Ma Brune Secrétaire free porn video

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Je fais un sale métier que je dois assumer. Je vous rassure, je n'en eu
point la vocation. On ne s'extirpe pas du ventre de sa mère en criant :
« Je veux être huissier ou rien ». Convaincu qu'il n'est point malgré
tout de sot métier je n'en souffrais pas du moins d'un juste préjugé
dont j'étais alors victime. Je ne répandais sur ma route que
consternation et désolation. Je ne vous cache pas que cet état
retentissait parfois sur mon bien-être et ma santé. Aussi n'était-ce
qu'en de rares occasions que ce métier me prodiguait de rares bonheurs
et compensations.

Le jour où je vins sonner à ce pavillon, j’étais loin d'imaginer la
teneur de ma rencontre. Il était aux environs de 15H00. Un pâle soleil
d'automne illuminait placidement les rares feuilles qui jonchait alors
la pelouse du jardin. C'était la fin de ma tournée. J'aspirais à rentrer
vite au bureau boire un coup avec quelques collègues. Le type que je
devais persécuter était un coquin notoire. On m'en avait dit assez de
mal. J'étais paré à toute éventualité et bandant mes muscles attendait
la confrontation jusqu'à un point insoutenable. Je ne répugnais pas au
rapport physique.

Aussi ne fus-je pas peu étonné en même temps que soulagé de voir
paraître dans le cadre de la porte un petit bout de femme brune et
charmante. Je lui donnais dans la quarantaine, coquette et apprêtée.
Elle représentait tout ce que j'adorais chez la femme. Je distinguais
outre un tailleur élégant, des bas couture et des escarpins sur lesquels
elle était juchée avec autant de classe. Son visage maquillé au juste
point respirait une assurance de soi. Elle mesurait avec conséquence son
pouvoir sur les hommes. Croyant tomber sur un tigre, je devais assumer
une femelle.

Je dus lui paraître peu crédible lorsqu'en mon bafouillement je lui
annonçais mon titre. A-ton déjà vu un huissier si minable et pataud ?
J'étais furieux de trahir la trop grande impression qu'elle exerçait sur
moi. Je n'en déballais pas moins tous les griefs du Trésor. Au final je
sus qu'elle n'était pas le conjoint mais la secrétaire de M X. Elle ne
sembla pas émue outre mesure des exploits de son employeur. Elle faisait
montre plutôt de flegme et semblait avoir arrêté à l'égard de mon style
de personne un certain discours voire une stratégie affûtée. Elle
m'invita à rentrer.

Déjà elle parlait de malentendus et de courriers croisés et qui ne me
seraient pas parvenus. Je connaissais la chanson. J'étais blessé qu’elle
usa à mon encontre d'arguments si grossiers. Je tâchais en tant que cave
supposé de me rebiffer. J'avais davantage L4habitude d'être craint
plutôt que le contraire. La garce se jouait de moi. Il était par trop
évident que j’avais du trahir dans mes gestes et mes regards, mon émoi.
Elle devait être si familière à faire bander un mâle. En effet je ne pus
réprimer ma pulsion d'examiner son petit cul qui roulait dans une courte

Elle m’invita à m'asseoir dans un fauteuil face au sien. Elle me demanda
si de fumer m'inconvenait tout en croisant haut les cuisses qu’elle
avait magnifiques. J'eus l'impression que la chaleur était suffocante ou
que du moins on avait poussé à fond le chauffage . Ce genre de poule me
fait irrémédiablement pareille impression. Son regard était dur et
ironique. Tel un serpent on eût dit qu’elle voulait me dissoudre sur
place. Pour me donner bonne contenance je consultais mes papiers tâchant
vainement de détacher mes yeux de ses maîtresses cuisses.

