Photographs Ch. 10 free porn video

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DISCLAIMER: This is included in the novel/novella category because of length. It is a mother/son incest story. There are also instances of abuse (two of them, which are not the focus of the story). As far as heat level, this story is quite tame, and if you are look for page after page of screaming sex, you might want to look elsewhere. If you want a STORY, please read on.

For the second time in her life, Christie woke in a hospital bed with no idea of how she arrived there, but at least this time she knew why. She opened her eyes to see a shadowed ceiling, tiles blurred in her vision. The three men she loved most came into view. Danny and Sean and Mike. Too groggy to see the look of concern on their faces, she reached out her hands to them as if nothing was wrong, but everything hurt. That small movement brought to mind what had happened in the entryway. She realized she wore an oxygen mask.

‘Christie,’ Sean said. He held her hand gently. Danny took the other one.

‘Steve?’ she whispered.

‘What did she say?’ Mike asked.

‘She said ‘Steve’,’ Sean said.

‘Dead,’ Danny said. ‘He’s dead.’


She missed the look that passed between the three men.

‘You rest now, okay?’ Sean said.

Christie tried to nod, but even that was beyond her. A nurse came in then, scolding them for crowding the small room, and her brothers left. Danny refused to leave her side.


While Christie lay in the ICU, Sean, a Los Angeles police detective, handled everything. Danny gave him the name of one of Christie’s lawyer friends, who agreed without hesitation to handle the situation. Every professional who looked at the evidence agreed the Christie had acted in self-defense, but legal council never hurt. Sean instructed everyone in the family, including her parents, who had flown down from Washington, on how to deal with the press: say nothing no matter how they provoke you. He even took care of Danny’s school issues, getting him a temporary leave.

His Uncle Mike made sure Danny had food and rest. In a whispered conversation during one of his meals, when Mike had dragged him to the cafeteria, Danny explained why Christie had married Steve. He told Mike and Sean about the photographs of the murder and about the storage area. He didn’t mention the many times Steve had beaten Christie during the course of their marriage, but knowing that they were photographed, he suspected that if Sean and Mike found the storage area, that secret wouldn’t be kept for long. It surprised him how relieved he felt to have it off his chest.

Back in her room, he kept his vigil, talking with her when she was lucid, sleeping when he must, and only leaving her side when forced to.


The day after Steve’s death, Christie spoke briefly with the police. Her parents arrived, and between them and her brothers and sisters-in-law she never seemed to have a moment to rest. Danny finally told everyone to leave and hulked over them as menacingly as a sensitive, sweet, 6’5′ young man could. Considering that Sean, Mike, and her father were only a few inches shorter, he had to resort to begging.

‘Two years,’ Christie said when they were finally alone. They had replaced the mask with tubing that ran to her nose. When she had stabbed Steve, the movement shifted a cracked rib, causing it to partially collapse her lung. She wondered if she would ever be able to swim laps again.

‘Two years?’

‘We managed two years without him discovering us.’

‘You think it was inevitable?’


‘He never really knew, though. We got very lucky.’

She looked down the length of the bed at her blanket-covered body and snorted. ‘Lucky?’

‘It could have been much worse.’

‘I suppose so.’ She looked at him. The door was closed, so she said, ‘I know I’m icky right now, but please kiss me.’

He looked at her face, tilted his head to one side and then the other, and finally placed a kiss on her forehead, then another on her right cheek. Two spots that weren’t swollen or bruised. ‘That’ll have to do until you heal up.’

‘You get some sleep,’ Christie told him. ‘Go home.’ The room was bathed in warm light, and she found the soft beep of the heart monitor somewhat comforting. ‘I feel okay right now.’

‘I want to be here in case you…’

‘I’m not going to die, Danny.’

‘But you might be lonely.’

‘Sweetie, I love you, but I would like a few hours to myself.’


What Christie thought about, lying alone in her hospital bed, was not about the attack, or having killed her husband. She thought about how close she and Danny had come to exposure. The risk might have been worth it for the happiness it had given both of them, but it did give her pause. Danny didn’t deserve to live this way. No matter that he called her Christie now, and not Mom, no matter that they were lovers, some part of her would always remain his mother. That part of her needed to safeguard his welfare. The pain in her chest from the thought of losing him hurt worse than the broken ribs and collapsed lung, but she needed to face the fact that they could not go on like this. She never wanted Danny to miss out on having a normal life just because she was too selfish to let him have one. When the right time came, when he was ready, she would not force him to stay.


