Güzelden Kötüye Gidiş! 3 free porn video

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Sinirlenmiştim. Daha 2 ay önceki o kibar çocuk neden böyle küstahlaşmıştı ki anlayamadım. İçk**en desem daha önce fazlasını içtiğimiz halde böyle bir şey yapacak potansiyeli yoktu. Sessizce oturup duruyorduk. Ben sigaramı içerken o da arada açıktaki sikini sıvazlıyor beni süzdüğünü hissediyordum. Gözümün ucuyla şöyle bir baktığımda sikinin tamamıyla sertleştiğini gördüm. Aslında o gün hemen boşalmaması için kısa kestiğim saksoyu hatırladım ve tadının damağımda kaldığını biliyordum. Güzel de bir şekli vardı. Şeytan dürtmeye başlamıştı beni. Ben böyle düşünürken sikine baktığımı farketmiş ki, rahat rahat baksana neden çekiniyosun diyerek elini hafiften kalçama değdirmeye başladı. O dokundukça "yapma" diyerek öteye kaçıyordum santim santim. Ama içimde birşeyler de uyanıyordu. Sonra kendi kendime " yahu istiyosun işte kendine itiraf et artık, ne cilveli orospusun yanında ilk senin sahip olduğun ve senin olmayı isteyen tazecik bir erkek var daha ne istiyosun" deyip kararımı verdim. Bi müddet hiç kaçmadım elinden. Bu cesaretlenmeye başlayınca parmaklarını altıma sokacak şekilde okşamaya başladı. Birazdan olacaklardan habersiz umut ederek beni tavlamaya çalışıyordu. Aniden kalkıp hiç bir şey demeden odaya gittim. Bir çırpıda soyunup çekmecemden kırmızı detayları olan siyah jartiyerimi giydim. Üstüne de alalı bir kaç hafta olan seksi korse bistuyerimi alıp eşofmanlarımı tekrar üzerime geçirdim. O çapkın hınzıra büyük sürpriz olacaktı bu. Salona geçip emir verircesine ayağa kalkmasını istedim. Biraz afalladı. Çok kızıp kovacağımı düşündü ki pantolonunu yukarı çekmeye kalkıştığında durmasını emrettim. Çocuk iyice şaşırdı. Hızla önüne eğilip bir hamlede sikinden tutup ağzıma aldım. Garibim nasıl bir duygu içindeydi. Ama ona beni azdırmanın bedelini ödetecektim. "Nihayet kabul ediyorsun he " dediğinde saksoyu bırakmadan gözlerinin içine dik dik bakıyordum. Yine de acemiliği devam ediyordu. Bir kaç dakika sonra titremeye başladı ağzıma boşalmasına müsade edecektim hiç bozmadan devam ettim. Sonunda ah oh diye diye boşaldı. Taze dölleri kadifemsi kokusuyla ağzıma oluk oluk akıyordu. Büyük keyifle gözlerine bakmayı bırakmadan yuttum. Siki yumuşayana kadar saksoya devam ettim.
+ mutlu musun artık
- hem de nasıl. Bundan sonra senden başkasını sikmicem. Sen de benim olacaksın
+ hmm beni doyuramazsın sen böyle tez boşaldıkça bak söyleyeyim
- alışınca düzelirim. O kızları 20 dk siktim merak etme. Hatta seni daha fazla sikcem ilerde
+ görcez...
Kalkıp onun dinlenmesi için kanepeye oturdum. Çağatay pantolonunu ve tişörtünü çıkarttı. Benimde soyunmamı istedi. Hazır olduğunda soyunacağımı söyledim. Hemen kalkar gel ben soyacam seni dediğinde kanepeye uzandım "ben gelmem, sen gel soy o zaman" dedim. Hemen alt eşofmanıma sarılarak belimden popoma doğru sıyırdı. O an jartiyerimi gördüğünde gözleri fal taşı gibi açıldı. Heyecanla hızlı şekilde sonuna kadar çekip çıkararak salonun ortasına doğru fırlattı. İştahli iştahlı bakıyor gözleriyle resmen yiyordu bacaklarımı. Sıra tişörtüme geldiğinde hafif doğruldum rahat çıkarması için. Yukarı kaldırdıkça "sen naptın böyle, ölcem bak burda" derken manzaranın tadını çıkarmaya başladı. Ben uzanmış o yanıma oturmuş vaziyette tepeden tırnağa süzüyordu beni. Biraz göz banyosundan sonra okşamaya başladı bacaklarımı. Parlayan gözleriyle bana baktığında " beğenmedin mi sevgilini" dedim. İşte o anda eğilip dudaklarıma nasıl da sertçe yumuldu. İnik sikini baldırıma bastırıyor, tek eliyle bacaklarımı sırayla okşayıp avuçluyor diğer eliyle de başımdan tutup kendine çeke çeke öpüşüyordu benimle. Nefes alamaz haldeydim. Şikayetim yoktu tabi. Böyle sevişmeyi nerden akıl ederdim ki...
Öpüşürken hareketlerimi daha da kadınsılaştırarak Çağatay'ı in kendini tam bir erkek gibi hissetmesini sağlıyordum. Bu tavırlarımla deliye dönüp her öpüşü daha sert oluyor sanki beni yemeye çalışıyor gibiydi. Sarılıp omuzlarını saçlarını okşuyordum. Başını boynuma kulağıma yanağıma doğru yönlendirip istediğim noktalarımı emmesini sağlıyordum. Dudaklarının tenime her dokunuşunu hissetmeye ve zevkini iliklerime kadar yaşamaya odaklanırken, kendine gelen sikinin baldırlarımda sertleştiğini hissediyordum. Bir elimle hemen sikini kavrayarak sertleşmesini hızlandırmaya başladım. Bu duygularla onu bir an önce içimde hissetmek istiyordum. Nihayet sertleştiğinde kulağına fısıltıyla artık sikmesini istedim. Doğrulup bacaklarımın arasına girdi. Biraz tükürükle deliğimi ve sikinin başını ıslayarak deliğime dayayıverdi. Ne yapmasını ben söylemeden o ilk siktiği gün naptıysa aynı şekilde yapıyordu. Önce başını yavaşça soktu. Biraz bekleyip hızlıca sokup köklemişti. Ben sadece izliyordum ve o köklemesiyle aldığım zevki inlememle ona iyi hissetirdiğini bildiriyordum. Bir kaç git gel yaptı. Gel buraya deyip benimle öpüşmesine devam ediyordum. Amacım taze erkeğimin beni hem sikip hem de aynı anda sevişmesine alıştırmaktı. Böylece ileride bol ve uzunca sikmesi için geç boşalmaya alışmasını sağlayacaktım. İlk olduğunda 2 3 dakika süren sikişi bu kez 5 dakika kadar sürmüştü. Dudakları dudaklarımda ikimizde soluk soluğa birbirimizin nefeslerini içimize çekerken boşaldı Çağatay. Devam edip sertliği geçene kadar sokup çıkarmasını istedim. Beni dinleyerek aynı tempoda devam etti. Deliğimdeki döllerinin vıcık vıcık çıkardığı ses ikimize de keyif veriyordu. İyice yumuşamaya başlamasına rağmen devam etmek istediğini anlıyordum aslanımın. Ama artık zorlanınca bıraktı. Kanepeye oturup "oh beee" dedi. İkimizde ter içinde öyle dinleniyorduk. Peşpeşe banyoya gidip temizlendik ve masamızın başına oturup. Sigaralarımızı yakıp kuruyan damağımızı biralarımızı içerek ıslattık.
+ canım müthiştin.
- cidden mi
+ evet. Hiç böyle sikilmemiştim daha önce
- ama kısa sürdü ya
+ mühim değil deli çocuk. Defalarca sik beni işte
- ama yorulursam?
+ genç adamsın merak etme vaktimiz olsun yeterki. Hem ben seni hep yorcam ki benden başkasına bişeyin kalmasın. Sömürcem seni bak gör sen...