Il était difficile de ne pas savoir qu'elle portait des bas d'autant
qu'elle exposait impunément la chair blanche qui affleurait à la
naissance de ceux-ci. Me perdant en conjectures, je tâchais stupidement
de comprendre où une femme dès le plus jeune âge maîtrisait si bien cet
art de la séduction. Celle-ci m'avait d'emblée mis sous hypnose. Je lui
obéissais au doigt et à l’œil. Ses paroles me parvenaient dans un vague
bourdonnement. J'aurais été fort incapable de vous rapporter ce que je
lui répondis. J'étais perdu dans le carré ou le triangle d'où
rayonnaient sa culotte et la jointure de ses cuisses.

Elle se leva enfin pour aller récupérer le café. Je mis à contribution
ce temps de répit pour me reprendre. Je rangeais dans ma serviette tous
mes papiers qui me plongeaient dans la confusion plus qu'autre chose. Je
devais retrouver mon verbe et la persuasion qui font le charme du
métier. Je fus presque heureux de son retour et qu'elle installât de
nouveau sa croupe sur son fauteuil. Je parlais hâtivement comme pour me
débarrasser. Haussant le ton, je lui signifiais que je devais procéder à
un inventaire des meubles. Elle sourit précisant : « Vous savez. J'en ai
la liste. »

Elle me fit entendre que d'autres collègues avaient procédé de la sorte
lui ayant infligé le même procédé. Bref elle n'était pas impressionnée.
Sans se départir d'un immuable sourire, elle écarta alors les cuisses
qu'elle avait longtemps tenu, croisées. Elle demeura ainsi suffisamment
pour que je pus considérer que sa culotte était rouge, transparente et
trahissant le dessin d'une chatte parcouru de poils pubiens. Il était
manifeste qu’elle le faisait exprès. Elle m'allumait impunément. Elle me
testait. Le deal était par trop évident. Elle s'offrait. On l'obtenait à
trop bon compte.

J'avais peu d'expérience de cela. Certaines femmes avaient tenté déjà à
me séduire voire à me débaucher dans l'exercice de mes fonctions. Des
collègues avaient cédé à ce genre de tentation et s'en flattaient. De
même un ami, plombier de son état sautait régulièrement nombre de ses
clientes. Je l'enviais secrètement. Il se trouvait qu'aujourd'hui
m'était attribué une telle bonne fortune. En semblable circonstance,
j'avais plus d'une fois rompu la conversation et d'un ton outré et
sentencieux proclamant que j'adresserais un prochain courrier
redoutable. Je ne répugnais pas à fuir.

Cette fois quelque chose de profond et de l'ordre de la concupiscence
semblait l'emporter sur ma couardise native. Je perdais pour lors toute
réserve et dignité. Elle semblait deviner la lutte dont j'étais l'objet
et n'en écartait que plus ses cuisses nantie du même sourire. Si un
miroir eût alors réfléchi l'image de mon visage, nous eûmes vu alors un
bouffon pathétique. Il faisait chaud. On se fut cru dans une étuve.
Percevant mon malaise, elle dit : « Vous allez bien ? Voulez-vous un
verre d'eau ? Je fis signe que non de la main. En moins d'un temps elle
fut auprès de moi.

Accroupie à mes pieds et secouant sa chevelure brune, elle enfonçait ses
yeux au fond des miens. L'air était plus que jamais saturé de son lourd
parfum. Je vis mieux le vernis rougis des ongles. Une de ses mains
s'était hardiment portée sur mon genou. Sa voix était chaude toute de
miel. J'étais tenté de fermer les yeux comme dans un rêve. Je mis un
temps à m'apercevoir qu’elle s'était enquit à déboutonner la braguette.
Ma queue à ma grande honte était irrémédiablement dure. J'avouais ainsi
mon désir coupable. Pouvais-je raisonnablement dénier et me refuser ?

