Güzelden Kötüye Gidiş! 3 free porn video

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Sinirlenmiştim. Daha 2 ay önceki o kibar çocuk neden böyle küstahlaşmıştı ki anlayamadım. İçk**en desem daha önce fazlasını içtiğimiz halde böyle bir şey yapacak potansiyeli yoktu. Sessizce oturup duruyorduk. Ben sigaramı içerken o da arada açıktaki sikini sıvazlıyor beni süzdüğünü hissediyordum. Gözümün ucuyla şöyle bir baktığımda sikinin tamamıyla sertleştiğini gördüm. Aslında o gün hemen boşalmaması için kısa kestiğim saksoyu hatırladım ve tadının damağımda kaldığını biliyordum. Güzel de bir şekli vardı. Şeytan dürtmeye başlamıştı beni. Ben böyle düşünürken sikine baktığımı farketmiş ki, rahat rahat baksana neden çekiniyosun diyerek elini hafiften kalçama değdirmeye başladı. O dokundukça "yapma" diyerek öteye kaçıyordum santim santim. Ama içimde birşeyler de uyanıyordu. Sonra kendi kendime " yahu istiyosun işte kendine itiraf et artık, ne cilveli orospusun yanında ilk senin sahip olduğun ve senin olmayı isteyen tazecik bir erkek var daha ne istiyosun" deyip kararımı verdim. Bi müddet hiç kaçmadım elinden. Bu cesaretlenmeye başlayınca parmaklarını altıma sokacak şekilde okşamaya başladı. Birazdan olacaklardan habersiz umut ederek beni tavlamaya çalışıyordu. Aniden kalkıp hiç bir şey demeden odaya gittim. Bir çırpıda soyunup çekmecemden kırmızı detayları olan siyah jartiyerimi giydim. Üstüne de alalı bir kaç hafta olan seksi korse bistuyerimi alıp eşofmanlarımı tekrar üzerime geçirdim. O çapkın hınzıra büyük sürpriz olacaktı bu. Salona geçip emir verircesine ayağa kalkmasını istedim. Biraz afalladı. Çok kızıp kovacağımı düşündü ki pantolonunu yukarı çekmeye kalkıştığında durmasını emrettim. Çocuk iyice şaşırdı. Hızla önüne eğilip bir hamlede sikinden tutup ağzıma aldım. Garibim nasıl bir duygu içindeydi. Ama ona beni azdırmanın bedelini ödetecektim. "Nihayet kabul ediyorsun he " dediğinde saksoyu bırakmadan gözlerinin içine dik dik bakıyordum. Yine de acemiliği devam ediyordu. Bir kaç dakika sonra titremeye başladı ağzıma boşalmasına müsade edecektim hiç bozmadan devam ettim. Sonunda ah oh diye diye boşaldı. Taze dölleri kadifemsi kokusuyla ağzıma oluk oluk akıyordu. Büyük keyifle gözlerine bakmayı bırakmadan yuttum. Siki yumuşayana kadar saksoya devam ettim.
+ mutlu musun artık
- hem de nasıl. Bundan sonra senden başkasını sikmicem. Sen de benim olacaksın
+ hmm beni doyuramazsın sen böyle tez boşaldıkça bak söyleyeyim
- alışınca düzelirim. O kızları 20 dk siktim merak etme. Hatta seni daha fazla sikcem ilerde
+ görcez...
Kalkıp onun dinlenmesi için kanepeye oturdum. Çağatay pantolonunu ve tişörtünü çıkarttı. Benimde soyunmamı istedi. Hazır olduğunda soyunacağımı söyledim. Hemen kalkar gel ben soyacam seni dediğinde kanepeye uzandım "ben gelmem, sen gel soy o zaman" dedim. Hemen alt eşofmanıma sarılarak belimden popoma doğru sıyırdı. O an jartiyerimi gördüğünde gözleri fal taşı gibi açıldı. Heyecanla hızlı şekilde sonuna kadar çekip çıkararak salonun ortasına doğru fırlattı. İştahli iştahlı bakıyor gözleriyle resmen yiyordu bacaklarımı. Sıra tişörtüme geldiğinde hafif doğruldum rahat çıkarması için. Yukarı kaldırdıkça "sen naptın böyle, ölcem bak burda" derken manzaranın tadını çıkarmaya başladı. Ben uzanmış o yanıma oturmuş vaziyette tepeden tırnağa süzüyordu beni. Biraz göz banyosundan sonra okşamaya başladı bacaklarımı. Parlayan gözleriyle bana baktığında " beğenmedin mi sevgilini" dedim. İşte o anda eğilip dudaklarıma nasıl da sertçe yumuldu. İnik sikini baldırıma bastırıyor, tek eliyle bacaklarımı sırayla okşayıp avuçluyor diğer eliyle de başımdan tutup kendine çeke çeke öpüşüyordu benimle. Nefes alamaz haldeydim. Şikayetim yoktu tabi. Böyle sevişmeyi nerden akıl ederdim ki...
Öpüşürken hareketlerimi daha da kadınsılaştırarak Çağatay'ı in kendini tam bir erkek gibi hissetmesini sağlıyordum. Bu tavırlarımla deliye dönüp her öpüşü daha sert oluyor sanki beni yemeye çalışıyor gibiydi. Sarılıp omuzlarını saçlarını okşuyordum. Başını boynuma kulağıma yanağıma doğru yönlendirip istediğim noktalarımı emmesini sağlıyordum. Dudaklarının tenime her dokunuşunu hissetmeye ve zevkini iliklerime kadar yaşamaya odaklanırken, kendine gelen sikinin baldırlarımda sertleştiğini hissediyordum. Bir elimle hemen sikini kavrayarak sertleşmesini hızlandırmaya başladım. Bu duygularla onu bir an önce içimde hissetmek istiyordum. Nihayet sertleştiğinde kulağına fısıltıyla artık sikmesini istedim. Doğrulup bacaklarımın arasına girdi. Biraz tükürükle deliğimi ve sikinin başını ıslayarak deliğime dayayıverdi. Ne yapmasını ben söylemeden o ilk siktiği gün naptıysa aynı şekilde yapıyordu. Önce başını yavaşça soktu. Biraz bekleyip hızlıca sokup köklemişti. Ben sadece izliyordum ve o köklemesiyle aldığım zevki inlememle ona iyi hissetirdiğini bildiriyordum. Bir kaç git gel yaptı. Gel buraya deyip benimle öpüşmesine devam ediyordum. Amacım taze erkeğimin beni hem sikip hem de aynı anda sevişmesine alıştırmaktı. Böylece ileride bol ve uzunca sikmesi için geç boşalmaya alışmasını sağlayacaktım. İlk olduğunda 2 3 dakika süren sikişi bu kez 5 dakika kadar sürmüştü. Dudakları dudaklarımda ikimizde soluk soluğa birbirimizin nefeslerini içimize çekerken boşaldı Çağatay. Devam edip sertliği geçene kadar sokup çıkarmasını istedim. Beni dinleyerek aynı tempoda devam etti. Deliğimdeki döllerinin vıcık vıcık çıkardığı ses ikimize de keyif veriyordu. İyice yumuşamaya başlamasına rağmen devam etmek istediğini anlıyordum aslanımın. Ama artık zorlanınca bıraktı. Kanepeye oturup "oh beee" dedi. İkimizde ter içinde öyle dinleniyorduk. Peşpeşe banyoya gidip temizlendik ve masamızın başına oturup. Sigaralarımızı yakıp kuruyan damağımızı biralarımızı içerek ıslattık.
+ canım müthiştin.
- cidden mi
+ evet. Hiç böyle sikilmemiştim daha önce
- ama kısa sürdü ya
+ mühim değil deli çocuk. Defalarca sik beni işte
- ama yorulursam?
+ genç adamsın merak etme vaktimiz olsun yeterki. Hem ben seni hep yorcam ki benden başkasına bişeyin kalmasın. Sömürcem seni bak gör sen...