Two days after Steve attacked Christie, Sean and Mike took a few hours to deal with the storage area.

‘That was far too easy,’ Mike said as the walked out of the small office.

‘She was stupid and not very well trained. And the word ‘terrorist’ and a badge still have a lot of cache these days,’ Sean said.

They both would rather have been at the hospital, watching Christie, but they knew that if the photographs were here, they had to get to them before some clerk watched the news and connected Steve Tyler with the storage area’s customers.

Sean and Mike scanned the list of renters the clerk gave him. Steve Tyler was not among them. They worked through the list slowly, thinking about each name. There were two John Smiths, but the name Carlton Avery practically leaped off the page. In school, Steve had almost idolized Avery, a handsome, brilliant teen who had a habit of cutting people down in such an amusing, clever way that even the most kind-hearted laughed. Someone with great potential who was privately a sadistic bully. Steve would have probably ditched Mike and Andy for Avery’s company if the boy hadn’t considered Steve inferior.

‘Carlton Avery,’ Sean said to Mike. ‘Even I remember him.’

‘What is the likelihood that the real Carlton Avery has a unit here?’

‘It would be a rather large coincidence.’

‘We can’t get in without a warrant,’ Sean said. Both were police officers. The laws they might be breaking could end their careers.

‘Steve did.’

‘What are you talking about?’

Mike pointed to the large sign that posted the storage area’s hours and rules. ‘It closes at 9:00 p.m. on Fridays. Danny said he was here later than that.’

‘Drive around the block,’ Sean said.

Weeds grew at the base of the chain link surrounding the area, and in some places it sagged and was pitted with rust. Razor wire topped the fence, but no cameras protected the buildings within. The property ran the length of the entire block, with a tall gate at the back, letting out into the next street over. Mike parked the truck and they got out to investigate. A set of bolt cutters rested on the passenger seat between them. Mike picked them up and together they quietly they left his truck to find a way in, and then unit F168.

If they hadn’t been trying to be inconspicuous by parking the truck half a block away, they never would have seen the hole in the fence, hidden behind a particularly tall stand of star thistle and the dumpster for a dry cleaners next door. Sean slipp
ed between the thistle and the dumpster to examine the hole.

‘Look,’ he said to Mike. The wire had not come loose, it had been cut from the support at the corner where one length of chain link abutted another. Sean thought about that for a moment. ‘If he came here at night a lot, then he might have made that hole himself.’

‘Whatever he has hidden here, he doesn’t want anyone to find out about it. No cameras. Did you notice?’ Mike asked.

Sean looked at the little map swiped from the counter in the office. F168 was located far in the back, out of sight of the office. While they slipped through the fence and made their way to the unit, Mike said. ‘No warrant, no probable cause.’

‘I think we have worse crimes in our past,’ Sean said. ‘No one’s ever going to know about this. Let’s just not get caught.’

‘If we have to cut that padlock, they’ll know,’ Mike said.

‘I brought a replacement.’


As it turned out, the lock was a keyed padlock, and Sean pulled on latex gloves and began to work on it. He had it open in a couple of minutes. There was no electricity to the unit, but it was daylight, and they had come prepared with flashlights. They shined the flashlights around and whistled.

‘Will you get a load of that?’ Mike said, pulling on his own gloves. ‘It’s like a Wal-Mart photo center.’

What they found inside was photographs. Thousands of photographs lined up in neat rows in long plastic trays that rested on heavy duty shelving. Within the trays, the photos were grouped, separated by cardboard dividers that said the name of the persons in them. Sean and Mike flipped through a few.

‘Hey isn’t this that Miranda chick that was in rehab so many times?’ Sean said, holding up a photo of a woman with two men, mid-coitus. They found several that had subjects having sex and clearly unaware of the photographer that spied on them.

‘He was a frickin’ peeper,’ Mike said.

‘Are you really that surprised?’

‘No. Not really. The guy always gave me the willies.’

‘No he didn’t. You liked the guy once upon a time,’ Sean said while holding a photo up and shining his light on it. ‘Mark Williamson with another guy.’

‘I didn’t like him after he convinced Christie to marry him at eighteen. Look here.’