Chuchotant, elle commença à me branler. Ses mots évoquaient comme une
berceuse. Ulysse s'est défié d'un semblable chant de sirène. Je me
raidissais songeant à cela. Elle m’en branla que plus énergiquement. Je
songeais dans ma tête : « Qu’est-ce qu'elle astique bien, la salope. »
J'en vins à me étendre peu à peu concentré sur le seul sort de ma bite.
Il en relevait le sort du Monde. Elle en était passé quant aux travaux
pratiques à la seconde étape. Elle me lécha d'abord légèrement le gland
comme pour me titiller voire m'exaspérer. J'ouvris les yeux. Elle me
toisait et souriait.

Je n'étais pas peu fier de cette queue longue et lourde et j'eus
apprécié qu'elle m'en complimenta. A défaut elle commença à l'enfourner
dans sa bouche doucement, méthodiquement puis peu à peu avec vigueur.
J'étais pompé, aspiré au propre. Quelle pipe ! Mon Dieu ! J'ouvris la
bouche cherchant de l'air. Peu loin de défaillir. Pouvait-on rêver mort
plus douce ? Elle aurait invoqué l'homicide involontaire à la façon des
prostituées à l'égard d'un client. En effet j'avais idée qu'elle faisait
cela souvent avec des hommes et qu'on l’avait recruté pour ce seul talent.

Stoïque, je m'étais bien gardé d'exploser dans sa bouche. J'en voulais
davantage et sollicitais le reste. Elle me dit : « Ferme les yeux chéri
si tu veux la suite.» Je goûtais ce ton et ce tutoiement vulgaire. En
effet je perçus qu'elle s’installait sur moi, cuisses ouvertes
s'empalant sur ma bite. Celle-ci entra dans sa grotte baveuse et humide.
J'eus la réticence trop tard de me retirer. Nous faisions cela sans
autre forme de protection privilégiant le plaisir au risque. Je
pétrissais avec mes mains, ses fesses que j'avais entrevues. Elle me
dévora la bouche avec la sienne.

A ce moment je balançais par-dessus bord toute prévention et prudence.
Je la voulais faire jouir cette pute et que nous parvenions ensemble au
septième ciel. Je lui dévorais ses deux mignons nichons qu'elle avait
entre temps extirpé de son corsage. Je pouvais croire qu'elle prenait
effectivement son pied sur mon pieu. Je ne concevais pas que mon gros
sexe laissa indifférent sa chatte. Elle conduit alors l'un de mes doigts
vers l’endroit de l'anus pour éprouver que celui-ci était gourmand et
facile en accès. La garce aspirait à être enculée.

Elle me souffla à l'oreille : « T'es cap de m'enculer avec ton gros nœud
? » Je rugis que oui. J'étais résolu maintenant à finir le boulot.
Bientôt elle courut jusqu'à un divan se couchant sur le ventre et me
tendant ses fesses. Il s'agissait d'écarter le fil impromptu du string
et de dégager le trou fumant et déjà engageant. On y pouvait enfoncer
facile deux voire trois doigts. J'avais peu enculer en ma vie. Mon
épouse étant totalement réfractaire à ce jeu qu'elle trouvait sale. Je
n'avais obtenu cela que de prostituées. Je trouvais bénédiction qu'une
femme m'offrit pour rien son petit trou.

Je ne fus pas peu étonné d'entrer dedans avec autant de facilité. La
garce devait souvent se faire défoncer dans cet endroit. On eût dit un
tunnel familier à une forte circulation. Son patron devait assurément en
disposer régulièrement. L'hypothèse que je ne fus pas le seul me
rappelait ma folie à n'avoir pas voulu me protéger. S'il devait y avoir
de graves conséquences, je serais bien puni de ma témérité. Pour m'en
venger je pilonnais rageusement ce cul. Elle gémissait sous mes coups de
boutoirs. Lui ayant retiré l'escarpin je lui caressais le pied qu’elle
avait sensuel.