O akşam geç saatlere kadar üç kez daha sikebildi. Sonrasında ki üçhafta boyunca akşam işten geldiğimde iki günde bir gelip kaçıp geliyor her defasında iki posta atıp gidiyordu. Birlikte geçirdiğimiz ilk haftasonunda tüm gün benimle vakit geçirmişti ve azgın sevgili hayatı yaşamıştık resmen. Evin içinde ben günlük işlerimi yaparken, siki kalktığı anda nerdeysem orada sevişmiştik. O gün çok yorulmuştu ve üç gün boyunca kasıkları ağrımıştı. Ara vermesini söyledimse de ağrısı geçtiği gğn geliyordu, ben de kendi düşen ağlamaz deyip iliğini kurutuyordum. Diğer haftasonlarından birinde işim çıkmıştı ve ayrı kalmıştık. Hafta içi ikili seanslarımızla idare ediyorduk. Bazen de uzun uzun romantizmle sevişip tek postayla ayrılıyorduk. Ne de olsa hergün yapamazdık. Onun bana sık ve uzun süren gelmelerini ailesinin gözüne sokamazdık, şüphe çekmemeliydik. Zaten ben de iş güç yorgunluk oluyordu bazen...
Aradan 4 haftadan sonra bir cumartesi bana mesaj attı arkadaşı Furkan ile takılacaktı. Beklemememi söyledi. Moralim bozulsa da "herkesin bir hayatı var ve buna çok bağlanmamamız da gerek" diyerek teselli ettim kendimi. Pazar günü aramadım ama gelmesini bekliyordum. Her an gelebilir diye uyanır uyanmaz bakımımı yapmıştım. Ses soluk yoktu. Çocuk bıktı mı naptı diye korku sardı içimi. Ama 4 hafta süren ilişkimizde hem sevgili hem de abi - kardeş ilişkimizle birbirimizi kolay kolay yüzüstü bırakacak bir seviyede değildik. Neyse o günde gelmedi. O kadar arzulu olmama rağmen normalde oyuncaklarım ile cinselliğimi giderebilirdim belki fakat kendimi sadece ona vermek istiyordum. Ne zaman gelirse beklicektim ve genç bir erkeği sıkıp laçırmamak adına arayıp sormak da istemiyordum. Her ne kadar merak etsem de...
Kulağım hep kapıda onu bekledim her gün. Çarşamba günü olmuştu. Zil çaldı nihayet Çağatay'ım gelmişti. Kapıyı kapatır kapatmaz sarıldım
+ aşkım nerdesin kaç gündür sen
- sorma canım ya Furkan haftasonu fırsat vermedi.
+ ee pazartesi salı nerdeydin peki beyefendi? Tamam gelme ama insan bi haber verir
- sen git kıyafetlerini giy gel bırak şimdi çeneyi
Yiyeceğim yarağın özlemi ve Çağatay'ın bana emir vermesi çok hoşuma gitti. Bu yüzden cevap vermekten kaçtığını o an anlamadan tamam aşkım diyerek odaya gidip giyindim bir önceki aldığım peruk ve makyaj malzemerimi uygulayıp geldim tatlımın yanına. Bu arada ortak kararımızca birlikteyken benim ismim Beren 'di artık.
Her gelişinde olduğu gibi içeri girer girmez pantolonunu çıkarmış bacaklarını açarak sikini sergiler gibi oturuyordu. Konuşmaya gereği olmadan görevimin bilinciyle önünde diz çöküp yalamaya başladım. Artık iyice alışmıştık birbirimize ki Çağatay'ın sikini kaldırmak eskisinden zor oluyordu. Sikmeye başladığında 20 dakikadan önce boşalması nadir oluyordu. İyi eğitmiştim taze yiğidimi... Yine de onunla birlikte ben de tecrübe kazanmıştım. O inatçı sikini nasıl kaldıracağımı iyi biliyordum. Gırtlağıma kadar hızlı hızlı yutarak sikinin başını güçlü vakumlarla emerek taşaklarının tamamını ağzıma alıp dilimle yoğurduğumda bana dayamazdı tabi ama Çağatay kalkar kalkmaz hemen sikmeye yeltendiği için tadını çıkarır ağırdan alırdım. Ama ne yaparsam yapayım çok azgın olmadığı sürece sikerken ona hakimiyetimi sağlayamazdım. Onun işi ne zaman biterse onu beklemem gerekirdi. Şikayet edermiyim hiç, doyuyordum işte... Beş dakika kadar yaladıktan sonra kaldırmıştım. Kalkıp yüzyüze şekilde kucağına oturdum. Deliği ıslayıp içime almaya başladım. Hafif popomu yukarı aşağı hareket ettirirken eğilip öpüşmeye koyuldum. Özlemiştim onu ki bugün biraz slow takılıp romantizm istyordum. O ise kendini bana bırakmış gibi kolları açık başı koltuğa yaslı sadece öpücüklerime karşılık veriyordu. Popo hareketimi aksatmadan doğruldum. Koltukta olan ellerini tuttum. Göz göze bakışarak sessizce anı yaşıyorduk.
+ sevgilim çok sessizsin bugün ne oldu?
- çok güzelsin biliyorsun değil mi
+ yok canım o kadar da değil ama teşekkür ederim.
- gerçekten benim gözümde çok güzelsin ve de benimsin
+ yaa neden böyle konuşuyosun şimdi utandım ya
- sana bişey itiraf edeceğim ama nasıl desem ki
+ neden çekiniyosun ki? Şu an sen içimdeyken üzerindeyim pek çekinilecek bi durumumuz kalmadı yani söyle işte pat diye gitsin
- biliyosun birbirimize ait olcaz demiştik önceden
Bunu söylemesi moralimi bozdu. O an inip durup sadece siki içimdeyken üzerinde oturuyordum
+ evet. Anladım neden gelmediğin belli oldu. Başka birini mi siktin
- evet ama bir kızdı
+ hmm olabilir erkeksin sen de sonuçta. Ben de erkek olduğuma göre kadınlarla da ilgilenmen normal. Ki şu halde olmasam belki beni şimdiye kadar çoktan bırakmıştın.
- hayır ya saçmalama seni bırakmam. Bi seferlikti özür dilerim
+ yok önemli değil dedim ya olabilir.
- Geçen Furkan'la takılıyodum ya o zorladı bi kız düşürdüm yok böyle bişey tam senlik diye aklımı çeldi.
+ tamam Çağatay açıklama yapmak zorunda değilsin olan olmuş. Zaten beni bırakmıcaksan benim için hava hoş arada git tabi
- zaten ben de olaydan senin kıymetini yine anladım. Senin gibi tad vermiyorlar.
+ ya işte gör kıymetimi ahaha
Bununla beraber keyiflendim ve konuşurken biraz yumuşadığını hissettiğim sikini canlandırmak için daha sertçe oturup kalkmaya başladım. "ooohh işte bu diye inleyip alltan biraz destek versede konuşmaya devam etti
- kızdan ayrıldık. Akşam içiyoz işte benim kafa biraz çakır oldu. Furkan sordu nasıl yavru diye, ona biraz seni siktiğim tarzımı anlattım böyle şöyle olmalı bu tad vermedi diye." Oğlum nerden bulcan öyle siktircek kızı sen fazla porno seyrediyon" deyince ben bi gaza geldim
+ ne diyosun?
- işte bu asıl itirafım. Kızacaksın şimdi bana baya
+ yapma Çağatay yapma deyip öylece kalakaldım.
- çok özür diliyorum. Gaza geldim işte ağzımdan kaçırdım. Var tabi olmaz olur mu dedim. Ben öyle deyince kim lan o bana niye söylemiyon kanka değil miyiz diye kafamın etini yedi. Dayanamadım söyledim. İşte komşum filan deyince tanıştırmamı istedi ben de tanıştıramıcamı aramızda kalmasını ve aslında erkek olduğunu söyledim.
+ ya of be oğlum adresimi de verseydin. Peşime düşer şimdi o. Ya da gider birilerine söyşemez mi
- söz verdi söylemicek
+ ee sen de bana söz vermiştin. Sen tutmazsan o nasıl tutsun?
- tekrar özür dilerim.
+ daha neler söyledin anlat bakalım
- ya erkek olduğunu deyince biraz dalga geçti benle götçüsün, bugün göt siken yarın siktirir filan deyince utandım bi de senin için ibne top deyince zoruma gitti. O yüzden ben de nasıl biri olduğunu sikişirken neler yaptığını öveyim dedim anlattım
+ heh iyi bok ye battıkça batmışsın bende seni benden akıllı biliyorum. Beni tavlamak için o kadar plan kelime oyunu yapan seni
Sinirlenip kalktım üstünden. Sigara yakıp diğer koltuğa oturdum.
- ben öyle anlattıkça dalga geçmeyi bıraktı ama... Verdiğim sözü tutamadığım için kaç gündür gelmedim utancımdan.
+ Çağatay keşke çenene sahip çıksaydın az... Ee şimdi seni ben götürüyom sen de beni ona götür derse ne olacak?
- en zor kısım da o zaten. Üç gündür durmadan mesaj atıyor öyle diyerek.
+ affferiiinnn buyu burdan yak.
- ya ne bağırıyon yaptım bi aptallık. Senden saklıcak değilim hatamı
+ herife bak ya hem suçlu hem güçlü. Tamam ayarlarız deseydin. Git lütfen. Yeter bu kadar bi süre görüşmeyelim. Kırmayalım birbirimizi! Beni sevip sahiplendiğini sanmıştım. Ne yazık. Kendine iyi bak!

