Jokes and GigglesChapter 113
- 4 years ago
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Originally edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks. I have since massaged it somewhat, so any errors are mine alone.
Chapter 15 Without a Hitch
‘Good morning, Mr. Andrews, it’s Oren Kavanagh. I thought you should know that I had a call from a Mr. Brant Morrisey in Los Angeles, representing Messers Ventriss. He has assured me that they will forthwith cease to spread ‘misinformation’ as he called it, about Flex-Tek. Will that be to your satisfaction?’
‘Only if he puts it in writing,’ I said. ‘I want a copy of it to circulate to anyone who they have been in contact with.’
‘Goes without saying, Mr. Andrews. I’ll make sure the statement meets our needs and forward a copy directly to you.’
‘Thanks, and it’s Andy, Oren. I think we’ve done enough business together now to be on a first name basis.’
‘Yes, of course. I hope this ends your problems, Andy.’
‘Me too. I think the letter will help if we run into any doubting customers.’
I called Leo and let him know what had transpired. He was pleased that it was handled well and that we got the result we wanted.
By the end of May, all of the new equipment was installed and operational. We hadn’t yet reached optimum performance on the new pouch machine, but that was to be expected. It was a very complex piece of equipment and it had to be set up exactly right for the film to form the pouch correctly at the speeds we were expecting. Nonetheless, we were producing good product and had taken a big load off Langley at the same time.
‘East Bay is still having problems setting the filter inside the Keurig cup,’ Fiona reported. ‘Our press and slitter are waiting to produce more product, but our customer is having a technical problem that’s holding back their production.’
‘Can I make a suggestion?’ I asked. ‘Ask Grant if we could have Wick look at the machine. He’s good at problem solving. He may be able to help them. We could take the video camera over there and see what’s really going on with it.’
‘Great! I’ll call Maureen right away. Are you sure it’s okay with Wick?’
‘Yeah… pretty sure. I’ll talk to him. Getting him away from the pouch machine would probably be a good idea right now.’
In fact, Wick was happy to be helping a customer. A short while later, I had a call back from Fiona.
‘That was quick,’ I said. ‘Grant’s okay with us getting involved?’
‘More than okay. He was beginning to think it wasn’t going to get solved. He’ll take any help he can get. What about Wick?’
‘I was right. It’ll be a relief to get off the pouch machine for a while. You arrange for the timing and he’ll be there.’
Fiona led Wick to East Bay later that afternoon. She was late for supper that night. Tina and I were on our own. My fiancée didn’t show up until nearly ten o’clock, looking tired.
‘So… what happened?’ I asked as she came into the kitchen.
‘I think Wick’s got if figured out. By tomorrow morning we’ll start up and see if the filters seat themselves properly. That was the main problem and so all our efforts were in that direction. Mind you, we spilled a lot of coffee on the plant floor getting to that point,’ she grinned.
‘Okay, make sure you keep Grant informed.’
‘No problem with that. He was there with us all the way. I think we got some serious brownie points today.’
‘Well, let’s keep our fingers crossed that Wick’s got it solved.’
‘Have you done this before? I mean, lending our people out to help customers with their equipment?’
‘Sure. It’s all part of the service. There are some things we can’t help with, but any time we can be of use, we try and make the service available.’
She looked at me and shook her head. ‘Damn that’s good to hear. We can’t miss, Andy. We just can’t.’
Wick and Fiona were back in our plant the next afternoon. I knew they were coming because I had a very nice phone call from Grant Loren telling me that they were now in production on the coffee pods and Flex-Tek was the reason. He thanked me for making Wick available and for going the extra mile. Those are the kind of phone calls I’ll take any day of the week.
We had heard no more from the Ventriss family and we had the letter from their lawyer outlining the agreement to cease and desist. Nothing was coming back from the customers, so we assumed that little exercise in harassment was over.
That evening, Fiona walked into the kitchen, took a large, red marker pen, flipped the calendar to July, and circled the 14th. She turned to me.
‘See that? That’s our big day. West Langley United Church. Don’t be late,’ she laughed.
‘So… after all the discussion, it’s finally decided when we get married. Hallelujah!’ I cried in celebration, folding Fiona into my arms.
‘What about the reception?’ I asked.
‘Taken care of. Leo insisted.’