Elle dut être étonnée de mon endurance car elle ne parvint de suite à me
procurer l'éjaculation. J'en obtins de la prendre encore deux fois. Nous
étions en sueur. Je n'étais pas peu fier de contempler son anus défoncé.
Il était un peu plus évasé, trou d'obus dans un vaste no man's land. J'y
laissais comme ma signature. De façon saugrenue je lui balançais : « Tu
vas avoir difficulté à t’asseoir. » Forfanterie de mâle. Enfin
j’éjaculais sur ses fesses puis sur son joli visage dont je ravageais
avec cruauté le maquillage. Je triomphais. Elle ne se départit pas
pourtant du même sourire.

Elle me signalât en un coin les toilettes pour me refaire. Quand je
revins, elle en avait fait autant. Elle fumait nonchalamment sa
cigarette. Elle devait avoir le sentiment du devoir accompli. La pute
avait vidé les couilles de son client. Celui-ci était repu et content.
Le client en l'occurrence était un imbécile car sottement demandais-je :
« Que dois-je faire des dettes de M X ? » Elle me regarda de façon
dédaigneuse et me jeta : « Tu en as eu pour ton fric. Dégage ! » J'étais
sur le point de m'offusquer. Elle coupa court. « Vois-tu tout à l'heure
je suis allée récupérer le film de nos ébats. »

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A Sexual Awakening Part 1

A Sexual Awakening- Part One By STEPHANIE They say that losing your virginity can be quite a traumatic experience. Many young people feel pressured into sex too early, maybe with someone they don’t really know and don’t love. If both partners are inexperienced sexually it can be a bit awkward, often hurried and unsatisfying for both parties. My first time wasn’t like that. I had been dating a girl I was crazy about and pretty as she was I found it hard to believe she felt the same about me....

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My LifeChapter 10

6 Weeks later. Mom, Lacy and I were living together once again. Mom had found a house for us to rent, and just over a week ago they came back to town and we moved in. Movers brought all our stuff from a storage facility and we have been unpacking and trying to get settled in. This house is a little smaller than our last one, but has a pool which is nice since school just let out and summer break has begun. What’s really nice though is that it’s less than a mile from Lyla’s neighbourhood,...

4 years ago
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I Found My Love In My Aunt And Had The Best Sex 8211 Part I

Life is what our experiences give us, for me it’s full of sweet experiences, of which I am going to share one with you. It’s about me and my aunt, our love, our intimacy and our child. Back then I was 19 and she was 28, a beautiful lady, with fats at the right places, and a shape of 34-30-36, not slim but not at all fat, a happy mother and a happy wife (that’s what it seemed to be). One Sunday I got a call from her, (I was bit close to her) she: Alok can u come over here? Me: OK but is it...

1 year ago
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In a crowded Bus in Delhi

I am a working woman, 32 years old & have been married for about 8 Years now I am working for a reputed travel agency in India and enjoy my work quite a lot. I am considered ambitious, attractive and have a well maintained figure of 38-27-35 of which I am obviously proud of. I am a quite broadminded & independent & have quite a few admirers at work. One evening I had to work a little late at work and as a result missed the staffs pick up bus to return home. Also no autorickshaws were available...

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Brazzers3x,, aka! I’ve been reviewing a lot of weird shit lately, so I gotta say, it’s a bit of a treat being able to go back to basics. I started out reviewing standard mainstream porn, then the mainstream became niche, when the “step-sisters” attacked, and everyone started jacking off to incest porn. These days that shit’s unavoidable, but that’s irrelevant for this review. I’m here to cover a standard ass, basic ass tube site that’s here to bring you...

Free Porn Tube Sites
4 years ago
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SMOMS The Origin Ch 3

Our first child was born two months after Grandfather passed away. Hortence was twenty and unmarried. Twice, women in the township had met him with obvious intent. One was nearly my age and reeked of desperation, for alcohol not a husband. The other was a cute fireball who expected men to jump when she snapped her fingers. I can't say who disappointed my son more. He rejected both, simply by not inviting them again. I had kept my pregnancy a secret. A backwoods church is the center of...