Sessizce çıkıp gitti. Çok sinirlenmiş o gün sabaha kadar uyuyamamıştım. O günden sonra cinsel hiç bir dürtü kalmamıştı bende. Aradan üç hafta geçmiş bir kaç kez karşılaşmıştık. Selam dahi vermeden geçip gidiyordum yanından. Ailesi davet etsede bahaneler bulup gitmezdim sırf onu görmemek için. Bu arada son bir haftadır tekrar cinsel isteğim baş göstermiş eskisi gibi olmasada oyuncaklarımla oynamaya başlamıştım. İlk başlarda özlemişim hissi olsa da daha sonra her seferinde Çağatay'ı hatırlar olmuştum. Son buluşmamızın üstünden bir buçuk ay geçtiğinde artık Çağatay'ı özlediğimin farkına varmıştım. Hiç bir şey eskisi gibi tad vermiyordu. Oyuncaklarımla son iki oynayışımda yeniden aklıma gelip gözlerim dolmuş ve işimi yarıda bırakıp hüzünle uyumuştum. Dayanamıyordum artık. Onu unutabilmek için netten arayışlar yapmaya başlasam belki yararı olurdu. Ama kimse onun gibi güven vermeyecek onunla yaşadığım hissi veremeyecek gibiydi ve konuştuğum kişileri çok rahat tersler olmuştum. Bu böyle olmayacaktı.
Bir gün çalışırken ne olacaksa olsun diyerek mesaj attım. Ne var ki hemen karşılık verdi. Hal hatır sorduktan sonra akşam bana uğrayabilrse konuşmak istediğimi söyledim. Amacım hemen seks yapmak değilde onun varlığını yanımda hissetmekti. Kabul etti.
Akşam eve vardığımda sabırsızlıkla onu beklerken evin içinde vokta atıyordum. Zil çaldı koştum kapıya. Selamlaşıp içeri geçtik. Birer kahve yapıp karşısına oturdum.
+ ayrıldığımızdan beri napıyosun
- bilindik şeyler işte... Sen naptın
+ benim de aynı.
- eee beni ne için çağırdın
Onu özlediğimi bir anda nasıl söyleyecektim, nasıl sarılacaktım bilmeden itiraf edemiyordum bir türlü
+ açıkçası sana o gün çok kızdım, korktum insanlar hep duyacak diye. Teşekkür etmek istedim. Şu ana kadar korktuğum olmadı
- yani biraz abarttın. Sadece Furkan'a söyledim o da haliyle merak etti seni. İstemiyorum diyecektin bitecekti olay. Sonuçta kankam o benim bi şekilde öğrenmesi lazımdı senin gibi biriyle olduğumu. Ki her buluşmamızda yalan söylemeyeyim ona
+ haklısın özür dilerim
Tam bu anda dilimin ucuna gelsede yinede cesaret edemiyordum. Kelimeler düğümleniyordu boğazımda. Sessizce bekliyordum belki ilk adımı yine o atar diye fakat ayağa kalkıp kapıya doğru yöneldi iki adım attı. Peşinden kalktım. Üzgün bakışlarla ona bakıyordum.
- başka bişey söylemeyeceksen ben çıkıyorum. Furkan'la buluşcaz bekletmeyeyim
Cevap veremedim. Başımı sallayarak olmadığını söyledim.
- peki kendine iyi bak, deyip kapıya yöneldiği anda içimde bir şeyler oldu ve arkasından aniden sarılıverdim.
+ gitme aşkım. Hani ben senindim. Özür diliyorum işte. Seni çok özledim.
- tamam sakin ol abartma. Geç otur. Konuşalım...
Usulca geçip tekrar oturduk. O sözleri söylesem de devamını getirememiştim. Ondan bir şeyler söylemesini bekliyordum.
- tekrar başlamak istiyosun ama ayrıldığımızdan beri bir sürü ilişkiye girdim ve sayende artık kadınlara daha çok alıştım. Eskisi gibi yapabileceğimi sanmıyorum.
+ tamam yapma ama arada gel yine eskisi gibi arkadaşça takılalım istediğin zaman canın çektiğinde de sikersin. Sikmesende mühim değil
- haaa bak sen.. Böylece ilerde yeniden sana alışmam için tuzak yapıyon. Ama gerçekten iki ayda çok değiştim. Senden iyi olmasın bir hatun var artık. Bilirsin nasıl sevdiğimi. Heh işte tam öyle.
+ ya peki son bir kez yapsak olmaz mı eski günlerin hatırına
- şimdi işim var belki sonra
+ belki deme. Cumartesi günü işin yoksa hazırlanayım senin için son kez. Ne istiyorsan yaparım.
-ne istersem mi
+ evet ne istersen. Yeter ki son bir gün geçirelim.
-tamam o halde. Furkan'ı ağaç etcem ben gidiyorum. Cumartesi hazır ol
Çağatay çıktıktan sonra kendimi çok aşağılık bulmuştum. Resmen yalvardım sikilmek için. Gerçekten de değişmişti. Dediklerini söyleyiş tarzı belli ediyordu bunu. Kesinlikle bu son seksimiz olacaktı belliydi. Ama kendimi böyle düşürmemin karşılığını da o gün almalıyım diyerek hayaller kurmaya planlar yapmaya başladım o andan itibaren. Gerisini artık düşünmüyordum.
Cumartesi geldiğinde öğleden sonra hazırlıklarıma başladım. Dışarı çıkıp bol yiyecek ve bira aldım. Eve gelip masayı yavaşca hazırlarken Çağatay'a ne zaman geleceğini mesajla sordum. 10 dakika sonra cevap verdi. "Hazırsan şimdi" dedi. Saat 4e geliyordu ve beklediğimden daha erken başlayacaktık. Sevinçle "yarım saate hazırım gel" dedim. Kalbim deli gibi atıyordu. Hemen odaya koşup onun en sevdiği kıyafetlerimi bir çırpıda giyip peruğumu taktım. Artık daha da güzel yaptığı im makyajımı da yaparak yiğidimi beklemeye koyuldum. Aynada kendime baktığımda bu kez ben bile kendimi çok beğenmiştim bir başka güzeldim bugün. 15 dakika sonra zil çaldı, önce delikten bakarak kimin geldiğine baktım. Bu halde gaza gelip açtığımda bir başkasının halimi görmesi riskini alamazdım.

