Photographs Ch. 10 free porn video

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DISCLAIMER: This is included in the novel/novella category because of length. It is a mother/son incest story. There are also instances of abuse (two of them, which are not the focus of the story). As far as heat level, this story is quite tame, and if you are look for page after page of screaming sex, you might want to look elsewhere. If you want a STORY, please read on.

For the second time in her life, Christie woke in a hospital bed with no idea of how she arrived there, but at least this time she knew why. She opened her eyes to see a shadowed ceiling, tiles blurred in her vision. The three men she loved most came into view. Danny and Sean and Mike. Too groggy to see the look of concern on their faces, she reached out her hands to them as if nothing was wrong, but everything hurt. That small movement brought to mind what had happened in the entryway. She realized she wore an oxygen mask.

‘Christie,’ Sean said. He held her hand gently. Danny took the other one.

‘Steve?’ she whispered.

‘What did she say?’ Mike asked.

‘She said ‘Steve’,’ Sean said.

‘Dead,’ Danny said. ‘He’s dead.’


She missed the look that passed between the three men.

‘You rest now, okay?’ Sean said.

Christie tried to nod, but even that was beyond her. A nurse came in then, scolding them for crowding the small room, and her brothers left. Danny refused to leave her side.


While Christie lay in the ICU, Sean, a Los Angeles police detective, handled everything. Danny gave him the name of one of Christie’s lawyer friends, who agreed without hesitation to handle the situation. Every professional who looked at the evidence agreed the Christie had acted in self-defense, but legal council never hurt. Sean instructed everyone in the family, including her parents, who had flown down from Washington, on how to deal with the press: say nothing no matter how they provoke you. He even took care of Danny’s school issues, getting him a temporary leave.

His Uncle Mike made sure Danny had food and rest. In a whispered conversation during one of his meals, when Mike had dragged him to the cafeteria, Danny explained why Christie had married Steve. He told Mike and Sean about the photographs of the murder and about the storage area. He didn’t mention the many times Steve had beaten Christie during the course of their marriage, but knowing that they were photographed, he suspected that if Sean and Mike found the storage area, that secret wouldn’t be kept for long. It surprised him how relieved he felt to have it off his chest.

Back in her room, he kept his vigil, talking with her when she was lucid, sleeping when he must, and only leaving her side when forced to.


The day after Steve’s death, Christie spoke briefly with the police. Her parents arrived, and between them and her brothers and sisters-in-law she never seemed to have a moment to rest. Danny finally told everyone to leave and hulked over them as menacingly as a sensitive, sweet, 6’5′ young man could. Considering that Sean, Mike, and her father were only a few inches shorter, he had to resort to begging.

‘Two years,’ Christie said when they were finally alone. They had replaced the mask with tubing that ran to her nose. When she had stabbed Steve, the movement shifted a cracked rib, causing it to partially collapse her lung. She wondered if she would ever be able to swim laps again.

‘Two years?’

‘We managed two years without him discovering us.’

‘You think it was inevitable?’


‘He never really knew, though. We got very lucky.’

She looked down the length of the bed at her blanket-covered body and snorted. ‘Lucky?’

‘It could have been much worse.’

‘I suppose so.’ She looked at him. The door was closed, so she said, ‘I know I’m icky right now, but please kiss me.’

He looked at her face, tilted his head to one side and then the other, and finally placed a kiss on her forehead, then another on her right cheek. Two spots that weren’t swollen or bruised. ‘That’ll have to do until you heal up.’

‘You get some sleep,’ Christie told him. ‘Go home.’ The room was bathed in warm light, and she found the soft beep of the heart monitor somewhat comforting. ‘I feel okay right now.’

‘I want to be here in case you…’

‘I’m not going to die, Danny.’

‘But you might be lonely.’

‘Sweetie, I love you, but I would like a few hours to myself.’


What Christie thought about, lying alone in her hospital bed, was not about the attack, or having killed her husband. She thought about how close she and Danny had come to exposure. The risk might have been worth it for the happiness it had given both of them, but it did give her pause. Danny didn’t deserve to live this way. No matter that he called her Christie now, and not Mom, no matter that they were lovers, some part of her would always remain his mother. That part of her needed to safeguard his welfare. The pain in her chest from the thought of losing him hurt worse than the broken ribs and collapsed lung, but she needed to face the fact that they could not go on like this. She never wanted Danny to miss out on having a normal life just because she was too selfish to let him have one. When the right time came, when he was ready, she would not force him to stay.


