Ma Brune Secrétaire free porn video

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Je fais un sale métier que je dois assumer. Je vous rassure, je n'en eu
point la vocation. On ne s'extirpe pas du ventre de sa mère en criant :
« Je veux être huissier ou rien ». Convaincu qu'il n'est point malgré
tout de sot métier je n'en souffrais pas du moins d'un juste préjugé
dont j'étais alors victime. Je ne répandais sur ma route que
consternation et désolation. Je ne vous cache pas que cet état
retentissait parfois sur mon bien-être et ma santé. Aussi n'était-ce
qu'en de rares occasions que ce métier me prodiguait de rares bonheurs
et compensations.

Le jour où je vins sonner à ce pavillon, j’étais loin d'imaginer la
teneur de ma rencontre. Il était aux environs de 15H00. Un pâle soleil
d'automne illuminait placidement les rares feuilles qui jonchait alors
la pelouse du jardin. C'était la fin de ma tournée. J'aspirais à rentrer
vite au bureau boire un coup avec quelques collègues. Le type que je
devais persécuter était un coquin notoire. On m'en avait dit assez de
mal. J'étais paré à toute éventualité et bandant mes muscles attendait
la confrontation jusqu'à un point insoutenable. Je ne répugnais pas au
rapport physique.

Aussi ne fus-je pas peu étonné en même temps que soulagé de voir
paraître dans le cadre de la porte un petit bout de femme brune et
charmante. Je lui donnais dans la quarantaine, coquette et apprêtée.
Elle représentait tout ce que j'adorais chez la femme. Je distinguais
outre un tailleur élégant, des bas couture et des escarpins sur lesquels
elle était juchée avec autant de classe. Son visage maquillé au juste
point respirait une assurance de soi. Elle mesurait avec conséquence son
pouvoir sur les hommes. Croyant tomber sur un tigre, je devais assumer
une femelle.

Je dus lui paraître peu crédible lorsqu'en mon bafouillement je lui
annonçais mon titre. A-ton déjà vu un huissier si minable et pataud ?
J'étais furieux de trahir la trop grande impression qu'elle exerçait sur
moi. Je n'en déballais pas moins tous les griefs du Trésor. Au final je
sus qu'elle n'était pas le conjoint mais la secrétaire de M X. Elle ne
sembla pas émue outre mesure des exploits de son employeur. Elle faisait
montre plutôt de flegme et semblait avoir arrêté à l'égard de mon style
de personne un certain discours voire une stratégie affûtée. Elle
m'invita à rentrer.

Déjà elle parlait de malentendus et de courriers croisés et qui ne me
seraient pas parvenus. Je connaissais la chanson. J'étais blessé qu’elle
usa à mon encontre d'arguments si grossiers. Je tâchais en tant que cave
supposé de me rebiffer. J'avais davantage L4habitude d'être craint
plutôt que le contraire. La garce se jouait de moi. Il était par trop
évident que j’avais du trahir dans mes gestes et mes regards, mon émoi.
Elle devait être si familière à faire bander un mâle. En effet je ne pus
réprimer ma pulsion d'examiner son petit cul qui roulait dans une courte

Elle m’invita à m'asseoir dans un fauteuil face au sien. Elle me demanda
si de fumer m'inconvenait tout en croisant haut les cuisses qu’elle
avait magnifiques. J'eus l'impression que la chaleur était suffocante ou
que du moins on avait poussé à fond le chauffage . Ce genre de poule me
fait irrémédiablement pareille impression. Son regard était dur et
ironique. Tel un serpent on eût dit qu’elle voulait me dissoudre sur
place. Pour me donner bonne contenance je consultais mes papiers tâchant
vainement de détacher mes yeux de ses maîtresses cuisses.

Il était difficile de ne pas savoir qu'elle portait des bas d'autant
qu'elle exposait impunément la chair blanche qui affleurait à la
naissance de ceux-ci. Me perdant en conjectures, je tâchais stupidement
de comprendre où une femme dès le plus jeune âge maîtrisait si bien cet
art de la séduction. Celle-ci m'avait d'emblée mis sous hypnose. Je lui
obéissais au doigt et à l’œil. Ses paroles me parvenaient dans un vague
bourdonnement. J'aurais été fort incapable de vous rapporter ce que je
lui répondis. J'étais perdu dans le carré ou le triangle d'où
rayonnaient sa culotte et la jointure de ses cuisses.