O akşam geç saatlere kadar üç kez daha sikebildi. Sonrasında ki üçhafta boyunca akşam işten geldiğimde iki günde bir gelip kaçıp geliyor her defasında iki posta atıp gidiyordu. Birlikte geçirdiğimiz ilk haftasonunda tüm gün benimle vakit geçirmişti ve azgın sevgili hayatı yaşamıştık resmen. Evin içinde ben günlük işlerimi yaparken, siki kalktığı anda nerdeysem orada sevişmiştik. O gün çok yorulmuştu ve üç gün boyunca kasıkları ağrımıştı. Ara vermesini söyledimse de ağrısı geçtiği gğn geliyordu, ben de kendi düşen ağlamaz deyip iliğini kurutuyordum. Diğer haftasonlarından birinde işim çıkmıştı ve ayrı kalmıştık. Hafta içi ikili seanslarımızla idare ediyorduk. Bazen de uzun uzun romantizmle sevişip tek postayla ayrılıyorduk. Ne de olsa hergün yapamazdık. Onun bana sık ve uzun süren gelmelerini ailesinin gözüne sokamazdık, şüphe çekmemeliydik. Zaten ben de iş güç yorgunluk oluyordu bazen...
Aradan 4 haftadan sonra bir cumartesi bana mesaj attı arkadaşı Furkan ile takılacaktı. Beklemememi söyledi. Moralim bozulsa da "herkesin bir hayatı var ve buna çok bağlanmamamız da gerek" diyerek teselli ettim kendimi. Pazar günü aramadım ama gelmesini bekliyordum. Her an gelebilir diye uyanır uyanmaz bakımımı yapmıştım. Ses soluk yoktu. Çocuk bıktı mı naptı diye korku sardı içimi. Ama 4 hafta süren ilişkimizde hem sevgili hem de abi - kardeş ilişkimizle birbirimizi kolay kolay yüzüstü bırakacak bir seviyede değildik. Neyse o günde gelmedi. O kadar arzulu olmama rağmen normalde oyuncaklarım ile cinselliğimi giderebilirdim belki fakat kendimi sadece ona vermek istiyordum. Ne zaman gelirse beklicektim ve genç bir erkeği sıkıp laçırmamak adına arayıp sormak da istemiyordum. Her ne kadar merak etsem de...
Kulağım hep kapıda onu bekledim her gün. Çarşamba günü olmuştu. Zil çaldı nihayet Çağatay'ım gelmişti. Kapıyı kapatır kapatmaz sarıldım
+ aşkım nerdesin kaç gündür sen
- sorma canım ya Furkan haftasonu fırsat vermedi.
+ ee pazartesi salı nerdeydin peki beyefendi? Tamam gelme ama insan bi haber verir
- sen git kıyafetlerini giy gel bırak şimdi çeneyi
Yiyeceğim yarağın özlemi ve Çağatay'ın bana emir vermesi çok hoşuma gitti. Bu yüzden cevap vermekten kaçtığını o an anlamadan tamam aşkım diyerek odaya gidip giyindim bir önceki aldığım peruk ve makyaj malzemerimi uygulayıp geldim tatlımın yanına. Bu arada ortak kararımızca birlikteyken benim ismim Beren 'di artık.
Her gelişinde olduğu gibi içeri girer girmez pantolonunu çıkarmış bacaklarını açarak sikini sergiler gibi oturuyordu. Konuşmaya gereği olmadan görevimin bilinciyle önünde diz çöküp yalamaya başladım. Artık iyice alışmıştık birbirimize ki Çağatay'ın sikini kaldırmak eskisinden zor oluyordu. Sikmeye başladığında 20 dakikadan önce boşalması nadir oluyordu. İyi eğitmiştim taze yiğidimi... Yine de onunla birlikte ben de tecrübe kazanmıştım. O inatçı sikini nasıl kaldıracağımı iyi biliyordum. Gırtlağıma kadar hızlı hızlı yutarak sikinin başını güçlü vakumlarla emerek taşaklarının tamamını ağzıma alıp dilimle yoğurduğumda bana dayamazdı tabi ama Çağatay kalkar kalkmaz hemen sikmeye yeltendiği için tadını çıkarır ağırdan alırdım. Ama ne yaparsam yapayım çok azgın olmadığı sürece sikerken ona hakimiyetimi sağlayamazdım. Onun işi ne zaman biterse onu beklemem gerekirdi. Şikayet edermiyim hiç, doyuyordum işte... Beş dakika kadar yaladıktan sonra kaldırmıştım. Kalkıp yüzyüze şekilde kucağına oturdum. Deliği ıslayıp içime almaya başladım. Hafif popomu yukarı aşağı hareket ettirirken eğilip öpüşmeye koyuldum. Özlemiştim onu ki bugün biraz slow takılıp romantizm istyordum. O ise kendini bana bırakmış gibi kolları açık başı koltuğa yaslı sadece öpücüklerime karşılık veriyordu. Popo hareketimi aksatmadan doğruldum. Koltukta olan ellerini tuttum. Göz göze bakışarak sessizce anı yaşıyorduk.