Two days after Steve attacked Christie, Sean and Mike took a few hours to deal with the storage area.

‘That was far too easy,’ Mike said as the walked out of the small office.

‘She was stupid and not very well trained. And the word ‘terrorist’ and a badge still have a lot of cache these days,’ Sean said.

They both would rather have been at the hospital, watching Christie, but they knew that if the photographs were here, they had to get to them before some clerk watched the news and connected Steve Tyler with the storage area’s customers.

Sean and Mike scanned the list of renters the clerk gave him. Steve Tyler was not among them. They worked through the list slowly, thinking about each name. There were two John Smiths, but the name Carlton Avery practically leaped off the page. In school, Steve had almost idolized Avery, a handsome, brilliant teen who had a habit of cutting people down in such an amusing, clever way that even the most kind-hearted laughed. Someone with great potential who was privately a sadistic bully. Steve would have probably ditched Mike and Andy for Avery’s company if the boy hadn’t considered Steve inferior.

‘Carlton Avery,’ Sean said to Mike. ‘Even I remember him.’

‘What is the likelihood that the real Carlton Avery has a unit here?’

‘It would be a rather large coincidence.’

‘We can’t get in without a warrant,’ Sean said. Both were police officers. The laws they might be breaking could end their careers.

‘Steve did.’

‘What are you talking about?’

Mike pointed to the large sign that posted the storage area’s hours and rules. ‘It closes at 9:00 p.m. on Fridays. Danny said he was here later than that.’

‘Drive around the block,’ Sean said.

Weeds grew at the base of the chain link surrounding the area, and in some places it sagged and was pitted with rust. Razor wire topped the fence, but no cameras protected the buildings within. The property ran the length of the entire block, with a tall gate at the back, letting out into the next street over. Mike parked the truck and they got out to investigate. A set of bolt cutters rested on the passenger seat between them. Mike picked them up and together they quietly they left his truck to find a way in, and then unit F168.

If they hadn’t been trying to be inconspicuous by parking the truck half a block away, they never would have seen the hole in the fence, hidden behind a particularly tall stand of star thistle and the dumpster for a dry cleaners next door. Sean slipp
ed between the thistle and the dumpster to examine the hole.

‘Look,’ he said to Mike. The wire had not come loose, it had been cut from the support at the corner where one length of chain link abutted another. Sean thought about that for a moment. ‘If he came here at night a lot, then he might have made that hole himself.’

‘Whatever he has hidden here, he doesn’t want anyone to find out about it. No cameras. Did you notice?’ Mike asked.

Sean looked at the little map swiped from the counter in the office. F168 was located far in the back, out of sight of the office. While they slipped through the fence and made their way to the unit, Mike said. ‘No warrant, no probable cause.’

‘I think we have worse crimes in our past,’ Sean said. ‘No one’s ever going to know about this. Let’s just not get caught.’

‘If we have to cut that padlock, they’ll know,’ Mike said.

‘I brought a replacement.’


As it turned out, the lock was a keyed padlock, and Sean pulled on latex gloves and began to work on it. He had it open in a couple of minutes. There was no electricity to the unit, but it was daylight, and they had come prepared with flashlights. They shined the flashlights around and whistled.

‘Will you get a load of that?’ Mike said, pulling on his own gloves. ‘It’s like a Wal-Mart photo center.’

What they found inside was photographs. Thousands of photographs lined up in neat rows in long plastic trays that rested on heavy duty shelving. Within the trays, the photos were grouped, separated by cardboard dividers that said the name of the persons in them. Sean and Mike flipped through a few.

‘Hey isn’t this that Miranda chick that was in rehab so many times?’ Sean said, holding up a photo of a woman with two men, mid-coitus. They found several that had subjects having sex and clearly unaware of the photographer that spied on them.

‘He was a frickin’ peeper,’ Mike said.

‘Are you really that surprised?’