Elle se leva enfin pour aller récupérer le café. Je mis à contribution
ce temps de répit pour me reprendre. Je rangeais dans ma serviette tous
mes papiers qui me plongeaient dans la confusion plus qu'autre chose. Je
devais retrouver mon verbe et la persuasion qui font le charme du
métier. Je fus presque heureux de son retour et qu'elle installât de
nouveau sa croupe sur son fauteuil. Je parlais hâtivement comme pour me
débarrasser. Haussant le ton, je lui signifiais que je devais procéder à
un inventaire des meubles. Elle sourit précisant : « Vous savez. J'en ai
la liste. »

Elle me fit entendre que d'autres collègues avaient procédé de la sorte
lui ayant infligé le même procédé. Bref elle n'était pas impressionnée.
Sans se départir d'un immuable sourire, elle écarta alors les cuisses
qu'elle avait longtemps tenu, croisées. Elle demeura ainsi suffisamment
pour que je pus considérer que sa culotte était rouge, transparente et
trahissant le dessin d'une chatte parcouru de poils pubiens. Il était
manifeste qu’elle le faisait exprès. Elle m'allumait impunément. Elle me
testait. Le deal était par trop évident. Elle s'offrait. On l'obtenait à
trop bon compte.

J'avais peu d'expérience de cela. Certaines femmes avaient tenté déjà à
me séduire voire à me débaucher dans l'exercice de mes fonctions. Des
collègues avaient cédé à ce genre de tentation et s'en flattaient. De
même un ami, plombier de son état sautait régulièrement nombre de ses
clientes. Je l'enviais secrètement. Il se trouvait qu'aujourd'hui
m'était attribué une telle bonne fortune. En semblable circonstance,
j'avais plus d'une fois rompu la conversation et d'un ton outré et
sentencieux proclamant que j'adresserais un prochain courrier
redoutable. Je ne répugnais pas à fuir.

Cette fois quelque chose de profond et de l'ordre de la concupiscence
semblait l'emporter sur ma couardise native. Je perdais pour lors toute
réserve et dignité. Elle semblait deviner la lutte dont j'étais l'objet
et n'en écartait que plus ses cuisses nantie du même sourire. Si un
miroir eût alors réfléchi l'image de mon visage, nous eûmes vu alors un
bouffon pathétique. Il faisait chaud. On se fut cru dans une étuve.
Percevant mon malaise, elle dit : « Vous allez bien ? Voulez-vous un
verre d'eau ? Je fis signe que non de la main. En moins d'un temps elle
fut auprès de moi.

Accroupie à mes pieds et secouant sa chevelure brune, elle enfonçait ses
yeux au fond des miens. L'air était plus que jamais saturé de son lourd
parfum. Je vis mieux le vernis rougis des ongles. Une de ses mains
s'était hardiment portée sur mon genou. Sa voix était chaude toute de
miel. J'étais tenté de fermer les yeux comme dans un rêve. Je mis un
temps à m'apercevoir qu’elle s'était enquit à déboutonner la braguette.
Ma queue à ma grande honte était irrémédiablement dure. J'avouais ainsi
mon désir coupable. Pouvais-je raisonnablement dénier et me refuser ?

Chuchotant, elle commença à me branler. Ses mots évoquaient comme une
berceuse. Ulysse s'est défié d'un semblable chant de sirène. Je me
raidissais songeant à cela. Elle m’en branla que plus énergiquement. Je
songeais dans ma tête : « Qu’est-ce qu'elle astique bien, la salope. »
J'en vins à me étendre peu à peu concentré sur le seul sort de ma bite.
Il en relevait le sort du Monde. Elle en était passé quant aux travaux
pratiques à la seconde étape. Elle me lécha d'abord légèrement le gland
comme pour me titiller voire m'exaspérer. J'ouvris les yeux. Elle me
toisait et souriait.

Je n'étais pas peu fier de cette queue longue et lourde et j'eus
apprécié qu'elle m'en complimenta. A défaut elle commença à l'enfourner
dans sa bouche doucement, méthodiquement puis peu à peu avec vigueur.
J'étais pompé, aspiré au propre. Quelle pipe ! Mon Dieu ! J'ouvris la
bouche cherchant de l'air. Peu loin de défaillir. Pouvait-on rêver mort
plus douce ? Elle aurait invoqué l'homicide involontaire à la façon des
prostituées à l'égard d'un client. En effet j'avais idée qu'elle faisait
cela souvent avec des hommes et qu'on l’avait recruté pour ce seul talent.