At one end of the shelves, they found four trays that simply had ‘Christie’ written on them in marker. Even with the beating Steve had given her before she killed him, nothing could have prepared them for what they found when they began randomly pulling out photos. Beatings. Steve fucking Christie, her body covered in welts and bruises. Photos of a strap in his raised hand, about to deliver a blow to her back. Christie bound and gagged, clothespins on her nipples. Steve raping her with foreign objects.

‘Look at her expression,’ Sean said. ‘That ain’t sexual excitement.’

‘She looks…,’ Mike’s voice caught and he swallowed.

‘Hopeless,’ Sean finished for him.

They both stood there for a long time, Mike with silent tears streaming down his cheeks. ‘She never said a word,’ he said.

‘Stupid little fool. Sweet, generous little fool,’ Sean said, his voice cracking with emotion. ‘She endured this for our sakes, you know.’

‘And Danny’s, I’ll bet.’

‘Look closely at these photos,’ Sean said.

‘I’d rather not.’

‘No, look. If you look at several you’ll see how careful the little shit was. He never hit her on the face or neck, or the lower arms or legs. I’ll bet he never broke a bone, either.’

‘If he had we would have discovered it,’ Mike said.

‘Yeah. It was very controlled. Scarily controlled sexual sadism. I think there’s a lot more to Steve than we ever knew. Did you ever suspect this?’

Mike shrugged. ‘I was on deployment when she got married, but Mom said she had no enthusiasm about her wedding and cried herself to sleep the night before. So, yeah, I wondered.’

‘I did a little at first, too, but she seemed to thrive. Even with all this, and a baby, she went to school and had a career.’

‘Our girl is one tough cookie.’

‘She was so young,’ Sean said. ‘And so naive and sheltered. She probably thought she was being noble or something. Sacrificing herself for us.’

‘She was probably scared to death. This is our fault, Sean.’

The cardboard labels in the Christie trays held the year the photos were taken, going back twenty-six years to when Christie was only ten. Mike pulled out the very first photo, one that showed ten-year-old Christie in a yellow bathing suit at the public pool.

‘I remember this suit,’ Mike said. ‘It was her first two-piece and she was so proud of it I got tired of hearing about it.’

Sean looked over his shoulder at the photo. ‘He took that from outside the fence, in the bushes by the parking lot,’ he said. ‘A peeping tom hiding in the bushes and spying on a ten-year-old girl in a bathing suit. He was what? Twelve? Early but, unfortunately, not unusually so.’

‘She sure was pretty,’ Mike said, looking at a photo of Christie in a tutu at a dance recital.

‘And it attracted the attention of a nut-case.’

Sean pulled out another photo. Christie was about fifteen, lying naked on her bed. ‘This was taken from above,’ Mike remarked. ‘He put a remote camera on the ceiling fixture.’

Sean scraped at something stuck to the photo. ‘My God, is that cum?’

They hastily put the photos back as they had found them. ‘What’s next?’ Mike asked.

The next set of shelves held plastic bins, seven of them. Inside each was a file folder with a tidy ledger of sums, with a date beside each, and a name and address. With the folders were mostly photographs, but a few bins held video tapes, computer disks, or what looked to Sean like audio recordings. The photographs left no doubt.

‘Blackmail,’ Sean said.

‘You know,’ Mike said. ‘I always thought they lived too well. Portrait photographers can’t make that much, even with famous clients, and I know his celebrity photos sometimes get only a few dollars. Even with Christie’s practice, they couldn’t afford that house they live in.’

‘Yep, but he probably got a lot for some of those candid shots he took while hiding in people’s closets.’

‘It’s probably a short step from peeping tom to blackmailer, since he spies on such famous people. But it’s not the obvious one.’

‘Nope,’ Mike said from the set of shelves on the opposite wall. ‘The obvious next step is over here.’

More plastic bins, even smaller this time, and more photographs, each cataloging a rape. Sean counted the boxes.

‘Twenty-eight,’ Sean said in a low voice. ‘He’s raped twenty-eight women.’

They could only stare for a moment and try to comprehend the enormity of a serial rapist getting away with it that many times, for so many years.

‘Twenty-eight that he’s bothered to photograph and catalog,’ Mike said. ‘There could be more. He traveled all over. Every one of these women could be in a different city. That’s how he got away with it for so long.’