‘No. Not really. The guy always gave me the willies.’

‘No he didn’t. You liked the guy once upon a time,’ Sean said while holding a photo up and shining his light on it. ‘Mark Williamson with another guy.’

‘I didn’t like him after he convinced Christie to marry him at eighteen. Look here.’

At one end of the shelves, they found four trays that simply had ‘Christie’ written on them in marker. Even with the beating Steve had given her before she killed him, nothing could have prepared them for what they found when they began randomly pulling out photos. Beatings. Steve fucking Christie, her body covered in welts and bruises. Photos of a strap in his raised hand, about to deliver a blow to her back. Christie bound and gagged, clothespins on her nipples. Steve raping her with foreign objects.

‘Look at her expression,’ Sean said. ‘That ain’t sexual excitement.’

‘She looks…,’ Mike’s voice caught and he swallowed.

‘Hopeless,’ Sean finished for him.

They both stood there for a long time, Mike with silent tears streaming down his cheeks. ‘She never said a word,’ he said.

‘Stupid little fool. Sweet, generous little fool,’ Sean said, his voice cracking with emotion. ‘She endured this for our sakes, you know.’

‘And Danny’s, I’ll bet.’

‘Look closely at these photos,’ Sean said.

‘I’d rather not.’

‘No, look. If you look at several you’ll see how careful the little shit was. He never hit her on the face or neck, or the lower arms or legs. I’ll bet he never broke a bone, either.’

‘If he had we would have discovered it,’ Mike said.

‘Yeah. It was very controlled. Scarily controlled sexual sadism. I think there’s a lot more to Steve than we ever knew. Did you ever suspect this?’

Mike shrugged. ‘I was on deployment when she got married, but Mom said she had no enthusiasm about her wedding and cried herself to sleep the night before. So, yeah, I wondered.’

‘I did a little at first, too, but she seemed to thrive. Even with all this, and a baby, she went to school and had a career.’

‘Our girl is one tough cookie.’

‘She was so young,’ Sean said. ‘And so naive and sheltered. She probably thought she was being noble or something. Sacrificing herself for us.’

‘She was probably scared to death. This is our fault, Sean.’

The cardboard labels in the Christie trays held the year the photos were taken, going back twenty-six years to when Christie was only ten. Mike pulled out the very first photo, one that showed ten-year-old Christie in a yellow bathing suit at the public pool.

‘I remember this suit,’ Mike said. ‘It was her first two-piece and she was so proud of it I got tired of hearing about it.’

Sean looked over his shoulder at the photo. ‘He took that from outside the fence, in the bushes by the parking lot,’ he said. ‘A peeping tom hiding in the bushes and spying on a ten-year-old girl in a bathing suit. He was what? Twelve? Early but, unfortunately, not unusually so.’

‘She sure was pretty,’ Mike said, looking at a photo of Christie in a tutu at a dance recital.

‘And it attracted the attention of a nut-case.’

Sean pulled out another photo. Christie was about fifteen, lying naked on her bed. ‘This was taken from above,’ Mike remarked. ‘He put a remote camera on the ceiling fixture.’

Sean scraped at something stuck to the photo. ‘My God, is that cum?’

They hastily put the photos back as they had found them. ‘What’s next?’ Mike asked.

The next set of shelves held plastic bins, seven of them. Inside each was a file folder with a tidy ledger of sums, with a date beside each, and a name and address. With the folders were mostly photographs, but a few bins held video tapes, computer disks, or what looked to Sean like audio recordings. The photographs left no doubt.

‘Blackmail,’ Sean said.

‘You know,’ Mike said. ‘I always thought they lived too well. Portrait photographers can’t make that much, even with famous clients, and I know his celebrity photos sometimes get only a few dollars. Even with Christie’s practice, they couldn’t afford that house they live in.’

‘Yep, but he probably got a lot for some of those candid shots he took while hiding in people’s closets.’

‘It’s probably a short step from peeping tom to blackmailer, since he spies on such famous people. But it’s not the obvious one.’

‘Nope,’ Mike said from the set of shelves on the opposite wall. ‘The obvious next step is over here.’

More plastic bins, even smaller this time, and more photographs, each cataloging a rape. Sean counted the boxes.