‘Leo? Wow, that’s a surprise.’ Leo and Bernice lived on acreage south near the U.S. border. A large two storey home with and huge back deck and grassed area. It was ideal for the reception.
‘Not according to Bernice. She said he’s strutting around like a rooster, telling everyone how smart he was to put you in charge of Tracy.’
‘You’ve been talking to Bernice?’
‘I have. She’s the chief hen in the henhouse. I told you, I’m marrying into royalty.’
I shook my head in disbelief. It seemed impossible that it had been barely six months since we had met and I had been lassoed like a lonesome steer. A few months of the single life and I was already destined for domestic life once more. There was a difference, however. I was going willingly, without hesitation, happily.
‘I’ve made the plane reservations for the five of us,’ she said. ‘We go from Oakland to Seattle, then to Vancouver. Okay?’
‘Sure. Where are we staying?’ I asked.
‘You will stay at your parents’ place. My parents, Tina and I will stay at Leo and Bernice’s home.’
‘This is all arranged, is it?’ I asked, wondering why I hadn’t heard anything about this.
‘What do you think our mothers and Bernice have been doing for the last month? You just sit back and let us handle it, dear. I’m sure you’ll be happy with the way everything turns out,’ she said with an air of confidence.
‘So, I don’t get to sleep with you until we’re married, is that it?’
‘You can handle a couple of nights on your own, big boy. Just remember, I’m being deprived too.’
‘Okie dokie,’ I said with a decided lack of enthusiasm.
Fiona made sure I knew what I was going to be missing later that evening.
‘There’s a Mr. Simon Rheinstad to see you, Andy,’ Donna announced over the intercom. ‘He’s from the INS.’
I had a brief moment when I wondered what we might have done wrong, but nothing came to mind. I got up and went out to the reception area.
‘Mr. Rheinstad?’
‘Yes, and you are Gordon Andrews, General Manager of this plant?’
‘That right. How can I help you?’
‘I have a federal authorization to check you employee files and interview some of your employees regarding their citizenship status.’
‘I don’t understand. All the documentation on our employees has been filed with your office as recently as April. What has changed?’
‘We received some information that there may be illegal immigrants working in your plant. We are duty bound to investigate the allegation,’ he said in an officious tone.
‘May I ask who gave you that information?’
‘No. Under the whistle blower act, we cannot divulge the identity of the person or persons.’
‘Well, nothing has changed since we last filed the report, so I’ll have that file brought to you.’
‘Thank you. I appreciate you cooperation.’
Donna pulled the file and handed it to me and I took it to Rheinstad. I showed him to a small open office and left him to peruse our file. I was worried, but
I wasn’t sure about what.
Donna offered him a coffee but he declined with thanks. An hour later he came out of the office and handed the file back to me.
‘I don’t see anything out of order here. I’d like to spend some time on the plant floor and talk to some of the employees. Who can help me with that?’
‘I’ll ask our plant manager, Bobby Lee Turpin, to do that. I’ll have him paged.’
Ten minutes later a surprised Bobby Lee guided Mr. Rheinstad to the production floor after having him don a hair net and smock. It was mandated apparel for all visitors and staff.
It was almost lunch time when the two reappeared in the office and I saw Rheinstad shake Bobby Lee’s hand and thank him. That was a good sign in my book.
‘I don’t know why anyone filed that complaint, Mr. Andrews, but I can find no evidence that your employees and your employment records are not completely in compliance with the act. I will write a formal report closing this file and rejecting the complaint. Thank you again for you cooperation.’
‘You’re welcome,’ I said, wondering what the hell had just happened.
I sat at my desk thinking about who might have thought we were using illegal immigrants in our plant. Then it hit me: Rod and/or Rob Ventriss. The whistle-blower legislation prevented their names from being revealed, so they could make these accusations without fear of discovery. I picked up the phone and left a message for Oren Kavanagh.
I had a talk with Bobby Lee and let him know that there was nothing to worry about after the INS inspection.
‘Ah dohn spose thay would be. I bin though this b’foe an I know wut thay lookin’ fo. We dohn have illegals here and we ain’t gunna have none neither.’
Bobby Lee’s accent had become more pronounced, telling me he was agitated by the visit and the accusation.
‘Calm down, Bobby Lee. I have a feeling this is right out of the Ventriss dirty tricks bag. I’ve got a call in for our lawyer and I’ll see if I can find out if it’s them. If it is, we’ll sue their sorry ass,’ I spat.