+ sevgilim çok sessizsin bugün ne oldu?
- çok güzelsin biliyorsun değil mi
+ yok canım o kadar da değil ama teşekkür ederim.
- gerçekten benim gözümde çok güzelsin ve de benimsin
+ yaa neden böyle konuşuyosun şimdi utandım ya
- sana bişey itiraf edeceğim ama nasıl desem ki
+ neden çekiniyosun ki? Şu an sen içimdeyken üzerindeyim pek çekinilecek bi durumumuz kalmadı yani söyle işte pat diye gitsin
- biliyosun birbirimize ait olcaz demiştik önceden
Bunu söylemesi moralimi bozdu. O an inip durup sadece siki içimdeyken üzerinde oturuyordum
+ evet. Anladım neden gelmediğin belli oldu. Başka birini mi siktin
- evet ama bir kızdı
+ hmm olabilir erkeksin sen de sonuçta. Ben de erkek olduğuma göre kadınlarla da ilgilenmen normal. Ki şu halde olmasam belki beni şimdiye kadar çoktan bırakmıştın.
- hayır ya saçmalama seni bırakmam. Bi seferlikti özür dilerim
+ yok önemli değil dedim ya olabilir.
- Geçen Furkan'la takılıyodum ya o zorladı bi kız düşürdüm yok böyle bişey tam senlik diye aklımı çeldi.
+ tamam Çağatay açıklama yapmak zorunda değilsin olan olmuş. Zaten beni bırakmıcaksan benim için hava hoş arada git tabi
- zaten ben de olaydan senin kıymetini yine anladım. Senin gibi tad vermiyorlar.
+ ya işte gör kıymetimi ahaha
Bununla beraber keyiflendim ve konuşurken biraz yumuşadığını hissettiğim sikini canlandırmak için daha sertçe oturup kalkmaya başladım. "ooohh işte bu diye inleyip alltan biraz destek versede konuşmaya devam etti
- kızdan ayrıldık. Akşam içiyoz işte benim kafa biraz çakır oldu. Furkan sordu nasıl yavru diye, ona biraz seni siktiğim tarzımı anlattım böyle şöyle olmalı bu tad vermedi diye." Oğlum nerden bulcan öyle siktircek kızı sen fazla porno seyrediyon" deyince ben bi gaza geldim
+ ne diyosun?
- işte bu asıl itirafım. Kızacaksın şimdi bana baya
+ yapma Çağatay yapma deyip öylece kalakaldım.
- çok özür diliyorum. Gaza geldim işte ağzımdan kaçırdım. Var tabi olmaz olur mu dedim. Ben öyle deyince kim lan o bana niye söylemiyon kanka değil miyiz diye kafamın etini yedi. Dayanamadım söyledim. İşte komşum filan deyince tanıştırmamı istedi ben de tanıştıramıcamı aramızda kalmasını ve aslında erkek olduğunu söyledim.
+ ya of be oğlum adresimi de verseydin. Peşime düşer şimdi o. Ya da gider birilerine söyşemez mi
- söz verdi söylemicek
+ ee sen de bana söz vermiştin. Sen tutmazsan o nasıl tutsun?
- tekrar özür dilerim.
+ daha neler söyledin anlat bakalım
- ya erkek olduğunu deyince biraz dalga geçti benle götçüsün, bugün göt siken yarın siktirir filan deyince utandım bi de senin için ibne top deyince zoruma gitti. O yüzden ben de nasıl biri olduğunu sikişirken neler yaptığını öveyim dedim anlattım
+ heh iyi bok ye battıkça batmışsın bende seni benden akıllı biliyorum. Beni tavlamak için o kadar plan kelime oyunu yapan seni
Sinirlenip kalktım üstünden. Sigara yakıp diğer koltuğa oturdum.
- ben öyle anlattıkça dalga geçmeyi bıraktı ama... Verdiğim sözü tutamadığım için kaç gündür gelmedim utancımdan.
+ Çağatay keşke çenene sahip çıksaydın az... Ee şimdi seni ben götürüyom sen de beni ona götür derse ne olacak?
- en zor kısım da o zaten. Üç gündür durmadan mesaj atıyor öyle diyerek.
+ affferiiinnn buyu burdan yak.
- ya ne bağırıyon yaptım bi aptallık. Senden saklıcak değilim hatamı
+ herife bak ya hem suçlu hem güçlü. Tamam ayarlarız deseydin. Git lütfen. Yeter bu kadar bi süre görüşmeyelim. Kırmayalım birbirimizi! Beni sevip sahiplendiğini sanmıştım. Ne yazık. Kendine iyi bak!