‘Twenty-eight,’ Sean said in a low voice. ‘He’s raped twenty-eight women.’

They could only stare for a moment and try to comprehend the enormity of a serial rapist getting away with it that many times, for so many years.

‘Twenty-eight that he’s bothered to photograph and catalog,’ Mike said. ‘There could be more. He traveled all over. Every one of these women could be in a different city. That’s how he got away with it for so long.’

‘Probably. Look at the dates,’ Sean said. ‘The first few years only have one or two each, but there’s five in the last fourteen months. He was escalating.’ He looked at several of the photos. ‘And getting more brutal. It was only a matter of time before he killed someone.’

Mike held up four photos from four different rapes. ‘Who do these women remind you of?’

Three women were all pretty and dark haired. The fourth was blond, but statuesque and beautiful. ‘It’s Christie. They were surrogates for Christie,’ Mike said. He started opening boxes and pulling out photos. Most of the women resembled Christie to one degree or another. ‘I’ll bet he wanted to do this to her all along. All these years, of being so controlled, I wonder what sent him over the edge.’

‘Careful,’ Sean said. ‘We need to leave this like we found it.’

‘Sean,’ Mike said from where he wa
s crouched down at the bottom shelf. ‘Found it.’ He pulled out a box with what they came for — the photos from the night Andy raped Christie.

‘There’s so many,’ Sean remarked. ‘He was there the entire time, taking photos while Andy raped our sister.’

Mike held up two photos that weren’t as clear or perfectly framed as the rest. ‘He raped her, too. Steve raped her.’

Looking at them, fury blossomed in Sean’s chest. Mike growled and slammed his fist into the metal support for the shelf. ‘I wish he wasn’t dead so I could kill him myself,’ he said.


There was a desk at the back of the unit, with a computer. A diesel generator supplied the power. Sean fired it up while Mike went through more photos to see if there were any of Christie that they missed. A password blocked Sean from gaining anything useful.

‘We’ll need that hard drive. He might have digitized the photos of us.’

Mike searched the desk and found a piece of paper with what might be passwords taped beneath a drawer.

‘Sloppy for such a meticulous guy,’ Sean said.

In the desk drawer Mike found a lock box. It was easy to pick open and revealed jewelry, large and small pieces. All of it looked valuable.

‘Add burglary to peeping, blackmail, and rape,’ Sean said.

‘Geez, he’s a one-man crime wave.’

Mike returned the jewelry to the box. ‘Stupid,’ he said. ‘No one’s going to the police if you take photographs of them doing something they shouldn’t, but burglary has to be reported for insurance.’

‘Probably just stuff lying around on dressers that he couldn’t resist taking while he was there anyway. Are we done?’ Sean asked.

‘I think so,’ Mike replied.

‘Let’s pop the padlock on that back gate and bring your truck around. We’re going to take the computer, the monitor, and the generator. Make it look like a computer was never in here. What should we do with the rest?’

‘We burn it,’ Mike said. ‘Fill the back of the truck, take it somewhere, start a bonfire.’

‘Mike, think about it. Twenty-eight unsolved cases. Women who need closure. We could send in the photos anonymously.’

‘Christie needs closure. She needs this part of her life to be over with. If we turn this in, it’s going to be an even bigger media circus. Her life will just go from one nightmare to a different nightmare. A serial rapist? Decades from now the press will still be revisiting it. And what about Danny?’

‘Why don’t we let Christie decide?’ Sean asked.

Mike shined his flashlight around the unit, surveying the thousands of photographs. ‘I still say we should burn it. You know what Christie’s choice would be. She never thinks of herself.’

Sean looked around and finally said, ‘Let Christie decide. She was his victim, too.’


‘We found the storage unit.’ Sean had said. ‘The problem is taken care of.’

Both Sean and Mike had refused to say another word about it for the next three days while Christie recovered. Both of them returned to work, but visited when the could. Danny only went home when Christie told him he stank.

When the doctor finally let her get up and shower, she stood in front of them, arms outspread, and said, ‘See? All better now. Talk.’ Then they had to help her back into bed.