2 years ago
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Its Always Pleasure To Have Threesome

Hi this is Rekha age 26 Once again back with another story. Hope you guys and girls liked my 1st story “Rakesh Full filled my husband absence”. If anyone didn’t gone through go and have a look. For new readers I am 5’4 and fair in color and hot married girl with good structure 36-24-36 and everyone fall for my ass. Thank you so much for your feedback to my 1st story. I enjoyed very well in Rakesh presence and he always used to fuck me in all angles whatever way it possible. For new readers...

2 years ago
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MAU Infinite Crisis Part 6

Author's note: First, to new readers I want to acknowledge that part 1 of MAU: Infinite Crisis is poorly written. I can only ask you to power through it as the later parts do get better after the story is complete, I will go back and rewrite part 1. Secondly, I would like to apologise to all the readers who've been with this story so far. I had some things happen in my personal life that forced me to put the story on hold. while I can't promise that future instalements won't get...

2 years ago
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My Wife My Mistress

This story that you are about to read is in the words of my lover my wife and my Mistress her name is Kara. I am only typing this one as she is telling me what to type; I am sitting here with a cock ring on and a butt-plug up my asshole. I am completely naked and Kara my wife is dressed up in a black leather mini skirt and high heels her lover Dave is sitting in another chair next to me. He is completely naked too except he has a leather g-string on and is stroking his cock. From this point on...

2 years ago
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DevilsFilm Luna Star Gorgeous Milf Gushers

Jake Adams has just recently been indoctrinated to the online work of dating. He is now divorced and seeking female companionship. Today he has run across a MILF who claims to have a special prowess. Her name is Luna Star and she is a squirter. She warns him to get a towel and he may not be ready for this. Single and horny he quickly lays down some towels for her to get on and immediately get down to business. Damn, she is right. It’s a wet and wild ride as Luna cum over and over on...

3 years ago
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Slime adventures

You awaken and are instantly disoriented at first being able see in a 360 view of a forested area. Somehow you can hear the sound of a busy street and the splashes of water from a nearby swimming hole. You are a small slime about a gallon in volume but you can stretch yourself to a limit. You are the classic green of many slimes. Your purpose is to seek out women and breed with them. You produce hormones that make women instantly go into heat and sexually aroused. Those are the basic powers as...

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A Horny Married Nurse

Hi every one, This is Sagar (name changed), 28 years old, from Kerala but currently living in Chennai and working with a reputed airline. I don’t want to exaggerate on things and storied but i will tell you all a story where i was lucky to fuck a married women and mother of two kids, that happened with me and it is true, if you people like to believe it is true then it is up to u because it happened in a strange way in n a strange situation, nobody will expect any women will fall into sex with...

2 years ago
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Silent Stranger

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror wearing only a bra and panties, her wet hair still up in a towel, Karen looked herself over. She had certainly come a long way, appearance-wise, in the last few years, but it still took her a long time to get fixed up. And this was only for a lunchtime meeting with a girlfriend. It had been two and a half years since the twenty-six-year-old Karen began living full-time as a woman. Hormone treatment, exercise and diet had done wonders for her figure. Her...

4 years ago
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Light of Hellfire Chapter 101

Chapter 10 “Well, Rosemary is on board,” Baltoh said. He and Selene were lying in the bed of their new favorite hotel room (after Baltoh repaired it with a quick spell), both naked after having made love just a short while ago. Just minutes before, Selene had returned to the room, having left New York to go up to Earth in order to bathe, as was customary after sex or battle. “Oh, really? I’m going to need details,” she purred, kissing his chest. “It turns out she is a...

4 years ago
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How I tuned office newbie into my sissy Part 1

The new boy started a few months ago, let's call him T, college drop out, 18, naive and innocent. As the closest employee to T's age my boss set me to look after him and show him around for the first week. From the moment I saw T I knew he was a sissy. 5'6, light caramel complexion and a perfume too feminine for someone wearing a shirt & tie combo. So I did what my boss told me to do, took him out for lunch for the first couple of days, got to know him fairly quickly and reached a...