Sessizce çıkıp gitti. Çok sinirlenmiş o gün sabaha kadar uyuyamamıştım. O günden sonra cinsel hiç bir dürtü kalmamıştı bende. Aradan üç hafta geçmiş bir kaç kez karşılaşmıştık. Selam dahi vermeden geçip gidiyordum yanından. Ailesi davet etsede bahaneler bulup gitmezdim sırf onu görmemek için. Bu arada son bir haftadır tekrar cinsel isteğim baş göstermiş eskisi gibi olmasada oyuncaklarımla oynamaya başlamıştım. İlk başlarda özlemişim hissi olsa da daha sonra her seferinde Çağatay'ı hatırlar olmuştum. Son buluşmamızın üstünden bir buçuk ay geçtiğinde artık Çağatay'ı özlediğimin farkına varmıştım. Hiç bir şey eskisi gibi tad vermiyordu. Oyuncaklarımla son iki oynayışımda yeniden aklıma gelip gözlerim dolmuş ve işimi yarıda bırakıp hüzünle uyumuştum. Dayanamıyordum artık. Onu unutabilmek için netten arayışlar yapmaya başlasam belki yararı olurdu. Ama kimse onun gibi güven vermeyecek onunla yaşadığım hissi veremeyecek gibiydi ve konuştuğum kişileri çok rahat tersler olmuştum. Bu böyle olmayacaktı.
Bir gün çalışırken ne olacaksa olsun diyerek mesaj attım. Ne var ki hemen karşılık verdi. Hal hatır sorduktan sonra akşam bana uğrayabilrse konuşmak istediğimi söyledim. Amacım hemen seks yapmak değilde onun varlığını yanımda hissetmekti. Kabul etti.
Akşam eve vardığımda sabırsızlıkla onu beklerken evin içinde vokta atıyordum. Zil çaldı koştum kapıya. Selamlaşıp içeri geçtik. Birer kahve yapıp karşısına oturdum.
+ ayrıldığımızdan beri napıyosun
- bilindik şeyler işte... Sen naptın
+ benim de aynı.
- eee beni ne için çağırdın
Onu özlediğimi bir anda nasıl söyleyecektim, nasıl sarılacaktım bilmeden itiraf edemiyordum bir türlü
+ açıkçası sana o gün çok kızdım, korktum insanlar hep duyacak diye. Teşekkür etmek istedim. Şu ana kadar korktuğum olmadı
- yani biraz abarttın. Sadece Furkan'a söyledim o da haliyle merak etti seni. İstemiyorum diyecektin bitecekti olay. Sonuçta kankam o benim bi şekilde öğrenmesi lazımdı senin gibi biriyle olduğumu. Ki her buluşmamızda yalan söylemeyeyim ona
+ haklısın özür dilerim
Tam bu anda dilimin ucuna gelsede yinede cesaret edemiyordum. Kelimeler düğümleniyordu boğazımda. Sessizce bekliyordum belki ilk adımı yine o atar diye fakat ayağa kalkıp kapıya doğru yöneldi iki adım attı. Peşinden kalktım. Üzgün bakışlarla ona bakıyordum.
- başka bişey söylemeyeceksen ben çıkıyorum. Furkan'la buluşcaz bekletmeyeyim
Cevap veremedim. Başımı sallayarak olmadığını söyledim.
- peki kendine iyi bak, deyip kapıya yöneldiği anda içimde bir şeyler oldu ve arkasından aniden sarılıverdim.
+ gitme aşkım. Hani ben senindim. Özür diliyorum işte. Seni çok özledim.
- tamam sakin ol abartma. Geç otur. Konuşalım...
Usulca geçip tekrar oturduk. O sözleri söylesem de devamını getirememiştim. Ondan bir şeyler söylemesini bekliyordum.
- tekrar başlamak istiyosun ama ayrıldığımızdan beri bir sürü ilişkiye girdim ve sayende artık kadınlara daha çok alıştım. Eskisi gibi yapabileceğimi sanmıyorum.
+ tamam yapma ama arada gel yine eskisi gibi arkadaşça takılalım istediğin zaman canın çektiğinde de sikersin. Sikmesende mühim değil
- haaa bak sen.. Böylece ilerde yeniden sana alışmam için tuzak yapıyon. Ama gerçekten iki ayda çok değiştim. Senden iyi olmasın bir hatun var artık. Bilirsin nasıl sevdiğimi. Heh işte tam öyle.
+ ya peki son bir kez yapsak olmaz mı eski günlerin hatırına
- şimdi işim var belki sonra
+ belki deme. Cumartesi günü işin yoksa hazırlanayım senin için son kez. Ne istiyorsan yaparım.
-ne istersem mi
+ evet ne istersen. Yeter ki son bir gün geçirelim.
-tamam o halde. Furkan'ı ağaç etcem ben gidiyorum. Cumartesi hazır ol
Çağatay çıktıktan sonra kendimi çok aşağılık bulmuştum. Resmen yalvardım sikilmek için. Gerçekten de değişmişti. Dediklerini söyleyiş tarzı belli ediyordu bunu. Kesinlikle bu son seksimiz olacaktı belliydi. Ama kendimi böyle düşürmemin karşılığını da o gün almalıyım diyerek hayaller kurmaya planlar yapmaya başladım o andan itibaren. Gerisini artık düşünmüyordum.
Cumartesi geldiğinde öğleden sonra hazırlıklarıma başladım. Dışarı çıkıp bol yiyecek ve bira aldım. Eve gelip masayı yavaşca hazırlarken Çağatay'a ne zaman geleceğini mesajla sordum. 10 dakika sonra cevap verdi. "Hazırsan şimdi" dedi. Saat 4e geliyordu ve beklediğimden daha erken başlayacaktık. Sevinçle "yarım saate hazırım gel" dedim. Kalbim deli gibi atıyordu. Hemen odaya koşup onun en sevdiği kıyafetlerimi bir çırpıda giyip peruğumu taktım. Artık daha da güzel yaptığı im makyajımı da yaparak yiğidimi beklemeye koyuldum. Aynada kendime baktığımda bu kez ben bile kendimi çok beğenmiştim bir başka güzeldim bugün. 15 dakika sonra zil çaldı, önce delikten bakarak kimin geldiğine baktım. Bu halde gaza gelip açtığımda bir başkasının halimi görmesi riskini alamazdım.