‘I know something is up,’ she said. ‘I’m going home in an hour or two, at which point Mom will be underfoot. Now’s a good time if you have something to tell me.’

Sean jerked his head toward the door, looking at Mike. ‘Door,’ Sean said. He looked down at his sister while Mike did this, and then said, ‘You’re an idiot.’

‘Hey!’ Danny said.

‘You needed privacy to tell me that?’ Christie said.

‘I love you, Sis, and I’m going to forgive your idiocy because you were just a kid when all this began, but I just want to go on the record saying that I think you’re a sweet, loving, foolish idiot.’

‘If I was an idiot, it was for your sake,’ she said.

‘That’s the part that makes you an idiot.’

‘How much does Danny know?’ Mike asked.

‘Everything,’ Danny said.

‘No, not everything,’ Sean said, and he took her hand, sat at her side, and told her everything.


‘I’m not terribly surprised,’ Christie said when Sean had told her every last detail. She felt a little sick, but not surprised.

‘Me neither,’ Danny said. ‘We even wondered if he was a rapist.’

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Group Sex
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Divine SuccessionChapter 6

"Molly!" David shouted. "What are you doing here!?" "Dad, what's going on?" Molly asked. "There was this man in white robes. He told me I was going to be judged. He told ... I was dead." "Amia, explain this, right now!" David demanded. "Molly Amelia Jones was shot by a mugger who'd attempted to steal her purse and phone," Amia explained. "She ran off, and was shot in the back. She was dead before help arrived." "I remember that ... I ran off, and I felt a pain in...

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Lesbian First Time

I’m really good friends with my PE teaching assistant. She helps our main teacher, and she’s really kind and nice to everyone. I only just met her in Year 9 when she joined the school as a teacher. I do a lot of after school sports, and she runs the running class. One day, after school, after the running class, I put all the equipment away and so I was the only one getting changed, because I was last to come in. When I pulled my top off, She smiled and said, ‘Well done, you did really well...

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Three Memorable Events Enshrine Dianes Legacy

Our next-door neighbours Jim (gay), Allan (each way) and myself would conspire with Diane to plan out escapades to enable Diane to experience new, daring ways for her to be naked in public. Usually she came up with the concept, and we helped with the execution. There were three occasions in particular that stand out, and I'd like to bring them back to life again here.I am not sure of the exact sequence, but the first one I recount was her posing for a sporting calendar. Jim and Allan had...

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UniversityChapter 9

"Pat?" "Mmm?" "Is Turandot a version of the Rumplestiltskin story?" "Why do you think it is?" "Because they both revolve around the female having to guess the name of the male." "Valid point. Bring it up in class." "Maybe. What are you going to write about for Australian Politics?" "I thought the Broken Hill City Council mess." "Why?" "Because it was all so silly. Mining drongos acting as though being mayor or councillor in a town of 20,000 really meant something....

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Keeping the Womenfolk in Line Karens TaleChapter 22

Tucker had a lot of questions, but Karen intended to answer all of them in the next section as patiently as she could. She politely pointed him to the reference materials she’d provided. She told him that she would be doing that from now on - politely advising instead of demanding, as she’d become accustomed to doing. “I won’t tell you what to do. I will tell you what some options are, if you ask me for them,” She said. “I can gently remind you of what you can’t do if you try to do it,” she...

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Only Girl in School Ch 1 a Frankel story

I really liked Frankel’s stories at Literotica, but they have been deleted from Literotica, probably because Literotica requires that the victim enjoys the sex. I had many Frankel stories saved on my computer, and have been able to recover others from various places. I will publish these stories here on, with a little editing to correct typos. WARNING: Frankel’s stories are not much fun if you’re a woman, and nor are my two stories so far. There’s lots of forced blowjobs, but...

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The Tides of WarChapter 8

The sun was setting by the time David arrived back. In his absence a room had been cleared for him and furnished with a cot, table, and chairs. An enamel bowl sat on a stand with a large pitcher of water and against one wall was his luggage. The Havildar Major asked if he needed anything else. He thanked him for the room and furniture and requested that the senior NCOs report to him after breakfast the next morning. The next morning with four Havildar’s and the Havildar Major in attendance...