3 years ago
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A Family Find Part 4 Finale

Carly and Cora two kissed again then fell asleep. Devon woke them up to let them know that breakfast was being served, then kissed them to show that it was going to be alright. She knew what they were thinking, she told the couple, "Mom should see if it's twins. I know it's early but my gut tells me that it's twins. Please get it checked out so mom doesn't get too worried and hurt the baby?" Both hugged her tight, letting her cry herself out before they boldly told her, "It's alright....

4 years ago
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Blondies Christmas Tale

The lullaby of 24th street haunted my steps. A far off siren heralding yet another robbery gone bad. Laughter fueled by too much liquor and swearing fed by frustration. Voices raised in anger, seething with barely contained violence. The sound of a bottle shattering into a billion pieces on the side walk across the street. Hip hop or RnB exploding from a bar every time the door opened. And always, the frightened pitter patter of my heart every time I heard footsteps behind me. Eastside, baby....

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 50

I found Soo Hong leaving the dining hall. She was bundled up against the cold damp day in a heavy coat with gloves and a hat. It made me smile. It reminded me of the first time that I'd seen her back in the box canyon. In a way she looked similar, all bundled up and looking several pounds heavier than she really was. Soo Hong saw me and smiled back. Soo Hong was with a few of her relatives, younger ones from the way they were behaving in comparison to Soo Hong. When I indicated that I wanted...

3 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 44 Naughty Nighttime Trysts

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Haunted Woods I led my growing part south through the Haunted Woods from Drakin Castle. We were heading for Nemberon Plans that lay beyond the woods....

5 years ago
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The Pool Boy

On the way home, I decided to stop at my favorite lounge, called ‘The Lush Spot.’ Upon entering, my eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim lighting. ‘Good evening Mr. Preston, right this way.’ Alexandra led me to a table in the back. I always made sure I came when she was working. We have known each other since she started working here four years ago. She is twenty-five years old, five feet tall with hazel brown eyes. Her black hair reaches the middle of her back. Tonight she wore a short...

4 years ago
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A Lesson to be Learned

When I look back, I see how little events that seem totally unrelated shaped the destiny of my life. I believe we are but a mosaic of pieces placed there by others or by random events. The course of a life can pivot on a conversation, a chance meeting, or even an accident.Ann and I met by chance at a grocery store just after I had been discharged from the army. She just graduated from high school and was the loveliest girl I had ever laid eyes on. Now we've been together for over twenty years...

Wife Lovers
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Out Of Afrika Chapter 1

Out Of Afrika, Chapter 1 Chapter 1Simone and Ian watched as their daughter fumbled with the small tightly wrapped package looking for an edge where she might get a finger nail to tear at the gift-wrap. They looked on amusedly as the box was rotated and then, at last, Chloe found a weak spot and with a small cry of triumph the paper was ripped off to reveal the last of her gifts; an anonymous plain white box.It was the morning of her 16th...

3 years ago
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Anna experiences her first orgasm when her girlfriend desides to help her out

“I’ve never experienced an orgasm,” my roommate Anna confessed. I looked at her, surprised. She was a pretty, firm-breasted blonde with long, straight hair that she kept in a pair of heavy braids. Her serious blue eyes were highlighted by her white-gold eyebrows and flawless complexion. I shifted uneasily in my chair as I involuntarily flashed on the image of my tongue flicking across the pink button of her throbbing clitoris. “That’s too bad,” I said...

2 years ago
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The Fighting Finnegans Ch 03

Author’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Please note that the story is based in Australia and is written in Queen’s English therefore my American audience will notice subtle differences in wording or phrases. This is the story of a family deeply involved in the world of boxing and how decisions can change the course of many lives. Copyright© 2009 by David Paul Two Years later February Madison Square Garden Jack was in the fight of his life. Round 5 was a blur and he felt his left eye...

