or Miami. But her mother had been sick for so long. Then life just sort of got in the way. Still, she and her husband found ways to make life bearable. They were, what her friends at work call, sexually adventurous. Becca was Bi, though she much preferred women as sexual partners. Not that she didn’t truly love her husband. They both enjoyed sharing each other with different people. Swinging was a regular part of their life. Like at the beach...

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Growing Up Ch2

Twyla has me come for an overnight babysitting gig but she doesn’t go out. She gives me drinks. Wine drinks with fruit called sangria. She has quite a few herself. We all play dress up, us girls. She puts me in an intimate outfit of hers. It's a white and pink set with bra, high cut panties and a pink garter belt holding up white stockings. The cups of the bra are totally sheer with pink flowers embroidered to match the ones at the tops of the stockings. The panties are sheer all the way...

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Puritan Whores Ch2

I get a great view of Josephine’s ass. Bent over pale and lovely. Her big E-Cup breasts dangling down. Long curly red hair pooling below her. It’s rare that I see my wife naked. Her puritanical upbringing had some really strange views. We only had sex once a month. Even then it was through a hole in a sheet. A wife was not to drive her husband mad with lust. That was all about to change. The redhead yells in shock and stands up. Grabbing a quilt from the bed in a desperate attempt to...

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Roommate Shift Ch2

Last night was the second time they had sex. Now this was the second time today. Just like the last two times, her need, her lust, controlled her body. Forcing her to submit to her roommate, regardless of the fact that she was a lesbian. And what was a lesbian that craved cock? Cindy didn’t know. All she knew was that she couldn’t deny it. Her tits slapped together as her body shook to Robert’s thrusts. Shivers of pleasure ran from her well pounded twat to the tip of her scalp. She moaned...

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He fucks his mom CH2

Billy had slept most of the day away. So Kim really had not had to communicate with him at all. She knew the time was coming though. Just then, the front door opened. It was Dave, her boyfriend. They had been together for a while now and he came and left as he pleased. Most of the time, he slept at Kim's house. He knew Billy was staying the week after his surgery, so he stopped in after work to see how everything was going. Kim, with a nervous tone, told Dave that everything was fine and...

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My Ghost With Benefits Ch2

I felt good the next morning, really good. Determined to make this a good day, I felt as though nothing could stop me.Naturally, it didn't last.Thirty minutes into my first lecture, I was already out of it. The professor quickly went over what we covered last class, and I was surprised to find I actually understood the content. But as soon as he started going into a new topic, I lost my grip. I had just wrapped my head around what everyone else had already known, and we jump right into...

College Sex
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Crazy Ass Life CH2

So fellow punks, goths, rejects and shejects Crazy Ass Life Ch.2 I woke up the next day in the hospital bed, they had me stay one more night to make sure I had no more problems. As I opened my eyes I saw Kayla's beautiful face, and her beautiful light blue eyes, and her beautiful silky black and blue hair. I know I haven't known her long but I'm in love with this girl. I believe we were supposed to have met that night. I have two broken ribs, a black eye and a broken nose from the...

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Time for Payback Ch2

Timemaster This is the second chapter of the Time for payback series I recommend you read the first one but if you don’t want to I’ll catch you up. Jamie, the main character is not named in first story because it was told in 1st person and I forgot, got the ability to stop time and now she is out for revenge. Ch1 she put a bitch in her place. Now your caught up. After all the fun of putting that bitch in her place Jamie felt a rumbling in her stomach. She realized that she had been so...

4 years ago
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Hell Hath No FuryCh2

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and poor Derrick had yet to come to that conclusion. He’d get his in due time, Gabby and Jacob would see to that. Before work Gabby stopped to purchase a replacement cellphone, since she’d destroyed hers the previous night in a fit of rage. Her husband, Derrick, had called to tell her he was staying overnight at work, but Gabby knew the truth. He spent the night with his new fiancé. Although she had already fallen madly in love with Jacob after less...

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Dave and Sugar ch2

“Hello.” “Hi what are you doing right now?” Oh my God he has such a deep, wonderful voice. I can feel my pussy contract, already becoming wet. “Nothing yet, but I am so fucking horny, and was about to reach for my toy, ‘Peter,’ and make myself cum like hell. Why?” “Oh, I was just wondering if you had started to have fun without me.” As I listened to his deep, dark, rich, voice I begin to become aroused. We discussed the erotic story about fisting that I sent him to edit. When...

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Snow Story ch2

"Hi" I smiled at her. "Feel like a shower?" "That sounds like a good idea" she said. "We made a bit of a mess." She squirmed around on me a little, our goo making a sticky, wet peeling noise. I sat up with her still stradling my lap. "Put your arms around my neck." I grabbed 2 lucious handfulls of her ass and lifted her like a todler, her legs and arms wrapped around me. I walked us both into the bathroom and towards the shower. "Umm, I need to go" she said, a...

2 years ago
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Roommates Ch2 Flirting Drinks Sex

"That fucker!" Norah thought as she remembered how her ex tried to seduce her at the club, "that's why.". Another image appeared of herself listening to her best friend and her roommate fucking in the living room, "no, it was those two..." she continued to speculate the reason for her anger. At last the final memory came to her, "Oh shit.." Norah covered her face in shock at how she could have thrown herself at Derek, her roommate. This was someone she believed she had no feelings....

2 years ago
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Dementia Ch2 Loyalty Turned in on Itself

Authors note: This story came together as a blending of several stories that have been commissioned from me in the past. The first five chapters were for a particularly messed up woman I dated when I was too stupid to know better. NC, MC, V, Snuff, Tort, Xian undertones, Snow, D/s, SM, M/f, f/f, My eyes opened once more and I was now in my office. My floor was carpeted cheaply. The lights were track lighting, and the walls had a strangely unfashionable painting that, ugly though it...

2 years ago
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Lucky dog Ch2 Accident

Angela was wet in that special place. She was wearing no bra and no panties. She was on her back in bed. She was alone except for lucky. She needed to do something about her urges or she would go just as nuts as her boy friend. Looking over at the dog's raging red shaft she sighed. She wanted it, but at some level she knew that it would break her in half. Some girls go for black guys based upon cock size. They really need to get themselves a good dog if that's the only thing they're...

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