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A Matter Of Trust

Colby Colson’s cascading raven curls tumbled freely to her bared shoulders in a slightly tangled disarray as her always intense hazel brown eyes scanned her reflection with carefully, critical scrutiny, steadily searching for flawless in her appearance, as she had already decided that tonight, she simply could not settle for anything less than pure perfection. Tonight…a tired, almost agonizingly anxious sigh escaped her…she needed tonight to be glorious down to the very last detail, she had so...

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The Metro Experience

Andrew was going for his school, he usually took the metro and today was no different. It took him 45mins only to reach his station. But it seemed very long when compared to rush that happens every other day. But today was a mother of rush that too early in the morning.Andrew's eyes wide opened when he saw the metro coming, the number of people astounded him. He pushed his way into the crowed as the metro stopped and doors opened. He pushed himself towards his usual corner.He was a 3rd year...

1 year ago
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Get together with Fred and Mitzi

This story goes back to my teen years and seeing Fred again recently has brought back the memories of several firsts. Fred was a friend from the neighbor hood but was a couple years older and despite my mothers request i still hung around with him as i really didn't fit in with k**s my age. When my mother was working we would usually go down to the city dump just looking for any thing worthwhile bringing back home. While on one of these scrounge missions as we called them we came across a stack...

3 years ago
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Unanticipated Consequences

I was not sure exactly when the transformation had occurred. I could only see that my wife was different. As I looked at her now, I was as turned on by her more than I had ever been. My wife's physique had reverted to when we had dated, but it now was more muscular. Hayley had shed some pounds, yes, but she had shed even more inhibitions. As she turned for me, modeling her outfit, I marveled at Hayley's body and her style of dress. Her feet were in heeled shoes, not high heeled shoes, but...

2 years ago
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I guess you would say I'm a pretty successful woman. Well not that "pretty," although I've kept a nice figure and my tits have always drawn stares. I am an executive with a high tech firm with lots of cashed-out options that by now have made me fairly wealthy ... But nothing about my looks or my recent affluence could have landed me David. David is intelligent, sensitive, and movie-star handsome: tall, square jaw, trim but muscular. Think of Hugh Grant. David was a virgin when I met him in...

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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 6

Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 PART SIX: A Private Party (Appetizers) On her way home from another successful day of work, Shirley needed a boost from the loneliness that had dogged her for the past week. Jamal had been so busy at college he hadn’t been spending any time in her bed. She was so desperately horny, lonely and a little downcast too, and so she decided to do some lingerie shopping at an adult shop she had discovered just about the same time she had started...

4 years ago
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Mom And Maid Ki Ek Sath Chudayi

Hello friends mera name Vicky hai and main Ludhiana se hoon and main 29 years ka hoon and meri height 5’7″ hai and mere penis ka size app 6″ hai and meri body type athletic hai and main ek businessman hoon and mujhe sex ki bohat bhookh hai jis se maine apni mom ko bhi chod dala. Aap sab ko bina bore karte hue story par aata hoon meri maid ka name Asha hai and woh bohat hi sexy hai and uske boobs ka size 34 hai aur kaise usne mujhe meri mom ke saamne hi seduce kiya aur kaise maine apni maid ke...

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The Acolyte

I stood alone in the clearing composing myself, my sheer acolytes dress swirling about me. I closed my eyes feeling the power welling within my twenty-year-old body. It began in my abdomen before spreading quickly to my extremities, and I concentrated harder, willing it into my hands, focussing it, and directing it to my target. Three clay pots filled with water stood on pedestals before me, and it was the central one that I sought to destroy. Panic threatened to overwhelm me as the power...

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Extremely Sexy Office Lady

This is the story about a lady working in a office, how i dealt with her, I love the way she does her job very well. Now for a while let’s through some lines about me to you … Hai to all the ISS Readers…. I am from India. i am Arun (name changed) I am from Karimnagar Telangana . I am good looking tall and my dick size is 7 inches in length. I am 31 years old. Any ladies interested in sex, privacy is assured. Mail me at I love the ISS the way the authors describe their story. I just thought for...