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Cumming Video Masturbating in my Nets

My husband is privileged to be able to watch me self-abuse myself, it's and act, considered very private and personal, that to share it with all men, says something about the importance attached to it.I suspect when men want to have a wank they want a dirty slutty woman to be there with them.Being blond, tall, slim and very horny I also want men, to there in the room with me taking turns to put your cock inside me, but more importantly, for me to be your slutty bitch, so I wear a pair of netted...

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my hot mechanic

It was a monday afternoon, the sun was out but I was tired and frustrated after not having sex for weeks. But my car was going in for a service, and the good thing about that was, my hot mechanic Mike. Gorgeous, with a firm body, he drove me wild. Id never told him how much he told me on, just behaved like a good girl, but the fantasies I’d had, him bending me over and taking me then and there. I left and arrived at the garage, wearing a skirt, black bra visable through my tight white vest...

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The Neighbors Daughter Chapter Three

It has been about 3 months since Adam first took Amanda on the car ride. She is turning out to be a loyal and willing pet. The only problem is, she lives at home and they could only meet every once and a while, usually only for a couple of hours. Before he met Amanda, he had been slowly working another potential submissive. Slowly was an understatement. He had been gradually getting her to listen to him for about six months. Megan was one of the physical therapists at his chiropractor’s office,...

4 years ago
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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 10

8PHE0010 Word Count 4996 ********* Day 10, Thursday Kinny woke up to someone shaking his foot. It was Jazelle. She was wearing running shorts and a sports bra. The bra looked sturdy enough to hold up Times Square. The downside of having huge melons, Kinny supposed. "Time to start your workday, Bo." Kinny got up on one elbow. He looked down. He was sleeping naked. He had an erection. Jazelle saw him look. She smiled. "I've seen it. No need to cover up." She tossed him...

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ScourgeChapter 4

Audra giggles at the face Leah makes at the sight of the tentacles. She knows the woman has a fear of them from when she was a child. Leah told stories many times during training about her experiences. Yet, none of those experiences involved her with intimacy with the Scourge. Never once had the older woman experienced the closeness like Audra has. Leah has no idea what it is she is missing—only what she fears. And today, those fears will come to an end. The tentacles wave and whip wildly...

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FamilySwap Jewelz Blu Kit Mercer Daddy Gives Gold Stars

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, swap siblings Jewelz Blu and Tyler Nixon debate why Jewelz gets so many gold stars on the family chore sheet. Jewelz claims that it’s because she does all the chores, but it’s pretty obvious that their swap dad, Charles Dera, has an unusually close relationship with his swap daughter. Jewelz is into her dad, showing off her hot bod with the utmost pleasure....

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The Slip

The Slip by Georgina It was quiet in my place of rest. I lay there, peaceful, warm, surrounded by my little friends, my companions, waiting, always waiting for a chance to come out and see something of the world. I was something special though as I was desired by a creature of such magnificent youth and such deep emotions as to excite jealousy amongst the rest of my coterie of fellows. They were always on call for my mistress and were used and abused, willy-nilly on an everyday...

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DJs Dad 2

Natalie, sweet chocolate Natalie... Dan couldn’t stop thinking about her. Never in a million years did he think his infatuation with Natalie would be reciprocated, yet sweet little Natalie was just as hot for him as he was for her. He kept replaying the day’s events in his mind; remembering how delicious and tempting she looked in her tiny pink polka dot bikini while swimming in his pool. She flirted and teased him to the point where he could no longer resist his urges. And all the while he...

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Gift From The FutureChapter 14

In a while they both fell asleep in each other's arms. They slept soundly and didn't hear Thor's throaty growl. The dog raised his head when the door opened about 3 inches. The door stopped opening and there was no other movement. Thor slowly got up and warily made his way to the door. He stared at the gas canister rolling across the floor. The dog's legs got weak and he collapsed on the floor unconscious. Two figures silently entered the kitchen. Both of them were dressed in black from...

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