Stoïque, je m'étais bien gardé d'exploser dans sa bouche. J'en voulais
davantage et sollicitais le reste. Elle me dit : « Ferme les yeux chéri
si tu veux la suite.» Je goûtais ce ton et ce tutoiement vulgaire. En
effet je perçus qu'elle s’installait sur moi, cuisses ouvertes
s'empalant sur ma bite. Celle-ci entra dans sa grotte baveuse et humide.
J'eus la réticence trop tard de me retirer. Nous faisions cela sans
autre forme de protection privilégiant le plaisir au risque. Je
pétrissais avec mes mains, ses fesses que j'avais entrevues. Elle me
dévora la bouche avec la sienne.

A ce moment je balançais par-dessus bord toute prévention et prudence.
Je la voulais faire jouir cette pute et que nous parvenions ensemble au
septième ciel. Je lui dévorais ses deux mignons nichons qu'elle avait
entre temps extirpé de son corsage. Je pouvais croire qu'elle prenait
effectivement son pied sur mon pieu. Je ne concevais pas que mon gros
sexe laissa indifférent sa chatte. Elle conduit alors l'un de mes doigts
vers l’endroit de l'anus pour éprouver que celui-ci était gourmand et
facile en accès. La garce aspirait à être enculée.

Elle me souffla à l'oreille : « T'es cap de m'enculer avec ton gros nœud
? » Je rugis que oui. J'étais résolu maintenant à finir le boulot.
Bientôt elle courut jusqu'à un divan se couchant sur le ventre et me
tendant ses fesses. Il s'agissait d'écarter le fil impromptu du string
et de dégager le trou fumant et déjà engageant. On y pouvait enfoncer
facile deux voire trois doigts. J'avais peu enculer en ma vie. Mon
épouse étant totalement réfractaire à ce jeu qu'elle trouvait sale. Je
n'avais obtenu cela que de prostituées. Je trouvais bénédiction qu'une
femme m'offrit pour rien son petit trou.

Je ne fus pas peu étonné d'entrer dedans avec autant de facilité. La
garce devait souvent se faire défoncer dans cet endroit. On eût dit un
tunnel familier à une forte circulation. Son patron devait assurément en
disposer régulièrement. L'hypothèse que je ne fus pas le seul me
rappelait ma folie à n'avoir pas voulu me protéger. S'il devait y avoir
de graves conséquences, je serais bien puni de ma témérité. Pour m'en
venger je pilonnais rageusement ce cul. Elle gémissait sous mes coups de
boutoirs. Lui ayant retiré l'escarpin je lui caressais le pied qu’elle
avait sensuel.

Elle dut être étonnée de mon endurance car elle ne parvint de suite à me
procurer l'éjaculation. J'en obtins de la prendre encore deux fois. Nous
étions en sueur. Je n'étais pas peu fier de contempler son anus défoncé.
Il était un peu plus évasé, trou d'obus dans un vaste no man's land. J'y
laissais comme ma signature. De façon saugrenue je lui balançais : « Tu
vas avoir difficulté à t’asseoir. » Forfanterie de mâle. Enfin
j’éjaculais sur ses fesses puis sur son joli visage dont je ravageais
avec cruauté le maquillage. Je triomphais. Elle ne se départit pas
pourtant du même sourire.

Elle me signalât en un coin les toilettes pour me refaire. Quand je
revins, elle en avait fait autant. Elle fumait nonchalamment sa
cigarette. Elle devait avoir le sentiment du devoir accompli. La pute
avait vidé les couilles de son client. Celui-ci était repu et content.
Le client en l'occurrence était un imbécile car sottement demandais-je :
« Que dois-je faire des dettes de M X ? » Elle me regarda de façon
dédaigneuse et me jeta : « Tu en as eu pour ton fric. Dégage ! » J'étais
sur le point de m'offusquer. Elle coupa court. « Vois-tu tout à l'heure
je suis allée récupérer le film de nos ébats. »

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GirlsWay Sara Luvv Bree Daniels The Faces Of Alice Part One

Alice (Sara Luvv) is a closeted lesbian. Dina (Bree Daniels) is an LGBTQIA rights activist making headlines in the newspaper for her role as a spokesperson for the queer community. The girls are in a relationship, but Alice has a problem with Dina’s openness about her sexuality. Dina wants to attend the queer prom and put their love on display, but Alice is afraid their photos will be published and everyone will know that she licks pussy and likes it. She’s dreading the prom, but...