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It was about 2 o'clock on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten home from a date with a guy in my class. My parents figured since I was 18, and it was not a school night. I could stay out late, but I knew if I stayed out all night, I would hear about it the next day. I didn't feel tired so I logged on the computer in my room. I was chatting with a guy who was completely boring me, so I figured I would go to the adult chat rooms. I had never been there but now that I was 18, why not see what it...

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Hot Fun In Bengaluru Part 8211 4

Thank you all ISS readers. I’m Kishan from Bengaluru back with another sexperience with my friend. Hope you all like it. Keep reading and keep giving feedback. This story happened a month ago when I went for a night trek with my female friend to a nearby hill region. It all started when my friend Shuba and me spent a night talking in her apartment. I never had any sexual feelings for her but we know each other for almost 10 years now. She was my college mate but we never interacted during...

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My Office SlutChapter 4

Marcy was quiet in the taxi cab, she just hugged my arm tightly to her. She whispered "What a night." Once we were in her room, she quickly shed her clothes. She left the dog collar on. I went to the wash room, and when I returned she had the leash in her hand. She turned to me, naked except for the collar, and handing me the leash, said "Put it on me." I did, and then she said "Now, do like Karen said, run it back between your legs, and then pull me down." I just looked at...

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The week with my Aunt

My first story. I didn't have the chance to write this in a site like Lush almost 30 years ago because it didn't even exist yet... I'll try it now. I grew up near the beach in Southern California, but was never really the “ladies man”. I left that reputation for the other guys, and scored first when I was 17. It all happened between my Junior and Senior year of High School during summer vacation. By the end of my Junior year I had pretty much already made up my mind to join the Army after...

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Making Sluts of the family

Making sluts of the familyBy Thomas WallerWarning... bisexual references. in this episode.Part 4The gang of onlookers must have numbered fifteen at least. Five or six of the horniest ones had stood up and moved towards us for a closer look. The rest had quickly followed suit and they crowded within a yard of our bench. Some had left their pants in a little heap on the grass, and stood bare-ass naked from the waist down; their cocks pointed lewdly and hungrily at Tina’s and Mandy’s splayed...

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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 8 Her

[ Setting the scene: while King Théoden and his army ride to battle at Helm’s Deep, Éowyn leads the remaining people of Rohan on a retreat to the refuge of Dunharrow.] 3 March 3019 (Third Age), Dunharrow Éowyn first noticed the young pair on the slow trek to Dunharrow. Their wide, fearful stares. Their glassy-eyed acceptance of an unknown fate. And their sadness. So very much sadness. She’d seen variations of these and other desperate emotions all day, and while she wasn’t inherently...

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I Woke Up in a Puddle of Blood And Its Not Mine

I fight against the dead weight of my body, trying to get myself to move. I must have passed out. I wake to hands against my skin. They're cold, I try to move away from his touch but I can't. ‘Oh god, please no!’ I cry out inside my head. My lips move, just barely, but there's no sound. His hand cups my breast, I can feel his hand start to warm up with the contact with my skin. His hands slide over my skin, over my breast. First one then the other. He's talking his time. He's confident...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Brill Barbie Asia Ferrante Lesbo Blondes Brill Barbie and Asia Ferrante Share Glass Dildo For Pleasure

Gorgeous blonde lovers Brill Barbie and Asia Ferrante have scheduled a steamy lesbo session together and can’t keep their hands off each other as they start to strip and kiss passionately. They tease and lick their nipples before the real fun starts as these sex hungry lesbians take turns to munch on each other’s pussies before breaking out a glass dildo to share! They are busy enjoying their sex toy when they are interrupted by a knock at the door. Stay tuned to find out what...

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Dinner and Wine

— This my first story published on this site. The story itself is spanning longer than this, but I will submit this first, as a test. If you have feedback, negative and/or positive, please post such, that I may improve with time — The two lovers sat at a neat, small round table at the restaurant. Near the edge was two lit red candles. The lovers had just finished a wonderful meal together and they still had their wine. The man peered into the woman’s blue eyes. He saw a smile bubble up across...

4 years ago
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Reality Flixxx sex cinema TS

Sex cinema.Reality Flixxx Wasn’t expecting to see it, and yet there they were. A mature women and male getting frisky with each other in the low lit quiet narrow ally-way. Beneath them, a slick black littered ground, wet and puddled in patches and a tired bulb from a street lamp overhead struggled to stay lit, to provide light in the middle of the night, all tucked away on the outskirts of a small German town. The ally-way was perfect cover for these two to indulge and release their high sexual...