Same as Güzelden kötüye gidiş! 3 Videos

3 years ago
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An evening with Dina and her Cuck Boi Husband the

Enjoy the conclusion to the evening.I get up I go pick up the pack of Newports I take out two cigs I had one to Dina and the other for me. Bitch boi goes now I see why she changed from Parliaments to Newports. I laughed “Light our cigarettes slave” He obliges and lights us up. I take a deep inhale and exhale a large plume of smoke towards him“Aww does that bother you slave”He replies “No mistress that’s fine”“Good then you will stay in the room whenever Dina smokes and you will light her...

4 years ago
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Too Twisted Tales

This story will be an anthology of discomforting short tales. It is a place for me to flesh out my ideas that aren’t long enough for their own separate stories and are too ‘twisted’ for anywhere else. It can be a place for you to do that too if you want. That said, the rules of this site will be adhered to in terms of content restrictions. And furthermore, all characters in these stories are over 18 years of age. As much should always be understood and no attempt will be made to suggest...

2 years ago
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Sisters By The Pool Part 16 Thanksgiving Special

Of course, there was still that little annoying chore called school in the way. I was a pretty smart student, but the overwhelming majority of my classes were boring, and it eventually became a game of survival. I had heard of many young adults working for the weekend, but that was essentially what I was doing during the school week. I finished homework assignments ahead of schedule so that I could have as much fun on the weekends as possible. And, with Danielle and Hailey around, it...

3 years ago
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My Daughter 2

Also during the last month, after Riley would leave to go home Bethany would come watch TV with my wife and I. Most nights she would sit next to me on the couch and rest her head on my shoulders. We would have normal family conversations talking about everything from school, sports, friends and so on. It was not uncommon for me to smell a hint of Riley's pussy on my daughter's breath as she spoke, which turned me on immensely. It also confirmed my suspicions that they were not actually...

2 years ago
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Holiday surprise True story first time gay

A tale I've been wanting to share but never really found a suitable medium or time to write until now. Its a true story but names have been changed. It took place a couple of weeks back and I am still feeling the after effects. Being Xhamster I thought I can share my first time and maybe hear about yours. Its a topic that facinates me. By first time I mean - had sex with a guy. For me, it was completly out of the blue and utterly unexpected. I wonder what other guys experiences started of...

3 years ago
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My UnFairy Tale II

by Michael Richard on Friday, November 21, 2008.Once upon a time, (it might have been just last Sunday), on a street far away, (it might have been just past that old house that everyone thinks is haunted, and around the corner), there lived a grumpy old man. However this story doesn't have anything to do with him, we're just here to say hello because being so grumpy, his c***dren no longer come around to say hi anymore. So after a quick cup of tea, and some biscuits we'll be on our way to the...

3 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 56

There was another home game this weekend. I spent Friday morning with Darcy, but she had to go to practice in the afternoon. John came down and asked, "Dad was wondering if he and Mom could stay at your place. Auburn is in town and there are no rooms, or at least nice rooms, available. Mr. Overstreet your attorney told Dad that he and Beth stayed in your guest room and Dad was hoping not to have to drive up and back." "That's fine with me but he may see some pictures on the wall, or a...

3 years ago
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A female vampire seduces a young stripper

Jezebel watched intently as the young girls on the stage swung themselves about brass poles. Their bodies undulated to the rhythm of the music beneath the bluish- purple wash of the lights. It was a Wednesday night and there were relatively few patrons in the club. “Hey, Jezzie!” Eddie yelled from behind the bar. His voice could barely be heard over the pounding of techno bass-riffs. “Hey, Jezzie! You want another Noose?” “No, thanks,” she yelled back. She...

2 years ago
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The Walk of LifeChapter 12 The World Is Full of Obvious Things Which Nobody by Any Chance Ever Observes

After Danielle had calmed back down, we got up and started to get dressed. It had been over five hours since we had arrived at her house, and I needed to get back. As I was putting back on my shorts, Danielle just stared at me. I caught her out of the corner of my eye. “What’s the matter? You thinking I should shower before going back?” I asked. “No, it’s not that.” Danielle said. I looked at her puzzled. “I was just thinking you look better when you’re older.” She said. Now I was even...

3 years ago
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Cats and Dogs

“Ta-da!" Matthew said as he walked into the room.Mark laughed before asking, “What the fuck do you look like?”Matthew reached behind and grabbed his tail and started to swing it as he paraded in front of his husband.“So, your orange dog suit from Pride London in 2019 got me thinking. All through the twentieth century the freedom to express ourselves as equal human beings was repressed. It took a fifty-year revolution to get to where we are today and there's still miles to go."“You don’t have to...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Bugs And The Best Man

I hate working on Saturday. I especially hate shooting pictures of weddings. Worst of all I hate shooting pictures of wedding for my father. He pays me a flat $500 dollar for the work. It is as much as I make working a full day on the road, but I would have prefer to be out and about. I know for a fact that my dad makes a much heavier hit than I do. Logically I know that he earns it, but I still don't like it. It seems that being family only goes so far. Daddy isn't above making more money...

2 years ago
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Jerome and Jessica

I could feel his breath breathing onto the back of my neck. His arms wrapped around me. Kissing my neck. He strips me down before stripping himself down. He pushes me onto the bed. He ties my hands with my shirt. Then he starts eating my pussy that was wet from him. He ate it till it was wet and ready for him to slide in. When he does slide in, I moan. He goes faster and deeper each minute. He gets on the bed and puts me on his chest, my ass facing his face. I then start sucking his dick. He...

3 years ago
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As He Takes Her Away

The drug they have given me has made me compliant. The man, his name is Viktor, is introducing himself. He speaks calmly, in a matter-of-fact tone. He has joined us at the table of a restaurant Alia has chosen that evening. I do not respond outwardly to what he says as a result of the drug, but I am totally aware of everything. Alia is resting her hand on the back of his, and she is smiling at me. Alia, I’ve noticed all evening, is posturing to take full advantage of her provocative outfit. Her...

3 years ago
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Awakened PassionChapter 2

Thank God Paul always plays golf on Saturday. If he had known how much time I spent getting Tom's room ready I know he would have canceled the plan before Tom even arrived. But I did get it cleaned up, and the medicine cabinet cleared out, before he got home. When he arrived he announced that we were going out for dinner. Paul took me to a very nice French place, then brought me home and romanced me beautifully. I guess it was his way of thanking me for Thursday night. Or maybe he was...

2 years ago
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Squirted Rocky Emerson Rockin8217 Rocky8217s World

Dirty tatted, alt-babe Rocky Emerson is ready for a good time, and shows off her fantastic tits for the camera, before fingering her pussy, and squirting through her pink tights! Rocky then stimulates her clit with a vibrator, and her eyes light up with excitement when she sees Ramon Namor has got a big cock ready for her! Ramon eats Rocky’s pussy and licks her juices, then she puts her legs behind her head so he can pound her pussy. Rocky squirts all over Ramon’s dick, then the...

3 years ago
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We Heard Gunshots

We Heard Gunshots My sister Dakota and I heard gunshots. What was more important was that we were in a State Forest and that it was NOT hunting season. We did what every red blooded American kid would do. We ran…in the opposite direction of course. My sister ran smack into another girl that was also running…and was that girl ever scared. We ran further and hid up in some rocks. We stayed there for almost an hour without hearing or seeing anyone coming after us. While...