2 years ago
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Many ladies, both singers and orchestra members alike approached me like that, some being more overt than others. Previously, Katherine allowed us to trade in her older car to save some money on the Savana, provided she got to drive it ... an easy decision to make. It holds fifteen and is able to tow the Portable Stage I was still contemplating. The music Keith Lockhart and I agreed to would be all Beethoven, specifically two concerto pieces, two symphony pieces, a wind octet and two...

3 years ago
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Sea KingChapter 24

"Master, there is someone here to see you." "I don't wish to be disturbed," Garishnie said miserably from behind his desk. He looked up to see his seneschal still standing in the doorway. "Didn't you hear me? I said I didn't want to be disturbed." "Yes, Master," the man said nervously, "but they're from the Guild and they said they must see you now." "The Guild?" Garishnie whispered. "Gods, no!" Slowly he stood and waved his man to precede him. Garishnie found Jon and...

4 years ago
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My Crazy Husband Shares Me With An 18 Year Old

First of all let me say that my husband is crazier than most. He doesn’t care what other’s think and he loves to get crazy and wild at times. I never know what wild idea he might do next. It was last spring that I was shopping for a new bikini. I had found several I liked as I had narrowed down to two. One was a very nice string bikini while the other was more on the risqué side. It was a thong bikini that showed off my ass and then some. I had never bought a thong bikini before, but I then...

4 years ago
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The Interview Ch 2

After finding that his spankings were enticing, me he effortlessly lifted me to where I was straddling his lap. I could feel the rough fabric of his pants on my now bare, sore, red cheeks. I tried to hide the slight pain, but was not able to as I squirmed a little. "Your ass is sore and I guarantee it will be worse," he said, as he kissed my forehead. "Stand up and get on your knees," he commanded. I did as I was told, as he rose from the chair, unbuttoned his pants and pulled them and his...

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The DreamChapter 11

My wife didn’t challenge me when I told her I might take her downtown and turn her out as a whore. She smiled at me instead. It wasn’t a scared smile like she didn’t believe me or as if daring me to test her willingness to obey me. It was the smile of someone pleased to have the responsibility of decision making taken out of her hands while getting something she’d quickly come to crave. Sex. I didn’t doubt she’d stand on a street corner with a sign around her neck but that if I actually did...

2 years ago
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Bitch in the Dog House Pt 2 More Rauncher

In case You missed part one, it ended with me naked, in the backyard tied to the utility shed, on my hands and knees. Here's the final paragraph:* * * BEGIN QUOTE * * *I rushed to do all that Master said. When he came out exactly five minutes later he grabbed the leash, yanked it hard, tightened the collar until it hurt, and tied the leash to a hook by the door. Then he fucked my ass doggy-style until he came. During all this he didn't say a word to me. When He finished he walked back to the...

2 years ago
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My Beautiful Wife The Shameless Slut 2

The next morning, when I awoke, I looked next to me and admired the beautiful woman that was laying there peacefully sleeping. Our first night together had been wonderful, that is it's the first night after I had moved in to her home. I had told Claudia about the scene at my house with Megan. She immediately began to comfort me and try to make my ‘sadness’ go away. My plan had worked. Doug was a broken man, with not much future around this area. Megan was sentenced to a life alone....

1 year ago
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Art class

Mona Herron entered the studio and was glad to see that all six of her students were present and ready to begin class. During the day she taught advanced painting at the local college, but what she really enjoyed most, were these adult evening classes here at the high school. As with most of the evening sessions, this one only had six sign ups, so it was easy to give each student a lot of individual attention. Mona walked to the front of the room and addressed her students, "This is our seventh...

3 years ago
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Teaching Luke sex Day Two

Following a complete re-vamp of the store a couple of years ago, the sex toys showroom at the rear was fitted out with open glass shelves, great lighting, and very realistic mannequins. We encourage customers to touch and feel the products before they buy, and as a consequence, the dildos, vibrators, and strap-ons need to be cleaned regularly. It’s one of those little jobs that we quite enjoy doing, and it was during one of these interludes that I told Megan and Carol about the evening I’d...

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Vecinos a las 6 de la mantildeana

Vecinos a las 6 de la mañanaSon las 6 de la mañana, como muchos días Mónica se levanta de la cama tras sonar su despertador, tiene que ir a la Universidad pero no se levanta tan pronto por eso, sabe que su vecino se levanta a esa hora. Mónica se da una ducha rápida, sale sin secarse, desnuda y con el cuerpo mojado se acerca a la ventana que da al patio con los vecinos, casi tapada por unas cortinas blancas la chica se coloca en una silla mirando hacia abajo, a la ventana de su vecino de...