‘Probably. Look at the dates,’ Sean said. ‘The first few years only have one or two each, but there’s five in the last fourteen months. He was escalating.’ He looked at several of the photos. ‘And getting more brutal. It was only a matter of time before he killed someone.’

Mike held up four photos from four different rapes. ‘Who do these women remind you of?’

Three women were all pretty and dark haired. The fourth was blond, but statuesque and beautiful. ‘It’s Christie. They were surrogates for Christie,’ Mike said. He started opening boxes and pulling out photos. Most of the women resembled Christie to one degree or another. ‘I’ll bet he wanted to do this to her all along. All these years, of being so controlled, I wonder what sent him over the edge.’

‘Careful,’ Sean said. ‘We need to leave this like we found it.’

‘Sean,’ Mike said from where he wa
s crouched down at the bottom shelf. ‘Found it.’ He pulled out a box with what they came for — the photos from the night Andy raped Christie.

‘There’s so many,’ Sean remarked. ‘He was there the entire time, taking photos while Andy raped our sister.’

Mike held up two photos that weren’t as clear or perfectly framed as the rest. ‘He raped her, too. Steve raped her.’

Looking at them, fury blossomed in Sean’s chest. Mike growled and slammed his fist into the metal support for the shelf. ‘I wish he wasn’t dead so I could kill him myself,’ he said.


There was a desk at the back of the unit, with a computer. A diesel generator supplied the power. Sean fired it up while Mike went through more photos to see if there were any of Christie that they missed. A password blocked Sean from gaining anything useful.

‘We’ll need that hard drive. He might have digitized the photos of us.’

Mike searched the desk and found a piece of paper with what might be passwords taped beneath a drawer.

‘Sloppy for such a meticulous guy,’ Sean said.

In the desk drawer Mike found a lock box. It was easy to pick open and revealed jewelry, large and small pieces. All of it looked valuable.

‘Add burglary to peeping, blackmail, and rape,’ Sean said.

‘Geez, he’s a one-man crime wave.’

Mike returned the jewelry to the box. ‘Stupid,’ he said. ‘No one’s going to the police if you take photographs of them doing something they shouldn’t, but burglary has to be reported for insurance.’

‘Probably just stuff lying around on dressers that he couldn’t resist taking while he was there anyway. Are we done?’ Sean asked.

‘I think so,’ Mike replied.

‘Let’s pop the padlock on that back gate and bring your truck around. We’re going to take the computer, the monitor, and the generator. Make it look like a computer was never in here. What should we do with the rest?’

‘We burn it,’ Mike said. ‘Fill the back of the truck, take it somewhere, start a bonfire.’

‘Mike, think about it. Twenty-eight unsolved cases. Women who need closure. We could send in the photos anonymously.’

‘Christie needs closure. She needs this part of her life to be over with. If we turn this in, it’s going to be an even bigger media circus. Her life will just go from one nightmare to a different nightmare. A serial rapist? Decades from now the press will still be revisiting it. And what about Danny?’

‘Why don’t we let Christie decide?’ Sean asked.

Mike shined his flashlight around the unit, surveying the thousands of photographs. ‘I still say we should burn it. You know what Christie’s choice would be. She never thinks of herself.’

Sean looked around and finally said, ‘Let Christie decide. She was his victim, too.’


‘We found the storage unit.’ Sean had said. ‘The problem is taken care of.’

Both Sean and Mike had refused to say another word about it for the next three days while Christie recovered. Both of them returned to work, but visited when the could. Danny only went home when Christie told him he stank.

When the doctor finally let her get up and shower, she stood in front of them, arms outspread, and said, ‘See? All better now. Talk.’ Then they had to help her back into bed.

‘I know something is up,’ she said. ‘I’m going home in an hour or two, at which point Mom will be underfoot. Now’s a good time if you have something to tell me.’

Sean jerked his head toward the door, looking at Mike. ‘Door,’ Sean said. He looked down at his sister while Mike did this, and then said, ‘You’re an idiot.’

‘Hey!’ Danny said.

‘You needed privacy to tell me that?’ Christie said.

‘I love you, Sis, and I’m going to forgive your idiocy because you were just a kid when all this began, but I just want to go on the record saying that I think you’re a sweet, loving, foolish idiot.’

‘If I was an idiot, it was for your sake,’ she said.

‘That’s the part that makes you an idiot.’

‘How much does Danny know?’ Mike asked.

‘Everything,’ Danny said.