2 years ago
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The Visit

Introduction: Maybe it was just a dream Mother Nature had smiled down on the Halloween revelers this year. The clouds of the afternoon had vanished, and a bright full moon took their place in the evening sky. The children came and cleaned out the candy bowl he kept near the front door. It was fairly early, but he just couldnt keep his eyes open. He wasnt sure what woke him. Was it the slight wind coming through the open window? Open? He didnt remember doing that. Through his unfocused eyes he...

3 years ago
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Megan Learns Her Lesson

Megan was still asleep, and I had been watching her for nearly twenty minutes. Her blonde hair cascaded in waves over the pillow and her face was peaceful and content. I smiled as I watched her breathing, her chest slowly rising and falling in rhythm with her breaths. The sheet had fallen down around her waist, leaving her chest exposed. I slowly moved my hand over to her breasts. They were still asleep, just like the rest of her, but I had made up my mind to wake them up. I slowly began...

4 years ago
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Walker Between the WorldsChapter 24

"You were gone too long this time, my love." "I know Chris, I'm sorry. It will get worse over time though, as I've warned you." "The Guardians are beginning to wonder about you, you know. The Yaru have had some interesting tales to tell recently. All of Aruh has been called to meet to speak of you. Several of us, including your Grandfather Andy, whom they love wholeheartedly, have tried to invite ourselves to the meeting and they have denied all requests, even his." "The Yaru and...

3 years ago
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Meri Pyari Bahen 8211 Part IV

Hi friends its UR and only URS LOVE GUPTA again with my 4th and last part of my story MERI PYARI BAHEN. Jiska 1st part pehle MERI PYARI BAHEN (2nd January ko) jiska address http://indiansexstories2.net/stories/Desi/meri_pyari_bahan_120230.html hai or MERI PYARI BAHEN PART-2 (17th January ko) jiska address http://indiansexstories2.net/stories/Desi/meri_pyari_bahen__part_ii_120528.html hai or MERI PYARI BAHEN PART-3 (6th febuary ko) jiska address...

2 years ago
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With My School Teacher At A Hotel Room In Mahe

Hi readers, this is Varun back with another story with my School Teacher. Guys, if you have no clue who is my Judy teacher please . I got a huge response for my earlier stories and I thank everyone who took their time to read my story and give their reaction. About me: I am Varun Krishnan, aged 28, from Bangalore. I am working as an accountant in a small firm. I am not an athlete and I don’t have a six-pack muscular body, but I am an average good-looking guy whom I can satisfy if they come...

3 years ago
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My Life With My FatherChapter 10

The morning after going to see the Closing Night Performance of WEST SIDE STORY, in Santa Fe, was uneventful. All of us stayed up so late talking and starting to plan Karol and my Wedding, we all slept in rather late. Knowing that hell week started tonight for the Union Avenue Community Theatre production of MY LIFE WITH MY FATHER, caused me to groan, which alerted my fiancée Karol awake. "Daddy, what nice morning wood you have for me today," Karol said. "Karol," I said. "The mind is...

4 years ago
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A huge Moroccan cock at home

My wife’s girlfriend Camilla had been fucking a huge Moroccan man after her divorce. The bitch loved huge black cocks and this lucky bastard apparently had a very massive thick one. Ana had told me she had met this man at Camilla’s home and I was sure my slutty babe would want to try such a big black cock…My sexy wife told that one day at lunch time, this man had visited Camilla at their office and, when her girlfriend went out for a second, the Moroccan told my wife he wanted to fuck her with...

2 years ago
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A Rough Week

Monday The clock said 6:30 in electric red numbers. Everyone else had long since abandoned their desks and offices, leaving me alone in the dimly lit office building. Alone with my work and my computer. I sat up in my chair and stretched. I had until the end of the week to finish the quarterly review presentation but since my wife had taken the kids to her mother's this week I had decided to go ahead and knock it out now. Maybe later on the week I would get some time to spend with...

4 years ago
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A Trip to Victorias Secret

I am a painfully private person. It is so hard for me to open up and share things with others, especially pictures of me in a personal nature. He had been after me for a few months now trying to loosen me up. I resisted a lot at first but he broke down my walls slowly but surely. Then he told me how much he liked a woman in boy shorts. I promised him I would go shopping and buy some for him. Well it took a while for me to go for several very good reasons but I hadn’t gone yet. We were chatting...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 385

Kilocyclejoe provided this little gem: Little Johnny enters his classroom and sees a substitute instead of the regular teacher. “Students, my name is Ms. Prussy.” The kids snicker. “It’s not that other word, my name has an ‘r’ after the first letter.” When he gets home after school, Johnny tells his mother that his class had a sub that day. Mother: “Really? Who was it?” Johnny: “I can’t remember her name.” He pauses. “Wait, I think it was Ms. Crunt.” ✧ ✧ ✧ Dorsetmike provide this...

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My older brother and I P1

Introduction: I got into a little situation with my brother. My Older Brother And I Part 1 (The beginning is the intro so just bear with me) My Name is Ashlee and I am 19 years old, although I was 14ish when this happened. (So starting now everything will be according to when I was 14 and although this is a true story I did add in a few things to spice it up). I am about 52 and I would not say that I am little but I would say I am about average. I have blonde hair a couple inches past my...

3 years ago
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Slave to The Sun Instinct

His skin had turned pale, the whites of his eyes had turned red, and his body was set, about to hunt, his mouth opened wide in a silent snarl. I had been in Louisiana for a week, before I decided that enough was enough. I needed to get out and do something… anything! I needed to get my mind off things. I left home a week ago. Home was in England, Devon. I left because things were too tough. I hated myself for giving up, but I needed to do what was best for me, it may be selfish, but I was...

4 years ago
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The Best Day of My Life

A quick Thanksgiving Story Thanks to George5 for the editing. As always all mistakes are mine alone It was a strange day; it was a day that I would never forget. In some ways, it was the worst day of my life, but it was a day I am glad I lived. The day, Thanksgiving Day was supposed to be gathering of family. It didn’t work out that way. First, the turkey that had been in the freezer for a week and then in the fridge for two days did not smell right when I took it out of the fridge. Then...