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Poker WifeChapter 6 Lisa Becomes A Porn Star

While Lisa was upstairs showering, Scott had already begun the task of editing a master of her first performance of the evening. Being a low budget porn director, he could have the master ready in half an hour, not feeling the need to be to meticulous in the process. After all he couldn't sell this tape. Yeah right! He'd fake some releases and put it on E-bay tomorrow. With any luck he could make a few extra dollars off of it in no time. While Scott continued his work, and Lisa was...

2 years ago
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A hot winter vacation

This is Shaunak from Bangalore again, with another one of my wild real life encounters. As mentioned, I am now 28 yrs old, 5’11 with an athletic body. Years ago, our group of college friends decided to go for a 3night/4 day holiday to Kodaikanal. The group consisted of 4 guys (Rohan, Rohit, and Sanjeev & Pradeep) and 5 girls (Simran, Geeta, Mona, and Aparna & Sanjana). Since we were light on cash and allowance, we decided to stay at Sanjeev’s bungalow, overlooking the lake. It was a beautiful...

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Gwen is Forty

Gwen allowed the towel to drop to the floor as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Not to bad for my forthy birthday, she thought. Sure there was a few pounds and rolls and her breast were beginning to lost their battle with gravity but they were still firm. How long had it been since a man had cupped them in his hands and kissed them? Damn, it was two years since her bastard of a husband had ran off with that little tramp that was just two years older then their daughter. When the...

4 years ago
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ZarahChapter 2 An Adulterous Hypothesis

It had been easier than she expected. No guilt, no jealousy, no lingering awkwardness. Everything was just as it was before she and Karl ... fucked. Zahra had no illusions about 'making love'. It was carnal — wonderful but carnal. They all seemed to know that it was just a fleeting passion. She had expected Rick, at least to say something. After he caught them — watched them — Rick had fucked her on the conference room floor. And in the restaurant bathroom. And again when they got home that...

2 years ago
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The Womanless Beauty Pageant Part 4 of 11

The Womanless Beauty Pageant - Part 4 of 11 The only thing worse than being pressured into participating in a womanless beauty pageant, is to finish in last place. The ramifications of that experience turned out to be life changing, for Miss Bobby. As Co-authors, Monica and I have a couple of very special ladies to thank, both are icons in the TG community. The first is Vickie Tern. Without her encouragement and inspiration this story would never have been written. The second is...

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Astrid Showed Me How To Masturbate

Astrid slipped her flowery, stretchy pants down her legs and tried vainly to kick them off over her unmatched socks. She giggled a little as she lost her balance, pulling at them and flopping down on the side table by the desk in her room, the faded light green cotton of her panties the only thing between my curious eyes and her vagina. She rubbed herself through them for a minute looking down at her body. I shifted awkwardly on the floor, feeling a warm swelling between my legs."I like to...

3 years ago
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Final Four Chapter 1

Cliff and his sister Tammy sat in the family room watching the college basketball finals.  It was the first round of March Madness.  Tammy cheered for her favorite team as they beat their opponent.“They’re going all the way,” Tammy said to her brother.“If you say so.  You know I’m not into college basketball like you are.  As far as them going all the way, it’s a long road,” Cliff said.  He picked up the remote and changed the channel to a fishing show.Tammy sat back, smiled, and said, “I’ll...

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Steve and Kyle Episode 4

STEVE AND KYLE – EPISODE 4byJason LandCHAPTER 10That Sunday morning, after breakfast Steve offered to drive Kyle back to the part of town where he lived; not of course to the actual house where Kyle lived, as he did not want anyone to see the two of them together. It was all Steve could do to restrain himself and keep his hands off Kyle as they sat there at breakfast together; Steve really did have the hots for his pupil and would have liked to have fucked him again there and then.But for once...

Gay Male
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Housemate SisyphusI live in a cabin in the woods that my wife and I built several years ago. She moved out last year and we got a divorce after twenty-five years. We’re still friends but just drifted apart. Life goes on. I’m a writer and have a couple of books published and a collection of poetry. I have a little following but nothing major by any means. I teach writing at a local college and a few on-line courses. I’m sixty-one and in pretty good shape considering I love to eat and hate to...

Straight Sex
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The Homeless Humpty

"Change, can you spare any change?" the soft voice echoed from below. "Fuck off bum," said my business partner Ed, "Leave us alone." Ed wasnt the nicest person in the world, but even I was surprised to see him react the way he did to the homeless girl sitting on the ground at our feet. "Please mister," she mumbled again, "I need to get some food." "You need to get a job," Ed replied. Ed and I had been in Denver for two days and I guess he had grown sick and tired of the constant begging by the...