‘No, not everything,’ Sean said, and he took her hand, sat at her side, and told her everything.


‘I’m not terribly surprised,’ Christie said when Sean had told her every last detail. She felt a little sick, but not surprised.

‘Me neither,’ Danny said. ‘We even wondered if he was a rapist.’

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Author: Powerone Title: Niece's Weekly Punishment Sessions Part: Chapter 1 Summary: In keeping with tradition, Melissa must submit to weekly punishment sessions with her Uncle, just like her mother had done when she was young. Keywords: M/f, nc, reluc, mdom, humil, inc, span Copyright 2003 by Powerone.The author may be contacted at [email protected] Niece’s Weekly Punishment SessionsThe first time she did not know.Now she did as she laid out the instruments her Uncle would use on her.It...

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Alene Ravens New Life Year IChapter 2

Suddenly, she felt a movement in her pants, she removed them. Looking back at her was a small cock. Her hand moved to her mouth to muffle a terrified scream. She couldn’t believe it, a cock? Where is her beautiful pussy? “This must be a dream,” she muttered to herself. She went to the bathroom to wash her face. Hoping, no, wishing this was all a very bad dream. The water she splashed on her face gave the world a better focus. She could see the marble sink and the towels she hung there...

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Childish Obsessions PART 1 My First Experience

My name is Mitchell… I have always loved the way younger girls looked. You know the age…. 14 and 15 beauties, just starting to develop. However I never was able to satisfy this craving for fear of being arrested. I found myself on chat rooms looking for young girls to chat with… it was the least i could get right? I could play out my fantasy if only online. They always tied to impress me and often knew alot more about sex then i would have ever thought possible. Telling me how they would take...

2 years ago
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To Hell and Back Book One SurvivalCH 20 Questions and Theories

“Flying ships...” Logan looked at her, as if for confirmation. Karen nodded back. “I ... did not see that one coming,” Logan admitted. “And I definitely don’t remember reading about flying ships in Dante’s Inferno.” “No, of course not.” Alan rose to his feet. “Well then, if it is still your intention to meet the others, I should return and prepare them first. Otherwise, arriving armed as you are, would only frighten them and achieve no good purpose. Please allow me that courtesy.” “Ok,”...

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Jillie and The Android

I went into the lab observation suite designed to look like a bedroom. A queen-size four poster bed sat in the center along with two endtables, lamps and a small bathroom adjacent to the bedroom. Along one wall next to the door was a large panel of two way glass. The three scientists could see in, but all I could see was my reflection. The three scientists followed me and instructed me about the program. “Miss Jillie, you will need to program your priorities into this hand held unit. There...

4 years ago
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Revenge of the Goddess

Revenge of the Goddess By Ricky Eternity had been quiet in the God's card room at The Home. It always was. Whenever someone new joined the group it was a nine eon's wonder, but since that meant the poor deity had lost so many followers he no longer had a place in the current pantheon of the real world it reminded the currant denizens of their own misfortune. The place was pretty nice, actually. A professional decorator would have been scandalized by the way the retired deities...

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The Kennel A Little Shop Story

The Kennel The KennelPhoebe smiled. ?Soapy, I think I?m going to leave Nolan down there in the Kennel for another week.? The now platinum blonde giggled, and her full breasts bounced a bit in the violet halter top. Soapy tried not to drool behind the counter. Damn she?s looking good he thought, just like the tramps in my Narcotics Anonymous meetings. ?But I thought your original bargain with Nolan was he stayed a week, wasn?t it, Phoebe?? Jesus, Soapy thought, Nolan had actually...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Romp With Maid

This is my first time writing on this forum, have been reading stories here for years and believe at least some of the them are true. I am writing my real life experience which happened a few weeks back. I am Salman (Name changed) a banker,living happily with my wife and 2 years old baby boy in Hong Kong. We had 2 part time maids (both filipinos) working for us the 2nd maid Charlotte had started working some 6 months ago and would come on Saturdays in the mornings. She was very hard working and...

3 years ago
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Adventures of a Novice

Adventures of a Novice Janet L. Stickney [email protected] That first time I tried on my sisters clothes I was just 8 years old. She was 12, so the fit was bad, but I was in heaven! I tried using my Mothers makeup while dressed in Julie's clothes, unaware that I looked a lot more like a clown and a lot less like a real girl. Yet what I saw in the mirror excited something deep inside of me that I had no name for, I just knew that I had to dress up so I could look like a girl. My...