Same as Güzelden kötüye gidiş! 3 Videos

3 years ago
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Panty Wali Bhabhi Ko Choda 8211 Part 3

Kaise ho kamseen chutwali aur pyase lund wale dosto. Main Yogu fir se hajir hu hamari chudai ki dastan lekar. Main 28 years ka sexy handsome ladka hu. Abhi single hu aur 6.7 in ke lund ka size hai. Meri pahli kahaniya bhi padhakar apki ray batana. To ab kahini aage batata hu bina bore kiye. Ab main aur bhabhi aisehi nange chipakakar lete rahe. Thoda rest karne ke bad bhabhi ne ghumakar mere galo par kiss karte fir se mere lund par chus ghisna shuru kiya. Main bhi mast hokar bhabhi ke hoth...

3 years ago
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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 34

I called for supper to be in the new dining/meeting room that night. I think the women liked it better that way now anyhow. Less individual cooking meant less work for them. It was a surprise for the new women though, since they were accustomed to cooking their meals separately every night. I was sure they'd adjust. After the meal was over I stood at the podium and told everyone what was approaching. The new women especially were disturbed, even though I'd already told them it was coming....

3 years ago
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My Final Months

It was a perfect day. It’s august seventh. It was the hottest day ever recorded in my town, at 112 degrees, which is very irregular for Spokane. I went to a water park and had so much fun! ‘Ow!’ I woke up next morning to a frightening sight! I was red as a tomato and then some. See, when I was at the water park, I had no sunscreen. It was so bad, I was certain I’d gotten cancer. I called a cab to go to the doctor (Yes, it was that bad). When the cab arrived, the driver said, ‘Hey hey, wait! You...