That brought a big smile to Bobby Lee, despite the fact that he had never laid eyes on either Ventriss. He knew of them by reputation from the other plant people.
Oren couldn’t think of any way to find out if the Ventrisses had filed the accusation with the INS. It was a federal government department and worked to a hard and fast set of rules. We would just have to be satisfied that we had passed and could expect no further trouble from them.
A week later, we had a call from the California Environmental Protection Agency requesting a meeting that same afternoon. I wasn’t about to say no, but I alerted Bobby Lee and Wick that they were coming. I was getting the distinct feeling that we were a target for someone, and that someone was named Ventriss.
‘Mr. Pride is here to see you, Andy,’ Donna announced.
I walked out to the reception area and welcomed Mr. Richard Pride, Field Inspection Department, California Environmental Protection Agency.
‘How can I help you, Mr. Pride?’
‘We’ve had a report that your firm has an unsecured hazardous materials area. I will need to inspect the plant to determine what remedies need to be taken.’
‘Your department has already inspected our plant in early March and found us to be well within your guidelines. However, we will certainly cooperate with you. I doubt you’ll find anything out of order,’ I said, a tinge of anger in my voice. ‘Can I ask who filed this complaint?’
‘I’m not a liberty to disclose that, Mr. Andrews. All complainants’ identities are kept confidential.’
‘I understand, but I do have a question when you finish your inspection. Please come and see me before you leave.’
‘Certainly,’ he agreed, as we waited once more for Bobby Lee to conduct the tour.
Oren Kavanagh had made a worthwhile suggestion when we discussed the possibility that the INS inspection was provoked by the Ventriss men. I waited impatiently for Mr. Pride to return.
It must have been a thorough inspection because it was almost two hours later that Bobby Lee and Richard Pride returned to my office. As had been the case with the INS, I saw the inspector thank our man for his help.
‘Can I assume you found everything in order?’ I asked.
‘Yes. There is absolutely no substance to the complaint. You are in complete conformance in your storage and use of hazardous materials.’
‘I know you can’t tell us the name of the person… or persons… who filed the complaint, but I do have a question. What if you learned that the person… or persons… filing the complaint was doing it as a method of harassment?’
‘We’d take that very seriously, I assure you. It is difficult to prove, but our resources are limited and being sent off on a wild goose chase is very frustrating. This inspection was a waste of both your and my time.’
I reached down into my bottom desk drawer and pulled out a piece of paper.
‘This is a copy of a letter from a Los Angeles law firm stating that the named individuals in this letter will cease and desist spreading misinformation about our firm. You might want to know if the named individuals were the same as those who filed the complaint.’
Mr. Pride scanned the letter and I saw his eyes widen as he read it. I suspected he recognized the names.
‘Leave this with me, Mr. Andrews. May I keep this?’
I nodded. ‘Certainly.’
‘My apologies for disturbing your day, but I suspect we might be able to put an end to this… problem. Thank you again for alerting us to this situation. I assure you, we will take action.’
‘Thank you, Mr. Pride. I’m pleased you found everything as it should be.’
When I saw our visitor drive out of the parking lot, I punched in Oren’s phone number and left a message. I was sure he’d call me back. Sure enough, ten minutes later he was on the line.
‘So… did our strategy work?’ Oren asked, coming right to the point.
‘Better than we guessed. If I’m any good at reading facial expression, he recognized the Ventriss name and I saw him stiffen when he realized he was being used. If I were him, I wouldn’t play poker.’
‘I think your troublesome family is going to go away now. I doubt a state agency is going to be happy about their little game. I wonder who else they might have called?’
‘I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. I hope that’s the end of it.’
‘Let me know if it continues. We may file suit anyway, just to harass them.’
‘I just want it to go away, Oren. I’ve got a lot on my plate right now, and I don’t need the aggravation.’
‘Understood. Good luck and stay in touch.’
I sat back once more, wondering if it really was over with.
I hired Tina as an intern/gopher for the summer. The pay was small, but she was happy to have a job and what she did earn gave her money that didn’t come from her mother’s pocket. I didn’t need to worry about her getting along with the staff. Her personality made that a foregone conclusion.
She would be a senior in high school next fall and I thought at some point she might need her own transportation when she graduated. She hadn’t decided on which college she would attend, despite her mother assuring her that within reason, cost would not be an issue.