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Three for the Road

Our recently divorced friend has gotten a little from a few women since being on his own, he has been going through a bit of a dry spell as of late. At last count, we were up to 40 days give or take a day or two since he’d had any. We decided to take him on vacation with us to cheer him up. I began teasing him in my tight jeans and t-shirt without a bra as our vacation began in the airport bar. We spent our days sight seeing and our nights at local hot spots. Some evenings we just enjoyed...

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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 22

It was late afternoon when Rummy and Doris called from the gate that separates Heliopolis from the real world. Helen and Sandy slipped on shorts and went down to meet them. Helen spoke to the guard and waved the car inside as the barrier rose. She went to the driver's window to speak to Rummy, who stared fixedly ahead. "Oh, hell, Rummy, don't be silly. They're only tits." "I know," he said, "but they're yours." Helen sighed. "Anyway, thanks so much for coming so soon." She...

2 years ago
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Dark Lord

You sit in the same dusty shop that you've worked in all your life, surrounded by artifacts, jewelry and other fancy goods that you could never even hope to buy. You stare mindlessly ahead, knowing that a long day of unending labor lies ahead of you. As an orphan, you're practically the lowest of all classes. The nobility and clergy wouldn't even waste the moisture to spit on you. The merchants use your kind as cheap labor to be used. The warriors bully and harass and abused and even the...

4 years ago
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Evil in EdenChapter 2

Mrs Lavender and Kim walked into the Eden Club bar where at around mid-day it was relatively peaceful with just the tinkle of soft jazz piano blending with a low chatter of pre-luncheon guests. Having just found their cabin they hadn’t wasted time before seeking refreshment after the long drive down. Yet before they reached the bar there was a friendly greeting, “ Now there’s a lady I’m pleased to see!” said a smart looking middle-aged man who was with two other chaps at the bar. It was Ed...

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FidleChapter 40

“Before we begin, will I need any of the following: a shower, clothing, coffee, an empty stomach, or a bottle of whisky?” He was still absorbing the ominous possibilities of her insistence that they needed to talk, a conversation starter guaranteed to strike fear into the heart of virtually any man. “Not yet, but you may want somewhere between one and all of those things by the time we’re done.” Luke settled for kicking off his shoes and propping himself against the headboard. I hate...

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Nieghbours uncut

This story will take you on an Erotic trip to Ramsay Street (a fictional street where nieghbours the soap is set.) where you can try and fuck some of the hottest Aussie babes around. You can also add famous celebrities into the mix. Frist you have to choose what sex and what your sexual orientation is.

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Behan ko choda

Hello fiends,mera naam vicky hai aur mein lahore,pakistan ka rehnay wala hoon.meri age 23 years hai aur meri height 5.10 hai aur meir muscular body hai aur kafi healthy hoon meray lund ka size 6.5 hai aur motai 3 inch hai.aur muje sex ki bohat khwaish hai lekin kabi moqa nahi mila tha ab moqa mila hai to aap logon ko apna experience likh reha hoon.(name changed) Ye story meray aur meri choti behan kay matalaq hai.meri choti behan ka naam saima hai aur wo muj say 3 saal chotti hai us ki height...

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Stacys Submission Chapter 9

Stacy and Becca lie together on Becca's simple bed. The girls are both completely naked, except for Stacy's skirt and the chastity belt beneath it. Becca pulls Stacy in closer to her. Her skin is still damp from the recent rigorous sexual experience Stacy gave her. Stacy can't bear to move. She's lost in the happiness Becca's warmth gives her. She can't stop smelling her girlfriend's hair. She wears a big, goofy smile on her face. She tries to have as much of her soft, young skin in contact...

4 years ago
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My Wifes Pussy

I have made it clear to my wife that I adore her! So relax. I am going to give you pleasure and I will worship you for as long as it takes, as long as you need. I want you to enjoy it. Don't push yourself, don't be anxious that it will end before you cum. It won't. I am here to give you pleasure, to bring you to an exquisite climax. I want to worship you; worship your pussy. And in that act, I will find my pleasure.She understood that. She slipped out of her clothes, just as she peeled off the ...