2 years ago
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Fucking my SIL

Hello everyone, I am avid reader of ISS and would like to tell you that I enjoy each and every one of the stories. I am 35 male and would like to share a story that happened to me when I was 20 with my sister-in law. My brother and I used to stay together, we used to go to school and work as well. We lived simple but enjoyable life. My brother finally got married and my SIL was very nice looking lady. We got along very well. She used to think I am her son but little did she know that I used...

3 years ago
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Oscar MeyersChapter 8

The first year dining room was crowded, but exceptionally quiet for lunchtime. Finals for the second quarter were approaching and everyone was thinking about the upcoming tests. The waitress had just delivered lunch to Oscar and his roommates. Lisa asked, “So where are Debbie and Georgia?” “Not sure,” answered Oscar as he eyed his tuna fish salad sandwich. He lifted a slice of bread and saw the pile of onions laid across the tuna salad. He nodded in pleasure when he saw that they had added...

2 years ago
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Morning Blowjob

It was no surprise that I woke up ridiculously early, so I took out a book I packed and started reading. My date was still fast asleep and snoring faintly. As I turned the pages of my book, I gently touched the arm that slinged over me and pressed my lips against his skin. I rubbed my legs against his and waited for another snore. It dawned on me that his skin was really smooth, and it felt nice against mines. I put my book away and watched him still deeply asleep. I was usually so shy and...

4 years ago
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The Wedding Date 3

The Wedding Date By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter Three Mrs. Baxter called out to her staff now as over they came and then she introduced them to Lee. As she began spewing a series of commands in Spanish, the three women didn't say much, mostly nodding and then she turned, patting him on the back. "Wait," said Lee, grabbing her arm. "But I don't know any Spanish?" "Neither do the children you'll be watching," laughed Rita. "Now you're not here to gossip with my...

2 years ago
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The Pact Episode 5 the ClubhouseChapter 27

Mary more or less expected her unknown sex partner to proceed straight to pressing his cock into her -- but Ray knew better than that in the first place, and needed a moment to recover from the blowjob in the second! Instead, he slid under her spread legs and swiped her unseen slit with his tongue. Mary inhaled a gasp! Cunnilingus was HIGH on the list of things she'd never had done to her and she was taken totally by surprise, believing as she did that 'nobody would actually want to stick...

3 years ago
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Shandi the Sweet

“You wanna tell the folks back home your name?” “Umm…Call me Shandi Sweet.” “Nice,” The man with the camera retorted before adding, “Well Shandi, I hear this is your first scene… Why don’t you stand up and let me see you.” “…Okay…” “I like your body. You’re a well-built girl. You said earlier you were 5’ 8” and a 40 30 42. Can I ask, are those natural?” “Ya…They’re mine.” “What are they EE’s? Are they F cups maybe? They’re Huge!” “Umm, JJ-cups actually…” Shandi said...

4 years ago
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Pantyhose fantasy for a friend continued

After our exertions we are resting, regaining our strength. You get off the bed to go and fix us some drinks. As you leave the room I am busy fondling your girlfriends lovely big tits. She moves down the bed and takes my cock into her mouth, licking and sucking it until it is hard again. As you come back into the room with the drinks she is just moving into a sixty nine so that I can lick her pussy as she sucks me. Even after the tongue cleaning that she has already had I can taste the cum in...

2 years ago
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He placed my hands around his neck and told me not to let go and pulled me very close to him. I could feel the hem of my skirt pull up and his hands grab my ass and all I could do is roll my eyes and moan. We were kissing passionately and his hands felt like they were everywhere. I closed my eyes and he laid me back on his desk and pushed my legs up. He grabbed the waist band of my panties and pull them off in one motion. He knelt down and started licking my clit and lips and I knew was over...

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Going Down for Mixed Juices

I had been dating Kathy for a couple weeks. Maybe seeing her outside of work for sex is a better description. We did have sex in the ‘manager’s office’ once though. She was previously a server and I a cook, but now she was promoted. I was fucking a manager in training. She and her friends Karen and Amy always talked about sex with each other. It was like some sort of a contest. Karen had come up with the ‘thing to drive a man crazy’ of the week and Kathy wanted to report back to the group...

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Love Making In Chandigarh Park

Hey guys and girls. I have wrote two stories in the past and received an amazing response from girls. Its your avid readership and response that makes me keep on writing, coming back with more and more. If any girls in or around Chandigarh wanna hook up for a casual fling or friendship then mail me at Waiting for your responses. Coming back to the story. I am in a reputed engineering college and have had plenty of casual hook ups. This story is about Camy(Kaamini), a hot sexy babe doing a...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 21 To the Victors

After informing the freshman football coaches of their opportunity to make changes to the football program, Roosevelt Athletic Director and Head Football Coach Big John Fontana decided to go watch the second half of the freshman football game. The freshmen were finishing the series against the Warren Warriors. The junior varsity started the losing streak 21-0 on Thursday evening. The varsity team followed up, getting soundly defeated, losing their game 48-0. In the coach’s eyes, though, the...

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LoveHerFeet Ella Knox I Made A Deal With My Stepbro

I borrowed my stepbrother’s car and guess what? I wrecked it. He was so pissed since he couldn’t see his girlfriend until the car was fixed. He wanted to tell our parents but I’ve been in so much trouble with them lately, he offered me a deal instead. I take the place of his girlfriend, letting him fuck me until his car gets fixed, and he’ll stay quiet. I agreed. It started out as a charity fuck but once he started playing with my feet, toes, and soles, I couldn’t help but keep...

1 year ago
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Until recently, porn tubes were the prevalent mode of porn consumption. Even with the rise of amateur social media porn, porn tube websites are still pretty popular. They are so widely held that every time I come across a porn URL, there’s a high chance that it’s a porn tube. Well, Watch Porn is yet another incredible porn tube!When you visit Watch Porn, you’ll quickly discover that there are all kinds of amazing porn videos to explore on this website. There’s something available for everyone...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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DunrossiterChapter 6 Jamie Dunrossiter

Dunrossiter lounged in his chambers. He had spent the last several weeks training his wife in her new role and was rather pleased with the results. She craved a hard cock as much as the most wanton slut in his employ! She now enjoyed taking his cock into her every orifice and was proficient in satisfying the other girls as well. He had rarely had a wench so demanding of his organ, and he reveled in his ability to degrade even the finest of ladies. As he got up, Jenny, the buxom and...