Our wedding would be one month after she was out of school for the summer. Tina was looking forward to going back to Vancouver and spending a few days with my family.
Chapter 16 Church Bells
You’ve probably heard the phrase about weddings going off without a hitch? Well, not ours. Let me see if I can catalogue all the hitches.
First, the flight from Oakland to Seattle was delayed when our plane had a mechanical problem, causing us to miss our connection. As a consequence, we didn’t arrive in Vancouver until late Wednesday evening, exhausted from sitting around and worrying about when we would act
ually get there. Thank goodness for cell phones. We were able to warn the reception party and prevent them from hours of hanging around the Vancouver airport waiting for us to arrive.
Second, one piece of luggage was missing when we finally got to Vancouver. Naturally, it was the one with my tuxedo, not to mention my toiletries and other apparel. The luggage was found in the unclaimed area in SeaTac airport and we finally got it delivered late the following afternoon.
Third, on the day of the wedding, the limousine that was to bring Fiona, her mother and my parents got lost and was a half-hour late picking them up. Phil, Leo, Dad, Angus, Neal and I stood around tapping our toes waiting for the big moment. I could see Reverend Ames looking at his watch, wondering if he was going to have to delay the next wedding, scheduled not long after ours. At least cell phone communications let us know of the problem and we didn’t worry unnecessarily that Fiona had suffered a change of heart.
Fourth, someone had left the outer doors open to the vestry and as the service neared its end, we began to have people peering into the church, wondering what was going on. Naturally, the giant wooden doors creaked noisily whenever they were opened, disturbing the ceremony. It would have been funny if everyone wasn’t so uptight with all the delays.
As a final finishing touch to this comedy of errors, the limousine driver wasn’t able to park near the church because the party for next wedding had taken up all the temporary spots. The entire wedding party had to walk almost a block to get to our transportation.
I should have been upset, I suppose, but it was such a bizarre set of circumstances that it was hard to be angry. I stopped halfway to the limousine and turned to Fiona.
‘Do you believe this? Can you imagine anything like this happening?’
I could see the smile on Fiona’s face and within seconds we were laughing. I pulled her into me and kissed her right in the middle of her outburst. It was a deep, passionate kiss and far more sensual than the light peck we shared at the altar. We were man and wife and that was all that mattered.
Our laughter seemed to be contagious as my father, Fiona’s mother and father, Bernice and several of the guests were now laughing at the entire debacle. We ultimately made it to the Cornell home and the party began. I think the main topic of conversation was the whole crazy afternoon. The phrase ‘without a hitch’ became the trigger to elicit more laughter and stories about wedding party bungles. It seemed after listening to a few, weddings without a hitch were much less frequent than we were led to believe.
Our brief mini-honeymoon was celebrated at a lovely riverside lodge just east of Mission on the north side of the Fraser River. It was warm and generally sunny, happily not raining as that would have put the frosting on the cake as far as the day went. But Fiona and I were fine. We were where we wanted to be, in each other’s arms.
I can’t say I felt any different married than single, except it was that secure sensation that comes with knowing the anticipation had ended and we were together for the rest of our lives. I never had a doubt in my mind that I had found the woman I wanted to fill that role. That she was a valuable asset in our business was just a bonus.
We flew back to Oakland and this time the flight and the luggage arrived on schedule. I drove Fiona’s parents home before we headed to ours. I thought that Tina had been unusually quiet since the wedding. I wondered what, if anything, might be bothering her. I chose not to raise the issue, hoping she would return to her usual bubbling self in a day or so. That turned out to be the case.
Tina had now confirmed that I was ‘Dad’ and that was how she chose to address me. I recounted the conversation after our engagement I had with her to Fiona. I was happy that she didn’t have any objection to her daughter’s choice of titles. Besides, I was proud to call Tina my daughter. She was a lively, bright, beautiful young woman and made her parents and grandmother proud of her.
Tina had her own laptop and I discovered she had Skype loaded on it and was using that and Facebook to communicate with her friends. It was a hell of a lot cheaper than the current cell phone rates. It was a couple of weeks after we had returned from Canada that I went up to see her about how she was enjoying her job as an intern at our office. Her door was partly open and I knocked lightly before entering.