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Boxing Lessons Ch 01

It had all started out so innocently. I had recently joined my local boxing club after moving back into the neighborhood. For the past five years I had been working for a mining company in the middle of nowhere, but the pay had been great and I had saved like crazy. Now I had enough to buy my own house, a nice car and still have enough to invest, plus I still had a good paying job with the company. Saturday nights were still pretty quiet for me. I had only been back 3 weeks and I still hadn’t...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Cadey Mercury Kristen Scott Hot Girls

A thong and sheer bra the only things standing between Kristen Scott and her questing fingers as she lays in bed and enjoys soft touches. When her girlfriend Cadey Mercury joins her, Kristen can’t stop the come-hither smile that crosses her lips. Her excitement only grows when Cadey pulls the slit in her skirt aside to show that she’s not wearing any panties, and then lifts her top to prove she’s braless as well. Crawling onto the bed with Kristen, Cadey gradually kisses her...

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Helping Hands

Introduction: He thought his neighbor was just your regular housewife…but he was wrong. Sunday morning, the phone rang. It was Alicia, the lady next door Hey, Mike, she said. Do you know anything about DVD players? A little bit, I said. How come? Mines not working, she said. I cant get a repair guy because its Sunday. Do you mind looking at it? Nope, I replied. Im not doing anything major. Give me a minute and Ill be over. Tom and Alicia were living next door when I moved in a year or so...

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He Came In My Pussy Again

Hello there,So, this time I will tell the continuation of what happened with the same guy from the office i meet at end of week.On Sunday morning he send me email telling me dirty things and say he want to meet me again. I respond and tell him he tell me a good time for him because he is married and cannot be anytime or at his house.In afternoon, he send me text message to meet him in a place at 16:00 and I say yes. The place we meet was very strange. It was not distant from my house but it was...

2 years ago
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Lucky Tweet Part 2 Alexa Bliss Nikki Cross

I had never considered myself a lucky guy by a tweet, but somehow, my luck would change for the better!I was hired to run a Minor League Baseball team’s Twitter account when one Mid-July event would see me tweet, “Come out to the ballpark this weekend for WWE night on Saturday, meet WWE Superstars, then on Sunday, the WWE Superstars play softball for Charity!”. On Friday, I had to get a few suite boxes ready for the weekend’s events while the game was ongoing and discussing which Superstars...

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ProfNigma Stories 3 Carousel Nights 1

iCarly/Victorious: Carousel Nights: Chapter 1“Ummm… Say that again…”“We need to talk, Freddie,” she was now shaking the pregnancy test box as she spoke.“I thought you were on the pill, how could you be pregnant?”“Idiot… That’s not 100% effective. Nothing is. And I don’t know if I am or not. I’m just late.”“Late for wh-” Freddie winced at his own stupidity. “Never mind… Just took me a second.”“Yeah… can I come in?”“Shit. Sorry… I guess I’m just out of it. This is kinda big news,” he stepped...

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Second group wank

Due to scheduling issues, it took about a month until we were all free to meet again. We even created a messaging thread and named it 'guy time' in a lazy effort to hide our plans from nosey partners. If any of our partners were to have bothered to read the message thread then they'd certainly be in for a surprise.The general consensus was that we were all eager to meet up again and that this time, nothing was off the table. No one went into any detail as to what that meant but what we did know...

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The Family Taboo 8211 Part 6 Fucking In The Waterfalls

Coming to the story in the last part I fucked my mom in the bathroom. Now my sex adventures continued in grandma’s house with my mom. After a fuck in the bathroom, I am still in the mood and I need to fuck, but I don’t know how. So I started to cook up a plan. My grandma’s house is in a forest area and it has a small waterfall nearby where nobody comes. So I asked everyone shall we go to the waterfalls. Every one said no because Grandma was ill. I pleaded with my mom at least you come with me...

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Taking Public Transportation part 2

Its been a few weeks since I got my new vehicle and since I have seen Ray. Been wanting to text but have been afraid. It felt nice getting stroked and sucked in public. It took me to another sexual. level. One day I decided to drive by where I knew Ray catches the bus. I saw him standing there and offered him a ride into work. He sure didnt hesitate on climbing in my roomie suv. Ray said it was nice to see me again. He mentioned how he enjoyed that day on the bus and didnt think he was going to...