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Sasha Sasha Sasha you stupid cunt Chaptrt 1

“AaaaHhhhh”…. Freezing cold, wet, wide awake, the pain subdued by the cold. Momentarily anyway. “Mmmmfffuuee.” Sasha’s mind raced. What was that? Uugghhh.. She groaned. Trying to right herself. Impossible. Was that ice water? “Look she is awake, She is trying to move, ” A voice rang out. Sasha called for help but all that was heard was Hhheeetthhh…eee eesse. “Make sure those bindings are tight, Her master will want to whip her again and put on that harness with the 12 inch vibrating cock and...

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Brians Sleepwalking Adventure Pt 06

This story is based on what may be an urban myth from my college days. A fraternity brother told me about the incident after my own adventure, described in my story ‘Pledge Class Payback’ so I believe it to be true. When I asked about it, no one could remember the actual names or years or the fraternity. However, it fed my imagination and inspired me to write this story. It is based on a ‘true incident’ with a lot of embellishments. All persons, names, places, events, and descriptions, are...

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Gold Plated Garbage TruckChapter 5 Our Rocky Road To Success

We rode to the Buck Horn in the garbage truck again. I figured it would be safer than Homer's old van. There was a fresh crop of screwballs waiting with their pickets. Two motorcycles parted the crowd and we followed them. The other two bikes came along behind. These nuts were a different brand of screwballs. The newspaper owner's wife led the bunch this evening. She had a face what made Janet Reno look downright sexy by comparison. Two of them tried to lie down in front of the truck....

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A Quick One With Widow Maid

This incident happen when I was working at Delhi.We lived in a posh area a beautiful house with 3 b/r shared by 4 of us. I occupied a single master bedroom and had privacy.For cleaning, etc I appointed a Bangali lady who was not that good looking. Initially I did not have any bio intention towards her but from the time I started seeing her cleaning the floor. She got amazing boobs – toooo big and shaking like those two melons will fall and break.I was peeping to that for sometime. Later staring...

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Neighbor Helping Neighbor

Yesterday I had gotten most of the large yard mowed and I had filled in a lot of holes I had created when I had previously removed rocks that protruded above the sod line. Today I was taking it at a much slower pace. The temperature yesterday was bad enough, but today it was almost unbearable. The sun was hotter than I could handle so I opted to work in the garage. My desire was to discard all the unused garbage that, at some point in the past, I just knew I would be using so I saved them. I...

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A Dark Man Pt 01

Chapter 1 -- HELP!My phone rings. I look at the name, and immediately I answer my phone. Arthur doesn't call me often; I am generally calling him because I have a shipment that needs to be moved.With a slight hesitation, I answer, "Hello Arthur. How can I help you tonight?"Arthur gives me his patented signature chuckle and then says, "Oh my friend. I have a gift for you. One you will cherish. You owe me no cash. However, someday, I'm going to need a favor. I have an address you want to write...

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When I was 17 ( in 1972 ) I worked in a grocery store. At that age if it was female & breathing it was fair game. I started chatting up a young black girl 3 yrs, older than me. After a few weeks of flirting, she asked me to her apartment.Got there on a fri. nite & it was 420 time. During our smoking & talking I admitted I,d never been with a black chick.This was 1972 in a very small south costal Texas city so this was considered very taboo at that time. She smilled, stood up &...

2 years ago
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Double or Nothing

A Chastened, FL Tale Call them star-crossed lovers if you will, but Steve and Gabby had this on again, off again romance that left their friends and even closer friends baffled. Steve had presented Gabby with a knock your eye out engagement ring that cost him the price of a Dodge Viper two years earlier only to see Gabby storm off in a huff a month later without giving him or anyone else a reason. Six months later, at a Christmas party celebrating the holidays and the closing of Annie Get...

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My favorite step-cousinI've always admired my step-cousin Madeliene. She's sweet kind redhead with a beautiful smile and an incredible body. She's about 5 feet tall with nice legs and great breasts. For a girl her height she had amazing breasts and I couldn't help but take a look every time I saw her. Her butt was nice,,firm and tight you could give it a good slap if you had the chance. She usually kept her hair long so it flowed down towards her breasts. Her voice was very sweet and gentle and...

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You Are a Meany Chapter 13

Basking in victory made Lori being sent to her room easy to take. Even with how angry her dad was and being told she was punished, Lori was enjoying being in what her dad thought was a prison cell. To her, this was just a holding pen and her mom would grant her a partial pardon. She would be able to do anything when the warden, her dad, was not home. Lori did not know or care how long until her mom came up to see her. Being in this solitary confinement was worth getting what she...

3 years ago
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Blue Side of Lonesome

A nod to Microsoft for their great new product, Sync, that makes media of various kinds actually make sense on automobiles. Thanks to Techsan and Lady Cibelle for their editing assistance. Thier help is always appreciated ... and it makes a huge difference in the readability of my stories. Be aware that I am taking some artistic license with the dates that certain events take place: for example, the Army Airborne Jump School is now held only at Fort Benning, Georgia. Way too many years ago...

4 years ago
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Cindys mum wants to say thank you

Later that same day I knocked on my neighbors' door, clutching a bottle of wine and some freshly purchased flowers. It was early evening and I had come round to visit Debbie as we had agreed earlier, but I wondered what was in store for tonight. I understandably felt like a fraud considering my recent affairs with Debbie's eighteen year old daughter. It was especially awkward because it was only this morning that I had been enthusiastically sucked off by Debbie's beautiful and sexy daughter....

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 I shook my head, struggling to rid myself of the song I'd just heard on the car radio. It wasn't as if David Bowie was one of my favourite artists, but Changes definitely applied to my frame of mind, and I couldn't get the words out of my mind. A nervous, secretive smile appeared in the rearview mirror as I checked the highway behind me.Damn those words; they seemed to be taunting me — and my undertaking.~o0o~ Thirty-six years of age, wed to a bastard, and blessed — if that's the correct...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 331

Aboard the Starship The two had walked what seemed to Eileen to be miles of corridors. As they stepped through yet another of the strange looking doors/hatches, she glanced at Bill. “And this is?” she asked as she motioned to the seemingly endless rows of shimmering somethings ... machines maybe, the rows so long that they seemed to fade into the distance, and those rows also appeared to slope slightly upward. Bill glanced at her, the uneasy feeling again accosting his nerves just as it had...