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Good Vibes From a Big BrotherChapter 9

I know it sounds horrible, but the rest of the week when I was with Jen or Lori (oh, they accounted for about three to four ejaculations per day from my most happy cock), I couldn't help but dream about Beth. Here she was ready to have me be her first inside her. All I could do was fantasize about what she looked like naked. She's been to our house many times and I've gotten a few looks here and there but never enough to really know what she looked like under her clothes. That thought...

2 years ago
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A Friend Cums to Visit

Old Fraternity Buddy comes to town for an extended visit to his friend and his wife. An evening in the hot tub gets things rolling as the husband is quite the voyeur and doesn't mind being cuckolded.***My wife, Candice, and I have been married for 6 years now and I guess you could say our lives are average, maybe even a little boring. We are conservative, sexually, just the usual missionary or doggy style with a few minutes of foreplay. She is a stunning 26 year old with wavy brown hair and...

4 years ago
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Seduced By Mallu MILF Teacher 8211 Part 3

HarDick69 is back yeah. Thank you guys for your feedback and suggestions for my story. In the last part, me and my mallu milf teacher Beena were chatting on WhatsApp. Beena: I believe it’s that girl you sit next to in the class, right? Me: She was my crush at first. But.. Beena: But what happened, da? Me: Then I saw this cute girl. I sent the profile picture of Beena I had saved earlier! She was online but still, was not responding. And my best guess was that she was surprised to see her...

3 years ago
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Sue My Cum Loving Wife

Sue and I were both married before but she was reluctant to talk about her past sex life. Being the sex addict I am, I wanted to hear about how my wife became such a fantastic cocksucker. I finally convinced her how excited I become thinking about her sucking and fucking other guys. Or imaging her with another girl or woman. Promising her that nothing would change my feelings for her. Sue was thirteen when she started fooling around with her best friend Kate. Every time they had a sleepover...

2 years ago
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Wee Wee Camp Day One

Starring Henry Humper And Introducing The Tittie Matriarch, June Humper In A Story That Puts The Fun In Dysfunctional And Breaks All The Boundaries Of Good Taste. And Now, From The Uncensored Files: “Wee Wee Camp: Day One” Written by Victor C. Nathan and Chantal Lefleur “Mom, hey, Mom!” Henry Humper yelled as he opened the door of the home he shared with his mother, Hilda and his older sister, Harriet. “I got my report card, Mom, and guess what?” “Henry, must you make so much noise?” his...

3 years ago
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gym sex pt1 2

Since the start of the term, I had watched Joan exercise and work outin the skimpiest of gym uniforms. The blonde 19 year old was the mostbeautiful cheerleader in the senior class. All the boys in school wereconstantly trying to get into her pants, and to be honest with you, myown heart would literally do a flip flop imagining what it would belike to fondle her large breasts that were constantly peeking outthrough the sides of the tight T-shirts the k**s wore despie strictdress codes.Watching...

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Chuck Honors Mothers Day 2014

Mother's Day 2014 Chuck woke up with a plan very early on Sunday morning. He sat up, smiled, and got ready. I quickly showered, shaved, and dressed in casual clothes and hurried out the door without wasting time. I had planned this for a few weeks and wanted it to be a surprise for my women as well as a surprise for a couple of women I considered my surrogate mother. I pulled a huge ice chest from the Expedition I borrowed from Steve. I made up vases with the mixed red and white roses,...

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Escape from Inga Palace of Sin

Inga was a powerful busty German woman. She was tall and very powerful. She was also a sadistic, nymphomaniac ruler. No man could handle her in bed. She took joy out of crushing men and women with her sexual skill and power. No one could handle her. She all ready own Germany and was moving on to other countries. She spoke in a cheesy cartoon accent. She love to dominate people and was a little crazy. Some said she couldn’t be killed. Maybe she was right. Her strength was amazing. She stood 7.4...

2 years ago
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That was this summer. I had very long relationship and last year i got ridden of it. So I sex occasionally wit various girls till then. One night this September I was very very tired of everything. Job went finally better and some private investing also, but I had being working for 14 hours a day at time. It was About 1 am in the morning and was just went of from long shower and about to lay down on my bad.The voice from the other side of cell phone was very pleasant, some kind of baby talking...

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Bound to Please III

Bound to Please (Part III) By Christine Jane and Lucille both lifted me from the floor. Jane grabbed me by the hand and began walking me outside towards the car. I knew better than to protest as Lucille held the remote in plain view. We all got into the car with me in the back. I could feel the pickle in my ass, it was really uncomfortable. I wondered how I would ever get it out or what would happen in the future with it inside me. ?Now here?s the deal Christine. We?re...

4 years ago
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Swing Party Part 2

Part 2 So, I needed to fuck. as I walked down the hall, realized that, there were more women here than men, and all of the men were busy. I was a bit hungry, so I went into room 409. There were people in there, mainly women, eating and chatting.This lovely woman, named Michelle, asked me if I was having fun. We talked for about ten minutes, she was twenty nine and an experienced swinger. It turns out the she was co-host, and tried to get me to join the club. She also said that the crowd would...

3 years ago
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Unexpected first time with Aunt

**This is my first effort. Any constructive feedback will be gratefully accepted! Many thanks. Chapter 1 sets the scene.Samir: N ephewRekha: Au ntSaree: An Indian apparel;copy and paste this link to see pictures: ...

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Nymphomanic TendanciesChapter 3

I held her close on the drive home and she laid her head on my shoulder while she played with python. Arriving home she clung to me when the door closed and I walked her backwards to the hot tub. I undressed her and when she was gloriously naked. I turned on the jets and left her while I went to get champagne. Her head was back and her eyes closed as she enjoyed the water. She heard the cork pop and smiled with her eyes closed. We cuddled and drank a glass of bubbly before drying off with...

4 years ago
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How My Husband Lost Me To A Liberal

I never thought my husband could be that stupid.Then again, desperate times call for desperate measures, and I think that saying provides a perfect explanation for why hubby was willing to ardently support Tronald Dump, a far-right politician who supported highly conservative policies.Don’t get me wrong, I think that some of President Dump’s actions were beneficial, at least in the beginning, as they helped jumpstart economic growth.However, by the time he ran for a second term, I was less...