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Princess of Kamira Ch 01

This is the first story I’ve written that has a ongoing theme. Warning: There will be incest in the story. There is also racial conflict, and fictional politics. This first chapter is Non-Erotic. All character are 18 and over. Please enjoy, and comment. __________________________ Once upon a time, across an ocean and another land, lived a lonely young girl. She had everything a girl her age might want, toys, beautiful clothes, a lovely home. Everything, in fact, except a family or friends. ...

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Taylor With Wife

This is the story of my wife Nisha getting fucked by the Taylor. She is 33 yrs 5ft 4” tall with body measurements of 34 29 33. She has nice features and a beautiful round ass. This happened when she went to a Taylor in our neighborhood to stitch a blouse. When we reached the shop I realized that she was wearing a tight dress. She agreed to give her measurement the Taylor was very happy and asked her to remove her Dupatta. Her Cleavage can now be seen thru her low cut shirt. The Taylor started...

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Mr Coxs Holiday

Author’s Note. This story is dedicated to ChrisM. Thank you for your generosity. I sat at my desk looking out over the London skyline. It was July and the rain was pouring down. I sighed and drank my tea. I was a coffee man but after three months in England, I had been hooked on the tea. It wasn’t my office I was sitting in but one that was provided to me by the company who had contracted my services. I’m a marketing consultant and travel the world helping start-up companies to find...

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The Wedding Band

John never cared much for birthdays. It was just another day that no one would notice him. Not that there was much to notice. At eighteen he had yet to truly distinguish himself. He was just an average kid. This, so far, had been the most average of birthdays ever. He had woken up to his mother coming in and singing the song and had gotten plenty of well wishes at school, but there was nothing to make him think this would be the day that changed his life. Upon arriving home from school, John...

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The Love Shared Part 12

''But how? I mean, the whole Mother and Son thing is... well, I'm pretty sure it's illegal.'' I exclaimed. ''How did you reach that conclusion?'' I asked. She placed her hand on my chest and began making circles with her finger, ''True it's illegal, your Mother could get a fair few years in prison if it ever came out. In New Zealand it's illegal even if it's your step-child.'' she told me. My heart began to race, was this going to end with her black mailing me? ''Fact is...

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Mary Enjoys Cyber Sex

Mary Nasi was a high-powered executive in a top marketing firm.  She was in the top of her game until Michael Brown joined the company and basically stole her job.  He got accepted into the boy’s club and several months later Mary was out the door. They gave her a nice severance package and was sent on her way.  Now Mary, had always had a nanny who cared for her house and the children.  But, when she lost her job, her husband said she needed to lose the nanny.  They weren’t hurting for money,...

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Aliens GiftPart 2 College Bound

I. Colt loved waking up to an erection. He also loved waking up to his step-sister's glorious ass swaying just above his head as she straddled him. And yes, it was a glorious ass. Firm, exquisitely shaped, and constantly begging to be fucked. Sheri slowly lowered her wet cunt over his mouth and the aroma alone was enough to make him throb. Hanging down and resting on his stomach was a pair of the most incredible boobs one would ever see on a girl Sheri's age and frame. 34 Double Dees — her...

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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 26 The Beat of Our Hearts

October 14th, 1995, 9:40 AM CT, Union Station, Chicago, IL The Cardinal arrived into Chicago Union Station fairly close to on time; only about 30 minutes late. They had been told that the Cardinal tended to run late; this meant that they had plenty of time in the Windy City before their next train, the Southwest Chief departed for Los Angeles at 5:40 PM that night. They were hungry; they had overslept and had not gotten breakfast on the train. They asked a passing person where they should...

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Sharing Wife With Another Friend Part 2

The next time my friend and I shared my wife was when we were going back to work a few days later. My wife came home from work, he showed up early and once again I grabbed the camera and got ready for the show. She was standing at the kitchen counter and stripped down to a very sexy black bra and panties, to which he replied, “ wow do you look sexy in black”. He then knelt down in front of her and started playing with her body. He then stuck a couple fingers in her pussy and asked her “is this...

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Businessman Ken

I'm 25. A short but super cute latino twink looking type. Shaved head, 5'0, 120 lbs, light brown skin, dark brown hair and eyes. I've known all my life that I like dudes. It wasn't until I was 14 that I had my first gay experience. I had just been dismissed from school, I was a freshman, and I had a ton of stupid hw to do. I remember walking to the library to do my hw. God it was so hot that day! When I got to the library I called my over protective mom to let her know that I'd be late coming...

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