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My first slave girl

She was way out of my league. A nearly perfect hourglass frame, long blonde hair, sapphire blue eyes and an electric smile. The month I owned her was the best, and worst month of my life. A rollercoaster ride of a story that I wish was still writing and not merely remembering.How we met was awkward. I worked with her family and had a semi adolescent crush on her MILF of a mother. I have the outward appearance of being a sane, rational gentleman, while inside I am, and will always be, depraved....

3 years ago
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Janets Homecoming

Introduction: The fifth Chapter to my story. Dad gets into the action in this one. I last left you with having spent the night at Johns house. His mom and dad were away for the weekend and they were not to return until Monday afternoon. Kim had called John Sunday morning and he had told her that he had a new girlfriend which was I. John and I got out of bed seeing how we were awake now. John pulled a tee shirt out of his dresser drawer and tossed it to me. He told me here you could slip this...

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Kat and Cyrano Chapter 9

Kat and Cyrano Chapter 9: A Full Week of Passion and Joy The next morning, Wednesday, on the trolley ride into downtown, we talked about how we nearly got caught on that shopping mall stairwell that Tuesday morning. We had also, a couple of times, made love between bushes in a park.“Maybe we should return to the bushes in our park?” I suggested. “I can lie down instead of standing up like in the stairwell. And then we can enjoy oral sex like yesterday. But I can also enjoy your sword in my...

3 years ago
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Memories II

Eventually, my lady gets up to replenish her coffee and as she walks by us, we comment on my lady needing a visit from the barber. Al and I love bare pussy's and my lady's was in a need of a trimming. This produced an increase in excitement in all of us, knowing what was too come. My lady agrees and goes into the house to get our “barber supplies”. She soon returns with a container of warm water, a beard trimmer, some shaving cream and a razor. There is a nice table on the deck just...

3 years ago
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Hot And Sensuous Massage

I went for a massage in Hyderabad, it was a M2M, and since I needed a good massage, I opted for M2M, with hopes that at the end I might get a happy ending. I was shown to the massage room and Sam, the masseur asked me to take a shower, and lie down on the massage table. I went to the massage room and undressed. I showered making sure I avoided touching my genitals too much as I would have been so embarrassed to have a hard-on before he even started the message. When I came out, I was surprised...

2 years ago
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The Guy with the Reptilian Eyes

‘Fuck!’ Jess cried. She regretted telling him ‘fast and hard.’ Trying to be a smart ass. She hadn’t meant this rough. Face down, on her knees, clutching a handful of sheet, her other hand braced against the headboard to keep her head from banging it again, she knew now it was a mistake. What was she thinking, challenging this guy with those reptile eyes? She hoped he was a fast cummer. She met him a week ago. A skinny guy with gray eyes and curly hair as black as his leather jacket who came...

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That Summer

That summer... By Debry (2009) It was a Friday on a summer afternoon and I had two weeks to be a gurl... so I proceeded to prepare the bathtub and I left the water running but not after adding some essence and while the water was ready I was applying the hair removal to my body. I expended some time just enjoying myself and thinking about the next two weeks. I got out of the bathtub and after draying my body I slide my satin pink chemise and put on my pink panties... the feeling of...

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Mothers Dark SideChapter 3

I felt the pointy toe of Ice's boot stab my ribs and looked up. He was glaring down at me. I felt dirty and I pulled the top of my nightgown up to my chin. "Nice titties," he said. I looked down and gasped. The cotton material was stretched over my budding breasts and they formed two points. I released the nightgown and crossed my arms over my chest. "Be a good little girl and sit on my lap while your momma makes Jack happy," he said. "It's time you got to see it close up rather...

2 years ago
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Journey into Cheating Part 2 Discovering sex clubs

One Saturday night, during my bar shift, I was chatting to my manager, Jack. He was a nice guy in his mid-twenties, a little cocky, but he always made my shift seem like a party. He was very upbeat, charismatic, and cheeky. It made a nice change to hang out with him after seeing my unhappy boyfriend all week. It was a bit of a slow night at the bar, so we were speaking about all sorts of things. He began talking about this older woman that he had slept with a couple of weeks previously and I...

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Jimmy the College BoyChapter 4

Saturday's dinner was great. Prime rib, garlic mashed potatoes and an almond string bean casserole that was one of my favorites. My step grandmother Kate had been invited so I knew I could expect a little action later. My mom had picked Kate up and as part of her plan, bless her, she let me use her car to take Kate home after supper. Kate was in her late fifties but looked and dressed much younger. She wore a pale yellow blouse buttoned up over her large breasts and a black skirt that...

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Padosan Larki Ne Strapon Se Choda 8211 Part 4

Subah meri dard ki wajah se jaldi nend khul gayi, maine dekha ki dono mere baju me so rahi h, jaise hi me utha dono ki bhi neeend khul gayi.. Divya: heyyyy gud morning ankita, d cute little slut… Me: gm.. Divya time dekhti h aur jhat se uth k bolti h ki 9 baj gaye, shit, shop open karni h… Aur tabhi shilpa bolti h Shilpa: no problem dear… is gaandu ki car h,  I ’ll drop u home.. Dono uth k taiyar ho k chali jati h, aur main nanga hi door k paas aa k door ko lock kar deta hu. Meri gaand me...

2 years ago
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Erotic Moments With My Dearest Love

Well hello, there my fabulous readers. I, the Greywolf is back here in front of you guys presenting another fantasy to you guys. This time the story narrates the incidences that how I and my girlfriend share some extremely erotic moments but with an extremely high risk also. Disha, my girlfriend’s name is Disha. Well if we come to her physical features, she is extremely fair first of all. She is quite short by the way, only 5 feet 4. Her figure is quite on the chubbier side. But luckily she is...

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Fucked BrotherInLaw8217s Wife In Abu Trip

Hi ISS readers, this sexsena from Ahmadabad Gujarat, I am regular reader and visitor of ISS. My mail id is This is the story about how I fucked brother in law’s wife. I met her when I visited my in law’s house, she is wife of my wife’s elder brother. Damn sexy, about her stat she is approx 5.6 in height, slim figure and small pair of boobs. Due to official visit I had to travel to Mumbai from Ahmadabad and my inlaws are also leaving in Mumbai itself hence wife forced me stay at her parents...