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An incest birthday chapter 7

I looked around the tower of stuff in my hands to see a woman in about her early 40s smiling back at me. She was very pretty, standing at 5’4” with brown hair and hazel eyes and a nice set of breasts; she could have easily passed for 30. “We didn’t know how much longer you’d be, my husband Jim was just about to call you guys” she added. Just then a man came around the corner and put his hand on her shoulder, he must be Jim. “Hi, I’m Jim” he confirmed, I thought so. He really didn’t looked...

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Little Discipline for Cordell

Cordell likes to watch porno movies while he gets his dick and nuts licked. He never gives head, but he always gets head. I got a little tired of Cordell and decided that he was in need of a little discipline. It took me a couple of minutes to remove his dick from deep down in my throat because he held my head in place until he squirted out all of his cum. But after I swallowed it, I went through the house and picked up a few items necessary for disciplinary measures. Cordell was lying on his...

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Bad girl on a train

My first effort. I wrote this For a friend, she knows who she is... :) You still don't know if you've done the right thing, getting on this train. Although people seem to understand your English, most everyone speaks either French or something sounding like Dutch. The carriages, that were full with students when you started the journey south, are now populated by business men and women, blue collar workers, and some odd characters. An older guy in a business suit passes by your compartment, and...

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Shopping Adventures 2

Lynn is preparing dinner when Mike arrives home. She greets him with a kiss.“Hi, honey. How was your day?”“The new project is coming along so I’m pretty busy. And yours?”“I took the clothes to Goodwill and went to Macy’s. Then I went to the gym. Other than that nothing much happened.”“I expect your days are going to be like that until you start your new job.”Mike changes out of his coat and tie while Lynn finishes dinner. They eat out on the deck.“I’m glad I got that new Compaq PC. It’s the...

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Tokyo Symphony Ch 03

Terry couldn’t draw. Every time he tried to the blank page stared back at him, virgin white, and all he could think about was whether Mika would call him. When he had met her, he had experienced a huge spurt of creative energy, and now that she was gone the well was dry. Terry guessed that maybe all that shit about muses was right after all. He drifted through the next day, pacing around his room like he was going somewhere, continuing his diet of instant noodles, deflecting Naomichi’s...

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My Telephone Whore Aunt

Hello friends this is Kunal again ( or )…from BHOPAl (m.p).. my previous story was GREAT BIRTHDAY ..I m 20. Well build and from a very good family. For photos of this story write me. This story is especially for my bhopali people! I hope it will seduce u…especially to aunts and to my bhopali sisters..!! Please write your comments after reading this… I used to stay alone in a house which had 2 floors. I was alone in my room and there was a family staying in the ground floor with husband wife...

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"Hey Todd, wanna grab a drink?" said his coworker Damion as he approached his desk. "Dumond and I are going bar hopping." He gave a small apologetic smile. "Sorry, I have something at home. Need to take care of something." Damion let out a sigh of disappointment. "It's okay, I understand. How about this Sunday?" "Sure," Todd said. "The normal place?" "You know it!" Damion grinned as he left, leaving him the only person still in his cubicle. Slamming his face on his desk, Todd sighed...

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A day at the river

  A day at the river.       I'm an ordinary guy in my thirties to whom nothing real dramatic has ever happened, but one particular afternoon drive in the car put an end to all that.   I was sick and tired of looking after the kids while my wife worked and needed a break from them, so I decided to take a drive in the country to clear my head. Having the kids on your own all the time tends to drive you fucking nuts. Just ask any...

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Arcade time well spent

I'd been super horny all week and knew I had to do something about it. I'd been watching lots of videos of black dick being used. I have some kind of fascination with a hard black cock, aka BBC. It didn't really matter if it was a tiny blonde (my personal favorite) or a guy on his knees.I decided I needed to go see if I could see another one in person. Yes I've had a few black cock experiences in the past that were very enjoyable.Let's see there was the black T-girl I met in San Francisco when...

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