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Daniel led Emma down the hallway, holding her arm tightly, still afraid that she might change her mind. "Are you sure you want to do this? Really, really sure?" he asked repeatedly. "Yeah, Danny, I want to do this for you. Now let go, I'm not gonna take off." "OK," he said disarmingly, relaxing his hold. "But don't forget, I'm really counting on you." When they got to the door Daniel reached over Emma's shoulder and opened it. As Emma's eyes slowly adjusted to the...

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Her First Time For Cock

Excited, but nervous, I knock on the door of the hotel room. You answer the door in a red silk bathrobe. "Hi. It's nice to finally meet you," I say, and look past you into the room for your significant other. I hear the shower running in the bathroom and figure you may have already had some fun."Hello cutie. We hope you are ready for this. Come on in," you say to me.As I walk past you I take in a deep breadth and can smell some sweet scent you are wearing and can smell your skin faintly below...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 100 The Personal Trainers

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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Balck Meat does wife

To Dean it was just another adventure. His wealthy parents had died in a car crash a few years back. Dean was happy to let his older brother run the family business. He lived quite happily off his share of the dividends and interest from the family fortune. He was twenty-five and didn’t have any plans of settling down soon. Why should he? He was rich. He could do whatever he wanted and if he fell, well, money has a way of making sure you always land on your feet. Dean was a cat man and he knew...

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Erotic First Night

"After the erotic massage, he took her to the swimming pool decorated with flowers that have already spread the exoticness and erotic aroma spread across the basement"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello… [email protected] Till then blast your missiles!

First Time
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The Love Potion

Parking his ride on the lawn of Sam McGuire’s house, Joshua Barnes lit a cigarette then sat back to rest his left leg. It never failed, let him ride for more then a couple hours and the damn thing began to throb and lock up on him. Well, they had warned him, the muscle and nerve damage on the left side of his body had been extensive and ten years later he was still paying for his foolishness. Of course most doctors considered it a miracle that he was even still alive. By rights, he should have...

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Role Reversal Again

Saturday morning and Victoria had slept in after a long, hard week at work.   She woke about 8:00 and just lazed in bed till almost 9:00 before getting up to shower.   She turned the faucet on, made the water very hot, and then slipped out of her nightie and stepped under the hard spray.   God it felt good! As she let the spray soak over her, she thought about the weekend ahead.   Absolutely no plans . . . and that was just what she wanted.   The major work project she had been working on for...

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suli and Donkey

Su-li and Donkey Part 1 Su-Li waited helplessly on her prison bed waiting for her minder to come to her aid, her eyes darting around the rough bare stone walls glistening with the moisture of the jungle humidity, walls that had stood for a thousand years, and though the cell door remained open she could no more escape than fly to the moon. She listened to the his firm steady footsteps approaching and shouted "Ah ha oh"  to attract his attention. His strong hand's explored her bare breasts...

2 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 89

Marge, Anne, Marc and Don followed the real estate agent into the garage of the mansion Jerry had convinced them to look at. The garage was wide enough for four vehicles and deeper than most garages. At the back of the garage were two doors; one on the left side and another located in the back wall. The agent, Cynthia Morgan, opened the door at the back and led the group up a stairway. Jerry, Bob, Sam and their wives followed them up the steps. "This is the apartment for the help," Cynthia...

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Indian Wife and Bold Neighbours

It was after a good deal of search that Zoya and Rehaan had finally chosen this house. It was in an upmarket locality of the town. Although the house was small, it was compact and the neighbourhood was good. That is what the agent who had got them this house had told them. Zoya was all of twenty eight years old and married four years back to Rehaan, a software engineer employed with a multinational. Yet another added advantage of this locality was that their immediate neighbors were known to...

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Heavy Spiced SubStandard Experience 8211 Part 1

Myself Rakhi Janghel. I’m 27 years old. People say I’m an awesome bombshell, have perfectly shaped breasts, thick thighs, curved bums. I haven’t been a mother yet so my tummy is flat with a deep navel. Soft and tender lips, pink of color, fair skin beautiful face cuts, long and sharp nose. I don’t stuff myself with jewelry and use only a nose ring, just like Sania Mirza uses. It enhances my beauty. I’m a doctor by profession, a gynecologist to be specific. I’m married to a doctor. But he...

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