1 year ago
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My house cleaner Part 1

This is how my became reality; Kate started cleaning for me around a year ago she always dressed in fairly skimpy clothes considering her job. Whilst not young she was far from old maybe in her late thirties or early forties lets call her mature, Kate had a great body even after three maybe four kids maybe it was her job that kept her fit. I would class my self as a breast man first and an arse man second Kate Has beautiful breasts and a beautiful arse. I would always take every available...

3 years ago
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Across the BorderChapter 8

Lisa wasn’t able to stay in bed too long. She had to go check on Josh. So she slowly got back up and went back downstairs. Of course, she finds Steven waiting for her. Lisa wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of knowing she was upset. “Have you seen Josh?” “Yes. They should be returning shortly. Which brings up your next assignment.” From that evil grin on Steven’s face, she knew this could not be good. “You will find we put some lube in your bag.” Lisa didn’t understand. “You’re...

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House Party 8211 Part III

You read in first part that my decent looking wife divya fucked by three carpenters in house . In second part my parents joined party , my father fucked bahu, a father fucked his daughter and i fucked mother in both choot and gaand. It was an orgy with three ladies, my mother, my wife and wife of carpenter jatin who fucked with five males. My wife could get only one new cock that night, that of her sasur where as mother got four new cocks including lawda of son in all three holes. Now read what...

3 years ago
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Alexis Blind Date

Alexis sat down and thanked the hostess, who promptly walked back to the front of the cafe. Alexis swallowed and smoothed her dress, drank a sip of ice water, and looked around the cafe. Sleek design, lots of open space but also a few alcoves for more private dining. Well lit but cozy. People, mostly couples, seemed to be enjoying a nice experience. The guy had good taste. She quick checked her phone, 3:03. Whoever she was meeting was supposed to be here 3 but the hostess had said nobody was...

Mind Control
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Closing Time with Jessica

[Fiction/Fantasy]First Try at writing an actual story Sorry if it sucksI looked at the clock. 12:59. YES! Then I pull my phone out of my back pocket to confirm. 12:59. Hell fucking yes! Then I turn behind me to the timer/official clock. 12:59:35 25 Seconds till we close and are finally allowed to resume all the closing shit we have to do. It's been a fucking crazy Friday Night, with more cars rolling through than normal. *Bonnnnnnnnnggggggguh* NO MOTHER FUCKING WAY! I look at my manager,...

1 year ago
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Too much of a good thing

He came in from work at the usual time, tired and ready for a relaxing night. As ever, his girlfriend heard him and ran to meet him, throwing her arms around him and kissing him deeply. 'I've waited all day for you,' she said, with lust in her voice. All she did was sit around all day, never lifting a finger around the house, all she thought of was sex, and wanted it morning, noon and night. When they first got together he couldn't believe his luck, but now he felt tired and found her constant...

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The Oscar For The Best New Amateur Porn Star Is DANA

After I gave Dana the new swimwear, I began taking pictures of her in the various suits. Dana told me that she was uncomfortable when I took pictures. She was afraid that someone would see the photos. I explained to her that the pictures were for my private collection and would be kept with her favorite toys. Dana seemed okay with the idea because I also agreed to keep the cameras in the same place.  I was starting to become a decent amateur photographer and Dana was warming up to the idea of a...

Love Stories
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I was your typical hormone oozing frosh when, on a lark, I decided I wanted to get into this sorority. "Dogging" is the term we used in high school for the hazing ritual, but those already in the sorority had little extra bits of embarrassment they liked to foist on 'new meat' like me. So, in what seemed like a lull in my punishment, as we got on line at Wendy's burger joint, Mary Jo whispered a new challenge for me, "See that guy waiting for his order - with his hand on the edge of the...

3 years ago
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Catcher CultureChapter 4

As he looked down at Cindy's helpless body; her youthful pussy shiny and moist with excitement, her tight little anus clenching and dilating expectantly, Fenton could not draw his thoughts completely away from Hortense; how he had wanted to masturbate for her. He could not understand the power of the woman, and how it had gripped him so quickly, but his cock yearned for relief. He smiled down at the petite Cindy who looked sheepishly back from her gagged face, seeming to sense some...

3 years ago
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Tree House Tryst

Jim was flipping the burger when Sally and Nikki came out, and let me tell you, they were a sight to see. Sally, standing about 5’8”, with short blonde hair, was in a flowery sundress, her B cup breasts, sagging slightly, were bronzed from the time she spends outside. Nikki, was a little shorter, with long dark hair, her DD’s were held firmly in place inside of her polka dotted dress. Sally walked over to the grill to give Jim the tray to put the burgers on, as Nikki slide into my lap,...

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"You did say 'anything, ' didn't you?" Kevin had slid into the bed only a moment ago, cozying up behind me, his front pressed to my back. He was naked and ready. As he whispered his somewhat cryptic question, his right hand caressed my side—slowly, gently, his fingers tracing a long line from my thigh to my breast and back again. He knew what he was doing. I opened my eyes and looked at the wall. "What'd you have in mind?" I asked warily. But he wasn't giving out information....

2 years ago
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Helping a Mother and Daughter Part 3

I sat back in my chair as the blonde mother of the brunette girl in front of me stood up and helped her daughter undress the rest of the way. My eyes drank in every inch of the young woman’s body, knowing that the curves I saw would soon become much more dramatic and mature. When the shorts she wore pushed over her round butt bubbles and slid down her beautifully tanned and tapered legs, my breath caught. The sight of the young quim and the padding over her pubic bone and the shallow...

2 years ago
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My Journey To The World Of Desires Part 7

All these years , I have wondered whether women are seduced or women allow themselves to be seduced by a man of their wish. It is very much possible that , I am the worst possible seducer . While not unexpected , the teacher had remained calm throughout the activities and afterwards too.At school her behavior was same to me as every other student.We never had a conversation of the events that happened during 2 days stay at her village. I wanted to ask her many a things. Yet I was worried about...

3 years ago
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Getting Some Asian PussyChapter 6

Susie asked Tom if he'd mind going with her when she went to the airport to pick up Larry as he returned from his overseas trip to Korea. Tom said he'd be more than glad to go along with her and provide another friendly face to welcome Larry back home. He did find it sort of peculiar that Susie would ask him of all people -- the man who'd begun fucking her regularly during Larry's absence -- to go with her, but then he laughed to himself as he realized that Susie often had things in mind...

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