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Horny, nervous, and half-naked, Kelly Layton peeked through the open bedroom door. Inside, her kid brother lay stretched out on his unmade bed, reading a paperback. But he’s no kid, thought Kelly. Not anymore. Though still just eighteen, with his athletic build, dark hair, eyes the same steel-gray as their father’s, and a smile that could get him laid in a convent, he looked all man. In the past, having such a hunk for a brother made her feel proud. Now, looking at Jason sprawled on...
IncestJustin’s family went up earlier in the day to visit family and he was getting a ride with his Aunt Krista later in the afternoon. Justin was rather excited because it would be just him and her. Justin has always had sexual fantasies of her; he always was fucking the shit out of her and layering her face in his warm hot cum in his dreams but they have never come true. However he wishes they did he always wanted to be with a older women. Justin was watching some porn before his Aunt came;...
Not willing to wait any longer, I identified my three new toys. I wished I had stolen the other three from Colonel Scarlet. My situation would have been identical, but no, I had to be honest. And True to myself. A Bestowal Tome of Fire & Ice mastery. Req: Level 5, Intelligence 7, 40 Mana, Fire or Ice Mage. Holy shit. Instant Dual Class for Nat. A Gem of Weapon Improvement: Unlocks and Upgrades a Weapon, adding +1 to a Skill of choice attached to that weapon. Jude could use that. I was...
Hello all! I have read many interactive stories following this genre and would like to make my own. Hoping to create a new universe ripe for exploring. This story will be open for any user to add to as long as the rules are followed. Rules: All characters must be 18+ No scat, gore, shrinking, vomit, diapers, anthro, male on male or death. New characters may be introduced, however story must follow in the perspective of the main character. Refrain from making entries that are too short....
FetishWhite wife, 45EE-36-45 gave birth to her twins when she was 55 and 4 months of age, all went well, two young (18 & 19 year old) boys each fathered one of the fraternal twins. It's now 11 months later, wife is now 56 and 3 months of age, took awhile to lose her baby fat but she's now down to her pre-baby size as per measurements above. She'll be attending another conference on her own starting tomorrow. First time away from her new twins. She asked me if the circumstances presented...
Hi all! I recently reconnected with a guy from my highschool and we shared a tale or 2. He is now a successful legal executive and very fit! So this is a story from his first time and the awakening of his confidence and sexual exploration, enjoy! Mark was; 18, fit, smart, funny and rich. Nearly all of those qualities were down to his highly successful lawyer-parents and his dads charm and good looks (good enough to bag an ex-model!). Now many would make Mark as near-perfect, but there were 2...
ReluctanceShow Story Details The opening story in a series about a petite wife, a voyeur husband, and a drug with mysterious powers. Mary and I were married in July. By September, I was sexually bored. Mary just wasn’t that interested in sex, and seemed more to “tolerate” it than enjoy it. I suppose that came from her upbringing, in that she was the only daughter of a very conservative, Bible-thumping minister. She must have been brainwashed to think sex was a sin, and not to be explored or enjoyed....
Hi! To all ISS fans. I have been a regular reader of ISS story. It’s the best in all the sites providing such stories. But this time it had been great fun so i decide to share with u all guys and girls. I love to sex with with aunties, bhabhis and young girls any females of tezpur, rangapara can contact me on for any kind of service. I promise its remain purely confidential and free. So please send me your feedback I hope u like my story. Let me start by describing both of...
IncestI was in my mid twenties when I first became attracted to trannys. This was before the internet and it was harder to meet people, but I found an advertisement in a local newspaper for a TV named Susie who offered a massage service. I phoned the number and she sounded nice so I made an appointment.I arrived on time at a small apartment block near the city centre. I was extremely nervous as I knocked on the door and waited for a response. The door was quickly opened and I entered, not knowing...
Acknowledgments. My sincere thanks to ElrodW for his review and approval of this story in his universe using his characters, to Ellie Dauber for her help with the basic plot and storyline, for her comments and for the use of her character, to Denise Em (the daughter of the Blue Pen) for her detailed proofing, and to my special friend for her thoughts, help and comments. Permission is granted to Fictionmania, Nifty and ElrodW to post this story to their respective sites. Anyone else...
Harry's Boy Harry looked at himself in the full-length mirror. Not bad for a guy with a teenaged son! He hefted the bulging pouch of his jock-strap and watched his right hand squeeze his meat and balls. He was a little over six feet tall, with a broad muscular chest covered with curly golden hair that tapered down in a v-shape to his navel. And then there was the darker gold of his crotch hair, thick and soft, although mostly hidden by the white jock. Turning around, he looked over his...