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Cents and NickelChapter 11

Before reaching the Interstate, her eyes widened as a car almost left the road because the driver was paying too much attention to Sweet Adeline. She said, "That's the real danger when driving her, isn't it, Abraham?" "Yes, other drivers can be mesmerized by her and not watch where they are going." We were stopped at a stop sign. "After you're on the Interstate, pull that handle and she will go into overdrive. She'll run seventy easily all day." Dollars nodded. She pulled onto the...

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Hot and steamy in the Dressing Room

It was a small bathroom so the only thing I could do was stand behind him and wait. I have this charming effect on little boys apparently and he turned around and he just kept staring at me like one of those special effects in a movie where guy and girl see each other for the first time and they are immediately in love. I think that I was falling in love with the way he looked at me, but our gaze broke and he went to wash his hands and I took the urinal. There was no barrier between the...

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Anish8217s Luck Heather The Cougar

Hi, I am Anish, 28 years drugs and diseases free single man from Mumbai. I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories dot net and like to read various experiences. I am here to share my experiences with all you kinky ladies and horny gentlemen in this sex story. Before I start the sex story, I would like to tell you all that please feel free to drop in your feedback on my email This sex story is how I met a homely yet extrovert MILF through a dating site. Get ready to jerk and finger your...

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The Nymphs and the GILF ndash by SBarak 1

The Nymphs and the GILF – a Story by SBarak 1This is story #7 in the Nymph series. It follows ‘You Can Find Nymphs in Your Garden’, ‘The Return of the Nymphs ‘The Nymphs and the Morning After’, ‘The Nymph’s Proposition’, ‘The Nymphs and the Dentist’ and ‘The Nymphs and the Corsetry Buyer’. Although this story stands alone reading the previous stories provides the background. I have broken this story into chapters based on feedback received from readers of my other stories. Please...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 541

I listened while Robert explained all EIT had been doing with the information from the two Princes and the two arms dealer’s computers. The list of customers on the arms dealer’s computers was eye opening. I was sure that both Bens would be very interested in some of those countries and groups and what they had acquired. I was more interested in the locations of the sales and deliveries. And then, what was sold and delivered there. Small arms rifles and pistols were everywhere. Hundreds of...

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Der Swingerclub

Diese Geschichte spielt in einem Swingerclub in einer deutschen Großstadt. An den meisten Abenden ist der Club auch für Soloherren geöffnet – schließlich sind das die, die die Kohle reinbringen. Heute ist aber Pärchenabend, damit ist gewährleistet dass das Geschlechterverhältnis ausgeglichen ist. Das sind die Abende, an denen die Clubbesitzer, Karl und Ina, sich am liebsten unter die Gäste mischen – einerseits um die Stimmung zu heben, andererseits um selbst etwas Spaß zu haben – schließlich...

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AlifChapter 16

Ana was escorted to an austere room in which only a portrait of President Marmeluke and a crucifix decorated the bare walls. The only furniture was a wide table with a chair on either side. The nun beckoned her to sit on one of the chairs and left her alone. Moments later, the door opened and Mezyana entered wearing a long dark gown and a hood over her head. She smiled at Ana, and sat wordlessly on the chair opposite her. She pulled back her hood and revealed a thin freckled face and a head...

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Rest Stop Black Cock

I’ve found that rest areas can be a haven for horny truckers, especially those who are straight and needing their cocks serviced. About 3pm one day, I stopped while traveling and used the bathroom. Going in there was a black guy standing at urinal talking on his Bluetooth while he took a piss. I glanced over and he had a thick black cock probably 8-9 inches. Cut. He saw me looking. He had on a wedding ring. I fucking love that. So we went out and another black guy, his driving partner was...

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Apparently my GF is a slut

I asked my GF about her sexual experiences in college, and after some prodding I was able to get her to type out a few stories....tell us what you think and we'll post more. Just an FYI, this is absolutely true and told from her point of view.My sophomore year I was at my friend's Andrew and Gabe's apartment... We'd been out that night and were back at their place watching tv. It was probably 2 or 3 am and we saw something on tv that got us all talking about sex...fantasies, what we had done,...

4 years ago
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Twentyfive Year Old Virgin part two

My sweet Debora had left for Israel. I was still here in my high rise apartment. Alone again, but much wiser. She had taught me so much and I had learned well. I was ready to put my lessons to good use. In the meantime I was still using my binoculars to scope out the lady across the parking lot who loved to work out in the buff. She always did it after a man had left the apartment. I didn’t know if he was a boyfriend or a husband. One day I was standing in the nude as always waiting for her to...

3 years ago
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A Night Out

The text message told her, they were going out, to have ‘A ‘Night Out’, tonight, at seven, be ready’, she read it again and again, she loved her surprises. At seven the car pulled up at the door, horn beeped and she stepped out from the house, locking the door behind her before hurrying to the car. A kiss on the cheek and that knowing smile told her she would have some fun tonight but no hint of what was to come, she sat, as he drove before they, eventually, arrived at a hotel. After checking...

3 years ago
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Falling Stars

I don't know much about him. I do know that his name is Sean and he's a senior at my high school. He's 17 like me, and just moved in next door over two months ago. I've been watching him closely and slowly I'm falling in love with him. It's strange to fall in love with someone you hardly know but he's got this kind of effect of me. It must be magic or something. I see him at school and he seems to be quite popular with the girls. He's tall about 5'10" and has broad and a nice hard...

3 years ago
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Lauras TV Slave

Laura's TV Slave I didn't know what to expect when I was going to meet with Mistress Laura for the first time in a motel room. We had gone out to lunch several times and discussed various topics, including sexual fantasies. There was a sexual tension between us since we had met a few months prior and now I was taking the step to realize those feelings. Laura was not a beauty queen or built like a model. In fact, she was rather plain looking and overweight, but her mind was first...

3 years ago
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IBE The Days Of WanderingTulsa

I don’t know how long I cried. I blacked out to it. Blacking out doesn’t necessarily mean that you are out for the count as it were. Sometimes it just means that the events that took place while you were blacked out are gone from your memory. The memory of the one time Rachel and I actually had sex was one of the hardest I have. I mentioned earlier that having sex with Rachel was the most meaningful. It was. It was also stupid. It was meaningful because the main effect of drunkenness is to...

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