THE MAN FROM THE REGIMENT. Mark d'Olivera wasn't the sort of man that anyone would notice. He wasn't very tall, or big, or loud in his speech but he had a certain something about him that the Stock twins found appealing. More so Sue than her sister Sam, who never liked to be called Samantha. They worked in the village pub where for a while Mark became a fairly regular patron. His unwillingness to talk about himself to them they put down to a shyness with women and at one stage...
I had just come home from school and was going up to change when I passed by my sister's room. She's in high school and her school day starts and ends before mine so she gets home before I do. Before I tell you more, I should tell you about myself and my sister. My name is Jason, I'm fourteen years old, five foot six, brown eyes, nice looking (I've been told) with an average build. I'm not a sports guy but have some muscles. I get good grades and want to be an engineer, not sure what kind...
I am Nargis. I am an in a kindergarten school in Hyderabad. I am 32, age, beautiful, fair, married with no kids, and blessed with a 36d-30-38 figure. Life at my school was a fixed daily routine, boring. The majority of teachers were mature. They were always busy in areas in which I had no interest. I started working here 3 years back. My friendship started with a new trainee teacher Shilpi, who recently joined here after her graduation. She was a bubbly girl, and soon, we became friends. We...
Hai I am Neesha again aapne meri story meri pyass ko bahut pasand kiya aur mail ke jariye jo pyar diya jo mein soch bhi nahi sakati to aap logoko nirash nahi karungi aur ek acchi story aap ke samane pesh karungi ye story kaise lagi mujhe mail kariye aur mein ummed karati hoon ki ye story bhi aapko bahut pasand aayegi? Ye story mein apne mama se chudai karati hoon. Mere mama jinka naam Shankar hein aur wo 45 ke hein wo dikhane 45 ke nahi balki 30 ke lagate hein unki body ekdam kisi wwwf ke...
Author’s Note: Contains elements of incest. Have fun if that’s your thing. Diana Masters trained her deep emerald eyes locked on the reddish-yellow streak of fuji apple she tossed high in the air. The soaring ball kissed the bright orange leaves of the tall maple tree in the college atrium. It made a loud, slapping noise as it came back to her cupped hand. Her other hand clutched a brown paper bag that bounced with a brisk rhythm off her shapely hip. The crimson mid-length dress she wore...
This is the sequel to The Night That Changed My life Forever. You may want to read that story first, otherwise the beginning will not make sense. If you are not concerned about continuity and just want a hot read, push on.It has been nearly a year since that incredible night with Jock. I thought about him every day. My life with Jonathin had not changed very much. He continued to be very generous, caring and a lousy lover. Still I was not going to leave him, he is very wealthy and provides me...
SeductionIt's not like I didn't plan to say hi to Bailey or smile in the hallway as I passed her or pretend she hadn't ignored my existence for the last two and a half years by joining in whatever conversation she dragged me into. The thing is she wasn't in school the first day back or the second or the third. That will make shit of any teenage boy's plan! By the time, I saw her on the fourth day I talked myself into believing she regretted what happened, that she didn't mean 'anytime', that...
Visiting my aunt and cousin, my first months as a girl. By Suzanne W. Jeffries My mother was one of seven siblings and grew up in a lower middle class family. Not so lower middle class that they didn't have the essentials but they had no luxuries at all. People raised in this kind of environment usually left home to make their own way in life as soon as they were old enough and able. Of the girls in the family the oldest, Liz, married and moved about 100 miles away when she was 20....
Hi, friends, I’m big fan of indian sex stories , love incest. It is always a sin-loving your sister and having a desire to fuck her, but what can be done, it is always difficult to control yourself if you have a sexy and hot sister. Anjali her name she is 32, 5.7 height, big boobs and sexy ass, little bulky, but toned figure, a perfect body which a man dreams for and yes a young guy looking for. She is damn hot I’m hard while writing. Oh, love you didi. Most attractive part of her body is her...
IncestI’ve been an escort since I was eighteen. My job is very interesting. I meet so many different kinds of people. Sometimes I’ve even traveled to meet some of my clients. I get paid very well and even get tips most of the time. Most men just want a pretty lady to accompany them. I’ve dated men that were younger than me, or men that are twice my age. It’s been a very interesting three years. I’ve also been given the most amazing gifts. Some men have bought me Jimmy Choo shoes, Christian Louboutin...
This night I will feed my lust. My targets are in the house, across the street. The street is quiet. I breathe in the tang of my eagerness, adrenaline, and lust. I feel alive. I trot across the street and walk quickly but carefully around the house to the back door. I pause. The next moves have to be quick, sure and choreographed. My first appearance in the house will set the tone for the rest of the evening, and I want my first appearance to be memorable; so memorable that they will never get...
It’s 1880 and America is still recovering from its Civil War and trying to come back together as a country. In an effort to help unite the country once more and rally the nation to one purpose, Boston University decided to embark on an expedition to search for the fabled Amazon capital, Choque Cota somewhere in the deepest regions of the Amazon jungle…Dr. James Anderson was an anthropologist and the head of the university’s Archaeology and Antiquities Department. So the university had put him...
Love Stories"Euro-bitch!" hissed a soldier, tweaking her nipples. She writhed on the stool, her neck now painful and the pressure of the blood in her head frightening. Hands explored, invading private territory. Rough hands, greasy with labour, unrefined. "Leave me alone you bastards!" she moaned, eyes still closed. She opened her mouth to shout but froze. The cold, clinical edge of steel on her cheek sent shivers through her teenage body, disrupting her breathing and causing her heart to beat...
The night was unusually quiet for this city. Working as a London escort I often had late nights and was used to walking home alone, but there was something strange about tonight; no groups of drunks stumbling about as usual, no tramps mumbling as I walked past. There was no traffic, and the only sound I could hear was the click of my high heeled shoes on the pavement. Something about the atmosphere had me on edge; the client I had seen earier was nice but dull - nothing creepy that would have...
EroticIt is an interesting moment when one is about to experience their first FMF threesome. One would think that my mind would be full of lust, need, ideas and expectation. A “let’s do this” attitude. On the contrary. The realization that you are about to get into bed with two attractive women, each of whom wants to be fucked and sexually satisfied is suddenly quite daunting. How do we start? Who should be first? What if I cum too soon? What if I can’t cum more than once? Will I embarrass myself?...
Group SexWELCOME TO TALES FROM BEYOND THE STARS! All across the world, cute girls are having encounters of a very extraterrestrial kind! Through pleasure and peril that is out of this world will they be exposed and humiliated before the world they know! Will we follow the story of THE GLOB!, a terrifying mass just dropped out of the sky that eats away the clothes of any lady unlucky enough to fall into it's gelatinous grasp Or perhaps we follow the 50 FOOT BAND GEEK, who's just been returned to Earth...
THE FOOTBALL GAME WAS FUN. I don’t think I’d ever been to a college football game, and even though SCU is Division III, it was a good game. The fact that we were playing Pacific Lutheran University meant that it was an inter-city rival from down in Tacoma, so there were a couple thousand people at the stadium. We loaded both our cars and Sandra had her car loaded as well. Since Bree is no longer a cheerleader, she rode with Sandra and Melody surprised me by riding with them. Thor rode on the...
It felt a little strange being back after the honeymoon. I had moved into her condo because it was larger, and things went well for a time. We were in love, and each of us was considerate of the other in terms of our jobs. I was a little uneasy about all of the travel that Marylou’s job required, but I knew it was part of the package, so I didn’t complain. She for her part made an effort to respect my job and the work it entailed, though every single one of her peers thought it was way...
Note : This story is completely fictional!Jenny took her 18 year old to the basement. Her husband was sleeping late. She unzipped his fly and jacked him off. He gasp when his prick shot sperm on her dress.,"Did you like that Ted?""Oh god yes" he said smiling.Jenny played with his prick until it got hard again."This time put it in my mouth" Jenny watched him jack off and when he was ready to cum and he put his prick in her mouth. Ted filled it with warm white sperm and she swallowed it...
IncestThis is a fantasy that developed as I was telling a bedtime story to a friend. It's based on a real building. please excuse the spelling and, grammar, sentence structure, etc, as it was originally written in the heat of passion over a messaging service, and has been edited only once, I didn't want to lose anything. *** The time is very late, or very early, 4 in the morning, on a weekend night. The barracks are quiet as we roll up and get out of the car. No lights are on, save...
Group Sex